2009 48期航海学考试题
2009大证避碰试卷47、48期 附答案
1.《国际海上避碰规则》适用的船舶包括:I、在水面航行的水上飞机 II、超低空飞行的飞机 III、拖航中的钻井平台 C.I、III D.I、1l、IIIA.I B.II2.下列哪种说法是正确的?A.规则(《国际海上避碰规则》)不妨碍各国政府为军舰及护航下的船舶和结队从事捕鱼的渔船制定特殊的号灯或号型B.规则不妨碍各国政府为军舰及护航下的船舶和结队从事捕鱼的渔船制定额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号C.规则不妨碍各国政府为军舰及护航下的船舶制定额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号D.规则不妨碍各国政府为结队从事捕鱼的渔船制定额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号3.在第三条“一般定义”中,“船舶”一词包括:I、用作水上运输工具的各类水上船筏II、能够用作水上运输工具的各类水上船筏III、水面上的水上飞机和非排水船舶Ⅳ、利用表面效应贴近水面飞行的地效船A.I、Ⅱ B.I、II、Ⅲ C.I、II、Ⅳ D.I、Il、Ⅲ、Ⅳ4.应同时显示号灯,号型的时机是: I、晨昏蒙影 II、能见度不良的白天Ⅲ、能见度良好的夜间Ⅳ、月光明亮的夜间A.I B.I、II C. I、II、Ⅲ D.I、II、Ⅳ5.尾灯是:A.尽可能装设在船尾附近的一盏环照白灯B.尽可能装设在船尾附近的一盏白灯,其灯光应从正后方到每一舷正横后22.5度分别显示C.必须装设在船首尾中心线上在船尾附近的一盏自灯,其灯光应从正后方到每一舷正横后22.5度分别显示D.必须装设在船首尾中心线上,且尽可能装设在船尾附近的一盏环照白灯6.机帆并用的在航船舶,在夜间应显示:A.上红下绿环照灯 B.舷灯.C.与机动船相同 D.桅灯、舷灯与尾灯,不对水移动时关闭舷灯和尾灯7.在海上,当你看到他船的号灯为绿、白、白垂直三盏号灯时,他船可能为: A.船长大于等于50米的拖网渔船,在航并对水移动B.船长小于50米的拖网渔船,在航不对水移动C.在航对水移动的非拖网渔船D.锚泊中的拖网渔船8.下列哪些船舶在航不对水移动时应关闭舷灯和尾灯? I、机动船; II、从事清除水雷作业的船舶;Ⅲ、从事拖网作业的捕鱼船;Ⅳ、从事疏浚作业的船舶; V、失去控制的船舶.A.I~V B.Ⅱ~V C.III~V D.II~Ⅳ9.机动船从事海上拖带时,在白天应悬挂:A.当拖带长度大于等于200米时,应悬挂一个菱形体B.应悬挂一个菱形体C.当拖带长度超过200米时,应悬挂一个菱形体D.当拖带长度小于等于200米时,悬挂一个菱形体,当拖带长度超过200米时,则应悬挂两个菱形体10.L≥5O米的船在锚泊中使用曳绳钓捕鱼时,应显示:A.前后各一盏环照白灯(锚灯) B.上红下白环照灯C.上白下红环照灯 D.前、后锚灯,捕鱼信号灯11.执行引航任务的船舶应显示的两盏环照灯是;A.垂直环照上绿下白灯 B。
I、亲自通知值班人员到位并增开发电机II、亲临机舱指导和监督值班人员操作III、可以在机舱或驾驶台监督或指导A.I+II B.II C.II+III D.I ~III、2.轮机长应负责船上的保管工作。
I、轮机设备的各种证书II、轮机设各说明书清单III、船舶有关证书A.I B.II C.I +II D.I+II +III3.轮机长在调动时应向接班轮机长重点介绍。
I、机炉舱安全规定II、有关应急设备技术状况和使用方法III、轮机部人员情况IV、核对或测举燃润油料的实际存量A.I+II+IV B.II+III C.I~IV D.I ~III4.新造船舶投入营运时,所有设各的运转都是从零开始,为便于实施PMS,轮机长应按的原则,合理调整设备使用时间。
I、5年周期所有设备维护一遍II、说明书规定的维护周期III、年度检验规定A.I B.I或II C.I~III D.II5.STCW78/95公约规定,在不同环境下值班,值班轮机员应做到。
I、备妥操纵时所用的一切辅助机械II、备妥维护保养所用工具和应急工具III、保证有足够的备用动力IV、确保涉及船舶操纵的机器能即刻置于手动操作模式V、能随时执行驾驶台的任何命令A.III+IV+V B.I +III+V C.I+II+III+V D.I +III+ IV + V6.轮机长应从方面对轮机人员进行业务考核。
I、技术水平I、工作态度III、工作能力IV、心理稳定性V.工作成效A.I +V B.I +III+IV+V C.I+II +III+ V D.II ~ V7.“中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试、评估和发证规则”中的“评估”是对申请人进行的技能考试,它的手段有。
1.航海上为了简化计算,通常将地球当作:A.圆球体 B.椭圆体 C.椭球体 D.不规则几何体2. 某船由30°S,60ºW航行至30ºN,120ºW,则该船经差和纬差的方向分别为___________。
A.E 经差、N 纬差 B.W 经差,S 纬差C.E 经差、S 纬差D.W 经差、N 纬差3. 从海图上查得GPS 船位修正的说明中有"Latitude 2.’10NorthwarD.Longitude 1.’4 Westward"字样。
GPS 的经、纬度读数为:30º40.’2S,15º12. ’5W。
则用于海图上定位的数据应为:A.30º41.’3S,15º12.’9W B.30º39.’2S,15º12’3WC.30º38.’1S,15º13.’9W D.30º40.’0S,15º11.’5W4. 半圆方向120ºSE 换算成圆周方向为________A.030ºB.060º C.120º D.150º5.某船真航向060º,该船右正横某物标的真方位为________A.150º B.330º C.090º D.060º6. 某轮陀罗航向300º,陀罗差2ºE,则左正横处物标的陀螺方位是______________A.210º B.208º C.212º D.270º7. 某地磁差资料为:Var.0º40’E(1979),increase about2.’5annually,则该地1999 年的磁差为_______A.1º30’E B.1º05’’E C.0º15’E D.0º10’W8. 某轮计程仪改正率为0.0%,无航行误差,则在44º14’S~44º14’N 范围内;无论航向是多少,实际船位永远比推算船位________(不考虑风流影响。
A.060ºE B.060ºW C.300ºE D.300ºW10.天体赤经是指从春分点起,沿天赤道______的一段弧距。
1.1.1 地球形状常用的大地球体的近似体有两个:地球圆球体(用于简便的航海计算,如航迹计算,简易墨卡托海图绘制,大圆航向和航程计算);地球椭圆体(用于较精确的航海计算等,如定义地理坐标,墨卡托海图绘制)2.航海上进行精度较高的计算时,通常将地球当作:A.圆球体B.椭圆体C.椭球体D.不规则几何体3.航海学中,使用地球椭圆体为地球数学模型的场合是:I.描述地球形状时;II.定义地理坐标时;III.制作墨卡托投影海图时;IV.计算大圆航线时;V.制作简易墨卡托图网时A.I、II B.II、III C.III、IV D.III、V4.航海学中,使用地球圆球体为地球数学模型的场合是:I.描述地球形状时;II.定义地理坐标时;III.制作墨卡托投影海图时;IV.计算大圆航线时;V.制作简易墨卡托图网时A.Ⅰ、ⅡB.Ⅱ、ⅢC.Ⅲ、ⅣD.Ⅳ、Ⅴ5.航海学中的地球形状是指:A.地球自然表面围成的几何体B.大地水准面围成的几何体C.地球圆球体D.以上都对6.航海学中的地球形状用描述。
每题1分,共100分1. 以下哪项措施有利于提高观测吃水的精度?Ⅰ利用吊板、绳梯或小艇使观测者与水尺的观测位置尽可能接近;Ⅱ观测者视线与水面的角度应尽可能减小,观测者视线应尽可能与曲表面垂直;Ⅲ携小尺至水尺的水线处,量取水线的确切位置A、ⅠB、ⅡC、ⅢD、Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ2. 某船L bp=76m,d F=4.61m,d A=5.27m,x f= -1.83m,则船舶的平均吃水为:A、 4.92mB、4.94mC、4.96mD、 5.01m3. 船舶资料中列出的满载排水量通常是指:A、冬季排水量B、夏季排水量C、热带排水量D、淡水排水量4. 船舶的总载重量DW一定时,船舶的NDW与____有关。
Ⅰ航线长短;Ⅱ油水消耗定额;Ⅲ船舶常数A、ⅠB、ⅡC、ⅢD、Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ5. 通常以____为指标统计船舶的建造能力。
A、净吨B、总吨C、运河净吨D、运河总吨6. 舱容系数较小的船舶,装运密度____的货物易达到满舱满载。
A、大B、中等C、小D、无法确定7. 在实际工作中,为了计算不同吃水时的船舶装货重量,船舶可供查取的资料是:Ⅰ船舶载重表尺;Ⅱ船舶静水力曲线图;Ⅲ船舶静水力特性参数表A、ⅠB、ⅡC、ⅢD、Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ8. 下列____一定位于船舶水线以下。
A、船舶稳心B、船舶漂心C、船舶浮心D、船舶重心9. 某轮吃水d=7.00m,水线面面积Aw=1200m2,则此时船舶的淡水厘米吃水吨数为____吨/厘米A、12.0B、12.3C、13.0D、13.510. 影响船舶储备浮力大小的因素包括:Ⅰ船舶结构;Ⅱ船舶的航行区域;Ⅲ船舶的用途A、ⅠB、ⅡC、ⅢD、Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ11. 我国国际航行木材船夏季淡水木材载重线按《船舶与海上设施法定检验规则》规定应为:A、LFB、MQC、MFD、LQ12. 在季节区域内航行的船舶根据季节期的不同,可以使用:Ⅰ热带载重线;Ⅱ夏季载重线;Ⅲ冬季载重线A、ⅠB、ⅡC、ⅢD、Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ13. 按我国规定,对于国内航行船舶,以____为界将我国沿海海区划分为两个热带季节区域。
中华人民共和国海事局2009年第5期海船船员适任统考试题(总第48期)科目:轮机维护与修理试卷代号:873适用对象:3000KW 及以上船舶二/三管轮1.________现象是反映船机外观显示方面的故障先兆。
A.功能异常 B.温度异常 C.消耗反常 D.剧烈振动2.处于随机故障期的船舶机械,其故障的特点是________。
A.保持B.保持或恢复C.提高D. 修复4.产品使用到规定的时间后进行拆检修理,使之恢复到规定的使用性能称为________。
1.航海上进行精度较高的计算时,通常将地球当作:A.圆球体B.椭圆体C.椭球体D. 不规则几何体2. 某船由20ºS,170ºW航行至20ºN,170ºE,则该船经差和纬差的方向分别为:A.E经差、N纬差B.E经差、S纬差C.W经差、N纬差D.W经差、S纬差3.从海图上查得GPS船位修正的说明中有”Latitude2´.10Northward,Longitude1´.40Eastward”字样,若GPS读数为:30º40'.2S,015º12'.5W,则用于海图上定位的数据应为:A.30º41'.3S,015º12'.9WB.30º40'.0S,015º11'.5WC.30º39'.2S,015º12'.3WD.30º38'1S,015º11'.1W4.半圆周法方向换算为圆周法方向的法则是:A.在SE半圆,圆周度数等于180º加上半圆度数B.在NE半圆,圆周度数等于360º减去半圆度数C.在SW半圆,圆周度数等于180º减去半圆度数D.在NW半圆,圆周度数等于360º减去半圆度数5.我船航向060º,某船位于我船右舷10º,距离8海里,若该船航向220º,两船保向保速,则5分钟后,我船位于该船舷角(半圆法度量):A.增大 B.减小C.不变 D.不确定6.陀螺航向是:A.真北和陀螺北之间的夹角 B.真北和航向线之间的夹角C.陀螺北和航向线之间的夹角D.陀螺北和方位线之间的夹角7.某地磁差资料为:磁差偏西0º30'(1997),年差-2'.0,则该地2007年的磁差为:A0º10'E B.0º10'W C.0º50'W D.0º50'E8.某轮由50ºS纬线向北航行,无航行误差,计程仪改正率为0.0%, 则1h后推算船位位于实际船位的(不考虑风流影响)。
中华人民共和国海事局2009年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第48期)科目:轮机工程基础试卷代号:822适用对象: 750KW及以上船舶二/三管轮(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间为100分钟)答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。
A. 二力平衡原理B.加减平衡力系原理c.力的可传递性原理D.作用与反作用定律3.一般情况下,滑动铰链约束的约束反力可用来表示。
A.有关的主管机关 B.IMO授权的组织C.各国政府 D.船级社3.限于吃水的船舶是指由于吃水和可航水域的水深及宽度的关系,致使其驶离航向的能力严重地受到限制的:A.船舶B.机动船 C.深吃水船 D.在航船舶4.号灯和号型不能用来表示:Ⅰ、船舶的实际吃水大小Ⅱ、船舶的实际航向、航速Ⅲ、船舶正在进行的作业A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ B.Ⅱ、ⅢC.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ D.Ⅰ、Ⅲ5.L<12米船舶的舷灯最小能见距离为:A.5海里 B.3海里 C.2海里 D.1海里6.机动船在航不对水移动时应:A.显示舷灯、尾灯、桅灯 B.显示舷灯尾灯C.关闭舷灯与尾灯 D.不必显示尾灯7.限于吃水的船舶在航时显示:A.同长度机动船规定的号灯B.同长度机动船规定的号灯,垂直环照红灯二盏C.同长度机动船规定的号灯,另可显示垂直环照红灯三盏D.同长度机动船规定的号灯,另可显示垂直环照红灯三盏,不对水移动时.关闭舷灯与尾灯8. 在航对水移动中从事疏浚作业的船舶,操纵能力受到限制,存在障碍物,在夜间应显示:Ⅰ、红、白、红垂直三盏环照灯Ⅱ、可通过的一舷,垂直两盏环照绿灯Ⅲ、存在障碍物一舷,垂直两盏环照红灯Ⅳ、桅灯、舷灯与尾灯A.Ⅰ B.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢC.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅣD.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ9.一艘不易察觉、部分淹没的被拖船,其宽度为25m以上,如在夜间,应在两舷最宽处另加:A.两盏环照白灯 B.两盏环照黄灯C.四盏环照白灯 D.四盏环照黄灯10.一船因主机故障进行锚泊修理,若L=160米,在夜间应显示:A.前、后锚灯B.前、后锚灯,甲板工作灯C.前、后锚灯,甲板灯与垂直两盏环照红灯D.前、后锚灯,与垂直两盏环照红灯11.夜间,你看到他船显示垂直白、红两盏号灯与红绿舷灯,则他船是:A.从事拖网作业的渔船B.机帆船机帆并用时C.执行引航任务的引航船在航D.执行引航任务的引航船在航且对水移动12.见到如图所示号灯,该船是: G 〇〇 GA.锚泊中的对拖网渔船 W 〇〇 WB.搁浅中的对拖网渔船 R 〇〇 RC.网具被礁石挂住时的对拖网渔船 R 〇〇 RD.从事拖带作业的拖带船队13.根据《避碰规则》2001年修正案的规定,有关船舶声号设备的配备,下列说法正确的是:Ⅰ、12米≤L<20米的船舶应配备一个号笛;Ⅱ、20米≤L<100米的船舶应配备一个号笛和一个号钟;Ⅲ、20米≤L<100米的船舶应配备一个号笛和一个号锣A.ⅠB.Ⅰ、Ⅱ C.Ⅰ、Ⅲ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ14.下列说法正确的是:Ⅰ、操纵号灯的最小能见距离应大于等于5海里Ⅱ、操纵号灯应是一盏与桅灯相同特性的白色灯Ⅲ、操纵灯号表示一船的操纵企图Ⅳ、操纵灯号应由机动船使用A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ B.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ C.Ⅰ、ⅡD.Ⅰ15.被追越船同意追越时,应鸣放:A.一长声 B.两长声C.