









三、dxf文件转换为路径的过程1. 解析dxf文件:首先,需要读取和解析dxf文件,将其中的实体段提取出来。


2. 提取几何信息:根据实体段中的定义,可以得到图形对象的类型、坐标、角度等几何信息。


3. 转换为路径:根据提取到的几何信息,将其转换为路径。



4. 应用属性:将dxf文件中的属性应用到路径上。



四、使用的技术和工具1. 解析dxf文件:可以使用编程语言中的相关库或工具来解析dxf 文件,如Python中的ezdxf库。

2. 几何计算:在将dxf文件中的几何信息转换为路径时,需要进行一些几何计算,如求解直线与圆弧的交点、计算两点之间的距离等。


3. 路径优化:路径优化是将生成的路径进行简化和优化的过程,常用的算法有道格拉斯-普克算法(Douglas-Peucker algorithm)和拉普拉斯平滑算法(Laplacian smoothing algorithm)等。


$ACADVER 文件是由 AUTOCAD 产生的 1 AC1008 9 9 后接$UCSORG $UCSORG 用户坐标系原点在世界坐标系中的坐标 10 10 对应 X 0.0X 的值 20 20 对应 Y 0.0Y 的值 30 30 对应 Z0.0Z 的值
9 $UCSXDIR 这是一段不太相关的部分,略去
【笔记】 1. 以上是两个控件的命令。 2. Trim()方法
返回一个字符串,它包含一个没有前导空格 ( LTrim)、没有尾随空格 ( RTrim) 或 既没有前导空格也没有尾随空格 ( Trim) 的指定字符串的副本。
3. FileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess)构造函数
+ 40; + 40;
private void btDraw_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
double width = Math.Ceiling(rightx) - Math.Ceiling(leftx)
double height = Math.Ceiling(righty) - Math.Ceiling(lefty)
{ string path = this.openFileDialog1.FileName; fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open,
FileAccess.Read); sr = new StreamReader(fs); Read();
} }




DXF ⽂件本质上由代码及关联值对组成。


使⽤这些组码和值对,可以将DXF ⽂件组织到由记录组成的区域中,这些记录由组码和数据项⽬组成。

在DXF ⽂件中,每个组码和值都各占⼀⾏。

DXF ⽂件由多个段组成,每段都以⼀个0和后跟字符串SECTION 的组码开始,其后是组码2 和表⽰该段名称的字符串(例如,HEADER)。


每段都以⼀个0和后跟字符串ENDSEC 的组码结束。

完整的结构如下:HEADER 段。


它由AutoCAD 数据库版本号和⼀些系统变量组成。



包含应⽤程序定义的类的信息,这些类的实例出现在数据库的BLOCKS、ENTITIES 和OBJECTS 段中。



包含以下符号表的定义:APPID(应⽤程序标识表)BLOCK_RECORD(块参照表)DIMSTYLE(标注样式表)LAYER(图层表)LTYPE(线型表)STYLE(⽂字样式表)UCS(⽤户坐标系表)VIEW(视图表)VPORT(视⼝配置表)BLOCKS 段。




⼀般屏幕上显⽰的图形对像如直线,圆,弧等都在ENTITIES 段OBJECTS 段。



OBJECTS 段中的条⽬样例是包含多线样式和组的词典。



此段为可选你所问的是⽴体(3DSOLID),它的编码⽐较复杂,建议你先把平⾯图元的DXF格式搞明⽩,再研究三维图元的格式,以下是⼀个500*150的矩形ENTITIES 段代码:SECTION 段2 段名称ENTITIES 实体段0 图元名称LWPOL YLINE 优化多段线5 图元名柄B51330100 ⼦类标记AcDbEntity8 图层名100 ⼦类标记AcDbPolyline90 顶点数470 多段线标志(按位编码);默认值为0。



DXF 文件完整的结构如下:
DXF 文件的基本结构 [DXF 参考:DXF]
z z z z z LAYER(图层表)
每个段都以一个后跟字符串 SECTION 的组码 0 开始,其后是组码 2 和表示该段名称的字符串(例如,HEADER)。 每个段都由定义其元素的组码和值组成。每个段都以一个后跟字符串 ENDSEC 的组码 0 结束。 DXF 文件本质上由代码及关联值对组成。代码(通常称为组码)表明其后的值的类型。使用这些组码和值对,可以将 DXF 文件组织到由记录组成的区域中,这些记录由组码和数据项目组成。在 DXF 文件中,每个组码和值都各占一 行。 如果使用 SAVE 或 SAVEAS 命令的“选择对象”选项,那么所得到的 DXF 文件的 ENTITIES 段将只包含选择的图 元。




