
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部:机械工程系专业:机械工程及自动化姓名:学号:外文出处:Design of machine elements(用外文写)附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译及原文(2012届)题目电话机三维造型与注塑模具设计指导教师院系工学院班级学号姓名二〇一一年十二月六日【译文一】塑料注塑模具并行设计Assist.Prof.Dr. A. Y AYLA /Prof.Dr. Paş a YAYLA摘要塑料制品制造业近年迅速成长。

外文出处:《Manufacturing Engineering and Technology—Maching》附件1:外文原文ManipulatorFirst, an overview of industrial manipulatorWith the rapid development of China's industrial production, especially the reform and openingup after the rapid increase in the degree of automation to achieve the workpiece handling, steering,transmission or operation of brazing, spray gun, wrenches and other tools for processing and assembly operations since, which has more and more attracted our attention. Robot is to imitate the manual part of the action, according to a given program, track and requirements for automatic capture, handling or operation of the automatic mechanical devices.Production of mechanical hand can increase the automation level of production and labor productivity; can reduce labor intensity, ensuring product quality, to achieve safe production; particularly in the high-temperature, high pressure, low temperature, low pressure, dust, explosive, toxic andradioactive gases such as poor environment can replace the normal working people. Here I would like to think of designing a robot to be used in actual production.Why would a robot designed to provide a pneumatic power:1." Air inexhaustible, used later discharged into the atmosphere, does not require recycling and disposal, do not pollute the environment. (Concept of environmental protection)2." Air stick is small, the pipeline pressure loss is small (typically less than asphalt gas path pressure drop of one-thousandth), to facilitate long-distance transport.5." The air cleaner media, it will not degenerate, not easy to plug the pipeline. But there are also places where it fly in the ointment:2." As the use of low atmospheric pressure, the output power can notbe too large; in order to increase the output power is bound to the structure of the entire pneumaticsystem size increased.Air inexhaustible, used later discharged into the atmosphere, without recycling and disposal, donot pollute the environment. Accidental or a small amount of leakage would not be a serious impact on production. Viscosity of air is small, the pipeline pressure loss also is very small, easy long-distance transport.Compared with the hydraulic transmission, and its faster action and reaction, which is one of the outstanding merits of pneumatic.1.Implementing agencies2. Transmission3. Control SystemRobots are generally divided into three categories:Main features:First, mechanical hand (the upper and lower material robot, assembly robot, handling robot, stacking robot, help robot, vacuum handling machines, vacuum suction crane, labor-saving spreader, pneumatic balancer, etc.).Second, cantilever cranes (cantilever crane, electric chain hoist crane, air balance the hanging, etc.)Third, rail-type transport system (hanging rail, light rail, single girder cranes, double-beam crane)Four, industrial machinery, application of hand(3) The working conditions may be poor, monotonous, repetive easy to sub-fatigue working environment to replace human labor.(4) May be in dangerous situations, such as military goods handling, dangerous goods and hazardous materials removal and so on..(5) Universe and ocean development.(6), military engineering and biomedical research and testing.Help mechanical hands:附件1:外文资料翻译译文机械手机械手是近几十年发展起来的一种高科技自动化生产设备。


南京理工大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):机械工程学院专业:机械工程及自动化姓名:朱仁勇学号: 0501500241外文出处:Industrial Electronics,Control(用外文写)and Industrumental,1991,附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

第一章概述1. 1机械手的发展历史人类在改造自然的历史进程中,随着对材料、能源和信息这三者的认识和用,不断创造各种工具(机器),满足并推动生产力的发展。
1. 2机械手的发展意义机械手的迅速发展是由于它的积极作用正日益为人们所认识:其一、它能部分地代替人工操作;其二、它能按照生产工艺的要求,遵循一定的程序、时间和位置来完成工件的传送和装卸;其三、它能操作必要的机具进行焊接和装配。

利用CAD / CAM/ CAE系统开发操纵机器人H.S.李*,S.E.张华为技术学院,电力机械工程,云林,台湾,中国摘要在这项研究中,需要开发用于机器人操作臂的CAD/CAE/CAM集成系统。
一般来说,利用PRO/E对机械臂的参数进行实体化建模,用Pro / Mechanical软体模拟动态仿真和工作空间,MasterCAM用来实现切削模拟仿真,而最终的模型用CNC数控铣床制造出来。
该集成系统不仅促进机器人的生产自动化功能,而且还简化了机械臂的CAD / CAE / CAM的分析过程。
©2003由Elsevier B.V.出版关键词:CAD / CAE/ CAM;机械臂;Denavit,Hartenberg坐标系变换引言许多研究已涉及到的CAD / CAE/ CAM集成系统的原理。
徐[4]在UG2通用CAD / CAM系统的基础上通过将注塑模具的CAD/CAM软件与注塑模具CAE软件集成建立了一个注塑用CAD / CAE/ CAM系统。

数控加工中心技术发展趋势及对策原文来源:Zhao Chang-ming Liu Wang-ju (CNC Machining Process and equipment, 2002,China)一、摘要Equip the engineering level, level of determining the whole national economy of the modernized degree and modernized degree of industry, numerical control technology is it develop new developing new high-tech industry and most advanced industry to equip (such as information technology and his industry, biotechnology and his industry, aviation, spaceflight, etc. national defense industry) last technology and getting more basic most equipment. Numerical control technology is the technology controlled to mechanical movement and working course with digital information, integrated products of electromechanics that the numerical control equipment is the new technology represented by numerical control technology forms to the manufacture industry of the tradition and infiltration of the new developing manufacturing industry,Keywords:Numerical ControlTechnology, E quipment,industry二、译文数控技术和装备发展趋势及对策装备工业的技术水平和现代化程度决定着整个国民经济的水平和现代化程度,数控技术及装备是发展新兴高新技术产业和尖端工业(如信息技术及其产业、生物技术及其产业、航空、航天等国防工业产业)的使能技术和最基本的装备。


减速器论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献What is a Gearbox?A XXX.1.The n of a Gearbox1) The gearbox ces the speed while increasing the output torque。
The torque output。
is the motor output multiplied by the n。
but it should not exceed the XXX.2) The gearbox also ces the inertia of the load。
which decreases by the square of the n。
Most motors have an inertia value that can be XXX.2.Types of GearboxesCommon gearboxes include bevel gear cers (including parallel-axis bevel gear cers。
worm gear cers。
and cone gear cers)。
ary gear cers。
cycloid cers。
worm gear cers。
XXX.mon Gearboxes1) The main feature of the worm gear cer is its reverse self-locking n。
which can achieve a large n。
The input and output shafts are not on the same axis or in the same plane。
it generally has a large volume。
low n efficiency。
and low n.2) XXX and power。
It has a small size and high n。

学号: 06406322常州大学毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(2010届)外文题目Five-axis milling machine tool__ kinematic chain design and analysis译文题目五轴铣削机床运动链设计与分析外文出处 International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture42 (2002) 505–520学生毛伟学院怀德学院专业班级机制061 校内指导教师朱伟专业技术职务讲师校外指导老师专业技术职务二○一○年三月五轴铣削机床运动链设计与分析E.L.J. BohezDepartment of Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4, KlongLuang, 12120 Pathumthani, Thailand摘要:五轴数控加工中心目前已成为相当普遍的机床。
