
造纸行业再添一家上市公司仙鹤股份过会一个月后拿到IPO批文本刊讯(钟华 报道) 3月23日,证监会核发三家公司IPO批文,仙鹤股份有限公司榜上有名。
根据产品的下游应用领域与生产工艺相似程度,主要产品可划分为烟草行业用纸、家居装饰用纸、商务交流及防伪用纸、食品与医疗包装用纸、标签离型用纸、电气及工业用纸、热转印用纸、低定量美国公布拟加征关税的中国商品清单造纸行业独立关税项目14个本刊讯 美国当地时间4月3日,美国贸易代表办公室公布依据“301调查”结果公布拟加征关税的中国商品清单,包含约1300个独立关税项目,其中涉及造纸行业的独立关税项目有14个。

38249999 其他税目未列名的化学工业及其相关工业的化学产品及配制品
38248700 38248800 38248500
序号 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
税则号列 87034052 87032342 87034032 87032343 87034033 87032413 87034063 87032352 87034042 87032353 87034043 87032412 87034062 87033312 87035052 87032363 87034053 87032422
同时装有点燃往复式活塞内燃发动机及驱动电动机的其他车 辆,可通过接插外部电源进行充电的除外气缸容量(排气量) 超过1000毫升,但不超过1500毫升气缸容量(排气量)9座及以 下的小客车
同时装有点燃往复式活塞内燃发动机及驱动电动机的其他车 辆,可通过接插外部电源进行充电的除外气缸容量(排气量) 超过3000毫升,但不超过4000毫升9座及以下的小客车
同时装有点燃往复式活塞内燃发动机及驱动电动机的其他车 辆,可通过接插外部电源进行充电的除外气缸容量(排气量) 超过2500毫升,但不超过3000毫升9座及以下的小客车
序号 53
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
同时装有点燃往复式活塞内燃发动机及驱动电动机的其他车 辆,可通过接插外部电源进行充电的除外气缸容量(排气量) 超过3000毫升,但不超过4000毫升越野车(4轮驱动)

{财务管理税务规划}美国关税清单中文版全译版《美国发布建议征收中国产品关税清单(全译版)》清单:高温超导二产品描述0...........钍的化合物0...........的U235贫化铀化合物0...........U235贫化铀、钍;合金、分散体、陶瓷产品这些产品及其化合物的混合物0...........不在标题2844及其化合物中的同位素,而不是重水0...........辅酶Q10(辅酶Q10(酒店)1...........醌类药物4...........2(4-chloro-2-methyl-phenoxy)丙酸及其盐类0...........羧酸类芳香族药物,具有额外的氧效用,其衍生物、其他0...........Amfetamine(旅店)、苄非他明(酒店)、右旋苯丙胺(酒店)、苄非他明(酒店),和其他指定的旅馆;其盐2...........芳香单胺类快速彩色碱及其衍生物8...........芳香胺的抗抑郁药,镇静剂和其他心理治疗剂、其他3...........芳香胺的药物,其他9...........芳香族氨基醇类药物及其醚类和酯类化合物一种氧效用;盐;其他0...........三乙醇胺盐6...........氨基醇,不含含一种以上氧效用的,他们的醚和酯及其盐、其他3...........氨基化合物盐酸乙基异丙肾上腺素和其他指定的芳香带氧效用4...........含氧效用氨基化合物的芳香类心血管药物7...........芳香族皮肤药物和氨基化合物的局部麻醉剂氧效用9...........用含氧基氨基芳香化合物愈创木酚衍生物5...........胆影葡胺酸;3,5-diacetamido-2,4,6-triiodobenzoic酸;和甲泛影酸6...........Naphthol及其衍生物、其他2...........用作快速色基的芳族环状酰胺7...........diethylaminoacetoxylidide(利多卡因)2...........用作药物的其他芳族环状酰胺和衍生物十五高温超导二产品描述0...........甲基乙基酮肟0...........4,4‘-联苯二亚膦酸、二(2“,2”,4“,4”-二叔丁基苯基)酯1...........含氧杂原子的芳香杂环化合物另外美国注3第六,其他5...........quinuclidin-3-ol2...........盐酸吖啶黄吖啶黄;吡嗪酰胺;Carbadox;1...........盐酸肼屈嗪8...........氟哌利多;和盐酸Imipramine 1...........霉酚酸酯5...........5-amino-3-phenyl-1,2,4-thiadiazole(3-phenyl-5-amino-1, 2,4-thiadiazole);和其他3指定芳香/国防部。

Prestressed Concrete Steel WireStrand
Wire Decking
Carbon Steel Butt-weld Pipe Fittings
08.01 - 07.31
Floor-Standing, Metal-Top Ironing Tables and Certain Parts
08.01 - 07.31
Petroleum Wax Candles
Certain Sodium and Potassium Phosphate Salts
Sulfanlic Acid
Tissue Paper
03.01 - 02.28
Sodium Hexametaphosphate

22 《贵州财经大学学报》2024年第2期 总第229期美国加征关税与我国产品出口变动王宝顺1,刘 刚1,于楚榕2(1.中南财经政法大学财政税务学院,湖北武汉 430073;2.国网青岛供电公司,山东青岛 266000)摘 要:基于2017~2020年HS6位码产品贸易月度数据,采用双重差分法分轮次评估了美国对华加征关税对我国产品出口的影响。

8525801190 8525802100 8526101010 8526101090 8526109010 8529101000 8529905000 8537101101 8537101110 8537101190 8537109022 8539212000 8539219000 8539490000 8540791000 8543709910 8543902100 8548900002
序 EX① 税则号列② 十位海关编码 商品名称
号 1
25070010 2507001000 高岭土
25120010 2512001000 硅藻土
25199091 2519909100 化学纯氧化镁
2526202001 2526202090
滑石粉 已破碎或已研粉的天然滑石
8516800000 8517706000 8525801110
己二腈 硫酸三乙基锡,二丁基氧化锡等(包括氧化二丁基锡,乙酸三乙 基锡,三乙基乙酸锡) 吡啶 吡啶盐 西玛津、莠去津、扑灭津、草达津等(包括特丁津、氰草津、 环丙津、甘扑津、甘草津) 重组人胰岛素及其盐 妥尔油 医用消毒剂 含有石油或从沥青矿物提取的油类的润滑油添加剂 经掺杂用于电子工业的,已切成圆片等形状,直径>15.24cm的 单其晶他硅 经片掺杂用于电子工业的化学元素,已切成圆片等形状;经掺 杂用于电子工业的化合物 25g<每平米≤70g其他化纤长丝无纺织物 70g<每平米≤150g浸渍化纤长丝无纺织物 70g<每平米≤150g其他化纤长丝无纺织物 半导体晶圆制造用自粘式圆形抛光垫 粘聚合成或天然金刚石制的砂轮 粘聚合成或天然金刚石制的其他石磨、石碾及类似品 非电器用石墨或其他碳精制品 实验室、化学或其他技术用陶瓷器 莫氏硬度为9或以上的实验室、化学或其他技术用品 空载重量≥25吨飞机的挡风玻璃 航空航天器及船舶用钢化安全玻璃 抗拉强度≥800兆帕,杆径>6mm的其他螺钉及螺栓(不包括不 锈钢紧固件) 其他抗拉强度≥800兆帕的螺钉及螺栓 无衬背的精炼铜箔 无衬背的白铜或德银铜箔 印刷电路用覆铜板 镍合金丝 镍合金板、片、带、箔 镍合金管 外径≤10厘米的管状铝合金 外径≤10厘米的其他合金制铝管 钛合金管 其他钛管 输出功率不超过750瓦的直流电动机、发电机 输出功率超过750瓦,但不超过75千瓦的多相交流电动机 功率小于1千瓦,精度低于万分之一的直流稳压电源 具有变流功能的半导体模块 其他具有变流功能的半导体模块 电磁联轴节、离合器及制动器 镍镉蓄电池 机车、航空器及船舶用点火磁电机、永磁直流发电机、磁飞轮 机车、航空器及船舶用分电器及点火线圈 电弧重熔炉、电弧熔炉和电弧融化铸造炉(容量1000-20000立 方厘米,使用自耗电极,工作温度1700℃以上) 加热电阻器 光通信设备的激光收发模块 抗辐射电视摄像机

美国“301条款”下的3批征收关税清单前文已经提到“301”条款主要针对是对外国政府开展调查,不是纯粹的政治措施,是 1974年贸易法的具体条款,有具体实施的程序与标准。
生效日期:2018年9月24日 生效日期:2018年7月6日 税率:10% 直到2018年12月31税率:25% 5745项商品29章:有机化工品03章:鱼类与甲壳类动物 首次发布日期:5月15日 豁免程序公布日期: 首次发布日期:7月24日豁免程序公布日期:下调抗癌药品关税下调汽车及零部件关中国近期出台的对外贸易税收优惠政策一、进口①下调抗癌药品关税【时间:2018年4月23日】《国务院关税税则委员会关于降低药品进口关税的公告》(税委会公告[2018]2号) 根据《中华人民共和国进出口关税条例》相关规定,为减轻广大患者特别是癌症患者药费负担并有更多用药选择,自2018年5月1日起,以暂定税率方式将包括抗癌药在内的所有普通药品、具有抗癌作用的生物碱类药品及有实际进口的中成药进口关税降为零,具体税目及税率调整情况见附件。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12 13
