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1. In front of:在...前面

Example: Mary was waiting in front of the cinema for her friends.

2. At the back of:在...后面

Example: The store is located at the back of the shopping center.

3. On the left/right:在左边/右边

Example: The bookstore is on the right side of the street.


1. By bus/train/plane:乘坐公交车/火车/飞机

Example: We usually go to school by bus.

2. Walk to:步行去...

Example: It only takes me ten minutes to walk to the park.

3. Ride a bike/motorcycle:骑自行车/摩托车

Example: My brother likes to ride a bike to school every day.学校方面:

1. Go to school:去学校

Example: My sister goes to school from Monday to Friday.

2. Study hard:努力学习

Example: If you want to get a good result, you need to study hard.

3. Take an exam:参加考试

Example: I will take an English exam next week, so I need to study.


1. Make friends with:与...交朋友

Example: It's important to make friends with people from different cultures.

2. Hang out with:和...出去玩

Example: I like to hang out with my friends on weekends.

3. Get along with:与...相处融洽

Example: My brother and I get along with each other very well.


1. Keep fit:保持健康

Example: To keep fit, I exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.

2. Eat a balanced diet:均衡饮食

Example: Eating a balanced diet can help improve your

overall health.

3. Get enough sleep:获得足够的睡眠

Example: It's important to get enough sleep to stay healthy.环境方面:

1. Protect the environment:保护环境

Example: We should all do our part to protect the environment.

2. Plant trees:种树

Example: We need to plant more trees to improve the environment.

3. Reduce waste:减少浪费

Example: We should try to reduce waste to minimize pollution.人物方面:

1. A good friend:一个好朋友

Example: Sarah is a good friend who always helps me when I need it.

2. A hard-working student:一个勤奋的学生

Example: Tom is a hard-working student who always gets excellent grades.

3. A responsible person:一个负责任的人

Example: We need to be responsible and take care of our own actions.
