
1. The main differe nee betwee n/e/an d/?/lies in the ______ .A. ton gue positi onB. sound durati onC. ope nn ess of the mouthD. shape of the lips2. _________ i s the main rhymi ng pattern in" Mrs. White/Had a flight/I n the middle of the ni ght".A. AssonanceB. End rhymeC. Alliteratio nD. Reverse end rhyme3. We're all keep ing our ________ crossed that the surge ons do not find anything too serious with the patient.A. fin gersB. thumbsC. handsD. feet4. Whe n impleme nting the project, we ________ a lot of un expected oppositi on from our colleagues.A. run forB. make aga instC. run up aga instD. make away with5. The isla nd measures about 30 miles ________ 20 miles.A. byB. withC. toD. upon6. --Will John come to the party?--No, he won't come and _________ .A. Antony n either won' tB. won' t Antony n eitherC. either will An to nyD. n either will Antony7. Garbo plays the role of the queen, _______ in the love she has found withAn to nio.A. rejoicedB. rejoici ngC. being rejoicedD. to rejoice8. ________ m i nisters decide to in stigate an inquiry, we welcome it.A. Should ... wouldB. Suppose ... couldC. If... wouldD. Would ... will9. What is miss ing at the discourse level betwee n the two sen ten ces "Carol loves tomatoes. She was born in Africa."?A. Refere nee.B. Cohesi on.C. Cohere nee.D. Substituti on.10. The synonyms "charge" and "accuse" mai nly differ in _______ .A. emotio nB. dialectC. formalityD. collocati on11. Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students' ability to make inferen ces?A. Liste n to a story and write a summary.B. Liste n to a story and work out the writer' s in ten tio n.C. Liste n to the story of a boy and the n draw a picture of him.D. Liste n to a story and note dow n the specific date of an eve nt.12. The most suitable questi on type to check stude nts' comprehe nsion and develop their critical thi nking is ________ .A. rhetorical questio nsB. refere ntial questio nsC. close questi onsD. display questio ns13. Diag no stic test is ofte n used for the purpose ofA. finding out what stude nts know and don' t knowB. measuri ng stude nts' gen eral la nguage proficie ncyC. knowing whether stude nts have the right Ian guage aptitudeD. check ing whether stude nts have achieved the teach ing objectives14. Which of the following activities is often used to develop students' speaking accuracy?A. Ide ntify ing and correct ing oral mistakes.B. Act ing out the dialogue in the text.C. Having discussi ons in groups.D. Describ ing people in pair.15. If a teacher asks students to make their own leanning plan, he/she is trying to develop their ________ .A. cog nitive strategyB. affective strategyC. com muni cative strategyD. metacog nitive strategy16. When a teacher tells students that the word "dog" may imply "loyalty", he/she is teach ing the ________ o f the word.A. deno tative meaningB. cono cative meaningC. con ceptual meaningD. conno tative meaning17. Which of the following is the last step in the process of writing essays?A. Edit ing the writ in gs.B. Writ ing topic senten ces for paragraphs.C. Gatheri ng in formatio n and ideas releva nt to the topic.D. Orga nizing the in formati on and ideas into a logical seque nee.18. The main purpose of ask ing questi ons about the topic before liste ning is toA. meet stude nts' expectati onB. i ncrease stude nts' con fide neeC. activate stude nts' schemataD. provide feedback on tasks19. Ifa teacher asks stude nts to fill in the bla nks in a passage with "that", "which" or "whom",he/she is least likely focus ing on grammar at _______ .A. lexical levelB. syn tactic levelC. discourse levelD. morphological level20. If a teacher asks stude nts to talk about their hobbies in groups, he/she is trying to encourage _______ .A. peer correct ionB. peer feedbackC. peer in teract ionD. peer assessme nt请阅读Passage,完成第21-25小题。

1.The sound of“th”in“thin”is ______.A. voiceless, dental, and fricativeB. voiced, dental and fricativeC. voiceless, dental, and affricativeD. voiced, dental, and affricative2. Of all the following pairs of words,______ is a minimal pair.A. boot and boughtB. deep and dogC. either and neitherD. ghost and best3. ______ can fly very high in ______ sky.A. The birds…theB. The birds…/C. Birds…theD. Birds…/4. In my opinion she is kind and polite, so I put her rudeness today down as ______.A. ordinaryB. untimelyC. progressiveD. accidental5. With spring approaching, the pink of the apple-blossom is beginning to ______.A. showB. growC. riseD. ascend6. Mr. Woods, I am here just in case anything out of the ordinary ______.A happensB happenC would happenD. will happen7. I look back on this pleasant holiday in Beijing with ______ pleasure.A. anything butB. all butC. everything butD. nothing but8. Tom, take this baggage and put it ______ you can find enough space.A. whichB. in whichC. whereverD. whereas9. What is the main rhetoric device used in“T he Pentagon was divided on the air strike.”?A. Synecdoche.B. Metonymy.C. Metaphor.D. Oxymoron.10. Which inference in the brackets of the following sentences is a presupposition?A. Ede caught a trout. (Ede caught a fish.)B. Don’t sit on Carol's bed. (Carol has a bed.)C. This blimp is over the house. (The house is under the blimp.)D. Coffee would keep me awake all night. (I don't want coffee.)11. Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students, ability to make inferences?A. Listen to a story and write a summary.B. Listen to a story and work out the writer's intention.C. Listen to the story of a boy and then draw a picture of him.D. Listen to a story and note down the specific date of an event.12. The most suitable question type to check students comprehension and develop their critical thinking is ______.A. rhetorical questionsB. referential questionsC. close questionsD. display questions13. Diagnostic test is often used for the purpose of ______.A. finding out what students know and don’t knowB. measuring students' general language proficiencyC. knowing whether students have the right language aptitudeD. checking whether students have achieved the teaching objectives14. Which of the following activities is often used to develop students' speaking accuracy?A. Identifying and correcting oral mistakes.B. Acting out the dialogue in the text.C. Having discussions in groups.D. Describing people in pair.15. If a teacher asks students to make their own learning plan, he/she is trying to devel op their ______.A. cognitive strategyB. affective strategyC. communicative strategyD. metacognitive strategy16. When a teacher tells the students that the word“dog” may imply“loyalty”, he/she is teaching the ______ of the word.A. denotative meaningB. collocative meaningC. conceptual meaningD. connotative meaning17. Which of the following is the last step in the process of writing essays?A. Editing the writings.B. Writing topic sentences for paragraphs.C. Gathering information and ideas relevant to the topic.D. Organizing the information and ideas into a logical sequence.18. The main purpose of asking questions about the topic before listening is to ______.A. meet students' expectationB. increase students' confidenceC. activate students' schemataD. provide feedback on tasks19. If a teacher asks students to fill in the blanks in a passage with“that”,“which”or“whom”,he/she is least likely focusing on grammar at ______.A. lexical levelB. syntactic levelC. discourse levelD. morphological level20. If a teacher asks students to talk about their hobbies in groups, he/she is trying to encourage ______.A. peer correctionB. peer feedbackC. peer interactionD. peer assessment请阅读Passage1,完成第21~25小题。
[职业资格类试卷]2017年下半年中学教师资格认定考试(初级英语学科知识与教学能力)真题试卷一、单项选择题1 The main difference between /e/ and // lies in the______.(A)tongue position(B)sound duration(C)openness of the mouth(D)shape of the lips2 _____ is the main rhyming pattern in "Mrs. White/Had a fright/In the middle of the night".(A)Assonance(B)End rhyme(C)Alliteration(D)Reverse end rhyme3 We're all keeping our______crossed that the surgeons do not find anything too serious with the patient.(A)fingers(B)thumbs(C)hands(D)feet4 When implementing the project, we______ a lot of unexpected opposition from our colleagues.(A)run for(B)make against(C)run up against(D)make away with5 The island measures about 30 miles______20 miles.(A)by(B)with(C)to(D)upon6 —Will John come to the party? —No, he won't come and______.(A)Antony neither won' t(B)won't Antony neither(C)either will Antony(D)neither will Antony7 Garbo plays the role of the queen,______ in the love she has found with Antonio. (A)rejoiced(B)rejoicing(C)being rejoiced(D)to rejoice8 _____ ministers decide to instigate an inquiry, we______welcome it.(A)Should ... would(B)Suppose ... could(C)If... would(D)Would ... will9 What is missing at the discourse level between the two sentences "Carol loves tomatoes. She was born in Africa."?(A)Reference.(B)Cohesion.(C)Coherence.(D)Substitution.10 The synonyms "charge" and "accuse" mainly differ in______.(A)emotion(B)dialect(C)formality(D)collocation11 Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students' ability to make inferences?(A)Listen to a story and write a summary.(B)Listen to a story and work out the writer's intention.(C)Listen to the story of a boy and then draw a picture of him.(D)Listen to a story and note down the specific date of an event.12 The most suitable question type to check students' comprehension and develop their critical thinking is______.(A)rhetorical questions(B)referential questions(C)close questions(D)display questions13 Diagnostic test is often used for the purpose of(A)finding out what students know and don't know(B)measuring students' general language proficiency(C)knowing whether students have the right language aptitude(D)checking whether students have achieved the teaching objectives14 Which of the following activities is often used to develop students' speaking accuracy? (A)Identifying and correcting oral mistakes.(B)Acting out the dialogue in the text.(C)Having discussions in groups.(D)Describing people in pair.15 If a teacher asks students to make their own learning plan, he/she is trying to develop their______.(A)cognitive strategy(B)affective strategy(C)communicative strategy(D)metacognitive strategy16 When a teacher tells students that the word "dog" may imply "loyalty", he/she is teaching the______of the word.(A)denotative meaning(B)collocative meaning(C)conceptual meaning(D)connotative meaning17 Which of the following is the last step in the process of writing essays?(A)Editing the writings.(B)Writing topic sentences for paragraphs.(C)Gathering information and ideas relevant to the topic.(D)Organizing the information and ideas into a logical sequence.18 The main purpose of asking questions about the topic before listening is to______. (A)meet students' expectation(B)increase students' confidence(C)activate students' schemata(D)provide feedback on tasks19 If a teacher asks students to fill in the blanks in a passage with "that", "which" or "whom", he/she is least likely focusing on grammar at______.(A)lexical level(B)syntactic level(C)discourse level(D)morphological level20 If a teacher asks students to talk about their hobbies in groups, he/she is trying to encourage______.(A)peer correction(B)peer feedback(C)peer interaction(D)peer assessment二、简答题21 简述教材在英语教学中的两个作用,列出教师使用教材的三点注意事项。

