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我想说,我们确实尝试过通过合法手段拍摄这个故事I do want to say that we try to do the story legally.


我设想这样做可能导致的各种意外I thought of all the possibilities of what could happen,

这令我彻夜难眠and it kept me up at night.

里克一开始给我讲述的故事The story that Ric showed me at the beginning

只是冰山一角was just the tip of the iceberg.



就是这了,太地町镇Here it is-- the town of Taiji.

这个小地方可有个大秘密The little town with a really big secret.

开车刚进入太地町时,感觉很奇怪It's funny driving into Taiji.

你好像进到了“阴阳魔界”(六十年代的热播美剧)It's kind of like The Twilight Zone.

最诡异的是It's so bizarre

如果你开始并不知情because if you didn't know what's going on over here,

你会以为这个小镇是个热爱海豚和鲸鱼的地方you would think this is a town that loved dolphins and whales.

左边就是臭名昭著的太地町鲸类博物馆On our left here is the infamous Taiji Whale Museum. 我真的,真的恨死那地方了And I really, really hate this place.

我们刚到日本的时候When we first got to Japan,

里克·欧拜瑞非常沮丧Ric O'Barry was incredibly frustrated.

他说“你们得戴上口罩”He said, "Oh, you have to wear a mask.

“否则他们就知道我们来了”Otherwise, they'll know that we're here."

我就想,行,就这么办吧And I thought, okay, all right.

那边是警察There's the police.

我得驼点背,变个样子I've got to hunch over and change my shape

这样他们会以为我只是个普通的日本老头so they think I'm just some old Japanese guy.

我在一旁想,我来这瞎掺和什么?跑了大半个地球,结果却坐上这车I thought, you know, what am I doing? I went halfway across the world to end up in this car,

跟个偏执狂困在一起Locked up with this paranoid guy.

有人跟踪我们Somebody's behind me.

我不知道是谁I don't know who that is.

没错,他过来了,过来了Yep. He's coming. He's coming.

真的吗?Is he really?

嗯,我在这干得太久了Yeah. I've been doing this too long.

开始的时候,市长向我敞开了镇门The mayor of this town actually gave me the key to the city. 那会我还挺受欢迎I was welcome then.

如今,要是杀了我不犯法,他们一定会的Today they'd kill me if they could.

我可没有夸张And I'm not exaggerating.

要是这些渔民能逮住我,把我干掉If these fishermen could catch me and kill me,

他们真会那么干they would.

三年前About three years ago,

我朋友吉姆·克拉克和我创办了这个组织my friend Jim Clark and l started this organization-- 海洋保护协会,缩写是OPS The Oceanic Preservation Society, OPS.

我们有35年的潜水经历We've been diving for over 35 years,

要是每年你都去一次老地方and you could go back to the same dive spot year after year

你就能真真切切地看到海洋的退化and literally see the degradation of the oceans

就在你眼前发生before your very eyes.


每时每刻,都有大量物种濒临灭绝There's major extinctions going on right now in our lifetime. 吉姆想Jim had the idea

做点什么,阻止这一切to try to do something about it, to stop this,

所以我开始到世界各地拍礁石的纪录片so I began documenting reefs around the world.

我去了在圣地亚哥召开的“海洋哺乳动物研讨会”I went to a marine mammal conference down in San Diego.

有两千名全球顶尖的研究海洋哺乳动物的科学家出席There was 2,000 of the world's top marine mammal scientists,

里克·欧拜瑞本来应该是主讲人and Ric O'Barry was supposed to be the keynote speaker,

但就在会议开始前赞助方把他从会议安排上去掉了and at the last minute, the sponsor of the program pulled him from the ticket.

我想,天,这倒有点意思I thought, oh God, that's interesting.

赞助方是谁?Well, who's the sponsor?

他们说,“海洋世界”They said, "Sea World."

许多海洋哺乳动物科学家的研究经费A lot of marine mammal scientists get their money

都是靠“中央研究所”资助from Hub Research Institute,


那是“海洋世界”的一个非营利性部门which is the nonprofit arm of Sea World.

他们不喜欢我They don't like me.

不喜欢我关于动物被囚禁的观点They don't like my message about captivity,

于是就把我的名字删掉了and they took me off the list.

他们不准我谈太地町的海豚大屠杀They wouldn't let me talk about this dolphin slaughter in Taiji.

我问,“海豚大屠杀?那是怎么回事”I said, "Dolphin slaughter? What's-- What's that about?" 他说,“我下周就过去”He says, "Well, I'm going next week.

“你想一起来吗?”You want to come?"

现在,我们正在接近关键地点Now we're approaching the area that's most important.

那里是海豚的噩梦That's a dolphin's worst nightmare right there.

成百上千的海豚都死在那儿Hundreds of thousands of dolphins have died there.

看到那些警告牌了吗“禁止入内”“此处危险”You'll see the signs-- "Keep Out," "Danger." 这附近的山里都有渔民拿着刀巡视There are fishermen walking around these hills with knives. 这里还是个国家公园This is a national park.

那些渔民告诉我The fishermen told me.

说,“如果这里的事捅了出去”They said, "lf the world finds out what goes on here,

“我们就完了”we'll be shut down."

你想象得出来吗?Can you imagine that?

他们亲口这么跟我说They actually told us that.

我们得深入那里,拍下那里发生的一切We need to get in there and film exactly what happens. 我们需要知道真相We need to know the truth.