关键词:五轴联动,机床,运动链,工作空间,数控系统,旋转轴1.导言机床的主要设计规范应遵循下列原则:* 运动学应提供一部分方向和工具的位置足够的灵活性。
* 定位准确和定位速度尽可能高。
* 定位准确性尽可能高的。
* 工具和工件变化快速。
* 保护环境。
* 节省材料。

Catia、UG、Pro/e 的比较与前景Francisco Javier Mar´ın1, Jorge Casillas1, Manuel Mucientes2, Aksel Andreas Transeth3, SigurdAksnes Fjerdingen3, and Ingrid Schjølberg3University of Granada, Granada, Spain University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 3 SINTEF ICT Applied Cybernetics, Trondheim, Norway摘要:全球有各种规模的消费品公司信赖CATIA,CA TIA设计的产品的风格新颖,而且具有建模工具和高质量的渲染工具。
CA TIA已用于设计和制造如下多种产品:餐具、计算机、厨房设备、电视和收音机以及庭院设备。
关键字:catia 建模效果渲染今天你正用的软件,如果一两年后就消失了,无法升级,功能又觉得不够,怎么办?再重新选或学习新软件?所以一个软件的持久发展很重要。
我开始用AutoCAD做平面图,后来用Solidwork画立体图,自觉功能不够,就自修了Pro/E,从Pro/EV18--V19--V2000i --V2000i2--V2001--Wildfire,可以说爱不释手,但近来作图尤其是逆向与造型部分,大伤脑筋,况且对于对于零件繁多的图形,Pro/E对硬件的要求还是很高。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部:专业:姓名:学号:外文出处:English For Electromechanical(用外文写)Engineering附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

Design of Movable Gantry CNC Milling MachineZHANG JianAbstract:this paper describes the nc milling roller, the overall design and analyses the bilateralsuper-modulus gear pair of driving mechanism of the main points of design,installationguidesurface of the X axis is introduced in this paperKeywords:mobile nc milling designT his machine is mainly used for metal parts of the plane and inclined plane work. It has enough rigidity, Milling head adopts milling head in Taiwan, Milling head with flexible, Spindle motor is frequency conversion motor. It can undertake stepless speed, Ensure accuracy of machine tools and machining precision has good stability, This machine is of high efficiency and exercise,For convenience, make the drive more reliable and convenient in maintenance, less consumption, beautiful modelling, etc, widely used in mechanical manufacturing industry.This paper described the mobile CNC milling refers to longmen framework Vertical milling movement. The biggest advantage of milling roller is (1) Machine cover an area of an area small. Workbench mobile Longmen milling machine, complete machine must be higher than vertical stroke length two times. However, Workbench mobile Longmen milling machine, The length of side frame which is fabricated according to add only longitudinal travel width, The dynamic response of the machine is good. Workbench mobile Longmen milling machine adopts fixed table. The whole cast out with bed, Longmen framework of longitudinal motionDrive torque equivalent unchanged, It is not because of bearing the weight of the workpiece changesChange, so as to ensure the accuracy and performance of the machine tool.The independent design mobile nc Longmen milling(FIG 1)has been a special machine to use. It can satisfy the large castings, steel parts boring and milling, drilling, etc multiple operation process. It is right milling head, It also can process the 4 side of workpiece. The goal of the main design parameters such as Longmen milling under: workbench area 1800mm ×4000mm, The travel for X axis:4000mm The travel for Y axis:2000mm The travel forZ axis:750mm, Spindle power 18.5KW, Each axis rapid federate 10m/min.Figure 1 Mobile nc milling1.Mechanical parts designThe bed include Bed, Slide, Longmen frame spindle box, Three axis to drive mechanical parts and related CNC servo part, Now ,The design process is emphasized as follows: The bed is the basic design work, The size of the bed of the design affects the complete machine design. And the rationality of the design of directly affect the whole Machine stiffness. The cross-section shape for the bed like ∏,(FIG 2) The plane is working on a bed of mesa design has 9 T shaped groove. For the convenience of bed and working mesa of pure dig imageT processing, groove tank completely, The right and left two concerning the design has a long narrow swing plane. It is used to linear rolling guide vice, The author put rail surface design in the two side bed. The main consideration of force transmission directions and unloading, Because the bed will be dragon framework of gravity, cutting force and the gravity of the workpiece, This design can directly into the gravity of longmen framework to machine tools, and Bed only suffer the gravity of the workpiece. The bed by the following basic wall thickness determine By the following formula.C=1/4(2L+B+H)Type: C,L,B is respectively for bed length, width and height of size and unit for the m.Based on equivalent size c, Consulting relevant form,Take the basic wall thickness is 38mm,Figure 2 Shape of concerning the cross-sectionSpindle box adopts 300 mm ×300 mm section design. The torsion bending capacity are stronger. Spindle gearboxes USES two gears Gear sliding speed-change mechanism.It can adapt rough machining requirements. Spindle unit adopts four supporting structure, Ahead three groups of Angle contact ball bearing used to withstand cutting force. Spindle end a deep groove ball bearings are used to unloading, That is not of the Sliding gears of the additional moment.Longmen framework used integral frame which is fabricated according to the design concept, It took about beam and column design into a whole. Although make casting and assembly adjusting difficulty, the whole framework of longmen rigid better, more important is to slide have assembled spindle box, etc. Slide is designed in the frame which is fabricated according to the geometrical dimensions and spindle box, According to the center axis of the guide bar as far as possible to face for the principle, The Z axis and the driver installation position in design, effectively reduce the weight of the slide.Designed to drive into the idea as follows, The X axis to driveUse the bilateral super-modulus gear pair aggravating preloading linear rolling guide vice.X axis and Y axis uses big diameter ball screw preloading vice hardened guide. Rail sliding parts attached engineering plastics, It avoids low when crawling phenomenon, and guide the design is inclined with adjustable device. This machine design make the whole machine to coordinate performance. The axis of the feeding speed and force get the optimal matching.Due to the longitudinal axis machine movement X, and is moving longmen framework of longmen framework weighed 10T, so the linear rolling guide rails to must choose.Because the ball rail system of small friction coefficient, very suitablefor longmen framework of moving rigidity requirement.Guide the slider choose one type, each slide block dynamic load can achieve 10t. Considering the safety coefficient, every guide installation 