
译文标题论药品包装机械的概念设计原文标题Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machineryconceptual design作者BRIAN HUGH W ARNER译名布莱恩·休·沃纳国籍美国原文出处JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT& CONTROL动力系统,测量与控制杂志论药品包装机械的概念设计近年来,由于我国经济形势的持续高涨和国家对制药行业强制性推行GMP(药品生产质量规范)认证制度,药品包装机械取得了长足的进步。
一、我国药品包装机械现状分析我国药品包装机械与国际先进水平相比尚有较大的差距.国产药品包装机械设计上主要存在以下几点不足:1) 机械性能落后,国产药品包装机械大多精度低、速度慢、平稳性差。
国产药品包装机械大多运行速度较低,如铝塑泡罩包装机的冲裁频率一般为100~300个/min,全自动药盒包装机的装盒速度50~200盒/min,而国际上先进的铝塑泡罩包装机的冲裁频率能够达到600个/min,全自动药盒包装机的装盒速度能够达到600~ 800盒/min。
2) 控制水平落后。

With the progress of era and the development of science and technology, balers also followed the footsteps of the times and came to our side. Packer usually refers to a single or several packages directly tied and tightly fastened with a rope, steel, plastic belt so that we can easily finish a packaging, transportation, storage and handling operations. With the advent of polypropylene materials, foreign successfully developed a polypropylene plastic strapping, in many areas, especially in the light field gradually replace steel strapping , so baler gained a rapid popularity. Therefore, we should make a further research and exploration for packer, but also finish successfully completion of college life through the learning of design , it will bring enormous benefits to our lives . In order to design a package of books baler parts with a better performance, more in line with customers’requirements, this article will be based on research status and development trend of books baler to make a elaboration. Firstly, making a analysis about the current status of the domestic baler and future trends, the current gap between domestic and foreign advanced level; Secondly, we will analyze the current status and trends of foreign present packers; then, and then the balers of books can be decomposed totally; Finally, the book packer processes were analyzed. Finally, we also elaborate and summarize the content of basic subject and research methods to help us to have a better completion of the graduation project.通过本次毕业设计,不但使我对大学所学知识进行系统的复习巩固,而且对机械领域有了进一步的了解,对将来做一个真正的机械工作者所需要的专业素养有了更新的认识。

可变仓打包机通常生产直径为48至72英寸(120~ 180厘米)、宽达60英寸(150厘米)的包。
最初,圆形打包机的构思由Ummo Luebbens于大约1910年提出,第一台圆形打包机才生产出来,一直到1947年Allis-Chalmers 引进了旋转打包机之后。
小型矩形打包机这种打包机现今是不常见的,但在许多国家却是相当流行,如新西兰和澳大利亚,除了大型包的生产,还生产小型矩形 (通常被称为“正方形的”) 包。

1 英文文献翻译1.1 Modern PackagingAuthor:Abstract1. Changing Needs and New RolesLooking back, historical changes are understandable and obvious. That all of them have had an impact on the way products are brought, consumed and packaged is also obvious. What is not so obvious is what tomorrow will bring. Yet, it is to the needs, markets, and conditions of tomorrow that packaging professionals must always turn their attention.The forces that drove packaging during the Industry Revolution continue to operate today. The consumer society continues to grow and is possibly best described by a 1988s bumper sticker, “Born to Shop”. We consume goods today at a rate 4 to 5 times greater than we did as recently as 1935. Most of these goods are not essential to survival; they constitute what we may call “the good life”.In the second half of the 20th century, the proliferation of goods was so high that packaging was forced into an entirely new role, that of providing the motivation rather than presenting the goods itself. On a shelf of 10 competing products, all of them similar in performance and quality, the only method of differentiating became the package itself. Marketer aimed at lifestyles, emotional values, subliminal images, features, and advantages beyond the basic product rather than the competitor’s. In some in instances, the package has become the product, and occasionally packaging has become entertainment.A brand product to carry the product manufacturer or product sales of theretailer’s label, usually by the buyer as a quality assessment guidance. In some cases, competing brands of product quality is almost no difference, a difference is the sale of its packaging. An interesting visually attractive packaging can give a key marketing advantage and convince impulse spending. However, the packaging should accurately reflect the quality of products/brand value in order to avoid the disappointment of consumers, encourage repeat purchases and build brand loyalty. Ideally, the product should exceed customer expectations.2. Packaging and the Modern Industrial SocietyThe importance of packaging to a modern industrial society is most evident when we examine the food-packaging sector. Food is organic in nature, having an animal or plant source. One characteristic of such organic matter is that, by and large, it has a limited natural biological life.A cut of meat, left to itself, might be unfit for human consumption by the next day. Some animal protein products, such as seafood, can deteriorate within hours.The natural shelf life of plant-based food depends on the species and plant involved. Pulpy fruit portions tend to have a short life span, while seed parts, which in nature have to survive at least separated from the living plant are usually short-lived.In addition to having a limited natural shelf life, most food is geographically and season-ally specific. Thus, potatoes and apples are grown in a few North American geographical regions and harvest during a short maturation period. In a world without packaging,we would need to live at the point of harvest to enjoy these products, and our enjoyment of them would be restricted to the natural biological life span of each. It is by proper storage, packaging and transport techniques that we are able to deliver fresh potatoes and apples, or the products derived from them, throughout the year and throughout the country. Potato-whole,canned, powdered, flaked, chipped, frozen, and instant is available, anytime, anywhere. This ability gives a society great freedom and mobility. Unlike less-developed societies, we are no longer restricted in our choice of where to live, since we are no longer tied to the food-producing ability of an area. Food production becomes more specialized and efficient with the growth of packaging. Crops and animal husbandry are moved to where their production is most economical, without regard to the proximity of a market. Most important, we are free of the natural cycles of feast and famine that are typical of societies dependent on natural regional food-producing cycles.Central processing allows value recovery from what would normally be waste by products of the processed food industry from the basis of other sub-industries. Chicken feathers are high in protein and, properly mill and treated, can be fed back to the next generation of chickens. Vegetable waste is fed to cattle or pigs. Bagasse, the waste cane from sugar pressing, is a source of fiber for papermaking. Fish scales are refined to make additives for paints and nail polish.The economical manufacture of durable goods also depends on good packaging.A product's cost is directly related to production volume. The business drive to reduce costs in the supply chain must be carefully balanced against the fundamental technical requirements for food safety and product integrity, as well as the need to ensure an. efficient logistics service. In addition, there is a requirement to meet the aims of marketing to protect and project brand image through value-added pack design. The latter may involve design inputs that communicate distinctive, aesthetically pleasing, ergonomic, functional and/or environmentally aware attributes. But for a national or international bicycle producer to succeed, it must be a way of getting the product to a market, which may be half a world away. Again, sound packaging, in this case distributionpackaging, is a key part of the system.Some industries could not exist without an international market. For example, Canada is a manufacturer of irradiation equipment, but the Canadian market (which would account for perhaps one unit every several years) could not possibly support such a manufacturing capability. However, by selling to the world, a manufacturing facility becomes viable. In addition to needing packaging for the irradiation machinery and instrumentation, the sale of irradiation equipment requires the sale packaging and transport of radioactive isotopes, a separate challenge in itself. In response to changing consumer lifestyles, the large retail groups and the food service industry development. Their success has been involved in a competition fierce hybrid logistics, trade, marketing and customer service expertise, all of which is dependent on the quality of packaging. They have in part led to the expansion of the dramatic range of products offered, technology innovation, including those in the packaging. Supply retail, food processing and packaging industry will continue to expand its international operations. Sourcing products around the world more and more to assist in reducing trade barriers. The impact of the decline has been increased competition and price pressure. Increased competition led to the rationalization of industrial structure, often in the form of mergers and acquisitions. Packaging, it means that new materials and shapes, increased automation, packaging, size range extension of lower unit cost. Another manufacturer and mergers and acquisitions, the Group's brand of retail packaging and packaging design re-evaluation of the growing development of market segmentation and global food supply chain to promote the use of advanced logistics and packaging systems packaging logistics system is an integral part of, and played an important role in prevention in the food supply or reduce waste generation.3. World Packaging.This discussion has referred to primitive packaging and the evolution of packaging functions. However, humankind's global progress is such that virtually every stage in the development of society and packaging is present somewhere in the world today. Thus, a packager in a highly developed country will agonize over choice of package type, hire expensive marketing groups to develop images to entice the targeted buyer and spend lavishly on graphics. In less-developed countries, consumers are happy to have food, regardless of the package. At the extreme, consumers will bring their own packages or will consume food on the spot, just as they did 2000 years ago.Packagers from the more developed countries sometimes have difficulty working with less-developed nations, for the simple reason that they fail to understand that their respective packaging priorities are completely different. Similarly, developing nations trying to sell goods to North American markets cannot understand our preoccupation with package and graphics.The significant difference is that packaging plays a different role in a market where rice will sell solely because it is available. In the North American market, the consumer may be confronted by five different companies offering rice in 30 or so variations. If all the rice is good and none is inferior, how does a seller create a preference for his particular rice? How does he differentiate? The package plays a large role in this process.The package-intensive developed countries are sometimes criticized for over packaging, and certainly over-packaging does exist. However, North Americans also enjoy the world's cheapest food, requiring only about 11 to 14% of our disposable income. European food costs are about 20% of disposable income, and in the less-developed countries food can take 95%of family income.4. The status and development trend of domestic and international packaging machineryWorldwide, the history of the development of the packaging machinery industry is relatively short, science and technology developed in Europe and America in general started in the 20th century until the 1950s the pace greatly accelerated.From the early 20th century, before the end of World War II World War II,medicine,food, cigarettes,matches,household chemicals and other industrial sectors, the mechanization of the packaging operations; the 1950s, the packaging machine widely used common electric switches and tube for the main components of the control system to achieve the primary automation; 1960s, Electrical and optical liquid-gas technology is significantly increased in the packaging machine, machines to further expand on this basis a dedicated automated packaging line; the 1970s, the micro- electronic technology into the automation of packaging machines and packaging lines, computer control packing production process; from the 1980s to the early 1990s, in some field of packaging, computer, robot application for service, testing and management, in preparation for the over-flexible automatic packaging lines and "no" automatic packaging workshop.Actively promoted and strong co-ordination of all aspects of society, and gradually establish a packaging material, packaging, printing, packaging machinery and other production sectors, and corresponding to the research, design, education, academic, management and organization, and thus the formation of independent and complete. The packaging of light industrial system, and occupies an important place in the national economy as a whole.Based on recent years data that members of the World Packaging Alliance output value of the packaging industry accounts for about 2% of the total output value of the national economy; in which the proportion of packaging machinery, though not large, but the rapid development of an annual average of almost growing at a rate of about 10%. Put into use at the packaging machine is now more than thousand species of packaging joint machines and automated equipment has been stand-alone equate. According to the new technological revolution in the world development trend is expected to packaging materials and packaging process and packaging machinery will be closely related to obtain the breakthrough of a new step, and bring more sectors into the packaging industry.China Packaging Technology Association was established in 1980. Soon, the China National Packaging Corporation have been born. Since then, one after another in the country organized a national and international packaging machinery exhibition, seminars, also published I had the first ever "China Packaging Yearbook and other packaging technology books. All this indicates that China is creating a new packaging historical perio d.1.2中文翻译现代包装1、不断变化的需求和新的角色,回顾以往,包装所带来明显的历史性变化是可以理解的, 一个产品包装方式的给他们的销量带来的影响也是显而易见的。


