
CONTINENTS AND REGIONS (人)的Africa ['?frik ?] 非洲French [frent ?] 法语,法国人的Asia ['ei??] 亚洲German ['d??:m?n] 德国人;日耳曼人;德语;日耳曼Australia [?s'treilj ?] 澳洲语Europe ['ju ?r?p] 欧洲Italian [i't?lj ?n] 意大利(人)的;意大利语的North America [?'merik ?] 北美洲Japanese [,d??p ?'ni:z] 日自己;日本South America 南美洲语The Arctic [' ɑ:ktik] 北极Polish ['p?li ?] 波兰(人)的;波兰语The Mediterranean [,medit ?'reinj ?n] 地中海的Portuguese [,p?:t?u'ɡi:z] 葡萄牙语的;葡萄牙(人)的COUNTRIES Russian ['r ???n] 俄罗斯的;俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的Argentina [,ɑ:d??n'ti:n ?] 阿根廷Spanish ['sp?ni ?] 西班牙语;西班牙Austria ['?stri?] 奥地利人Brazil [br?'zil] 巴西Swedish ['swi:di ?] 瑞典的;瑞典人(语)Canada ['k?n ?d?] 加拿大的Denmark ['denm ɑ:k] 丹麦Swiss [swis]瑞士(的);瑞士人(的);瑞士语Ecuador [,ekw ?'d?:,'ekw ?d?:] 厄瓜多尔(的)Egypt ['i:d ?ipt] 埃及France [fr ɑ:ns] 法国GEOGRAPHY NOUNSGermany ['d??:m?ni:] 德国NounsGreece [ɡri:s] 希腊bay [bei] 海湾;湾India ['indj ?] 印度border ['b?:d?] 界限;界线Italy ['it ?li] 意大利capital ['k?pitl] 国都;省会Japan [d??'p?n] 日本cliff [klif] 绝壁Kenya ['ki:nj ?,'kenj ?] 肯尼亚coast [k ?ust] 海岸Korea [k?'ri?,k?(:)'ri ?] 韩国desert ['dez?t] 荒漠Mexico ['meksik ?u] 墨西哥farmland ['f ɑ:ml?nd] 农田Morocco [m?'r?k?u] 摩洛哥forest ['f ?rist] 丛林Norway ['n?:wei] 挪威island ['ail ?nd] 岛屿Poland ['p?ul ?nd] 波兰mountain ['mauntin] 山丘;高峰;山脉Portugal ['p?:tju ɡ?l] 葡萄牙ocean [' ?u??n] 海洋Russia ['r???] 俄罗斯population [,p?pju'lei ??n] 人口Spain [spein] 西班牙port [p ?:t] 港口Sweden ['swi:dn] 瑞典region ['ri:d ??n] 地域Switzerland ['swits ?l?nd] 瑞士river ['riv ?] 河流;小河Thailand ['tail?nd] 泰国scenery ['si:n ?ri] 风景;风景The Netherlands ['nee?l ?ndz] 荷兰sea [si:] 海洋;海洋The USA 美国soil [s?il] 土地;泥土Turkey ['t?:ki] 土耳其stream [stri:m] 小溪;溪流valley ['v?li] 峡谷;山谷LANGUAGES/NATIONALITIES waterfall ['w ?:t?f ?:l] 瀑布American [?'merik ?n] 美国人(的)Arabic ['?r ?bik] 阿拉伯语,阿拉伯人的AdjectivesCanadian [k?'neidj?n] 加拿大的,加拿大beautiful ['bju:t ?ful] 漂亮的;漂亮的人的fast-flowing ['fl ?ui?] 迅速流动的Danish ['deini ?] 丹麦的,丹麦人的,丹rocky ['r ?ki] 岩石的;多岩石的麦语的sandy 沙的;多沙的English ['i? ɡli ?] 英国(人)的;英格兰steep-sided 边沿峻峭的thick [θ ik] 厚的blouse [blauz] 女衬衫boots [bu:ts] 靴子APPERANCES button ['b?t?n] 纽扣Nouns cap [k?p] 帽子adult ['?d ?lt] 成人coat [k ?ut] 外衣baby ['beibi] 婴儿;宝贝collar ['k?l ?] 衣领beard [bi ?d] 胡须dress [dres] 女服;连衣裙;礼child [t?aild] 孩子服childhood ['t?aildhud] 小孩期;童年时代earring ['i?,ri?] 耳饰moustache [m?s'tɑ:?] 小胡须glasses [ɡl?v] 眼镜pensioner ['pen??n?] 领养老金者;抚恤金领glove [ɡl?v] 手套取者handbag ['h?ndb? ɡ] 手提包teenager ['ti:neid ??] 年青人handkerchief ['h??k? t?if] 手帕youth [ju: ]θ青春;青年期间;少年hat [h?t] 帽子时代jacket ['d??kit] 夹克衫jeans [d ?i:nz] 牛仔裤Adjectives ['?d ?iktiv] jewellery ['d?u:?lri] 珠宝attractive [?'tr?ktiv] 吸引人的jumper ['d??mp?] 短褂bald [b?:ld] 秃的lipstick ['lipstik] 唇膏beautiful ['bju:t ?ful] 漂亮的;漂亮的perfume ['p?:fju:m] 香水blonde [bl ?nd] 金发的pocket ['p?kit] 口袋bright [brait] 聪慧的pullover ['pul ?uv?] 套衫curly ['k?:li] 卷曲的pajamas [p ?'d?ɑ:m?z] 寝衣dark [dɑ:k] 暗的raincoat ['reink ?ut] 雨衣elderly ['eld?li] 年长的ring [ri? ] 戒指fair [f??] 公正的shirt [??:t] 衬衫fat [f?t] 胖的shoes 鞋子good-looking 漂亮的shorts [??:ts] 短裤handsome ['h?ns ?m] 帅的skirt [sk?:t] 短裙light 轻的;浅的sleeve [sli:v] 袖子long 长的spots [sp?t] 污点middle-aged 中年的suit [sju:t] 套装old 老的sweater ['swet?] 毛线衫pale [peil] 苍白的sweatshirt ['swet??:t] 圆领长袖运动pretty ['priti] 漂亮的衫short 短的swimming costume ['k ?stju:m] 泳装slim 苗条的T-shirt T 恤衫smart [smɑ:t] 聪慧的;敏捷的Tracksuit 比赛服;田径straight [streit] 直的服tall 高的trousers ['trauz ?z] 裤子teenage ['ti:neid ?] 十几岁的(十三岁到十九岁)umbrella [?m'brel ?] 雨伞thin 瘦的uniform ['ju:nif ?:m] 制服ugly 丑恶的young [j ??] 年青的Adjectivescomfortable ['k ?mf?t?bl] 舒畅的CLOTHES cotton ['k ?t?n] 棉的Nouns fashionable ['f? ??n?bl] 时髦的belt [belt] 腰带;皮带gold 金的;金色的 (=golden)knitted [nit] 编织的的leather ['lee?] 皮革的;皮质annoying [?'n?ii? ] 令人烦忧的;令人厌烦的的loose [lu:s] 松的anxious ['??k ??s] 焦急的old-fashioned ['?uld'f? ??nd] 过时的calm [k ɑ:m] 沉静的;寂静的;无风silk[silk] 丝的;丝织的浪的silver ['silv ?] 银质的cheerful ['t?i?ful] 喜悦的;欣喜若狂stylish ['staili ?] 现代风格的;流行的;潇洒的的tight [tait] 紧的confidential [,k ?nfi'den ??l] 奥密的;机密valuable ['v?lju ?bl] 有价值的的woolen ['wulin] 羊毛的cross [kr ?s] 性情坏的;易性情坏的;易怒的Verbs/Verb phrases disappointed [,dis ?'p?intid] 绝望的fit [fit] 适合disappointing [,dis ?'p?inti? ] 令人绝望的;令人败兴fold [f ?uld] 折叠;合拢的go with/match 搭配dull [d ?l] 愚钝的;迟笨的;不敏感的put on 穿上embarrassed [im'b?r ?s] 难堪的take off 脱下embarrassing [im'b?r ?si?] 令人难堪try on 试穿的wear out 穿破;用坏excited [ik'saitid] 喜悦的;快乐的FRIENDS exciting [ik'saiti? ] 令人喜悦的;令人快乐Nouns 的promise ['pr ?mis] 承诺fashionable ['f? ??n?bl] 时兴的secret ['si:krit] 奥密funny ['f ?ni] 风趣的;风趣的Verbs/Verb phrases generous ['d?en?r?s] 大方的accept [ ?k'sept] 接受gentle ['d?entl] 绅士的;平和complain [k ?m'plein] 诉苦的fall out with somebody 吵嘴happy ['h?pi] 快乐的;快乐get on with somebody 与某人相处的很好的help 帮助honest ['?nist] 诚实的laugh [l ɑ:f] 笑interested ['intristid] 感兴趣的lie [lai] 躺着;说谎interesting ['intristi? ] 风趣的make up( again)和气lazy ['leizi] 懒散的promise ['pr ?mis] 承诺miserable ['miz ?r?bl] 难过的;凄惨remember [ri'memb ?] 记得的respect [ris'pekt] 敬重nervous ['n?:v?s] 紧张的share [ ???] 分享reliable [ri'lai ?bl] 可信的trust [tr ?st] 相信;相信relaxed [ri'l?kst] 放松的relaxing [ri'l?ksi? ] 令人放松的PERSONALITIES AND sensible ['sens?bl] 可感觉的;可察觉SOCIAL INTERACTION 的Adjectives serious ['si ?ri?s] 严重的amazed [ ?'meizd] 诧异的;惊讶shy [?ai] 害羞的的silly ['sili] 傻的;愚笨的amazing [ ?'meizi?] 令人诧异的stupid ['stju:pid] 愚笨的annoyed [ ?'n?i] 愤怒的;生气tired ['tai ?d] 累的;疲惫的tiring ['tai ?ri?] 令人厌烦的;麻烦brush our teeth 刷牙的catch the bus 赶汽车upset [ ?p'set] 丧气的catch the train 赶火车get dressed 穿衣服RELATIVES AND RELATIONSHIPS get undressed ['d??ɡi? ] 脱衣服Nouns [naun] get ready 准备aunt [ɑ:nt] 伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母;姨go swimming 去游泳母go jogging ['d??ɡi? ] 慢跑brother ['br ?e?] 哥哥;弟弟go to school 去上学cousin ['k?zn] 堂(表)兄弟(姐go to college ['k?lid ?] 上大学妹)go to work 去工作daughter ['d?:t?] 女儿have a bath 洗浴;洗浴father ['f ɑ:e?] 父亲;爸爸have a shower ['?au?] 淋浴father in law 岳父have a wash [w ??] 洗衣服granddaughter [' ɡr?nd,d ?:t?] 外孙女;孙女leave home 走开家grandfather [' ɡr?nd,f ɑ:e?] 祖父leave work 下班grandmother [' ɡr?nd,m ?e?] 祖母meet friends 见朋友grandson [' ɡr?nds ?n] 外孙;孙子husband ['h?zb?nd] 丈夫SPECIAL OCCASIONSmother ['m ?e?] 妈妈;母亲Nounsmother in law 岳母anniversary [,?ni'v ?:s?ri] 周年龄念nephew ['nefju:] 侄子;外甥bride [braid] 新娘niece [ni:s] 侄女;外甥女cake [keik] 蛋糕parents ['p ??r?nt] 父亲母亲guest [ɡest] 客人sister ['sist ?] 姐;妹invitation [, ?nvi'tei ??n] 邀请son [s?n] 儿子party ['p ɑ:ti] 聚会uncle [' ??kl ] 伯父;叔父;舅舅;姑父;姨父reception [ri'sep ??n] 招待wife [waif] 老婆ring [ri?] 戒指speech [spi:t ?] 演讲Verb phrases wedding ['wedi? ] 婚礼bring up 抚育;养育find out 找到DESCRIBING YOUR HOMEget on 和睦相处;获得进展;持续 (或开始 )做Nounsget up 起床air-conditioning 空调设备give up 放弃balcony ['b?lk ?ni] 天台;天台go out 出去basement ['beism ?nt] 地下室grow up 成长;长大bathroom ['b ɑ:θ rum] 卫生间keep in 控制;持续燃bedroom ['bedru:m] 寝室烧CD player CD 播放机keep on 持续cellar ['sel?] 地窖;地下室look after 照看;照料central heating ['sentr ?l] 中央暖气系统;集中供暖系统look forward to ['f ?:w ?d] 期盼chimney ['t?imni] 烟囱move in 迁入;搬来同住clothes line [kl ?uez] 衣绳run out of 用完;耗尽computer [k ?m'pju:t ?] 电脑;计算机cooker ['kuk ?] 炊具DAILY LIFE corkscrew ['k ?:kskru:](拔软木塞的 )螺丝起子Verb phrases desk [desk] 书桌brush our hair 梳头dining room ['daini? ] 餐厅dishwasher ['di ?,w???] 洗碗机KITCHEN AND LIVING ROOMentrance ['entr ?ns] 进口Nounsfence [fens] 篱笆antique [?n'ti:k] 古玩;古玩freezer ['friz ?] 冷冻机;冷冻armchair [' ɑ:m't ???] 扶手椅设备carpet ['k ɑ:pit] 地毯frying pan 煎锅;油炸锅cleaning product ['pr ?d?kt] 洁净用品garage [' ɡ?r ɑ:?] 车库cupboard ['k ?b?d] 橱柜; (放衣服、食品的 )小橱garden [' ɡɑ:dn] 花园curtain ['k ?:tn] 窗帘gate [ɡeit] 大门cushion ['ku ??n] 坐垫hall [h?:l] 礼堂;大厅;娱乐drawer [dr ?:] 抽屉场edge [ed?] 边沿hedge [hed?] 灌木树篱;栅栏;electrical item [i'lektrik ?l] 电子器件隔板fan [f?n] 电扇iron ['ai?n] 熨斗;烙铁floor [fl ?:] 地板kitchen ['kit ?in] 厨房handle ['h?ndl] 手柄;把手lawn [l ?:n] 草地;草坪kettle ['ketl] (烧水用的)living room ['livi? ] 起居室壶lounge [laund ?] 休闲室;长沙knife [naif] 刀发lamp [l?mp] 灯microwave ['maikr ?weiv] 微波炉plug [pl ?ɡ] 插座;插头path [p ɑ:θ ] 小道switch [swit ?] 开关plants 植物toy [t ?i] 玩具roof [ru:f] 屋顶vase [v ɑ:z] 花瓶rubbish bin ['r ?bi ?] 垃圾箱seat [si:t] 座位BEDROOM AND BATHROOMsitting room ['siti? ] 起居室;客堂Nounssofa ['s?uf ?] 沙发alarm clock [?'lɑ:m] 闹钟space [speis] 空间basin ['beisn] 洗脸盆;清洗step(s) 脚步槽table ['teibl] 桌子blind [blaind] 窗帘;百页窗toilet ['t ?ilit] 卫生间chest of drawers [dr ?:z] 抽屉柜tool [tu:l] 工具mirror ['mir ?] 镜子toothpaste ['tu: θ peist] 牙膏pillow ['pil ?u] 枕头video recorder [ri'k ?:d?] 录像机radio ['reidi ?u] 收音机wall [w ?:l] 围墙;墙壁rubbish bin 垃圾箱washing machine ['w ??i?] 洗衣机sheet [?i:t] 被单tap [t?p] 龙头 ;阀门Adjectives towel ['tau ?l] 毛巾comfortable ['k ?mf?t?bl] 舒坦的;舒畅的THE ENVIRONMENT [in'vai ?r?nm?nt] convenient [k ?n'vi:nj ?nt] 方便的;便利Nouns的bottle bank ['b?tl] 玻璃瓶回收站lively ['laivli] 精力充足的can [k?n] 罐头;罐neat [ni:t] 齐整的cardboard ['k ɑ:db?:d] 硬纸板peaceful ['pi:sful] 和平的climate change ['klaimit] 天气变化tidy ['taidi] 整齐的;齐整coal [k ?ul] 煤的countryside ['k ?ntrisaid] 乡间environment [in'vai ?r?nm?nt] 自然环境;周围情况flood [fl ?d] 洪水fuel [fju ?l] 燃料glass [ ɡlɑ:s] 玻璃global warming [' ɡl?ub?l] 全世界变暖litter ['lit ?] 垃圾;荒弃物metal ['metl] 金属nature ['neit ??] 自然packaging ['p?kid ?i?] 包装paper ['peip ?] 纸petrol ['petr?l] 汽油plant [pl ɑ:nt] 植物pollution [p?'lu??n] 污染plastic ['pl ɑ:stik] 塑料public transport [tr?ns'p ?:t] 公共交通rainforest ['reinf ?rist] (热带)雨林rubbish ['r ?bi?] 垃圾storm [st?:m] 狂风雨tin [tin] 锡;罐头盒traffic jam [d??m] 交通拥塞transport [tr?ns'p ?:t] 交通waste [weist] 浪费;荒弃物;荒地wildlife ['waildlaif] 野生生物OPINION AND ATTITUDEVerbsadvise [ ?d'vaiz] 建议agree [ ?'ɡri:] 赞同compare [k ?m'p??] 比较complain [k ?m'plein] 诉苦decide [di'said] 决定describe [dis'kraib] 描绘disagree [,dis ?'ɡri:] 不一样意;不一致encourage [in'k ?rid ?] 鼓舞explain [iks'plein] 解说promise ['pr ?mis] 承诺;许诺recommend [,rek?'mend] 介绍;荐举remind [ri'maind] 使想起review [ri'vju:] 回首;评论suggest [s?'d?est] 建议;提示warn [w ?:n] 警示FEELINGSAdjectivesafraid [ ?'freid] 惧怕的amazed [?'meizd] 惊讶的;诧异的angry [ '?? ɡri] 生气的anxious [ '??k ??s] 忧虑的annoyed [?'n?i] 烦忧的;愤怒的ashamed [?'?eimd] 害羞的;惭愧的calm [k ɑ:m] 沉静的;镇定的depressed [di'prest] 丧气的disappointed [?'p?intid] 绝望的frightened ['fraitnd] 惧怕的embarrassed [im'b?r ?s] 窘况的;忐忑不安的miserable ['miz ?r?bl] 难过的pleased [pli:zd] 快乐的;满意的relaxed [ri'l?kst] 放松的satisfied ['s?tisfaid] 满意的surprised [s?'praizd] 感觉诧异的upset [?p'set] 心烦的;不舒服的worried ['w ?rid] 忧虑的;担忧的Verbs/Verb phrasesbe fond of [f ?nd] 喜爱be keen on [ki:n] 喜爱dislike [dis'laik] 不喜爱;厌烦hate [heit] 仇恨;厌烦look forward to ['f ?:w ?d] 期望love 喜爱;爱好mind [maind] 介怀SHOPPINGNounsbill [bil] 账单cash [k? ?] 现金charge [t ?ɑ:d?] 收费;要价cheque [t ?ek] 支票credit card ['kredit] 信誉卡customer ['k ?st?m?] 顾客deposit [di'p ?zit] 存款discount ['diskaunt] 折扣receipt [ri'si:t] 收条cake [keik] 蛋糕;糕点refund [ri:'f ?nd] 退款candy ['k?ndi] 糖果carrot ['k?r ?t] 胡萝卜ON THE HIGH STREET cauliflower ['k ?liflau ?] 菜花Nouns chip [t ?ip] 薯条assistant [ ?'sist?nt] 助手;助理chocolate ['t ??k?lit] 巧克力checkout ['t?ekaut] 查验;结帐cereal ['si ?ri?l] 谷物chemist ['kemist] 化学家;药剂chicken ['t ?ikin] 鸡肉师coconut ['k?uk?n?t] 椰子department store [di'p ɑ:tm ?nt] 百货商铺cod [k ?d] 鳕鱼肉display [dis'plei] 陈设;展现coffee ['k ?fi] 咖啡dry cleaner ['kli:n ?] 干洗店;干洗coke [k ?uk] 爽口可乐工cookie ['kuki] 饼干escalator ['esk?leit ?] 自动扶梯cream [kri:m] 奶油hairdresser ['h??,dres?] 剪发师cucumber ['kju:k ?mb?] 黄瓜jeweller ['d?u:?l ?] 珠宝商;duck [d ?k] 鸭肉manager ['m?nid ??] 经理egg [eɡ] 鸡蛋pharmacy ['f ɑ:m?si] 药店;药房ham [h?m] 火腿post office [p?ust] 邮局flour ['flau ?] 面粉photographer [f ?'t?ɡr?f?] 拍照师grape [ɡreip] 葡萄salesman ['seilzm ?n] 销售人员honey ['h?ni] 蜂蜜travel agent ['eid??nt] 旅游代理人jam [d ??m] 果酱take-away 外卖食品;买外餐馆juice [d ?u:s] 果汁ice cream [kri:m] 冰冰激凌EATING OUT lamb [l?m] 羊肉Nouns lemon ['lem ?n] 柠檬diet ['dai?t] 平时饮食lettuce ['letis] 莴苣;生菜dessert [di'z ?:t] 饭后甜食melon ['mel ?n] 甜瓜drink [ dri?k ] 饮料milk [milk] 牛奶main course [k ?:s] 主菜mineral water ['min ?r?l] 矿泉水menu ['menju:] 菜单mushroom ['m ??rum] 蘑菇snack [sn?k] 小吃omelet ['?mlit] 煎蛋卷starter ['stɑ:t?] 开胃菜;第一pastry ['peistri] 糕点道菜pear [p ??] 梨tip [tip] 小费pepper ['pep?] 胡椒粉;辣椒waiter ['weit ?] 男服务员pie [pai] 派waitress ['weitris] 女服务员pizza ['pits ?] 匹萨plaice [pleis] 碟鱼肉FOOD AND DRINK potato [p ?'teit ?u] 土豆Nouns raisin ['reizn] 葡萄干apple ['?pl] 苹果roll [r ?ul] 面包卷banana [b?'nɑ:n?] 香蕉salad ['s?l ?d] 沙拉bean [bi:n] 豆sausage ['s?sid?] 腊肠biscuit ['biskit] 饼干soft drink 不含酒精的饮料 /软饮料bread [bred] 面包spinach ['spinid ?] 菠菜burger ['b?:ɡ?] 汉堡包steak [steik] 牛排cabbage ['k?bid ?] 卷心菜;洋白strawberry ['str ?:b?ri] 草莓菜sugar ['?uɡ?] 糖tart [t ɑ:t] 果馅饼tea [ti:] 茶tomato [t ?'mɑ:t?u] 西红柿turkey ['t?:ki] 火鸡vanilla [v ?'nil ?] 香草CONTAINERS AND AMOUNTSNounsbowl [b?ul] 碗can [k?n, k ?n] 罐cup [k ?p] 杯dish 盘;碟jug [d ??ɡ] (有柄及小口的)水壶kettle ['ketl] (烧水用的)壶loaf [l ?uf] 一条(面包)mug [m ?ɡ] 圆筒形有柄大杯packet ['p?kit] 小包;小盒;小包裹pan [p?n] 平底锅;盘子piece [pi:s] 片;块;段plate [pleit] 盘子saucer ['s?:s?] 茶碟;茶托slice [slais] 片;切片;薄片spoonful ['spu:nful] 一匙的量TASTEAdjectivesbitter ['bit ?] 苦的raw [r ?:] 生的sour ['sau?] 酸的sweet [swi:t] 甜的COOKINGNounsingredient [in' ɡri:dj ?nt] 配料instruction [in'str ?k??n] 使用说明书recipe ['res?pi] 烹饪法;食谱Verbsadd [?d] 增添bake [beik] 烤;烘焙barbecue ['b ɑ:bikju:] 烧烤野餐beat [bi:t] 搅拌 (用连续击感动作 ) 搅拌boil [b?il] 煮burn [b?:n] 焚烧cook [kuk] 烹饪cut [k ?t] 切fry [frai] 油炸;油煎grill [ ɡril] 烧烤mix [miks] 使混淆;配制pour [p?:] 涌出;倾;倒roast [r ?ust] 烤;烘焙stir [st?:] 搅拌taste [teist] 品味PUBLIC TRANSPORTNounsairline ['??lain] 航空公司airport ['??p?:t] 飞机场arrival [?'raiv ?l] 到达;到达baggage collection ['b? ɡid?] 行李领取处boarding pass ['b?:di?] 登机牌check-in 登记办理处customs 海关delay [di'lei] 耽误;延迟departure [di'p ɑ:t ??] 走开lounge [laund ?] 歇息厅destination [,desti'nei ??n] 目的地driver ['draiv ?] 司机duty-free 免税商铺fare [f ??] 票价flight [flait] 航班;航机boarding gate 登机门flight attendant [ ?'tend?nt] 空中服务人员immigration [, ?mi' ɡrei ??n] 移民局检查站;移民luggage ['l ?ɡid ?] 行李lost property ['pr ?p?ti] 招领的失物refund [ri:'f ?nd] 退款platform ['pl?tf ?:m] 站台safety ['seifti] 安全passenger ['p?sind ??] 乘客;游客pilot ['pail ?t] 飞翔员demonstration [,dem ?ns'trei ??n] 证明;示范security [si'kju ?riti] 安全;抵押品station ['stei??n] 车站;所;台;局terminal ['t ?:min ?l] 终点站timetable ['taim,teibl] 时辰表waiting room ['weiti? ] 候车室;等待室phrasesby air乘飞机;空运by land由陆路by road乘汽车;由公路hitchhiker 搭便车的旅游by sea 坐船;由海陆者by rail 乘火车;hostel ['h?st?l] 旅舍;款待所hotel [h?u'tel] 酒店;饭馆Adjectives inn [in] 小旅店;旅店comfortable ['k?mf ?t?bl] 舒畅的;舒坦interpreter [in't ?:prit ?] 口译工作者的room service ['s?:vis] 房间服务部;客房convenient [k ?n'vi:nj ?nt] 便利的服务crowded ['kraudid] 拥堵的route [ru:t] 路线;行程dangerous ['deind ??r?s] 危险的single room ['si? ɡl] 单间expensive [iks'pensiv] 昂贵的souvenir shop ['su:v ?ni ?] 礼物店empty ['empti] 空的;空虚的;空taxi rank 计程车总站;出租车总称闲的tent [tent] 帐篷inconvenient [,?nk?n'vi:nj ?nt] 不方便的tourist ['tu?rist] 旅游者;参观noisy ['n?izi] 喧杂的者quiet ['kwai ?t] 寂静的translator [tr?ns'leit ?] 翻译者reliable [ri'lai ?bl] 靠谱的view [vju:] 以为;考虑;safe [seif] 安全的观看uncomfortable [?n'k ?mf ?t?bl] 不舒畅的;令人不舒畅的Adjectives ['?d ?iktiv] unreliable ['?nri'lai ?bl] 不行靠的distant ['dist ?nt] 遥远的leisure ['le??] 休闲的Verbs/Verb phrases luxury ['l ?k ??ri] 豪侈的board [b?:d] 上(船;飞机overnight [,?uv?'nait] 一彻夜的等)check in (在机场 )办理登记手续Verbs/Verb phrasesfasten your safetybelt ['f ɑ:s?n] 系好安全带book [buk] 预约land [l?nd] 着陆camp [k?mp] 露营take off 腾飞check out 检查;结帐cycle ['saikl] 骑自行车HOLIDAYS ['h?l ?,deiz] explore [iks'pl ?:] 探究Nouns pack [p?k] 包装adventure [ ?d'vent ??]冒险relax [ri'l?ks] 放松backpack ['b?kp?k] 背包reserve [ri'z ?:v] 预约;保存brochure ['br ?u?u?] 小册子sightsee ['saitsi:] 参观backpacker ['b?kp?k] 徒步背包旅游ski [ski:] 滑雪者tour [tu ?] 参观;旅游camper ['k?mp ?] 露营者campsite [k?mp'sait] 野阵营HOBBIES ['h?bi]climber ['klaim ?] 登山者Nounsculture ['k?lt??] 文化cooking ['kuki? ] 烹饪cyclist ['saiklist] 骑自行车的人cycling ['saikli? ] 骑自行车driver ['draiv ?] 司机gymnastics [d?im'n?stiks] 体操;体育facility [f ?'siliti] 设备knitting [ 'niti? ] 针织guest [ ɡest] 游客painting [ 'peinti? ] 画画guesthouse [' ɡesthaus] 上等旅社;宾horse-riding [ 'raidi? ] 骑马馆photography [f ?'t?ɡr?fi] 拍照术guide book 指南sewing ['s?ui?] 缝纫;针线活skiing ['ski: ??] 滑雪Biology [bai'?l?d?i] 生物学Chemistry ['kemistri] 化学Verbs/Verb phrases Drama ['dr ɑ:m?] 戏剧文学keep fit 保持健康Economics [,?k?'n?miks] 经济学arrange [ ?'reind ?] 安排;准备English ['i? ɡli ?] 英语build [bild] 建筑Geography [d?i'?ɡr?fi] 地理buy [bai] 购置history ['hist ?ri] 历史学collect [k ?'lekt] 采集;珍藏Information Technology [tek'n ?l?d?i] 信息技术increase [in'kri:s] 增添Language ['l?? ɡwid ?] 语言exchange [iks't ?eind?] 互换;沟通Music ['mju:zik] 音乐perform [p?'f?:m] 表演;履行Literature ['lit ?rit ??] 文学practice ['pr?ktis] 练习Mathematics [,m? θ i'm?tiks] 数学stick [stik] 粘贴Physics ['fiziks] 物理学Science ['sai?ns] 科学OUTDOOR AND INDOOR LEISURE ACTIVITIES Spanish ['sp?ni ?] 西班牙语Nouns Sport [sp?:t] 体育boot [bu:t] 长筒靴camping [pin] 野营Adjectivescampsite [k?mp'sait] 野阵营;露营预约boring ['b?:ri?] 无聊的;无聊地的climbing [ 'klaimi? ] 登山difficult ['difik ?lt] 困难的clothing ['kl ?uei?] 衣服dull [d?l] 无聊无味的club [kl ?b] 俱乐部easy ['i:zi] 简单的dancing ['d ɑ:nsi?] 跳舞enjoyable [in'd ??i?bl] 快乐的;快乐equipment [i'kwipm ?nt] 设备的fee [fi:] 花费hard [hɑ:d] 困难的;难懂life jacket ['d??kit] 救生衣的helmet ['helmit] 头盔important [im'p ?:t?nt] 重要的member ['memb ?] 会员interesting ['intristi? ] 风趣的membership ['memb ??ip] 会员身份;会员资pointless ['p?intlis] 无心义的;无格用的sailing [ 'seili?] 航行useful ['ju:sful] 实用的society [s?'sai?ti] 社会;社团useless ['ju:slis] 无用的tent [tent] 帐篷TEACHING AND STUDYINGARRANGING A PARTY NounsNouns bell [bel] 铃声band [b?nd] 乐队board [b ?:d] 黑板barbecue ['b ɑ:bikju:] 烧烤break [breik] 短暂歇息disc jockey ['d??ki] 电台的音乐节目主持人certificate [s?'tifikit] 证书disco ['disk ?u] 迪斯科college ['k ?lid ?] 学院;大学neighbor ['neib ?] 街坊curriculum [k ?'rikjul ?m] 总课程invitation [, ?nvi'tei ??n] 邀请degree [di' ɡri:] 学位venue ['venju:] 齐集地址;会场equipment [i'kwipm ?nt] 设备essay ['esei] 散文;漫笔SUBJECTS failure ['feilj ?] 失败Nouns grade [ɡreid] 等级;程度Art [ ɑ:t] 艺术instructor [in'str ?kt?] 指导者;教师laboratory [l ?'b?r?t?ri] 实验室资料lecturer ['lekt ??r?] 讲课老师speaking [ 'spi:ki? ] 说话;讲话;method [ 'me θ?d] 方法;次序演讲professor [pr?'fes?] 教授spelling ['speli?] 拼写pupil ['pju:p ?l] 小学生vocabulary [v ?'k?bjul ?ri] 词汇qualification [,kw ?lifi'kei ??n] 合格证书;资writing ['raiti? ] 写作;书写格report [ri'p ?:t] 报告;报导Verbsresult [ri'z ?lt] 结果interpret [in't ?:prit] 解说;口译;翻译rubber ['r ?b?] 黑板擦 ;橡皮say [sei] 说ruler ['ru:l ?] 尺子translate [tr?ns'leit] 解说;翻译secondary school ['sek?nd?ri] 中学textbook ['tekstbuk] 教科书;课本ACHES AND PAINS [eik]trainer ['trein ?] 训练者Nounswelfare ['welf ??] 健康;幸福;ankle ['??kl ] 脚踝福利back [b?k] 后背bone [b ?un] 骨头Adjectives chin [t ?in] 下巴absent ['?bs ?nt] 缺席的ear [i ?] 耳朵clever ['klev ?] 聪慧机灵的eye [ai] 眼睛fair [f ??] 公正的;公正finger ['fi? ɡ?] 手指的hair [h??] 头发funny ['f ?ni] 风趣的;可笑head [hed] 头的knee [ni:] 膝盖intelligent [in'telid ??nt] 聪慧的leg [leɡ] 腿kind [kaind] 友善的;和蔼neck [nek] 脖子;颈的shoulder ['??uld ?] 肩膀patient ['pei??nt] 耐心的skin [skin] 皮肤punctual ['p??kt?u?l] 按时的throat [θ r?ut] 喉咙serious ['si?ri ?s] 严肃的;仔细thumb [θ?m] 拇指的toe [t ?u] 脚趾;足尖reasonable ['ri:z ?n?bl] 合理的backache ['b?keik] 背疼strict [strikt] 严格的cold [k ?uld] 感冒cough [k ?f] 咳嗽Verbs/Verb phrases earache ['i ?reik] 耳朵疼fail an exam [feil] 考试不及格flu [flu:] 流感hand in homework 交作业headache 'hedeik] 头疼make progress 获得进步stomachache ['st?m?keik] 肚子疼mark homework 批阅作业temperature ['temp?rit ??] 体温pass an exam [i ɡ'z?m] 考试及格toothache ['tu: θ] eik 牙痛revise [ri'vaiz] 复习study ['st?di] 学习;书斋TREATMENT ['tri:tm ?nt]take an exam 参加考试Nounsaccident ['?ksid ?nt] 事故;灾LEARNING A LANGUAGE 祸Nouns ambulance ['?mbjul ?ns] 救护车pronunciation [pr?,n?nsi'ei??n] 发音appointment [?'p?intm ?nt] 预约reading ['ri:di? ] 阅读;朗诵;阅读bandage ['b?ndid ?] 绷带chemist ['kemist] 药剂师;化学thirsty [' θ?:sti] 口渴的家dentist ['dentist] 牙医Verbs/Verb phrasesdoctor ['d?kt ?] 医生aim for [eim] 对准;致力于dressing ['dresi?] 药膏;包扎用品;衣服be active ['?ktiv] 踊跃的glasses 眼镜cycle ['saikl] 循环;骑脚踏hospital ['h ?spit?l] 医院车medicine ['medisin] 药keep/get fit 保持健康nurse [n?:s] 护士get off 起程走开patient ['pei ??nt] 病人use [ju:z] 使用plaster ['pl ɑ:st?] 石膏;膏walk [w ?:k] 行走;步行药prescription [pris'krip ??n] 处方;药Adverbs方properly ['pr ?p?li] 适合地;适合地Verbs /Verb phrases regularly ['reɡjul ?li] 有规律地;定ache [eik] 痛苦期地be injured ['ind ??] 受伤break (a nose) 折断SPORTSburn (yourself) [b?:n] 烫伤Nounscatch (an illness) [k?t ?] 得了病ball [b ?:l] 球feel (well/ill/better/sick) (感觉)basket ['b ɑ:skit] 篮子feel/fill/get (better/worse)/get/hurt (感觉)basketball ['b ɑ:skitb ?:l] 篮球put on weight [weit] 增肥bat [b?t] 球棒;球拍taste [teist] 品味boxing ['b?ksi?] 拳击cycling ['saikli? ] 骑自行车HEALTHY LIVING ['hel θi] diving ['daivi? ] 潜水Nouns fishing ['fi ?i? ] 垂钓exercise ['eks?saiz] 锻炼fishing rod [r?d] 垂钓竿fat [f?t] 脂肪football ['futb ?:l] 足球gym [d?im] 体育馆glove [ɡl?v] 手套leisure ['le ??] 空暇;安闲goal [ɡ?ul] 目标;球门lifestyle ['laif,stail] 生活方式golf [ɡ?lf] 高尔夫球liquid ['likwid] 液体gymnastics [d?im'n?stiks] 体操;体育park [pɑ:k] 公园helmet ['helmit] 头盔filling [ 'fili? ] 馅;补牙的材hockey ['h?ki] 曲棍球料horse-riding ['raidi? ] 骑马jogging ['d??ɡi?] 慢跑Adjectives marathon ['m?r ?θ?n] 马拉松active ['?ktiv] 踊跃的;主动match [m?t ?] 比赛的net [net] 网healthy [ 'hel ]θi健康的race-course [k ?:s] 赛马场;跑道fit [fit] 适合的;健康racket ['r?kit] (网球等)球的拍inactive [in'?ktiv] 不踊跃的;被result [ri'z ?lt] 结果动的running ['r ?ni? ] 跑步sensible ['sens?bl] 理智的;有知sailing ['seili? ] 风帆运动觉的score [sk?:] 得分skiing ['ski: ??] 滑雪squash [skw ??] 壁球Adjectivesstadium ['steidj ?m] 露天大型体育场;体育strong [str??] 强健的场confident ['k?nfid ?nt] 自信的stick [stik] 棍;棒swimming [ 'swimi? ] 游泳ANIMALStable tennis ['tenis] 乒乓球Nounstennis ['tenis] 网球bat [b?t] 蝙蝠track [tr?k] 跑道;轨道bear [b ??] 熊volleyball ['v?lib ?:l] 排球birds 鸟weightlifting 举重bee [bi:] 蜜蜂weigh [wei] 称的重量;衡量bull [bul] 公牛cat [k?t] 猫PEOPLE chicken ['t ?ikin] 鸡Nouns cow [kau] 母牛;奶牛champion ['t ??mpj ?n] 冠军dog [d ?ɡ] 狗coach [k ?ut?] 教练dolphin ['d?lfin] 海豚partner ['p ɑ:tn?] 搭档duck [d ?k] 鸭子player ['ple ??] 运动员elephant ['elif ?nt] 大象reserve [ri'z ?:v] 贮备;储藏fish [fi ?] 鱼team [ti:m] 队;组fur [f ?:] 毛皮teammate ['ti:m,me ?t] 队员giraffe [d ?i'r ɑ:f] 长颈鹿trainer ['trein ?] 训练者goat [ɡ?ut] 山羊winner ['win ?] 获胜者horse [h?:s] 马insect ['insekt] 昆虫Verbs/Verb phrases kitten ['kitn] 小猫dive [daiv] 潜水lamb [l?m] 小羊join in [d??in] 加入monkey ['m ??ki ] 猴子kick [kik] 踢lion ['lai ?n] 狮子play [plei] 玩;打mouse [maus] 老鼠practice ['pr?ktis] 练习parrot ['p?r ?t] 鹦鹉score [sk ?:] 得分pet [pet] 宠物swim [swim] 游泳pig [pi ɡ] 猪take part in 参加rabbit ['r?bit] 兔子sea creature ['kri:t ??] 海洋生物FITNESS sheep [?i:p] 羊Nouns snake [sneik] 蛇benefit ['benifit] 好处;利处sting [sti? ] 毒刺club [kl ?b] 俱乐部teeth [ti: ]θ牙changing room ['t ?eind?i?] 换衣室tiger ['tai ɡ?] 老虎exercise bike ['eks?saiz] 健身脚踏车turkey ['t ?:ki] 火鸡gym [d?im] 健身房whale [hweil] 鲸locker ['l?k?] 可锁定衣服柜;储物柜wild animal [waild] 野兽sauna ['saun?] 桑拿浴;蒸气wing [wi? ] 翅膀;翼浴zebra ['zi:br ?] 斑马steam room [sti:m] 蒸汽房step machine 跑步机Adjectivestrack suit [sju:t] 田径服amusing [?'mju:zi? ] 风趣的;好玩的seaside ['si:said] 海边beautiful ['bju:t ?ful] 漂亮的sky [skai] 天空dangerous ['deind ??r?s] 危险的snow [sn?u] 雪friendly ['frendli] 友善的soil [s?il] 泥土frightening [ 'fraitni? ] 惧怕的;可怕space [speis] 太空;空间的star [stɑ:] 星星useful ['ju:sful] 实用的stream [stri:m] 小溪sun [s?n] 太阳THE COUNTRYSIDE universe ['ju:niv ?:s] 宇宙Nouns valley ['v?li] 山谷bark [bɑ:k] 吠;叫wave [weiv] 波涛beach [bi:t ?] 海滩wet [wet] 雨天;湿气;湿润branch [br ɑ:nt?] 树枝wood [wud] 木头;树林;林地canal [k ?'n?l] 运河cave [keiv] 山洞Adjectivescliff [klif] 绝壁deep [di:p] 深的coast [k ?ust] 海岸high [hai] 高的collar ['k?l?] 衣领;项圈soft [s?ft] 软的;柔嫩的ear [i ?] 耳朵earth [ ?: θ] 地球;泥土Verbsegg [eɡ] 鸡蛋climb [klaim] 爬;登攀farmer ['f ɑ:m?] 农民flow [fl ?u] 循环;垂;飘farm [f ɑ:m] 农场扬field [fi:ld] 野外fish [fi ?] 鱼;鱼肉THE WEATHERflower ['flau ?] 花Nounsfur [f ?:] 毛皮cold [k ?uld] 严寒forest ['f ?rist] 丛林degree centigrade ['sentiɡreid] 摄氏度garden [' ɡɑ:dn] 花园fog [f ?ɡ] 雾grass [ ɡrɑ:s] 草frost [fr ?st] 霜harbor ['hɑ:b?] 海港gale [ɡeil] 狂风insect ['insekt] 昆虫heat [hi:t] 高温;酷热lake [leik] 湖ice [ais] 冰hill [hil] 小山lightening ['laitni? ] 闪电lamb [l?m] 小羊;羔羊肉rain [rein] 雨island ['ail ?nd] 岛屿shower ['?au?] 阵雨leaf [li:f] 叶子snow [st?:m] 雪moon [mu:n] 月亮storm [st?:m] 狂风雪ocean ['?u??n] 海洋sun [s?n] 太阳path [pɑ:θ ] 小道sunshine ['s?n?ain] 阳光pet [pet] 宠物;骄子temperature ['temp?rit ??] 温度planet ['pl?nit] 行星thermometer [θ?'m?mit ?] 温度计;体温plant [pl ɑ:nt] 植物表river ['riv ?] 小河thunder [' θ?nd?] 雷声rock [r ?k] 岩石;石头rose [r ?uz] 玫瑰Adjectivessand [s?nd] 沙子cloudy ['klaudi] 阴天的sea [si:] 海cold [k ?uld] 严寒的foggy ['f ?ɡi] 有雾的foil [f ?il] 箔;金属箔片frosty ['fr ?sti] 有霜的spring [spri?] 春季hot [h?t] 热的summer ['s?m?] 夏季icy ['aisi] 被冰覆盖的winter ['wint ?] 冬季rainy ['reini] 下雨的January ['d??nju ?ri] 一月showery ['?au?ri] 阵雨的February ['febru ?ri] 二月snowy ['sn?ui] 雪的March [m ɑ:t?] 三月stormy ['st?:mi] 有狂风雨的April ['eipr ?l] 四月sunny ['s?ni] 明朗的May [mei] 五月windy ['windi] 有风的June [d ?u:n] 六月July [d ?u:'lai] 七月Verbs August ['?:ɡ?st] 八月bum [b?m] 恳求;索求September [s?p'temb?] 九月rain [rein] 下雨October [?k't?ub?] 十月slip [slip] 滑倒;零落November [n?u'vemb?] 十一月December [di'semb ?] 十二月FORECASTERING THE WEATHERAdjectives Adjectivesbright [brait] 光明的;光明average ['?v ?rid?] 均匀的;一般的的clean [kli:n] 洁净的typical ['tipik ?l] 典型的clear [kli ?] 清亮的cool [ku:l] 凉快的TELEVISIONdry [drai] 干燥的Nounsheavy ['hevi] 重的;深重的cartoon [k ɑ:'tu:n] 动画片high [hai] 高的channel ['t ??nl] 频道light [lait] 光芒充分的;光明character ['k?rikt ?] 人物的current affairs [?'f??] 时势;新闻low [l ?u] 低的;矮的discussion [dis'k ???n] 议论mild [maild] 平和的documentary [,d?kju'ment ?ri] 纪录片strong [str ??] 激烈的drama ['dr ɑ:m?] 戏剧;剧本warm [w ?:m] 温暖的hero ['hi ?r?u] 男主人公;男weak [wi:k] 淡的;稀释的主角wet [wet] 湿的heroine ['her ?uin] 女主人公;女主角CLIMATES AND SEASONS play [plei] 戏剧;剧本Nouns natural history ['hist ?ri] 博物学;相关博物学的east [i:st] 东;东方书north [n?: θ] 北;北方presenter [pri'zent ?] 节目主持人;演播northeast [,n?: θ 'i:st] 东北员northwest [,n?: θ 'west] 西北programme ['pr ?u-ɡr?m] 节目south [ sau θ] 南;南方quiz [kwiz] 小测试west [west] 西;西方;西series ['si ?ri:z] 系列部sitcom ['sitk ?m] 情形喜剧southeast [ ,sau θ 'i:st] 东南soap [s?up] 肥皂southwest [,sau θ 'west] 西南thriller [' θ ril?] 恐惧片autumn ['?:t?m] 秋季;秋季weather forecast ['f ?:-k ɑ:st] 天气预告fall [f ?:l] 秋季;秋季。
PET 词汇+音标+中文翻译