然而,大多数3D建筑结构信息仍然由2D图纸表示,很难从2D 建筑图纸自动重建3D建筑模型。






首先,本文通过分析DXF格式的文件内容,采用一个跨平台的开源库DXFLib 来读取DXF文件中的信息,读取的同时做了一些预处理。







关键词:AutoCAD平面图DXF文件墙体识别OpenGL三维显示ABSTRACTWith the development of computer technology, computer aided design tools such as AutoCAD have been used by many architects. However, most 3D building structure information is still represented by 2D drawings, making it difficult to automatically rebuild 3D building models from 2D building drawings. Therefore, the use of computer graphics and image analysis and processing technology to read and identify building drawings has become a hot spot.In recent years, the need to automatically build 3D building models using AutoCAD architectural drawings is growing rapidly. The recognition, understanding and three-dimensional reconstruction of two-dimensional architectural drawings is a cross-research area including computer graphics, computer aided design and so on. Related research topic has become the focus.In order to solve this problem, this paper has carried on some related research to the building reading, the recognition and the three-dimensional reconstruction.First of all, DXF file structure is analyzed, a cross-platform open source library DXFLib is used to read DXF information, and some preprocessing operations are performed. Then, by analyzing the contents, features and drawing styles of the plan, a knowledge-based understanding strategy and a geometric constraint recognition method are proposed based on the professional "3D building modeling" principle.In addition, this paper presents an algorithm to identify the wall. Wall is the most important part of building structure, wall identification is floor plan recognition process the most important step. After the identification of the wall, other building components such as doors and windows are more easily identified under the constraints of the wall.Finally, using the 3D building information obtained above, OpenGL is used to discuss the implementation of the 3D building model.Through the above work, we realized reading, recognizing and reconstructing 3D model from DXF file.KEY WORDS:AutoCAD Floor Plan, DXF File, Wall Recognition, 3D Display of OpenGL目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... I II 第1章绪论 .. (1)1.1论文研究背景 (1)1.2国内外研究现状 (2)1.3本文研究内容 (6)1.4本文结构安排 (6)第2章建筑平面图识别策略分析 (8)2.1建筑平面图的内容、特点和绘制方法及过程 (8)2.1.1建筑平面图的特点 (9)2.1.2建筑平面图的绘制方法及过程 (10)2.2建筑平面图识别困难和策略 (10)2.2.1建筑平面图的识别难点 (11)2.2.2建筑平面图的识别策略 (11)第3章AutoCAD与DXF文件的读取与解析 (13)3.1 AutoCAD及二次开发 (13)3.2 DXF文件的读取 (14)3.2.1 DXF文件的结构分析 (14)3.2.2 DXF文件读取流程 (17)3.3 DXF文件的解析 (19)第4章识别系统框架设计 (21)4.1识别思路设计 (21)4.1.1读取建筑平面图 (22)4.1.2解析建筑平面图中的图元信息 (22)4.2建筑平面图的显示 (26)第5章建筑平面图的识别 (27)5.1墙体的识别 (27)5.2门窗的识别 (35)第6章建筑三维重建与显示 (37)6.1 OpenGL及其开源开发组件应用 (37)6.2三维重建系统 (38)6.2.1读取封装好的二维信息 (39)6.2.2生成墙体对象 (40)6.2.3三维显示系统 (42)6.3三维显示效果 (44)第7章总结与展望 (45)7.1总结 (45)7.2展望 (45)参考文献 (46)发表论文和参加科研情况说明 (49)致谢 (50)第1章绪论1.1论文研究背景目前,AutoCAD等计算机辅助设计软件得到了广泛的应用,大多数建筑设计师都使用计算机进行建筑图纸设计。



AutoCAD(Drawing Interchange Format或者Drawing Exchange Format) 绘图交换文件。

DXF 是Autodesk公司开发的用于AutoCAD与其它软件之间进行CAD数据交换的CAD数据文件格式。


由于Autocad 现在是最流行的cad系统,DXF也被广泛使用,成为事实上的标准。


DXF文件是由很多的“代码”和“值”组成的“数据对”构造而成,这里的代码称为“组码”(group code),指定其后的值的类型和用途。





DXF-Drawing Exchange File(图形交换文件),这是一种ASCII文本文件,它包含对应的DWG文件的全部信息,不是ASCII码形式,可读性差,但用它形成图形速度快.不同类型的计算机(如PC及其兼容机与SUN工作站具体不同的CPU用总线)哪怕是用同一版本的文件,其DWG文件也是不可交换的. 为了克服这一缺点,AutoCAD提供了DXF类型文件,其内部为ASCII码,这样不同类型的计算机可通过交换DXF文件来达到交换图形的目的,由于DXF文件可读性好,用户可方便地对它进行修改,编程,达到从外部图形进行编辑,修改的目的。

编辑本段文件结构ASCII 格式的DXF 可以用文本编辑器进行查看。

DXF 文件的基本组成如下所示:●HEADER 部分- 图的总体信息。









(参详ASCII码表中0-31)第二部分:ASCII打印字符数字32–126 分配给了能在键盘上找到的字符,当您查看或打印文档时就会出现。

数字127代表DELETE 命令。

(参详ASCII码表中32-127)ASCII码表0-127Bin Dec Hex 缩写/字符解释00000000 0 00 NUL(null) 空字符00000001 1 01 SOH(start of headling) 标题开始00000010 2 02 STX (start of text) 正文开始00000011 3 03 ETX (end of text) 正文结束00000100 4 04 EOT (end of transmission) 传输结束00000101 5 05 ENQ (enquiry) 请求00000110 6 06 ACK (acknowledge) 收到通知00000111 7 07 BEL (bell) 响铃00001000 8 08 BS (backspace) 退格00001001 9 09 HT (horizontal tab) 水平制表符00001010 10 0A LF (NL line feed, new line) 换行键00001011 11 0B VT (vertical tab) 垂直制表符00001100 12 0C FF (NP form feed, new page) 换页键00001101 13 0D CR (carriage return) 回车键00001110 14 0E SO (shift out) 不用切换00001111 15 0F SI (shift in) 启用切换00010000 16 10 DLE (data link escape) 数据链路转义00010001 17 11 DC1 (device control 1) 设备控制1 00010010 18 12 DC2 (device control 2) 设备控制2 00010011 19 13 DC3 (device control 3) 设备控制3 00010100 20 14 DC4 (device control 4) 设备控制4 00010101 21 15 NAK (negative acknowledge) 拒绝接收00010110 22 16 SYN (synchronous idle) 同步空闲00010111 23 17 ETB (end of trans. block) 传输块结束00011000 24 18 CAN (cancel) 取消00011001 25 19 EM (end of medium) 介质中断00011010 26 1A SUB (substitute) 替补00011011 27 1B ESC (escape) 溢出00011100 28 1C FS (file separator) 文件分割符00011101 29 1D GS (group separator) 分组符00011110 30 1E RS (record separator) 记录分离符00011111 31 1F US (unit separator) 单元分隔符00100000 32 20 (space) 空格00100001 33 21 !00100010 34 22 "00100011 35 23 #00100100 36 24 $00100101 37 25 %00100110 38 26 &00100111 39 27 '00101000 40 28 (00101001 41 29 )00101010 42 2A *00101011 43 2B +00101100 44 2C ,00101101 45 2D - 00101110 46 2E . 00101111 47 2F / 00110000 48 30 0 00110001 49 31 1 00110010 50 32 2 00110011 51 33 3 00110100 52 34 4 00110101 53 35 5 00110110 54 36 6 00110111 55 37 7 00111000 56 38 8 00111001 57 39 9 00111010 58 3A : 00111011 59 3B ; 00111100 60 3C < 00111101 61 3D = 00111110 62 3E > 00111111 63 3F ? 01000000 64 40 @ 01000001 65 41 A 01000010 66 42 B 01000011 67 43 C 01000100 68 44 D 01000101 69 45 E 01000110 70 46 F 01000111 71 47 G 01001000 72 48 H 01001001 73 49 I01001010 74 4A J 01001011 75 4B K 01001100 76 4C L 01001101 77 4D M 01001110 78 4E N 01001111 79 4F O 01010000 80 50 P 01010001 81 51 Q 01010010 82 52 R 01010011 83 53 S 01010100 84 54 T 01010101 85 55 U 01010110 86 56 V 01010111 87 57 W 01011000 88 58 X 01011001 89 59 Y 01011010 90 5A Z 01011011 91 5B [ 01011100 92 5C \ 01011101 93 5D ] 01011110 94 5E ^ 01011111 95 5F _ 01100000 96 60 ` 01100001 97 61 a 01100010 98 62 b 01100011 99 63 c 01100100 100 64 d 01100101 101 65 e 01100110 102 66 f01100111 103 67 g01101000 104 68 h01101001 105 69 i01101010 106 6A j01101011 107 6B k01101100 108 6C l01101101 109 6D m01101110 110 6E n01101111 111 6F o01110000 112 70 p01110001 113 71 q01110010 114 72 r01110011 115 73 s01110100 116 74 t01110101 117 75 u01110110 118 76 v01110111 119 77 w01111000 120 78 x01111001 121 79 y01111010 122 7A z01111011 123 7B {01111100 124 7C |01111101 125 7D }01111110 126 7E ~01111111 127 7F DEL (delete) 删除第三部分:扩展ASCII打印字符扩展的ASCII字符满足了对更多字符的需求。



