
项目自主发包情况书面报告范文英文回答:Project Self-sourcing Situation Report.Introduction:In this report, I will provide an overview of the project self-sourcing situation. Self-sourcing refers to the practice of organizations directly contracting with external suppliers for project execution, rather than relying on traditional outsourcing models. This approach offers several advantages, such as increased control, flexibility, and cost savings. In this report, I will discuss the reasons for choosing self-sourcing, provide examples, and evaluate the outcomes.Reasons for Self-sourcing:There are several reasons why self-sourcing is apreferred approach for our project. Firstly, it allows us to have more control over the project execution. Bydirectly contracting with suppliers, we can set clear expectations, monitor progress, and make necessary adjustments in real-time. This level of control is crucial for ensuring the project's success.Secondly, self-sourcing offers greater flexibility. Traditional outsourcing models often involve long-term contracts and limited flexibility to adapt to changing project requirements. With self-sourcing, we can easily switch suppliers or adjust the scope of work as needed, without being tied down by contractual obligations.Lastly, self-sourcing can lead to significant cost savings. By eliminating intermediaries and negotiating directly with suppliers, we can reduce overhead costs and secure competitive pricing. These cost savings can be reinvested in other project activities or contribute to the organization's overall profitability.Examples:To illustrate the benefits of self-sourcing, let's consider a hypothetical project to develop a mobile application. In this scenario, we decide to self-source the development work rather than outsourcing it to a software development company.By self-sourcing, we have direct contact with the development team and can provide real-time feedback and guidance. This ensures that the application meets our specific requirements and quality standards. Additionally, if we encounter any issues or need to make changes during the development process, we can easily communicate with the team and address them promptly.Furthermore, self-sourcing allows us to have more control over the project timeline. We can prioritizecertain features or functionalities based on market demands and adjust the development schedule accordingly. This flexibility enables us to deliver a high-qualityapplication within a shorter timeframe, giving us a competitive advantage in the market.Outcomes and Evaluation:Overall, the self-sourcing approach has proven to be successful for our project. We have achieved the desired outcomes within the allocated budget and timeline. The direct engagement with suppliers has resulted in a high-quality product that meets our expectations.Additionally, the cost savings from self-sourcing have allowed us to allocate resources to other project activities, such as marketing and customer support. This has contributed to the overall success of the project and enhanced our ability to deliver value to our customers.中文回答:项目自主发包情况书面报告。
Project Report Template 项目报告模板英文版

Project TitleGraduation project report submitted to theMechatronics Engineering DepartmentHashemite UniversityIn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics EngineeringYour Name (123456)Your Name (123456)Your Name (123456)Your Name (123456)Supervised by:ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe would like to express a sincere gratitude to our supervisor Dr. Mohammad Salah for his guidance, motivation, encouragement, support, and the knowledge he has imparted in us throughout our graduation project.We would also like to express a deep gratitude to ………….. for their financial support to our graduation project.To the discussion committee, we extend our gratitude for their much appreciated feedback.A special thanks to the engineers and lab supervisors in the Mechatronics engineering department and other departments for their assistance during the implementation stages of this project.To our families, we would like to convey our deepest appreciation for their unending and unconditional love, patience, support, encouragement, and sacrifice throughout our life.TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
项目报告模板 英文

项目报告模板英文1. IntroductionThe purpose of this project report is to provide an overview of the project's objectives, scope, and outcomes. The report will also discuss the methodology used, the challenges encountered, and the lessons learned throughout the project. This project aimed to [state the project's objectives].2. ObjectivesThe main objectives of this project were as follows:- Objective 1: [Provide a brief description of the first objective] - Objective 2: [Provide a brief description of the second objective]- Objective 3: [Provide a brief description of the third objective] 3. MethodologyThe project followed a [describe the methodology used, such as Agile, Waterfall, etc.] approach. The project team consisted of [mention the team size and roles]. The project plan was divided into various phases, including planning, analysis, design,implementation, testing, and deployment.During the planning phase, the team conducted a thorough analysis of the project requirements and developed a detailed project plan. The analysis phase involved gathering and documenting the stakeholders' requirements and identifying any potential risks and constraints.In the design phase, the team created a system architecture and designed the various components of the project. The implementation phase focused on coding and integrating the different modules. Testing was carried out in parallel with implementation to ensure the quality and reliability of the system.4. ChallengesThroughout the project, several challenges were encountered, including:- Challenge 1: [Describe the first challenge faced]- Challenge 2: [Describe the second challenge faced]- Challenge 3: [Describe the third challenge faced]These challenges were successfully addressed by [mention thestrategies or solutions implemented].5. Lessons LearnedThe project provided several valuable lessons, including:- Lesson 1: [Highlight the first lesson learned]- Lesson 2: [Highlight the second lesson learned]- Lesson 3: [Highlight the third lesson learned]These lessons will be applied to future projects to improve the overall project management and outcomes.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, this project report has provided an overview of the project's objectives, methodology, challenges, and lessons learned. The project has successfully achieved its objectives, and the outcomes have met the stakeholders' requirements. The project team has gained valuable experience and knowledge throughout the project, which will be beneficial for future initiatives.7. RecommendationsBased on the project's experience, the followingrecommendations are provided for future projects:- Recommendation 1: [Suggest the first recommendation]- Recommendation 2: [Suggest the second recommendation] - Recommendation 3: [Suggest the third recommendation]These recommendations aim to improve the project management and ensure the successful delivery of future projects.8. References[List any references used in the project report]。
项目可行性研究报告 英文

