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福建教育出版社英语四年级下册英语教案闽教版四年级英语下册Unit 1 Days of the week课文朗读

[00:]Unit 1 Days of the Week一星期的七天

[00:]Part A

[00:]1 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。

[00:]What do you often do every week你们每个星期经常做什么

[00:]On Monday we raise our national flag.我们星期一升国旗。

[00:]We have a class meeting on Tuesday.我们星期二有一个班会。

[00:]We dance in the playground on Wednesday.我们星期三在操场跳舞。

[00:]2 Ask and answer.问答练习。[00:]3 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。

[01:]m milk牛奶 monkey猴子 mouth嘴 swim游泳

[01:]Part B

[01:]1 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。

[01:]What do you often do on Thursday你们在星期四常常做什么

[01:]We have sports in the playground.我们在操场上做运动。

[01:]We clean our classroom on Friday.我们在星期五打扫我们的教室。

[01:]What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday你们在周六日常常做什么

[01:]I play the violin on Saturday.我在星期六拉小提琴。

[01:]I play football on Sunday.我在星期日踢足球。

[01:]2 Ask and answer.问答练习。


[02:]3 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。

[02:]n pen钢笔 run奔跑 noodles面条 nine九

[02:]Part C

[02:]1 Sing a song.唱首歌。

[02:]There Are Seven Days有七天

[03:][02:]There are seven days.

[03:][02:]There are seven days.

[03:][03:]There are seven days in a week.



[03:]3 Let's chant.我们一起来唱歌。

[03:]The Week Song星期之歌


[03:]Wednesday is the middle day.


[03:]Saturday is the last day.

[03:]We are happy we can say,

[03:]The names of the seven days.

[03:]4 Listen and connect.听录音并连线。


闽教版四年级英语下册Unit 2 Cleaning Day课文朗读[00:]Part A

[00:]1 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。

[00:]It is 's clean our classroom.今天是周五,让我们打扫我们的教室吧。

[00:]Yang Ming is standing on a chair.杨明正站在椅子上,

[00:]He is cleaning the blackboard.他正在擦黑板。

[00:]Lily is cleaning the desks.莉莉正在擦桌子,

[00:]Julia is cleaning the chairs.朱莉娅正在擦椅子。

[00:]Sally is cleaning the window.萨利正在擦窗户,

[00:]Wang Tao is cleaning the door.王涛正在擦门。

[00:]2 Look and say.看图片并练习说


[01:]3 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。

[01:]h hen母鸡 hand手 horse马 house房子

[01:]Part B

[01:]1 Listen and follow.听录音并跟读。

[01:]Well done, boys and girls!男孩儿们、女孩儿们,干得好!

[01:]Our classroom is clean and bright now.我们的教室现在干净明亮。

[01:]Please close the windows.请关上窗户。

[01:]Yes, Miss Gao.好的,高老师。

[01:]Please turn off the lights and fans.请关掉灯和电扇。

[01:]All right.好的。

[01:]Please close the door.请关上门。

[01:]OK. Let's go home.好的,咱们回家吧。

[01:]2 Look and say.看图片并练习说。

[02:]Please close the windows.请关上窗户。

[02:]Please close the door.请关上门。

[02:]Please turn off the fan.请关掉电扇。

[02:]Please turn off the light.请关掉灯。

[02:]3 Listen and learn the English sounds.听录音并学习发音。

[02:]j jacket夹克衫 jump跳跃 juice果汁

[02:]Part C

[02:]1 Sing a song.唱首歌。

[02:]It's Time to Clean UP大扫除的时间到了

[02:]It's time to clean up.

[02:]It's time to clean up.

[02:]Clean up,clean up.

[02:]It's time to clean up.

[03:]Clean up,clean up.

[03:]It's time to clean up.
