
小编精心收集了关于出国旅游英语口语,供大家欣赏学习!关于出国旅游英语口语1Traveling Plans旅行计划1. We want to plan a tight schedule of travel. 我们想安排一个紧凑的旅游日程。
2. I'm afraid the business trip to New York went up in smoke. 恐怕我去纽约出差的计划泡汤了。
3. I like taking occasional business trip for a change of pace. 我喜欢偶尔出趟差来调剂一下心情。
4. It was a favorite time for our trip, since business was light. 生意清淡,正是我们出游的好时候。
5. This is meant to be both a business and pleasure trip for you. 也就是说,你既要处理生意又会四处游玩。
6. A business trip? Great! I will not have to cook for at least three days. 出差?太棒了!我至少三天不用做饭了。
7. It is a great treat to have a jovial, easy-going fellow on a business trip. 出差时,有个风趣随和的人做伴真是一种享受啊。
8. We must account for every penny we will spend during a business trip. 我们得把我们出差时所花的每一分钱交代清楚。
9. We can help to work out a travel plan tailored to your needs and budget. 我们可以帮您设计一个适合您的要求和预算的旅行方案。

世界最全出国旅游常用英语口语1000句一、问候与寒暄 (Greetings and Greetings)1. Hello! (你好!)2. Hi! (嗨!)3. Good morning! (早上好!)4. Good afternoon! (下午好!)5. Good evening! (晚上好!)6. How are you? (你好吗?)7. I'm fine, thank you. And you? (我很好,谢谢。
你呢?)8. Nice to meet you! (很高兴认识你!)9. What's your name? (你叫什么名字?)10. My name is [name]. (我叫[name]。
)11. Where are you from? (你来自哪里?)12. I am from [country]. (我来自[国家]。
)二、基本交际用语 (Basic Communication)13. Yes. (是的。
)14. No. (不。
)15. Maybe. (可能。
)16. Please. (请。
)17. Thank you. (谢谢。
)18. You're welcome. (不客气。
)19. Excuse me. (对不起。
)20. I'm sorry. (对不起。
)21. Can you help me? (你能帮我吗?)22. I don't understand. (我不明白。
)23. I don't know. (我不知道。
)24. Could you repeat that? (你能重复一遍吗?)25. Can you speak English? (你会说英语吗?)三、打招呼与道别 (Greetings and Farewells)26. Goodbye! (再见!)27. See you later! (待会儿见!)28. Have a nice day! (祝你有愉快的一天!)29. Take care! (保重!)30. See you soon! (很快再见!)31. Have a safe trip! (旅途平安!)32. Good luck! (祝你好运!)33. Enjoy your vacation! (享受你的假期!)四、询问信息 (Asking for Information)34. Do you have a map? (你有地图吗?)35. Where is the nearest bank? (最近的银行在哪里?)36. Is there a pharmacy nearby? (附近有药店吗?)37. How do I get to the airport? (我怎么去机场?)38. How much does it cost? (多少钱?)39. Can you recommend a good local restaurant? (你能推荐一个好的当地餐厅吗?)40. What time is it? (几点了?)41. Where can I buy tickets? (我在哪里可以买到票?)五、寻找帮助 (Seeking Assistance)42. Can you help me, please? (请你帮帮我好吗?)43. I've lost my wallet. (我丢了钱包。

店铺整理了关于出国旅游英语口语,欢迎阅读!关于出国旅游英语口语一怎样询问旅游信息Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?你能推荐一家较为廉价的旅馆吗?A:Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?你能推荐一家较为廉价的旅馆吗?B:Well, there is Youth Hotel which costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK?有一家青年旅馆,一晚上不到20美元,您觉得如何?A:OK! Thank you!好的,谢谢!I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach.我想要住在一间靠近海滩的旅馆。
A:May I help you?需要什么帮助吗?B:Yes, I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach. Would you recommend one?是的,我想要住在一间靠在海滩的旅馆。
你能为我推荐一个吗?A:Well, there is a Moonlight Hotel with excellent service near the beach.嗯,有个月光宾馆,离海滩不远,而且服务是一流的。
B:Thank you!谢谢!小提示:初次踏入异国旅游,人生地不熟,在旅游咨询处可问询关于住宿的信息,可以根据自己的要求具体询问。
比如还有以下相关的问法:Do you have a hotel list? 这儿有旅馆目录吗?Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night? 是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的旅馆?Could you recommend a hotel in the city center? 是否可推荐一家位于市中心的旅馆?关于出国旅游英语口语二怎样询问旅游咨询处Where is the tourist information center?旅游咨询处在哪里?A:Excuse me. Could you tell me where the touristinformation center is?打扰一下,你能告诉我旅游咨询处在哪儿吗?B:I'm new here. You had better ask the policemanover there.我初来此地,你最好问问那边的警察。

