



Shan Dong Sun Cupid Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd.备注数量22111装箱单单位台个个个本膨胀螺钉ST10膨胀胶管12Ф壁挂式太阳能热水器名称安全阀说明书序号24135备注:衷心感谢您选用新基德壁挂式太阳能热水器!壁挂式太阳能热水器壁挂式太阳能热水器香港新基德电器,具有二十多年小家电研制经验,其OEM产品畅销欧美。












南通宏大 012复丝强力机说明书

南通宏大 012复丝强力机说明书



重要的安全注意事项:● 仪器应在规定的电源电压范围内使用(AC220V ±10%),否则会影响仪器正常工作,可能损坏仪器。

● 仪器必须有效接地,以确保人身安全。

● 仪器应在水平状态下工作。

● 仪器应避免在高温、高湿、振动环境中使用。

● 上夹持器系力值传感器部分,严禁冲击碰撞,否则会损坏传感器。

● 传动部分丝杆应定期加注润滑脂,建议每年不少于二次。

● 供气压力必须在规定气压范围内。

(6~8㎏/cm 2) ● 在装夹试样时,动作应协调,以防气动夹持器夹手。

重要提示:● 如试验数据出现异常,不需要该次数据,可按[删除]键删除本次数据。


● 如在拉伸过程中,发现纱线未夹紧,可按[返回/停止]键停止拉伸,夹持器返回起始位置。

● 由于电源干扰等原因,仪器可能出现“死机”现象(按任何键不起作用),请按[复零]键或关闭电源后重新开机。

● 如打印机电源未开启,也会出现“死机”现象,这时只需开启打印机电源即可。

● 如打印机缺纸或打印纸未装好,也会出现“死机”现象,这时需要重新装好打印纸。

HONG DA关于HD012电子复丝强力仪操作使用的特别说明由于HD012电子复丝强力仪的断裂伸长计测装置采用了高精度的光电码盘计数系统,其测量精度要高于原机械式复丝强力仪,而且二则的测量原理也不尽相同。



2、用[]键或[ ]设置伸长系数的百分率,设置完华按进入工作界面。

系数修整范围:“-30%~+30%”,“O ”值为不修整。



儿童进行清洁和用户维护。 • 洗涤前,拆下风扇单元、电池固
克部分。 • 请勿向风扇吹压缩空气。请勿将
• 切勿重新给完全充电的电池套管 再次充电。过度充电会缩短电池 使用寿命。
• 在 10°C - 40°C (50°F - 104°F) 的 室温给电池套管充电。
• 充电前,允许灼热的电池套管冷 却下来。
• 如果长期不使用(超过六个月), 请充电电池套管。
• 为取得最佳寿命,电池套管使用 后必须完全充满电。
................ 阴凉处悬挂晾干。
.......................... 不可拧干。
.......................... 如需要பைடு நூலகம்低温熨烫。
.......................... 不可干洗。
.......................... 仅限于欧盟国家 请勿将电气设备或电池组与家庭 普通废弃物一同丢弃 ! 请务必遵守欧洲关于废弃电子电 气设备、电池和蓄电池以及废弃 电池和蓄电池的指令并根据法律 法规执行。达到使用寿命的电气 设备和电池组必须分类回收至符 合环境保护规定的再循环机构。
地方使用。 • 不要踩踏、投掷或滥用风扇夹
克。 • 避免电气部件沾水。 • 禁止穿戴风扇夹克睡觉。体温陡

JKWA-12EJ 使用说明书

JKWA-12EJ 使用说明书



二、使用条件海拔高度:≤2500米环境温度:-20℃~+70℃相对湿度:40℃时20%-90%大气压力:79.5Kpa ~106Kpa环境条件:周围介质无爆炸危险,无足以损坏绝缘及腐蚀金属的气体,无导电尘埃,安装地不易剧烈振动,无雨雪侵蚀。

三、型号说明JK W A12E J注:以上型号只在产品标牌中体现;四.安装调试1、安全提示1)电源输入和CT二次侧均会危害人身安全,所以操作人员在安装、调试及检修时必须遵照有关的安全操作规程,以确保人身设备安全。



接线图示如下:控制器后面板各端子号定义如下表:3、 调试说明 1) 面板说明端子号 状态 详解COM 控制公共端 输出该端子为其控制公共端 1-12 12路输出接交流接触器线圈 Ia-K 、Ia-L 输入 接L1相取样电流互感器 Ub 、Uc 输入 接L2、L3相取样电压(380V )U 、N本机工作电源(220V )设置△ 自动/手动JKWA-12EJ 型无功补偿控制器▽2)自动运行系统上电后,首先进入等待稳定状态,约10s左右,进入自动运行状态,此时液晶显示屏显示自动运行下的第一屏。




