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1) First of all 2) Secondly 3) By and by 4) In addition 5) In short
8. Several techniques have been used to achieve coherence:
l) Repetition of key words: junk food, students (as are underlined)
4. Logical sequence of the sentences: 4 – 10 – 5 – 12 – 3 – 7 – 15 – 9 – 14 – 2 – 11 – 8 – 13 – 6 - 1
Topic sentence: My family spent two funfilled days at Disney World last year.
2) Use of transitional signals: For one reason, Also, As a result, however (as are italicized)
3) Use of pronouns: they, their, this (as are boldfaced)
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5. Paragraph 1
The world has enjoyed many benefits from the invention of telephone. Paragraph 2 I had a terrible morning today.
6. Topic sentence:
5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 9, 8, 3, 2
Unit 1
Follow-up exercises
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
4. Paragraph I All inventions are either basic inventions or improvements on earlier inventions.
Paragraph 2 There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab yesterday. Paragraph 3 Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly.
What we did on the first day
What we did on the second day
1. We boarded the monorail and rode around the park
1. Early the next morning we once again the climbed aboard the monorail and headed for another day of fun.
Personality One's personality plays an important role in foreign language learning. Weather Living in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages.
3. When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas Eve ritual. We always began our private celebration promptly at 6 p.m. on December 24 when the whole family assembled in our small kitchen. We watched as Mother and my older sister prepared a light supper. As soon as we finished the meal, we rushed into the living room to decorate the tree. The younger children started the decorating by putting tinsel and colorful
balls on the branches near the base of the tree. Meanwhile, the two older children were placing ornaments on the higher branches. Finally, our parents completed the decorating by placing a beautiful golden-haired angel at the very top of the tree. After we finished the tree, we hurriedly dressed and walked down the street to Midnight Mass. As we listened to the service, we remembered the reason we celebrated Christmas. Then we returned home where we ate some of Mother's Christmas goodies. We always ended our Christmas Eve ritual around 2 a.m. by gathering around the tree and singing Silent 楎桧?