



《空间分析》课程报告学院:专业:学号:姓名:引言 (3)1. 学校选址研究的意义 (3)2. 位址选择准备 (4)2.1 位址选择 (4)2.2 学校选址的一般要求 (4)2.3 确定权重 (4)2.4 学校选址框架图 (5)3. 利用ArcGIS进行学校选址 (5)3.1 距离制图 (5)3.2 表面分析 (5)3.3 重分类 (5)3.3.1 新值取代原来值 (5)3.3.2 重新组合分类原值 (6)3.3.3 以一种分类体系对原始值进行分类 (6)3.3.4 指定值空值设置 (6)3.4 栅格计算 (6)4. 实验数据 (6)5. 数据处理过程及结果 (6)5.1 添加数据,并设置空间分析环境 (6)5.2 提取学校和娱乐场所直线距离数据集 (8)5.2 从DEM 数据提取坡度数据集 (9)5.3 重分类数据集 (10)5.3.1 重分类坡度数据集 (10)5.3.2 重分类娱乐场直线距离数据集 (11)5.3.3 重分类现有学校直线距离数据集 (12)5.3.4 重分类土地利用数据集 (13)6. 结论 (16)GIS在学校选址中的应用姓名:学号:摘要:栅格数据结构简单、直观,非常利于计算机操作和处理,是GIS常用的空间基础数据格式。


ArcGIS 空间分析模块(Spatial Analyst)提供了一个范围广阔且功能强大的空间分析和建模工具集,它允许用户从GIS数据中快速获取所需信息,并以多种方式进行分析操作,包括距离制图、密度制图、表面生成、表面分析、统计分析、重分类、栅格计算,等等。



关键词:栅格数据;空间分析;学校选址中图分类号:查中图分类号手册文献标志码:The application of GIS in school locationAbstract:Raster data structure is simple, intuitive,and very easy to computer operation and treatment, it is the commonly used in GIS space based on data format. The space analysis based on the grid data is the fundamental of GIS spatial analysis,also is core content to ArcGIS space analysis module (Spatial Analyst). ArcGIS space analysis module (Spatial Analyst) provides a wide range and powerful Spatial analysis and modeling tool set,which allows users get the information quickly from GIS data, and to provides various analysis operations, including distance drawing, density drawing, surface formation, surface analysis, statisticalanalysis,reclassification, and raster calcunation, and so on. Reasonable school space position is good for the students of study and life. School issues consider the site selection of the geographical position, places of entertainment facilities, and existing school distance interval in general and other factors. Grasping these factors can determine the suitability better school location area.Key words: Raster data;Spatial Analyst;school location引言社会的发展带动了各行各业的发展,学校是培养人才的地方,ArcGIS具有功能强大、应用领域非常广泛,在社会公共安全与应急服务、国土资源管理、遥感、智能交通系统建设、水利、电力、石油、国防、公共医疗卫生、电信等方面和领域都有深入的应用。








关键词:GIS;环境;景观;规划The Application for GIS in the Landscape PlanningAbstract:Geographic Information System is a system that can do data capture, storage, analysis, and display for certain area on the earth. So a complete GIS must possess four functions mentioned above essentially. GIS is playing more and more important role in the projects of environment and landscape planning because of its powerful function in spacial analysis of Geo-Information. As a powerful and flexible technology for decision-making, it is not only employed by the resources protection and management for a wide range of urban and natural resources, but also adopted by many fields that are related to urban landscape design. But certain projects still can identified some shortcomings of GIS, it also lacks capabilities for analyzing and displaying qualitative aspects of the environment such as noise, energy balance, urban climate, etc.Key words: GIS;application;landscape;planningGIS即地理信息系统(Geographic Information System),经过了40年的发展,到今天已经逐渐成为一门相当成熟的技术,并且得到了极广泛的应用。


















关键词:数字地图制图 gis 发展趋势0 引言地理信息系统(gis)是一种特定的空间信息系统,它在计算机软件、硬件的支持下,对整个空间中的地理分布数据进行采集、储存、管理、运算、分析等的技术系统。