Aabroad(adv) 往国外,海外,到处absent(adj) [’æbsənt]缺席的accept(v)[ək'sept]认可,接受access(n) ['ækses]通路, 入门, 访问• internet accessaccident(n)['æksidənt] 意外事件, 事故accommodation(n) [ə,kɔmə'deiʃən]住处accompany(v) 伴奏,陪伴according to(prep) 依照account(n) 计算,账目accurate(adj)['ækjurit] 精确的ache(n & v) 疼痛achieve(v) [ə'tʃi:v]完成,达到action(n) 动作,作用active(adj) 积极的,活跃的activity(n)[æk'tiviti]活跃, 活动, 行为actress(n)['æktris]女演员actual(adj)['æktʃuəl]实际的,真实的addition(n)[ə'diʃən]加, 加起来, 增加• in addition 另外additional(adj) 另外的,附加的admire(v)[əd'maiə]赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕admission(n) 允许进入,供认admit(v) 容许, 承认, 接纳adult(adj & n) 成人的;成年人advanced(adj)[əd'vɑ:nst]高级的,先进的advantage(n)[əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]优势,优点adventure(n) 冒险advert(n)[əd'və:t] 广告advertise(v) 做广告advice(n)忠告,建议advise(v) 忠告,建议afford(v)[ə'fɔ:d]提供,给予,供应得起afraid(adj) 害怕,担心against(prep) 反对, 逆着, 靠着aged(adj) 年老的agent(n) 代理(商)agency(n) 代理处,中介agree(v) 同意ahead(adv) 向前,提前aim(n & v)[eim]目标,目的;对…瞄准air-conditioning(n)['eəkən,dɪʃɵnɪŋ]空调airforce(n) 空军airline(n) 定期航线airmail(n) 航空邮件alarm(n)[ə'lɑ:m]警报,惊慌album(n)['ælbəm]集邮本,相册alike(adv) 以同样的方式, 类似于alive(adj) 活着的, 活泼的allow(v) 允许, 承认almost(adv) 几乎, 差不多along(adv & prep) 往前; 顺着, 沿着aloud(adv) 大声地alphabet (n)['ælfəbit]字母表although(conj)[ɔ:l'ðəu] 虽然, 尽管altogether(adv)完全地, 总而言之amazed(adj)吃惊的, 惊奇的amazing(adj)令人惊异的ambassador(n)[æm'bæsədə]大使ambition(n)[æm'biʃən]野心, 雄心ambulance(n)救护车amount(n)[ə'maunt]数量amusing(adj)[ə'mju:ziŋ]有趣的ancient(adj)['einʃənt]远古的, 旧的ankle(n)['æŋkl]踝anniversary(n)[,æni'və:səri]周年纪念announce(v)[ə'nauns]宣布, 通告announcement(n)宣告, 发表annoy(v)使苦恼, 骚扰annual(adj)['ænjuəl]一年一次的, 每年的antique(adj & n)古时的, 过时的anxious(adj)渴望的, 盼望的apart from(prep)远离, 除...之外apartment(n)公寓住宅apologise (v)[ə'pɔlədʒaiz]辩解, 道歉appear(v)[ə'piə]出现, 公开露面appearance(n)出现, 露面, 外貌application(n)请求, 申请,应用,应用程序,应用软件apply(v)申请, 应用appointment(n)约会, 指定approach(v)[ə'prəutʃ]接近, 靠近approve(v)[ə'pru:v]批准, 通过architect(n)['ɑ:kitekt]建筑师argue(v)['ɑ:ɡju:]争论, 辩论around(adv & prep)周围;在...周围arrange(v)[ə'reindʒ]安排, 排列, 协商arrest(v)逮捕, 拘留, 吸引article(n)['ɑ:tikl]文章, 论文ashamed(adj)[ə'ʃeimd] 惭愧的, 羞耻的asleep(adj)睡着的, 睡熟的at present(prep phr)现在, 目前athlete (n)['æθli:t]运动员, 运动选手athletics(n)[æθ'letɪks]运动atmosphere(n)['ætməsfiə]大气, 大气层attach (v)[ə'tætʃ]配属, 隶属于attack(n & v)[ə'tæk]进攻, 攻击; 攻击attempt(v)尝试, 企图attend(v)[ə'tend]出席, 参加, 留意attention(n)注意, 关注, 注意力,(口令)立正!attitude(n)['ætitju:d]姿势,态度,意见attract(v)[ə'trækt]吸引,有吸引力attraction(n)吸引, 吸引力attractive(adj) 吸引人的, 有魅力的automatically(adv)自动地, 机械地available(adj)可利用的, 有空的average(adj & n)['ævəridʒ]平均的; 平均avoid(v)避免, 消除awake(adj)警觉的, 醒的awful(adj)['ɔ:ful]可怕的, 威严的,Bbackground(n)背景baggage(n)['bæɡidʒ]行李, [军]辎重bake(v)烘焙, 烤, 烧硬balance(n, v)秤, 天平, 平衡; 平衡balcony(n)['bælkəni]阳台, 包厢bald(adj)光秃的, 单调的ballet(n)['bælei]芭蕾舞, 芭蕾舞剧balloon(n)[bə'lu:n]气球bandage(n)['bændidʒ]绷带bare(adj)[bɛə]赤裸的, 空的basement(n)地下室, 墙脚basic (adj)基本的, 碱性的basin(n)['beisn]盆, 盆地, 水池bat(n)蝙蝠, 球棒battle(n)['bætl]战役(指会战), 战争bay(n)[bei]海湾, 狗吠声, 绝路beard(n)[biəd]胡须beat(v)打, 打败behave(v)[bi'heiv]举动, 行为表现bell(n)铃, 钟belt(n)带子, 地带bend(n & v) 弯曲beneath(adv & prep)[bi'ni:θ]在...之下benefit(n&v)['benifit]利益, 好处; 受益beside(prep) 在旁边, 和...比较beyond(prep)[bi'jɔnd]超过bin(n) 箱柜biography(n)[bai'ɔɡrəfi]传记biology(n)[bai'ɔlədʒi]生物学, 生物(总称)bite(n & v) 咬, 刺痛bitter(adj)苦的, 痛苦的blame(n & v)[bleim]责备; 责备, 谴责bleed(v) 使出血, 放血blind(adj & n)[blaind]瞎的, 盲目的blood(n) 血, 血液, 血统blow(n & v) 殴打; 风吹, 喘气boil(v)[bɔil]煮沸, 激动bold(adj & n)[bəuld]大胆的;粗体booking office(n) 预约办公室border(n)边界, 国界, 边burglar(n)['bə:ɡlə]窃贼burglary(n)入室行窃burn(n & v)烧伤;烧, 烧焦bury(v)['beri]埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏by accident (prep phr)偶然by all means(prep phr)尽一切办法by mistake(prep phr)错误地Ccab(n)出租马车, 出租汽车, 计程车cabin(n)小屋, 船舱cable(n)电缆, 缆, 索cage(n)笼, (矿井)贯笼calculator(n)['kælkjuleitə] 计算机, 计算器calendar(n)['kælində]日历, 历法call for(phr v)要求, 为...叫喊• I’ll call for you at in(phr v)召集, 召来, 来访• She called in to see a friend.calm(adj)[kɑ:m](天气、海洋等)静的, 平静的, 镇静的, 沉着的cancel(v)['kænsəl]取消, 删去candle(n)['kændl]蜡烛canteen(n)[kæn'ti:n]小卖部, 饭盒capital(adj)['kæpitl]首都的, 大写的captain(n)['kæptin]队长, 船长, 机长, (空军,海军)上校, (陆军)上尉cardboard(adj & n)纸板carrot(n)['kærət]胡萝卜carry(v)携带, 运送, 传送carry on(phr v)继续开展, 坚持• He carried on walking despite the rain.carry out(phr v)完成, 实现, 执行cash(n & v)[kæʃ]现金;兑现cauliflower(n)['kɔliflauə][植]花椰菜cause(n & v)原因, 动机; 引起cave(n)洞穴, 窑洞ceiling(n)['si:liŋ]天花板celebrate(v)['selibreit]庆祝, 祝贺celebration(n)[,selɪ'breɪʃɵn]庆祝, 庆典celery(n)['seləri:][植]芹菜cellar(n)['selə]地窖, 地下室, 酒窖central(adj) 中心的, 中央的central heating(n)中央暖气系统cereal(n)['siəriəl]谷类食品, 谷类certain(adj)确定的certificate(n)[sə'tifikit]证书, 证明书chain(n) 链(条), 一连串challenge(n & v)['tʃælindʒ]挑战;向...挑战champion(n)['tʃæmpjən]冠军chance(n) 机会, 可能性chapter (n)(书籍)章character (n)特性, 字符, 人物charge(n & v) 电荷, 费用, 充电cheat(v) 欺骗, 骗取cheerful(adj)['tʃiəful]愉快的, 高兴的cheers! (exclam)[tʃiəz]举杯敬酒用语cheese(n)[tʃi:z]干酪chef(n) [ʃef]厨师chemist(n)化学家, 药剂师chemistry(n)化学chest(n)胸腔, 胸膛chief(adj)[tʃi:f]主要的, 首席的childhood(n)孩童时期chimney(n)['tʃimni]烟囱, 灯罩chin(n)[tʃin]下巴, 下颚clap(v)鼓掌, 轻拍classical(adj)['klæsikəl] 古典的, 正统派的classical music古典乐clean(adj & v) 干净的; 清洁clear(adj & v)清楚的, 清晰的;清除click(v)发出滴答声cliff(n)[klif]悬崖, 绝壁climate(n)气候clinic(n)门诊部, 临床cloakroom(n)['kləʊk,ru:m] (剧场等)衣帽间coal(n)[kəul]煤coast(n)[kəust]海岸, 滑坡cocoa(n)['kəʊkəʊ]可可粉coconut(n)['kəukənʌt] 椰子coin(n)[kɔin] 硬币cola(n)['kəʊlə]可乐树, 可乐类饮料collar(n)['kɔlə]领口come down(phr v) 下来, 倒塌• The house had come down in price.comedy(n)['kɔmidi]喜剧comedian(n)[kə'mi:di:ən] 喜剧演员command(v) 命令, 指挥commercial(adj)[kə'mə:ʃəl]商业的, 贸易的committee(n)[kə'miti]委员会common(adj)共同的, 公共的, 公有的communicate(v)沟通, 通信communication(n) 传达, 交通, 通讯compact(adj)[kəm'pækt] 紧凑的, 紧密的compare(v)比较comparison(n)[kəm'pærisən] 比较, 对照competition(n)[,kɔmpi'tiʃən]竞争, 竞赛complain(v)[kəm'plein]抱怨, 控诉complaint(n) 诉苦, 抱怨complete(v)完成, 使完善complicated(adj)['kɔmplikeitid] 复杂的composition(n)[,kɔmpə'ziʃən]写作, 作文concentrate(v)['kɔnsəntreit]集中, 浓缩conclusion(n)[kən'klu:ʒən]结论condition(n)[kən'diʃn]条件• in good conditionconference(n)会议, 协商会confident(adj)['kɔnfidənt]自信的confirm(v)确认congratulations! (exclam) 祝贺connect(v) 连接, 关连connection(n)连接, 关系consider(v)[kən'sidə]考虑consist(v)[kən'sist]由...组成consul(n)['kɔnsəl]领事consulate(n)['kɔnsjulit] 领事, 领事馆contact(n & v) 接触, 联系contain(v) 包含, 容纳contents(n) 内容continent(n)['kɔntinənt]大陆, 陆地continue(v)继续contract(n)合同control(n & v)控制, 支配convenient(adj)[kən'vi:njənt] 便利的, 方便的cookie(n) ['kuki]小甜饼copy(n & v)副本; 复印, 复制, 拷贝corn(n)[kɔ:n]<美>玉米, <英>谷物corner(n) 角落corridor(n)['kɔridɔ:]走廊costume(n)['kɔstju:m]装束, 服装cottage(n)['kɔtidʒ]村舍, 小别墅cotton(n)['kɔtən]棉花, 棉线cough(n & v)[kɔf]咳嗽couple(n)['kʌpl](一)对, (一)双courage(n)['kʌridʒ]勇气, 精神court(n)[kɔ:t]法院, 庭院• law court• tennis courtcover(n & v)盖子, 封面crash(n & v)[kræʃ]碰撞crazy(adj)['kreizi]疯狂的, 狂热的create(v) 创造, 创作creative(adj)[kri'eitiv]创造性的creature(n)['kri:tʃə]人, 动物credit(n) 信任, 信用crew(n)[kru:]全体人员crime(n)[kraim]犯罪, 犯罪行为criminal(n)['kriminəl]罪犯, 犯罪者cross out(phr v) 删去, 注销• Cross it out and write it again.crossroads(n)十字路, 十字路口crown(n)[kraun]王冠, 花冠cruel(adj)['kru:əl]残酷的, 悲惨的cruise(v)[kru:z]巡游, 巡航cultural(adj)['kʌltʃərəl]文化的culture(n)['kʌltʃə]文化, 文明cure(n & v)[kjuə]治愈, 治疗curious(adj)['kjuəriəs]好奇的currency(n)['kʌrənsi]流通, 货币current(adj)当前的, 现在的curriculum(n)[kə'rikjuləm]课程curry(n)['kɜ:ri:]咖哩粉, 咖哩饭菜curtain(n)['kə:tn]窗帘, 门帘curve(n & v)[kə:v] 曲线, 弯曲; 弯, 使弯曲cushion(n)['kuʃən]垫子, 软垫, 衬垫custom(n)['kʌstəm]习惯, 风俗customs officer(n) 海关官员customer(n)['kʌstəmə]消费者cut up(phr v)切碎• She cut up the cake into small pieces.cute(adj)[kju:t]可爱的, 聪明的cycle(n & v)['saikl]周期, 循环, 自行车; 循环, 骑自行车Ssalary(n)['sæləri]薪水salt(n)[sɔ:lt]食盐sand(n)[sænd]沙子, 沙滩satisfactory (adj)[,sætis'fæktəri] 满意的satisfied(adj)['sætɪs,faɪd]感到满意的saucer(n)['sɔ:sə] 碟子, 茶碟sauce?sausage(n)['sɔsidʒ]香肠, 腊肠scene(n)[si:n]情景, 景色scenery(n)['si:nəri]风景, 景色science(n)['saiəns]科学, 自然科学science fiction(n)科学幻想小说scientific(adj)[,saiən'tifik]科学的scientist(n)['saiəntist]科学家scissors(n)['sizəz]剪刀scooter(n)['sku:tə]单脚滑行车score(n & v)[skɔ:]得分; 记分• The score was 3-0. (n)• to score a goal (v)scream(n & v)[skri:m]尖声叫; 尖叫声sculpture(n)['skʌlptʃə]雕刻search(n & v)[sə:tʃ] 搜索, 搜寻season(n)['si:zən]季, 季节secondary(adj)['sekəndəri]次要的, 二级的, 第二的• secondary school = elementary schoolsecret(adj & n)['si:krit]秘密的; 秘密, 秘诀secretary(n)['sekrətəri]秘书, 书记, 部长, 大臣security(n)[si'kjuəriti]安全seem(v)象是, 似乎seldom(adv)['seldəm]很少, 不常select(v)选择, 挑选self-service(adj)自助式销售sensible(adj)['sensəbl] 有感觉的, 明智的sentence(n)['sentəns]句子, 判决separate (adj&v) ['sepəreit] 分开的; 分开,隔离series(n)['siəri:z]连续, 系列• a TV seriesserious(adj)['siəriəs]严肃的, 严重的• a serious person• a serious illnessservant(n)['sə:vənt]仆人serve(v)[sə:v]服务, 招待• to serve in a shopservice(n)['sɜːvɪs]服务• customer servicesession(n)['seʃən] 会议set(v)放, 置set free(phr v)释放set off(phr v)出发• She set off early for work.set up(phr v)设立, 开业• Her mother helped her to set up in business.several(adj)['sevrəl]几个, 个别的sew(v)[səu]缝制, 缝纫, 缝合shade(n)[ʃeid]荫• to sit in the shadeshadow(n)['ʃædəu]阴影shake(n & v)[ʃeik]摇动shallow(adj)['ʃeləu]浅的shape(n)[ʃeip]外形, 形状share(n & v)[ʃɛə] 共享sharp(adj)[ʃɑ:k]锐利的shave(n & v)[ʃeiv]剃, 刮sheet(n)[ʃi:t](一)片, (一)张,薄片, 被单• a sheet of paper• information sheetshelf(n)[ʃelf] 架子, 搁板shock(n & v)[ʃɔk]打击, 震动• to suffer from shock (n)• The film shocked me. (v)shoot(v)[ʃu:t]射击, 投射• to shoot at the goalshore(n)[ʃɔ:]岸, 海滨shoulder(n)['ʃəuldə]肩, 肩部, 侧翼show(n & v)[ʃəu] 表示, 展览; 显示, 展出• a film show (n)• Show it to me. (v)• The picture shows a village. (v)• It shows that they care. (v)sight(n)[sait] 视力, 视觉, 眼界• Her sight is better with glasses.• in sight, out of sightsightseeing(n)['sait,si:ɪŋ]观光sign(n & v)[sain]标记, 符号; 签名, 签署• a road sign (n)• to sign a document (v)• no sign of life (n)• signs of winter (n)signal(n & v)['siɡnəl]信号; 发信号signature(n)['siɡnitʃə]签名, 署名, 信号signpost(n)['saɪn,pəʊst]路标silence(n)['sailəns]静, 寂静silent(adj)['sailənt]寂静的, 沉默的silk(adj & n)[silk]丝绸silly(adj)['sili]愚蠢的, 无聊的similar(adj)['similə]相似的, 类似的sincerely(adv)[sɪn'sɪəlɪ]真诚地• Yours sincerelysingle(n & adj)['siŋɡl]单一的, 单身的; 一个• a single (ticket) to Cambridge (n)• to be single (unmarried) (adj)• a single room (adj)sink(n & v)[siŋk]水槽,水池;沉下, (使)下沉• a kitchen sink (n)• The ship began to sink. (v)site(n)[sait] 地点, 场所sitting room(n)起居室situated(adj)['sitjueitid] 位于, 处于...的立场situation(n)[,sitju'eiʃən]情形, 境遇size(n)大小, 尺寸, (衣服等)尺码skill(n)[skil] 技能, 技巧, 熟练skilled(adj)[skild]熟练的skin(n)[skin] 皮, 皮肤sleeve(n)[sli:v]袖子slice(n)[slais]薄片, 切片slip(v)[slip] 滑动, 滑倒• to slip on the iceslope(n)[sləup]斜坡,斜面,倾斜• mountain/ski slopesmell(n & v)[smel]气味, 嗅觉; 嗅, 闻到smooth(adj)[smu:ð] 平滑的, 平坦的, 平稳的• a smooth surface (level)• a smooth ride in the new car (comfortable) snack(n)[snæk]小吃, 快餐snake(n)[sneik]蛇social(adj)['səuʃəl]社会的society(n)[sə'saiəti]社会soft(adj)[sɔft]软的, 柔软的• a soft drinksoftware(n)['sɔftwɛə]软件soil(n)[sɔil] 土壤, 土地soldier(n)['səuldʒə]士兵, 军人solid(adj)['sɔlid]固体的, 实心的, 坚固的soon(adv)[su:n] 立刻, 不久sore(adj)[sɔ:]疼痛的, 痛心的sort(n)[sɔ:t] 种类, 类别• the same sortsort out(phr v)挑选出• We need to sort out this problem.sour(adj)['sauə]酸的• a sour tastesoutheast(adj & n)东南的;东南southwest(adj & n)西南的;西南方souvenir(n)['su:vəniə] 纪念品space(n)空间, 间隔, 距离• a parking space• write in the spaces• not enough space• outer spacespade(n)[speid] 铲, 铁锹,黑桃spare(adj & v)[spɛə] 多余的, 剩下的• spare cash, spare time (adj)• to spare the time (v)special (adj)['speʃəl] 特别的, 特殊的, 专门的speech(n)[spi:tʃ] 演说, 讲话speed(n)[spi:d]速度, 速率spell(v)[spel]拼写, 拼成spill(v)[spil] 溢出, 涌流, 充满spinach(n)['spinidʒ]菠菜, 胡说八道spite(n)[spait](in ~of)不顾, 不管• in spite ofspoil(v)[spɔil]损坏,搞糟,扰乱spoon(n)[spu:n]匙, 调羹, 勺子spot(n)[spɔt]班点, 污点, 地点spy(n & v)[spai]特工人员, 间谍; 侦察squash(n)[skwɔʃ] 南瓜, 易压烂的物品, 拥挤的人群, 壁球staff(n)[stɑ:f]全体职员, [音]五线谱stain(n & v)[stein]污点; 沾污stall(n)[stɔ:l] 货摊, 畜栏standard(n)['stændəd]旗,军旗, 标准, 规格state(adj & n)[steit]状态, 国家, 州; 国家的statement(n)['steitmənt]声明, 陈述statue(n)['stætju:]雕像stay behind(phr v)留下来• She stayed behind after the lesson to speak to the teacher. steak(n)[steik]肉排, 牛排steal(v)[sti:l] 偷, 窃取, 偷窃, 偷盗steam(n)[sti:m]蒸汽, 水汽steel(n)[sti:l] 钢, 钢铁steep(adj)[sti:p]陡峭的, 险峻的step(n)[step] 脚步, 步幅, 步骤, 台阶stick(n & v)[stik] 棍,棒, 手杖; 粘住, 粘贴• a walking stick (n)• to stick two things together (v)sticky(adj)['stiki] 粘的, 粘性的stiff(adj)[stif] 硬的, 僵直的stir(v)[stə:] 摇动, 激起stomach(n)['stʌmək]胃, 胃口, 胃部stream(n)[stri:m] 溪, 川, 流stress(n & v)[stres]重压; 着重, 强调• to stress the importance of something (v)• He didn’t want the stress of a new job. (n)strict(adj)[strikt] 严格的, 严厉的strike(n & v)[straik] 罢工, 打击, 殴打• to go on strike (n)• to strike something (v)studio(n)['stju:diəu]画室• TV/artists/recording studiostupid(adj)['stju:pid] 愚蠢的, 麻木的, 乏味的style (n)[stail]风格, 文体, 类型subtract (v)[səb'trækt]减去, 减succeed (v)[sək'si:d]成功, 继...之后, 继任success (n)[sək'ses]成功, 成就sudden (adj)['sʌdən]突然的, 意外的suggest (v)[sə'dʒest] 建议, 提出, 使想起,暗示suitable(adj)['sju:təbl]适当的, 相配的suitcase(n)['sju:tkeis]手提箱, 衣箱sum(n)[sʌm] 总数, 和sum up(v)计算...的总数, 总结sunbathe(v)['sʌn,beɪð] 日光浴, 太阳灯浴sunlight(n)['sʌnlait]日光, 阳光, 日照supply(v)[sə'plai] 补给, 供给support(v)[sə'pɔ:t]支撑, 扶持, 支持suppose(v)[sə'pəuz]推想, 假设, 猜想• I suppose it’s true.• You aren’t supposed to drive fast.• It’s supposed to be a good film.sure(adj)[ʃuə]对....有把握, 确信某事surprise(n & v)[sə'praiz]惊奇, 诧异sweatshirt (n)['swet,ʃɜ:t]运动衫;T-恤衫sweep (v)[swi:p]扫, 打扫, 清扫swimming costume (n)(女)游泳衣swing (n & v)[swiŋ]摇摆, 摆动• to play on a swing• to swing backwards and forwardsTtablet(n)['tæblit]写字板, 书写板take place(phr v)发生• The meeting took place at six.take up(phr v)开始从事, 继续• He decided to take up a new hobby.talent(n)['tælənt]天才, 才干, 才能tap(n)[tæp]轻打, 活栓, 水龙头• a cold-water tap (n)tape(n & v)[teip] 带子, 录音带; 录音• a tape recorder (adj)• a cassette tape (n)• to tape a conversation (v)taste(n & v)[teist]品尝; 味道, 味觉• to have good taste (n)• to taste food (v)• It tastes good. (v)tax(n & v)[tæks] 税; 对...征税team(n)[ti:m]队, 组tear(n)[tiə]眼泪• Tears ran down her cheeks.tear(v)[tiə] 扯, 撕, 撕破• to tear a piece of papertechnique(n)[tek'ni:k] 技术, 技巧technology(n)[tek'nɔlədʒi]工艺, 科技, 技术telegram(n)['teliɡræm]电报temporary (adj)['tempərəri] 暂时的,临时的,临时性term(n)[tə:m]学期, 期限, 术语terminal(n)['tə:minəl]终点站, 终端terrible(adj)['terəbl]很糟的, 可怕的text(n)[tekst]正文,原文,课文,课本theft(n)[θeft]偷, 行窃then(adv)[ðen]当时, 在那时therefore(adv)['ðɛəfɔ:]因此, 所以thermometer(n)[θə'mɔmitə]温度计, 体温计thief(n)[θi:f]小偷, 贼thirst(n)[θə:st]渴,口渴, (~for)渴望though(conj)[ðəu]虽然, 尽管thought(n)[θɔ:t] 思考, 想法, 思想• to have thoughts about something• to be deep in thoughtthriller(n)['θrilə] 使人毛骨悚然的东西throat (n)[θrəut]咽喉, 喉咙through(prep)[θru:]穿过, 通过throughout(prep)[θru:'aʊt]遍及, 贯穿throw(v)[θrəu]扔, 抛throw away(phr v)扔掉, 丢弃• He threw away the old TV.thumb(n)[θʌm]拇指tick(n & v)[tik]滴答声, 勾号; 标以记号tin(n)[tin]锡, 罐• a tin of peas• made of tintin-opener(n)开罐头刀tiny(adj)['taini]很少的, 微小的tip(n)[tip]顶, 尖端,梢, 小费• the tip of the pencil• a tip for the waitresstitle(n)['taitl] 头衔, 名称, 标题toast(n)[təust]烤面包(片), 吐司面包together(adv)[tə'ɡeðə]共同, 一起touch(v)[tʌtʃ]接触, 触摸tourism(n)['tʊər,ɪzəm]观光事业, 游览track(n)[træk]轨迹, 车辙, 跟踪• a race tracktrack suit(n)径赛服trade(n)[treid]贸易, 商业traditional(adj)[trə'dɪʃənəl]传统的trainers(n pl)训练者, 驯服者, 软运动鞋• a pair of trainerstram(n)[træm]有轨电车transfer(v)[træns'fə:]转移, 转学, 换车translate(v)[træns'leit]翻译translation(n)[træns'leiʃən]翻译transport(n & v)[træns'pɔ:t] 传送器; 运输travel(v)['trævəl] 旅行travel agent(n)traveller’s cheque(n) 旅行支票trip(n)(短途)旅行• a weekend triptrouble(n)['trʌbl] 烦恼, 麻烦trumpet (n)['trʌmpit] 喇叭trust (v)[trʌst]信任, 信赖• to trust someonetruth(n)[tru:θ]事实, 确实, 真理try on(v)试穿, 试验• to try on shoestube(n)[tju:b] 管,管子, [英]地铁,显象管• a tube of toothpastetune(n)[tju:n]曲调, 调子tunnel (n)['tʌnəl] 隧道, 地道turkey(n)['tə:ki]火鸡, 土耳其turn(n & v)[tə:n] 转动• to turn your head (v)• to turn the page (v)• It’s my turn. (n)• The wheels began to turn. (v)turn down(phr v)(被)向下折转, 拒绝• Could you turn down the music?turn into(phr v)进入, (使)变成• The water had turned into ice.turn out(phr v)生产, 关掉• He turned out the lights.turn up(phr v) 开大• Turn up the radio - I can hardly hear it.turning(n)['tɜ:nɪŋ]旋转, 转向, 转弯处• the first turning on the lefttwin(n)[twin]双胞胎中一人, 孪生子type(n & v)类型; 打字• a type of person (n)• to type a letter (v)typical(adj)['tipikəl]典型的, 象征性的tyre(n)['taiə] 轮胎Uumbrella(n)[ʌm'brelə] 伞, 雨伞, 庇护unable(adj)[ʌn'eɪbəl]不能的,不会的underpants(n)['ʌndə,pænts]内衣裤understand(v)[,ʌndə'stænd]懂universe(n)['ju:nivə:s] 宇宙university(n)[,ju:ni'və:siti] (综合)大学unleaded(adj)无铅的,不含铅的(汽油)unless(conj)[ʌn'les]如果不, 除非up to(prep phr)一直到• up to six peopleup to date(prep phr)最近的, 最新的update(n & v)[ʌp'deit]现代化, 更新upon(prep)[ə'pɔn]在...之上upset(adj)[ʌp'set]不安的urgent(adj)['ə:dʒənt]急迫的, 紧急的usual(adj)['ju:ʒuəl]平常的, 通常的Vvalley(n)['væli](山)谷, 流域value(n)['vælju]价值, 估价van(n)[væn] 有篷货车variety(n)[və'raiəti]变化, 多样性various(adj)['vɛəriəs]不同的, 各种各样的vase(n)[vɑ:z]花瓶, 瓶veal(n)[vi:l]小牛肉, 幼小的菜牛vegetarian(n & adj)[,vedʒɪ'teəri:ən]素食者; 素食的vehicle(n)['vi:ɪkl] 交通工具, 车辆venue(n)['venju:] 犯罪地点, 审判地victim(n)['viktim]受害人, 牺牲者victory(n)['viktəri]胜利view(n)[vju:] 景色, 风景• a beautiful viewvillage(n)乡村, 村庄violin(n)[,vaiə'lin] 小提琴, 小提琴手visa(n)['vi:zə]签证vocabulary(n)[və'kæbjuləri]词汇, 词汇量, 词表voice(n)[vɔis]声音volleyball(n)['vɔlibɔ:l]排球vote(n & v)[vəut] 投票, 选票; 投票voyage(n)['vɔiidʒ] 航程, 航空, 航海Wwage(s) (n)[weidʒ]工资waiter(n)['weitə]侍者, 服务员waitresswallet(n)['wɔlit] 皮夹, 钱夹war(n)[wɔ:] 战争ward(n)[wɔ:d]守卫, 保卫warn(v)[wɔ:n]警告, 注意, 通知wash up(v)洗餐具washing up(n)洗涤waste(adj & v)[weist] 废弃的; 浪费waterfall(n)['wɔ:tə,fɔ:l]瀑布wave(n & v)[weiv]波, 波浪; 波动, 飘动• to wave goodbyewear off(phr v)逐渐减弱,• Has the pain worn off yet?wear out (phr v & adj)穿破, 消磨• You’ll wear out those['wediŋ]婚礼, 婚宴weekly(adj & adv)每星期的;每周一次weigh(v)[wei]称...重量, 称weight(n)[weit]重力, 重量welfare(n)['welfɛə]福利well-made(adj)做工考究的wheelchair(n)['hwi:l,tʃeə]轮椅wide(adj & adv)宽的; 广阔地width(n)宽度wild(adj)野性的, 野生的wildlife(n)['waɪld,laɪf]野生动植物windscreen(n)风档玻璃windsurfing(n)〈体〉帆板运动wing(n)[wiŋ]翅, 翅膀• a bird’s wing• the wing of an aeroplane wire(n)['waiə]金属丝, 电线• an electrical wire• a wire fencewise(adj)[waiz]英明的, 明智的wish(n & v)[wiʃ] 愿望; 希望within(adv & prep)在内部; 在...之内witness(n & v)['witnis][律]证人; 作证wood(n)[wud]木头, 木材, 树木• to be made of woodwooden(adj)['wudn]木制的wool(n)[wul]羊毛woolenworth(adj)[wɚθ]值钱的wound(n & v)[wu:nd] 创伤, 伤口; 击伤wrap (up) (v)[ræp]缠绕Yyearly(adj & adv)每年的; 每年youth(n)[ju:θ]青春, 青年时期Zzebra(n)['zi:brə]斑马zone(n)[zəun]地域, 地带, 地区Ddaily(adj & adv) 每天的, 日常的damage(n & v)['dæmidʒ]损害, 伤害damp(adj)[dæmp]潮湿的deaf(adj)[def]聋的deal (with) (v)[dil]处理, 应付dear(adj & exclam)[diə]昂贵的, 亲爱的• too dear to buy (adj)death(n)[deθ]死, 死亡decide(v)决定, 判决decimal (adj & n)['desiməl]十进制的, 小数的; 小数decision(n)[di'siʒən]决定,决心,决议declare(v)[di'klɛə]断言,宣称,宣布deck(n)[dek]甲板, 舰板• the deck of a boatdecrease(n & v)[di:'kri:s] 减少deep(adj & adv) 深的;深入地defeat(n & v)[di'fi:t]击败defence(n)[di'fens]防卫,辩护defend(v)[di'fend]防护, 辩护definitely(adv)['definitli]明确地degree(n) 度数, 度delay(n & v) 耽搁, 延迟delighted(adj)[dɪ'laɪtɪd]欣喜的, 快乐的deliver(v)[di'livə] 递送, 交付delivery(n)[di'livəri]递送, 交付demand(n & v)[di'mɑ:nd]要求, 需求demonstration(n)[,demən'streɪʃən] 示范, 实证depart(v)[di'pɑ:t]离开, 起程department(n)部门departure(n)[di'pɑ:tʃə]启程, 出发, 离开depend(v)[di'pend]依靠, 依赖• It depends on what you want to do.deposit(n)[di'pɔzit]存款, 押金• pay a depositdepressed(adj)[dɪ'prest]沮丧的,降低的depth(n)[depθ]深, 深度• the depth of the waterdescribe(v)[dis'kraib]描述description(n)[dis'kripʃn]描述desert(n)沙漠deserve(v)[di'zə:v]应受, 值得design(n & v)[di'zain] 设计despite(prep)[dis'pait]尽管, 不论dessert(n)[di'zə:t]餐后甜点destination(n)[,desti'neiʃən] 目的地destroy(v)[dis'trɔi]消灭, 摧毁detail(n)['di:teil]细节, 详情detective(n)侦探develop(v)[di'veləp]发展diagram(n)['daiəɡræm]图表dial(n&v)['daiəl] 刻度盘,(电话)拨号盘;拨diet(n)['daiət]通常所吃的食物differ(v)['difə]不一致, 不同dig(v)[diɡ]掘, 挖digital(adj)['didʒitəl]数字的, 数位的direct(adj & v)直接的; 指导, 指挥direction(n)[di'rekʃən]方向, 指导director(n)[di'rektə]主任, 主管, 导演directory(n)[di'rektəri]姓名地址录, 目录• a telephone directorydirt(n)污垢, 泥土disabled(adj)伤残的,失去能力的disadvantage (n)[,disəd'vɑ:ntidʒ]不利条件, 缺点, 劣势disagree(v)[,disə'ɡri:]不同意disappear(v)[,disə'piə]消失, 不见disappoint(v)[,disə'pɔint]使失望disc/disk(n) 光盘, 影碟• compact disc/CD• hard disk• floppy diskdisc jockey(n)光盘表面的圆薄膜disco(theque)(n)迪斯科舞discount(n)['diskaunt]折扣discover(v)[dis'kʌvə]发现discuss(v)[dis'kʌs]讨论, 论述discussion(n)[dis'kʌʃən]讨论disease(n)[di'zi:z] 疾病, 弊病disgusting(adj)[dɪs'gʌstɪŋ]令人厌恶的dishwasher(n)洗碗机, 洗碗的人display(n & v)[dis'plei] 陈列, 显示; 陈列, 显示,显示器distance(n)['distəns]距离, 远离distant(adj)['distənt]远的district(n)['distrikt]区域, 地方disturb(v)[dis'tə:b]打乱, 打扰dive(v)[daiv] 潜水, 跳水, 下潜divide(v)[di'vaid] 分, 划分dizzy(adj) 晕眩的, 昏乱的document (n) ['dɔkjumənt]公文, 文件, 文献documentary(n)[,dɔkju'mentəri] 记录片doubt(n & v)[daut]怀疑dozen(n)['dʌzn] 一打, 十二个drama(n)['drɑ:mə]戏剧, 戏剧艺术draw (v)[drɔ:]绘画, 画, 拖, 拉• to draw a picture of someone or something• to draw the curtains• to draw neardrawer(n)[drɔ:]抽屉, 画家drop(n & v)[drɔp]滴下, 落下drugstore (n) ['drʌɡstɔ:] 药店dry cleaning(n)干洗due(adj)[dju:] 应得的,预期的,(车,船)应到的• The next bus is due in five minutes.due to(prep phr)由于, 应归于dull(adj)[dʌl]无趣的, 呆滞的dust(n & v)[dʌst]灰尘;掸掉...上的灰尘dustbin(n) 垃圾箱(=ash can, garbagecan或garbage box)duty(n)['dju:ti]义务, 责任, 税duty-free(adj)免税的, 免关税的duvet(n)['du:vei] 用羽毛,绒毛等制成的棉被Eeach (adj & pron)ear (n)earache (n)early (adj)earn(v)[ə:n]赚得, 获得earring(n)['iə,riŋ]耳环, 耳饰earth(n)[ə:θ]地球,陆地,泥土east (adj, adv & n)eastern(adj)['i:stən]东方的,东部的easy (adj)economics(n)[,ɪkə'nɔmiks] 经济学edge(n)[edʒ] 刀刃, 锋, 边缘educate(v)['edju:keit]教育education(n)教育, 教育学effect(n)结果, 效果efficient(adj)[i'fiʃənt]有效率的,能干的effort(n)['efət]努力, 成就either(adv, det, pron & conj) 任一的; 任一; 或者,也elderly(n & adj) 过了中年的,稍老的elect(v)[i'lekt]选举, 推选election(n)选举, 当选electric(adj)[i'lektrik]电的, 导电的electrical(adj)[i'lektrikəl]电的,有关电的electricity(n)[ilek'trisiti]电流, 电, 电学electronic(adj)[ilek'trɔnik]电子的elementary(adj)[,eli'mentəri]初步的,基本的elephant (n)else (adv) 别的,其他email (n & v)embarrassed(adj)[ɪm'bærəst]使局促不安的embarrassing(adj) 令人为难的embassy(n)['embəsi]大使及其随员,大使馆emergency(n)[i'mə:dʒənsi] 紧急情况employ(v)[im'plɔi]雇用employee(n)[,emplɔi'i:]雇员employment(n)雇用empty (adj & v)encourage(v)[in'kʌridʒ]鼓励,激励end (n & v)end up(phr v)结束, 死enemy(n)['enimi]敌人engaged(adj)[en'geɪdʒd]忙碌的,专注的• to be engaged to someone• The phone was engaged.engine (n)engineer (n)enjoy (v)enormous(adj)[i'nɔ:məs]巨大的,庞大的enough(adj, adv & n) 足够的/地, 充足的/地;充足,足够enquiry(n)[in'kwaiəri]询问enter(v)进入, 加入entertain(v)[,entə'tein]娱乐, 招待entertaining(adj)愉快的,有趣的entertainment(n)款待, 娱乐entrance(n)['entrəns]入口, 门口entry(n)登录,进入,入口envelope(n)['envələup]信封environment(n)[in'vaiərənmənt]环境equal(adj)相等的equipment(n)[i'kwipmənt]装备,设备,器材escalator(n)['eskə,leɪtə] <美>电动扶梯, 自动扶梯escape(n & v) [is'keip]逃,逃亡;逃脱especially(adv)[is'peʃəli]特别, 尤其essay(n)['esei]散文, 小品文essential(adj)[i'senʃəl] 本质的,实质的euro/Euro(n)['jʊərəʊ] 欧元even(adv)['i:vən]甚至• He couldn't even do that.evening(n)event(n)[i'vent]事件ever(adv)['evə]曾经every(adj)everybody(n)everyone(n)everything (n)everywhere (adv)exact(adj)[iɡ'zækt]精确的examine(v)examination/exam (n)example(n)[iɡ'zɑ:mpl]例子, 实例excellent(adj)['eksələnt]卓越的,极好的except(prep, conj)[ik'sept]除了...之外;只是excited(adj)[ɪk'saɪtɪd]兴奋的。

