西南大学 《英语》参考资料
0089 20202单项选择题1、When power is removed, information in the semiconductor memory is ( )1.manipulated2.reliable3.remain4.lost2、A computer system can roughly be divided into three components except( )1.hardware2.application software3.system software4.CPU3、A processor is composed of two functional units, they are ( )1.an arithmetric/logic unit and a storage unit2. a control unit and an arithemetric/logic unit3.some registers and arithmetric/logic unit4. a control unit and some registers4、( ) is a storage location inside the CPU1.Memory2.Control3.ALU4. A register5、The basic units of a computer system are as follows( )1.CPU, Memory and disk2.CPU, Memory and I/O System3.CPU ,Input and output unit4.CPU, Memory and ALU6、( ) refers to the process of a two dimentional picture by a digital computer1.Image data file format2.Digital image processing3.Pattern recognition4.Image compression7、CPU is an important part of the computer, and it can interpret and ( ) information.1.processe3.brain4.heart8、Which following is not big 4 tech company?( )1.Ubber2.Facebook3.Apple4.Google9、Machine -language instructions are a series of ( )1.abstract codes2.0s and 1s3.words4.machine codes10、Which of the following is not an applicaton software?1. E. web browserpiler3.word processor4.database program11、Many companies use( ) to train employees.te1.technology2.multimedia applications3.animation4.entertainment12、The highest award of Computer Science is ACM( ) award1.Bill Gates2.Andrew Groves3.Alan Turing4.Steve Jobs13、Multimedia means that ( )1.it can play music2.it can rotate a three-dimensional model3.it can do all above at the same time4.it can show a graph14、When the file is not saved, document in the processing is ( )1.reliable2.lost3.remain4.manipulated15、The founder of tencent is ( )1. C. Robin LI2.Jack lee3.Jack ma4.Pony Ma16、An ISP supplies( ) that you can dial from your computer to log on the internet server.1.Help file2.Private key3.Public key4.Service number17、The windows product line includes ( )1. D. windows me2.above all3.windows xp4.windows 200018、Which following is not Object-oriented language?1.Python2.Asembly language3.Java4.C++19、Static graphics include( )1.Animators2.Pictures3.Movies4.Videos20、The ( ) serves as an interface between hardware and software1.System2.application program3.control unit4.operating system21、With IE and an Internet connection, You can search veiw the information on ( )1.Active Desktop2.Phone Dialer3.Programs4.World wide web22、The name of first electronic computer is ( )1. A. ENIAC2.ERICA3.APPLE4.EIACN23、Please find the item that is not belong to the DBA ( )1. a transaction2. a file system3. a database system4. a database language24、( )program also has potential benefits in parallel processing1.machine2.process-oriented3.object-oriented4.assembly25、The input/output devices are called( )1.Peripherals2.Cache3.Storage4.Memory26、The Internet became a lot easier for public to learn and use because of the common ( )1.topologies2.architecture3.protocolsmands27、Service that Internet can not provide includes ( )1.web surf2.cooking3.email4.web live28、( ) is designed to manage large bodies of information.1. a database language2. a file system3. a transaction4. a database system29、Today, ( ) can give you a music synthesizer, a fax machine, a CD-ROM drive, ect.1.Expansion cards2.Output device3.Joystick4.Input devices30、The end equipment in communication system does not include( )puters2.DCE3.CRTs4.keyboards判断题31、With the development of computer, the physical size of the CPU has often become bigger and1. A.√2. B.×32、The CPU is responsible for performing some arithmetric operations and logic decisions.1. A.√2. B.×33、The chipset consists of two parts: North Bridege and South Bridge1. A.√2. B.×34、O2O Model refers to online to offline1. A.√2. B.×35、an input/output device performs both input and output functions, such as a computer data s drive, memory card and tape drive)1. A.√2. B.×36、The movement of electronic signals between main memory and the ALU as well as the control controlled by the control unit of the CPU1. A.√2. B.×37、The control unit performs all the arithmetric and logical functions1. A.√2. B.×38、The four basic units of simplified computer:the input unit, central processing unit, memor1. A.√2. B.×39、The central processing unit is the heart of the computer systems.1. A.√2. B.×40、The number of IPv4 is unlimited1. A.√2. B.×41、The binary language which they are written in machine instruction is called machine langua1. A.√2. B.×42、ADD AX,BX is an instruction of machine language1. A.√2. B.×43、We can use Email only as a one-to-one platform1. A.√2. B.×44、Registers in the control unit are used to keep track of the overall status of the program1. A.√2. B.×45、The basic resources of a computer system are software and data1. A.√2. B.×46、The CPU compreises the control unit and memory1. A.√2. B.×47、Main storage and auxiliary storage are sometimes called internal memory and external memor1. A.√2. B.×48、an output device provides output from the computer, such as a computer monitor, projector,1. A.√2. B.×49、RAM is normally associated with volatile types of memory (such as DRAM modules), where sto1. A.√2. B.×50、Memory is the heart of computer system1. A.√2. B.×主观题51、A relational database is a digital database based on the of ( ) data参考答案:relational model52、A software system used to maintain relational databases is a ( )参考答案:relational database management system53、CPU chips now contain ()memory—a small amount of fast SRAM参考答案:cache54、The dominant desktop operating system is ( )with a market share of around 82.74%参考答案:Microsoft Windows55、Social media marketing is commercial promotion conducted through ( )websites.参考答案:social media56、In operating systems, ( )is the function responsible for managing the computer's prima 参考答案:memory management57、Please translate the following into English计算机芯片,也称为芯片,集成电路或嵌入了集成电路的半导体材料的小晶圆参考答案:Computer chip, also called chip, integrated circuit or small wafer of semiconductor 58、Please translate the following into Chinese通常,现代计算机由至少一个处理元件组成,通常是以金属氧化物半导体(MOS)微处理器形式组成的中央MOS 半导体)内存芯片。

Text 1导语:从教数载,你一定收到过无数的请假条,请假的理由五花八门:自个儿生病;父母亲生病;爷爷奶奶生病;小狗生病;小猫生病;跌倒摔倒;闹钟未响;车船晚点……等等等等。
等等!干嘛一定要当面揭穿?这不,Ralph Mckee Vocational School的写作课老师Frank灵机一动:与其当面让孩子难堪,何不将计就计?一堂创意写作课由此而生。
其实,教学也需要创意,你说呢?让我们都跟本文的作者Frank学学吧!TextExcuses, Excuses1Frank McCourt2My students forge (编造)the notes. I turned them into a lesson plan.[1] I was in my third year of teaching creative writing at Ralph Mckee VocationalSchool in Staten Island, New York, when one of my students, 16-year-old Mikey, gavedisguise: [dis'ɡaiz] v . 伪装;假装forge: [f ɔ:d ʒ] v . 伪造genuine: ['d ʒenjuin] adj . 真实的 lunatic: ['lju:n ətik] adj . 疯狂的;愚蠢的 epiphany: [i'pif əni] n . 顿悟anthology: [æn'θɔl əd ʒi] n . 选集me a note from his mother. It explained his absence from class the day before.[2] “Dear Mr. McCourt, Mikey ’s grandmother who is eighty years of age fell down the stairs from too much coffee 3 and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I could go to my job at the ferry (渡轮) terminal (航空站). Please excuse Mikey and he ’ll do his best in the future. P .S. His grandmother is ok.” I had seen Mikey writing the note at his desk, using his left hand to disguise (伪装) his handwriting. I said nothing.[3] Most parental-excuse notes I received back in those days were penned by my students. They ’d been forging (编造) excuse notes since they learned to write, and if I were to confront (面对) each forger I ’d be busy 24 hours a day.[4] I threw Mikey ’s note into a desk drawer along with dozens of (很多) other notes. While my classes took a test, I decided to read all the notes I ’d only glanced at (看了) before. I made two piles, one for the genuine (真实的) ones written by mothers, the other for forgeries. The second was the larger pile, with writing that ranged from imaginative (想象地,虚假的)to lunatic(愚蠢的).[5] I was having an epiphany(顿悟).[6] Isn’t it remarkable(非凡的), I thought, how the students whined(发牢骚)and said it was hard putting 200 wordsThe notes I had could be turned into an anthology(选集)of Great AmericanExcuses. They were samples of talent never mentioned(提到)in song, story orstudy.[7] Here was American high school writing at its best ---raw(未加工的), real,urgent(紧急的), lucid(清晰的), brief, and lying. I read:[8] The stove(炉灶)caught fire and the wallpaper went up and the firedepartment kept us out of the house all night.[9] Arnold was getting off the train and the door closed on his school bag andthe train took it away, He yelled to the conductor who said very vulgar(粗俗的)things as the train drove away.[10] His sister’s dog ate his homework and I hope it chokes him.[11] We were evicted(赶出)from our apartment and the mean sheriff(州长)said if my son kept yelling for his notebook he’d have us all arrested.[12] The writers of these notes didn’t realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull: “Peter was late because the alarm clock didn’t go off.”[13] One day I type out a dozen excuse notes and distributed(分布)them to my senior classes. The students read them silently, intently(专心). “Mr. Mccourt, who wrote these?”asked one boy.