药物自动包装机外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:英文原文Automatic medicine packaging machineKim HTechnical field of inventionThe latest invention is a pharmaceutical packaging instrument. It can give drug packaging alone at each use. It is like the equipment used in hospitals and pharmacies for tablet packaging, powdered medicine packaging. More specifically, this instrument has storage drugs that distinguish between the same drugs on the shelf: pills, capsules. Description of Background ArtAs is well known, conventional medicine packaging devices classify medicines on the basis of species, and absorb the medicines in the medicine containers, and any one of a plurality of shelves is related to medicines in each container. In this type of drug packaging device, according to the shelf number of each shelf, the desired drug is taken out of the corresponding drug container and packaged.For example, Japan has examined the automatic packaging apparatus for a medicine disclosed in Patent No. 1-14081, in which the codes in the apparatus are allotted to the respective medicine containers, and thedesired medicines are obtained by operating an operation key on the apparatus. Put in a predetermined location to make a selection.Japanese Examined Patent No. 3-41208 discloses a tablet feeding device that determines position information based on identification information of each piece in the device, specifies a desired sheet feeder and a corresponding tablet supply.Japanese Examined Patent Publication No. 2-933837 discloses a pharmaceutical packaging device which, once a medicine container is installed, reads its medical data and stores its link address. Therefore, according to the link address of each drug, the desired drug supply and packaging can be achieved.However, in the above-described conventional medicine packaging apparatus, the operability on the exchange medicine container has not been sufficiently considered. In other words, although each medication's own information is important, using the maintenance screen will change the medication shelf number, which of course makes it impossible to directly change the match between each shelf number and the corresponding medication. In the actual situation, as a pharmacist, it is necessary to know the corresponding relationship between each shelf and the corresponding drug, and this seriously reinforces the burden on the operator. In addition, the operation and maintenance screen is also complicated, and it often results in an input error. As a result, thedispensing and packaging process of the pharmacist's medicine becomes difficult. In addition, it also makes it difficult for pharmacists to accurately operate the process of installing or disassembling a drug container from a corresponding shelf. Because of this, it is more necessary to have a drug packaging device that can distinguish drugs that appear in a region to illustrate which drugs are affiliated and which drugs are used singly.In particular, in a small-sized drug packaging device, since the drug containers on some drug supply racks are small, the exchange of the drug containers is frequently performed, resulting in taking the drug containers from the drug holders. Will produce a higher error rate.Summary of the invention:Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to invent a drug packaging device and to allow it to perform additional operations, such as disassembling and exchanging drug containers during drug packaging operations.In order to achieve the above object, the pharmaceutical packaging device of the present invention, wherein the various drugs are respectively connected to a plurality of shelves according to their respective types, this is to facilitate the supply and packaging of the corresponding drugs from the corresponding drug containers, including a storage unit , Various numbers for various drug containers for storingindividual shelves and placing medicines. A control unit controls the storage unit to store the corresponding relationship between the drug container where the drug is located and the shelf on which the drug container is installed, and the process of removing the drug container from the shelf after wiping out the corresponding relationship from the storage unit.With this arrangement, merely mounting or disassembling the drug containers from their respective shelves will not affect the relationship between the shelf number and the corresponding drug. It is therefore possible to perform additional operations, such as displacing the drug container during drug packaging operations. For this reason, even in the case where the number of various medicines exceeds the number of existing shelves, it can handle such a situation by exchanging the medicine containers during the packing process.In addition, when a display element showing the relationship between the shelf number and the part where the medicine is stored or the relationship between the shelf number and the medicine retrieval part is added to the apparatus, it makes confirmation that the medicine container is installed and disassembled from the respective shelf part. The operation becomes possible. This arrangement makes it possible for the operator to prevent confusion during installation and disassembly.In this arrangement, the display unit sequentially displays thenumber of shelves of the shelf portion of the drug container, including the data connection of the shelf portion containing the prescription drug and the data connection of the shelf portion of the non-prescription drug shelf, so that the drug container of the shelf portion can be easily designated and replaced. It is possible to improve operability.Adding detection elements in the drug container can detect the presence or absence of a portion of the shelf of a drug container, and further add this arrangement. According to the detection signal of the drug container detection unit, the control unit commands the display unit to show that the drug container is connected to the shelf. It has been removed from the shelves. Therefore, it can automatically detect the mounting and dismounting operation of the drug container, and thus improve operability, while preventing erroneous installation operations.In this case, the unit is read out from the identification information of the identification information reading unit and the identification information of a medicine, and the medicine corresponding to the read identification information is in the rack with the medicine container, and further adds this. According to an arrangement, the control unit causes the display unit to display the corresponding medicine and the shelf number of the partial shelf according to the detection signal generated from the medical identification information reading unit. Therefore, it can automatically identify various drugs, thereby further improvingoperability.The drug packaging device includes a supply device (unit 1), a packaging device (unit 2), a display device (unit 3) such as a liquid crystal display or a CRT (cathode ray tube) display, and an input device (unit 4) such as a keyboard A mouse or a touch panel, and a storage device (unit 5) such as a hard disk or flash memory, and a medicine packaging device (unit 6) controlled by a central processing unit (CPU) as a whole, which are denoted by reference numeral 11 here A host computer.The medicine supply device (unit 1) is provided with medicines and containers for containing medicines such as tablets and capsules, and there are many supply racks from which the medicine containers can be freely installed and disassembled. In addition, a manual medicine supply unit (not shown) is also prepared to provide medicine without a medicine container. The medication supply and the corresponding shelf portion are specified so that a specified number of medications are selected from the medication container by the supplied medication packaging device within the time of each application. Here, the medicine supply rack can be made into various shapes such as a flat shape and a cylindrical shape.The drug packaging device (unit 2) is based on a piece of medically effective packaging paper with thermal fusion properties taken from the wrapping paper roll, and is determined by the length and widthdimensions of the packaging according to the amount of drug contained in the packaging bag.The display unit (3) and the input unit (4) are used to operate the operation of inputting the entire drug packaging device, inputting prescription data and various master files, such as operations of the drug master file.The display unit (3) displays a prescription data and a drug container installation and removal process on the screen. As shown in FIG. 4, the prescription data shows the current date as a period of drug manufacture through a calendar clock input screen installed in the central processing unit (CPU). The required prescription data is the patient number entered by the operator (pharmacist) below the box. For example, when the keyboard enters the patient number "9803 8671", the corresponding patient's name (kana character, Chinese character), gender (male = 1, female = 2), and date of birth (time of the name: Meiji = 1, Taisho = 2, Showa = 3, Heisei = 4) Read the patient's master file and display it. In terms of age, the corresponding age is calculated and displayed based on the current date and date of birth. The date of the prescription prescribed by the doctor is the prescription date. Although the current date is displayed first, any desired date can be overridden and entered. When the code is entered into the respective medical institutions, the respective name data such as the medical department, the doctor, the ward and theprescription room will be read and displayed from the respective master files. For example, when "01" is the code entered into the healthcare section, "Medical" is displayed. Outpatient/hospitalization (outpatient=1, hospitalization=2) is a patient's classification code. The "pharmaceutical exchange card", that is, the number of expenses required to be paid after the outpatient accounting process is completed. Since this example shows the outpatient prescription, the ward code and the ward number of the hospitalization site are blank.The "prescription" serial number of a combination of a drug and an application is entered into the table "prescription number". Most of the "prescriptions" can be entered. Then, drug packaging is mainly based on the “prescription”, that is, the basis for drug packaging is based on the data of the prescription number. The "Code" box is used to enter the drug code or application code. When these codes are entered, reading each data in the master file or application master file of the cervical plexus medicine is the first love. Although the "code" box is usually used to enter the drug code (for example, "tag.A"), when you enter the "/" symbol at the head of the box, you can enter the application code in the following section (for example, "301" ). Here, the drug name corresponds to the drug code and the corresponding application code "301", which is the name of the application displayed after "breakfast/lunch and dinner". With regard to the “dosage/day” box, the drug code for the daily dose ofthe drug has been entered at China Pharmaceuticals China. Read the unit (T, CAP, g, etc.) from the drug master file and display it. Here, the program code of the application program of the production line has been input, including the input of days (for example, "three days"). About the “Dosage Usage and Dosing” box, the dosage for one course of treatment, according to the situation (after waking up, morning, noon, evening, before going to bed, midnight, seventh, eighth), enter the result into the box.中文译文药物自动包装机研究Kim H技术领域最新的发明是一个药物包装仪器。

Metallurgist,Vol. 47,Nos. 11–12,2003PRESS-SHEARS FOR CUTTING AND/ORBALING SCRAP METALBruno J. J. WientzekShears were the first machines used to break up scrap metal. Guillotine shears with a mechanical drive were made long before World War I and were designed to cut bars,tubes,light sections,plate crop,and other items. The small size of the opening between the blades precluded the use of these machines for cutting large pieces of scrap.A new type of machine was built in the 1930s – alligator shears. These machines still had a mechanical drive,but the opening between the blades was larger and the productivity of the machine was increased. However,there was still a risk of accidents in using these shears,since some of the scrap that had to be cut was fed manually.After World War II,the demand for shears rose due to the large stocks of accumulated scrap metal. Alligator shears were provided with an additional attachment to compress (press) the scrap metal. This device was located in front of the blade opening. However,it compressed tubes and other types of scrap so much that they were able to pass through the open-ing without being cut. At the same time,different sizes of alligator shears were being made in large quantities. Indeed,there was hardly any scrap-processing floor that was not equipped with alligator shears.Facing increasingly stringent requirements on the productivity and safety of scrap-processing equipment,machine-builders were compelled to develop a new type of shears that could process large volumes of scrap in a short time with min-imal use of manual labor. These requirements were met by hydraulic shears.In addition to conventional hydraulic shears – which are loaded by a crane or special excavators and are designed only to cut metal – press-shears are also now on the market. Press-shears can not only cut scrap metal up to 6 mm thick,but can also bale lightweight scrap. One line of press-shears is the SIERRA series,made by the company SIERRA International Machinery.We will examine the principle of operation of SIERRA model T1000 (with a cutting force of 1000 ton-f). This model includes a charging box,a charging chamber,and two movable covers. When in the closed position,the covers compact (com-press) the charged material into a bale (Fig. 1). The cross-sectional dimensions of the bale – 700 ×900 mm – correspond to the dimensions of the closed pressing chamber. The length of the bale is regulated within the range from 250 to 1000 mm by changing the stroke of the cylinder of the pusher. The pusher moves the already-formed bale to guillotine shears (Fig. 2) for subsequent cutting (Fig. 3a). The cutting force is created by a hydraulic system that acts on the vertical cylinders of the blades with a maximum pressure of 350 bars. Movable crossheads are secured to the rods of the cylinders,and the top blade – which cuts the scrap at a 12°angle – is in turn secured to the crossheads. The guides of the crossheads are composed of replaceable bronze slabs that are lubricated automatically through a central lubrication system. The horizontal bottom blade is stationary. Both blades have four cutting edges,which quadruples their service life. To facilitate the blades’replacement,the press-shears are equipped with sectional blades having three sections. The opening between the blades measures 970 ×740 mm.The 1000-ton-f cutting force makes it possible to cut scrap having different cross sections; rectangular,95 ×900 mm; square,165 ×165 mm; circular,185 mm in diameter. The press-shears can cut scrap with a strength of up to 45 kgf/mm2. The density of the bale depends on the material of the scrap and the fullness of the charging chamber and is within the range 450–1200 kg/m3.The charging chamber (Fig. 4) has a length of 9000 mm,width of 2450 mm,and height of 1400 mm with the cov-ers in the open position. When the covers are closed,the chamber’s width and height are 900 mm and 700 mm,respective-DOBRO GmbH. Translated from Metallurg,No. 11,pp. 58–60,November 2003.0026-0894/03/1112-0473$25.00 ©2003 Plenum Publishing Corporation473Fig. 1. Compression of scrap in SIERRA press-shears.Fig. 2. Guillotine shears of the SIERRA press-shears.Fig. 3. Diagram of operation of SIERRA press-shears in the compression and cuttingregime (a) and the compression regime alone (b).ly. The entire interior of the chamber is lined with replaceable slabs of the high-strength steel Hardox:the bottom is made of Hardox 500 (the units of strength are from the Brinnell scale),while the walls are made of Hardox 400. The thickness of the face slabs of the bottom,the side walls,and the flat cover is 25 mm,and the thickness of the curved cover is 20 mm.The length of the charging chamber can be increased to allow the press-shears to process tubes or beams up to 15m long.474Fig. 4. Charging chamber.Fig. 5. Horizontal pusher-cylinder – compression cylinder.The pressing operation is performed with a specially shaped curved cover and a flat straight cover brought into motion by three cylinders with a short stroke. As a result,the covers can be moved rapidly into position while exerting a uni-form pressing force. Each cover exerts a pressing force of 310 ton-f.The vertical clamp of the press-shears is made of Hardox 400 high-strength steel,while the guides are made of replaceable bronze slabs. Lubricant is delivered through a central lubrication system. The pressing force exerted by the clamp is 180 ton-f.The force created by the horizontal cylinder of the pusher – the pressing cylinder (Fig. 5) – reaches 165 ton-f. The head of the pusher is also made of Hardox 400. The piston rod is shielded from damage by a protective front plate. The pressing force and the length of the pusher’s stroke are regulated.Bales with a density of up to 1200 kg/m3can be made in the processing of scrap up to 6 mm thick. In this case,the vertical clamp is moved to its lowest point and the pusher is used to compress the scrap into a bale (Fig. 3b).With the pusher travelling a distance of 600 mm and the clamp and blades raised to their normal heights,the press-shears can make at least 4–5 cuts a minute. A short stroke (raising and lowering) can also be chosen for the clamp and the blade,which significantly increases the number of cuts per minute. These figures are accurate for materials with a strength of up to 45 kgf/mm2.The press-shears have a productivity of 15–35 tons/h when processing pieces of steel scrap of moderate size. The productivity of the equipment depends on the material,the density of the charge,and the skill of both the operator of the exca-475vator that charges the scrap and the operator of the press-shears. Many years of practical experience have shown that their average productivity is 22 tons/hr. Here,with allowance for obligatory downtime (waiting,interruptions,maintenance,and adjustments),productivity ranges from 20 to 27 tons/h and depends on the time of year. Thus,over the course of a year,the press-shears can process 137,000–152,000 tons of scrap.The standard model of the press-shears is equipped with three 90-kW electric motors made by the company ABB. The motors are directly connected to Rexroth axial-piston pumps and Denison vane pumps. Taking into account the machin-ery built into the system,the press-shears can develop a total power of 320 kW.The press-shears are equipped with a hydraulic system made by Rexroth. The optimization of the design of the com-ponents and their operating regimes ensures that the system will deliver a large amount of power while keeping energy con-sumption low. The system is provided with protection from high pressure and has 100% filtration capability,thanks to the inclusion of four magnetic filters with 10-µm cells. Standard equipment is used to heat (and cool) the hydraulic oil. If nec-essary,additional measures can be implemented in order to be able to operate the press-shears at extremely low temperatures. The hydraulic oil should have a viscosity of 22 for outside operation of the machine and 36 for inside operation.The supply voltage of the press-shears is 380 V at 50 Hz,while the input is 320 kW. The system is controlled by means of programmable controllers made by the Allen Bradley company. These controllers operate on direct current at 24 V. The above-described system operates reliably under extreme conditions in different scrap-processing facilities. The control circuits of the valves are also supplied with 24 V dc. All of the tasks involved in the operation of the press-shears are depict-ed visually on a control panel located in a control room. The tasks can be managed in both the manual and automatic regimes.The lubrication system automatically delivers the necessary amount of lubricant to the guides of the guillotine shears and the vertical clamp during each stroke. The operation of the system is monitored visually and regulated both manually and automatically. If necessary,a central lubrication system can be used to lubricate the cylinders of the covers.The total weight of the SIERRA T1000 press-shears is 155 tons. Its installation requires a 22.0 ×8.5 m foundation slab 300–400 mm thick. The slab is constructed as a steel framework (channels or I-beams) that is then filled with concrete.The optimum configuration of the components of the press-shears is determined at the proposed site of installation. The charging box can be installed to the left or the right,depending on the location of the machine proper. As a variant,two charging boxes can be used (one on each side). The locations of the control room and the hydraulic system are also deter-mined at the site. If the press-shears are located outside,a lightweight enclosure – such as one composed of panels – can be erected to house the hydraulic system.The company SIERRA International Machinery has been making scrap-processing machinery since 1962. SIERRA is also itself a large scrap processor,in addition to being involved with the disassembly of large metal structures and provid-ing environmental services. Most of the work the company does in this area involves the use of SIERRA-made equipment. The advantages of the latter have been demonstrated through practical experience. Among them are the following:• the use of a unique charging system;• the possibility of using the press-shears not only for cutting,but also (if necessary) as a highly productive baling press;• execution of the required operations at high speeds;• the use of an efficient Rexroth hydraulic system;• the use of different materials for the guides of the blades and the clamp (Hardox steels and bronzes),which pre-vents scratches and major equipment breakages during heavy-duty operation;• ease of control of the covers;• the safe operation of the press-shears,thanks to the presence of a self-diagnostic system;• low energy consumption;• low cost.The subsidiary SIERRA Europe Recyling Ltd. was created in 2001 and operates in the European market. In the Russian market,SIERRA has been exclusively represented by the company DOBRO GmbH since October 2002. The first machines have already been shipped by this firm. Among the important services the company offers clients are profession-al consulting on equipment selection and quick and professional servicing of installed machinery on site.476。

The first step in the design process is to define the problem and XXX are defined。
the designer can begin toXXX evaluated。
and the best one is XXX。
XXX.Mechanical DesignA XXX machines include engines。
printing presses。
washing machines。
and XXX and methods of design that apply to XXXXXX。
and mixers.Design ProcessThe design process begins with a real need。
Existing apparatus may require XXX。
or cost。
while new apparatus may be XXX。
To start。
the designer must define the problem and XXX。
ideas and concepts are generated。
and refined until the best one is XXX。
XXX.During the preliminary design stage。
it is important to allow design XXX if some ideas may seem impractical。
they can be corrected early on in the design process。