2 slider. Longmen framework for the driver bilateral super-modulus gear pair (see chart 2), feed movement by 3 input, through two inclined gear motor shaft/and axis to 2, and then by two gear - and to drive rack. And thus promote longmen framew3 the helical gear axle spiral of the two opposite directions. Through the spring in the shaft on a three axial force F, make the helical gear trace of axial movement produced at 1 and 2 and axial shaft in the opposite direction Angle of small, round 4 and 5) respectively, the gear tooth surface with two rack, eliminate the gap.1.2.3--- axis 4.5--- RackFigure 3 Bilateral super-modulus gear pairSpindle box and vertical motion Z axis adopts ball screw assembly transmission. Because of this machine is not high speed milling machine, the Z axis of the feeding system for servo motor through the ratio of 4 for parallel axis set than gearbox drives the ball screw rotation. In the design of special attention to the Z axis of safety problems. First choose the servo motor with electromagnetic brake, second in the ball screw with a two-way overrunning clutch, prevent ball nuts rotation caused spindle box mechanical prolapse. Of course, in order to protect the z-axis feed institutions, but also in the accuracy with two balance on the slide cylinders. Balance Q, etcThe quality of parts in spindle box 85%.Spindle box around move for the Y axis, in order to guarantee the precision Yaxis, and only by their level of ball screw and axial force, servo motor and the ball screw straight league. The author selects the coupling with overload protection device, in the overload when coupling automatically.2 Selection of CNC systemThe Siemens numerical control system is adopted, because this system 840D provides longmen shaft synchronization function. Use this function, the machine can to dragonsDoor frame for shaft (into) no, X2 clamps its X1 mechanical deviation of displacement. The actual value can exercise for comparison, even the smallest deviation can be corrected, and therefore improve the accuracy of the X axis movement3 EpilogueThe author finally, according to the professional machine parts manufacturers to provide design samples design will reach the twice the result with half the effort. In The design process, the author of CNC system, spindle unit, gearbox, super-modulus gear and ball screw guide etc. According to the sample of empirical formulas, not only shorten design time, make the higher reliability. At the same time we must pay great attention to the timely design machine tools, such as the application of three-dimensional software components immediately after the establishment sketches for 3d model, through the assembly interference, machine avoid collisions occur when in assembly Wade rework phenomenon.[翻译]移动式数控龙门铣床的总体设计张坚摘要:阐述了移动式数控龙门铣床的总体设计,并重点分析了双边齿轮齿条副驱动机构的设计要点,对X轴的导轨安装面作了介绍。

COMPUTER-AIDED CNC PROGRAMMINGFOR THE MACHINING OF NON-TYPICAL PARTSGrzegorz NikielGrzegorz NIKIEL, Ph.D., Eng., University of Bielsko-Biała, Department ofManufacturing Technology and Automation, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, ul. Willowa 2,gnikiel@ath.bielsko.pl1. IntroductionMany manufacturing firms, especially medium and small, has to solve problem of production development and search of new customers. In many cases this leads to the assortment enlarging of already manufactured products. Often this is joined with implementation of the new manufacturing processes. In conditions of market competition it demands high flexibility which is often got in way replacing of conventional manufacturing resources by the modern CNC tool machines [1]. This is essentials condition for more efficient development, higher quality and faster adoption to new requirements [2]. For maintenance of the low costs of manufacturing for production of small and medium batches very often the Group Technology is applied [3]. With help of grouping of the manufactured components into families more efficient the machines, devices, workers are used. In the processes planning one from most important tasks is the CNC machine tool programming [4, 5]. Very often the CAD/CAM systems are used from reason their possibility of flexible programming. In the case of typical components such approach the positive results gives, though it demands an efficient co-operations between constructors and technologist.Sometimes from different reasons it is impossible, especially when the Group Technology is applied. Usually the part programs for machining of single components are created, but the modern CNC controllers offer some methods of programming, which to machining of some similar components can be used. Such methods are:1.Cycles [6]. The cycles are design for machining of typical surfaces (the holes, threads, slots etc.). Usually a parametric description of machined surfaces is applied which enable the easy and fast changes of their geometry. Unfortunately they becharacterized by small flexibility and small influence onto strategy of machining, dependent only from the parameters of cycle. In the modern controllers it permit onto a Workshop Oriented Programming (WOP), i.e. programming directly by the operators, often aided by a dialog programming (sometimes a conversational programming called). Therefore this is relative simple programming method, very often used in industrial practice.2.Parametric programming [5, 6]. A typical part program is executed from beginning to end in one run. In parametric programming the execution of part program can run into different way (e.g. by conditional instruction IF.. THEN.. use). In addition, a multiple repetition of the part program fragment is accessible (REPEAT loop, WHILE loop etc.). Furthermore, the arithmetical functions and other advanced functions are possible. The axis positions, feed and speed functions, etc. can be specified by a parametric expressions (by R-parameters use). Into this way it was been possible to create own machining cycles also. This approach demands high skills of programming and is very labour-consuming also. Exact verification of the program is necessary, in this its immunity in the dangerous situations (e.g. joined with application of incorrect value of the input parameters). Therefore in view of above mentioned defects it is infrequently used in industrial practice.3. Programming based on the freely defined contours.The task depends on defining of machined contour and its automatic conversion to the CNC codes. If the automatic cutter radius compensation (the G41 and G42 functions) is not used then additionally a equidistant has to be generated. This sub-task is easy to realization if mentioned contour is represented in a CAD system – with help of the