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篇一:翻译服务合同 XXX(以下简称“甲方”)与北京亿蓝新锐翻译有限公司(以下简称“乙方”)经友好协商同意建立业务关系。甲方同意接受乙方作为向甲方提供翻译及相关服务的服务商,并达成如下合同条款:

Through friendly discussions between XXX (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) and eLanguage Translation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”), both parties agree to set up a business relationship. Party A agrees to engage Party B as translation agency to provide translation and other related services to Party A, and both parties reach the following terms:

1. 乙方向甲方提供的翻译服务,中译英的翻译价格为每千汉字(不计空格项)240.00元,英译中的翻译价格为每千汉字180.00元(不计空格项);PPT文件(不包括注释)的翻译为英译中40.00元/页。

Party B provides translation service to Party A at the price of RMB 240.00/1,000 Chinese characters (without counting spaces) from Chinese to English, RMB 180.00/1,000 Chinese characters from English to

Chinese (without counting spaces), and RMB 40.00/Slide from English to Chinese for PPT files (excluding notes).

2. 为确保工作质量,甲方在项目开始前应向乙方提供原件,并就乙方对专业术语的咨询给出答复。乙方应按甲方的要求进行翻译、审校、排版、打字、按时提交翻译件。

To ensure the quality of work, before a translation project starts, Party A should provide Party B with the original texts, and response to the consultation of terminology from Party B. Party B shall translate, proofread, typesetting, typing in accordance with the requirement from Party A, and submit the translated documents in time.

3. 甲方应给乙方提供合理的交付时间以便乙方按时完成任务。双方理解预留的交付时间应以每日1,500中文字数的速度为基础计算。甲方充分理解在任何情况下向乙方发送任务前都应留给乙方合理时间。但如果甲方有特殊要求,如在短时期内要求乙方完成数量较大的工作量或超出正常工作时间(周一至周五09:00-17:30内)或在国家法定节假日期间要求乙方为其工作或要求在 24 小时

内交稿,乙方有权在获得甲方事先书面同意后额外收取正常收费标准的30% 作为加急费用。

Party A shall provide Party B with reasonable delivery time to enable Party B to fulfill the work on time. Both parties understand that the allowed delivery time is counted on the basis of 1,500 Chinese characters per working day. Party A fully understands that such reasonable time shall be honored at any circumstances before any project is assigned to Party B. Should Party

A have special requirements, such as requiring Party

B to finish large amount of translation work in a short period of time or to translate beyond the time of normal working day (09:00-17:30, Monday to Friday) or legal national holiday or to make delivery within 24 hours, Party B is entitled, after obtaining the prior written consent from Party A, to take additional 30% of the specified charge standard as rush charge.

4. 如乙方发现甲方提供的文件、资料、技术要求等有误,致使乙方无法开始工作


In the case when Part B informs Party A that there are mistakes in Party A’s files, information, technical requirements, etc. which make Party B unable to start