海尔电子有限公司 产品说明书 - 海尔瑜珈暖房

海尔电子有限公司 产品说明书 - 海尔瑜珈暖房

MANUALGlass FrontSauna Room Assembly124876543910121131233456789101111121212131615Parts List ExteriorParts List Interior*For room with full glass wall1. Ceiling Assembly2. Wall Elements3. Exterior Mouldings4. Top Exterior Mouldings5. Bottom Exterior Mouldings6. Main Base Frame7. Bolt Leveler8. Door Set9. Glass Wall (no holes)10. Glass Window (with holes for hinges)11. Front Outer L Mouldings 12. Front Solid Mouldings13. Front Bottom Outermost Moulding 14. Front Top Outermost Moulding 15. Glass Hinge 16. Glass top frame1. Backrest2. Top Bench Cover3. Lower Bench Cover4. Bench Cover frame5. Bench Cover Support6. Bench Siding Small7. Bench Siding Medium8. Bench Siding Large9. Legs large 10. Legs H11. Legs medium 12. Legs small6RM08-123Vertical Moulding 42mm thickHorizontal Moulding 75mm wide6RM08-123L Molding ScrewBolt LevelerTwist to adjust height6RM08-032Bench Siding6RM08-125 Upper and Lower Bench Frame6RM08-036Base Frame/Glass frame (top)6RM08-036Back RestCorner Moulding6RM08-123Vertical Moulding 6RM17-002Cam Lock BoltScrews for Room ExteriorScrews for Room Interior123401LevelerUse a Leveler to make the frame level to the floor Optional.After the base frame is leveled, place the ceiling assembly on the base frames to check if it fits nicely and leveled (great help after wall assembly)Do not seal the gap underneath the base frame. The gap is the passage way of the fresh air inside the sauna room.Make sure that the finish flooring where the sauna room will be placed is water proof and is incline towards the drain.Twist BOLT to adjust heightWall AssemblyFrames, Cam LockConnect base frames according to their corresponding numbers.Insert Cam Lock Bolts on Wall Panels.Cam Lock BoltShown on opposite side6RM17-002No. 1 is underneath the glass walls and door and numbers increase clockwise6RM08-036 ScrewIsometric ViewWall 2Wall 3Wall 4Wall 1Plan ViewWall1Wall2Wall 3Wall4Wall5Wall6Wall7Start from this cornerTongue and grooveMake sure cam lock is in open positionCam Lock OpenSide ViewCam Lock CloseCam Lock LocationAllen WrenchBefore moving on to securing the next wall element, make sure that both cam locks are properly securedWall AssemblyWall Attachments and SequenceAttach wall panels from the first corner (for easy installation). Take note of the grooves direction (groove facing left).Secure walls with cam locks.03Attached Glass Top Frame.046RM08-036Ceiling AssemblyAttach Ceiling Assembly via tongue to Groove.05Attach all mouldings except “Front top/bottom outermost molding and Outer L mouldings” (only after front glass is installed).06At this stage make sure all internal mouldings are attached as it will 6RM08-1236RM08-1236RM08-123Vertical Moulding 42mm thickInterior ceiling moulding6RM08-123Check that the ventilation hole is in the right position (refer to plan drawing for ventilation location)Ceiling to ceiling connection side view07Attach Bench Support at suggested height with screws,then place over the Bench Frame Assembly and screw to wall.Install sidings, bench covers and flooring.9Interior layout are all reversible, as shown on the illustration10Attach back rest to wall, attach leg support to bench frame.08Height dimensions should be taken in reference to the base frame. There are markers as well on the wall panels as reference for bench support mounting6RM08-036 ScrewScrew Cap6RM08-036 Screw Screw CapAttach top/lower bench covers, flooring and siding.The heater layout are all reversible, as shown on the illustration.Dthe frames to the wall.Height dimensions should be taken in reference to the base frame. There are markers as well on the wall panels as reference for bench support mounting.Attach top/lower bench covers,flooring and siding.CInterior layout are all reversible, as shown on the illustration.Dsupport frames to the wall.Height dimensions should be taken in reference to the base frame. There are markers as well on the wall panels as reference for bench support mounting6RM08-036 Screw Screw CapAnnoying sounds can be heard from improper hinge assembly, ensure correct assembly along with the plastic spacers.Annoying sounds can be heard from improper hinge assembly, ensure correct assembly along with the plastic spacers.Attach the glass walls where the glass frames ridges are located.11Then secure it with outermost solid molding with a screw.12Glass Wall AssemblyGlass Hinge componentsFaceplate Back R Plastic BushingsAllen WrenchFaceplate Front L Plastic gaskets Faceplate Front LPlastic shield Plastic divider Hexagonal Screw Faceplate Front RTake note of the holes. The glass wall holes has a square cutout in the middle.Don’t forget to insert the plastic gasket and plastic divider.Install from the inside.Attach the Faceplate Front R to the glass wall and secure with Faceplate Back R with screws.Loosely install the glass door then secure with Faceplate Back R.1314Glass Wall from inside.Glass Door from inside.Faceplate Back LFaceplate Back RFaceplate Front RMake and insert a 3mm thick wooden spacers underneath the glass door as well as the sides of the door (see illustration below). Then tighten the door hinges screws when glass door has even spacing all around.Note: Wooden spacers are not included in the package.15The glass door installation spacers are for easy installation of the glass door while keeping a 3mm even gap from the door jam.Remove the installation spacers after installing the door.3mm thickWooden SpacersAttached remaining Front outer L Moulding.After the installation and there is still uneven gaps on glass door, align it by rotating the abs bolt leveler until the glass wall swings freely.16Bolt LevelerRefer to door handle assembly manual.Attach the glass wall where the glass frames ridges are located.Follow glass door installation from Fig. 13-15.Then attached remaining Front outer L Moulding.Secure the glass wall with solid molding with a screw and insert top/bottom glass filler.Glass Wall Assembly (1414 LS/RS)Allen WrenchRefer to door handle assembly manual.Glass fi ller fi lls the small gap on top and below the glass door. Its reversible depends on the interior layout orientation.ACElectrical / Wiring LocationsElectrical Conduit Locations:For heater and regulating sensorFor sauna light switch and heater control For sauna lightWire Installation:1. Install junction / utility box into the ceiling roof as indicated.2. Insert wires into the electrical conduit designated for the sauna light switch (for NB heaters) or sauna control unit (for NS heaters).3. Insert wires into the electrical conduit designated for the heater (see technical detail).Extra wire jacket is provided for hooking up single wires to the heater. Disregard the extra wire jacket if you are using a rubber cable that is specifi ed in the heater’s manual.4. Tapping of wires will be done at the junction box.17Light Switch / Heater ControlConduitConduits are on both sides for light, controls and heater.Separate Control Installation (NS model heaters only)Sensor InstallationLight InstallationA conduit pipe is provided for the control unit.If wanting to fl ush the control unit into the wall, cut a hole according to your control unit’s specifi cations. See heater control manual.Note: Sensor installation is for Separate control heater models only.A pre-drilled hole for the sensor is provided for separate control heaters.Sensor is placed directly above the heater.Refer to the heater control instruction manual for the sensor installation.The wall has a pre-drilled hole(s) for the lights. Insert wire(s) to the conduit(s) provided for thelights.When ordering sauna room with NB heater, adimmer switch is provided for the light(s).When using NS heater, refer to the heater control instruction manual for the light installation.You can hide the power controller on the top of the sauna room.181920Conduit to control unitConduit locationPower ControllerControlControl unit must not be fl ushed to the wall, near or on the wall where the heater is installed.Use control unit interface holder if necessary.Refer to heater control instruction manual for wiring connections.。