Offset function. Second sub-task often is realized in way of export of graphic form of the tool path to the typical formats of data exchange (DXF, HPGL etc.). In next step by the suitable postprocessors use (for example the solution given in [7]) conversion of tool path onto the CNC codes is performed. From practical regards this approach in generality for the simple operations is applied, e.g. a laser cutting, a water jet cutting etc. A solution integrating both sub-tasks in oneapplication program are applied also – the AutoCUT is the best example [8]. In practice this solution is not applied too often although it possesses many advantages.In the conditions of small batch production a process planning to the CNC programming is often restricted [9]. In this situation large meaning has integration of the CAD/CAM systems with omission of CAPP stage. The Features idea is then a effective method of data exchange [10, 11, 12]. When the Group Technology is used, after supplement by appropriate data bases and knowledge bases, it can be best solution for production of typical elements [13, 14]. In case of non-typical parts such approach generally is ineffective. Mainly in view of the widely applied methods of Features recognizing which limit number of the Feature types [10, 12]. Maybe in future a solution will bring integration of CAD/CAM/CNC systems based on the STEP-NC standards (ISO 14649, ISO 10303:238) [15, 16] which will replace traditionally applied CNC programming with G-codes onto thing of the neutral format of data exchange.2. Analysis of the examplesPresented below examples of the group CNC machining are a fragment of production program from the small firm. Generally this components have non-typical shapes, they are manufactured from hard materials (e.g. austenitic stainless steel), usually needed the special jigs and fixtures, in the conditions of small batch production. The planning processes in this case demand a participation of technologists with large experience. A specific character of accessible tool machines for defining of the method of CNC programming should to consider also. After execution of detailed analysis onto subject of the discussed methods the following conclusions were formulated:•The machined shapes exclude applying of the standard cycles. Most of the programs is design for the complicated profiles machining. From here description of these profiles is largest problem. Moreover, machining of the components isperformed on the different tool machines, equipped in different controller.•For most of machined components the exact drawing documentation is not made. In a production order the general drawings are included, often described by parametric dimensions. Then current values of this parameters are given also.•Short series and large variety of the components demands fast modifying of current production program. Fast CNC programming and the programs implementation is necessary, best directly at tool machine (WOP).•Often the operators of tool machines possess large knowledge and experience in the area of manufacturing technology, sufficient for preparation of simple program (in range of the technology). Fast preparation of the tool path is limitation only.General conclusion is such, that in presented case use of the universal CAD/CAM systems for CNC programming is very difficult. Moreover, it joins with high costs of shopping and trainings for the workers. Low flexibility of this method is expected also, especially time of programming can be a great problem. In this situation a parametric programming as the best solution wasconsidered. But, as it was shew on the examples, the parametric programming can be realized in different way.2.1. Example I – the grooved rollers finish machiningFinish machining of the grooved rollers family was subject of research (Fig. 1). Basic changing dimensions for rollers were external diameter d, working profile length L and profile angle α. The profile of co-operate roller is moved by half pitch. Finish machining is performed by turning with use of tool with the V type rhombic insert (nose angle equal 35°), where the nose radius rε is equal 0,4 mm (Fig. 1). The tool reference point is located in the insert nose center. For each pair of rollers their profile is designed in a CAD environment according to the dimensions of rolling elements. A fast method of tool path generation was the main subject of performed research. First of all generating of the tool path (only finishing, without rough machining which is programmed in a manual mode) and forming it in accordance with requirements of appropriate language. As has been mentioned above the use of parametric program was considered. With help of the advanced programmingmethods (e.g. transformations of co-ordinate system, sub-programs etc.) it was been possible to achievement the aim of this study. However, number of the machined rollers is very small (some per year). Therefore another approach was accepted. Because for each roller a exact CAD model is prepared (2D model), it was used to CNC programming. For achievement of this aim the following activities was considered:•For each used CNC controller the framework of part program is created, including program header, technological functions, tool functions and program end (without tool path).•In a CAD environment the model co-ordinate system is assigned to the workpiece co-ordinate system.•In the semi-automatic mode from the model of working surface a tool path is extracted with use the Offset function.•Manually the run-in path and the run-out path is added. For different elements of tool path (with working interpolation or with rapid interpolation) differentattributes of line were applied.•The designed tool path is converted to a numerical form in semi-automatic mode by special program (written in LISP language) and inserted to the part program (created previously). User has to show only first element of the tool path, further analysis is worked out on basis of the drawing data base (Fig. 2).