1 从计算机地图制图到gis计算机地图制图是gis采集、储存、处理空间数据的有力工具和手段。











[关键词]地理信息 GIS 发展应用0引言GIS的发展一方面使得计算机知识得到了推广和应用,另一方面也提高了我国信息技术。

对基于计算机技术的GIS 技术的发展趋势进行探讨,能够有效指导GIS 研究工作的开展。









通过对组件式GIS技术的分析,还比较了WebGIS 和VC++等技术,我们决定选用VC++基于进行GIS的开发企业分布地理信息系统。


当选择选择方式进行选择之后,可以显示出被选中企业的名字,然后你可以点击企业的名字在地图上就会把这个企业的位置显放大显示在中心位置,况且不断的闪烁,还可以显示企业的详细信息关键词:VC++;地理信息系统;电子地图ABSTRACTRecently, geographical information system (GIS) is the combination of savior and operation and information regarding distribution of geographical space. Applied to more and more wide fields of industry, GIS has developed a school of one´s own with its mixed structure of data and the unique annalistic of geographical space, making it start to be employed into tax system. All the above can be approved by improving efficiency of management as well as increasing capability of management. Through annalistic GIS technique of subassembly and comparison to WebGIS and VC++, we decide to adopt VC++ based on geographical information system of enterprise distribution that was projected for second times.By dint of computer, the system complete the electrical map of enterprise distribution which be utilized only after the first registration. It realizes such features as eye of hawk zoom out and zoom in of a city’s map, roam, arrowhead, marks of serial number, dot option, column option, round option, optical symbol, drawing control, giving number according enterprises, seeking a name of enterprise, adding to and delete enterprise, etc. certainly the latter several features only be eligible to the administrators. When choose the optical type and select from them, the selected name of enterprise would be visible, and then click the name of enterprise. As result of this, the name of enterprise will be amplifier and show in the center of a map, flickering continuously, show the detailed information of a company.Owing to the limit of time and condition, I am afraid that the unfinished features that I should have planned to complete in a form of C/S need to realize in the later extending.Key words:VC++;GIS;electrical map目录1 实现图形系统的文档和视图 (1)1.1 组织矢量图形系统的图形元素类 (1)1.2 组织矢量图形系的文档 (3)1.2.1 组织面向对象的文档管理机制 (3)1.2.2 利用MFC摸板创建管理图形元素对象指针的对象 (3)1.2.3 实现矢量图形系统的文档 (3)1.2.4 实现文档的管理功能 (3)1.3 实现矢量图形系统的视图 (5)1.3.1 建立坐标系 (5)1.3.2 实现各类图形元素的绘制功能 (6)1.3.3 实现视图 (6)1.4 各类图形元素几何属性的计算 (7)2 鼠标交互绘图 (7)2.1 用鼠标绘图要解决的主要问题 (7)2.1.1 捕获鼠标操作消息 (7)2.1.2 捕捉所有的鼠标输入 (7)2.1.3 在屏幕上拖动图形 (7)2.1.4 保存图形数据到文档 (7)2.1.5 将图形以实际的形态重画 (7)2.2 交互绘制各类图形元素 (8)3矢量图形系统的操作功能 (9)3.1 增加图形操作菜单 (9)3.2 图形重画 (9)3.3 图形放大和摆动 (11)3.4 重画上屏和重画首屏 (11)3.5 显示全图 (13)3.5.1 各类图形元素的边界矩形计算 (13)3.5.2 实现显示全图功能 (13)3.6 提高矢量图形系统重画速度的基本方法 (14)3.6.1 提高图形重画速度的方法 (14)3.6.2 提高图形元素的绘制速度 (16)4 图形的选中、移动、旋转、删除 (16)4.1 鼠标点选图形元素 (16)4.2 图形移动 (20)4.3 图形旋转 (21)4.3.1 点与点的旋转操作 (21)4.3.2 各类图形元素的旋转操作 (22)4.3.3 实现旋转操作功能 (22)4.4 图形元素的删除 (22)5 数据库应用程序开发技术 (24)5.1 创建基于ODBC的数据库应用程序 (24)5.2 CRecordSet类功能分析 (24)5.3 CRecordView视图类分析 (26)6 实现数据库浏览功能 (27)6.1 创建一个数据库浏览视图 (27)6.2 创建一个CRecordSet派生类对象 (28)6.3 实现数据库浏览试图 (28)7 实现数据库编辑功能 (28)7.1 建立并初始化存储记录指针的变量 (28)7.2 建立数据库编辑功能操作菜单 (29)7.3 建立编辑数据记录的对话框类 (29)7.4 增加和修改数据记录 (29)7.5 删除记录 (29)8 通用数据库过滤功能 (30)8.1 过滤操作的实现方式 (30)8.2 创建组织过滤条件的对话框类 (30)8.3 组织过滤条件编辑器的各种功能 (30)8.4 在数据库浏览视图中实现过滤功能 (31)8.5 增加过滤条件编辑器的功能 (31)参考文献 (33)1 实现图形系统的文档和视图1.1 组织矢量图形系统的图形元素类城市的信息化为城市GIS发展带来了机遇。