出国旅游常⽤实⽤英语⼝语⼤全 出国旅游烦恼不会说基本⼝语,会尴尬?没问题,以下是店铺精⼼收集的'出国旅游常⽤实⽤英语⼝语⼤全,希望对你有所帮助。
⼀、基本语汇篇 1. 谢谢!—— Thank you. 2. 多谢!-- Thanks a lot. 3. 对不起,⿇烦你。
—— Excuse me. 4. 抱歉。
—— Excuse the mess. 5. 需要帮忙吗?--Can I help you. 6. 谢谢你的帮助。
—— Thank you for helping me. 7. ⽆论如何,我还要感谢你。
—— Thanks, anyway. 8. 您好。
--How are you! 9. 初次见⾯问好。
—— How do you do! 10. 很⾼兴见到你。
—— (It's) nice to meet you. 11. 请问您从哪来。
--Where are you from? 12. 请问贵姓。
--Can I have your name? 13. 我叫...。
—— My name is ... (I'm ...) 14. 很⾼兴认识你。
—— It was a pleasure meeting you. 15. 很⾼兴见到你。
—— Pleased to meet you. 16. 希望再见到你。
—— Hope to see you again. 17. 这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?—— Does that mean that I can see you again? 18. 玩得快乐--Have a good time. 19. 祝你好运。
—— Good luck. 20. 我希望没事。
—— I hope nothing is wrong. 21. 怎么了?—— What's the matter? 22. 糟糕,严重吗?—— Oh, no! Is it serious? 23. 我真为你难过。

出国旅游英语300句_常用的英语句子有哪些出国旅游,即使没有一口流利的英语,了解一些常用的旅游英语口语也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些常用出国旅游英语300句,希望这些旅游英语会对大家有所帮助!出国旅游英语句子:预订机票1 我想预定一张去纽约的机票。
I want to book a seat to New York.2 我想订一张6月23号的单程机票。
I want a one-way ticket for June 23rd.3 我想明天上午动身。
I want to depart tomorrow morning.4 我要一张往返票。
I want a round trip ticket.5 明天到亚特兰大的航班都是几点的? What time are your flights to Atlanta tomorrow?6 您要头等舱的,还是要经济舱的? Will you be traveling in first class or economy?7 打折吗? Is there a discount?8 这趟航班要飞多长时间?How long will this flight take?9 我想搭乘直飞的航班。
I want to take a direct flight.出国旅游英语句子:更改航班10 我想取消我预定的去伦敦的航班。
I'd like to cancel my reservation to London.11 如果我想推迟我的航班怎么办?What if I want to put off my flight?12 如果可能的话,我想改一下我预定的机票。
I'd like to change my reservation if possible.13 我可以等退票。
You can put me on standby.14 我应该提前几个小时退票?How many hours in advance should I return the ticket?15 这些机票退不了吗?Are these tickets non-refundable ?16 我若退票的话有罚款吗?Is there a penalty for returning the ticket?17 我刚刚错过了航班,需要重新确定时间。

