RM800对比敏感度产品介绍温州雷蒙光电科技有限公司一:仪器概述:R M800对比敏感度仪,用于检测不同对比度下的视觉分辨率。
F12分子式:CCl2F2沸点:-29.8规格:GB7372-87指标名称一级品合格品外观无色、不浑浊气味无异臭纯度,%(m/m) 99.5 99.0水份,%(m/m) 0.001 0.003酸度(以HCL计),%(m/m) 0.0001 0.0001蒸发残留液,%(m/m) 0.01 0.02用途:广泛用作致冷剂、发泡剂和气雾剂。
每瓶净重5kg, 13.5kg, 22.7kg, 40kg, 450kg, 900kg。
F22分子式:CHClF2沸点:-40.8规格:GB7373-87指标名称一级品合格品外观无色、不浑浊气味无异臭纯度,%(m/m) 99.5 99.0水份,%(m/m) 0.002 0.005酸度(以HCl计),%(m/m) 0.0001 0.0001蒸发残留物,%(m/m) 0.01 0.02用途:广泛用于空调行业和化学工业,用作致冷剂以及卤代烷灭火剂和聚四氟乙烯的中间原料。
我公司目前可提供CFC替代品品种如下:CFC替代品规格表品名沸点()被替代品包装规格(kg) ODPHFC-134a -26.5 CFC-12 40,420 0R500 -33.5 CFC-12 13.6,22.7 0.7R502 -45.4 CFC-12 13.6,22.7 0.18R32 -53.15 R22 13.6,22.7 0R152a -24.7 CFC-12 13.6,22.7 0R141b 32.05 R11、R113 13.6,22.7,420 0.15R142b -9.2 用作高温下致冷 13.6,22.7,420 0.06R123 27.85 R11、R113 13.6,22.7 0.02R124 -10.95 R502、R22 13.6,22.7 0.02R125 -48.45 R502、R22 13.6,22.7 0R23 -80.05 CFC-13 40 0R407c -43.7 R22 420,800 0。
B1.1visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationBO v e r l o a d R e l a y sProduct Feature Overview➊ You can also configure CEP9 devices using an optional expansion operator diagnostic station.Choices inOverload RelaysProtecting your investment is critical to keeping your operations up and running. Prevent unwanted down time by choos-ing the right protection for your motor controls. Sprecher + Schuh is proud to offer several options in motor protection. From simple single purpose devices, to varying degrees of selection options and complete factory automation and commu-nication, selecting the right protection is vital to ensuring motor life and longevity. Sprecher + Schuh is here to help protectyour investment.CT7N/CT8Thermal BimetallicKey Features:• Ambient temperature compensation • Rated for DC and variable frequent drive applications up to 400 Hz • Optional remote reset solenoid and external reset accessoriesCEP7 Solid StateKey Features:• Current measurement based protection • Low energy consumption• Side-mount expansion modules provide adjustable levels of protection and commu-nicationCEP9Advanced ElectronicKey Features:• Provides critical motor protection functions • Communication and diagnostics provide detailed logs and control from relay to motor • Can simplify control architecture3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.2visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationCEP7 Solid State Overload RelaysThe Third GenerationAdvanced solid state motor protectionThe CEP7-1__ relay provides the follow-ing features:• Electronic overload detection • Simple configuration • Selectable trip class • Adjustable trip current• Integration with CA7/CAN7 contactors• Test and reset buttons• Auto (CEP7-1EF only)/manual resetselection• RMS current sensing (50/60 Hz)• External current transformer configu-rations • Single- and Three-phase compatibility within the same unit • Direct and pass-through mounting options The CEP7-1__ relay lets you connectaccessory modules, some of which inter-face through the front-mounted com-munication port. Accessories include:• Ground fault/jam protection module(CEP7-1EF only)• Remote reset solenoid• Anti-tamper shield• Electronic remote indication display CEP7–ERID, with or without reset (CEP7–1EF units only)• External reset adapter • DIN rail/Panel adapterOverload Performance• Current Measurement-based Protection Current measurement-based overload protection more accurately models amotor’s thermal condition. Ambient temperature over the specified temperature operating range does notimpact the performance of current measurement-based designs.• Electronic Design Thermal model-ing is performed electronically withprecision solid-state components, us-ing a state-of-the-art microprocessor.The microprocessor continually pro-cesses motor current data to accurately maintain the time-current status of the motor thermal capacity utilization (%TCU) value.• Thermal Memory A thermal mem-ory design lets the CEP7-1 OverloadRelay model the heating and cooling effects of motor on and off periods. This achieves accurate protection for both hot and cold operation.• Phase Loss Protection Phase loss detection is incorporated into the CEP7-1 Overload Relay, allowing it to respond quickly to this type ofcondition.Direct Mount Mechanicalattachment800A100A 100A 100A3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.3visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationVersatile and Expandable• Adjustable Trip Class and Reset Modes The Basic CEP7-1EE relay of-fers Trip Class 10 and 20 with manual reset only. The Advanced CEP7-1EF relay offers Trip Class 10, 15, 20, and 30 with a selectable dial, in manual or automatic reset.• Pass-through Design The CEP7-1 relay Pass-through option consumes less panel space than a standard CEP7-1 relay that is configured with a panel-mount adapter. The pass-through design provides integrated DIN Rail mount and panel mount-ing holes. The CEP7-1 Pass-through Electronic Overload Relay provides the same protection and expandable accessory capabilities as a standard CEP7-1 relay.• External CTs For motor overload protection applications above 100A in current sensing capability, the CEP7–1EF_Z relay offers functionality with external CT configurations up to 800A maximum capacity.Wide current adjustment rangeThermal or bimetallic overload relays typically have a small current adjust-ment range of 1.5:1 meaning that the maximum setting is generally 1.5 times the lower setting. Sprecher + Schuh’s CEP7-1 overload relay is capable of adjustment to a maximum of five times the minimum set current, which dra-matically reduces the number of units required on-hand to cover the full range of current settings up to 100 amperes.Selectable tripping classBoth the CEP7-1 models have standard Class 10 tripping characteristics. The CEP7-1EE Basic model is equipped with dip switches that allow the select ability between Class 10 and Class 20, while the CEP7-1EF Advanced model possesses a selection dial on the face of the overload for trip classes 10/15/20 and 30. This selection feature allows you to closely match the Trip Class with the start-up time of the motor.Adaptive ProtectionRemote Reset CapabilityThe CEP7-1EF relay offers optional remote reset capabilities through the use of an electro-mechanical reset solenoid or an electronic remote reset accessory module.Ground Fault and Jam Protection The CEP7-1EF relay offers optional ground fault and jam protectionthrough the use of an accessory module. The ground fault current detection level is configurable via a mechanical rotary dial from 0.02…5A. Jam protection is configurable via two mechanical rotary dials, current level from 125…600% FLA, and delay from 0.1…10 seconds.Robust designThe CEP7 has been designed to physi-cally extend to the back-pan therefore aligning the mounting of the overload with the corresponding contactor. Further, the mechanical attachment and direct electrical connection to the contactor provides a robust mounting, which means less damage from shipping or during field wire installation. The bipolar latching relay which controls the normally closed trip contacts and nor-mally open alarm circuit contacts have been self-enclosed, therefore insulating the electromagnet and shielding against airborne metal particles and other po-tential environmental debris. The CEP7 has been tested to operate in -20° C. or up to 60° C (140 °F.) and withstand 3G of vibration or 30G of shock on a mountain up to an altitude of 2000m or in a jungle at 95% humidity. Reliability under every conceivable environmen-tal condition is a quality built into the design of the CEP7 electronic overload relay.Increased accuracy and improved motor protectionMicroelectronics provide flexible and ac-curate motor overload protection. Unlike traditional overload relays that simulate heat build-up in the motor by passing current through a heater element, CEP7 solid state overload relays measure motor current directly through integrated cur-rent transformers. The transformers, in turn, create a magnetic field that induces DC voltage onto the ASIC board. The electronics identify excessive current or loss of phase more accurately, and react to the condition with greater speed and reliability than traditional overload re-lays. In addition, CEP7 solid state relays offer setting accuracies from 2.5 – 5% and repeat accuracy of 1%.Dramatically lowered energy requirement saves money, reduces panel spaceBecause traditional overload relays work on the principle of “modeling” the heat generated in the motor (recreating the heat in the bimetal elements or heaters), a significant amount of energy is wasted. In traditional bimetallic overload relays, as many as six watts of heat are dissipat-ed to perform the protective function. Because the CEP7 uses sampling tech-niques to actually measure the current flowing in the circuit, very little heat is dissipated in the device…as little as 0.5 watts. This not only reduces the total amount of electrical energy consumed in an application, but it can also have a dra-matic impact on the design and layout of control panels. The density of motor starters can be much greater because less heat is generated by each of the individ-ual components. Higher density results in smaller control panels. In addition, special ventilation or air conditioning that might have been required to protect sensitive electronic equipment such as PLC’s can now be reduced or eliminat-ed. CEP7 overload relays dramatically reduced energy requirement saves moneyand reduces panel space.CEP7-1EF Selectable Dial for • Manual vs. automatic• Trip class 10, 15, 20 or 30)CEP7-1EE SwitchSelection for Trip class (10 or 20)3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.4visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date information➊ This reference is not intended to be a guide for selecting contactors. Size overload relays using the full load current of the motor.➋ The reset time of a CEP7 set in the automatic mode is approximately 120 seconds.➌ CEP7 overload relays do not work with Variable Frequency Drives, DC Applications or Softstarters with braking options.shown: CEP7-1EFGPCEP7-1EF Automatic or Manual Reset for 1Ø and 3Ø Applications shown: CEP7-1EFLZDescriptionFig. 1 - The Pass-Thru version of the CEP7 permits separate mounting of the overload relay.Fig. 2 - Motor load side cables simply pass-thru a window in the overload relay body. The internal current transformers monitor the current flow.Benefits• N o need for a panel mount adapter as required with direct-connect versions • E liminates 3 to 6 wire terminations• D esigned for use with CA8 or CA7 contactors • E asily replaces outdated overload relays in existing starter assemblies• P rovides state-of-the-art accuracy and motor protectionFig. 2B3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.5visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationAccessories - CEP7-1CEP7-1EPB CEP7-1EPD CEP7-1EPE➊ ATTENTION: The CEP7 Overload relay is not a ground fault circuit interrupter for personnel protection as defined in Article 100 of the NEC.➋ Dynamic inhibit: Protective function is enabled after the motor current goes above 150% and then falls below 125%➌ Utilizes UL or CE approved Current Transformers in conjunction with an overload selection – which is commonly selected as a CEP7-1EF_Z version. In the instance that a CEP7-1E_C_ overload is used, there is a reference table on catalog page B1.9 to assist with current setting guidance.3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.6visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationCEP7 Ground Fault Sensor SelectionGround fault current is sensed by passing all lines carrying current to and from a motor through the window of a special current transformer called a ground fault sensor. If all the current to the motor returns through the lines in the sensor window, no significant current will be induced in the sensor secondary. If, however, ground fault current returns via a path external to the sensor, such as via the conduit walls, a current will be induced in the sensor secondary. This current will be sensed and amplified by solid state circuits. If the ground fault current is larger than the selected ground fault trip level of the overload relay, the overload relay will trip.