1. 设计原理地形测量技术的设计原理基于测量和分析地球表面特征的方法。


1.1 大地测量法大地测量法是地形测量中最常用的技术之一。



1.2 遥感技术遥感技术是通过卫星或飞机上的传感器获取地表特征的图像和数据。



1.3 激光测距技术激光测距技术是一种高精度的地形测量方法。



2. 设计方法地形测量技术的设计方法是指在实际应用中采用的数据采集和分析方法。


2.1 数据采集在地形测量技术的设计过程中,首先需要进行数据采集。



2.2 数据处理数据处理是地形测量技术设计中的一个重要环节。






















GIS---Geographic Information System,地理信息系统是一种基于计算机的工具它可以对在地球上存在的东西和发生的事件进行成图和分析。

地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, 简称GIS)作为获取、处理、管理和分析地理空间数据的重要工具、技术和学科近年来得到了广泛关注和迅猛发展。





一批地理信息系统软件已研制开发成功(如GeoSTAR,CityStar,MapGIS 等),一批高等院校已设立了一些与GIS有关的专业或学科一批专门从事GIS产业活动的高新技术产业相继成立。








论⽂格式论⽂格式模板范⽂(精选6篇) 现如今,⼤家总免不了要接触或使⽤论⽂吧,论⽂的类型很多,包括学年论⽂、毕业论⽂、学位论⽂、科技论⽂、成果论⽂等。


论⽂格式篇1 摘要:伴随经济社会的飞速发展,⾼速国道⼲线与城市内部道路均存在基础设施建设更新速度快、交通承载压⼒⼤、信息化程度低等特点,难以满⾜现代道路交通体系的数字化要求,迫切要求构建便捷、⾼效、实时的交通地理信息系统。


关键词:ArcGIS;Engine;道路交通地理信息系统;组件式开发 当前国内经济迅速增长,城市化规模不断增⼤,以机动车保有量为代表的道路交通压⼒也与⽇俱增,国内北京、上海、天津等⼤型城市纷纷通过限号形式来减缓道路载荷。


1.道路交通地理信息系统 ArcGISEngine作为GIS嵌⼊式⼆次开发平台,可摆脱ArcGIS提供组件式多类型开发应⽤程序接⼝API,同时可与MicrosoftVisualStu-dio系统编程集成开发环境相融合,基于进⾏多类编程语⾔下的模块式开发。


2.系统功能需求分析 从应⽤层⾯分析,道路交通地理信息系统的受众群体分为交通管理⽅与车辆应⽤客户⽅,其中本⽂所探讨的基于ArcGISEngine的应⽤系统主要为交通管理⽅的C/S客户端,具体车辆客户端则可采⽤基于Android、ios或WindowsMobile平台的APP软件;从系统设计的原则分析,应坚持安全性、共享性、可拓展性与可维护性的原则,提升道路交通地理信息系统的综合性发展。



地理信息技术专业优秀毕业论文探索前沿技术的典范研究成果地理信息技术(Geographic Information Technology)是一门涵盖地理学、计算机科学和信息技术的综合性学科领域。

















相关论文1 GIS多源数据集成模式评述地理信息系统的迅速发展和广泛应用导致了空间数据多源性的产生,为数据综合利用和数据共享带来不便。


2 WebGIS--基于Internet的地理信息系统WebGIS是Internet技术应用于GIS开发的产物。



3 城市规划与测绘中的地理信息系统综述了地理信息系统(GIS)的产生、发展、范围和组构,着重探索了GIS与测绘的关系及其在城市规划中的应用和发展方向。

4 地理信息系统集成平台框架结构研究提出了基于客户/服务器结构的地理信息系统集成平台总体结构,探讨了基于元数据的地理信息系统数据集成平台以建立物理上分布而逻辑上集中的分布式地理信息系统数据库,提出了应用符合3NF范式的关系数据库进行模型管理的模式,在此基础上探讨了地理信息系统可视化建模工具。