出国旅游英语口语1800字以下是关于出国旅游的英语口语:1. I'm going on a trip to Europe next week. 我下周要去欧洲旅行。
2. I'm so excited to travel to a new destination. 我很兴奋去一个新的地方旅行。
3. I'm planning to visit Paris, Rome, and Barcelona on this trip. 我计划这次旅行去巴黎,罗马和巴塞罗那。
4. I need to book my flights and hotels for the trip. 我需要预订旅行的机票和酒店。
5. How long are you planning to stay in Europe? 你计划在欧洲待多久?6. I'm planning to stay for two weeks. 我计划逗留两周。
7. What are some attractions that you recommend in Europe? 你推荐欧洲的哪些景点?8. I recommend visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Colosseum in Rome, and the La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. 我推荐在巴黎参观埃菲尔铁塔,在罗马参观斗兽场,以及在巴塞罗那参观圣家族大教堂。
9. Have you applied for a tourist visa to Europe? 你申请了欧洲旅游签证吗?10. Yes, I have applied for a tourist visa and it was approved. 是的,我已经申请了旅游签证,并且已经批准了。
11. I'm looking for a tour guide to show me around Europe. 我正在寻找一位导游带我游览欧洲。

实用出国旅游常用英语口语大全一、机场与航班1. 问候与提问:- Hello! How are you today? 你好!你今天好吗?- Could you please tell me where the check-in counter for my flight is? 你能告诉我我的航班在哪个办理登机手续的柜台吗?- Excuse me, which gate does my flight depart from? 对不起,我的航班从哪个登机口出发?- Is this the boarding gate for Flight AA123 to New York? 这里是飞往纽约的AA123航班登机口吗?- How long will it take to go through security? 安检要花多长时间?2. 办理登机手续:- I have a flight to Paris at 9:00 am. 我有一班上午9点飞往巴黎的航班。
- Here is my passport and e-ticket. 这是我的护照和电子机票。
- Can I have a window seat, please? I would like to enjoy the view. 我可以要一个靠窗的位置吗?我想欣赏风景。
- How many bags can I check in? 我可以托运多少件行李?- This bag contains fragile items. Can you please handle it with care? 这个包裹里有易碎物品,请小心处理。
- Do I need to pay any extra fees for excess baggage? 我需要为超重行李支付额外费用吗?3. 登机和航班延误:- This is the final call for passengers boarding Flight AA123 to London. 这是登上AA123飞往伦敦的最后通知。

出国旅游英语口语900句电子版一、基础交流1.Hello. 你好。
2.Hi. 嗨。
3.Good morning. 早上好。
4.Good afternoon. 下午好。
5.Good evening. 晚上好。
6.Goodbye. 再见。
7.See you later. 稍后见。
8.How are you? 你好吗?9.I’m fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。
10.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?11.My name is Sara. 我叫莎拉。
12.Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
13.Yes. 是的。
14.No. 不。
15.Please. 请。
16.Thank you. 谢谢。
17.You’re welcome. 不用谢。
二、在机场18.Where is the check-in counter? 登机柜台在哪里?19.Can I see your passport, please? 请出示你的护照。
20.Here is my passport. 这是我的护照。
21.Do you have any checked luggage? 你有托运行李吗?22.I have one checked bag. 我有一个托运行李。
23.What’s your final destination? 你的最终目的地是哪里?24.My final destination is London. 我的最终目的地是伦敦。
三、在酒店25.I have a reservation under the name of Smith. 我有一个叫史密斯的预订。
26.How much is a room for one night? 一晚上的房间多少钱?27.Do you have a room available for tonight? 今晚有空房间吗?28.Can I have a wake-up call at 7 am, please? 请帮我预定明早7点的叫车服务。

出国旅游常用口语日常用语情景对话**一、在机场**1. “Excuse me. Where is the check - in counter for my flight?”(我到了机场,拖着行李,看到好多柜台,有点懵,就走向一个工作人员说:“打扰一下,我乘坐的航班值机柜台在哪呀?”)2. “I'm sorry. I think I might have lost my boarding pass. What should I do?”(我在候机的时候,突然发现登机牌不见了,着急地跟机场工作人员说:“不好意思啊,我觉得我可能把登机牌弄丢了,我该怎么办呢?”)3. “How long is the flight delay?”(航班晚点了,我皱着眉头问工作人员:“航班要延误多久啊?”就像等待被宣判的犯人,心里很焦急。
)**二、在飞机上**4. “Could you give me a glass of water, please?”(飞行途中,我感觉嗓子有点干,就礼貌地对空姐说:“您能给我一杯水吗?”这就像在沙漠中行走的人渴望一滴水一样。
)5. “Is there any in - flight entertainment?”(我坐得有点无聊了,好奇地问空姐:“飞机上有什么娱乐设施吗?”感觉如果没有的话,这趟旅程就像黑白电影一样无趣。
)**三、入境时**6. “I'm here for tourism. How long can I stay?”(我站在入境处,微笑着对移民官说:“我来旅游的,我能停留多久呢?”这时候的我就像一个等待许可进入宝藏之地的探险者。
)7. “Do I need to fill out any forms?”(看到周围有人在填表格,我有点不确定地问移民官:“我需要填写什么表格吗?”就像一个在迷宫里不知道方向的小老鼠。
)**四、在酒店**8. “Do you have any rooms available?”(我拖着疲惫的身躯来到酒店前台,满怀期待地问:“你们还有空房间吗?”这时候我多么希望听到肯定的回答,就像一个在寒冷夜晚渴望有个温暖被窝的流浪汉。