Aability (n) 能力[ə'biləti]able (adj) 能够about (adv & prep)大约,关于• about 500 students (adv) 大约500个学生• The film is about a small boy. (prep) 这部电影是关于一个小男孩的above (prep) 在之上abroad (adv) 在国外地absent (adj) 缺席的['æbsənt]accept (v) 接收,同意[ək'sept]access (n) ['ækses]n. 通路,进入,使用之权v. 存取• disabled access“残疾人专用通道”• internet access互联网接入accident (n) ['æksidənt]n. 事故,意外的事accommodation (n) 住宿[ə.kɔmə'deiʃən] accompany (v) 陪同,伴随[ə'kʌmpəni] according to (prep) 通过,根据account (n) 账户[ə'kaunt]accurate (adj) 准确的['ækjərit]ache (n & v) 疼痛achieve (v) 完成、达到[ə'tʃi:v]across (prep) 穿过act (n & v) 行动• in the second act (of the play) (n) 第二幕• to act in a play (v)表演• to act strangely (v) 行为怪异action (n)行动active (adj) 积极的activity (n) 活动actor (n) 演员actress (n) 女演员actual (adj) 事实上的['æktʃuəl]ad (advertisement) (n) 广告add (v) 增加addition (n) 附加[ə'diʃən]• in addition 另外additional (adj) 附加的address (n) 地址admire (v) 羡慕,崇拜admission (n) 准许[əd'miʃən]• charges/cost/price admit (v) 准许[əd'mit]adult (adj & n)成年人advanced (adj) 先进的advantage (n) 优势,有利adventure (n) 冒险advert (n) 广告,注意[əd'və:t] advertise (v) 登广告advertisement (n) 广告advice (n) 意见advise (v) 提意见aeroplane (n) 飞机afford (v) 提供[ə'fəurd] afraid (adj) 害怕after (prep) 之后afternoon (n) 下午afterwards (adv) 后来地again (adv) 又against (prep) 反对age (n) 年龄aged (adj) 上了年纪的agent (n) 代理人['eidʒənt] agency (n) 代理处['eidʒənsi] ago (adv) 从前agree (v) 同意ahead (adv) 在前面aim (n & v) 目标[eim]air (n) 空气air-conditioning (n)冷气机airforce (n) 空军['ɛəfɔ:s] airline (n) 航空airmail (n) 空邮airport (n) 机场alarm (n) 警报[ə'lɑ:m]alarm clock (n)闹钟alike (adv) 同样的alive (adj) 活着的all (adj, adv, det & pron)所有all right/alright (adv) 好的allow (v) 同意almost (adv) 几乎alone (adv) 独自一人along (adv & prep) 伴随aloud (adv) 大声的alphabet (n) 字母表['ælfə.bet] already (adv) 已经also (adv) 也although (conj)尽管altogether (adv) 在一起地always (adv) 总是a.m. (adv) 上午amazed (adj) 吃惊的[ə'meizd]amazing (adj) 令人惊讶的ambassador (n) 大使[æm'bæsədə] ambition (n) 野心[æm'biʃən] ambulance (n) 救护车among (amongst) (prep)在……之中[ə'mʌŋ] amount (n)数量[ə'maunt]amusing (adj) 有趣的[ə'mju:ziŋ]ancient (adj) 古代的['einʃənt]and (conj) 和angry (adj) 愤怒的animal (n) 动物ankle (n) 脚踝anniversary (n)周年纪念[.ænə'və:səri] announce (v) 宣布[ə'nauns] announcement (n) 通告,宣布annoy (v)使恼怒[ə'nɔi]annual (adj) 年度的['ænjuəl]another (adj) 另一个answer (n & v) 回答answer phone (n) 答复电话antique (adj & n) 古董[æn'ti:k]anxious (adj) 渴望的,担心的['æŋkʃəs] any (adj & pron) 任何一个anybody (pron) 任何一个人anyhow (adv) 不管怎样anyone (pron) 无论谁anything (pron) 任何事anyway (adv) 无论如何anywhere (adv) 无论何地apart from (prep) 分开apartment (n) 公寓apologise (v) 道歉[ə'pɔlədʒaiz]apology (n) 道歉[ə'pɔlədʒi]appear (v) 出现appearance (n) 出现apple (n) 苹果application (n) 申请[.æplə'keiʃən]apply (v) 应用[ə'plai]appointment (n) 约会approach (v) 到达approve (v) 赞同,批准architect (n) 建筑师['ɑ:kə.tekt]area (n) 地方,面积argue (v) 争论['ɑ:gju]arm (n) 胳膊armchair (n) 扶椅army (n) 军队['ɑ:mi]around (adv & prep)大约arrange (v) 整理,安排[ə'reindʒ]arrest (v) 逮捕[ə'rest]arrival (n) 到达arrive (v) 到达art (n) 艺术article (n) 文章,陈列品artist (n) 艺术家as (adv & conj) 最为,因为as well (adv) 也as well as (prep)和什么一样好ashamed (adj)感到羞愧的[ə'ʃeimd]ask (v) 问asleep (adj)睡着的aspirin (n) 阿司匹林['æspərin]assistant (n) 助手at (prep) 在at all (prep phr)根本at first (prep phr) 首先at last (prep phr) 最后at least (prep phr) 至少at once (prep phr) 曾经at present (prep phr) 目前at the same time (prep phr) 同时athlete (n)运动员['æθli:t]athletics (n) 体育运动[æθ'letiks]atmosphere (n) 气氛,空气['ætməs.fiə]attach (v) 附属[ə'tætʃ]attack (n & v) 攻击[ə'tæk]attempt (v) 尝试[ə'tempt]attend (v) 参加[ə'tend]attention (n) 注意attitude (n) 态度['ætətju:d]attract (v) 吸引[ə'trækt]attraction (n) 吸引attractive (adj) 有吸引力的audience (n) 观众['ɔ:diəns]aunt (n) 阿姨automatically (adv) 自动地[.ɔ:tə'mætikəli] available (adj) 有的,可得到的[ə'veiləbəl]average (adj & n) 平均['ævəridʒ]avoid (v) 避免awake (adj) 唤醒away (adv) 远处,离开awful (adj) 糟糕的,可怕的['ɔ:ful]Bbaby (n) 婴儿back (adv, adj & n)回去background (n) 背景backpack (n) 背包backwards (prep) 向后的bad (adj) 坏的bag (n) 包baggage (n)行李bake (v) 烤balance (v) 平衡['bæləns]balcony (n) 阳台['bælkəni]bald (adj) 秃子,秃头的[bɔ:ld]ball (n) 球ballet (n) 芭蕾balloon (n) 气球banana (n) 香蕉band (n) 乐队[bænd]bandage (n) 绷带['bændidʒ]bank (n) 银行bank balance (n) 银行余额['bæləns] banknote (n) 纸币['bæŋknəut]bar (n) 酒吧,门栓barbecue (n & v) 烧烤bare (adj) 荒凉,赤裸的base on (phr v) 基于,建立在。
PET 分类词汇 中文版