Packing machinery developmentOur country packs the mechanical profession start in the 20th century 70's, and the 90's intermediate stages obtains the rapid development in the end of the 80's. Has become in the mechanical industry one of 10 big professions, regardless of is the output, in the variety, has all obtained the amazing achievement, packed the industry for our country the fast development to provide the powerful safeguard. At present, our country has become the world packing mechanical industrial production and expends one of great nations.Current our country food and a packing machinery prominent question is the new product development cycle long, imitates much, innovates few, not only this with designs personnel's state-of-art related, also concerns with the correlation profession development. The international advanced method utilizes the simulation technology, by the computer automatic synthesis three-dimensional model, will pass has occurred production line breakdown data feeds the computer, then will demonstrate the actual operating mode, according to will need to carry on the revision in front of the user, finally will consummate. The packing machinery took one product, its meaning is not merely the product itself material significance, but is includes the form product, the stealth product and extends the product 3 meanings. The form product is refers to packaging machine itself the concrete shape and the basic function; The stealth product is refers to the packaging machine the actual utility which provides to the user; Extends the product is refers to the packaging machine the quality assurance, the use instruction and the post-sale service and so on. Therefore the packaging machine design should include: Market investigation and study, schematic diagram design, structural design, construction drawing design, instruction for use compilationand post-sale service predetermined plan and so on.The new packing machinery often is machine, the electricity, the gas integration equipment. The full use information product newest achievement, uses air operated separation transmission technologies and so on implementing agency, servo motor-driven, may cause the complete machine the transmission chain to reduce greatly, the structure is greatly the simplification, the work precision and the speed enhances greatly. One of key technologies has used the multi-electrical machinery dragging synchronization control technology. Actually grasps this kind of technology not very difficultly, only is some designs the personnel not to understand the packing machinery this trend of development. If beforehand our country packs the machine design is the imitation, the study stage, then we should have the innovation design consciousnessnow.“十五” period, our country packs the mechanical industrial development to be rapid, in recent years imports the equipment all is domestic cannot make or the manufacture level is far from, may see our disparity from the import to be at. Food security problem whole nation attention. “十一五” period should enhance food security domain the science and technology and the equipment level, the development fast, in accurate appraisal food harms the factor the technology and the equipment, further researches anddevelops the pathogenic microorganism resistance, cause of disease prevention technologies and the preserve technology and the equipment and so on control. Food and the packing machinery form the profession already for 20 years, is opposite in food packing, a new profession. This 20 years also are the world technological development quickest times, the new technology applies unceasingly in the profession, but the domestic profession foundation is weak, technical and the scientific research lack of strength, its development relative lag, has towed food and the packing industry hind leg to a certain extent. Although overall development quick, but food packing mechanical industrial development is quicker.the goal is must reduce this space, catches up with the world advanced level for the food industry, for causes the packing great nation to make great strides forward to the packing powerful nation, provides the advanced technical equip, lets import the equipment the role which only plays in the domestic market appropriates lost articles fills a vacancy. This request domestic food and the packing machinery year development speed surpasses 18%, the new product output value rate achieves 25%. On the international packing and food machinery development is take the big customer request as the goal, the impetus correlation machinery development. The big customer request mainly manifests in the below aspect: One, is higher well to the production efficiency request. This may reduce the product the cost, satisfies the date of delivery. The high speed packaging machine request must have the correlation engagement with the first working procedure, does not have to transport the link, including the control engagement, the entire production line must achieve the inverted order according to the production and the packing working procedure arrangement to start, smooth engine off. If Leng Guanzhuang the production line makes something a matter of political line automatically from the plastic raw material to the drink fills installs, the big packing piles buttress completely automatically in seals up in the workshop to carry on. Two, may adapt the product renewal change. The packing machinery must have the very high flexibility and the flexibility, the production line permission the packing material size may change in certain size scope. Because product life cycle far short in useful life of equipment, change product and packing not as for replacement expensive packing production line. Three is the equipment common breakdown rapid elimination. The solution inputs the computer in advance, when the equipment appears the common breakdown may diagnose voluntarily, also may implement the long-distance diagnosis to eliminate the breakdown abreast in row. Four, the request has the automatic diagnosis function. On the one hand may automatic diagnosis packing material thickness, degree of hardness, the counter-tension and so on, feed back through the computer to the manipulator adjusts the movement scope, does not guarantee the resilience. On the other hand, each different product, like shape each different chocolate or the dessert and so on, install to the identical box in, its arrangement is orderly. The production line transmits the product is a disorder, the available probe head scanning, determined the different shape the material position, feeds back again to the different manipulator, it can accurately unmistakably puts in the goods according to the accurate position and the direction in the tray, moreover, removes the manual control quickly the visionand finger weariness. Five, may reduce the environmental pollution as far as possible. The reduction including the noise, the dust pollution, and reduces the reject as far as possible, this point especially is important in the food processing process. Food raw material when processing not only harvests the main product, like corn processing, product besides corn starch, but also has the corn oil, the salad oil, the margarine, the glucose, the corn protein and the feed, as well as the sewage treatment and so on produces the entire process, is the automation. Does not have the reject, not to pollute, other product value has surpassed the corn starch greatly the value.Along with the science and technology development and the market competition aggravating, the customer demand more and more is also high. This kind of demand manifests in following several aspects: One, enhances the production efficiency, satisfies the date of delivery and reduces the production cost the need, to some products, but also requests the packing machinery and the production machinery links up; Two, is meets the product renewal change need, the packing machinery must have the high flexibility and the flexibility; Three is when the equipment appears the breakdown, the request can carry on the long-distance diagnosis service; Four, favors the environmental protection, the noise, the dust and the reject are few; Five is the equipment purchase investment are as far as possible few, the price must be as far as possible low. Therefore, must certainly in the market investigation and study foundation, the full understanding, analyze the user earnestly the demand, the definite packaging machine should complete the function and each technical specification, draw up the preliminary principle design proposal.The modern packaging machine design process should include: The market investigation and study, the user demand analysis, the packaging machine function determination, the feasible proof, the formulation design proposal, the user benefit analysis, the plan feasible proof, the schematic diagram design, the structural design, the construction drawing design, the prototypical manufacture (hypothesized manufacture), the technical confirmation and the construction drawing revise, the formulation post-sale service predetermined plan and the long-distance diagnosis plan, the improvement design, the serialized design and so on. .The market investigation and study is the foundation work which all packaging machines design. Without the market investigation and study, we do all design work all possibly is equal to the zero. The market investigation and study, may according to the policy guidance, the profession supply and demand information, the expert analyze, the profession unfolds clues and so on meeting, technical meeting, found the user the demand information, after and reorganizes the analysis, the definite packaging machine should complete function. In the principle project design process, first must understand fully the related information product, the electronic products function, understood the air operated part the performance, and uses to simplify the mechanical drive system, but also may use the multi-electrical machinery dragging to reduce the mechanical transmission chain. Regarding the essential mechanical drive system, should make the best the modernized design method, in to product functional analysis foundation in, throughinnovation idea, system modelling, mechanical analysis, dynamic optimization, thus obtains the best design proposal. The technical design is the principle design structurization, definite spare part quantity, the shape, the size, the material and so on, the essential components carry on the power computation, the power computation, the strength calculation, the rigidity computation to the major component in.When system design, must consider the entire packaging machine system comprehensively the layout, the movement coordination, the modelling design, the human - machine environment as well as the packing transportation and so on. The modular design is one advanced design method, its core thought is divides into systematically according to the function certain modules, the identical function unit designs the packaging machine in has the module which the different performance, may exchange, through the module different combination, causes the packaging machine multi-purpose, the seriation. Uses this method the merit is: (1) makes the packaging machine renewal speed to speed up. Because of the new type substitution, often is the partial improvement. The vanguard technology introduction corresponding module, compared with easy to realize the partial improvement; (2) reduction design cycle. After the user proposed the request, only must replace the module, or the design manufacture partial modules, then obtain the new type, meets the user need; (3) reduces the cost, is advantageous for the service; (4) performance stable reliable. Because time module design, to the packaging machine function division and the module design, has conducted the careful research, has guaranteed the module performance, for example: Cam gear, servo, examination system, transmission system, control system, measurement organization, yummytreats organization and so on. .other packing machinery seriation, modular profession standard, also arrived should formulate, the packing machinery has become our country one of ten big mechanical professions, but serialized, the modular profession standard formulation will certainly to promote our country to pack on the mechanical profession cross new stair.包装机械的发展我国包装机械行业起步于20世纪70年代,在80年代末和90年代中期得到迅速发展。

英文原文Machine design theoryThe machine design is through designs the new product or improves the old product to meet the human need the application technical science. It involves the project technology each domain, mainly studies the product the size, the shape and the detailed structure basic idea, but also must study the product the personnel which in aspect the and so on manufacture, sale and use question.Carries on each kind of machine design work to be usually called designs the personnel or machine design engineer. The machine design is a creative work. Project engineer not only must have the creativity in the work, but also must in aspect and so on mechanical drawing, kinematics, engineerig material, materials mechanics and machine manufacture technology has the deep elementary knowledge.If front sues, the machine design goal is the production can meet the human need the product. The invention, the discovery and technical knowledge itself certainly not necessarily can bring the advantage to the humanity, only has when they are applied can produce on the product the benefit. Thus, should realize to carries on before the design in a specific product, must first determine whether the people do need this kind of productMust regard as the machine design is the machine design personnel carries on using creative ability the product design, the system analysis and a formulation product manufacture technology good opportunity. Grasps the project elementary knowledge to have to memorize some data and the formula is more important than. The merely service data and the formula is insufficient to the completely decision which makes in a good design needs. On the other hand, should be earnest precisely carries on all operations. For example, even if places wrong a decimal point position, also can cause the correct design to turn wrongly.A good design personnel should dare to propose the new idea, moreover is willing to undertake the certain risk, when the new method is not suitable, use original method. Therefore, designs the personnel to have to have to have the patience, because spendsthe time and the endeavor certainly cannot guarantee brings successfully. A brand-new design, the request screen abandons obsoletely many, knows very well the method for the people. Because many person of conservativeness, does this certainly is not an easy matter. A mechanical designer should unceasingly explore the improvement existing product the method, should earnestly choose originally, the process confirmation principle of design in this process, with has not unified it after the confirmation new idea.Newly designs itself can have the question occurrence which many flaws and has not been able to expect, only has after these flaws and the question are solved, can manifest new goods come into the market the product superiority. Therefore, a performance superior product is born at the same time, also is following a higher risk. Should emphasize, if designs itself does not request to use the brand-new method, is not unnecessary merely for the goal which transform to use the new method.In the design preliminary stage, should allow to design the personnel fully to display the creativity, not each kind of restraint. Even if has had many impractical ideas, also can in the design early time, namely in front of the plan blueprint is corrected. Only then, only then does not send to stops up the innovation the mentality. Usually, must propose several sets of design proposals, then perform the comparison. Has the possibility very much in the plan which finally designated, has used certain not in plan some ideas which accepts.How does the psychologist frequently discuss causes the machine which the people adapts them to operate. Designs personnel's basic responsibility is diligently causes the machine to adapt the people. This certainly is not an easy work, because certainly does not have to all people to say in fact all is the most superior operating area and the operating process.Another important question, project engineer must be able to carry on the exchange and the consultation with other concerned personnel. In the initial stage, designs the personnel to have to carry on the exchange and the consultation on the preliminary design with the administrative personnel, and is approved. This generally is through the oral discussion, the schematic diagram and the writing material carries on. Inorder to carry on the effective exchange, needs to solve the following problem:(1)designs whether this product truly does need for the people? Whether there iscompetitive ability(2)does this product compare with other companies' existing similar products?(3)produces this kind of product is whether economical?(4)product service is whether convenient?(5) product whether there is sale? Whether may gain?Only has the time to be able to produce the correct answer to above question. But, the product design, the manufacture and the sale only can in carry on to the above question preliminary affirmation answer foundation in. Project engineer also should through the detail drawing and the assembly drawing, carries on the consultation together with the branch of manufacture to the finally design proposal.Usually, can have some problem in the manufacture process. Possibly can request to some components size or the common difference makes some changes, causes the components the production to change easily. But, in the project change must have to pass through designs the personnel to authorize, guaranteed cannot damage the product the function. Sometimes, when in front of product assembly or in the packing foreign shipment experiment only then discovers in the design some kind of flaw. These instances exactly showed the design is a dynamic process. Always has a better method to complete the design work, designs the personnel to be supposed unceasingly diligently, seeks these better method.Recent year, the engineerig material choice already appeared importantly. In addition, the choice process should be to the material continuously the unceasing again appraisal process. The new material unceasingly appears, but some original materials can obtain the quantity possibly can reduce. The environmental pollution, material recycling aspect and so on use, worker's health and security frequently can attach the new limiting condition to the choice of material. In order to reduce the weight or saves the energy, possibly can request the use different material. Comes from domestic and international competition, to product service maintenance convenience request enhancement and customer's aspect the and so on feedback pressure, can urgethe people to carry on to the material reappraises. Because the material does not select when created the product responsibility lawsuit, has already had the profound influence. In addition, the material and between the material processing interdependence is already known by the people clearly. Therefore, in order to can and guarantees the quality in the reasonable cost under the premise to obtain satisfaction the result, project engineer makes engineers all to have earnestly carefully to choose, the determination and the use material.Makes any product the first step of work all is designs. Designs usually may divide into several explicit stages: (a) preliminary design; (b) functional design; (c) production design. In the preliminary design stage, the designer emphatically considered the product should have function. Usually must conceive and consider several plans, then decided this kind of thought is whether feasible; If is feasible, then should makes the further improvement to or several plans. In this stage, the question which only must consider about the choice of material is: Whether has the performance to conform to the request material to be possible to supply the choice; If no, whether has a bigger assurance all permits in the cost and the time in the limit develops one kind of new material.In the functional design and the engineering design stage, needs to make a practical feasible design. Must draw up the quite complete blueprint in this stage, chooses and determines each kind of components the material. Usually must make the prototype or the working model, and carries on the experiment to it, the appraisal product function, the reliability, the outward appearance and the service maintenance and so on. Although this kind of experiment possibly can indicate, enters in the product to the production base in front of, should replace certain materials, but, absolutely cannot this point take not earnestly chooses the material the excuse. Should unify the product the function, earnestly carefully considers the product the outward appearance, the cost and the reliability. Has the achievement very much the company when manufacture all prototypes, selects the material should the material which uses with its production in be same, and uses the similar manufacture technology as far as possible. Like this has the advantage very much to the company. The functioncomplete prototype if cannot act according to the anticipated sales volume economically to make, or is prototypical and the official production installment has in the quality and the reliable aspect is very greatly different, then this kind of prototype does not have the great value. Project engineer is best can completely complete the material in this stage the analysis, the choice and the determination work, but is not remains it to the production design stage does. Because, is carries on in the production design stage material replacement by other people, these people are inferior to project engineer to the product all functions understanding. In the production design stage, is should completely determine with the material related main question the material, causes them to adapt with the existing equipment, can use the existing equipment economically to carry on the processing, moreover the material quantity can quite be easy to guarantee the supply.In the manufacture process, inevitably can appear to uses the material to make some changes the situation. The experience indicated that, may use certain cheap materials to take the substitute. However, in the majority situation, in will carry on the production later to change the material to have in to start before the production to change the price which the material will spend to have to be higher than. Completes the choice of material work in the design stage, may avoid the most such situations. Started after the production manufacture to appear has been possible to supply the use the new material is replaces the material the most common reason. Certainly, these new materials possibly reduce the cost, the improvement product performance. But, must carry on the earnest appraisal to the new material, guarantees its all performance all to answer the purpose. Must remember that, the new material performance and the reliable very few pictures materials on hand such understood for the people. The majority of products expiration and the product accident caused by negligence case is because in selects the new material to take in front of substitution material, not truly understood their long-term operational performance causes.The product responsibility lawsuit forces designs the personnel and the company when the choice material, uses the best procedure. In the material process, five most common questions are: (a) did not understand or cannot use about the materialapplication aspect most newly the best information paper; (b) has not been able to foresee and to consider the dusk year possible reasonable use (for example to have the possibility, designs the personnel also to be supposed further to forecast and the consideration because product application method not when creates consequence.In recent years many products responsibilities lawsuit case, because wrongly uses the plaintiff which the product receives the injury to accuse produces the factory, and wins the decision); (c) uses the material data not entire perhaps some data are indefinite, works as its long-term performance data is the like this time in particular;(d) the quality control method is not suitable and not after the confirmation; (e) the personnel which completely is not competent for the post by some chooses the material.Through to the above five questions analysis, may obtain these questions is does not have the sufficient reason existence the conclusion. May for avoid these questions to these questions research analyses the appearance indicating the direction. Although uses the best choice of material method not to be able to avoid having the product responsibility lawsuit, designs the personnel and the industry carries on the choice of material according to the suitable procedure, may greatly reduce the lawsuit the quantity.May see from the above discussion, the choice material people should to the material nature, the characteristic and the processing method have comprehensive and the basic understanding.译文:机械设计理论机械设计是一门通过设计新产品或者改进老产品来满足人类需求的应用技术科学。