项目可行性研究报告英文1. BackgroundThe purpose of this feasibility study report is to assess the viability and potential success of a new project proposal. The project in question is the development of a mobile application that aims to provide a platform for users to connect with local service providers for various needs, such as home maintenance, tutoring, and personal training.The idea for the app originates from the growing trend of on-demand services and the increasing reliance on mobile technology for everyday tasks. The project seeks to capitalize on the convenience and accessibility of mobile applications to streamline the process of finding and hiring local service providers.2. ObjectivesThe main objectives of this feasibility study are as follows:- To determine the market demand and potential user base for the proposed mobile application.- To assess the technical feasibility of developing the app and the associated costs and resources required.- To evaluate the potential financial returns and profitability of the project.- To identify any potential risks or challenges that may impact the success of the project. 3. Market AnalysisThe market for on-demand services is experiencing rapid growth, driven by the increasing adoption of mobile technology and the changing consumer preferences towards convenience and accessibility. According to a report by Statista, the global on-demand services market is expected to reach $335 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of 49.1%.The proposed mobile application aims to tap into this growing market by providing a platform for users to easily find and connect with local service providers. The target demographic for the app includes busy professionals, working parents, and individuals who value convenience and time-saving solutions.To validate the market demand for the app, a survey was conducted among potential users to gauge their interest and willingness to use such a platform. The results of the survey showed a strong interest in the concept, with 85% of respondents indicating that they would consider using the app to hire local service providers.In addition, competitor analysis was conducted to assess the current landscape of similar mobile applications in the market. While there are existing platforms that offer similarservices, the analysis revealed that there is still room for innovation and differentiation in the market.4. Technical FeasibilityThe development of the mobile application will require a team of skilled software developers, designers, and project managers. The app will need to be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, and should incorporate features such as user profiles, search functionality, secure payment processing, and real-time messaging.To ensure the technical feasibility of the project, consultations were held with experienced app developers and technical experts. Based on these consultations, it was determined that the development of the app is feasible and can be completed within a reasonable timeframe.In terms of costs and resources, a detailed budget was prepared, taking into account the expenses for software development, hosting, maintenance, and marketing. The budget estimates indicate that the project will require a significant initial investment, but has the potential to generate substantial returns once the app gains traction in the market.5. Financial AnalysisTo assess the financial viability of the project, a comprehensive financial analysis was conducted. This analysis included the estimation of revenue streams, cost projections, and potential profitability.The revenue model for the app will primarily be based on a commission structure, where the platform takes a percentage of the transaction value between users and service providers. In addition, the app will offer premium features and subscription plans for service providers to access advanced tools and visibility in the platform.Based on the market analysis and revenue projections, the financial analysis indicates that the project has the potential to generate significant revenue and achieve profitability within the first year of operation. The return on investment is estimated to be highly favorable, with strong growth potential in subsequent years.6. Risk AssessmentAs with any new project, there are inherent risks and challenges that need to be considered. The main risks identified for the project include:- Market competition: The on-demand services market is highly competitive, and the app will need to differentiate itself from existing competitors to capture market share.- User adoption: The success of the app depends on user adoption and engagement, which may be influenced by factors such as user experience, pricing, and service quality.- Technical challenges: The development and maintenance of a mobile application can present technical hurdles, such as software compatibility, security, and scalability.To mitigate these risks, a risk management plan was developed, outlining strategies to address potential challenges and minimize their impact on the project.7. ConclusionIn conclusion, the feasibility study has shown that the development of the proposed mobile application is both viable and promising. The market analysis indicates strong demand for on-demand services, and the app has the potential to capture a significant user base. The technical feasibility and financial analysis also support the viability of the project, with a favorable return on investment and growth potential.While there are inherent risks and challenges, these can be mitigated through strategic planning and execution. Overall, the feasibility study suggests that the project holds great potential for success and is worth pursuing.Based on the findings of this feasibility study, it is recommended to proceed with the development of the mobile application, with a focus on innovation, user experience, and effective marketing strategies. With the right execution and strategic approach, the project has the potential to become a successful and profitable venture in the growing market for on-demand services.。

项目立项报告Project Charter
一、项目背景 Project background
二、项目需求及目标 Project requirement and objective
三、项目可行性技术方案及创新点 Project Feasible Technology Method
四、项目里程碑与预算 Project milestone & project budget
五、项目风险管理 Project risk management
六、项目成员及职责分工 Project stakeholders
七、预期项目交付成果 Estimated deliverables

