



产品名称产品型号中庆全彩发送卡 M81GCA01中庆全彩接收卡 S81S1001ZQ-V8-RV01 全彩接收卡ZQ-V8-TS01 全彩发送卡V8控制系统是提供一个开放的、全面的LED显示屏的基础系统平台。



特点:1. 超高刷新频率2. 输出分辨率:最大宽度2048,最大高度11523. V8系统在扫描屏应用时,扫描频率可显著高于普通通用屏,让扫描屏不再有扫描线4. 灰度等级可达655365. 支持接收卡级别的智能在线检测及故障报错6. 系统支持逐点亮度调整7. 功能升级8. Rohs认证,支持冗余结构,可靠性高9. 性价比高发送卡◆电气参数●工作电压:5±0.5V ●工作电流:2000mA●工作温度:摄氏0-60 度●工作湿度:5%-95%◆性能参数●控制接口支持USB2.0 ●数据接口支持DVI以及PC端 HDMI接口转接●支持参数固化●千兆输出接口●单卡帧频30Hz 时最大支持输出点数236 万点,单卡帧频60Hz 时最大支持输出点数131万点●支持最大宽度2048 像素,最大高度1152 像素●支持多种分辨率● 支持LED Manager 2010,LED Manager2012接收卡◆电气参数●工作电压:5±0.5V●工作电流:1500mA●工作温度:摄氏 0-60 度●工作湿度:5%-95%◆性能参数●控制最大高度256像素、最大宽度 512像素●支持宽度128以内的模组●支持1-16扫模组●支持100 级亮度调整以及红绿蓝 256 级色温调整、对比度调整、支持精确色温调整●支持在线升级固件,具有掉电再升功能。

●支持逐点亮度校正功能,每个接收卡最大支持 256*256 像素●时钟频率 18.8MHz 条件下, 静态屏 65536 级灰度等级,刷新频率最高达到 4200HzV8系统适用于所有通用显示屏应用,如户外广告屏、体育场馆屏、现场直播屏、舞台屏、演出租赁屏等。



目录第一章清华永新卫星数据接收卡的介绍 (2)1.1产品简介 (2)1.2技术指标 (3)1.3系统配置要求 (4)1.4读出接收卡的卡号 (4)第二章卫星接收卡安装指南 (6)2.1硬件安装 (6)2.2软件安装 (6)第三章软件操作 (14)3.1I P接收 (14)3.2视频接收 (25)3.3视频功能应用 (30)第四章常用命令 (37)4.1查看网络配置 (37)4.2查看网络状态 (38)附录卫星卡常见故障 (39)第一章清华永新卫星数据接收卡的介绍1.1 产品简介清华永新卫星接收卡为北京清华永新电子有限公司自主研发并生产的产品。




1.2 技术指标⏹产品符合DVB-S标准EN300 421规范⏹IP数据接收符合数据广播标准 ETSI/EN 301 192⏹符合DVB-S/MPEG-2标准⏹支持数据管道传送\数据流\多协议封装⏹符合PCI2.1总线规范⏹支持TCP/IP、UDP协议,可实现HTTP、FTP、SMTP高速下载⏹支持IP单播,多播接收及MAC过滤⏹同时解复用64路PID⏹自动搜索PID值⏹支持IP单目(Unicast)接收,多目(Multicast)接收⏹每路PID最大数据率为54Mbps⏹支持标清(SDTV)及高清(HDTV)数字电视节目播放⏹支持电视画面抓图⏹支持全流录制⏹支持定时录制,定时播放功能⏹支持童锁功能⏹支持22KHz及DiSEqC1.0,1.2标准开关⏹产品LNB电源支持13/18V<400mA⏹支持Windows 2000 sp4/ Windows 2003server/ Windowsxp sp2/vista(32)操作系统1.3 系统配置要求操作系统:⏹Windows 2000 SP4/Windows 2003server/Windows XPSP1 SP2/vista(32)(推荐使用WindowsXP系统)⏹Windows Direct X9.0推荐计算机配置:SDTV数字电视播放电脑配置要求:⏹Intel Pentium III 600 MHz CPU⏹128MB内存⏹32MB显存VGA显卡HDTV数字电视播放电脑配置要求:⏹Intel Pentium Ⅳ 2.0GHz CPU⏹256MB 系统内存⏹64MB显存以上高性能VGA卡1.4 读出接收卡的卡号在某些时候要确定DVB-S接收卡的卡号。

S81-M 背景抑制器带激光发射和飞行时间测量说明书

S81-M 背景抑制器带激光发射和飞行时间测量说明书

S81-MBackground suppressor with laser emission and timeof flight measurementThe yellow LEDThe yellow LED ON indicates the activation of theThe teach-in procedure of the digital threshold of theThe teach-in procedure of the digital threshold of theSee the “THRESHOLD SETTING” paragraph for digital threshold teach-The sensor can be positioned using threaded M5 holes with max. 6 mm.OUT push-button until theThe sensor is now ready to detect all objects in the operating fieldSAFETY WARNINGSAll the safety electrical and mechanical regulationsand laws have to be respected during sensorfunctioning. The sensor has to be protected againstmechanical damages. The sensor has to be protectedagainst mechanical damages.Place the given labels in a visible position close to thelaser emission.Do not look directly into the laser beam!Do not point the laser beam towards people!We DATASENSOR S.p.A. declare under our sole responsibility that these products are conform to theDATASENSOR S.p.A. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product found to be defective during the S81-M-PPC S81-M-NNCOUT LED (yellow) / OUT LED (yellow) / POWER ON-ALLARM (green)OUT and OUT push-buttons-10 … 50 °CS81-YDistance sensor with laser emission and time of flightmeasurementThe yellow LEDThe yellow LED ON indicates the activation of theThe teach-in procedure of the digital threshold of theThe teach-in procedure of the digital threshold of theSee the “THRESHOLD SETTING” paragraph for digital threshold teach-The sensor can be positioned using threaded M5 holes with max. 6 mmOUT push-button until theThe sensor is now ready to detect all objects in the operating fieldON). Repeat, if necessary, the same procedure for ouput.Both digital outputs switch in light mode: when the target detected is insideDETECTION DIAGRAMSSAFETY WARNINGSAll the safety electrical and mechanical regulationsand laws have to be respected during sensorfunctioning. The sensor has to be protected againstmechanical damages. The sensor has to be protectedagainst mechanical damages.Place the given labels in a visible position close to thelaser emission.Do not look directly into the laser beam!Do not point the laser beam towards people!Eye irradiation for over 0.25 seconds is dangerous; refer to class 2 standardWe DATASENSOR S.p.A. declare under our sole responsibility that these products are conform to theDATASENSOR S.p.A. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product found to be defective during the S81-Y-PPV S81-Y-NNVOUT LED (yellow) / OUT LED (yellow) / POWER ON-ALLARM (green)OUT and OUT push-buttons-10 … 50 °C。



深圳市思卡乐科技有限公司Shenzhen RFscaler Technology Co., Ltd. SR8全向型双频有源RFID 接收终端——————————————产品概述 SR8系列全向型双频有源RFID 接收终端,是专门针对智慧城市RFID 定位管理、巡逻智能签到、学生校内外定位等应用而开发的高性能户外有源RFID 接收设备。