2. 背景技术的描述众所周知,传统的药物包装装置以种类为基础进行药品分类,并将药物吸纳在药剂容器中而且任何一个多元化的货架都与每个容器的药物有关。

泡罩包装机 blister packaging machine泡罩板装盒机blister boxing machine药用塑料管膜制造机madicinal plastic tube/film making machine药用塑料容器制造机medicinal plastic packaging container making machine 螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll discharge screen centrifuge密闭离心机hermetic centrifuge密闭式转鼓真空过滤机enclosed rotary—drum vacuum filter灭菌设备sterilizing equipment明胶液设备liquid gelatin equipment明胶液桶gelatin tank模制瓶制造机mould bottle making machine盘管式多效蒸馏水机multi—effect coil water distiller旁滤式离心机side-filtered piston-discharge sedimentary centrifuge抛射剂压装机freon press—filling machine泡罩板装盒机blister boxing machine药用塑料管膜制造机madicinal plastic tube/film making machine药用塑料容器制造机medicinal plastic packaging container making machine 螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll discharge screen centrifuge密闭离心机hermetic centrifuge药用相关包装机械medicinal interrelated packaging machinery药用印字机medicinal printing machine药用装盒包装机medicinal boxing and packaging machine叶滤机leaf filter液体灌装自动包装线automatic liquid filling and packaging line医用低速离心机pharmaceutical low-speed centrifuge移动缸式制粒机moving cylinder type mixing granulator饮片机械sliced herbal medicine machinery硬度测定仪hardness tester硬胶囊充填机hard gelatin capsule filling machine硬胶囊剂机械machinery for hard gelatin capsule原料药设备及机械machinery and equipment for pharmaceutical material圆盘干燥机disc dryer圆盘真空过滤机rotary disc vacuum filter远红外干燥器far—infrared dryer轧盖机capping machine粘浆式贴标签机paste adhesive labeling machine粘浆式外盒贴标签机paste adhesive carton labeling machine真空干燥箱vacuum drying oven真空浓缩罐vacuum concentrating tank真空匀质制膏机vacuum emulsifying unguent machine真空振动流动干燥机vacuum vibrated dryer振荡式筛分机vibration type screening machine振动干燥机vibrating dryer震荡落盖器cap vibrating device蒸发设备evaporating equipment蒸馏釜distiller蒸馏设备distilling equipment整粒机straightening granulator直联式三足离心机direct-coupled three column centrifuge直线式安瓿拉丝灌封机linear type ampoule filling and drawing—sealing machine直线式安瓿清洗机linear type ampoule cleaning machine直线式玻璃输液瓶灌装机linear type glass infusion bottle filling machine直线式口服液剂灌封机linear type liquid oral drug filling—sealing machine直线式液体灌装机linear type liquid filling machine纸型膜分格包装机checker embossing and packaging for paper film纸型药膜机paper medicine film machine制袋包装机sack making and packaging machine制膏机unguent machine制盒安瓿印字包装机box making and printing-packaging machine for ampoule制盒批号印字机batch number printing machine for carton制剂机械preparation machinery制粒机granulator制膜包装机medicine film making and packaging machine制膜机medicine film machinery制丸机pill making machine制药用水设备water treatmet equipment for pharmaceutical use中空纤维发酵器hollow fiber fermenter贮存设备storage equipment柱塞式液体灌装机piston type liquid filling machine转鼓式贴标签机drum type labeling machine转鼓真空过滤机rotary-drum vacuum filter转笼式软胶囊定型干燥机cage type soft capsule dryer转盘式计数充填机disk type counting—filling machine转台真空过滤机rotary table vacuum filter锥形混合机conical mixer自动高速旋转式压片机automatic high speed rotary tablet press组合立刀粉碎机combined vertical—knife mill卧式抗生素玻璃瓶胶塞清洗机horizontal type antibiotic vial stopple washing machine 卧式抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机horizontal antibiotic vial cleaning machine卧式拉管生产线horizontal glass tube drawing production line卧式椭圆形封头容器horizontal type elliptical head vessel卧式无折边球形封头容器horizontal type flapless spherical head vessel洗药机herbal medicine washing machine铣削式粉碎机milling breaker小蜜丸机small pill making machine小软管装盒机small collapsible tube boxing machine小丸剂瓶装机small pill bottling machine斜刀多级粉碎机multi—stage inclined-knife mill行列式玻璃输液瓶清洗机row type glass infusion bottle washing machine行列式抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机row type antibiotic vial cleaning machine旋盖机cap screwing machine旋涡式振动筛eddy type vibrating screen旋转式安瓿拉丝灌封机rotary type ampoule filling and drawing-sealing machine旋转式玻璃口服液瓶清洗机rotary glass oral bottle cleaning machine旋转式气雾剂联合灌装机rotary type aerosol interlocking filling machine旋转式切药机rotary herbal medicine slicing machine旋转式压片机rotary tablet press旋转式摇瓶机rotary bottle rocker旋转式液体灌装机rotary type liquid filling machine旋转式制粒机rotary granulator选丸机pill selecting machine压磨式粉碎机press-grind mill压片机tablet press压纹式轧盖机embossing type capping machine研磨机grinding machine摇摆式制粒机oscillating granulator药膜剂机械medicine film drug machinery药片、胶囊印字机tablet and capsule printing machine药片印字机tablet printing machine药品包装机械pharmaceutical pcakaging machinery药物检测设备medicine detecting instrument药液灌装机liquid drug filling machine药用包装机械medicine packaging machinery药用包装容器成形充填封口机medicinal container forming and filling-sealing machine 药用玻璃瓶清洗机medicinal glass bottle cleaning machine药用玻璃瓶制造设备medicinal glass bottle making equipment药用玻璃容器制造机medicinal glass packaging container making machine药用充填机medicine filling machine药用袋装包装机sacked medicine packaging machine药用定量充填机medicine quantitative filling machine药用粉碎机械pharmaceutical milling machinery药用裹包机medicinal wrapping machine泡罩包装机 blister packaging machine药用计数充填机medicine counting—filling machine药用金属容器制造机metallic medicinal container making machine药用捆合包装机medicinal tying machine药用铝管制造机medicinal aluminium tube making machine药用泡罩包装机medicinal blister packaging machine药用容器塞封机medicine bottle corking-sealing machine药用收缩包装机medicine shrink packaging machine药用塑料管膜制造机madicinal plastic tube/film making machine药用塑料容器制造机medicinal plastic packaging container making machine螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll discharge screen centrifuge密闭离心机hermetic centrifuge密闭式转鼓真空过滤机enclosed rotary—drum vacuum filter灭菌设备sterilizing equipment明胶液设备liquid gelatin equipment明胶液桶gelatin tank模制瓶制造机mould bottle making machine盘管式多效蒸馏水机multi—effect coil water distiller旁滤式离心机side-filtered piston—discharge sedimentary centrifuge抛射剂压装机freon press—filling machine泡罩板装盒机blister boxing machine培养罐culture tank培养基连消塔culture medium sterilizing column喷射自吸式发酵罐jet an slf—drawn fermenting tank喷雾阀门轧口机spray valve rolling-installing machine喷雾干燥气spray dryer片(丸)剂瓶装机tablet/capsule bottling machine片、丸、胶囊玻璃剂瓶装自动包装线glass bottled tabled/capsule automatic packaging line 片、丸、胶囊剂瓶装自动包装线bottle tablet/capsule automatic packaging line片、丸、胶囊剂塑料瓶装自动包装线plastic bottled tablet/capsule automatic packaging line 片剂机械tablet machinery平板式泡罩包装机plate type blister packaging machine破碎振动筛分机crushing and vibrating screening machine其他类型的发酵设备other type fermenting equipment其他药用金属容器制造机other medicinal container making machine其他制药机械及设备other pharmaceutical machinery and equipment气流粉碎机pneumatic cracker气流干燥器pneumatic dryer气流搅拌式发酵罐air stirring type fermenting equipment气升式发酵罐airlift fermenting tank气雾剂灌封机组aerosol drug filling-sealing machine气雾剂机械aerosol drug machinery气雾剂冷灌装机aerosol cold-filling machine切药机herbal medicine slicing machine揿盖装置cap pressing device清糖浆制造设备simple syrup producing equipment清糖浆专用过滤器simple syrup filter球磨机ball mill全自动填塞式硬胶囊充填机piston type fully—automatic hard gelatin capsule filling machine 全自动硬胶囊充填机fully—automatic hard gelatin capsule filling machine热泵干燥器heat pump dryer热泵蒸发器heat pump evaporator热风循环烘箱circulating hot air oven热熔式制栓机hot melting type suppository making machine热压式蒸馏水机thermocompression water distiller溶出实验仪dissolution tester溶胶锅gelatin dissolver溶胶锅gelatin melter溶药罐medicine dissolving tank熔糖罐sugar melting tank乳钵研磨机mortar mill软膏灌封机unguent filling—sealing machine软膏剂机械unguent drug machinery软胶囊(丸)剂机械machinery for soft gelatin capsule软胶囊清洗机soft capsule washer软胶囊输送机soft capsule coneryor软胶囊制造机soft capsule making machine润药机herbal medicine infiltrating machine塞棉机cotton stuffing machine塞内塞机inner cork stoppling machine密闭式转鼓真空过滤机enclosed rotary-drum vacuum filter灭菌设备sterilizing equipment明胶液设备liquid gelatin equipment明胶液桶gelatin tank模制瓶制造机mould bottle making machine盘管式多效蒸馏水机multi-effect coil water distiller旁滤式离心机side-filtered piston—discharge sedimentary centrifuge 抛射剂压装机freon press—filling machine药用贴标签机medicinal labeling machine塞塞封蜡机corking and wax-sealing machine塞纸机paper stuffing machine三足式沉降离心机solid bowl three column centrifuge三足式离心机three—column centrifuge筛分机械screening machine筛选机screening machine上悬式离心机top—suspended centrifuge升膜式蒸发器upward film evaporator生化反应器biochemical reactor声波干燥器sound—wave dryer湿法制粒机wet type granulator输瓶机bottle conveyer输液剂机械infusion machinery栓剂崩解器suppository disintegration tester栓剂机械suppository drug machinery栓壳成形灌封机suppository shell forming and filling-sealing machine 双锥回转式真空干燥机double conic rotary vacuum dryer双锥型混合机double conical mixer水针剂机械injection machinery说明书折叠机synopsis folding machine送料装置conveyer for medicine material塑料滴眼瓶成形灌封机eye drug plastic tube forming and filling—sealing machine 塑料滴眼瓶清洗设备eye drug plastic tube cleaner塑料盖制造机plastic cap making machine塑料口服液瓶成形灌封机plastic oral bottle forming and filling—sealing machine 塑料瓶输液检漏仪leakage detector for plastic bottle infusion塑料瓶制造机plastic bottle making machine塑料容器输液剂设备plastic infusion equipment塑料软管灌封机plastic soft tube filling-sealing machine塑料输液袋灌封机plastic infusion bag filling-sealing machine塑料输液瓶成形灌封机plastic infusion bottle forming and filling-sealing machine 塑料制瓶充填包装机plastic bottle forming and filling—packaging machine隧道烘箱tunnel drying oven隧道式灭菌干燥机tunnel sterilizing dryer塔式发酵器tower fermenter塔式移动床发酵罐moving-bed tower fermenter台式硬胶囊充填机table type hard gelatin capsule filling machine糖浆配制罐syrup toring and dispensing tank提取罐extracting tank提取浓缩罐extracting and concentracting tank填函式换热器packing-gland heat exchanger通用装盒机universal boxling machine外滤面转鼓真空过滤机external filtering surface rotary-drum vacuum filter外循环式蒸发器external circulating evaporator丸剂干燥机pill drying machine丸剂机械pill machinery往复式切药机to-and—fro type herbal medicine slicing machine往复式摇瓶机to—and—fro bottle rocker往复式振动筛to—and—fro type vibrating screen微波干燥器microwave dryer微孔薄膜过滤设备microbore-film filtering equipment微孔过滤设备microbore filtering equipment微丸瓶装机mini-pill bottling machine维持罐maintaining tank稳定泵regulating pump涡轮式粉碎机turbo-mill卧式安瓿制造机horizontal anmpoule making machine卧式刮刀卸料离心机peeler centrifuge卧式滚筒筛分机horizontal drum screening machine卧式活塞推料离心机pusher centrifuge卧式结晶器horizontal crystallizer开合式轧盖机open—close type capping machine抗生素玻璃瓶超声波清洗机ultra—sonic antibiotic vial cleaning machine抗生素玻璃瓶分装机antibiotic vial filling machiine抗生素玻璃瓶封蜡机antibotic vial waxing machine抗生素玻璃瓶胶塞洁净设备antibiotic vial stopple cleaning equipment抗生素玻璃瓶理瓶机antibiotic vial straightener抗生素玻璃瓶螺杆分装机antibiotic vial screw—filling machine抗生素玻璃瓶气流分装机antibiotic vial pneumatic-filling machine抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机antibiotic vial cleaning machine抗生素玻璃瓶塞塞机antibiotic vial stoppling machine抗生素玻璃瓶水剂灌装机liquid medicine antibiotic vial filling machine抗生素玻璃瓶隧道式灭菌干燥机antibiotic vial tunnel sterilizing dryer抗生素玻璃瓶轧盖机antibiotic vial capping machine抗生素粉、水针剂机械machinery for medicine powder and liquid antibiotic vial抗生素粉针生产联动线antibiotic vial antibiotic powder automatic production line抗生素瓶铝盖清洗机antibiotic vial aluminium cap washing machine空心胶壳制造生产线capsule shell production line空心胶囊制造机empty capsule making machine蜡壳包装机waxy pill cover packaging machine冷冻干燥机freezing dryer冷挤压制栓机cold pressing type suppository making machine离心机centrifuge离心式包衣制粒机centrifugal type coating—granulating machine离心式薄膜蒸发器centrifugal film evaporator离心式刮板薄膜蒸发器centrifugal scraper film evaporator离子交换设备ion—exchange equipment理瓶机disk type bottle straightening machine立式安瓿制造机vertical ampoule making mchine立式侧刀粉碎机vertical type side-knife mill立式炒药机vertical type herbal medicine roaster立式结晶罐vertical crystallizer立式抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机vertical antibiotic vial cleaning machine立式平底平盖容器vertical vessel with flat top and flat bottom立式平盖锥底容器vertical vessel with flat top and conical bottom立式椭圆形封头容器vertical vessel with elliptical head立式锥篮离心机vertical type conic basket centrifuge连续插管式硬胶囊充填机insertion pipe continuous hard gelatin capsule filling machine 量杯式充填机measuring cup filling machine列管式多效蒸馏水机multi—effect tubular water distiller流化床发酵罐fluid-bed fermenter流化床沸腾干燥器fluid bed dryer龙门式贴标签机portal type labeling machine铝管冲挤机aluminium tube extruding machine铝管螺纹机aluminium tube screwing machine铝管旋盖机aluminium tube cap printing machine铝管印字机aluminium tube printing machine铝塑泡罩包装检测仪detector for aluminium—plastic blister package履带式计数充填机caterpillar type counting-filling machine螺旋板式换热器scroll—plate heat exchanger螺旋卸料沉降-过滤离心机solid/screen bowl scroll centrifuge螺旋卸料沉降离心机scroll discharge sedimentary centrifuge高速离心机high-speed centrifuge高速旋转式压片机high speed rotary tablet press高效包衣机high efficiency coating machine高压匀质泵high pressure uniforming pump固定床发酵器fixed—bed fermenter固定缸式制粒机fixing cylinder type mixing granulator固定管板式换热器fixed tube—sheet heat exchanger固定化细胞流化床发酵器fixed-cell fluid-bed fermenter固定式刮板薄膜蒸发器constant-clearance scraper film evaporator固体发酵罐solid fermenting equipment刮板式薄膜蒸发器scraper type evaporator刮刀卸料沉降离心机knife—discharge centrifugal clarifier管壳式换热器tubular heat exchanger管式分离机tubular centrifuge管式过滤设备tubular filtering equiment管制瓶制造机glass tube vial making machine柜式灭菌箱cabinet type sterilizing tank滚板组合式泡罩包装机plate—cylinder type blister packaging machine滚模式软胶囊生产联动线cylinder type soft capsule interlocking production line滚模式软胶囊压制机cylinder type soft capsule encapsulating machine滚碾式制膏机rolling type unguent machine滚筒式玻璃输液瓶内洗机horizontal drum type glass infusion bottle internal washing machine 滚筒式炒药机drum type herbal medicine roaster滚筒式泡罩包装机cylinder type blister packaging machine滚压式抗生素玻璃瓶轧盖机rolling type antibiotic vial capping machine滚压式轧盖机rolling type capping machine过滤机pharmaceutical filter过滤离心机filtering centrifuge化学反应设备chemical reacting equipment换热器heat exchanger回转式玻璃输液瓶灌装机rotary type glass infusion bottle filling machine回转式混合机rotary mixer回转式口服液剂灌封机rotary type liquid oral drug filling-sealing machine混合机mixer混合制粒机mixing granulator机械搅拌发酵设备mechanical stirring type fermenting equipment机械式粉碎机machine mill机械式药用玻璃瓶清洗机mechanical medicinal glass bottle cleaning machine机械自吸式发酵罐self-drawn type fermenting equipment基质熔融罐melting tank挤压式制粒机pressing granulator间歇插管式硬胶囊充填机insertion pipe intermittent hard gelatin capsule filling machine检片机tablet detector降膜式蒸发器downward film evaporator胶囊、药片磨光机capsule/tablet smoothing machine胶囊印字机capsule printing machine胶囊重量选择机capsule weight checker胶体磨colloid mill搅拌干燥机stirring dryer搅拌式发酵罐stirring typefermenting tank结晶设备crystallzing equipment金属检测仪metal detector金属软管灌封机metallic collapsible tube filling—sealing machine精馏塔fractional column就地清洗、灭菌设备site cleaning-sterilizing machine局部层流装置partial laminar flow device菌种选育设备seed fungus selecting equipment开合玻璃输液瓶塞塞、翻塞机glass infusion bottle rubber cork stoppling and turning-over machine玻璃输液瓶洗、灌、封生产联动线washing and filling-sealing interlocking production line for glass infusion bottle玻璃输液瓶轧盖机glass infusion bottle capping machine玻璃纸包装机glassine packaging machine不干胶贴标签机self—adhesive labeling machine不干胶外盒贴标签机self—adhesive carton labeling machine不干胶药用瓶贴标签机self-adhesive medicinal bottle labeling machine擦丸机pill wiping machine槽型混合机trough type mixer层板式过滤设备laminate filtering equipment敞开式浓缩罐open type concentrating tank超临界萃取设备supercritocal extracting equipment超声波药用玻璃瓶清洗机ultra—sonic medicinal glass bottle cleaning machine炒药机herbal medicine roaster沉降离心机sedimentary centrifuge齿式粉碎机tooth mill充气装置gas—filling device除气仪gas removing instrument垂直输箱机vertical type case conveyer锤块式粉碎机block mill锤片式粉碎机paddle mill锤式粉碎机hammer mill脆碎仪brittleness tester萃取设备extracting equipment打、喷印装置marker大蜜丸机large pill making machine带式翻板干燥机chain drive drying equipment带式真空过滤机horizontal-belt vacuum filter带状包装机strip packaging machine单冲压片机single punch tablet press单机联动瓶装包装线bottle medicine automatic interlocking packging line刀式多级粉碎机multi—stage knife mill刀式粉碎机knife mill滴丸机pill dropping machine滴眼剂灌装设备eye drug filling equipment滴眼剂机械eye drug machinery滴眼瓶、胶帽清洗设备tube and rubber cap cleaner for eye drug滴眼瓶胶帽清洗器rubber cap cleaner滴制式软胶囊(丸)制造机dropping type soft capsule/pill encapsulating machine电渗析设备eletric-penetration water purificating equipment电子计数充填机electronic counting-filling machine碟式分离机disc centrifuge酊水、糖浆灌装机tincture syrup filling—sealing machine酊水、糖浆剂机械tincture drug machinery动态提取罐dynamic extracting tank冻力仪bloom tester多功能抗生素玻璃瓶胶塞处理机multi—purpose antibiotic vial stopple cleaning machine 多功能药用瓶装包装机multi-function medicine bottle packaging machine多效蒸发器multi-effect film evaporator发酵设备fermenting equipment反渗透设备anti—penetration equipment反应设备reaction equipment废胶囊绞碎机waste capsule mincer沸腾制粒机fluid bed granulator分离机separator分子蒸馏设备molecular distilling equipment粉末压片机powder pressing machine封盖机sealing/capping machine封蜡机wax—sealing machine浮头式换热器floating head heat exchanger干法制粒机dry type granulator干燥设备drying equipment式抗生素玻璃瓶轧盖机open-close type antibiotic vial capping machine安瓿擦瓶机ampoule rubbing machine安瓿超声波清洗机ultra-sonic ampoule cleaning machine安瓿超声波清洗机ultra—sonic ampoule cleaning machine安瓿割圆机ampoule cutting machine安瓿灌封机ampoule filling an sealing machine安瓿灭菌检漏设备ampoule sterilization and leakage detector安瓿清洗机ampoule cleaning machine安瓿色标机ampoule marker安瓿隧道式灭菌干燥机ampoule tunnel sterilizing machine安瓿洗、烘、灌、封联动机ampoule cleaning—drying and filling-sealing interlocking machine 安瓿洗灌封机ampoule cleaning and drawing—sealing machine安瓿印字包装机ampoule printing and packaging machine安瓿印字机ampoule printing machine安瓿印字装盒机ampoule printing and boxing machine安瓿制造设备ampoule making equipment安瓿注射液异物半自动检查机semi—automatic impurity detecting machine for ampoule injection 安瓿注射液异物检测仪impurity detector for ampoule injection安瓿注射液异物检查设备impurity detecting equipment for ampoule injection安瓿注射液异物自动检查机impurity detecting machine for ampoule injection板翅式换热器wing type heat exchanger板框压滤机plate and frame filter press板式多效蒸馏水机plate type multi—effect water distiller板式换热器plate type heat exchanger板式蒸发器plate type evaporator半自动药用玻璃瓶清洗机semi-automatic medicinal glass bottle cleaning machine 半自动硬胶囊充填机semi—automatic hard gelatin capsule filling machine包衣机coating machine崩解仪disintegration tester荸荠式包衣机water chestnut type sugar coating machine标签批号印字机batch number printing machine for label玻璃滴眼瓶清洗设备eye drug glass tube cleaner玻璃口服液瓶超声波清洗机ultra-sonic glass oral bottle cleaning machine玻璃口服液瓶清洗机glass oral bottle cleaning machine玻璃口服液瓶隧道式灭菌干燥机glass oral bottle tunnel sterilizing dryer玻璃口服液瓶轧盖机glass oral bottle capping machine玻璃瓶口服液剂生产联动线glass oral bottle liquid oral drug interlocking production line玻璃瓶输液剂灭菌柜glass infusion bottle sterilizing cabinet玻璃瓶输液剂设备glass bottle infusion equipment玻璃瓶输液瓶理瓶机glass infusion bottle straightener玻璃瓶输液瓶清洗机glass infusion bottle washing machine玻璃瓶输液瓶外洗机external washing machine for glass infusion bottle玻璃瓶输液异物半自动检查仪semi—automatic impurity detecting machine for glass bottle infusion 玻璃输液瓶超声波清洗机ultra-sonic glass infusion bottle washing machine玻璃输液瓶充氮机nitrogen filling machine for glass infusion bottle玻璃输液瓶翻塞机glass infusion bottle plug turning-over machine玻璃输液瓶灌装机glass infusion bottle filling machine玻璃输液瓶胶塞清洗机rubber cork washing machine for glass infusion bottle 玻璃输液瓶塞胶塞机glass infusion bottle rubber cork stoppling machine。