√ √
Customer‘s satisfaction is our first priority.
开模要求基础信息/General Tooling's Informationg
客户/Customers 模具穴数/No.of cavity
流道形式/Runner 产品收缩率/Material shrinkage
注塑机吨位/Machine Size 模具零件名称/TOOl Compeontes
A板/Plate A B板/Plate B 顶针托板/Ejector Plate
Cavity Core Slide Lifter Insert
Honeywell 1*1
Cold runner TBD TBD
材质/Tool Material S55C S55C S55C NAK80 NAK80 NAK80
产品颜色 /Color
后模/Core: 产品体积/Volume
产品重量 /Parte Weight
晒纹面积 /Texture Surface
Customer‘s satisfaction is our first priority.
客户2D图纸分析及注意事项-/Analysis-Criticl on 2D Drawing
塑胶材料/Material 溶胶温度/Material meit point
模具温度/Mold temperature 烘料温度/Material drying temperature
烘料时间//Material drying time 硬度/Hardness HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC

工作报告中英文对照工作报告(Work Report)一、工作总结(Summary of Work)本周,我们团队完成了以下工作:(This week, our team completed the following work:)1. 完成了项目A的需求分析和设计。
(Completed the requirement analysis and design of Project A.)2. 开发了项目B的核心功能,并成功测试通过。
(Developed the core functions of Project B and passed the tests successfully.)3. 跟进了项目C的进展情况,并及时解决了遇到的问题。
(Followed up the progress of Project C and resolved the encountered issues timely.)4. 组织了一次项目D的会议,讨论了下一阶段的工作计划。
(Organized a meeting for Project D to discuss the work plan for the next phase.)5. 准备了项目E的最新进展报告,并提交给了上级领导。
(Prepared the latest progress report of Project E and submitted it to the immediate supervisor.)二、存在问题及解决方法(Problems and Solutions)在工作过程中,我们也遇到了一些问题,不过我们也采取了相应的解决方法:(During the work process, we also encountered some problems, but we have taken corresponding solutions:)1. 项目A在需求方面出现了变动,导致原设计无法满足新需求。

Introduction:The purpose of this report is to summarize the progress, achievements, challenges, and lessons learned from the recently completed project. This project aimed to develop a new mobile application that enhances user experience and increases efficiency in daily tasks. The report covers the project timeline, key milestones, team collaboration, and overall outcomes.Project Overview:Project Name: Mobile Application DevelopmentProject Duration: 6 monthsTeam Members: 5Client: XYZ CorporationObjective:The objective of this project was to design, develop, and launch a mobile application that caters to the needs of users in terms of daily task management, productivity, and user experience.Project Timeline and Milestones:1. Month 1: Requirement Gathering and Analysis2. Month 2: Design and Planning3. Month 3: Development of Core Features4. Month 4: Integration of Additional Features5. Month 5: Testing and Bug Fixes6. Month 6: Deployment and User TrainingAchievements:1. Requirement Gathering: The team successfully gathered and analyzedthe requirements from stakeholders, ensuring a clear understanding ofthe project scope.2. Design and Planning: The design team created an intuitive and user-friendly interface, while the planning team established a well-defined project timeline and resource allocation.3. Development of Core Features: The development team successfully implemented the core features of the application, including task management, reminders, and notifications.4. Integration of Additional Features: The team integrated additional features, such as calendar integration, file storage, and user profiles, enhancing the application's functionality.5. Testing and Bug Fixes: The testing team conducted rigorous testing to identify and fix bugs, ensuring a stable and reliable application.6. Deployment and User Training: The application was successfully deployed to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, and user training sessions were conducted to familiarize users with the application's features.Challenges:1. Resource Allocation: At the beginning of the project, there was a challenge in allocating resources effectively due to limited team members. However, through effective communication and collaboration, the team was able to manage the workload efficiently.2. Time Constraints: The project timeline was tight, and there were instances where the team had to work extra hours to meet the deadlines. However, the team's dedication and commitment helped in overcoming this challenge.3. Integration of Third-Party Services: The integration of third-party services, such as calendar and file storage, presented technical challenges. The team faced difficulties in ensuring seamless integration, but with perseverance and technical expertise, the issues were resolved.Lessons Learned:1. Effective Communication: Regular meetings and updates were crucial in maintaining transparency and ensuring that all team members were on the same page.2. Flexibility: Being flexible in adjusting the project scope and timeline helped in managing unexpected challenges effectively.3. Continuous Testing: Regular testing throughout the development process helped in identifying and fixing bugs early, reducing the risk of critical issues in the final product.4. User Feedback: Actively seeking user feedback during the development phase helped in improving the application's usability and meeting user expectations.Conclusion:The project was successfully completed within the given timeframe, and the application received positive feedback from users. The team's hard work, effective collaboration, and dedication played a significant role in the project's success. The lessons learned from this project will be valuable in future endeavors, enabling us to overcome challenges and deliver high-quality products.。

Acceptances and sign-offs. Describe the formal sign-offs that were necessary and have been confirmed at completion of the project. These may include (depending on the type of project) user acceptance, security acceptance, data protection, operations, legal, purchase contract closure, maintenance contract commencement.
Part 1: Project Closure
Purpose of the project
Briefly describe the change introduced through the project, why it needed to be done and the long-term benefits it has enabled.
Planning and controlHow good were the plans and estimates for work, resources effort, timescale and cost? Were the progress tracking and reporting mechanisms sufficiently rigorous, timely and effective? Was control at the right level, too little, too much?

