
其中控制主机需要安装电源模块(黄浦江水中站每台主机配了2 个),如下图所示:红色框中的为电源模块,主机共有 4 个模块插槽,插上模块并通上电后,模块上的灯会亮起。
2、接线( 1)蓄电池连接:蓄电池连接使用标配的连接铁片(下图的红框),将电池串连起来。
引出线使用 4 平方以上的电线(黄浦江水中站标配有 2 根做好头的线)( 2)蓄电池引出线:上图中的蓄电池引出线连接到控制主机最右侧的125A 空开上(两个空开任选其一),负级接空开(与空开上原来的线并在一起),正极接空开后面的接线排,如下图所示:( 3)空调线缆:空调在门上,共需接 3 根线,门上线缆的位置如下图所示:以述线缆在出厂时,都已在门上接好,另一端已布放到机柜内的机架上。
从机架上找到对应的 3 根线缆,接到主机上(接法见下文)。
'*( 4)空调线缆( 1#)接入主机:上图线缆中的1#为空调主机220V 电源,接到下图空开上,注意颜色,棕色接空开,蓝色接空开旁的接线端子,黄绿色接机柜的地线端子上。
( 5)空调线缆( 2#)接入主机:2#线缆是空调控制线,出厂都已做好头,只需插到控制主机下图所在的位置即可。
'*( 6)空调线缆( 3#)接入主机:3#线缆是空调风扇电源线(-48V),从控制主机上找任意一个32A 的空开接上即可,负极接空开(与空开上原来的线并在一起),正极接空开后面的接线排,如下图所示:( 7)逆变器电源线连接:逆变器电源线采用 6 平方以上的电缆,接在逆变器左边的接线端子上,如下图所示:线缆的另一端从控制主机上找任意一个63A 的空开接上即可,负极接空开(与空开上原来的线并在一起),正极接空开后面的接线排,如下图所示:( 8)门控开关传感器接线机柜右上角有一个门控开关传感器,找到该传感器的线缆(已在机柜内安装好,并做好头),插到控制主机上的GATE接口上即可,如下图所示:'*( 9)主电源接入:机柜主电源采用 2.5 平方以上的电缆,接到控制主机最左侧的空开上,火线接空开,零线接空开旁边的接线端子,地线接机柜上的地线端子,如下图所示:注意:上图空开需要把三个输入的接线端子短接在一起,正常标配应该有一个短接的铁片(如下图所示),如果找不到也可以用电线代替。
华为Precision PDF-T配电柜快速指南说明书

When operating the equipment, you must follow the local laws and regulations. 操作设备时,应遵守当地法规和规范。
1.3 Personnel Requirements / 人员要求
screwdriver (85 mm) 短柄十字螺丝刀(85mm)
4 Cabinet Layout / 机柜布局图
NOTE / 说明
Cabinet dimensions (H x W x D): 2000 mm x 600 mm x 1200 mm 机柜尺寸(高×宽×深):2000mm×600mm×1200mm
Front view of the precision PDF / 精密配电柜前视图
1 Indicators 指示灯
2 Input circuit breaker 输入空开
பைடு நூலகம்
4 Output circuit breaker 输出空开
3 Surge protective device (SPD) and SPD circuit breaker 防雷器及防雷空开
PDU8000 Precision PDF-T
Quick Guide
PDU8000 精密配电柜-T
Issue: 01 文档版本:01 Code: 02404286-026 编码:02404286-026
Date: 2019-09-17 发布日期:2019-09-17
1 Precautions / 安全注意事项
After the installation and commissioning, do not open the rear door or side panel. Otherwise, electric shocks may occur. 安装调测完成后,请勿擅自打开后门和侧板,否则会有触电的危险。

电源和机柜订购指南2 |CPI电源和机柜订购指南创建您自己的电源 和机柜解决方案的步骤本订购指南旨在选择您需要的所有组件,创建一套完整的电源和机柜解决方案。
主动监控环境添加环境监测强力支撑设备选择一个机柜智能电源管理选择一根 PDU对设备进行电子保护添加电子锁有效控制气流添加气流管理远程优化系统添加 DCIM 软件电源和机柜订购指南3 |CPI选择电力分配单元智能电源管理作为电力链的最后一站,电力分配单元 (PDU ) 提供了最详细的信息,可用于了解设备状况,从而对容量进行规划。
CPI 的 eConnect ® PDU 具有以下功能,可帮助数据中心管理员做出明智的决定。
选择机架 PDU 的第一步是确定功能级别。
降低网络成本和复杂性耐高温简化负载平衡集成电子锁避免意外断开千兆以太网符合最新的 UL 规定机柜预安装轻松识别故障转移单元简单可靠在不需要电力监控的低或高能耗密集型应用中,可选择基本 eConnect PDU。
注释:*每个装置的装运重量为 27 磅(12 千克)。
**冗余包包括 2 个 PDU(一个为黑色,一个为冰川白),以便于识别主设备和备用设备;装运重量为 54 磅(24 千克)。
4 |CPI 电源和机柜订购指南通过实时计量安全安装设备。
选择计量式 eConnect PDU 以在非联网应用程序中进行计量。
**冗余包包括 2 个 PDU(一个为黑色,一个为冰川白),以便于识别主设备和备用设备;装运重量为 54 磅(24 千克)。
电源和机柜订购指南 5 |CPIMonitored eConnect PDU功能强悍的机柜级电源管理选择监控式 eConnect PDU 以对输入和分支电路级别进行远程电力监控和管理。
注释:*每个装置的装运重量为 27 磅(12 千克)。
**冗余包包括 2 个 PDU(一个为黑色,一个为冰川白),以便于识别主设备和备用设备;装运重量为 54 磅(24 千克)。

FusionModule800 产品简介FusionModule800是面向于边缘计算和分支网点的小型模块化数据中心解决方案。
该方案通过高集成度的设计方式,一体化集成配电、UPS 、监控、制冷、机柜和灭火模块(可选)等系统,可大幅节省数据中心占地面积,为用户打造“一排一DC ”的极简数据中心。
同时,搭配华为移动智能管理APP ,轻松实现机房远程运维。
产品简介•金融(支行及大型营业网点)、政府、教育、医疗、交通、能源、中小企业、商业零售、运营商营业网点等•室内场景应用场景极简•所有部件工厂预制,现场只需简单并柜,4小时完成硬件搭建,2天实现业务上线•支持柜内灭火模块*,即插即用更便捷绿色•冷电控一体化设计,节省占地2~3柜•密闭冷热通道设计,防尘降噪,高效制冷智能•支持面部识别,免密码登录,免钥匙开门•内置智能电表,支持电量统计和PUE 显示*•支持移动智能管理* ,远程专业运维安全•轻载除湿技术,10%负载时可靠除湿,避免机房凝露•支持自动弹开门,高温时自动弹开,辅助散热产品特点*:选配功能FusionModule800分解图指示灯配电模块UPS 监控模块温控通道弹门装置(后)弱电线槽(选配)摄像头(选配)弹门装置(前)玻璃门10寸触摸屏强电线槽(选配)FusionModule800场景图250mmIT 柜IT 柜PDU UPS 监控温控IT 柜IT 柜IT 柜温控IT 柜IT 柜电池密闭热通道密闭冷通道1100mm技术参数版权所有©华为数字能源技术有限公司2021。
备注:1.BC3L 、BC5L :UPS 支持无冗余和N+1冗余两种模式运行。
2.BC2L 、BC4L :UPS 可支持2N 配电模式或连续制冷。
OptiX OSN8800安装介绍