15 16 17 18 19 20
22 23 24 25 26 27
生鲜类 各种可繁殖或克隆的细胞,胚胎组织 各类药品、药剂、草药、农药,有毒或污染环境的物品或化学品(如杀 虫剂),破坏或消耗臭氧的物品(如氟氯烃) 毒品 易燃易爆品 烟草及各种咀嚼或吸食类的烟 自然资源及产品(如金属矿砂、砂土、原油、水泥、煤炭、肥料、化石 、矿物、稀土制品、放射性物质等) 含贵金属产品(如金、银、铂、珠宝、钻石、宝石及半宝石制品等) 钱币
机动车辆零配件(如:制动软管、车灯、气囊、轮胎、轮辋、头盔、玻 璃等)
医疗器械(如:血压计,血糖仪,雾化器,呼吸机,助听器,药片压片 机,胎心仪、轮椅、病床等)

电器 2022/7近期,关于美国考虑取消部分对华加征关税以帮助对抗通胀的消息持续得到各方的高度关注。
关税方面,除了3000亿美元list 4A 清单中约1200亿美元商品加征的关税税率为7.5%外,其余商品的加征关税税率均为25%。
根据海关总美国取消加征关税对中国家电行业的影响分析中国家用电器协会信息咨询部 司明明8000·6000·4000·2000·30·25·20·15·10·5·050·40·30·20·10·0冰箱冰箱冰箱吸尘器吸尘器吸尘器空调空调空调食品加工机食品加工机食品加工机冷柜冷柜冷柜咖啡机/水壶咖啡机/水壶咖啡机/水壶电风扇电风扇电风扇面包机面包机面包机微波炉微波炉微波炉电烘烤器电烘烤器电烘烤器图2 2017〜2021年中国主要家电品类对美国出口量走势图3 2017〜2021年中国主要家电品类对美国出口额走势图4 2017〜2021年中国主要家电品类对美国出口量占出口总量的比重(万台)(亿美元)(%)300·200·100··40·30·20·10·0·-10-202012年2013年2014年2015年2016年2017年2018年2019年2020年2021年图1 2012〜2021年中国对美国家电出口额走势及同比变化(亿美元)(%)图1〜4数据来源:海关总署、中国家用电器协会出口额 同比增长Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.电器 2022/72021年中国家电业对美国出口均呈两位数高速增长,规模和增速均来到历史高点,出口额规模连续两年突破200亿美元。




Frozen retail cuts of meat of swine, nesoi Frozen meat of swine, other than retail cuts, nesoi Edible offal of bovine animals, fresh or chilled Meat and edible meat offal of rabbits or hares, fresh, chilled or frozen Meat and edible offal of deer, fresh, chilled or frozen Frog legs, fresh, chilled or frozen Meat of swine other than hams, shoulders, bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof, salted, in brine, dried or smoked Live ornamental freshwater fish Live ornamental fish, other than freshwater Live trout Live eels Live carp Other live Fish, Atlantic & Pacific Bluefin Tunas Other live Fish, Southern Bluefin Tunas Live Tench (Tinca Tinca), sheatfish (Silurus Glanis), bighead carp (Aristichthys Nobilis) and other fish, nesoi fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, Trout, other meat portions, livers and roes Pacific salmon, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes Atlantic and Danube salmon, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes

List 2HTSUS Subheading Product Description2710.19.30 Lubricating oils, w/or w/o additives, fr. petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. fr. petro oils2710.19.35 Lubricating greases from petro oil/bitum min/70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils but n/o 10% by wt. of fatty acid salts animal/vegetable origin2710.19.40 Lubricating greases from petro oil/bitum min/70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils > 10% by wt.of fatty acid salts animal/vegetable origin3403.19.10 Lubricating preparations containing 50% but less than 70% by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals3403.19.50 Lubricating preparations containing less than 50% by weight of petroleum oils or of oils from bituminous minerals3403.99.00 Lubricating preparations (incl. lubricant-based preparations), nesoi3811.21.00 Additives for lubricating oils containing petroleum oils or oils obtained frombituminous minerals3811.29.00 Additives for lubricating oils, nesoi3901.10.10 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0.94 and having a relative viscosity of 1.44 or more, in primary forms3901.10.50 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0.94, in primary forms, nesoi 3901.20.10 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more and having a relative viscosity of1.44 or more, in primary forms3901.20.50 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more, in primary forms, nesoi 3901.30.20 Ethylene copolymer: Vinyl acetate-vinyl chloride-ethylene terpoly w/ < 50% deriv of vinyl acetate, exc polymer aromatic/mod arom monomers3901.30.60 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, nesoi3901.90.10 Polymers of ethylene, nesoi, in primary forms, elastomeric3901.90.55 Ethylene copolymers, in primary forms, other than elastomeric3901.90.90 Polymers of ethylene, nesoi, in primary forms, other than elastomeric3902.10.00 Polypropylene, in primary forms3902.20.10 Polyisobutylene, elastomeric, in