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Run for Class President

Two months ago,when our class election(选举)started,I decided to run for class president.

I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people,so I felt it easy to win.But I was13 that people would feel bad for me if I lost.

I was busy preparing in the following week.My plan wasn't to make promises to do things I couldn't14but to show my class why I wanted to be president.I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom.I also spent three hours writing my speech,saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a problem.Since I was15prepared,I felt that my chances of winning were strong.

However,when I gave my speech on Election Day,the response(反应)wasn't what I had 16.Few people actually listened.When it was my opponent's(对手的)turn,everyone was screaming his name.His speech was short,but all to the point.By then,I realized I should have made mine shorter and clearer.

It was obvious who would17.For the rest of the day,I felt like it was over.I wanted to just go home and cry,but I made it through.

My18was right:I didn't win.

The next day,people were still talking about the election.I just pretended(假装)not to hear. But later,things got better.People19about the election and talked to me just as they did before.

I don't regret putting time and energy into the election because I've learned that things aren't always going the way I expect.And moments of failure like this build20since then I've learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.

13.A.bored B.afraid C.excited D.hopeful

pare B.remember C.manage D.repeat

15.A.fully B.quickly C.freshly D.physically

16.A.feared B.faced C.mentioned D.pictured

17.A.insist B.return C.wait D.win

18.A.suggestion B.prediction C.direction D.introduction

19.A.forgot B.wrote C.cared D.discussed

20.A.trust B.pride C.character D.support


Lyle’s Second Go

In1982,when I was coaching the Raiders,the owner of the team talked with me about a possible trade for Lyle Alzado.After watching him on tape,I didn’t think he was that good,but the owner felt we could make Lyle better by creating the right environment for him.We made the____1____.

That summer at training camp,Lyle was having a hard time.He had that look in his eyes that many young players and some old players get when things aren’t going____2____.One morning Lyle came into my office and he looked like he hadn’t slept.Here was a huge man,with his head about as_____3____as it could go.We talked,or rather,I listened.The main point was that Lyle felt his career(职业生涯)was over and it would be best for him and for the team if he retired(退役).He apologized for_____4_____us since we had just traded for him.

Lyle was always an emotional person.This is one of the reasons he was a good player.He_____5_____all that emotional energy with him,ready to lire out at the snap of the ball(开球).Now he was in front of me,almost crying.I thought for a moment,realizing we had to keep that_____6_____going.Then I went through my reasons why he should not retire.At the end of our talk,I said,“You go out and play your very best,and let us_____7_____if you still have it.Personally,I think you do.”

In January1984.Tampa Bay Stadium.Super Bowl XVIII.With less than two minutes remaining,we were leading38-9.We were the world champions of professional football.I saw Lyle,crying like a baby.I had to turn away quickly,or I would have joined him in_____8______.

I remembered that morning in my office,and what Lyle,and what the Raiders,had achieved since he came to us.If Lyle hadn’t given his career another shot,he wouldn’t have had this victory.Maybe the Raiders wouldn’t have had this victory.During that moment,I felt one of the greatest satisfactions of my coaching career.

1.A.deal B.plan C.argument D.mistake

2.A.away B.over C.well D.fast

3.A.low B.cool C.clear D.heavy

4.A.pushing B.refusing C.cheating D.disappointing

5.A.faced B.carried C.received D.imagined

6.A.ball B.fire C.time D.talk

7.A.guess B.wonder C.decide D.predict

8.A.cheers B.pain C.peace D.tears