长春集舒科技 WK 系列大功率激光二极管恒温控制器 说明书

长春集舒科技 WK 系列大功率激光二极管恒温控制器 说明书





长春集舒科技有限责任公司地址:中国·长春市高新开发区硅谷大街4000号创业大厦415室邮编:130012网址:目录一、合格与担保 (3)二、安全要求及标志 (3)三、产品描述 (4)四、前面板简介 (6)五、后面板简介 (10)六、操作说明i.TEC和NTC输出端口连接 (11)ii.操作步骤 (11)七、操作举例 (12)八、技术支持及售后服务 (12)一、合格与担保合格长春集舒科技有限责任公司确认从公司发运时产品符合所公布的技术指标,符合国家标准。





安全注意事项(1) 搬运或储藏时应避免重压或震动;(2) 在损坏或无法正常工作,无专业技术人员在场时,不应随便自行拆机,以免影响其特性上的改变;(3) 注意所使用的电源电压220V,及保险丝的规格(250V,2A);(4) 本机使用三项电源,确保本机外壳与电源的良好接地。

(5) 操作环境范围0℃-40℃,应避免在高温、高湿度及强磁场干扰的场合下使用;(6) 如不遵守可能造成人身伤害或死亡,在警告符号符号要求的条件未完全理解或满足之前,切勿轻率操作。




















新乡万新电气--HWJKF-12F型低压无功补偿智能控制器 用户手册

新乡万新电气--HWJKF-12F型低压无功补偿智能控制器 用户手册

HWJKF-12F型低压无功补偿智能控制器用户手册User’s Manual 中国·万新声明本公司担保在正常使用和保养的情况下,其产品没有材料和工艺上的缺陷,但不承担运送途中发生的损坏。









目录产品简介··············- 1 -命名 (2)产品简介 (2)功能特点 (2)控制策略 (4)技术参数 (4)使用环境条件 (5)安装与接线·············- 6 -安装说明 (7)前面板图 (7)后面板图 (8)接线说明 (8)操作说明··············- 9 -【数据显示界面】操作说明 (10)【参数设置界面】操作说明 (11)附录·············- 14 -附录A调试注意事项 (15)附录B公司简介 (17)附录C其他产品 (18)附录D联系我们 (19)产品简介命名产品简介HWJKF-12F型低压无功补偿智能控制器以高速微处理器为控制核心,其功能强大、抗干扰能力强、运算速度快,产品采用贴片工艺制造。








五、技术参数1.工作电压:22OV/380VAC±20%5OHz;2.输入电流:≤5A;3.输出触点容量:25OV/5AAC38OV/3AAC;4.工作方式:自动循环,连续工作;5.投入门限:大于1.1Ic,并小于COSφ设定值;5.切除门限:超前;6.C0Sφ设定:0.90~O.99可调;7.延时设定:10~99s可调;8.过压设定:210~270V/、410~470V可调,电压回差8~10V;9.路数设定:1~7、1~10、1~12可调;10.执行标准:JB/T9663-1999六、输入及接线输入及接线1.输入电流必须取自配电总屏电流互感器的信号;2.输入信号如取A相,则输入电压必须取B、C相,即:电流信号无论取那一相,电压输入必须取另外两相;3.接触器线圈电压为380V时,P点与B点相接(见接线图),线圈电压为2200V时,P点与N 点相接。


The manufacturer declines any liability for damage due to alterations and/or changes to the packing.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the specifications provided for the selection of the unit or components and/or options are fully comprehensive for the correct or foreseeable use of the machine itself or its components.
The user is responsible for analysing the application aspects for product installation, and following all the applicable industrial and safety standards and regulations contained in the product instruction manual or other documentation supplied with the unit.
Tampering or replacement of any parts by unauthorised personnel and/or improper machine use exonerate the manufacturer from all responsibility and invalidate the warranty.