5 地理信息系统技术开发、应用与产品化IS技术已经进入一个新的发展时期,从技术上和应用上,都已经达到了一个新的阶段,它的社会作用和影响,以及所涉及的法律规章,不断扩大。


6 地理信息系统在国内外应用现状从GIS基本功能、构成特点出发归纳、总结GIS应用的几个方面,并详细举例说明GIS在国内外的应用现状。

7 对地球信息科学的思考作为地球科学一个重要分支的地球信息科学,在近10多年来已得到人们的广泛关注与高度重视。




Demand-Based Tree: Replica Update Propagationfor Weak Consistency in the Grid DatabaseRuixuan Ge1, Yong-Il Jang1, Ho-Seok Kim1, Jae-Dong Lee2, Hae-Young Bae1 1Dept. of Computer Science & Information Engineering, INHA Univ.2Dept. of Computer Science, Dan Kook,,, some replicas will be in greater demand than others, not all replicas can be treated in the same way. To satisfy requests as more as possible first in a shorter period of time, a fast consistency algorithm has been presented, whereas the poor performance is showed in multiple regions of high demand for forming the island of locally consistent replicas. Although a leader election method is proposed, much additional cost for periodic leader election, information storage, and message passing is required. Also, false leader can be created. In this paper, a tree-based algorithm for replica update propagation is proposed. Leader replicas with high demand, which are considered as the roots of tree, are interconnected by pointers. All the other replicas are sorted by geographical distribution and considered as nodes of the trees. Once an update occurs at any replica, the update should be propagated to the leader replicas first. Every node propagates the update to all its children in the tree. The demand-based tree is flexible for the dynamic model in which the demand conditions do change with time. And the replica propagation is optimized by cost reduction for fixed propagation schedule.1. IntroductionGrid is an important new flat roof for net computing. Database system is required for managing the large amounts of data on the grid. The Grid Database is the outcome of inter-combination of Grid and Database technique. It becomes one of the most important resources to provide data management service in the Grid environment.Data Replication is a significant aspect in Grid Database [6]. All the data can have many same replicas stored in other nodes in Grid Database environment. Replication can reduce the access delay and the bandwidth consumption. Accordingly, the speed can be increased and the efficiency can be improved. Replica consistency is one of the key issues in replica application. Currently, there are two groups of updating algorithms for replica consistency. One is strong consistency, the other is weak consistency.Strong consistency must ensure that all the replicas are always in a consistent state. But it is very impractical for Grid Database system. In contrast, weak consistency, which provides less reply time and higher availability, is more doable. When an update occurs on one replica, it can be propagated to other nodes by some order. This approach tolerates impermanent inconsistency among replicas. But, after a certain period of time, the replicas should be in a consistent state assuredly. Accordingly, to achieve weak consistency, an efficient method should be provided for update propagation [1, 10].Several update propagation methods have been presented to implement replica weak consistency. One is demand based method [7]. A demand-based algorithm for fast update propagation of replicas has been brought forward. But the stability of this algorithm is poor even with leader election. And the additional overhead for sending message is considerable.In this paper, a tree-based algorithm for replica update propagation is proposed. Leader replicas with high demand are considered as the roots of trees which are interconnected. All the other replicas are sorted by geographical distribution and considered as nodes of the trees. Once an update occurs at any replica, it should be transmitted to the leader replicas first. Each node that receives the update propagates it to its children in the tree. Our proposed method optimizes the update propagation for weak consistency by cost reduction for fixed propagation schedule. In this paper,it can be seen that our algorithm performs well not only in static model but also in dynamic model by performance evaluation.The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of previous work on replica update propagation. Section 3 presents our proposed demand-based trees model and algorithms. In section 4, we evaluate our method and describe the results. And the last section is the brief conclusions of this paper.2. Related WorkThis chapter generalizes several existing researches about replica consistency and stresses describing the fast consistency algorithm.2.1. Replica Consistency Service in Grid EnvironmentGrid system provides supports for global business, government, research, science and corporation as a basic establishment of data and computation resources management. Replica consistency service deals with keeping replicas up to date in the grid system.A Grid Consistency Service (GCS) is proposed to synchronize replication update and maintain consistency in Data Grid [5]. And the data consistency is partitioned to several levels to adapt different requirements. In some levels, not all the replicas are always up to date. Various required locks over grid can be used to achieve different replica consistency.Andrea Domenici generalized the emphases in replica consistency and presented how to design the replica consistency service in [3]. The component of the consistency service is described briefly. Then, he proposed a relaxed data consistency with a replica consistency service called CONStanza in Data Grid [4]. This method updates replicas asynchronously by way of changing the frequency of checking database modifications. It can satisfy database replication as well as file replication. It