art for art's sake-奥斯卡王尔德

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so,弱弱的问一句,stylish+gay+genius=an artist???
苏打绿的“韦瓦第 计划”,定名来由 是来自于18世纪初 古协奏曲之父Antonio Vivald, 他以音乐呈现文字, 写出了“四季”小 提琴协奏曲《The Four Seasons》, 以丰富的思维将巴 洛克协奏曲风格带 入崭新的领域,并 流传至今,广为人 知。
成员:李笑男 陈晓琳 孙琦琪 张敏
Just from my perspective,art is just like a glass of water, if you mix it with anything except water,say,a drop of ink,the water is not water anymore.In the world of art, we see everything in black and white,there's never grey is very much pure, even isolated. → Water+ink≠Water Art+Money≠Art → Art+Art =100%Art Art+Society≠Art
In theory, Oscar Wilde reconsiders the relation between art and life. Inheriting Gautiers’ view “art for art’s sake”, he advocates that life is the imitation of art, which can be seen in the preface of his book The picture of Dorian Gray as “All art is quite useless”. His imprisonment indicates the end of the Aesthetic Movement.
Art ,to some degree, is very much subjective.what somebody regards as treasure may seems like crap to someone else.
Let's look at what Oscar Wilde say about art
艺术贵在毫无用处,正如哲学,毫无用处使它们脱离 了庸俗。作为唯美主义的先驱,王尔德受华尔特· 品特 的影响比较深,并继承了品特“为艺术而艺术”的口 号.可见,艺术的唯一目的就是艺术本身。 王尔德认为“艺术高于一切,超现实,超功利”。艺 术,作为一种迷人的抽象存在,是不可能与柴米油盐 酱醋茶之类的东西等同的。 正如他自己所说的“We are all in the gutter,but some of us are still looking at the stars”。世俗之人总是莫 名其妙的赋予一个东西以“用途”,他们所关心的是 现实,是奔走经营,是他们所在的阴暗沟渠。任何没 有“用处”的东西都会被他们视作毫无疑义。
王尔德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900)不仅是诗人、 小说家,剧作家、批评家 ,而且是有史以来敢于承 认自己是天才的天才之一 。他在进纽约海关时对海 关官员说: “除了天才之 外,我没有什么可申报的 。”(“I have nothing to declare except my genius.” )After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s.
春.日光 “春”在台东属 于温暖的民谣
夏.狂热 “夏”在 伦敦属于 热情的摇 滚
2013-9-18 秋.故事 “秋”在北 京属于忧伤 的诗歌
“冬”在柏 林属于庄严 的古典。
当 我 们 一 起 走 过
Actually,this song is not my favourite . The reason why I choose this song to share with you is because there is no better song to interpret our feelings. During the 4-year college life,aren't just our teachers, classmates,friends that pull us through the toughest time? I just hope we'll remember those moments we walked together.