1、OSN8800子架,在当成电子架使用时,最大功耗在4800W,需要2路50A电流,主备就是4路50A电流, 所以当1柜2个8800子架时,PDU的空开都是50A,共8个 2、由于6800最大功耗在1200W以下,只需提供30A电流即可,所以当8800和2×6800共机柜时,PDU的 空开是4个50A+4个30A 3、实际情况,如果配置的单板功耗不大,而客户又提供不了我们要求的电源时,可以根据实际功耗来估 算所需的能量,计算公式是:实际功耗/40V*120%,此种配置要求必须和客户签订工程备忘录 4、OSN8800及配电盒接头为OT端子 5、电源路数不足时电源安装实现方式见下页
OptiX OSN0安装介绍
OSN8800I型设备机柜配置说明 OSN8800I型子架可以放入T63B、N63B、标准ETSI机柜、北美 23英寸开放架中。T63B、N63B子架的主体设计是一样的,只 是挂耳的安装位置也会有所调整。 N63B是主流的机柜配置(该机柜安装立柱靠中间,我司波分 设备采用该机柜),2.2m的机柜中可以放置2个8800子架 (此情况下机柜内会没有任何空间再放置DCM插框,需要采 用DCU单板进行色散补偿);如果是跟6800混配,那1个 2.2m机柜可以放置1个8800子架再加2个6800子架,底部还 可再放2个1U高的插框,比如DCM插框。 注意事项: • 8800子架上下均有大功率风扇,经过散热测试后确认,在 8800单独安装以及同6800共柜安装时,不需要在8800或 6800的子架上部单独配置导风框。 • 对外主流机柜配置为N63B 2.2m机柜,2.6m机柜是在2.2m 机柜上面加个0.4m高的围框,这个围框内不能放置任何东西 。 • 在8800子架上,不能配置任何MVOA(无固定MVOA的地 方),盘纤盒也不推荐使用
PRIMECENTER M1 架架系统配置器和订单信息指南说明书