在机场和旅行准备阶段:1. 请问,哪里是办理登机手续的地方?2. 我的护照、机票和签证准备好了。
3. 我能否把这些行李寄存起来?4. 我可以随身携带几件行李?5. 请问,哪个航站楼是国际航班?6. 我需要在什么时间到达登机口?7. 请问,这个航班是否准点?在飞机上和入境海关:8. 能帮我调整一下我的座位吗?9. 请问,这个空姐来自哪个国家?10. 飞机是否提供免费的饮料和小吃?11. 飞机即将起飞,我需要系好安全带。
12. 餐饮上有素食选项吗?13. 我的行李在哪个传送带上可以取到?14. 我需要填写入境表吗?15. 我需要过海关吗?我该如何办理?在车站和公共交通工具上:16. 请问,这班地铁/公交车去哪里?17. 下一站是哪一站?18. 这趟火车/公交车几点开?19. 我需要买票吗?在哪里买票?20. 我该在哪一站下车?在酒店和住宿方面:21. 我想预订一间单人/双人房间。
22. 我可以看看房间吗?23. 酒店是否提供免费早餐?24. 酒店有无停车位?25. 我可以用信用卡结账吗?26. 我需要提供我的护照吗?在餐厅和点餐方面:27. 请给我一份菜单。
28. 我能看一下菜单上的特色菜吗?29. 我想预订一张桌子。
30. 我可以点这道菜吗?31. 我对辣食过敏,有什么建议吗?32. 餐点里有使用花生或其他坚果吗?在购物和付款方面:33. 这个商品能试穿/试用吗?34. 这个商品有什么优惠吗?35. 请问,这个商品能退货吗?36. 我可以用支付宝/微信付款吗?37. 能给我一个发票吗?社交场合和认识新朋友:38. 你好,你是从哪里来的?39. 你喜欢这里的生活吗?40. 你在这里学习还是工作?41. 你对当地的文化有什么了解?42. 下次有空我们可以一起出去玩。

以下是一些常用的英语日常口语,供出国旅游的朋友们参考:一、问候与寒暄1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上 / 下午 / 晚上好。
2. How are you? 你好吗?3. I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。
4. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
5. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?6. My name is... 我叫...7. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?8. I'm from... 我来自...二、购物与用餐1. How much is it? 这个多少钱?2. Can I have the bill, please? 可以给我账单吗?3. I would like to order... 我想点...4. Do you have any recommendations? 你有什么推荐的吗?5. Could you add the service charge? 请加上服务费好吗?6. Could I have a glass of water, please? 请给我一杯水好吗?7. Excuse me, where is the restroom? 请问洗手间在哪里?三、询问与指路1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to...? 请问,你能告诉我如何去...吗?2. Is there a metro / bus station nearby? 附近有地铁 / 公交站吗?3. Can you show me on the map? 你可以在地图上给我指一下路吗?4. Which way is...? ...在哪个方向?5. Is it far from here? 离这里远吗?6. How long will it take to get there? 去那里要多久?7. Can you recommend a restaurant / sightseeing spot nearby? 你能推荐附近的餐厅 / 景点吗?四、应急情况1. Help! 救命!2. Can you call the police / ambulance? 你能报警 / 叫救护车吗?3. I lost my bag / wallet / passport. 我丢失了我的包 / 钱包 / 护照。