2017下半年教师资格证高中英语面试真题第一批二、考题解析【教案】Teaching AimsKnowledge aim: Students will recognize the liaison in the target passage and memorize the liaison rules.Ability aim:1. Students can work out the liaison rules through listening, pair work and the guidance from the teacher.2. Students can apply the liaison rules into practice and express themselves in a more idiomatic way through imitating, speaking and reading.Emotional aim : After this lesson, students will be more confident in speaking English.Teaching Key &Difficult PointsKey point: Students can master the liaison rules.Difficult point: Students can apply the rules into practice.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming up1. Play the music video Father issued by Guitar Cover and have a free talk about “the impressive story between you and your father”.2. Ask the students to think over the question: what have you done for your father. Step 2: Presentation1. Ask the students to read the passage on the textbook aloud after the tape and ask why you can’t catch the speed of the tape. Explain there are some liaisons in the passage.2. Ask students to circle all of the liaison in the target material through listening to the tape.3. Ask students to work in pairs to find out the rules of liaison by classifying whether a word is ended with a consonant and the following word is initiated witha vowel.4. Lead the students to read the liaison after the teacher and tell students liaison happens when a word is ended with a consonant and the following word is initiated with a vowel.Step 3: PracticeAsk the whole class to read after the tape several times and try to imitate, then some students will be invited to have a competition to read the passage to the class, and others justify who reads faster.Step 4: Production1.Present them another piece of passage and ask them to work in pairs to underline the liaison inside and try to read it fluently. Afterwards, the standard edition will be presented.2.Funny dubbing: a part of the movie Despicable Me is presented for students to imitate, practice and compete for the best voice actor.Step 5: Summary & Homework1. Ask students to summarize and memorize the liaison rules.2. After class, choose their favorite part from their favorite movie and do the voice acting job.IV Blackboard design二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: students will know more about British coffee culture.Ability aim: students can catch some detailed information about the passage. Emotional aim: students will appreciate different culture.Key and difficult point:Students will get the general idea of this passage.Students can express their ideas about the topic.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreet the students.Have a free talk with them and ask them if they drink coffee.Step 2: Pre-readingPlay them a short video to introduce British tea culture, and fill them in with the information that Britain has a long history for tea culture to give them some background information for the passage understanding.Step 3: While-reading1st reading: give them 2 minutes to read the passage quickly to get the general idea of this passage and invite some students to share their answers.2nd reading: leave the question to them--what is the stereotype and truth about British people? And give them 5 minutes to read the passage carefully to find the answers. After 5 minutes, invite some students to share their ideas. And then divide them into groups of 4 to find the evidence from the text to support their ideas. Step4: Post-readingActivity 1: invite two students to retell the passage according the clues on the blackboard.Activity 2: divide them into groups of 3 to talk about China food culture.Step5: Summary and homeworkInvite a student to make a summary then leave them the homework-search online for the development of coffee culture in China.Blackboard design:二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: students will recognize the structure and grammar meaning of appositive clauses.Ability aim: students will be able to apply appositive clauses in their daily use. Emotional aim: students will cultivate the awareness of protecting the environment. Key and difficult point:Students will master the structure and grammar meaning of the appositive clause. Students can tell the difference between appositive clauses and attributive clauses. Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreet the students.Have a short review about attributive clause from last class. Then ask students to compare the two sentences below and lead to the new lesson for the appositive clause. The news that my father told me yesterday made me cry.The news that my father won the game made me cry yesterday.Step 2: PresentationAsk students to read the above material first, then invite them to share their understanding about the two “that”clauses. Then try to find the structure with them together: the two that clauses(appositive clauses) here explain the noun “doubt” and show the meaning of it. Another example of this is that “The news that my father won the game made me cry yesterday.”Here, “that my father won the game” is actually the content of the news. The function of it is not to modify the noun but to show the content of it which is different from the attributive clause. Step 3: Practice1.Find the attributive clause in the material and rewrite it to an appositive clause: “ it is human activity that has caused this global warming ”---”it is human activity that we drive too many cars that has caused this global warming”2.List some sentences on the screen and ask students to tell which are attributive clauses and which are appositive clauses.Step4: ProductionDivide them in groups of 4 to have a discussion about what can we do to help the global warming and give them 5 minutes to discuss. Show them an example as:I hold the idea that promoting the public transportation system will encourage more people travel less by private cars.The news that the government is putting money on clean energy is also helpful. Step5: Summary and homeworkInvite a student to make a summary then leave them the homework-search online for 5 common nouns which often appear in the appositive clause.Blackboard design:二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: students will master the structure and grammar meaning of passive voice.Ability aim: students will be able to speak or write in passive voice. Emotional aim: students will understand the importance of teamwork..Key and difficult point:Students will master the structure and grammar meaning of passive voice. Students can apply the grammar in their daily speaking.