PRIMECENTER M1 Racks 16U/24U/42USystem configurator and order-information guide May 2017ContentsConfigurator diagramConfiguration and order process informationRack configurationsRack mounting ex factoryRack accessoriesRack consoleKVM switchesPower socket outletsUninterruptible power suppliesBackup Device FibreCAT TXF10 GbE Twinax-CablingIB SwitchIB CablingVDX 6740VDX 6740TVDX 6740T-1GVDX 6940-36QICX6430ICX6450ICX6610ICX7450ICX7750-48FICX7750-48CICX7750-26QData Sheet Smart UPSGeneral rack accessoriesChange ReportPRIMERGY ServerSystem configurator and order-information guidePRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27System configurator and order-information guideSystem configurator and order-information guide PRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27TWINAX-Cabling with virtual SFP+ modulesProduct number Connector DescriptionV:TWX CONNECTOR-BR FC TWX 10G connector BR Twinax Connector BrocadeV:TWX CONNECTOR CI FC TWX 10G connector CI Twinax Connector CiscoV:TWX CONNECTOR PY FC TWX 10G connector PY Twinax Connector PrimergyV:TWX CONNECTOR SP FC TWX 10G connector SBAX Twinax Connector SBAX2 und PassThru V:TWX CONNECTOR-40FC TWX 40G connector PY Twinax Connector 40GbE SBAX3V:TWX CONNECTOR-BR40FC TWX 40G connector BR Twinax Connector 40GbE BrocadeRack-specified Twinax-cable for graphical Cabling within the PRIMECENTER M1 Rack:S26361-F3873-E500SFP+ activ Twinax Cable Brocade custom2x FC TWX 10G connector BRS26361-F3989-E600SFP+ aktives Twinax Kabel kundenspez.2x FC TWX 10G connector PYS26361-F4571-E500SFP+ passive Twinax Kabel Cisco custom2x FC TWX 10G connector CIS26361-F3986-E400QSFP+ aktives Twinax Kabel kundenspez.2x FC TWX 40G connector PYS26361-F5317-E40QSFP+ aktives Twinax Kabel BR kundenspez.2x LAN TWX 40G connector BRS26361-F5317-E400QSFP+/4xSFP+ Breakout Kabel Brocade cust4x/1x LAN TWX 10/40G connector BRAdd. Twinax-cable for graphical cabling outside the PRIMECENTER M1 Rack (between racks):EBR800-TWX-1M-L SFP+ active Twinax cable BRCD 1m UPG2x FC TWX 10G connector BREBR800-TWX-3M-L SFP+ active Twinax cable BRCD 3m UPG2x FC TWX 10G connector BREBR800-TWX-5M-L SFP+ active Twinax cable BRCD 5m UPG2x FC TWX 10G connector BRIn Addition the optional configurable Twinax-cable options (also for graphical cabling in systemarchitect usable!)(to find under chapter "Hardware – Options" of the Blade system units BX900S2 and BX400S1)S26361-F3873-L501Brocade 1mS26361-F3873-L503 Brocade 3mS26361-F3873-L505 Brocade 5mS26361-F4571-L101Cisco 1mS26361-F4571-L103 Cisco 3mS26361-F4571-L105 Cisco 5mS26361-F4571-L107 Cisco 7mS26361-F4571-L110 Cisco 10mS26361-F3989-L102FJ 2mS26361-F3989-L105FJ 5mS26361-F3989-L110FJ 10mS26361-F5317-L41Brocade 40G 1mS26361-F5317-L43Brocade 40G 3mS26361-F5317-L45Brocade 40G 5mS26361-F5317-L401Brocade 1mS26361-F5317-L403Brocade 3mS26361-F5317-L405Brocade 5mSystem configurator and order-information guideSystem configurator and order-information guidePRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27Mellanox IB-Cabling for EDR HCA 100GbCable- Nr.S26361-K1560-V10Intel IB Cu Cable 100Gb, l=3m, Order-number: S26361-F5549-L561 (for loose delivery of the IB cable)Intel IB Cu Cable 100Gb, l=3m, Order-number: S26361-F5549-L563 (for loose delivery of the IB cable)Additional informations about cablingMellanox IB-Cabling for FDR HCA 56GbCable- Nr.Mellanox IB-Switchl InfiniBand QSFP (connector in SA, 1x w ith E102 and 2x w ith E202)and to other -F4533-E102/E202InfiniBand Cu cable 56Gb, customized, order number: S26361-F3996-E556 (for cabling in SA)InfiniBand Cu cable 56Gb, l=1m, Order-number: S26361-F3996-L561 (for loose delivery of the IB cable)InfiniBand Cu cable 56Gb, l=3m, Order-number: S26361-F3996-L563 (for loose delivery of the IB cable)Additional informations about cablingIntel IB-Cabling for QDR HCA 40GbCable- Nr.l InfiniBand QSFP (connector in SA 1x w ith E122 and 2x w ith E222)and to other -F4475-E122/E222Intel IB Cu Cable 40Gb, l=3m, Order-number: S26361-F3996-L203 (for loose delivery of the IB cable)Intel IB FO Cable 40Gb, l=10m, Order-number: S26361-F3996-L210 (for loose delivery of the IB cable)Additional informations about cablingPRIMERGY Server Length Other Informations about IB cabling / controller releases, see the respective configuratorPRIMERGY Server Length Intel IB-SwitchOther Informations about IB cabling / controller releases, see the respective configuratorPRIMERGY Server Length Mellanox IB-SwitchOther Informations about IB cabling / controller releases, see the respective configuratorIntel OP-Cabling for Omni-Path HFI 100GbS26361-K1576-V10/V11Cable- Nr.S26361-K1576-V20/V21Intel IB Cu Cable 100Gb, l=1.5m, Order-number: S26361-F5563-L150 (for loose delivery of the IB cable)Intel IB Cu Cable 100Gb, l=2m, Order-number: : S26361-F5563-L200 (for loose delivery of the IB cable)Intel IB Cu Cable 100Gb, l=3m, Order-number: : S26361-F5563-L300 (for loose delivery of the IB cable)Additional informations about cablingOther Informations about IB cabling / controller releases, see the respective configuratorIntel OP-SwitchPRIMERGY Server LengthSystem configurator and order-information guideSystem configurator and order-information guideStatus 2017-04-27Orderable modules and cables (loose delivery):The Brocade VDX6740 has 48x SFP+ and 4x QSFP+ ports.1GbE SFP modules:S26361-F5263-L102 1000Base-SX, MMF, LC connectorS26361-F5263-L103 1000Base-LX, SMF, LC connectorS26361-F3873-L461 1000Base-T, copper, RJ45 connector10GbE SFP+ modules:S26361-F3873-L310 10GBase-SR, MMF, LC connectorS26361-F3873-L311 10GBase-LR, SMF, LC connectorS26361-F3873-L312 10GBase-ER, SMF, LC connector40GbE QSFP+ modules:S26361-F5294-L110 40GBase-SR4, MMF, MTP connectorS26361-F5294-L114 40GBase-SR4-INT, MMF, MTP connector,compatible with 10GBASE-SR, 10G breakout-capableS26361-F5317-L110 40GBase-LR4, SMF, MTP connectorD:40G-QSFP-ESR4-L 40GBase-eSR4, MMF, MTP connector8 Gbit/s FC SFP modules:S26361-F3873-L109 8Gb/s FC, MMF, LC connectorS26361-F3873-L208 8Gb/s FC, SMF, LC connector16 Gbit/s FC SFP modules:S26361-F3873-L116 16Gb/s FC, MMF, LC connectorS26361-F3873-L216 16Gb/s FC, SMF, LC connector10 GbE SFP+ cables:S26361-F3873-L501 SFP+ active twinax cable 1mS26361-F3873-L503 SFP+ active twinax cable 3mS26361-F3873-L505 SFP+ active twinax cable 5mS26361-F3873-L507 SFP+ active optical cable 7mS26361-F3873-L510 SFP+ active optical cable 10m40 GbE QSFP+ cables:S26361-F5317-L41 QSFP+ active twinax cable 1mS26361-F5317-L43 QSFP+ active twinax cable 3mS26361-F5317-L45 QSFP+ active twinax cable 5mD:40G-QSFP-QSFP-AOC-1001 QSFP+ active optical cable 10m40GbE to 4x 10GbE QSFP+ to 4x SFP+ break out cables:S26361-F5317-L401 QSFP+ to 4x SFP+ active twinax cable, 1mS26361-F5317-L403 QSFP+ to 4x SFP+ active twinax cable, 3mS26361-F5317-L405 QSFP+ to 4x SFP+ active twinax cable, 5mD:40G-QSFP-4SFP-AOC-1001 QSFP+ to 4x SFP+ active optical cable, 10moptical LC/LC cables can be used for 10GbE/8Gbit/s/16GBit/s:S26361-F3986-L500 FC Fiber-Kabel OM3, MMF, LC/LC 5mD:FCKAB-OM4-C05L-L FC-Cable OM4, MMF, 5m, LC/LCD:FCKAB-OM4-C10L-L FC-Cable OM4, MMF, 10m, LC/LCD:FCKAB-OM4-C20L-L FC-Cable OM4, MMF, 20m, LC/LCD:FCKAB-OM4-C50L-L FC-Cable OM4, MMF, 50m, LC/LCoptical MTP/MTP cables can be used for 40GbE cabling:S26361-F5294-L405 Fiber cable MTP/MTP 5m crossover, MMFS26361-F5294-L410 Fiber cable MTP/MTP 10m crossover, MMFD:FCKAB-MTP-C05-L MTP cable 5m MTP-female MTP-femaleD:FCKAB-MTP-C10-L MTP cable 10m MTP-female MTP-femaleD:FCKAB-MTP-C20-L MTP cable 20m MTP-female MTP-femaleD:FCKAB-MTP-C50-L MTP cable 50m MTP-female MTP-femaleD:FCKAB-MTP-C100-L MTP cable 100m MTP-female MTP-femaleoptical MTP/4xLC cables can be used for 40GbE to 4x10GbEor 4x 16Gbit/s FC breack-out cablingS26361-F5294-L445 Fiber cable OM4, MMF, MTP12/4xLC 5mS26361-F5294-L100 Fiber coupler OM4, MMF, LC/LCSystem configurator and order-information guideEnd of Brocade VDX6740T SwitchSystem configurator and order-information guide PRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27System configurator and order-information guide PRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27tusSystem configurator and order-information guidePRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27 X ICX 7450 Switch ConfigurationS26361-K1572-V124S26361-K1572-V148The switch can beBrocade ICX 7450-24Brocade ICX 7450-48mounted into a Rack ex factory24x1 GbE switch, copper (RJ45),48x1 GbE switch, copper (RJ45),1x3x optional modul slots3x optional modul slotsBase software Base softwareincl. lifetime reinsurance incl. lifetime reinsuranceNo PSU, FAN, RMK included No PSU, FAN, RMK includedS26361-F4530-E11S26361-F4530-E10S26361-F2735-E111Mounting of RMK in asymmetrical Fixing or attachment of RMK in Not RMKrack incl. 1U support bracket.symm. racks wo/ support bracket.1x per systemS26361-F5317-E520newBrocade 4 post RMKFor PRIMECENTER M1 racks1x per switch1xS26361-F4530-E141Perforated panel 1Upermeable to air1x per RMK, no add. HUS26361-F1647-E302S26361-F5294-L740Mounting service for Premium software licenseinstallation ex works Optional license to enable1x per Switch premium Layer 3 featureslike routingS26361-F5294-E20up to 1x per systemPSU unit 220V, 250W outputPort side exhaust airflow1-2x per switch1-2xS26361-F5294-E749FAN unitPort side exhaust airflow1-2x per switchS26361-F3417-E600 *)CAT 6A S/STP RJ45 cables can be used for proper cabling:Copper cable CAT 6A S26361-F3417-L602: CAT 6A, RJ45 connector, 2m0-24/48x RJ45 connectors S26361-F3417-L603: CAT 6A, RJ45 connector, 3mcustomized length S26361-F3417-L605: CAT 6A, RJ45 connector, 5mup to 24/48x per switch S26361-F3417-L610: CAT 6A, RJ45 connector, 10mS26361-F3417-L615: CAT 6A, RJ45 connector, 15mS26361-F5294-E746S26361-F5294-E748S26361-F5294-E747S26361-F5294-E745Expansion module 4 ports Expansion module 4 ports Expansion module 4 ports Expansion module 1 port 0-3x4x1/10Gbase-T RJ454x100M/1GbE SFP4x1/10GbE SFP+1x40Gbase QSFP+up to 3x per Switch up to 1x per Switch up to 3x per Switch up to 3x per SwitchS26361-F3417-E600 *)Copper cable CAT 6A*) in SA only0-12x RJ45 connectors shown incustomized length cabling viewup to 4x per moduleV:TWX Connector-BR S26361-F3873-E310S26361-F5263-E102S26361-F5263-E103S26361-F5263-E161new 10GbE Twinax Brocade SFP+ for uplink ports SFP for uplink ports SFP for uplink ports SFP for uplink portsmax. 4x per module10GBase-SR SFP+ optic, 1000Base-SX SFP optic,1000Base-LX SFP optic,1000Base-T copperLC connector, MMF,LC connector, MMF LC connector, SMF RJ45 connectorup to 300 meter Optical Monitoring Capable Optical Monitoring CapableS26361-F3873-E500 *)up to 4x per module up to 4x per module up to 4x per module up to 4x per module 0-12x SFP+ active twinax cablecustomized twinax cable forfull rack setup ex factory S26361-F3986-E500 *)S26361-F3417-E600 *)cable length is selected by Fiber cable OM3,*) in SA only Copper cable CAT6Arequirement in the factory MMF, LC/LC 5m shown in RJ45 connectorscabling view customized length max. 4x per module up to 4x per module up to 4x per moduleV:TWX_Connector-BR40ST74V:TWX Connector-BR40S26361-F5294-E11040GbE Twinax Brocade ST40GbE Twinax Brocade QSFP+ for uplink portsup to 1x per QSFP+ module up to 1x per QSFP+ module40GBase-SR4 QSFP+ opticMTP connector, MMF,up to 100 meter 0-3x S26361-F5294-E150 *)S26361-F5294-E101 *)S26361-F5317-E40 *)up to 1x per QSFP+ module QSFP+ passive twinax cable QSFP+ passive twinax cable QSFP+ active twinax cablefor stacking to ICX 7450 only for stacking to ICX 7450 only customized twinax cablefor rack setup ex factory S26361-F5294-E405 *)QSFP+ to QSFP+, 0.5m QSFP+ to QSFP+, 1m QSFP+ to QSFP+, 1/3/5m MTP / MTP connectorup to 1x per QSFP+ module up to 1x per QSFP+ module up to 1x per QSFP+ module MMF, 5m, crossoverup to 1x per portSystem configurator and order-information guide PRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27System configurator and order-information guidePRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27Information about Smart USV in the internet see:https:///com/products/servers/primergy/rackcomp/components/usv/Pages/default.aspxSystem configurator and order-information guidePRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27general rack accessoriesS26361-F4530-L250Brush Panel Kit (2pcs) PCR M1 for assembly in 42U PRIMECENTER M1 Racks at customer.S26361-F4530-L260Brush Panel Kit (1pc) Rear Door PCR M1 for assembly in 42U PRIMECENTER M1 Racks at customer.S26361-F4530-L210Tilting Protection Pull Out PCR M1 for assembly in PRIMECENTER M1 Racks at customer.S26361-F4530-L225Rack Connection Kit for joining of 2 PRIMECENTER M1 Racks at customer.S26361-F4530-L6Earthing Kit Racks PCR M1 for assembly in PRIMECENTER M1 Racks at customer.S26361-F4530-L131Dummy panel 1U plastics satin black for assembly in 19" rack S26361-F4530-L132Dummy panel 2U plastics satin black for assembly in 19" rack S26361-F2735-L10Support bracket for asymmetrical racks, max. load up to 15kg (servers up to 25kg)for compensation of shifted post in asymmetrical PRIMECENTER racks S26361-F2735-L15Support bracket for asymmetrical racks, max. load up to 35kg for compensation of shifted post in asymmetrical PRIMECENTER racks S26361-F2735-L31Support bracket for asymmetrical racks, max. load up to 50kg for compensation of shifted post in asymmetrical PRIMECENTER racks S26361-F2735-L150RMK-S Vario carrier w. L-shaped brackets easy rack mounting for 19inch rack systems in PC racks, max. load 50 kg S26361-F2735-L7Cable magmt. for 19" DC- PC- Rack S26361-F2735-L811U cable arm for RMKs with cable management arm (CMA) adapter S26361-F2735-L81U cable arm for RMKs without CMA adapter S26361-F2201-L202U cable arm for RMKs without cable management arm (CMA) adapter in PRIMECENTER M1 or 3rd party racks.S26361-F2735-L822U cable arm for RMKs with cable management arm (CMA) adapter S26361-F2735-L320RMK-PDU 2U horizontal S26361-F2735-L330RMK-PDU 3U horizontal S26361-F1609-L35Add-on base plate, 680mm deep 1U S26361-F2735-L500cage nut set, M5, t=2,5mm S26361-F2735-L510SCREW SET IO-BOX Rack MountingContent: M5X14-TORX screws, cage nuts, rosettes; each 16 pieces orderable to IO-boxes, switches and racksDetail: mounted 1U cable arm at the left sife of 19" profile open with Adobe Acrobat reader Content: 50 pieces orderable to boxes, server and racks for assembly in 19" rack (1U), with support bracket, anthracite cable management for adding a server or storage subsystem from a 3rd party rack into the PRIMECENTER rack cable arm for 1U PRIMERGY server, dragged for PRIMECENTER- and 3rd-partySystem configurator and order-information guidePRIMECENTER M1 Racks Status 2017-04-27 Changereport。