Packing machinery developmentOur country packs the mechanical profession start in the 20th century 70's, and the 90's intermediate stages obtains the rapid development in the end of the 80's. Has become in the mechanical industry one of 10 big professions, regardless of is the output, in the variety, has all obtained the amazing achievement, packed the industry for our country the fast development to provide the powerful safeguard. At present, our country has become the world packing mechanical industrial production and expends one of great nations.Current our country food and a packing machinery prominent question is the new product development cycle long, imitates much, innovates few, not only this with designs personnel's state-of-art related, also concerns with the correlation profession development. The international advanced method utilizes the simulation technology, by the computer automatic synthesis three-dimensional model, will pass has occurred production line breakdown data feeds the computer, then will demonstrate the actual operating mode, according to will need to carry on the revision in front of the user, finally will consummate. The packing machinery took one product, its meaning is not merely the product itself material significance, but is includes the form product, the stealth product and extends the product 3 meanings. The form product is refers to packaging machine itself the concrete shape and the basic function; The stealth product is refers to the packaging machine the actual utility which provides to the user; Extends the product is refers to the packaging machine the quality assurance, the use instruction and the post-sale service and so on. Therefore the packaging machine design should include: Market investigation and study, schematic diagram design, structural design, construction drawing design, instruction for use compilation and post-sale service predetermined plan and so on.The new packing machinery often is machine, the electricity, the gas integration equipment. The full use information product newest achievement, uses air operated separation transmission technologies and so on implementing agency, servo motor-driven, may cause the complete machine the transmission chain to reduce greatly, the structure is greatly the simplification, the work precision and the speed enhances greatly. One of key technologies has used the multi-electrical machinery dragging synchronization control technology. Actually grasps this kind of technology not very difficultly, only is some designs the personnel not to understand the packing machinery this trend of development. If beforehand our country packs the machine design is the imitation, the study stage, then we should have the innovation design consciousness now.“十五” period, our country packs the mechanical industrial development to be rapid, in recent years imports the equipment all is domestic cannot make or the manufacture level is far from, may see our disparity from the import to be at. Food security problem whole nation attention. “十一五” period should enhance food security domain the science and technology and the equipment level, the development fast, in accurate appraisal food harms the factor the technology and the equipment, further researches anddevelops the pathogenic microorganism resistance, cause of disease prevention technologies and the preserve technology and the equipment and so on control. Food and the packing machinery form the profession already for 20 years, is opposite in food packing, a new profession. This 20 years also are the world technological development quickest times, the new technology applies unceasingly in the profession, but the domestic profession foundation is weak, technical and the scientific research lack of strength, its development relative lag, has towed food and the packing industry hind leg to a certain extent. Although overall development quick, but food packing mechanical industrial development is quicker.the goal is must reduce this space, catches up with the world advanced level for the food industry, for causes the packing great nation to make great strides forward to the packing powerful nation, provides the advanced technical equip, lets import the equipment the role which only plays in the domestic market appropriates lost articles fills a vacancy. This request domestic food and the packing machinery year development speed surpasses 18%, the new product output value rate achieves 25%. On the international packing and food machinery development is take the big customer request as the goal, the impetus correlation machinery development. The big customer request mainly manifests in the below aspect: One, is higher well to the production efficiency request. This may reduce the product the cost, satisfies the date of delivery. The high speed packaging machine request must have the correlation engagement with the first working procedure, does not have to transport the link, including the control engagement, the entire production line must achieve the inverted order according to the production and the packing working procedure arrangement to start, smooth engine off. If Leng Guanzhuang the production line makes something a matter of political line automatically from the plastic raw material to the drink fills installs, the big packing piles buttress completely automatically in seals up in the workshop to carry on. Two, may adapt the product renewal change. The packing machinery must have the very high flexibility and the flexibility, the production line permission the packing material size may change in certain size scope. Because product life cycle far short in useful life of equipment, change product and packing not as for replacement expensive packing production line. Three is the equipment common breakdown rapid elimination. The solution inputs the computer in advance, when the equipment appears the common breakdown may diagnose voluntarily, also may implement the long-distance diagnosis to eliminate the breakdown abreast in row. Four, the request has the automatic diagnosis function. On the one hand may automatic diagnosis packing material thickness, degree of hardness, the counter-tension and so on, feed back through the computer to the manipulator adjusts the movement scope, does not guarantee the resilience. On the other hand, each different product, like shape each different chocolate or the dessert and so on, install to the identical box in, its arrangement is orderly. The production line transmits the product is a disorder, the available probe head scanning, determined the different shape the material position, feeds back again to the different manipulator, it can accurately unmistakably puts in the goods according to the accurate position and the direction in the tray, moreover, removes the manual control quickly the visionand finger weariness. Five, may reduce the environmental pollution as far as possible. The reduction including the noise, the dust pollution, and reduces the reject as far as possible, this point especially is important in the food processing process. Food raw material when processing not only harvests the main product, like corn processing, product besides corn starch, but also has the corn oil, the salad oil, the margarine, the glucose, the corn protein and the feed, as well as the sewage treatment and so on produces the entire process, is the automation. Does not have the reject, not to pollute, other product value has surpassed the corn starch greatly the value.Along with the science and technology development and the market competition aggravating, the customer demand more and more is also high. This kind of demand manifests in following several aspects: One, enhances the production efficiency, satisfies the date of delivery and reduces the production cost the need, to some products, but also requests the packing machinery and the production machinery links up; Two, is meets the product renewal change need, the packing machinery must have the high flexibility and the flexibility; Three is when the equipment appears the breakdown, the request can carry on the long-distance diagnosis service; Four, favors the environmental protection, the noise, the dust and the reject are few; Five is the equipment purchase investment are as far as possible few, the price must be as far as possible low. Therefore, must certainly in the market investigation and study foundation, the full understanding, analyze the user earnestly the demand, the definite packaging machine should complete the function and each technical specification, draw up the preliminary principle design proposal.The modern packaging machine design process should include: The market investigation and study, the user demand analysis, the packaging machine function determination, the feasible proof, the formulation design proposal, the user benefit analysis, the plan feasible proof, the schematic diagram design, the structural design, the construction drawing design, the prototypical manufacture (hypothesized manufacture), the technical confirmation and the construction drawing revise, the formulation post-sale service predetermined plan and the long-distance diagnosis plan, the improvement design, the serialized design and so on. .The market investigation and study is the foundation work which all packaging machines design. Without the market investigation and study, we do all design work all possibly is equal to the zero. The market investigation and study, may according to the policy guidance, the profession supply and demand information, the expert analyze, the profession unfolds clues and so on meeting, technical meeting, found the user the demand information, after and reorganizes the analysis, the definite packaging machine should complete function. In the principle project design process, first must understand fully the related information product, the electronic products function, understood the air operated part the performance, and uses to simplify the mechanical drive system, but also may use the multi-electrical machinery dragging to reduce the mechanical transmission chain. Regarding the essential mechanical drive system, should make the best the modernized design method, in to product functional analysis foundation in, throughinnovation idea, system modelling, mechanical analysis, dynamic optimization, thus obtains the best design proposal. The technical design is the principle design structurization, definite spare part quantity, the shape, the size, the material and so on, the essential components carry on the power computation, the power computation, the strength calculation, the rigidity computation to the major component in.When system design, must consider the entire packaging machine system comprehensively the layout, the movement coordination, the modelling design, the human - machine environment as well as the packing transportation and so on. The modular design is one advanced design method, its core thought is divides into systematically according to the function certain modules, the identical function unit designs the packaging machine in has the module which the different performance, may exchange, through the module different combination, causes the packaging machine multi-purpose, the seriation. Uses this method the merit is: (1) makes the packaging machine renewal speed to speed up. Because of the new type substitution, often is the partial improvement. The vanguard technology introduction corresponding module, compared with easy to realize the partial improvement; (2) reduction design cycle. After the user proposed the request, only must replace the module, or the design manufacture partial modules, then obtain the new type, meets the user need; (3) reduces the cost, is advantageous for the service; (4) performance stable reliable. Because time module design, to the packaging machine function division and the module design, has conducted the careful research, has guaranteed the module performance, for example: Cam gear, servo, examination system, transmission system, control system, measurement organization, yummy treats organization and so on. .other packing machinery seriation, modular profession standard, also arrived should formulate, the packing machinery has become our country one of ten big mechanical professions, but serialized, the modular profession standard formulation will certainly to promote our country to pack on the mechanical profession cross new stair.包装机械的发展我国包装机械行业起步于20世纪70年代,在80年代末和90年代中期得到迅速发展。