can keep the remote replicas lazy consistency.2.2. The Fast Consistency AlgorithmUpdate propagation is an important part for replica consistency service. To satisfy more requests from clients with up-to-date data, the demand based approach should be taken into account.Elias proposes a “Fast Consistency” algorithm which prioritizes the replicas by the demand in the distributed system [7]. This algorithm is that all the servers select the neighbor with the most demand to start a consistency session. If the neighbor has another neighbor with greater demand, the process will be repeated. This process continues until all the replicas are updated. This algorithm guarantees that most requests can be satisfied in few sessions efficiently.Then, Elias analyzes behavior of this algorithm in a collection of replicas with multiple zones with high demand [8]. From this research, we can see that the fast consistency algorithm performs very well in a collection of replicas with only one high demand zone. However, in multiple zones of high demand, the performance becomes poor. The low demand replicas can slow down the update propagation as barriers.In [9], Elias proposes a leader election algorithm to avoid these barriers with low demand and generalizes this algorithm to Grid system. By this way, it can be considered that all the zones with high demand combine to form one high demand zone. But this algorithm may choose false leader. And an additional cost that the table of the IDs of leader nodes needs to be dynamically reconstructed periodically is considerable.Furthermore, in the dynamic model, before any update propagation process performs in a replica, the chart with its neighbors’ data must to be updated. That means, the replica need ask all its neighbors before every update process by sending messages. This problem also causes much additional overhead.3. Replica Update Propagation Using Demand-Based TreeIn this chapter, we introduce a demand-based tree structure for update propagation. The propagation algorithm and dynamic algorithm are presented also.3.1. Demand-Based Tree StructureIn the grid database system, we choose some replicas with high demand value as leader nodes. Every leader node can be considered as the root of a tree. Other replicas are sorted by finding the nearest leader node. Each set of these replicas aligns by the sequence of descent demand value. Based on this sequence, these replicas can compose a tree. The leader nodes are interconnected by a bidirectional pointer by the sequence of descent demand value.We consider a node as a candidate leader node when its demand is more than all its neighbors. Then, we define the average demand of a node d/n as a threshold, where d is the total demand of the network and n is the amount of replica nodes in the network. The candidates whose demand value is more than the threshold are chosen as leader nodes, others areAll the other replicas are sorted by finding theEach set of nodes including a leader node queues by the sequence of descent demand value. So, every node has a serial number as 0, 1, 2, 3…by the sequence. Obviously, the serial number of leader node is 0. Figure3 shows an example for the distribution ofThe first set of nodes queue as the sequence for example in Figure4. Other nodes queue as the same.a a 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 1101234567891011Figure 4. A set of nodes queue by the sequence of descentdemand valueEach set of nodes can compose a tree in whichevery node whose serial number is i . Every node hasthe children whose serial number is , where c is the upperlimit amount of children of a node in the trees. Andevery replica knows the information of its leader node,parent and children. The data structure is shown inFigure5 (a).c i c i c i c +×+×+×,,2,1"How to decide the upper limit amount of children ofa node in the trees? It lies on the amount of replicanodes in the network and the amount of leader nodes. The amount of nodes in every tree may be different. So, the height of every tree may be different. We define the minimum integer value h , which can satisfy:n c l hj j ≥⋅∑=0as the average height of the trees. Here, l is the amount of leader nodes. Based on the propagation algorithm, because we need to satisfy all the requests to clients in less time,the value h c + needs to be minimal. If there are several pairs of value <c, h> satisfied this condition, we choose the pair in which c is minimal for load balancing. Then, c is an approximate optimal value. In our example, the value pair <2, 4> and <3, 3> have the minimal value for . We choose the pair h c +<2, 4> as the solution. Figure5 (b) shows the data for node b1.b b b3b4(b)Figure 5. (a) Data structure for tree-based structure.(b) The data for node b1The leader nodes are interconnected by a bidirectional pointer by the sequence of descent demand value. So, the leader node also knows the information of its neighbor leader nodes in the structure. The data structure and the data for node a as an example are shown in Figure6. The tree-based structure and the example are shown in Figure7.Forward Pointer Backward Pointer b Null(a) (b)Figure 6. (a) The data structure about neighbors of a leader(b) The data about neighbors of node a………………Figure 7. The tree-based structureWhen an update occurs at a node, it will send a message to its parent initially. It can ensure that its parent won’t propagate the update to itself. Then, it will transmit the update to its leader node first. The leader node, who has received the update, transmits the update to its neighbor leader node with greater demand by the forward pointer first. Next, it transmits the update to another leader node by the backward pointer. Afterward, it transmits the update to its children by the