➊ For a three phase system with one cable per phase.➋ For a three phase system with two cables per phase.CEP7-1 Ground Fault Sensor InstallationGround Fault Sensor Control WiringMotorL2L3L1GroundFault SensorBCEP7Overloadsvisit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationT2T31314A1A2659798Specifications - CEP7 Electronic Overload RelayThis section contains specifications, wiring diagrams, andcertification information for the CEP7 Electronic OverloadWiring DiagramsThe figures in this section illustrate various wiringconfigurations for the CEP7 Electronic Overload Relay and95T2T3T19697Connection must beShort-circuit Protection Deviceonnection must be tted by the userShort-circuit Protection Device Transformer Overload Relay Application and Installation Instructions, publication193-IN084.Current TrShort-circuiProtection DT1/2For more inBulletin 19InstructionTransforme193-IN0843r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.8visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationAttributeRatingCEP7-1EE..CEP7-1EF..Type of Relay Ambient Compensated Time-DelayPhase Loss SensitiveNature of Relay Solid-state FLA Setting Rotary Dial Trip Rating 120% FLATrip Class 10, 2010, 15, 20, 30Reset ModeManualAutomatic or ManualOverload ResetLevelAuto Reset occurs at 70% TCU when accessory powered, after 2 minutes when self powered.Manual Reset can occur anytime by pressing themanual reset button. Electronic Reset (ERID input)can only occur below 70% TCU.* Typical reset time for CEP7-1EF devices set to automatic reset mode is dependent upon overload trip class. Typical reset time for Trip Class 10 is 90 seconds, Trip Class 15 is 135 seconds, Trip Class 20 is 180 seconds, and Trip Class 30 is 270 seconds.Ground Fault ProtectionAttribute Rating CEP7-1EF Type Core Balanced Intended Use Equipment Protection Classification (Per UL 1053)Evaluated to UL 1053 but notlisted as such Internal Protection Range 0.02…5.0 ATrip and Warning Time DelayFixed at 100 msec ± 20 msecControl Relay RatingsRelay N.O./N.C.Type of ContactsAg/NiRated Thermal Current (I the )B600: 5.0 A; C600: 2.5 A; R300: 1.0 AContact Reliability[V]17 V, 5 mA Rated Insulation Voltage - (U I )[V]690V ACRated Operation Voltage - (U e )[V]690 AC (IEC) / 600 AC (UL/CSA)Rated Operating Current (I e )[V]B600: 3 A (@120V AC), 1.5 A (@240V AC)[V]C600: 1.5 A (@120V AC), 0.75 A (@240V AC)[V]R300: 0.22 A (@125V DC), 0.11 A (@250V DC)Minimum Operating Current [V]10 mA @ 5V DCRating Designation N.O. C600 / N.C. B600 (AC)N.O. / N.C. R300 (DC)Utilization Category AC-15/DC-13B600 VA Rating 3,600VA make / 360VA break C600 VA Rating 1,800VA make / 180VA break R300 VA Rating28VA make / 28VA breakRated Number of Mechanical OperationsRelay N.O./N.C.10,000W/ CA7-9…CA7-3713,000,000W/ CA7-43…CA7-5512,000,000W/ CA7-60…CA7-976,000,000Motor/Load RatingsTerminals1/L1, 3/L2, 5/L3, 2/T1, 4/T2, 6/T3Terminal Style Devices Rated Insulation Voltage - (U i )[V]690V AC Rated Operating Voltage - (U e ) IEC [V]690V AC Rated Operating Voltage - (U e ) UL [V]600V ACPass-thru Style Devices Rated Insulation Voltage - (U i )[V]1000V AC Rated Operating Voltage - (U e ) IEC [V]1000V AC Rated Operating Voltage - UL/CSA [V]600V AC Rated Impulse Voltage - (U imp )[kV]6 kV ACRated Operating Current - (I e )See product selection tableRated Frequency[Hz]45 (65)➊For multiple conductor applications, the same size and style wire must be used.Table for using Current Transformers with CEP7-1E_C_ (range 1.0…5.0 amps) overload relay3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.9visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationTechnical InformationEnvironmental RatingsOverload Rating Accessory RatingAmbient TemperatureStorage [˚C]-40...+85 (-40...+185 ˚F)Damp Heat - Steady State(per IEC 60068-2-78)93% R.H., 40 °C (104 °F), 56 days Damp Heat - Cyclic (per IEC 60068-2-30)93% R.H., 25 °C/40 °C (77 °F/104 °F), 21 CyclesCooling MethodNatural convection Vibration (per IEC 68-2-6), operating [G]3Shock (per IEC 68-2-27), operating [G]30Maximum Altitude [m]2000Pollution Environment Pollution Degree 3Degree of ProtectionIP20 (front of panel)IP20Electromagnetic Compatibility Immunity and EmissionsOverload RatingAccessory RatingElectrostatic Discharge Immunity IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 60533 6 kV Contact Discharge, 8kV Air Discharge(Performance Criterion “B”)8 kV Contact Discharge, 8kV Air Discharge(Performance Criterion “B”)Radio Frequency Immunity IEC 61000-4-3[Hz]10V/m; 80 MHz...1.0 GHz [Hz]3V/m; 1.4 GHz...2.0 GHz [Hz]1V/m; 2.0 GHz...2.7 GHzIEC 60533[Hz]10V/m; 80 MHz...2.0 GHz (Performance Criterion “A”)Electrical Fast Transient / Burst Immunity IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 60533[V]4kV (3-phase Power); 2kV(Control Power & Communication I/O when CEP7-1ERR or CEP7-1EGJ accessory installed); Performance Criterion “A”Surge ImmunityIEC 61000-4-4, IEC 60533[V]2kV (L-N); 1kV (L-L); Performance Criterion “B”Radiated Emissions CISPR11 Environment A [Hz]30 MHz…1.0 GHz IEC 60533[Hz]150KHz…2.0GHzConducted Emissions CISPR11 Environment A [Hz]150 KHz…30 MHzIEC 60533[Hz]10 KHz…30 MHz (General Power Distribution Only)Conducted ImmunityIEC 61000-4-6, IEC 60533[Hz]Modulation 80% AM at 1 KHz; 10V RMS (150 KHz…80 MHz)Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity IEC 60947-1, IEC 61000-4-8[Hz]30 A/m; 50 HzVoltage Variation Immunity IEC 61000-4-11, IEC 60533[V]—Control Power 40…240V (AC/DC)Wiring SpecificationsWiring Specifications for CEP7-1E__B, CEP7-1E__D, and CEP7-1E__EControl WiringPower Wiring AllCEP7-1E BCEP7-1E DCEP7-1E EWire TypeWires Range Torque Range Torque Range Torque Range Torque Flexible Stranded w/ Ferrule1 Wire 0.75…2.5 mm 21.4 N•m2.5…16 mm 2 2.5 N•m 2.5…16 mm 2 2.5 N•m 4…35 mm 2 4.6 N•m2 Wires ➊ 2.5…10 mm 2 3.4 N•m 2.5…10 mm 2 3.6 N•m 4…25 mm 2Stranded / Solid1 Wire0.75…4.0 mm 2(18…12 AWG)1.4 N•m (12 lb•in)2.5…16 mm 2(14…6 AWG) 2.5 N•m (22 lb•in) 2.5…16 mm 2(14…6 AWG) 2.5 N•m (22 lb•in)4…35 mm 2(12…1 AWG) 4.6 N•m (40 lb•in)25 mm 2(4 AWG) 3.4 N•m (30 lb•in)25 mm 2(4 AWG) 3.4 N•m (30 lb•in)2 Wires ➊2.5…16 mm 2(14…6 AWG)2.5…16 mm 2(14…6 AWG)3.6 N•m (32 lb•in)4…35 mm 2(12…2 AWG)3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.10visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationTechnical InformationOverload Trip CurvesTypical reset time for CEP7-1EF devices set to automatic reset mode is dependent upon overload trip class. Typical reset time for Trip Class 10 is 90 seconds, Trip Class 15is 135 seconds, Trip Class 20 is 180 seconds, and Trip Class 30 is 270 seconds.Class 30Class 20Class 15Class 10B3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.113r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.12B3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.13B3r d G e n C E P 7 O v e r l o a d sB1.15➊ Terminals R1 and R2 are used with CEP7-ERID and CEP7-1ERIDN modules.➋ External power must be user supplied. 24…240V, 47…63 Hz or DC.➌ Connect current sensor to Terminal S1 and S2Expansion Accessory Ratings CEP7-1EGJ/1ERRAttributeRatingRated Insulation Voltage Ui 264V (AC/DC)Rated Operating Voltage Ue, IEC24...240V (AC/DC)Rated Frequency 45...65 HzPower Consumption0.8 Watts at 24V AC; 1.0 Watts at 240V AC➍ Terminals R1 and R2 are used with CEP7-ERID and CEP7-1ERIDN modules.➎ External power must be user supplied. 24…240V, 47…63 Hz or DC.。
瑞士MFⅢ胎盘素FF系列品类:1、Fresh frozen human or sheep placenta extracts成分来源:人胎盘,羊胎素规格:16支×5ml2、Fresh frozen organo peptides/extracts成分来源:羊胎盘(有机肽)规格:16支×5ml3、Fresh frozen human or sheep placenta extracts + Fresh frozen cell(live-fetal sheep成分来源:人胎盘,羊胎盘规格:10支×5ml + 3支×5ml4、Fresh frozen cell成分来源:羊胎盘规格:9支×5ml瑞士MFⅢ胎盘素FF系列功能效果:•面部毛孔更加细小,皮肤富有光泽。
Mellanox IS5030 Switch System产品简介说明书
![Mellanox IS5030 Switch System产品简介说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f07be6a27d1cfad6195f312b3169a4517723e5b9.png)
SWITCH SYSTEMIS503036-port Non-blocking Managed 40Gb/s InfiniBand Switch SystemIS5030©2011 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.350 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 100, Sunnyvale, CA 94085Tel: 408-970-3400 • Fax: 3348PB Rev 1.1© Copyright 2011. Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.Mellanox, BridgeX, ConnectX, CORE-Direct, InfiniBlast, InfiniBridge, InfiniHost, InfiniRISC, InfiniScale, InfiniPCI, PhyX, Virtual Protocol Interconnect and Voltaire are registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd.FabricIT is a trademark of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.* Also available through Mellanox Certified Resellers and Distributors* Also available in short depth form factor and with 2 power supplies. Consult your Mellanox Sales Representative for further details.SAFETY–US/Canada: cTUVus –EU: IEC60950 –International: CB EMC (EMISSIONS) –USA: FCC, Class A –Canada: ICES, Class A –EU: EN55022, Class A –EU: EN55024, Class A –EU: EN61000-3-2, Class A –EU: EN61000-3-3, Class A –Japan: VCCI, Class A ENVIRONMENTAL–EU: IEC 60068-2-64: Random Vibration –EU: IEC 60068-2-29: Shocks, Type I / II –EU: IEC 60068-2-32: Fall TestOPERATING CONDITIONS –Operating 0ºC to 45ºC, Non Operating -40ºC to 70ºC –Humidity: Operating 5% to 95%, –Altitude: Operating -60 to 2000m,–Noise: 55dB - Noise reduction by controlling fan speed ACCOUSTIC –ISO 7779 –ETS 300 753 OTHERS–RoHS-5 compliant –Rack-mountable, 1U –1-year warrantyINFINIBAND SWITCH–36 QDFP non blocking switch with aggregate throughput of up to 2.88 Tb/s –Port-to-port latency < 100ns –IBTA 1.21 compliant–9 Virtual lanes: 8 data + 1 management –Adaptive routing –Congestion control –Port mirroring–48K entry linear forwarding data base MANAGEMENT PORTS –RS232 Console (RJ45) –Ethernet (RJ45) –USB portCONNECTORS AND CABLING –QSFP connectors–Passive/Active copper or fiber cable –Fiber media adapters INDICATORS–Per port status LED: Link, Activity –System status LED:Fan and power supplies LEDs POWER SUPPLY –Dual redundant slots –Hot plug operation–Input range: 100 - 240VAC–Frequency: 50-60Hz, single phase AC FANS–Front-to-rear or rear-to-front cooling option –Hot-swappable fan unit–Auto-heat sensing for silent fan operation –Fan speed controlled through management softwareCOMPLIANCEHARDWAREINFINIBAND–IBTA Specification 1.2.1 compliant–Integrated subnet manager agent–Adaptive routing–Congestion control–256 to 4Kbyte MTU–9 virtual lanes: 8 data + 1 management –48K entry linear forwarding data base –Port Mirroring MANAGEMENT–Fast and efficient fabric bring-up–Fabric-wide bandwidth verification–Comprehensive chassis management –Mellanox API for 3rd party integration –Intuitive CLI and GUI for easy access ©2011 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.。
Modulating Actuator Voltage 115 VAC 230 VAC 24 VAC 24 VDC
Input Signal
4-20mA, 0 - 5 VDC, 0 - 10 VDC 4-20mA, 0 - 5 VDC, 0 - 10 VDC 4-20mA, 0 - 5 VDC, 0 - 10 VDC 4-20mA, 0 - 5 VDC, 0 - 10 VDC
LED Position Indicator Lights
LED (light emitting diode) red/green indicator lights mounted on actuator enclosure to designate open/closed position.
Positioner Board (Modulating)
Heater and Thermostat
Mounted internally, heats the inside of the enclosure in low temperature environments to prevent condensation and keep internal lubricants fluid. The thermostat activates the heater when the enclosure internal temperature drops below the set point. There are a variety of thermostats available and a set point must be specified at the time of ordering.