【精编范文】海格仪表说明书-推荐word版 (8页)

【精编范文】海格仪表说明书-推荐word版 (8页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==海格仪表说明书篇一:DKJ执行机构说明书DKJ(ZKJ)角行程电动执行机构使用说明书一.概述DKJ(ZKJ)型角型程电动执行机构采用“S”型电动执行机构开发的新技术:用精密专用传感器和专用电路组成WF-S位置发送器。





输出电流Ⅱ型0~10mA DC,Ⅲ型4~20mADC。

2.电动执行机构位置发送器输出信号的负载能力强,负载能力≤750Ω 3.用户可以自由选择带行程限位机构,且组装调试方便,定位准确,重复性好。




6.位置发送器采用集成电路技术、功耗少,温升低,具有恒流输出特性,输出信号可以是4~20mA(DC)或0~10 mA(DC),14线对外接线插座达到GB4208规定的IP65标准7.具有0~90C范围内行程控制开关和接点输出通、断信号。

































z外形及安装尺寸:160mm*80mm*125mm(W*H*L)z屏装开孔尺寸:152ˉ¹mm*76ˉ¹mm(W*H)前面板功能部件说明z开度显示—指示阀门开度0~100%z标定—阀门全开时“开”(红色)指示灯常亮,按下“标定”键1秒,以此时的检测数据作为一个开度初值(最大值),同时开度表指示为100.0,阀门全关时“关”(绿色)指示灯常亮,按下“标定”1秒,以此时的检测数据作为另一个开度初值(最小值),同时开度表指示为000.0,其它状态下此按键不起作用,标定后的开度初值断电保持z“现场”(红色)指示灯点亮,表示现场控制工作方式,此时,控制器面板上的“开”键、“关”键、“停”键均不起作用,可由“选择”键切换至“远程”控制工作方式z“远程”(绿色)指示灯点亮,表示远程(控制器面版)控制工作方式,可由“选择”键切换至“现场”控制工作方式z“开”(红色)指示灯闪动,表示正在开阀;亮起时表示阀全开z“关”(绿色)指示灯闪动,表示正在关阀;亮起时表示阀全关z“事故”(红色)指示灯点亮,表示事故—电动装置过力矩,灯亮同时控制器内蜂鸣器发声 z“保护”(红色)指示灯点亮,表示保护—过电流,灯亮同时控制器内蜂鸣器发声z“选择”—“现场”或“远程”控制工作方式选择按键,持续按下1秒,“现场”“远程”工作方式进行切换,“远程”或“现场”状态断电保持z“开”—在“远程”控制方式中,按下“开”键,可控制电动阀门由停止向全开方向运行直至按下“停”键或到阀全开位z“关”—在“远程”控制方式中,按下“关”键,可控制电动阀门由停止向全关方向运行直至按下“停”键或到阀全关位后面板功能部件说明z1~3端为二组现场控制输入连接端,其中1端为控制输入公共端,2端(常开)为现场开阀控制输入端,3端(常开)为现场关阀控制输入端,在“现场”控制方式下,分别控制开阀和关阀操作z4~8端为五组检测输入连接端,其中4端为检测输入公共端,5端(常开)为开到位检测输入端,6端(常开)为关到位检测输入端,7端(常开)为事故检测输入端,8端(常闭)为保护检测输入端z10~12端为开度检测连接端,其中12端为最大开度运行方向,10端为最小开度运行方向,11端为开度检测抽头端z13~14端为4-20mA阀位输入连接端,其中13端为4-20mA阀位正端,14端为4-20mA阀位负端z19~24端为电动阀门电机控制输出和电源连接端,其中22端为电源的保护接地端,23端、24端分别为AC220V电源中性线和火线输入端,21端为开阀和关阀控制的公共端,19端、20端分别为用于开阀和关阀控制的火线输出端特别说明如果没有外加热继电器(常闭)输出,请将4和8短接。


⿟Unified control for program change
High sensitivity
⿟Utilizing simultaneous 2 frequencies from 4 types allowing higher sensitivity measurements to detect contaminants
⿟Easy initial settings and daily operation
⿟Controller can be separated ɹfrom the main body PQUJPO
*Cable x length 10m
Reliability &Safety
⿟Maintenance information function ⿟Reject verification function PQUJPO
Industry leading performance
45% up*
Accuracy: Industry No.1
0.07 max.
g 65% up*
*Compared to conventional model
Easy operation
⿟Higher visibility 10.4 inch color touch screen
Easy screen control & visibility
A highly visible and clear screen format for ease of operation
Removable Controller (option)
The control unit (screen) can be removed from the main body and located up to 10m away. In addition, adjustable angle of controller does not limit operator’s working place and improve the work efficiency.