非洲亚洲澳洲欧洲北美洲南美洲北极地中海阿根廷奥地利巴西加拿大丹麦厄瓜多尔埃及法国德国希腊印度意大利日本肯尼亚韩国墨西哥摩洛哥挪威波兰葡萄牙俄罗斯西班牙瑞典瑞士泰国荷兰美国土耳其/ 美国人(的)阿拉伯语,阿拉伯人的加拿大的,加拿大人的丹麦的,丹麦人的,丹麦语的英国(人)的;英格兰(人)的法语,法国人的德国人;日耳曼人;德语;日耳曼语意大利(人)的;意大利语的日本人;日本语波兰(人)的;波兰语的葡萄牙语的;葡萄牙(人)的俄罗斯的;俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的西班牙语;西班牙人瑞典的;瑞典人(语)的瑞士(的);瑞士人(的);瑞士语(的)海湾;湾边界;界限首都;省会悬崖海岸沙漠农田森林岛屿山丘;高山;山脉海洋人口港口地区河流;小河风景;景色海洋;大海土地;泥土小溪;溪流峡谷;山谷瀑布美丽的;漂亮的- 快速流动的岩石的;多岩石的沙的;多沙的- 浸湿的厚的成人婴儿;宝贝胡须孩子儿童期;童年时代小胡子领养老金者;抚恤金领取者年轻人青春;青年时期;少年时代吸引人的秃的美丽的;漂亮的白肤金发的聪明的卷曲的暗的年长的公平的胖的- 好看的帅的轻的长的- 中年的老的苍白的漂亮的短的苗条的聪明的;灵敏的直的高的十三岁到十九岁的瘦的丑陋的年轻的腰带;皮带女衬衫靴子纽扣帽子外套衣领女服;童装耳环眼镜手套手提包手帕帽子夹克衫牛仔裤珠宝短褂唇膏香水口袋套衫睡衣雨衣戒指衬衫鞋子短裤短裙袖子污点套装毛线衫圆领长袖运动衫泳装- 恤衫竞赛服;田径服裤子雨伞制服舒服的棉的时尚的金;金币;金器编织的皮革的;皮质的松的- 过时的丝的;丝织的银质的现代风格的;流行的;潇洒的紧的有价值的羊毛的/ 适合折叠;合拢/ 搭配穿上脱下试穿穿破;用坏承诺秘密/ 接受抱怨吵架继续做某事帮助笑躺着;撒谎()和好承诺记得敬佩分享相信;信任惊奇的;吃惊的令人惊奇的恼怒的;生气的令人烦恼的;令人讨厌的着急的平静的;安静的;无风浪的兴奋的自信的脾气坏的;易怒的失望的使人失望的;令人扫兴的迟钝的;呆笨的;麻木的;不敏感的尴尬的使人尴尬的兴奋的;高兴的令人兴奋的;使人高兴的时髦的有趣的;滑稽的慷慨的绅士的高兴的;愉快的诚实的感兴趣的有趣的懒惰的痛苦的;悲惨的紧张的可信的放松的使人放松的可感觉的;可觉察的严重的害羞的傻的;愚蠢的愚蠢的累的;疲劳的厌倦的;麻烦的沮丧的伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母;姨母哥哥;弟弟堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)女儿父亲;爸爸岳父外孙女祖父祖母外孙丈夫妈妈;母亲岳母侄子;外甥侄女;甥女父母姐妹儿子伯父;叔父;舅父;姑父;姨父妻子抚养;养育找到生活;融洽相处;进展;起床放弃出去成长;长大抑制;隐瞒;隐藏;继续燃烧继续照看;照顾期盼生活于;周旋于用完梳头刷牙赶汽车赶火车穿衣服脱衣服准备去游泳慢跑去上学上大学去工作洗澡;沐浴淋浴洗衣服离开家下班见朋友周年纪念新娘蛋糕客人邀请聚会接待戒指演讲婚礼- 空调露台;阳台地下室洗手间卧室播放机地窖;地下室中央暖气系统烟囱衣绳电脑;计算机炊具螺丝锥书桌餐厅洗碗机入口篱笆冷冻机;冷冻设备煎锅;油炸锅车库花园大门礼堂;大厅;娱乐场灌木树篱;栅栏;隔板熨斗;烙铁厨房草地;草坪起居室休闲室;长沙发微波炉小路植物屋顶垃圾箱座位起居室;客厅沙发空间脚步桌子厕所工具牙膏录像机围墙;墙壁洗衣机舒适的;舒服的方便的;便利的可爱的;活泼的整齐的和平的整洁的;整齐的古玩;古董扶手椅地毯清洁用品橱柜窗帘坐垫抽屉边缘电子器件风扇地板手柄;把手(烧水用的)壶刀灯插座;插头开关玩具花瓶闹钟洗脸盆窗帘;百叶窗抽屉柜镜子枕头收音机垃圾箱被单龙头毛巾玻璃瓶回收站罐头;罐硬纸板气候变化煤乡下自然环境;周围状况洪水燃料玻璃全球变暖垃圾;废弃物金属自然包装纸汽油植物污染塑料公共交通(热带)雨林垃圾暴风雨锡;罐头盒交通堵塞交通浪费;废弃物;荒地野生生物建议同意比较抱怨决定描述不同意;不一致鼓励解释承诺;许诺推荐;荐举使想起回顾;评论建议;提示警告害怕的吃惊的;惊奇的生气的焦急的烦恼的;恼怒的害羞的;羞愧的平静的;镇定的沮丧的失望的害怕的窘迫的;局促不安的痛苦的高兴的;满意的放松的满意的感到惊奇的心烦的;不舒服的焦虑的;担忧的/ 喜爱喜爱不喜欢;讨厌憎恨;讨厌期待喜爱;喜好介意账单现金收费;要价支票信用卡顾客存款折扣收据退款助手;助理检验;校验化学家;药剂师百货商店陈列;展示干洗店;干洗工自动扶梯理发师珠宝商;珠宝店经理药店;药房邮局摄影师销售人员旅行代理人-(可带走的)熟食日常饮食饭后甜食饮料主食菜单小吃开胃菜小费男服务员女服务员苹果香蕉豆饼干面包汉堡包卷心菜;洋白菜蛋糕;糕点糖果胡萝卜菜花薯条巧克力谷物肌肉椰子鳕鱼肉咖啡可口可乐饼干奶油黄瓜鸭肉鸡蛋火腿面粉葡萄蜂蜜果酱果汁冰激凌羊肉柠檬莴苣甜瓜牛奶矿泉水蘑菇煎蛋卷糕点梨胡椒粉;辣椒派匹萨碟鱼肉土豆葡萄干面包卷沙拉香肠不含酒精的饮料/软饮料菠菜牛排草莓糖果馅饼茶西红柿火鸡香草碗罐杯盘;碟(有柄及小口的)水壶(烧水用的)壶一条(面包)圆筒形有柄大杯小包;小盒;小包裹平底锅;盘子片;块;段盘子茶碟;茶托片;切片;薄片一匙的量苦的生的酸的甜的配料使用说明书烹饪法;食谱增加烤;烘焙烧烤野餐拍打煮燃烧烹调切油炸;油煎烧烤混合涌出;倾;倒烤;烘焙搅拌品尝航空公司飞机场到达;抵达行李领取处登记证-登记处海关耽搁;延误离开休息厅目的地司机-免税的票价航班;航机登机门空中服务人员移民局检查站;移民行李招领的失物退款站台安全乘客;旅客飞行员证明;示范安全;抵押品车站;所;台;局终点站时刻表候车室航空的陆路的公路的水路的铁路的舒服的;舒适的便利的拥挤的危险的昂贵的空的;空虚的;空闲的不方便的喧闹的安静的可靠的安全的不舒服的;令人不舒服的不可靠的/ 上(船;飞机等)-登记系好安全带着陆起飞冒险背包小册子徒步背包旅行者露营者野营地登山者文化骑自行车的人司机设施旅客上等旅社;宾馆指南搭便车的旅行者旅舍;招待所酒店;饭店小旅馆;客栈口译工作者房间服务部路线;路程单间礼品店计程车总站;出租车总称帐篷旅行者;观光者翻译者认为;考虑;观看遥远的休闲的奢侈的一整夜的;晚上的/ 预定露营检查;核实;通过骑自行车探索包装放松预定;保留观光滑雪观光;旅行烹饪骑自行车体操;体育针织画画-骑马摄影术缝纫;针线活滑雪/ 保持健康安排;准备建造购买收集;收藏增加交换;交流表演;执行练习粘贴长筒靴野营野营地;露营预定地爬山衣服俱乐部跳舞设备费用救生衣头盔会员会员身份;会员资格航行社会;社团帐篷乐队烧烤电台的音乐节目主持人迪斯科邻居邀请聚集地点;会场艺术生物学化学戏剧文学经济学英语地理历史学信息技术语言音乐文学数学物理学科学西班牙语体育乏味的;枯燥的困难的枯燥无味的容易的愉快的;快乐的困难的;难懂的重要的有趣的无意义的;无用的有用的无用的铃声黑板短暂休息证书学院;大学总课程学位设备散文;随笔失败等级;程度指导者;教师实验室讲师方法;秩序教授小学生合格证书;资格报告;报道结果黑板擦尺子中学教科书;课本训练者健康;幸福;福利缺席的聪明伶俐的公平的;公正的有趣的;可笑的聪明的友好的;和善的耐心的守时的严肃的;认真的合理的严格的/ 考试不及格交作业取得进步批改作业考试及格复习学习;书房参加考试发音阅读;朗读;阅读材料说话;谈话;演讲拼写词汇写作;书写解释;口译;翻译说解释;翻译12脚踝后背骨头下巴耳朵眼睛手指头发头膝盖腿脖子;颈肩膀皮肤喉咙拇指脚趾;足尖背疼感冒咳嗽耳朵疼流感头疼肚子疼体温牙痛事故;灾祸救护车预约绷带药剂师;化学家牙医医生药膏;包扎用品;衣服眼镜医院药护士病人石膏;膏药处方;药方/疼痛受伤( ) ……折断() 烫伤( ) 得了……病(///) (感觉)……// (/)//(感觉)……增肥品尝锻炼脂肪体育馆闲暇;空闲生活方式液体公园馅;补牙的材料积极的;主动的健康的合适的;健康的不积极的;被动的明智的;有知觉的口渴的/ 瞄准;致力于积极的循环;骑脚踏车// 保持健康动身使用行走;步行合适地;适当地有规律地;定期地球篮子篮球球棒;球拍拳击骑自行车潜水钓鱼钓鱼竿足球手套目标;球门高尔夫球体操;体育头盔曲棍球-骑马慢跑马拉松比赛网-赛马场;跑道(网球等)球拍结果跑步帆船运动得分滑雪壁球露天大型运动场;体育场棍;棒游泳乒乓球网球跑道;轨道排球负担;砝码;秤砣称……的重量;权衡;考虑冠军教练搭档运动员储备;贮藏队;组队员训练者获胜者/ 潜水加入踢玩;打练习得分游泳参加益处;好处俱乐部更衣室健身脚踏车健身房寄物柜桑拿浴;蒸气浴蒸汽房跑步机田径服强壮的自信的蝙蝠14熊鸟蜜蜂公牛猫鸡牛狗海豚鸭子大象鱼毛皮长颈鹿山羊马昆虫小猫小羊猴子狮子老鼠鹦鹉宠物猪兔子海洋生物羊蛇毒刺牙老虎火鸡鲸野兽翅膀;翼斑马有趣的;好玩的美丽的危险的友好的害怕的;可怕的有用的吠;叫海滩树枝骆驼山洞悬崖海岸衣领;项圈耳朵地球;泥土鸡蛋农民农场田野鱼;鱼肉花毛皮森林花园草海港昆虫湖山小羊;羊肉岛屿叶子月亮海洋小路宠物;宠儿行星植物小河岩石;石头玫瑰沙子海海边天空雪泥土太空;空间星星小溪太阳宇宙山谷波浪雨天;湿地木头;树林;林地深的高的软的;柔软的爬;攀登循环;垂;飘扬寒冷摄氏度雾霜大风高温;炎热冰闪电雨阵雨雪暴风雪太阳阳光温度温度计;体温表雷声阴天的寒冷的有雾的有霜的热的被冰覆盖的下雨的阵雨的雪的有暴风雨的晴朗的有风的乞求;索求下雨滑倒;摆脱明亮的;光亮的清洁的清澈的凉爽的干燥的重的;沉重的高的光线充足的;明亮的低的;矮的温和的强烈的暖和的淡的;稀释的湿的东;东方北;北方东北西北南;南方西;西方;西部东南西南秋天;秋季秋天;秋季箔;金属箔片春天夏天冬天一月二月三月四月五月六月七月八月九月十月十一月十二月平均的;普通的典型的动画片频道人物时事;新闻讨论纪录片戏剧;剧本男主人公;男主角女主人公;女主角戏剧;剧本博物学;有关博物学的书节目主持人;演播员节目小测验系列情景喜剧肥皂恐怖片天气预报冒险;奇遇传记小说历史的想象;幻想浪漫的神秘恐怖;恐惧爱情-非小说类文学作品科幻小说恐怖小说文章大字标题;新闻题要照片报告;报道记者评论性刊物;评论日常的每周的每两周的;隔周发行的每月一次的年度的;每年一次的空气;气氛;环境酒吧书店公交车站教堂药店诊所咖啡店牙医迪斯科舞厅(会)药剂师干洗店画廊;美术馆上等旅社;宾馆理发师酒店;饭店清真寺;伊斯兰教寺院博物馆报刊经销人噪声办公大楼宫殿公园宁静祥和的行人交叉路污染公共交通火车站绕道;绕行路线风景;景色购物中心露天大型运动场;体育场超市游泳池剧场;戏院交通堵塞红绿灯转弯处;岔路口村庄无趣的;乏味的美丽的繁忙的清洁的;干净的方便的;便利的拥挤的危险的脏的激动人心的充满活力的;活泼的安静的安全的工厂办公室停车场教堂角落小屋;村舍十字路口农场医院飞机自行车后备箱;行李箱刹车公共汽车出租车;出租马车船舱;(飞机上的)驾驶舱小汽车长途客运汽车渡船发动机;火车头手把;手柄直升飞机卡车;运货汽车气垫船摩托车安全带单脚滑行车轮船出租车火车有轨电车卡车轮胎地铁车轮机翼无轨电车芭蕾舞喜剧音乐会舞蹈戏剧展览;展览会电影爵士乐音乐长篇小说诗歌交响乐戏剧男演员女演员观众票房人物// 古典/流行/摇滚音乐服装;女外套;女装窗帘鼓长笛吉他男主人公女主人公幕间休息(打字机;钢琴的)键盘闪电仪器;乐器-化妆表演钢琴角色音乐家一场;一个镜头舞台布景录音;声音舞台明星票喇叭小提琴表演拍手;鼓掌指导;导演;管理表演;演出演出;扮演上演上演;演出() 主演情节卡通片的制作动画片喜剧戏剧历史的恐怖的事物神秘浪漫的科幻小说恐怖小说/电影对话电子邮件陆上运输信() 移动电话短信;函件电话正文消息卡;小卡给……发电子邮件打电话讲;谈写(信等)用途;实际应用聊天室碟游戏硬盘机家庭作业;准备工作国际互联网;因特网键盘便携式电脑记忆密码程序屏幕网址存取(计算机文件)(电脑)死机删除下载保存观看网络资料演员(尤指男演员)建筑师;设计师艺术家屠夫照相师;摄影师(尤指电影)木工;木匠职业药剂师;化学家清洁工戏剧演员;丑角报关员舞蹈家;舞女牙医设计师侦探电台的音乐节目主持人雇用;就业理发师收入农民电影明星记者救火队员空中服务人员法官;裁判员工作律师图书管理员技工;机修工报刊经销人小说家护士职业;工作工资医生;内科医生诗人警官;警员搬运工人职业;自由职业出版商;出版社薪水销售助理保安人员歌手贸易旅行社节目主持人;演播员工资男服务员女服务员/ 处理;对付照顾;照看服务;提供不熟练的;无特别技术的人广告申请表申请求职者经验;经历面试提供工作者工资和条件-全职的-努力工作的/ 接受参加;照顾讨论赚得;挣钱雇佣填写收到会计室(处)约会;约定助手;助理小册子老板建筑物;楼房;房屋交易;生意;工商企业商务旅行商人食堂办事员;职员同事契约;合同客户客户服务部门主管;董事雇主雇员工厂机器经理会议产品工程;项目接待员报告销售数据秘书;书记工作人员供应商(商店等中)有现货的罢工中的安排取消证实;批准递送;交付保证;确保管理;经营会面;迎接;满足运转;操作;经营;管理订购;整理;布置退休;退职经营;管理签名;签字打字。
pet 词汇

宠物种类狗(Dog)•拉布拉多犬(Labrador Retriever)•德国牧羊犬(German Shepherd)•金毛寻回犬(Golden Retriever)•贵宾犬(Poodle)猫(Cat)•苏格兰折耳猫(Scottish Fold)•英国短毛猫(British Shorthair)•波斯猫(Persian Cat)•布偶猫(Ragdoll)小型哺乳动物(Small Mammal)•仓鼠(Hamster)•兔子(Rabbit)•鼠(Rat)•刺猬(Hedgehog)鸟类(Bird)•鸽子(Pigeon)•鸟笼鸟(Canary)•鹦鹉(Parrot)•金丝雀(Finch)宠物喂养宠物喂养是宠物饲主的责任,合理的喂养可以使宠物健康成长。
pet 词汇表

PET 词汇表本文档是关于宠物(Pets)相关词汇的词汇表,旨在帮助读者更好地理解和学习与宠物有关的词汇。
以下是一些常用的宠物相关词汇和它们的解释:1. Dog(狗)狗是人类最古老、最忠诚的宠物之一。
2. Cat(猫)猫是另一种常见的宠物。
3. Fish(鱼)鱼是适合养在水族箱或池塘中的宠物。
4. Bird(鸟)鸟类也是一些人喜欢养作宠物的动物。
5. Hamster(仓鼠)仓鼠是小巧可爱的宠物,它们适合在笼子里养。
6. Rabbit(兔子)兔子是另一种受人们喜爱的宠物。
7. Reptile(爬行动物)爬行动物,例如蜥蜴、蛇和乌龟等,也可以成为特殊类型的宠物。
8. Guinea pig(豚鼠)豚鼠是小型的、温顺的宠物。
9. Vet(兽医)兽医是专门为宠物提供医疗护理的医生。
10. Pet food(宠物食品)宠物食品是为宠物提供营养和能量的食物。
11. Leash(牵引绳)牵引绳是用来把宠物带出门散步的工具,常用于狗和一些大型猫种。
12. Toys(玩具)玩具对于宠物的心理和身体健康非常重要。
13. Grooming(美容)美容是指给宠物洗澡、修剪毛发、修甲以及保持它们的整洁和外观。

定义1. PET的全称PET是Pets的缩写,全称为”爱宠”(Pets),表示人们饲养并给予某种程度的关爱和宠爱的动物。
### 2. 宠物作为家庭成员宠物作为家庭的一份子,与人类共同生活。
### 3. 宠物作为伴侣宠物可以成为人的朋友、伴侣和心理支持。
种类1. 猫猫是最常见的宠物之一,它们是独立而优雅的动物。
### 2. 狗狗是另一种常见的宠物,它们被称为”人类最好的朋友”。
### 3. 小型哺乳动物除了猫和狗之外,一些小型哺乳动物也是受欢迎的宠物选择。
### 4. 爬行动物一些人更喜欢饲养爬行动物作为宠物,例如蜥蜴、蛇和龟。

Aability[əˈbɪləti] n. the fact that somebody is able to do something 能力,才能abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv. in or to a foreign country 在国外,到国外absent [ˈæbsənt] adj. not in a place because of illness, etc 缺席的,不在的accept[əkˈsept] v. to agree to take something 接受access [ˈækses] n. 入口,通道accommodation [əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn] n. a place to live, work or stay in 住处,办公处,停留处accompany[əˈkʌmpəni] v. to travel or go somewhere with somebody 陪同,陪伴according to [əˈkɔːdɪŋ] 根据account [əˈkaʊnt] n. 账目;账户accurate [ˈækjərət] adj. correct, exact and without any mistakes 准确的,精确的achieve [əˈtʃiːv] v. 完成,实现,达到actual [ˈæktʃuəl] adj. 实际的,事实上的in addition [əˈdɪʃn] 另外,此外additional [əˈdɪʃənl] adj. 附加的,额外的admire [ədˈmaɪə] vt. 钦佩, 赞美, 羡慕7.4↓admission [ədˈmɪʃn] n. 承认, 入会费, 许可admit[ədˈmɪt] v. to agree, often unwillingly, that sth is true 承认,允许进入advanced [ədˈvɑːnst] adj. 先进的, 高级的advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n. 优势,有利条件advert [ˈædvɜːt] n. 广告advice [ədˈvaɪs] n. 忠告advise [ədˈvaɪz] v. 劝告,忠告afford [əˈfɔːd] v. 负担得起aim n. 目标air conditioning [kənˈdɪʃənɪŋ] 空调系统air force [fɔːs] 空军alarm [əˈlɑːm] n. 警报album[ˈælbəm] n. a book in which you keep photos, stamps, etc 唱片集, 唱片, 相册, 集邮册, 纪念册allow [əˈlaʊ] v. to let somebody/something do something 允许alphabet [ˈælfəbet] n. 字母表ambassador [æmˈbæsədə] n. 大使,代表ambition [æmˈbɪʃn] n. 雄心,抱负amusing [əˈmjuːzɪŋ] adj. funny and enjoyable 有趣的,引人发笑的ankle [ˈæŋkl] n. the joint connecting the foot to the leg 踝,踝关节anniversary [ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri] n. 周年纪念,周年纪念日announce [əˈnaʊns] v. 宣布;播报annoy[əˈnɔɪ] v. to make somebody slightly angry 使恼怒,使烦恼annual[ˈænjuəl] adj. happening or done once every year 每年的,年度的,一年生的antique[ænˈtiːk] adj. old and often valuable 古代的,古老的,过时的anxious[ˈæŋkʃəs] adj. feeling worried or nervous 渴望的,忧虑的apart from除……之外,且不说apologise[əˈpɒlədʒaɪz] v. to say that you are sorry for doing something wrong or causing a problem 道歉,赎罪appearance [əˈpɪərəns] n. 出现;外表application [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn] n.申请apply [əˈplaɪ] v. 申请;应用approach[əˈprəʊtʃ] v. to come near to sb/sth in distance or time 靠近,接近approve [əˈpruːv] v. 批准,赞成architect [ˈɑːkɪtekt] n. a person whose job is designing buildings, etc. 建筑师argue[ˈɑːɡjuː] v. to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them 争论,辩论arrange[əˈreɪndʒ] v. to plan or organize something in advance 安排,整理,计划arrest[əˈrest] v. if the police arrest sb, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty of a crime 逮捕,拘留arrival [əˈraɪvl] n. when sb or sth arrives somewhere 到达article [ˈɑːtɪkl] n. a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine 文章at present现在,目前(now)athlete [ˈæθliːt] n. a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especially one who competes in organized events 运动员athletics [æθˈletɪks] n. 体育运动,田径atmosphere [ˈætməsfɪə] n.气氛;大气,空气attach [əˈtætʃ] v. 附上,系上attack [əˈtæk] v. 攻击,侵袭attempt [əˈtempt] n.&v. 企图,尝试attend [əˈtend] v. 出席,参加attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd] n. 态度,看法attract [əˈtrækt] v. 吸引audience[ˈɔːdiəns] n. the group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, someone speaking, etc. 听众,观众,读者automatically [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkli] adv. 自动地,机械地available [əˈveɪləbl] adj. 有效的,可用的,可得到的average [ˈævərɪdʒ] adj. 平均的,一般的,通常的avoid [əˈvɔɪd] v. 避免Bbackground['bækɡraund] n. the details of a person's family, education, experience, etc背景, 经历, 幕后, 后景backpack[ˈbækpæk] n. a large bag, oftensupported on a light metal frame, carried on the back and used especially by people who go climbing or walking 背包backwards [ˈbækwədz] adj. towards a placeor position that is behind落后的, 向后的baggage [ˈ'bægidʒ] n. = luggage 行李balance[ˈbæləns] n. a situation in whichdifferent things exist in equal, correct or good amounts 平衡balcony [ˈbælkəni] n. a platform that is builton the upstairs outside wall of a building, with a wall or rail around it. You can get out onto a balcony from an upstairs room. 阳台bald [bɔːld] adj. having little or no hair on thehead秃头的ballet [ˈbælei] n. a style of dancing that tells adramatic story with music but no talking or singing 芭蕾舞bandage[ˈbændidʒ] n.a strip of cloth usedfor tying around a part of the body that has been hurt in order to protect or support it 绷带bank balance: he amount of money that somebody has in their bank account at a particular time 银行存款, 银行余额banknote [ˈbæŋknəʊt] n. a piece of printedpaper that has a particular value as money钞票barbecue [ˈbɑːbi kjuː] n. an outdoor meal or party when food is cooked in this way烤肉, 烧烤, 烤架bare[beə(r)]adj. not covered with or protected by anything 赤裸的,仅有的baseball [ˈbeisbɔ:l] n. a game played especially in the US by two teams of nine players, using a bat and ball. Each player tries to hit the ball and then run around four bases before the other team can return the ball 棒球basement [ˈbeismənt] n. a room or rooms in a building, partly or completely below the level of the ground 地下室basic [ˈbeisik] 基础的bat [bæt] n.a piece of wood with a handle, made in various shapes and sizes, and used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball, cricket and table tennis 球棒,球拍battle [ˈbætl] n. a fight between armies, ships or planes, especially during a war; a violent fight between groups of people 战役bay [bei] n. a part of the sea, or of a large lake, partly surrounded by a wide curve of the land 海湾beard[biəd] that grows on the chin and cheeks of a man's face; similar hair that grows on some animals 胡须beat [b iːt] v. to hit somebody/something many times, usually very hard/to defeat somebody in a game or competition 敲打;打败behave [biˈheiv] v. 表现believe[biˈliːv]v. to feel certain that something is true or that somebody is telling you the truth 相信belong [bi'lɔŋ] v. to be in the right or suitable place 应归入;属于belongings[bi'lɔ:ŋiŋz] n. the things that a person owns, especially those which can be carried 财产;所有物beneath[bi'ni:θ] prep. in or to a lower position than, under 在……之下benefit [ˈbenifit] n. 利益;好处beyond [biˈjɔnd] prep. more than something; used to say that something is not possible 超出;远于;除…..之外biography[baiˈɔɡrəfi] n.the story of a person's life written by somebody else; this type of writing 传记biology [b aiˈɔlədʒi] n. the scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals 生物学bitter[ˈbitə(r)] adj. angry; very unpleasant taste; very cold 苦的;痛苦的;心酸的blame[bleim]v. to think or say that somebody/something is responsible for something bad 责备blanket[ˈblæŋk it]n. a large cover, often made of wool, used especially on beds to keep people warm 毛毯bleed [bl iːd] v. 流血block [blɔk] n. 块,片(木、石等)、大厦、街区board [bɔːd] n. 木板v. 登机boarding pass登机牌bold[bəʊld] adj.brave; not fearing danger 大胆的boarder[ˈbɔːdə] n. at a school who sleeps and eats there and only goes home during school holidays 寄宿者brake[breik]n. device for slowing or stopping a vehicle 刹车;闸;制动器branch [brɑːntʃ] n. a part of a tree that grows out from the main stem and on which leaves, flowers and fruit grow 树枝;分支break down出故障break in闯入break up解散breath[breθ] n.the air that you take into your lungs and send out again 呼吸brick [brik] n. 砖Ccloth [klɔθ]n. (a type of) woven material 布, 布料, 一块布collar ['kɔlə] n. the part around the neck of a piece of clothing 衣领cotton ['kɔtn] n. 棉花, 棉制品, 棉布calculator [ˈkælkjuleɪtə(r] n.计算器connect[kə'nekt] v. to join or be joined with something else 连接, 接通,certificate [ səˈtɪfɪkət] n.执照, 证(明)书chemistry [ ˈkemɪstri] n.化学college[ ˈkɒlɪdʒ] n.学院composition[ ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃn] n. the act ofcreating written works 作文,corridor [ ˈkɒrɪdɔː(r)] n. an enclosed passageway 走廊curriculum [kəˈrɪkjələm] n. the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, 全部课程,cassette [kəˈset] n. 盒式磁带channel [ˈtʃænl] n. on television / radio频道,circus [ˈsɜːkəs] n.马戏团, 马戏表演, 竞技场, 广场comedy [ˈkɒmədi] n. a play or film/movie that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending; 喜剧, 滑稽,comedian [kəˈmiːd iən] n. an entertainer who makes people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories 喜剧演员comic [ˈkɒmɪk] n. 连环图画, 喜剧演员commercial [kəˈmɜːʃl] adj. connected with the buying and selling of goods 商业的concert [ˈkɒnsət] n. 音乐会costume [ˈkɒstjuːm] n. 服装, 剧装climate [ˈklaɪmət] n. 气候canteen [kænˈtiːn] n. a place where food and drink are served in a factory, a school, etc. 食堂,cauliflower [ˈkɒliflaʊə(r)] n..花椰菜celery [ˈseləri] n.芹菜cocoa [ˈkəʊkəʊ] n. 可可粉, 可可饮料, 可可色curry [ˈkʌri] n. 咖哩饭菜, 咖哩粉chemist [ˈkemɪst] n. 化学家, 药剂师campsite [ˈkæmpsaɪt] n. 露营地chess [tʃes] n.国际象棋collector [kəˈlektə(r)] n. a person who collects things, either as a hobby, or as a job: an art / a stamp collector ◆ticket / tax / debt collectors收集家, 收税员cruise [kruːz] n. a journey by sea, visiting different place 巡航, 漫游ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] n.天花板;cellar [ˈselə(r)] n. an underground room often used for storing things 地窖, 地下室central heating [ˈsentrəl] n. a system for heating a building from one source which then pumps the hot water or hot air through pipes all around the building中央暖气系统cloakroom [ˈkləʊkruːm] n. (剧场等)衣帽间, (车站等)行李站暂存处,cottage [ˈkɒtɪdʒ] n.小屋,村舍curtain [ˈkɜːtn] n. 帘;窗帘;门帘;帷幔cushion [ˈkʊʃn] n. 垫子;坐垫;靠垫chat/ tʃæt/ v. to talk to someone in a friendly informal way闲谈, 谈天communicate / kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ v. to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and help other people to understand them传达, 沟通, 交流communication/ kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn/ n. 交流, 通讯, 传达, 通信, 沟通calm/ kɑːm/adj. peaceful and quiet; 平静的, 冷静的challenging / ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ adj. difficult, in a way that tests your ability挑战性的, 有吸引力的cheerful / ˈtʃɪəfl/ adj. happy and positive高兴的, 快乐的confident/ ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ adj. having confidence: 自信的, 有信心的, 有把握的cruel / ˈkruːəl/ adj 残酷的, 残忍的, 引起痛苦的curious/ ˈkjʊəriəs/ adj. strange and unusual; 好奇的, 奇特的cathedral [kəˈθiːdrəl] n.大教堂clinic [ˈklɪnɪk] n.诊所, 门诊部, 科室club [klʌb] n.俱乐部, 棍棒, (扑克牌中)梅花canal / kəˈnæl/ n. 运河, 沟渠, 气管,食管cliff [klɪf] n.悬崖, 峭壁crossroad [ˈkrɒsrəʊd] n.交叉路, 岔道, 十字路口change/ tʃeɪndʒ/ v. to make or become different 变化, 零钱cheque [tʃek] n. 支票choose/ tʃuːz/ v. chose, chosen to decide what you want from somethings 选择, 决定collect/ kəˈlekt/ v. bring together集, 聚集, 募捐,complain/ kəmˈpleɪn/ v. to say that something is wrong or not satisfactory: 抱怨, 控诉, 诉说credit card ['kredit .kɑ:d] n.信用卡customer/ ˈkʌstəmə(r)/ n. a person who buys goods or a service: 顾客, 主顾champion [ˈtʃæmpiən] n.拥护者, 冠军, 优胜者, 勇士compete/ kəmˈpiːt/ v. to try to be more successful than someone or something else: 竞争, 对抗, 比赛court[kɔːt] n.法庭,法院;球场cycling [ˈsaɪklɪŋ] n.骑自行车cab[kæb] n.出租汽车;司机室cabin [ˈkæbɪn] n.船舱, 机舱, 小木屋canal [kəˈnæl] n.运河, 沟渠, 气管car alarm ph. 汽车防盗系统charter [ˈtʃɑːtə(r)] n.宪章;许可证;check in to show your ticket at an airport so that you can be told where you will be sitting and so that your bags can be put on the aircraft: 登记, 报到, 记录coach n. the cheapest type of seats on a plane or train: 教练, 经济舱,confirm / kənˈfɜːm/ v. to make an arrangement or meeting certain,often by telephone or writing证实, 批准, 确定consulate [ˈkɒnsjələt] n.领事, 领事馆crossing [ˈkrɒsɪŋ] n.人行横道;交叉口crossroads ['krɔsrəudz] n. 交叉路口, 十字路currency [ˈkʌrənsi] n.通货,货币;通行,流行customs [ˈkʌstəmz] n.海关cyclist/ ˈsaɪklɪst/ n.someone who rides a bicycle骑自行车的人cave / keɪv/ n.a large hole in the side of a hill, 洞穴, 山洞cliff [klɪf] n.悬崖,峭壁气候, 风气continent [ˈkɒntɪnənt] n.大陆, 洲, (the Continent)欧洲大陆centigrade [ˈsentɪɡreɪd]a.摄氏的candidate [ˈkændɪdeɪt] n.申请求职者;投考者;候选人canteen [kænˈtiːn] n.食堂;小卖部;餐具箱;水壶career [kəˈrɪə(r)] n.生涯,职业chef [ʃef] n.厨师, 主厨chemist[ˈkemɪst] n.化学家;药剂师,药商colleague [ˈkɒliːɡ] n.同事,同僚comedian [kəˈmiːdiən] n.喜剧演员company [ˈkʌmpəni];陪伴;同伴(们);conference [ˈkɒnfərəns] n.(正式)会议;讨论,商谈consulate [ˈkɒnsjələt ] n.领事, 领事馆contract [ˈkɒntrækt] n.合同, 婚约, 合约, 契约crew [kruː] n.全体船员, 全体乘务员, curriculum vitae [kəˌrɪkjələm ˈviːtaɪi] n.简历Ddaily adj&n. every day 每天的;日报damage v&n. the same as destroy 破坏damp堤坝。

