
Oracle12c安装和配置1.1配置内核参数添加如下行:fs.file-max = 6815744kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128kernel.shmmni = 4096kernel.shmall = 1073741824kernel.shmmax = 4398046511104kernel.panic_on_oops = 1net.core.rmem_default = 262144net.core.rmem_max = 4194304net.core.wmem_default = 262144net.core.wmem_max = 1048576net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 2net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500 运行sysctl -p命令更改当前内核参数1.2限制oracle用户资源使用vi /etc/security/limits.conf添加如下行:oracle soft nofile 1024oracle hard nofile 65536 oracle soft nproc 16384 oracle hard nproc 16384 oracle soft stack 10240 oracle hard stack 32768 oracle hard memlock 134217728 oracle soft memlock 1342177281.3安装依赖软件包yum install binutils -yyum install compat-libcap1 -yyum install compat-libstdc++-33 -yyum install compat-libstdc++-33.i686 -y yum install glibc -yyum install glibc.i686 -yyum install glibc-devel -yyum install glibc-devel.i686 -yyum install ksh -yyum install libaio -yyum install libaio.i686 -yyum install libaio-devel -yyum install libaio-devel.i686 -yyum install libX11 -yyum install libX11.i686 -yyum install libXau -yyum install libXau.i686 -yyum install libXi -yyum install libXi.i686 -yyum install libXtst -yyum install libXtst.i686 -yyum install libgcc -yyum install libgcc.i686 -yyum install libstdc++ -yyum install libstdc++.i686 -yyum install libstdc++-devel -yyum install libstdc++-devel.i686 -y yum install libxcb -yyum install libxcb.i686 -yyum install make -yyum install nfs-utils -yyum install net-tools -yyum install smartmontools -yyum install sysstat -yyum install unixODBC -yyum install unixODBC-devel -y1.4创建新组和新用户groupadd -g 54321 oinstallgroupadd -g 54322 dbagroupadd -g 54323 operuseradd -u 54321 -g oinstall -G dba,oper oracle2附加设置2.1为oracle用户设置密码2.2修改设置SELINUXvi /etc/selinux/config## 将`SELINUX`修改为permissiveSELINUX=permissivesetenforce Permissive2.3确保禁用防火墙systemctl stop firewalldsystemctl disable firewalld2.4创建Oracle安装目录mkdir -p /usr/local/products/oracle12cchown -R oracle:oinstall /usr/localchmod -R 775 /usr/local/2.5配置Oracle环境变量并验证切换到新添加的oracle用户名下,在oracle用户下配置环境变量su oraclevi .bash_profileexport TMP=/tmpexport TMPDIR=$TMPexport ORACLE_HOSTNAME=DEV-ORACLE-12C-164export ORACLE_UNQNAME=orclexport ORACLE_BASE=/usr/local/productsexport ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/oracle12cexport ORACLE_SID=orclexport PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATHexport PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATHexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib export CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib使配置立即生效source .bash_profileecho $ORACLE_HOME/usr/local/products/oracle12c3 Oracle安装3.1上传解压将下载的linuxx64_12201_database.zip上传到Linux系统/home/oracle目录下解压unzip linuxx64_12201_database.zip如果没有unzip要先安装yum install zip unzip3.2修改响应文件压缩包解压完成后得到名为database的文件夹,其中包含安装文件。
BIEE 12c ( Linux 安装指南

BIEE 12c Linux 安装指南作者:风在身后博客:/biplusplus安装前准备环境要求,请参见如下excelfmw-1221certmatrix-2739738.xlsx/technetwork/middleware/ias/downloads/fusion-certification-100350.html本文使用操作系统:Oracle Linux Server release 6.5 X64下载所需软件访问OTN/technetwork/middleware/bi-enterprise-edition/downloads/business-intelligence-2717951.html分别下载下图所示内容注:如遇下载速度慢,请使用讯雷下载,下载方法请参见:Oracle OTN软件迅雷下载方法/biplusplus/article/details/7082445下载完成之后,一共有4个文件,分别是 (内含RCU)BIEE:fmw_12.理解安装目录推荐采用如下安装目录:其中/home/oracle被称为基目录(base),可以根据自己的需要更改,本文中为/home/biee12c/Oracleproduct目录是Oracle_home,一般一个产品对应一个Oracle_home;例如可以在product下安装biee和oracle数据库,这样就会有两个Oracle_home。

Oracle12c在Win10上的安装配置实践1、环境操作系统:Win10专业版(64位)数据库:Oracle 12c Release 2(Version,64位)2、下载Oracle12c3、安装3.1、右键以管理员⾝份运⾏setup.exe3.2、配置安全更新在安装界⾯⾥,取消勾选“我希望通过My Oracle Support接收安全更新”,点击下⼀步。
3.5、Oracle主⽬录⽤户使⽤虚拟账户:⽤于 Oracle 数据库单实例安装的 Oracle 主⽬录⽤户。
3.7、先决条件检查3.8、概要3.93.104、测试Oracle是否安装成功两种⽅式4.1、SQL Plus4.2、em5、相关问题5.1、PLSQL Developer⽆法连接64位Oracle数据库5.1.1、PLSQL数据库选项为空如图所⽰:原因在于:PLSQL不可以直接连接64位Oracle数据库,只能连接32位的。

WindowsSever2012下Oracle12c安装配置⽅法图⽂教程分享Oracle 12c安装配置⽅法图⽂教程,具体内容如下1、我们开启虚拟机2、Windows Sever 2012启动中。
3.看到Windows Sever 2012的桌⾯。
15.我们选择跳过软件更新,我们使⽤my oracle support⾝份证明需要很多银⼦啊,穷⼈买不起。
19. 我们选择典型安装。

Win10 64位系统安装ORCLE 12c数据库1.版本信息本文档主要介绍WIN10系统64位安装ORACLE12c数据库1.1.电脑操作系统●本机信息(OS):WIN10_64bit1.2.数据库版本●数据库信息:ORCLE12c2.下载2.1.下载网址●下载版本:Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( for Microsoft Windows(x64) ●下载网址:/database2.2.注册账号●首次登录:ORACLE账号注册●具有ORACLE账号的用户可以直接登录2.3.版本选择3.安装3.1.下载包解压●ORACLE下载包两个●ORACLE下载包解压到同一文件夹database中3.2.ORACLE安装校验Step1:点击“setup.exe”,以管理员的身份运行Step2.1:安装启动,检查监视器参数Step2.2:经初步校验,达到数据库配置要求,加载安装程序3.3.ORACLE安装程序Step1:配置安装更新●推荐:取消“我希望通过My Oracle Support接受安全更新”,单击“下一步”●根据实际需求,确定是否勾选●弹出“未指定My Oracle Support 用户名/电子邮件地址”,单击“是”继续Step2:选择安装选项本次为初次安装,选择“创建和配置数据库”,单击“下一步”Step3:系统类本机为PC,选择“桌面类”,单击“下一步”Step4:指定ORACLE主目录用户确保ORACLE管理安全,选择“创建新Windows用户”,输入用户名和口令,单击“下一步”Step5:典型安装配置输入口令,建议使用“大小写字母”+“数据组”,单击下一步选择“是”Step6:先决条件检查Step7:概要单击“安装”Step8:安装产品 安装过程耗时较长安装进度70%时安装进程慢,需要耐心等待安装进度88%时,弹出“Database ConfigurationAssistant”窗口,耗时最长约30min。
oracle 12c r2 RAC配置手册