•Finally the part program is verified, the cutting parameters values are corrected and a graphical simulation of machining is executed (Fig. 3). Total time of program planning (without preparing of CAD model) then about some minutes. An universal postprocessor was not applied (e.g. [7]) because format of the CNC program can be easily adapt to requirements of controller. Furthermore time of designing became significantly shortened.2.2. Example II – the multi-edge rings profile machiningThe multi-edge rings profile machining was subject of the research (Fig. 4). On the face three zones of grooves are machined. Number of grooves (n1, n2, n3) results from companies' recommendations. In every zone the constant value of pitch S is kept. The grooves dimensions (S, F, G) and the chamfer dimension w are changing and they have to be contain in the recommended limits. Their values are calculated for the constant diameters D1 and D2 (given in a production order). Just after complete determining of grooves geometrical form the machining operation can be designed. The rings are machined by tool with square insert (S type) – Fig. 4. The tool reference point is located in the insert nose center. In order to clearly determine of the remaining ring dimensions the following dependences were accepted (according to the recommendations):and the geometrical dependences are described as follows (Fig. 4):what causes that the S, w and F dimensions in given ranges have to be changed until total number of grooves will not be a natural number. The above task as a optimization problem has treated where three decision values are given (S, w and F) and the constrains is given according to equation (1). The criterion function is calculated according to equation (2). The problem of optimization has solved by the Hooke-Jeves method use [17].When ring geometry is finally determined then calculations of tool path elements is very simple – tool is moved along equidistant. Therefore was assumed that this two tasks will be solved by means of one program (Fig. 5), a similar approach was showed in [18]. After introduction of value of well-known dimensions (e.g. from production order) the value of remaining dimensions are automatically calculated. If user accepts this values then the part program is generated automatically (in non-parametric form). In opposite case user can improve values of dimensions and their correctness is checked by program. After execution of simulation (Fig. 6) the part program can be transmitted to CNC controller.2.3. Example III – the eccentric seal rings machiningThe eccentric seal rings machining was subject of the research. The external surface of ring which have shape of cone, is machined in analyzed operation. (Fig.7). A machining datum is located on the internal cylindrical surface (with diameter D) and on the face surface. The groove with diameter dr is made as option. Steel cylindrical ring is a semi-product (from acid-resistant steel or from stainless steel). Described operation comprise two stages: the roughing machining (removal of considerable allowance on part of ring) and finish machining (for obtainment of the exact shape). The shape accuracy has larger importance than the surface roughness (the exploational requirements) [19]. The operation is executed by use of typical tool with rhombic insert (C type). In the part program a linear position of tool (linear co-ordinates Z and X) and an angular position of spindle (angular co-ordinate C) have to be joint. Initially a 3D parametric model making was analyzed (e.g. in AutoDeskInventor environment) and use it for generating of the part program (e.g. in EdgeCAM environment [20, 21]). Finally another approach was accepted – a parametric program was used for rings machining. This decision is justified by following premises:•larger influence onto machining strategy, especially due to the machined materials;•possibility of program set-up directly at the machine tool, even by machine operators;•easy and fast changes of part program execution;•considerably smaller size of program;•high cost of the CAM systems.Nevertheless this solution own one important disadvantage – the group program has to work in accordance to very complicated algorithm. Especially, where calculations of co-ordinate points on the cone have to be carried out. Moreover, cutter radius compensation is performed (automatic cutter radius compensation is impossible). In this situation efficiency of a CNC controller can to make significant limitation. It was checked that time of calculation at full implementation of mentioned algorithm on the CNC controller is too long in relation to required speed of machining. Simplifying of the program was indispensable for correct realization of this operation.The final form of proposed CNC program is showed in Fig. 8. The main program (PIERSCIEN.MPF) is fixed for the rings family, where the machining in a parametric form is described. A subprogram (DANE.SPF) is a data set (in the R-parameters form) which dimensions of the concrete ring define (from a design documentation). Moreover, mentioned subprogram contains the technological parameters (a speed, a feed, etc.) and co-ordinates of the selected points on the machined surface. These points are required to calculation other remaining coordinates in the part program. Mentioned coordinates are determined by use of an additional program, working in the external computer [19]. To tasks of this program should help user at data introducing (Fig. 9), the necessary calculations and the subprogram saving in accordance with requirements of given CNC controller. In next step the part program simulation can be performed (Fig. 10). In last step the part program is sent to a CNC controller.In proposed form the main program contains about 190 blocks, the subprogram –about 150 blocks. If it was accepted first from considered solutions then part program is considerably longer. Presented part program generates about 80÷100 thousands of the tool movements.3. A CNC programming in off-line modeA CNC programming directly on the machine tools (in on-line mode) is very difficult, even sometime impossible. Advanced methods of parametric programming (calculation on the parameters, the structural functions, the jumps etc.) demand exact verification of the algorithm. Exclude this functions usually such part programs use simple methods for the co-ordinates giving. A graphical simulation of parametric programs was not been possible to execute in wide applied popular CAM systems (from reason of the rules of their work). Moreover, often in industrial practice fast conversion a NC program to other language is required. From this in practice sometimes one should to create specialized software [22].Therefore the original system for NC programs analysis and simulation was realized [23] – Fig. 3, Fig. 6, Fig. 10. Acceleration and facilitation of programming in off-line mode,especially for parametric programs is main purpose. Discussed system contains typical modules – specialized editor, graphical simulation module, offset registers, parameters table, programs database, serial transmission module, etc. As base language was accepted Sinumerik 840D/810D (Siemens) because largest set of functions it contains. Onto its basis was created original, internal programming language (where work philosophy is based on the APT system idea). Therefore