[14] “You did,”I said. “I omitted(省略)names to protect the guilty(内疚的). They’re supposed to be written by parents, but you and I know the real authors. Yes, Mikey?”[15] “So what are we supposed to do?”[16] “This is the first class to study the art of the excuse note---the first class, ever, to practice writing them. You’re so lucky to have your best writing and turned it into a subject worthy of study.”[17] Everyone smiled as I went on. “You didn’t settle for(满足于)the old alarm clock story. You used your imaginations. One day you might be writing excuses for your own children when they’re late or absent or up to some devilment(坏事). So try it now. Imagine you have a 15-year-old who needs an excuse for falling behind in English. Let it rip(let us begin)4.”[18] The students produced a variety of excuses, ranging from a 16-wheeler crashing into a house to a severe case of food poisoning(中毒)blamed on the school cafeteria. They said, “More, more. Can we do more?”[19] So I said, “I’d like you to write---”And I finished, “‘An Excuse Note from Adam 5 to God’or ‘An Excuse Note from Eve 6 to God.’”Heads went down. Pens raced across paper.[20] Before long the bell rang. For the first time ever I saw students soimmersed(沉浸)in their writing they had to be urged to go lunch by their friends:“Yo, Lenny. Come on. Finish it later.”[21] Next day everyone had excuse notes, not only from Adam and Eve but from God and Lucifer.One girl defended(辩护)the seduction(魅力)of Adam on the grounds that Eve was tired of lyingalso tired of God sticking his nose into their business.[22] Heated discussions followed about the relative guilt and sinfulness ofAdam and Eve. No one said anything negative(消极的)about God, though therewere hints. He could have been more understanding of the plight of(的困境)thefirst man and woman, said someone.[23] I asked the class to think about anyone in history who could use a goodexcuse note. I wrote suggestions on the board: Eva Braun, Hitler’s girlfriend. Juliusand Ethel Rosenberg8, executed for treason(判处叛国罪). Judas. Attila the Hun, LeeHarvey Oswald. Al Capone.[24] “Yo, Mr. McCourt, could you put teachers up there?”said a student.[25] And then I heard, “Mr. McCourt, the principal(主要的)is at the door.”[26] My heart sank as the principal entered, along with the superintendent(负责人)of schools. Neither acknowledged me. They walked up and down, peering at papers(看报纸). The superintendent picked one up, showed it to the principal.[27] The superintendent frowned(皱了皱眉头). The principal pursed his lips 9. On their way out, the principal said the superintendent would like to see me.[28] Here it comes, I thought. The reckoning. The principal was sitting at his desk; the superintendent was standing. “Come in,”said the superintendent. “I just want to tell you that that lesson, that project, whatever the hell you were doing, was topnotch(最高质量的)10. Those kids were writing on the college level.”[29] He turned to the principal and said, “That kid writing an excuse note forJudas. Brilliant. I just want to shake your hand,”he said, turning back to me. “Theremight be a letter in your file attesting(证明)to your energetic and imaginativeteaching. Thank you.”[30] God in heaven. High praise from an important person. Should I dancedown the hallway, or lift and fly? Next day in class, I just started singing.[31] The kids laughed. They said, “Man, school should be like this every day, us writing excuse notes and teachers singing all of a sudden(突然地).”Sooner or later(早晚有一天), I figured, everyone needed an excuse. Also, if we sang today we could sing tomorrow, and why not? You don’t need an excuse for singing.N o t e s1.This text is excerpted from Teacher Man, 2005 memoir written by Frank McCourt which describes and reflects on histeaching experiences in New York high schools and colleges.2.Frank McCourt, born in 1930 in Brooklyn, New York, began a process of self-education and improvement that led,eventually, to a career as a high-school teacher.3.too much coffee: she drank too much coffee.4.Let it rip: let us begin.5.Adam: Adam was the first man in the world according to Bible.亚当6.Eve:Eve was the first woman who lived with Adam in the garden of Eden. 夏娃7.Paradise:Paradise is a place where good people will live in happiness. 天堂8.Judas. 犹大,叛徒。

西南大学英语专业试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听对话,选择正确答案。
(每题2分,共10分)(播放对话,提供四个选项供选择)A) Option AB) Option BC) Option CD) Option D2. 听短文,回答问题。
(每题1分,共10分)(播放短文,提供问题和四个选项供选择)二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读下列短文,回答后面的问题。
(每题2分,共10分)(提供一篇短文,后面跟随几个问题)问题1: What is the main idea of the passage?A) Main Idea Option AB) Main Idea Option BC) Main Idea Option CD) Main Idea Option D2. 阅读下列短文,选择最佳标题。
(每题1分,共10分)(提供几篇短文,每篇短文后面有四个标题供选择)3. 阅读下列短文,判断正误。
(每题1分,共10分)(提供一篇短文,后面跟随几个陈述句,判断其正确性)三、词汇与语法(共20分)1. 词汇填空。
(每题1分,共10分)(提供几个句子,每个句子中有一个空格,需要填入正确的词汇)2. 语法选择题。
(每题1分,共10分)(提供几个句子,每个句子后面有四个选项,选择语法正确的句子)四、完型填空(共10分)(提供一篇短文,其中有几个空格,需要根据上下文填入最合适的词汇)五、翻译(共20分)1. 中译英。
(每题5分,共10分)(提供几个中文句子,需要翻译成英文)2. 英译中。
(每题5分,共10分)(提供几个英文句子,需要翻译成中文)六、写作(共20分)(提供写作题目,要求考生根据题目写一篇短文)答案:一、听力理解1. 正确答案:(根据听力材料提供答案)2. 正确答案:(根据听力材料提供答案)二、阅读理解1. 正确答案:(根据短文内容提供答案)2. 正确答案:(根据短文内容提供答案)3. 正确答案:(根据短文内容提供答案)三、词汇与语法1. 正确答案:(根据句子内容提供答案)2. 正确答案:(根据句子内容提供答案)四、完型填空正确答案:(根据短文内容提供答案)五、翻译1. 正确答案:(根据句子内容提供翻译)2. 正确答案:(根据句子内容提供翻译)六、写作(根据写作题目提供参考答案)请注意,以上内容为示例,实际试题及答案需要根据具体教学大纲和考试要求来制定。

西南大学英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?A. AccommodateB. AcknowledgeC. AcquaintanceD. Acquited2. The sentence "He is a man of few words but many actions." means that he is:A. TalkativeB. ReservedC. ImpulsiveD. Inactive3. In the context of a business meeting, "to table a motion" means:A. To put the motion on the tableB. To postpone the motionC. To introduce a motion for discussionD. To end the discussion of the motion4. The phrase "break the ice" is commonly used to describe:A. Starting a conversationB. Ending a relationshipC. Cooling down a heated argumentD. Freezing a liquid5. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word "literally"?A. He was literally blown away by the news.B. The book is literally full of errors.C. The movie was literally a roller coaster ride.D. She literally jumped for joy.6. The word "meticulous" is best described as:A. CarelessB. DetailedC. ConfusedD. Impatient7. In the sentence "She is the apple of his eye," the phrase "apple of his eye" means:A. Something he dislikesB. Something he cherishesC. Something he eatsD. Something he sees clearly8. The phrase "bite the bullet" is used to describe:A. Facing a difficult situation bravelyB. Eating a bulletC. Avoiding a difficult situationD. Chewing gum9. The word "quixotic" is often used to describe a person who is:A. PragmaticB. DelusionalC. RealisticD. Skeptical10. The idiom "to turn a blind eye" means:A. To ignore something intentionallyB. To see something without glassesC. To close one eye in a winkD. To look at something without seeing it二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The opposite of "transparent" is _________.2. "To go the extra mile" means to do _________.3. The word "paradox" is used to describe a situation that is _________.4. "To hit the nail on the head" means to _________.5. The phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" implies that _________.6. "To be in the dark" means to be _________.7. "To take something with a grain of salt" means to_________.8. The idiom "to let the cat out of the bag" means to_________.9. "To be on the same page" means that everyone _________.10. "To be in a pickle" means to be in a _________.三、阅读理解(每题4分,共40分)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:[Insert a short passage here. The passage should be relevant to the context of an English language exam and should containenough information to ask several comprehension questions.]1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. According to the passage, why is it important to _________?3. What does the author suggest as a solution to the problem discussed?4. How does the author support their argument?5. What is an example given in the passage to illustrate the point made?四、写作题(共20分)Write an essay on the following topic:"The Impact of Technology on Modern Communication"Your essay should be at least 300 words and should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to use appropriate examples to support your points.答案:一、选择题1. D2. B3. C4. A5. A6. B7. B8. A9. B10. A二、填空题1. opaque2. more than what is expected3. contradictory4. be exactly right5. a visual representation can convey more information than words6. uninformed or unaware7. be skeptical or not completely believe something8. reveal a secret9. agrees or understands something10. difficult situation三、阅读理解1. [Answer based on the passage's main idea]2. [Answer based on the passage's content]3. [Answer based on the passage's content]4. [Answer based on the passage's content]5. [Answer based on the passage's content]四、写作题[Essays will vary; no specific answer provided.]。

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西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程代码: 0002 学年学季:20191单项选择题1、He took the shivering little animal in his arms, and waded again through the stream. Soon he overtook the slow oxen.他用胳膊抱着直哆嗦的小狗,又游了回来,很快他就赶上了慢慢行进的牛车。