dxf读取例程DXF(Drawing Exchange Format)是一种CAD(计算机辅助设计)文件格式,用于将图形数据从一个CAD程序导出并传输到另一个CAD程序中。























一、DXF 格式简介DXF是D rawing e X change F ile的缩写,意思为图形交换文件。

DXF 格式是特定版本 AutoCAD 图形文件中所包含的全部信息的标记数据的一种表示方法。



图形文件中所有用户指定的信息都能够以 DXF 文件格式表示。

1.基本的DXF约定:组码将按照在DXF 文件中出现的次序列出,而且每章将以DXF文件中的相关区域来命名。

对象和图元的组码2.在 DXF 格式中,对象的定义与图元的定义不同:图元有图形表示,而对象则没有图形表示。




读取 DXF 文件的程序不应该假定说明图元的组码是按照给定次序出现的。

与说明图元的组码相连的 0 组码表示此图元已结束。

0 组码将开始新图元或表示此区域已结束。




组码值类型组码范围组值类型0-9 字符串(已经去除了255个字符的限制。


)10-59 双精度三维点60-79 16 位整数值90-99 32 位整数值100 字符串(最多255 个字符,对于UNICODE 字符串则更少)102 字符串(最多255 个字符,对于UNICODE 字符串则更少)105 表示十六进制句柄值的字符串140-147 双精度标量浮点值170-175 16 位整数值280-289 8 位整数值300-309 任意文字字符串310-319 表示二进制数据组的十六进制值的字符串320-329 表示十六进制句柄值的字符串330-369 表示十六进制对象标识符的字符串370-379 8 位整数值380-389 8 位整数值390-399 表示十六进制句柄值的字符串400-409 16 位整数值410-419 字符串999 注释(字符串)1000-1009 字符串(与0-9组码范围的限制一样)1010-1059 浮点值1060-1070 16 位整数值1071 32 位整数值二、DXF 格式整体结构DXF 文件完整的结构由以下段落组成:HEADER 段:包含有关图形的基本信息。



从小图形中生成 DXF 文件,打印出来并在阅读本文时参考,可能会有助于用户理解本文的内容。
OBJECTS 段中的条目样例是包含多线样式和组的词典。 THUMBNAILIMAGE 段。包含图形的预览图像数据。此段为可选。
DXF 标题变量
2 1
70 70 组码 说明 倒角角度 倒角长度 当前图层名 0 角度方向 新对象的线宽 第二个倒角距离 第一个倒角距离 角度的单位精度 角度的单位格式 属性的可见性: 0 = 无 1 = 普通 2 = 全部 1 = 顺时针角度 0 = 逆时针角度 当前图元线型比例 当前图元颜色号: 0 = 随块;256 = 随层 维护版本号(应忽略) 图元线型名称、随块或随层





例如:在C盘根目录下有一个文件“1.dxf”启动vb后,建立一个按钮:Command1并双击此按钮,对其输入以下代码:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As String '读取文件一行的内容Dim i As Long '用于记录行数Dim j As Long '用于记录用户如何响应提示Open "c:\1.dxf" For Input As #1i = 0While Not EOF(1)Line Input #1, ai = i + 1j = MsgBox("第 " & i & " 行内容为:" & a, vb OKCancel + vbInformation)'运行到此步时,如果用户输入“确定”则继续,如果用户输入“取消”则结束本程序'用户可以在此输入处理代码,对读入的字串进行处理If j = vbCancel ThenEndEnd IfW endclose #1End Sub读取DXF格式文件OpenGL是美国SGI公司最新推出的一套开放式的三维图形软件接口,适用于广泛的计算机环境,从个人计算机到工作站,OpenGL都能实现高性能的三维图形功能。


但是,我们通常喜欢使用AutoCAD和3DS及3Dmax等工具来建立模型,并且我们已经有了很多这样的模型,那么我们如何才能资源共享,避免重复劳动呢?利用CAD图形标准数据交换格式—DXF 格式,我们就能很容易地实现资源共享,而不需要重复建模。