出国旅游实用英语口语大全出国旅游实用英语口语大全出国旅游,当然少不了英语口语,下面整理了一些出国旅游实用英语口语,希望对大家有所帮助!Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点吗?Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗?Did you enjoy your flight? 你的飞行旅途愉快吗?Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗?Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗?Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客。
Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗?Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好?Do you have some change? 你有零钱吗?Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗?Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗?Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?Don't be so modest. 别这么谦虚。
Don't bother. 不用麻烦了。
Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。
Don't give up. 别放弃。
Don't jump to conclusions. 不要急于下结论。
Don't let me down. 别让我失望。
Don't make any mistakes. 别出差错。
Don't mention it. 不必客气。
Don't miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。
Don't take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。
Don't take it for granted. 不要想当然。

1.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest bank? 请问去最近的银行怎么走?2.Do you know where I can buy some souvenirs? 你知道在哪里可以买到纪念品吗?3.What time does the train leave for Paris? 火车什么时候开往巴黎?4.Can I change money here? 我可以在这里换钱吗?5.How much does the taxi cost to the airport? 出租车到机场多少钱?6.What time does the tour start? 旅行团什么时候出发?7.Can I take a photo here? 我可以在这里拍照吗?8.How much does the room cost per night? 房间每晚多少钱?9.Can I have a menu in English? 我可以要一份英文菜单吗?10.W hat time is breakfast served? 早餐几点供应?11.H ello, I am a little lost. Do you speak English? 你好,我有点迷路了。
你讲英语吗?12.E xcuse me, could you help me find the train station? 打扰一下,你能帮我找到火车站吗?13.D o you know where I can buy some local food? 你知道在哪里可以买到当地食品吗?14.C an you tell me how to get to the nearest beach? 你能告诉我怎么去最近的海滩吗?15.I am looking for a good place to stay. Do you have any suggestions?我在找一个好的住宿地方。

超实用!出国旅游常用英语300句,速速收藏!机场英语篇行李托运把护照和机票递给工作人员,对方可能会问:How many luggages are you checking in? (有多少件托运行李?)Do you have a carry on? (有手提行李没?)Can you place your baggage up here? (请把行李放上来[传送带/小盒子]。
)出票前可能会问:Do you prefer window or aisle? (想靠窗还是靠走廊?)如果对方不问你,但是你想找个靠窗座位,可以说:Can I have a seat closest to the window?最后,对方给你登机牌,会告诉你登机门号和时间:Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottomof the ticket.They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departuretime. You should report to gate C2 by then.C2 is around the corner and down the hall. Thank you.如果行李超重了,对方会说 Your luggage is overweight.飞行途中可能需要的英语选餐时,你选chicken还是beef此类的.....你就说:Chicken please. 一切OK. 如果想要东西时,句型很简单,就是:Excuse me, Could I have a cup of orange juice, please. 这种。
如果冷想多要一个毯子可以说:Could I get another blanket, please, I'm a little cold.如果要在飞机上填入境表,没有笔可以说:Could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration form?如果要找个人换座,可以说:Would it be possible to change seats with someone?如果有人坐在你椅子上了,可以说:I'm sorry. I think you are in my seat.机场广播一般不用听懂,乘务员可能会提醒你:Please fasten your seat belt. (请系紧安全带)。

实用出国旅游常用英语口语大全一、準備阶段出行准备1. I'm planning to go abroad for a vacation. 我计划去国外度假。
2. I'm going on a trip abroad next month. 下个月我要去国外旅行。
3. I've booked my flights and hotel. 我已经订好了机票和酒店。
4. I'm so excited about my upcoming trip! 我对即将来临的旅行感到非常兴奋!询问信息5. What's the weather like in [destination]? [目的地]的天气如何?6. How long does it take to get from the airport to the city center? 从机场到市中心需要多长时间?7. Are there any must-see attractions in [destination]? [目的地]有哪些必游景点?8. Can you recommend any good local restaurants? 你能推荐一些好的当地餐馆吗?二、机场和酒店在机场1. Excuse me. Where is the baggage claim area?打扰一下,请问行李领取区在哪里?2. Could you please direct me to the customs?请问通关在哪里?3. Is there a shuttle bus to the city center?有通往市中心的班车吗?4. How much is a taxi to downtown?去市区坐出租车要多少钱?在酒店5. I have a reservation under the name of [name].我预订了一个房间,名字是[name]。