ORACLE 12C R2 Real Application Cluster Installation Guide朱海清StarTimes Software Technology Co., LtdASM磁盘空间最低要求12C R2相比前一版本,OCR的磁盘占用需求有了明显增长。
为了方便操作,设置如下:External: 1个卷x40GNormal: 3个卷x30GHight: 5个卷x25GFlex: 3个卷x30GOCR+VOLTING+MGMT存储通常放到一个磁盘组,且选择Normal的冗余方式,也即最少3块asm磁盘80G空间。
操作系统安装操作系统安装时把“Server with GUI“和”Compatibility Libraries”勾上,其他都不用选择。
版本采用CentOS 7、RHEL 7或者Oracle Linux 7安装oracle预安装包yum install -y oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall创建用户和组oracle用户和dba、oinstall组已经在上一步创建完毕。
groupadd --gid 54323 asmdbagroupadd --gid 54324 asmopergroupadd --gid 54325 asmadmingroupadd --gid 54326 opergroupadd --gid 54327 backupdbagroupadd --gid 54328 dgdbagroupadd --gid 54329 kmdbausermod --uid 54321 --gid oinstall --groups dba,oper,asmdba,asmoper,backupdba,dgdba,kmdba oracle useradd --uid 54322 --gid oinstall --groups dba,asmadmin,asmdba,asmoper grid安装目录mkdir -p /u01/app/12.2.0/gridmkdir -p /u01/app/gridmkdir -p /u01/app/oraclechown -R grid:oinstall /u01chown oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oraclechmod -R 775 /u01/用户环境变量grid环境变量cat <<EOF >>/home/grid/.bash_profileORACLE_SID=+ASM1ORACLE_HOME=/u01/12.2.0/gridPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATHLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/libCLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlibexport ORACLE_SID CLASSPATH ORACLE_HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH PATHEOF在节点2,ORACLE_SID=+ASM2oracle环境变量cat <<EOF >>/home/oracle/.bash_profileORACLE_SID=starboss1ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/db_1ORACLE_HOSTNAME=rac01PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATHLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/libCLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlibexport ORACLE_SID ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_HOSTNAME PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH CLASSPATH EOF在节点2,ORACLE_SID=starboss2,ORACLE_HOSTNAME=rac02修改logind.conf# vi /etc/systemd/logind.confRemoveIPC=no# systemctl daemon-reload# systemctl restart systemcd-logind加载pam_limits.so模块echo "session required" >> /etc/pam.d/login禁用selinuxsetenforce 0vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux禁用防火墙# systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld 修改ulimitcat <<EOF >> /etc/security/limits.d/99-grid-oracle-limits.conf oracle soft nproc 16384oracle hard nproc 16384oracle soft nofile 1024oracle hard nofile 65536oracle soft stack 10240oracle hard stack 32768grid soft nproc 16384grid hard nproc 16384grid soft nofile 1024grid hard nofile 65536grid soft stack 10240grid hard stack 32768EOF创建自定义的ulimitcat <<EOF >> /etc/profile.d/ if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; thenif [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; thenulimit -u 16384ulimit -n 65536elseulimit -u 16384 -n 65536fifiif [ $USER = "grid" ]; thenif [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; thenulimit -u 16384ulimit -n 65536elseulimit -u 16384 -n 65536 fifiEOF修改共享内存分区大小将如下参数添加到/etc/fstab,具体大小数值根据实际情况调整,因为这个数值和物理内存以及MEMORY_TARGET有关。
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c 产品说明书

Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle Confidential – Restricted
Evolution of Datacenter
Changing Dynamics of Database Maintenance
Ever growing database population
Multiple versions and patch levels Compliance challenges Poor resource utilization High cost of deployment and operation
3. Self Service users or Admin can choose to migrate DBs over to the new home
– Scale: Subscription based, automated deployment and at mass scale
Distinct configs.
OHs are Different !!!
X with version and platform 9 Versions, 3 Platforms avg.
Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle Confidential – Restricted
downtime and rollback/switch back Mass automation - multiple targets with multiple patches
Oracle Forms 12c客户端部署配置选项说明书