DXF文件的结构很清楚,具体如下:1. 标题段(HEADER )有关图形的一般信息都可以DXF 文件的这一节找到,每一个参数具有一个变量名和一个相关值。





DXF文件是由很多的“代码”和“值”组成的“数据对”构造而成,这里的代码称为“组码”(group code),指定其后的值的类型和用途。





二、DXF文件数据格式分析图1.1为DXF文件数据格式的总体框图图2.1DXF数据格式框图由图1.1可知,DXF的数据格式有HEADER(标题段)、CLASSES(类段)、TABLES (表段)、BLOCKS(块段)、ENTITIES(实体段)、OBJECTS(对象段)、EOF(结束)。


类/子类,组码,组值的格式如下:类/子类组码组值比如:AcDbCircle ARC的子类10 组码,起点的X坐标2860.382264303673 组值X的坐标为2860.382264303673组码比起类/子类以及组值有一个空格的缩进。

2.1 HEADER(标题段)DXF 文件的HEADER 段包含与图形关联的变量的设置。

它由AutoCAD 数据库版本号和一些系统变量组成。

每个变量由给出变量名称的组码9 指定,其后是提供变量值的组。


0 HEADER 段的开始SECTION2HEADER9 变量名称标识符(仅在DXF 文件的HEADER 段中使用)为每个标题变量重复一次$<变量><组码><值>0 HEADER 段的结束ENDSEC2.2 CLASSES(类段)CLASSES 段。



让我们一起认识CAD的4种主要图形文件格式CAD中的图形文件格式共9种,其扩展名分别为:❶DWG –图形或块文件❷DWT –图形样板文件❸DWS –图形标准文件❹DXF –图形交换文件(ASCII 或二进制)❺DST –图形集或图纸集文件(SHEETSET 命令)❻DWF –图形 Web 文件❼DWFx –图形 Web 文件❽DXB –二进制图形交换文件❾SV$ –自动保存图形文件看起来有点复杂,实际上,我们也并不需要对它们所代表的意义做到全部了解,所以我们对以上9种文件进行了简化,选取前四项进行重点介绍。