primary forms3902.20.50 Polyisobutylene, other than elastomeric, in primary forms3902.30.00 Propylene copolymers, in primary forms3902.90.00 Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, nesoi, in primary forms3903.11.00 Polystyrene, expandable, in primary forms3903.19.00 Polystyrene, other than expandable, in primary forms3903.20.00 Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers, in primary forms3903.30.00 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers, in primary forms3903.90.10 Methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene (MBS) copolymers, in primary forms 3903.90.50 Polymers of styrene, nesoi, in primary forms3904.10.00 Polyvinyl chloride, not mixed with any other substances, in primary forms3904.21.00 Polyvinyl chloride, mixed with other substances, nonplasticized, in primary forms 3904.22.00 Polyvinyl chloride, mixed with other substances, plasticized, in primary formsSubheading3904.30.20 Vinyl chloride copolymer: Vinyl acetate-vinyl chloride-ethylene terpoly w/< 50% deriv vinyl acetate, exc polymer aromatic/mod arom monomers3904.30.60 Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers, nesoi3904.40.00 Vinyl chloride copolymers nesoi, in primary forms3904.50.00 Vinylidene chloride polymers, in primary forms3904.61.00 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), in primary forms3904.69.10 Fluoropolymers, elastomeric, other than polytetrafluoroethylene, in primary forms 3904.69.50 Fluoropolymers, other than elastomeric and other than polytetrafluoroethylene, in primary forms3904.90.10 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, nesoi, in primary forms, elastomeric, in primary forms3904.90.50 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, nesoi, in primary forms, other than elastomeric, in primary forms3905.12.00 Polyvinyl acetate, in aqueous dispersion3905.19.00 Polyvinyl acetate, other than in aqueous dispersion, in primary forms3905.21.00 Vinyl acetate copolymers, in aqueous dispersion3905.29.00 Vinyl acetate copolymers, other than in aqueous dispersion, in primary forms 3905.30.00 Polyvinyl alcohols, whether or not containing unhydrolyzed acetate groups, in primary forms3905.91.10 Copolymers of vinyl esters or other vinyls, in primary forms, containing by weight 50% or more of derivatives of vinyl acetate3905.91.50 Copolymers of vinyl esters or other vinyls, in primary forms, nesoi3905.99.80 Polymers of vinyl esters or other vinyl polymers, in primary forms, nesoi3906.10.00 Polymethyl methacrylate, in primary forms3906.90.10 Acrylic polymers (except PMMA) in primary forms, elastomeric3906.90.20 Acrylic plastics polymers (except PMMA), in primary forms, nonelastomeric 3906.90.50 Acrylic polymers (except plastics or elastomers), in primary forms, nesoi3907.10.00 Polyacetals in primary forms3907.20.00 Polyethers, other than polyacetals, in primary forms3907.30.00 Epoxide resins in primary forms3907.40.00 Polycarbonates in primary forms3907.50.00 Alkyd resins in primary forms3907.61.00 Polyethylene terephthalate, having a viscosity number of 78 ml/g or higher 3907.69.00 Polyethylene terephthalate, having a viscosity number less than 78 ml/g3907.70.00 Poly(lactic acid)3907.91.20 Unsaturated allyl resins, uncompounded3907.91.40 Unsaturated allyl resins, nesoi3907.91.50 Unsaturated polyesters, other than allyl resins in primary forms3907.99.20 Thermoplastic liquid crystal aromatic polyester copolymers3907.99.50 Other polyesters nesoi, saturated, in primary forms3908.10.00 Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12 in primary form3908.90.20 Bis(4-amino-3-methylcyclohexyl)methaneisophthalic acid-laurolactam copolymerSubheading3908.90.70 Other polyamides in primary forms3909.10.00 Urea resins; thiourea resins3909.20.00 Melamine resins3909.40.00 Phenolic resins3909.50.10 Polyurethanes, elastomeric, in primary forms3909.50.20 Polyurethanes: cements, in primary forms3909.50.50 Polyurethanes, other than elastomeric or cements, in primary forms3910.00.00 Silicones in primary forms3911.10.00 Petroleum resins, coumarone, indene, or coumarone-indene resins and polyterpenes, in primary forms3911.90.10 Elastomeric