• 2.4 GHz radio transmission, allows single system forworldwide use.• Interference-free channel hopping transmission.• No channel selection required. • RMP60 meets the radio regulations of:Europe: CE 0536! USA: FCC ID: KQGRMP60, FCC ID: KQGRMP60V2 FCC ID: KQGRMP60MV2 Japan: RMP60: 004NYCA0042, RMP60: 004NYCA0406 RMP60M: 004NYCA0407Canada: IC: 3928A-RMP60, IC: 3928A-RMP60V2Australia, China, Israel, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerlandand India.• Partner RMP60 and RMI systems allow interference-freemultiple probe installations.• The RMP60 is suitable for use with Renishaw single anddouble touch probing cycles.• User adjustable trigger force for long/cranked styli. • A weak link is included in each kit to protect the probein the event of excessive stylus overtravel, when using steel styli.• The RMP60 is a compact 3D touch-trigger probe(±X, ±Y , +Z sense directions) with radio transmission, used for workpiece set-up and inspection on small to large CNC machining centres and vertical turret lathes.• The RMP60 transmits omnidirectionally with a range of15 m (49.2 ft).• Ease of installation.• A standard battery life of 140 hours continuous use, orthe equivalent of approximately 100 days at 5 % usage is achievable. For applications requiring greater battery life, certain high capacity lithium thionyl chloride batteries can be used.• Repeatability, 1.0 µm (40 µin) is certified at480 mm/min (1.57 ft/min) with 50 mm stylus.• Probe switch on is user configurable between M code, spinor shank.• Probe switch off is user configurable between M code,time, spin or shank switch dependant on turn on method.StylusData sheet H-2000-2122-03-A A Tech Authoirty, Inc3857 Schaefer Ave, Ste C Chino, CA. 91710 (909)972-7520Operating envelope - RMP60/RMIThe RMP60 transmission envelope and range is shown below.The probe system should be positioned so that the optimum range can be achieved over the full travel of the machine’s axes including the tool magazine. Always face the RMI in the direction of the machine spindle and tool magazine. If the probe is not in range when in the tool magazine use spin or shank turn on.The RMP60 and RMI must be within a mutual operating envelope. The operating envelope shows line-of-sight performance. However, radio transmission does not require line-of-sight as long as any reflected radio path is less than the 15 m (49.2 ft) system operating range.RMP60 probeRange metres (feet)OPERATING AND SWITCH ON/OFF75°0°15°90°75°60°75°0°19 (0.75)50 (1.97)RMP60 dimensionsdimensions mm (in)ZData sheetRMP60 - radio probeBattery dead - at this stage probe status is forced open and the probe cycle will stop.System operationPrior to probe operation, it is imperative that the program selected to ‘drive’ the probe has been verified. Incorrect programming could result in damage to the machine, workpiece and probe system.The RMP60 probe operates in one of three modes:1. Stand-by mode - The RMP60 uses a small current,while waiting for a switch-on signal to be received.2. Operating mode - Activated by one of the methodsdescribed below. Signals are only transmitted by the probe in this mode and the probe is now ready for use.3. Configuration mode - Trigger Logic™ allows a numberof probe set-up options to be programmed, by triggering the probe when the batteries are inserted. Programmableoptions are described on the next page.Probe environmentPrimary application Inspection probe for machiningcentres Sense directions 5 way ±X ±Y +ZWeight (without a shank) with batteries without batteries901 g (31.79 oz) 855 g (30.16 oz)Trigger force using 50 mm (1.97 in) stylus low force direction factory settingX Y 0.75 N / 75 gf (2.65 ozf)Z 5.30 N / 530 gf (18.69 ozf)Trigger force using 50 mm (1.97 in) stylus high force directionX Y 1.4 N / 140 gf (4.94 ozf)Z 5.30 N / 530 gf (18.69 ozf)Max. spin speed 1000 rev/minOvertravel X Y 18°Z 11 mm (0.43 in)Sealing IPX8 (BS 5490, IEC 529)1 atmosphereRepeatability maximum 2σ value in any direction 1.0 µm (0.00004 in) is valid fortest velocity of 480 mm/min(1.57 ft/min) at stylus tip, usingstylus 50 mm (1.97 in) long.Probe specificationProbe status LEDsWhen operating the probe status LEDs give a visual indication of the probe state (triggered or seated) and battery condition.Multiple probe modeRMP60 can be user configured using T rigger Logic™ to allow multiple RMP60s to be used with a single RMI.Notes:Radio turn on cannot be used in multiple probe mode. RMP60s set to ‘mode-on’ can coexist alongside any number of RMP60’s set to ‘mode-off’.To allow multiple probes/single RMI in close proximity, 16 choices of ‘mode-on’ colours are available – each representing a different machine tool installation.Only one of the multiple probes per machine will need partnering as, by configuring multiple probes to a single‘mode-on’ choice, all probes have the same identification. The probe to be partnered is partnered after selection of multiple probe on mode.There is no limit to the number of probes that can be used with a single RMI as long as they all have the same ‘mode-on’ colour choice.All RMP60s are factory-set to ‘mode off’.The addition of further probe(s) into a single probe installation requires all probes to be re-configured to the same multiple probe ‘mode-on’ choice and the repartnering of one of the probes to the installed RMI.The addition of further probes (or replacements) into a multi probe installation is achieved simply by reconfiguration to the same ‘mode-on’ colour choice.Comprehesive details of how to set-up and change mutiple probe settings are included in the RMP60 installation and user's guide, H-2000-5219.RMP60/RMI Temperature Storage -10 °C to 70 °C (14 °F to 158 °F)Normal operating5 °C to 50 °C (41 °F to 122 °F)Notes:The RMP60 will be turned on after 1 sec in all modes.)After being turned on, the RMP60 must be on for a minimum of 1 sec (7 seconds for spin option) before being turned off. In radio on configuration (either radio on/radio off or radio on/time off) the RMP60 has a built-in hibernate mode. This saves battery life when the RMP60 is in stand-by and the RMI is un-powered (or out of range).The RMP60 goes into hibernate mode 30 sec after the RMI is un-powered (or out of range). When in this mode, the RMP60 checks for a powered RMI every 30 secs, if the RMI is found, the RMP60 goes from the hibernate mode to stand-by, ready for radio turn on.Probe switch on and offThe probe is switched on by one of the following options.All options are user configurable.RMP60 switch-on method.Switch-on options are configurable.RMP60 switch-off method.Switch-off options are configurable.1. Radio onRadio switch on is commanded by M code. (factory setting).1. Radio offRadio switch-off is commanded by M code. (factory setting).A timer automatically switches the probe off after 90 min from the last trigger, if not turned off by M code.2. Timer off (time out)The RMP60 will time out (12, 33 or 134 sec - user configurable) after the last probe trigger or reseat.2. Spin startSpin at 650 rev/min for 1 sec minimum (6 sec maximum).3. Spin stopSpin at 650 rev/min for 1 sec minimum (6 sec maximum).A timer automatically switches the probe off after 90 min from last trigger off.4. Timer off (time out)The RMP60 will time out (12, 33 or 134 sec - userconfigurable) after the last probe trigger or reseat.3. Shank switch5. Shank switch offBattery life expectancyTypical battery reserve lifeUsing the standard alkaline battery at 5% usage, typically the probe will continue to operate for approximately 1 week after a low battery warning is first indicated.Replace the batteries as soon as is practicable.Rechargeable batteries: either nickel metal hydride (NiMh) or nickel cadnium (NiCd) can be used, but expect a battery life of approximately 50% of the alkaline figures given in the table below.To achieve stated radio stand-by life, the RMP60 must be in-range of a powered partner RMI.Battery Shank/spin turn onRadio turn on Continuous useTwo AA type Stand-by life (days - typical)5% usage 72 minutes/day (days - typical)Stand-by life (days - typical)5% usage 72 minutes/day (days - typical)(hours - typical)Alkaline65010013065140Lithium ThionylChloride1300200260130280For applications requiring greater battery life, certain high capacity lithium thionyl chloride batteries can be used.Data sheetRMP60 - radio probe(Ø2.48)RMP60M is a special modular version of RMP60. It enables probe inspection of part features inaccessible to RMP60, by fitting selected adaptors and extensions as shown.RMP60M modular systemRMP60M dimensions40.75 50.00 / 100.00 / 150.00 66.25 (Ø2.48)100.00 / 150.00 / 200.00 50.50 (Ø2.48)66.25Parts list - Please quote the Part no. when ordering equipment.TypePart no.DescriptionRMP60A-4113-0001RMP60 probe with batteries, tool kit and user’s guide (factory set to radio on/radio off).RMP60M module A-4113-1003RMP60M probe with batteries, tool kit and user’s guide (factory set to radio on/radio off).Battery P-BT03-0005AA battery - Alkaline type supplied as standard with probe (two required).Battery P-BT03-0008AA battery - Lithium thionyl chloride (two required).Stylus A-5000-3709PS3-1C ceramic stylus 50 mm long with Ø6 mm ball.Weak link kit A-2085-0068Weak link (Part no. M-2085-0069 x 2) and 5 mm AF spanner.Tool kit A-4038-0304Probe tool kit comprising: Ø1.98 mm stylus tool, 2.0 mm AF hexagon key,2.5 mm AF hexagon key (x 2), 4 mm AF hexagon key, and shank grub screws (x 2).Diaphragm kit A-4038-0302RMP60 outer diaphragm.Battery cassette A-4038-0300RMP60 battery cassette assembly.Cassette seal A-4038-0301Battery cassette housing seal.Bobbin kit A-4038-0303Bobbin for shank switch (supplied with shank).RMI A-4113-0050RMI, side exit, with 15 m (49.2 ft) cable, tool kit and user’s guide.Mtg brkt A-2033-0830Mounting bracket with fixing screws, washers and nuts.Extension L100A-4038-1010RMP60M extension - 100 mm long.Extension L150A-4038-1027RMP60M extension - 150 mm long.Extension L200A-4038-1028RMP60M extension - 200 mm long.Probe module A-4038-1002RMP60M probe module assembly.RMP60/LP2 adaptor A-4038-0212RMP60M LP2 adaptor assembly.LPE1A-2063-7001LPE1 extension bar - 50 mm long.LPE2A-2063-7002LPE2 extension bar - 100 mm long.LPE3A-2063-7003LPE3 extension bar - 150 mm long.MA4A-2063-7600MA4 90° adaptor assembly.RMP60 user’s guide H-2000-5219RMP60 user’s guide.Styli –See brochure H-1000-3200 Styli and accessories.Software –See data sheet H-2000-2289 Probe software for machine tools.Shanks –See data sheet H-2000-2011 Shanks.RMI–See data sheet H-2000-2123 RMI.Renishaw plcNew Mills, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 8JR United KingdomT +44 (0)1453 524524F +44 (0)1453 524901E ***************© 2006 Renishaw plc. All rights reserved. Renishaw reserves the right to change specifications without noticeIssued 11.06 Part no. H-2000-2122-03-AFor worldwide contact details, please visit ourmain web site at /contact*H-2000-2122-03*。
![CSR 培训 MR](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/337468310066f5335a8121cf.png)
MRs 最低要求
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Chemical Hazards化学危害物
Facility/Production Unit should have a maintained/updated chemical inventory list. Chemical Inventory list is a list of all chemical substances kept or used in the facility. The content of chemical inventory should include the chemical commercial name, identification numbers (CAS no.) , hazard information, amount of storage or amount of consumption and storage location. 定期更新 完整的化学品清单 Facility/Production Unit should have documented chemical purchasing procedures to prevent the purchase of Restricted/Banned substances化学品采购政策确保不采购限制或禁用化 学品 Facility/Production Unit should not use H&M banned organic solvents in any production processes
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2.2 固定式饲料搅拌机
One auger 8m^3 - 16m^3 1个搅龙 8-16立方
Two augers 18m^3 - 50m^3 2个搅龙 18-50 立方
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HDS Foundation Supports Statewide Needs and June 2016 Assets Assessment of Oral Healthcare
The HDS Foundation recently made a grant to The O ce of Public Health Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa to conduct a Needs and Assets Assessment of Oral Healthcare in Hawaii. The project will assess the oral health services available statewide, as well as identify areas of need. This assessment will help to guide the priorities of the HDS Foundation in the coming years.
EUTF HSTA-VEBA Retirees #2601 Plan Changes
• Plan max has increased to $2,000 per plan year retroactively e ective January 1, 2016.