COMPRESSOR DEFINITION DesignationF FI12HBKNominal Voltage/Frequency 220-240 V 50 Hz Engineering Number513200015Hermetic reciprocating compressor -35°C to 15°C R-134a A - APPLICATION / LIMIT WORKING CONDITIONS 1 Type 4.1 Evaporating temperature range 2 Refrigerant8 Compressor cooling8.1 LBP (32ºC Ambient temperature) 8.2 LBP (43ºC Ambient temperature) 8.3 HBP (32ºC Ambient temperature) 8.4 HBP (43ºC Ambient temperature)9 Maximum condensing pressures/temperature 9.1 Operating (gauge) 9.2 Peak (gauge)Fan Fan Fan Fan16.220.6(-31°F to 59°F)(230 psig)(293 psig)[kgf/cm²][kgf/cm²]220-240 / 503 Nominal voltage and frequency Low-Medium-High Back Pressure4 Application typeRSIR/CSIR5 Motor type LST - Low Starting Torque6 Starting torque Capillary tube7 Expantion device / ºC - ºF / ºC - ºF10 Maximum winding temperature 130[ °C ][ V / Hz ]B - MECHANICAL DATA 2 Displacement[cm³](0.680 cu.in)11.141/3+1 Commercial designation [hp]3 Lubricant charge3.2 Lubricants type/viscosity 4 Weight (with oil charge)5 Nitrogen charge 0.2 to 0.3[ml](9.47 fl.oz.)[kg](24.03 lb.)[kgf/cm²](2.84 to 4.27 psig)280ESTER / ISO2210.9 2.1 Bore [mm] 2.2 Stroke [mm] 26.000 21.000 3.1 Lubricants approved C - ELETRICAL DATA1 Nominal Voltage/Frequency/Number of Phases 220-240 V 50 Hz 1 ~ (Single phase)11 Approval boards certificationCCC - IRAM - UL - VDE2 Starting device type 5 Motor protection 7 Run winding resistance8 LRA - Locked rotor amperage (50 Hz)9 FLA - Full load amperage L/MBP (50 Hz)29.905.7020.002.50CP4TMF210N52A2at 25ºC (77ºF)] +/- 8% [A] - Measured according to UL 984 [A] - Measured according to UL 9846 Start winding resistance 10 FLA - Full Load Amperage HBP (50 Hz) 3.00[A] - Measured according to UL 984Current Relay2.1 Starting device [at 25ºC (77ºF)] +/- 8% [-4 Run capacitor [µF(VAC minimum)]88-108(220)3 Start capacitor [µF(VAC minimum)]198 to 255 V -198 to 255 V -198 to 255 V 198 to 255 V--Operating voltage range 50 Hz60 Hz 213516035/213516043D - PERFORMANCE - CHECK POINT DATATEST CONDITIONS:TEST CONDITIONS:7.2°C (44.96°F)-23.3°C (-9.94°F)(Condensing temperature(Condensing temperature4492109011322751316319504 2562.791.96 6.198.914. capacityCooling capacity+/- 5%+/- 5%[Btu/h][Btu/h][kcal/h][kcal/h][W][W][W][W]Current consumptionCurrent consumption+/- 5%+/- 5%[A][A]EFFICIENCY RATEEFFICIENCY RATE[kg/h][kg/h][Btu/Wh][Btu/Wh][kcal/Wh][kcal/Wh][W/W][W/W]+/- 7%+/- 7% @220V50Hz@220V50HzEvaporating temperature Evaporating temperature ASHRAEHBP32ASHRAELBP32FanFan54.4°C (129.92°F))54.4°C (129.92°F))Gas flow rate Gas flow rate +/- 5%+/- 5%Power consumption Power consumption +/- 5%+/- 5%E - PERFORMANCE - CURVES45ºC (+113ºF) )@220V50HzASHRAE32(Condensing temperature TEST CONDITIONS:FanEvaporating temperature °C (°F)[Btu/h][kcal/h][W][W]Current consumption +/- 5%[A][kg/h] 5905148817305182.9034.865019 1265 1471 480 2.75 29.41 4217 1063 1236 442 2.60 24.54 3495 881 1024 406 2.47 20.21 2853 719 836 2.35 370 16.41 2289 577 671 336 2.23 13.10 1383 348 405 272 2.05 7.87 1038 262 304 242 1.97 5.90 762 192 223 214 1.91 4.33 -30(-22) -25(-13) -20(- 4) -10(+14) -5(+23) 0(+32) +5(+41) +10(+50) +15(+59)[Btu/Wh][kcal/Wh][W/W] 11.402.873.3410.46 2.64 3.07 9.52 2.40 2.79 8.60 2.17 2.52 7.69 1.94 2.25 6.80 1.71 1.99 5.12 1.29 1.50 4.35 1.10 1.27 3.62 0.91 1.06 -15(+ 5) 1799 453 527 303 2.13 10.26 5.94 1.50 1.74 3.13 -35(-31) 553 139 162 187 1.87 2.94 0.74 0.86EFFICIENCY RATE+/- 7%Gas flow rate+/- 5%+/- 5%Power consumption +/- 5%Cooling capacity55ºC (+131ºF) )@220V50HzASHRAE32(Condensing temperature TEST CONDITIONS:FanEvaporating temperature °C (°F)[Btu/h][kcal/h][W][W]Current consumption +/- 5%[A][kg/h] 5565140216315753.1232.854729 1192 1386 528 2.93 27.71 3972 1001 1164 483 2.75 23.11 3292 830 965 440 2.59 19.03 2687 677 787 2.44 398 15.44 2155 543 631 357 2.30 12.33 1300 328 381 282 2.08 7.40 974 245 285 247 2.00 5.54 713 180 209 215 1.93 4.05 -30(-22) -25(-13) -20(- 4) -10(+14) -5(+23) 0(+32) +5(+41) +10(+50) +15(+59)[Btu/Wh][kcal/Wh][W/W] 9.692.442.848.97 2.26 2.63 8.23 2.08 2.41 7.50 1.89 2.20 6.76 1.70 1.98 6.03 1.52 1.77 4.62 1.16 1.35 3.95 1.00 1.16 3.31 0.83 0.97 -15(+ 5) 1693 427 496 319 2.18 9.65 5.32 1.34 1.56 2.91 -35(-31) 514 130 151 184 1.89 2.71 0.68 0.79EFFICIENCY RATE+/- 7%Gas flow rate+/- 5%+/- 5%Power consumption +/- 5%Cooling capacityE - PERFORMANCE - CURVES65ºC (+149ºF) )@220V50HzASHRAE32(Condensing temperature TEST CONDITIONS:FanEvaporating temperature °C (°F)[Btu/h][kcal/h][W][W]Current consumption +/- 5%[A][kg/h] 5394135915816333.3631.844583 1155 1343 578 3.13 26.85 3847 970 1127 525 2.91 22.38 3183 802 933 474 2.71 18.40 2590 653 759 2.53 424 14.89 2065 520 605 377 2.37 11.82 1212 305 355 289 2.10 6.90 880 222 258 249 2.00 5.01 608 153 178 211 1.92 3.46 -30(-22) -25(-13) -20(- 4) -10(+14) -5(+23) 0(+32) +5(+41) +10(+50) +15(+59)[Btu/Wh][kcal/Wh][W/W] 8.512.142.497.94 2.00 2.33 7.34 1.85 2.15 6.73 1.70 1.97 6.09 1.54 1.79 5.45 1.37 1.60 4.16 1.05 1.22 3.53 0.89 1.03 2.91 0.73 0.85 -15(+ 5) 1606 405 471 332 2.22 9.16 4.81 1.21 1.41 2.22 -35(-31) 395 100 116 175 1.87 2.32 0.58 0.68EFFICIENCY RATE+/- 7%Gas flow rate+/- 5%+/- 5%Power consumption +/- 5%Cooling capacityUniversal EG/F/AMEM version 2NoF - EXTERNAL CHARACTERISTICS1 Base plate2 Tray holder3 Connectors 3.1 SUCTION 8.2 +0.12/- Material Copper 3.1.2 Shape Straight 3.2 DISCHARGE 3.2.1 Material 6.5 +0.12/-0.08Copper 3.2.2 Shape Straight 3.4 Oil cooler (Copper) 3.3 PROCESS 6.5 +0.12/- Material 3.3.2 ShapeCopper Straight No3.5 Connector sealingRubber Plugs[mm](0.323" +0.005"/-0.003")[mm](0.256" +0.005"/-0.003")[mm](0.256" +0.005"/-0.003")[mm]。