the work of this system runes in accordance with presented architecture – Fig. 11.A preprocessor translates the part program written in language of concrete controller (Siemens, Fanuc, Heidenhain) onto its internal language. Simultaneously syntactic correctness of the part program is checked. In this form the CNC program is analyzed and executed through processor and in analogical form is remembered. In next step this program can be simulated or translated by postprocessor onto CNC program for other controllers. If necessary is including a new language then should to make only new postprocessor or preprocessor, without necessity of changes in the processor. Common procedures for analyses and simulation, included in the processor, simplify adaptation of the system to new tasks.4. ConclusionIn all presented above examples the typical CNC programming methods use was analyzed. Both cycles as programming with help of the Computer Aided Manufacturing systems (CAM) based on parametric solid models were ineffective. For all analyzed surfaces their geometry is significantly different from geometry of the standard cycles. If CAM software is used then has to be prepared exact model of the machined part (by CAD software). In conditions of small batch production no always this is possible. Use of described methods of programming can be often onereal solution.Presented approach possesses many advantages. Firstly, significantly reduce the part programming time (to some minutes). The CNC programs can be generated by operators directly at tool machine. Possession of the exact drawings of machined parts is not required (with except of first presented example). Correctness of the generated programs is very high, applying of additional verification (e.g. graphical simulation) usually does not join from modification (except changes of machining parameter values). Significantly is decreased time and cost of the programs start. More expensive CAM software are not necessary. This approach could reduce the number of program changeovers and decrease programs length. The disadvantages of presented approach are naturally also. Firstly, is necessary additional time onto analysis of problem, solution proposing and often additional software preparing. Formulating of the complex geometricdependences for a tool path calculation demands large knowledge from area of mathematics and geometry. Moreover, a user should to know to write this formulas in the form of computer programs. Such approach does not have to generate additional costs onto shopping of the commercial programming systems because are accessible their free non-commercial versions (e.g. used by author Borland Turbo Delphi, AutoLISP or Visual Basic for Application available as the programming interfaces for AutoCAD, Inventor, etc.).In opinion of author in situation of process planning for the parts about non-typical shapes, especially when Group Technology is used, applying of non-typical methods of CNC programming is required also. Then use of unconventional tools of computer aid is necessary. Described in this paper solutions are the best example of this approach.References[1] B.Z. GONG: The processing of parts with group technology in an individual CNC machining center. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 129(2002)1, 645-648.[2] J. BALIC: Model of automated computer aided NC machine tools programming. 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外文原文:Machine classification and pose fixture1 fixture in the role of machiningWorkpiece clamping fixture is a kind of process equipment, it is widely used in mechanical machining of the manufacturing process, heat treatment, assembly, welding and testing processes. In the use of metal-cutting machine tools collectively referred to as the jig fixture. n a modern production machine is an indispensable fixture of the process equipment, machining of the workpiece, the processing requirements in order to ensure. First of all to the workpiece and the machine tool relative to a correct position, and this location during processing does not change the impact of external forces. To this end, during the pre-machining, workpiece clamping must be good. There are two ways to clamp workpiece: one is directly clamping the workpiece in the machine table or on the chuck; The other is the workpiece in the fixture on the fixture. The first method used when the workpiece clamping, the general design requirements have to press lines in the surface to draw the size and location, clamping, or when the needle is zoned dial indicator to find is after the clamping. This method need special equipment, but low efficiency, are generally used for one-piece and small batch production. Large quantities, mostly with the workpiece clamping fixture. With the merits of the workpiece clamping fixtures are as follows: (l) Guarantee the stability of the machining accuracy of workpiece. Workpieces with clamping fixture, the workpiece relative to the location of tool and machine tool to ensure the accuracy of the fixture from the technical level of workers, so that a number of workpiece machining accuracy of the line.(2) To improve labor productivity. Workpiece clamping fixture can facilitate the user easily、rapidly, and the workpiece does not need to find is crossed, can significantly reduce the supplementary working hours, to improve labor productivity; workpiece in the fixture after the fixture to improve the rigidity of the workpiece, thus cutting the amount of increase, to improve labor productivity; can use more pieces of multi-workpiece clamping fixture, and the use of efficient clamping bodies, to further improve labor productivity.(3) To expand the use of machine tools. Machine tools in general use a dedicated machine tool fixture can expand the scope of the process and give full play to the potential of machine tools to achieve a multi-machine use. For example, the use of adedicated fixture can be easily Lathe processing small box to the workpiece. Even in the lathe out of oil, a reduction of expensive dedicated machines, reducing the cost, which is particularly important for small and medium-sized factories.