Oracle Forms 12cClient Deployment Configuration Options O R A C L E W H I T E P A P E R|M A Y2016Table of ContentsIntroduction 2 Oracle Forms 12c Client Deployment Configuration Options 3 Java Applet Embedded in HTML 3 JNLP Embedded in HTML 4 Java Web Start 4 Forms Standalone Launcher 5 Conclusion 8IntroductionIn the early 1990’s, the Internet (World Wide Web) began to evolve from a system designed and used by government organizations to one used globally by the public. This transition began a wave of related technologies being born. The Internet allowed people to have immediate access to information once thought to be out of reach. Web technology, specifically Web browsers, gave developers an opportunity to deliver their applications to end-users without the need to install software on the end-user’s machine.Until the 1990’s, Oracle Forms was delivered as a t wo-tier technology. With its client and server concept, Oracle Forms required that the technology’s runtime software be installed and configured on the end-user’s machine. This meant that each end-user machine would require an administrator to install runtime software one machine at a time. Often this was a difficult task given that an organization could have thousands of end-users, who could be located anywhere in the world. As we moved toward and into the twenty first century, Oracle realized that Oracle Forms customers would begin expecting to have access to their applications in the same way as so many other applications, through a web browser. Oracle Forms 6i was the first version to fully support application deployment via a web browser. Because of the need for tight integration on the client tier, it was necessary to use Java Applet technology to host the applications. So, although applications were launched from a browser, it was actually the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on the client that ran or hosted the applications. After more than fifteen years of web browsers supporting integration with the Java Plug-in, many browser vendors are moving to a plugin-free model. As a result, Oracle Forms needs new ways of being deployed if it is to continue using Java technology on the client tier.Beginning with Oracle Forms 12c, product users can now choose from several client configuration options. With several options available, administrators can choose which option best suits their needs. This document aims to describe each of the configuration options and how to use them. It will also explain the advantages and limitations of each.Oracle Forms 12c Client Deployment Configuration OptionsBeginning with Oracle Forms 12c, there are now four supported client deployment configuration options. The available options are as follows.»Java Applet embedded in HTML»JNLP embedded in HTML»Java Web Start (JWS)»Forms Standalone Launcher (aka Standalone or FSAL)Although each option will have minimal to no impact on the appearance and behavior of any application, each will be contained slightly differently. Enabling and configuring any of these can be accomplished in the Forms Web Configuration page (i.e. formsweb.cfg) in Fusion Middleware Control.Any examples provided in this paper assume that you have properly configured Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in the server environment, as this is the most secure way to run any web deployed application. All options can also be used with non-SSL, but this is not recommended. Refer to the Oracle HTTP Server and WebLogic Server Administration Guides for details on properly configuring SSL in your environment.Java Applet Embedded in HTMLThis option was the first offered when browsers began supporting the Java Plug-in. Its configuration is the default for any Oracle Forms installation, 12.2.1 and older. This option can be used to give the appearance that the Forms application (applet) is embedded in a web page. This is often desirable when the HTML content surrounding the Forms application contains related or integrated information. This can also be helpful when using the Forms JavaScript integration feature. Single sign-on and single sign-off are also fully supported in this configuration.Disadvantages of using this option include the requirement of a Java Plug-in and the need for a certified browser that supports the Java Plug-in. The loss of usable space taken up by the browser’s window, toolbar, and menu will also need to be tolerated.Using the Applet embedded in HTML option is simple because this is the default configuration. Simply enter a URL in the browser that appears something like one of the following.»https:///forms/frmservlet»https:///forms/frmservlet?config=defaultThese parameters/values are required for this configuration and are found in the Forms Web Configuration page of Fusion Middleware Control.Non-WebUtil Enabled Forms WebUtil Enabled FormsJNLP Embedded in HTMLEmbedded JNLP is very similar to embedded Applet, however the application is treated more like a Java Web Start application although embedded within a web page. Like an embedded Applet, embedded JNLP fully supports JavaScript integration, single sign-on, single sign-off, and the ability to visually embed the form in a web page. Embedded JNLP has the added advantage of base-64 encoding the JNLP content. This content includes most of the parameter/value pairs configured for the application. Because the base-64 encoded text is not human readable, curious end-users will be discouraged from attempting to alter any of the parameters. It should be understood that the base-64 encoding is not a security mechanism. The base-64 encoding used in this configuration is required by Java and helps to improve the performance of delivery from server to client. This configuration requires the Java Plug-in and a certified browser that supports the Java Plug-in.To use this configuration you can either use the provided example configuration named “jnlp” or create your own.»https:///forms/frmservlet?config=jnlpThese parameters/values are required for this configuration and are found in the Forms Web Configuration page of Fusion Middleware Control.Non-WebUtil Enabled Forms WebUtil Enabled FormsWhen using Java Web Start or Embedded JNLP, if the application uses custom jar files (e.g. jacob.jar, icons.jar, example.jar, etc), these should be added to extensions.jnlp. The file is located in Oracle_Home\forms\java. Open this file in a text editor and make the appropriate entries. An example is included in the file. Each entry should be added on its own line.Java Web StartJava Web Start is considered a semi-browserless configuration. The use of Java Web Start will give an Oracle Forms application the appearance of being a natively installed application rather than a web app because when running, the application is not contained by the boundaries of the browser. This is often desirable with Point of Sale applications where the only application used on the device is the POS application or in cases where the application is designed to use the full screen. Different from the functionality provided by the use of separateFrame=true (available in the previous two configurations only), the use of Web Start allow you to close the browser window used to call the application once it has started.Oracle Forms’ use of Java Web Start allows applications to be called from a browser using a hyperlink or by directly entering a URL. Alternatively, the application can be run from a JNLP file stored on the end-user machine. This method eliminates the need for a browser, except when the application is single sign-on protected. Java Web Start can also be used to call an Oracle Forms application from the command line. Although there are several variations of how Java Web Start can be used, if the application requires the use of single sign-on, it must be called from a browser. Attempts to call an SSO protected application from a static JNLP file or the command line will fail.Because this is a mostly browser-less configuration, features like single sign-off and JavaScript integration are not supported when using the Java Web Start configuration.This configuration requires the Java Plug-in be installed if calling from a browser. If not calling from a browser, either the Java Plug-in or Java Development Kit (JDK) installation is required. A browser is optional and would only be required if single sign-on is used.To use this configuration you can either use the provided example configuration named “webstart” or create your own. The application can be called from a browser or you can use the command line or custom script.»jnlps:///forms/frmservlet?config=webstart»https:///forms/frmservlet?config=webstart»javaws “https:///forms/frmservlet?config=webstart”The “jnlp” and “jnlps” protocols (used in above example) are supported with Java 8u92+ on Microsoft Windows.The following are required parameters/values for this configuration and are found in the Forms Web Configuration page of Fusion Middleware Control.Non-WebUtil Enabled Forms WebUtil Enabled FormsWhen using Java Web Start or Embedded JNLP, if the application uses custom jar files (e.g. jacob.jar, icons.jar, example.jar, etc), these should be added to extensions.jnlp. The file is located in Oracle_Home\forms\java. Open this file in a text editor and make the appropriate entries. An example is included in the file. Each entry should be added on its own line.Forms Standalone LauncherThe Forms Standalone Launcher is a fully browser-less configuration. Further, it does not require that the Java Plug-in be installed. It does require Java on the client, but it can be any one of the following; JRE, JDK, or Server JRE.With this configuration, applications are launched from the command line or custom script files by calling the platform specific “java” executable. This con figuration fully isolates the application from the Java Plug-in or Java Web Start and the browser. Using the Forms Standalone Launcher can provide the appearance of a fully native application. Single sign-on, single sign-off, and JavaScript integration are not supported with this configuration.This configuration requires that a small jar file (frmsal.jar) be stored on the end-user machine. The file can be transferred to the end-user machine using any desirable method (e.g. web download, email, ftp, etc). This file is the Forms Standalone Launcher. It is version specific, so it cannot be used with other Forms versions or patch levels.The file is staged on the server in the Oracle_Home\forms\java directory. However, a helpful usage guide that includes a download link can be easily accessed when the server is running. Administrators can easily disable, remove, or edit this page if desired. Navigate to the following to display the page.»https:///forms/html/fsal.htmTo use this configuration you can either use the provided example configuration named “standaloneapp” or create your own. The application can be called from the command line or custom script. You cannot use a browser with this configuration. The command line entry would look something like the following.»java –jar frmsal.jar –url “https:///forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp”»java –jar frmsal.jar –url “https:///forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp” –t 30000Refer to the Usage Guide mentioned above for more details on command line syntax.The following are key parameters/values used by this configuration and are found in the Forms Web Configuration page of Fusion Middleware Control.Non-WebUtil Enabled Forms WebUtil Enabled FormsIn this release, the Forms Standalone Launcher does not have the ability to determine which Java version is being used. It will be up to the Administrator and/or user to ensure that an appropriate Java version is used. Refer to Figure 1 below for a simple Microsoft Windows script (batch) example.Figure 1 - Microsoft Windows script example.ConclusionOracle Forms 12c offers a variety of possible client configurations options. Choosing which is best will depend on the application’s needs and desired appearance at runtime. Because users can choose which option suits them best, no longer will they be constrained to a single possibility. If choosing the Java Web Start or Forms Standalone Launcher options, administrators no longer have to be concerned about compatibility between browser and Java versions. This should make application deployment and manageability easier.Oracle Corporation, World Headquarters Worldwide Inquiries 500 Oracle ParkwayPhone: +1.650.506.7000 Redwood Shores, CA 94065, USAFax: +1.650.506.7200Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. 0116Oracle Forms 12c Client Deployment Configuration Options May 2016Author: Michael FerranteContributing Authors: Oracle Forms DevelopmentC O N N E C T W I T H U S/oracle/oracle/oracle。
oracle12c 内存数据库(IN-MEMORY)使用手册

默认情况下,仅使用DDL 对象指定的inmemory的候选人将填充在IM列存储。
特别是,对于IM列存储是很有用的:扫描行数和应用使用运营商,如=过滤器,<,>,和IN查询列的子集在表中,例如,选择5 100的列加快加入通过将小维表谓词到过滤器上的一个大的事实表业务应用,即席分析查询和数据仓库工作负载受益最大。
执行使用索引查找短事务纯OLTP 数据库中受益较少.在IM列存储还具有以下优点:所有现有的数据库功能都支持,包括高可用性功能(参见“高可用性概述”)。
Oracle BIEE 12c SampleApp v511 快速部署指南说明书