Scope Document for <Project Name>Scope StatementFor<Project Name>Prepared by <Name><Department or Unit Name><Date Prepared>Table of Contents1. Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... #2. Business Objectives ....................................................................................................................... #2.1 Business Need/Opportunity/Objectives………………………………………………………..………….…….#2.2 Product Description (Solution)………………………………………………………………………………………..#2.3 Deliverables…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….#3. Project Description........................................................................................................................ #3.1 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………#3.2 Completion Criteria…………………………………………………………………………………………………………#3.3 Risk Assessment………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………#3.4 Constraints…………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………#3.5 Dependency Linkages…..…………………………………………………………………………………………………#3.6 Impacts…..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………#3.7 Measures of Project Success………………………..…………………………………………………………………#3.8 Assumptions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………#3.9 Critical Success Factors……………………………………………………………………………………………………#3.10 Roles and Project Stakeholders……………………………………………………………………………………….#4. Project Approach .......................................................................................................................... #5. Project Estimates .......................................................................................................................... #5.1 Estimated Schedule…………………………………………………………………………………………………….……#5.2 Resource Requirements - Team and Support Resources………………………………….………..…….#5.3 Estimated Cost…………………………………………………………………………………………..………..……….…#6. Project Controls ............................................................................................................................ #6.1 Steering Committee Meetings…………………………………………………………………………..……………#6.2 Monthly Status Reports………………………………………………………………………………………..…………#6.3 Risk Management…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..#6.4 Issue Management…………………………………………………………………………………………………………#6.5 Change Management……………………………………………………………………………………………………..#6.6 Communication Management………………………………………………………………………………………..#7. Authorizations .................................................................................................................. …………..#8. Scope Statement Approval Form/Signatures…………………………………………………………………………….#1. Executive SummaryThis should include a detailed description of the work that will be performed and thebenefits that the work is expected to achieve. If items are identified that are clearly out of the scope of this project, they should be noted here.2. Project Objectives2.1 Need/Opportunity/ObjectivesThe business need/opportunity should be stated in business terms and should providean understanding of:▪What created the need, or how the opportunity was recognized▪The magnitude of the need/opportunity▪Contributing factors, such as workload increases or staff reductions, and fiscal constraints▪An understanding of the extent to which the need/opportunity would be addressed if an appropriate alternative were implemented▪The consequences for customers if the need or opportunity is not addressed.A statement of the business vision helps ensure traceability in the project. Business goalsand objectives are linked back to the vision, and each project objective is also linked to the business vision. Business objectives can be stated as business measures, such as increasing profits by 20%.2.2 Solution DescriptionDescribe the proposed solution and state how it meets the business goals.Project objectives describe the proposed solution and help define how the projectsupports the business objectives. Include such things as:▪Solution description.▪Benefits of doing the project. Benefits should link back to the business need or opportunity.▪The criteria by which the project will be deemed successful by key stakeholders.Examples:▪Implementation of this new service will reduce operational expenses by $200,000 per year.▪This project will be successful if delivered within 10% of the approved budget.2.3 DeliverablesDeliverables are tangible products or things that the project will produce, stated at ahigh level. They describe what the business clients will get when the project is done. It is important to also state exclusions, or what will not be included in the project.Deliverables will be detailed elsewhere in the project plan.Examples:Deliverables included:▪ A new service▪Recommendations on new automation▪ A feasibility study▪ A new voice response systemDeliverables excluded:▪Implementation of the new service▪Implementation of the feasibility study recommendations▪Maintenance of the new system3. Project Description3.1ScopeIncludes:Describe the functionality that is included within the project.Does Not Include:Describe the functionality or elements related to the project that are not included3.2 Completion CriteriaDescribe what will be created in terms of deliverables (and their characteristics) and/or what constitutes a successful phase completion.3.3Risk AssessmentDescribe the top two or three projects risk and a high-level mitigation plan. This briefassessment will be expanded in the formal Risk Management Plan, completed as part of the Project Plan.。

项目风险评估报告(中英文对照)模板项目风险评估报告Risk Assessment Report for Project中文部分一、项目概述名称:XXX项目起止日期:XXXX年XX月XX日-XXXX年XX月XX日二、项目背景和目标项目背景:XXX项目旨在实施XXX系统,以提高组织内部运营效率,并改善客户体验。
项目目标:1. 实施XXX系统,确保在规定时间内上线,并符合预期的功能要求;2. 提高内部业务流程的自动化程度,降低人力投入成本;3. 提高客户满意度和忠诚度。