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreet the students.Show them a sentence: Cambridge University Press published this book. And have a short review about the active voice.The active voice is the typical word order. We put the subject (the topic or the theme) first. The subject is the ‘doer’ or agent of the verb. And tell them that we can also rewrite this sentence into “This book was published by Cambridge University Press.” and lead to the new lesson.Step 2: Presentation1. Take the above sentence as an example, and analyze it with the students together:In the passive, the person or thing that the action was done to becomes the topic or theme. We can leave out the ‘doer’ or agent, or we can place the ‘doer’ in a prepositional phrase (by + ‘doer’).2. Show the sentence “It is reported that many a house is being built at present in the disaster area.” and ask them to talk about the two passive forms. And complete the table with them together.Step 3: PracticeThen show the sentence “It is reported that many a house is being built at present in the disaster area.” and ask them to add up the doers in this sentence.Step4: ProductionAsk them to work with their desk mates and to describe their daily activities with each other. And passive voices need to be applied. And after 5 minutes, invite some pairs to share their answers.Step5: Summary and homeworkInvite a student to make a summary then leave them the homework-come out or more examples of passive voice in different tenses.Blackboard design:第二批二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: By the end of the class, students will know some key words about environment protection, such as suffer form, reusable shopping bags, do harm to and so on. .Ability aim: Students’ writing ability of expressing their opinions can be improved by the end of the class.Emotional aim: Students will foster the awareness of .protecting environment. Key and difficult point:Students will improve their writing ability.Leading students to think about things beyond their real life.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreet the students.Watch a short video about pollution and share their opinions about this issue. Step 2: Pre-writing1.Tell students we would write an article and the topic is environment protection.2.Show students a passage and try to find out the bad effects of cigarette and plastic pollution.3.Run a brainstorming activity and have a discussion: ask students the question as follows:What should we do to prevent the environment protection?They can change their ideas with their partners. After the discussion, I would picksome students to report their topics at the front.Step 3: While-readingGive students some guides, such as: pay attention to the spelling, punctuation, sentence structure and tenses.10 minutes would be given to them to complete their articles individually.Step4: Post-writingPeer editing: Ask students to check and edit their partners’ article and give them some suggestions.Share and evaluation: Invite some students to share their articles at the front and I would give them some comments.Step5: Summary and homeworkInvite a student to make a summary then leave them the homework to make a poster to publicize our ideas.Blackboard design:第三批二、考题解析【教案】Teaching AimsKnowledge aim:1. Students can do the right email format.2. Students will know more about the history, customs of Mid-Autumn Festival. Ability aims:1. Students will be able to write emails to give information.2. Students will be able to introduce our traditional festival----Mid-Autumn Festival .Emotional aims:Students will feel proud of our traditional culture, and be willing to bring it to the world.Teaching Key &Difficult PointsTeaching Key Point:They can write an email with right format.Teaching Difficult Point:Students can introduce Mid-Autumn Festival with enough information to make it clear to people from foreign cultures .Teaching Methods:Task-based Teaching ApproachTeaching AidsPPT, picturesTeaching proceduresStep 1 Warming-up (3 minutes)Show them some pictures about Mid-Autumn Festival which are about different activities. And then ask them to have a discussion about these pictures and they can write down the key words, sentences and so on. After the discussion, invite some students to describe these pictures.For example, they may describe the first picture as “ They are having a big family reunion.”And the second picture, they might describe as “China started to celebrate the festival since Tang dynasty.” Give some necessary guidance and corrections. Step 2 Pre-writing (8 minutes)1. Set up a situation for the students: Your name is Liha. Your open-pal, Max, is coming from Australia with his parents. And he is writing to ask information about Mid-Autumn Festival.2. Show them the email from Max.Ask them to read the email first and figure out what kind of information does Max want. Later invite some students to share the answers. For example, they will find out that Max wants to know the history and traditions about Mid-Autumn Festival.3. After they figure out what they should write to Max, I will lead their attention to the format of Max’s email and remind them to pay attention to the salutation and the comma after it, as well as the greetings and so on.And I will invite some students to to clear out what we have got about email writing, and some other students to add up. For example, they will know after the salutation, we should put a punctuation-comma instead of colon, and instead of put “Looking forward to seeing you soon.” in the greetings part, we can also use “Best wishes/regards. Your sincerely/truly. ” and so on.4.After we finish the format, we will go to the main body part. And I divide them into groups of 4 to have a discussion about the information that they want to convey in