Oracle BIEE 12c SampleApp v511 Virtual Appliance Quick Deployment Guide-root/Admin123-oracle/Admin123-12c db. system/Admin123-virtual machine auto logon as user oracle-by default image is set with NAT networkingo change to bridge networking if your VM isusing DHCP-1st Startup time for BI services is between 7-10minutes-All 12c BI related product logons are prodney/Ad-min123-All WLS related logons are weblogic/Admin123-Users that obtained the image from OTN please seethe disclaimer below regarding necessary R packagesSTART HERE:-See desktop icon ‘v511 image details’ for full detailson this releaseAbout 12c SampleAppv511This virtual machine is intended to showcase the functionality and capabilities of Oracle BI 12c. All standard OOB Sam-pleApp content from v506 has been updated and enhanced for this releaseNOTE: Users who download V511 from OTN. Many examples in this release use external R packages in order to getR/ORE and BI-AA examples to work. To install these packages and enable the OOB examples follow the directionsin the FIRST_README.txt from /home/oracle/scripts/RSampleApp Deployment Guide IndexVirtual machine download &deployment (2)Extraction and Import (3)Virtual Machine Settings (3)Starting Services overview (4)Start Here: Getting to Know SampleAppv511 and BI 12c (5)Virtual machine download &deployment1.Prepare your host system.Minimum 8GB, 16 GB ram and SSD are recommended.Turn on Virtual Assist features in the BIOS (usually done by default). Refer to Troubleshooting tips in Step 12 for more details.~ 100 GB of temp disk space needed to download and install. (Includes zips files that total 18 GB, and an 18 GB .ova, 55 GB deployed image) note: ova and zip files can be deleted once the import is completed-Download and install Free Download Manager or an ftp client of your choice.-Download and install md5sum (optional)2.Download and install Oracle Virtual Box (4.3.x and above is supported, 5.10 is the current version)3.Click Here to open the SampleApp OTN Pagea.Sign into OTN prior to starting your download4.Navigate to the SampleAppv511 Sectiona.You must accept the licensing terms prior to proceedingDownload files .001 through .004Extraction and Import4a. When all zip files are downloaded into a single directory, unpack them with 7zip or zip utility of your choice.Extract your zip files (note: you only need to select zip file .001 when extracting, the rest will automatically unpack)Linux users can run the following command as shown below. Users with a graphical zip utility can right click on .zip.001 and choose extract-7za x extraction time will take between 5 and 10 minutes depending on your host machine) when completed a folder called SampleAppv511p-appliance will be created containing a SampleAppv511p-appliance.ova file5. Start Oracle Virtual Box Manager Click File / Import Appliance /Open appliance (you can also double click your.ova file to open virtual box manager-Navigate to the location you downloaded the SampleAppv511rc3-10-15.ova file-Click import (typical import time is between 10 to 20 minutes)Check [x] Reinitialize the MACaddress of all network cardsO NCE YOUR VM IMPORT IS COMPLETED PROCEED TO STEP 6Virtual Machine Settings6. Virtual Machine Settings(Review this section fully before powering on)By default your vm is configured with the following parameters which is ideal for an 8GB host system - 6.2 GB ram- 2 processors-NAT Network adaptero By default your VM once powered on will have a IP address See how to setup port forwarding on YouTube. Port forwarding allows you to access your VM from a local web browser directly on your host machine-Users with more physical host memory can allocate more memory to the virtual machineo You can edit any of the VM configurations by clicking on edit/settings-If your VM can obtain a DHCP address change your networking to bridged7.Start your VM Your VM will auto logon as oracle/Admin123. Upon logon your IP address will be displayed with further instructions on configuring your vm. Note: If your VM does not have an active network connection no IPaddress will be displayed.NOTE: if your VM is having issues obtaining a IP address power down the VM and refresh the MAC addressif you are using bridge networking and your VM does not have a IP address at boot up you must either assign it one manually or power off and switch to NAT networking in order for services to start properly8.Adjust your screen resolution to fit your host machine-From your toolbar menu click on system/preferences/display and select a screen resolution as needed-Your screen should auto adjust automaticallyVBox Tools /shared folders/guest extensions: ensure your virtual box tools are up to date and your Vbox guest exten-sion pack is installed to ensure maximum performance and stability. For recordings on these topics as well as creating shared folders click hereP ROCEED TO STEP 9 TO REVIEW THE SERVICE STARTUP PROCESSStarting Services overview9. Starting ServicesClick on the desktop icon “v511 image details”> starting services tab for instructions on starting services -Typical 1st start time is between 7 to 10 minutes (subsequent service starts are substantially faster)-Follow the ‘recommended startup’ processo Note: start/stop all scripts are available-Subsequent services startup will be faster-Download the bi thin client here click hereSampleApp v511 DesktopStart Here: Getting to Know SampleAppv511 and BI 12cAll Users should start with the v511 image details launch Pad for details, tips and deployment options, service control and users and URLs for this release.NOTE: service control tab contains all port numbers used in 12c。
Oracle Database 12c Rel. 2 集群健康顾问详细说明书