一长声一短声一长声一短声 D.两长声一短声16.警告声号适用的船舶为:A.任何能见度中的任何船舶 B.互见中的在航机动船C.互见中的任何船舶 D.互见中任何机动船17.关于“能见度不良时使用的声号”的鸣放,下列说法正确的是:Ⅰ、在能见度不良的水域中看见他船时应终止鸣放Ⅱ、能见度良好时,如看不见他船也应鸣放Ⅲ、在能见度不良的水域中航行和锚泊或搁浅时应鸣放能见度不良时使用的声号A.Ⅰ B.Ⅰ、ⅡC.Ⅲ D. Ⅱ、Ⅲ18.雾中听到一长两短的声号,该船一定不是:A.被拖船 B.失去控制的船舶C.在航帆船 D.限于吃水的船舶19.在雾中听到一长二短的笛号,则他船为:A.失去控制的船舶 B.帆船C.操纵能力受到限制的船舶D.一被拖船20.在雾中,当你听到他船的两短一长的笛号时,则他船为:A.失去控制的船舶 B.帆船 C.锚泊船D.搁浅船21.下列情况可使用招引他船注意的信号的是:Ⅰ、本船发现他船航行灯熄灭Ⅱ、本船发现他船驶近危险物Ⅲ、本船正在寻找落水者A.ⅠB.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ22.船舶遇难需要救助时,如何使用规则附录四1款规定的信号:A.分别 B.一起C.分别或一起 D.同时使用两种以上23.下列哪些船舶应保持正规的瞭望Ⅰ、将要离码头的船舶Ⅱ、失去控制的船舶Ⅲ、操纵能力受到限制的船舶A.Ⅰ B.Ⅰ、Ⅲ C.Ⅱ、ⅢD.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ24.正规瞭望的最基本手段是:A.视觉 B.听觉 C.雷达 D.AIS25.船舶在雾中航行,如天气条件许可,则瞭望人员应尽可能增设在下列哪个位置A.船舶驾驶台 B.驾驶台顶上C.船的前部高处 D.驾驶台两翼26.下列哪种观点正确A.使用安全航速,就意味着每一船舶应坚持缓速行驶B.只要来得及避免紧迫危险的形成,则该航速即可认为是安全航C.安全航速的规定,意味着一船当发现与他船构成碰撞危险后应立即采取大幅度的减速行动D.能使一船采取适当而有效的避碰行动并能在适合当时环境和情况的距离内把船停住的航速,即可称之安全航速27.在决定“安全航速”时,下列说法正确的是:A.经济因素将是决定性的因素B.船长应以船公司的指令为依据C.船长首先应考虑航行的区域是否宽敞或为狭窄水道,并将其视为首要因素D.不但应全面考虑当时的环境及情况,还应注意本船的操纵性能与可使用的雷达性能28.每一船舶应用适合当时环境和情况的一切有效手段断定是否存在碰撞危险,如有怀疑,应:A.认为不存在碰撞危险 B.等一等,视具体情况再定C.认为存在碰撞危险 D.利用所得的资料重新推断29.下列说法中,正确的是:A.有明显的罗经方位变化就不存在碰撞危险B.用雷达进行观察来判断是判断碰撞危险的最好方法C.来船罗经方法变化10度,就可认为不存在碰撞危险D.对是否存在碰撞危险有怀疑时,应认为存在这种危险30.来船的DCPA不变(不为零)的情况下,其罗经方位的变化率与来船的距离的关系是:Ⅰ、距离较远时变化较快Ⅱ、距离近时变化快Ⅲ、与距离变化无关,如果罗经方位改变,只能说明DCPA发生了变化A.Ⅰ B.Ⅰ、ⅢC.Ⅱ D.Ⅱ、Ⅲ31.下列哪种方法可以认为是与雷达标绘相当的系统观测Ⅰ、对ARPA雷达保持不间断的连续观测Ⅱ、利用雷达的机械方位盘的平行线对回波进行系统的连续观测Ⅲ、利用两次雷达观测的物标方位距离变化估计DCPAA.Ⅰ B,Ⅰ、ⅢC.Ⅰ、Ⅱ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ32.为避免碰撞的任何行动,应根据本章(驾驶和航行规则)各条规定采取,如当时环境许可,应是积极地,并及早地进行和运用良好船艺。
2009年第48期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第48期)一.单项选择题1.You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ______.A. mFAG.B. Tide tables.C. Notices to mariners.D. Table of azimuth.rmation on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? ______.A. List of LightsB. Coast PilotC. Sailing DirectionsD. List of Radiobeacons3.A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ______.A. circle of equal altitudeB. parallel of declinationC. parallel of altitudeD. vertical circle4.What defines a great circle?A. A curved line drawn on a Mercator ChartB. A course line that inscribes a loxodromic curveC. The shortest distance between any two points on the earthD. The smallest circle that can be drawn on the face of a sphere5.Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle?A. Aero lightB. Radar stationC. Radar transponder beaconD. Radiobeacon6.Charted depth is the ______.A. vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tideB. vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottomC. average height of water over a specified period of timeD. average height of all low waters at a place7. The changes in the channel’s sands and buoys on this coast are ______ this chart cannot be considered as a safe guide of the channel.A. Frequent.B. So frequent.C. Frequent that.D. So frequent that.8.While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited.A. assumedB. appreciatedC. promisedD. permitted.9.The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given in the admiralty charts and other publications, since they _______.A.May always be complete and up-to-dateB.May not always be complete and up-to-dateC.May sometimes be complete and up-to-dateD.May not sometimes be complete and up-to-date10.All events relating to the voyage, such as ship’s position, speed and details of the weather,are recorded in ______.A. LogbookB. Bell BookC. Oil Record BookD. Compass Error Book11. When there is not a chief officer on board,______should keep and write up the ship’s logbook.A..the assistant officerB.the captainC.the officer on dutyD.the third officer12. As matter of fact,the damage to the winches was due to ______. 同原题库0918A. insufficiency of packagingB. inherent vice of the cargoC. improper stowageD. rough handling[13]It's ______ that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.A. brightB. distinctC. plainD. evident14. Who is responsible for the regular security inspections of the ship?A. The company security officerB. The classification societyC. The port facility security officerD. The ship security officer15.Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?A.Rocket parachute signalsB.Buoyant smoke signalsC.Hand flare signalsD.Self-igniting signals16. When steering by autopilot, how often should ...... steering be checked?A.every dayB. when time allowsC. At least once a watchD. No checking is necessary17. Who must be familiar with the Masterlist and Emergency Instructions onboard?A. The captain onlyB. The officers onlyC. All crew members and other personnel onboardD. Passengers only[18]Radar reflectors are required for ______.A. all fishing vessels over 39 feet in lengthB. sail-propelled fishing vesselsC. all fishing vessels of less than 200 GTD. wooden hull fishing vessels with a poor radar echo[19]A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a______.A.Polluter B.Emitter C.Spiller D.Oiler[20] You are offloading garbage to another ship. Your records must identify that ship by nameand show her ______.A. home portB. next port-of-callC. official numberD. Master21To EASE A LINE means to ___A.cast offB. double up so that one line does not take all the strainC.pay out line to remove most of the tensionD.slack it off quickly22.Generally speaking, the most favorable bottom for anchoring is ______.A.V ery soft mud.B.Rocky.C.A mixture of mud and clay.D.Loose sand.23 When the movement of engine is no longer required the pilot usually gives the order like this ______.A. Stop engine.B. Nothing to port.C. Finish engines.D. Finished with engines24.Vessel towing with the current shall ______ tow more than two boats and they must be towed alongside.A. At times.B. At any time.C. At no time.D. At moment.25.If a vessel under tow starts jumping on its tow line, the most appropriate action to alleviate the condition is to _______.A.Change courseB.Slow downC.Heave toD.Adjust tow line length26.Horizontal fore or aft motion of a vessel is known as ________.A.PitchB.SurgeC.SwayD.Roll27.The officer of the watch should ______ comply with the collision rules.A. Some times.B. Often.C. At all times.D. Seldom.28.A vessel or seaplane on the water is considered to be underway when ______.A. She is at anchor.B. She is made fast to shoreC. She is aground.D. Her anchor ceases to hold.29.In determining a safe speed ______ shall not be among those taken into account.A.the characteristics,efficiency and limitation of the radar equipmentB.any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in useC.the effect on radar detection of the sea state,weather and other sources of interferenceD.the safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore.30.Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision?A.The first vessel to sight the other should give way.B.The vessel making the slower speed should give way.C.Both vessels should alter course to starboard.D.Both vessels should alter course to port.31.The lights prescribed by the rules shall be exhibited _______.A.From sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility.B.At all times.C.From sunset to sunrise, and at no other time.D.Whenever a lookout is posted.32.A buoy marking a wreck will show a (n) ______.A.White light FL(2) and a top-mark of 2 black spheres.B.Occulting green light and may be lettered.C.Yellow light and will be numbered.D.Continuous quick white light and may be numbered.33.