主处理单元512MB FLASH卡
NetEngine80E/40E VRP5软件包基础版
NetEngine80E/40E V3R3 Update
8端口Channelized E1-RJ45物理接口板
8端口Channelized T1-RJ45物理接口板
NetEngine80E/40E IPv6
NetEngine80E/40E NetStream
NetEngine80E/40E PBB-TE
NetStream许可证SPU C
华为电源柜 用户手册

文档版本 发布日期
01 2016-01-04
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用于传递设备或环境安全警示信息,若不避免,可能会导致设备 损坏、数据丢失、设备性能降低或其它不可预知的结果。 “注意”不涉及人身伤害。
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1 安全注意事项.................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 通用安全注意事项 ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 电气安全 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 电池安全 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 布线要求 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.5 机械安全 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
华为OceanStor V3融合存储配置报价指导

CIFS(通用Internet文件系统) NFS(网络文件系统) NDMP(网络数据管理协议) SmartQuota 配额管理 HyperLock WORM
根据主机光纤端口数自劢配置,默认长度为3m 如需额外增加配置数量也可单独选择
根据硬盘框数自劢配置 如需额外增加配置数量也可单独选择
1+1冗余 转换效率高达94% 支持240V高压直流
16个接口模块槽位,支持热插拔 接口类型:8Gb/16Gb FC、GE、10GE TOE、 10GE电口、
10GE FCoE、12Gb SAS; V3R2还支持56Gb IB、SmartIO卡, 可配置重删压缩加速卡
SmartDedupe & SmartCompression SystemReporter 系统报表软件
SmartVirtualization 智能异构虚拟化 Smartmotion
选择SAN or SAN+NAS一体化

华为 S9700交换机 订购指南

FAΒιβλιοθήκη 32KY12K
40*10GE(SFP+) 16*10GE(SFP+) 2*40GE(QSFP+) 8*40GE(QSFP+)
3. 选特殊业务板 S9700 提供多种形式的特殊业务板,用户可根据实际需要灵活选择。
编码/型号 类型 功能 03030NWB/ EH1D200CMU00 CMU(集中监控板) 整机电源的监控、管理 风扇的监控、管理 备注 S9703 不需要 CMU S9706/9712 支持 1+1 冗余配 置,主机中已包含 1 块 CMU, 可根据需要再选配 1 块 CMU 03030UEK/ET1D2FW00S00 下一代防火墙业务处 理板 A 03030UEL/ET1D2FW00S01 下一代防火墙业务处 理板 B 03030UEM/ET1D2FW00S02 下一代防火墙业务处 理板 C 03030UEJ/ET1D2IPS0S00 入侵防御和入侵检测 业务处理板 A 03030TPP/ACU2 WLAN ACU2 无线接 入控制板(含 128 AP Firewall NAT SLB 服务器负载均衡 IPSec VPN/SSL VPN NetStream Anti-DDos IPS Firewall NAT SLB 服务器负载均衡 IPSec VPN/SSL VPN NetStream Anti-DDos IPS Firewall NAT SLB 服务器负载均衡 IPSec VPN/SSL VPN NetStream Anti-DDos IPS IPS IDS WLAN AC 该单板在 S12700,S9700,S7700 可 同时使用 该单板在 S12700,S9700,S7700 可 同时使用 防火墙单板含多重功能,这些功能 可同时启动 该单板在 S12700,S9700 可同时使 用 防火墙单板含多重功能,这些功能 可同时启动 该单板在 S12700,S9700,S7700 可 同时使用 防火墙单板含多重功能,这些功能 可同时启动 该单板在 S12700,S9700,S7700 可 同时使用

FusionCube Builder 自动化安装工具
vCenter PlugIn vCenter管理插件
Huawei FusionSphere 虚拟化平台
Vmware vSphere 虚拟化平台
Oracle RAC/SAP HANA/Sybase IQ/DB2
Node #N
Compute Storage
10GE RoCE/100G IB
FusionStorage Manager(Active)
FusionStorage Manager(Standby)
Se rver
Se rver
Se rver
Se rver
Se rver
FusionStorage Agent
FusionStorage Agent
计算 • 虚拟化,Docker
• 时延敏感型业务
• GB-TB级数据量 • 内存、算力不大 • 模型要求小型化。 • 应用要能快速启动和
加载 • 无需多线程 • Docker
FusionCube 边缘数据基础设施
FusionCube 2000丰富的产品形态,灵活支持多种负载,满足复杂业务所需