Introduction CHA Architecture and Operation Details Using CHA from the Command Line Using CHA from EMCC for Alerts and Corrective Actions Using the CHA GUI to Perform Root-Cause Analysis Calibrating CHA to your RAC deployment Q & A – Further Information1234567Introduction CHA Architecture and Operation Details Using CHA from the Command Line Using CHA from EMCC for Alerts and Corrective Actions Using the CHA GUI to Perform Root-Cause Analysis Calibrating CHA to your RAC deployment Q & A – Further Information1234567Introducing…Oracle 12c AutonomousHealthFrameworkPowered By Machine LearningCluster Verification Utility ORAchk Cluster Health Monitor Cluster Health AdvisorTrace File AnalyzerHang Manager Memory Guard Quality of Service Management Introducing… Oracle 12c Autonomous Health Framework Working For You ContinuouslyDiscovers Potential Cluster & DB Problems - Notifies with Corrective ActionsOracle 12c Cluster Health AdvisorIntroducing Oracle 12c Cluster Health AdvisorProactive Health Prognostics System•Real time monitoring of Oracle RAC database systems and their hosts •Early detection of impending as well as ongoing system faults •Diagnoses and identifies the most likely root causes•Provides corrective actions for targeted triage.•Generates alerts and notifications for rapid recoveryAgendaIntroduction CHA Architecture and Operation Details Using CHA from the Command Line Using CHA from EMCC for Alerts and Corrective Actions Using the CHA GUI to Perform Root-Cause Analysis Calibrating CHA to your RAC deployment Q & A – Further Information1234567Cluster Health Advisor (CHA) Architecture Overview OS Data GIMRCHADDriver DB Data CHMNode Health Prognostics Engine Database Health Prognostics Engine OS Model DB Model•cha – Cluster node resource•Single Java oracle.cha.server.CHADDriver daemonper node•Reads Cluster Health Monitor data directly frommemory •Reads DB ASH data from SMR w/o DB connection•Uses OS and DB models and data to performprognostics •Stores analysis and evidence in the GIManagement Repository•Sends alerts to EMCC Incident Manager per target EMCC AlertCluster Health Advisor - Scope of Problem Detection Best Effort Immediate Guided Diagnosis•Over 30 node and database problems have been modeled •Over 150 OS and DB metric predictors identified•Problem network model created based upon its signature •Problem Detection in includes–Interconnect , Global Cache and Cluster Problems–Host CPU and Memory , PGA Memory stress–IO and Storage Performance issues–Reconfiguration and Recovery issues–Workload and Session abnormal variationsData Sources and Data PointsCluster Health AdvisorTimeCPUASM IOPSNetwork % util Network_Packets Dropped Log filesyncLog file parallel writeGC CR requestGC current request GC current block 2-wayGC current block busy Enq: CF -conten tion…15:16:00 0.90 4100 13% 0 2 ms 600 us 0 0 300 us 1.5 ms 0A CHA Data Point contains > 150 signals (statistics and events) from multiple sourcesOS, ASM , NetworkDB ( ASH, AWR session, system and PDB statistics )Statistics are collected at a 1 second internal sampling rate , synchronized, smoothed and aggregated to a Data Point every 5 secondsModels Capture the Dynamic Behavior of all Normal OperationModels Capture all Normal Operating Modes50001000015000200002500030000350004000010:002:006:0051009025402423504100 220501000021000440025004900800 IOPSuser commits (/sec)log file parallel write (usec)log file sync (usec)A model captures the normal load phases and their statistics over time , and thus thecharacteristics for all load intensities and profiles . During monitoring , any data point similar to one of the vectors is NORMAL. One could say that the model REMEMBERS the normal operational dynamics over timeIn-Memory Reference Matrix (Part of “Normality” Model )IOPS#### 2500 4900 800 ####User Commits #### 10000 21000 4400 #### Log File Parallel Write #### 2350 4100 22050 #### Log File Sync#### 5100 9025 4024 #### ………………CHA Model: Find Similarity with Normal ValuesObserved values (Part of a Data Point )CHA estimator /predictor (ESEE): “based on my normality model, the value of IOPS should be in the vicinity of ~ 4900, but it is reported as 10500, this is causing a residual of ~ 5600 in magnitude ”, CHA fault detector: “such high magnitude of residuals should be tracked carefully! I’ll keep an eye on the incoming sequence of this signal IOPS and if it remains deviant I’ll generate a fault on it ”.In-Memory Reference Matrix (Part of “Normality” Model )IOPS #### 2500 4900 800####User Commits #### 10000 21000 4400 #### Log File Parallel Write #### 2350 4100 22050 #### Log File Sync#### 5100 9025 4024 #### ………………10500 20000 4050 10250 …Residual Values (Part of a Data Point )5600 -1000-50 325…Observed - Predicted =Inline and Immediate Fault Detection and Diagnostic InferenceMachine Learning, Pattern Recognition, & BN EnginesTimeCPUASM IOPS Network % util Network_Packets DroppedLogfile syncLog file parallel writeGC CR requestGC current request GC current block 2-way GC current block busyEnq: CF -conten tion… 15:16:00 0.90 4100 88% 105 2 ms 600 us 504 ms 513 ms 2 ms 5.9 ms 015:16:00OK OK HIGH1 HIGH 2OK OKHIGH 3 HIGH 3 HIGH 4 HIGH 4OKInput : Data Point at Time tFault Detection and ClassificationDiagnostic Inference15:16:00Symptomswork Bandwidth Utilizationwork Packet Loss3.Global Cache Requests Incomplete4.Global Cache Message LatencyRoot Cause(Target of Corrective Action)Network Bandwidth UtilizationDiagnosticInferenceEngineCluster Health Advisor (CHA) Operation Overview •SRVCTL lifecycle daemon management•Enabled by default - Activates when 1stRAC instance starts•New CHACTL command line tool for alllocal operations•Java Interactive GUI Tool available on OTN •Integrated into EMCC Incident Manager and notifications•Monitoring has no impact onDB performance or availabilityCHACTL ClientCHA Java GUI ClientSRVCTL OS DataGIMRDB DataCHMNodeHealthPrognosticsEngineDatabaseHealthPrognosticsEngineOSModelDBModelLocal to ClusterEMCloudControlCHADDriverAgendaIntroductionCHA Architecture and Operation Details Using CHA from the Command LineUsing CHA from EMCC for Alerts and Corrective Actions Using the CHA GUI to Perform Root-Cause Analysis Calibrating CHA to your RAC deployment Q & A – Further Information1 2 3 4 5 6 7Using CHA From the Command LineOverview•CHA is enabled by default•Autonomously monitors nodes once a RAC DB starts in the cluster •RAC or RAC One Node Database must be explicitly monitored – opt in •CHACTL Command Line supports–Start/Stop Monitoring–Diagnosing Health Issues and Corrective Actions–Model Calibration, Activation and Lifecycle Management–CHA Repository Data Lifecycle ManagementCluster Health Advisor – Command Line Operations Monitoring Your Databases and Nodes with CHACTLEnable CHA monitoring on RAC database with optional model$ chactl monitor database –db oltpacdb [-model model_name]Enable CHA monitoring on RAC database with optional verbose$ chactl status –verbosemonitoring nodes svr01, svr02 using model DEFAULT_CLUSTERmonitoring database oltpacdb, instances oltpacdb_1, oltpacdb_2 using model DEFAULT_DBCHA Command Line OperationsChecking for Health Issues and Corrective Actions with CHACTL QUERY DIAGNOSIS$ chactl query diagnosis -db oltpacdb -start "2016-10-28 01:52:50" -end "2016-10-28 03:19:15"2016-10-28 01:47:10.0 Database oltpacdb DB Control File IO Performance (oltpacdb_1) [detected]2016-10-28 01:47:10.0 Database oltpacdb DB Control File IO Performance (oltpacdb_2) [detected]2016-10-28 02:59:35.0 Database oltpacdb DB Log File Switch (oltpacdb_1) [detected]2016-10-28 02:59:45.0 Database oltpacdb DB Log File Switch (oltpacdb_2) [detected]Problem: DB Control File IO PerformanceDescription: CHA has detected that reads or writes to the control files are slower than expected.Cause: The Cluster Health Advisor (CHA) detected that reads or writes to the control files wereslow because of an increase in disk IO.The slow control file reads and writes may have an impact on checkpoint and Log Writer (LGWR) performance. Action: Separate the control files from other database files and move them to faster disks or SolidState Devices.Problem: DB Log File SwitchDescription: CHA detected that database sessions are waiting longer than expectedfor log switch completions.Cause: The Cluster Health Advisor (CHA) detected high contention during log switchesbecause the redo log files were small and the redo logs switched frequently.Action: Increase the size of the redo logs.Cluster Health Advisor – Command Line Operations HTML Diagnostic Health Output Available (-html <file_name>)AgendaIntroduction CHA Architecture and Operation Details Using CHA from the Command Line Using CHA from EMCC for Alerts and Corrective Actions Using the CHA GUI to Perform Root-Cause Analysis Calibrating CHA to your RAC deployment Q & A – Further Information1234567CHA has detected a service degradation due to higher than expected I/O latencies.CHA has detected a service degradation due to higher than expected I/O latencies.Cluster Health AdvisorCHA/DB HealthCHA detected a for service degradation due to higher than expected I/O latencies.CHA/DB Health: I/O problemCHA has detected a service degradation due to higher than expected I/O latencies.Cluster Health AdvisorCHA/DB Health: I/O problemCHA detected a for service degradation due to higher than expected I/O latencies.CHA/DB HealthCluster Health AdvisorThe degradation is caused by a higher than expected utilization of shared storage devices for thisdatabase. No evidence of significant increase in I/O demand on the local node.Problem Confidence Action 95.17%Validate whether there is increase in I/O demand on other nodes than the local and find I/O intensive SQL . Addmore disks to disk group or move database to faster disks.proddb_1proddb_2Using EMCC for Alerts and Corrective ActionsAgendaIntroduction CHA Architecture and Operation Details Using CHA from the Command Line Using CHA from EMCC for Alerts and Corrective Actions Using the CHA GUI to Perform Root-Cause Analysis Calibrating CHA to your RAC deployment Q & A – Further Information1234567Using the CHA GUI to Perform Root-Cause Analysis Overview•Standalone Java GUI Client•Must be run on local cluster node•Can be run against live GIMR or MDB(dump) filechactl export repository -formatmdb -start '2017-05-01 00:00:00'-end '2017-05-10 00:00:00'•Used internally for development•Will be available and maintained onOracle Technology Networksvr01svr02svr03myclusterCHA (on SVR01) V0.57.6, Data V0.17 – OTN Version (on SVR01)Cluster ‘mycluster ’ Sep -16 21:20:25 Cluster ‘mycluster ’devdbprodtestdbwebdb Cluster mycluster , Hosts:3, DB’s:4svr01svr02svr03myclusterCHA (on SVR01) V0.57.6, Data V0.17 – OTN Version (on SVR01)devdbprodtestdbwebdb Cluster mycluster , Hosts:3, DB’s:4Host ‘svr01’Host ‘svr02’Host ‘svr03’CHA (on SVR01) V0.57.6, Data V0.17 – OTN Version (on SVR01)svr01svr02svr03 svr02 Host svr02myclustersvr01svr02svr03DB prod in mycluster Sep-16 22:16:35 DB prod in myclustersvr01 svr02 svr03svr01 svr02 svr03svr01 svr02 svr03svr01 svr02 svr03svr01 svr02 svr03svr01 svr02 svr03svr01svr02svr03DB prod in mycluster Sep-16 22:16:35 DB prod in myclustersvr01 svr02 svr03svr01 svr02 svr03svr01 svr02 svr03svr01 svr02 svr03“We also deployed the CHA GUI which has been designed specifically to visualize abnormalities in OS and RDBMS statistics data streams which are detected and diagnosed by CHA in real time. It stands out as a successful visualization of the real time and historical monitoring data and diagnostics in our Oracle RAC database environment.”–Jens-Christian Pokolm, Head of DatabasesPostbank Systems AGAgendaIntroduction CHA Architecture and Operation Details Using CHA from the Command Line Using CHA from EMCC for Alerts and Corrective Actions Using the CHA GUI to Perform Root-Cause Analysis Calibrating CHA to your RAC Deployment Q & A – Further Information1234567Overview•Calibration Goal: Increase sensitivity and accuracy with sufficient warning •Release ships with conservative models to minimize false warnings–DEFAULT_CLUSTER for each cluster node–DEFAULT_DB for each database instance•Use your own data for periods of “normal operations” to increase sensitivity–Recommended minimum 6 hour period–Should include all normal workload phases for that model•Models may be changed dynamically online using CHACTLChoosing a Data Set for Calibration –Defining “normal”$ chactl query calibration –cluster –timeranges ‘start=2016-10-28 07:00:00,end=2016-10-28 13:00:00’ Cluster name : myclusterStart time : 2016-10-28 07:00:00End time : 2016-10-28 13:00:00Total Samples : 11524Percentage of filtered data : 100%1) Disk read (ASM) (Mbyte/sec)MEAN MEDIAN STDDEV MIN MAX 0.11 0.00 2.62 0.00 114.66<25 <50 <75 <100 >=100 99.87% 0.08% 0.00% 0.02% 0.03%2) Disk write (ASM) (Mbyte/sec)MEAN MEDIAN STDDEV MIN MAX 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.00 6.77 <50 <100 <150 <200 >=200 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3) Disk throughput (ASM) (IO/sec)MEAN MEDIAN STDDEV MIN MAX 2.20 0.00 31.17 0.00 1100.00<5000 <10000 <15000 <20000 >=20000 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%4) CPU utilization (total) (%)MEAN MEDIAN STDDEV MIN MAX 9.62 9.30 7.95 1.80 77.90 <20 <40 <60 <80 >=80 92.67% 6.17% 1.11% 0.05% 0.00%Creating a new CHA Model with CHACTL•Create and store the new model$ chactl query calibrate cluster –model daytime –timeranges ‘start=2016-10-28 07:00:00, end=2016-10-28 13:00:00’•Begin using the new model$ chactl monitor cluster –model daytime•Confirm the new model is being used$ chactl status –verbosemonitoring nodes svr01, svr02 using model daytimemonitoring database qoltpacdb, instances oltpacdb_1, oltpacdb_2 using model DEFAULT_DBAgendaIntroduction CHA Architecture and Operation Details Using CHA from the Command Line Using CHA from EMCC for Alerts and Corrective Actions Using the CHA GUI to Perform Root-Cause Analysis Calibrating CHA to your RAC deployment Q & A – Further Information1234567For Further Information•Oracle 12c Autonomous Health Framework User’s Guide•Oracle 12c Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide •Oracle Autonomous Health Framework on OTN。
Oracle Database Locator 12c 功能概述说明书