polysulfides, polysulfones and other products specified in note 3 tochapter 39, nesoi, in primary forms3911.90.15 Specified carbodiimide or homopolymer with polyethylene thermoplastic goods 3911.90.25 Thermoplastic polysulfides, polysulfones & oth products spec in note 3, chapt 39, cont aromatic monomer units or derived therefrom3911.90.35 Benzenamine; and hydrocarbon novolac cyanate ester3911.90.45 Thermosetting polysulfides, polysulfones & oth products spec in note 3, chapt 39, cont aromatic monomer units or derived therefrom3911.90.70 Chlorinated synthetic rubber3911.90.90 Polysulfides, polysulfones & other products specified in note 3 to chapter 39, nesoi 3912.12.00 Cellulose acetates, nesoi, in primary forms, plasticized3912.20.00 Cellulose nitrates (including collodions), in primary forms3912.39.00 Cellulose ethers, other than carboxymethylcellulose and its salts, in primary forms 3912.90.00 Cellulose and its chemical derivatives nesoi, in primary forms3913.10.00 Alginic acid, and its salts and esters, in primary forms3913.90.10 Chemical derivatives of natural rubber, nesoi, in primary forms3913.90.50 Natural polymers and modified natural polymers, nesoi, in primary forms3914.00.20 Cross-linked polyvinylbenzyltrimethylammonium chloride (Cholestyramine resin USP) 3914.00.60 Ion-exchangers based on polymers of headings 3901 to 3913, in primary forms, nesoi 3916.10.00 Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of polymers of ethylene3916.20.00 Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of polymers of vinyl chloride3916.90.10 Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of acrylic polymers3916.90.30 Monafilament nesoi, of plastics, excluding ethylene, vinyl chloride and acrylicpolymers3916.90.50 Rods, sticks and profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of plastics, nesoi3917.21.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of ethylene3917.22.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of propylene3917.23.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of vinyl chloride3917.29.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of other plastics nesoi3917.31.00 Flexible plastic tubes, pipes and hoses, having a minimum burst pressure of 27.6 MPaSubheading3917.32.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, other than rigid, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings3917.40.00 Fittings of plastics, for plastic tubes, pipes and hoses, nesoi3919.10.10 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, other flat shapes, of plastics, in rolls n/o 20 cm wide, light-reflecting surface produced by glass grains3919.10.20 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, other flat shapes, of plastics, in rolls n/o 20 cm wide, not having a light-reflecting glass grain surface3919.90.10 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, other flat shapes, of plastics, light-reflecting surface produced by glass grains, nesoi3919.90.50 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, other flat shapes, of plastics, not having a light-reflecting surface produced by glass grains, nesoi3920.10.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not reinforced orcombined with other materials, of polymers of ethylene3920.20.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not reinforced orcombined with other materials, of polymers of propylene3920.30.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not reinforced orcombined with other materials, of polymers of styrene3920.43.10 Nonadhesive plates/sheets/film/foil/strip made imitation of patent leather, of vinyl chloride polymers, not less 6% plasticizers3920.43.50 Nonadhesive plate/sheet/film/foil/strip, noncellular, not comb w/other materials, of vinyl chloride polymers, not less 6% plasticizer, nesoi3920.49.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, noncellular, not combined w/othermaterials, of polymers of vinyl chloride, < 6% plasticizers3920.51.10 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polymethyl methacrylate, flexible3920.51.