![POSIDRIVE MDS 5000商品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fbf4e769443610661ed9ad51f01dc281e43a564f.png)
With the development of thePOSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 servoinverter, STÖBER ANTRIEBS-TECHNIK is launching a totalrevision of the hardware andsoftware for the servo system.The data communication between the POSIDRIVE ® MDS 5000 and the STOBER ED EK and EZ synchronous servo motors is now entirely digital.The main factor allowing rationalrealization of this fully digital ser-vo axis lies in the developmentof fully digital absolute encodersat industrial-scale prices. TheSTOBER synchronous servo mo-t ors in the ED, EK and EZ series are equipped with these devices.Innovative software generation The commissioning software POSITool is based on a com-pletely new, mo d ular 3-layer architecture with ergo n o m ic interface de s ign. An ap p li c ations library with pa - r am e terization assistant and an additional flexible graphics pro -gramming facility forms a suc -cessful bridge between custom-made design and universality.This new system technologybrings to an end the era of over-loaded and confusing operatingprograms from the pioneering period of inverters.The benefits are obvious This comprehensive and rational slimming down of the sys t em results in significant cost bene-fits for hardware, configuration,cabling, installation and com -mis s ioning.The close coordination of all the STOBER servo components is clear from the example of the electronic motor rating plate.Its data is used automatically in the parameterization of the POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 servo inverter.THE FIRST COMPLETE SYSTEMFOR EFFICIENT AUTOMATIONTHE FULLY DIGITALPOSITIONING AXISSTOBER EK synchronous servo motorwith digital absolute valuator(standard version)2Multiple use by alternatecontrol of different servodrivesServo drives often go into actionat timed intervals. Typical exam-ples of this are handling opera-tions and format adjustments.Multimotor operation with onlyone POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000servo inverter is suitable forthese applications.The digital technology makes it possible For the first time the inexpensiveand reliable axis changeoverapplication is available for un -restricted use on servo drives.Axis changeover switchThe POSISwitch ®AX 5000 exter-nal module has been developedfor connection of the digitallycontrolled synchronous servomotors. Actuation is just via theexisting encoder cables, with-out further operations.Power and signal flows are controlled with correct timing.The axis management does not require additional software complexity in a primary control.Sequential operation with -out functional limitation If four drives are used as end -less axes with absolute encod -ers, the exact positioning is stillfree from rounding errors evenif the gear units have differentand non-integer gear ratios.POSISwitch ®AX 5000Software The POSITool software can man -age up to four separate position or speed regulated axes and control them alternately.A smooth transition from axis to axis is guaranteed by thesoftware.ALTERNATECONTROL OF SEVERALSERVO DRIVES3For experts The new, user programmable firmware has been upgraded to include a graphics editor layer in conformance with PLCopen ®.An experienced or trained user will find a variety of predefined function blocks in various libra-ries. With these, basic applica-tions can be modified or given extra functions.Extra service For a completely new functio-nality requirement or for com -prehensive adaptation of the basic application, STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK offers this as "tailor-made applications"service.Other highlights The software scalability allows optimum adaptation of functio-nality and response time to the application. The cycle time for setpoint processing depends only on the calculation of the activated system modules and the plex applications can also be mapped on the same hard-ware platform without modify-ing the firmware.The STOBER POSISwitch ®AX 5000 axis changeover switch is prepared for use on the soft-ware side. Up to 4 servo axes with different functionalities can be controlled alternately.The rapid pace of developmentsin electronics is leading to con -tinuous improvements and ex -panded functions, especially inservo inverters, and yet this isassociated with constant growthin user software com p lexity. Atrend which is in stark contrastto the demand for sim p ler andmore accurate usability.This conflict of objectives hasbeen addressed by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK and Soft-ware Suite V5 developed as a solution. This suite includesthe commissioning softwarePOSITool, a comprehensivelibrary with standard applica-tions, as well as the firmwarefor the inverter generation 5000.Instead of rigidly defined firm-ware with an endless numberof parameter variations the userhas a modern, ergonomicallydesigned operator interface.MODULARSOFTWARE ARCHITECTUREMODULAR H Functional housing design As part of the STOBER EMC strategy, all the housings in the POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 series are made of galvanized sheet steel. They shield against elec-tromagnetic interference and thus increase the units' RFI immunity and reduce interfe-rence emission.The front housing is made of high-impact plastic and incor -porates the operator keypad,display, LED indicators, Para -modul and RS232 interface,along with the slots for the op -tional boards and terminals.The same design plastic front housing is used for all the sizes.SYSTEM CONCEPT OF TOTAL MODULARITY Paramodul Plug-in memory module for transf er of all program and set -tings data.If a POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 has to be replaced, the existing Paramodul is simply plugged in again to restart operations. The functionality is retained without restriction. This plug-in memory module is also an ideal, immediately avail -able tool for documentation up -dating of operating conditions.4For everyday To configure a drive, the com-missioning software POSITool offers a li b rary with typical preproduced basic applications.Here is a selection:b Fast reference value b Comfort reference value Speed or torque reference value (selectable)3 analog reference values 16 fixed reference valuesMotorized potentiometerPID controller reference valueReference values scalable asabsolute or percentage valueb Command positioningPowerful single axis position-ing control with commandinterface in accordance withPLCopen ®and the additionalfunction POSILatch. Positionmeasurements can then betaken on external signals(e.g. linear measurements)b Motion block positioningb Electronic cam functionConnection of up to 32 axesThe consistent project orienta-tion of the modules is provingextremely effective.The parameterization work issupported by assistant func-tions.EMC shield, the motor cable shield connected with a clipOn the right: Version with integral brake module for 24 V brake ARDWARE STRUCTUREDP 5000PROFIBUS DP-V1CAN 5000CANopen DS 301Optional fieldbus communicationOptionalI/O interfacesSupply connection 3 x 400 VoltsXEA 5001I/O terminal module – expanded –3 analog inputs (1 x 16 bit, 2 x 12 bit)2 analog outputs 13 binary inputs 10 binary outputs 2 x D-SUB 9 incremental encoder (TTL) or SSI Input/output interface (X20 – SDS compatible)SEA 5001I/O terminal module– standard –2 analog inputs (12 bit)2 analog outputs5 binary inputs2 binary outputsEncoder interfaces for 4 systems:EnDat digital (bidirectional synchronous serial interface)SSI-AbsoluteTTL incremental encoder (RS422, “5V”)HTL incremental encoder (“24V”)24 Vsupply 5ECS 5000EtherCAT PROFINETREA 5001I/O terminal module – Resolver –2 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs 5 binary inputs, 2 binary outputs Encoder:Resolver EnDat -Encoder 2.1TTL incremental encoder*SSI encoder*Stepper motor signals*The adapter is included in the scope of delivery of the REA 5001*(Simulation and evaluation)THE COMPLETE RANGEFROM 0.37 TO 45 KW Installation The POSIDRIVE servo inverters can be mountedin compact control cabinets300 mm deep.The operator module is thesame for all the sizes.The sheet steel housing designis part of the STOBER EMCstrat e gy (filter class A). It shieldsagainst electromagnetic inter-ference.6This increases the units' RFI immunity and reduces interfe-rence emission. The front is the only part made of plastic which is pleasant to the touch.Functional modular housing designMDS 5007A/5008A/5015A MDS 5040A/5075A MDS 5110A/5150A MDS5220A/5370A/5450ASYSTEM BASISPowerful processor core32-bit RISC processorCurrent controller 125 µs Control modes Synchronous servo motors Asynchronous motors (V/f, sensorless VC, VC)Encoder interface Absolute encoder, digital (EnDat ®, SSI)Incremental encoder (TTL, HTL)Optional: Resolver Serial interface RS232 with USS protocol Option board slots Communication I/OTerminals Operational reliability Generously sized power stage for 250 % accelerating current Thermistor motor protection PTC thermistor monitoring Brake chopper integral Thermal model monitoring of external resistor for short circuitand overload DC link connection For energy exchange between several inverters Operator unit 8 keys, changing of parameters,manual operation (clear text display and LED indicators)Paramodul Plug-in module for power failu-re safe storage of all application specific data.Data transfer without any fur -ther aids Control electronics supply Power supply unit with connec-tion facility for external +24V orDC link power supply(the control section remainsfully functional even if the sup -ply voltage is switched off)Ease of installation All terminals plug-in type (spring-loaded terminals)Supply and motor connectionsin separate placesDC link terminals, two of each,facilitate parallel connectionEMC plate for shield connection ASP 5001 Option for the implementation of safety functions:b STO and SS1 as perEN 61800-5-2b Stop category 0 and stopcategory 1 as perEN 60204Integration is possible forapplications up to (max.):b PL e in category 3 as perEN ISO 13948-1:2008-12 andb SIL 3 as perEN 61800-5-2:2008-04The POSILatch function uses externalsignals and evaluates them as measure-ment function.POSILatch can replace a separate PLCmeasuring system7POSITool Windows Software Application selection (with assistant)Parameterization (with assistant)Manages several servo inverters in one installationDrive optimization with POSI-Scope, oscilloscope function forinternal signals (movementvisualization), operational datamonitoring and diagnosisFieldbus communication PROFIBUSPROFINETEtherCAT®CANopen®I/O terminal moduleSEA 5001XEA 5001 (incremental encoder and SSI interfaces)REA 5001Resolver andEnDat®Encoder 2.1 interfacePOSISwitch®AX 5000For sequential control of STOBER ED, EK and EZ synchronous ser-vo motors with digital absolute encoders.Submountedbraking resistorsBraking resistors for installation at the rear of the unitBraking resistorVHPR seriesIP 54 enclosure, ULVHPRBraking resistorASP 5001Starting lockoutSYSTEM OPTIONSCE complianceAll POSIDRIVE®MDS 5000 inver-ters conform to the applicableEMC Directives and meet thecriteria of Low Voltage DirectiveEN 50178. Standard featurescomprise an effective range ofmeasures, among them an in -tegral EMC filter and the high-quality galvanized sheet steelinverter housing.Levels and terms apply as de -fin e d by IEC 1131.All POSI D RIVE®servo invertersare CE-markedUL compliantThe inverters are UL and cUL("Canadian UL") listed and meetthe requirements of UL 508Cand UL 840 standardsAbsolute Encoder Support AESFor buffering supply voltagewhen using the inductive Multi-turn EnDat®2.2 absolute encoderEBI1135 (when the 24 V powerCommissioningfer via the device operator panel.The Paramodul is also suit a ble for data transfer. Further pa -rameterization cor r ections and additions can be made directly.Some knowledge (basic training)is necessary for this missioning the STOBERED, EK and EZ synchronousservo motorsNo software knowledge is neces-sary for this preparation work.All the adjustments are done bydialog via the operator panel withtext display. The POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 servo inverter comessupplied with the “rapid set point”application.synchronousservo motorwith digitalabsolute encoderon the motorshaft (B side)Advanced seminars for general users and experts The POSITool software assistant supports configuration and pa-rameterisation of the STOBER standard applications. Basic andadvanced information on the safehandling of POSITool necessaryon the job can be acquired at anapplication seminar.In practical, individually designedseminars, general users learnthe ways in which they can uti-lise the potential of the POSIToolstandard applications fully andeffectively.After attending the ‘Free GraphicProgramming’ seminar, expertscan expand the POSITool stan-dard applications themselvesto adapt them to specific needs.Further information and datescan be found on our websitewww.stoeber.de (Services).ServiceThe STOBER service system comprises38 expert partners in Germany andmore than 80 companies in the STOBERSERVICE NETWORK worldwide.This full service concept guaranteeslocal expertise and availability whenneeded.In general, the service specialists can bereached at any time via a 24/7 servicehotline.When necessary, a problem can beaddressed immediately.24/7 service hotline+491805786323QUICK TO ASSEMBLESubjecttotechnicalchanges441812.7www.wast.deQuick DC link connection.Double DC link permit enablesimplified parallel connection.The separate connections formotor, DC link and braking re -sistor are located on the bot t omof the housing. The PTC therm -istor and braking relay are alsoattached here by simple plug-inmounting.VERY EASY TO USEEasy data transfer and accep-tance by Paramodul.Display and keypad are inte-grated. Rapid diagnosis, statusmonitoring, direct parameteraccess and manual operatingfunctions are possible.Perfect, practical connectionlayoutThe mains or 24V supply con -nection is made ‘from above’through a plug-in terminal strip.STOBER AUSTRIAwww.stoeber.at+43 7613 7600-0****************STOBER CHINA+86 10 6590 7391****************STOBER FRANCEwww.stober.fr+33 4***************STOBER GERMANYwww.stoeber.de+49 7231 582-0****************STOBER ITALYwww.stober.it+39 02 93909570***************STOBER JAPANwww.stober.co.jp+81 3 5395 6788***************.jpSTOBER SOUTH EAST ASIAwww.stober.sg+65 65112912***************STOBER SWITZERLANDwww.stoeber.ch+41 56 496 96 50****************STOBER USA+1 606 759 5090****************。