双主控板 四交换网板 16块线路处理卡 16块线路处理卡
进风口 系统电源
Huawei Confidential
MPU板: 2块,主备冗余
LPU板: 最多16块
NE40E 电源系统
输入额定电压 输入电压范围 最大输入电流
–48V DC –72V DC~–38V DC 85A 150A 85A 3700W 100A
直流输入电源 模块外观
输入冲击电流 最大输出电流 最大输出功率 空气开关额定电流
Huawei Confidential
全框结构 半框结构
双主控板SRU( 双主控板SRU(各带 SRU 一网板) 一网板) 2独立交换网板SFU 独立交换网板SFU 8块线路处理卡
接口板 LCD面板
Huawei Confidential
步骤 2
相同版本的大包和配置文件copy到新主控板的CFcard1的根目录下。 步骤 3 确认待更换的主控板的安装位置。
在拔出待更换的主控板之前,维护人员应首先确认该单板所在的机柜、机箱、槽位等安装位置信息。 NE5000E、NE80E和NE40E路由器都有两块主控板,NE5000E和NE80E的主控板在17和18号槽位, NE40E-8的主控板在9和10号槽位,NE40E-4的主控板在5和6号槽位。 在机箱中找到需更换的主控板,并在其面板上粘贴更换标签,以免发生误操作。 步骤 4 确定被更换的主控板是否是主用主控板。

华为Agile Controller-CampusV100R003 订购指南Issue V1.5Date2017-7-31华为技术有限公司修订记录目录1产品简介 (4)1.1产品简介 (4)1.2产品架构 (4)1.3可靠性说明 (5)1.4可销售特性 (5)2产品订购指导 (6)2.1软件配置 (6)2.2硬件配置 (8)2.3外购件 (11)2.4定制开发费用 (12)2.5版本升级费用 (13)2.6服务 (13)3新建项目的配置报价指导 (13)3.1新建项目的数据准备: (13)3.2添加产品节点 (15)3.3配置Agile Controller-Campus (15)3.4配置Agile Controller-Campus HW (17)4扩容项目的配置报价指导 (18)4.1扩容项目的数据准备: (18)4.2添加产品节点 (19)4.3配置Agile Controller-Campus (19)4.4配置Agile Controller-Campus HW (20)1产品简介1.1产品简介Agile Controller-Campus是华为推出的园区策略控制系统,提供企业雇员、访客人员、设备管理员的统一接入和管理,可集中控制园区用户的权限,QoS,带宽,应用,安全等策略,适用于需要对用户接入网络进行身份验证和授权的项目,可涵盖金融、政府、教育、医疗、酒店等行业。
1.2产品架构分级管理中心(Manager Center, MC)在分级管理场景使用,负责制定全局策略,对下级节点(SM/SC)的实施情况进行监控。
业务管理器(Service Manager, SM)承担业务管理的角色。
业务控制器(Service Controller, SC)集成标准Radius、Portal服务器,与NAD设备(交换机等)联动,完成Client的认证和授权工作。

FusionModule500 产品简介(一体式温控方案)华为FusionModule500是新一代边缘数据中心解决方案,通过高集成的设计方式,单柜内集成UPS 、供配电、制冷、监控、备电和灭火模块(可选),为用户打造“一柜一DC ”的极简数据中心。
同时,搭配华为移动智能管理APP ,轻松实现机房远程运维。
产品简介•金融、教育、医疗、园区、中小企业、商业零售、运营商营业网点等室内边缘数据中心场景应用场景极简•全工厂预制,无外机设计,免空调连管,2小时快速部署•支持柜内灭火模块*,即插即用更便捷绿色•高集成度设计,相比传统方案,节省占地50%•密闭冷热通道设计,防尘降噪,高效制冷智能•支持面部识别,免密码登录,免钥匙开门•支持移动智能管理* ,远程专业运维安全•支持自动弹开门,高温时自动弹开,辅助散热产品特点FusionModule500分解图*:选配功能配电模块一体式温控监控单元双层玻璃门可用空间UPS 电子锁弹门装置温湿度传感器显示屏电池单元技术参数注:1.可用空间=27U 未配置电池和灭火模块计算,实际可用空间取决于具体配置;2.方案支持最长4h 备电,实际备电时间取决于电池模块数量;3.制冷量是在室内干球/湿球温度为37℃/24℃,室外干球温度为35℃的标准环境下测出,实际制冷量会随室内外环境温度和相对湿度的变化而增大或减小。
4.搭配华为智能网管时,可实现多网点统一管理;5.漏水检测为选配功能,可选择点式/绳式检测传感器;6.移动智能管理支持短信/邮件/call home/电话语音多种告警方式版权所有©华为数字能源技术有限公司2022。
项目描述详细参数系统参数电源制式220/230/240VAC ,1Ph+N+PE ,50/60Hz 通道封闭密闭冷热通道安装方式水泥地面/架空地板走线方式机柜上走线环境温湿度0℃~40℃,5~95%海拔高度0~1000m (1000以上降额使用)系统容量3kW柜体尺寸2000mm ×600mm ×1100mm (高×宽×深mm )IT 可用空间≤27U*防护等级IP20重量360kg供配电系统系统输入220/230/240VAC,1Ph+N+PE,50/60Hz,63A 输出电压220VAC UPS 容量6kVA UPS 配置单UPS电压输入范围80~280VAC, 40-70Hz, 1Ph+N+PE 功率因数 1.0UPS 效率高达96%电池类型铅酸电池备电时间0.5h~4h*防雷等级CLASSII/C 级, In 20kA, Imax 40kA, 8/20us 维修旁路标配rPDU IEC 型,输出端口:C13*8温控系统制冷量 3.5kW*风量600m³/h 制冷模式风冷直膨式送风方式前送风,后回风安装方式机架式安装外形尺寸438mm (宽)×445mm (高)×900mm (深)(不含挂耳)灭火模块安装方式机架式安装气体类型及容量全氟己酮,1.25kG外形尺寸43.6×442×690(高×宽×深mm )监控系统监控功能远程WEB 界面访问,多网点统一管理*本地界面支持10英寸PAD 大屏展示,支持面部识别登录/无钥匙开门环境监测温湿度、烟雾、漏水检测*,机柜门状态监测移动运维短信/邮件/call home/电话语音告警,移动智能管理APP*。

P160B主柜 310(H)*430(W)*530(D)/ 800(H)*430(W)*530(D)
SDH 传输设备 SDH 有盒式、单板式多种产品类型,满足不同容量的需求。 SDH155/622H(盒式) 支持 63 个 E1 SDH155C(插板式) 插在用户板位置,支持 8 个 E1 传输设备如果是155/622H,最多配置3个155M双光口板,最
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华为 PRIMERGY RX4770 M4 系统配置器和订单信息指南说明书