(全面版)高标准农田项目审阅报告英文版Comprehensive Review Report on High Standard Farmland ProjectIntroductionThe High Standard Farmland Project is a critical initiative aimed at improving agricultural productivity and sustainability. The following report provides an in-depth analysis of the project's progress and impact.ObjectivesThe primary goal of the High Standard Farmland Project is to enhance the quality of farmland through the implementation of modern agricultural techniques and best practices. By doing so, the project aims to increase crop yields, improve soil fertility, and promote sustainable farming methods.MethodologyTo evaluate the effectiveness of the project, a comprehensive review was conducted, including on-site visits to project locations,interviews with project stakeholders, and analysis of project data and reports. The review focused on key performance indicators such as crop yields, soil quality, and farmer satisfaction.FindingsThe review found that the High Standard Farmland Project has made significant progress in achieving its objectives. Crop yields have increased by an average of 20% across project sites, while soil quality has improved through the use of organic fertilizers and sustainable farming practices. Farmers have reported higher levels of satisfaction with the project, citing increased income and improved livelihoods.RecommendationsBased on the findings of the review, the following recommendations are proposed to further enhance the impact and sustainability of the High Standard Farmland Project:- Continued investment in training and capacity building for farmers to ensure the adoption of modern agricultural techniques.- Regular monitoring and evaluation of project activities to track progress and identify areas for improvement.- Strengthening partnerships with local communities and government agencies to promote the long-term success of the project.ConclusionIn conclusion, the High Standard Farmland Project has demonstrated its potential to significantly improve agricultural productivity and sustainability. By implementing the recommended strategies, the project can continue to make a positive impact on farmers and communities, ultimately contributing to food security and economic development.。

项目报告的英文作文格式Project Report。
Our project was a great success! We worked really hard and achieved all of our goals. It was a challenging but rewarding experience.Firstly, we had to come up with a project idea. We brainstormed different options and finally settled on creating a mobile app. We wanted to develop something innovative and useful for everyday life.Next, we divided the tasks among the team members. Each person had their own responsibilities and deadlines. We worked independently but also collaborated when necessary. This allowed us to make progress efficiently.The development phase was quite intense. We faced some technical difficulties along the way, but we didn't letthat discourage us. We found solutions and kept movingforward. It was a great learning experience for all of us.Once the app was developed, we conducted extensive testing. We wanted to make sure it was user-friendly andbug-free. We gathered feedback from different users and made necessary improvements based on their suggestions.This iterative process was crucial in making our app better.After the testing phase, we launched the app on various platforms. We created a marketing strategy to reach our target audience. We utilized social media, online advertisements, and word-of-mouth to promote our app. The response was overwhelming, and we gained a significant number of downloads.Throughout the project, we faced challenges and setbacks. However, we didn't let them discourage us. We remained determined and focused on our end goal. This perseverance helped us overcome obstacles and achieve success.In conclusion, our project was a remarkable journey. Welearned valuable skills, faced challenges head-on, and created something impactful. It was a team effort, and each member played a vital role. We are proud of what we accomplished and look forward to future projects.。

<Company Logo>PROJECT MANDATE<Project Name>Date: October 27, 2008Version: <Insert Current Version#><Project Name>Project Mandate Date: October 27, 2008 Project Mandate Document HistoryDocument RevisionsAuthor ReleaseDateReason for Changes Version # Approval <author name> <rel. date> initial draft Draft 0.1* <name>NOTE S:•Signed approval forms are filed in the Management section of the project files.•Drafts should be version numbered “Draft 0.1”, “Draft 0.2”, etc. Accepted Releases should be version numbered “1.X”, “2.X”, etc.•This document requires the following approvals:•<List those with approval authority>•Version # ReleaseDateSummary of Changes (since previous version)Draft 0.1* <rel. date>Distribution HistoryThis document has been distributed to:Name Title Company DistributionDate Distributed Version #<recipient’s name> <recipient’stitle> <Company Name> <date sent> <version #sent>NOTE S:•This document is only valid on the day it was printed.•The document source is located at <document address>, on the project server.Table of ContentsPROJECT MANDATE DOCUMENT HISTORY (2)D OCUMENT R EVISIONS (2)D ISTRIBUTION H ISTORY (2)TABLE OF CONTENTS (3)1.PURPOSE (4)2.AUTHORITY RESPONSIBLE (4)3.BACKGROUND (4)4.PROJECT OBJECTIVES (4)5.SCOPE (4)6.CONSTRAINTS (5)7.INTERFACES (5)8.QUALITY EXPECTATIONS (5)9.BUSINESS CASE SUMMARY & OUTLINE (5)10.ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS (5)11.PROPOSED EXECUTIVE AND PROJECT MANAGER (5)12.CUSTOMERS AND USERS (6)13.OTHER INFORMATION (6)1. Purpose[The information in the Mandate will trigger the Starting Up a Project (SU) process. It should contain sufficient information to identify at least the Project Board Executive leader indicate the subject matter of the project. The information from the Project Mandate will be used to create the Project Brief.][The Purpose will provide a brief overview of the purpose of the project and provide enough of a description to complete the following sections. If information to complete the following sections is not available, state that it is unavailable and state the person accountable and schedule for completion.]< compose a brief summary as describe above.>2. Authority Responsible[State the Authority responsible for approving the project budget/cost projections and planned resources.]3. Background[Explain the context of the project and what it was that suggested the need for it – the business change or business requirement. State whether the project will be a stand-alone activity to fulfil a particular business requirement or whether it is part of a bigger programme.]4. Project Objectives[Explain what the project is trying to achieve by stating its objectives which should be measurable and defined in terms of the projects major deliverables, effort, cost, tolerances and business benefits expected. State the objectives following the SMART formula (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, and Timely).]5. Scope[Describe the major deliverables of the project along with specific products, which are NOT part of the project. State the major schedule milestones. Describe the major dependencies (which impact the project) and interdependencies, which will exist after implementation.]6. Constraints[Describe the known constraints of the project, e.g. there may be constraints on the amount of resources available to the project or the location of the project team.]7. Interfaces[Describe any interfaces with the project both internal and external to the organisation including any links to other projects or programme(s) of projects.]8. Quality Expectations[Describe the customer’s Quality Expectations with reference to the relative importance of schedule, budget, and quality of the product so that future decisions are based on factors which are paramount to the project’s success Describe whether the customer expects compliance with a specific quality standard, i.e., ISO, Baldridge, Demming, etc.]9. Business Case Summary & Outline[State the business reason(s) and justification for doing the project (follow the Business Case outline).]10. Associated Documents[Make reference (include location and title and author of the document) to any other earlier work that may include useful information, such as an estimate of the project size and duration, a view of the risks faced etc]11. Proposed Executive and Project Manager。
Feasibility_Report -- 英文的项目可行性报告