PET分类词汇PET词汇bay 海湾;湾 stylish 现代风格的;流行的;潇洒的woolen 羊毛的 border 边界;界限cliff 悬崖 fit 适合port 港口 fold 折叠;合拢 stream 小溪;溪流 go with/match 搭配valley 峡谷;山谷 promise 承诺fast-flowing 快速流动的 accept 接受rocky 岩石的;多岩石的 fall out with 吵架sandy 沙的;多沙的 get on with 继续做某事 steep-sided 浸湿的 makeup(again) 和好thick 厚的 respect 敬佩beard 胡须 trust 相信;信任 childhood 儿童期;童年时代 amazed 惊奇的;吃惊的 moustache 小胡子 amazing 令人惊奇的 pensioner 领养老金者;抚恤金领取者 annoyed 恼怒的;生气的 youth 青春;青年时期;少年时代 annoying 令人烦恼的;令人讨厌的 attractive 吸引人的 anxious 着急的 bald 秃的 calm 平静的;安静的;无风浪的 pale 苍白的 cross 脾气坏的;易怒的 slim 苗条的disappointed 失望的 blouse 女衬衫 disappointing 使人失望的;令人扫兴的button 纽扣 dull 迟钝的;麻木的;不敏感的 collar 衣领 embarrassed 尴尬的jewellery 珠宝 embarrassing 使人尴尬的 jumper 短褂 generous 慷慨的lipstick 唇膏 miserable 痛苦的;悲惨的 perfume 香水 reliable 可信的pullover 套衫 sensible 可感觉的;可觉察的 pajamas 睡衣 upset 沮丧的 ring 戒指 father in law 岳父sleeve 袖子 mother in law 岳母sweatshirt 圆领长袖运动衫 nephew 侄子;外甥 Tracksuit 竞赛服;田径服niece 侄女;甥女 knitted 编织的 get on 生活;融洽相处;进展; loose 松的keep in 抑制;隐瞒;隐藏;继续燃烧 old-fashioned 过时的 move in 生活于;周旋于1PET词汇run out of 用完 blind 窗帘;百叶窗chest of drawer 抽屉柜 bride 新娘reception 接待 sheet 被单 balcony 露台;阳台 tap 龙头 basement 地下室bottle bank 玻璃瓶回收站 cellar 地窖;地下室 cardboard 硬纸板 central heating 中央暖气系统 climate change 气候变化coal chimney 烟囱煤 clothes line 衣绳 countryside 乡下 cooker 炊具flood 洪水 corkscrew 螺丝锥 global warming 全球变暖 frying pan 煎锅;油炸锅 metal 金属 hall 礼堂;大厅;娱乐场 nature 自然 hedge 灌木树篱;栅栏;隔板packaging 包装 lawn 草地;草坪 tin 锡;罐头盒 lounge 休闲室;长沙发recommend 推荐;荐举 microwave 微波炉 warn 警告 path 小路 depressed 沮丧的 roof 屋顶 embarrassed 窘迫的;局促不安的 neat 整齐的 miserable 痛苦的peaceful 和平的 satisfied 满意的 antique 古玩;古董 upset 心烦的;不舒服的armchair 扶手椅 be fond of 喜爱 carpet 地毯 be keen on 喜爱 cleaning product 清洁用品 charge 收费;要价 cupboard 橱柜 cheque 支票 curtain 窗帘deposit 存款 cushion 坐垫 discount 折扣 drawer 抽屉 receipt 收据 edge 边缘 refund 退款 electrical item 电子器件 assistant 助手;助理 handle 手柄;把手 checkout 检验;校验 kettle (烧水用的)壶 department store 百货商店plug 插座;插头 display 陈列;展示 vase 花瓶 escalator 自动扶梯 basin 洗脸盆 jeweler 珠宝商;珠宝店2PET词汇pharmacy 药店;药房 immigration 移民局检查站;移民 diet 日常饮食 lost property 招领的失物 cereal 谷物 refund 退款 cod 鳕鱼肉 demonstration 证明;示范 lettuce 莴苣 terminal 终点站 omelet 煎蛋卷 reliable 可靠的pastry 糕点 unreliable 不可靠的 plaice 碟鱼肉 board 上(船;飞机等) raisin 葡萄干 fasten your safetybelt 系好安全带 roll 面包卷 land 着陆 spinach 菠菜 backpack 背包 tart 果馅饼 brochure 小册子 jug (有柄及小口的)水壶backpacker 徒步背包旅行者 loaf 一条(面包) guesthouse 上等旅社;宾馆saucer 茶碟;茶托 guide book 指南 slice 片;切片;薄片 hitchhiker 搭便车的旅行者 spoonful 一匙的量 hostel 旅舍;招待所 bitter 苦的 inn 小旅馆;客栈raw 生的 interpreter 口译工作者 ingredient 配料 room service 房间服务部instruction 使用说明书 souvenir shop 礼品店 recipe 烹饪法;食谱 taxi rank 计程车总站;出租车总称view 认为;考虑;观看 add 增加boil 煮 distant 遥远的 grill 烧烤 overnight 一整夜的;晚上的knitting 针织 pour 涌出;倾;倒roast 烤;烘焙 sewing 缝纫;针线活 stir 搅拌 arrange 安排;准备increase 增加 baggage collection 行李领取处boarding pass 登记证 exchange 交换;交流fee delay 耽搁;延误费用 departure 离开 life jacket 救生衣 lounge 休息厅 membership 会员身份;会员资格 destination 目的地 society 社会;社团duty-free 免税的 disc jockey 电台的音乐节目主持人 fare 票价 venue 聚集地点;会场3PET词汇economics 经济学 properly 合适地;适当地regularly 有规律地;定期地 literature 文学pointless 无意义的;无用的 race-course 赛马场;跑道 curriculum 总课程squash 壁球 degree 学位 stick 棍;棒 essay 散文;随笔 track 跑道;轨道failure 失败 weightlifting 负担;砝码;秤砣 instructor 指导者;教师 reserve 储备;贮藏 lecturer 讲师 benefit 益处;好处 method 方法;秩序 changing room 更衣室 qualification 合格证书;资格 locker 寄物柜 rubber 黑板擦 sauna 桑拿浴;蒸气浴 welfare 健康;幸福;福利 steam room 蒸汽房 absent 缺席的 step machine 跑步机 fair 公平的;公正的 track suit 田径服 intelligent 聪明的strong 强壮的 kind 友好的;和善的 bull 公牛 punctual 守时的 sea creature 海洋生物 serious 严肃的;认真的 sting 毒刺 reasonable 合理的 wing 翅膀;翼failure an exam 考试不及格 bark 吠;叫 make progress 取得进步 branch 树枝ankle 脚踝 cliff 悬崖 chin 下巴 path 小路 throat 喉咙 universe 宇宙wave 波浪 thumb 拇指bandage 绷带 flow 循环;垂;飘扬 dressing 药膏;包扎用品;衣服 degree centigrade 摄氏度 plaster 石膏;膏药 frost 霜 prescription 处方;药方 gale 大风 be injured 受伤 shower 阵雨 liquid 液体 thermometer 温度计;体温表filling 馅;补牙的材料 frosty 有霜的 sensible 明智的;有知觉的 showery 阵雨的 aim for 瞄准;致力于 bum 乞求;索求 cycle 循环;骑脚踏车 rain 下雨4PET词汇slip 滑倒;摆脱 office block 办公大楼 foil 箔;金属箔片 peaceful and quiet 宁静祥和的 average 平均的;普通的 pedestrian crossing 行人交叉路typical 典型的 roundabout 绕道;绕行路线 channel 频道 lively 充满活力的;活泼的 character 人物 cottage 小屋;村舍 current affairs 时事;新闻 boot 后备箱;行李箱 documentary 纪录片 cab 出租车;出租马车 drama 戏剧;剧本cabin 船舱;(飞机上的)驾驶舱 hero 男主人公;男主角 handlebar 手把;手柄heroine 女主人公;女主角 seatbelt 安全带 natural history 博物学;有关博物学的书 scooter 单脚滑行车 presenter 节目主持人;演播员 tram 有轨电车programme 节目 truck 卡车 quiz 小测验 tyre 轮胎 series 系列 underground train 地铁 sitcom 情景喜剧 trolleybus 无轨电车 thriller 恐怖片 poem 诗歌weather forecast 天气预报 orchestra 交响乐 biography 传记 audience 观众fiction 小说 box office 票房 mystery 神秘 rock music 摇滚音乐costume 服装;女外套;女装 non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science fiction 科幻小说 interval 幕间休息 thriller 恐怖小说 make-up 化妆 headline 大字标题;新闻题要 role 角色 review 评论性刊物;评论 scene 一场;一个镜头 fortnightly 每两周的;隔周发行的 sound 录音;声音 annual 年度的;每年一次的 stage 舞台 atmosphere 空气;气氛;环境 trumpet 喇叭 castle 城堡 clap 拍手;鼓掌 drugstore 药店 direct 指导;导演;管理 clinic 诊所animation 卡通片的制作 drycleaner 干洗店 mystery 神秘 mosque 清真寺;伊斯兰教寺院 science fiction 科幻小说 newsagent 报刊经销人 thriller 恐怖小说/电影5PET词汇landline 陆上运输 trade 贸易TV presenter 节目主持人;演播员 text message 正文消息cal 卡;小卡 Wage 工资 application 用途;实际应用 deal with 处理;对付chatroom 聊天室 unskilled 不熟练的;无特别技术的人 hard drive 硬盘机application form 申请表 password 密码 candidate 申请求职者 access 存取(计算机文件) pay and condition 工资和条件 crash (电脑)死机 accept 接受surf 观看网络资料 attend 参加;照顾 architect 建筑师;设计师 account department 会计室(处) butcher 屠夫 brochure 小册子 cameraman 照相师;摄影师(尤指电影) canteen 食堂 carpenter 木工;木匠 colleague 同事 career 职业contract 契约;合同 comedian 戏剧演员;丑角 department 部门 custom officer 报关员 director 主管;董事 disc jockey 电台的音乐节目主持人 product 产品employment 雇用;就业 project 工程;项目 income 收入 sales figure 销售数据judge 法官;裁判员 supplier 供应商 labor 工作 in stock (商店等中)有现货的novelist 小说家 on strike 罢工中的 occupation 职业;工作 arrange 安排physician 医生;内科医生 confirm 证实;批准deliver 递送;交付 poet 诗人porter 搬运工人 insure 保证;确保 profession 职业;自由职业 operate 运转;操作;经营;管理 publisher 出版商;出版社6。

下文是店铺为大家准备的英语单词pet所表达的中文意思的内容,希望能对大家有所帮助!英语单词pet所表达的中文意思英 [pet] 美 [pt]名词宠物; 宠儿; 受宠的人; 生气形容词宠爱的,溺爱的; 表示亲昵的及物动词宠爱; 爱抚,亲抚不及物动词 <非正>亲吻; 爱抚形容词This store sells pet food.这商店出售宠物食品。
名词1、 He keeps a dog as a pet.他养一只狗供玩赏。
2、 She's the teacher's pet.她是老师的宠儿。
3、 She went off in a pet.她一生气就走了。
英语单词pet的单语例句1. The Ritz packages remain a budget buster for the average pet owner.2. Although the central government allots money to pet development projects, provinces raise money for their own projects by selling rights to develop real estate.3. Owning a pet in China is considered by some quarters a status symbol, as raising one is considerably expensive.4. The centre also has a hospital and a dog cafeteria, while professional pet attendants and training experts ensure the dogs are treated well.5. A phone call away, Zhang is a dog lover herself and acquired a pet grooming certificate last year.6. A Beijing resident's pet cat is able to call its own name whenever it is frightened.7. Many supporters insist if a family can afford the luxury of raising a pet, it means it does do need extra financial aid.8. Li says that Chinese pet owners'per capita consumption in grooming services accounted for nearly 40 percent of the overall spending on pets last year.9. The driver explained that his girlfriend took the dog for a walk after the pet got carsick.10. The owner then used a screwdriver to smash through the bath casing and rescue her distressed pet.英语单词pet的双语例句1. The Augusta Regional SPCA in Staunton will sponsor a Santa and Pet photo shoot from 9 am-4 pm Dec. 10 at Augusta/Valley Animal Hospital on Betsy Bell Rooad.该奥古斯塔区域爱护动物协会在士丹顿将赞助圣和宠物的拍摄从上午9时至下午四时12月10日在奥古斯塔/谷动物医院对贝齐贝尔rooad 。


Aability (n) 能力able (adj) 能够about (adv & prep)大约,关于〓about 500 students (adv)大约500个学生〓The film is about a sma llboy. (prep) 这部电影是关于一个小男孩的above (prep) 在之上abroad (adv) 在国外地absent (adj) 缺席accept (v) 接收access (n) ['?kses]n. 通路,进入,使用之权v. 存取〓disabled access〓internet accessaccident (n) ['?ksid〓nt]基本翻译n. 事故,意外的事accommodation (n) 住宿accompany (v) 陪同,伴随according to (prep) 通过,根据account (n) 账户accurate (adj) 准确的ache (n & v) 疼痛achieve (v) 到达across (prep) 穿过act (n & v) 行动〓in the second act (of t he play)(n) 第二幕〓to act in a play (v)表演〓to act strangely (v) 行为怪异action (n)行动active (adj) 积极的activity (n) 活动actor (n) 演员actress (n) 女演员actual (adj) 事实上的ad (advertisement) (n) 广告add (v) 增加addition (n) 附加〓in addition 另外additional (adj) 附加的address (n) 地址admire (v) 羡慕,崇拜admission (n) 准许〓charges/cost/priceadmit (v) 准许adult (adj & n)成年人advanced (adj) 先进的advantage (n) 有点adventure (n) 冒险advert (n) 提及advertise (v) 广告advertisement (n) 广告advice (n) 意见advise (v) 提意见aeroplane (n) 飞机afford (v) 提供afraid (adj) 害怕after (prep) 之后afternoon (n) 下午afterwards (adv) 后来地again (adv) 又against (prep) 反对age (n) 年龄aged (adj) 上了年纪的agent (n) 代理人agency (n) 代理处ago (adv) 从前agree (v) 同意ahead (adv) 在前面aim (n & v) 目标air (n) 空气air-conditioning (n)冷气机airforce (n) 空军airline (n) 航空airmail (n) 空邮airport (n) 机场alarm (n) 警报alarm clock (n)闹钟alike (adv) 同样的alive (adj) 活着的all (adj, adv, det & pron)所有all right/alright (adv) 好的allow (v) 同意almost (adv) 几乎alone (adv) 独自一人along (adv & prep) 伴随aloud (adv) 大声的alphabet (n) 字母表already (adv) 已经also (adv) 也although (conj)尽管altogether (adv) 在一起地always (adv) 总是a.m. (adv) 上午amazed (adj) 吃惊的amazing (adj) 令人惊讶的ambassador (n) 大使ambition (n) 野心ambulance (n) 救护车among (amongst) (prep)在三者之间amount (n)数量amusing (adj) 有趣的ancient (adj) 古代的and (conj) 和angry (adj) 愤怒的animal (n) 动物ankle (n) 脚踝anniversary (n)周年纪念announce (v) 宣布announcement (n) 宣布annoy (v)使恼怒annual (adj) 年度的another (adj) 另一个answer (n & v) 回答answer phone (n) 答复电话antique (adj & n) 古董anxious (adj) 担心的any (adj & pron) 任何一个anybody (pron) 任何一个人anyhow (adv) 不管怎样anyone (pron) 无论谁anything (pron) 任何事anyway (adv) 无论如何anywhere (adv) 无论何地apart from (prep) 分开apartment (n) 公寓Maolaoshikaoshi@ 茅倬蕤Joey 老师制作,内部交流,禁止流传6apologise (v) 道歉apology (n) 道歉appear (v) 出现appearance (n) 出现apple (n) 苹果application (n) 申请apply (v)appointment (n) 约会approach (v) 到达approve (v) 赞同,批准architect (n) 建筑师area (n) 地方,面积argue (v) 争论arm (n) 胳膊armchair (n) 扶椅army (n) 军队around (adv & prep)大约arrange (v) 分配arrest (v) 逮捕arrival (n) 到达arrive (v) 到达art (n) 艺术article (n) 文章,陈列品artist (n) 艺术家as (adv & conj) 最为,因为as well (adv) 也as well as (prep)和什么一样好ashamed (adj)感到羞愧的ask (v) 问asleep (adj)睡着的aspirin (n) 阿司匹林assistant (n) 助手at (prep) 在at all (prep phr)根本at first (prep phr) 首先at last (prep phr) 最后at least (prep phr) 至少at once (prep phr) 曾经at present (prep phr) 目前at the same time (prep phr)同时athlete (n)运动员athletics (n) 体育运用atmosphere (n) 气氛,空气attach (v) 附属attack (n & v) 攻击attempt (v) 尝试attend (v) 参加attention (n) 注意attitude (n) 态度attract (v) 吸引attraction (n) 吸引attractive (adj) 有吸引力的audience (n) 观众aunt (n) 阿姨automatically (adv) 自动地available (adj) 有的,可得到的average (adj & n) 平均avoid (v) 避免awake (adj) 唤醒away (adv) 远处,离开awful (adj) 糟糕的,可怕的Bbaby (n) 婴儿back (adv, adj & n)回去background (n) 背景backpack (n) 背包backwards (prep) 向后的bad (adj) 坏的bag (n) 包baggage (n)行李bake (v) 烤balance (v) 平衡balcony (n) 阳台bald (adj) 秃子,秃头的ball (n) 球ballet (n) 芭蕾balloon (n) 气球banana (n) 香蕉band (n) 乐队bandage (n) 绷带bank (n) 银行bank balance (n) 银行余额banknote (n)bar (n) 酒吧,门栓barbecue (n & v) 烧烤bare (adj) 荒凉base on (phr v) 基于,建立在。
pet 词汇表

在英文中,"pet" 是一个常见的单词,通常用于描述人们养作宠物的动物,如猫、狗等。
以下是关于 "pet"的更多相关词汇:1. Pets:宠物的统称。
2. Cat:猫。
3. Dog:狗。
4. Fish:鱼。
5. Bird:鸟。
6. Rabbit:兔子。
7. Guinea Pig:豚鼠。
8. Hamster:仓鼠。
9. Snake:蛇。
10. Reptile:爬行动物。
11. Mouse:老鼠。
12. Gerbil:沙鼠。
13. Bear:熊。
14. Monkey:猴子。
15. Parrot:鹦鹉。
16. Turtle:乌龟。
17. Frog:青蛙。
18. Cat litter box:猫砂盆。
19. Dog collar:狗项圈。
20. Pet food:宠物食品。
21. Vet:兽医。
22. Pet store:宠物商店。
23. Kennel:狗舍。
24. Grooming:宠物美容。
25. Cage:笼子。
26. Leash:牵狗绳。
27. Training:训练。
28. Walking:遛狗。
29. Veterinary clinic:兽医诊所。
30. Boarding kennel:寄养中心。
以上是关于 "pet" 的一些相关词汇,涵盖了宠物种类、宠物用品和与宠物相关的活动等方面。

PET分类词汇bay 海湾;湾border 边界;界限cliff 悬崖port 港口stream 小溪;溪流valley 峡谷;山谷fast-flowing 快速流动的rocky 岩石的;多岩石的sandy 沙的;多沙的steep-sided 浸湿的thick 厚的beard 胡须childhood 儿童期;童年时代moustache 小胡子pensioner 领养老金者;抚恤金领取者youth 青春;青年时期;少年时代attractive 吸引人的bald 秃的pale 苍白的slim 苗条的blouse 女衬衫button 纽扣collar 衣领jewellery 珠宝jumper 短褂lipstick 唇膏perfume 香水pullover 套衫pajamas 睡衣ring 戒指sleeve 袖子sweatshirt 圆领长袖运动衫Tracksuit 竞赛服;田径服knitted 编织的loose 松的old-fashioned 过时的stylish 现代风格的;流行的;潇洒的woolen 羊毛的fit 适合fold 折叠;合拢go with/match 搭配promise 承诺accept 接受fall out with 吵架get on with 继续做某事make up(again)和好respect 敬佩trust 相信;信任amazed 惊奇的;吃惊的amazing 令人惊奇的annoyed 恼怒的;生气的annoying 令人烦恼的;令人讨厌的anxious 着急的calm 平静的;安静的;无风浪的cross 脾气坏的;易怒的disappointed 失望的disappointing 使人失望的;令人扫兴的dull 迟钝的;麻木的;不敏感的embarrassed 尴尬的embarrassing 使人尴尬的generous 慷慨的miserable 痛苦的;悲惨的reliable 可信的sensible 可感觉的;可觉察的upset 沮丧的father in law 岳父mother in law 岳母nephew 侄子;外甥niece 侄女;甥女get on 生活;融洽相处;进展;keep in 抑制;隐瞒;隐藏;继续燃烧move in 生活于;周旋于run out of 用完bride 新娘reception 接待balcony 露台;阳台basement 地下室cellar 地窖;地下室central heating 中央暖气系统chimney 烟囱clothes line 衣绳cooker 炊具corkscrew 螺丝锥frying pan 煎锅;油炸锅hall 礼堂;大厅;娱乐场hedge 灌木树篱;栅栏;隔板lawn 草地;草坪lounge 休闲室;长沙发microwave 微波炉path 小路roof 屋顶neat 整齐的peaceful 和平的antique 古玩;古董armchair 扶手椅carpet 地毯cleaning product 清洁用品cupboard 橱柜curtain 窗帘cushion 坐垫drawer 抽屉edge 边缘electrical item 电子器件handle 手柄;把手kettle (烧水用的)壶plug 插座;插头vase 花瓶basin 洗脸盆blind 窗帘;百叶窗chest of drawer 抽屉柜sheet 被单tap 龙头bottle bank 玻璃瓶回收站cardboard 硬纸板climate change 气候变化coal 煤countryside 乡下flood 洪水global warming 全球变暖metal 金属nature 自然packaging 包装tin 锡;罐头盒recommend 推荐;荐举warn 警告depressed 沮丧的embarrassed 窘迫的;局促不安的miserable 痛苦的satisfied 满意的upset 心烦的;不舒服的be fond of 喜爱be keen on 喜爱charge 收费;要价cheque 支票deposit 存款discount 折扣receipt 收据refund 退款assistant 助手;助理checkout 检验;校验department store 百货商店display 陈列;展示escalator 自动扶梯jeweler 珠宝商;珠宝店pharmacy 药店;药房diet 日常饮食cereal 谷物cod 鳕鱼肉lettuce 莴苣omelet 煎蛋卷pastry 糕点plaice 碟鱼肉raisin 葡萄干roll 面包卷spinach 菠菜tart 果馅饼jug (有柄及小口的)水壶loaf 一条(面包)saucer 茶碟;茶托slice 片;切片;薄片spoonful 一匙的量bitter 苦的raw 生的ingredient 配料instruction 使用说明书recipe 烹饪法;食谱add 增加boil 煮grill 烧烤pour 涌出;倾;倒roast 烤;烘焙stir 搅拌baggage collection 行李领取处boarding pass 登记证delay 耽搁;延误departure 离开lounge 休息厅destination 目的地duty-free 免税的fare 票价immigration 移民局检查站;移民lost property 招领的失物refund 退款demonstration 证明;示范terminal 终点站reliable 可靠的unreliable 不可靠的board 上(船;飞机等)fasten your safetybelt 系好安全带land 着陆backpack 背包brochure 小册子backpacker 徒步背包旅行者guesthouse 上等旅社;宾馆guide book 指南hitchhiker 搭便车的旅行者hostel 旅舍;招待所inn 小旅馆;客栈interpreter 口译工作者room service 房间服务部souvenir shop 礼品店taxi rank 计程车总站;出租车总称view 认为;考虑;观看distant 遥远的overnight 一整夜的;晚上的knitting 针织sewing 缝纫;针线活arrange 安排;准备increase 增加exchange 交换;交流fee 费用life jacket 救生衣membership 会员身份;会员资格society 社会;社团disc jockey 电台的音乐节目主持人venue 聚集地点;会场economics 经济学literature 文学pointless 无意义的;无用的curriculum 总课程degree 学位essay 散文;随笔failure 失败instructor 指导者;教师lecturer 讲师method 方法;秩序qualification 合格证书;资格rubber 黑板擦welfare 健康;幸福;福利absent 缺席的fair 公平的;公正的intelligent 聪明的kind 友好的;和善的punctual 守时的serious 严肃的;认真的reasonable 合理的failure an exam 考试不及格make progress 取得进步ankle 脚踝chin 下巴throat 喉咙thumb 拇指bandage 绷带dressing 药膏;包扎用品;衣服plaster 石膏;膏药prescription 处方;药方be injured 受伤liquid 液体filling 馅;补牙的材料sensible 明智的;有知觉的aim for 瞄准;致力于cycle 循环;骑脚踏车properly 合适地;适当地regularly 有规律地;定期地race-course 赛马场;跑道squash 壁球stick 棍;棒track 跑道;轨道weightlifting 负担;砝码;秤砣reserve 储备;贮藏benefit 益处;好处changing room 更衣室locker 寄物柜sauna 桑拿浴;蒸气浴steam room 蒸汽房step machine 跑步机track suit 田径服strong 强壮的bull 公牛sea creature 海洋生物sting 毒刺wing 翅膀;翼bark 吠;叫branch 树枝cliff 悬崖path 小路universe 宇宙wave 波浪flow 循环;垂;飘扬degree centigrade 摄氏度frost 霜gale 大风shower 阵雨thermometer 温度计;体温表frosty 有霜的showery 阵雨的bum 乞求;索求rain 下雨slip 滑倒;摆脱foil 箔;金属箔片average 平均的;普通的typical 典型的channel 频道character 人物current affairs 时事;新闻documentary 纪录片drama 戏剧;剧本hero 男主人公;男主角heroine 女主人公;女主角natural history 博物学;有关博物学的书presenter 节目主持人;演播员programme 节目quiz 小测验series 系列sitcom 情景喜剧thriller 恐怖片weather forecast 天气预报biography 传记fiction 小说mystery 神秘non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science fiction 科幻小说thriller 恐怖小说headline 大字标题;新闻题要review 评论性刊物;评论fortnightly 每两周的;隔周发行的annual 年度的;每年一次的atmosphere 空气;气氛;环境castle 城堡drugstore 药店clinic 诊所drycleaner 干洗店mosque 清真寺;伊斯兰教寺院newsagent 报刊经销人office block 办公大楼peaceful and quiet 宁静祥和的pedestrian crossing 行人交叉路roundabout 绕道;绕行路线lively 充满活力的;活泼的cottage 小屋;村舍boot 后备箱;行李箱cab 出租车;出租马车cabin 船舱;(飞机上的)驾驶舱handlebar 手把;手柄seatbelt 安全带scooter 单脚滑行车tram 有轨电车truck 卡车tyre 轮胎underground train 地铁trolleybus 无轨电车poem 诗歌orchestra 交响乐audience 观众box office 票房rock music 摇滚音乐costume 服装;女外套;女装interval 幕间休息make-up 化妆role 角色scene 一场;一个镜头sound 录音;声音stage 舞台trumpet 喇叭clap 拍手;鼓掌direct 指导;导演;管理animation 卡通片的制作mystery 神秘science fiction 科幻小说thriller 恐怖小说/电影landline 陆上运输text message 正文消息cal 卡;小卡application 用途;实际应用chatroom 聊天室hard drive 硬盘机password 密码access 存取(计算机文件)crash (电脑)死机surf 观看网络资料architect 建筑师;设计师butcher 屠夫cameraman 照相师;摄影师(尤指电影)carpenter 木工;木匠career 职业comedian 戏剧演员;丑角custom officer 报关员disc jockey 电台的音乐节目主持人employment 雇用;就业income 收入judge 法官;裁判员labor 工作novelist 小说家occupation 职业;工作physician 医生;内科医生poet 诗人porter 搬运工人profession 职业;自由职业publisher 出版商;出版社trade 贸易TV presenter 节目主持人;演播员Wage 工资deal with 处理;对付unskilled 不熟练的;无特别技术的人application form 申请表candidate 申请求职者pay and condition 工资和条件accept 接受attend 参加;照顾account department 会计室(处)brochure 小册子canteen 食堂colleague 同事contract 契约;合同department 部门director 主管;董事product 产品project 工程;项目sales figure 销售数据supplier 供应商in stock (商店等中)有现货的on strike 罢工中的arrange 安排confirm 证实;批准deliver 递送;交付insure 保证;确保operate 运转;操作;经营;管理。