包装设计外文文献翻译最新译文文献出处:Kent T. Interactive art creativity in packaging design [J]. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2015, (9): 734-745.原文Interactive art creativity in packaging designKent TAbstractModern packaging design art has become a very important branch in visual communication arts, it completes the industrial to the evolution of the way of information science and technology. Large diversified development trend of modern design, a new way of thinking about the way people live intervention as well as the guiding thought and emotion and expression, the designers find some common rules in the application of graphic design were scattered, integration, and gradually to deconstruction, the existing design element symbols replaced, designers in the new era to cater to the trend of The Times, strive to find experience and experience in the use of packaging the mutual dynamic behavior combining site, to conquer the experience completely psychological desire of satisfy. Large diversified development trend of modern design, a new way of thinking about the way people live intervention as well as the guiding thought and emotion and expression, the designers find some common rules in the application of graphic design were scattered, integration, and gradually to deconstruction, the existing design element symbols replaced, designers in the new era to cater to the trend of The Times, strive to find experience and experience in the use of packaging themutual dynamic behavior combining site, to conquer the experience completely psychological desire of satisfy.Keywords: experience; Packaging design; Interactive way1 IntroductionDue to the development of production capacity, material and machine efficiency,combined with the experience of evolution of consumer society gradually cultivated by all kinds of factors are for the current packaging market has opened up a new market. Enlightenment period of packaging design is to protect consumers, food and clothing to oneself need to start. Under the economic and social developing, commodity packaging beautiful, practical and suitable for experience of taste has become the most important marketing tool in the commodity economy. In the stage of industrial development, in order to machine manufacturing for the mainstream economy. Along with the development of productivity and science and technology, market economy and into the era of new media, interactive packaging is a new concept of packaging field in recent years, its main meaning is through the implementation of the means of packaging materials and packaging, packaging of goods and experience between establish a kind of behavior and thought more closely linked, thus forming a kind of interactive relationship, thus established the new packaging design pattern.2 Packaging design and interactive art originality2.1 Packaging design and the main programThe history of mankind has connected with history of packaging design. Production technology, materials and media of developing and changing consumption society has created a new suitable for experience of packaging market. Packagingdesign is a branch of visual communication subject, it combines the packing structure, graphics, color and text for the integration of design disciplines, but also including the packaging materials and containers, marketing and other disciplines. The premise of basic function of packaging is to protect the goods make it looks more beautiful, practical, more environmentally friendly materials, through the way such as printing and message of the product, so the design of the packing is good or not directly affects the purchasing power of the experience.Packaging from design to production, can be divided into the following procedures: for goods design research; Commodity packaging and production process of overall planning; Packaging design innovation point positioning; The choice of packaging materials and design; Packaging design; The packaging structure design;Packaging visual communication design; Additional commodity packaging product design; The protection of the packaging technology design; Design the product specification. In the whole process designer should strive to packaging design and experience culture special match, to finally realize the packing the psychological demands of semantic expression and experience.2.2 Packaging design of interactive art creativityInteractive concept is a trend in the development of new packaging design, is the experience and the combination of information of the auxiliary materials, packaging structure. Whether it concerns design is containing the technology can give the service, and the quality of the experience and their interaction. Human life is the life of an interaction. Human out of the womb, human naturally with their facial features, body,imagination to interact with this strange world, thus forming belongs to the human emotions, knowledge, and to realize their own value. Until today, the concept of interaction, interactive art has already penetrated into every aspect of people's life, has become our environment suitable for experience is the best way to contact.Make the products as packaging design and interactive experience, has the interactive art creative packaging design for people with experience to effectively to harvest their crop from the product itself interesting experience, more important is also can reflect the value of experience is itself. Interactive art design research, there are two key elements: product, experience; Interactive art design concerned with behavior, psychological experience and enjoy it in the design process, implementation technique and so on. Interactive art of research experience, the core is the study of experience classification, requirements, experience is the psychological experience, on the basis of fully research experience. Analysis of the behavior of the experience, from experience, from experience in the process of the behavior of the direct design method and theory.3Three creative packaging factor analysis3.1 The packing structure analysis of the interactionPackaging structure design in order to protect the products, for the convenience of the conditions of experience to carry and reuse, and the arrangement of the goodinternal and external structures and the birth of a structural design. Therefore, good packaging structural design, can make the security of the product, make people more convenient to carry, transport experience, more is the product of reuse rate increased, the products and the experience is very important. Inthis process, both inside and outside packing structure design, auxiliary structure design of the two main forms: One is inside and outside packaging is the most intuitive experience who can feel the body of the product, also is the most can reflect the interactive part. Clever packaging structural design can fully understand the psychological experience and the experience of using habit, through the use of innovative product packaging structure and experience product information feedback, to realize the interaction between packaging structure and experience. The other is a secondary structure is in the service of internal and external packaging, is one of the types of packaging language development. It also have the experience to use packaging process more convenient, fun and comfortable. So packing the existence of the secondary structure will be more rich and the other a novel and interactive experience.3.2 Packaging graphics interactive analysisGraphics is a kind of visual language is different from the words, to be clear at a glance the advantage of spreading information of various kinds of products. Understood the word graphics, mostly includes a variety of photographic images, plane figure, illustrations, and other forms of image is easy to understand. On the understanding of the fine arts, graphic more has many meanings, it bear the role of visual marketing, through the processing of beauty, let products have a deeper interpretation. In product packaging, creative graphic design that is intuitive, marked the experience would see all kinds of information expressed by the graphics, thus better and interactive experience, make people feel interesting, vivid and impressive experience of experience.4 Packing creativity and experience interactive method4.1 The packing structurePackaging independent legal refers to the packaging structure group structure conversion method in another form. Form of transformation can be reversed, mobile,repeatedly, expanding, reducing, distortion, extrusion, stretching, winding, such as technique, can also be done by different combinations. Morphological transformation can be various forms of transformation, such as: color conversion, shape dimension transformation, style, structure, material conversion, conversion, etc., can also be a function of conversion, technology, media and the transformation of the program. Behind all in all, the structure performance of rich, containing the infinite possibility, that possibility is simple, regularity and can stimulate people's sensibility, contains profound connotation.4.2 Packaging graphicsContents of bionic graphics performance for the product image, namely by packaging its image as well as related to the goods such as raw materials, consumer, use characteristics, characteristics, origin, etc. Bionic graphic form rich variety, have photography, commercial painting, creative graphics, such as painting, cartoon form, each form has its unique expression. Choose suitable for the bionic graphical representation techniques, and is the application of bionic graphics the key to achieve good visual effect. Packaging graphic design is the most important is how to put the commodity characteristics of visualization, or handle the relationship between the visual graphic elements and commodities. Unique bionic graphic design, will stand out from many other packaging, attract the eyes of the experimental subjects, and reduce the distance of commodity and experience.Visual image in law refers to the creation of packaging design, graphically creative means to some exaggerated combination of product and graphics, or with the function of the product itself and the experience of using product environment creation. Through the combination of the idea, this breaking things and ratio of exaggeration can make experience person interesting association when using product, cause of the experience.5 ConclusionPackaging image art trends of visual design and interaction into the life of people, and strongly impact and influence the society and life. Today’s market, more than 80% of the goods is to appear in front of our eyes after packaging design, so the packaging is closely related to our life. Along with the development of the market, in the role of the "silent salesman" participate in the process of marketing, the success or failure of commodity packaging design to some extent decide the success or failure of merchandise sales, as a result, today's packaging design from the basic role oriented to the center of gravity offset to experience the spirit of the emotional and how to through the use of all kinds of materials and media to implement interactive ways and experience. Interactive concept packaging design using the experience of the psychological strategy, according to the experience of the multidimensional nature of the psychological and differences in design, starting from the experience of physiology and psychology, through the change of packing structure, the change of graphics and layout method such as changes in the way the interaction into experience can feel the effect, have the experience to win the spiritual happiness and satisfaction.译文包装设计中的互动艺术创意Kent T摘要当代的包装设计艺术已经成为视觉传达艺术里非常重要的一个支流,它完成了工业化到信息化科技方式的演变。

附录Overview of China Packaging MachineryDevelopmentDuring the last decade, joint efforts by the packaging and the food industries have reduced the amount of food packaging materials. Nonetheless, used packaging materials are still very visible to the consumer in the context of disposal. Environmental issues are becoming increasingly important to the European consumer. Consequently, consumer pressure may trigger the use of biobased packaging materials as an alternative to materials produced from non-renewable resources. Biologically based packaging is defined as packaging containing raw materials originating from agricultural sources, i. e. produced from renewable, biological raw materials such as starch and bioderived monomers. These materials are not necessarily biodegradable. Consequently, this review is not limited to biodegradable packaging. To date, biodegradable packaging has commanded great attention, and numerous projects are under way in this field. One important reason for this attention is the marketing of environmentally friendly packaging materials. Furthermore, use of biodegradable packaging materials has the greatest potential in countries where landfill is the main waste management tool. Biobased packaging materials include both edible films and edible coatings along with primary and secondary packaging materials. Excellent in-depth reviews on edible films and coatings are already available [1–3]. Therefore, this review focuses on biobased primary packaging materials for foods.Several concerns must be addressed prior to commercial use of biobased primary food packaging materials. These concerns include degradation rates under various conditions, changes in mechanical properties during storage, potential for microbial growth, and release of harmful compounds into the packaged food product. Furthermore, the biopackaging must function as food packaging and meet the requirements of the individual food product. This review evaluates the suitability of biobased packaging for foods. Additionally, it identifies the challenges involved when using biobased packaging for different foods.The development of packaging machinery for food, medicine of modern processing and mass production to provide the necessary guarantees, if the food production process, the internal process of drug production, then the packaging process is its outward form. As the special nature of drug production, drug packaging from materials to packaging, from the environmental requirements to identify the treatment more stringent than the food packaging, more stringent restrictions. This makes the development of pharmaceutical packaging machinery as a relatively independent of the machinery industry.1. Development of pharmaceutical packaging machineryChina's pharmaceutical packaging machinery from small to large; from imitation to independent research and development, after years of development, now China's pharmaceutical machinery industry has begun to take shape, and the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certification gained rapid development in recent years. Increasing number of new products, technology has been greatly improved, but denied that China's overall level of pharmaceuticalmachinery industry and abroad, there are many gaps, nearly 60% of the products reach the 80 developed countries, the level of the last century advanced large-scale equipment, mainly dependent on imports, exports less than 5% of GDP, imports and GDP are probably very, far from the developed countries.From the product structure, China's packaging machinery are about 1,300 kinds of species, supporting a small number, the lack of precision and large-scale products can not meet market demand. The performance gap between the quality of products low in product performance, stability and reliability is poor, unsightly appearance, surface roughness, and many parts of poor quality, short life, low reliability, affecting the overall quality of the product; mechanical properties behind, most of the precision Low, slow, poor stability; control the low level of auto-poor, high failure rate.From the enterprise situation, the lack of domestic packaging machinery industry leading enterprises, production scale, small companies with high product quality; from product development, our country has basically remain in the testing stage of imitation, self-development capacity is weak, the lack of research and production base in the trial , research funding accounts for only 1% of sales, and foreign high as 8% to 10%.2. Hot forming - Fill - Sealing Packaging Machine ApplicationHot forming - filling - sealing machine is a wide range of large products, general machinery, aircraft using a variety of plastic film or a single film on the block, granular, powder, liquid and viscous materials to packaging, can be automatically bag making, filling, sealing, cutting, and all the packaging process, after the packaging of goods to moisture, mold, pollution prevention, antioxidant, extend the storage period. It applies to all kinds of plastic bags or aluminum foil composite film film bag, such as polyester / polyethylene, nylon / polyethylene, polypropylene / polyethylene, polyester / foil / polyethylene, nylon / foil / polyethylene composites widely used in light industry, food, medicine, chemical and other industries, present in our domestic use and export a wide range of product packaging.The types of machines have a variety of products, a large bag, heavy bag machine, medium-sized packaging machines, pouch packaging machine also, measurement methods are electronic scale type, positive displacement, packaging materials can be divided into liquid, granule, powder and other types of packaging machine. From the eighties of last century, through the use of international standards and the absorption of foreign advanced technology features, this type of packaging machine in the standard level of design and manufacturing technology and product quality has greatly improved. Some of the quality of products at or near the advanced level of similar machines abroad. But with the development of the times growing manufacturer of such machines, but mostly medium and small enterprises, township and private enterprises also accounted for no small proportion, and some lack of skills, lack of self-development, quality management lower level of packaging machinery grasp the production process strictly. Some enterprises in order to take advantage in price, often to unhealthy competition means to reduce costs, the use of poor materials, shoddy work, simplify production process, resulting in poor quality of some packaging machines. Currently, such machines in the large amount of domestic production, in the production of various types of packaging machinery products among the best, and the production of minicomputers in the kinds of packaging machine, especially a large share of foreign production is not such a small machine, as Chinese products are cheap, currently a large number of export around the world, Southeast Asia, the demand for more prominent.The industry believes that the future automation of the packaging industry to meet the industry trend is moving in the technical development of mechanical features and functions; structural design standardization, modularity; intelligent control; structure of high precision, and several other direction. How do we in the packaging industry development trend, the nation's pharmaceutical packaging machinery industry bigger and stronger, in the international industry to play an active role in promoting the development of China's pharmaceutical packaging industry to contribute to every industry enterprises and technical staff need to think about.3. The design of pharmaceutical packaging machineryIn packaging machinery design, design considerations are not sufficient for further transformation without leaving enough space, resulting in the mechanical design can adapt to several simple template does not meet the size of packaging machinery changes in materials or templates; other Many mechanical designers drag synchronization of motor, servo drive technology do not understand simple electrical equipment can be used to solve problems are complex mechanical devices used to achieve; mechanical modeling pretty, people feel stiff, rigid and not dynamic."Conceptual design" means: "In determining the mission, through abstraction, developed functional structure, the role of finding the right combination of theory and so on, determined to solve the basic ways to come to solve the program, this part of the design is called the conceptual design . "pharmaceutical packaging machinery, the concept of design requirements based on product life cycle stages, product features to create, function decomposition, function and sub-function structure design; to meet the functional and structural requirements of the working principle of solving and to achieve functional structure of the working principle of carrier The conception and systematic design. The conceptual design ideas into the design of pharmaceutical packaging machinery design can reduce errors, shorten design cycles and accelerate product development, it makes the product more reasonable and more with affinity, more suitable for ergonomics, and it is also to reduce costs and improve the primary means of enterprise competitiveness.The concept of drug design is a charter creative process, the designer proposed higher requirements, designers need to master modern design, advanced manufacturing technology, professional theory and knowledge of aspects of business operations. A combination of these disciplines and need the expertise and rich practical experience, and by repeatedly thinking, reasoning and decision-making, to create unique, meet user requirements to design solutions.Since GMP pharmaceutical equipment is an important part of the hardware, since the national launch of mandatory GMP certification system has been all over the pharmaceutical companies have accelerated the pace of technological transformation, production equipment, a significant update to the upstream industry, the pharmaceutical industry has brought the pharmaceutical machinery industry major benefit to the production line of large machinery for the pharmaceutical companies to bring a huge market. On the whole, the current majority of our technology is more advanced packaging machinery is still in the imitation stage of development, the ability of independent development is also very limited. At present, China's pharmaceutical packaging industry's annual output value of about 150 billion yuan, annual growth rate of more than 10%. But pharmaceutical companies can only meet the domestic demand of about 80%, 65% of the level of pharmaceutical packaging in China still lags behind in the 20th century the world average of 80 years.中国包装机械发展概述在过去的十年中,通过共同努力,包装和食品行业已减少了食品包装材料的用量。