Feasibility reportWeb based Chinese tutoringSigurður Samik DavidsenHrafn JóhannessonLiang SunIndex Introduction (2)Problem (4)Objectives (4)Methods (6)Feasibility analysis (7)Summary (7)References (8)IntroductionThis report seeks to evaluate the overall importance and relevancy of a website that coherently presents the Chinese language to Icelanders. The website’s target audience would be Icelanders planning trips to China or Icelanders simply interested in learning the language.Given the combination of airfares constantly lowering and modern technology in communication the distance between the two countries has been reduced dramatically. As a result we would like to make learning Chinese as accessible for Icelanders as possible. It is important to recall that China has one of the oldest civilizations and there is an approximately people that speak Chinese. Table one shows the most widely spoken languages in the world.Population total all countriesfirst language speakersChinese,(Mandarin)HindiLanguage ofnorthern India.English, spoken105 otherSpanish, spoken in44 countries.spa/esp322.200.000 to 358.000.000417.000.000Arabic, (in variousdialects)280.000.000Official languagein 26 countries.(figures: UNHCR)Russian, spoken in31 countries.rus167.000.000277.000.000French, spoken in 54 countries.fra77.000.000128.000.000 hin366.000.000487.000.000 ara N/ALanguage ISO 639-2Including secondlanguage speakerschi/zho874.000.000 1, from /oneworld/most_spoken_languages.htm,created in 1999 China offers one of the greatest markets in the world which scope is e.g. from studies, business, science to fashion.Considering the relationship between Iceland and China there has been a drastic change from 1972.“China and Iceland established diplomatic relations on 8th December 1971. In May 1972, China assigned the first resident ambassador to Iceland.” (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Republic of China. (August 26, 2003).China and Iceland Retrieved September 23, 2005, from/eng/wjb/zzjg/xos/gjlb/3306/t16952.htm)To continue with further quotations from the same reference we see that there is a drastic change in trade between the two countries, see table two for figures.“According to statistics of Chinese customs, the total volume of trade between the two countries in 2003 was US$68.3 million, an increase of 107.5% compared with 2002”. “…The main exports from China to Iceland are coal, garments, textiles, footwear and ships, and the main imports from Iceland are fish products and mechanical and electrical products”.Year Trades in US dollars200232.920.000200368.300.000200473.290.0002005 January - July128.000.000Table 2 from http://www.statice.is/?pageid=1260&src=/temp_en/utanrikisverslun/voruskipti.asp With this web site we will open new doors for those who want to get to know Chinese and explore the endless treasure that the Chinese can offer as well as providing Icelanders opportunity to a great job market in all of the countries where Chinese is the language of commerce and instruction.The project is to teach people Chinese. So the study will be divided into lessons, each lesson will teach Chinese characters, basic sentences, pronunciations, dialogs and it ends with exercises and a basic test.ProblemIt is not trouble-free to access material that teaches Icelanders Chinese. One of few ways to learn Chinese in Iceland is to sign up for expensive and time costly course. This is for example available at Mímir-símenntun.The course that is available there has 18 hours of lessons and is taught in a period of nine weeks. A course of that type most certainly does not apply to everyone. Let us assume that a family is going for a vacation for two weeks in China, it is definitely not suitable for a family member to go on a nine weeks course to pickup the basics in Chinese.Chinese is also taught in some colleges for example in the University of Iceland, it has similar structure as the course mentioned above except it involves the history of China and gives some insight about the culture.In order to conquer our problem we will create a web based application, so every person interested in studying Chinese can go to a web site and study via the Internet. This makes the study flexible and the person interested in Chinese can study at any time and place.ObjectivesThe main aim of this project is to develop a web based system which introduces and teaches the Icelandic population Chinese and to encourage Icelanders to learn the essential day to day dialogues. This website will entail that Icelanders should be capable of interacting in Chinese with basic understanding of the language. In order to achieve our aims the following objectives will be accomplished:1.To conduct a research on web based projects that are similar to our project to get aclear overview on our project.2.To design a web site that will have features such as.a)Instructions,the user can quickly refer to them if he needs assistance with agiven problem.b)Audio files, video clips and still images, where users can watch the dialoguesin action and observe to pronunciations. This will support learning flexibilitysince the apprentice can repeat his practice. Audio and video files will be usedto teach how to pronounce and speak Chinese, and to simulate a real dialog.Still pictures and animations will be used to show how to write the Chinesecharacters. Figure one displays an example of how the web site might look like.Picture Audio files Java scriptFigure 1, from http://www.icelandic.hi.is/coursetest.phpc)Categorization,the website will be broken down into a few categorizes such aspronunciation, vocabulary, possibly some grammar, and topics such as getting around, shopping and other activities.II.Pronunciations will be based on what to emphasize on when speaking Chinese.III.Vocabulary will include how to use the Chinese alphabet and word constructions.IV.Grammar will be kept at minimum, perhaps we will include what is definitely wrong and what pitfalls the user can avoid.d)General conversations,for example taking a taxi, asking for directions,shopping etc.e)Exercises will be used for the user to see how adequate he has become after afew lessons. When the user will be getting high scores from the exercises andpractice his pronunciation he should be able to express himself in commonevery day situations3.To find and use the right development tools for the implementation, tools such asJava applets/scripts and HTML.4.To find techniques to evaluate the results of our product.MethodsIn order to achieve our objectives the following actions will be taken to consideration:1.Web design techniques such as storyboarding.2.Iterative development. We will be using the Evolutionary prototyping technique,see figure two for details.Figure 2 from /computing/resources/IanS/SE6/Slides/PPT/ch8.ppt3.Programming, the web site will use static HTML files and Java scripts/applets andFlash for some functions to make the web pages dynamic and make the studyinteractive and interesting.Feasibility analysisJava scripts/applets are programs that can be executed by web browser. The statements in the programs can be made part of an HTML source file to enable some interactive features such as mouse clicks and input to forms.Flash is a graphics animation program, it can be viewed in a web browser, or user may "play" them. Flash files occur most commonly in animated web pages and rich-media web sites.SummaryThe importance and prospective benefits of this website are undeniably profound.First there exists a definite lack of self teaching language websites directed at Icelanders. Secondly there is a growing interaction between Iceland and China, appearing in both business and tourism. Lastly the overall costs will be minimal as the development and maintenance requires few staff members. Therefore this website’s feasibility resides in both the growing demand and relatively simple structure efforts. This project is undeniably interesting from all points of view, it is highly interesting and challenging at the same time.We as a group are perfectly adequate to satisfy a project of this kind. Our group of four consists of programmers, website designers and last but not least our native Chinese speaker.ReferencesIntercultural centre Akureyri. Interview with Anna available at,http://nemar.unak.is/not/ha040025/Download.htmBarr, P., Clegg, J. & Wallace, C. (1981). Advanced reading skills.London: Longman. Dix, Finlay, Abowd, Beale. (2004). Human-Computer Interaction (3rd ed.). Essex: Pearson.Mark, Allen, Weiss. (2002). Data structures & Problem Solving using Java (2nd ed). Boston: Addison Wesley.Deitel, H.M., Deitel, P.J., Goldberg, A.B. (2004) Internet & World Wide Web How to program (3rd ed.). Essex: PearsonMímir-símenntun ehf.(n.d).Tungumál - Kínverska I,Retrieved September 22, 2005fromhttp://www.mimir.is/asp1/mynd_namskeid.asp?nid=102&l=1&f=8Author N/A. (n.d). Retrieved September 22, 2005, from/chisa/article/20050113/20050113001374_1.xmlStatistics Iceland. (n.d.).Balance of trade,Retrieved September 22, 2005, from http://www.statice.is/?pageid=1260&src=/temp_en/utanrikisverslun/voruskipti.asp Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Republic of China. (August 26 2004 ).China and Iceland,Retrieved September 23, 2005, from/eng/wjb/zzjg/xos/gjlb/3306/t16952.htmIcelandic Online. (n.d.).Retrieved September 23, 2005, fromhttp://www.icelandic.hi.is/coursetest.phpOne World - Nations Online. (n.d.). Most widely spoken Languages in the World, Retrieved September 22, 2005 from/oneworld/most_spoken_languages.htm。

