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Unit 3 Section Ⅰ


1.The river looks very deep. Do you know the d______of it?

2.The company will have its a______celebration this Saturday.

3.The parents decided to________(放弃)the plan of travelling to Beijing.

4.We have a good working________(关系)with the manager.

5.The children that________(目击)the earthquake should be given psychological support.

6.The robbers tried to________(逃离), but in the end they were caught by the local police.

7.The new five-star hotel will have________(住宿) for more than 2,000 people.

8.Why did you________(暂停)? Please go on with the text.

9.The two brothers were on________(相反的) sides of this issue and had trouble agreeing with each other.

10.We found a number of beautiful shells while we were walking along the________(海岸).答案:1.depth 2.annual 3.abandon 4.relationship 5.witnessed 6.flee 7.accommodations 8.pause 9.opposite 10.shore


2.Sometimes it is difficult for us to ________ the lies from the truth.

3.There were five women________him in the queue.

4.I agreed________,but later I changed my mind.

5.When we passed the field, we heard________dogs barking nearby.

6.The material was handed over to the department just______.

7.The little girl________crossing the busy road on her own.

8.The hunter________the lion and fired,but missed.

9.Please find a taxi,and________I'll pack some food.

10.Don't squeeze his hand ;it makes him________in pain.

答案:1.help out 2.sort out 3.ahead of 4.at the time

5.a pack of 6.in time 7.is/was terrified of 8.aimed at 9.in the meantime 10.yell out Ⅲ.完成下列句子

1.They ________ ________ ________(沉湎于)drinking.


She________ ________ ________ ________ ________the university.


He killed his enemy and________ ________ ________.

4.I ________ ________ ________(坐在她对面)during the meal.


This was the call that announced there ________ ________ ________ ________a whale hunt.

6.I don't know how to solve the problem. Please________me________(帮我).

7.Others are ________it________(阻止逃跑)out to sea.

8.George ran________ ________(在前面)me like crazy.

9.As I was________ ________(整理)accommodation, I heard a strange voice.

10.I________the terrible scene______ ________ ________ ________(亲眼见到)many times.

答案:1.abandoned themselves to 2.abandoned the chance to enter 3.fled the country 4.sat opposite her 5.was about to be 6.help; out 7.stopping; fleeing 8.ahead of 9.sorting out 10.witnessed; with my own eyes



In October on the east coast of Australia migrating(迁徙)humpback whales(座头鲸)pass very close to the shore. With the help of Max Egan, we went to film them near Byron Bay. It was extremely exciting to spot the little puffs(水柱)of spray on the horizon. When migrating, the whales can be traveling at speeds of about 12km/h and can dive under anywhere between five and forty minutes. but with many years of experience Max usually guided our boat to exactly the right place to provide us with amazing sighting. As the whales break the surface like submarines(潜水艇), the water spills off their broad dark backs and huge tails. Then, with a powerful down stroke, they dive back into the depths of the sea, leaving just a smooth glassy patch of water or“footprint”on the surface to show where they had been.

One day we had traveled up and down the shore and far out to the sea in search of whales, but the horizon was deserted. There was no report of whales in the area so we decided to test out Max's new, highly sensitive hydrophone(水中听音器)and the result was astonishing. As soon as the hydrophone was in the water, we found ourselves listening to the most beautiful voices. What may have seemed like a vast empty ocean was filled with the singing of whales.

It is the males which sing, as they migrate between feeding and breeding(养育)grounds. No one knows for sure what the purpose of these songs is, whether they are love songs to the females or warnings to other males to stay away.

It was thought that each population of humpbacks had its own song which remained regular but recent findings suggest that the whales appreciate a memorable tune(曲调)and quickly adopt any new songs they hear.


1.Which finding about whales is beyond the writer's expectation?