2、Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food.你想理解另一种文化吗?那么你应该找到他们的食物。
3、We paid a visit and had a talk with the landlord. We were all eager to have something like home that we could always go back to, not a hotel room no matter how nice it was.我们去看了房,同房主谈了谈。
4、For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life.A.因为如果是另外一条道路,我知道我会有怎样的感受。
因为如果这样的事发生在我身上,我知道我会有怎样的感受, 我们的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。
Nowadays, the youths do not blindly follow what their1ders say. Owing to widespread education, the influence ofwestern civilization, to certain extent,gives them a newode of philosophy,which is pletely different from that ofheir elders.An invisible cold wall thus appears between'he two generations.
After all,the young generation ,like the old one,is made of flesh and blood. The young also need Respect and they also have skills and good ideas,In order to narrow the gap, both group should respect each other, listen to the words of each other and should discuss their problems patiently.

单项选择题1、?Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food.1.你想理解另一种文化吗?那么你应该找到他们的食物。
??2、?For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life.1. A. 因为如果是另外一条道路,我知道我会有怎样的感受。
2.3.4.因为如果这样的事发生在我身上,我知道我会有怎样的感受, 我们的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。
??3、?The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.1. F. 在坎坷的人生道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬季为我门歌唱的小鸟,使得冰天雪地的严冬变得较易忍受。
4、?Even after he became famous, however, Andersen still felt like an outsider. His personal relationships caused him much pain.1.即使是他成名之后,安徒生仍然觉得自己是个局外人。

《英语二》复习资料题目1:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (I was _____ the classroom _____ the head teacher stopped me.)可选答案列表: A.leaving,while B.about to leave, when C.leaving, then D.about to leave, while题目2:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (____is better_____one’s life than_____one’s spirit.)可选答案列表: A.That, lost, you lose B.It, to lose, lose C.This , losing , losing D.It, to lose , to lose题目3:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Was it in September __________ the team succeeded __________ winning another championship?)可选答案列表: A.when, on B.that, on C.which, in D.that, in题目4:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (??I must apologize for _____ ahead to time.?? That's all right.)可选答案列表: A.letting you not know B.not letting you know C.letting you know not D.letting not you know题目5:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (.It was said___ was all___ boy had said.)可选答案列表: A.that what, what that B.what that, that what C.what what, that that D.that that, that that题目6:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me ______?)可选答案列表: A.where I can find the toilet B.where can I find the toilet C.where do I find the toilet D.the toilet is where题目7:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (?Mr Green has lost Bob’s telephone number.?__________________.)可选答案列表: A.So do I B.So have I C.So I do D.So I have题目8:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (??What did you mean by saying that???I mean no harm.I only____.)可选答案列表: A.meant heping B.want to help C.meant of help D.want helping题目9:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (A big fire _______ in a neighbouring town but it __________ soon.)可选答案列表: A.broke up, put out B.broke down,went out C.broke out, was put down D.broke out, was put out题目10:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (?What made her so disappointed??_______________ the game to her sister.)可选答案列表: A.That she lose B.She lost C.Lost D.Losing题目11:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (---- How often do you eat out?---- ________, but usually once a week.)可选答案列表: A.Have no idea B.It depends C.As usual D.Generally speaking题目12:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( -What’s the end of the story?-Nome of the five thieves escaped _______.)可选答案列表: A.being punished B.to punish C.punishing D.to be punished题目13:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (He feft a stone____his back.)可选答案列表: A.hitting B.hit C.hitted D.to hit题目14:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Rather than ______ on a crowded bus ,he always prefers ______ a bicy-cle.)可选答案列表: A.ride,ride B.riding , ride C.ride , to ride D.to ride, ridingenough to raise objections at the meeting.??Well,now I regret ______that.)可选答案列表: A.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having done题目16:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (I’d like a pen ______ .) 可选答案列表: A.to write B.to write with C.writhing D.writing with题目17:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (There ____ be a shop near the school, but it has been moved to another place.)可选答案列表: A.are used to ed to C.have D.was题目18:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (The missing boys were last seen ______near the river.)可选答案列表: A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play题目19:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Most of the artists______to the party were from South Africa.)可选答案列表: A.invited B.to invite C.being invited D.had been invited题目20:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (My husband has lost so much weight that he has to wear a belt to ____ his trousers up.)可选答案列表: A.take B.have C.get D.hold题目21:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (??Will you tell us something about the weather there???I_____ to that.)可选答案列表: A.go e C.am going D.am coming题目22:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (He came here at twelve. He______ already ________ his lunch.)可选答案列表: A.would,have B.has,had C.had,had D.have,hadschoolbag.? But didn’t I buy you _____ three months ago?)可选答案列表: A.it B.that C.one D.another题目24:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (The experiment turned out to be a complete failure, _______ wasn’t ______ they wanted.)可选答案列表: A.it, what B.as,that C.which,what D.that, what题目25:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (102. He_____ the 8:30 train because he didn’t leave.)可选答案列表: A.can’t catch B.couldn’t catch C.may not catch D.can’t have caught题目26:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (The people of St.Petersburg said they would do _______ their city.)可选答案列表: A.what they could save B.everything they could to save C.their best saving D.everything what they could to save题目27:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (——I should have gone to the concert with you yesterday.——_______ .)可选答案列表:A.That’s all right. B.Yes, you should C.It doesn’t matter to me D.What a pity题目28:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (I would love _____to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.)可选答案列表: A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.to be first playing题目29:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Unable to ______ ,the patient just shook his head when______.)可选答案列表: A.talk, speaking B.speak, spoken to C.speak, told D.say, speaking题目30:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( A family can hardly manage_______ 5000 yuan a year.)可选答案列表: A.in B.on C.with D.to题目31:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (The PLA man saved three _______ lives in the accident.)可选答案列表: A.children's B.children C.child D.childs'题目32:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (In Britain today, women ______ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.)可选答案列表: A.take up B.make up C.pick up D.give up题目33:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( --- Would you please give me a hand and carry the bookcase upstairs?--- ______________________.)可选答案列表: A.With pleasure B.My pleasure C.Go ahead D.It doesn’t matter题目34:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (____ with the new machine, a search party went into the mountains ____ to find gold.)可选答案列表: A.Armed, hoping B.Equipped, hoped C.Fixing,to hope D.Carrying, in the hope题目35:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( He doesn't tell me when he ______.I'll telephone you as soon as he ______.)可选答案列表:A.will come, comes B.will come, will come comes, will come es, comes题目36:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (English is one if ______ important subjects in our school.)可选答案列表: A.most B.the most C.more D.much more题目37:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Can you see ______?) 可选答案列表: A.behind the tree girl B.tree behind girl C.girl behind tree D.the girl behind the tree题目38:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Peter’s birthday is only two weeks _____. What do you have ______?)可选答案列表: A.far,at present B.away, at present C.far, in mind D.away, in mindroom already. It is very clean.)可选答案列表: A.has cleaned B.had cleaned C.is cleaning D.will clean题目40:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (I think the car was invented _______ 1885. )可选答案列表: A.on B.of C.at D.in题目41:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (He comes to see me _______. Which is wrong?)