______ refers to the angle between true North and the heading line of the ship.A. True positionB. True meridianC. True courseD. True bearing34.A plane that cuts the Earth's surface and passes through the poles will always form ______.A. the equatorB. a loxodromic curveC. a small circleD. a meridian35.Neap tides occur ______.A. at the start of spring,when the Sun is nearly over the equatorB. only when the Sun and Moon are on the same sides of the Earth and are nearly in lineC. when the Sun and Moon are at approximately 90°to each other,as seen from the EarthD. when the Sun,Moon,and Earth are nearly in line,regardless of alignment order36. The height of a tide can increased by______A.a storm surgeB.a high pressureC.the jet streamD.a cold front37. The ship’s tanks most effective for trimming are the______A.deepsB.domesticsC.peaksD.settlers38. Which statement is TRUE of a tender vesselA.It has a large GMB.Its period of roll is longC.It has a very low center of gravityD.It has a good transverse stability39 Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the ________A.Roll periodB.Metacentric heightC.Water plane areaD.V essel’s draft40.We usually choose cargo-handling equipment according to ______.A.The ship type.B.The port’s organization.C.The cargo’s nature.D.The docker’s ability.41.The chief officer ______ told the stevedores to stow the cargo lot by lot.A. Plainly.B. Playfully.C. Absolutely. Completely.42.What is meant by the term TOPPING THE BOOM?A.Lowering the boomB.Raising the boomC.Spotting the boom over the deckD.Swinging the boom athwartships43.For a floating vessel,true mean draft is always the ______.A.average of the observed draftsB.draft at the center of flotationC.draft corresponding to the calculated displacementD.mean of the calculated drafts44.The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the ______.A. Local agent.B. Watchman.C. Docker.D. Foreman.45.Please stow the drums ______ ends.A. At.B. In.C. On.D. By.46.If a void occurs in the cargo hold, it is better to _______ to control the broken stowage.A.Brace it with dunnageB.Cover it with large piecesC.Fill it with small piecesD.Leave it as it is47.In Beaufort scale, the wind force 7 with speed of 28 ~ 33 knots is defined as ______.A. Moderate gale.B. Near gale.C. Strong gale. (9)D. Whole gale.48.When force of winds reaches 10 ~ 11 in Beaufort scale, we usually call such wind ______.A. Gale.B. Storm.C. Hurricane.D. Typhoon.49.In the northern hemisphere, a wind that shifts counterclockwise is a _______.A.V eering windB.Backing windC.Reverse windD.Chinook wind50.The best estimate of the wind direction at sea level can be obtained from observing the direction of the ______.A.cloud movementB.vessel headingC.wavesD.swells51.The primary wind belt which has the greatest effect on the set, drift, and depth of the equatorial currents is the _______.A.DoldrumsB.Horse latitudesC.Trade windsD.Prevailing westerlies52.Structural bulkheads on a ship are usually ______.A. continuousB. watertightC. transverseD. non-watertight53.Bilge keels are fitted on ships to ______.A. assist in drydock alignmentB. improve the vessel's stabilityC. protect the vessel from slamming against piersD. reduce the rolling of the vessel54.The purpose of a bilge well is to ______.A. afford access to the shell through the double bottomsB. collect water to be pumped outC. provide access for the pneumercatorD. provide a base line for sounding measurements55.How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear? ______.A. Light blue hazeB. Light brown hazeC. Light gray hazeD. Perfectly clear56.For most ship engines,the fuel is ______.A. natural gasB. diesel oilC. propaneD. bunker fuel57.58. Does current and drift effect the CPA/TCPA calculations on a true motion display?A. YesB. NoC. Only a little bitD. Yes, very seriously59.60.You are using a radar in which your own ship is shown at the center,and the heading flash always points to 0°. If bearings are measured in relation to the flash,what type of bearings are produced?A.RelativeB.TRUEpassD.Magnetic61.Magnetic compass deviation ______.A. varies depending upon the bearing usedB. is the angular difference between magnetic north and compass northC. is published on the compass rose on most nautical chartsD. is the angular difference between geographic and magnetic meridians62.The compass deviation changes as the vessel changes ______.A. geographical positionB. speedC. headingD. longitude63.The annual change in ______ is 0.2 degree.A. Magnetic VariationB. Marine InsuranceC. Maritime AccidentD. Mean High Water Spring64.The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_______.A.3 hoursB.6 hoursC.12 hoursD.24 hours65.All echosounders can measure the ______.A.Actual depth of water.B.Actual depth of water below keel.C.Average depth from waterline to hard bottom.D.Average depth of water to soft bottom.66.67.What publications should a GMDSS Operator consult regarding the proper set-up and operation of vessel equipment ?______A. ITU PublicationsB. The manufacturers instruction manualsC. Part 90 of the FCC Rules and RegulationsD. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 80, Subpart W68.Which action should you take after sending a false distress alert on VHF?A. Send a DSC cancellation message on Ch-70.B. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-16.C. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-13.D. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-22A.69.My vessel maneuvering ______ difficulty. Please keep well clear ______ me.A. With, of.B. In, of.C. At, apart.D. With, from70.My Captain is trying to ______ the pilot station before the ebb tide.A. steamB. proceedC. approachD. reach71Result of search negative means ______.A.The search has found nothing.B.The derelict has been found.C.The derelict has been located.D.The derelict has been sighted.72. In the unlikely event that a distress situation allows you to send only a very short message,after MAYDAY would you first say______?A.Your name and callsignB.Your positionC.The number of persons on boardD.the nature of the distress situation73.The terms ceiling and margin plate are associated with the ______.A. crew's quartersB. engine roomC. main deckD. tank top74.Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called ______.A. Faking.B. Flemishing down.C. Mousing.D. Worming.75. The head block is located_____.A.at the base of the boomB.at the head of the boomC.at the head of the mastD.on top of the jack staff76.A spring line leads ______.A.Fore and aft from the ship’s side.B.To the dock at a right angle to the vessel.C.Through the bull nose or chock at the bow.D.Through the chock at the stern.77.Paints and solvents on a vessel should be _______.A.Stored safely at the work site until work is completedB.Returned to the paint locker after each useC.Covered at all times to protect from ignition sourcesD.Stored in a suitable gear locker[78]A distress signal ______.A. consists of 5 or more short blasts of the fog signal apparatusB. consists of the raising and lowering of a large white flagC. may be used separately or with other distress signalsD. is used to indicate doubt about another vessel's intentions79.You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry, “Man overboard starboard side”.You should indtinctively ______A. give full right rudderB. give full left rudderC. put the rudder amidshipsD. throw a life ring to mark the spot80. After using a CO2 portable extinguisher, it should be ______.A.Put back in service if some CO2 remains.B.Hydrostatically tested.C.Retagged.D.Recharged.81.A fuel-air mixture below the lower explosive limit is too __________.A.Rich to burnB.Lean to burnC.Cool to burnD.Dense to burn82.Portable fire extinguishers must be provided for the cargo tank area of an unmanned tank barge ______.A.only when fully loadedB.if one or more tanks are fullC.when transferring cargoD.only when the barge is being towed83.After a liferaft is launched,the operating cord ______.A. serves as a sea painterB. detaches automaticallyC. is used to rig the boarding ladderD. is cut immediately as it is of no further use84.In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel,water should be given only to personnel who are ______.A. thirstyB. sick or injuredC. wetD. awake85.86.You discover a leak in the fuel line to the engine. You should first ________.A.Activate the CO2 systemB.Make a temporary repair with canvas or tapeC.Start the bilge pumpD.Close the fuel valve at the tank87.A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should ______.A. lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raisedB. administer a liquid stimulantC. lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feetD. attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness88.A crew member has suffered frostbite to the toes of both feet. You should ______.A. immerse the feet in warm waterB. warm the feet with a heat lampC. warm the feet at room temperatureD. rub the feetMajor coast radio stations all over the world transmit,at regular intervals and in code,weather information for ships within range. Weather information consists of ten parts,of which ships usually make use of three,that is,warning,synoptic situation andforecast. With weather information,mariners are able to keep away from disastrousweather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted,shipscan take precautions beforehand,by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safeplace. If there is a high sea or a long swell,they can take some measures to safeguard thecargo and the ship.89 Weather information for ships is usually transmitted by coast radio stations ___.A. any time of the dayB. at fixed timeC. in different languagesD. in some parts of the world90 Coast radio stations generally provide weather information for ships ___. I. in code,II. In a certain language, III. in written formA. IB. I + IIC. IID. I + II + III91 Weather information usually tells people something about weather _____.A. afterwardsB. in advanceC. at the same timeD. when there’s bad weather92 Of the following, ______ is not the way for ships to keep away from bad weather.A. delaying voyageB. staying in portC. speeding up and running awayD. pumping out ballast waterA ship's head up, or un-stabilised, radar display has the ship's heading marker fixed at 000°, at the top of the screen. All targets, fixed or moving, then move relative to the ship's position in the centre of the screen and the heading marker. As the ship moves through the water, fixed targets appear to track down the screen on a reciprocalheading at the speed the ship is moving and when the ship alters course targets appear to rotate in the opposite direction to that of the ship, so targets appear to move on the radar screen while the ship's heading remains fixed. The coating on a radar display is designed to allow a certain amount of afterglow (余辉) of targets, which in the ship's head up mode causes smearing(拖尾) and may make the identification of smaller targets difficult. In addition, when targets. particularly large landmasses, are in close proximity interference occurs, which can further inhibit the detection of small targets.93. When radar is set to ship's head up display, all fixed targets displayed on the screen will appear to当雷达被设置为船首向上显示,所有固定目标显示在屏幕上是向下倒退像标题头和船速一样A. track down the screen on a reciprocal heading at the speed the ship is movingB. rotate in the same direction as the ship rotatesC. make the identification of smaller targets difficultD. allow a certain amount of afterglow of targets94. In the ship's head up mode. if the ship rotates starboard-wise all fixed targets on the screen will appear to ______.在船首向上模式中,如果船舶右旋转,所有固定目标在屏幕上会看起来左旋转A. rotate starboard-wiseB. rotate port-wiseC. remain stationaryD. move on a reciprocal heading at the speed the ship is moving95. Afterglow of targets will ______.余辉的目标将被识别为更小目标A. have ship's heading marker fixed at 000°B. cause the fixed targets to remain fixedC. inhibit 禁止the detection of small targetD. make the identification of smaller targets96 It can be concluded that the instrument referred to in this passage is most likely a/an______它能被表达为工具指向短文是最可能是APRA。
单项选择题you will find information about the duration of slack water in the_____.A.Tidal Current TablesB.Tidal TablesC.Publications from CCSD.Sailing Directions2. When a buoy is in position only during a certain period of the year,where may the dates when the buoy is in position be found?A.Light ListB.Notice to MarinersC.On the chartD.Coast Pilot3. A line of position from a celestial observation is a segmeng of a______.A.circle of equal altitudeB.parallel of declinationC.parallel of altitudeD.vertical circle4. In very high latitudes,the most practical chart projection is the______.A.MercatorB.gnomonicC.azimuthalmbert conformal5. Place names used should be those______.A.specified by international authoritiesB.specified by national authoritiesC.on the standard mapD.on the chart or the Sailing Directions in use6. Charted depth is the______.A.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tideB.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the oceanC.average height of water over a specified period of timeD.average height of all low waters at a place7. The changes in the channel‟s sounds and buoys on this coast are______this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.A.frequentB.so frequentC.frequent thatD.so frequent that8. Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with______A.no noticeB.one day‟s noticeC.a week‟s noticeD.thiety(30) days notice9. Owing to old date of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be______A.consideredB.insuredC.reliedD.suspected of10. All entries in Logbook, ______made,must not be erasedor amended.A.onceB.whetherC.whileD.just11.The Master or person in charge of a ship is required to log______.A.the names of all persons on boardB.only the names of the crew number on boardC.only the names of passengers on board rmation on emergency training drills12.The vessal was drifted off from her______due to strong wind.A.courseB.trackC.directionD.trend13.If you do not wear goggles and helmet,your chances of being______will be greater.A.beatenB.damagedC.hurtD.stricken14.With regard to the opening and closing of watertight integrity appliances not fitted with a remote operating control or alarm systerm,what must the Master or person in chanrge of a ship enter in the logbook? A.The time required to cloes the appliancesB.The reason for opening or closing each applianceC.The name of the person performing the opening and closing of such appliancesD.The fact that the hull indicator functioned or not15.The fire-protected lifeboats are found______.A.being satisfiedB.satisfyingC.satisfactoryD.satisfied16.You are on watch and the Pilot has the conn. The Master has temporarily gone below. The Pilot orders a course change, which you are certain, will put the vessal into imminent danger. You first action should be to______.A.countermand the order and immediately notify the MasterB.make an appropriate entry in the deck log concerning the Pilot‟s orderC.immediately call the Master and await further orders from himD.immediately sound a short ring on the general alarm17.How many operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the Interntional Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974?A.4 operatorsB.3 operstorsC.2 operstorsD.1 operators18.In______convention, a vessal which carries more than 12 passengers shall be deemed as a passenger ship.A.COSCOB.STCWC.SOLASD.MARPOL19.During fueling, all doors, hatches, and ports______.A.to windward should be opened and the ones to leeward should be closedB.to leeward should be opened and the ones to leeward should be closedC.should be openedD.should be closed20.The person on a ship who is responsible for maintaining the engine spaces in a clean and sanitary condition is the______.A.Master, or person in chargeB.Chief Engineer, or engineer in charge if no chief engineer is requiredC.senior meachanic, or mechanic on duty if no senior mechanic designatedD. senior electrician, or electrician on duty if no senior electrician designated21.LIFTING THE ANCHOR FROM THE BOTTOM is called______.A.broaching the anchorB.shifting the anchorC.walking the anchorD.weighing the anchor22.If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchors‟s holding power______.A.decreasesB.increasesC.remains the sameD.has no relation to the scope23.A “spring line” is______.A.any wire rope used for mooringB.a fire-warpC.a mooring line running diagonally to the keelD.a mooring line perpendicular to the keel24.Vessal towing with the current shall______tow more than tow boats and they must be towed alongside.A.at timesB.at any timeC.at no timeD.at moment25.If a vessal under tow starts jumping on Its tow line, the most appropriate action to alleviate the conditions is to______.A.charge courseB.slow dowmC.have toD.adjust tow line length26.You are heading in a northerly driection when you come aross an easterly current. Yourvessal will______.A.be pushed to starboardB.be pushed to portC.decrease in engine speedD.remain on course27.Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one ______from the other.A.can be observed visuallyB.can be observed by radarC.can be locateed on the radarD.can be heard28.Which vessal is underway according to the Rules?A.A vessal made fast to a single point mooring buoyB.A pures seiner(围网渔船)hauling her netsC.A pilot vessal at anchorD.A vessal which has run aground29.Every vessal shall proceed at a safe speed______the prevailing cricumstances and conditions.A.appropriate toed byC.liable toD.adaptation to30.Two vessal are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision?A.The first vessal to sight the other should give wayB.The vessal making the slower speed should give wayC.Both vessal should alter course to starboardD.Both vessal should alter course to port31.An anchored vessal on pilotage duty must show which light(s) at night?A.A sternlight onlyB.Anchor lights onlyC.A white light over a red light onlyD.A white light over a red light and anchor lights32.The positions and characterisitics of lights and buoys shown within the port area______.A.untrueB.impossibleC.suspectfulD.unimportant33.You should polt your dead reckoning position______.A.from every fix or running fixB.from every estimated positionC.every three minutes in pilotage watersD.only in pilotage waters34.During daylight saving time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther______.A.west in west longitude and east in east longitudeB.east in west longitude and west in east longitudeC.westD.east35.The meaning of “EBB TIDE” is that______.A.tide is falling high water to low waterB.tide is rising from low water to high waterC.tide is reaching to a highest levelD.tide is reaching to a lowest level36.When reversing, the tidal stream will have period with little or no effect.This is called the______.A.RiseB.RangeC.SlackD.Spring37.The mean draft of a ship is the draft______.A.midway between the forward and draft marksB.at the center of flotationC.at the load lineD.at the center of buoyancy38.A semi submersible which will not ramain upright and will assume a list either to port or starboard is likely to have______.A.a large TCGB.a negative GMC.excessive ballastD.insufficient deck load39.If the metacentric height is large, a floating vessal will______. A.be tender B.have a slow and easy motionC.be stiffD.have a tendency to yaw40.The productivity of working shifts can be improved through a decrease of______.A.working hoursB.gangsC.idle timeD.weight per set41.The necessity of the segregation of cargoes is detemined by______.A.experience from practiceB.various types of cargoesC.different types of shipD.personal abilities42.The Master or person in charge of a ship shall ensure the crane record book shows______.A.the name of the crane operatorB.an entry each time the crane is usedC.date and result of each rated load testD.the time of day of the test43.the forward draft of you ship is 27‟-11 and the after draft is 29‟-03.The draft amidships is 28‟-05.Your vessel is______.A.hoggedB.saggedC.listedD.trimmed by the head44.We‟ll adopt the mechanical tallying method______.A.sonn or lateB.soon or laterC.sooner or lateD.soon or later45.Figure of cargo short-landed in______.A.disputeB.argueC.debateD.discuss46.As a general rule , tally clerks should make sheir tallying______.A.in warehousesB.on deckC.ashoreD.in the tallyroom47.Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overeast occasional rain ______ slowly south moderate or good.A.spreadingB.proceedingC.bounding forD.going to48.LOW AT 34N 135E EASLY SLWLY INTST NC. This description is most likely to be under the heading of______A.GALE WNGB.GEN SYNC.STORM WNGD.TYPHOON WNG49.F og is most commonly associated with a(n)______.A.warm front at nightB.low pressure areaC.anticycloneck of frontal activity50.Cumulonimbus clouds are most likely to accompany a(n)______A.high pressure systemB.cold ftontC.warm frontD.occluded front51.The fog most commonly encountered at sea is called______.A.conduction fogB. radiation fogC.frontal fogD.advection fog52.A DECK, SPACE, AREA, ETC, NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines______.A.Restricted areaB.Closed areaC.Prohibited placeD.Forbidden place53.For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the______.A.waterlineB.freeboard deckC.plimsoll markD.amidsships section54.Frecboard is measured from the upper edge of the______.A.bulkwarkB.deck lineC.gunwale barD.sheer strake55.The required portable radio apparatus on an international voyage must be stowed in______.A.the Master‟s quartersB.the ship‟s officeC.the radio room , bridge , or protected locationD.an unlocked cabinet next to the station bill56.In comparison to electrie power , hydraulic power for jacking systemes has the advantage of______.A.better control capabilitiesB.less maintenance and repairC.fewer personnel needed during jackingD.less prelonad needed57.Limit switches are used on______?A.sheath-screw davits B .gravity davits C.radial davits D.quadrantal davits58.Which ARPA data should you use in order to detemine if a close quarter situation will develop with a target wessel?A.Set and drift of the currentB.Relative track informationC.Predicted time of CPAD.Initial range of acquisition59.Which statement is TRUE conceming a vessel equipped with operational radar ?A.She must use this equipment to obtain early warning of risk of collisionB.The use of a radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-outC.The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibilityD.The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar60.______ is on the panel of radar .A.KEYLOCKB.REPEA TERC.STATICINVERTERD.ANTI-CLUTTER-SEA61.Which one of the followings is correct regarding the use of gyrocompass?A.Gyrocompass does not have to regarding the use of gyrocompass?B.Gyrocompass must be stopped when vessel alongside a berth.C.Gyrocompass needs to be checked from time to time.D. Gyrocompass in not influenced by the latitude and ship‟s motion62.IF the magnetic heading is greater than the compass heading , the deviation is______.A.eastB.westC.northD. south63.Deviation is the angle between the______.A.true meridian and the axis of the compass cardB.true meridian and the magnetic meridianC.magnetie meridian and the axis of the compass cardD.axis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian64.What is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance?A.AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situationB.AIS is more accurate than ARPAC.AIS is not as accurate as ARPAD.AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidance65.The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately______.A.3 hoursB.6 hoursC. 12 hoursD. 24 hours66.When the gyro-pilot is used for steering , what control is adjusted to compensate for varying sea conditions______.A.Rudder controlB.Sea controlC.Lost motion adjustmentD.Weather adjustment67.Which action shoud you take dfter sending a false distress alert on VHF?A.Send a DSC concellation message on CH-70.B.Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on CH-16.C.Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on CH-13D. Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on CH-22A68.What can be SART‟s audible tone monitor be used for ? It can beused to______.rms survivors that assistance may be nearby .rms survivors when the battery‟s charge condition has weakened.C. Informs survivors when the SART switches to the standby mode.D. Informs survivors that a nearby vessel is signaling on DSC.69.If you receive the signal over radiotelephone of …Romeo Papa Tango‟while using the InternationalCode of Signais , you should______.A.report to the callerB. report your last transmissionC.continue since he received your last transmissionD.end the transmission70.My vessel maneuvering______difficulty .Please keep well clear______me.A.with , ofB.in , ofC.at , apartD.with , from71.If you are transmitting distress message by radiotelephong you should______. e English language B.always use the Intemational CodeC.preface it by the word SOSD.follow the transmission with the radio alarm signal72.What does the abbreviation VHF stang for?A.Vessel‟s Hoisting FrequencyB.Very High SafetyC. Vessel‟s Homing FrequencyD. Very High Frequency73.On cargo booms, preventers are______.A.auxiliary guysB.extra fair leadsC.steel bandsD.stops74.Nylon line is NOT suitable for_____.A.toeingshingsC.stoppersD.mooring lines75.The term STANDING RIGGING refers to______.A.booms and kingpostsB.guys and vangsC.stays and shroudsD.topping lifys and cargo runners76.A common class of wire rope used mooring is the 6×19 class.What does the”6”represent?A.Factor of safetyB.Number of wies per strandC. Number of strands per wireD. Number of wies in the core77.Paints and solvents on a vessel shuid be______.A.stored safely at the work site until work is completedB.retumed to the paint lockre after each useC.covered at all times to protect form igniting sourcesD.stored in a suitable gear locke78.A distress signal_____.A.consists of 5 or more short blasts of the fog signal apparatusB. consists of the raisting ang lowering of a large white flagC.may be used separately or with other distress signalsD.is used to indicate doubt about another vessel‟s intentions79.The commander of a rescue unit designated to co-ordinate search and reacue operations within a specified area is the______.A.General commandermander generalC.Search commanderD.On-scene commander80.After putting on a self-contained breathing apparatus, you open the air supply and hear a continuous ringing or a bell.What dose this mean?A.The unit is working properlyB.The face mask is not sealed properlyC.The air bottle needs to be refilledD.The air supply hose has a leak81.A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to______.A.make underwater repairs to bargesB.determine if the air in a tank is safe for menC.enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygenD.resuscitatc an unconscious person82.The major used of water in fighting fires is to______.A.suffocate the fireB.absorb the oxygen supporting the fireC.act as a cooling agentD.wash the fire away83.If the survival craft is not loaded to full capacity, the personnel should be______.A.loaded more on the port side forwardB.load equally on both sides with more forwardC. load equally on both sides with more aftD.allowed to sit anywhere84.After launching, an inflatable raft should be kept dry inside by______.A.opening the automatic drain plugsB.draining the water porketsing the electric bilge pumping the bailers and cellulose sponge85.What should you do with your energency position indicating radio beacon if you are in a lifeboat during storm conditions?A.Bring it inside the liferaft and leave it onB. Bring it inside the liferaft and turn it off until the storm passesC.Leave it outside the liferaft and leave it onD. Leave it outside the liferaft and turn it off86.While loading bunkers, you notice oil on the water around your vessal. What should you do first?A.Stop loadingB.Notify the Port AuthorityC.Notify the terminal superintendentD.Determine the source of the oil87.What is the proper first aid for LPG in the eye?A.Apply an ice pack to the eyeB.Keep the eyelid closedC.Flush the eye with plenty of waterD.Rub the eye area clean88.You should FIRST treat a simple fracture by______.A.attempting to set the fractureB.preventing futher