Henry Schein 2014 春季产品说明书
![Henry Schein 2014 春季产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ed9df5e96429647d27284b73f242336c1eb930a8.png)
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Ideal for patients requiring local anesthesia in periodontal pockets during scaling and/or root planing. Applied to gingival margin, then to periodontal pocket. Fast,30-second onset provides 20 minutes of anesthesia. Unique, easy-loading dispenser provides increased access to all periodontal pockets.(555-4520)...............................Ea.(555-0626).........................20/BoxOraVerse™ (Phentolamine Mesylate) InjectableIndicated for reversing soft-tissue anesthesia and the associated deficits from an intraoral submucosal injection of a local anesthetic containing a vasoconstrictor. Patientsexperience a return-to-normal sensation andfunction in about half the time. Not recommended for children less than 6 years of age.0.4 mg./1.7 mL Cartridges(228-2237).........................10/Box14FD1154TRANSPARENT MIXING PADS100 Sheets per PadTransparency of the pad allows you to see the product and how well it has been mixed before you apply.• Nonslip foam backing allows mixing without movement of the pad• Great for cements, liners, composites, and impression materials23/4" x 31/8"(900-4265)................................ea 31/8" x 51/2"(900-4266)................................eaNATURAL ELEGANCE ®RESIN CEMENTDual-Cure Automix Resin CementDual-cure, automix resin cement. High bond strength for longer lasting restoration. Use for a wide variety of dental restorations, including metal, composite crown/bridge, inlays, onlays,posts, and ceramic and porcelain crowns.• Versatile shading with 3 levels of opacity • Microparticulate formulation provides high bond strength for longer-lasting restorations • Designed for use for cementing all ceramic and all-composite indirect restorations (veneers, crowns, inlays, and onlays) and for intraoral porcelain repair Syringe Refills ........................eaSpecify:A2..................................................(900-4110)White..............................................(900-4111)Translucent....................................(900-4112)Automix Mixing Tips–Brown(900-7434).........................20/pkgGC FujiCEM ™2Resin-modified, glass-ionomer luting cement.Powered by F 2Flex Fuse Technology, which improves indirect restorations with increased strength, high fluoride release, low film thick-ness, and excellent marginal integrity. Use on all types of metal, resin, alumina, and zirconia-based inlays, onlays, and crowns and bridges.Radiopaque.Introductory Kit(333-3271)................................eaContains: 1–13.3 Gm cartridge, 20 mixing tips & 1 dispenser.Refill Package with Tips(333-3267)................................eaContains: 2–13.3 Gm. cartridges & 44 mixing tips.Refill Package without Tips(333-3268)................................eaContains: 1–13.3 Gm. cartridge & 1 mixing pad.Mixing Tips(333-2234).........................20/pkgDispenser(333-3270)................................ea8am–8pm, et • To Fax:1.877.350.789024 Hrs 5SureFil ®SDR ®Flow Posterior Bulk Fill Flowable Base Posterior, light-cured, bulk-fill, flowable composite base. The advanced StressDecreasing Resin (SDR) technology features an extended pregel phase that absorbs the polymerization stress buildup within the composite by up to 60%. Can be placed in increments up to 4mm. Radiopaque and contains fluoride.Introductory Kit(222-0225)................................eaContains: 25–0.25 Gm. Compula ®tips & 1 Compule ®tip gun.Refill Package ........................eaSpecify:A1..................................................(222-0346)A2..................................................(222-0347)A3..................................................(222-0348)Contains: 15–0.25-g Compula ®tips.Bulk Kit(222-0282)................................ea Contains: 50–0.25-g Compula ®tips.OptiBond ®Solo Plus ™A 15%-filled, single-component, light-cure adhesive. The optimum particle size allows it to be used for direct and indirect applications,providing the ultimate in convenience,protection, and strength.Bottle Kit(123-1507)................................ea Unidose Kit(123-0155)................................eaContains: Bottle Kit: 2–5-mL OptiBond Solo Plus adhesive,1 gel etchant syringe, 10 gel etchant syringe tips, 25disposable mixing wells, & 50 disposable applicator tips.Unidose Kit: 100 OptiBond Solo Plus packets (10 mL total),1 gel etchant syringe, 10 gel etchant syringe tips, & 50disposable applicator tips.Paradigm ™Nano Hybrid CompositeNanohybrid universal restorative. Excellent strength and wear resistance. Easy to polish.No slumping and easy to shape. Does not stick to instruments. Use for anterior and posterior restorations.Capsule Refills.................20/pkgSpecify:A1....................................(777-0381)A2....................................(777-0382)A3....................................(777-0386)B1....................................(777-0390)B2....................................(777-0391)Opaque A2.......................(777-0403)Opaque A3.......................(777-0404)14FD1154SafeGauze ®Green Nonwoven Sponges 2" x 2"(113-5501)....................4000/case 4" x 4"(113-5494)....................2000/caseTranslucent Plastic Cups Embossed Drinking Cups with Rolled Lips 5 oz(104-9869).......................100/pkgSaliva EjectorsSmooth edges. Will not aspirate tissue.Flexible bonded tips. Latex-free.Disposable.....................100/bagSpecify:White Opaque................................(100-5205)Clear with Blue Tip........................(100-4092)Pink................................................(900-4272)Plastic Drinking Cup DispenserClear plastic with white base. Attaches to wall and holds 50–5-oz plastic cups.(100-2626)................................ea8am–8pm, et • To Fax:1.877.350.789024 Hrs 7Polycoated Headrest Covers Soft, facial tissue combined with poly. Providesstrong, absorbent, fluid-resistant barrier.Small10" x 10"......................500/caseSpecify:White..............................................(107-1143)Lavender........................................(108-7903)Blue................................................(108-9564)Regular10" x 13"......................500/caseSpecify:White..............................................(107-0548)Dusty Rose....................................(107-7590)Lavender........................................(107-1341)Blue................................................(108-9803)Green.............................................(108-7228)Jumbo13" x 13", White(107-1231)......................500/caseTIDI ®Slipover Adult Bibs Fabricel, 20" x 30"(101-8381)......................250/case XL Tissue/Poly, Die-Cut Neck Blue, 20" x 29"(895-6634)......................500/case Mauve, 18" x 25"(101-7499)......................250/case Tissue/Poly Slipover White, 18" x 30"(895-7875)......................150/caseEAR LOOP PROCEDURE FACE MASKSLight, comfortable masks for extended wear when necessary. Ear loops are made from special stretch yarn: no irritating rubber or plastic touches the skin. Three-ply, glass-free filter media is surrounded by soft, nonirritating inner and outer facing. Full-width flexible nosepiece provides fit and security. Exceeds all current ASTM F2100-03a tex-free.Face Masks.....................50/boxSpecify:Blue................................................(104-3809)White..............................................(104-6611)Lavender........................................(104-8600)Pink................................................(104-3730)Yellow............................................(104-2849)ASTM: Level 1 l PFE:≥98% @ 0.1 micron (μ) l BFE:≥95%14FD1154Confirm ®10 In-OfficeBiological Monitoring System Now with 10-hour test results. Easy to use:simply process indicator in a normalautoclave cycle, then follow with a 10-hour incubation cycle. A color change to yellow indicates failure to sterilize.In-Office Monitor(774-0123)................................ea Indicator Refills(774-0124).........................25/boxMonarch ™Surface Disinfectant One-step, ready-to-use,hospital-level disinfectant for use on nonporous surfaces.EPA-registered, broad-spec-trum disinfectant. Effectively kills TB, HBV, and all bacteria and fungi in less than 1 minute. Noncorrosive and nonstaining. Contains no phenols or aldehydes.Spray Bottle(698-0420)..........................24 oz.Refill(698-0429)........................102 oz.Super Sani-Cloth ®Intermediate-level disinfectant that kills 26microorganisms with a fast kill time of only 2 minutes on hard, nonporous surfaces and patient-care equipment. Contains 55% alcohol.Bactericidal, tuberculocidal and virucidal.• Kills TB and RSV in 1 minute; HBV, HCV and HIV-1 in 2 minutes; TB, MRSA, VRE, influenza A (H1N1) virus, Acinetobacter baumannii ,Campylobacter jejuni in 2 minutes • Kills Candida albicans and rhinovirus • Diamond-embossed material is thick and strong to help clean soiled surfaces CanistersLarge, 6" x 63/4"(113-5423)......160 wipes/canister X-large, 81/2" x 15"(267-0005)........65 wipes/canister X-Large, 111/2" x 113/4"(373-2662)...............50 wipes/boxFlipEase ™Eye Protection Ready-to-wear eye protection.Comes flat and assembled. Just flip!• Fits comfortably with a mask and over glasses • CE certified• Revolutionary, patent-pending design • Extremely lightweight and comfortable • Provides front and side eye protection • Optical-grade, anti-static, fog-resistant (895-0045).........................25/Box8am–8pm, et• To Fax:1.877.350.789024 Hrs9Microflex®XCEED™NitrilePowder-FreeNon-sterile, BluePolymer technology, textured fingertips,beaded. Palm thickness: 2.8 mil.;Finger thickness: 3.5 mil.Gloves............................250/boxSpecify:X-small...........................................(565-0003)Small..............................................(565-0004)Medium..........................................(565-0005)Large..............................................(565-0006)X-large(565-0007).......................230/boxCriterion®N200 Powder-FreeNitrile Exam Gloves• Eliminates type-1 allergic reactions associatedwith natural latex• Innovative formulation emulates the fit and feelof latex with added strength and punctureresistance• Eco-friendly, 200-count box increases yourstorage by 50%, reduces cardboard waste,and still fits your glove box holders. You savemoney while reducing yourenvironmental impact• “Real-feel” grip provides optimal tactile sensi-tivity, and textured fingers provide enhanced,superior grip in both wet and dry applications• Easy donning: very smooth inside, so gloveslides onto your hand with ease. No need tofight with it when you are in a hurryGloves............................200/boxSpecify:X-small ..........................................(900-7437)Small .............................................(900-7438)Medium .........................................(900-7439)Large ............................................(900-7440)X-large (180/box) ..........................(900-7441) Ultraform®Nitrile Powder-Free ExamIncreased tactile sensation and improvedcomfort. Soft formulation conforms to thehand effortlessly. Textured. Higher-countbox. Colbalt Blue.Gloves............................300/boxSpecify:X-Small..........................................(565-0013)Small..............................................(565-0014)Medium..........................................(565-0015)Large..............................................(565-0016)X-Large(565-0017).......................250/box14FD1154ProFluorid ®Varnish5% sodium-fluoride varnish delivers with enhanced flowcharacteristics for hard-to-reach areas. Single-dose delivery systemadheres to moist surface and sets quickly after contact with saliva. White, transparentvarnish without yellow discoloration immediately releases fluoride to relieve hypersensitivity.Contains no saccharin, aspartame, or gluten.Single Dose, 0.25 mL, Kids, Melon (840-9282).........................50/boxSingle Dose, 0.4 mL, Adult/Assorted Flavors(999-1366).........................48/boxContains: Carmel, Cherry, Melon and Mint.Single Dose, 0.4 mLAdults....................................................50/boxSpecify:Caramel.........................................(999-1362)Cherry............................................