出国旅游实用英语口语大全出国旅游,当然少不了英语口语,下面整理了一些出国旅游实用英语口语,希望对大家有所帮助!Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点吗?Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗?Did you enjoy your flight? 你的飞行旅途愉快吗?Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗?Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗?Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客。
Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗?Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好?Do you have some change? 你有零钱吗?Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗?Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗?Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?Don't be so modest. 别这么谦虚。
Don't bother. 不用麻烦了。
Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。
Don't give up. 别放弃。
Don't jump to conclusions. 不要急于下结论。
Don't let me down. 别让我失望。
Don't make any mistakes. 别出差错。
Don't mention it. 不必客气。
Don't miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。

常用旅游英语300句应急最实用Where can I catch a taxi?哪里我可以叫到出租车?The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.出租车站台就在左边转角处。
Are you free?您有空吗?Sure. Where are you going?当然。
您要去哪里?Drive me back to Santa Clara.载我到圣塔克莱拉。
Santa Clara? OK. That's about 20 miles away.圣塔克莱拉?好的,大约是20英里远。
How much will it cost?需要多少钱?That'll be thirty-six dollars, sir.先生,车费是36元。
Here you are. You can keep the change.给你。
You're very generous.你真慷慨。
That's alright. You're a lot of help.没关系。
Take me to the railway station.载我到火车站。
Take me back.载我回去。
What is the charge for that?那要多少费用?How much extra do I have to pay for that?我还要另外付多少?Keep the change for yourself.找回的钱你留着。
The change is yours.找回的钱给你。
Don't give me the change anymore.不必给我找钱了。
Is this the bus that goes by the mall?这班公共汽车经过商业街吗?No, it isn't. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24.不,不经过。

