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如果一个名词说代表的事物,切成两半之后仍为该物,比如说water分成两半之后仍称做water 那它就是不可数名词,反之,如果bike分成两半之后它就不是自行车了,所以自行车是可数。


bread面包beer啤酒coffee咖啡glass玻璃oil油paper纸soap肥皂tea茶water 水juice 果汁wood 木头hope 希望information 信息furniture 家具money 金钱hair头发homework 作业news 新闻sugar 糖butter 黄油chocolate 巧克力fish鱼肉


bread coffee homework table bike man tea glass(玻璃)juice hair book building

water cup paper tree money foot body hand butter sugar cow mouth



a piece of paper 一张纸要用合适的量词

a cup of tea 一杯茶 a piece of information 一条信息

a piece of news 一条新闻 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力a glass of water 一杯水

a bottle of juice 一瓶果汁 a drop of oil 一滴油 a set of furniture 一套家具a cake of soap ——块月巴皂 a bottle of ink 一瓶墨水 a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶•习题:用正确的量词填空

a of paper a of water a of tea a of information a of juice

a of chocolate a of news a of milk a of ink


fish (鱼肉是不可数)(条数可数,单复数相同)(鱼的种类,复数fishes)

glass (玻璃杯可数)(玻璃不可数)复数glasses

paper (报纸可数)(纸不可数)复数papers

iron (熨斗可数)(铁不可数)复数irons

food (当食物讲不可数)(当食物种类讲是可数)复数foods

fruit (当水果讲不可数)(当水果种类讲是可数)复数fruits

bamboo (当竹子讲是不可数)(当竹竿讲可数)复数bamboos


1 The Chinese (people) are brave and handworking people . There are fifty- six (people) in China.

2 Can you prepare (准备) some (paper) for me.

What news is there in the (paper) this morning. There are many pieces of (paper) on the table.

3 We can ' tlive without (food) and water . There are all kinds of (food ) on table.

4 He doesn ' like to eat much(fruit).

(fruit) have thick skins.(皮肤) Do you eat (vegetable) everyday. The potato is a . (vegetable)

There are some (water) in our country. I want to drink some. (water) He can ' t read without his(glass). The bottle is made of. (glass)


① a cup of tea 一杯茶 two cups of tea 两杯茶



there any water in the bottle. 4 There a piece of paper on the desk. 5 There a lot of meat in the fridger.

some suger in the bowl yesterday . so much juice in the bottle.

some pieces of meat in my place. •习题:句型练习

1 There is a piece of paper on the table 。

3 There are some pieces of paper in our bags (复数变单数)

a piece of paper three pieces of paper

② 当量词修饰不可数名词时,量词为单数时


③ 可以修饰不可数名词的词有:

some any ,be 动词用is , be 动词用are ,


was 于否定和疑问句中) a lot of 许多,lots of 许多,much 许多,

a little 一点。

eg: some water 一些水 a little bread •习题:用be 动词的适当形式来填空 1 There some milk in the bottle.

2 Thehe two bottles of milk on the table.


,some (用于肯定句中)

so much 如此多,

一点面包 (但是句中的be 动词用单数)

any (用 little

Some 6 There 7 There 8 There 五、

1 、 9

there a lot of rice in the bag . 10 There four bags of rice in my car. 对不可数名词提问用

how much (钱和不可数名词)

It ' s 50 yuan 。 How much is it

There is some meat in the fridger 。

There is some water in the bottle 。 2、 3、

How much meat is in the fridger 。 How much water is in the