包装机中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料翻译Modern packaging1. Changing Needs and New RolesLooking back, historical changes are understandable and obvious. That all of them have had an impact on the way products are bought, consumed and packaged is also obvious. What is not so obvious is what tomorrow will bring. Yet, it is to the needs, markets, and conditions of tomorrow that packaging professionals must always turn their attention.The forces that drove packaging during the Industry Revolution continue to operate today. The consumer society continues to grow and is possibly best described by a1980s bumper sticker, “born to shop”. We consume goods today at rate 4 to 5 times greater than we did as recently as 1935. Most of these goods are not essential to survival; they constitute what we may call “the good life”.In the second half of the 20th century, the proliferation of goods was so high that packaging was forced into an entirely new role, that of providing the major purchase motivation rather than presenting the goods itself. On a shelf of 10 competing products, all of them similar inperformance and quality, the only method of differentiating became the package itself. Marketers aimed at lifestyles, emotional values, subliminal images, features, and advantages beyond the basic product itself——anything that would make a shopper’s hand reach for their product rather than the competitor’s. In some instances, the package has become the product, and occasionally packaging has become entertainment.Globally, the trend toward urbanization continues. Providing increased tonnages of high-quality food to massive city complexes at affordable prices is a problem that continues to challenge packagers. A new concern is the removal of the debris generated by a consumer society and the impact that these consumption rates have on the planer’s ecology.The makeup, needs, styles, perceptions and wishes of the consuming public are always changing. The packaging professional must be aware of and keep up with these changes or be lost to history.2. Packaging and the modern Industrial SocietyThe importance of packaging to a modern industrial society is most evident when we examine the food-packaging sector. Food is organic in nature, having an animal or plant source. One characteristic of such organic matter is that, by and large, it has a limited natural biological life.A cut of meat, left to itself, might be unfit for human consumption by the next day. Some animal protein products, such as seafood, can deteriorate within hours.The natural shelf life of plant-based food depends on the species and plant part involved. Pulpy fruit portions tend to have a short life span, while seed parts, which in nature have to survive at least till the nextgrowing season, have a longer life. Stalks and leaves separated from the living plant are usually short-lived.In addition to having a limited natural shelf life, most food is geographically and seasonally specific. Thus, potatoes and apples are grown in a few North American geographical regions and harvested during a short maturation period. In a world without packaging, we would need to live at the point of harvestto enjoy these products, and our enjoyment of them would be restricted to the natural biological life span of each.It is by proper storage, packaging and transport techniques that we are able to deliver fresh potatoes and apples, or the products derived from then, throughout the year and throughout the country. Potato-whole, canned, powdered, flaked, chipped, frozen, and instant——is available, anytime, anywhere. This ability gives a society great freedom and mobility. Unlike less-developed societies, we are no longer restricted in our choice of where to live, since we are no longer tied to the food-producing ability of an area. Food production becomes more specialized and efficient with the growth of packaging. Crops and animal husbandry are moved to where their production is most economical, without regard to the proximity of a market. Most important, we are free of the natural cycles of feast and famine that are typical of societies dependent on natural regional food-producing cycles.Central processing allows value recovery from what would normally be wasted. By-products of the processed-food industry form the basis of other sub-industries. Chicken feathers are high in protein and, properly milled and treated, can be fed back to the next generation of chickens.Vegetable waste is fed to cattle or pigs. Bagasse, the waste cane form sugar pressing, is a source of fiber for papermaking. Fish scales are refined to make additives for paints and nail polish.The economical manufacture of durable goods also depends on good packaging. A product’s cost is directly related to production volume. A facility building 10000 bicycles per year for local sale could not make bicycles as cheaply as a 3-million-unit-a-year plant intended to capture the national facility. Both wouldfail in competition against a 100-million-unit world marker facility. But for a national or international bicycle producer to succeed, it must be a way of getting the product to a market, which may be half a world away. Again, sound packaging, in this case distribution packaging, is a key part of the system.Some industries could not exist without an international market. For example, Canada is a manufacturer of irradiation equipment, but the Canadian market could not possibly support such a manufacturing capability. However, by selling to the world, a manufacturing facility becomes viable. In addition to needing packaging for the irradiation machinery and instrumentation, the sale of irradiation equipment requires the safe packaging and transport of radioactive isotopes, a separate challenge in itself.3. World PackagingThis discussion has referred to primitive packaging and the evolution of packaging functions. However, humankind’s global progress is such that virtually every stage in the development of society and packaging is present somewhere in the world today.Thus, a packager in a highly developed country will agonize overchoice of package type, hire expensive marketing groups to develop images to entice the targeted buyer and spend lavishly on graphics. In less-developed countries, consumers are happy to have food, regardless of the package. At the extreme, consumers will bring their own packages or will consume food on the spot, just as they did 2000years ago.Packagers from the more-developed countries sometimes have difficulty working with less-developed nations, for the simple reason that they fail to understand that their respective packaging priorities are completely different. Similarly,developing nations trying to sell goods to North American markets cannot understand our preoccupation with package and graphics.The significant difference is that packaging plays a different role in a market where rice will sell solely because it is available. In the North American market, the consumer may be confronted by five different companies offering rice in 30t so variations. If all the rice is good and none is inferior, how does a seller create a preference for his particular rice? How does he differentiate? The package plays a large role in this process.The package-intensive developed countries are sometimes criticized for overpackaging, and certainly overpackaging does exist. However, North Americans also enjoy the world’s cheapest food, requiring only about 11 to 14% of our disposable income. European food costs are about 20% of disposable income, and in the less-developed countries food can take 95% of family income.It is simplistic to say that the less-developed countries do not have adequate land to raise enough food, although in some few instances this is true. United Nations’s studies have shown that many countries in whichhunger exists actually raise enough food for their population. However, without adequate means of preservation, protection and transportation, up to 50% of the food raised never survives for human consumption. Food goes beyond its natural biological life, spoils, is lost, is infested with insects or eaten by rodents, gets wet in the rain, leaks away or goes uneaten for numerous reasons, all of which sound packaging principles can prevent. Furthermore, in a poor economy that can afford no waste, no industries recover secondary value from food by-products.The United Nations maintains staff whose purpose is to increase packaging level and sophistication in less-developed countries. Packaging is perceived to be a weapon against world hunger.现代包装⒈包装发展的必要性与发展前景回首往昔,包装的变化发展历程是显而易见的。

Beer labelerThis design has chiefly been introduced one kind of packing machinery ,and the work principle of mark machine reaches (back marks part)chiefly design process of parts,design the school and examine to his transmission system ,and to this have great to influence branch bottle supplies the stud sending has been in progress detail the calculation design .the major paper nature that is used to paste the cylinder body bottle of this design.This machine chiefly holds in the palm bottle platform and advances a bottle star wheel and from beginning to end label box is taken the mark device around among them including and send mark device and glue rolls and scrapes the parts such as offset plate etc .The characteristic of this machine is accomplish pasting voluntarily marking and comforts equal work ,and production efficiency is high .The major technology characteristic :Losing the bottle belt control with the full automatic working rate of progress of synchronical drive of this machine ,and that mucilage film thickness has can transfer the organization to control,and does not have bottle-nothing glue-nothing label electronics distance measuring equipment.1.Dyadic vacuum of straight line barrate sticks bid machineAccording to what used the label form and stuck the bidmarriag.partne.thin.diversity,ma.b..variou.patter.mark.Dyadi.colum.bottl.ja.packageuse.dyadi.vacuu.o.strai e.fo.rol.styl.closel.t.bi.machin. closel.t.bi.piece.Be not that dyadic column bottle jar package uses straight line to be that vacuum barrate grows a form liang closely to bid including being used for blade label and dyadic label of roll closely to bid machine piece.This model structure is simple , cost is low, but the stability difference , action coordination under the control of working are difficult, this the model equipment Zhan field area is big and , the efficacy rise is bound to restrict.bele.withmachin.i.th.rotar.closel.t.bi.machin..ha.boar.chai.t.transpor.machinean.th.rotar.tabl.carryin.perso.alternatel.stickin..bi.b.th.fac.tha.correspondin.sti bele.wit.piec.i.st pose.o.straigh.lin.an.arc....Sinc.straigh.lin.styl.stick.bi.machine.th.efficac.restrictin..grea.majorit.manufacturer.no.al.adop.rotar.vacuu. bele.wit.jo.middl..i.ha.boar.chai.t.tr bele.wi bele.wit.piec.i.stick.actio..trajector.be pose.o.straigh.lin.an.arc.Thi.mode.efficac.i.no.ba.rise.3.Ltd.o.Guangdon.ligh.industr.machiner.Corp.carrie.ou.technologica.innovatio.unceasingl.durin.th.perio.o. te-mode.bottles.o.bottle.productio.lin.o.bee.basis.mel.unceasingl.t.ente.90'.o.internationa.bee.irrigati n.th.advance.technolog.installin.machiner.equipment.bottle.productio.lin.o.bee.an....developin.b.sel.whe.de bele.wit.machine. ...Tim.2400.bottles/.mai.bottle.bee.productio.lin.equipmen.lose.bo.syste..ca.th.syste.transportin.machin..CI. an.centra.authorit.fee.ches.etc.includin.havin.remov.bo.machin..clea.bottl.machin..7.bottling.closin.machin e.steriliz.machin..fou.stic.bi.machin..encasemen.machin..clea.bi.boxe.machine.los.bottl.system.Ca.assor.bes ides.provid.remov.bo.pil.machin..cod.bo.pil.machin..moul.th.bo.hoiste.an.mould.pape.bo.lowerator.4.The Italy product reforms(bele. bel.t.accomplis.a in.closel.t.bid,tha.th.slo.ca.ha.designe.tha.whos.bi.dial.i.tha.corne.numbe.o.time.increase.b.i.rec eivin..bottl.an.outin.bottl.entir.proceeding.slo.ca.effec.eas.t.wea..bi.awa.an.stic.i.no.idea.suppor.bottl.plate. be. platforms.th.ca.ha.selecte.materia..slo.adop.S.iro..th.curv.ha.designe.tha..ca.ha.adop.parabol.transitio.desig.. messenge.it'.operatio.i.mor.stabl..improve.noticeabl.closel.t.bi.effect.slo.ca.fac.i.able.t.endur..lif.tim.prolong s.(2..an..piec.o.to.ca.connectio.to bele.wit.effect.Th.bi.pal.axi.p retend.togri..plac.havin.adop.styl.convenien.an.rapi.a.th.sam.tim..chang.othe.bottl.diamete.an.bi.pape.goin.t vator..rapid.appl.t.th.reques.producin.th.variou.breed'.greatly.(3 )divides glue knife into two paragraphs for high and low , use two cylinders to control, the bid glue thickness adjusting high and low respectively, has been to have decreased by glue dosages , has improved sticking bid yield.5.T.imitat.Wes.German.t.refor.introducin.th.Wes.German.technolog.t.broa.Machiner.Plan.o.Ligh.Industr.giv be.p bele.wit.closel.t.nec.preparin.th.bod.bi..th.functio.o.th.function limited , reform as follows for sticking increasing skill switching over to stick bid machine has been labeled with the function , the Nanhai Sea tie navigating machinery works work....(bele.wit.th.brus..bi.dia.slo.cam.a bele.wit.closel.t.headin..nec.bi..th.bod..unluck.bi..b.equivalen.t.th.ca. bi.function.mak.pai.o.bid.stic.bi.machin.th.functio.rise.bein..functio.ther.b.n..bi.stickin.bi.machin..i.i.lin.wit. th.internationa.conventions.(bel..piece.wit.th.pal.axi.increasin.b.fro..piece..quantit.increase.times.tha.th.bi. bele. pan.th.dimen sio.ha.bee.consistent.an.tha.ha.ha.interchangeabilit..expansio.t.ow.spar.an.accessor.part.sigmatis.space.(3)Have been an aluminium's turn to label plastic cement surface bid palm with a palm piece , have been the plastic cement surface glue part's turn to be entire stainless steel glue Lu , have prolonged their life time , have reduced glue dosages.(4)The glue knife is two paragraphs mark go up and down , use two cylinders to control respectively, glue thickness adjusting high and low respectively, have improved sticking bid yield, may reduce glue dosages at the same time.(5)electric control aspect has adopt frequency conversion speed regulation , PLC has controlled by program, have raised equipment reliability and stability , handle display efficiency of box and accumulated output , and easy to control and handle.(6)Adopt complete machine stainless steel to put up colourless organic glass protecting cover , apply to safer.啤酒贴标机本设计主要介绍了一种包装机械, 贴标机的工作原理及(后标部分)主要零部件的设计过程, 对其传动系统进行设计比校核, 且对本次设计有重大影响(凸轮)分瓶供送螺杆进行了详细的计算设计。