(999-1363)Melon.............................................(840-9285)Mint................................................(999-1364)Single Dose, 0.4 mLAdult...............................200/boxSpecify:Caramel.........................................(999-1367)Cherry............................................(999-1369)Melon.............................................(999-1370)Mint................................................(999-1368)10 mL Tube............................eaSpecify:Caramel.........................................(999-1669)Cherry............................................(999-1670)Melon.............................................(114-3932)Mint................................................(999-1671)Sensodyne ®Repair &Protect ToothpasteProvides proven relief and daily protection for sensitive teeth. Relieves the pain and helps to stop it from coming back by creating a repair layer over sensitive areas. Contains fluoride for cavity protection.3.4 oz. Bottle..........................eaSpecify:Original ..........................................(583-1303)Extra Fresh....................................(583-1316)G•u•m ®Toothbrushes Adult Angle......................12/pkgSpecify:#430, Soft, Full Size......................(712-1189)#431, Soft, Compact Size..............(712-1845)#435, Sensitive, Compact Size .....(712-3344)8am–8pm, et• To Fax:1.877.350.789024 Hrs11Hand Essentials™Skin Repair CreamContains Olivamine®, a patented blend of ingredients that delivers all of theessential nutrients necessary for optimal skin health, including amino acids,vitamins, antioxidants, and methylsulfonlymethane (MSM). Natural moisture-retaining oils, aloe vera, and dimethicone leave the skin feeling silky with nogreasy residue. Specially formulated for dental professionals who are at riskfor skin breakdown.2-oz Bottle(600-1906)...................ea Call4-oz Bottle(600-1907)...................ea Call32-oz Bottle(600-1908)...................ea Call(600-1912)........144/case CallMonarch™HydratingInstant Hand SanitizerWaterless, alcohol-based gel.Smooth application with a silky feel.Contains no hormone-disruptingsurfactants. Skin-enriching emol-lients enhance skin-cell regrowthand prevent dryness with repeateduse. Maintains moisture duringrepeated washings.Personal Size(698-0426)............................2 oz.CallPump Bottle(698-0421).........................15.2oz Call Antibacterial LiquidHand SoapProvides a luxurious feel, leavinghands smooth and soft. Mild, gentle,and moisturizing. Pleasant cucumberand aloe fragrance. Active ingredientis 0.2% triclosan.8-fl-oz Pump Bottle(900-4439)................................ea Call16-fl-oz Pump Bottle(900-4438)................................ea Call1-gal Refill Bottle(900-4440)................................ea Call14FD1154JAZZ™C1S 1-Step Single-PatientPolishing SystemDiamond impregnated to achieve a highgloss on all direct-aesthetic materials.Single-patient use saves sterilization costand time.Assortment Pack(999-0670)................................eaContains: 12 universal polishers (4 of each shape:cup, disc & flame).Refills...............................20/pkgSpecify:Flame.............................................(999-2315)Cup................................................(999-5060)C-TYPE HANDPIECES• Canister-type cartridge:for easychairside replacement• Powerful:400,000 rpm at 32 psi• Smooth finish:for easy maintenance• Mini head:Compact size for greateraccess and visibility• Ergonomic design features• Lightweight and quiet operation• 400,000 rpm at 32 psi• 4-hole connection• Manual chuck• Easy chairside replacement of turbine cartridge• Fully autoclavable• 6-month warrantyC-Type Handpiece(112-4122)................................eaC-Type Replacement Cartridge(112-3909)................................eaC-TYPE MINIATURE HANDPIECE• Canister Type Cartridge:for easy chairsidereplacement• Powerful:400,000 rpm at 32 psi• Smooth Finish:for easy maintenance• Mini Head:Compact size for greater accessand visibilitySame features as the C-Type Handpiece butwith smaller head size for greater access andvisibility.4-Hole(112-5578)................................eaPUREVAC®2-liter BottleYields 67 uses.(312-6475)................................ea5-liter BottleYields 169 uses.(312-5825)................................ea8am–8pm, et • To Fax:1.877.350.789024 Hrs 13Evacuator Tips• Unique “S” tips with a softer end for patient comfort • Latex-free• Opaque plastic • Disposable Nonvented(100-4568).........................50/bag Vented (One End Only)(101-4856).........................50/bagINSTRUMENT CASSETTES • Stainless steel locking tray complete with silicone rails for storing dental instruments • Fully autoclavable, features unique design that optimizes sterilization process• Upper and lower sections of tray are fully interchangeable• Colored rails for instrument identification and organization 5-Instrument Tray7.1" x 2.8" x 1.3".....................eaSpecify:Blue................................................(112-4963)Green.............................................(112-5301)Purple ............................................(112-5336)Red................................................(112-5297)Yellow............................................(112-5442)10-Instrument Tray7.1" x 5.6" x 1.3".....................eaSpecify:Blue................................................(112-4964)Green.............................................(112-5302)Purple ............................................(112-5439)Red................................................(112-5299)Yellow............................................(112-5443)16-Instrument Tray11.3" x 7.1" x 1.3"...................eaSpecify:Blue................................................(112-4965)Green.............................................(112-5303)Purple ............................................(112-5441)Red................................................(112-5300)Yellow............................................(112-5444)MaxiTabs ™Ultrasonic Cleaning Tablets General Purpose Cleaner• Provide safe and effective cleaning properties in multiple cleaning cycles throughout the day• Does not leave a residue on instruments or insidetank• 1 tablet makes 1 gallon of solution • 1 box makes 32 gallons General Purpose Cleaner(900-4088).........................32/boxTartar & Stain Remover• Offers safe and effective cleaning efficacy for removal of calculus, tartar, tobacco,and food stains• Specifically designed for dentures,bridges, and dental appliances. 1 tablet makes 5 oz of solution(900-4089).........................32/boxDRI-GARD ®CSR WRAP • All-purpose sterilization overwraps• Provide high protection against air- and fluid-borne particles, yet allow effective penetration for various methods of sterilization, including steam, ethylene oxide, radiation, and E-beam • Resistant to tears and punctures• Conform to various pack and tray sizes and are easily secured with standard adhesives or tapes for full enclosure and assured sterility • Autoclavable, 1-ply sheets 12" x 12"(900-7447)......................500/case 15" x 15"(900-7448)......................500/case20" x 20"(900-7449)......................500/case24" x 24"(900-7450)......................500/caseMaxi-Gard ®Fitted Digital Sensor Sleeves• Disposable, fitted digital sensor sheaths helps prevent cross contamination• Soft, textured vinyl with rounded corners fits the sensor snugly to maintain the position of the bite tab and enhance patient comfort• Large opening for easy sensor loading and simple tear-away design for instant sensor removal• Comes conveniently packaged in a dispenser roll • Latex-free Size 1(1.638"W x 7.465"L x 1.262" Head Size)Fits Kodak 6100 #0, Schick Elite #0,Schick #0 & #1, Gendex GX-S #1, EVA #1,XDR #1, Instrumentarium Sordex #1,Progeny #2, Myray #1, and Planmeca #1.(112-6020).......................500/boxSize 2(1.638"W x 7.465"L x 1.342" Head Size)Fits Kodak 6100 #1, Schick Elite #1, Schick,Gendex GX-S #2, EVA #2, and Plameca #1.(112-6021).......................500/boxSize 3(1.88"W x 7.465"L x 1.506" Head Size)Fits Kodak 6100 #2, Schick Elite #2, Dexis #2,XDR #2, Instrumentarium Sordex #2, EVA+ #2,MyRay #2, and Planmeca #2.(112-6023).......................500/boxFlex Bite Tabs • Adjustable bitewing tabs• Fits snugly over digital sensors, conventional film,and phosphor plates of all sizes• Universal for both horizontal and vertical angles • Made with ultrasoft material for enhanced patient comfort(112-6019).......................300/box14FD1154Sterile Surgical Blades Manufactured by Kai.Stainless Steel Blades...100/boxSpecify:#10, Part #4-310............................(953-6694)#11, Part #4-311............................(953-7469)#12, Part #4-312............................(953-7546)#12B, Part #4-312B.......................(953-6343)#15, Part #4-315............................(953-7616)#15C, Part #4-315C.......................(953-7101)#20, Part #4-320............................(953-7810)#21, Part #4-321............................(953-7906)#22, Part #4-322............................(953-8126)#23, Part #4-323............................(953-8193)#25, Part #4-325............................(953-3557)Lifepak ®1000An easy-to-use and rugged AED that isadaptable enough for professional responders.Features a large, intuitive screen that displays graphics and ECG readings that are clear and easy to read. 5-year warranty.Lifepak ®1000 Unit with Graphical Display Pediatric ready: includes an infant/child reduced-energy electrode starter kit.(373-0005)................................eaLifepak ®Unit with ECG DisplayIncludes a 3-wire ECG cable and pouch plus a 3-pack of Life-Patch ®ECG electrodes.(373-0006)................................eaContains: cprMax ™Technology, 2 pair of Quik-Combo ®pacing/defibrillation/ECG electrodes with 1 Redi-Pak ™preconnect system, 1 set of operating Instructions, 1 “Getting Started” guide, 1 nonrechargeable lithium-manganese-dioxide battery, 1 soft-shell carrying case & 1 shoulder strap.Sterile Suture Removal Kit with Floor-Grade Instruments(788-1565)................................eaContains: 1pair floor-grade Iris suture scissors,1pair floor-grade Adson tissue forceps, 3" x 3" gauze sponge,large alcohol prep pad, & iodophor PVP prep pad.8am–8pm, et• To Fax:1.877.350.789024 Hrs15Proudly supports all of your dental, medical, and supply needs.S UPPORTING YOUR SUPPLY NEEDS THROUGH THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTS:DLA ECAT Dental Program SPM2DE-09-D-7444DLA ECAT Lab Contract SPM2DE-10-D-7342DLA Medical/Surgical DAPA Holder SP0200-96-H-5014FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULES:Pharmaceuticals and Drugs (Anesthetics) V797P-2280DDental Equipment and Supplies V797P-3160M X-ray Equipment and Supplies V797P-3022MHENRY SCHEIN, INC. IS A PROUD FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE DISTRIBUTOR FOR:Welch Allyn—Medical Equipment and Supplies V797P-4333B Brewer Design Medical Equipment and Supplies V797P-3206M Ace Surgical Dental Equipment and Supplies V797P-3199MSharps Compliance V797P-4265B KaVo Dental Equipment V797P-3218MGYN Disposables V797P-4377BKerr V797D-30021Imaging Sciences Dental Equipment V797P-3235MPelton & Crane Contract V797P-3241MBusse Hospital Disposables—Medical Equipment and Supplies V797P-4488B NEW!。
1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110
Pump Pump Pump Pump Pump Pump
Boiler Boiler Boiler Boiler Boiler Boiler Boiler Steam Boiler Boiler
1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809
Workshop Equipment Workshop Equipment Workshop Equipment Workshop Equipment Workshop Equipment Workshop Equipment Workshop Equipment Workshop Equipment Workshop Equipment
压力容器- 安全阀 压力容器- 其他
燃气系统 燃气绝缘阀(手动) 燃气自动关闭阀
1503 1504 1505
Gas System Gas System Gas System
Gas Meter Gas by-pass valve Gas Solenoid valve
1600 1601 1602
内部热水加热器-燃气 洗衣房热水加热器-电 洗衣房热水加热器-燃气 厨房热水加热器-电 厨房热水加热器-燃气 热水-局部加热 厨房锅炉(管压)-燃气 洗衣房锅炉(管压)-燃气
Heat Exchanger - Coil Heat Exchanger - Instant Heat Exchanger - Plate Heat Exchanger - Shell and tube Heat Exchanger - Other Clarifier Domestic Hot Water Clarifier Other
• 温馨提示: • 1.避免接触眼睛 • 2.远离儿童放置
• 【品 名】MA-FRA 马 夫拉 高级内饰外能清 洁剂 • 【产 地】意大利 • 【规 格】500毫升 • 【有效期】3年
• 1.意大利原装进口,欧洲畅销半个世纪著名品牌。 • 2.可使用于所有适合清洗的汽车内饰表面。 • 3.中性温和,不伤手,不伤车。 • 4.可分解汽车座椅表面及顶棚尼古丁分子,去除 异味
• 【品 名】MA-FRA 马 夫拉 高级蜡水洗车液 • 【产 地】意大利 • 【规 格】750毫升 • 【有效期】3年
产 品特点
• 1.意大利原装进口,欧洲畅销半个世纪著名品牌。 • 2.无磷环保,适合各类车身漆面清洗。 • 3.清洁,上光,保护,一次施工同步到位。
• 4.浓缩原液,1瓶可洗25台中型车。
• 5.富含高黏性植物蜡成分,能有效回复车身原有色彩和光 泽。
• 用水冲洗掉车声表面尘垢,把适量产品倒入水桶加入足量的水,然后 像平时洗车一样用海绵或戴手套进行清洗。单包装产品适用于施工25 台中型车。
• 温馨提示: • 1.避免接触眼睛 • 2.远离儿童放置 • 3.阴凉避光处施工
• 充分摇动,均匀喷洒在需施工表面,用干燥清洁毛巾擦拭 抛光。 • 温馨提示: • 1.避免阳光直射,50摄氏度以下环境存放 • 2.远离火源,勿尝试嗅闻,避免接触皮肤和眼睛 • 3.勿戳穿或焚烧瓶体,远离儿童
• 【品 名】MA-FRA 马 夫拉 高级金属化漆面 护理蜡 • 【产 地】意大利 • 【规 格】250毫升 • 【有效期】3年
PS-4 16mm 1/2弧
PS-4C PRIME 16mm 1/2弧
PS-2 19mm 3/8弧
PS-1 24mm 3/8弧
PSL 30mm 3/8弧
5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0
1 1.5 2
3 3VCP656G
整形 / 皮肤
CTB-1 36mm 1/2弧
CTB-1 36.4mm 1/2弧
CTB 40mm 1/2弧
BT-3 45mm 1/2弧
CTXB 48mm 1/2弧
CTX-B 48mm 1/2弧
BP-5 65mm 1/2弧
5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0
1 1.5 2
3 3.5 4
整形 / 皮肤
整形 / 皮肤
5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0
1 1.5 2
3 3.5 4
整形 / 皮肤
整形 / 皮肤
整形 / 皮肤
整形 / 皮肤
整形 / 皮肤 整形 / 皮肤
# 10-0
说明: 1. 动物胶原质缝线规格请参照中华人民共和国医药行业标准 YY1116 2. 医药行业标准 YY1116 和 YY0167 已经弃用旧的“丝线规格”
丝线规格 2 10 7 4 1 0
cummins 产品说明书
![cummins 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c6097f896394dd88d0d233d4b14e852459fb396c.png)