具有GPRS 或以太网(LAN )通讯接口、2.4G 和433M 双频RFID 、磷酸铁锂备用电池、IP65防护等级、远程固件升级等功能和特点,适合于户外安装使用。

SR8系列全向型双频有源RFID 接收终端,具有双频的有源RFID 读卡,2.4G 适合于人员和低速车辆的远距离RFID 定位,433M 适合于城市街道的高速车辆远距离RFID 定位,可以做到一个接收器,满足多种场合应用。

————————产品应用RFID 电动车管理系统 智慧城市物联网智能管控 巡警巡逻考勤系统 小区巡逻考勤系统 资产管理系统 集装箱管理系统 养老院定位管理系统 景区游客流量管理系统 高速公路二义路径收费系统——————————————产品特性—————————————————◆ 具有2.4GHz 和433MHz 双频的距离RFID 读卡功能; ◆ 双频的RFID 采用独立的高增益全向型天线设计;◆ 先进的防碰撞技术,同时可识别200张卡@2.4GHz ,50张@433MHz ;◆ 识别RFID 标签的距离(空旷可视直线距离):50米以上@2.4GHz ,130米以上@433MHz ; ◆ RFID 读卡的距离,可以通过云平台远程和PC 软件现场两种方式来设置和调节,满足不同场合的应用需求(仅针对带衰减器的型号有效); ◆ 连接数据中心的网络通信接口有GPRS 和以太网(LAN )两种方式可选; ◆ 网络协议采用稳定易用、省流量的TCP 协议,支持Socket 网络接口; ◆ 采用成熟可靠的应用层通信协议栈,保证设备与数据中心通信的稳定性; ◆ 通讯采用独有加密计算与认证方式,确保数据安全,防止链路窃听与数据破解; ◆ 读卡的数据上传数据中心,提供是否过滤的设置功能; ◆ 具有通过远程固件升级功能,方便设备维护; ◆ 具有设备异常或故障的实时在线报警监控功能;◆ 采用大容量磷酸铁锂备用电池,充电循环2000次,掉电可持续工作13小时以上(仅针对带备用电池的型号有效); ◆ 采用工业级的抗干扰和防雷能力设计,符合GBT 17626.5-2008浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验; ◆ 外壳采用抗紫外线材料,通过YDT1537-2006通信系统户外机柜标准的检验测试; ◆ 外壳采用IP65的防护等级设计,适合户外环境使用; ◆ 整个产品设计轻便,安装简单,容易维护。