(4) To improve the operator's working conditions. As the pneumatic, hydraulic, electro-magnetic power source, such as the application in the fixture, on the one hand to reduce the labor intensity of workers; the other hand, it guarantees the reliability of the workpiece clamping, and to achieve the interlocking machine, to avoid accidents, ensure the operator safety and machine tool equipment(5) To reduce costs. In mass production after the use of fixture, from stem to increase labor productivity, lower level technical workers, as well as lower scrap and other reasons, obviously to reduce the production costs.Fixture manufacturing cost-sharing in a group of workpieces, each workpiece to increase the cost is very minimal, far less than as a result of increased labor productivity and reduce costs. The greater volume of workpiece, fixture made to use has become more significant economic benefits.2 Fixture Category2.1 General characteristics of the fixture by CategoryAccording to the production in different types of fixtures in the common characteristics of machine tool fixture fixture can be divided into general, special fixtures, adjustable clamp, and automatic line of modular fixture fixture, such as: (l) General Fixture. Universal fixture refers to the structure, size has been standardized, and has a certain universal fixture. This type of fixture adaptable, can be used to setup the scope of a certain shape and size of various parts.(2)A dedicated fixture. This type of fixture is designed for a particular part of the processing procedures and the design and manufacture. Relatively stable in the product, the production of larger quantities, used a variety of special fixtures, access to higher productivity and machining accuracy. (3) Adjustable fixture. Adjustable fixture for general fixture and special fixture and the defects developed a new kind of fixture. Of different types and sizes of the workpiece, simply adjust or replace the fixture at the original location of the individual components and will be used to clamp components. (4) Modular Fixture. Modular fixture is a modular fixture. Standard components of the module with high precision and resistance to abrasion, can be assembled into a variety of fixtures. Removable fixture used to clean the assembly after the new fixture left. (5) Automatic line fixture. Automatic line clamp generally divided into two categories:fixed-type fixture, which is similar to a dedicated fixture; other accompanying a fixture for the use of the workpiece in the fixture, together with the movement, and automatic workpiece along the line from a move to the next position position for processing.2.2 Classification by the use of machine tools ClassificationBy the use of machine tools can be divided into lathe jig fixtures, milling fixtures, drilling fixtures, hang-bed fixture, jig gear machine, CNC machine tool fixture, automatic machine tool fixtures, accompanied by automatic line, and other fixtures, such as machine tools. This is a special fixture design of the classification method used. Dedicated fixture design, the machine group, the type and the main parameters have been determined. Their difference is the cutting forming machine tool movements, so the connection fixture with the machine in different ways. Machining accuracy of their different requirements.2.3 Clamping fixture according to the power sourceClamping fixture according to the power source can be divided into manual fixture, pneumatic fixtures, hydraulic fixtures, gas fixtures by force, electromagnetic fixture, vacuum fixtures, fixture, such as centrifugal force.3 the composition of fixtureAlthough the structure of machine tool fixture range, but their components can be summarized as the following sections.(1) Positioning components. Typically, when the shape of the workpiece datum position established, the position will be the basic components of the structure identified(2) Clamping device. Positioning of the workpiece in the fixture, the need to clamp the workpiece before processing to ensure that the workpiece during processing is not due to external force and undermine its position.(3) The specific folder. Fixture and the skeleton matrix, all the components through the fixture it will constitute a whole.(4) Of the knife or the guide. Tool used to determine position relative to the correct position of components. Of the knife device common in milling fixture. Used to adjust the cutter knife block position before machining.(5) To connect components. Connected components in the machine tool fixture is todetermine the correct position on the component, therefore, can double as a specific folder to connect components. Lathe fixture on the transition plate, the positioning ofmilling machine fixture on key components are connected.(6) Other devices or components. According to the processing needs, some degree fixture device were used by mode device, the whole device, and the balance of the top block and so on. These components or devices specially designed need.中文译文:机床夹具的分类与构成1机床夹具在机械加工中的作用夹具是一种装夹工件的工艺装备,它广泛地应用于机械制造过程的切削加工、热处理、装配、焊接和检测等工艺过程中。
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附录2Machine element designingIdeally in designing any machine element, the engineer should have at his diposal the results of a great many strengh tests of the particular material chosen. These tests should have been made on specimens having the same heat treatment, surface finish, and size as the element he propose to design; and the tests should be made under exactly the same loading conditions as the part will experience in service. This means that, if the part is to experience a bending load, it should be tested with a bending load. If it is to be subjected to a combined bending and torsion, it should be tested under combined bending and torsion. Such tests will provide very useful and precise information. They tell the engineer what factor of safely to use and what the reliability is for a given service life. Whenever such date are available for design purposes, theengineer can be assured that he is doing the best possible job of engineering.The cost of gathering such extensive date prior to design is justified if failure of the part may endanger human life, or if the part is manufactured in sufficiently large quantities. Automobiles and refrigerators, for example, have very good reliabilities because the parts are made in such large quantities that they can be thoroughly tested in advance of manufacture. The cost of making these tests is very low when it is divided by the total number of parts manufactured.You can now appreciate the following four design categories:(1) Failure of the part would endanger human life, or the part is made in extremely large quantities; consequently, an elaborae testing program is justified during design.(2) The part is made in large enough quantities so that a moderate series of tests is feasible.(3) The part is made in such small quantities that testing is not justified at all; or the design must be completed so rapidly that there is not enough time of testing.