
The heroes in the film twice, first in the subway them toilets, and his son, once lived through the company's exam and obtained a formal work, the helpless despair, and success of pain after it is joy put the language to describe. 影片中主人公的两次流泪,一次是在地铁公厕中,与他儿子相依为命,一次是通过公 司的考试并获得一份正式工作,前期的无奈绝望痛苦,以及成功后的喜悦释怀,都是难以 用语言来形容的。
故事情节是:克里斯· 加纳 用尽全部积蓄买下了一批 高科技治疗仪,到处向医院推销,可是价格高昂,接受 的人不多。就算他多努力都无法提供一个良好的生活环 境给妻儿,妻子最终选择离开家。从此他带着儿子克里 斯托夫相依为命。克里斯好不容易争取回来一个股票投 资公司实习的机会,就算没有报酬,成功机会只有百分 之五,他仍努力奋斗,儿子是她的立量,他看尽白眼, 与儿子躲在地铁站里的公共场所里,住在教堂的收容所 里…… 他坚信,幸福明天就会来临!
, …… , ,
第一次面 试,他无奈的 穿着一身油漆 工的衣服进了 证券交易所。
Classic lines
经典台词 :
Martin Frohm : What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say? 马丁:如果我雇佣了一个没有穿着衬衫走进来的人,你会怎么说? Chris Gardner : He must have had on some really nice pants. 克里斯· 加德纳:他一定穿了一条很棒的裤子。

如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。 那些一事无成的人想告诉你你也成不 了大器。如果你有理想的话,就要去
Don‘t forget to the facial expression of Gardner, when he knows that he has succeed in this. Tears? Why?
The Pursuit of Happyness
The way of seeking happiness is so difficult and frustrating that all that enjoy it must be a
fearless man
Movie introduce
Father and son chapter
Maybe Gardner is a failing businessman, but actually he is a loving father. Although he isn’t a successful man, he struggles to make ends meet. Gardner and his son, there are lots of frustration and bar waiting for them, meanwhile, they is driving themselves forwards fearless. If Gardner doesn’t take possession of his son, so the passion of life will disappear, his destiny will change forever. That is to say, Gardner is in the same boat with his son. They can’t be separate.
Don‘t forget to the facial expression of Gardner, when he knows that he has succeed in this. Tears? Why?
The Pursuit of Happyness
The way of seeking happiness is so difficult and frustrating that all that enjoy it must be a
fearless man
Movie introduce
Father and son chapter
Maybe Gardner is a failing businessman, but actually he is a loving father. Although he isn’t a successful man, he struggles to make ends meet. Gardner and his son, there are lots of frustration and bar waiting for them, meanwhile, they is driving themselves forwards fearless. If Gardner doesn’t take possession of his son, so the passion of life will disappear, his destiny will change forever. That is to say, Gardner is in the same boat with his son. They can’t be separate.

美国电影《当幸福来敲门》 (The Pursuit of Happyness) 取材真实故事。故事的主角就 是当今美国黑人投资专家Chris Gardner。成功诠释出一位濒 临破产、老婆离家的落魄业务 员,如何刻苦耐劳乐观积极的 善尽单亲职责,奋发向上成为 股市交易员,最后成为知名的 金融投资家的励志故事。该片 获得2006年奥斯卡最佳男主角 提名。
钟阿姨不辞辛劳,连一口水都没喝,时刻 提醒孩子们不要乱扔垃圾,爱护校园
爱好:跳广场舞 愿望:希望孩子过的比自己要好
钟阿姨开始细致的清扫每个班级教室外被遗漏 的垃圾,生怕影响每个班级教室的整体美观
问,而他只有用自己 的生命才能回答此 问题;只有以“负 责”来答复生命。 因此,“能够将职责 负责”是人类存在 最重要的本质。
真正的乐观是 内在的,它 只有在人类 的心灵才能 发现。
个人资料 姓名:钟小英 年龄:33岁 在校年限:2个月
家庭成员: 丈夫:工人 大女儿:滨二九曲校区五(1)班 二女儿:滨二九曲校区一(3)班 小儿子:幼儿园