A4s Receiving CardDocument Version:V1.2.0Copyright © 2018 Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi ’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.TrademarkSpecifications Change Historyis a registered trademark of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.StatementYou are wele to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability,NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. Any problem in use or a n y good suggestion, please contact us through ways provided in the document. We will do our utmost to solve the problems and adopt the suggestions after evaluation as soon as possible.Change HistoryVersion Release Date DescriptionV1. 2 .0 201 8 - 0 8 - 10 O p timized the quick seam correction function. V1.1.02018 - 01 - 25Added the following functions:●LVDS transmission ( S upported by dedicatedfirmware program ) .●Image rotation in 90 ° increments .V1.0.1 2017 - 07 - 27 Optimized the data interface information. V1.0 .0201 6 - 10 - 25First release.Specifications ContentsContentsChangeHistory (ii)1 Safety ............................................................................................................................. .. 12 Overview ........................................................................................................................ .. 23Features ......................................................................................................................... .. 33.1 Improvement in Display Effect ..................................................................................................................... 33.2 Improvement in Maintainability .. (3)3.3 Improvement in HardwareReliability (4)3.4 Improvement in SoftwareReliability (5)4 Hardware ....................................................................................................................... .. 64.1 Appearance ..................................................................................................................................................64.2 Dimensions (6)4.3 Indicators (7)4.4 Definition of Data Interface( Top ) (8)4.1.1 24-Group ParallelData (8)4.1.2 64-Group SerialData (11)4.1.3 Extended FunctionsDesign (14)5 FirmwareUpdate (16)6 Applications (17)7 Specifications (18)A Abbreviation (19)B Terms (20)1 Safety1 Safety’s storage, transport, installation and use safety. Safety instructions areapplicable to all personnel who contact or use the product. First of all, payattention to following points.●Read through the instructions.●Retain all instructions.●ply with all instructions.Storage and Transport Safety●Pay attention to dust and water prevention.●Avoid long-term direct sunlight.●Do not place the product at a position near fire and heat.●Do not place the product in an area containing explosive materials.●Do not place the product in a strong electromagnetic environment.●Place the product at a stable position to prevent damage or personalinjury caused by dropping.●Save the packing box and materials which will e in handy if you ever haveto store and ship the product. For maximum protection during storageand shipping, repack the product as it was originally packed at the factory. Installation and Use Safety●Only trained professionals may install the product.●Plugging and unplugging operations are prohibited when the power is on.●Ensure safe grounding of the product.●Always wear a wrist band and insulating gloves.●Do not place the product in an area having frequent or strong shake.●Perform dust removing regularly.●Contact NovaStar for maintenance at any time, rather than have theproduct disassembled and maintained by non-professionals withoutauthorization.●Replace faulty parts only with the spare parts supplied by NovaStar.2 Overview2 OverviewA4s is a high-end receiving card developed by NovaStar, featuring small size and large loading capacity with a single card loading up to 256 x 256(PWM IC) pixels.A4s supports pixel level brightness and chroma calibration by working with NovaLCT and NovaCLB to realize calibration on each pixel. It can effectively remove color difference and greatly improve LED display image consistency, presenting smoother images to users. In addition, it also supports image rotation in 90° increments, creating richer images and improving visual experiences.Software and hardware designs of the A4s concern the user deployment aswell as operating and maintenance scenarios, enabling easier deployment, more stable operating and more efficient maintenance.Advanced hardware design:●The small-size hardware design is applicable to scenarios of small cabinetspace and small pixel pitch.●Use high-density connector which is resistant to dust and vibration andfeatures high stability and high reliability.●Assembly network transformer features simple design and improvedmagnetic patibility, helping user’s products to successfully pass the EMC authentication.Useful software design:●Support for LVDS transmission (Supported by dedicated firmwareprogram).●Support for smart module (Supported by dedicated firmware program).●Support for quick seam correction.●Support for 3D function.●Support for pre-stored image setting of the receiving card.Supporting quick seamcorrection●Support for module Flash management.●Supports monitoring voltage and temperature of itself without using otherperipherals.●Support for monitoring of Ethernet cable munication status (Supported bydedicated firmware program).●Support for 5-pin LCD module.●Support for image rotation in 90° increments.3.2Improvement in MaintainabilitySupporting the smart module(Supported by dedicated firmware program)The smart module is posed of Flash and MCU. Flash could store calibration coefficients and module information. MCU could municate withthe receiving card to realize monitoring over temperature, voltage and wiring munication status for the module. Working with the driver chip, A4s supports open circuit detection on LED.The smart module could make monitoring unit smaller, requiring no independent monitoring card3Features3.1 Improvement in Display EffectFeatures Descriptionand saving cabinet space.Supporting LVDS transmission (Supported by dedicated firmware program)The transmission mode of low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS) is used, which reduces the number of data cables that connect the receiving card's HUB board to the module, increases the transmission distance, improves the signal transmission quality, and better stabilizes the image output.Supporting setting of images pre-stored of the receiving card On NovaLCT, the specified images could be set as the screen startup image and images used when the Ethernet cable is disconnected or no video source signal is available.Supporting module Flash management On NovaLCT, lamp panel Flash could be managed.Supporting monitoring voltage and temperature of itself The voltage and temperature of the receiving card itself can be monitored without using other peripherals. The monitoring data can be checked on NovaLCT.Supporting LCD module Supports NovaStar's general 5-pin LCD module. The LCD module is connected to the HUB board to display temperature, voltage, single operating time and total operating time of the receiving card.Support one-click application of calibration coefficient in module Flash In the event of network outage, hold down the selftest button to read the calibration coefficient in module Flash back to the receiving card.3.4 Improvement in Software ReliabilityFeatures DescriptionSupp o rting readback of firmware version On NovaLCT, the firmware versions of the receiving card can be read back.Supporting readback of configuration file ●On NovaLCT, the receiving card configuration parameters can be backed up to the receiving card.●On Nova L CT, the receiving card configuration parameters can be read back.3.3Improvement in Hardware ReliabilityFeatures DescriptionSupporting d ual-p ower backup detection Two power supplies could be simultaneously connected, and operating status of the power supplies could be detected.Supporting loop backup HUB’s Ethernet port improves the reliability for the serial connection of the receiving c ard through main and standby redundant mechanism. Among the main and standby serial connection lines, if one fails, the other will begin to work to ensure the normal operation of the display.优选Board thickness is not greater than 2.0 mm, and the total thickness (board thickness + thickness of both front panel and back panel) is not greater than 7.5 mm.Unit of the dimension chart is “mm ”. Ground connection is enabled for location hole (GND).4Hardware4.1 AppearanceProduct images provided in this file are for reference only, and the actual productsshall prevail.Models of the high-density receptacle and plug used by A4s are shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Model of high-density connectorType Brand Material Code Receptacle Amphenol FCI 10140609 - 121802 L F PLUGAmphenol FCI10140607 - LF 1218024.2 Dimensions4.3 Indicators4.4 Definition of Data Interface ( Top )Indicator StatusDescriptionStatusindicator (green)Flashing every other 1s.The receiving card works normally, Ethernet cable connection is normal, and video source input is available.Flashing every other 3s.The receiving card works normally, whilethe Ethernet cable connection is abnormal.The receiving card works normally, Ethernetcable connection is normal, while no video source input is available.Rapidly flashing every other 0.5s.Program loading fails in normal operating state, ing to the backup operating state.Rapidly flashing for 8 times every other 1s. The receiving card is in the Ethernet port backup status and the backup is effective.Powerindicator (red)Always on It is always on after the power is on.ash i ng f or 3 ery other 3s.4.4.1 24-Group Parallel DataNCNC68565557NC NC47 48 GNDOperating indicator DCLK4546 OE_BLUENC 113 114 NCNC 115 116 NCGND 117 118 GNDGND 119 120 GND 4.4.2 64-G roup Serial DataData61 Data6354565759NCNCNC bit netNC4041CExtended Functions DescriptionRemended Module Flash Reserved RFU5RFU7Remended SmartModule InterfaceRFU6select only one interface from either the Remended Smart Module Interface or the Remended Module Flash Interface at the same time.5 FirmwareUpdate5Firmware UpdateStep 1 Visit .novastar.tech to download the firmware update package and save it to PC. Step 2 Run NovaLCT and choose User > Advanced Synchronous System User Login to log in.Step 3 Type the secret code "admin " to enter the program loading page.Step 4 Click Browse to select the program (the firmware update package you saved on PC) path and then click U pdate.Step 5 Click Refresh to check current hardware version information.6 Applications优选6Applications A4s is applied to LED display synchronous system which is generally posed ofthe LED display, HUB board, receiving card, video controller and controller peripheral. The receiving card is connected to the display over a HUB board. Synchronous system requires connecting a puter to display the pute r’s images and texts on the LED screen. Structure of the synchronous system is as shown in the following figure.Input voltage DC 3.3 V–5.5 V优选7 Specificati ons A Abbre viatio nRated current0.5 ARated power consumption 2.5 W Operating temperature -20°C –70°C Storage temperatureOperating humidity 10%RH –90%RHDimensions 70.0 mm × 45.0 mm × 7.3 mm Net weight 17.3 g● RoHS● EMC Class BPackingAn antistatic bag and anti-collision foam are prepared for each receiving card.Dimensions of the packing box: 378 mm × 190 mm × 120 mm, each of 40 receiving cards.- 25 °C – 125 °CCertification s7SpecificationsA AbbreviationEEMC Electro m a gnetic patibilityFFPGA Field -P rogrammable Gate ArrayLLED Light Emitting DiodeMMCU Microcontroller UnitRRCFG Receiving Card ConfigurationB TermsB T ermsCalibration coefficientCalibration system generates a group of values for each LED lamp, including information about brightness and chroma. After display calibration, the calibration values of each lamp are just the calibration coefficient.Smart moduleThe smart module is posed of Flash and MCU.Flash could store calibration coefficients and lamp panel information. MCU could municate with the receiving card to realize monitoring over temperature, voltageand wiring munication status, Working with the driver chip, A4s supports opencircuit detection on LED.The smart module could make monitoring unit smaller, requiring no independent monitoring card and saving cabinet space.。


基本操作 ....................................................................................................12 控制面板 ...........................................................................................14 按键功能 ...........................................................................................15 启动和停止接收机 ...........................................................................16 静态数据存储 ...................................................................................16 RTK 数据存储 ..................................................................................17 仪器自检 ...........................................................................................18 上传静态数据文件 ...........................................................................18 设置接收机密码 ...............................................................................19 语音帮助 ...........................................................................................19 复位接收机 .......................................................................................19 恢复出厂设置 ...................................................................................19 格式化接收机 ...................................................................................20 供电系统 ...........................................................................................21 电台模块 ...........................................................................................26 SIM 卡/USIM 卡...............................................................................29 固件 ...................................................................................................31



2023年06月遥控接收模块——CN1001——安装使用手册Version:1.0深圳市丛文安全电子有限公司Shenzhen CONWIN Security Elec.Co.Ltd.·版权说明本手册版权归深圳市丛文安全电子有限公司所有。







目录产品概述 (4)结构描述 (4)布撤防遥控器按键 (7)使用说明 (7)性能指标 (8)接不同报警主机安装要点 (9)1、科隆CP428/CP816主机 (9)2、博世CMS6/8/40主机 (9)3、DSC主机 (9)4、CK主机 (10)5、枫叶SP系列/7x8+系列主机 (10)6、Vista主机 (10)7、博世IP7400/DS7400主机 (10)8、EL-ST2008主机 (10)9、XR-303B主机 (10)10、Inanter-NT1/NT3主机 (10)11、Risco-LightSYS主机 (10)产品概述CN1001是专门配合报警主机的遥控接收模块,可实现对报警主机进行遥控布/撤防操作,还支持紧急报警和巡更功能。