the email. And then they will have 5 minutes to redo the information that they have chosen. During this section, they need to figure out:First, the writing order about the email. For example, they need to decide if they want to begin with the history then traditions or otherwise.Second, how to polish the expressions, like “It has long history and it is traditional” from the pre-writing part. For example, they can reorganize the sentences as Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival with long history, etc.Step 3 While-writing (5 minutes)First, ask them to write a main body of the email.While writing, I will ask them to pay more attention to the spelling, grammar, and the logic of sentences.Next, ask them to put the main part into an email format.Step 4 Post-writing (3 minutes)After they finished the writing, I will ask them to modify their drafts by themselves, and then exchange their draft to do the pair editing.Then I will ask some students to read their emails to us, and let them give some suggestions together.Step 5 Summary and homework (1 minute)Summary: Summarize their key points about the email format together; then summarize the main activities happening in Mid-Autumn Festival.Homework: write another to Max to tell him something about the Spring Festival. Blackboard design。

voiceless(不带声的):发音时声带不振动的;voice (带声的):发音时声带振动;dental(齿音):发音时舌头要顶住牙齿;fricative(摩擦音):空气通过与牙齿摩擦发出的声音;affricative(塞擦音的):通过阻碍空气在声腔流动来发音。
最小对立体(the minimal pair):指除了出现在同一位置上的一个音之外,其余都相同的两个语音组合。
A项:ordinary 意为“普通的、平常的、一般的”,不符合题意,错误。

2017年下半年中小学教师资格考试英语学科知识与教学能力试题(高级中学)1.The sound of“th”in the word“thin”is a ZZZA.Voiceless dental and fricativeB.V oiceless dental and affricativeC V oice dental and fricativeD.Voice dental and affricativeA【解析】这个音是把舌头尖放在上下牙齿之间,发丝音,摩擦音。
2.Of all the following pairs of words,ZZZ is the minimal pair?A.boot and boughtB.deep and dogC.either and neitherD.ghost and bestA【解析】略。
3.ZZZ can fly very high in ZZZ sky.A.The bird;theB.The bird;C.Birds;theD.Birds;/C【解析】考查指示代词。
birds是泛指,所以前面不需要加the;in the sky是固定搭配,所以答案选C。
4.In my opinion,she is kind and polite,so I put her rudeness today down as ZZZ.A.ordinaryB.untimelyC.progressivelyD.accidentallyD【解析】考查副词辨析。
5.With spring approaching,the pink of the apple blossom is beginning to ZZZ.A.showB.growC.riseD.ascendA【解析】考查动词辨析。


预览—收藏-关注考点课堂素材精粹第十版依据考试大纲总结命题规律辅导备考策略历年考题详析梳理考试要点总结核心知识筛选最新考点拓展解题思路精编典型习题积累备考经验全真模拟测试预测考试趋势注:下载前请仔细阅读资料,以实际预览内容为准让学习为我们创造终生价值2017下半年教师资格证考试《英语学科知识与教学能力》(高级中学)一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。
1The sound of "th" in "thin" is__________.A、voiceless, dental, and fricativeB、voiced, dental, and fricativeC、voiceless, dental, and affricativeD、voiced, dental, and affricative2Of all the following pairs of words, __________ is a minimal pair.A、boot and boughtB、deep and dogC、either and neitherD、ghost and best3__________ can fly very high in __________ sky.A、The birds ... theB、The birds ... /C、Birds ... theD、Birds ... /4In my opinion she is kind and polite, so I put her rudeness today down as __________.A、ordinaryB、untimelyC、progressiveD、accidental5With spring approaching, the pink of the apple-blossom is beginning to __________.A、showB、growC、riseD、ascend6Mr. Woods, I am here just in case anything out of the ordinary __________.A、happensB、happenC、would happenD、will happen7I look back on this pleasant holiday in Beijing with __________ pleasure.A、anything butB、all butC、everything butD、nothing but8Tom, take this baggage and put it __________ you can find enough space.A、whichB、in whichC、whereverD、whereas9What is the main rhetoric device used in "The Pentagon was divided on the air strike. "?A、Synecdoche.B、Metonymy.C、Metaphor.D、Oxymoron.10Which inference in the brackets of the following sentences is a presupposition?A、Ede caught a trout. (Ede caught a fish.)B、Don' t sit on Carol' s bed. (Carol has a bed.)C、This blimp is over the house. (The house is under the blimp.)D、Coffee would keep me awake all night. (I don' t want coffee.)11Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students´ ability to make inferences?A、Listen to a story and write a summary.B、Listen to a story and work out the writer' s intention.C、Listen to the story of a boy and then draw a picture of him.D、Listen to a story and note down the specific date of an event.12The most suitable question type to check students´ comprehension and develop their critical thinking is __________.A、rhetorical questionsB、referential questionsC、close questionsD、display questions13Diagnostic test is often used for the purpose of__________.A、finding out what students know and don' t knowB、measuring students' general language proficiencyC、knowing whether students have the right language aptitudeD、checking whether students have achieved the teaching objectives14Which of the following activities is often used to develop students´ speaking accuracy?A、Identifying and correcting oral mistakes.B、Acting out the dialogue in the text.C、Having discussions in groups.D、Describing people in pair.15If a teacher asks students to make their own learning plan, he/she is trying to develop their__________.A、cognitive strategyB、affective strategyC、communicative strategyD、metacognitive strategy16When a teacher tells the students that the word "dog" may imply "loyalty", he/she is teaching the __________of the word.A、denotative meaningB、collocative meaningC、conceptual meaningD、connotative meaning17Which of the following is the last step in the process of writing essays?A、Editing the writings.B、Writing topic sentences for paragraphs.C、Gathering information and ideas relevant to the topic.D、Organizing the information and ideas into a logical sequence.18The main purpose of asking questions about the topic before listening is to __________.A、meet students' expectationB、increase students' confidenceC、activate students' schemataD、provide feedback on tasks19If a teacher asks students to fill in the blanks in a passage with "that", "which" or "whom", he/she is least likely focusing on grammar at __________.A、lexical levelB、syntactic levelC、discourse levelD、morphological level20If a teacher asks students to talk about their hobbies in groups, he/she is trying to encourage __________.A、peer correctionB、peer feedbackC、peer interactionD、peer assessment21请阅读Passage 1,完成第{TSE}小题。