中英文检测报告模板中文检测报告模板标题:检测报告一、背景在本次检测中,我们对以下内容进行了检测:1. 项目名称:2. 检测目的:3. 检测时间:4. 检测地点:二、检测结果根据我们的检测,得出以下结果:1. 检测结果1:2. 检测结果2:3. 检测结果3:三、结论根据检测结果,我们得出以下结论:1. 结论1:2. 结论2:3. 结论3:四、建议基于以上结论,我们提出以下建议:1. 建议1:2. 建议2:3. 建议3:五、附件附件1:检测报告原始数据附件2:检测报告分析数据英文Testing Report TemplateTitle: Testing ReportI. BackgroundIn this testing, we conducted tests on the following:1. Project Name:2. Testing Purpose:3. Testing Date:4. Testing Location:II. Testing ResultsBased on our testing, the following results were obtained: 1. Testing Result 1:2. Testing Result 2:3. Testing Result 3:III. ConclusionBased on the testing results, the following conclusions are drawn:1. Conclusion 1:2. Conclusion 2:3. Conclusion 3:IV. RecommendationsBased on the above conclusions, the following recommendations are proposed:1. Recommendation 1:2. Recommendation 2:3. Recommendation 3:V. AttachmentsAttachment 1: Original data of the testing reportAttachment 2: Analyzed data of the testing report。