泡罩包装机外文翻译(英文原文)Blister Packaging MachineDrugs, also known as blister packaging blister packaging eyes, or PTP (Press ThroughPackaging) packaging technology, developed rapidly in recent years one of the forms of drug packaging. PTP technology is heated to soften the plastic sheet and placed inside the mold, or blow compressed air through the vacuum pump so that the method of forming, after the blisters into the eyes of medicine, and then coated with adhesive aluminum foil medicinal a certain temperature, pressure sealing under conditions to form the blister packaging. At present, the pharmaceutical blister packaging has become tablets, capsules, pills and other solid dosage forms the mainstream of packaging, the development momentum will continue.1. Blister Packaging in China the status of drugsWith the deepening of China's reform and opening up and reform the health care system, especially after China's accession to the WTO, the international pharmaceutical companies more access to China, intensified competition in the pharmaceutical industry in China, but also increased the skill level of the industry as a whole and quality, which led to the development of pharmaceutical packaging, pharmaceutical packaging made in China is becoming the field of packaging with high technical content, significant benefits are very active branch, including solid dosage forms drugs also continues to introduce new packaging. At present, the world's top 100 pharmaceutical companies in China, almost all of the establishment of joint ventures or wholly-owned pharmaceutical companies, not onlybrings more drug products, but also advanced the concept of pharmaceutical packaging and standards, but also to the form of drugs brought about by the diversification of the packaging.China's pharmaceutical packaging blister forms in recent years fast development, the structure is simple, fast heat sealing equipment, increasing demand and the emergence of a wide range of choices, including to meet the FDA requirements to the intelligent robot based on aluminum packaging systems; as well as many small and difficult to package products provide an effective solution. Pharmaceutical blister packaging materials in the past in our country relies mainly on imports, and to the present, with aluminum foil and blister packaging blister materials have been made, and to meet the needs of the domestic pharmaceutical packaging; made into the development of matrix vesicles gradually the formation of series, from the most widely used hard PVC films, PVDC coated films and the cold aluminum-plastic compound sheet molding composite materials, etc.; PTP also from aluminum foil or double-sided single-sided printing blank variety, the development of single-sided or double-sided gold series, single-sided or double-sided color color series, two-sided printing monochrome or multicolor overprint varieties of dozens of series, and hard-PTP aluminum foil, there are soft PTP aluminum foil, so that the bubble Drugs may choose to cover more of the packaging.However, pharmaceutical products in China the level of the blister packaging compared with the developed countries there is a big gap between the overall, the gap comes down to the following reasons.1) the overall level of China's pharmaceutical industry is relatively low, traditional Chinese medicine productionenterprises outdated technology has constrained the development of products and their packaging.2) Drugs larger single dose, making the unit cost of blister packaging is still significantly higher than those bottle-type packaging, blister packaging hampered in the field of pharmaceutical packaging in China to promote the application (although the drug controlled release pharmaceutical sustained-release technology in our country applications, greatly reducing the dose of drugs, but not a radical improvement in the pharmaceutical packaging blister packaging cost disadvantage.3) drug distribution system of the disadvantages of long-term drug sales in the main hospital, there is no prescription of sub-and non-prescription, drugs at the pharmacy sales account for only a small part of the total, this system also restricted the sale of pharmaceutical blister packaging development.4) China's pharmaceutical packaging equipment, automation and can not catch up with the world advanced level in the development of blister packaging, blister packaging makes the promotion of drugs obviously lagging behind the pace of advanced countries in the world; therefore, still have to package the level of advanced countries to learn, remember pharmaceutical blister packaging with the world trend.2. China's drug development direction of Blister PackagingOrganization of the United Kingdom market, according to newly released information on the European pharmaceutical packaging market research, in subsequent years, manufacturers of active pharmaceutical packaging may have a significant change in focus, in particular, will shift to blister packaging containers cardboard boxes and packaging. Therefore, the next 5 years, China's pharmaceuticalblister packaging in process, packaging materials and production equipment and other aspects still need further efforts to faster development of pharmaceuticals blister packaging to further enhance the quality of China's pharmaceutical packaging and quality of service, and with the rest of the world.1) fully and effectively protect the drugs. Like with any form of packaging to protect the drugs, ensure the effectiveness of drugs is still the basic requirements for blister packaging.2) Use the safety and convenience. Development suitable for the safety of the child-friendly packaging and packaging to facilitate the elderly.3) a unique anti-counterfeiting packaging. Use of new technologies to achieve the diversification of blister packaging materials security, not only reflect the personality of drug packaging, but also the protection of enterprises and brand products.4) "green" environmentally-friendly packaging. Vigorously the development and popularization of recyclable, biodegradable natural, do not pollute the atmosphere, such as the burning of new environment-friendly blister packaging, pharmaceutical packaging solution to the fundamental aspects of the "white pollution."5) packaging and serialization. With the introduction of OTC pharmaceutical industry, the growing attention serialization packaging, blister packaging can be aluminum foil plate and the screen size changes of the elements to reach Series packaging, this packaging in the future development of drugs will also show their best.6) the development of nano-blister packaging. Nano-technology and nano-materials applications in the field ofmedicine and the development of China's pharmaceutical blister packaging will provide a golden opportunity golden.7) to achieve high-barrier packaging. The rapid development of an excellent barrier blister packaging materials, pharmaceutical products in order to achieve high-barrier packaging, to ensure the effectiveness of drugs.8) meet the OTC drug packaging. Blister Packaging with clearly defined and effectively show the drugs easily available to patients, this will be the future production and distribution of OTC drugs can not be ignored during an important part.Pharmaceutical blister packaging has very obvious advantages, such as drug stability and reliability, less easy to measure and achieve serialization packaging, advanced technology, security, health, portable and easy to use, long shelf life, and have good adaptability and appearance and so on, so Throughout the next few years,as drug packaging materials and packaging equipment constantly updated continuously improve performance, China's pharmaceutical blister packaging design will be user-friendly, multi-function of the direction of development and environmental protection; in western medicine tablets, capsules, Chinese medicine The pill, powder, powder, particulate form, etc. will become the mainstream of packaging; in Pharmaceutical Packaging will occupy an increasing share.附录Ⅱ(中文翻译)泡罩包装机药品泡罩包装通常被称作PTP包装技术,随着近几年科技快速发展,此类药品包装技术得到进一步发展。
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附录A 英文参考资料Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machineryconceptual designIn recent years, Carry out GMP (medicines and chemical reagents produces specifications of quality) attestation system because of sustained our country economic situation rise and country to pharmacy industry mandatory. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery has got quite great progress. The new product increases by gradually. Engineering level has had very big improvement. But be returning very big gaps back to existence compared with international standards. Level being close to 60%'s product cannot to reach upper developed country century eighties. Large-scale advanced equipment is dependent on entrance mainly. Low our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery engineering level is that the design designing personnel low level from our country enterprise arouses to a great extent.One, our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery current situation analysesOur country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery still has bigger gap compared with advanced international level. What time is insufficient on domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design under main existence 1) Backward domestic mechanical performance medicines and chemical reagents package machinery mostly, accuracy low velocity, is slow, stationarity dispatches package machinery travel process to contain large amount of dyadic complicated intermittence motion. Come to come true mainly from the cam, the connecting rod. But, many design that the personnel is unable to require that the independence designs the parameter calculating cam bar linkage kinematics and dynamics according to job cycle picture and accuracy. Be only the surveying and mapping carrying out a piecemeal that the abroad model machine cam connecting rod part is dismantled down simplely. Bring about actuating mechanism error is very big. That domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery runs speed mostly is more general than hanging down according to cutting frequency if the aluminiummoulds bubble coverpacker's for 100 one 300 mins, full-automatic medicine box packer dress box speed 50- 200 boxes/ ms in. But, on the international, the advanced aluminiummoulds rushing steeping cover packer cutting frequency be able to reach 600 mins. Full-automatic medicine box packer dress box speed is able to reach 600 ~ 800 box/ mins. Not only working speed of domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is slow. And, the partner has bigger noise.2) Is under the control of horizontal backward. Domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery controls low, automation of level difference mostly , the malfunction leads height. (Main package machinery finger box dress controls domestic medicines and chemical reagents with drinking wine holding machinery with) adopt PLC to do a scene mostly. But, advanced medicines and chemical reagents package machinery realizes supervisory control abroad mostly from computer system. Under the control of horizontal relatively backward. Great majority domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery automation sex is relatively poor. Adopt a single to produce a pattern first commonly. The full-automatic production line is few. Two is that full-automation works cannot to achieve. Require that the manpower feeds in raw material. Hand movement enchases. If in a little paper box packer, Page, paper box all needs medicine board , specifications paper to move charging personally. And require specially-assigned person to pay attention to if specifications, medicine board, paper box already finish using at any time. Happen to avoid bringing about machine racing or bringing about incomplete specifications, medicine board, and medicine box phenomenon. Other, domestic medicines and chemical reagents package mechanic failure rates are higher. Control a component (if the relay, electromagnetic valve, contactor, breaker etc.) etc. are often easy to damage. Halt also to frequently occur the malfunction.3) Functions are unitary, expansion sex is bad. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is that the form designs that specifically for specially appointed package. The general specification range inner in regulation is adjustable. But, a lot of our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery considers insufficiency when designing that. Be not that reforming going a step further sets apart sufficient space. Cause the machinery designing that to be able to only adapt to the form board in several kinds simplicities. Change not adapting to wrapping material or the form board dimension. Fit in with even. The package finished product mass giving birth to a child is neither nice.4) Considers deficiency synthetically. Resource does not fully utilize. Our country medicines and chemical reagents there exists the chaos phenomenon in package machinery design. A lot of machinery designs that the personnel drags to the electric motor moving the synchrony technology, the servo drive technology do not knows. The problem simple electrical equipment available is resolved uses complicated mechanism to come to come true but. Some though the control organ works to come having adopt the synchrony electric motor to wait for a device. But choose block of wood ding-dang. The maximum having brought about resource not only wastes this condition. And make machinery function designing that low.5) Model is inflexible. Model seldom considering machinery time medicines and chemical reagents of our country package machinery design. Many machine molding that the manufacturer produces is not beautiful do not have model even. Give person feeling to rigid, to inflexible, not to have vigor. A few medicine box packers are middle. The nut all assembles screw on the machine outside board. But, the oil cup and flow nipple that a little lubrication uses also can be seen everywhere. Be stained fully with a greasy dirt easy to use machine everywhere time oiling. Impression is rough to person. No beautiful.Two, medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design content People long-term study passes. Define conceptual design being: "Have been ascertaining the mission queen. Pass abstract-relation. Design the function structure. Explore appropriate effect principle and their combination waiting. Ascertain out basic finding the solution approach. Reach find the solution scheme. This part of the conceptual design designing that the job is called conceptual design is referred to make the queen who designs purpose and now has condition clear. The designer searches for many-sided knowledge. Analysis abstracts the solution on generating dyadic broad frame significance the day after tomorrow. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design demands according to each product life cycle stages. Carrying out the product function creates , the function breaks up as well as the function and son are functional physical design: That conception and systematization carrying out the scheme satisfying the operating principle that the function and structure demand finding the solution and carrying out the operating principle carrier realizing the function structure's design the conceptual design process is that one finds the solution realizing a function's , satisfies the various technology and various there existing in economic target's , possibility scheme well ultimate forsure synthetically optimum scheme process. The conceptual design effect embodies in the product design early phase stage mainly. Chief architect is based on functional need of product but primitive conception and impulsion sprouting out form the product main body frame. And, it responds to every main module and module including. In order to accomplishing overall layout and the exterior, the first step designs that. And then carry out the optimization appraising a sum. Ascertain the overall design plan. Design that the personnel carries out the chief architect design thought going to designing middle concretely again from every part. Detail designs realization. The conceptual design putting medicines and chemical reagents package machinery into practice demands to design that the personnel reinforces the cognition to medicines and chemical reagents package first. Deepen the connotation understanding medicines and chemical reagents packages. Introduce modern package idea. Be in line with the international conventions actively. Modern package is to ensure the product safety not only. Make product transportation convenient. And be getting up propagate, environmental protection, defends against false. Attractive looks waits for the many-sided effect. Wrap up contents additional information. The medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design personnel should show solicitude for development of package system closely. Go deep into the handicraft studying package. Know demand of development of wrapping material and the person to machinery product very well. Only when such ability designs that out satisfy the high tone machinery product that the consumer demands. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design content has mainly:1) Makes the design mission clear. Be ready for feasibility analysis. The designer designs initial stage working in being in progress. Respond to the feasibility considering a product sufficiently. One aspect is the marketplace thinking. Include the production marketing, product raw material, the fabricating cost thinking: Another aspect is thinking that the product processes. Include thinking now having a working ability, processing handicraft, processing the function and periphery supporting industry. Periphery supporting environment thinking points to the local enterprise working ability mainly processes level, heat treatment handicraft and the infrastructural facilities construction etc.2) Function design. Great majority our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is the same kind model copying to abroad. But peculiar national conditions because of our country existence. Must carry out appropriate reforming onthe product.To satisfy request of our country. But fault blindly copy blindly. The machinery designing that is packed in, irrigates the dress function outside except needing to satisfy a box. We must consider the additional function packing machinery. If in package box should add a counting cup. The medicine spoon waits an utensil down. Be put into use with convenience of customers. In machine, kind of aspect developing can design comparatively advanced machinery. If sterile pack machinery, the package machinery retaining freshness etc.Can develop the corollary equipment selling complete sets of equipment and the post-processing at reduced prices in the medicines and chemical reagents package front.3) Functions decomposition. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery belongs to the integration of machinery with electronics product. Should consider every function all round time design. Sort Er Yan. The medicines and chemical reagents package machinery function may divide 3 major parts being that organization moves, monitors biography feel, the information processing and controlling a function basically. The function subdivides organization motion according to may not kind with machine , packer may be molding , heat-seal , pressure trace mark, according to cutting 4 big functions if the aluminum moulds bubble cover. But, paper box package machinery may be that the box opens, paper box transfers, breaks tongue , functions such as inserting tongue , flattening and putting a batch number up mark poison board under paper folding, deducing paper feed. Want to consider machinery lubrication, safe functions such as running, packing hygiene of machinery too in the process of design. This demands the technology designing that the personnel considers detecting sufficiently. Brightness, machine, electricity integration technology, computer art. Intersection between the pneumatic technology, the logistics technology connection.4) Organization is designed. Be to realize the predetermined function. We need to use different organization. This needs the part synthesizing each considering a complete machine among one process. Use the product designing that while satisfying the usage request. Structure is simple, pragmatic. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery organization designs time. Respond to the principle choosing appropriate organization motion and constituting. Think sufficiently to realize what specially appointed motion needs organization. If cam organization. Bar linkage. Cam bar linkage. Respond to the technology wielding separation drive at the same time. Think that the transmission shaft designs a problem (if castellated shaft and ladderaxis etc.) and drive are systematic synthetically. Design that process middle should cut down the effect that the uncertainty factor brings about to the full. Messenger organization operation is stable. Design that machinery carries out kinetic methods of analysis answering now and then. With lifting, machinery runs speed and stationarity. Should think that various packing machinery, adjustable, holds the mistake, but expansion, stationarity as well as beautiful-rization besides. Run after machinery is deft but stable. Design process but consult package machinery design of all kinds strong point. Draw other machinery (if plastic machinery, prints machinery) merit at the same time. Design the outside except carrying out organization. Return approach back to the realization should think that every function is other. If vacuum, electrical equipment waits under the control of. To expect that optimum combination is a product's turn.5) System under the control of schemes design. In medicines and chemical reagents package machinery, a very important part is that real time detecting is back-off to every organization. To ensure that equipment operation is smooth. Now many machinery products has selected and used large amount of photo electricity switch being the detecting component. Equipment has such as PC detecting bubble cover system on some machinery and the like system. This need all designs that meticulously. And, the general naval company is an integral whole.Three, concluding remarksThe thought a concept is designed melts to enter medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design being able to fall off designing a fault. Shorten a design cycle. Accelerate the product exploitation. Make the product designing that more rational, have affinity, more suitable man-machine project more. It is also that the main means costing down and improving enterprise competition is short of passive competition aspect backward for improving medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design at the same time. To adapt to the challenge that "queen GMP times" brings about. Design that the personnel must take product conceptual design seriously. Deepen the significance understanding conceptual design's.附录B中文参考翻译论药品包装机械的概念设计近年来,由于我国经济形势的持续高涨和国家对制药行业强制性推行GMP(药品生产质量规范)认证制度,药品包装机械取得了长足的进步。