2017年下半年中学教师资格认定考试(初级英语学科知识与教学能力)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 简答题 3. 教学情境分析题 4. 教学设计题 5. 阅读理解单项选择题1.The main difference between /e/ and // lies in the______.A.tongue positionB.sound durationC.openness of the mouthD.shape of the lips正确答案:A解析:考查元音的发音。
2._____ is the main rhyming pattern in “Mrs. White/Had a fright/In the middle of the night”.A.AssonanceB.End rhymeC.AlliterationD.Reverse end rhyme正确答案:B解析:考查修辞学。
例如:Slow the low gradual moan came in the snowing.End rhyme“尾韵”,指词尾音素重复,如great和bait。
例如:A Misty Morning May have a fine day.Reverse end rhyme“倒尾韵”,指重读音节中元音和辅音都相同,如will和wind。

最小对立体(minimal pair)指除了出现在同一位置上的一个音之外其余都相同的两个语音组合。


教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:teaching objectives, thaching contents,Key and difficult points……教学时间:20分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中一年级学生,班级人数40人。
(40分)参考答案:参考设计:Teaching type: Writing class Teaching contents: This lesson is from senior high school, and it mainly talks about the phenomenon of smoking. Paul is making a survey for adult smoking, so he writes emails to all his pen friends in other countries and seek for help. Teaching Objectives:(1) Knowledge objectives ① Students can master the basic structure of an email. ② Students can get more information about smoking issues in China.(2) Ability objectives: ① Students can improve their writing and speaking abilities. ② Students can express their opinion about the smoking issues in daily life.(3) Emotional objectives: ① Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and fond of taking part in class activities. ②Students can get the awareness of avoid smoking and keep a good health.Teaching key and difficult points:(1)Teaching Key point: Students can get to know how to write an email to analyze the phenomenon of smoking in China..(2)Teaching Difficult point: Students can distinguish the badeffects of smoking. Teaching Procedures: Step1: Pre-writing (9minutes) 1.Teacher shows the email of Paul on the screen, and students read it with two questions: (1) What’s the questions of Paul?(2) What’s the basic structure of a letter? Students have three minutes to finish this task and share their answers. 2. Teacher choose two students to read their answer for the first question, they are: (1)Do most adults smoke in China? (2) In most states in the US, it is now against the law to smoke in public buildings, such as banks and offices, on public transport and in restaurants and cafes. Is it the same in China?(3) Is the government planning to change the law about smoking in public? Then teacher helps students to summarize the structure of an email: the starting address, main body and the ending wishes.3.Four students in a group to help Paul finish his survey. They need to express their ideas for Paul’s questions and then exchange with the whole class.4.Teacher invites several groups to write down their findings on the blackboard, and ask students to arrange the writing content. (Justification: Group discussion can strengthen their cooperative spirit and their imaginative ability can be developed. Moreover students will get the ability to write a letter to express their ideas.) Step2: While-writing (6minutes) Students need to write an email r to answer Paul’s problems, and they have four minutes to finish their first draft . They are required to write their survey result in an email and help Paul to do the survey about smoking phenomenon. While their writing, teacher will give the instructions for their problems. (Justification: Students will cultivate their ability of write a letter within certain minutes and their good habits of writing will be formed as well.) Step3: Post-writing (5minutes) 1.Students need to check their draft by themselves and then exchange with desk-mates to do peer-editing. 2.Teacher ask three students to read their email at the front, and then give them some comments. (Justification: Editing can provide a perfect writing for students, meanwhile he comments will help students learn more from others and improve their writing ability promptly. )。

1. 选择题(1)Language learning is the process by which a person_______knowledge of a language as a result of exposure to it.A. gainsB. learnsC. acquiresD. discovers答案:C(2)Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.A. She was a kind girl, who always put others’ needs ahead of her own.B. He didn’t attend the meeting, so he doesn’t know what was decided.C. My sister and I went to the store to buy some milk, and bread.D. The children, who were tired after many hours of playing, went to bed early.答案:A(3)Which of the following is not an appropriate use of technology in language teaching?A. Using online resources for research and language skill development.B. Using audio equipment to support listening comprehension.C. Allowing students to use their mobile phones in class.D. Using presentation software to give lectures andfacilitate discussion.答案:C(4)Which of the following is the most effective way to teach vocabulary to English language learners?A. Provide definitions of the words and have students memorize them.B. Teach words in context and encourage students to use them in sentences.C. Create matching exercises that require students to match words to definitions.D. Have students use a dictionary to look up new words and write the definitions.答案:B2. 简答题(1)什么是英语词汇学?答案:英语词汇学是研究英语词汇及其构成的学科。