诺瓦科技Micro LED全彩接收卡A9s用户使用技术文档说明书

诺瓦科技Micro LED全彩接收卡A9s用户使用技术文档说明书

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A9s 接收卡产品说明书 更新记录 更新记录产品说明书更新记录目录1安全说明 (1)1.1存储和运输安全 (1)1.2安装和使用安全 (1)2概述 (2)3产品特性 (3)3.1提升显示效果 (3)3.2提升可维护性 (3)3.3提升硬件可靠性 (4)3.4提升软件可靠性 (4)4硬件结构 (6)4.1外观 (6)4.2尺寸图 (6)4.3指示灯 (7)4.4数据接口定义(T op) (8)4.4.132组并行数据接口 (8)4.4.264组串行数据接口 (11)4.4.3扩展功能参考设计 (14)5软件结构 (15)6典型组网 (16)7产品规格 (17)A缩略语 (18)B术语 (19)产品说明书1安全说明1安全说明本章介绍A9s接收卡的安全说明,目的是保证产品的存储、运输、安装和使用安全。















7预设了常 用的1 个卫星及相对应这 1 个卫星的转 . 3 3
发器,该设计很实用,也可按预置的转发器 自动搜索。 8 . 方便的快捷键功能,例如按红色键或黄色键可选择 各卫星的节 目而直接单星收看 ,按绿键可选择声道 ,按 P / 可快速翻页 ,按AT +P - L键可回看上一个节 目 等等。 9 . 该机与P7 8、T68一样 ,既可 用电脑升级 ,也 C8 X )8 X ( 可机对机互拷升级——方便没有 电脑 的用户 ,可单独升 级程序 、单独升级节 目,也可全部升级,这个功能在其
等,目前主要的困扰是开通的频道不多 ,通常备大城市只有 1 套节 目,且通常针对公交车 ,偏重于广告及短小新闻、 到4 天气、交通 、信息为主,因为乘客均为短途乘车 ,只能是被
动收看,如何吸引广大私家车主 ,内容及增值服务成 了主要
关键。随着移动电视的不断发展 ,用手机收看已成时尚,在 手机中安装接收模块即可 ,手机 用户随时随地都可使用此功
系列完全相 同。
该机用料和工艺不错 ,所有排线均采 用塑料扎带扎
固定 ,各路 电源排线采用绞合走线 ,为使机型较薄较 ( 机壳尺寸为2 5 m× 0 m 0 m ,在主板上的ST 5m 2 1 ×4 m ) m A 谐器及DB T V- 调谐器 、R射频调制器均采用卧式安装 , F 内排列整洁、合理、美观 ( ) 图4 。 该机 电源板设计讲 究,带LB N 电源短路保护 ,用料实
滤波 电解 电容3 F 3 ,保险 电阻均 为 2 的 ,用2 W 个
q— . C 12 极轴天线功能,具有0 2功能,可轻松设置8 /k 2 个卫 星的接收,若用1 /8 开关组合能收更多卫星。 1V 3 6可设置视频输 出制式 、画面比例、时钟设置 、OD . S 设置、卫星与节 目名的编辑与命名、声道选择 、游戏功



Smartisys IPCRF系列无线接收器系列 使用说明 SMARTISYS IPCRF系列无线接收器使用说明一.功能描述Smartisys系列无线接收器是多媒体控制系统中的一个重要功能模块,它的主要功能是实现IPST系列无线触摸屏与主控机的通信联系。

无线触摸屏所发射出的信号中包含两类信息,一类是按键的Join Number,即触摸屏所发出的指令;二是触摸屏的RF ID,用来区分多个无线触摸屏。




Smartisys系列无线接收器有IPCRF和IPCRF2两个型号,它们具有相同的外形尺寸和电气特性,主要区别在于无线接收器的单向和双向上:IPCRF 单向无线接收器IPCRF2 双向无线接收器二.物理特征无线传输方式: RF射频有效距离: 100米串口通信格式: 9600-N-8-1~38400-N-8-1连接端子: 4PIN Mini Phoenix端子电源: 24VDC最大功耗: 3W工作环境温度: 5℃-45℃工作环境湿度: 10%-90%外形尺寸: 1U高7英寸宽净重: 1Kg三.操作说明1.前面板说明IPCRF和IPCRF2前面板相同,请参看图-1所示的前面板示意图。



RF 为射频通信指示灯,当无线接收器接收IPST系列触摸屏的无线射频信号时此指示灯闪亮。






考勤门禁系统单门考勤携门禁控制器目录第一章控制器性能 (3)一、结构及参数 (3)二、功能简介 (5)三、指示灯及声音 (6)四、自动返回功能介绍 (7)五、键盘的使用 (8)六、系统设置 (9)七、卡的使用 (11)八、连线图 (13)第二章施工注意事项 (15)第一章控制器性能一、结构及参数单门考勤携门禁控制器人机界面亲和,大屏幕显示,每屏可显示四行中文信息,功能超强,安装、维护便捷。



F、读卡卡片形式:34Bit ID卡(可按客户要求定做为:IC卡);G、内置读卡器一个;H、外部可接WG34读卡器一个;I、外观:①、键盘(4×4);②、液晶显示(4×8个16*16中文点阵汉字);③、指示灯(3个)。