sequence of descent demand value. Every leader node transmits the update to other nodes by this sequence. Every non-leader nodes also transmits the update to its children by the sequence of descent demand value. Figure8 shows the update propagation in our example when the update occurs in node b3.Figure 8. The example of the update propagationIn fact, the demand conditions do change with time. Accordingly, the tree structure need do change with time too. When the demand of a node increases, it should compare with its parent. If its demand is greater than its parent’s, their position needs to be exchanged. Repeat this step, until its demand is less than its parent’s. In our example, we assume some nodes with their corresponding demand as shown in Table 1. If the demand of node b7 increases to 24, it should compare with node b3 first. So, their position needs to be changed. Secondly, it will compare with node b1. Their position should be changed also. Thirdly, it will compare with node b. Its demand value is less than the demand of node b. Therefore, the result is shown as Figure9 (a).Table 1. The demand of replica nodesb b 1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 7b 8b 9b 10b 112523222018151312111086b 12b 13b 14b 155421a 20Replica DemandWhen the demand of a node decreases, it should compare with its children. If its demand is less than any of its children’s, it will exchange the position with its child with most demand. Repeat this step, until its demand is greater than its children’s. In our example, if the demand of node b 2 falls from 22 to 14, it will compare with his child b 5 that has most demand among its children. So, it should change the position with b 5. Next, it will compare with node b 11. Its demand is greater than the demand of b 11. Consequently, the result is shown as Figure9 (b).If any leader node finds that its demand value is more than anterior one or less than the posterior one, the position of these two trees need to be changed. In our example, we assume the demand of node a increases from 20 to 27, which is more than b and less than c , the tree including node aneeds change the position with the tree including node b . The result is shown in Figure9 (c).When the demand of a node does change, its information about its parent should be modified. In our example, if the demand of b 4 increases to 19, the data for node b 1 is shown as Figure9 (d).(c)b b b 4b 3(d)Figure 9. The result of the dynamic algorithm used in ourexample3.2. Propagation AlgorithmFigure10 shows the update propagation algorithm after updating a replica.Input:current_node: Current node IDupdate_data: The update need to be propagated Variables:FP: Forward Pointer of current node BP: Backward Pointer of current node child(i ): the children of current node Begin01: if current_node is a leader 02: if FP is not null03: propagate update_data to FP 04: endif05: if BP is not null06: propagate update_data to BP 07: endif08: for i ← 1 to c && child(i ) is not null 09: propagate update_data to child(i ) 10: else11: send a message to parent12: propagate update to parent13: for i ← 1 to c && child(i ) is not null 14: propagate update_data to child(i )15: endifendFigure 10. The update propagation algorithmIf the current node is a leader, and its forward pointer is not null, the update should be propagated to the previous neighbor leader node (Line01~04) (See Figure11 (a)). And if its backward pointer is not null, the update should be propagated to the following neighbor leader node (Line05~07) (See Figure11 (b)). Then, it transmits the update to its children one by one (Line08~09) (See Figure11 (c)). If the current node is not a leader node, it should send a message to its parent initially (Line10~11) (See Figure11 (d)). Then, it propagates the update to its leader first (See Figure11 (e)). Finally, it transmits the update to its children one by one (Line12~15) (See Figure11 (f)).……(a)……(b)……(c)Figure 11. Illustration of the propagation algorithm 3.3. Dynamic AlgorithmFigure12 describes the dynamic algorithm when the demand of a leader replica changes.Input:current_node: Current node IDVariables:FP: Forward Pointer of current nodeBP: Backward Pointer of current nodecurrent_demand: The current demand of current node previous_demand: The previous demand of current node first_child: The first child of current node that may exchange the position with current nodeexchange_child: The child of current node that may exchange the position with current nodec_parent: The parent of current nodeBegin01: if current_node is a leader02: if current_demand > previous_demand03: while FP is not null and crrent_demand is more than the demand of FP04: FP ← ExchangeLeader (FP, current_node) 05: else06: exchange_child ← first_child07 while current_demand is less than the demandof exchange_child 08:exchange_child←Exchange(current_node , exchange_child)09: if exchange_child ≠ first_child10: while BP is not null and the demand offirst_child is less than the demand of BP11: BP ← ExchangeLeader (first_child, BP) 12: else13: while BP is not null and current_demand isless than the demand of BP14: BP ← ExchangeLeader (current_node,BP)15: endif 16: endif 17: endif endFigure 12. The dynamic algorithm for leader nodeIf the demand of a leader node increases and is greater than the previous leader node, the position of the two leader nodes with the trees should be exchanged. This step should repeat until the demand of current node is less than the previous one (Line01~04) (See Figure13 (a)). ExchangeLeader function is used for exchanging the position of two neighbor leaders. If the demand of a leader node decreases and is less than any of its children, it should exchange the position with its first child. This step should repeat until the demand of current node is more than all its children (Line05~08) (See Figure13 (b)). Exchange function can exchange the position of two replicas with different height. Then, compare the demand of the leader after previous steps with the following leader node. If its demand is less than the following one, their position should be exchanged. This step should repeat until the demand of the leader node is more than the following one (Line09~17) (See Figure13 (c)).