一、选择题部分1. — What's on the schedule for tomorrow?— __________.A. I don't know yetB. You should knowC. I don't have anyidea D. You are testing me again答案:A2. In language teaching, ____________ is more important than grammar.A. SpeakingB. WritingC. ListeningD. Grammar答案:A3. Which of the following sentences uses the correct article?A. I'm going to a hospital to see my friend.B. I'm going to hospital to see my friend.C. I'm going to the hospital to see my friend.D. I'm going to the hospital to see my friend today.答案:C4. If it ____________ tomorrow, we'll have to cancel the picnic.A. will rainB. rainsC. would rainD. rained答案:B5. In order for students to learn pronunciation, teachers should _______.A. Only use CDsB. Only use mouth illustrationsC. Use real-life situations and variety of materialsD. None of the above答案:C二、非选择题部分1. 请根据所给单词及汉语提示,写出一个完整的英文句子。

2017年下半年教师资格证考试《英语学科知识与教学能力》真题(高级中学)(总分150, 考试时间120分钟)一、单项选择题本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分。
1. The sound of "th" in "thin" is ( ).A voiceless, dental, and fricativeB voiced, dental, and fricativeC voiceless, dental, and affricativeD voiced, dental, and affricative答案:A本题考查辅音的发音。
th 字母组合在单词thin 中发/θ/音,发此音时,声带是不振动的,即不带声的(voiceless);另外,发/θ/音时舌头要顶住牙齿,所以叫齿音(dental);按照发音方式,它是空气通过与牙齿摩擦发出的声音,属于擦音(fricative)。
故本题选 A。
2. Of all the following pairs of words, ( ) is a minimal pair.A boot and boughtB deep and dogC either and neitherD ghost and best答案:A本题考查音系学中的最小对立体。
最小对立体(minimal pair)指除了出现在同一位置上的一个音之外其余都相同的两个语音组合。
如 pen[pen]和 ben[ben]。
几个选项中只有 A 项中两个单词的元音发音不同,前后两个音都是爆破音/b/和/t/。
故本题选 A。
3. ( ) can fly very high in ( ) sky.A The birds…theB The birds…/C Birds…theD Birds…/答案:C本题考查冠词。

2017 下半年教师资格证考试《英语学科知识与教学能力》(高级中学)本卷共分为 2 大题 33 小题,作答时间为 120 分钟,总分150 分,90 分及格。
一、单项选择题(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。
请用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。
1. The sound of "th" in "thin" is .A.voiceless, dental, and fricativeB.voiced, dental, and fricativeC.voiceless, dental, and affricativeD.voiced, dental, and affricative【答案】A【解析】考查辅音的发音。
th 字母组合在单词 thin 中发/θ /音,发此音时,声带是不振动的,即不带声的(voiceless);另外,发/θ /音时舌头要顶住牙齿,所以叫齿音(dental);按照发音方式,它是空气通过与牙齿摩擦发出的声音,属于摩擦音(fricative)。
故选 A。
2. Of all the following pairs of words, is a minimal pair.A.b oot and boughtB.d eep and dogC.e ither and neitherD.g host and best【答案】A【解析】考查音系学中的最小对立体。
如 pen[pen]和ben[ben]。
几个选项中只有 A 项中两个单词的元音发音不同.前后两个音都是爆破音/b/和/t /。

1.The sound of“th”in“thin”is().A.voiceless,dental,and fricativeB.voiced,dental,and fricativeC.voiceless,dental,and affricativeD.voiced,dental,and affricative2.Of all the following pairs of words,()is a minimal pair.A.boot and boughtB.deep and dogC.either and neitherD.ghost and best3.()can fly very high in()sky.A.The birds…theB.The birds…/C.Birds…theD.Birds…/4.In my opinion she is kind and polite,so I put her rudeness today down as().A.ordinaryB.untimelyC.progessiveD.accidental5.With spring approaching,the pink of the apple-blossom is beginning to().A.showB.growC.riseD.ascend6.Mr.Woods,I am here just in case anything out of the ordinary().A.happensB.happenC.would happenD.will happen7.I look back on this pleasant holiday in Beijing with()pleasure.A.anything butB.all butC.everything butD.nothing but8.Tom,take this baggage and put it()you can find enough space.A.whichB.in whichC.whereverD.whereas9.What is the main rhetoric device used in“The Pentagon was divided on the Air strike”?()A.SynecdocheB.MetonymyC.MetaphorD.Oxymoron10.Which inference in the brackets of the following sentences is a presupposition?()A.Ede caught a trout.(Ede caught a fish.)B.Don’t sit on Carol’s bed.(Carol has a bed.)C.This blimp is over the house.(The house is under the blimp.)D.Coffee would keep me awake all night.(I don’t want coffee.)11.Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students’ability to make inferences? ()A.Listen to a story and write a summary.B.Listen to a story and work out the writer’s intention.C.Listen to the story of a boy and then draw a picture of him.D.Listen to a story and note down the specific date of an event.12.The most suitable question type to check students’comprehension and develop their critical thinking is().A.rhetorical questionsB.referential questionsC.close questionsD.display questions13.Diagnostic test is often used for the purpose of().A.finding out what students know and don’t knowB.measuring students’general language proficiencyC.knowing whether students have the right language aptitudeD.checking whether students have achieved the teaching objectives14.Which of the following activities is often used to develop students’speaking accuracy?()A.Identifying and correcting oral mistakes.B.Acting out the dialogue in the text.C.Having discussions in groups.D.Describing people in pair.15.If a teacher asks students to make their own learning plan,he/she is trying to develop their().A.cognitive strategyB.affective strategymunicative strategyD.metacognitive strategy16.When a teacher tells the students that the word“dog”may imply“loyalty”,he/she is teaching the of the()of the word.A.denotative meaningB.collocative meaningC.conceptual meaningD.connotative meaning17.Which of the following is the last step in the process of writing essays?()A.Editing the writings.B.Writing topic sentences for paragraphsC.Gathering information and ideas relevant to the topic.anizing the information and ideas into a logical sequence.18.The main purpose of asking questions about the topic before listening is to().A.meet students’expectationB.increase students’confidenceC.activate students’schemataD.provide feedback on tasks19.If a teacher asks students to fill in the blanks in a passage with“that”,“which”or“whom”,he/she is least likely focusing on gammar at().A.lexical levelB.syntactic levelC.discourse levelD.morphological level20.If a teacher asks students to talk about their hobbies in groups,he/she is trying to encourage ().A.peer correctionB.peer feedbackC.peer interactionD.peer assessment请阅读Passage1,完成第21-25小题。