A8sReceiving CardProduct DescriptionDocument Version: V1.1.0Document Number: NS110100423XI 'AN N OVA S T AR T EC HCO .,L T D.Copyright ©2018 Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark of Xi’an NovaStar T ech Co., Ltd.StatementYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. Any problem in use or any good suggestion, please contact us through ways provided in the document. We will do our utmost to solve the problems and adopt the suggestions after evaluation as soon as possible.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,LT D.Product Description Change HistoryChange HistoryX I'A NN OV AS TA RTProduct Description1 SafetyContents1 Safety (1)1.1 Storage and Transport Safety ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Installation and Use Safety .. (1)2 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 2 3 Characteristics .. (4)3.1 Improvement in Display Effect ..................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Improvement in Maintainability .................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Improvement in Hardware Reliability ........................................................................................................... 6 3.4 Improvement in Software Reliability (6)4 Hardware Structure (7)4.1 Appearance .................................................................................................................................................. 7 4.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................................................................. 7 4.3 Indicator ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.4 Definition of the Data Interface (Top) ........................................................................................................... 9 4.4.1 32-Group Parallel Data Interface .............................................................................................................. 9 4.4.2 64-Group Serial Data Interface ............................................................................................................... 12 4.4.3 Reference Design for Expandable Interfaces .. (15)5 Software Structure ...................................................................................................................... 17 6 Typical Networking .................................................................................................................... 18 7 Specifications ............................................................................................................................... 19 A Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................................. 20 B Terms .. (21)XI 'AN NOVA S T AR T EC HCO .,L T D.1SafetyThis chapter illustrates the safety of the A8s receiving card to ensure products’storage, transport, packing and application safety. Safety description is applicable to all personnel that contact or use the products. Pay attention to following points:● Read throughout the description. ● Save the whole description.●Be complied with the whole description.1.1 Storage and Transport Safety● Pay attention to dust and water prevention. ● Avoid long-term direct sunlight.● Do not place the products at the position near fire and heat. ● Do not place the products in an area containing explosive materials. ● Do not place the products in strong electromagnetic environment.● Place the products at a stable position to prevent damage or personal injury caused by dropping.●Save the packing box and materials which will come in handy if you ever have to ship your products. For maximum protection, repack your product as it was originally packed at the factory.1.2 Installation and Use Safety● Only trained professionals may install the products.● Do not insert and unplug (power cord plug) when the power is on. ● Ensure the safe grounding of the device.● Always wear an anti-static wrist band and insulating gloves. ● Do not place the products in an area having more or strong shake. ● Perform dust removing regularly.● Do not maintain the products without authorization but contact NovaStar as soonas possible.●Replace spare parts only with the same parts supplied by NovaStar.XI 'AN N OVA S T AR T EC HCO .,L T D.2OverviewA8s is a high-end receiving card developed by NovaStar, featuring small size andlarge loading capacity with the single card loading capacity up to 512×256 (PWM IC) pixels.A8s can work with the independent controller MCTRL R5, making display rotate at any angel. A8s can also work with the independent controller MCTRL4K featuring large loading capacity and support HDR10 compliant video input, realizing larger dynamic brightness range and larger color space, and making the image smoother.A8s supports pixel level brightness and chroma calibration, which removes color difference effectively and improves display consistency of LED images. In addition, it also supports image rotation in 90° increments, creating richer images and improving visual experiences.Software and hardware designs of the A8s concern the user deployment as well as operating and maintenance scenarios, enabling easier deployment, more stable operating and more efficient maintenance. Advanced hardware design:● Small size and thinner thickness save space for increasingly narrower cabinetspace and smaller spacing between lamps.●Use high-density connector which is resistant to dust and vibration and features high stability and high reliability.● Assembly network transformer features simple design and improved magnetic compatibility, helping user’s products to successfully pass the EMC authentication.Useful software design:● Support for HDR10● Support for LVDS transmission (customized function) ● Support for low latency (customized function) ● Support for smart module (customized function) ● Support for auto module calibration ● Support for Mapping function ● Support for 18Bit+ grayscale output ● Support for ClearView● Support for image rotation in 90° increments●Support for pre-stored image setting of the receiving cardXI 'AN N OVA S T AR T E C HCO .,L T D.Product Description 2 Overview●Support for module Flash management●Support for monitoring of temperature, power supply voltage●Support for monitoring of Ethernet cable communication status (customizedfunction)●Support for 5-pin LCD moduleX I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,LT D.Product Description3 Characteristics3Characteristics3.1 Improvement in Display EffectXI 'AD.3.2 Improvement in MaintainabilityAX I'3.3 Improvement in Hardware Reliability3.4 Improvement in Software ReliabilityXI 'AO4Hardware Structure4.1 AppearanceProduct images provided in this file are for reference only , and the actual products shall prevail.Models of the high-density receptacle and plug used by A8s are shown in Table 4-1.Table 4-1 Model of high-density connector4.2 DimensionsBoard thickness is not greater than 2.0mm, and the total thickness (board thickness + thickness of both front panel and back panel) is not greater than 7.5mm.Unit of the dimension chart is “mm”. Ground connection is enabled for location hole (GND).XI 'AA S T AR T EC HCO .,L T D.4.3 IndicatorXI 'A.,L T D.4.4 Definition of the Data Interface (Top)4.4.1 32-Group Parallel Data InterfaceI 'AN N OVA S T AR T EC HCO .,L T D.Note 1. Voltage ranging from 3.3V to 5.5V is recommended for input power (VCC).Note 2. RGB data groups must be used in group.Note 3. Operating indicator that meets low level is valid.Note 4. OE_RED, OE_GREEN and OE_BLUE are display enabled pins. In case thatOE_RGB are not controlled separately, OE_RED signal is applied. WhenPWM chip is used, GCLK signal is enabled.Note 5. RFU1–18 are the reserved extended function interfaces. Please refer to“4.4.3 Reference Design for Expandable Interfaces”.4.4.2 64-Group Serial Data InterfaceX I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,LT D.Note 6. Voltage ranging from 3.3V to 5.5V is recommended for input power (VCC). Note 7. Operating indicator that meets low level is valid.Note 8. OE_RED, OE_GREEN and OE_BLUE are display enabled pins. In case thatOE_RGB are not controlled separately, OE_RED is applied. While PWM chip is used, GCLK signal is enabled.Note 9. RFU1–18 are the reserved extended function interfaces. Please refer to “4.4.3 Reference Design for Expandable Interfaces ”.4.4.3 Reference Design for Expandable Interfaces R T EC HCODescription:RFU8 and RFU10 are signal multiplexing expandable interfaces for which the interfaces of either Recommended Smart Module Interface or Recommended Module Flash Interface can be selected at a time.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,LT D.Product Description 5 Software Structure5 Software StructureProgram download method:Visit www.novastar.tech and choose Download > Firmware. On the Firmwaresection, choose the desired program package to download.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,LT D.Product Description 6 Typical Networking6 Typical NetworkingA8s is applied to LED display synchronous system which is generally composed ofthe LED display, HUB board, receiving card, video controller and controller peripheral.The receiving card is connected to the display over a HUB board.Synchronous system requires connecting a computer to display the computer’simages and texts on the LED screen. Structure of the synchronous system is asshown in the following figure.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,LT D.Product Description 7 Specifications7 SpecificationsAX I'Product Description A Acronyms and AbbreviationsA Acronyms and AbbreviationsEEMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityFFPGA Field-Programmable Gate ArrayLLED Light Emitting DiodeMMCU Microcontroller UnitRRCFG Receiving Card ConfigurationX I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,LT D.Product DescriptionB TermsBTerms18Bit+ Specify the grayscale of LED displays. Enabling 18 bit mode on NovaLCT could improve LED display grayscale by 4 times, and therefore avoid grayscale loss caused by brightness reduction and make images finer.ClearViewDisplay screen effects. Enable ClearView on NovaLCT to adjust the texture, size and contrast in different area based on human visual system to make image more realistic.Calibration coefficientCalibration system generates a group of values for each LED lamp, including information about brightness and chroma. After display calibration, the calibration values of each lamp are just the calibration coefficient. Smart moduleThe smart module is composed of Flash and MCU.Flash could store calibration coefficients and module information. MCU could communicate with the receiving card to realize monitoring over temperature, voltage and wiring communication status, as well as LED error detection.The smart module could make monitoring unit smaller, requiring no independentmonitoring card and saving cabinet space.MappingAfter the Mapping function is enabled on NovaLCT, the target cabinet will displaythe cabinet number and Ethernet port information, and the user could get the receiving card’s location and wiring route.Error detectionPerform status detection for each LED lamp. If the LED lamp fails, the user could notify in a timely manner upon monitoring system.XI 'AN N OVA S T AR T EC HCO .,L T D.。