DDR4 System memory SAS / RAID Controller ODD Optical Disk Drives HDD Hard Disk Drives SSD Solid State Drives LAN LAN ComponentsFC Fibre Channel Controller IB Infiniband Controllers OMNI OMNI Path ControllersPSU Power supply unit, power cableUSB iRMC, eLCM, Cool-safe, TPM, Region Kits Others15Accessories121110138614579RAID Base UnitCPU2Rack Rack Architecture PRIMERGY RX4770 M44-way / 2U Rack Server3Chapter 14Folder Base Content CPU RAM<-- order code E-part (bold) -- <-- order code L-part (bold)<-- "name" of this part<--description of this part, in same cases as well description of content <--requires a free PCIe slot --> means total amount of PCIe slots reduced <--indicates how often this part can be configured in the related ServerFor further information see:Link to datasheet:http:// xxxFujitsu is providing the content of this document with very high accuracy. In case you identify a mistake, we would kindly encourage you to inform us. We kindly ask for understanding, that errors still may occur and that Fujitsu may change this document without noticeText fields with grey color offer extra information for related topics (e.g prerequesites, technical back ground, configuration rules, limitations, …Configuration diagram PRIMERGY RX4770 M4PCIe slot restrictions on high TDP CPUs used in Performance base unit:If CPUs > 165W TDP are in use PCI slot 1 & 2 cannot be equipped with PCI cards (needed for improved air flow) This configuration is also reduced if on slot 3 and 6 a PCI card with 75W is in use!Only 2 PCI slots out of 4 (4, 5, 7, 8) are available then.PCIe slot restrictions while using liquid cooled base unit:While using liquid cooled base unit PCI slot 5, 6 & 7 are occupied.RX4770 M4 Back viewConfiguration diagram PRIMERGY RX4770 M4Key:Light colored slots are use able with Light colored CPUs Dark colored slots are use able with dark colored CPUsDynamic LoM OCP PHY interface (recommended)2x 1x 1x 1xDDR4 DIMM Order (according CPUs installed)2x Processor2x …..Memory Mode installationRegion kit APAC/EMEA/India or other iRMC S5 advanced pack (recommended)min. components for RX4770 M4#Base Unit (includes 2x PSU)1x Device use ability:Slot Number# 2 2.5" SAS # 3 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe # 15 2.5" SAS # 9 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe # 10 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe # 11# 6 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe Video USBOperating PanelUSB devices / optical devices (IV)# 7 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe # 8# 1 2.5" SAS # 5 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe 2.5" PCIe SAS/PCIe - HDD/SSD slots ( V )2.5" SAS # 4 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe F R O N T V I E W# 0 2.5" SAS USB5.25"x 0.5" bay for DVD/Blu-rayCPU#4#3#22.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe# 12 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe # 13 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIe # 14 2.5" SAS 2.5" PCIeRX4770 M4 ArchitectureIntelC624ChipsetRX4770 M4 Processor Information's and RulesTwo CPU must be configured as minimum, maximum 4 CPU´s are possible too.Memory area defined to not used CPU slots are not use able too.Only 2 CPU or 4 CPU configurations are allowed, only same version, no mix!Later upgrading to a 4 processor system is also possible, but may require adding Memory modules. RX4770 M4 Memory Information's and RulesRAS Features defined by Intel POR are required!Subject to change by Intel POR!RAS (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability)Reliability- System attributes to ensure Data integrity.- capability to prevent, detect, correct and contain faults over a given time interval.Availability- System attributes to help stay operational in the presence of faults in the system.- Capability to map out failed units, ability to operate in a degraded mode.Serviceability- System attributes to help system service, repair.- Capability to identify failed units, and facilitates repair.Elements of RAS1.Fault Avoidance2.Fault Detection3.Fault Correction/Recovery4.Failure Identification and reconfigurationSkylakeScalable Processor:Intel® Run Sure Technology FeaturesResilient System Technologiesintegrateprocessor,firmware,andsoftwarelayersthatallowthesystemtodiagnoseand/orrecoverfrompreviouslyfatalerrors •Advanced Error Detection and Correction (AEDC)•MCA 2.0 Recovery (as per eMCAgen2 architecture)•MCA Recovery-Execution Path•MCA Recovery-Non Execution Path•Local Machine Check (LMCE) based recoveryResilient Memory Technologiesensuredataintegrity&enablesystemstokeeprunningreliablyoveralongerperiodoftime,reducingthefrequencyofservicecalls •SDDC + 1, Adaptive DDDC (MR) +1•Addressed range/Partial Memory MirroringIntel®Run Sure TechnologyDesigned to Reduce the Frequency & Cost of DowntimeError Prevention- Quality Assurance- Hardened circuits- Thermal controlsError Detection / Correction- Parity / CRC- Error correctionError Isolation / Recovery- Error Containment- Redundancy Failover- Self-Healing ModesSoftware Assisted Recovery- Integrated OS / VMM/ DBMS recoveryrequiredrequired if 2nd CPUBank Iis configuredBank IIoptional, same type in Bank per CPU optional, any typerequiredrequired if 2nd CPU Bank I is configured Bank II optional, same type in Channel per CPU optional, any typerequiredrequired if 2nd CPU Bank I Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare R1Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare is configured (black)Data Data Data Data Data Data R2Data Data Data Data Data Data optional, same type Bank II Data Data Data Data Data Data R1Data Data Data Data Data Data in Channel per CPU (blue)DataDataDataDataDataDataR2DataDataDataDataDataDataoptional, any typeC h a n n e l DC h a n n e l EC h a n n e l LC h a n n e l M1st XEON CPU (4 - 28 Core)C h a n n e l AC h a n n e l BC h a n n e l CC h a n n e l DC h a n n e l EC h a n n e l FC h a n n e l GC h a n n e l HC h a n n e l JC h a n n e l KC h a n n e l LC h a n n e l MC h a n n e l GC h a n n e l HC h a n n e l JC h a n n e l KC h a n n e l AC h a n n e l BC h a n n e l CC h a n n e l DC h a n n e l EC h a n n e l F2nd XEON CPU (4 - 28 Core)C h a n n e l JC h a n n e l KC h a n n e l AC h a n n e l BC h a n n e l CC h a n n e l LC h a n n e l MC h a n n e l FC h a n n e l GC h a n n e l Hrequiredrequired if 2nd CPU Bank IR1is configured (black)R2R3optional, same typeR4in Channel per CPUBank II R1optional, any type(blue)R2R3R4requiredrequired if 2nd CPU Bank I is configured Bank II optional, same type in Bank per CPU optional, any typerequiredrequired if 2nd CPU Bank I is configured Bank II optional, same type in Bank per CPU optional, any typerequiredrequired if 2nd CPU Bank I is configured Bank II optional, same type in Bank per CPU optional, any typeC h a n n e l LC h a n n e l MC h a n n e l CC h a n n e l DC h a n n e l AC h a n n e l BC h a n n e l EC h a n n e l FC h a n n e l GC h a n n e l HC h a n n e l JC h a n n e l KC h a n n e l AC h a n n e l BC h a n n e l CC h a n n e l DC h a n n e l EC h a n n e l FC h a n n e l GC h a n n e l HC h a n n e l JC h a n n e l KC h a n n e l LC h a n n e l Ma n n e l Aa n n e l Ba n n e l Ca n n e l Da n n e l Ea n n e l Fa n n e l Ga n n e l Ha n n e l Ja n n e l Ka n n e l La n n e l MMirrored Channel Mode (2 DIMMs per CPU) requires identical modules on channel A & B (1st CPU) or channel G & H (2nd CPU) 50% of the capacity is used for the mirror => the available memory for applications is only half of the installed memory. If this mode is used, a multiple of 2 identical modules has to be ordered.e l Ae l Be l Ce l De l Ee l Fn e l Ge l Hn e l Jn e l Kn e l Le l MMirrored Channel Mode (3 DIMMs per CPU) requires identical modules on channel A, B & C (1st CPU) or channel G, H & J (2nd CPU) 50% of the capacity is used for the mirror => the available memory for applications is only half of the installed memory. If this mode is used, a multiple of 3 identical modules has to be ordered.requiredrequired if 2nd CPU Bank I Data Mirror Data Data Mirror Data Data Mirror Data Data Mirror Data is configured (black sockets)Bank II Data DataDataDataDataDataDataDataDataDataDataDataoptional, same type (blue sockets)in Bank per CPU optional, any typerequiredrequired if 2nd CPU Bank I D/M D/M D/M D/M D/M D/M D/M D/M D/M D/M D/M D/M is configured (black sockets)Bank II Data MirrorDataMirrorDataMirrorDataMirrorDataMirrorDataMirroroptional, same type (blue sockets)in Bank per CPU optional, any type4Socket Purley Platform; CPU, Memory and AEP Configuration ExampleDDR4 DIMMsDDR4/Apache Pass OptionalPCIe* uplink connection for Intel® QuickAssistTechnology and Intel® EthernetExample DIMM population shown; please look up Apache Pass customer collateral for specific rules on **DDR4/Apache Pass DIMM populationsMirror Channel Mode (4 DIMMS per CPU)C h a n n e l AC h a n n e l Bh a n n e l CC h a n n e l DC h a n n e l Eh a n n e l FC h a n n e l GC h a n n e l Hh a n n e l JC h a n n e l Kh a n n e l LC h a n n e l M1st XEON CPU (4 - 28 Core)2nd XEON CPU (4 - 28 Core)Mirrored Channel Mode requires identical modules on channel A, B, C, D, E, F (1st CPU) or channel G, H, J, K, L and M (2nd CPU) 50% of the capacity is used for the mirror => the available memory for applications is only half of the installed memory. If this mode is used, a multiple of 6 identical modules has to be ordered.1st XEON CPU (4 - 28 Core)2nd XEON CPU (4 - 28 Core)Mirrored Channel Mode (4 DIMMs per CPU) requires identical modules on channel A, B, D & E (1st CPU) or channel G, H, K & L (2nd CPU) 50% of the capacity is used for the mirror => the available memory for applications is only half of the installed memory. If this mode is used, a multiple of 4 identical modules has to be ordered.Mirror Channel Mode (6 DIMMS per CPU)C h a n e l AC h a n e l BC h a n e l CC h a n e l DC h a n e l EC h a n e l FC h a n e l GC h a n e l HC h a n n e l JC h a n e l KC h a n e l LC h a n e l MPRIMERGY RX2530 M1System configurator andorder information guideEdition 30th of November 2015PRIMERGY RX4770 M4System configurator and order information guide Edition31st of August 2016Chapter 6 - Optical Disk DrivesS26361-F3778-E1S26361-F3641-E6S26361-F3718-E2FS26361-F3778-L1S26361-F3641-L6S26361-F3718-L2DVD-RW supermulti ultra slim Blu-ray Triple Writer ultra slim DVD-ROMmax. 