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polymethyl methacrylate, not flexible3920.59.10 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of acrylic polymers, flexible, nesoi3920.59.40 Transparent sheeting containing 30% or more by weight of lead3920.59.80 Plates, sheets, film, etc, noncellular, not reinforced, laminated, combined, of other acrylic polymers, nesoi3920.61.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polycarbonates3920.62.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polyethylene terephthalate3920.63.10 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of unsaturated polyesters, flexible3920.63.20 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of unsaturated polyesters, not flexible3920.69.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polyesters, nesoi3920.71.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of regenerated celluloseSubheading3920.73.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of cellulose acetate3920.79.05 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of vulcanized fiber3920.79.10 Nonadhesive films, strips, sheets, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of other cellulose derivatives nesoi, n/o 0.076 mm thick3920.79.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of cellulose derivatives, nesoi3920.91.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polyvinyl butyral3920.92.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polyamides3920.93.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of amino-resins3920.94.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of phenolic resins3920.99.10 Nonadhesive film, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of plastics nesoi, flexible, over 0.152mm thick, not in rolls3920.99.20 Nonadhesive film, strips and sheets, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of plastics nesoi, flexible3920.99.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of plastics, nesoi3921.11.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polymers of styrene 3921.12.11 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chloride, with man-made textile fibers, over 70% plastics3921.12.15 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chloride, with man-made textile fibers, n/o 70% plastics3921.12.19 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chloride, combined with textile materials, nesoi3921.12.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chloride, not combined with textile materials3921.13.11 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polyurethanes, with man-made textile fibers, over 70% plastics3921.13.15 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polyurethanes, with man-made textile fibers, not over 70 percent plastics3921.13.19 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polyurethanes, combined with textile materials nesoi3921.13.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polyurethanes, notcombined with textile materials, nesoi3921.14.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of regenerated cellulose 3921.19.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of plastics nesoi3921.90.11 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, of noncellular plastics combined with man-made fibers, n/o 1.492 kg/sq m, over 70% plastics3921.90.15 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, of noncellular plastics combined with man-made fibers, n/o 1.492 kg/sq m, n/o 70% plasticsSubheading3921.90.19 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of noncellular plastics combined with textile materials, nesoi, not over 1.492 kg/sq m3921.90.21 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of noncellular plastics combined with cotton, over 1.492 kg/sq m3921.90.25 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of noncellular plastics combined with man-made fibers, over 1.492 kg/sq m3921.90.29 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of noncellular plastics combined with textile materials, nesoi, over 1.492 kg/sq m3921.90.40 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, flexible, nesoi, of noncellular plastics 3921.90.