可选答案列表: A.every a few days B.every two days C.every other day D.every second day题目42:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (By the time she got outside, the bus _____. )可选答案列表: A.went B.gone C.has gone D.had gone题目43:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (-- The exam was easy, wasn’t it?--- Y es, but I don’t think _______ could pass it.)可选答案列表: A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody题目44:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (The young man was often seen _______by the lake.)可选答案列表: A.to draw B.to drawing C.draw D.drew题目45:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (How many times do you ______ your teeth every day?)可选答案列表: A.brush B.wear C.dress D.wash题目46:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( Jim works hard on his Chinese and _________.)可选答案列表: A.so Lucy does B.so is Lucy so does Lucy C.so Lucy isher _______.)可选答案列表: A.happily B.angrily C.crying D.angry题目48:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (I often hear the old lady _______ in the next room. Last night while I was reading in bed, I head her _______ badly. )可选答案列表: A.cough, coughing B.coughing, cough C.cough, cough D.coughing, coughing题目49:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (We found the river dangerous _______.)可选答案列表: A.to swim B.to swim in C.swimming D.for us to swim题目50:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (We’ll have a sports meeting if it ______ rain tomorrow.)可选答案列表: A.won't B.isn't C.don't D.doesn't题目51:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (At present, the Chinese government is _________ a great many experts whohave mastered the rules of the W.T.O.)可选答案列表: A.calling on B.calling for C.calling at D.calling up题目52:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (This maths problem is ________that one.)可选答案列表: A.so easy as B.as difficult as C.much difficult than D.less easier than题目53:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Don't worry! I'm sure you'll ______your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them .)可选答案列表: A.catch up with B.agree with get on well with C.make friend with题目54:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (I still remember I learnt to ____ a bike when I was ten years old.)可选答案列表: A.drive B.operate C.ride D.run题目55:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (______weather it is !)可选答案列表: A.What a fine B.How fine C.What fine D.How fine the题目56:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (?? Do you know ________ last night??? In beijing Hotel.)可选答案列表: A.where Mr Green stayed B.where did Mr Green stay C.what Mr Green did D.what did Mr Green do题目57:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (It's hard _____ a job .) 可选答案列表: A.to look for B.to find C.to find out D.to look at题目58:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (-Y our sister isn’t a nurse .is she ?-________.She teaches English in a middle school.)可选答案列表: A.No, she isn't B.Y es,she is C.Y es .she isn't D.No,she is题目59:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (There is _______park in the centre of the city .)可选答案列表: A.a B.an C.the D./题目60:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Who was the first one _______?)可选答案列表: A.to reach B.to arrive to get to C.to arrive at题目61:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Can you see _____ ?) 可选答案列表:A.what he’s reading B.what is he reading C.what does he read D.he reads what题目62:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( --- How long _____ you _____ the bicycle?--- About two weeks.)可选答案列表: A.have, had B.have, bought C.did, buy D.have, get题目63:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (I ____ to the dinnerparty here, but I've come anyhow.)可选答案列表: A.wasn't inevited B.am not invited C.haven't invited D.will invite题目64:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (? Can you ride a bike? ? No,I ______ .)可选答案列表: A.may not B.can't C.needn't D.mushn't题目65:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( - How long have you ____the football team of the school?-About two years.)可选答案列表: A.been on B.been at C.joined D.played题目66:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Shall we meet at the same place ______ we did last Sunday?)可选答案列表: A.when B.that C.as D.where题目67:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (- What a nice garden! - It ___ every day.)可选答案列表: A.is cleaning B.has cleaned C.must clean D.is cleaned.题目68:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (??Do you think I could borrow your dictionary??? ______ .)可选答案列表:A.Y es, you may borrow B.Y es, help yourself C.Y es, you could D.Y es, you go on题目69:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (?? Have you ______ everything ready for the meeting??? Not yet. We need ______ .)可选答案列表: A.got, another three chairs B.got, other three chairs C.prepared, the other three chair D.prepared, three other chairs题目70:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Would you like some tea ____ shall we start our talk now?)可选答案列表: A.and B.then C.or D.but题目71:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( Our English teacher comes ______ England.)可选答案列表: A.at B.on C.of D.from题目72:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (I want something to eat.Please give me a ______ .)可选答案列表: A.book B.watch C.shirt D.cake题目73:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (That’s not my bag. ______, this is mine.)可选答案列表: A.Look B.See C.Think D.Ask题目74:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Don't ________ Chinese in your English class.)可选答案列表: A.say B.tell C.speak D.talk题目75:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Mike speaks Chinese, _______not much.)可选答案列表: A.so B.and C.or D.but题目76:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Spaceman Y ang Liwei visited Hong Kong and the people there gave _______ a warm welcome. )可选答案列表: A.he B.she C.him D.her题目77:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( Are Kate and Ann in ______ rows?)可选答案列表: A.different B.the different C.same D.the same题目78:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (? ______ does your mother work?? In a factory.)可选答案列表: A.Where B.When C.Which D.Who题目79:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( Which ball is those______?)可选答案列表: A.boys B.boy’s C.boys’ D.boys’s题目80:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Lily, please find the city of Beijing_______.)可选答案列表: A.on the map B.on the floor C.at home D.in the room题目81:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (It's ten o'clock in the evening. Let's _______.)可选答案列表: A.go to school B.get up C.have lunch D.go to bed题目82:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (_______ are good friends.)可选答案列表: A.Y ou, I and he B.I, you and he C.Y ou, he and I D.I, he and you题目83:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( ?Can you see my blouse?--Sorry, ______.)可选答案列表: A.I can B.I don’t C.I can’t D.I am not题目84:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (This is _______ ruler.) 可选答案列表: A.my B.mine C.I D.me题目85:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (The bag is too _______.I can't put the pencil -box in.)可选答案列表: A.heavy B.full C.light D.empty题目86:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ("What day is it today?" "It's_______.")可选答案列表: A.cloudy B.7∶00 C.Monday D.October 2题目87:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( I am _______ duty this week.)可选答案列表: A.in B.at C.on D.for题目88:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (There ______ a table with three legs in Jenny’s room.)可选答案列表: A.is B.are C.has D.have题目89:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( ---What’s the time now? --- It’s____________.)可选答案列表: A.fifteen past ten B.half to eleven C.twenty past eight D.forty to six题目90:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (Those clothes are ______ Mrs. Green’s clothes line.)可选答案列表: A.in B.on C.at D.of题目91:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( Look! Li Ping and LiYing _______ volleyball now.)可选答案列表: A.play B.played C.are playing D.will play题目92:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (He is thirsty .Please give him some _______to drink.)可选答案列表: A.rice B.meat C.water D.oranges题目93:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ( the end of last monthwe had learned 5 English songs.)可选答案列表: A.By B.In C.On D.will visit题目94:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (It is hot today,_______it?)可选答案列表: A.is B.does C.isn't D.doesn't题目95:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ("Can you mend a TV set?""No, I_______.")可选答案列表: A.mustn't B.can't C.may not D.needn't题目96:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (-- What’s the _____ like today ?-- Cloudy.)可选答案列表: A.sky B.air nd D.weather题目97:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (? ______ is your sister? ? She’s eleven ye ars old.)可选答案列表: A.How old B.How many C.How much D.How long题目98:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. ("Would you like something to drink?""Yes, some_______, please.")可选答案列表: A.tea B.bread C.meat D.fish题目99:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (There are some_______ teachers under those _____ trees.)可选答案列表: A.man, apple B.men, apple C.men, apples D.man, apples题目100:Choose the ONE best answer that best completes the sentence. (_______ shall wemeet?"Tomorrow afternoon. ")可选答案列表: A.What B.Where C.How D.When。