DWG格式最早始于1970年代的一套Interact CAD软件。




AutoCAD V1.0无菜单,命令需要硬背,其执行方式类似DOS命令。















☆文件结束段(EOF OF FILE)DXF文件的结束标志。















DXF, Revision 12Compiled by Paul BourkeMarch 1988AutoCAD can be used by itself as a complete drawing editor. In some applications, however, other programs must examine drawings created by AutoCAD or generate drawings to be viewed, modified, or plotted with AutoCAD.For example, if you've made an architectural drawing with AutoCAD, using inserted parts to represent windows, doors, and so on, you can process the drawing file and produce a bill of materials of allitems used in the drawing, or even make energy-use calculations based on the area and the number and type of windows used. Another possible application is to use AutoCAD to describe structures and then send the descriptions to a more powerful computer for finite- element structural analysis. You can compute stresses and displacements and send back information to display the deformed structure as an AutoCAD drawing.Since the AutoCAD drawing database (.dwg file) is written in a compact format that changes significantly as new features are added to AutoCAD, we do not document its format and do not recommend that you attempt to write programs to read it directly. To assist in interchanging drawings between AutoCAD and other programs, a Drawing Interchange file format (DXF) has been defined. All implementations of AutoCAD accept this format and are able to convert it to and from their internal drawing file representation.AutoCAD also supports the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) file format. The information comprising an AutoCAD drawing can be written out in IGES format, and IGES files can be read and converted to the AutoCAD internal format.ASCII Drawing Interchange (DXF) FilesThis section describes the AutoCAD DXF (drawing interchange file) format and the commands provided to read and write these files. DXF files are standard ASCII text files. They can easily be translatedto the formats of other CAD systems or submitted to other programs for specialized analysis. AutoCAD can also produce or read a binary form of the full DXF file. This feature is described in detail later in this chapter.DXFOUT Command - Writing a DXF FileYou can generate a drawing interchange file from an existing drawing by means of the DXFOUT command:Command: dxfoutWhen AutoCAD prompts you, respond with a filename or press 5 to accept the default.The default name for the output file is the same as that of the current drawing, but with a file type of .dxf. If you specify an explicit filename, you do not need to include a file type; .dxf is assumed. If a file with the same name already exists, the existing file is deleted. If you specify the file using a file dialogue box, and a file with the same name already exists, AutoCAD tells you; allowing you to OK or cancel the deletion. Next, DXFOUT asks what precision you want for floating-point numbers and permits output of a partial DXF file containing only selected objects.Enter decimal places of accuracy (0 to 16)/Entities/Binary <6>: The Binary option is described later in this chapter.If you respond with "entities" (or just "e"), DXFOUT asks you to select the objects you want written to the DXF file. Only theobjects you select are included in the output file - symbol tables (including Block Definitions) will not be included. Once you've selected the desired objects, AutoCAD again prompts you for the numeric precision:Enter decimal places of accuracy (0 to 16)/Binary <6>:DXFIN Command - Loading a DXF FileA drawing interchange file can be converted into an AutoCAD drawing by means of the DXFIN command:Command: dxfinWhen AutoCAD prompts you, respond with the name of the drawing interchange file to be loaded.Full DXFINTo load a complete DXF file, you must use DXFIN in an empty drawing, before any entities have been drawn and before any additional Block definitions, layers, linetypes, text styles, dimension styles, named views, named coordinate systems, or named viewport configurations have been created.NOTE: If the drawing you are using as a prototype is not empty, you might find it helpful to open a new drawing using the No Prototype... button of the Create New Drawing dialogue box, as described in chapter 4 of the "AutoCAD Reference Manual." You should also be aware that some third-party applications include an acad.lsp or .mnl file that modifies your drawing upon startup.If any errors are detected during the input, the new drawing is discarded. Otherwise, an automatic ZOOM All is performed to set the drawing extents.Partial DXFINIf the current drawing is not empty, DXFIN loads only the ENTITIES section of the DXF file, adding the entities found there to the current drawing. In this case, DXFIN displays the message:Not a new drawing -- only ENTITIES section will be input.If errors are detected during such partial DXF input, the drawing is returned to the state it was in before the DXFIN command. Otherwise, the newly added entities are drawn.Auditing DXF FilesTo ensure that corrupt data is not imported into your drawing, you can instruct AutoCAD to perform an audit after importing DXF files into your drawing with DXFIN. When you use DXFIN, the default action is to perform no automatic auditing. To activate automatic auditing, use the CONFIG command:Command: configYour current AutoCAD configuration appears. Press 5 to continue. From the Configuration menu select this option:7. Configure operating parametersFrom the Operating parameter menu select this option:9. Automatic Audit after IGESIN, DXFIN, or DXBINAnswer Y to this question:Do you want an automatic audit after IGESIN, DXFIN, or DXBIN?<N>: yReturn to the graphics screen by pressing 5 three times.NOTE: This kind of audit only displays the errors AutoCAD finds; itdoes not correct them. To correct problems, use the AUDIT command on the drawing while you are in AutoCAD, or manually edit the DXF file. DXF File FormatThis section describes the format of a DXF file in detail. It contains technical information that you need only if you write your own programs to process DXF files or work with entity information obtained by certain AutoLISP and ADS functions.It would probably be helpful to produce a DXF file from a small drawing, print it out, and refer to it occasionally while readingthe information presented next.General File StructureA Drawing Interchange File is simply an ASCII text file with a file type of .dxf and specially formatted text. The overall organization of a DXF file is as follows:1. HEADER section - General information about the drawing is foundin this section of the DXF file. Each parameter has a variablename and an associated value (see table 11-3 for a list of theheader variables).2. TABLES section - This section contains definitions of nameditems.o Linetype table (LTYPE)o Layer table (LAYER)o Text Style table (STYLE)o View table (VIEW)o User Coordinate System table (UCS)o Viewport configuration table (VPORT)o Dimension Style table (DIMSTYLE)o Application Identification table (APPID)3. BLOCKS section - This section contains Block Definition entities describing the entities that make up each Block in the drawing.4. ENTITIES section - This section contains the drawing entities,including any Block References.5. END OF FILEIf you use DXFOUT's Entities option, the resulting DXF file contains only the ENTITIES section and the END OF FILE marker, and the ENTITIES section reflects only the objects you select for output. NOTE: If you select an INSERT entity, the corresponding Blockdefinition is not included in the output file.A DXF file is composed of many groups, each of which occupies two lines in the DXF file. The first line of a group is a group code, which is a positive nonzero integer output in FORTRAN I3 - that is, right-justified and blank filled in a three-character field (the exception to this is the four-digit extended entity data group codes, which are output in FORTRAN I4). The second line of the group is the group value, in a format that depends on the type of group specified by the group code. Although DXFOUT output has a fixed format, the DXFIN format is free.The specific assignment of group codes depends on the item being described in the file. However, the type of the value this group supplies is derived from the group code in the following way:Table 11-1. Group code ranges+================================+| Group code | Following value || range | ||-------------|------------------|| 0 - 9 | String ||-------------|------------------|| 10 - 59 | Floating-point ||-------------|------------------|| 60 - 79 | Integer ||-------------|------------------|| 140 - 147 | Floating-point ||-------------|------------------|| 170 - 175 | Integer ||-------------|------------------|| 210 - 239 | Floating-point ||-------------|------------------|| 999 | Comment (string) ||-------------|------------------|| 1010 - 1059 | Floating-point ||-------------|------------------|| 1060 - 1079 | Integer ||-------------|------------------|| 1000 - 1009 | String |+--------------------------------+Thus a program can easily read the value following a group code without knowing the particular use of this group in an item in the file. The appearance of values in the DXF file is not affected bythe setting of the UNITS command: coordinates are always represented as decimal (or possibly scientific notation if very large) numbers, and angles are always represented in decimal degrees with zero degrees to the east of origin.Variables, table entries, and entities are described by a group that introduces the item, giving its type and/or name, followed bymultiple groups that supply the values associated with the item. In addition, special groups are used for file separators such asmarkers for the beginning and end of sections, tables, and the file itself.Entities, table entries, and file separators are always introduced with a 0 group code that is followed by a name describing the item. NOTE: The maximum DXF file string length is 256 characters. If your AutoCAD drawing contains strings that exceed this number, those strings are truncated during DXFOUT. If your DXF file containsstrings that exceed this number, DXFIN will fail.Group CodesGroup codes are used both to indicate the type of the value of the group, as explained earlier, and to indicate the general use of the group. The specific function of the group code depends on the actual variable, table item, or entity description. This section indicates the general use of groups, noting as "(fixed)" any that always have the same function.Table 11-2. AutoCAD entity group codes (by number)+===============================================================+| Group code | Value type ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 0 | Identifies the start of an entity, table entry, || | or file separator. The type of entity is given || | by the text value that follows this group ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1 | The primary text value for an entity ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 2 | A name: Attribute tag, Block name, and so on. || | Also used to identify a DXF section or table name||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 3-4 | Other textual or name values ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 5 | Entity handle expressed as a hexadecimal string || | (fixed) ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 6 | Line type name (fixed) ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 7 | Text style name (fixed) ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 8 | Layer name (fixed) ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 9 | Variable name identifier (used only in HEADER || | section of the DXF file) ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 10 | Primary X coordinate (start point of a Line or || | Text entity, center of a Circle, etc.) ||------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 11-18 | Other X coordinates | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 20 | Primary Y coordinate. 2n values always | | | correspond to 1n values and immediately follow | | | them in the file | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 21-28 | Other Y coordinates | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 30 | Primary Z coordinate. 