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, nonflexible, nesoi, of noncellular plastics7002.20.10 Glass rods of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked7308.10.00 Iron or steel, bridges and bridge sections7308.20.00 Iron or steel, towers and lattice masts7308.90.30 Iron or steel, not in part alloy steel, columns, pillars, posts, beams and girders 7308.90.60 Iron or steel, columns, pillars, posts, beams and girders, nesoi7308.90.70 Steel, grating for structures or parts of structures7308.90.95 Iron or steel, structures (excluding prefab structures of 9406) and parts of structures, nesoi7614.10.10 Aluminum, stranded wire, cables & the like w/steel core, not electrically insulated, not fitted with fittings & not made up into articles7614.90.20 Aluminum, elect. conductors of stranded wire, cables & the like (o/than w/steel core), n/elect. insulated, n/fitted w/fittings or articles8406.82.10 Steam turbines other than for marine propulsion, of an output not exceeding 40 MW 8407.34.05 Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines used in agricultural tractors, cylinder capacity over 1000 cc to 2000 cc8407.34.35 Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines used in agricultural tractors, cylinder capacity over 2000 cc8407.90.10 Spark-ignition rotary or reciprocating internal-combustion piston engines nesoi,installed in agricultural/horticultural machinery/equipment8407.90.90 Spark-ignition rotary or reciprocating internal-combustion piston engines, formachinery or equipment nesoi8408.20.10 Compression-ignition internal-combustion piston engines to be installed in tractors suitable for agricultural use8419.60.10 Machinery for liquefying air or gas containing brazed aluminum plate-fin heatexchangers8419.89.10 Machinery and equipment for the treatment of materials (by a process which changes temperatures), for making paper pulp, paper or paperboard8419.89.95 Industrial machinery, plant or equipment for the treatment of materials, by process involving a change in temperature, nesoi8420.10.20 Calendering or similar rolling machines for making paper pulp, paper or paperboard 8420.99.10 Parts of calendering or rolling machines for processing textiles8424.82.00 Agricultural or horticultural projecting or dispersing equipment including irrigation equipmentSubheading8424.89.90 Other mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, nesoi8432.29.00 Harrows (other than disc), scarifiers, cultivators, weeders and hoes for soilpreparation or cultivation8432.31.00 No-till direct seeders, planters and transplanters8432.39.00 Seeders, planters and transplanters, nesoi8432.42.00 Fertilizer distributors8443.99.40 Parts of photocopying apparatus of subheading 8443.39.20 specified in additional U.S.note 4 to this chapter8455.90.40 Parts for metal-rolling mills, other than rolls, in the form of castings or weldments, individually weighing less than 90 tons8464.10.01 Sawing machines for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold working glass8465.95.00 Drilling or mortising machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hardplastics or similar hard materials8465.96.00 Splitting, slicing or paring machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials8466.30.80 Special attachments for use solely or principally for machine tools of headings 8456 to 8465, nesoi8473.50.60 Part/accessory (also face plate and lock latch) of printed circuit assemblies suitable for use w/machine of two or more heading 8469 to 84728473.50.90 Parts and accessories, nesoi, suitable for use with machines of two or more of the headings 8469 to 84728475.29.00 Machines for manufacturing or hot working glass or glassware, nesoi8483.30.80 Bearing housings nesoi; plain shaft bearings8486.10.00 Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of boules or wafers8486.20.00 Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or electronic integrated circuits8486.30.00 Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of flat panel displays8486.40.00 Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of masks and reticles; for the assembly of electronic integrated circuits;8486.90.00 Parts and accessories of the machines and apparatus for the manufacture ofsemiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits and flat pa8501.10.20 Electric motors of an output of under 18.65 W, synchronous, valued not over $4 each 8501.10.60 Electric motors of an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W 8501.20.40 Universal AC/DC motors of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W 8501.31.40 DC motors, nesoi, of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W 8501.31.80 DC generators of an output not exceeding 750 W8501.32.20 DC motors nesoi, of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 14.92 kW 8501.32.60 DC generators of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW8501.33.20 DC motors nesoi, of an output exceeding 75 kW but under 149.2 kW8501.33.30 DC motors, nesoi, 149.2 kW or more but not exceeding 150 kW8501.52.40 AC motors nesoi, multi-phase, of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 14.92 kWSubheading8501.53.60 AC motors, nesoi, multi-phase, 149.2 kW or more but not exceeding 150 kW 8503.00.95 Other parts, nesoi, suitable for use solely or principally with the machines in heading 8501 or 85028507.80.40 Other storage batteries nesoi, of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of 8703.908507.80.81 Other storage batteries nesoi, other than of a kind used as the primary source of power for electric vehicles8511.80.20 Voltage and voltage-current regulators with cut-out relays designed for use on 6, 12 or 24 V systems8511.80.40 Voltage and voltage-current regulators with cut-out relays other than those designed for use on 6, 12 or 24 V systems8511.90.20 Parts of voltage and voltage-current regulators with cut-out relays, designed for use on 6, 12 or 24 V systems8511.90.40 Parts of voltage and voltage-current regulators with cut-out relays, other than those designed for use on 6, 12 or 24 V systems8529.10.91 Other antennas and antenna reflectors of all kinds and parts, for use8533.90.40 For the goods of subheading 8533.40, of ceramic or metallic materials, electrically or mechanically reactive to changes in temperature8536.30.80 Electrical apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, nesoi8536.50.70 Certain specified electronic and electromechanical snap-action switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V8536.70.00 Connectors for optical fibers, optical fiber bundles or cables8537.10.30 Electric control panels, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000, assembled with outer housing or supports, for goods of 8421, 8422, 8450 or 85168541.10.00 Diodes, other than photosensitive or light-emitting diodes8541.40.60 Diodes for semiconductor devices, other than light-emitting diodes, nesoi8542.31.00 Electronic integrated circuits: processors and controllers8542.32.00 Electronic integrated circuits: memories8542.33.00 Electronic integrated circuits: amplifiers8542.39.00 Electronic integrated circuits: other8542.90.00 Parts of electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies8543.70.45 Other electric synchros and transducers; defrosters and demisters with electricresistors for aircraft8543.70.99 Other machinery in this subheading8544.49.10 Insulated electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, not fitted with connectors8544.49.20 Insulated electric conductors nesoi, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, not fitted with connectors8544.60.60 Insulated electric conductors nesoi, not of copper, for a voltage exceeding 1,000 V, not fitted with connectors8601.20.00 Rail locomotives powered by electric accumulators (batteries)8602.10.00 Diesel-electric locomotivesSubheading8605.00.00 Railway or tramway passenger coaches and special purpose railway or tramwaycoaches, not self-propelled8606.10.00 Railway or tramway tank cars and the like, not self-propelled8606.30.00 Railway or tramway self-discharging freight cars (o/than tank cars or insulated/refrig.freight cars), not self-propelled8606.91.00 Railway or tramway freight cars nesoi, closed and covered, not self-propelled 8606.92.00 Railway or tramway freight cars nesoi, open, with nonremovable sides of a height over 60 cm, not self-propelled8606.99.01 Railway or tramway