(b)Figure 13. Illustration of the dynamic algorithm for leadernodeFigure14 is the presentation of the dynamic algorithm when the demand of a non-leader replica changes.Input:current_node: Current node ID Variables:current_demand: The current demand of current node previous_demand: The previous demand of current node c_parent: The parent of current nodec_child: The first child of current nodeBegin01: if current_node is not a leader02: if current_demand > previous_demand03: while current_demand is greater than the demand of the demand of c_parent04: c_parent ←Exchange (c_parent, current_ node)05: else06: while current_demand is less than the demand of the demand of c_child07: c_child ←Exchange (current_nodet, c_child)08: endif09: endifendFigure 14. The dynamic algorithm for non-leader nodeIf the demand of a non-leader node increases, it should exchange the position with its parent (Line01~04). Contrarily, it should exchange the position with its first child (Line05~09). These steps also should be executed circularly until the node is on the proper position.4. Performance EvaluationThe evaluation environment and the comparison between the fast consistency and the demand-based tree are presented in this chapter.4.1. Evaluation EnvironmentThe Network Simulator (NS-2), which is an object oriented simulator, is used to provide the simulation of the network [11]. In NS-2, the whole simulation is driven by the discrete event.BRITE [2] which is a universal topology generation tool is used to generate the topologies in our simulations. This tool generates the topologies randomly and it is inclusive, flexible, extensible and efficient.The fast consistency algorithm and the demand-based tree algorithm are compared in the dynamic model, which is more similar to the real network. The simulations are implemented with the replicas with the number from 10 to 210. Table 2 shows the evaluation environment for testing the proposed method.Table 2. Evaluation Environment (ut: unit time)Evaluation Element Data RangeSimulation Time 5000 (ut)Number of Nodes 10~210Number of Clients 10~400Transmission Time 2~4 (ut)Update Processing Time 6~8 (ut)4.2. Evaluation ResultsIn the evaluation test, the demand of replicas changes randomly.Figure15 shows the comparison of time for complete consistency between the fast consistency with leader and the demand-based tree method. We can see that the network can achieve the consistency state with less time by using the proposed method than fast consistency method.Figure 15. Time for Complete ConsistencyThe reason is that the proposed method only exchange messages when the demand of any replica changes. The message passing between two nodes will not affect the update propagation process. Whereas fast consistency need to send messages before each update propagation carries out for updating the chart with the data of its neighbors. So, fast consistency method needs exchanging much more additional messages for communication between replicas than demand-based tree method, even with leader election. For this reason, both the time and the overhead of message passing in fast consistency method are more than demand-based tree method.The comparison of the number of overhead messages is shown in Figure16.Figure 16. Number of Overhead MessagesExcept the foregoing words about the good performance of our method, it is proved that the demand-based tree approach will not choose false leader from the evaluation. But fast consistency with leader can choose false leaders. The reason is that the votes for the election method can reach to the replicas with low demand whose neighbors have less demand. 5. ConclusionIn Grid Database, the data can be updated by user at any time. Therefore, replica consistency is an important issue obviously. The demand based approach for replica update propagation is one of the methods to maintain replica weak consistency. And it can satisfy more requests more in time.In this paper, the demand-based tree for replica update propagation method is proposed. The tree construction is composed based on the demand of replicas. Update on one replica can be propagated to its parent, children and the leader by this construction. Compared with fast consistency, the proposed method can achieve the consistency state with less time than the fast consistency method. It will not select false leader. It requires just little message passing. Furthermore, periodic leader election is unnecessary. The dynamic algorithm can ensure that the set of leader replicas keeps up to date. Consequently, compared with fast consistency, the overhead is reduced considerably compared with fast consistency in our method. In a word, the proposed method showed increased performance than fast consistency.This method is suitable for Grid Database. It can also be used for various applications with large number of nodes, such as distribution system, and so on. References[1] A. Adya, “Weak Consistency: A Generalized Theoryand Optimistic Implementations for DistributedTransactions,” PhD thesis Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Department of Electrical Engineering andComputer Science, March 1999[2] A. Medina, A. Lakhina, I. Matta, and J. 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本篇论文将围绕GIS的应用探讨,介绍GIS 在不同领域中的应用,并探究如何利用GIS技术解决一些实际问题。