PET 分类词汇American 美国人(的)Arabic 阿拉伯语,阿拉伯人的Canadian 加拿大的,加拿大人的Danish 丹麦的,丹麦人的,丹麦语的English 英国(人)的;英格兰(人)的French 法语,法国人的German 德国人;日耳曼人;德语;日耳曼语Italian 意大利(人)的;意大利语的Japanese 日本人;日本语Polish 波兰(人)的;波兰语的Portuguese 葡萄牙语的;葡萄牙(人)的Russian 俄罗斯的;俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的Spanish 西班牙语;西班牙人Swedish 瑞典的;瑞典人(语)的Swiss 瑞士(的);瑞士人(的);瑞士语(的)An American, a Canadian, an English and a French was traveling in Spain. They came across a band of gangs. The gangs said they would beat everyone on their backs, but each one of them can ask for something before they were beaten.The French asked for a bottle of one. He drank it and then he was beaten heavily.The English asked for a cigar. He smoked it and then he was beaten heavily.The Canadian asked for a thick jacket. He put it on and felt less painful.At last it turned to the American.“I asked for a Canadian. And I want to put him on my back.”GEOGRAPHY NOUNSNounsbay 海湾;湾border 边界;界限capital 首都;省会cliff 悬崖coast 海岸desert 沙漠farmland 农田forest 森林island 岛屿mountain 山丘;高山;山脉ocean 海洋population 人口port 港口region 地区river 河流;小河scenery 风景;景色sea 海洋;大海soil 土地;泥土stream 小溪;溪流valley 峡谷;山谷waterfall 瀑布Adjectives beautiful 美丽的;漂亮的fast-flowing 快速流动的rocky 岩石的;多岩石的sandy 沙的;多沙的steep-sided 浸湿的thick 厚的APPERANCES Nouns adult 成人baby 婴儿;宝贝beard 胡须child 孩子childhood 儿童期;童年时代moustache 小胡子pensioner 领养老金者;抚恤金领取者teenager 年轻人youth 青春;青年时期;少年时代Adjectives attractive 吸引人的bald 秃的beautiful 美丽的;漂亮的blonde 白肤金发的bright 聪明的curly 卷曲的dark 暗的elderly 年长的fair 公平的fat 胖的good-looking 好看的handsome 帅的light 轻的long 长的middle-aged 中年的old 老的pale 苍白的pretty 漂亮的short 短的slim 苗条的smart 聪明的;灵敏的straight 直的tall 高的teenage 十三岁到十九岁的thin 瘦的ugly 丑陋的young 年轻的Old Tom and his wife were both 60 years old now. His wife was ugly and not attractive. He wanted his wife to become a slim, pretty and young lady again. But it was difficult. One day he met the God. Tom asked the God to realize his dream.“What is your dream, my son?” asked the God.“I want my wife to be thirty years younger than me!” said Tom. “That is easy!” said the God.When the God was gone, Tom became 90 years old.CLOTHES Nouns belt 腰带;皮带blouse 女衬衫boots 靴子button 纽扣cap 帽子coat 外套collar 衣领dress 女服;童装earring 耳环glasses 眼镜glove 手套handbag 手提包handkerchief 手帕hat 帽子jacket 夹克衫jeans 牛仔裤jewellery 珠宝jumper 短褂lipstick 唇膏perfume 香水pocket 口袋pullover 套衫pajamas 睡衣raincoat 雨衣ring 戒指shirt 衬衫shoes 鞋子shorts 短裤skirt 短裙sleeve 袖子spots 污点suit 套装sweater 毛线衫sweatshirt 圆领长袖运动衫swimming costume 泳装T-shirt T 恤衫Tracksuit 竞赛服;田径服trousers 裤子umbrella 雨伞uniform 制服Adjectives comfortable 舒服的cotton 棉的fashionable 时尚的gold 金;金币;金器knitted 编织的leather 皮革的;皮质的loose 松的old-fashioned 过时的silk 丝的;丝织的silver 银质的stylish 现代风格的;流行的;潇洒的tight 紧的valuable 有价值的woolen 羊毛的Verbs/Verb phrases fit 适合fold 折叠;合拢go with/match 搭配put on 穿上take off 脱下try on 试穿wear out 穿破;用坏Jack wanted to buy a knitted woolen sweater. He went to a clothes shop and found a very stylish one. “But I don't think this one is fit for me.” He said to the shop assistant. The shop a ssistant answered, “Why don't you try it on?”Jack then put on the sweater. But it was too tight and Jack couldn't take it off.“Oh my God, What should I do?”“It is OK,” said the assistant. “You needn't take it off any more after you pay for it.”FRIENDSNounspromise 承诺secret 秘密Verbs/Verb phrasesaccept 接受complain 抱怨fall out with 吵架get on with 继续做某事help 帮助laugh 笑lie 躺着;撒谎make up(again)和好promise 承诺remember 记得respect 敬佩share 分享trust 相信;信任Cat: “Honey, you know that we are close friends and I have no secret to you. I trust you and I would like to share what I have with you. I promise that I will help you and I will accept all your requirements.”Mouse: “Then why do you put your hands on my neck?”PERSONALITIES AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONAdjectivesamazed 惊奇的;吃惊的amazing 令人惊奇的annoyed 恼怒的;生气的annoying 令人烦恼的;令人讨厌的anxious 着急的calm 平静的;安静的;无风浪的cheerful 兴奋的confidential 自信的cross 脾气坏的;易怒的disappointed 失望的disappointing 使人失望的;令人扫兴的dull 迟钝的;呆笨的;麻木的;不敏感的embarrassed 尴尬的embarrassing 使人尴尬的excited 兴奋的;高兴的exciting 令人兴奋的;使人高兴的fashionable 时髦的funny 有趣的;滑稽的generous 慷慨的gentle 绅士的happy 高兴的;愉快的honest 诚实的interested 感兴趣的interesting 有趣的lazy 懒惰的miserable 痛苦的;悲惨的nervous 紧张的reliable 可信的relaxed 放松的relaxing 使人放松的sensible 可感觉的;可觉察的serious 严重的shy 害羞的silly 傻的;愚蠢的stupid 愚蠢的tired 累的;疲劳的tiring 厌倦的;麻烦的upset 沮丧的I went to the theatre yesterday. I was excited about the exciting movie. But I lost my ticket. So I was very embarrassed. I stood there and was annoyed. However, a generous gentleman gave me a ticket for free. We seated together and watched the movie. I was so cheerful. The movie was funny. I felt very happy, except that I found the “gentleman” had gone with my wallet after the movie. RELATIVES AND RELATIONSHIPSNounsaunt 伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母;姨母brother 哥哥;弟弟cousin 堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)daughter 女儿father 父亲;爸爸father in law 岳父granddaughter 外孙女grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母grandson 外孙husband 丈夫mother 妈妈;母亲mother in law 岳母nephew 侄子;外甥niece 侄女;甥女parents 父母sister 姐妹son 儿子uncle 伯父;叔父;舅父;姑父;姨父wife 妻子1Who is rice's mother? Flower (花生米)Who is rice's father? Butterfly (蝶恋花)Who is rice grandmother and grandfather? Popcorn (爆米花,抱过米也抱过花)Who is flower's daughter and son? RiceWho is popcorn's granddaughter and grandson? Rice2Turtles can live for hundreds of years. So in a family there are grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, sons, and daughters. One day, turtle A and turtle B walked together on the road and they met turtle C. Turtle C asked turtle A, “Hi old friend, is this your younger brother?” A answered, “No, this is my grand-grand-grand-grand son”. Then he asked B, “Am I right?”Verb phrasesbring up 抚养;养育find out 找到get on 生活;融洽相处;进展;get up 起床give up 放弃go out 出去grow up 成长;长大keep in 抑制;隐瞒;隐藏;继续燃烧keep on 继续look after 照看;照顾look forward to 期盼move in 生活于;周旋于run out of 用完DAILY LIFEVerb phrases brush our hair 梳头brush our teeth 刷牙catch the bus 赶汽车catch the train 赶火车get dressed 穿衣服get undressed 脱衣服get ready 准备go swimming 去游泳go jogging 慢跑go to school 去上学go to college 上大学go to work 去工作have a bath 洗澡;沐浴have a shower 淋浴have a wash 洗衣服leave home 离开家leave work 下班meet friends 见朋友When Tom got up at 8 o'clock this morning, he found he was late for school! He got dressed quickly and brushed his teeth. Then he brushed his hair and leave home. He caught a train and go to school. When he arrived at school, he found no students at all. Then he knew the reason: It was Sunday today!SPECIAL OCCASIONSNouns anniversary 周年纪念bride 新娘cake 蛋糕guest 客人invitation 邀请party 聚会reception 接待ring 戒指speech 演讲wedding 婚礼A cat got married, and the bride was a mouse. They wanted to have a party on their wedding day. So they sent invitations to their friends. On their wedding day, all of the guests were cats. They were very hungry and wanted to have somet hing to eat. The bride said, “Wait for a moment, please, and the cake will be ready soon!” The cats answered, “But when will other mice be ready?”DESCRIBING YOUR HOMENouns air-conditioning 空调balcony 露台;阳台basement 地下室bathroom 洗手间bedroom 卧室CD player CD 播放机cellar 地窖;地下室central heating 中央暖气系统chimney 烟囱clothes line 衣绳computer 电脑;计算机cooker 炊具corkscrew 螺丝锥desk 书桌dining room 餐厅dishwasher 洗碗机entrance 入口fence 篱笆freezer 冷冻机;冷冻设备frying pan 煎锅;油炸锅garage 车库garden 花园gate 大门hall 礼堂;大厅;娱乐场hedge 灌木树篱;栅栏;隔板iron 熨斗;烙铁kitchen 厨房lawn 草地;草坪living room 起居室lounge 休闲室;长沙发microwave 微波炉path 小路plants 植物roof 屋顶rubbish bin 垃圾箱seat 座位sitting room 起居室;客厅sofa 沙发space 空间steps 脚步table 桌子toilet 厕所tool 工具toothpaste 牙膏video recorder 录像机wall 围墙;墙壁washing machine 洗衣机Adjectives comfortable 舒适的;舒服的convenient 方便的;便利的lively 可爱的;活泼的neat 整齐的peaceful 和平的tidy 整洁的;整齐的Tom was a bagger. But he was a rich beggar. Yesterday he drank a lot and went back. He walked along the tidy path and went through his garden. He entered the gate and opened the door of the living room. He then had a rest on the sofa. Later he felt hungry. So he got into the kitchen and made a meal with nice cookers. Then a lady came in and shouted at him: “You know where you are?” Tom said, “Of course. This is my home!” The lady then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, “Is there 911? I get a dru nk thief in my home. Come here quickly please!” KITCHEN AND LIVING ROOMNouns antique 古玩;古董armchair 扶手椅carpet 地毯cleaning product 清洁用品cupboard 橱柜curtain 窗帘cushion 坐垫drawer 抽屉edge 边缘electrical item 电子器件fan 风扇floor 地板handle 手柄;把手kettle(烧水用的)壶knife 刀lamp 灯plug 插座;插头switch 开关toy 玩具vase 花瓶BEDROOM AND BATHROOMNouns alarm clock 闹钟basin 洗脸盆blind 窗帘;百叶窗chest of drawer 抽屉柜mirror 镜子pillow 枕头radio 收音机rubbish bin 垃圾箱sheet 被单tap 龙头towel 毛巾THE ENVIRONMENTNounsbottle bank 玻璃瓶回收站can 罐头;罐cardboard 硬纸板climate change 气候变化coal 煤countryside 乡下environment 自然环境;周围状况flood 洪水fuel 燃料glass 玻璃global warming 全球变暖litter 垃圾;废弃物metal 金属nature 自然packaging 包装paper 纸petrol 汽油plant 植物pollution 污染plastic 塑料public transport 公共交通rainforest (热带)雨林rubbish 垃圾storm 暴风雨tin 锡;罐头盒traffic jam 交通堵塞transport 交通waste 浪费;废弃物;荒地wildlife 野生生物OPINION AND ATTITUDE Verbs advise 建议agree 同意compare 比较complain 抱怨decide 决定describe 描述disagree 不同意;不一致encourage 鼓励explain 解释promise 承诺;许诺recommend 推荐;荐举remind 使想起review 回顾;评论suggest 建议;提示warn 警告FEELINGS Adjectives afraid 害怕的amazed 吃惊的;惊奇的angry 生气的anxious 焦急的annoyed 烦恼的;恼怒的ashamed 害羞的;羞愧的calm 平静的;镇定的depressed 沮丧的disappointed 失望的frightened 害怕的embarrassed 窘迫的;局促不安的miserable 痛苦的pleased 高兴的;满意的relaxed 放松的satisfied 满意的surprised 感到惊奇的upset 心烦的;不舒服的worried 焦虑的;担忧的Verbs/Verb phrases be fond of 喜爱be keen on 喜爱dislike 不喜欢;讨厌hate 憎恨;讨厌look forward to 期待love 喜爱;喜好mind 介意SHOPPINGNouns bill 账单cash 现金charge 收费;要价cheque 支票credit card 信用卡customer 顾客deposit 存款discount 折扣receipt 收据refund 退款ON THE HIGH STREET Nouns assistant 助手;助理checkout 检验;校验chemist 化学家;药剂师department store 百货商店display 陈列;展示drycleaner 干洗店;干洗工escalator 自动扶梯hairdresser 理发师jeweller 珠宝商;珠宝店manager 经理pharmacy 药店;药房post office 邮局photographer 摄影师salesman 销售人员travel agent 旅行代理人take-away(可带走的)熟食EATING OUTNouns diet 日常饮食dessert 饭后甜食drink 饮料main course 主食menu 菜单snack 小吃starter 开胃菜tip 小费waiter 男服务员waitress 女服务员FOOD AND DRINK Nouns apple 苹果banana 香蕉bean 豆biscuit 饼干bread 面包burger 汉堡包cabbage 卷心菜;洋白菜cake 蛋糕;糕点candy 糖果carrot 胡萝卜cauliflower 菜花chip 薯条chocolate 巧克力cereal 谷物chicken 肌肉coconut 椰子cod 鳕鱼肉coffee 咖啡coke 可口可乐cookie 饼干cream 奶油cucumber 黄瓜duck 鸭肉egg 鸡蛋ham 火腿flour 面粉grape 葡萄honey 蜂蜜jam 果酱juice 果汁ice cream 冰激凌lamb 羊肉lemon 柠檬lettuce 莴苣melon 甜瓜milk 牛奶mineral water 矿泉水mushroom 蘑菇omelet 煎蛋卷pastry 糕点pear 梨pepper 胡椒粉;辣椒pie 派pizza 匹萨plaice 碟鱼肉potato 土豆raisin 葡萄干roll 面包卷salad 沙拉sausage 香肠soft drink 不含酒精的饮料/软饮料spinach 菠菜steak 牛排strawberry 草莓sugar 糖tart 果馅饼tea 茶tomato 西红柿turkey 火鸡vanilla 香草CONTAINERS AND AMOUNTS Nouns bowl 碗can 罐cup 杯dish 盘;碟jug(有柄及小口的)水壶kettle(烧水用的)壶loaf 一条(面包)mug 圆筒形有柄大杯packet 小包;小盒;小包裹pan 平底锅;盘子piece 片;块;段plate 盘子saucer 茶碟;茶托slice 片;切片;薄片spoonful 一匙的量TASTE Adjectives bitter 苦的raw 生的sour 酸的sweet 甜的COOKING Nouns ingredient 配料instruction 使用说明书recipe 烹饪法;食谱Verbs add 增加bake 烤;烘焙barbecue 烧烤野餐beat 拍打boil 煮burn 燃烧cook 烹调cut 切fry 油炸;油煎grill 烧烤mix 混合pour 涌出;倾;倒roast 烤;烘焙stir 搅拌taste 品尝PUBLIC TRANSPORT Nouns airline 航空公司airport 飞机场arrival 到达;抵达baggage collection 行李领取处boarding pass 登记证check-in 登记处custom 海关delay 耽搁;延误departure 离开lounge 休息厅destination 目的地driver 司机duty-free 免税的fare 票价flight 航班;航机gate 登机门flight attendant 空中服务人员immigration 移民局检查站;移民luggage 行李lost property 招领的失物refund 退款platform 站台safety 安全passenger 乘客;旅客pilot 飞行员demonstration 证明;示范security 安全;抵押品station 车站;所;台;局terminal 终点站timetable 时刻表waiting room 候车室Adjectives by air 航空的by land 陆路的by road 公路的by sea 水路的by rail 铁路的comfortable 舒服的;舒适的convenient 便利的crowded 拥挤的dangerous 危险的expensive 昂贵的empty 空的;空虚的;空闲的inconvenient 不方便的noisy 喧闹的quiet 安静的reliable 可靠的safe 安全的uncomfortable 不舒服的;令人不舒服的unreliable 不可靠的Verbs/Verb phrases board 上(船;飞机等)check-in 登记fasten your safetybelt 系好安全带land 着陆take off 起飞HOLIDAYSNouns adventure 冒险backpack 背包brochure 小册子backpacker 徒步背包旅行者camper 露营者campsite 野营地climber 登山者culture 文化cyclist 骑自行车的人driver 司机facility 设施guest 旅客guesthouse 上等旅社;宾馆guide book 指南hitchhiker 搭便车的旅行者hostel 旅舍;招待所hotel 酒店;饭店inn 小旅馆;客栈interpreter 口译工作者room service 房间服务部route 路线;路程single room 单间souvenir shop 礼品店taxi rank 计程车总站;出租车总称tent 帐篷tourist 旅行者;观光者translator 翻译者view 认为;考虑;观看Adjectives distant 遥远的leisure 休闲的luxury 奢侈的overnight 一整夜的;晚上的Verbs/Verb phrases book 预定camp 露营check out 检查;核实;通过cycle 骑自行车explore 探索pack 包装relax 放松reserve 预定;保留sightsee 观光ski 滑雪tour 观光;旅行HOBBIESNouns cooking 烹饪cycling 骑自行车gymnastics 体操;体育knitting 针织painting 画画horse-riding 骑马photography 摄影术sewing 缝纫;针线活skiing 滑雪Verbs/Verb phrases keep fit 保持健康arrange 安排;准备build 建造buy 购买collect 收集;收藏increase 增加exchange 交换;交流perform 表演;执行practice 练习stick 粘贴OUTDOOR AND INDOOR LEISURE ACTIVITIES Nouns boot 长筒靴camping 野营campsite 野营地;露营预定地climbing 爬山clothing 衣服club 俱乐部dancing 跳舞equipment 设备fee 费用life jacket 救生衣helmet 头盔member 会员membership 会员身份;会员资格sailing 航行society 社会;社团tent 帐篷ARRANGING A PARTYNouns band 乐队barbecue 烧烤disc jockey 电台的音乐节目主持人disco 迪斯科neighbor 邻居invitation 邀请venue 聚集地点;会场SUBJECTS Nouns art 艺术biology 生物学chemistry 化学drama 戏剧文学economics 经济学English 英语Geography 地理history 历史学information technology 信息技术language 语言music 音乐literature 文学mathematics 数学physics 物理学science 科学Spanish 西班牙语sport 体育Adjectives boring 乏味的;枯燥的difficult 困难的dull 枯燥无味的easy 容易的enjoyable 愉快的;快乐的hard 困难的;难懂的important 重要的interesting 有趣的pointless 无意义的;无用的useful 有用的useless 无用的TEACHING AND STUDYING Nouns bell 铃声board 黑板break 短暂休息certificate 证书college 学院;大学curriculum 总课程degree 学位equipment 设备essay 散文;随笔failure 失败grade 等级;程度instructor 指导者;教师laboratory 实验室lecturer 讲师method 方法;秩序professor 教授pupil 小学生qualification 合格证书;资格report 报告;报道result 结果rubber 黑板擦ruler 尺子secondary school 中学textbook 教科书;课本trainer 训练者welfare 健康;幸福;福利Adjectives absent 缺席的clever 聪明伶俐的fair 公平的;公正的funny 有趣的;可笑的intelligent 聪明的kind 友好的;和善的patient 耐心的punctual 守时的serious 严肃的;认真的reasonable 合理的strict 严格的Verbs/Verb phrases failure an exam 考试不及格hand in homework 交作业make progress 取得进步mark homework 批改作业pass an exam 考试及格revise 复习study 学习;书房take an exam 参加考试LEARNING A LANGUAGE Nouns pronunciation 发音reading 阅读;朗读;阅读材料speaking 说话;谈话;演讲spelling 拼写vocabulary 词汇writing 写作;书写Verbs interpret 解释;口译;翻译say 说translate 解释;翻译ACHES AND PAINS Nouns ankle 脚踝back 后背bone 骨头chin 下巴ear 耳朵eye 眼睛finger 手指hair 头发head 头knee 膝盖leg 腿neck 脖子;颈shoulder 肩膀skin 皮肤throat 喉咙thumb 拇指toe 脚趾;足尖backache 背疼cold 感冒cough 咳嗽earache 耳朵疼flu 流感headache 头疼stomachache 肚子疼temperature 体温toothache 牙痛TREATMENTNouns accident 事故;灾祸ambulance 救护车appointment 预约bandage 绷带chemist 药剂师;化学家dentist 牙医doctor 医生dressing 药膏;包扎用品;衣服glasses 眼镜hospital 医院medicine 药nurse 护士patient 病人plaster 石膏;膏药prescription 处方;药方Verbs /Verb phrases ache 疼痛be injured 受伤break (a nose) ……折断burn (yourself) 烫伤catch (an illness) 得了……病feel (well/ill/better/sick) (感觉)…… feel/fill/get (better/worse)/get/hurt(感觉) put on weight 增肥taste 品尝HEALTHY LIVING Nouns exercise 锻炼fat 脂肪gym 体育馆leisure 闲暇;空闲lifestyle 生活方式liquid 液体park 公园filling 馅;补牙的材料Adjectives active 积极的;主动的healthy 健康的fit 合适的;健康的inactive 不积极的;被动的sensible 明智的;有知觉的thirsty 口渴的Verbs/Verb phrases aim for 瞄准;致力于be active 积极的cycle 循环;骑脚踏车keep/get/feel fit 保持健康get off 动身use 使用walk 行走;步行Adverbs properly 合适地;适当地regularly 有规律地;定期地SPORTSNouns ball球basket 篮子basketball 篮球bat 球棒;球拍boxing 拳击cycling 骑自行车diving 潜水fishing 钓鱼fishing rod 钓鱼竿football 足球glove 手套goal 目标;球门golf 高尔夫球gymnastics 体操;体育helmet 头盔hockey 曲棍球horse-riding 骑马jogging 慢跑marathon 马拉松match 比赛net 网race-course 赛马场;跑道racket(网球等)球拍result 结果running 跑步sailing 帆船运动score 得分skiing 滑雪squash 壁球stadium 露天大型运动场;体育场stick 棍;棒swimming 游泳table tennis 乒乓球tennis 网球track 跑道;轨道volleyball 排球weightlifting 负担;砝码;秤砣weigh 称……的重量;权衡;考虑PEOPLE Nouns champion 冠军coach 教练partner 搭档player 运动员reserve 储备;贮藏team 队;组teammate 队员trainer 训练者winner 获胜者Verbs/Verb phrases dive 潜水join in 加入kick踢play 玩;打practice 练习score 得分swim 游泳take part in 参加FITNESS Nouns benefit 益处;好处club 俱乐部changing room 更衣室exercise bike 健身脚踏车gym 健身房locker 寄物柜sauna 桑拿浴;蒸气浴steam room 蒸汽房step machine 跑步机track suit 田径服Adjectives strong 强壮的confident 自信的ANIMALSNouns bat 蝙蝠bear 熊birds 鸟bee 蜜蜂bull 公牛cat 猫chicken 鸡cow 牛dog 狗dolphin 海豚duck 鸭子elephant 大象fish鱼fur 毛皮giraffe 长颈鹿goat 山羊horse 马insect 昆虫kitten 小猫lamb 小羊monkey 猴子lion 狮子mouse 老鼠parrot 鹦鹉pet 宠物pig 猪rabbit 兔子sea creature 海洋生物sheep 羊snake 蛇sting 毒刺teeth 牙tiger 老虎turkey 火鸡whale 鲸wild animal 野兽wing 翅膀;翼zebra 斑马Adjectives amusing 有趣的;好玩的beautiful 美丽的dangerous 危险的friendly 友好的frightening 害怕的;可怕的useful 有用的THE COUNTRYSIDE Nouns bark 吠;叫beach 海滩branch 树枝canal 骆驼cave 山洞cliff 悬崖coast 海岸collar 衣领;项圈ear 耳朵earth 地球;泥土egg 鸡蛋farmer 农民farm 农场field 田野fish 鱼;鱼肉flower 花fur 毛皮forest 森林garden 花园grass 草harbor 海港insect 昆虫lake 湖hill 山lamb 小羊;羊肉island 岛屿leaf 叶子moon 月亮ocean 海洋path 小路pet 宠物;宠儿planet 行星plant 植物river 小河rock 岩石;石头rose 玫瑰sand 沙子sea 海seaside 海边sky 天空snow 雪soil 泥土space 太空;空间star 星星stream 小溪sun 太阳universe 宇宙valley 山谷wave 波浪wet 雨天;湿地wood 木头;树林;林地Adjectives deep 深的high 高的soft 软的;柔软的Verbs climb 爬;攀登flow 循环;垂;飘扬THE WEATHER Nouns cold 寒冷degree centigrade 摄氏度fog 雾frost 霜gale 大风heat 高温;炎热ice 冰lightening 闪电rain 雨shower 阵雨snow 雪storm 暴风雪sun 太阳sunshine 阳光temperature 温度thermometer 温度计;体温表thunder 雷声Adjectives cloudy 阴天的cold 寒冷的foggy 有雾的frosty 有霜的hot 热的icy 被冰覆盖的rainy 下雨的showery 阵雨的snowy 雪的stormy 有暴风雨的sunny 晴朗的windy 有风的Verbs bum 乞求;索求rain 下雨slip 滑倒;摆脱FORECASTERING THE WEATHERAdjectivesbright 明亮的;光亮的clean 清洁的clear 清澈的cool 凉爽的dry 干燥的heavy 重的;沉重的high 高的light 光线充足的;明亮的low 低的;矮的mild 温和的strong 强烈的warm 暖和的weak 淡的;稀释的wet 湿的CLIMATES AND SEASONS Nouns east 东;东方north 北;北方northeast 东北northwest 西北south 南;南方west 西;西方;西部southeast 东南southwest 西南autumn 秋天;秋季fall 秋天;秋季foil 箔;金属箔片spring 春天summer 夏天winter 冬天January 一月February 二月March 三月April 四月May 五月June 六月July 七月August 八月September 九月October 十月November 十一月December 十二月Adjectives average 平均的;普通的typical 典型的TELEVISION Nouns cartoon 动画片channel 频道character 人物current affairs 时事;新闻discussion 讨论documentary 纪录片drama 戏剧;剧本hero 男主人公;男主角heroine 女主人公;女主角play 戏剧;剧本natural history 博物学;有关博物学的书presenter 节目主持人;演播员programme 节目quiz 小测验series 系列sitcom 情景喜剧soap 肥皂thriller 恐怖片weather forecast 天气预报READING BOOKS Nouns adventure 冒险;奇遇biography 传记fiction 小说historical 历史的fantasy 想象;幻想romantic 浪漫的mystery 神秘horror 恐怖;恐惧love 爱情non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science fiction 科幻小说thriller 恐怖小说NEWPAPERS AND MAGAZINES Nouns article 文章headline 大字标题;新闻题要photograph 照片report 报告;报道reporter 记者review 评论性刊物;评论Adjectives daily 日常的weekly 每周的fortnightly 每两周的;隔周发行的monthly 每月一次的annual 年度的;每年一次的TOWNS AND CITIES Nouns atmosphere 空气;气氛;环境bar 酒吧bookshop 书店bus station 公交车站castle 教堂drugstore 药店clinic 诊所coffee shop 咖啡店dentist 牙医disco 迪斯科舞厅(会)chemist 药剂师drycleaner 干洗店gallery 画廊;美术馆guesthouse 上等旅社;宾馆hairdresser 理发师hotel 酒店;饭店mosque 清真寺;伊斯兰教寺院museum 博物馆newsagent 报刊经销人noise 噪声office block 办公大楼palace 宫殿park 公园peaceful and quiet 宁静祥和的pedestrian crossing 行人交叉路pollution 污染public transport 公共交通railway station 火车站roundabout 绕道;绕行路线scenery 风景;景色shopping center 购物中心stadium 露天大型运动场;体育场supermarket 超市swimming pool 游泳池theater 剧场;戏院traffic jam交通堵塞traffic lights 红绿灯turning 转弯处;岔路口village 村庄Adjectivesboring 无趣的;乏味的beautiful 美丽的busy 繁忙的clean 清洁的;干净的convenient 方便的;便利的crowded 拥挤的dangerous 危险的dirty 脏的exciting 激动人心的lively 充满活力的;活泼的quiet 安静的safe 安全的PLACES AND BUILDINGS Nouns factory 工厂office 办公室car park 停车场cathedral 教堂corner 角落cottage 小屋;村舍crossroad 十字路口farm 农场hospital 医院VEHICLESNouns aeroplane 飞机bicycle 自行车boot 后备箱;行李箱brake 刹车bus 公共汽车cab 出租车;出租马车cabin 船舱;(飞机上的)驾驶舱car 小汽车coach 长途客运汽车ferry 渡船engine 发动机;火车头handlebar 手把;手柄helicopter 直升飞机lorry 卡车;运货汽车hovercraft 气垫船motorbike 摩托车seatbelt 安全带scooter 单脚滑行车ship 轮船taxi 出租车train 火车tram 有轨电车truck 卡车tyre 轮胎underground train 地铁wheel 车轮wing 机翼trolleybus 无轨电车THE ARTSNouns ballet 芭蕾舞comedy 喜剧concert 音乐会dance 舞蹈drama 戏剧exhibition 展览;展览会film 电影jazz 爵士乐music 音乐novel 长篇小说poem 诗歌orchestra 交响乐play 戏剧THEATER AND MUSIC Nouns actor 男演员actress 女演员audience 观众box office 票房character 人物classical/pop/rock music 古典/流行/摇滚音乐costume 服装;女外套;女装curtain 窗帘drum 鼓flute 长笛guitar 吉他hero 男主人公heroine 女主人公interval 幕间休息keyboard(打字机;钢琴的)键盘lightning 闪电instrument 仪器;乐器make-up 化妆performance 表演piano 钢琴role 角色musician 音乐家scene 一场;一个镜头scenery 舞台布景sound 录音;声音stage 舞台star 明星ticket 票trumpet 喇叭violin 小提琴Verbs act 表演clap 拍手;鼓掌direct 指导;导演;管理perform 表演;演出play 演出;扮演produce 上演show 上演;演出star (in) 主演CINEMA Nouns action 情节animation 卡通片的制作cartoon 动画片comedy 喜剧drama 戏剧historical 历史的horror 恐怖的事物mystery 神秘romantic 浪漫的science fiction 科幻小说thriller 恐怖小说/电影COMMUNICATINGNouns conversation 对话email 电子邮件landline 陆上运输letter 信mobile (phone)移动电话note 短信;函件telephone 电话text message 正文消息Verbscal 卡;小卡email 给……发电子邮件phone 打电话speak 讲;谈write 写(信等)COMPUTERSNouns application 用途;实际应用chatroom 聊天室disc 碟game 游戏hard drive 硬盘机homework 家庭作业;准备工作internet 国际互联网;因特网keyboard 键盘laptop 便携式电脑memory 记忆password 密码program 程序screen 屏幕website 网址Verbs access 存取(计算机文件)crash(电脑)死机delete 删除download 下载save 保存surf 观看网络资料JOBSNouns actor 演员(尤指男演员)architect 建筑师;设计师artist 艺术家butcher 屠夫cameraman 照相师;摄影师(尤指电影)carpenter 木工;木匠career 职业chemist 药剂师;化学家cleaner 清洁工comedian 戏剧演员;丑角custom officer 报关员dancer 舞蹈家;舞女dentist 牙医designer 设计师detective 侦探disc jockey 电台的音乐节目主持人employment 雇用;就业hairdresser 理发师income 收入farmer 农民film star 电影明星journalist 记者fire fighter 救火队员flight attendant 空中服务人员judge 法官;裁判员labor 工作lawyer 律师librarian 图书管理员mechanic 技工;机修工newsagent 报刊经销人novelist 小说家nurse 护士occupation 职业;工作pay 工资physician 医生;内科医生poet 诗人police officer 警官;警员porter 搬运工人profession 职业;自由职业publisher 出版商;出版社salary 薪水sales assistant 销售助理security guard 保安人员singer 歌手trade 贸易travel agent 旅行社TV presenter 节目主持人;演播员wage 工资waiter 男服务员waitress 女服务员Verbs/Verb phrases deal with 处理;对付look after 照顾;照看serve 服务;提供Adjectivesunskilled 不熟练的;无特别技术的人APPLYING FOR A JOB Nouns advertisement 广告application form 申请表candidate 申请求职者experience 经验;经历interview 面试job offer 提供工作者pay and condition 工资和条件Adjectivesfull-time 全职的hard-working 努力工作的Verbs/Verb phrases accept 接受attend 参加;照顾discuss 讨论earn 赚得;挣钱employ 雇佣fill in 填写receive 收到BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Nouns account department 会计室(处)appointment 约会;约定assistant 助手;助理brochure 小册子boss 老板building 建筑物;楼房;房屋business 交易;生意;工商企业business trip 商务旅行businessman 商人canteen 食堂clerk 办事员;职员colleague 同事contract 契约;合同customer 客户customer service 客户服务department 部门director 主管;董事employer 雇主employee 雇员factory 工厂machine 机器manager 经理meeting 会议product 产品project 工程;项目receptionist 接待员report 报告sales figure 销售数据secretary 秘书;书记staff 工作人员supplier 供应商Adjectivesin stock(商店等中)有现货的on strike 罢工中的Verbs arrange 安排cancel 取消confirm 证实;批准deliver 递送;交付insure 保证;确保manage 管理;经营meet 会面;迎接;满足operate 运转;操作;经营;管理order 订购;整理;布置retire 退休;退职run 经营;管理sign 签名;签字type 打字。