ORACLE FEATURE OVERVIEWORACLE DATABASE LOCATOR FEATURE LOCATION CAPABILITIES IN ORACLE DATABASE 12C KEY CAPABILITIES • SDO_GEOMETRY PackageOTHER ORACLE DATABSELOCATOR CAPABILITIES• Spatial geometry object data type• Fast spatial R-tree indexing• Spatial relationship operators:distance, area, and lengthfunctions+-• Open, standard SQL access tospatial operations• Whole Earth geometry model –comprehensive treatment ofgeodetic data• Function-based spatial indexes• Long transactions• Integration with Oracle FusionMiddleware MapViewer 11g mapvisualization tool• Coordinate system support basedon the European Petroleum SurveyGroup (EPSG) data model• Explicit coordinate transformationsInformation about the Oracle Spatialand Graph option can be found in aseparate data sheet at/goto/spatialA detailed listing of Oracle DatabaseLocator feature and Oracle Spatialand Graph option is in the OracleSpatial and Graph Developer’sGuide, 12c Release 1.Every Oracle database includes built-in location features that enable any business application – from department to enterprise – to directly incorporate location information and realize competitive advantages. Oracle’s open, native spatial support eliminates the cost of separate, proprietary systems, and is supported by all leading geospatial tool vendors. Only Oracle delivers industry-leading security, performance, scalability, and manageability for mission critical spatial assets stored in Oracle’s native type. This feature overview highlights capabilities of the Oracle Locator feature of Oracle Database 12c – the industry’s leading spatial database management platform. Easily Location-Enable All Your Applications Most business information has a location component, such as customer addresses, sales territories, and physical assets. Businesses can take advantage of their geographic information by incorporating location analysis into their information systems. This allows organizations to make better decisions and respond to customers more effectively. Oracle Database 12c provides the foundation for deploying enterprise-wide spatial information systems and location-enabled e-Business applications. Oracle Database Locator , a feature of Oracle Database (Express Edition, Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, and Enterprise Edition), provides core location functionality needed by most customer applications and partner solutions. Developers can easily incorporate location information directly in their applications and services using Locator. This is possible because location data is fully integrated in the Oracle server itself. Geographic and location data are manipulated using the same semantics applied to the CHAR, DATE or INTEGER types that are familiar to all users of SQL. Oracle Database Locator feature is not a solution for more complex geospatial applications. Oracle Spatial and Graph , an option to Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, extends the Locator feature, and provides an even more robust foundation for geospatial and business applications that require advanced spatial analysis and processing in Oracle Database. It includes support for all geospatial data types and models, including vector and raster data, and topology and network models; as well as routing and geocoding engines. Oracle Database Locator Feature Highlights The SDO_GEOMETRY package is now part of Oracle Database Locator feature. This means that many of the commonly used spatial functions and operators, such as intersection, difference, distance, and within distance are2Resources:/goto/spatial•White papers •Customer videos, profiles•News and eventsOracle Technology Network:/technetwork/database/options/spatialandgraph/spatial•Documentation and white papers •Software, sample code •Customer profiles •Technical forum • Training (Oracle University classschedules, online training, freetutorials)• PartnersRelated products • Oracle Database 12c • Oracle Fusion MiddlewareMapVieweravailable. However, to take advantage of the dramatic performance improvements for these spatial functions and operators (Vector Performance Acceleration feature), the Oracle Spatial and Graph option is required. This gives users about 50X faster spatial joins, touch, contains, overlaps, and complex masks. Manage Critical Spatial Data Assets with Enterprise-Class Security, Scalability, Performance For your mission-critical spatial data assets, only Oracle can provide the security, scalability, and performance of the industry’s leading database, to manage multi-terabyte datasets and serve communities ranging from tens to tens of thousands of users. Only by using Oracle’s native spatial data type (versus Long Raw or BLOB) can you take advantage of the features below: • Oracle Exadata Database Machine • Partitioning support for spatial indexes •Parallel index builds for spatial R-tree indexes •Parallel spatial queries •Replication (some features available with Enterprise Edition only) • Spatially-driven multi-level securitySupported By All Leading Geospatial Tools and ApplicationsOracle Database Locator feature is directly integrated with the leading geospatial, mapping and location services technology vendors. Since Oracle’s spatial data type is compliant with open standards, Oracle can serve as an interoperable, central geospatial data repository for providingdata to any partner application.A list of partners is available at:/technetwork/database/options/spatialandgraph/spatial.With Oracle Database Locator feature, Oracle brings the power and valueof location analysis to all your business applications. Only Oracle providesworld-class performance, scalability, security, and manageability to yourspatial data assets, while reducing costs, with support from every leadinggeospatial vendor.Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.。

Oracle12c Release1安装图解(详解)Oracle12c终于发布了,代号为c,即为Cloud(云),替代了网格(Grid)运算。
我的机器基础环境:Windows8(x64) + Oracle11g Release2(x64),初次全新安装Oracle12c Release1(x64)1.如图一,点击“setup”,建议以管理员身份运行。
图一2. 接下来如图二,检查监视器参数(此处依据机子配置等待时间不等,要耐心)图二随后,如果符合安装要求,会出现安装程序界面3.配置安全更新(图三)电子邮件(可选)我希望通过My Oracle Support接收安全更新(W)(可选)一般情况下,这两项不必要勾选,如果你是DBA另说。
图三4.取消勾选“我希望通过My Oracle Support接收安全更新(W)”,点击“下一步”,会弹出下图对话框,点击“是”即可,如图四图四5.软件更新(图五)选择“跳过软件更新”,点击“下一步”图五6.安装选项(图六)创建和配置数据库(C)(本文档选该项,下一步)安装数据库软件并创建一个数据库实例(初学者)仅安装数据库软件(D)安装数据库软件,不会创建数据库实例(非初学者)升级现有的数据库(U)升级低版本的Oracle数据库图六7.系统类(图七)默认为“桌面类”;如果是安装在服务器上,选择“服务器类”,如Windows Server 系列,Ubuntu Server等。
Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c 发布说明书

Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops CenterCertified Systems Matrix12c Release 4 ( 2019Certified Systems MatrixThis guide lists the certified systems for Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.The following topics are covered in this document:•Base Operating Systems•Base Browsers•Base Databases•Base Oracle Clusterware for High Availability•Target Operating Systems•Target Servers•Target Non-Server Hardware•Target VirtualizationBase Operating SystemsThis section describes the supported operating systems for the Enterprise Controllerand Proxy Controller.Enterprise Controller Operating SystemsThis table lists the supported operating systems for the Enterprise Controller.Table 1-1 Enterprise Controller Operating SystemsCertificationPlatformVersion Minimum Update Level and CommentsOracle SolarisOracle Solaris SPARC 10Embedded Database: 1/13Customer-Managed Database: 1/13Table 1-1 (Cont.) Enterprise Controller Operating Systems CertificationPlatformVersion Minimum Update Level and CommentsOracle Solaris SPARC 11Embedded Database: 11.3 and 11.4Customer-Managed Database: 11.3 and 11.4Oracle Solaris SPARC Local Zone 10Embedded Database: 1/13Customer-Managed Database: 1/13Oracle Solaris SPARC Local Zone 11Embedded Database: 11.3 and 11.4Customer-Managed Database: 11.3 and 11.4Oracle Solaris SPARC Kernel Zone 11Embedded Database: 11.3 and 11.4Customer-Managed Database: 11.3 and 11.4Oracle VM Server for SPARC 10Embedded Database: 1/13Customer-Managed Database: 1/13Oracle VM Server for SPARC 11Embedded Database: 11.3 and 11.4Customer-Managed Database: 11.3 and 11.4Oracle Solaris x8610Embedded Database: 1/13Customer-Managed Database: 1/13Oracle Solaris x8611Embedded Database: 11.3 and 11.4Customer-Managed Database: 11.3 and 11.4Oracle Solaris x86 Local Zone 10Embedded Database: 1/13Customer-Managed Database: 1/13Oracle Solaris x86 Local Zone 11Embedded Database: 11.3 and 11.4Customer-Managed Database: 11.3 and 11.4Oracle Solaris x86 Kernel Zone 11Embedded Database: 11.3 and 11.4Customer-Managed Database: 11.3 and 11.4LinuxOracle Linux77.0 - 7.3Proxy Controller Operating SystemsThis table lists the supported operating systems for Proxy Controllers. Table 1-2 Proxy Controller Operating SystemsCertification Platform Version Minimum Update Level and Comments Oracle SolarisOracle Solaris SPARC101/13Oracle Solaris SPARC1111.3 and 11.4Oracle Solaris SPARC LocalZone1111.3 and 11.4Table 1-2 (Cont.) Proxy Controller Operating SystemsCertification Platform Version Minimum Update Level and Comments Oracle Solaris SPARCKernel Zone1111.3 and 11.4Oracle VM Server forSPARC101/13Oracle VM Server forSPARC1111.3 and 11.4Oracle Solaris x86101/13Oracle Solaris x861111.3 and 11.4Oracle Solaris x86 LocalZone1111.3 and 11.4Oracle Solaris x86 KernelZone1111.3 and 11.4LinuxOracle Linux77.0 - 7.3Base BrowsersThis table lists the supported browsers for accessing the user interface. Table 1-3 Base BrowsersCertification Platform VersionFirefox64 or laterInternet Explorer11Chrome71 or laterBase DatabasesThis table lists the supported product databases.Table 1-4 Base DatabasesCertification Platform Version Supported Update Level CommentsOracle Database -Customer-Managed 12c12.1.0.2 container and non-containerAll platforms the databasesupports are allowed.Oracle Real ApplicationClusters are supported. 11g11. and 1-4 (Cont.) Base DatabasesCertification Platform Version Supported Update Level CommentsOracle Database -Embedded 12c12.1.0.2Oracle Database isused in Oracle EnterpriseManager Ops Center 12.4.Base Oracle Clusterware for High AvailabilityThis table lists the supported Oracle Clusterware versions for Enterprise Controller High Availability.Table 1-5 Base Oracle ClusterwareCertification Platform Version Update LevelOracle Clusterware11gR211.2.0.1 or Target Operating SystemsThis table lists the supported target operating systems.Table 1-6 Target Operating SystemsCertificationPlatformVersion Minimum Update Level and Comments Oracle Solaris SPARCOracle SolarisSPARC101/13Oracle Solaris SPARC 1111.3 and 11.4The Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller mustbe on Oracle Solaris 11 to update, provision, andagent-manage Oracle Solaris 11 assets.For Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4, support is limited tothe same feature set as Oracle Solaris 11.1, as wellas limited support for Kernel zones. Other featuresintroduced in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4 are not yetsupported.Oracle SolarisSPARC LocalZone101/13Table 1-6 (Cont.) Target Operating SystemsCertificationPlatformVersion Minimum Update Level and CommentsOracle Solaris SPARC Local Zone 1111.3 and 11.4The Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller mustbe on Oracle Solaris 11 to update, provision, andagent-manage Oracle Solaris 11 assets.For Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4, support is limited tothe same feature set as Oracle Solaris 11.1, as wellas limited support for Kernel zones. Other featuresintroduced in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4 are not yetsupported.Oracle Solaris SPARC Kernel Zone 1111.3 and 11.4The Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller mustbe on Oracle Solaris 11 to update, provision, andagent-manage Oracle Solaris 11 assets.For Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4, support is limited tothe same feature set as Oracle Solaris 11.1, as wellas limited support for Kernel zones. Other featuresintroduced in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4 are not yetsupported.Oracle VMServer forSPARC101/13Oracle VM Server for SPARC 1111.3 and 11.4The Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller mustbe on Oracle Solaris 11 to update, provision, andagent-manage Oracle Solaris 11 assets.For Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4, support is limited tothe same feature set as Oracle Solaris 11.1, as wellas limited support for Kernel zones. Other featuresintroduced in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4 are not yetsupported.Oracle Solaris x86Oracle Solarisx86101/13Oracle Solaris x861111.3 and 11.4The Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller mustbe on Oracle Solaris 11 to update, provision, andagent-manage Oracle Solaris 11 assets.For Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4, support is limited tothe same feature set as Oracle Solaris 11.1, as wellas limited support for Kernel zones. Other featuresintroduced in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4 are not yetsupported.Oracle Solarisx86 Local Zone101/13Table 1-6 (Cont.) Target Operating SystemsCertificationPlatformVersion Minimum Update Level and CommentsOracle Solaris x86 Local Zone 1111.3 and 11.4The Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller mustbe on Oracle Solaris 11 to update, provision, andagent-manage Oracle Solaris 11 assets.For Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4, support is limited tothe same feature set as Oracle Solaris 11.1, as wellas limited support for Kernel zones. Other featuresintroduced in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4 are not yetsupported.Oracle Solaris x86 Kernel Zone 1111.3 and 11.4The Enterprise Controller and Proxy Controller mustbe on Oracle Solaris 11 to update, provision, andagent-manage Oracle Solaris 11 assets.For Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4, support is limited tothe same feature set as Oracle Solaris 11.1, as wellas limited support for Kernel zones. Other featuresintroduced in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4 are not yetsupported.LinuxOracle Linux77.0 - 7.3OS Updates are not supported.Target ServersThis section shows the supported target servers.Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center can perform server management tasks on many platforms. All Oracle/Sun servers with ILOM enabled service processors are supported. These servers represent the bulk of server equipment (V series servers, X series servers, T series servers, and M series servers) available from Oracle. Exceptions are called out in the documentation for specific features if any exist. The recommended firmware is the most recently tested version.Starting with Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Release 3 (, Oracle Server X6–2, Oracle Server X6–2L, SPARC S7-2, and SPARC S7-2L systems are supported.SPARC M5-32, SPARC M6-32, SPARC M7-8, SPARC M7-16, SPARC M8-8 Single Domain, and SPARC M8-8 Multi Domain servers are supported, but some features have additional limitations:•When performing firmware provisioning on SPARC M5-32 and SPARC M6-32 servers, do not select the "Requires Host Power Off" option.•Certain hardware faults on SPARC M5-32 and SPARC M6-32 servers are mapped to the wrapping components, rather than to the correct components.•When performing OS Provisioning on SPARC M5-32, SPARC M6-32, SPARC M7-8, SPARC M7-16, SPARC M8-8 Single Domain, and SPARC M8-8 MultiDomain server domains, if you plan to use the network interfaces on the PCI cards that are available only through OBP, specify the MAC address of the networkinterface instead of the IP address when you deploy the OS Provisioning plan. Oracle Server X7 series systems are supported, but they do not support Oracle Solaris 10. You cannot configure RAID on Oracle Server X7 series systems.Oracle Server X6 series systems are supported, but they do not support Oracle Solaris 10. You cannot configure RAID on Oracle Server X6 series systems.Oracle Server X5 series systems are supported, but they do not support Oracle Solaris 10. You cannot configure RAID on Oracle Server X5 series systems.Ensure that you maintain your system firmware. The following are some of the reasons to update the firmware on your system:•Support for new versions of hardware (or peripherals)•Expanded compatibility and enhancements•Better reliability and system availability•Better system performance•Additional system features•Security fixes•Other bug fixesSee the Related Articles and Resources section for more information about updating firmware.For the Auto Service Request (ASR) feature, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center supports the ILOM and FMA telemetry sources as well as HALRT faults from Exadata systems. Any hardware supported by Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center that is listed as supported in the ASR documentation is supported for ASR through Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center using these telemetry sources. See the Related Articles and Resources section for more information about the ASR documentation. Target Non-Server HardwareThis table lists the supported target non-server hardware.For the Auto Service Request (ASR) feature, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center supports the ILOM and FMA telemetry sources as well as HALRT faults from Exadata systems. Any hardware supported by Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center that is listed as supported in the ASR documentation is supported for ASR through Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center using these telemetry sources. See the Related Articles and Resources section for more information about the ASR documentation.Table 1-7 Target Non-Server HardwareCertificationPlatformVersion Minimum Update LevelOpen StorageOracle ZFSStorageZS3-2NAOracle ZFSStorageZS3-4NAOracle ZFSStorageZS4-4NAOracle ZFSStorageZS5-2NATarget VirtualizationThis table lists the supported target virtualization technologies for control domains. See the Related Articles and Resources section for more information about virtualization requirements.Table 1-8 Target VirtualizationCertification Platform Version Minimum Update Level and Comments Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2Oracle Solaris 10 1/13Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3Oracle Solaris 11.3Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.4Oracle Solaris 11.3Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.5Oracle Solaris 11.3Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.6Oracle Solaris 11.4Oracle Solaris Zones Oracle Solaris10Oracle Solaris 10 1/13Oracle Solaris Zones Oracle Solaris11Oracle Solaris 11.3 and 11.4Oracle VM Server for SPARC Supported Guest Operating Systems NA For information about Guest support, see/technetwork/documentation/vm-sparc-194287.html.Related Articles and ResourcesSee the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation for Oracle Solaris Operating System and Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation for Linux Operating Systems for information about installing Oracle Enterprise Manager OpsCenter. These documents are available in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Documentation Library at /cd/E59957_01/index.htm.For more information about firmware:•See Firmware Resources at /technetwork/systems/ patches/firmware/firmware-resources-1429462.html for a high level overview of firmware update recommendations.•See the Oracle hardware documentation and Product Notes for minimum firmware and OS requirements for your servers.•See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Operations Guide for information about downloading and updating the required firmware version.See the ASR documentation at /technetwork/systems/asr/ documentation/index.html for more information about ASR support.For current discussions, see the product blog at https:/// opscenter.See the release-specific Oracle VM Server for SPARC Release Notes for the system requirements, including supported platforms, required and recommended operating system versions, and required and recommended firmware versions. The Oracle VM Server for SPARC documentation is located at /technetwork/ documentation/vm-sparc-194287.htmlOracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center Certified Systems Matrix, 12c Release 4 ( © 2007, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.。