GIS 在病虫害防治中的应用主要是基于空间和时间数据的决策支持系统。













关键字:空间信息数据分析计算机一.什么是GISGIS(Geographic Information System)即为“地理信息系统”,随着它的发展,有时也称为“地理信息科学”和“地理信息服务”。





二.GIS是如何产生的15,000年前,在拉斯考克附近的洞穴墙壁上,法国的Cro Magnon猎人画下了他们所捕猎动物的图案;与这些动物图画相关的是一些描述迁移路线和轨迹线条和符号;这些早期记录符合了现代地理资讯系统的二元素结构:一个图形文件对应一个属性数据库。








关键词:三维;三维 gis;opengl;skyline;vrml;java3d 中图分类号:g644 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1002-7661(2011)12-017-01一、三维gis的研究现状随着人们生活的丰富,三维gis被越来越多应用在各行各业,如采矿、地质、石油等行业。





首先,google earth以三维地球的形式把大量卫星图片、航拍照片和模拟三维图像组织在一起,使用户从不同角度浏览地球。

其次,world wind是nasa发布的一个开放源代码的地理科普软件,由nasa research开发,nasa learning technologies来发展,它是一个可视化地球仪,将nasa、usgs以及其它wms服务商提供的图像通过一个三维的地球模型展现,还包含了火星和月球的展现。



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第六篇 GIS在国土资源与地质矿产中的应用
第七篇 GIS在水利行业中的应用
第九篇 GIS在管线行业的应用
第十篇 GIS在公安与消防中的应用
第十一篇 GIS在农业与林业中的应用
第十二篇 GIS在气象行业中的应用
第十三篇 GIS在石油行业中的应用
第十四篇 GIS的新行业应用
第十五篇 GIS及软件技术
第十六篇 遥感技术与应用实践
第三篇 GIS在应急减灾中的应用
第一篇 测绘制图
第二篇 共享服务平台与数字城市
第五篇 GIS在交通行业中的应用
第四篇 GIS在城市规划与管理中的应用