0002 20201单项选择题1、 Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food..你想理解另一种文化吗?那么你应该找到他们的食物。
2、We paid a visit and had a talk with the landlord. We were all eager to have something like home that we could always go back to, not a hotel room no matter how nice it was..我们去看了房,同房主谈了谈。
3、 You have no idea how I felt when I had to drift about a strange city the whole day not knowing if I could find a relatively permanent place to stay..B. 我想你不会体会到我当时的那种心情:在一座陌生的城市里整天游荡,想找个相对稳定的住处而又一筹莫展。
4、For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life..A. 因为如果是另外一条道路,我知道我会有怎样的感受。
【西南大学】[机考][0849]《高级英语二》试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,At night the quiet neighborhood is shrouded in the slumbering darkness that marks most residential areas. The figure of speech used here is ________.A.transferred epithetB.antithesisC.metaphorD.ersonification第2题,It is the beauties who had the hardest time. A portrait of themselves at twenty hangs on the wall, and they try to ______ it by making an extravagant use of creams, powders, and dyes.A.resembleB.differC.avoidD.identify第3题,And when she thought of all the things they actually needed to make the place even _______ fit to live in, well, she could cry, that was all.A.decentlyB.improperlyC.uncomfortablyD.unsuitably第4题,I wish I could make you see the little stores way off in the backwoods where we would stop to _______ our food stock from time to time.plimentB.consumeC.replenishD.exhaust第5题,Every product we sell comes with a two-year .A.confirmationB.guaranteeC.safetyD.conservation第6题,The idea simply choked her. _______ meat, when they might as well have hadit fresh. Second-best and scraps and makeshifts, even to the meat!A.NutritiousB.DeliciousC.Warmed-overD.Colorful第7题,His wife is quite lazy. Her reluctance to wash her own clothes is a case point.A.toB.inC.on第8题,A good teacher should not confront his pupils too much informationin one lesson.A.fromB.byC.withD.about第9题,With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its ______.A.restraintsB.boundariesC.confinementsD.limitations第10题,The whole _______ prayed for me alone, in a mighty wail of moans and voices.A.buildingB.congregationC.circleD.mass第11题,She had borne all the ______ she meant to bear in the small flat n town; there was space here at least and she meant to keep things in order.A.neatnessB.graceC.decorationD.clutter第12题,I don't think that this question is subordinate the main aim of our company.A.forB.withC.toD.on第13题,Suspicion lasted a long time, and was________ by clashes sometimes amounting to full-fledged warfare.A.fedB.encouragedC.integratedD.nurtured第14题,That search for honors is a harmless passion, though it may lead to ______ and deformation of characters.A.infirmitiesB.jealousiesC.aspirationsD.challenges第15题,I suppose that the junk-collecting is partly from lethargy and partly fromthe feeling that everything once useful should be ______.A.abandonedB.desertedC.ignoredD.reserved第16题,1.正确答案:第17题,1.正确答案:第18题,1.正确答案:第19题,1.正确答案:第20题,1.正确答案:第21题,Directions: There is a passage with 10 blanks. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of words and expressions given in the box given before the passage. westward stock land-mad higher boundlesstrickle settle requirement stock little Then the trickle of immigrants became a stream, and the population began to move westward -- not to grab and leave but to settle and live, they thought. The newcomers were of peasant stock, and they had their roots in a Europe where they had been landless, for the possession of land was the requirement and the proof of a higher social class than they has known. In America they found beautiful and boundless land for the taking and they took it. It is little wonder that they went land-mad, because there was so much of it.正确答案:</strong>trickle westward settle stock landless</p><p>requirement higher boundless little land-mad</p><p>第22题,正确答案:第23题,Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Understanding this transition requires a look at the tow-sided connection between energy and human well-being. Energy contributes positively to well-being by providing such consumer services as heating and lighting as well as serving as a necessary input to economic production. But the costs of energy -- including not only the money and other resources devoted to obtaining and exploiting it, but also environmental and sociopolitical impacts --detract from well-being. For most of human history, the dominant concerns about energy have centered on the benefit side of the energy-well-being equation. Inadequacy of energy resources or more often of the technologies and organizations for harvesting, converting, and distributing those resources has meant insufficient energy benefits and hence inconvenience, depriving and constraints on growth.正确答案:</strong>trickle westward settle stock landless</p><p>requirement higher boundless little land-mad</p><p>第24题,正确答案:。

西南大学博士研究生入学考试《英语》试题及答案详解Part Two: Structure and Written Expression20Directions: In each question decide which of four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the ANSWERSHEET.21.The nuclear family __________ a self-contained, self-satisfying unit composed of father, mother and children.A. refers toB. definesC. describesD. devotes to22.Some polls show that roughly two-thirds of the general public believe that elderly Americans are________ by social isolation and loneliness.A. reproachedB. favoredC. plaguedD. reprehended23.In addition to bettering group and individual performance, cooperation ________ the quality of interpersonal relationship.A. ascendsB. compelsC. enhancesD. prefers24.In the past 50 years, there ________ a great increase in the amount of research _____on the human brain.A. was…didB. has been…to be doneC. was…doingD. has been…done25.“I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like _____ .”“We told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better _______ at home when you are not in the shape.”A. to throw up…to eatB. throwing up…eatingC. to throw up…eatD. throwing up…eat26. Parent shave to show due concerns to their children’s creativity and emotional output; otherwise what they think beneficial to the kids might probably _______ their enthusiasm and aspirations.A. hold backB. hold toC. hold downD. hold over27. According to psychoanalysis, a person’s attention is attracted ________ by the intensity of different signals ________ by their context, significance, and information content.A. not less than…asB. as…just asC. so much…asD. not so much…as28.They moved to Portland in1998 and lived in a big house, _______ to the south.A. the windows of which openedB. the windows of it openedC. its windows openedD. the windows of which opening29.The lady who has_______ for a night in the dead of the winter later turned out to be a distant relation of his.A. put him upB. put him outC. put him onD. put him in30.By standers,_______,_________ as they walked past lines of ambulances.A. bloody and covered with dust, looking dazedB. bloodied and covered with dust, looked dazedC. bloody and covered with dust, looked dazedD. bloodied and covered with dust, looking dazed31. Hong Kong was not a target for terror attacks, the Government insistedyesterday, as the US________ closed for an apparent security review.A. ConsulationB. ConstitutionC. ConsulateD. Consular32. American fans have selected Yao in a vote for the All-Star game ______the legendary O’Neal,who ______ the “Great Wall”at the weekend as the Rockets beat the Los Angeles Lakers.-A. in head of, ran onB. in head of, ran intoC. ahead of, ran ontoD. ahead of, ran into33. Professional archivists and librarians have the resources to duplicate materials in other formats and the expertise to retrieve materials trapped in _________ computers.A. abstractB. obsoleteC. obstinateD. obese34. She always prints important documents and stores a backup set at her house. “I actually think there’s something about the______ of paper that feels more comforting.” She said.A. tangibilityB. tanglednessC. tangentD. tantalization35.