1x per systemmax. 1x per systemmax. 1x per systemGall formats, DUAL/DL, DVD-RAM only W2K, W3K and Linux 6x BD-RW, 8x DVD, 24x CD,BD DL and all CD/DVD formats 16x DVD; 48x CD-ROM Test and release for Japan only 9.5mm, black bezel 9.5mm, black bezel 9.5mm black bezelPRIMERGY RX4770 M4System configurator and order information guide Edition31st of August 2016The HDDs not released with PRAID EP5x0i (S26361-F4042-E204/E208)900GB15 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n S26361-F5531-E590S26361-F5531-L5901.2TB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n SEDS26361-F5581-E112S26361-F5581-L112300GB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n SED S26361-F5581-E130S26361-F5581-L130600GB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 1.2TB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512e S26361-F5543-E112S26361-F5543-L1121.8TB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512e S26361-F5543-E118S26361-F5543-L118512n SED S26361-F5581-E160S26361-F5581-L160max. 8/16x - depending on base unit & configurationCapacity RPMInterface Sector order code E-part order code L-part 1TB7 200SATA 6Gb/s 512e S26361-F3907-E100S26361-F3907-L100max. 8/16x - depending on base unit & configurationHDD SATA 2.5" 7.2K 512e (SFF) Enterprise Business Critical with hot plug/hot replace tray2TB7 200SATA 6Gb/s 512e S26361-F3907-E200S26361-F3907-L2001TB7 200SATA 6Gb/s 512n S26361-F3956-E100S26361-F3956-L1002TB7 200SATA 6Gb/s 512n S26361-F3956-E200S26361-F3956-L200max. 8/16x - depending on base unit & configurationHDD SATA 2.5" 7.2K 512n (SFF) Enterprise Business Critical with hot plug/hot replace trayCapacity RPMInterface Sector order code E-part order code L-part 1TB7 200SAS 12Gb/s 512e S26361-F5573-E100S26361-F5573-L1002TB7 200SAS 12Gb/s 512e S26361-F5573-E200S26361-F5573-L200max. 8/16x - depending on base unit & configurationHDD SAS 2.5" 7.2K 512e (SFF) Enterprise Business Critical with hot plug/hot replace trayCapacity RPMInterface Sector order code E-part order code L-part 1TB7 200SAS 12Gb/s 512n S26361-F5600-E100S26361-F5600-L1002TB7 200SAS 12Gb/s 512n S26361-F5600-E200S26361-F5600-L200max. 8/16x - depending on base unit & configurationHDD SAS 2.5" 7.2K 512n (SFF) Enterprise Business Critical with hot plug/hot replace trayCapacity RPMInterface Sector order code E-part order code L-part 600GB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512e S26361-F5543-E160S26361-F5543-L160900GB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512e S26361-F5543-E190S26361-F5543-L190max. 8/16x - depending on base unit & configurationHDD SAS 2.5" 10K 512e (SFF) Enterprise Mission Critical with hot plug/hot replace trayCapacity RPMInterface Sector order code E-part order code L-part 900GB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n S26361-F5550-E190S26361-F5550-L1901.2TB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n S26361-F5550-E112S26361-F5550-L112300GB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n S26361-F5550-E130S26361-F5550-L130600GB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n S26361-F5550-E160S26361-F5550-L160max. 8/16x - depending on base unit & configurationHDD SAS 2.5" 10K 512n (SFF) Enterprise Mission Critical with hot plug/hot replace trayCapacity RPMInterface Sector order code E-part order code L-part S26361-F5531-E545S26361-F5531-L545600GB15 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n S26361-F5531-E560S26361-F5531-L560GChapter 7 - Hard Disk DrivesH2.5" (SFF) Hard drivesHDD SAS 2.5" 15K (SFF) Enterprise Mission Critical with hot plug/hot replace trayCapacity RPMInterface Sector order code E-part order code L-part 300GB15 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n S26361-F5531-E530S26361-F5531-L530450GB15 000SAS 12Gb/s 512n 512e S26361-F5543-E124S26361-F5543-L1242.4TB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512e SEDS26361-F5582-E124S26361-F5582-L1241.8TB10 000SAS 12Gb/s 512e SED S26361-F5582-E118S26361-F5582-L1182.4TB10 000SAS 12Gb/s SAS drives and SATA drives can be mixed, but cannot be used in one logical RAID volume.SAS & SATA drives require a dedicated SAS or RAID Controller Hard Disk Sector Format Information:512n HDD: 512 byte sectors on the drive media.512e (e=emulation) HDD: 4K physical sectors on the drive media with 512 byte logical configuration.512e HDD Disk Drives: VMware 6.0 or earlier is not supported.SED (=Self Encrypting Drives) require ether a RAID controller with ®SafeStore (SED) support or an HBA and in addition a software instance, supporting SED Key Management.It is strongly recommended to order SafeStore (SED) RAID controller with SED HDD or SSD devices for SafeStore (SED) functionality.HDD Classes:Business-Critical (BC) -SATA=Nearline SATA Enterprise Drives / 7.2Krpm,SATA 6G.Business-Critical (BC) -SAS=Nearline SAS Enterprise Drives / 7.2Krpm,SAS 12G.Mission-Critical (MC)=SAS 10K and SAS 15K Enterprise Drives with max. performance and reliability.PRIMERGY RX4770 M4System configurator andorder information guideEdition 31st of August 2016S26361-F1452-E140REGION KIT Europe1x per systemS26361-F1452-E110REGION KIT JPFor Shipments to Japan regions 1x per systemmax. 1x per systemUse according to import restrictions Your Server is readyS26361-F1452-E100REGION KIT APAC/America/EMEA/India For Shipments to Asia pacific, America, EMEA or India regions 1x per systemS26361-F3552-E101TPM 1.2 Module SPITrusted Platform Module on Motherboard Use according to import restrictions max. 1x per systemS26361-F3552-E100S26361-F3552-L100TPM 2.0 Module SPITrusted Platform Module on Motherboard PWith our made4you service we fulfill any individual requirement and wish of our customers perfectly -e.g.> special hardware configurations,> staging services ex factory,> extended lifecycle management,> customer specific logos, component,> BIOS fixes and many more.For further information please contact us *******************************.com.Fujitsu PortfolioBuild on industry standards, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of IT hardware and software products, services, solutions and cloud offering, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions and includes the broad stack of Business Solutions, as well as the full stack of Cloud offering. This allows customers to leverage fromalternative sourcing and delivery models to increase their business agility and to improve their IT operation’s reliability.You would like to add some customer specific solutions?PRIMERGY RX4770 M4System configurator and order information guide Edition31st of August 2016/fts/products/computing/peripheral/accessories/index-facts.htmlChapter 15 - AccessoriesMouse M520 Grey S26381-K467-E101S26381-K467-L101Mouse M530 Black USB Mouse:Mouse M520 Black S26381-K467-E100S26381-K467-L100n/a S26381-K468-L100Mouse M530 Greyn/aS26381-K468-L101S26391-F6048-L364ADATA USB 3.0 Flash Stick UE700 – 32GB S26391-F6048-L332ADATA USB 3.0 Flash Stick UE700 – 64GBUSB sticks (FOR PROJECTS ONLY) - no standard release USB Keyboards for Tower Servers for following countries:USB professional Keyboard KBPC PX ECO Country version FUJITSU Keyboard KB521 USB (grey)US/ int 105 keys (UK keyboard + US int. Layout)S26381-K521-E102S26381-K341-E104Czech/SlovakS26381-K521-E104S26381-K341-E110US 104 keys (US keyboard + US layout)S26381-K521-E110S26381-K341-E120Germany S26381-K521-E120S26381-K341-E122Germany / Int S26381-K521-E122S26381-K341-E140France S26381-K521-E140S26381-K341-E154Sweden / Finland S26381-K521-E154S26381-K341-E165United Kingdom S26381-K521-E165S26381-K341-E170Switzerland S26381-K521-E170S26381-K341-E180Spain S26381-K521-E180S26381-K341-E185ItalyS26381-K521-E185USB Optical Disc DriveExternal Ultra Slim Portable DVD Writer (HitachS26341-F103-L142Please find the layout of all Fujitsu keyboards here: /PRIMERGY RX4770 M4System configurator and order information guide Edition31st of August 2016Chapter 6 - ODD optical disk drivesFConfig with 1x 9.5mm bayS26361-F3778-E1S26361-F3641-E6S26361-F3718-E2S26361-F3778-L1S26361-F3641-L6S26361-F3718-L2DVD-RW supermulti ultra slim Blu-ray Triple Writer ultra slim DVD-ROMmax. 1x per systemmax. 1x per systemmax. 1x per systemGall formats, DUAL/DL, DVD-RAM only W2K, W3K and Linux 6x BD-RW, 8x DVD, 24x CD,BD DL and all CD/DVD formats 16x DVD; 48x CD-ROM Test and release for Japan only 9.5mm, black bezel 9.5mm, black bezel 9.5mm black bezel The base units with 12x 3.5" or 24x 2.5" HDD do not offer 1x 9.5mm optical drive bay!。