(4) The part has already been designed, manuactured, and tested and foundto be unsatisfactiry. Analysis is required to understand why the part is unsatisfactory and what to do to improve it.It is with the last three categories that we shall be mostly concerned. This means that the designer will usually have only published values of yield strenth, ultimate strenth, and percentage elongation. With this meger information the engineer is expected to design against static and dynamic loads, biaxial and triaxial stress states, high and low temperratures, and large and small pars! The date usually available for design have been obtained from the simple tension test, where the load was applied gradually and the strain given time to develop. Yet these same date must be used in designing parts with complicated dynamic loads applied thousands of times per minute. No wonder machine parts sometimes fail.To sum up, the fundamental problem of the designer is to use the simple tension-test date and relate thenm to the strength of the part, regardless of the stress state of the loading situation.It is possible for two metals to have exactly the same strength and hardness, yet one of these metals may have a superior ability to absorb overloads, because of the property called ductility. Ductility is measured by the percentage elongation which occurs in the material at fracture. The usual dividing line between ductility and brittleness is 5 percent elongation. A material having less than 5 percent elongation at fracture is said to be brittle, while one having more is said to be ductile.The elongation of a material is usually measured over 50mm gauge length. Since this is not a measure of the actual strain, another method of determining ductility is sometimes used. After the specimen has been fractured, measurements are made of the area of the cross section at the fracture. Ductility can then be expressed as the percentage reduction in cross-sectional area.The characteristic of a ductile material which permits it to absorb large overloads is an addition safety factor in design. Ductility is also important because it is a measure of that property of a material which metal-processing operations which require ductile materials.When a material is to be selected to resist wear, erosion, or plastic deformation,hardness is generally the most important priperty. Several methods of hardness testing are available, depending upon which particular property is most desired. The four hardness numbers in greatest use are the Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, and Knoop.Most hardness-testing systerm employ a standard load which is applied to a ball or pytamid in contact with the material to be tested. The hardness is then expressed as a function of the size of the resulting indentation. This means that hardness is an easy property to measure, because the test is nondestructive and test specimens are not required. Usually the test can be conducted directly on an actual machine element.The concern of a machine designer with ball and roller bearings is fivefold as follows: (a) life in relation to load; (b) stiffness, i.e. deflections under load; (c) friction;(d) wear; (e) noise. For moderate loads and speeds the correct seletion of a standard bearing on the basis of load rating will usually secure satisfactory performance. The deflection of the bearing elements will become important where loads are high, although this is usually of less magnitude than that of the shafts or other components associated with the bearing. Where speeds are high special cooling arrangements become necessary which may increase frictional drag. Wear is primarily associated with the introduction of contaminants, and sealing arrangements must be chosen with regard to the hostility of the environment.Because the high quality and low price of ball and roller bearings depends on quantity production, the task of the designer becomes one of selection rather than design. Rolling-contact bearings are generally made with steel which is though-hardened to above 900 HV, although in many mechanisms special races are not provided and the interacting surfaces are hardened to above 600 HV. It is not surprising that, owing to the high stresses involved, a predominant form of failure should be metal fatigue, and a good deal of work is currently in progress intended to improve the reliability of this type of bearing. Design can be based on accepted values of life and it is general practice in the bearing industy to define the load capacity of the bearing as that value below which 90 per cent of a batch will exceed a life of one milion revolutions.Notwithstanding the fact that responsibility for the basic design of ball and rollerbearings rests with the bearing manufacturer, the machine designer must form a correct appreciation of the duty to be performed by the bearing and be concerned not only with bearing selection but with conditions for correct instalation.The fit of the bearing races onto the shaft or onto the housings is of critical importance because of their combined effect on the internal clearance of the bearing as well as preserving the desired degree of interference fit. Inadequate interference can induce serious trouble from fretting corrosion . The inner race is frequently located axially by abutting against a shoulder. A radius at this point is essential for the avoidance of stress concentration and ball races are provided with a radius or chamfer to allow space for this.Where life is not the determining factor in design, it is usual to determine maximum loading by the amount to which a bearing will deflect under load. Thus the concept of "static load-carrying capacity" is understood to mean the load that can be applied to a bearing, which is its running qualities for subsequent rotational motion. This has been determined by practical experience as the load which when applied to a bearing results in a total deformation of the rolling element and raceway at any point of contact not exceeding 0.01 per cent of the rolling-element diameter. This would correspond to a permanent deformation of 0.0025mm for a ball 25mm in diameter.The successful functioning of many bearings depends upon providing them with adequate protection against their environment, and in some cicumstances the environment must be protected from lubricants or products of deterioration of the bearing surfaces. Achievement of the corrct functioning of seals is an essential part of bearing design. Moreover, seals which are applied to moving parts for any purpose are of interest to tribologists because they are bearing systems and can only be designed satisfactorily on the basis of appropriate bearing theoty. Notwithstanding their importance, the amount of reserch effort that has been devoted to the understanding of the behavior of seals has been small when compared with that。