CONTINENTS AND REGIONSAfrica 非洲Asia 亚洲Australia 澳洲Europe 欧洲North America 北美洲South America 南美洲The Arctic 北极The Mediterranean 地中海An ant wanted to travel around the world. He started from Asia and went to Europe at first. Then he went south to the Africa and then Australia. After that he crossed the sea and got to the South America and then went north to North America. At last he went to the Arctic. He was very proud of himself and wanted to tell everybody about his travel. He thought he had traveled around the world. But in fact it was just a map.COUNTRIESArgentina 阿根廷Austria 奥地利Brazil 巴西Canada 加拿大Denmark 丹麦Ecuador 厄瓜多尔Egypt 埃及France 法国Germany 德国Greece 希腊India 印度Italy 意大利Japan 日本Kenya 肯尼亚Korea 韩国Mexico 墨西哥Morocco 摩洛哥Norway 挪威Poland 波兰Portugal 葡萄牙Russia 俄罗斯Spain 西班牙Sweden 瑞典Switzerland 瑞士Thailand 泰国The Netherlands 荷兰The USA 美国Turkey 土耳其Match:Brazil 巴西Europe Canada 加拿大Egypt 埃及Africa France 法国Germany 德国North AmericIndia 印度Japan 日本South AmericaKorea 韩国Mexico 墨西哥Spain 西班牙AsiaLANGUAGES/NATIONALITIES American美国人(的)Arabic 阿拉伯语,阿拉伯人的Canadian 加拿大的,加拿大人的Danish 丹麦的,丹麦人的,丹麦语的English英国(人)的;英格兰(人)的French 法语,法国人的German 德国人;日耳曼人;德语;日耳曼语Italian意大利(人)的;意大利语的Japanese 日本人;日本语Polish 波兰(人)的;波兰语的Portuguese葡萄牙语的;葡萄牙(人)的Russian俄罗斯的;俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的Spanish西班牙语;西班牙人Swedish瑞典的;瑞典人(语)的Swiss瑞士(的);瑞士人(的);瑞士语(的)An American, a Canadian, an English and a French was traveling in Spain. They came across a band of gangs. The gangs said they would beat everyone on their backs, but eachone of them can ask for something before theywere beaten.The French asked for a bottle of one. He drank it and then he was beaten heavily.The English asked for a cigar. He smoked it and then he was beaten heavily.The Canadian asked for a thick jacket. He put it on and felt less painful.At last it turned to the American.“I asked for a Canadian. And I want to put him on my back.”GEOGRAPHY NOUNSNounsbay 海湾;湾border 边界;界限capital 首都;省会cliff 悬崖coast 海岸desert 沙漠farmland 农田forest 森林island岛屿mountain 山丘;高山;山脉ocean 海洋population 人口port 港口region 地区river 河流;小河scenery 风景;景色sea 海洋;大海soil 土地;泥土stream 小溪;溪流valley 峡谷;山谷waterfall 瀑布Adjectivesbeautiful 美丽的;漂亮的fast-flowing 快速流动的rocky 岩石的;多岩石的sandy 沙的;多沙的steep-sided 浸湿的thick 厚的APPERANCESNounsadult 成人baby 婴儿;宝贝beard 胡须child 孩子childhood 儿童期;童年时代moustache 小胡子pensioner领养老金者;抚恤金领取者teenager 年轻人youth青春;青年时期;少年时代Adjectivesattractive 吸引人的bald 秃的beautiful 美丽的;漂亮的blonde白肤金发的bright 聪明的curly 卷曲的dark 暗的elderly 年长的fair公平的fat 胖的good-looking 好看的handsome 帅的light 轻的long 长的middle-aged 中年的old 老的pale 苍白的pretty 漂亮的short 短的slim 苗条的smart 聪明的;灵敏的straight 直的tall 高的teenage十三岁到十九岁的thin 瘦的ugly 丑陋的young 年轻的Old Tom and his wife were both 60 years old now. His wife was ugly and not attractive. Hewanted his wife to become a slim, pretty and young lady again. But it was difficult. One day he met the God. Tom asked the God to realize his dream.“What is your dream, my son?” asked the God. “I want my wife to be thirty years younger than me!” said Tom.“That is easy!” said the God.When the God was gone, Tom became 90 years old.CLOTHESNounsbelt 腰带;皮带blouse 女衬衫boots 靴子button 纽扣cap 帽子coat 外套collar 衣领dress 女服;童装earring 耳环glasses 眼镜glove 手套handbag 手提包handkerchief 手帕hat 帽子jacket 夹克衫jeans 牛仔裤jewellery 珠宝jumper短褂lipstick 唇膏perfume 香水pocket 口袋pullover 套衫pajamas 睡衣raincoat 雨衣ring 戒指shirt 衬衫shoes 鞋子shorts短裤skirt 短裙sleeve 袖子spots 污点suit 套装sweater 毛线衫sweatshirt圆领长袖运动衫swimming costume 泳装T-shirt T恤衫Tracksuit竞赛服;田径服trousers 裤子umbrella 雨伞uniform 制服Adjectivescomfortable 舒服的cotton 棉的fashionable 时尚的gold 金;金币;金器knitted 编织的leather 皮革的;皮质的loose 松的old-fashioned 过时的silk 丝的;丝织的silver银质的stylish 现代风格的;流行的;潇洒的tight 紧的valuable 有价值的woolen 羊毛的Verbs/Verb phrasesfit 适合fold 折叠;合拢go with/match 搭配put on 穿上take off 脱下try on 试穿wear out 穿破;用坏Jack wanted to buy a knitted woolen sweater. He went to a clothes shop and found a very stylish one. “B ut I don’t think this one is fit for me.”He said to the shop assistant. The shop assistant answered, “Why don’t you try it on?”Jack then put on the sweater. But it was too tight and Jack couldn’t take it off.“Oh my God, What should I do?”“It is OK,” said the assistant. “You needn’t takeit off any more after you pay for it.”FRIENDSNounspromise 承诺secret 秘密Verbs/Verb phrasesaccept 接受complain 抱怨fall out with 吵架get on with 继续做某事help 帮助laugh 笑lie 躺着;撒谎make up(again)和好promise 承诺remember 记得respect 敬佩share 分享trust 相信;信任Cat: “Honey, you know that we are close friends and I have no secret to you. I trust you and I would like to share what I have with you.I promise that I will help you and I will accept all your requirements.”Mouse: “Then why do you put your hands on my neck?”PERSONALITIES ANDSOCIAL INTERACTIONAdjectivesamazed 惊奇的;吃惊的amazing 令人惊奇的annoyed恼怒的;生气的annoying令人烦恼的;令人讨厌的anxious 着急的calm平静的;安静的;无风浪的cheerful 兴奋的confidential保密的cross脾气坏的;易怒的disappointed 失望的disappointing使人失望的;令人扫兴的dull沉闷的; 乏味的; 无精打采的embarrassed 尴尬的embarrassing 使人尴尬的excited兴奋的;高兴的exciting 令人兴奋的;使人高兴的fashionable 时髦的funny 有趣的;滑稽的generous 慷慨的gentle 绅士的happy 高兴的;愉快的honest 诚实的interested 感兴趣的interesting 有趣的lazy 懒惰的miserable 痛苦的;悲惨的nervous 紧张的reliable 可信的relaxed放松的relaxing 使人放松的sensible 可感觉的;可觉察的serious 严重的shy 害羞的silly 傻的;愚蠢的stupid 愚蠢的tired 累的;疲劳的tiring厌倦的;麻烦的upset 沮丧的I went to the theatre yesterday. I was excited about the exciting movie. But I lost my ticket. So I was very embarrassed. I stood there and was annoyed. However, a generous gentleman gave me a ticket for free. We seated together and watched the movie. I was so cheerful. The movie was funny. I felt very happy, except that I found the “gentleman”had gone with my wallet after the movie.RELATIVES AND RELATIONSHIPS Nounsaunt伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母;姨母brother 哥哥;弟弟cousin堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)daughter 女儿father 父亲;爸爸father in law 岳父granddaughter 外孙女grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母grandson 外孙husband 丈夫mother妈妈;母亲mother in law 岳母nephew 侄子;外甥niece侄女;甥女parents 父母sister 姐妹son 儿子uncle伯父;叔父;舅父;姑父;姨父wife 妻子1Who is rice’s mother? Flower (花生米)Who is rice’s father? Butterfly (蝶恋花)Who is rice grandmother and grandfather? Popcorn (爆米花,抱过米也抱过花)Who is flower’s daughter and son? RiceWho is popcorn’s granddaughter and grandson? Rice2Turtles can live for hundreds of years. So in a family there are grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, sons, and daughters. One day, turtle A and turtle B walked together on the road and they met turtle C. Turtle C asked turtle A, “Hi old friend, is this your younger brother?” A answered, “No, this is my grand-grand-grand-grand son”. Then he asked B, “Am I right?”Verb phrasesbring up 抚养;养育find out 找到get on生活;融洽相处;进展;get up 起床give up放弃go out 出去grow up 成长;长大keep in抑制;隐瞒;隐藏;继续燃烧keep on 继续look after 照看;照顾look forward to 期盼move in生活于;周旋于run out of用完DAILY LIFEVerb phrasesbrush our hair 梳头brush our teeth 刷牙catch the bus 赶汽车catch the train 赶火车get dressed 穿衣服get undressed 脱衣服get ready 准备go swimming 去游泳go jogging 慢跑go to school 去上学go to college 上大学go to work 去工作have a bath 洗澡;沐浴have a shower 淋浴have a wash 洗衣服leave home 离开家leave work 下班meet friends 见朋友When Tom got up at 8 o’clock this morning, he found he was late for school! He got dressed quickly and brushed his teeth. Then he brushed his hair and leave home. He caught a train and go to school. When he arrived at school, he found no students at all. Then he knew the reason: It was Sunday today!SPECIAL OCCASIONSNounsanniversary周年纪念bride 新娘cake 蛋糕guest 客人invitation 邀请party 聚会reception 接待ring 戒指speech 演讲wedding 婚礼A cat got married, and the bride was a mouse. They wanted to have a party on their weddingday. So they sent invitations to their friends. On their wedding day, all of the guests were cats. They were very hungry and wanted to have something to eat. The bride said, “Wait for a moment, please, and the cake will be ready soon!” The cats answered, “But when will other mice be ready?”DESCRIBING YOUR HOMENounsair-conditioning 空调balcony露台;阳台basement地下室bathroom 洗手间bedroom卧室CD player CD 播放机cellar地窖;地下室central heating中央暖气系统chimney 烟囱clothes line 衣绳computer 电脑;计算机cooker 炊具corkscrew螺丝锥desk 书桌dining room 餐厅dishwasher 洗碗机entrance 入口fence 篱笆freezer冷冻机;冷冻设备frying pan煎锅;油炸锅garage 车库garden 花园gate 大门hall礼堂;大厅;娱乐场hedge灌木树篱;栅栏;隔板iron 熨斗;烙铁kitchen 厨房lawn草地;草坪living room起居室lounge休闲室;长沙发microwave 微波炉path 小路plants植物roof 屋顶rubbish bin 垃圾箱seat 座位sitting room 起居室;客厅sofa 沙发space 空间steps 脚步table 桌子toilet 厕所tool 工具toothpaste 牙膏video recorder录像机wall围墙;墙壁washing machine洗衣机Adjectivescomfortable舒适的;舒服的convenient方便的;便利的lively可爱的;活泼的neat整齐的peaceful和平的tidy整洁的;整齐的Tom was a bagger. But he was a rich beggar. Yesterday he drank a lot and went back. He walked along the tidy path and went through his garden. He entered the gate and opened the door of the living room. He then had a rest on the sofa. Later he felt hungry. So he got into the kitchen and made a meal with nice cookers. Then a lady came in and shouted at him: “You know where you are?”Tom said, “Of course. This is my home!” The lady then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, “Is there 911? I get a drunk thief in my home. Come here quickly please!”KITCHEN AND LIVING ROOM Nounsantique古玩;古董armchair扶手椅carpet地毯cleaning product清洁用品cupboard橱柜curtain窗帘cushion坐垫drawer抽屉edge边缘electrical item电子器件fan风扇floor地板handle手柄;把手kettle(烧水用的)壶knife刀lamp灯plug插座;插头switch开关toy玩具vase花瓶BEDROOM AND BATHROOM Nounsalarm clock闹钟basin洗脸盆blind窗帘;百叶窗chest of drawer抽屉柜mirror镜子pillow枕头radio收音机rubbish bin垃圾箱sheet被单tap龙头towel毛巾THE ENVIRONMENTNounsbottle bank玻璃瓶回收站can罐头;罐cardboard硬纸板climate change气候变化coal煤countryside乡下environment自然环境;周围状况flood洪水fuel燃料glass玻璃global warming全球变暖litter垃圾;废弃物metal金属nature自然packaging包装paper纸petrol汽油plant植物pollution污染plastic塑料public transport公共交通rainforest (热带)雨林rubbish垃圾storm暴风雨tin锡;罐头盒traffic jam交通堵塞transport交通waste浪费;废弃物;荒地wildlife野生生物OPINION AND ATTITUDE Verbsadvise建议agree同意compare比较complain抱怨decide决定describe描述disagree不同意;不一致encourage鼓励explain解释promise承诺;许诺recommend推荐;荐举remind使想起review回顾;评论suggest建议;提示warn警告FEELINGSAdjectivesafraid害怕的amazed吃惊的;惊奇的angry生气的anxious焦急的annoyed烦恼的;恼怒的ashamed害羞的;羞愧的calm平静的;镇定的depressed沮丧的disappointed失望的frightened害怕的embarrassed窘迫的;局促不安的miserable痛苦的pleased高兴的;满意的relaxed放松的satisfied满意的surprised感到惊奇的upset心烦的;不舒服的worried焦虑的;担忧的Verbs/Verb phrasesbe fond of喜爱be keen on喜爱dislike不喜欢;讨厌hate憎恨;讨厌look forward to期待love喜爱;喜好mind介意SHOPPINGNounsbill 账单cash现金charge收费;要价cheque支票credit card信用卡customer顾客deposit存款discount 折扣receipt收据refund退款ON THE HIGH STREET Nounsassistant助手;助理checkout检验;校验chemist化学家;药剂师department store百货商店display陈列;展示drycleaner干洗店;干洗工escalator自动扶梯hairdresser理发师jeweller珠宝商;珠宝店manager经理pharmacy药店;药房post office邮局photographer摄影师salesman销售人员travel agent旅行代理人take-away(可带走的)熟食EATING OUTNounsdiet日常饮食dessert饭后甜食drink饮料main course主食menu菜单snack小吃starter开胃菜tip小费waiter男服务员waitress女服务员FOOD AND DRINK Nounsapple苹果banana香蕉bean豆biscuit饼干bread面包burger汉堡包cabbage卷心菜;洋白菜cake蛋糕;糕点candy糖果carrot胡萝卜cauliflower菜花chip薯条chocolate巧克力cereal谷物chicken肌肉coconut椰子cod鳕鱼肉coffee咖啡coke可口可乐cookie饼干cream奶油cucumber黄瓜duck鸭肉egg鸡蛋ham火腿flour面粉grape葡萄honey蜂蜜jam果酱juice果汁ice cream冰激凌lamb羊肉lemon柠檬lettuce莴苣melon甜瓜milk牛奶mineral water矿泉水mushroom蘑菇omelet煎蛋卷pastry糕点pear梨pepper胡椒粉;辣椒pie派pizza匹萨plaice碟鱼肉potato土豆raisin葡萄干roll面包卷salad沙拉sausage香肠soft drink不含酒精的饮料/软饮料spinach菠菜steak牛排strawberry草莓sugar糖tart果馅饼tea茶tomato西红柿turkey火鸡vanilla香草CONTAINERS AND AMOUNTS Nounsbowl碗can罐cup杯dish盘;碟jug(有柄及小口的)水壶kettle(烧水用的)壶loaf一条(面包)mug圆筒形有柄大杯packet小包;小盒;小包裹pan平底锅;盘子piece片;块;段plate盘子saucer茶碟;茶托slice片;切片;薄片spoonful一匙的量TASTEAdjectivesbitter苦的raw 生的sour酸的sweet甜的COOKINGNounsingredient配料instruction使用说明书recipe 烹饪法;食谱Verbsadd增加bake烤;烘焙barbecue烧烤野餐beat拍打boil煮burn燃烧cook烹调cut切fry油炸;油煎grill烧烤mix混合pour涌出;倾;倒roast烤;烘焙stir搅拌taste品尝PUBLIC TRANSPORTNounsairline航空公司airport飞机场arrival到达;抵达baggage collection行李领取处boarding pass登记证check-in登记处custom海关delay耽搁;延误departure离开lounge休息厅destination目的地driver司机duty-free免税的fare票价flight航班;航机gate登机门flight attendant空中服务人员immigration移民局检查站;移民luggage行李lost property招领的失物refund退款platform站台safety安全passenger乘客;旅客pilot飞行员demonstration证明;示范security安全;抵押品station车站;所;台;局terminal终点站timetable时刻表waiting room候车室Adjectivesby air航空的by land陆路的by road公路的by sea水路的by rail铁路的comfortable舒服的;舒适的convenient便利的crowded拥挤的dangerous危险的expensive昂贵的empty空的;空虚的;空闲的inconvenient不方便的noisy喧闹的quiet安静的reliable可靠的safe安全的uncomfortable不舒服的;令人不舒服的unreliable不可靠的Verbs/Verb phrasesboard上(船;飞机等)check-in登记fasten your safetybelt系好安全带land着陆take off起飞HOLIDAYSNounsadventure冒险backpack背包brochure小册子backpacker徒步背包旅行者camper露营者campsite 野营地climber登山者culture文化cyclist骑自行车的人driver司机facility设施guest旅客guesthouse上等旅社;宾馆guide book指南hitchhiker搭便车的旅行者hostel旅舍;招待所hotel酒店;饭店inn小旅馆;客栈interpreter口译工作者room service房间服务部route路线;路程single room单间souvenir shop礼品店taxi rank计程车总站;出租车总称tent帐篷tourist旅行者;观光者translator翻译者view认为;考虑;观看Adjectivesdistant遥远的leisure休闲的luxury奢侈的overnight一整夜的;晚上的Verbs/Verb phrasesbook预定camp露营check out检查;核实;通过cycle骑自行车explore探索pack包装relax放松reserve预定;保留sightsee观光ski滑雪tour观光;旅行HOBBIESNounscooking烹饪cycling骑自行车gymnastics体操;体育knitting针织painting画画horse-riding骑马photography摄影术sewing缝纫;针线活skiing滑雪Verbs/Verb phraseskeep fit保持健康arrange安排;准备build建造buy购买collect收集;收藏increase增加exchange交换;交流perform表演;执行practice练习stick粘贴OUTDOOR AND INDOOR LEISURE ACTIVITIESNounsboot长筒靴camping野营campsite野营地;露营预定地climbing爬山clothing衣服club俱乐部dancing跳舞equipment设备fee费用life jacket救生衣helmet头盔member会员membership会员身份;会员资格sailing航行society社会;社团tent帐篷ARRANGING A PARTYNounsband乐队barbecue烧烤disc jockey电台的音乐节目主持人disco迪斯科neighbor邻居invitation邀请venue聚集地点;会场SUBJECTSNounsart艺术biology生物学chemistry化学drama戏剧文学economics经济学English英语Geography地理history历史学information technology信息技术language语言music音乐literature文学mathematics数学physics物理学science科学Spanish西班牙语sport体育Adjectivesboring乏味的;枯燥的difficult困难的dull枯燥无味的easy容易的enjoyable愉快的;快乐的hard困难的;难懂的important重要的interesting有趣的pointless无意义的;无用的useful有用的useless无用的TEACHING AND STUDYING Nounsbell铃声board黑板break短暂休息certificate证书college学院;大学curriculum总课程degree学位equipment设备essay散文;随笔failure失败grade等级;程度instructor指导者;教师laboratory实验室lecturer讲师method方法;秩序professor教授pupil小学生qualification合格证书;资格report报告;报道result结果rubber黑板擦ruler尺子secondary school中学textbook教科书;课本trainer训练者welfare健康;幸福;福利Adjectivesabsent缺席的clever聪明伶俐的fair公平的;公正的funny有趣的;可笑的intelligent聪明的kind友好的;和善的patient耐心的punctual守时的serious严肃的;认真的reasonable合理的strict严格的Verbs/Verb phrasesfailure an exam考试不及格hand in homework交作业make progress取得进步mark homework批改作业pass an exam考试及格revise复习study学习;书房take an exam参加考试LEARNING A LANGUAGE Nounspronunciation发音reading阅读;朗读;阅读材料speaking说话;谈话;演讲spelling拼写vocabulary词汇writing写作;书写Verbsinterpret解释;口译;翻译say说translate解释;翻译ACHES AND PAINSNounsankle脚踝back后背bone骨头chin下巴ear耳朵eye眼睛finger手指hair头发head头knee膝盖leg腿neck脖子;颈shoulder肩膀skin皮肤throat喉咙thumb拇指toe脚趾;足尖backache背疼cold感冒cough咳嗽earache耳朵疼flu 流感headache头疼stomachache肚子疼temperature体温toothache牙痛TREATMENTNounsaccident事故;灾祸ambulance救护车appointment预约bandage绷带chemist药剂师;化学家dentist牙医doctor医生dressing药膏;包扎用品;衣服glasses眼镜hospital医院medicine药nurse护士patient病人plaster石膏;膏药prescription处方;药方Verbs /Verb phrasesache疼痛be injured受伤break (a nose)……折断burn (yourself) 烫伤catch (an illness) 得了……病feel (well/ill/better/sick) (感觉)……feel/fill/get (better/worse)/get/hurt(感觉)……put on weight增肥taste品尝HEALTHY LIVINGNounsexercise锻炼fat脂肪gym体育馆leisure闲暇;空闲lifestyle生活方式liquid液体park公园filling馅;补牙的材料Adjectivesactive积极的;主动的healthy健康的fit合适的;健康的inactive不积极的;被动的sensible明智的;有知觉的thirsty口渴的Verbs/Verb phrasesaim for瞄准;致力于be active积极的cycle循环;骑脚踏车keep/get/feel fit保持健康get off 动身use使用walk行走;步行Adverbsproperly合适地;适当地regularly有规律地;定期地SPORTSNounsball球basket篮子basketball篮球bat球棒;球拍boxing拳击cycling骑自行车diving潜水fishing钓鱼fishing rod钓鱼竿football足球glove手套goal目标;球门golf高尔夫球gymnastics体操;体育helmet头盔hockey曲棍球horse-riding骑马jogging慢跑marathon马拉松match比赛net网race-course赛马场;跑道racket(网球等)球拍result结果running跑步sailing帆船运动score得分skiing滑雪squash壁球stadium露天大型运动场;体育场stick棍;棒swimming游泳table tennis乒乓球tennis网球track跑道;轨道volleyball排球weightlifting负担;砝码;秤砣weigh称……的重量;权衡;考虑PEOPLENouns champion冠军coach教练partner搭档player运动员reserve储备;贮藏team队;组teammate队员trainer训练者winner获胜者Verbs/Verb phrases dive潜水join in加入kick踢play玩;打practice练习score得分swim游泳take part in参加FITNESSNounsbenefit益处;好处club俱乐部changing room更衣室exercise bike健身脚踏车gym健身房locker寄物柜sauna桑拿浴;蒸气浴steam room蒸汽房step machine跑步机track suit田径服Adjectivesstrong强壮的confident自信的ANIMALSNounsbat蝙蝠bear熊birds鸟bee蜜蜂bull公牛cat猫chicken鸡cow牛dog狗dolphin海豚duck鸭子elephant大象fish鱼fur毛皮giraffe长颈鹿goat山羊horse马insect昆虫kitten小猫lamb小羊monkey猴子lion狮子mouse老鼠parrot鹦鹉pet宠物pig猪rabbit兔子sea creature海洋生物sheep羊snake蛇sting毒刺teeth牙tiger老虎turkey火鸡whale鲸wild animal野兽wing翅膀;翼zebra斑马Adjectivesamusing有趣的;好玩的beautiful美丽的dangerous危险的friendly友好的frightening害怕的;可怕的useful有用的THE COUNTRYSIDE Nouns bark吠;叫beach海滩branch树枝camal骆驼cave山洞cliff悬崖coast海岸collar衣领;项圈ear耳朵earth地球;泥土egg鸡蛋farmer农民farm农场field田野fish鱼;鱼肉flower花fur毛皮forest森林garden花园grass草harbor海港insect昆虫lake湖hill山lamb小羊;羊肉island岛屿leaf叶子moon月亮ocean海洋path小路pet宠物;宠儿planet行星plant植物river小河rock岩石;石头rose玫瑰sand沙子sea海seaside海边sky天空snow雪soil泥土space太空;空间star星星stream小溪sun太阳universe宇宙valley山谷wave波浪wet雨天;湿地wood木头;树林;林地Adjectivesdeep深的high高的soft软的;柔软的Verbsclimb爬;攀登flow循环;垂;飘扬THE WEATHER Nounscold寒冷degree centigrade摄氏度fog雾frost霜gale大风heat高温;炎热ice冰lightening闪电rain雨shower阵雨snow雪storm暴风雪sun太阳sunshine阳光temperature温度thermometer温度计;体温表thunder雷声Adjectivescloudy阴天的cold寒冷的foggy有雾的frosty有霜的hot热的icy被冰覆盖的rainy下雨的showery阵雨的snowy雪的stormy有暴风雨的sunny晴朗的windy有风的Verbsbum乞求;索求rain下雨slip滑倒;摆脱FORECASTERING THE WEATHER Adjectivesbright明亮的;光亮的clean清洁的clear清澈的cool凉爽的dry干燥的heavy重的;沉重的high高的light光线充足的;明亮的low低的;矮的mild温和的strong强烈的warm暖和的weak淡的;稀释的wet湿的CLIMATES AND SEASONSNounseast东;东方north北;北方northeast东北northwest西北south南;南方west西;西方;西部southeast东南southwest西南autumn秋天;秋季fall秋天;秋季foil箔;金属箔片spring春天summer夏天winter冬天January一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月Adjectivesaverage平均的;普通的typical典型的TELEVISIONNounscartoon动画片channel频道character人物current affairs时事;新闻discussion讨论documentary纪录片drama戏剧;剧本hero男主人公;男主角heroine女主人公;女主角play戏剧;剧本natural history博物学;有关博物学的书presenter节目主持人;演播员programme节目quiz小测验series系列sitcom情景喜剧soap肥皂thriller恐怖片weather forecast天气预报READING BOOKSNounsadventure冒险;奇遇biography传记fiction小说historical历史的fantasy想象;幻想romantic浪漫的mystery神秘horror恐怖;恐惧love爱情non-fiction非小说类文学作品science fiction科幻小说thriller恐怖小说NEWPAPERS AND MAGAZINES Nounsarticle文章headline大字标题;新闻题要photograph照片report报告;报道reporter 记者review评论性刊物;评论Adjectivesdaily日常的weekly每周的fortnightly每两周的;隔周发行的monthly每月一次的annual年度的;每年一次的TOWNS AND CITIESNounsatmosphere空气;气氛;环境bar酒吧bookshop书店bus station公交车站castle教堂drugstore 药店clinic诊所coffee shop咖啡店dentist牙医disco迪斯科舞厅(会)chemist药剂师drycleaner干洗店gallery画廊;美术馆guesthouse上等旅社;宾馆hairdresser理发师hotel 酒店;饭店mosque清真寺;伊斯兰教寺院museum博物馆newsagent报刊经销人noise噪声office block办公大楼palace宫殿park公园peaceful and quiet宁静祥和的pedestrian crossing行人交叉路pollution污染public transport公共交通railway station火车站roundabout绕道;绕行路线scenery风景;景色shopping center购物中心stadium露天大型运动场;体育场supermarket超市swimming pool游泳池theater剧场;戏院traffic jam交通堵塞traffic lights红绿灯turning转弯处;岔路口village村庄Adjectivesboring无趣的;乏味的beautiful美丽的busy繁忙的clean清洁的;干净的convenient方便的;便利的crowded拥挤的dangerous危险的dirty脏的exciting激动人心的lively充满活力的;活泼的quiet安静的safe安全的PLACES AND BUILDINGS Nounsfactory工厂office办公室car park停车场cathedral教堂corner角落cottage小屋;村舍crossroad十字路口farm农场hospital医院VEHICLESNounsaeroplane飞机bicycle自行车boot后备箱;行李箱brake刹车bus公共汽车cab出租车;出租马车cabin船舱;(飞机上的)驾驶舱car小汽车coach长途客运汽车ferry渡船engine发动机;火车头handlebar手把;手柄helicopter直升飞机lorry卡车;运货汽车hovercraft气垫船motorbike摩托车seatbelt安全带scooter单脚滑行车ship轮船taxi出租车train火车tram有轨电车truck卡车tyre轮胎underground train地铁wheel车轮wing机翼trolleybus 无轨电车THE ARTSNounsballet芭蕾舞comedy喜剧concert音乐会dance舞蹈drama戏剧exhibition展览;展览会film电影jazz爵士乐music音乐novel长篇小说poem诗歌orchestra交响乐play戏剧THEATER AND MUSICNounsactor男演员actress女演员audience观众box office票房character人物classical/pop/rock music古典/流行/摇滚音乐costume服装;女外套;女装curtain窗帘drum鼓flute长笛guitar吉他hero男主人公heroine女主人公interval幕间休息keyboard(打字机;钢琴的)键盘lightning闪电instrument仪器;乐器make-up化妆performance表演piano钢琴role角色musician音乐家scene一场;一个镜头scenery舞台布景sound录音;声音stage舞台star明星ticket票trumpet喇叭violin小提琴Verbs act表演clap拍手;鼓掌direct指导;导演;管理perform表演;演出play演出;扮演produce上演show上演;演出star (in) 主演CINEMANounsaction情节animation卡通片的制作cartoon动画片comedy喜剧drama戏剧historical历史的horror恐怖的事物mystery神秘romantic 浪漫的science fiction科幻小说thriller恐怖小说/电影COMMUNICATING Nounsconversation对话email电子邮件landline 陆上运输letter信mobile (phone) 移动电话note短信;函件telephone电话text message正文消息Verbscal卡;小卡email给……发电子邮件phone打电话speak讲;谈write写(信等)COMPUTERSNounsapplication用途;实际应用chatroom聊天室disc碟game游戏hard drive硬盘机homework家庭作业;准备工作internet国际互联网;因特网keyboard键盘laptop便携式电脑memory记忆password密码program程序screen屏幕website网址Verbsaccess存取(计算机文件)crash(电脑)死机delete删除download下载save保存surf观看网络资料JOBSNounsactor演员(尤指男演员)architect建筑师;设计师artist艺术家butcher屠夫cameraman照相师;摄影师(尤指电影)carpenter木工;木匠career职业chemist药剂师;化学家cleaner清洁工comedian戏剧演员;丑角custom officer报关员dancer舞蹈家;舞女dentist牙医designer设计师detective侦探disc jockey电台的音乐节目主持人employment雇用;就业hairdresser理发师income收入farmer农民film star电影明星journalist记者fire fighter救火队员flight attendant空中服务人员judge法官;裁判员labor工作lawyer律师librarian图书管理员mechanic技工;机修工newsagent报刊经销人novelist小说家nurse护士occupation职业;工作pay工资physician医生;内科医生poet诗人police officer 警官;警员porter搬运工人profession职业;自由职业publisher出版商;出版社salary薪水sales assistant销售助理security guard保安人员singer歌手trade贸易travel agent旅行社TV presenter节目主持人;演播员wage工资waiter男服务员waitress女服务员Verbs/Verb phrasesdeal with处理;对付look after照顾;照看serve服务;提供Adjectivesunskilled不熟练的;无特别技术的人APPLYING FOR A JOBNounsadvertisement广告application form申请表candidate申请求职者experience经验;经历PET 分类词汇 By Gary Wang21interview 面试job offer 提供工作者pay and condition 工资和条件Adjectivesfull-time 全职的hard-working 努力工作的Verbs/Verb phrases accept 接受attend 参加;照顾 discuss 讨论 earn 赚得;挣钱 employ 雇佣 fill in 填写 receive 收到BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Nounsaccount department 会计室(处) appointment 约会;约定 assistant 助手;助理 brochure 小册子 boss 老板building 建筑物;楼房;房屋 business 交易;生意;工商企业 business trip 商务旅行 businessman 商人 canteen 食堂clerk 办事员;职员 colleague 同事contract 契约;合同 customer 客户customer service 客户服务 department 部门 director 主管;董事 employer 雇主 employee 雇员 factory 工厂 machine 机器 manager 经理 meeting 会议 product 产品project 工程;项目receptionist 接待员 report 报告sales figure 销售数据 secretary 秘书;书记 staff 工作人员 supplier 供应商Adjectivesin stock (商店等中)有现货的 on strike 罢工中的Verbsarrange 安排 cancel 取消confirm 证实;批准 deliver 递送;交付 insure 保证;确保 manage 管理;经营 meet 会面;迎接;满足operate 运转;操作;经营;管理 order 订购;整理;布置 retire 退休;退职 run 经营;管理 sign 签名;签字 type 打字。

CONTINENTS AND REGIONSAfrica ['?frik?] 非洲Asia ['ei??] 亚洲Australia [?s'treilj?] 澳洲Europe ['ju?r?p] 欧洲North America [?'merik?] 北美洲South America 南美洲The Arctic ['ɑ:ktik] 北极The Mediterranean [,medit?'reinj?n] 地中海COUNTRIESArgentina [,ɑ:d??n'ti:n?] 阿根廷Austria ['?stri?] 奥地利Brazil [br?'zil] 巴西Canada ['k?n?d?] 加拿大Denmark ['denmɑ:k] 丹麦Ecuador [,ekw?'d?:,'ekw?d?:] 厄瓜多尔Egypt ['i:d?ipt] 埃及France [frɑ:ns] 法国Germany ['d??:m?ni:] 德国Greece [ɡri:s] 希腊India ['indj?] 印度Italy ['it?li] 意大利Japan [d??'p?n] 日本Kenya ['ki:nj?,'kenj?] 肯尼亚Korea [k?'ri?,k?(:)'ri?] 韩国Mexico ['meksik?u] 墨西哥Morocco [m?'r?k?u] 摩洛哥Norway ['n?:wei] 挪威Poland ['p?ul?nd] 波兰Portugal ['p?:tjuɡ?l] 葡萄牙Russia ['r???] 俄罗斯Spain [spein] 西班牙Sweden ['swi:dn] 瑞典Switzerland ['swits?l?nd] 瑞士Thailand ['tail?nd] 泰国The Netherlands ['nee?l?ndz] 荷兰The USA 美国Turkey ['t?:ki] 土耳其LANGUAGES/NATIONALITIESAmerican[?'merik?n] 美国人(的)Arabic ['?r?bik] 阿拉伯语,阿拉伯人的Canadian [k?'neidj?n] 加拿大的,加拿大人的Danish ['deini?] 丹麦的,丹麦人的,丹麦语的English ['i?ɡli?] 英国(人)的;英格兰(人)的French [frent?] 法语,法国人的German ['d??:m?n] 德国人;日耳曼人;德语;日耳曼语Italian [i't?lj?n] 意大利(人)的;意大利语的Japanese [,d??p?'ni:z] 日本人;日本语Polish ['p?li?] 波兰(人)的;波兰语的Portuguese [,p?:t?u'ɡi:z] 葡萄牙语的;葡萄牙(人)的Russian ['r???n] 俄罗斯的;俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的Spanish ['sp?ni?] 西班牙语;西班牙人Swedish ['swi:di?] 瑞典的;瑞典人(语)的Swiss [swis] 瑞士(的);瑞士人(的);瑞士语(的)GEOGRAPHY NOUNSNounsbay [bei] 海湾;湾border ['b?:d?] 边界;界限capital ['k?pitl] 首都;省会cliff [klif] 悬崖coast [k?ust] 海岸desert ['dez?t] 沙漠farmland ['fɑ:ml?nd] 农田forest ['f?rist] 森林island ['ail?nd] 岛屿mountain ['mauntin] 山丘;高山;山脉ocean ['?u??n] 海洋population [,p?pju'lei??n] 人口port [p?:t] 港口region ['ri:d??n] 地区river ['riv?] 河流;小河scenery ['si:n?ri] 风景;景色sea [si:] 海洋;大海soil [s?il] 土地;泥土stream [stri:m] 小溪;溪流valley ['v?li] 峡谷;山谷waterfall ['w?:t?f?:l] 瀑布Adjectivesbeautiful ['bju:t?ful] 美丽的;漂亮的fast-flowing ['fl?ui?] 快速流动的rocky ['r?ki] 岩石的;多岩石的sandy 沙的;多沙的steep-sided 边缘陡峭的PET分类词汇.docx 1/20。