湘仪动力测试仪器 PowerLink FC2012 电力测功机控制仪 说明书

湘仪动力测试仪器 PowerLink FC2012 电力测功机控制仪 说明书

FC2012电力测功机控制仪使用说明书长沙高新技术产业开发区湘仪动力测试仪器有限公司目录1、概述 (3)2、仪器功能和配置 (3)3、主要性能特点 (4)4、主要技术指标 (4)5、前面板 (5)5.1、参数显示 (5)5.2、键盘操作 (5)5.2.1、PID设置 (7)5.2.2、TF标定 (7)5.2.3、JC标定 (8)5.2.4、采样周期 (9)5.2.5、显示设置 (9)5.2.6、报警设置 (10)5.2.7、测量设置 (12)5.2.8、控制设置 (12)5.2.9、启动设置 (14)5.2.10、RS232设置 (14)5.2.11、CAN通讯 (14)5.2.12、系统设置 (15)5.2.13、恢复默认值 (15)6、仪器标定 (18)7、仪器操作 (19)8、后面板接线 (21)9、附录1测功机信号调理模块 (24)说明书最后更新:2009.4.24.1、概述请注意:FC2012控制方式键最后两个从左到右分别是n1/M,n1/P,早期的面板上印刷有误。












2、仪器功能和配置1一个扭矩测量通道,一个转速测量通道2一个D/A输出口,用于油门控制3一个485口,用于变频器控制4一个CAN口,用于与计算机,油耗仪,采集仪等通讯52路开关量输出(保护停车,紧急停车)64路开关量输入(备用,保护停车,紧急停车,正反向调零)3、主要性能特点●采用先进的CAN现场总线技术●非接触,无磨损的数字电位器给定方式●数字增量法控制发动机转速/转矩●各种控制模式的无扰动切换,预设7种控制模式,可实现反拖控制●对变频器的控制使用485,避免了使用模拟信号可能带来的干扰,并使控制更加智能化●输入,输出,电源全隔离,高抗干扰能力●正,反转双向调零●扭矩,转速超限声光报警●使用液晶显示器人机界面友好●模块化设计使结构简化,具有无可比拟的可靠性和可维护性4、主要技术指标①扭矩测量信号类型:差分信号频率范围:20Hz-20kHz采样时间:10ms,20ms, 50ms可选量程范围:-32768至+32767测量精度:±0.2%F.S②转速测量信号类型:差分信号频率范围:20Hz-200kHz采样时间:10ms, 20ms, 50ms可选量程范围:0至+32767测量精度:±1rpm③油门控制输出D/A转换精度: 12位电压输出:输出阻抗:100Ω电流输出:负载电阻:<300Ω④变频器控制输出232端口MODBUS协议USS协议5、前面板扭矩仪前面板上布置有一块130×35mm的液晶显示屏和一组键盘,如图1、2所示。