迅芯 AFMC101 单路 10Gsps 8Bits ADC FMC 子卡模块说明书

迅芯 AFMC101 单路 10Gsps 8Bits ADC FMC 子卡模块说明书

AFMC101单路10Gsps 8Bits ADC FMC子卡模块说明书V20180730苏州迅芯微电子有限公司目录目录 (2)声明 (3)阅前必读 (4)1板卡简介 (5)1.1概述 (5)1.2性能指标 (6)1.3AAD08S010G特性 (6)1.4FMC/LPC接口说明 (7)1.5电路板布局布线 (11)1.6配套板卡及软件支持 (11)声明苏州迅芯微电子有限公司保留对其产品进行修正、改进和完善的权利,同时也保留在不做任何通告的情况下,终止其任何一款产品的供应和服务的权利。


阅前必读简介本文是基于FMC接口的单路10Gsps 8Bits ADC FMC子卡模块的硬件说明书,详细描述了板卡的性能和使用方法。








1板卡简介1.1概述FMC 连接器是一种高速多pin的互连器件,广泛应用于板卡对接的设备中,特别是在Xilinx 公司的所有开发板中都使用。


图 1.1单路10Gsps 8Bits ADC FMC子卡模块实物图AFMC101是10Gsps 8Bits ADC的FMC标准子卡,ADC芯片是苏州迅芯微电子有限公司自有芯片AAD08S010G,芯片采用板载的DCDC和LDO产生的+3.3V和+1.8V供电。



ZQ-V8解决方案说明书V1.0北京中庆微数字设备开发有限公司ZHONGQING DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD.目录1.文档说明 (4)1.1编写目的 (4)1.2适用范围 (4)1.3版本清单 (4)1.4专有名词 (4)2.方案简介 (6)2.1方案概述 (6)2.2 功能特点 (6)2.2.1 支持DVI、HDMI数据源输入 (6)2.2.2 支持宽屏等多种输入分辨率 (6)2.2.3 支持10位颜色 (6)2.2.4 支持远距离传输 (6)2.2.5 功能强大的配套软件 (6)2.2.6 智能检测设备状态 (6)2.2.7超大带载面积 (6)2.2.8 Smart-PWM (7)2.2.9 高灰度等级 (7)2.2.10 支持多种扫描数 (7)2.2.11 支持多种分辨率 (7)2.2.12 亮度及色温调整 (7)2.2.13 测试功能 (7)2.2.14 环境监测功能 (7)2.2.15 联机配置数据 (7)2.2.16 固件在线升级功能 (7)2.2.17 系统备份还原能力 (7)2.3产品清单 (8)3.方案应用 (9)3.1.1 典型应用 (9)3.1.2冗余应用 (10)1.文档说明1.1编写目的本文介绍了ZQ-V8解决方案的整体功能、特点和应用模式。1.2适用范围本文档适用于市场部、技术部参考。1.3版本清单版本日期作者说明V1.0 2010-10-15 李伟初次发布1.4专有名词在LED显示屏领域,对于相同的功能可能会有不同的术语,以下是本文中使用的专用术语及解释,便于读者更好的理解文章内容。●软件一系列按照特定顺序组织的计算机数据和指令的集合,本文中特指在计算机上运行的应用软件(LED管理工具)。





卫星接收卡的安装目录1.1卫星接收机操作系统的安装 21.2卫星接收卡的介绍21.3卫星接收卡驱动的安装31.3.1 Windows 2000/XP操作系统下驱动的安装 41.4卫星接收卡硬件设置程序的安装和设置101.4.1 硬件设置程序的安装101.4.2 硬件设置程序的使用141.5 接收软件的使用211.6 读出卫星接收卡的卡号211.7 一些常用命令221.7.1 IPCONFIG /all221.7.2 Netstat24附录:卫星卡常见问题241.1卫星接收机操作系统的安装卫星接收系统的最低配置为PII233/64MB RAM/4GB HD/10M NIC,使用Windows98操作系统。

建议使用PII400/128M/15GB/10-100M PCI网卡或以上配置的计算机,使用Windows xp或Wind ows 2000操作系统。


清华永新电子有限公司通过了ISO9 001质量体系认证,按照ISO9001标准的要求设计、生产了高标准、高质量的卫星接收卡,如下图所示:图 1清华永新卫星数据广播接收卡安装于计算机的PCI槽上,与卫星天线的LNB相连,可以接收符合DVB-S标准的数据广播信号,并将数据恢复成IP包,传给操作系统。



特点:●接收频率范围:950MHz~2150MHz●接收电平范围:-65dBm~-25dBm●符号率:2Mbps~45Mbps●符合EN300 421标准●支持多协议数据封装的格式(MPE)●支持IP数据广播●同时支持32路PID过滤●支持Win98/WinMe/win2003/Win2000/WinXP操作系统。












商品名稱/型號BenQ-Siemens S81 行動電話額定電壓/頻率 3.7V, GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz; WCDMA 2100 MHz最大發射功率GSM 900: 2W, DCS 1800: 1W, PCS 1900:1W,WCDMA 2100: 0.25W製造年份請將電池拆下後參考手機背面標籤製造號碼請將電池拆下後參考手機背面標籤生產地台灣警語請參考使用手冊「安全事項」功能規格或相容性符合GSM行動電話標準使用方法請參考使用手冊內容緊急處理方法請參考使用手冊,並洽購買經銷商或電客服專線0800-053-668製造廠商明基電通股份有限公司注意事項請參考使用手冊「安全事項」及「常見問題與解決辦法」安全事項以下這些資料,關係到這具行動電話的使用效率和安全,請您務必仔細閱讀:RF能量對人體的影響•減少電磁波影響,請妥適使用。