克里斯"加德纳是一个医疗器械推销员, 他的工作就是拎着扫描仪穿梭于各街 头,四处去推销.但是这玩意有时候两个 月都卖不出一台.他有一个妻子和一个 儿子,妻子在工厂工作一天要干16个小 时,日子过得比较贫困,常常受到房租等 各种经济压力. 加德纳决心要成为股票 经纪人,但是对于只有高中学历而又没 有任何经验的他来说谈何容易,转行到 股票业的6个月实习期间没有任何收 入,很快破产了,妻子琳达离他而去。从 此,五岁的儿子克里斯托弗和他爸爸 相依为命,过着一段颠沛流离的漂泊生 活……
美国电影《当幸福来敲门》 (The Pursuit of Happyness)取 材真实故事。故事的主角就是当 今美国黑人投资专家Chris Gardner。成功诠释出一位濒临 破产、老婆离家的落魄业务员, 如何刻苦耐劳的善尽单亲责任, 奋发向上成为股市交易员,最后 成为知名的金融投资家的励志故 事。该片获得2006年奥斯卡最佳 男主角提名。
This is little part, it is call happines
从物质方面来看,加德纳显然是一个不合格的 父亲. 但他却是最伟大的父亲,这体现在他对儿子的 关爱和教育上.
对于幸福,每个人都有自己的诠释。对幸福的定义也会不尽相同。或许金钱 和权利可以让一个人感觉幸福,但是我想这绝不是幸福的全部。有的时候, 只是一个关爱的眼神、一句小小的问候、一个温暖的拥抱都可以让你感受到
后我却录用了他,你会怎么评价?““ 那他的裤子一定很讲究。“——面试时 的机智回答。

Journalist:Are you happy? Worker:My surname is Zeng.
The Pursuit of Happyness
There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y(why) in "happiness",It's an I.
Chris Gardner .He has invested heavily in a medical machine. But he made no money.
The Pursuit of Happyness
So his wife, Linda, left him and their 5-year-old son,because of life pressure. Chirs became a single father.
The Pursuit of Happyness
Their life is difficult and they have no money to pay a rent for a house.However the father and son have to queue in the church to get a place to sleep.
The Pursuit of Happyness
In this time he had nothing but his son’s love and support.
The Pursuit of Happyness
At the end of his internship, he made success with his amazing willpower. He rushed to his son's daycare and hugged him, fighting back tears. Finally he got his happiness.
The Pursuit of Happyness
There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y(why) in "happiness",It's an I.
Chris Gardner .He has invested heavily in a medical machine. But he made no money.
The Pursuit of Happyness
So his wife, Linda, left him and their 5-year-old son,because of life pressure. Chirs became a single father.
The Pursuit of Happyness
Their life is difficult and they have no money to pay a rent for a house.However the father and son have to queue in the church to get a place to sleep.
The Pursuit of Happyness
In this time he had nothing but his son’s love and support.
The Pursuit of Happyness
At the end of his internship, he made success with his amazing willpower. He rushed to his son's daycare and hugged him, fighting back tears. Finally he got his happiness.

The Pursuit of Happyness
The Pursuit of Happyness
The Pursuit of Happyness
. I have seen a inspirational film, called "the pursuit of happyness ". It is based on a true story of the famous of self-made millionaires Chris Gardner 我看过一个鼓舞人心的电 影:《当幸福来敲门》,它 是基于一个真实的百万富 翁Chris Gardner白手起家 的故事。
当我回想起这部电影 的开始时,在唐人街 ,Chris指着墙上的快乐 这个字,和一个中国人 说道:幸福这个单词里 面是一个“I”,不是 一个“Y”。 现在想想,我们 总是在问我们自己: 何时何因我们会发现 别人的幸福(而不是 自己的)。
The Pursuit of Happyness
The movie told me a lot. We should pursue the happiness on our own.When we face difficulties, we’d better think about Chris’s situation, and I’m sure that nothing will hurt you anymore. So let’s take the letter i instead of the letter y in happyness. 这部电影告诉我很多。我们应 该追求我们自己的幸福。当我 们面临困难时,我们最好想想 Chris的处境,我坚信没有什 么会再伤害你。所以,让我们 用“I”来替代happyness中的 “y”。

Gander in a stall called 20/20 on the television programs. 25 years ago, Chris Gander, the homeless man, to his son and his own beliefs, do all the things he can. From the bottom of life stepped towards success and eventually became a famous investment expert. His story moved Make Kalama at once. Kalama immediately telephoned Gander, asked for right to adapt the story. A few days latter, television programs arrived at Vancouver, where Will Smith is making Robot. Although Smith is very busy, after he saw the script, Smith agreed to act immediately. Gander became the film consultant; his autobiography at the beginning of this year and became bester seller. The story is true, of course, in order to touching drama, the film made a lot of changes. The biggest change is Gander’s one-year-old son became a smart 5-year-old boy.