oracle12c操作手册摘要:I.简介- Oracle 12c 简介- 安装Oracle 12c 的准备工作II.安装Oracle 12c- 安装过程概述- 安装必要的软件包- 解压缩Oracle 12c 安装文件- 运行安装向导- 安装选项与路径设置- 安装完成后验证III.Oracle 12c 数据库配置- 配置环境变量- 使用SQL*Plus 进行初始化配置- 创建第一个数据库实例- 配置监听器IV.Oracle 12c 数据库管理- 数据库启动与关闭- 连接到数据库- 管理用户与权限- 数据表与索引的创建与管理- 备份与恢复V.Oracle 12c 性能优化- 性能监测与分析- Oracle 12c 的自动优化功能- 数据库调整建议VI.常见问题与解决方案- 安装过程中的问题- 数据库管理与使用中的问题正文:Oracle 12c 是一款由甲骨文公司推出的数据库管理系统,它具有强大的性能和高度的可扩展性,被广泛应用于各种企业和组织的信息化建设中。
本操作手册将介绍如何安装、配置和使用Oracle 12c 数据库,以及如何进行性能优化和解决常见问题。
首先,我们需要了解Oracle 12c 的基本信息,以便更好地理解后续的操作步骤。
Oracle 12c 是Oracle 数据库的第十三个版本,它引入了许多新的特性和改进,例如:多租户架构、动态SQL 优化、闪回恢复技术等。
这些特性使得Oracle 12c 能够更好地满足企业级应用的需求,提高数据处理效率和系统性能。
在安装Oracle 12c 之前,我们需要做好一些准备工作,包括:购买Oracle 12c 软件、安装必要的软件包(如:Java、NetCDF 等)、准备安装路径等。
接下来,我们将进入Oracle 12c 的安装过程。
首先,我们需要解压缩Oracle 12c 安装文件,然后运行安装向导。

Oracle BIEE 12c系统安装配置文档仇辉2015年12月1文档控制编制审核发布目录1文档控制 (2)2安装环境准备 (4)2.1操作系统 (4)2.2JDK安装 (4)2.3介质下载及解压 (4)2.4禁用UAC (4)2.5安装M ICROSOFT V ISUAL C++2010X64 (5)3BIEE软件安装 (6)3.1安装WEBLOGIC (6)3.2安装BIEE12C (17)3.3使用RCU创建资料档案库 (26)3.4配置BIEE12C (32)2安装环境准备2.1操作系统此次操作系统环境为:Windows 2012 Server R2 x642.2JDK安装官网下载JDK1.8版本jdk-8u66-windows-x64,进行安装2.3介质下载及解压在 下载安装介质。
注意:如果之前没有安装Microsoft Visual C++2010x64,安装过程中会自动安装。
3BIEE软件安装3.1安装weblogic3.1.1Windows服务器安装1)打开cmd命令窗口,进入安装介质文件夹C:\Soft\BIEE12c,执行java -jarfmw_12.;2)点击下一步3)选择跳过自动更新,点击下一步4)选择安装目录,点击下一步5)选择含示例的(注:此处根据安装情景不同请自行选择),点击下一步6)通过系统检查,点击下一步7)如图示选择,点击下一步8)此步骤可以检查安装信息,如没有问题,点击安装进行安装9)安装过程进行中,请等待10)安装过程进行中,请等待11)安装完成,点击下一步12)显示安装配置完成的信息,weblogic安装完成。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Oracle BIEE 12c系统安装配置文档
2015-12-18 仇辉V1.0
2015-12-18 V2.0
1文档控制 (2)
2安装环境准备 (4)
2.1操作系统 (4)
2.2JDK安装 (4)
2.3介质下载及解压 (4)
2.4禁用UAC (4)
2.5安装M ICROSOFT V ISUAL C++2010X64 (5)
3BIEE软件安装 (6)
3.1安装WEBLOGIC (6)
3.2安装BIEE12C (17)
3.3使用RCU创建资料档案库 (26)
3.4配置BIEE12C (32)
此次操作系统环境为:Windows 2012 Server R2 x64
在 下载安装介质。
2.5安装Microsoft Visual C++2010x64
注意:如果之前没有安装Microsoft Visual C++2010x64,安装过程中会自动安装。
1)打开cmd命令窗口,进入安装介质文件夹C:\Soft\BIEE12c,执行java -jar
3.2安装BIEE 12c
3.2.9点击完成,完成BIEE 12c软件安装
BIEE 12c之后已经不需要单独下载RCU(安装BIEE 12c后自带),也可以不需要提前通过RCU创建,可以在配置BIEE 过程中进行创建。
3.4配置BIEE 12c
3.4.4此处选择使用现有方案,填入前缀 DEV及数据库连接信息,点击下一步
在此可以看到BIEE 12c的新的Data Exploration & Discovery。