序号项目型号描述总数目录单价(RMB)目录总价(RMB)站点11185,420185,4201.1主机171,000171,000LE0BN66EDC 直流总装机柜(600X600X2200mm)037,000.0000LE0BN66EAC 交流总装机柜(600X600X2200mm)137,000.0037,0001LE0ZB03DCS Quidway S9303基本引擎直流组合配置(含S9303一体化总装机箱,主控板2块,直流电源2块)0114,000.0000LE0ZB03ACS Quidway S9303基本引擎交流组合配置(含S9303一体化总装机箱,主控板2块,交流电源2块)1134,000.00134,0001LE0ZB06DCS Quidway S9306基本引擎直流组合配置(含S9306一体化非PoE 总装机箱,主控板2块,直流电源2块)0160,000.0000LE0ZB06ACS Quidway S9306基本引擎交流组合配置(含S9306一体化非PoE 总装机箱,主控板2块,交流电源2块)0170,000.0000LE0ZB12DCS Quidway S9312基本引擎直流组合配置(含S9312一体化非PoE 总装机箱,主控板2块,直流电源2块)0300,000.0000LE0ZB12ACS Quidway S9312基本引擎交流组合配置(含S9312一体化非PoE 总装机箱,主控板2块,交流电源2块)0320,000.0000LE0KS9303S9303总装机箱026,000.0000LE0KS9306S9306总装机箱060,000.0000LE0KS9312S9312总装机箱0115,000.0000LE0BS9306P1S9306 POE 总装机箱066,000.0000LE0BS9312P1S9312 POE 总装机箱0126,500.0000LE0M00FBXB00宽电压风机盒013,500.0000LE0DCMUA0000集中监控板012,000.0000LE0MMCUA Quidway S9303 主控处理单元A 035,000.0000LE0DMCUA Quidway S9303 主控处理单元A-时钟045,000.0000LE0MSRUA Quidway S9306/S9312 主控处理单元A 090,000.0000Quidway S9300 T 比特路由交换机(V100R003)序号项目型号描述总数目录单价(RMB)目录总价(RMB)站点1序号项目型号描述总数目录单价(RMB)目录总价(RMB)站点1序号项目型号描述总数目录单价(RMB)目录总价(RMB)站点1序号项目型号描述总数目录单价(RMB)目录总价(RMB)站点1序号项目型号描述总数目录单价(RMB)目录总价(RMB)站点1序号项目型号描述总数目录单价(RMB)目录总价(RMB)站点1序号项目型号描述总数目录单价(RMB)目录总价(RMB)站点1。
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④需要通知厂家的信息:蓄电池类型及尺寸(2V/12V)、分布式基站或 RRU设备类型(华为?爱立信?中兴?)、收货地址和联系人
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Thank you
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电源柜 电池柜 设备柜
备注:由于柜体尺寸限制,1.4米 机柜只能选择80W/K~100W/K的普 通热交换或AH1500智能热交换;
电源柜 电池柜 设备柜
预留用户空间19U,可安 装标准19英寸设备; 温控采用空调+热交换;
预留用户空间13U; 温控设备采用热交换
(散热能力 130W/K~300W/K选择);
Page 2
电源柜 电池柜 设备柜
根据不同电源容 量需求,配置不同 数量整流模块 (50A/块);
根据省公司技术 规范,采用HX04型 热交换(换热量 130W/K~200W/K) 进行散热;
主设备类型选择设备柜, 填
用于安装RRU时,最大 可安装两排共6个RRU;
, 完 成
1.4米内高设备柜可支 持除爱立信6201基站外
配 置
1.8米内高 2V/650AH满配面板图
1.8米内高 12V/600AH满配面板图
Page 4
华为一体化机柜内可安装的蓄电池单体最大尺寸如下 表所示,配置时请注明蓄电池种类:
电源柜 电池柜 设备柜
预留空间可安装 标准19英寸设备 (如传输、BBU、 ODF等)
根据不同电源容 量需求,配置不同 数量整流模块 (50A/块);
根据省公司技术 规范,采用HX02型 热交换(换热量 80W/K~130W/K) 进行散热;
由于其内部空间 有限,无法预留用 户设备空间
根据省公司项目模型, 设备配电路数为 200A×2路,63A×8路;
根据站点所需备电时 间和功耗计算蓄电池容 量,并确定蓄电池类型 (2V单体或12V单体);
1.8米内高蓄电池柜 最大支持650AH(2V单 体)/600AH(12V单体) 蓄电池;
1.4米内高蓄电池柜 最大支持400AH(2V单 体)/450AH(12V单体) 蓄电池;
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电源柜 电池柜 设备柜
①确定站点配置:(如需要几个设备柜,蓄电池柜,电源柜) ②根据确定的配置,查询标准配置模型表,找到每种柜体配置数量;
比如需要1个1.8米设备柜A+蓄电池柜+电源柜,则把设备柜A、蓄电池 柜和电源柜数量填写上去;
温控采用AH1500智能热 交换(散热能力65W/K, 集成1500W空调);
预留用户空间4U; 温控设备采用AH1500智 能热交换(散热能力65W/K, 集成1500W空调);
Security Level:
根据站点所需设备功 耗,确定电源容量(最 大支持600A整流输 出);
根据省公司项目模型, 电源柜内预留有一定用 户空间,可安装标准19 英寸设备;
Copyright© 2011 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The information in this document may contain predictive statements including, without limitation, statements regarding the future financial and operating results, future product portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such information is provided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor an acceptance. Huawei may change the information at any time without notice.
根据省公司规范,蓄电池柜采用半导 体空调(TEC)进行散热。
1.4米内高 2V/400AH满配面板图
1.4米内高 12V/450AH满配面板图
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华为一体化机柜内可安装的蓄电池单体最大尺寸如下 表所示,配置时请注明蓄电池种类:
电源柜 电池柜 设备柜
根据省公司规范,蓄电池柜采用半导 体空调(TEC)进行散热。