•SAR標準值2.0 W/Kg,送測產品SAR實測最大值為: GSM900: 0.952 W/Kg;DCS1800: 0.512 W/Kg。

WCDMA 2.1 GHz:0.74 W/Kg。

ICP DAS DL-100TM485 Series用户手册说明书

ICP DAS DL-100TM485 Series用户手册说明书

DL-100TM485 Series User Manual‐ DL ‐100TM485 ‐ DL ‐100TM485P‐ DL ‐100TM485‐W ‐ DL ‐100TM485P ‐WWarrantyAll products manufactured by ICP DAS are under warranty regarding defective materials for a period of one year from the date of delivery to the original purchaser.WarningICP DAS assumes no liability for any damage resulting from the use of this product. ICP DAS reserves the right to change this manual at any time without notification. The information furnished by ICP DAS is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by ICP DAS for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use.CopyrightCopyright© 2014 ICP DAS. All rights reserved.TrademarksNames are used for identification purposes only and may be registered trademarks of their respective companies.Table of ContentsInformation (5)1 Hardware1.1 Specifications (5)1.2 Function Block (7)1.3 Pin Assignments (7)1.4 Wire Connections (8)2 Modbus RTU Protocol (9)2.1 Modbus Mapping Table (10)3 UtilitySoftware (14)3.1 Before you use the Utility Software (14)3.2 DL-100TM485 Utility (15)3.3 Configuration (16)3.4 Download Data (20)4 Appendix (22)4.1 LCD Information: (22)IntroductionThe DL-100TM485/DL-100TM485P/DL-100TM485-W/DL-100TM485P-W is a one-channel temperature and humidity data logger module. It contains a built-in RS-485 communication interface and an LCD indicator to display the module ID, temperature and humidity data, and allows you to define the log time interval depending on your application.The DL-100TM485 supports the Modbus RTU protocol. Refer to Section 2 for more details.We also provide software utility that can be used to retrieve log data and display it in a chart on your desktop, and also allow you save the log data into an Excel format file.8-Bit MCU485 Series User Manual, V1.02, Mar. 2015 13/23DL-100TM485 User Manual, V1.00 12/23DL-100TM3.2 DL-100TM485 UtilityAfter launching the Utility, the program interface will be displayed, as shown below:z Clicking “File” or the icon opens a previous DL-100TM485 logging data file stored on your PC.z Clicking “Connection->Connect->RS-232/RS-485” or the icon creates a connection from the serial port.z Clicking “Connection->Disconnect” or the icon disconnects the connection between the PC and the DL-100TM485.z Clicking *“Functions->Get Records” or the icon retrieves the logging data which is stored in the EEPROM of the DL-100TM485module.z Clicking *“Functions->Configuration” or the icon enables you to configure the DL-100TM485 module.z Clicking “Exit” or the icon closes the Utility software.*This function is only valid when a connection has been successfullyestablished between the PC and the DL-100TM485 module.1 231On this tab you can41 232On this tab you can1. Enable/Disable data logging.132On this tab you can1. Set the module address and communication parametersMove the slide to select the module address, Baud Rate, Data Format and click the Set3. Click on the Save as file button to save the download data in a text file of extension filename.csv or filename.txt file.4 Appendix4.1 LCD Information:The LCD display information can be set from the Others tab on the Configuration dialog window as below:①②①③icon①②icon。