3n values always | | | correspond to 1n and 2n values and immediately | | | follow them in the file | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 31-37 | Other Z coordinates | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 38 | This entity's elevation if nonzero (fixed). | | | Exists only in output from versions prior to R11 | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 39 | This entity's thickness if nonzero (fixed) | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 40-48 | Floating-point values (text height, scale | | | factors, etc.) | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 49 | Repeated value - multiple 49 groups may appear | | | in one entity for variable length tables (such | | | as the dash lengths in the LTYPE table). A 7x | | | group always appears before the first 49 group | | | to specify the table length | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 50-58 | Angles | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 62 | Color number (fixed) | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 66 | "Entities follow" flag (fixed) | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 67 | Identifies whether entity is in model space or | | | paper space | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 68 | Identifies whether viewport is on but fully off | | | screen, is not active, or is off | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 69 | Viewport identification number | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 70-78 | Integer values such as repeat counts, flag | | | bits, or modes | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 210, | X, Y, and Z components of extrusion direction | | 220, | (fixed) | | 230 | | |------------|--------------------------------------------------| | 999 | Comments | |------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1000 | An ASCII string (up to 255 bytes long) in || | extended entity data ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1001 | Registered application name (ASCII string up to || | 31 bytes long) for XDATA (fixed) ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1002 | Extended entity data control string ("{" or "}") || | (fixed) ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1003 | Extended entity data Layer name ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1004 | Chunk of bytes (up to 127 bytes long) in || | extended entity data ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1005 | Extended entity data database handle ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1010, | Extended entity data X, Y, and Z coordinates || 1020, | || 1030 | ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1011, | Extended entity data X, Y, and Z coordinates of || 1021, | 3D world space position || 1031 | ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1012, | Extended entity data X, Y, and Z components of || 1022, | 3D world space displacement || 1032 | ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1013, | Extended entity data X, Y, and Z components of || 1023, | 3D world space direction || 1033 | ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1040 | Extended entity data Floating-point value ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1041 | Extended entity data distance value ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1042 | Extended entity data scale factor ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1070 | Extended entity data 16-bit signed integer ||------------|--------------------------------------------------|| 1071 | Extended entity data 32-bit signed long |+---------------------------------------------------------------+ CommentsThe 999 group code indicates that the following line is a comment string. DXFOUT does not currently include such groups in a DXF output file, but DXFIN honors them and ignores the comments. Thus, you can use the 999 group to include comments in a DXF file you've edited. For example:999This is a comment.999This is another comment.File SectionsThe DXF file is subdivided into four editable sections, plus the END OF FILE marker. File separator groups are used to delimit these file sections. The following is an example of a void DXF file with only the section markers and table headers present:0 (Begin HEADER section)SECTION2HEADERHeader variable items go hereENDSEC (End HEADER section)0 (Begin TABLES section)SECTION2TABLESTABLE2VPORT70(viewport table maximum item count)viewport table items go hereENDTABTABLE2APPID, DIMSTYLE, LTYPE, LAYER, STYLE, UCS, VIEW, or VPORT70(Table maximum item count)Table items go hereENDTABENDSEC (End TABLES section)0 (Begin BLOCKS section)SECTION2BLOCKSBlock definition entities go hereENDSEC (End BLOCKS section)0 (Begin ENTITIES section)SECTION2ENTITIESDrawing entities go hereENDSEC (End ENTITIES section)EOF (End of file)HEADER SectionThe HEADER section of the DXF file contains settings of variables associated with the drawing. These variables are set with various commands and are the type of information displayed by the STATUS command. Each variable is specified in the header section by a 9 group giving the variable's name, followed by groups that supply the variable's value. The following list shows the header variables and their meanings.Although this list is very similar to the list of system variablesin Appendix A of this manual, the two lists are not identical. Be sure you're referring to the proper list.NOTE: $AXISMODE and $AXISUNIT are no longer functional in Release 12.Table 11-3. DXF system variables+===============================================================+| Variable | Type | Description ||----------------|--------|-------------------------------------|| $ACADVER | 1 | The AutoCAD drawing database || | | version number; AC1006 = R10, || | | AC1009 = R11 and R12 ||----------------|--------|-------------------------------------|| $ANGBASE | 50 | Angle 0 direction ||----------------|--------|-------------------------------------|| $ANGDIR | 70 | 1 = clockwise angles, 0 = || | | counterclockwise ||----------------|--------|-------------------------------------|| $ATTDIA | 70 | Attribute entry dialogs, 1 = on, || | | 0 = off ||----------------|--------|-------------------------------------|| $ATTMODE | 70 | Attribute visibility: 0 = none, || | | 1 = normal, 2 = all ||----------------|--------|-------------------------------------|| $ATTREQ | 70 | Attribute prompting during INSERT, || | | 1 = on, 0 = off ||----------------|--------|-------------------------------------|| $AUNITS | 70 | Units format for angles ||----------------|--------|-------------------------------------|| $AUPREC | 70 | Units precision for angles | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $AXISMODE | 70 | Axis on if nonzero (not functional | | | | in Release 12) | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $AXISUNIT | 10, 20 | Axis X and Y tick spacing | | | | (not functional in Release 12) | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $BLIPMODE | 70 | Blip mode on if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $CECOLOR | 62 | Entity color number; 0 = BYBLOCK, | | | | 256 = BYLAYER | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $CELTYPE | 6 | Entity linetype name, or BYBLOCK | | | | or BYLAYER | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $CHAMFERA | 40 | First chamfer distance | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $CHAMFERB | 40 | Second chamfer distance | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $CLAYER | 8 | Current layer name | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $COORDS | 70 | 0 = static coordinate display, | | | | 1 = continuous update, 2 = "d<a" | | | | format | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMALT | 70 | Alternate unit dimensioning | | | | performed if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMALTD | 70 | Alternate unit decimal places | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMALTF | 40 | Alternate unit scale factor | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMAPOST | 1 | Alternate dimensioning suffix | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMASO | 70 | 1 = create associative dimensioning,| | | | 0 = draw individual entities | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMASZ | 40 | Dimensioning arrow size | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMBLK | 2 | Arrow block name | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMBLK1 | 1 | First arrow block name | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMBLK2 | 1 | Second arrow block name | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMCEN | 40 | Size of center mark/lines | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMCLRD | 70 | Dimension line color, range is | | | | 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMCLRE | 70 | Dimension extension line color, || | | range is 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMCLRT | 70 | Dimension text color, range is | | | | 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMDLE | 40 | Dimension line extension | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMDLI | 40 | Dimension line increment | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMEXE | 40 | Extension line extension | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMEXO | 40 | Extension line offset | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMGAP | 40 | Dimension line gap | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMLFAC | 40 | Linear measurements scale factor | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMLIM | 70 | Dimension limits generated if | | | | nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMPOST | 1 | General dimensioning suffix | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMRND | 40 | Rounding value for dimension | | | | distances | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMSAH | 70 | Use separate arrow blocks if nonzero| |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMSCALE | 40 | Overall dimensioning scale factor | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMSE1 | 70 | First extension line suppressed | | | | if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMSE2 | 70 | Second extension line suppressed | | | | if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMSHO | 70 | 1 = Recompute dimensions while | | | | dragging, 0 = drag original image | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMSOXD | 70 | Suppress outside-extensions | | | | dimension lines if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMSTYLE | 2 | Dimension style name | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTAD | 70 | Text above dimension line if nonzero| |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTFAC | 40 | Dimension tolerance display scale | | | | factor | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTIH | 70 | Text inside horizontal if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTIX | 70 | Force text inside extensions if | | | | nonzero ||----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTM | 40 | Minus tolerance | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTOFL | 70 | If text outside extensions, force | | | | line extensions between extensions | | | | if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTOH | 70 | Text outside horizontal if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTOL | 70 | Dimension tolerances generated if | | | | nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTP | 40 | Plus tolerance | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTSZ | 40 | Dimensioning tick size: 0 = no ticks| |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTVP | 40 | Text vertical position | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMTXT | 40 | Dimensioning text height | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DIMZIN | 70 | Zero suppression for "feet & inch" | | | | dimensions | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DWGCODEPAGE | 70 | Drawing code page. Set to the | | | | system code page when a new drawing | | | | is created, but not otherwise | | | | maintained by AutoCAD | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $DRAGMODE | 70 | 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = auto | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $ELEVATION | 40 | Current elevation set by ELEV | | | | command | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $EXTMAX | 10, 20,| X, Y, and Z drawing extents | | | 30 | upper-right corner (in WCS) | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $EXTMIN | 10, 20,| X, Y, and Z drawing extents | | | 30 | lower-left corner (in WCS) | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $FILLETRAD | 40 | Fillet radius | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $FILLMODE | 70 | Fill mode on if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $HANDLING | 70 | Handles enabled if nonzero | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $HANDSEED | 5 | Next available handle | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $INSBASE | 10, 20,| Insertion base set by BASE command | | | 30 | (in WCS) | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------| | $LIMCHECK | 70 | Nonzero if limits checking is on | |----------------|--------|-------------------------------------|。