movement of the boneC.applying a tourniquetD.alternately applying hot and cold compresses二、关联选择题(每组关联题题干下又4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:Major coast radio stations all over the world transmit, at regular intervals and in code, weather information for ships within range.Weather information consists of ten part, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast. With waether information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous waether at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions beforehand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place. If there is a high sea or a long swell ,they can take some measures to safeguard the cargo and the ship.89.Weather information for ships is usually transmitted by coast radio stations______.A.any time of the dayB.at fixed timeC.in different languagesD.In some parts of the world90.Coast radio stations generally provide weather information for ships______. Ⅰ.in code Ⅱ.in a certain language Ⅲ.in written formA. ⅠB. Ⅰ+ⅡC. ⅡD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ91.Weather information usually tells people something about weather______.A.afterwardsB.in advanceC.at the same timeD.when there‟s bad weather92.Of the following, ______is not the way for ships to keep away from bad weather.A.delaying voyageB.staying in portC.speeding up and running awayD.pumping out ballast water第二组:Generally a ship‟s motion contains components of pitch and roll simultaneously. Both these mations may cause the ship to head first to one side of its course, and then to the other. This is called yawing. When wave are sufficiently large, the whole vessal may be moved vertically up and dowm, this is called heave. Large waves passing under the ship from one side impart a side-to –side motion known as away. The movement of the whole ship ahead and astern is called surge. If the ship is under way, surge will cause a speeding-up and slowing-down of her forward motion. Just as the waves present at any moment and at any particular place on the surface of the sea are complex , because they are the product of large numbers of different wave motions, of different sizes and moving in different driections, so also the motion of the ship is complex, and is the product of components of each of the six ship motions.93.What does yawing mean in the passage? Ⅰ.Ship‟s angular motion about vertical axis Ⅱ.The ship first moves to one side of its course and then to the other Ⅲ.Ship‟s angular motion about longitudinal axis. A. Ⅰ B. Ⅱ C.. Ⅲ D. ⅠorⅡ94.Which one of the followings about surge is incorrect?A.Surge is the ship‟s movement ahead and astern along longitudinal axis.B.Surge is caused by duty officer‟s improper manoeuring.C.Surge may cause ship‟s speed increasedD. Surge may cause ship‟s speed decreased95.Which of the following is the characteristics of waves? Ⅰ.Waves move in different direction Ⅱ.Waves are of different sizes and on the surface of the sea Ⅲ.Waves present at any momentA. ⅠB. ⅡC. ⅢD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ96.The best title for this passage may be______.A.ship‟s motionsB.waves and its impactC.waves‟ characteristicsD.ship‟s rolling and pitchin1-5: AAAAD 6-10: BDACA 11-15: DACCC 16-20: ADCDB21-25: DACCD 26-30: AABAC 31-35: DAADA 36-40: CABCC41-45: BAADA 46-50: BABAB 51-55: DAABC 56-60: ABBAD61-65: CACAC 66-70: DBABA 71-75: ADABC 76-80: CBCDC81-85: CCCDA 86-88: ACB89-96: BABD DBDA1.你将在潮流表找到平流期的信息、2.当一个浮标只在一年中某段时间在这个位置则浮标出现的时间记录在灯标表中3.来自天体观测的位置线是(天体)等高度圈的一段4.在高纬度地区实用的投影是兰伯特投影5.船上使用的地名应是在海图或航路指南中使用的那些。
1.[单选题]在电子海图显示与信息系统中,关于海图显示,下列说法错误的是?A)@可以在给定的投影方式下合成和显示海图B)@ 不能隐去本船在特定航行条件下不需要的信息C)@ 可以分层次显示海图信息2.[单选题]某船陀罗航向043,陀罗差-1,该船左舷60处物标陀罗方位为________A)102B)103C)343D)3423.[单选题]在太阳附近的航用行星是 。
( )A)降水B)气压C)结冰D)以上都会5.[单选题]陀螺罗经及计程仪误差,会影响雷达被跟踪目标( )的精度。
A)CPAB)相对方位C)真矢量D)相对矢量6.[单选题]海图图式“S”表示该区地质为_______ (A)沙B)泥C)淤泥D)岩石7.[单选题]已知太阳在某地上中天的时差等于-2m 15s,则该天太阳上 中天的地方平时为___ 。
A)首先离B)尾先离C)平行离D)自力离9.[单选题]在简易墨卡托图网上,纬度1’的长度与1赤道里的长度 _________A)@在任何纬度都相等B)@ 在任何纬度:都相等C)@ 在赤道上相等D)@在赤道上不相等10.[单选题]船舶恒向恒速运动时,陀螺罗经将产生( )。
A)速度误差B)摇摆误差C)冲击误差D)纬度误差11.[单选题]航向稳定性好的船可同时判断为:A)追随性好B)旋回性差C)追随性差D)旋回性好12.[单选题]某轮船速15kn,航行2h后相对计程仪读数差为28.’0,计程仪改正率=0%,已知该轮实际航程为26n mile ,则该轮航行在_________中A)@顺风顺流B)@ 顶风顺流C)@ 项流顺风D)@顶风顶流13.[单选题]天体通过 的瞬间称为上中天____。
航海学考试题目及答案# 航海学考试题目及答案一、选择题1. 地球赤道周长大约是多少?A. 20000公里B. 40000公里C. 60000公里D. 80000公里答案:B2. 航海中使用的罗盘,其主要作用是什么?A. 测量风速B. 确定方向C. 测量温度D. 记录时间答案:B3. 以下哪种仪器用于测量船只相对于海底的深度?A. 回声测深仪B. 风速计C. 气压计D. 罗盘答案:A二、填空题4. 在航海中,船只的方向通常用______表示,如北、东北、东等。
答案:方位5. 航海图上,等深线是用来表示______。
答案:海底地形的等高线6. 航海中,船只的航速通常用______来表示。
答案:节三、简答题7. 简述航海中使用六分仪测量天体高度的步骤。
8. 描述航海中如何使用经纬仪确定船只的位置。
四、计算题9. 如果一艘船以20节的速度向东航行,经过4小时后,它将航行多少海里?答案:20节 * 4小时 = 80海里10. 已知船只从A点出发,向正北方向航行了100海里,然后向正东方向航行了200海里,请计算船只最终的位置相对于A点的经纬度变化。
五、论述题11. 论述航海中使用电子导航系统的优势和局限性。
航海学考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据国际海事组织(IMO)的规定,船舶在公海上航行时,应遵循的海上避碰规则是:A. 国际海上避碰规则B. 国际海上安全规则C. 国际海上环境保护规则D. 国际海上交通规则答案:A2. 船舶在能见度不良的情况下航行,应采取的行动是:A. 增加航速B. 保持航速C. 减速并使用声号D. 立即停车答案:C3. 船舶在航道中航行时,应遵循的原则是:A. 右侧通行原则B. 左侧通行原则C. 直行优先原则D. 让路原则答案:A4. 船舶在避让过程中,应避免采取的行动是:A. 突然改变航向B. 突然改变航速C. 保持航向和航速D. 与他船协调避让答案:A5. 船舶在航行中遇到冰山时,应采取的行动是:A. 直接通过B. 绕过冰山C. 减速并保持距离D. 停车等待答案:B6. 船舶在航行中遇到大风浪时,应采取的行动是:A. 增加航速B. 保持航速C. 减速并调整航向D. 停车等待答案:C7. 船舶在航行中遇到海盗威胁时,应采取的行动是:A. 直接对抗B. 保持距离并报警C. 投降并服从D. 尝试谈判答案:B8. 船舶在航行中遇到紧急情况时,应采取的行动是:A. 保持冷静并评估情况B. 立即停车C. 改变航向D. 增加航速答案:A9. 船舶在航行中遇到船舶失控时,应采取的行动是:A. 立即停车B. 保持航速并调整航向C. 减速并使用声号D. 与附近船舶协调避让答案:D10. 船舶在航行中遇到船舶失火时,应采取的行动是:A. 立即停车B. 保持航速并调整航向C. 减速并使用声号D. 与附近船舶协调避让答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况需要立即采取避让行动:A. 遇到对向行驶的船舶B. 遇到同向行驶的船舶C. 遇到横穿航道的船舶D. 遇到失控的船舶答案:C, D12. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况需要使用声号:A. 能见度良好时B. 能见度不良时C. 遇到紧急情况时D. 遇到海盗威胁时答案:B, C13. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况需要减速:A. 遇到大风浪时B. 遇到冰山时C. 遇到海盗威胁时D. 遇到船舶失控时答案:A, B14. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况需要立即停车:A. 遇到船舶失火时B. 遇到船舶失控时C. 遇到海盗威胁时D. 遇到紧急情况时答案:A, D15. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况需要与附近船舶协调避让:A. 遇到对向行驶的船舶B. 遇到同向行驶的船舶C. 遇到横穿航道的船舶D. 遇到失控的船舶答案:C, D三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)16. 船舶在公海上航行时,不需要遵守任何规则。
A.Ⅰ—ⅥB.Ⅰ—ⅤC.Ⅱ. Ⅲ. ⅤD.Ⅱ. Ⅳ. Ⅴ2.下列哪个等压面最能代表对流层大气的一般运动状况?A.850hpa B.300hpa C.500hpa D.700hpa3.5℃换算成华氏温度和绝对温度分别为:A.41°F,278K B.37°F,273K C.41°F,273KD.37°F,278K4.形成雾或霜的主要冷却过程是:A.绝热上升B.辐射冷却C.平流冷却D.接触冷却5.当只考虑纬度对气温日变化的影响时,气温日较差大的地区是:A.极地附近B.热带地区C.温带地区D.副极地地区6.在纬度45°的海平面上,温度为0℃时的大气压称为标准大气压,其数值为:A.1000 hpa,750 mmHg B.1013.25 hpa,760 mmHgC.1000 hpa,760 mmHg D.1013.25 hpa,750 mmHg7.在地面天气图上,等压线的疏密和风力的大小关系是:A.等压线疏,风力大B.等压线密,风力小C.等压线密,风力大D.无等压线,风力大8.通常将由低压向外延伸的狭长区域称为:A.低压带B.高压带C.低压槽D.高压脊9.地面气压日变化两次谷值出现的时刻大约为:A.02h,14h B.04h,16h C.08h,20h D.10h,22h10.饱和水汽压是温度的函数,当温度相等时,水面与冰面的饱和水汽压关系为:A.水面与冰面相等B.水面大于冰面C.水面小于冰面D.与水面,冰面无关系11.通常在沿海地区绝对温度日,年变化规律为:A.气温日,年变化规律相反B.气温日,年变化规律一致C.气压日,年变化规律一致D.气压日,年变化规律相反12.风的脉动性在摩擦层中最明显,一日内最大的脉动性出现在:A.清晨B.傍晚C.午后D.深夜13.水平气压梯度力的大小与水平气压梯度成正比,与空气密度成反比,其方向为:A.平行等压线不能干预风向一致B.垂直等压线由高压指向低压C.斜穿等压线由高压指向低压D.垂直等压线由低压指向高压14.地转风公式适用于:A.龙卷风B.台风涡旋区C.空气平直运动D.空气旋转运动15.在南半球自由大气层中,测者背风而立,高压应在测者的:A.左前方B.右方C.左方D.右前方16.下列哪个数学表达式正确描述高压中梯度风的三力平衡关系?(An:地转偏向力,Gn气压梯度力,C:惯性离心力)A.|An|=|Gn|+|C|B.|Gn|=|An|+|C|C.|C|=|Gn|+|An|D.|An|=|Gn|*|C|17.通常,低压发展,其中心区域风力将:A.增大B.减小C.不变D.不定18.在北太平洋上,某东行船舶观测到强劲的ENE真风,根据风压关系判断高压应在:A.船舶高纬一侧B.船舶的前方C船舶低纬一侧.D.船舶的后方19.下图为摩擦层中风压关系示意图,试指出图中矢量OC为:A.水平气压梯度力B.水平地转偏向力C.北半球地转风D.南半球地转风20.大气环流是在哪些因子共同作用下形成的?Ⅰ.海陆分布Ⅱ.地球自转Ⅲ.适宜的环流条件Ⅳ.太阳的辐射Ⅴ.大地形作用Ⅵ.A.Ⅰ~ⅥB.Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,ⅤC.Ⅱ~ⅥD.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ21.右图是全球气压带和风带的分布示意图,图中的E带为:A.赤道低压带B.南半球副极地低压带C.北半球副极地低压带D.南半球副热带高压带22.下列属于永久性大气活动中心的有:A.冰岛低压,阿留申低压B.非洲低压,蒙古高压C.非洲低压,北美高压D.夏威夷高压,澳大利亚高压23.夏威夷高压发展最盛的季节是:A.春季B.夏季C.秋季D.冬季24.通过分析海平面平均风场,可以得到以下结论:A.冬季风多从海洋吹向陆地B.冬季风多平行于海岸线吹C.夏季风多从陆地吹向海洋D.夏季风多从海洋吹向陆地25.通常,将大范围风向随季节而有规律转变的盛行风称为:A.季风B.海陆风C.山谷风D.焚风26.我国黄海,渤海冬季盛行什么风?A.东北B.西北C.西南D.东南27.夏季形成北印度洋强劲季风的原因是:Ⅰ.南半球信风带北移;Ⅱ.大地形作用;Ⅲ.印度半岛的岬角效应;Ⅳ.北半球信风带南下;Ⅴ.强的印度低压;Ⅵ.澳大利亚高压发展。