“They said what we always knew,”said an administration source,___________.A. he asked not to be namedB. who asked not to be namedC. who asked not be namedD. who asked not named36.In Germany, the industrial giants Daimler Chrysler and Siemens recently_______ their unions into signing contracts that lengthen work hours without increasing pay.A. muscledB. movedC. mushedD. muted37. He argues that the policy has done little to ease joblessness, and has left the country_______.A. energizedB. EnervatedC. NervedD. enacted38. The more people hear his demented rants, the more they see that he is a terrorist_______.A. who is pure and simpleB. being pure and simpleC. pure and simpleD. as pure and simple39. This expansion of rights has led to both a paralysis of the public service and to a rapid and terrible ________ in the character of the population.A. determinationB. deteriorationC. desolationD. desperation40._______ a declining birthrate, there will be an over-supply of 27,000 primary school places by 2010, _______ leaving 35 school sidle.B. Coupling with, equivalent toC. Coupled with, equivalent toD. Coupling with, equals toPart Three: Reading Comprehension 10Passage One The HeroMy mother’s parents came from Hungary, but my grandfather could trace his origin to Germany and also he was educated in Germany. Although he was able to hold a conversation in nine languages, he was most comfortable in German. Every morning, before going to his office, he read the German language newspaper, which was American owned and published in New York.My grandfather was the only one in his family to come to the United States with his wife and children. He still had relatives living in Europe. When the first world war broke out, he lamented the fact that if my uncle, his only son had to go, it would be cousin fighting against cousin. In the early days of the war, my grandmother begged him to stop taking the German newspaper and to take an English language newspaper, instead. He scoffed at the idea, explaining that the fact it was in German did not make it a German newspaper, but only an American newspaper, printed in German. But my grandmother insisted, for fear that the neighbors may see him read it and think he was German. So, he finally gave up the German newspaper.One day, the inevitable happened and my uncle Milton received notice to join the army. My grandparents were very upset, but my mother, his little sister, was excited. Now she could boast about her soldier brother going off to war. She was ten years old at the time, and my uncle, realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and her friends, went out and bought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted. When the day came for him to leave, his whole regiment, in their uniforms, left together from the same train station. There was a band playing and my mother and her friends came to see him off. Each one wore her service pin and waved a small American flag, cheering the boys, as they left.The moment came and the soldiers, all very young, none of whom had hadany training, but who had never the less all been issued uniforms, boarded the train. The band played and the crowd cheered. The train groaned as if it knew the destiny to which it was taking its passengers, but it soon began to move. Still cheering and waving their flags, the band still playing, the train slowly departed the station.It had gone about a thousand yards when it suddenly ground to a halt. The band stopped playing, the crowd stopped cheering. Everyone gazed in wonder as the train slowly backed up and returned to the station. It seemed an eternity until the doors opened and the men started to file out. Someone shouted, “It’s the armistice. The war is over.” For a moment, nobody moved, but then the people heard someone bark orders at the soldiers. The men lined up and formed into two lines. They walked down the steps and, with the band playing behind, paraded down the street, as returning heroes, to be welcomed home by the assembled crowd. The next day my uncle returned to his job, and my grandfather resumed reading the German newspaper, which he read until the day he died.41. Where was the narrator’s family when this story took place?A. In Germany.B. In Hungary.C. In the United StatesD. In New York.42.His grandfather ____________.A. could not speak and read English well enoughB. knew nine languages equally wellC. knew a number of languages, but felt more kin to GermanD. loved German best because it made him think of home43. His grandmother did not want her husband to buy and read newspapers in German, because ________.A. it was war time and Germans were their enemyB. the neighbors would mistake them as pro-GermanC. it was easier to get newspapers in English in AmericaD. nobody else read newspapers in German during the wartime44. The narrator’s mother wanted her brother to go to fight in the war, because________.A. like everybody else at the wartime, she was very patrioticB. she hated the war and the Germans very muchC. all her friends had relatives in war and she wanted to be like themD. she liked to have a brother she could think of as a heroPassage TwoWaking Up from the American DreamsThere has been much talk recently about the phenomenon of “Wal-Martizatio n”of America, which refers to the attempt of America’s giant Wal-Mart chain store company to keep its cost at rock-bottom levels. For years, many American companies have embraced Wal-Mart-like stratagems to control labor costs, such as hiring temps (temporary workers) and part-timers, fighting unions, dismantling internal career ladders and outsourcing to lower paying contractors at home and abroad.While these tactics have the admirable outcome of holding down consumerprices, they’re costly in other ways. More than a quarter of the labor force, about 34 million workers, is trapped in low-wage, often dead-end jobs. Many middle-income and high-skilled employees face fewer opportunities, too, as companies shift work to subcontract or sand temps agencies and move white-collar jobs to China and India.The result has been an erosion of one of America’s most cherished value: giving its people the ability to move up the economic ladder over their life times. Historically, most Americans, even low-skilled ones, were able to find poorly paid janitorial or factory jobs, then gradually climbed into the middleclass as they gained experience and moved up the wage curve. But the number of workers progressing upward began to slip in 1970s. Upward mobility diminished even more in the 1980s as globalization and technology slammed blue-collar wages.Restoring American mobility is less a question of knowing what to do than of making it happen. Experts have decried schools’in adequacy for years, but fixing them is a long, arduous struggle. Similarly, there have been plenty of warnings about declining college access, but finding funds was difficult even in eras of large surpluses.45. The American dream in this passage mainly refers to____________.A. there are always possibilities offered to people to develop themselves in the societyB. Americans can always move up the pay ladderC. American young people can have access to college, even they are poorD. the labor force is not trapped in low-wage and dead-end jobs46. Wal-Mart strategy, according to this passage, is to___________.A. hire temps and part-timers to reduce its costB. outsource its contracts to lower price agencies at home and abroadC. hold down its consumer price by controlling its labor costsD. dismantle the career ladder and stop people’s mobility upward47. Which of the following statements is NOTTRUE?A. Wal-Martization has been successful in keeping costs at rock-bottom levels.B. Upward mobility for low-skilled workers has become impossible in the U.S.C. More business opportunities are given to low-cost agencies in China and India.D. Although people know how to restore American mobility, it’s difficult to change the present situation.Passage Three Seniors and the CityTens of thousands of retirees are pulling up stakes in suburban areas and fashioningtheir own retirement communities in the heart of the bustling city. They are looking for what most older people want: a home with no stairs and low crime rates. And they are willing to exchange regular weekly golf time for rich cultural offerings, young neighbors and plenty of good restaurants. Spying an opportunity, major real-estate developer shavebroken ground on urban sites they intended to market to suburban retirees. These seniors are already changing the face of big cities. One developer, Fran Mc Carthy asks: “Who ever thought that suburban flight would be roundtrip?”The trickle of older folks returning to the city has grown into a steady stream. While some cities, especially those with few cultural offerings, have seen an exodus of seniors, urban planners say others have become retirees magnets. Between 1999 and 2000, the population of 64-to-75-year-olds in downtown Chicago rose 17 percent. Austin, New Orleans, and Los Angeles have seen double-digit increases as well. There may be hidden health benefits to city living. A study reveals that moving from suburbs to the city can ward off the byproduct of aging--- social isolation. In the next six years, downtowns are expected to grow even grayer. For affluent retirees, city life is an increasingly popular option.48. Retired seniors are moving back into the city because____________.A. they find there are too many crimes in the suburbsB. unlike the flats in the city, their country house have stairs to climbC. they are no longer interested in playing golfD. in the city, they have more social and cultural life against loneliness49. From the passage we can infer that_________.A. the real-estate developers have broken their original contracts of construction with senior retireesB. a life in the downtown city is expensive, and most of those retirees who moved back into the city are very well-offC. with more older people living in the city, the city will become gray and less beautifulD. very soon the American suburban areas will face their low population crisis50. Fran Mc Carthy’s question means: nobody ever thought that__________.A. people who moved out of the city decades ago now would move backB. suburban dwellers when moving back into the city must take roundtripC. suburban flight years ago would go in circlesD. senior people’s moving back into the city would take place all over the United StatesDirections: Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. Put your answers on ANSWERSHEET(2)15(51) Being angry increases the risk of injury, especially among men, new research says.There searchers gathered data on more than 2,400 accident victims at three Missouri hospitals. They interviewed each subject to determine the patient’s emotional state just before the injury and 24 hours earlier, gathering data on whether the patients felt irritable, angry or hostile, and to what degree. Then they compared the results with a control groupof uninjured people.