Acceptance PlanCustomer Name HereAbstractThis document describes the criteria for acceptance of a deployed wireless network.Each item to be tested will be called out, along with a detailed description of success.错误 !未定义书签Table of ContentsCUSTOMER NAME HERE Executive Summary . (3)Test 1: Connectivity (5)Test 2: Employee Authentication (7)Test 3: Guest Authentication .............................................. 9 Test 4: Data Privacy .. (11)Test 5: Test 6: Application Support (13)Roaming (15)Test 7: M anagement . (17)Test 8: M onitoring (21)Test 9: I ntrusion Detection (23)Test 10: Performance (25)Testing Sign-off Sheet . (28)Overview Requirements for success Executive SummaryThis section provides a brief overview of the acceptance criteria requiredfor final acceptance of a deployed wireless network.The following is a list of the minimum features that must be provided by the wireless network:1Connectivity by wireless clients 2Security of employee access (authentication) 3Security of guest access (authentication) 4Privacy of data (encryption) 5Application support 6Roaming support 7Wireless management (network and devices) 8Wireless monitoring (network and devices) 9 Intrusion detection and protectionEach of these items consists of a series of individual tests thatmust be completed before acceptance. The rest of this documentprovides detailed descriptions of each requirement and the criteriafor successful completion.OverviewConnectivity criteria1.1 AP association1.2 IP addressing Test 1: ConnectivityThis section describes the connectivity tests required for final acceptance of a deployed wireless network. Connectivity is the ability to provide wireless network “ dial tone ” on demand, to any qualified client. Connectivity allows a client to do the following: 1 Associate with an Access Point (AP) 2 Acquire an IP address/configuration 3 Perform basic network operations (as permitted by security mecha ni sms) - e.g. perform a ping or browse to a web page This test ensures the wireless device is capable of associated with an AP. Prerequisites A wireless device that has been configured to connect to the wireless network Test Steps 1 Power on wireless device 2 Connect to the wireless network 3 Confirm the device has associated using client tools 4 Confirm the device has associated using the Aruba management interface Criteria for success To successfully complete this test, the device must be able to connect, on demand, to the wireless network and associate. This test ensures the wireless device is able to acquire IP addressing information viaDHCP from the network.PrerequisitesA wireless device that has been configured for DHCPTest Steps1 Connect device to the wireless network2 Examine network settings and determine if a valid network address has beenacquired错误!使用“ 显示的文1.3 Network operations 开始”选项卡将Heading 2应用于要在此处continuedCriteria for successTo successfully complete this test, the device should acquire a valid IP address with the correct network configuration information.This test ensures the wireless device is able to function on the IP network is a basic fashion.PrerequisitesA wireless device that has acquired an IP addressTest Steps1 Connect the device to the wireless network2 Test IP connectivity by attempting to communicate with the Aruba switch viathe ping command3 Test IP connectivity to devices beyond the Aruba switch using the ping commandCriteria for successTo successfully complete this test, the device should be able to communicate both with the Aruba switch and devices beyond the switch.Test 2: Employee AuthenticationOverview This section describes the employee authentication tests required forfinal acceptance of a deployed wireless network.Employee authentication criteria Authentication is the ability to identify a device and/or a user prior to allowing less restricted access to the wireless network. Employee authentication performs the following operations:1 Require employee authentication prior to allowing fullaccess tothe employee network resources2.1 Require authentication This test ensures no wireless user/device is allowed to have anything more than restricted network access until an authentication has occurred.PrerequisitesA wireless device that has been configured to the VPN serverTest Steps1 Connect the device to the wireless network2 Ensure there is no access to restricted, employee-onlyresources3 Launch the VPN client and successfully connect4 Ensure restricted resources are now availableCriteria for successTo successfully complete this test, the device must be prevented from access restricted resources unless the user has successfully connected via the VPN client.OverviewGuest authentication criteria3.1 Require authentication3.2 Prevent access to restricted resources Test 3: Guest AuthenticationThis section describes the guest authentication tests required for final acceptance of a deployed wireless network.Authentication is the ability to identify a device and/or a user prior to allowing less restricted access to the wireless network. Guest authentication performs the following operations:1 Require guest authentication prior to allowing restricted Internetaccess2 Prevent access to restricted internal network resourcesThis test ensures no non-approved wireless user/device is allowed to have access without guest login.PrerequisitesA wireless device that has been configured to connect to the wireless networkTest Steps1 Connect the device to the wireless network2 Ensure there is no access to any resources beyond the most basic network dial-tone3 Launch a browser and ensure user is redirected to the Captive Portal web login4 Login as a guest5 Ensure that access to the Internet is now allowedCriteria for successTo successfully complete this test, the device must be prevented from access any restricted network resources at all times. The device must also be allowed limited Internet access only after the user has successfully completed guestlogin via the Captive Portal.This test ensures no guest wireless user/device is allowed access to any network resources other than the Internet after guest login.PrerequisitesA wireless device that has been configured to connect to the wirelessnetworkTest Steps1 Connect the device to the wireless network2 Launch a browser and login as a guest via Captive Portal3 Ensure that access to restricted resources is disallowed错误!使用“开始”选项卡将Heading 2应用于要在此处显示的文字。