- adj.
- 作为玩赏动物豢养的;宠物的。
例如,This store sells pet food.(这商店出售宠物食品。
- 表示亲昵的。
例如,He addressed her by her pet name.(他用她的昵称称呼她。
- 得意的。
例如,Improving the local park is the mayor's pet project.(改善当地公园是市长最得意的工程。
- n.
- 玩赏动物;宠物。
例如,He left his pet with billie.(他把宠物交给比莉照顾。
- 宠儿;宝贝。
例如,She is the spoiled pet of a wealthy family.(她是娇生惯养的富家宠儿。
- 愠怒,不开心。
例如,She went off in a pet.(她一生气就走了。
- v.
- 宠爱。
例如,He pets his dog so much that do the food for the dog himself.(他很宠爱他的狗以致于都是亲自为狗做食物。
- 爱抚。
例如,The couple in the park have been petting again and again.(这对情侣在公园里拥抱亲吻个不停。
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CONTINENTS AND REGIONSAfrica 非洲Asia 亚洲Australia 澳洲Europe 欧洲North America 北美洲South America 南美洲The Arctic 北极The Mediterranean 地中海An ant wanted to travel around the world. He started from Asia and went to Europe at first. Then he went south to the Africa and then Australia. After that he crossed the sea and got to the South America and then went north to North America. At last he went to the Arctic. He was very proud of himself and wanted to tell everybody about his travel. He thought he had traveled around the world. But in fact it was just a map.COUNTRIESArgentina 阿根廷Austria 奥地利Brazil 巴西Canada 加拿大Denmark 丹麦Ecuador 厄瓜多尔Egypt 埃及France 法国Germany 德国Greece 希腊India 印度Italy 意大利Japan 日本Kenya 肯尼亚Korea 韩国Mexico 墨西哥Morocco 摩洛哥Norway 挪威Poland 波兰Portugal 葡萄牙Russia 俄罗斯Spain 西班牙Sweden 瑞典Switzerland 瑞士Thailand 泰国The Netherlands 荷兰The USA 美国Turkey 土耳其Match:Brazil 巴西Europe Canada 加拿大Egypt 埃及Africa France 法国Germany 德国North AmericIndia 印度Japan 日本South AmericaKorea 韩国Mexico 墨西哥Spain 西班牙AsiaLANGUAGES/NATIONALITIES American美国人(的)Arabic 阿拉伯语,阿拉伯人的Canadian 加拿大的,加拿大人的Danish 丹麦的,丹麦人的,丹麦语的English英国(人)的;英格兰(人)的French 法语,法国人的German 德国人;日耳曼人;德语;日耳曼语Italian意大利(人)的;意大利语的Japanese 日本人;日本语Polish 波兰(人)的;波兰语的Portuguese葡萄牙语的;葡萄牙(人)的Russian俄罗斯的;俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的Spanish西班牙语;西班牙人Swedish瑞典的;瑞典人(语)的Swiss瑞士(的);瑞士人(的);瑞士语(的)An American, a Canadian, an English and a French was traveling in Spain. They came across a band of gangs. The gangs said they would beat everyone on their backs, but eachone of them can ask for something before theywere beaten.The French asked for a bottle of one. He drank it and then he was beaten heavily.The English asked for a cigar. He smoked it and then he was beaten heavily.The Canadian asked for a thick jacket. He put it on and felt less painful.At last it turned to the American.“I asked for a Canadian. And I want to put him on my back.”GEOGRAPHY NOUNSNounsbay 海湾;湾border 边界;界限capital 首都;省会cliff 悬崖coast 海岸desert 沙漠farmland 农田forest 森林island岛屿mountain 山丘;高山;山脉ocean 海洋population 人口port 港口region 地区river 河流;小河scenery 风景;景色sea 海洋;大海soil 土地;泥土stream 小溪;溪流valley 峡谷;山谷waterfall 瀑布Adjectivesbeautiful 美丽的;漂亮的fast-flowing 快速流动的rocky 岩石的;多岩石的sandy 沙的;多沙的steep-sided 浸湿的thick 厚的APPERANCESNounsadult 成人baby 婴儿;宝贝beard 胡须child 孩子childhood 儿童期;童年时代moustache 小胡子pensioner领养老金者;抚恤金领取者teenager 年轻人youth青春;青年时期;少年时代Adjectivesattractive 吸引人的bald 秃的beautiful 美丽的;漂亮的blonde白肤金发的bright 聪明的curly 卷曲的dark 暗的elderly 年长的fair公平的fat 胖的good-looking 好看的handsome 帅的light 轻的long 长的middle-aged 中年的old 老的pale 苍白的pretty 漂亮的short 短的slim 苗条的smart 聪明的;灵敏的straight 直的tall 高的teenage十三岁到十九岁的thin 瘦的ugly 丑陋的young 年轻的Old Tom and his wife were both 60 years old now. His wife was ugly and not attractive. Hewanted his wife to become a slim, pretty and young lady again. But it was difficult. One day he met the God. Tom asked the God to realize his dream.“What is your dream, my son?” asked the God. “I want my wife to be thirty years younger than me!” said Tom.“That is easy!” said the God.When the God was gone, Tom became 90 years old.CLOTHESNounsbelt 腰带;皮带blouse 女衬衫boots 靴子button 纽扣cap 帽子coat 外套collar 衣领dress 女服;童装earring 耳环glasses 眼镜glove 手套handbag 手提包handkerchief 手帕hat 帽子jacket 夹克衫jeans 牛仔裤jewellery 珠宝jumper短褂lipstick 唇膏perfume 香水pocket 口袋pullover 套衫pajamas 睡衣raincoat 雨衣ring 戒指shirt 衬衫shoes 鞋子shorts短裤skirt 短裙sleeve 袖子spots 污点suit 套装sweater 毛线衫sweatshirt圆领长袖运动衫swimming costume 泳装T-shirt T恤衫Tracksuit竞赛服;田径服trousers 裤子umbrella 雨伞uniform 制服Adjectivescomfortable 舒服的cotton 棉的fashionable 时尚的gold 金;金币;金器knitted 编织的leather 皮革的;皮质的loose 松的old-fashioned 过时的silk 丝的;丝织的silver银质的stylish 现代风格的;流行的;潇洒的tight 紧的valuable 有价值的woolen 羊毛的Verbs/Verb phrasesfit 适合fold 折叠;合拢go with/match 搭配put on 穿上take off 脱下try on 试穿wear out 穿破;用坏Jack wanted to buy a knitted woolen sweater. He went to a clothes shop and found a very stylish one. “B ut I don’t think this one is fit for me.”He said to the shop assistant. The shop assistant answered, “Why don’t you try it on?”Jack then put on the sweater. But it was too tight and Jack couldn’t take it off.“Oh my God, What should I do?”“It is OK,” said the assistant. “You needn’t takeit off any more after you pay for it.”FRIENDSNounspromise 承诺secret 秘密Verbs/Verb phrasesaccept 接受complain 抱怨fall out with 吵架get on with 继续做某事help 帮助laugh 笑lie 躺着;撒谎make up(again)和好promise 承诺remember 记得respect 敬佩share 分享trust 相信;信任Cat: “Honey, you know that we are close friends and I have no secret to you. I trust you and I would like to share what I have with you.I promise that I will help you and I will accept all your requirements.”Mouse: “Then why do you put your hands on my neck?”PERSONALITIES ANDSOCIAL INTERACTIONAdjectivesamazed 惊奇的;吃惊的amazing 令人惊奇的annoyed恼怒的;生气的annoying令人烦恼的;令人讨厌的anxious 着急的calm平静的;安静的;无风浪的cheerful 兴奋的confidential保密的cross脾气坏的;易怒的disappointed 失望的disappointing使人失望的;令人扫兴的dull沉闷的; 乏味的; 无精打采的embarrassed 尴尬的embarrassing 使人尴尬的excited兴奋的;高兴的exciting 令人兴奋的;使人高兴的fashionable 时髦的funny 有趣的;滑稽的generous 慷慨的gentle 绅士的happy 高兴的;愉快的honest 诚实的interested 感兴趣的interesting 有趣的lazy 懒惰的miserable 痛苦的;悲惨的nervous 紧张的reliable 可信的relaxed放松的relaxing 使人放松的sensible 可感觉的;可觉察的serious 严重的shy 害羞的silly 傻的;愚蠢的stupid 愚蠢的tired 累的;疲劳的tiring厌倦的;麻烦的upset 沮丧的I went to the theatre yesterday. I was excited about the exciting movie. But I lost my ticket. So I was very embarrassed. I stood there and was annoyed. However, a generous gentleman gave me a ticket for free. We seated together and watched the movie. I was so cheerful. The movie was funny. I felt very happy, except that I found the “gentleman”had gone with my wallet after the movie.RELATIVES AND RELATIONSHIPS Nounsaunt伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母;姨母brother 哥哥;弟弟cousin堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)daughter 女儿father 父亲;爸爸father in law 岳父granddaughter 外孙女grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母grandson 外孙husband 丈夫mother妈妈;母亲mother in law 岳母nephew 侄子;外甥niece侄女;甥女parents 父母sister 姐妹son 儿子uncle伯父;叔父;舅父;姑父;姨父wife 妻子1Who is rice’s mother? Flower (花生米)Who is rice’s father? Butterfly (蝶恋花)Who is rice grandmother and grandfather? Popcorn (爆米花,抱过米也抱过花)Who is flower’s daughter and son? RiceWho is popcorn’s granddaughter and grandson? Rice2Turtles can live for hundreds of years. So in a family there are grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, sons, and daughters. One day, turtle A and turtle B walked together on the road and they met turtle C. Turtle C asked turtle A, “Hi old friend, is this your younger brother?” A answered, “No, this is my grand-grand-grand-grand son”. Then he asked B, “Am I right?”Verb phrasesbring up 抚养;养育find out 找到get on生活;融洽相处;进展;get up 起床give up放弃go out 出去grow up 成长;长大keep in抑制;隐瞒;隐藏;继续燃烧keep on 继续look after 照看;照顾look forward to 期盼move in生活于;周旋于run out of用完DAILY LIFEVerb phrasesbrush our hair 梳头brush our teeth 刷牙catch the bus 赶汽车catch the train 赶火车get dressed 穿衣服get undressed 脱衣服get ready 准备go swimming 去游泳go jogging 慢跑go to school 去上学go to college 上大学go to work 去工作have a bath 洗澡;沐浴have a shower 淋浴have a wash 洗衣服leave home 离开家leave work 下班meet friends 见朋友When Tom got up at 8 o’clock this morning, he found he was late for school! He got dressed quickly and brushed his teeth. Then he brushed his hair and leave home. He caught a train and go to school. When he arrived at school, he found no students at all. Then he knew the reason: It was Sunday today!SPECIAL OCCASIONSNounsanniversary周年纪念bride 新娘cake 蛋糕guest 客人invitation 邀请party 聚会reception 接待ring 戒指speech 演讲wedding 婚礼A cat got married, and the bride was a mouse. They wanted to have a party on their weddingday. So they sent invitations to their friends. On their wedding day, all of the guests were cats. They were very hungry and wanted to have something to eat. The bride said, “Wait for a moment, please, and the cake will be ready soon!” The cats answered, “But when will other mice be ready?”DESCRIBING YOUR HOMENounsair-conditioning 空调balcony露台;阳台basement地下室bathroom 洗手间bedroom卧室CD player CD 播放机cellar地窖;地下室central heating中央暖气系统chimney 烟囱clothes line 衣绳computer 电脑;计算机cooker 炊具corkscrew螺丝锥desk 书桌dining room 餐厅dishwasher 洗碗机entrance 入口fence 篱笆freezer冷冻机;冷冻设备frying pan煎锅;油炸锅garage 车库garden 花园gate 大门hall礼堂;大厅;娱乐场hedge灌木树篱;栅栏;隔板iron 熨斗;烙铁kitchen 厨房lawn草地;草坪living room起居室lounge休闲室;长沙发microwave 微波炉path 小路plants植物roof 屋顶rubbish bin 垃圾箱seat 座位sitting room 起居室;客厅sofa 沙发space 空间steps 脚步table 桌子toilet 厕所tool 工具toothpaste 牙膏video recorder录像机wall围墙;墙壁washing machine洗衣机Adjectivescomfortable舒适的;舒服的convenient方便的;便利的lively可爱的;活泼的neat整齐的peaceful和平的tidy整洁的;整齐的Tom was a bagger. But he was a rich beggar. Yesterday he drank a lot and went back. He walked along the tidy path and went through his garden. He entered the gate and opened the door of the living room. He then had a rest on the sofa. Later he felt hungry. So he got into the kitchen and made a meal with nice cookers. Then a lady came in and shouted at him: “You know where you are?”Tom said, “Of course. This is my home!” The lady then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, “Is there 911? I get a drunk thief in my home. Come here quickly please!”KITCHEN AND LIVING ROOM Nounsantique古玩;古董armchair扶手椅carpet地毯cleaning product清洁用品cupboard橱柜curtain窗帘cushion坐垫drawer抽屉edge边缘electrical item电子器件fan风扇floor地板handle手柄;把手kettle(烧水用的)壶knife刀lamp灯plug插座;插头switch开关toy玩具vase花瓶BEDROOM AND BATHROOM Nounsalarm clock闹钟basin洗脸盆blind窗帘;百叶窗chest of drawer抽屉柜mirror镜子pillow枕头radio收音机rubbish bin垃圾箱sheet被单tap龙头towel毛巾THE ENVIRONMENTNounsbottle bank玻璃瓶回收站can罐头;罐cardboard硬纸板climate change气候变化coal煤countryside乡下environment自然环境;周围状况flood洪水fuel燃料glass玻璃global warming全球变暖litter垃圾;废弃物metal金属nature自然packaging包装paper纸petrol汽油plant植物pollution污染plastic塑料public transport公共交通rainforest (热带)雨林rubbish垃圾storm暴风雨tin锡;罐头盒traffic jam交通堵塞transport交通waste浪费;废弃物;荒地wildlife野生生物OPINION AND ATTITUDE Verbsadvise建议agree同意compare比较complain抱怨decide决定describe描述disagree不同意;不一致encourage鼓励explain解释promise承诺;许诺recommend推荐;荐举remind使想起review回顾;评论suggest建议;提示warn警告FEELINGSAdjectivesafraid害怕的amazed吃惊的;惊奇的angry生气的anxious焦急的annoyed烦恼的;恼怒的ashamed害羞的;羞愧的calm平静的;镇定的depressed沮丧的disappointed失望的frightened害怕的embarrassed窘迫的;局促不安的miserable痛苦的pleased高兴的;满意的relaxed放松的satisfied满意的surprised感到惊奇的upset心烦的;不舒服的worried焦虑的;担忧的Verbs/Verb phrasesbe fond of喜爱be keen on喜爱dislike不喜欢;讨厌hate憎恨;讨厌look forward to期待love喜爱;喜好mind介意SHOPPINGNounsbill 账单cash现金charge收费;要价cheque支票credit card信用卡customer顾客deposit存款discount 折扣receipt收据refund退款ON THE HIGH STREET Nounsassistant助手;助理checkout检验;校验chemist化学家;药剂师department store百货商店display陈列;展示drycleaner干洗店;干洗工escalator自动扶梯hairdresser理发师jeweller珠宝商;珠宝店manager经理pharmacy药店;药房post office邮局photographer摄影师salesman销售人员travel agent旅行代理人take-away(可带走的)熟食EATING OUTNounsdiet日常饮食dessert饭后甜食drink饮料main course主食menu菜单snack小吃starter开胃菜tip小费waiter男服务员waitress女服务员FOOD AND DRINK Nounsapple苹果banana香蕉bean豆biscuit饼干bread面包burger汉堡包cabbage卷心菜;洋白菜cake蛋糕;糕点candy糖果carrot胡萝卜cauliflower菜花chip薯条chocolate巧克力cereal谷物chicken肌肉coconut椰子cod鳕鱼肉coffee咖啡coke可口可乐cookie饼干cream奶油cucumber黄瓜duck鸭肉egg鸡蛋ham火腿flour面粉grape葡萄honey蜂蜜jam果酱juice果汁ice cream冰激凌lamb羊肉lemon柠檬lettuce莴苣melon甜瓜milk牛奶mineral water矿泉水mushroom蘑菇omelet煎蛋卷pastry糕点pear梨pepper胡椒粉;辣椒pie派pizza匹萨plaice碟鱼肉potato土豆raisin葡萄干roll面包卷salad沙拉sausage香肠soft drink不含酒精的饮料/软饮料spinach菠菜steak牛排strawberry草莓sugar糖tart果馅饼tea茶tomato西红柿turkey火鸡vanilla香草CONTAINERS AND AMOUNTS Nounsbowl碗can罐cup杯dish盘;碟jug(有柄及小口的)水壶kettle(烧水用的)壶loaf一条(面包)mug圆筒形有柄大杯packet小包;小盒;小包裹pan平底锅;盘子piece片;块;段plate盘子saucer茶碟;茶托slice片;切片;薄片spoonful一匙的量TASTEAdjectivesbitter苦的raw 生的sour酸的sweet甜的COOKINGNounsingredient配料instruction使用说明书recipe 烹饪法;食谱Verbsadd增加bake烤;烘焙barbecue烧烤野餐beat拍打boil煮burn燃烧cook烹调cut切fry油炸;油煎grill烧烤mix混合pour涌出;倾;倒roast烤;烘焙stir搅拌taste品尝PUBLIC TRANSPORTNounsairline航空公司airport飞机场arrival到达;抵达baggage collection行李领取处boarding pass登记证check-in登记处custom海关delay耽搁;延误departure离开lounge休息厅destination目的地driver司机duty-free免税的fare票价flight航班;航机gate登机门flight attendant空中服务人员immigration移民局检查站;移民luggage行李lost property招领的失物refund退款platform站台safety安全passenger乘客;旅客pilot飞行员demonstration证明;示范security安全;抵押品station车站;所;台;局terminal终点站timetable时刻表waiting room候车室Adjectivesby air航空的by land陆路的by road公路的by sea水路的by rail铁路的comfortable舒服的;舒适的convenient便利的crowded拥挤的dangerous危险的expensive昂贵的empty空的;空虚的;空闲的inconvenient不方便的noisy喧闹的quiet安静的reliable可靠的safe安全的uncomfortable不舒服的;令人不舒服的unreliable不可靠的Verbs/Verb phrasesboard上(船;飞机等)check-in登记fasten your safetybelt系好安全带land着陆take off起飞HOLIDAYSNounsadventure冒险backpack背包brochure小册子backpacker徒步背包旅行者camper露营者campsite 野营地climber登山者culture文化cyclist骑自行车的人driver司机facility设施guest旅客guesthouse上等旅社;宾馆guide book指南hitchhiker搭便车的旅行者hostel旅舍;招待所hotel酒店;饭店inn小旅馆;客栈interpreter口译工作者room service房间服务部route路线;路程single room单间souvenir shop礼品店taxi rank计程车总站;出租车总称tent帐篷tourist旅行者;观光者translator翻译者view认为;考虑;观看Adjectivesdistant遥远的leisure休闲的luxury奢侈的overnight一整夜的;晚上的Verbs/Verb phrasesbook预定camp露营check out检查;核实;通过cycle骑自行车explore探索pack包装relax放松reserve预定;保留sightsee观光ski滑雪tour观光;旅行HOBBIESNounscooking烹饪cycling骑自行车gymnastics体操;体育knitting针织painting画画horse-riding骑马photography摄影术sewing缝纫;针线活skiing滑雪Verbs/Verb phraseskeep fit保持健康arrange安排;准备build建造buy购买collect收集;收藏increase增加exchange交换;交流perform表演;执行practice练习stick粘贴OUTDOOR AND INDOOR LEISURE ACTIVITIESNounsboot长筒靴camping野营campsite野营地;露营预定地climbing爬山clothing衣服club俱乐部dancing跳舞equipment设备fee费用life jacket救生衣helmet头盔member会员membership会员身份;会员资格sailing航行society社会;社团tent帐篷ARRANGING A PARTYNounsband乐队barbecue烧烤disc jockey电台的音乐节目主持人disco迪斯科neighbor邻居invitation邀请venue聚集地点;会场SUBJECTSNounsart艺术biology生物学chemistry化学drama戏剧文学economics经济学English英语Geography地理history历史学information technology信息技术language语言music音乐literature文学mathematics数学physics物理学science科学Spanish西班牙语sport体育Adjectivesboring乏味的;枯燥的difficult困难的dull枯燥无味的easy容易的enjoyable愉快的;快乐的hard困难的;难懂的important重要的interesting有趣的pointless无意义的;无用的useful有用的useless无用的TEACHING AND STUDYING Nounsbell铃声board黑板break短暂休息certificate证书college学院;大学curriculum总课程degree学位equipment设备essay散文;随笔failure失败grade等级;程度instructor指导者;教师laboratory实验室lecturer讲师method方法;秩序professor教授pupil小学生qualification合格证书;资格report报告;报道result结果rubber黑板擦ruler尺子secondary school中学textbook教科书;课本trainer训练者welfare健康;幸福;福利Adjectivesabsent缺席的clever聪明伶俐的fair公平的;公正的funny有趣的;可笑的intelligent聪明的kind友好的;和善的patient耐心的punctual守时的serious严肃的;认真的reasonable合理的strict严格的Verbs/Verb phrasesfailure an exam考试不及格hand in homework交作业make progress取得进步mark homework批改作业pass an exam考试及格revise复习study学习;书房take an exam参加考试LEARNING A LANGUAGE Nounspronunciation发音reading阅读;朗读;阅读材料speaking说话;谈话;演讲spelling拼写vocabulary词汇writing写作;书写Verbsinterpret解释;口译;翻译say说translate解释;翻译ACHES AND PAINSNounsankle脚踝back后背bone骨头chin下巴ear耳朵eye眼睛finger手指hair头发head头knee膝盖leg腿neck脖子;颈shoulder肩膀skin皮肤throat喉咙thumb拇指toe脚趾;足尖backache背疼cold感冒cough咳嗽earache耳朵疼flu 流感headache头疼stomachache肚子疼temperature体温toothache牙痛TREATMENTNounsaccident事故;灾祸ambulance救护车appointment预约bandage绷带chemist药剂师;化学家dentist牙医doctor医生dressing药膏;包扎用品;衣服glasses眼镜hospital医院medicine药nurse护士patient病人plaster石膏;膏药prescription处方;药方Verbs /Verb phrasesache疼痛be injured受伤break (a nose)……折断burn (yourself) 烫伤catch (an illness) 得了……病feel (well/ill/better/sick) (感觉)……feel/fill/get (better/worse)/get/hurt(感觉)……put on weight增肥taste品尝HEALTHY LIVINGNounsexercise锻炼fat脂肪gym体育馆leisure闲暇;空闲lifestyle生活方式liquid液体park公园filling馅;补牙的材料Adjectivesactive积极的;主动的healthy健康的fit合适的;健康的inactive不积极的;被动的sensible明智的;有知觉的thirsty口渴的Verbs/Verb phrasesaim for瞄准;致力于be active积极的cycle循环;骑脚踏车keep/get/feel fit保持健康get off 动身use使用walk行走;步行Adverbsproperly合适地;适当地regularly有规律地;定期地SPORTSNounsball球basket篮子basketball篮球bat球棒;球拍boxing拳击cycling骑自行车diving潜水fishing钓鱼fishing rod钓鱼竿football足球glove手套goal目标;球门golf高尔夫球gymnastics体操;体育helmet头盔hockey曲棍球horse-riding骑马jogging慢跑marathon马拉松match比赛net网race-course赛马场;跑道racket(网球等)球拍result结果running跑步sailing帆船运动score得分skiing滑雪squash壁球stadium露天大型运动场;体育场stick棍;棒swimming游泳table tennis乒乓球tennis网球track跑道;轨道volleyball排球weightlifting负担;砝码;秤砣weigh称……的重量;权衡;考虑PEOPLENouns champion冠军coach教练partner搭档player运动员reserve储备;贮藏team队;组teammate队员trainer训练者winner获胜者Verbs/Verb phrases dive潜水join in加入kick踢play玩;打practice练习score得分swim游泳take part in参加FITNESSNounsbenefit益处;好处club俱乐部changing room更衣室exercise bike健身脚踏车gym健身房locker寄物柜sauna桑拿浴;蒸气浴steam room蒸汽房step machine跑步机track suit田径服Adjectivesstrong强壮的confident自信的ANIMALSNounsbat蝙蝠bear熊birds鸟bee蜜蜂bull公牛cat猫chicken鸡cow牛dog狗dolphin海豚duck鸭子elephant大象fish鱼fur毛皮giraffe长颈鹿goat山羊horse马insect昆虫kitten小猫lamb小羊monkey猴子lion狮子mouse老鼠parrot鹦鹉pet宠物pig猪rabbit兔子sea creature海洋生物sheep羊snake蛇sting毒刺teeth牙tiger老虎turkey火鸡whale鲸wild animal野兽wing翅膀;翼zebra斑马Adjectivesamusing有趣的;好玩的beautiful美丽的dangerous危险的friendly友好的frightening害怕的;可怕的useful有用的THE COUNTRYSIDE Nouns bark吠;叫beach海滩branch树枝camal骆驼cave山洞cliff悬崖coast海岸collar衣领;项圈ear耳朵earth地球;泥土egg鸡蛋farmer农民farm农场field田野fish鱼;鱼肉flower花fur毛皮forest森林garden花园grass草harbor海港insect昆虫lake湖hill山lamb小羊;羊肉island岛屿leaf叶子moon月亮ocean海洋path小路pet宠物;宠儿planet行星plant植物river小河rock岩石;石头rose玫瑰sand沙子sea海seaside海边sky天空snow雪soil泥土space太空;空间star星星stream小溪sun太阳universe宇宙valley山谷wave波浪wet雨天;湿地wood木头;树林;林地Adjectivesdeep深的high高的soft软的;柔软的Verbsclimb爬;攀登flow循环;垂;飘扬THE WEATHER Nounscold寒冷degree centigrade摄氏度fog雾frost霜gale大风heat高温;炎热ice冰lightening闪电rain雨shower阵雨snow雪storm暴风雪sun太阳sunshine阳光temperature温度thermometer温度计;体温表thunder雷声Adjectivescloudy阴天的cold寒冷的foggy有雾的frosty有霜的hot热的icy被冰覆盖的rainy下雨的showery阵雨的snowy雪的stormy有暴风雨的sunny晴朗的windy有风的Verbsbum乞求;索求rain下雨slip滑倒;摆脱FORECASTERING THE WEATHER Adjectivesbright明亮的;光亮的clean清洁的clear清澈的cool凉爽的dry干燥的heavy重的;沉重的high高的light光线充足的;明亮的low低的;矮的mild温和的strong强烈的warm暖和的weak淡的;稀释的wet湿的CLIMATES AND SEASONSNounseast东;东方north北;北方northeast东北northwest西北south南;南方west西;西方;西部southeast东南southwest西南autumn秋天;秋季fall秋天;秋季foil箔;金属箔片spring春天summer夏天winter冬天January一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月Adjectivesaverage平均的;普通的typical典型的TELEVISIONNounscartoon动画片channel频道character人物current affairs时事;新闻discussion讨论documentary纪录片drama戏剧;剧本hero男主人公;男主角heroine女主人公;女主角play戏剧;剧本natural history博物学;有关博物学的书presenter节目主持人;演播员programme节目quiz小测验series系列sitcom情景喜剧soap肥皂thriller恐怖片weather forecast天气预报READING BOOKSNounsadventure冒险;奇遇biography传记fiction小说historical历史的fantasy想象;幻想romantic浪漫的mystery神秘horror恐怖;恐惧love爱情non-fiction非小说类文学作品science fiction科幻小说thriller恐怖小说NEWPAPERS AND MAGAZINES Nounsarticle文章headline大字标题;新闻题要photograph照片report报告;报道reporter 记者review评论性刊物;评论Adjectivesdaily日常的weekly每周的fortnightly每两周的;隔周发行的monthly每月一次的annual年度的;每年一次的TOWNS AND CITIESNounsatmosphere空气;气氛;环境bar酒吧bookshop书店bus station公交车站castle教堂drugstore 药店clinic诊所coffee shop咖啡店dentist牙医disco迪斯科舞厅(会)chemist药剂师drycleaner干洗店gallery画廊;美术馆guesthouse上等旅社;宾馆hairdresser理发师hotel 酒店;饭店mosque清真寺;伊斯兰教寺院museum博物馆newsagent报刊经销人noise噪声office block办公大楼palace宫殿park公园peaceful and quiet宁静祥和的pedestrian crossing行人交叉路pollution污染public transport公共交通railway station火车站roundabout绕道;绕行路线scenery风景;景色shopping center购物中心stadium露天大型运动场;体育场supermarket超市swimming pool游泳池theater剧场;戏院traffic jam交通堵塞traffic lights红绿灯turning转弯处;岔路口village村庄Adjectivesboring无趣的;乏味的beautiful美丽的busy繁忙的clean清洁的;干净的convenient方便的;便利的crowded拥挤的dangerous危险的dirty脏的exciting激动人心的lively充满活力的;活泼的quiet安静的safe安全的PLACES AND BUILDINGS Nounsfactory工厂office办公室car park停车场cathedral教堂corner角落cottage小屋;村舍crossroad十字路口farm农场hospital医院VEHICLESNounsaeroplane飞机bicycle自行车boot后备箱;行李箱brake刹车bus公共汽车cab出租车;出租马车cabin船舱;(飞机上的)驾驶舱car小汽车coach长途客运汽车ferry渡船engine发动机;火车头handlebar手把;手柄helicopter直升飞机lorry卡车;运货汽车hovercraft气垫船motorbike摩托车seatbelt安全带scooter单脚滑行车ship轮船taxi出租车train火车tram有轨电车truck卡车tyre轮胎underground train地铁wheel车轮wing机翼trolleybus 无轨电车THE ARTSNounsballet芭蕾舞comedy喜剧concert音乐会dance舞蹈drama戏剧exhibition展览;展览会film电影jazz爵士乐music音乐novel长篇小说poem诗歌orchestra交响乐play戏剧THEATER AND MUSICNounsactor男演员actress女演员audience观众box office票房character人物classical/pop/rock music古典/流行/摇滚音乐costume服装;女外套;女装curtain窗帘drum鼓flute长笛guitar吉他hero男主人公heroine女主人公interval幕间休息keyboard(打字机;钢琴的)键盘lightning闪电instrument仪器;乐器make-up化妆performance表演piano钢琴role角色musician音乐家scene一场;一个镜头scenery舞台布景sound录音;声音stage舞台star明星ticket票trumpet喇叭violin小提琴Verbs act表演clap拍手;鼓掌direct指导;导演;管理perform表演;演出play演出;扮演produce上演show上演;演出star (in) 主演CINEMANounsaction情节animation卡通片的制作cartoon动画片comedy喜剧drama戏剧historical历史的horror恐怖的事物mystery神秘romantic 浪漫的science fiction科幻小说thriller恐怖小说/电影COMMUNICATING Nounsconversation对话email电子邮件landline 陆上运输letter信mobile (phone) 移动电话note短信;函件telephone电话text message正文消息Verbscal卡;小卡email给……发电子邮件phone打电话speak讲;谈write写(信等)COMPUTERSNounsapplication用途;实际应用chatroom聊天室disc碟game游戏hard drive硬盘机homework家庭作业;准备工作internet国际互联网;因特网keyboard键盘laptop便携式电脑memory记忆password密码program程序screen屏幕website网址Verbsaccess存取(计算机文件)crash(电脑)死机delete删除download下载save保存surf观看网络资料JOBSNounsactor演员(尤指男演员)architect建筑师;设计师artist艺术家butcher屠夫cameraman照相师;摄影师(尤指电影)carpenter木工;木匠career职业chemist药剂师;化学家cleaner清洁工comedian戏剧演员;丑角custom officer报关员dancer舞蹈家;舞女dentist牙医designer设计师detective侦探disc jockey电台的音乐节目主持人employment雇用;就业hairdresser理发师income收入farmer农民film star电影明星journalist记者fire fighter救火队员flight attendant空中服务人员judge法官;裁判员labor工作lawyer律师librarian图书管理员mechanic技工;机修工newsagent报刊经销人novelist小说家nurse护士occupation职业;工作pay工资physician医生;内科医生poet诗人police officer 警官;警员porter搬运工人profession职业;自由职业publisher出版商;出版社salary薪水sales assistant销售助理security guard保安人员singer歌手trade贸易travel agent旅行社TV presenter节目主持人;演播员wage工资waiter男服务员waitress女服务员Verbs/Verb phrasesdeal with处理;对付look after照顾;照看serve服务;提供Adjectivesunskilled不熟练的;无特别技术的人APPLYING FOR A JOBNounsadvertisement广告application form申请表candidate申请求职者experience经验;经历PET 分类词汇 By Gary Wang21interview 面试job offer 提供工作者pay and condition 工资和条件Adjectivesfull-time 全职的hard-working 努力工作的Verbs/Verb phrases accept 接受attend 参加;照顾 discuss 讨论 earn 赚得;挣钱 employ 雇佣 fill in 填写 receive 收到BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Nounsaccount department 会计室(处) appointment 约会;约定 assistant 助手;助理 brochure 小册子 boss 老板building 建筑物;楼房;房屋 business 交易;生意;工商企业 business trip 商务旅行 businessman 商人 canteen 食堂clerk 办事员;职员 colleague 同事contract 契约;合同 customer 客户customer service 客户服务 department 部门 director 主管;董事 employer 雇主 employee 雇员 factory 工厂 machine 机器 manager 经理 meeting 会议 product 产品project 工程;项目receptionist 接待员 report 报告sales figure 销售数据 secretary 秘书;书记 staff 工作人员 supplier 供应商Adjectivesin stock (商店等中)有现货的 on strike 罢工中的Verbsarrange 安排 cancel 取消confirm 证实;批准 deliver 递送;交付 insure 保证;确保 manage 管理;经营 meet 会面;迎接;满足operate 运转;操作;经营;管理 order 订购;整理;布置 retire 退休;退职 run 经营;管理 sign 签名;签字 type 打字。