TABLE OF CONTENTSSpecificationsTheory of Operations Power Supply Requirements PG. 3 PG. 3 PG. 4InstallationActivationOperationRemoving the HPM or the NPM from the System PG. 4 PG. 5 PG. 5 PG. 5 PG. 2 PG. 4 PG. 6PG. 61|Virtually all commercial gas chromatographs contain certain components at levels which are unsuitable for low ppb universal analyses (although they may not be problematic for flame ionization and thermal conductivity detectors). For example, unheated molecular sieve traps are certain to contaminate the carrier gas with CO2 and H2O.The VICI ®Miniature Helium Purifier (HPM) and Miniature Nitrogen Purifier (NPM) are designed to address this situation, providing “point-of-use” carrier gas purification to sub-ppm levels of gaseous impurities. When installed in a gas chromatograph’s flow path immediately upstream of the injector, the HPM/NPM will remove any contaminants introduced by flow controllers, elastomeric tube seals, pressure regulators, crude traps, or other system components that are not completely clean and leak-tight. The GC’s actual carrier inlet should be supplied from the HP2 inert gas purifier which ships as part of the Valco pulsed discharge detector system. No other carrier purifiers, including oxygen, moisture, and hydrocarbon traps, should be used; they are likely to introduce one contaminant as they remove another.WARNING: This product is not for use with oxygen – either pure oxygen or gases with a significant proportion of oxygen. The purifier’s gettering alloy is pyrophoric at operating temperature. Use with significant amounts of oxygen can result in combustion of the material, potential damage to the surrounding area, and possible injury.In no event shall Valco Instruments Co. Inc. be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damage, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory and whether advised of the possibility of such damages.1. INTRODUCTION| 21.1 Specifications1.2 Theory of OperationThe purification substrate in the VICI purifiers is a non-evaporable gettering alloy. The alloy must be heated so that the oxide layers on the particle surface are elim-inated. This process must be performed under a vacuum or in at atmosphere of helium (for the HPM) or nitrogen (for the NPM).Although the gettering alloy will purify even at ambient temperatures, raising the temperature vastly improves the life span and efficiency of the alloy. However, the elevated temperature causes hydrogen generation, which is trapped only at tem-peratures below 250°C. Accurate temperatures are maintained with the use of the precision 24 VDC power supply which is supplied with the HPM/NPM.3|1.3 Power Supply RequirementsAs stated on the purifier, the power supply must conform to EN 61010-1: Section F.2.1 Limited circuit. This section mandates that the power source must be limited to 42.4 VDC or less (open circuit). In addition, the energy must be limited by one of the following means:• The current under any condition of load, including short circuit, is not more than 8A measured after 1 minute of operation.• The source is rated or set to limit its power to 150 VA under any condition of load.• An overload protector or circuit component opens to interrupt the power output at a lower value than 150 VA under any condition including short circuit.2. INSTALLATION & OPERATIONThe VICI HPM and NPM are two part systems comprised of the purifier and the power supply. The purifier can be installed in any position. For best results, do not modify the fittings or tubing lengths; small particles which might be generated by such modifications are difficult to remove and can restrict the flow.1. Locate the HPM where the temperature will not exceed 40°C, and with at least a half inch of clearance around and above the purifier to prevent overheating.2. Disconnect the carrier supply line immediately upstream of the injector and connect this line to the inlet of the purifier.3. Connect the output line of the purifier to the injector.4. Purge the system for 5 to 10 minutes at 20 to 30 mL/min to eliminate air from the getter material.5. Insert the barrel connector of the power supply into the purifier.6. Connect the power supply to mains (115/230 VAC). The LED on the power supply should confirm power output.2.1 InstallationWARNING: The getter material should neverbe heated when air is present. | 42.2 ActivationWhen the purifier reaches operating temperature (in about 1 hour) the getter will be activated. Once the getter is activated, active gaseous impurities such as O2,H2O, CO, and CO2 (plus N2 for the HPM) are captured and chemisorbed on the getter surface. Only noble gas atoms are not affected. Once adsorbed, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen atoms cannot be released by the getter material even at its melting point (1400°C), due to the formation of strong chemical bonds with the alloy atoms.Hydrogen atoms behave quite differently, diffusing into the getter material bulk more quickly than the other atoms and becoming almost uniformly distributed with-in the bulk.2.3 OperationIn normal operation the outside temperature of the purifier is warm, but should not be uncomfortable to the touch. The 24 VDC power supply maintains the purifier trap at a constant temperature, and should be located so that the illuminated LED can serve as a visual indicator of purifier operation.Removing the HPM or NPM from the SystemTo remove the purifier from the carrier gas line:1. Disconnect the power supply. Disconnect the output line from theinstrument while maintaining carrier flow.2. Allow about one hour for the purifier to cool. After it reaches ambient temperature, cap the output line and allow the purifier to bepressurized for several minutes.3. Remove the input line and immediately cap it. This maintains a carrier gas atmosphere on the gettering substrate, increasing its lifetime.To reinstall, follow the instructions in the Installation section at the top of page 3.5|3. ROUTINE MAINTENANCEWARNING: Do not try to open ormodify the purifier.In normal usage there is no maintenance required on the purifier or power supply. If the purifier shows signs of saturation it will need replacement. Replacement purifiers can be ordered from VICI using the following product numbers:• Helium purifier - HPM• Nitrogen purifier - NPMDisposing of the purifierTo dispose of this product, visit https:////returns.php, or email******************.Thepackageshouldbeclearlymarked“Traps for Disposal”.4. WARRANTYThis Limited Warranty gives the Buyer specific legal rights, and a Buyer may also have other rights that vary from state to state. For a period of 365 calendar days from the date of shipment, Valco Instruments Company, Inc. (hereinafter Seller) warrants the goods to be free from defect in material and workmanship to the original purchaser. During the warranty period, Seller agrees to repair or replace defective and/or nonconforming goods or parts without charge for material or labor, or, at the Seller’s option, demand return of the goods and tender repayment of the price. Buyer’s exclusive remedy is repair or replacement of defective and nonconforming goods, or, at Seller’s option, the repayment of the price.Seller excludes and disclaims any liability for lost profits, personal injury, interruption of service, or for consequential incidental or special damages arising out of, resuiting from, or relating in any manner to these goods.|6This Limited Warranty does not cover defects, damage, or non- conformity resulting from abuse, misuse, neglect, lack of reasonable care, modification, orthe attachment of improper devices to the goods. This Limited Warranty does not cover expendable items.This warranty is VOID when repairs are performed by a non- authorized service center or representative. For information about authorized service centers or representatives, write Customer Repairs, Valco Instruments Company, Inc, P.O. Box 55603, Houston, Texas 77255, or phone (713) 688-9345. At Seller’s option, repairs or replacements will be made on site or at the factory. If repairs or replacements are to be made at the factory, Buyer shall return the goods prepaid and bear all the risks of loss until delivered to the factory. If Seller returns the goods, they will be delivered prepaid and Seller will bear all risks of loss until delivery to Buyer. Buyer and Seller agree that this Limited Warranty shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.The warranties contained in this agreement are in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.This Limited Warranty supercedes all prior proposals or representations oral or written and constitutes the entire understanding regarding the warranties made by Seller to Buyer. This Limited Warranty may not be expanded or modified except in writing signed by the parties hereto.7||8。