(52)Despite widespread belief in “road rage,”anger did not correlate with injuries from traffic accidents.(53)Not surprisingly, anger was strongly associated with injuries inflicted deliberately. But other injuries–those neither intentionally inflicted nor from falls or traffic accidents–also showed strong associations with anger.(54)The correlations were significantly weaker for women than for men, but there were no differences by race. The authors acknowledge that their data depend on self-reports, which are not always reliable.(55)Why anger correlates with injury is not known. “I can speculate that the anger may have prompted some behavior that led to the injury, or may have simply distracted the person, leading indirectly to the injury,”said the study’s lead author.Part Four: Cloze Test10Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. Put your answers on ANSWERSHEET (2).Last year French drivers killed(56)_______ than 5,000 people on the roads for the first time in decades. Credit goes largely(57)________ the 1,000 automated radar cameras planted on the nation’s high ways since 2003, which experts reckon(58)_______ 3,000 lives last year. Success, of course breeds success: the government plans to install500(59)______radar devices this year.So it goes with surveillance these days. Europeans used to look at the security cameras posted in British cities, subways and buses(60)_______ the seeds of an Orwellian world that was largely unacceptable in Continental Europe. But last year’s London bombing, in which video cameras(61)________a key role in identifying the perpetrators, have helped spuraseachange. A month(62)_______ the London attacks, half of Germans supported EU-wide plans to require Internet providers and telecoms to store all e-mail, Internet and phone data for “anti-terror”(63)______.In a British poll, 73 percent of respondents said they were(64)_______ to give up some civil liberty to improve(65)________.Part Five: Proof reading 10Directions: In the following passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, ONE in each numbered and underlined part. You may have to change a word, add a word, or just delete a word. If you change a word, cross it with a slash(/) and write the correct word beside it. If you add a word, write the missing word between the words (in brackets) immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash(/). Put your answer on ANSWERSHEET(2).Examples:eg.1(66)The meeting begun 2 hours ago.Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(66) begunbeganeg.2(67) Scarcely they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtain went up.Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(67)(Scarcely) had (they)eg.3(68)Never will I not do it again.Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(68)not(66)Application files are piled highly this month in colleges across the country.(67) Admissions officers are poring essays and recommendation letters, scouring transcripts and standardized test scores.(68)But anything is missing from many applications: a class ranking, oncea major component in admissions decisions.In the cat-and-mouse maneuvering over admission to prestigious colleges and universities, (69) thousands of high schools have simply stopped providing that information, concluding it could harm the chances of their very better, but not best, students.(70)Canny college officials,in turn, have found a tactical way to response.(71) Using broad data that high schools often provide, like a distribution of grade averages for entire senior class, they essentially recreate an applicant’s class rank.(72)The process has left them exasperating.(73)“If we’re looking at your son or daughter and you want us to know that they are among the best in their school, with a rank we don’t necessarily know that,”said Jim Bock, dean of admissions and financialaid at Swarthmore College.(74)Admissions directors say strategy can backfire.When high schools do not provide enough general information to recreate the class rank calculation, (75) many admissions directors say they have little choice and to do something virtually no one wants them to do: give more weight to scores on the SAT and other standardized exams.Part Six: Writing15Directions: Write a short composition of about 250 to 300 words on the topic given below. Write it neatly on ANSWERSHEET(2).Recently, a newspaper carried an article entitled: “We Should No Longer Force Gong Li and Zhang Yimou to Take Part in National Politics”. The article argued that some artists and film stars are unwilling or unqualified to represent the people in the People’s Congress or the People’s Political Consultative Conference, and they should not be forced to do so. What do you think?56. fewer 57. to 58. saved 59. more 60. as 61. played 62. after 63. purposes 64. ready/ willing 65. security北京大学2006年博士入学考试试题答案Listening0.5each)1-5 BCAAD 6-10 BADCA11-15 CBADA 16-20 BDCBCC1:immune C11:insufficientC2:range C12:accidentsC3:quarter C13:wheelC4:uninterrupted C14:shiftC5:tossing C15:riskC6:destined C16:deterioratesC7:claim C17:snatchC8:fooling C18:skepticalC9:deprivation C19:substituteC10:correlation C20:insomnia Structureandwrittenexpression1pointeach)21-25accdd 26-30adaab 31-35cdbab 36-40abcbcReading1pointeach)41-45ccbda 46-50cbdbaParaphrasing:(3pointseach)51.According to new research, getting angry adds to the chances of getting physically hurt, particularly for male.52.even people generally believe that people easily get angry when driving on the road, but anger didn’t have much/anything to do with injuries from traffic accidents,/ but not many injuries from traffic accidents are the results of anger on the road.53.It is not at all surprising that anger is a very important reason for people who intentionally hurt themselves.54.We see this strong link between anger and injury more in men than in women, but different races of people did not show much variation.55. People do not know yet why anger is associated with injury. Cloze:(1pointeach)56.Fewer57.To 58.Saved 59.More 60.As 61.Played 62.After63.Purposes 64.Ready 65.SecurityProofreading:(1pointeach)66.Highly-high67.Pore-poreover68.Anything-something69.Better-good70.Response-respond71.Forentire-foranentire72.Exasperating-exasperatedbS73.With-without 74.Strategy-thestrategy 75.And-butWriting:(15points)。

西南大学英语试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A) 5:00 pmB) 6:00 pmC) 7:00 pm[答案] B2. 根据所听短文,回答以下问题:Q: What is the main topic of the passage?A) The history of the city.B) The development of tourism.C) The impact of climate change.[答案] B二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,选择最佳答案。
Passage 1:...(文章内容略)A) TrueB) FalseC) Not Given[答案] A2. 阅读以下短文,并回答以下问题。
Passage 2:...(文章内容略)Q: What can be inferred from the passage?A) The author supports the idea.B) The author is against the idea.C) The author is neutral.[答案] C三、词汇与语法(共20分)1. 从下列选项中选择最佳答案填空。
A) DespiteB) AlthoughC) Because[例句] _______ it was raining, they still went out for a walk.[答案] A2. 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。
[例句] The _______ (invent) of the computer has changed our lives.[答案] invention四、完形填空(共15分)1. 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项填空。
Passage 3:...(文章内容略)[1] A) successB) failureC) achievement[答案] A[2] A) encouragedB) discouragedC) motivated[答案] C五、翻译(共15分)1. 将下列句子从英语翻译成中文。

where those what 28?¢17.Thereisnogreaterimportance________cultivatingindependencein children.. with in of than 29?¢23.________,ficiency throughself-learningwhileinprison. A.Unbelievableasitwas B.Unbelievableifitwas D.IfitwasUnbelievable C.AsUnbelievableitwas 30?¢25.Hegotdrunkandcamebackverylate,________whichtimealltheguests hadalreadyleftastheyhadtocatchanearlyplanethefollowingday. A.after D.during B.at C.by 31?¢26.WhenheboughtPennyherfavoritebook,theHarryPotterbookseries,s hegavehima__________,sweetsmileofthanks. D.authentic A.genuine B.actual C.real 32?¢Thereis___sobeautifulasachild'sdreamofSantaClaus. nothing something anything athing 33?¢9.Theinvestigation________evidenceofalarge-scaleillegaltradein wildbirds.A.B.C.D.evolved evolved uncovered outweighed overwhelmed 34?¢3.Thereis___sobeautifulasachild'sdreamofSantaClaus.