问,如果我答不上来我就会告诉你‘我 不知道’,但我保证我清楚该怎样找到 答案,我会找到答案的“。面试官说“ 假设有个人不穿着正装就跑过来面试然 后我却录用了他,你会怎么评价?““ 那他的裤子一定很讲究。“——面试时
This is little part, it is call happines
从物质方面来看,加德纳显然是一个不合格的 父亲. 但他却是最伟大的父亲,这体现在他对儿子的 关爱和教育上.
If you hava a dream, you need protect it!
对于幸福,每个人都有自己的诠释。对幸福的定义也会不尽相同。或许金钱 和权利可以让一个人感觉幸福,但是我想这绝不是幸福的全部。有的时候, 只是一个关爱的眼神、一句小小的问候、一个温暖的拥抱都可以让你感受到
Thank you
只要你心怀一颗感恩的心, 永不言败,永不言弃,幸福 会对你不离不弃,始终伴随 在你的周围。或许生活的压 力让我们疲于奔命,但是只 要你留心生活的细节,你就 会发现,在这点琐碎的小事 中也能折射出生活的亮点。 生活中不缺少幸福,只是缺 少一双善于发现幸福的眼睛。 如果你在寻找幸福的过程中 迷失了方向,或者因为幸福 的难以捕捉而 沮丧的时候 《当幸福来敲门》会给你指 明方向

y The Pursuit of Happ ness
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Basic information
This film is about a poor father called Chris.He wanted to change the situation of the family. So he put all his money bought 50 bone scanners to sale these to make a change.But he failed.Once he meet a person who own a wonderful car,he ask him how to make it ,and he got the answer that he was stockbroker.
Thank you!
I think I am on the journey to persue happiness too. No matter who you are, you are sure to pursue yoursself happiness all the time,I hope all of yours can achieve your dreams and find your happiness!
Classic Scene
evem worse is ,Chris is no money to pay for the rent,they became homeless,they sleep in the subway station public bathroom.But Chris never give up, he strongly believe that happinese would come one day!
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Basic information
This film is about a poor father called Chris.He wanted to change the situation of the family. So he put all his money bought 50 bone scanners to sale these to make a change.But he failed.Once he meet a person who own a wonderful car,he ask him how to make it ,and he got the answer that he was stockbroker.
Thank you!
I think I am on the journey to persue happiness too. No matter who you are, you are sure to pursue yoursself happiness all the time,I hope all of yours can achieve your dreams and find your happiness!
Classic Scene
evem worse is ,Chris is no money to pay for the rent,they became homeless,they sleep in the subway station public bathroom.But Chris never give up, he strongly believe that happinese would come one day!

Father and son chapter
Maybe Gardner is a failing businessman, but actually he is a loving father. Although he isn’t a successful man, he struggles to make ends meet. Gardner and his son, there are lots of frustration and bar waiting for them, meanwhile, they is driving themselves forwards fearless. If Gardner doesn’t take possession of his son, so the passion of life will disappear, his destiny will change forever. That is to say, Gardner is in the same boat with his son. They can’t be separate.
Struggling to life
Gardner is a confident man, He is chosen for a competitive internship at Dean Witter, a stock brokerage. The internship, which offers Chris a very long shot at a better life, doesn't pay any salary. Chris has to live without a salary for six months while risking just about everything for

