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3、Shipped Bills of Lading 已装船提单


1)Shipped bills state definitely that the goods have been loaded, it confirms that the goods are actually on board the vessel. 已装船提单载明货物已装船,确定货物已实际装上船舶。

注释:definitely: 明确地,干脆地confirm: 确定,确认actually:实际上,事实上

2) Most bills of lading forms are printed as shipped bills and commence with wording: “Shipped in apparent good order and condition.” 大部分提单格式都会被打印成已装船提单格式并且标注“已装船外表状况明显良好“的措辞。

注释:commence with:从...开始apparent:外观的Shipped in apparent good order and condition:已装船外表状况明显良好

4、Received for shipment Bills of Lading 收货待运提单


1)Received for shipment bills state that the goods have been received for shipment, and do not indicate the actual date of loading. 收货待运提单载明货物已经收货待运,但是不显示实际的装载日期。

注释:indicate: 指出,显示

2)The received for shipment bill of lading grew up because with the development of the liner services it became the custom for the shipowner to receive the cargo some hours or even days before it was actually loaded. 收货待运提单因班轮运输业务的发展而成长起来的并逐渐成为惯例,船东在实际装载之前几个小时甚至几天收到货物。(提前收货)

注释:grow up:成长,发展development: 发展liner services: 班轮运输业务


Marine Bills of Lading 海运提单

Consignment of goods 货物托运

Destination 目的地

Document of title 物权凭证

Port of destination 目的港

Order bills of lading 指示提单

Straight bills of lading 记名提单

Shipped bills of lading 已装船提单

Shipped in apparent good order and condition 已装船外表状况明显良好Received for shipment bills of lading 收货代运提单