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DXF 文件本质上由代码及关联值对组成。


使用这些组码和值对,可以将DXF 文件组织到由记录组成的区域中,这些记录由组码和数据项目组成。

在DXF 文件中,每个组码和值都各占一行。

DXF 文件由多个段组成,每段都以一个0和后跟字符串SECTION 的组码开始,其后是组码2 和表示该段名称的字符串(例如,HEADER)。


每段都以一个0和后跟字符串ENDSEC 的组码结束。

完整的结构如下:HEADER 段。


它由AutoCAD 数据库版本号和一些系统变量组成。



包含应用程序定义的类的信息,这些类的实例出现在数据库的BLOCKS、ENTITIES 和OBJECTS 段中。



包含以下符号表的定义:APPID(应用程序标识表)BLOCK_RECORD(块参照表)DIMSTYLE(标注样式表)LAYER(图层表)LTYPE(线型表)STYLE(文字样式表)UCS(用户坐标系表)VIEW(视图表)VPORT(视口配置表)BLOCKS 段。




一般屏幕上显示的图形对像如直线,圆,弧等都在ENTITIES 段OBJECTS 段。



OBJECTS 段中的条目样例是包含多线样式和组的词典。



此段为可选你所问的是立体(3DSOLID),它的编码比较复杂,建议你先把平面图元的DXF格式搞明白,再研究三维图元的格式,以下是一个500*150的矩形ENTITIES 段代码:SECTION 段2 段名称ENTITIES 实体段0 图元名称LWPOL YLINE 优化多段线5 图元名柄B513301F100 子类标记AcDbEntity8 图层名100 子类标记AcDbPolyline90 顶点数470 多段线标志(按位编码);默认值为0。