我看过一个鼓舞人心的电影:《当幸福 来敲门》,它是基于一个真实的百万富 翁 Chris Gardner 白手起家的故事
The way of seeking happiness is so difficult and frustrating that all that enjoy it must be a fearless man
当他被录用的时候,他眼中闪着泪水。就在前十分钟, 他还担心着自己如何养活自己的儿子,今晚住哪吃什么,但 是这一秒,面试官的认同,让他肩上的压力顿时减轻不少。 从他的眼中我看到了惊喜、真诚和感恩。
When he was on his way to the interview, he encountered a series of problems that led him to the interview without a formal suit and a dirty look.When the interviewer asked him: why did you do this, he didn't lie, he told the truth.The interviewer hired him.
我被感动的电影感动了。 此外,一些场景让我印象深刻。
In order to catch up with the lost scanners , Chris was knocked down by a car. He looked for his shoe groveling on the road whithout checking himself being hurt or not.
当然,对于一个账户只剩21美元的人来说, 他疯狂的行为是容易被理解的。
Chris is a man with purpose .He said that got a dream , you gotta protect it . He encouraged his son “ don't ever let somebody tell you. you can't do something.” I think this sentence was said to himeself too.
The way of seeking happiness is so difficult and frustrating that all that enjoy it must be a fearless man
当他被录用的时候,他眼中闪着泪水。就在前十分钟, 他还担心着自己如何养活自己的儿子,今晚住哪吃什么,但 是这一秒,面试官的认同,让他肩上的压力顿时减轻不少。 从他的眼中我看到了惊喜、真诚和感恩。
When he was on his way to the interview, he encountered a series of problems that led him to the interview without a formal suit and a dirty look.When the interviewer asked him: why did you do this, he didn't lie, he told the truth.The interviewer hired him.
我被感动的电影感动了。 此外,一些场景让我印象深刻。
In order to catch up with the lost scanners , Chris was knocked down by a car. He looked for his shoe groveling on the road whithout checking himself being hurt or not.
当然,对于一个账户只剩21美元的人来说, 他疯狂的行为是容易被理解的。
Chris is a man with purpose .He said that got a dream , you gotta protect it . He encouraged his son “ don't ever let somebody tell you. you can't do something.” I think this sentence was said to himeself too.

16精选Βιβλιοθήκη 课件ppt•Where there is a will ,there is a way. Finally , Chris became a successful investment professional.
Chris said :“You
have a dream, you
subway station
•They do not have money to
buy food to eat and they
have to line up to get relief
then left Chris, leaving their 5-year-
old son called
Chris Gardner is a clever salesman, he is diligent and works hard, but overall no way to make the family live a
food (救济粮).精选版课件ppt
•Living in poverty, but in order to his son's future and
his own beliefs, Chris is sticking.
He always believes that today, he works hard enough, happiness will come tomorrow !

mathema技tica治l ge疗niu仪s is,ext到rem处ely向医h院igh推, h销e h,as 可a fir是m's价dre格am高. 昂,接受的人不多。Hero Nhomakorabeaut I
bisent oy就ot uth算we hd他aiftf:ic多Iukltoy努nowf力hlifoew都htaov无efinhd法it,thf提aeitah供nsawn一edr,l个oaven良dmI'好lal kfien的dhte生hespa活ennst环wmer境o,.st给the妻mo儿st ,diffi妻cult子tim最es.
就算他多努终力选都无择法离提供开一家个良。好从的生此活他环境带给着妻儿儿,子妻子克最里终选斯择托离开夫家相。依为命。克里斯 在面面对对 生窘活迫的好搓种不折种的搓容生折易活和时无争还奈取保时持的回一那来颗份乐坚一观持个积不极懈股向努票上力的乐投精观资神向状上公态的司,精也神实许。习我们的没时法做机到,20就个实算习没生的有第报一,但我们可以从男主角那里学到
He believ酬ed ,that成ha功ppin时es机s wi只ll co有me百tom分or之row五! ,他仍努力奋斗,儿子是她的立量, Hmeatchaenmnao他titcaa看flfgoer尽dnituo白spias眼yetxht,reerme与netly,儿eve子n ha躲igtahx在,i feh地eesh铁aarse站acafirn里m't 'as的fdforre公damth共.e b场y ta所xi d里rive,r a住fter在run教nin堂g st的reets !!!!! Howeve r, his
Good morning, everyone!

Pay attention to children's education, and even
if there are indecent graffiti and misspelled words
on the exterior wall of the kindergarten, he
promptly points out and earnestly requests
The Pursuit of Happiness
Thank You!
correction. When he learned that his son's initial
education in kindergarten was only about watching
videos and not imparting any other knowledge,
Chris gave advice to Teacher Zhu in the
“别让人家跟你说,你成不了大器,即使我也不行”“你 有梦想的话,你就得保护它,那些自己没有成才的人会说你也 不能成才,你想要什么的话,就得去努力得到”
warm heartfelher and son at the subway station
在地铁站,身无分文的克里斯不知所措,流浪街头,居无 定所。但作为父亲,为了能给儿子更多呵护,减少心灵创伤和