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HWJKF-12J型低压无功补偿智能控制器使用说明书合肥华威自动化有限公司HE FEI HUA WEI AUTOMATIC CO.,LTD.目录一、简介 (1)二、技术参数 (1)三、使用环境条件 (1)四、控制器主要功能 (1)五、界面操作说明 (2)六、装置端子接线图(背视) (4)七、典型应用接线图 (5)八、装置调试说明 (5)九、装置外形及安装开孔尺寸: (6)一、简介HWJKF-12J型低压无功补偿智能控制器以高速微处理器为控制核心,其功能强大、抗干扰能力强、运算速度快,产品采用贴片工艺制造。






二、技术参数l工作电压:交流200V~240Vl额定频率:50Hzl取样电压:AC220V ±20%三相四线l取样电流:0~5A三相四线 (总进线电流互感器二次侧)l控制输出:12路继电器常开出口 AC220V/3Al控制对象(即电容投切开关):电容型交流接触器l电容组合方式:12共;9共1分;6共2分;3共3分;4分l电容器容量设置:0kvar~200 kvar 级差1l CT变比比值设置: 10~600 级差 1l控制延时:0~600S三、使用环境条件l环境温度:-40℃~ +85℃;l相对温度:25℃时小于90%;l大气压力:79.5kPa ~ 106.0kPa(海拔2000m及以下)。




l当以无功功率为控制物理量时u当欠补且实测无功功率大于投入门限时,延时开始计时,当延时大于预先设定值时(10 s),控制器发出投电容器命令。

u当过补且实测无功功率大于切除门限时,延时开始计时,当延时大于预先设定值时(10 s),控制器发出切电容器命令。





如下图所示:左面数码管右面数码管0 2 2 5在此界面下,按查询键进入参数设置界面,再按查询键返回数据显示界面,按上下键进行前后翻页。

从0~E 各页面显示的测量值分别为:u三相电压:0-Ua,1-Ub,2-Uc 单位: Vu三相电流:3-Ia,4-Ib,5-Ic 单位: Au三相有功功率:6-Pa,7-Pb,8-Pc 单位: kWu三相无功功率:9-Qa,A-Qb,b-Qc 单位: kvaru三相功率因数:C-COSa,d-COSb,E-COScu三相超前显示:A B C (过补时,显示当前超前相)2)参数设置界面共38幅在数据显示界面状态下按“查询”键,进入参数设置界面,这时“参数1”指示灯亮。






※参数1的各项参数设置说明如下:Ø参数1灯亮时,共有14项参数设置,各项参数含义如下表代码含义单位参数范围出厂设定值0 自动控制软开关(控制器自动运行/停止)——On / OFF On1 控制方式(无功功率/电压)——PF / U PF2 电压切除门限V 160~265 2503 电压投入门限V 160~265 2004 无功切除门限kvar 0~50 05 无功投入门限kvar 0~50 按需设置6 过压保护定值V 230~270 2557 欠压保护定值V 160~230 1808 组间时间间隔S 5~60 109 同组切投时间间隔S 0~600 300A CT(电流变比值,直接设置5的倍数)——10~600 20b 低功率因数闭锁定值——0~0.5 0.35 C 手动控制投入电容器组组0~11 按需操作d 手动控制切除电容器组组0~11 按需操作手动投切说明:手动控制时,按查询键进入参数1界面,参数灯1亮。









左面数码管中显示的值与控制器输出点的对应关系如下:0-K1;1-K2;2-K3;3-K4;4-K5;5-K6;6-K7;7-K8;8-K9;9-K10;A-K11;b-K12 右面数码管中设置值如下:0:表示共补;1:表示A 相;2:表示B 相;3:表示C 相。

没有用到的输出均设为O 。




对于分补电容按单相电容值设置,如果是小数按四舍五入进行设置;对共补电容按标称电容值进行设置,没有用到的输出均设为O 。

所有参数设置完成后,一定要把参数1中的0项(自动控制软开关)设置成“ON ”,这时“自动”灯亮。

否则控制器不能自动投切!!!六、装置端子接线图(背视)上排端子: 序号1 23456789101112 13 14 15 16 标号 Ua Ub Uc Un Ia Ia* Ib Ib* Ic Ic* NC NCNCNCNCNC接线电压模拟量输入电流模拟量输入下排端子: 说明: 1、 电容器控制出口均为继电器常开触点 AC220V/7A 。

2、 NC 代表空端子。

序号 1 23456789 10 1112131415 16 标号 NC COM K1 K2K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 K12NCNC接线输出 公共端控制输出出口3、电容器控制出口的共补和分补可以任意定义;但为了取得最佳的补偿效果,建议用户按照如下的原则定义端口:在控制器端子上,分补电容放在共补电容前,电容器容量从小到大顺序定义。

例如:有一电容分组为:10Y+15Y+10△+15△+20△+30△=100 kvar。



则:K1-K3值设为3 kvar(10Y/3);K4-K6值设为5 kvar(15Y/3);K7值设为10kvar;K8值设为15 kvar;K9值设为20 kvar;K10值设为30 kvar。



















九、装置外形及安装开孔尺寸:1.装置采用嵌入机箱安装:2.外形尺寸:144×144×853.开孔尺寸:138×138合肥华威自动化有限公司地址:合肥双凤经济开发区凤霞路西008号电话:0551-******* 5665880传真:0551-*******网址:。