2017下半年教师资格证考试真题及答案:初中英语学科一、单项选择题1、The main difference between /e/ and…… (2分)正确答案:A. tongue position2、……is the main rhyming pattern in…… (2分)正确答案:B. End rhyme3、We're all keeping our……crossed that the surgeons do not find anything…… (2分)正确答案:A. fingers4、When implementing the project,we…… (2分)正确答案:C. run up against5、The island measures about 30 miles…… (2分)正确答案:A. by6、——Will John come to the party? …… (2分)正确答案:D. neither will Antony7、Garbo plays the role of the queen…… (2分)正确答案:B. rejoicing8、ministers decide to instigate an inquiry…… (2分)正确答案:C. if… would9、What is missing at the discourse level between the two sentences…… (2分)正确答案:C. Coherence10、The synonyms "charge" and…… (2分)正确答案:D. collocation11、Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing…… (2分)正确答案: B. listen to a story and work out the writer’s intention.12、The most suitable question type to check students' comprehension…… (2分)正确答案: B. referential questions13、Diagnostic test is often used for…… (2分)正确答案:A. Finding out what students know and don’t know14、……activities is often used to develop students's speaking (2分)正确答案:A. identifying and correcting oral mistakes15、……If a teacher asks studentes to make their own (2分)正确答案:A. Cognitive strategy16、……When a teacher tells the students that the word "dog" (2分)正确答案:D. connotative meaning17、……the last step in the process of writing essays (2分)正确答案:A. Editing the writing18、……The main purpose of asking questions about the topic before (2分)正确答案:C. activate students’ schemata19、……to fill in the blanks in a passage with "that","which" (2分)正确答案:B. syntactic level20、……to talk about their hobbies in groups, (2分)正确答案:C. peer interaction21、……is closed in meaning to the underlined word"brawn" (2分)正确答案:C. physical strength22、……underlined phrase"the question" in Paragraph 1 (2分)正确答案:B. Will machines eventually replace human being?23、……What makes the instructions sent by smartphones (2分)正确答案:B. Information collected and elicited by smartphones from your life.24、……Who will be most likely to suffer form (2分)正确答案:C. Individuals keeping the information about their proficiency to themselves.25、……Why will many people start to hate Big Data according to the (2分)正确答案:B. Because they facilitate performance and productivity assessment.26、What can be inferred form Paragraph 1 about criticisms…… (2分)正确答案:C. The criticisms mainly focus on the quality of non-university programs.27、Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word…… (2分)正确答案:C. Achievement28、What can be inferred from Paragraph 3? (2分)正确答案:B. The university system of the United States will be totally restructured.29、What measures have been taken by some states to deal…… (2分)正确答案:C. To expand non-university teacher education programs.30、Which of the following is true of the…… (2分)正确答案:A. They are initiated to deal with teacher shortages and education inequities.二、简答题31、……在英语教学中的两个作用(8分),……使用教材的三点注意事项。
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2017年下半年教师资格证考试《英语学科知识与教学能力》真题(高级中学)(总分150, 考试时间120分钟)一、单项选择题本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分。
1. The sound of "th" in "thin" is ( ).A voiceless, dental, and fricativeB voiced, dental, and fricativeC voiceless, dental, and affricativeD voiced, dental, and affricative答案:A本题考查辅音的发音。
th 字母组合在单词thin 中发/θ/音,发此音时,声带是不振动的,即不带声的(voiceless);另外,发/θ/音时舌头要顶住牙齿,所以叫齿音(dental);按照发音方式,它是空气通过与牙齿摩擦发出的声音,属于擦音(fricative)。
故本题选 A。
2. Of all the following pairs of words, ( ) is a minimal pair.A boot and boughtB deep and dogC either and neitherD ghost and best答案:A本题考查音系学中的最小对立体。
最小对立体(minimal pair)指除了出现在同一位置上的一个音之外其余都相同的两个语音组合。
如 pen[pen]和 ben[ben]。
几个选项中只有 A 项中两个单词的元音发音不同,前后两个音都是爆破音/b/和/t/。
故本题选 A。
3. ( ) can fly very high in ( ) sky.A The birds…theB The birds…/C Birds…theD Birds…/答案:C本题考查冠词。
"不定冠词+单数名词"或单个复数名词可表示一类,这里 birds 指的是鸟类,表示泛指,不加定冠词;sky 是世界上独一无二的事物,前面用定冠词 the 修饰。
故本题选 C。
4. In my opinion she is kind and polite, so I put her rudeness today down as ( ).A ordinaryB untimelyC progessiveD accidental答案:D本题考查形容词辨析。
故本题选 D。
5. With spring approaching, the pink of the apple-blossom is beginning to ( ).A showB growC riseD ascend答案:A本题考查动词辨析。
此处春天到来,粉红的苹果花应该是显露出来,故本题选 A。
6. Mr. Woods, I am here just in case anything out of the ordinary ( ).A happensB happenC would happenD will happen答案:A本题考查状语从句及其时态。
提及将来可能出现的情况成为某人现在做某事的理由时可以用 in case 或 just in case。
另外 anything 是不定代词,作主语时谓语动词通常用单数。
故本题选 A。
7. I look back on this pleasant holiday in Beijing with ( ) pleasure.A anything butB all butC everything butD nothing but答案:D本题考查短语辨析。
anything but"根本不,绝不",all but"除……外全都",everything but"除了……都",nothing but"仅仅,只"故本题选 D。
8. Tom, take this baggage and put it ( ) you can find enough space.A whichB in whichC whereverD whereas答案:C本题考查状语从句。
分析句子成分可知 put 后面缺少状语,where 和 in which 都可以在定语从句里做地点状语,但该句是由 and 连接的并列复合句,and 后面的句子中缺少先行词,所以它不是定语从句,而是状语从句,用 wherever 引导地点状语从句,表示"在……的任何(所有)地方"。
故本题选 C。
9. What is the main rhetoric device used in "The Pentagon was divided on the Air strike"? ( ).A SynecdocheB MetonymyC MetaphorD Oxymoron答案:B本题考查修辞学。
题干意思:"The Pentagon was divided on the air strike." 这句话主要用了什么修辞手法?上面句子的字面意思是"五角大楼就空袭事件产生分歧",显然不合理,实际应该是五角大楼里的人对空袭事件意见不一。
英语中将借代通称为 metonymy(换喻、转喻),指用一个事物来取代另一个相关事物。
故本题选 B。
比如以 hands 代 persons,以 wheels 代 car。
10. Which inference in the brackets of the following sentences is a presupposition? ( ).A Ede caught a trout. (Ede caught a fish.)B Don't sit on Carol's bed. (Carol has a bed.)C This blimp is over the house. (The house is under the blimp.)D Coffee would keep me awake all night. (I don't want coffee.)答案:B本题考查语义学中的句义关系。
该题中 B 项"不要坐在卡罗尔的床上"的前提条件是"卡罗尔有床",符合题干意思,故本题选 B。
11. Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students' ability to make inferences?().A Listen to a story and write a summaryB Listen to a story and work out the writer's intentionC Listen to the story of a boy and then draw a picture of himD Listen to a story and note down the specific date of an event答案:B本题考查听力技能教学。
题干意思:以下哪项指令有助于培养学生的推断能力?A 项"听故事,写摘要",B 项"听故事,确定作者的意图",C 项"听一个男孩的故事,然后画一幅他的画",D 项"听故事,记下事件的具体日期"。
故本题选 B。
12. The most suitable question type to check students' comprehension and develop their critical thinking is ( ).A rhetorical questionsB referential questionsC close questionsD display questions答案:B本题考查课堂提问的类型。