EIGHT STRUCTURES -LIHANG西南大学博士英语考试资料,不是入学考试,是已经入学的期末考试。。-推荐下载

一、八种易错句子结构(李航)pleteness in Structure1)How to operate the computer?(口语中可以,但writing中错误)——How should the computer be operated?——Do you know how to operate the computer?2)Because he hadn’t finished his assignment, so he continued working in theclassroom.——delete because 并列句——delete so 复合句3)The old man returning home after eight years ’ absence to find that all theneighbors he had known were no longer there.——returnin g→returned——to find→found4)Mark Twain whose experience as a sailor on the Mississippi provided him withabundant materials for the novels he was to write.——whose→’s2.The right subject1)On entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, “Good morning!”——When the teacher entered the classroom, the students stood up and said, “Good morning!”——The teacher was greeted by the students, who stood up stood up and said, “Good morning!”2)Returning home after work, supper waiting for him in the kitchen.——Returning home after work, he saw/found supper waiting for him.3)After finishing her composition, the translation exercise was taken up.——After finishing her composition, she took up the translation exercise.4)Hurrying to the conference room, no one was there.——Hurrying to the conference room, he/she found no one was there.5)To look at the map, the important of the new railway was seen.——To look at the map, you may see the important of the new railway.3.Agreement between the subject and the predicate verb1)His whole family is/are here with him.(are)2)The majority of the students taking this exam are girls.(majority of +名词复数,谓语aremajority of +不可数名词,谓语is)3)The cattle belong to to that ranch. (cattle, police, people等集合名词,谓语复数)4)There is an enormous audience in the hall.5)The audience were shocked by the scenes of violence in the film.6)There is an old man and three young men.7)Either you or I am to take up the work.(后一个主语,决定谓语单复数)8)Where I can put all there is a problem.(主语从句,谓语单数)例外,What引导主从,其谓语由宾语单复数决定。
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单项选择题1、?Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food.1. 你想理解另一种文化吗?那么你应该找到他们的食物。
??2、?For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life.1.A. 因为如果是另外一条道路,我知道我会有怎样的感受。
2.因为如果这样的事发生在我身上,我知道我会有怎样的感受, 我们的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。
??3、?The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.1.F. 在坎坷的人生道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬季为我门歌唱的小鸟,使得冰天雪地的严冬变得较易忍受。
4、?Even after he became famous, however, Andersen still felt like anoutsider. His personal relationships caused him much pain.1.即使是他成名之后,安徒生仍然觉得自己是个局外人。
5、?You have no idea how I felt when I had to drift about a strange city the whole day not knowing if I could find a relatively permanent place to stay.1.你不知道我当时的那种心情:在一座陌生的城市里整天漂流,不知道能不能找个相对稳定的住处。
??6、?I often hear grown-up people say, “I could not fix my attention on the lecture or book, although I wished to do so,” and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth.1.我常常听到成年人说:“尽管我希望能集中注意力听演讲或读书,但往往做不到。
7、?I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough.1.我将记住:一位优秀的溜冰手从不试图滑向两个不同的方向。
??8、?Each region boasts its own special style of food. Visit the South and enjoy country-style cooking. Take a trip to New England and sample savory seafood dishes.1. E. 每个地区都吹嘘自己的食物。
??9、Faced with challenges, you should believe your courage is __________ makes a difference.1.that2.what??3.whatever 4.which10、—Do you have any idea of rugby?—Absolutely. It is a sport ______ players hold the ball and run withit.1.which 2. when 3. why 4.where??11、He said the eighteenth and last lesson _ quite easy.1. is2. was??3. are4.were12、Neither he nor I __from Japan, that is, neither of us _Japanese.1. is; are2. am; are??3. am; is4.are; is13、She worked ________ the problem with no difficulty. <br< span=""></br<>2. in3. on4.out??14、Someone feels _________ even when he is with many friends. <br< span=""></br<>1. lonely??2. alone3. on lonely4.in alone15、The place is worthy __________. <br< span=""></br<>1. of a visit??2. a visit3. being visited4.to visit16、I can’t _________ what he was hinting at. <br< span=""></br<>1. figure2. figure out??3. figure u4.figure at17、I don’t have any English books ______ this one.2. without3. except??4.from18、The photo ______ happy memories of my early childhood.1. refreshes2. brings to mind3. reminds myself??4.recalls19、I ______ the boy over there for years. <br< span=""></br<>1. knew2. will know3. have known??4.known20、I’ll be in the office all day, _______ you telephone. <br< span=""></br<>1. for case2. with case3. in case??4.by case21、Professor Black had us _______ a composition every Friday. <br< span=""></br<>1.to write2.written3.wrote4.write??22、Jenny, as well as her classmates???????? going to the park if it??? ?tomorrow1.is; doesn’t rain??2.is; won’t rain3.are; doesn’t rain4.are; won’t rain23、He lent me two books, but ______ of them is easy enough for me. <br< span=""></br<>1.none2.neither??3.both4.either24、—??????????????????????????? ?—One kilo, please.1.What can I do for you2.How much should I pay for it3.How much meat do you want??4.How many meters do you want25、It is not always so easy to tell the true ______ the false.1.between2.instead of3.from??4.against26、His honesty is _______. He can be always trusted.1.out of question??2.out of the question3.not the question4.in the question27、You shouldn’t ______ to others while working.1.stop talking2.stop to talk??3.stop talk4.stop over talk28、The cake looks ______ and it tastes even _____.1.well; ? good2.nice; ? ? better??3.good; ? ?worse4.better; ? ?best29、He has read many books on history, so it’s _____ for him to answer these questions.1.hard2.impossible3.easy??4.serious30、——Mary, you clean the room today, ?????????????——But I cleaned it yesterday. It’s Lily’s turn.1.don’t you2.will you??3.do you4.didn’t you31、It was reported that six ___ including a boy.1.had killed2.was killing3.were killed??4.was killed32、He is now in a difficult situation as all the public opinions are ______ him.1.with2.for3.toward4.against??—Do you enjoy your present job?— _______. I just do it for a living.1.Of course2.Not really??3.Not likely4.Not a little34、The United Nations ___ in 1945.1.was found2.was founded??3.were founded4.were found35、He’ s fed the dog and the cat, ????????? ?1.doesn’t he2.isn’t he3.wasn’t he4.hasn’t he??36、Cindy likes telling jokes. She never stops talking. She is___________.1.serious2.quiet3.shy4.outgoing??It’s very hot here. Why not _________ your coat?1.put on2.try on3.take off??4.turn off38、We also learn how to ______ well with others at school.1.get to2.get on??3.get down4.get u39、There is a truck _____ the classroom.1.in the front of2.in front of??3.in front4.at the front of40、I can’t join you in the party tonight, because I ______ the content of some reports with my boss.1.have discussed2.will be discussing??3.will discuss4.will have discussed41、The storm has caused ______ to this region.1.many damages2.much damage??3.few damages4.much damages42、I wonder?____?he can get it done in such a short time.1.when2.how??3.where4.where43、Jerry is kind??____ diligent.1.but2.but also3.and??4.yet44、Someone knocked the door ______ I was leaving the office.1.before2.if3.why4.as??45、I ______ the boy over there for years.1.knew2.will know3.have known??4.known46、She wrote back to him ________?she received his letter.1.while2.before3.whether4.as soon as??47、He’s amazingly cheerful considering all that he’s ________.1.going through2.go through3.to go through4.gone through??48、In the past, news was ________.1.sent by telegraph??2.assed from one person to another3.sent by letter4.sent by telephone49、A few hundred years ago news did not ________.1.receive attention2.travel fast3.spread to other countries??4.take long to reach other countries50、He tried to stay ______ the door and refused to get out.1.into2.within3.inside4.beyond??51、They were poor, and his father had a hard time ________.1.to make a living2.making a living??3.making a life4.to make a life52、We often take a walk ______ this road to the riverside.1.by2.along??3.on4.at53、_______ will it take you from your school to the library?1.How far2.How soon3.How long??4.How many54、Although this village isn’t big, all the other villages I _________ so far are smaller.1.have visited??2.would visit 3. visited 4.visit55、Please find out when the train _______ Beijing.1. leaves out2. left for3. leaves for??4.leaves to56、Many childless couples ________ children.1. adopt??2. adopted3. adapt4.have57、He ________ a top London clinic yesterday for an operation on his knee.1. checked with2. checked out3.checked for4.checked into??58、?The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.1. D. 在坎坷的人生道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬季为我门歌唱的小鸟,使得冰天雪地的严冬变得较易忍受。