2009年第5期海船船员适任统考试题(总第48期)科目:主推进动力装置试卷代号:882(本卷是从原卷上手工打出的,希望能对大家有用,本人是重庆交通大学的,我的QQ:229590693,以后有什么问大家可以一起讨论一下,另外在这里征求轮机的基础,电气,维修,自动化的镜像,希望哪位有的朋友能共享一下,我一定十分感谢)1、柴油机运转过程中,检查活塞环漏气的最有效方法是A、测最高爆发压力B、测压缩压力C、测排气温度D、测缸套冷却水温度2、关于进气阀定时的错误认识是A、进气阀开的过早将产生废气倒灌B、进气阀应在活塞位于上止点时开启C、进气阀关的太晚,部分新气将从近气阀排出D、进气阀间隙不适当,将影响定时3、四冲程柴油机与二冲程柴油比较具有的优点是A、回转均匀,平衡性好B、飞轮尺寸较小C、换气质量较好D、结构简单4、废气涡轮境增压气是利用排气中的________作功A、脉冲动能B、势能C、定压能和脉冲动能D、热能5、现在船用柴油机的结构特点有________①采用液压气阀传动机构②、采用钻孔冷却③焊接曲轴④采用厚壁轴承⑤减小行程缸径比A、①②B、①②③C、①②③④ D①③④⑤6、中小型筒型活塞式柴油机的主要固定件有_________①机体②机架③机座④气缸体A、①②B、②④C、①③D、③④7、十字头式柴油机的主要运动部件有_________A、活塞连杆B、活塞、连杆、曲轴C、活塞、十字头、连杆、曲轴D、十字头、连杆、曲轴8、关于活塞的作用,说法不正确的是______A、压缩气缸内的空气B、二冲程柴油机启闭气口C、组成燃烧室D、二冲程柴油机排出气缸内的废气9、对于活塞的工作条件和要求,下列说法不正确的是A、顶板钢度必须靠顶板厚度来保证B、为满足散热和强度要求,顶板多采用“薄壁强背”结构C、活塞尺寸越大,热负荷相对就大D、活塞的尺寸越大,与气缸间的间隙就大10、关于柴油机筒型活塞的结构特点,正确的是______A、活塞头部截面为椭圆,长轴(椭圆的较长直径)与活塞销垂直B、活塞裙部截面为椭圆,长轴在活塞销轴线方向C、活塞裙壁厚比活塞头壁薄D、活塞头外径小于活塞裙外径11十字头式柴油机活塞结构特点不正确的是_______A、活塞多采用四道活塞环B、活塞环设在头部,承磨环设在裙部C、活塞裙部外径大于活塞头部外径D、环带应尽量靠近燃烧室12有关柴油机活塞环的功能,不正确的是A、活塞环是活塞组件中最易磨损的零件B、活塞环既密封又导热C、活塞环在环槽中不应有回转运动D、活塞上的密封环通常有4-5道以形成“迷宫效应”13活塞刮油环能把缸套上多余的滑油刮下来的理由中错误的是________A、有特殊的结构可能输送刮下的滑油B、与缸套接触面积小,比压高C、环背气体压力大提高刮油效果D、天地间隙减小泵油作用14、对活塞销的要求是在保证足够的强度和刚度下_______A、越硬越好B、越软越好C、表面硬芯部软D、热强度高15、套管式或铰链式活塞冷机构常用于________A、高速四冲程柴油机B、发电柴油机C四冲程筒型活塞式柴油机 D、大型二冲程十字式柴油机16、柴油机缸套的腐蚀主要有_______①缸套内表面低温腐蚀②缸套内表面高温腐蚀③缸套外表面电气腐蚀④缸套外表面应力腐蚀⑤缸套存大微观小孔裂纹或沟槽中引起的穴蚀⑥冷却水腔局部水流不畅,含氧浓度不度而形成氧浓度差腐蚀A、①②③④B、①③④⑥C、①③⑤⑥D、①②③⑤17、在船用柴油机中湿式气缸套应用普遍,与干式气缸套相比存在的主要问题是____A、散热性差B、刚性较差C、加工要求高D、容易产生穴蚀18、在燃烧室各部件的受力分析中, 气缸盖的突出特点是_____A、机械负荷大B、热负荷大C、冷却腔内水腐蚀严重D、结构复杂使应力分布不均19、气缸盖缺乏足够高的热疲劳强度,可能产生的故障是_______A、气缸盖底座孔之间出现裂纹B、气缸盖冷却水腔裂纹C、冷却水腔泄漏D、穴蚀20________不是柴油机单体气缸盖的优点A、气缸盖密封性好B、有利于缩短柴油机长度C、制造、拆装方便D、容易解决热变形21、在柴油机中连杆的运动规律是______A、小端往复、杆身晃动、大端回转B、小端往复、杆身平稳、大端回转C、小端晃动、杆身平稳、大端回转D、小端晃动、杆身平稳、大端晃动22、________材料不能用来制造柴油机的连杆A、合金钢`B、优质碳钢C、中碳钢D、高碳钢23、某些大型低速二冲程十字头柴油机使用短连杆的主要目的是________A、降低柴油机高度B、节省材料C、增加连杆强度D、减小侧推力24、四冲程柴油机连杆大端螺栓改善其工作的可靠性,不正确的要求是A、采用刚性结构B、采用柔性结构C、细牙螺纹连接D、加装防松垫圈25曲轴疲劳强度最薄弱的部位是_______A、曲柄壁B、曲柄壁与曲柄销圆角处C、曲柄壁与主轴颈间的圆角处D、油孔处26、连杆大端轴承的过度偏磨会造成_______A、活塞行程变长B、燃烧敲缸C、活塞行程变短D、机械敲缸27、曲轴的弯曲疲劳一般发生在________A、运转初期B、长期运转C、随时可能发生D、运转磨合期28薄壁轴瓦磨损的检查方法是________A、测轴瓦厚度B、压铅丝测轴承间隙C、比较内外径法测轴承间隙D、测轴颈下沉量30大型柴油机均采用贯穿螺栓把固定件联接在一起的主要目的是A、使被联接部件由受拉状态变成受压状态,提高机件随机械负荷的能力B、使被联接部件由受压态变成受拉状态,提高机件随机械负荷的能力C、提高机件抗疲劳强度D、防止被连接件松动,保持其相对位置31、下图是七对贯穿螺栓的示意图,正确的上紧顺序是_____A、1-2-3-4-5-6-7B、4-5-3-6-2-7-1C、7-6-5-4-3-2-1D、1-3-5-7-2-4-632、船规要求2002年7月1日后建造的国际航行船舶高压油管应设有________A、漏油防护装置B、漏油报警装置C漏油防护及报警装置 D、漏油防护、报警及停车装置33、在不设出油阀的喷油泵中,其喷油泵进没腔必设弹簧缓冲器的主要目的是______A、提高喷油泵供油能力B、防止产生穴蚀C、防止重复喷射D、保证进油腔压力稳定34、关于柴油机喷油泵出油阀的工作特性,正确的是_____①等容卸载出油阀其卸载容积随柴油机转速而变化②等容卸载出油阀的高压油管剩余压力随柴机工况而变化③等压卸载式出油阀的卸载容积随转速变化而变化④等压卸载出油阀的高压油管剩余压力随柴机工况而变化A、①B、②③C、②③④D、①②③④35、在柴油机喷油泵综合密封性的检查中,结果满足要求只能说明_______的密封良好A、出油阀B、柱塞C、出油阀和柱塞二者之一D、出油阀和柱塞二者36、各缸供油均匀性的检查的目的是要求各缸喷油泵的_________A、供油正时相同B、供油持续角相同C、供油压力相同D、柱塞的有效行程相同37、在将喷油器装入柴油机气缸盖时,错误的操作是_________A、检查其与气缸盖配合面处有无杂物B、检查其与气缸盖配合面处是否密封C、如有必要应使用专业工具研磨缸盖配合面D、安装螺栓预紧力应尽可能的大些以免漏气38、当对喷油器进行启阀压力检查与调整中,各项操作中错误的是________A、应该在专用的喷油器雾化试验平台上进行B、检查前应先检查试验平台的密封性C、接上待检喷油器后应先排出空气D、迅速泵油观察开始喷油的压力39、在柴油机中防止喷射系统穴蚀的主要措施有_________①选择适当参数和等容卸载式出油阀②采用等压卸载出油阀③提高喷油压力,降低喷油速率④在喷油泵回油腔中加装缓冲器⑤增加高压油管长度和直径⑥提高燃油的进油压力A①②③⑤ B、①③④⑤ C、①②④⑥ D、②④⑥⑤40、若某缸喷油器咬死不能开启产生的后果是_______①该缸熄火②整机转速降低③高压油管脉动微弱④该缸高压油管接头处可能冒油⑤排气冒黑烟⑥该缸排温下降A①②③⑤ B、①③④⑤ C、①②④⑥ D、②④⑥⑤41、喷油器喷孔内外结碳的直接原因在于_______A、燃油预热温度不当B、喷油器冷却不良而过热C、启阀压力太低D、喷油压力太低42、二冲程直流扫气式柴油机在气缸套扫气口上有纵横两个方向的倾斜角度,其目的是_____A、增强气缸套强度B、提高扫气速度C、有利于气缸冷却D、形成气垫,改善扫气效果43、如图所示,柴油机气阀阀杆与阀座相接触示意图,这种接触方式为___________A、内接触式B、外接触式C、半接触式D、全接触式44、柴油机最常见的气阀阀面锥角有_________A、10°和15°B、15°和20°C、20°和25°D、30°和45°45、柴油机气阀锥角增大时,会使________A、气阀对中性差,气密性好B、气阀对中性好,气密性也好C、气阀对中性好,气密性差D、气阀对中性差,气密性也差46、四冲程柴油机凸轮轴转速与曲轴转速之比为_________A、2:1B、1:1C、1:2D、1:447、在筒形活塞式柴油机中,传动凸轮的齿轮一般安装在曲轴的________A、首端B、尾端C、中部D、不定48、气阀采用液压式传动机构的优点有_______①影响气阀运动规律的因数较少②改善了气阀拆装条件③阀杆不受侧推力④总体布置较困难⑤噪声低,阀与阀座撞击小⑥压力油密封简单A、①③⑤B、②③⑤C、③④⑥D、③⑤⑥49、当排气阀在长期关闭不严不情况下工作,不会导致______A、积碳更加严重B、燃烧恶化C、爆发压力上升D、阀面烧损50、气阀阀杆卡死的原因不包括_________A、滑油高温结碳B、中心线不正C、燃烧发生后燃D、高温腐蚀51、气阀传动机构中留有气阀间隙的主要目的是_______A、给气阀阀杆受热留有膨胀余地B、起到调节气阀定时作用C、防止气阀与摇壁发生撞击D、起到储油润滑作用52、会造成柴油机气阀定时提前的是_________A、凸轮磨损B、滚轮磨损C、凸轮轴传动齿轮磨损D、传动齿轮安装不正确53、四冲程柴油机气阀间隙过大,__________敲阀最严重A、在低负荷时B、在正常负荷时C、在超负荷时D、在排气温度高时54、离心式压气机中,实现动能转变成压力能的主要部件是__________A、叶轮B、扩压器C、进气道D、排气涡壳55、增压器转子采用滑动轴承的优点是_________A、构造简单B、加速性好C、适用于高转速D、磨擦损失小56、柴油机增压气轴承烧毁最常见的原因是________①有金属碎片带入废气涡轮②滑油压力过低或油量不足③涡轮轴封处积满污垢碳渣④油质不洁或混入外来物A、①②B、②③ B、③④ D、②④57、增压器增压压下降同时转速也下降,其形成的原因可能是______A、压气机叶轮背面的气封漏气B、压气机内部的气流通道受阻C、喷嘴环变形或涡轮排气管胀缩接头漏气D、扫气箱漏气58、用听棒听到废气涡轮增压气在运转中发出钝重的嗡嗡声音,说明增压器__________A、负荷过大B、失动动平衡C、润滑不良D、密封泄漏59、干洗柴油机增压器涡轮在______A 、全负荷时效果最好 B、全负荷时效果最差C、低负荷时效果最好D、50%负荷时效果最好60、在柴油机正常工作中。
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29. 海图作业标注时,计划航线上都应标注下列哪些内容
LMT1=08h 30m 18s,则测者
Long2=108 o19’.0E的地方平时
A.03h 21m 58s B.03h 32m 23s
C.03h 38m 38s D.03h 30m 18s
48. 将世界时时刻分成
2009年第 1期海船船员适任统考试题(总第 47期)科目:航海学试卷代号: 913.
C.+5o D.-5o
35. 关于中分纬度算法的适用范围,下列哪个说法是错误的?
36. 某轮沿赤道向正东航行,航速
24. 在一个周期内相继出现几个不同闪光次数的联闪光为_______
A.明暗光 B.联闪光
C.混合联闪光 D.长闪光
25. 英版海图图式中,缩写"Lt Ho"代表_________
B.灯塔 C.大型助航浮标 D.深吃水航路
26. 英版海图图式"Pipeline Area"的含义是__________
21. 通常情况下,实际水深与图注水深之差_________
0 B.小于
0 C.等于
0 D.无法确定
22. 海图图式“R”表示该区地质为_______
A.沙 B.泥 C.淤泥
23. 下列那种高度以深度基准面作为起算面?
A.山高 B.灯高 C.桥高
A.接近测者纬度/高 B.大/高
C.小/低 D.大/低
C.自北向南 D.自南向北
A.0 o
B.90 o C.180 o D.270 o
47. 已知测者
A.北面 D.南面 C.同一点 D.不一定
A.8.36 B.12.54 C.10.45 D.20.9
A.真北和航向线之间的夹角 B.真北和方位线之间的夹角
C.陀螺北和航向线之间的夹角 D.陀螺北和方位线之间的夹角
A.0o10’EB.0o10’W C.0o50’W D.0o50’E
C.轴子午线和赤道垂直正交 D.经纬线均被投影成曲线
19. 有关卫星船位经纬度的修正资料,通常刊印在海图何处?
A.图名上方 B.图廓外上方
20. 通常情况下,物标的实际高度比英版海图所标注的高程
A.大 B.小 C.不一定 D.相等
C.61 分钟 D.70 分钟
42. 以两天极为起止点且通过格林天底的半个大圆称:
A.测者子圈 B.测者午圈
C.格林子圈 D.格林午圈
43. 天文三角形的三个顶点分别是:
A.天体、仰极和天顶 B.天极、东点的天体
C.天体、天极和天顶 D.天体、俯极和天体
44. 测者纬度一定,当天体中天时,其赤纬越,高度越,方位变化越快。
A.禁航区 B.检疫锚地 C.水上飞机降落区
27. 下列哪些内容应成为航海员判定海图资料是否可倍的依据
7 .
28. 关于海图显示与信息系统的主要功能,下列说法不正确的是________
C.地球公转 D.地球公转的速度不均匀
1小时 B.拨慢
B.椭圆体 C.椭球体 D.不规则几何体
N纬差 B.E经差、
C.30o39.’2S,15o12.’3W D.30o38.’1S,15o11.’1W
32. 某轮计划航向
C.-5o,140o D.-5o,130o
A.正东约 3.5 海里 B.正西约
C.正东约 2 海里 D.同一位置
A.连续观测船位点沿直线分布 B.位置线不相交
C.所测物标的距离通过或然船位区 D.位置线相交
A.增大 B.减小 C不变 D.不确定
38. 在用六分仪测物标垂直角求距离时,如果要得出较准确距离,物标高度应为英版海图
-当时潮高) D.(平均海面高度
39. 夜间利用两方位进行定位时,应先测:
30. 风压差小于
A.成正比 B.成反比
C.平方成正比 D.平方成反比
31. 风流合压差符号的确定原则是。
A.左舷受风,右舷受流时为正 B.左舷受流,右舷受风时为正
41. 某船航速 12 节,已知第一次观测物标
M 所科方位位置线
14 海里,
M 正横的时间为:
A.45 分钟 B.49 分钟
A.船舶在仅仅受到风的影响下的对地航程 B.船舶在仅仅受到流的影响下的对地航程粤
C.船舶在各种风流情况下的对水航程 D.船舶在各种风流情况下的对地航程
12. 顺风顺流情况下航行,船舶对水航速VL,对地航速VG,船速VE,航时
N纬差 D.W经差,
GPS船位修正的说明中有"Latitude 2.’10Northward.Longitude 1.’4 Eastward"
A.30o41.’3S,15o12.’9W B.30o40.’0S,15o11.’5W