常用旅游英语300 句应急最实用Where can I catch a taxi哪里我可以叫到出租车?The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there出租车站台就在左边转角处。
Are you free?您有空吗?Sure. Where are you going当然。
您要去哪里?Drive me back to Santa Clara载我到圣塔克莱拉。
Santa Clara? OK. That's about 20 miles awa圣塔克莱拉?好的,大约是20 英里远。
How much will it cost?需要多少钱?That'll be thirty-six dollars, sir. 先生,车费是36 元。
Here you are. You can keep the cha ng 给你。
You're very gen erous你真慷慨。
That's alright. You're a lot of help 没关系。
Take me to the railway stati on 载我至U火车站。
Take me back载我回去。
What is the charge for that那要多少费用?How much extra do I have to pay for that我还要另外付多少?Keep the cha nge for yourself找回的钱你留着。
The cha nge is yours找回的钱给你。
Don't give me the cha nge anymore不必给我找钱了。
Is this the bus that goes by the mall这班公共汽车经过商业街吗?No, it isn't. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24不. , 不经过。
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常用旅游英语300句应急最实用Where can I catch a taxi?哪里我可以叫到出租车?The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.出租车站台就在左边转角处。
Are you free?您有空吗?Sure. Where are you going?当然。
您要去哪里?Drive me back to Santa Clara.载我到圣塔克莱拉。
Santa Clara? OK. That's about 20 miles away.圣塔克莱拉?好的,大约是20英里远。
How much will it cost?需要多少钱?That'll be thirty-six dollars, sir.先生,车费是36元。
Here you are. You can keep the change.给你。
You're very generous.你真慷慨。
That's alright. You're a lot of help.没关系。
Take me to the railway station.载我到火车站。
Take me back.载我回去。
What is the charge for that?那要多少费用?How much extra do I have to pay for that?我还要另外付多少?Keep the change for yourself.找回的钱你留着。
The change is yours.找回的钱给你。
Don't give me the change anymore.不必给我找钱了。
Is this the bus that goes by the mall?这班公共汽车经过商业街吗?No, it isn't. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24.不,不经过。
Good. How much is the fare?好。
车费多少?It's seventy-five cents for adults and thirty cents for children under twelve.大人75美分,12岁以下的小孩30分。
Will it cost for the transfer?转车要钱吗?Yes. When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver this ticket stub.要。
You will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickle for your child.你只需另外再付10美分,而你的孩子只要再付5美分。
That sounds pretty good.听起来挺好的嘛!You can take a seat now.现在你找个座位坐下吧。
When you're ready to get off, remember to press the button near your seat.当你要下车时,记得按你座位旁的按钮。
Is this bus going to Dallas?这车开往达拉斯吗?Get me off at the Fifth Avenue.请在第五大道让我下车。
Where can I put the coin?硬币要放在哪儿?How long does it take?要花多久时间?Can you tell me how to get to the railroad station?你能告诉我怎样去火车站吗?May I help you, sir?需要我帮忙吗,先生?I'd like to cash some traveller's checks here.我想在这儿兑换一些旅行支票。
Certainly. Do you have any identification?当然可以。
你有任何证明文件吗?Yes, I have my Passport. Here it is.是的,我有护照。
Fine. How much would you like to exchange, sir?好的。
您要兑换多少呢,先生?What's the exchange rate today?今天的兑换比率是多少?A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan.一美元价值8.2元人民币。
Five hundred dollars, please. And could you give me ten dollar in small change?请换500美元。
再另外能否给我10元的小面额零钱?Here you go, sir.可以,先生。
Will it take long?要很久吗?No. Please endorse the check at the back.不会的。
Anything can I help you with?有我能帮忙的地方吗?Are you being waited on?您需要服务吗?I'd like to convert some RMB yuan to US dollar, please.请将我的一些人民币换成美元。
Please cash this check.请兑现这张支票。
I want to pick up the car tomorrow morning at seven. Are you open then?我想在明天早上7点提车。
那时你们开门了吗?Yes, we are, Mr. Wang. How are you going to pay?对,我们开门。
你打算如何付钱?May I pay in cash?可以付现金吗?We'd prefer a credit card, if you have one.如果你有信用卡,我们较喜欢信用卡。
Yes, of course.可以,当然可以。
How long will you keep the car?这车你要用多久?Just three days.只要三天。
Are you going to return it here?你要在这里归还吗?No. I want to leave it in Chicago.不。
That will be fine.那可以。
Here's my visa card.这是我的visa卡。
Just a minute. Here's your receipt.请等一下。
Do you mind if I pay in cash?你介意我付现金吗?Do you have any objections to my paying in cash?你反对我付现金吗?My plans force me to leave it in Chicago.我的计划使我必须将它留在芝加哥。
Anything else, sir?先生,还要别的东西吗?That's all for now. How much do I owe you?目前这些就够了,我要付你多少钱?That'll be fifty-five dollars and twenty cents.一共55元2角。
Can't you make it a little cheaper?你不能算便宜一点?Oh, no sir. We already gave you a discount on each item.哦,不行,先生。
OK. I understand. Thank you.好吧,我懂了,谢谢你。
Any discount, OK?可以打个折扣吗?It is too expensive. How about half the price?太贵了,半价怎么样?Only a five percent discount? How about twenty percent?只打九五折?八折怎么样?What a price! Lower it, please?这么高的价格!请降点。
I'll take it. But the price is a bit high. How about free wrapping?我买了。
但价格有点高,免费包装怎么样?Good afternoon. What's the trouble?下午好。
有什么不舒服吗?I've had a pretty high fever since yesterday morning.从昨天早上起,我就一直发高烧。
Anything else?还有其它的吗?Yes. I have an upset stomach.是的,我的胃很难受。
I see. We'll take a good look at you.我明白了。
Do you have any other symptoms? Any more than those you've described?你有没有其它的症状?除了那些你已叙述过的?No. That's about all.没有。
Well, I don't think it's anything serious.嗯,我想没有什么严重的。
I'm relieved to hear that.你的话使我松了一口气。
I'm having trouble eating.我吃东西时有困难。
What I eat won't stay down.我吃东西时感到恶心。
Nothing will stay down when I eat.我吃下去的东西全吐出来了。
I'm having some trouble keeping food down.我吃东西时感到困难。
That's load off my mind.这一来我心里轻松了。
That's relief.真令人欣慰。
That's reassuring.真令人安心。
Are there any tours for the Grand Canyon?有到大峡谷的旅游团吗?There are several tours of the Grand Canyon.到大峡谷有好几个旅游团。