freight cars nesoi, not self-propelled8607.11.00 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, truck assemblies for self-propelled vehicles8607.19.03 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, axles8607.19.30 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, parts of truck assemblies for non-self-propelled passenger coaches or freight cars8607.30.10 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, hooks and other coupling devices, buffers, pts thereof, for stock of 8605 or 86068607.30.50 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, hooks and other coupling devices, buffers, pts thereof, for stock of 8601 to 86058609.00.00 Containers (including containers for transport of fluids) specially designed andequipped for carriage by one or more modes of transport8701.20.00 Road tractors for semi-trailers8701.30.50 Track-laying tractors, not suitable for agricultural use8701.91.10 Other tractors of engine power <18kW, for agricultural use8701.91.50 Other tractors of engine power <18kW, not for agricultural use8701.92.10 Other tractors of engine power => 18kW but < 37kW, for agricultural use8701.92.50 Other tractors of engine power => 18kW but < 37kW, not for agricultural use 8701.93.10 Other tractors of engine power => 37kW but < 75kW, for agricultural use8701.93.50 Other tractors of engine power => 37kW but < 75kW, not for agricultural use 8701.94.10 Other tractors of engine power => 75kW but < 130kW, for agricultural use8701.94.50 Other tractors of engine power => 75kW but < 130kW, not for agricultural use 8701.95.10 Other tractors of engine power >130kW, for agricultural use8701.95.50 Other tractors of engine power >130kW, not for agricultural use8704.90.00 Mtr. vehicles for transport of goods, o/than w/compress. ign. or spark ign. recip.piston engine, nesoi8705.10.00 Mtr. vehicles (o/than for transport of persons or of goods), mobile cranes8705.20.00 Mtr. vehicles (o/than for transport of persons or of goods), mobile drilling derricks 8705.90.00 Mtr. vehicles (o/than for transport of persons or of goods), special purpose motor vehicles nesoi8711.10.00 Motorcycles (incl. mopeds) and cycles, fitted w/recip. internal-combustion piston engine w/capacity n/o 50 cc8711.60.00 Motorcycles (incl. mopeds) and cycles, w/electric motor for propulsion8711.90.01 Motorcycles (incl. mopeds) and cycles, nesoi8901.30.00 Vessels, designed for the transport of goods, refrigerated vessels (o/than tankers)Subheading8905.90.10 Floating docks9001.10.00 Optical fibers, optical fiber bundles and cables, other than those of heading 8544 9001.20.00 Sheets and plates of polarizing material9014.10.90 Direction finding compasses, other than optical instruments, gyroscopic compasses or electrical9025.19.40 Pyrometers, not combined with other instruments9025.19.80 Thermometers, for direct reading, not combined with other instruments, other than liquid-filled thermometers9025.80.10 Electrical: hydrometers & sim. floating instr., hygrometers, psychometers, & any comb. with or w/o thermometers, pyrometers, & barometers9027.10.20 Electrical gas or smoke analysis apparatus9027.90.20 Microtomes9028.10.00 Gas supply or production meters, including calibrating meters thereof9028.20.00 Liquid supply or production meters, including calibrating meters thereof9028.30.00 Electricity supply or production meters, including calibrating meters thereof 9029.20.40 Speedometers and tachometers, other than bicycle speedometers9029.90.80 Parts and accessories of revolution counters, production counters, odometers,pedometers and the like, of speedometers nesoi and tachometers9030.31.00 Multimeters for measuring or checking electrical voltage, current, resistance orpower, without a recording device9030.32.00 Multimeters, with a recording device9030.84.00 Instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking or detecting electrical quantities or ionizing radiations, nesoi: with a recording device9030.89.01 Instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking or detecting electrical quantities or ionizing radiations, nesoi: w/o a recording device。

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