1 = 闭合;128 = Plinegen143 固定宽度(可选;默认值= 0)。

0.010 顶点坐标X值(在OCS 中),多个条目;每个顶点一个条目134.086744222454720 顶点坐标Y值111.647230946662510634.086744222454720111.647230946662510634.086744222454720-38.3527690533374610134.086744222454720-38.352769053337460 段结束标记ENDSEC上面4组10,20的值分别是矩形的4个顶点的X和Y坐标3DSOLID 三维实体组码组码说明100子类标记(AcDbModelerGeometry)70建模格式版本号(当前值= 1)1所有权数据(多行,每行< 255 个字符)3所有权数据的附加行(如果前一个组1 的字符串长度大于255 个字符)(可选)下面的是500*150*10的长方体ENTITIES 段代码,可能难看懂了,呵呵SECTION2ENTITIES3DSOLID5B513301F100AcDbEntity8100AcDbModelerGeometry7011mogoo gi m o1ni ^ *+0;:,4 ^ *+0\^ [ nh ^ LR iqoqjqhook QK mk L*1 [:< mg nkekgeln moog1n fqfffffffffffffffj:rooh n:rono1>,27:>;:- {rn rn _nm mogqoqjqhook |1=0;& {rn rn {rn {m {rn {rn |13*2/ {rn rn {rn {rn {l {n |1,7:33 {rn rn {rn {rn {rn {k {rn {m |19><: {rn rn {rn {j {i {l {rn {h 90-(>-; ,6183: |19><: {rn rn {rn {g {f {l {rn {no -:):-,:; ,6183: |1300/ {rn rn {rn {rn {nn {k |1/3>1:r,*-9><: {rn rn {rn mjkqjlknojiglkjmij flqnkggiklojhohlm no o o n n o o 90-(>-;@) V V V V | 19><: {rn rn {rn {nm {nl {l {rn {nk -:):-,:; ,6183: |1300/ {rn rn {rn {rn {nj {j |1/3>1:r,*-9><: {rn rn {rn mjkqjlknojiglkjmij flqnkggiklojhohlm o o o n n o o 90-(>-;@) V V V V | 1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {ni {nh {ng {nf 90-(>-; {i {rn |19><: {rn rn {rn {mo {mn {l {rn {mm -:):-,:; ,6183: |1300/ {rn rn {rn {rn {ml {g |1/3>1:r,*-9><: {rn rn {rn mjkqjlknojiglkjmij ngqnkggiklojhohlm j o n o o o n 90-(>-;@) V V V V | 1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {mk {mj {mi {mh 90-(>-; {f {rn |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {mg {nn {mf {lo 90-(>-; {i {rn |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {nn {mg {ln {lm 90-(>-; {i {rn |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {ll {lk {nn {nf -:):-,:; {lj {rn |1:;8: {rn rn {rn {li rhj {lh hj {ng {lg 90-(>-; _h *1410(1 |19><: {rn rn {rn {lf {ko {l {rn {kn -:):-,:; ,6183: |1300/ {rn rn {rn {rn {km {nm |1/3>1:r,*-9><: {rn rn {rn kqjlknojiglkjmijnm flqnkggiklojhohlm j n o o o o rn 90-(>-;@) V V V V | 1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {kl {ln {kk {kj 90-(>-; {nl {rn |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {ki {nj {kl {kh 90-(>-; {f {rn |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {nj {ki {kg {kf 90-(>-; {f {rn |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {lk {ll {nj {mh -:):-,:; {lj {rn |1:;8: {rn rn {rn {jo rhj {jn hj {mi {jm 90-(>-; _h *1410(1 |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {nh {ni {jl {jk 90-(>-; {i {rn |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {jj {ji {ni {lo -:):-,:; {ko {rn |1:;8: {rn rn {rn {lh rmjo {jh mjo {mf {jg 90-(>-; 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_h *1410(1 |1):-+:' {rn rn {rn {mh {hj |1):-+:' {rn rn {rn {im {hi |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn jokqjlknojiglkjmij flqnkggiklojhohlm o o rn o V V |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {km {kk {mg {jk -:):-,:; {mn {rn |1:;8: {rn rn {rn {jh rhj {io hj {jl {hh 90-(>-; _h *1410(1 |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {kg {mf {lk {il 90-(>-; {ko {rn |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {mf {kg {km {ig -:):-,:; {ko {rn |1):-+:' {rn rn {rn {lo {hg |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn mjkqjlknojiglkjmij nigqnkggiklojhohlm no rn o o V V |1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {ln {kl {ll {im -:):-,:; {nl {rn |1):-+:' {rn rn {rn {jk {hf |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn mjkqjlknojiglkjmij ngqnkggiklojhohlm no n o o V V |1:;8: {rn rn {rn {li rj {jn j {ll {go 90-(>-; _h *1410(1 |1:;8: {rn rn {rn {lh rj {jo j {lk {gn 90-(>-; _h *1410(1 |1/061+ {rn rn {rn jokqjlknojiglkjmij ngqnkggiklojhohlm no |1/061+ {rn rn {rn jokqjlknojiglkjmij nigqnkggiklojhohlm no |1/3>1:r,*-9><: {rn rn {rn jokqjlknojiglkjmij flqnkggiklojhohlm j rn o o o o n 90-(>-;@) V V V V | 1<0:;8: {rn rn {rn {kk {km {ki {hn -:):-,:; {mn {rn |1:;8: {rn rn {rn {jh rj {hl j {ji {gm 90-(>-; _h *1410(1 |1):-+:' {rn rn {rn {hn {gl |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn kqjlknojiglkjmijnm ngqnkggiklojhohlm j o o rn V V |1:;8: {rn rn {rn {if rhj {hl hj {ih {gk 90-(>-; _h *1410(1 |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn mjkqjlknojiglkjmij ngqnkggiklojhohlm o rn o o V V |1):-+:' {rn rn {rn {kf {gj |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn mjkqjlknojiglkjmij nigqnkggiklojhohlm o n o o V V |1/061+ {rn rn {rn jokqjlknojiglkjmij nigqnkggiklojhohlm o |1/061+ {rn rn {rn jokqjlknojiglkjmij ngqnkggiklojhohlm o |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn kqjlknojiglkjmijnm flqnkggiklojhohlm no o rn o V V |1/061+ {rn rn {rn kqjlknojiglkjmijnm nigqnkggiklojhohlm no |1/061+ {rn rn {rn kqjlknojiglkjmijnm ngqnkggiklojhohlm no |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn jokqjlknojiglkjmij ngqnkggiklojhohlm j o o rn V V |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn jokqjlknojiglkjmij nigqnkggiklojhohlm j o o rn V V |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn kqjlknojiglkjmijnm nigqnkggiklojhohlm j o o rn V V |1/061+ {rn rn {rn kqjlknojiglkjmijnm ngqnkggiklojhohlm o |1,+->687+r<*-): {rn rn {rn kqjlknojiglkjmijnm flqnkggiklojhohlm o o n o V V | 1/061+ {rn rn {rn kqjlknojiglkjmijnm nigqnkggiklojhohlm o |ENDSEC[转]DXF文档详解DXF 的基本惯例DXF 格式是特定版本 AutoCAD图形文件中所包含的全部信息的标记数据的一种表示方法。