MAUSER- TS1001触摸屏布防站用户手册说明书

MAUSER- TS1001触摸屏布防站用户手册说明书

TS1001 Touch Screen Arming StationUser ManualP/N MAUSER-Copyright © UTC Fire & Security Australia Pty Ltd.All rights reserved.Trademarks and patents The TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station name and logo are trademarks of UTC Fire & Security Australia Pty Ltd.Other trade names used in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the respective products.Manufacturer UTC Fire & Security Australia Pty Ltd t/aGround Floor, 10 Ferntree PlaceAustraliaAgencycomplianceThis product conforms to the standards set byStandards Australia on behalf of the AustralianCommunications and Media Authority (ACMA).Notice!domestic environment this product may causeradio interference in which case the user maybe required to take adequate measures.ContactinformationFor contact information, seeContentImportant information ivDisclaimer ivLimitation of liability ivAdvisory messages vRelated manuals vCare and cleaning instructions viProduct overview 1User interface detailsFront LED indicationsUsing the RAS 6Logging inSelecting a menu option 7Arming and disarming 10Selecting areas by searchingLogging in to classic modeTS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User Manual iiiImportant informationDisclaimerThe customer is responsible for testing and determining the UTC Fire & Security Australiaresponsible or liable for any damages incurred by the buyer or any third party arising from its use, or their inability to use the product.Limitation of liabilitywill UTCFS be liable for any lost profits or business opportunities, loss of use, business interruption, loss of data, or any other indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages under any theory of liability, whether based in contract, tort, negligence, product liability, or otherwise. Because some consequential or incidental damages the preceding limitationforegoingby applicable law, regardless of whether UTCFS has been advised of the possibility of such damages and regardless of whether any remedy fails of its essential purpose.nce with this manual, applicable codes, and the instructions of the authority having jurisdiction is mandatory.While every precaution has been taken during the preparation of this manual to ensure the accuracy of its contents, UTCFS assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.iv TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User ManualAdvisory messagesAdvisory messages alert you to conditions or practices that can cause unwanted results. The advisory messages used in this document are shown and described below. WARNING: Warning messages advise you of hazards thatcould result in injury or loss of life. They tell you which actions to take or to avoid in order to prevent the injury or loss of life.Caution: Caution messages advise you of possible equipment damage. They tell you which actions to take or to avoid in order to prevent the damage.Note: Note messages advise you of the possible loss of time or effort. They describe how to avoid the loss. Notes are also used to point out important information that you should read.Related manualsThis manual describes how to use the TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station. Refer also to the TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station Installation Manual for installation details.The Touch Screen RAS may be used on either athe appropriate Challenger manual for details about operating the Challenger system.TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User Manual vCare and cleaning instructionsThe touch screen display panel (Figure 1 on page 1,item 1) is an LCD module consisting of a glass display panel and a polarizing display surface. The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched.Do not use hard or sharp objects to operate the touch screen: it is designed to be operated by touching the display surface with your fingers (or gloved hands).e on it to fog the surface, and then gently wipe the surface with a soft dry cloth. Caution: Do not use water, ketone, or aromatic solvents to clean the touch screen.For dirt or marks that are not removed by a soft dry cloth, moisten the cloth with a small amount of either isopropyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol, and then gently wipe the surface. WARNING: Do not use alcohol near an open flame or other source of ignition.vi TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User ManualProduct overviewRefer to Figure 1 belowthe TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station, and to Figure for details displayed on the touch screen (screen image varies).Figure 1: TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station overview(1) Touch screen display panel* Menu keyHome keyEnter # keyFirst four area LEDsLEDs (7) BeeperThe TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station (Touch Screen RAS) is used for controlling Challenger security system alarm and access functions. Arming stations are also known as remote arming stations or RASs.1 TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User ManualProduct features include:Touch screen keypadBeeperArea and system status Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)One open collector output is provided to drive a smallrelay or LED, .One input is provided for an egress function.User interface detailsA touch screen RAS provides a graphical mode ofnormal graphical mode’s advanced user interface, the touch screen also has a “classic” mode that mimics a conventional LCD keypad.Note: Different types of users may have levels ofability to arm and disarm areas may be limited to users with “alarm” codes, and the ability to open a door may be limited to users with “door” codes.When idle (not in programming mode and in the absence of alarms or faults) the touch screen resembles Figure on .TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User ManualFigure 2: Home screen details(1) Arm buttonDisarm buttonOpen button (optional)Classic button (optional)Status buttonMenu button(7) Automation quick controlbutton (optional)RAS’s Home screen (Figure above) has standard and optional graphical buttons to perform the following functions:The Arm button (item 1) followed by an alarm code is used to arm assigned areas, or to select and arm areas (depending on alarm group programming).used to disarm assigned areas, or to select and disarm areas (depending on alarm group programming).TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User Manualcode (or an alarm code, depending on RASprogramming) is used to open the RAS’s door.access the login (code) prompt for mimicking a conventionalLCD keypad. When using classic mode, enter a menu number to access a Challenger menu option.History when the system is normal (no alarms). When alarms are present, the display shows the inputs inalarm.(code) prompt for graphical access to Challenger menu options.The optional Automation quick control button (item 7) isa shortcut to Us-Automation Control.Automation quick control does not require userWhen you see one of the button images later in this manual, it means you begin at the Home screen and then press the button.TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User ManualThe RAS’s physical * Menu, Home, and Enter # keys perform the following operations:The * Menu key (Figure 1 on page 1used to access the login (code) prompt for graphical access to Challenger menu options. Duringprogramming, the * Menu key delete the last character entered, navigates backwards through menus, ortoggles Yes/No values, as applicable.The Home key (Figure 1 on page 1idle screen.The Enter # key (Figure 1 on page 1by an alarm code, is used to select and arm areas(same as the Arm button). During programming, the Enter # key works the same as the graphical # or 8buttons.Front LED indicationsThe area status LEDs (Figure 1 on page 1(or as configured).The LED indications are as follows:The LED illuminates when its corresponding area isarmed.The LED flashes slowly when a fault is detected, orwhen an alarm occurs, in disarm.The LED flashes quickly when a fault is detected, or when an alarm occurs, in arm.TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User ManualTS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User ManualUsing the RASThe following sections describe how to navigate via a Touch Screen RAS:“Logging in” below“Selecting a menu” on page 7“”“Arming and disarming” on page 10 “Selecting areas by searching”“Logging in to classic mode”Logging inFrom the Home screen, press the Menu button or the * Menu key (Figure 1 on page 1Figure 3: Login screenTS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User Manual 7To login to the menu, press the buttons that correspond to your alarm code, and then press the Enter button (or press the Menu button). To delete the last digit entered press the * Menu key or the Backspace button during login.Note: The numbered buttons shown in Figurewill appear in different sequences if the RASis programmed to scramble the keypad. The scramblekeypad option moves the numbered buttons to different positions after every login to avoid providing visual clues to the numbers used.Selecting a menu optionUse the Up and Down arrows to navigate the list of options. Touch the list item to access the option.Figure 4: Menu screenand Down arrows to display 19 – –Figure ).Note: The TS1001 Touch Screen RAS displays lists of menu items (as in Figure on page 7) instead of displaying one item at a time. The list depends on the user’s alarm group and the RAS’s alarm group (stored in the Challenger panel) which results in a small delay.Figure 5: Install menu screenUse the Enter # key or Down button to navigate down the list of options, or use the * Menu key or Up button to navigate up the list of options. Press the list item to access the option.Entering textwords, custom RAS messages, and so on.TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User ManualFigure 6: Text entry screen(1) Read mode (greyed)Shift buttonEdit mode (black) Letter/numeral button Backspace buttonUppercase and lowercase keys are selected automatically. Use the Shift button to override the automated selection of case.The Clear button deletes any pre-TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User Manual 910 TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User Manual but you can replace it withArming and disarming. The screensand processes for disarming are similar.The Arm button (item 1) followed by an alarm code, is used to arm assigned areas, or to select and arm areas(depending on alarm group programming).From the Home screen, press the Arm button to display the arming login screen (Figure 7 below).Figure 7: Arming login screenPress the buttons that correspond to your alarm code, and then press the Enter button (or the Arm button or the Enter # key).TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User Manual 11Note: The arming and disarming process varies depending areas” is disabled, then the areas assigned to the user are not displayed, and assigned areas are immediately armedes in this manual assume that areaselection is required.The selection “All”, and any unarmed areas are listed (onlya few are displayed at a time).Figure 8: Area selection screenUse the Enter # key or Down button to navigate down the list of areas, or use the * Menu key or Up button to navigate up the list of areas.Press either a displayed area or All to arm one area or allFigure above, if you press areaarea is shown in the list.Alternatively, press the Search button to search for named areas. See “Selecting areas by searching” below for details.Note: The disarm screen (Figure 9 below) lists all armed areas, plus any (armed or disarmed) areas that are in alarm.Figure 9: Disarm screen showing area in alarmSelecting areas by searchingAreas are identified by a number from 1 to 99 and (optionally) a name programmed by the installer.When arming or disarming the system, you may want to select a specific area instead of selecting all areas. The Touch Screen RAS supports area search to help you quickly find areas by name.For example to arm an area named “Main-office”:1. On the area selection screen (Figure on page 11) clickthe Search button to open the search screen.TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User ManualTS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User Manual Figure 10: Area search screen (initial screen). As soon as you enter a character, the screenautomatically changes to edit mode and displays a Search button (Figure 11 below).Figure 11: Area search screen (edit mode). en press the Search button to see the area names starting with the characters entered (Figure ).TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station User Manual Figure 12: Area selection screen (filtered). Press either a displayed area or All to arm one area or all displayed areas.. Alternatively, press the Search button again to define a new search.Logging in to classic modeFrom the Home screen, press the Classic button to display the login screen (Figure below).Figure 13: Classic mode home screenTo login to the classic menu press the * button (or press the * Menu key) to display the login screen.Figure 14: Classic mode login screenPress the buttons that correspond to your alarm code, and then press the # button (or press the Enter # key).Figure 15: Classic mode menu screenClassic mode works like a conventional LCD keypad: you need to know a menu option number before you can access the menu.To see menu option numbers:Press the # button, the Down button, or press the Enter # key, to navigate down the list of menu options.Press the * button, the Up button, or press the * Menu key, to navigate up the list of menu options.Note: Some screens have Left and Right buttons (see Figure ). Use the Left and Right buttons to move backwards and forwards between records (such asname for input 1, press [ENTER] to save, and then pressWhen going backwards between records you can press the left arrow button to move immediately from the first record to the last record.Press the buttons that correspond to the menu option number, and then press the # button (or press the Enter # key) to access the menu.menu (Figure on page 17).Figure 16: Classic mode Install menu screenRefer to the Challenger manuals for details about operating a Challenger system via a conventional LCD keypad.。

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1.1 产品应用


1.2 功能特点
●PORT A:级联信号输入输出口,靠近电源端。


●PORT B:级联信号输入输出口,与A功能相同,用于连接发送卡或下级接收卡。






3.2 接口信号定义

级联输入输出有两种接口形式,分别为RJ45和双排孔,双排孔便于用户自行焊接连接器进行连接,如图3-1 JP_0所示;本地输出接口形式为两个对称的双排针,均为50PIN的排针,如图3-1 JP_1、图3-1 JP_2所示。


图3-1 全彩接收卡接口示意图
3.2.1 JP_0信号定义
图3-2 JP_0信号定义
3.2.2 JP_1、JP_2信号定义
图3-3 JP_1信号定义 图3-4 JP_2信号定义
全彩接收卡共有三个指示灯,两个绿色指示灯分别为电源(POWER )指示灯和状态(STATE )指示灯,一个红色指示灯错误(ERROR )指示灯。

● POWER :电源指示灯,绿色。


● STA TE :状态指示灯,绿色。

A 或B 有信号输入,则状态指示灯闪烁; A 和B 均无信

● ERROR :错误指示灯,红色。

A 或B 两者之一输入的有误码,则错误指示灯闪烁;A
或B 均无误码,错误指示灯灭。


4. 参数指标
● 超大带载量
● 高刷新频率

● 亮度校正功能
