Specification sheetResidential generator setRS Air-cooled series RS20A/AC andRS14AFModel GSBB/GSBCFeatures and benefits•Very quiet operation•Internet remote monitoring and email notification•Automatic load management - The intelligent generator control automatically manages non-essential household loads for maximum utilization of generator power•Cummins Onan designed alternator and electronic control•Powerful motor starting - starts and runsa 5 ton A/C¹ under full pre-load•GFCI “Ready”•Self-diagnostic capability•Service and maintenance information displayed on in home display•Easy installation with innovative molded polymer installation base - no need for a concrete pad •Electronic governor for precise frequency control •Flexible 12 inch fuel line provided with genset •Generator designed and manufactured in the USA •U.S. EPA and CARB Emissions compliant for salein all 50 states•UL 2200, Listed and CSA Certified generator and transfer switch for your protection•Quality power output, less than 5% THD•5 year, 2000 hour limited warrantyWeight, size and sound level Weight: 540 lbs (245 kg)Size:Length 53 in (1346 mm), width 43 in(1092 mm), height 34.7 in (880 mm) Sound: 62 dB(A) at 23 ft (7 m) at normal load2Models and ratingsdistributor/dealer for proper sizing.² Normal load is defined as typical household consumption of 3kW.³ Derating guidelines: Maximum wattage or maximum current are subject to and limited by such factors as fuel Btu content, ambient temperature, altitude, engine power and condition, etc. Full rated power available at 60 o F (15.5o C) and sea level. Derate 3.5% for each 1000 ft (304.8 m) above sea level and 3% for each 10 o F (5.5 o C) increase in ambient temperature above 60 o F (15.5 o C). Maximum wattage or maximum current are based upon minimum service voltage in accordance with UL 2200 (Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies) or CSA C22.2 No. 100-04 (Motors and Generators).EngineModel: 993 cc, air-cooled v-twin OHV Compression ratio: 8.3:1 Displacement: 60.6 cu in (993 cc)Oil sump capacity: 2.43 qt (2.3 L) with filter Operating speed: 3600 rpmFuel supply pressure: NG 5-7 IN/H2O, LP 12-14 IN/H2O• Integrated oil drain valve and extension tube included • Simple fuel conversion between natural gas and LP • 20 A battery charger• Highly reliable solenoid shift starter • Transistorized magneto ignition • Automotive-style lubrication system • Oil cooler• Spin-on oil filter • Electronic governor• Large-capacity air cleaner• U.S. EPA and CARB emissions compliant for use in all 50 statesWeather protective sound enclosure• Thick 11 gauge aluminum enclosure with resilient architectural grade powder coat paint• Durable polypropylene base eliminates need for concrete pad • UL Listed, impact resistant, fully colored, automotive grade polypropylene cover with UV stabilizer • All maintenance points are accessible without the use of tools • “Under the hood” oil dipstick check and fill• Electrical stub-up and side knockouts provided on genset for installation flexibility• Patented, innovative, compact and neighborhoodfriendly design blends into any residential setting • Lift-off enclosure for close proximity installations• No exposed fasteners• Key lockable • High intake and exhaust to reduce rain ingestion andsnow blockage• GFCI “Ready” mounting location provided on gensetenclosure• Externally mounted circuit breaker with weatherproof coverExhaust muffler • Large automotive grade corrosion resistant mufflerdesign• Low noiseLoad management• Automatically turns on/off loads to prevent generatoroverload• Easy to set up from in-home display• Easily connected at the generatorNote: Additional installation and relays are required.Control system• Cummins Proprietary electronic control with self diagnostics and generator set protection and safety features included• Automatically starts and stops generator upon identification of a power outage• Microprocessor control manages generator set operation, fault detection and service diagnostics • Illuminated run/off/auto switch• Convenient access to all connection points • Fully automatic operationInternet/email capability• Sends you or your service technician an email if service or maintenance is required. • View generator status from the internet. Note: Network Specialist required for set-up• Installation and set-up is required. See Installation Manual for additional details. In-home display• Wired in-home LCD display is offered standard onevery set. • Surface mountable at genset (standard) or remotely (installation required). • Power continually supplied to the display; no need for replaceable batteries. • Genset can be started/stopped from the display.• Easily set/adjust genset exercise for day and time, withcapability to choose weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.• Displays maintenance and service reminders.• Percent load is displayed allowing user to manage load.• Displays last 30 faults for troubleshooting.• Displays last 30 events (i.e., day and time of power outage, exercise, etc.). • Adjust and configure RSS service entrance ATS modelsAverage fuel consumption*Fuel consumption – natural gasNominal fuel rating – 37 MJ/M (1000 Btu/ft) Fuel consumption – LP vaporNominal fuel rating – 93 MJ/M (2500 Btu/ft)*Approximately 15% lower fuel consumption at 50 HzAlternator detailsDesign: Cummins Onan 2-pole, self-excited revolvingfield. Permanently aligned to engine by a tapered shaft.AC waveform total harmonic distortion: Less than5% THD (total harmonic distortion).Insulation system and temperature rise: Class Hinsulation per NEMA MG-1-1-66.Cooling: Direct-drive, centrifugal blower.Rotor: Laminated electrical steel assembly skewed forimproved voltage waveform, heavy insulated copper wirewindings.Bearing: Double-sealed pre-lubricated ball bearing.DC brushes: Electrographitic, long life, easily serviced.Generator set performanceVoltage regulation: ±1.5% no load to full load.Frequency regulation: Isochronous, 0% no load tofull load.Motor starting kVA (30% voltage dip): 40Operating temperature:122 °F (50 °C) to 20 ºF (-7 ºC): Standard Model122 °F (50 °C) to 0 ºF (-18 ºC): Cold Weather EquippedModelAdditional accessories are available to allow for operationdown to -20 °F (-29 °C) or high humidity. See Accessoriessection for details.Easy service and installationConnectionsLP/NG FuelConnectionRemovableLidAutomatic transfer panel configurationsService entrance installation (USA only) (100/200 A) Service entrance installation (USA and Canada) (100/200 A) Dedicated emergency standby service system (100/200 A) (USA and Canada)Basic dimensionsNote: This outline drawing (A029Z911) is provided for general reference only and is not intended for use in design or installation. For more information, see Operators and Installation manuals or contact your distributor or dealer for assistance.UL 1008 Listed: RSS100-6868, RSS200-6869 (0500-4824)CSA/UL RSS100-6634 (0500-4502)CSA/UL RSS200-6635 (0500-4503)North America1400 73rd Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55432 USAPhone 763 574 5000 Fax 763 574 5298©2013 Cummins Inc. All rights reserved.Options and accessoriesTransfer switch (also sold separately)• Additional in-home display (P/N 0300-6576)Climate Accessories:• Breather heater kit (P/N A030W752) • Battery heater kit (P/N 0333-0770) • Alternator dryer kit (P/N A029J885)*A battery with higher CCA can be used in place of this accessory.Battery requirement• 12 V, group 26R, 530 CCA Maintenance FreeWarranty policyThe Cummins Onan RS20A, RS20AC, and 14AF generators come standard with a 5 year/2,000 hour limited warranty. RSS Automatic Transfer Switches come standard with a 2 year warranty. Extendedwarranty options available. See warranty statement for additional details.• 100 and 200 amp automatic transfer switch NEMA 3R. • Fully automatic operation with Cummins Onan RSS model automatic transfer switch.• Reduces installation time with indoor/outdoor flexibility and whole house install.• Two amp trickle battery charger included •UL 1008 Listed Service Entrance Rated • : RSS100-6868, RSS200-6869CSA Approved and UL 1008 Listed Plug-n-play installation harnesses : RSS100-6634, RSS200-6635Generator to ATS harness: • 1 ft. length (p/n A029U298) • 50 ft. length (p/n A029U302) • 100 ft. length (p/n A029U303) • 200 ft. length (p/n A029U304) Remote display harness: • 1 ft. length (p/n A029U306) • 50 ft. length (p/n A029U308) • 100 ft. length (p/n A029U310) • 200 ft. length (p/n A029U311After sale supportLargest distributor/dealer support network Cummins Onan generator sets are supported by the largest and best trained worldwide certifieddistributor/dealer network in the industry. This network of knowledgeable distributor/dealers will help you select and install the right generator set and accessories to meet the requirements of your specific application. This same network offers a complete selection of commonly used generator set maintenance parts, accessories and products plus manuals and specification sheets. Plus, they can answer your questions regarding proper operation, maintenance schedules and more.Manuals: Operation and installation manuals ship with the generator set. To obtain additional copies or other manuals for this model, see your distributor/dealer and request the following manual numbers: Operator (A029V089), Installation (A029V088), Parts (A029Y325), Service (A030A239).To easily locate the nearest certified distributor/dealer for Cummins Onan generators in your area, or for more information, contact us at 1-800-888-6626 or visit .Contact your distributor/dealer for more information.。
MHS-15合CURY 氧化物系统产品说明书
![MHS-15合CURY 氧化物系统产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7d497c8dafaad1f34693daef5ef7ba0d4a736dac.png)
Minimum investment and low operating costs The MHS-15 Mercury/Hydride System is a manual accessory for high-sensitivity determination of mercury and hydride-forming elements, such as As, Se, Sb, Te,Bi and Sn, by flame atomic absorp-tion (AA) spectroscopy. Mercury/hydride atomic absorption is the preferred technique for trace deter-mination of mercury and the metal-lic hydride-forming elements,because it offers the best possible detection limits, down to the ng range, while minimizing capital investment and operating costs.The technique is simple, easy-to-handle, and reliable and has been proven in tens of thousands of laboratories worldwide.Simple operationThe MHS-15 system includes a reaction assembly and a quartz-cell assembly. The analyzer is free-standing and is placed adjacent to the AA spectrometer sample compartment. It includes a reaction flask, a reservoir for the reducing agent and all pneumatic compo-nents for carrier transportation of the metallic vapors to the quartz cell.The cell mounts on a standard10-cm PerkinElmer ®burner head,permitting the cell to be heated in the spectrometer flame. The quartz cell is positioned in the light beam of the spectrometer and alignment is provided by the instrument’s burner adjustment controls. ItsMHS-15 Mercury/Hydride SystemP R O D U C T N O T EMinimum investment Low operating costs Simple operationWorks with all PerkinElmeratomic absorption spectrometersKey BenefitsAT O M I C A B S O R P T I O Nquartz cell can be easily tilted out of the flame using a swivel mount.Due to the reaction chemistry in the mercury/hydride process, the ana-lyte is completely separated from its matrix during analysis, eliminating interferences.Operating procedure During analysis, the sample contain-ing the analyte in ionic form is placed in the reaction flask. The flask is then installed into the analyzer assembly.By manually actuating a pneumatic valve, an argon stream transports the reducing agent (NaBH 4) from a reser-voir into the sample. The special conical form of the immersion tube and reaction flask provides excellent mixing of the sample and NaBH 4,guaranteeing spontaneous reaction.No stirring device is required for this procedure.Hydrogen, liberated during the reac-tion, reduces the metal ions to gaseous hydrides. In the case of mercury determination, NaBH 4reduces mer-cury into its metallic state. Excess hydrogen and the argon carrier gas transport the hydride (or metallic mercury) vapor into the quartz cell where the absorption of the metal is measured. During mercury determi-nation, the cell remains at ambient temperatures. Mercury determina-tion can also be performed using stannous chloride (SnCl 2) as the reducing agent. For the determina-tion of hydride-forming elements,the quartz cell is heated by an air/acetylene flame to thermally decompose the metal hydrides.For a complete listing of our global offices, visit /lasoffices©2004 PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. The PerkinElmer logo and design are registered trademarks of PerkinElmer, Inc. AAnalyst is a trademark and PerkinElmer is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. or its subsidiaries, in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks not owned by PerkinElmer, Inc. or its subsidiaries that are depicted herein are theproperty of their respective owners. PerkinElmer reserves the right to change this document at any time without notice and disclaims liability for editorial, pictorial or typographical errors.006385C_01ELEC110400Printed in USAPerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences 710 Bridgeport AvenueShelton, CT 06484-4794 USA Phone: (800) 762-4000 or (+1) 203-925-4602Technical dataAbsorption cell Quartz cell, 165 mm long, 12 mm diameter Cell heating Up to approx. 1000 °C with air/acetylene flameReaction flaskPolypropylene flask with special, conically formed inner side.Connection to the analyzer assembly with special joint with O-ring gasket.Sample volume Max. 50-mL volume Reducing agent NaBH 4or SnCl 2Inert gas supply Argon, inlet pressure 2.5-3.5 bar (36-51 psig) approx. consumption 1.1 L/min Power supply No electrical supply is required.Dimensions 70 mm wide x 160 mm deep x 375 mm high WeightApproximately 4.3 kgDetection limits using the MHS-15 with the AAnalyst™ 700(EDL lamps were used for all elements)。