3.People can't do something themselves, 那些一事无成的人
4.they wanna tell you you can't do it. 想告诉你你也成不了大器。
5.If you want something, 如果你有理想的话,
go get it. 就要去努力实现。
The Pursuit of Happyness
The movie told me a lot. We
should pursue the happiness
These are words he told to every one:
There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y(why) in "happiness",It's an I
These are some words he told to his son:
1.Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, 别让别人告诉你你成不了才,
not even me. 即使是我也不行。
2.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. 如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。

Chris and his son, there are a
lot of frustration and bar waiting
for them, meanwhile, they are driving themselves towards fearless.
If Chris doesn’t take possession
Main character
Chris Gardner-- Will Smith(威尔·史密斯)
Christopher 贾登·史密斯)
Linda Thandie (Garder’s wife )--
Some famous movies he played:
Independence Day (独立日) I Am Legend (我是传奇) Hancock (全民超人汉考克) Seven Pounds (七磅)
Bad Boys (绝地战警) Men in Black (黑超特务警)
Enemy of the State(国家公敌) Ali (拳王阿里)……
Chris and his son, there are a
lot of frustration and bar waiting
for them, meanwhile, they are driving themselves towards fearless.
If Chris doesn’t take possession
Main character
Chris Gardner-- Will Smith(威尔·史密斯)
Christopher 贾登·史密斯)
Linda Thandie (Garder’s wife )--
Some famous movies he played:
Independence Day (独立日) I Am Legend (我是传奇) Hancock (全民超人汉考克) Seven Pounds (七磅)
Bad Boys (绝地战警) Men in Black (黑超特务警)
Enemy of the State(国家公敌) Ali (拳王阿里)……
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Martin : What would you say if a man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?
Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.
Plot introduce
--Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves,they want tell you ,you can not do it.
Plot introduce With his great efforts,
Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care.
• If you haven’t seen the film,why not have a try?
•Bless you find your own happiness
Thank you
The leading actor
Yes, he is Jaden Smith the first son of "Will" Smith.
• Jaden smith
played a lovely and innocent little boy successfully. Because of perfect performance in the pursuit of happiness, he get a lot of
Plot introduce
• The pursuit of happiness tells a story about a nobody face lots of trouble with his struggle he success in the end.
Chris Ghana is a clever salesman.he is hardworking, but overall no way to make a better life . His wife, Linda can not stand the pressure of poor and left Chris, leaving only him and 5-year-old son.In this time Christopher only had eachscar for best actor • Chicago critic association awards • The MTV movie awards breakthrough performance • Image Awards Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture
--I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I will tell you that I don't know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.
• Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who
was not understandable at all and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and he catch a chance to success.
--They all looked “happy,” “Why not me?” Christ wondered.
• They became homeless. They slept in subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son’s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today.
The pursuit of happiness
What’s your idea of happiness?
The leading actor
"Will" Smith, Jr. is an American actor, film producer and rapper. He has enjoyed success in music, television and film. Newsweek has called him the most powerful actor on the planet. Smith has been nominated for four Golden Globes,
Plot introduce
• Christ became a single father and his bank account only have 21 dollars.Having no money to pay the rent, he and his son had to move out of the apartment.
Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.
Plot introduce
--Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves,they want tell you ,you can not do it.
Plot introduce With his great efforts,
Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care.
• If you haven’t seen the film,why not have a try?
•Bless you find your own happiness
Thank you
The leading actor
Yes, he is Jaden Smith the first son of "Will" Smith.
• Jaden smith
played a lovely and innocent little boy successfully. Because of perfect performance in the pursuit of happiness, he get a lot of
Plot introduce
• The pursuit of happiness tells a story about a nobody face lots of trouble with his struggle he success in the end.
Chris Ghana is a clever salesman.he is hardworking, but overall no way to make a better life . His wife, Linda can not stand the pressure of poor and left Chris, leaving only him and 5-year-old son.In this time Christopher only had eachscar for best actor • Chicago critic association awards • The MTV movie awards breakthrough performance • Image Awards Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture
--I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I will tell you that I don't know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.
• Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who
was not understandable at all and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and he catch a chance to success.
--They all looked “happy,” “Why not me?” Christ wondered.
• They became homeless. They slept in subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son’s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today.
The pursuit of happiness
What’s your idea of happiness?
The leading actor
"Will" Smith, Jr. is an American actor, film producer and rapper. He has enjoyed success in music, television and film. Newsweek has called him the most powerful actor on the planet. Smith has been nominated for four Golden Globes,
Plot introduce
• Christ became a single father and his bank account only have 21 dollars.Having no money to pay the rent, he and his son had to move out of the apartment.