lesson1 clothing

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• However, only a small minority of people dresses iHale Waihona Puke Baidu the clothing that appears in high fashion magazines or on fashion-show runways. • 然而,只有少数人的衣着会出现在高级时 装杂志或时装T型台上。
• the earliest garments were made of leather and other non-fabrics, rather than of cloth, but these non-fabric garments are included in the category of clothing. • 最早的衣物不是用织物制成的,而是用皮 革或其他非织物制成的,这些非制造衣物 也属于服装大类。 • early earlier earliest
• Fashion refers to the kinds of clothing that are in a desirable style at a particular time. • 时装是指特定时期在款式上受欢迎的各种 服装。
lesson1 CLOTHING
List the reason why people wear clothes. 1. to cover the body and keep warm 2. to protect ourselves 3. to illustrate our personalities ...
• these sources indicate that although everyday clothing does not usually change as rapidly as fashionable dress, it does change constantly. • 这些资料表明尽管日常装不像时装变化那 么快,但它也是不断变化的。
• especially today, fashion designers often use inexpensive and functional items of clothing as inspiration. • 尤其是今天,时装设计师的设计灵感常来 自于廉价面料和服装的功能性。
• reliable evidence about everyday clothing from the past can be hard to obtain because most publications and images concern the fashions of the wealthy. • 有关以往日常服装的可靠证据很难获得, 因为大多数的出版物和图片资料都只关注 富人们的服装。
• The words cloth and clothing are related, the first meaning fabric or textile, and the second meaning fabrics used to cover the body. • 布料和服装这两个词的意思是相关联的, 前者是指面料或者纺织品,后者是指用于 遮盖人体的成衣。