Smog-Hog SHN SGN系列电离煤泡收集器商品介绍说明书
![Smog-Hog SHN SGN系列电离煤泡收集器商品介绍说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fb33f166905f804d2b160b4e767f5acfa0c78311.png)
Electrostatic PrecipitatorMist Collectors (SHN/SGN)SHNSGNTHE TIME-PROVENANSWER TO INDUSTRIAL FUME PROBLEMSThe most effective electrostatic precipitator (ESP) on the market today is the genuine Smog-Hog® SHN/SGN Series, manufactured exclusively by Parker Hannifin. No other ESP unit can match this system’s efficiency, effectiveness and long-term cost savings for the collection of oil smoke and coolant mist.For more than 50 years, Parker has invested in constant improvement of electrostaticprecipitator technology. And, the Smog-Hog SHN/SGN Series is made up of the most ad-vanced ESP units available—better than elec-trostatic units of the past and superior to every alternative mist collection system.APPLICATIONSEngineered to perform long-term, heavy-duty industrial air cleaning, SHN/SGN units eliminate smoke, mist and dust generated by a variety of applications—brazing, casting, flame cutting, drilling, grinding, milling, screw machining and more. Also, these sytems are available in a variety of sizes and versatile config-urations to fit your company’s needs. SHN/SGN units are equipped with airflow capacities ranging from 400 to 9,000 CFM. Systems can be ducted, unducted, free hanging and machine-mounted, depending onyour specific application — eliminating the need to give up valuable floor space in your facility!COMMON APPLICATIONS• Brazing• Casting• Cold forming • Flame cutting • Forging• Gear cutting • Heat treating • Induction heating • Lathes • Plastic and rubber forming • Quenching• Screw machining• Soldering• Threading• Vacuum pumps• Welding• Wet grinding• Wire drawingENSURE EMPLOYEE SAFETY WHILE MINIMIZING COSTSSHN/SGN mist collectors keep employees healthy and on the job by removing dangerous airborne contaminants that can cause respiratory problems. These powerful units eliminate dirty airborne particles before they settle on floors, land on ex-pensive machinery or are inhaled—situations that can lead to accidents, workers’ compensation claims, OSHA compliance violations and expensive machine repairs.Investing in the SHN/SGN Series can also improve your com-pany’s profitability by reducing energy and housekeeping costs. These systems recirculate air into your plant and reduce exhaust air make-up requirements with efficiencies up to 99%. Thousands of gallons of valuable resources such as cutting oils, lubricants, coolants and plasticizers are recycled eachyear by Parker SHN/SGN Series customers.Continuous CleaningSHN/SGN units can be programmed to run continuously during and between shifts. This feature reduces the energy resources needed to power the system every day, as well as decreases the potential for contaminants to accumulate while the SHN/SGN system is in the “off” mode.PRODUCT ENHANCEMENTS REDUCE COSTSParker Mist-Stop filter dramatically reduces the amount of mist and smoke particles that pass through the Ionizer and ESP Collection Component. So, less time and money is spent servicing and cleaning a unit, because intervals between cleanings increase up to two to three times longer! The Mist-Stop filter is composed of heavy-duty aluminum mesh and a high-efficiency coalescing pad.Another product enhancement is the expanded SHN cabinet design (pictured below). Now standard onall SHN units, the larger cabinet allows room for the 1” aluminum mesh filter and optional 2” Mist-Stop filter— eliminating the need to add an inlet plenum. Mist-Stop filters are available for use on all SHN and SGN units that use an impingement plenum, as well as expanded SHN systems.How ESP WorksSHN/SGN mist collectors are configured using ESP technology—a proven concept and technology in use for over 50 years. By electronically charging both large and microscopic contaminants, these systems cap-ture impurities like a magnet in collection cells. At the same time, recyclable coolants and oil are collected for reuse, and safe, breathable air is discharged back into the workplace.Offers additional filtration andreduces load to ESP sectionoffering longer lifespan betweencleaning cycles.Compact design that incorporates theparticle ionizer and collection plates allin one. Elletronically charges andcollects smoke and mist particles.WHAT MAKES THE SGN/SHN BEST IN CLASSReusable ESP collection components eliminate costly filter replacements and disposal.Flexible installation options accommodate many application requirements including lack of floor space. Low energy consumptions can help increase company profitability.Contaminants drain off ESP collection component, reducing the frequency of unit maintenance and cleaning. Units maintain consistent airflow at all times for continuous clean air circulation.Low sound levels eliminate the need for expensive silencers.Options and Accessories• 95% DOP or HEPA After-filters • Application-specific power packs • Custom paint colors • Drain bottle • Drain loop trap • Dual polarity• High or low-static pressure blowers • Inlet plenums• Machine-mount kit (SHN only)• Mist-Stop filter • Motor starter• Odor control modules • Oil impingement filter • Outlet plenums• Remote status indicator panels • Side discharge plenums• Source capture parts and accessories • Tandem-pass configurationDepending on your specific application, airflow requirements and size restrictions, a Parker representative can help you select the unit that matches your company’s industrial air quality need.SHN SGNH : High Static HH : Higher StaticHM: High Static Multiple-Pass XB : No Motor/BlowerM : Multiple-Pass or Tandem T : T-Shape Configuration- Not all SHN configurations are shown above.- Please consult Parker eQUIP or your Parker Territory Sales Manager for standard and custom configurations.FB: Mist Stop, Blower NB: No Inlet, BlowerPB: Perforated Inlet, Blower FX: Mist Stop, No Blower NX: No Inlet, No Blower PX:Perforated Inlet, No Blower- Not all SHN configurations are shown above.- Please consult Parker eQUIP or your Parker Territory Sales Manager for standard and custom configurations.Cleaning ambient factory air is a viable solution whencapturing contaminants at the source or via a machine mount method is impractical. Parker Hannifin ambient systems offer a flexible industrial filtration solution for complex manufacturing processes. Common applications for ambient mist collector solutions include facilities with overhead cranes, process configurations which prohibit direct source capture and instances where facilities and/or processes have variable contaminant generation points.Ambient systems work by achieving a targeted number of air changes in the containment area. The number of air changes required is based on contaminant properties, generation rates, and acceptable concentration levels.Ambient SolutionsSmogHog systems are arranged in a racetrack configuration.Multiple mist collection units are used to circulate the air inside the facility from unit to unit in a circular racetrack configuration.Airborne contaminants are drawn into the units and safely contained. Clean air is recirculatedback into the building for energy savings.Airflow patterns are developed by strategically locating hoods or SmogHog mist collection units throughout the containment area to entrain the airborne contaminants and mix the air. The clean air exhausted from the system can be used to further develop circulation patterns to enhance contaminant capture. Both the inlet and outlet airflow directions are configurable and systems are available for wall, ceiling or rooftop installation to provide a customized solution to meet a variety of facility and process needs.Ambient systems offer operational cost savings byrecirculating clean air, avoiding exhausting conditioned air and minimizing make-up air needs.SmogHog systems available in an ambient configuration include the SHN Series and SGN Series.Parker Hannifin is committed to providing clean air solutions that protect your employees, improve plant performance and enable you to realize your operating goals.State-of-the-Art Labs and Advanced Filtration Research for Optimized Performance. Purpose-built labs and test facilities with the latest equipment allow our engineers and technicians to quickly and accurately assess filter capabilities and develop innovative new medias.High Performance Filters & Specialized Equipment Solutions. With decades of experience manufacturinghigh performance original equipment and aftermarket filters to meet a variety of system types and configurations, we can satisfy whatever requirement is needed including customized solutions.World-class Manufacturing Processes with a Global Footprint. We produce top quality filtration solutions through stringent manufacturing processes.Application Expertise for Any Filtration Challenge.Our ability to design a solution to fit your application begins with engineering expertise proven by hundreds of global installations.• Abrasive Blasting • Carbon Black • Cement• Chemicals• CNC Machining • Coal-Fired Boilers • Cold Heading • Die Casting• Food Processing• Lime• Metals• Metalworking• Pharmaceutical• Plasma & Laser Cutting• Plastics Processing• Powder Paint• Thermal Metal Spraying• Utility• Waste-to-Energy• Welding• Woodworking• Other Applications• C ustom or OEMApplicationsIndustrial ApplicationsProviding Clean Air Solutions© 2020 Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Gas Filtration and Generation Division4087 Walden AvenueLancaster NY 14086 USAPh: 800-252-4647Ph: 513-891-0400******************BRO_IOU_SGN_092020。
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利用第二搅拌速度切割长纤维材料 加载完最后一种原料,再搅拌 2-3分钟,日粮搅拌完成。
D-日粮蓬松 加完最后一种原料,降低搅 拌转速, 以保证日粮蓬松 并避免过切割。
E-发料均匀一致 发料均匀,可以保证每头奶牛可以采 食到适量的饲料,保证投入产出比 发料过多=金钱浪费+相同奶产量
一套包含两个摄像头和一个7寸显示器 的监视系统: 一个摄像头用于实时观察搅拌桶内部的情况;另一个 用于倒车时观察后方环境、更安全驾驶操作。 自动润滑系统:车辆启动后,该系统会按照设定的参 数,自动定期对设备各个润滑点进行黄油润滑,即可 节省人工,又可保证设备的定期润滑。 更长的使用寿命:RMH产品,可以使用20000个工作 小时,远远超过其他同类产品。 驾驶室冷气系统和暖气系统:保证驾驶员的舒适工作 环境,提高效率,降低失误。
1.2 我们的主营业务
研发、制造牧场TMR饲喂机械 日粮规划、控制和管理技术
RMH 全球战略
成为牧场饲喂领域的全球领导者 牧场饲喂的规划、生产、控制和 管理 持续投入研发高新技术,来支持 以上四大职能 全球范围内寻找合作伙伴,建立 战略合作
2.3 自走式饲料搅拌机:
One auger 11m^3 - 24m^3 1个搅龙 11-24立方 Two augers 20m^3 - 30m^3 2个搅龙 20-30立方
第一优先级是取料头 当取料头工作时,搅拌搅龙会自动降低20%转 速,从20RPM降到16RPM 当取料筒停止装料,搅拌搅龙自动恢复转速到 20RPM
RMH自走式搅拌机以1700-1800RPM的相对较低转 速工作-可以延长工作寿命,提供可靠性以及降低燃 油消耗。 RMH拥有海量可选项,能够量身定做满足客户的不 同需求。 RMH在搅拌桶,搅龙和其他核心部件使用特种不锈 钢3CR12,耐腐蚀、耐酸、特耐磨,这些3CRR12 不锈钢部件可质保5年。
RMH产品采用全球最好的核心部件生产制造: 道依茨,主发动机 萨沃丹佛斯-液压泵,液压马达 博世力士乐-液压泵,液压马达 RR(意大利)-齿轮箱 康迈尔(意大利)-齿轮箱
ECM=能耗管理系统 RMH自走式搅拌机拥有一个独特的控制 芯片,可以降低油耗,可以保护搅拌系 统、驾驶系统和取料系统不会因人为错 误而力,取料头自动 停止,主引擎不停机。(取料头不能堵塞主引擎) 当取料头动力需求低于80马力,取料头自动恢复运 行。
-平均柴油耗油量:12-16升/小时 取料头马力限制器
主引擎转速 能源消耗的优先级分配
一台牵引式搅拌机,使用 2台发动机,(固定式,需要3台) 一台自走式搅拌机,只使用 1台发动机
装载机需要把每种原料取来加到搅拌车中,为了 加料准确,必须装载至少2次
固定或牵引式搅拌机 奶牛
原料 原料 原料 原料 原料
以第二搅拌速度运行时间达到2分钟 或者 当油压达到150Bar,两者无论那个先达到。 搅拌速度自动从第二速度降低到第一速度,运行2分钟 2分钟第二速度,2分钟第一速度,2分钟第二速度……
传统的饲喂方式(装载机+搅拌机) 要求操作工每天在装载 机和搅拌机之间反复上下车。
从上边跌落而受伤的几率显 而易见。
用自走式搅拌机,不 用再爬高爬低。
使用牵引式,司机有时的工作 环境很恶劣 在这种状况下长时间工作,会 增加工作失误,降低工作效 率
自走式能为驾驶员提供一个舒 适的工作环境,减少错误, 工作更细致
基于RMH最新技术,将在中国市 场建立本地生产线 寻求多个实力雄厚的合作伙伴
2 RMH拉赫氏产品线
目前RMH产品包括: 牵引式饲料搅拌机
自走式饲料搅拌机 发料卡车
Mixell 8-16立方 牵引式 Mixell 16-30立方 Mixell 30-50立方 SM 8-16立方 固定式 SM 18-50立方 VS11,12立方 VSL14,16,18立方 Megamix22,24立方 自走式 Premium20,22,24立方 Turbomix26,28,30立方 发料卡车 DT30立方
固定式饲料中心拥有较多优势。与使用牵引式搅 拌机的饲料中心比较,固定式饲料中心一般会使 用大型40m3 到50m3饲料搅拌机,容量大,每天 都能够生产很多吨饲料。固定式饲料中心拥有高 级的电路系统,这个电路系统能够大量减少操作 成本,降低使用磨损和折旧。动力单位使用电动 马达、变速箱、变频器和液压单位。搅拌机的两 个立式搅龙的相互重叠结构能提高 搅拌均匀度和 饲料的加工质量。搅拌机使用重型卸料传送带和 磁铁以防止金属铁片留在日粮里。
单搅龙 双搅龙 三搅龙 单搅龙 双搅龙 单搅龙 单搅龙 单搅龙 双搅龙 双搅龙
RMH拉赫氏公司的产品属重型,使用优 等质量材料。RMH产品的搅龙和搅拌桶 都是3CR12特殊不锈钢生产的,防锈、 抗酸和特耐磨的材料。3CR12不锈钢使 用在最核心的零件。2个搅龙有重叠结构 ,能够达到最高搅拌、处理最适当纤维 长度、高均匀度和平稳卸料过程以及降 低燃料消耗。
2.1 牵引式饲料搅拌机
One auger 4m^3 - 16m^3 1个搅龙 4-16立方 Two augers 16m^3 - 30m^3 2个搅龙 16-30立方 Three augers 30m^3 - 50m^3 3个搅龙 30-50立方
RMH饲料搅拌机由质量最高的部件组装。变速箱 适合连续高装载的工作,长寿命,拥有两种搅拌 速度。底盘坚固耐用,安装特殊称重杆,在不平 坦环境上能够准确地测量搅拌桶里饲料的重量。 两个搅龙的相互重叠结构提高搅拌均匀度,保持 长纤维饲料的营养价值,平滑卸料过程以及降低 能源需求。搅拌桶使用优质材料,形状的设计使 得搅拌在短时间内达到最佳均匀度。 牵引式搅拌机是小型最简单和方便的饲料加工解 决办法。
而利用装载机加料,为了达到装载精度, 作员至少需要加料两次才会装好。 相对而言,用铲车装料的误差高达35kg。 司机每次加料,驾驶员 都很为难,他能精确装
装载机装载:大批量、 未切割原料 自走式装载:初取料头 切割后的饲料流
以上2种方式,在加完最后一种原料后 再搅拌2-3分钟,哪种可以搅拌均匀?
RMH搅拌加工的日粮精确度高,每种原料 的加载误差在+/-5 kg。 RMH取料头转速400转/分钟,不破坏饲料 营养价值(不会把饲料粉碎成粉) 加工的日粮质量高,长纤维原料切割长度在 6-10cm 均匀度高达90%以上 日粮很蓬松 撒料均匀一致
自走式搅拌机的投资回收期,最短不 超过1年,最长3年。 对于超过1000头牛或5000头羊的牧场 来说,自走式饲喂方案是最为经济的 方案。
RMH给客户提供一套管理牧场资源的完整方 案-THE FEED 提供如下功能: TMR配方规划 控制装料、卸料程序
牧场模式 转速从1000到1900之间进行调整,并根据装载的不同原料对取料 头转速进行调整 转速越低,能耗越低(可节省20-25%的燃油) 道依茨发动机在输出最大扭矩时,最佳能耗的转速是1700RPM
Road Mode 道路模式 发动机转速最高可达2300RPM
RMH搅拌搅龙具备可变转速。自走式搅拌 机可以根据转载不同饲料,对搅龙的转速 “RPM”进行调整,同时可以根据使用原料 特性选择使用反向刀。在我们所有的双搅龙 自走式搅拌机中,RMH是唯一使用重叠搅 龙技术的公司,因此饲料可以非常迅速地从 一个搅龙移到到另一个搅龙,从而得到均匀 的TMR日粮。而我们全部或绝大部分的竞争 对手,使用2个单独搅龙,在这种情况下, 饲料在搅龙间移动缓慢,饲料搅拌不均匀。
自走式在每种原料点只移动一次、停留一次 运行路线非常合理、节省
原料 原料 原料 原料 原料
自走式的饲喂周期比牵引式+装载机的要短 自走式在两种原料间只需运行一次 加完最后一种原料,就可以去饲喂 装载机需要在原料和拖车加来回移动,然后 从一种原料移动到另一种原料点 装载机的移动距离远远多于自动式,最少2 倍 人工最低可节省50%