
英语口语8000句(13)提出要求●请求帮助我可以请您帮个忙吗?Do you mind if I ask you a favor? *要注意回答“可以”时用No,“不可以”时用Yes。
Do you mind if I ask you a favor? (我可以请您帮个忙吗?)No, not at all. (没问题,完全可以。
)Can I ask a favor?May I ask you a favor? *这两个例句和上面例句不同,用Yes回答“可以”。
能帮把手吗?Would you give me a hand?Would you please help me?Would you mind giving me a hand?Could you help me out?对不起……I'm sorry to bother you,...I'm sorry to bother you, but can you help me? (对不起,能帮我一下吗?)It's no bother. (没问题。
I'll be glad to.I'd be happy to.With pleasure.Love to.我可不可以……/可不可以让我……Could I possibly...?Could I possibly use your bathroom? (我能用一下您的洗手间吗?) Of course. (当然。
)如果可以的话,……If you'd like,... *you'd是you would的缩写形式。
If you want to,...请您把糖拿过来行吗?Could you pass the sugar, please? *用于吃饭时等请别人拿自己够不到的东西时。
Could you pass the sugar, please? (请您把糖拿过来行吗?) Sure. Here you are. (好的。

◎我能用一下您的电话吗? May I use your phone?May I use your phone? (我能用一下您的电话吗?)Go right ahead. (请用吧。
)◎我可以请您帮个忙吗? Do you mind if I ask you a favor?*要注意回答“可以”时用No,“不可以”时用Yes。
Do you mind if I ask you a favor? (我可以请您帮个忙吗?)No, not at all. (没问题,完全可以。
)= Can I ask a favor?= May I ask you a favor? *这两个例句和上面例句不同,用Yes 回答“可以”。
◎能帮把手吗? Would you give me a hand?= Would you please help me?= Would you mind giving me a hand?= Could you help me out?◎对不起…… I'm sorry to bother you,...I'm sorry to bother you, but can you help me? (对不起,能帮我一下吗?)It's no bother. (没问题。
I'll be glad to.= I'd be happy to.= With pleasure.= Love to.◎我可不可以……/可不可以让我…… Could I possibly...?Could I possibly use your bathroom? (我能用一下您的洗手间吗?)Of course. (当然。
)◎如果可以的'话,…… If you'd like,...*you'd是you would的缩写形式。

He’s stopped breathing.他停⽌呼吸了。
I’ll just phone for the doctor.我马上给医⽣打电话。
You have to give him mouth-to-mouth.你必须给他做⼈⼯呼吸。
This is the emergency 911 operator.这是紧急求救电话911.Ma car stalled on the free way and I have a passenger getting a heart attack.我在⾼速公路上熄⽕了,车上有位乘客犯了⼼脏病。
Is there anyone injured on the spot? Is an ambulance needed?现场有⼈受伤吗?需要救护车吗?You’d better check this pulse and breathing.检查⼀下他的脉搏和呼吸。
My car won’t start. Can you send somebody over?我的车不能启动了。
能派⼈来修吗?What’s the matter?出什么事了?But I haven’t done it before.可我从来没做过。
Now relax. Explain exactly where you are.别紧张。
Please be quick.请快些来。
It will be there in a few minutes.⼏分钟就到。
Hello. This is 122, the alarm service.你好,122报警台。
Just now a car crashed the defense on the toll way.刚才⼀辆车在⾼速公路上撞到了护栏。
On the toll way from Hefei to Nanjing. It’s about 50 kilometers from Hefei.在合肥到南京的⾼速公路上,离合肥⼤约50千⽶。

出国旅游应急口语8000一、机场1. 问询信息:Excuse me, where can I find the information desk?对不起,请问信息台在哪里?Is there a visitor center in this airport?这个机场有游客中心吗?2. 航班延误:Excuse me, could you please tell me if my flight is delayed?对不起,你能告诉我我的航班是否延误了吗?Is there any alternative flight I can take?有其他航班可以转乘吗?3. 行李丢失:I cannot find my luggage. What should I do?我的行李找不到了,我该怎么办?I've lost my baggage claim tag. Can you still help me find my luggage?我的行李提取标签丢失了,你们还能帮我找到我的行李吗?4. 机场设施:Where is the restroom?洗手间在哪里?Could you please direct me to the nearest ATM?你能告诉我最近的自动取款机在哪里吗?5. 护照和签证:I have lost my passport. What should I do?我丢失了我的护照,我该怎么办?My visa has expired. Can I still leave the country?我签证已经过期了,我还能离开这个国家吗?二、酒店1. 早餐时间:What time is breakfast served?早餐什么时间开始供应?Is breakfast included in the room rate?早餐包含在房价里吗?2. 房间问题:The air conditioning in my room is not working well. Could you please send someone to fix it?我房间的空调不太好用,能派人来修一下吗?There is no hot water in my bathroom. Can you help me fix it?浴室没有热水,你能帮我修理一下吗?3. 酒店设施:Is there a gym or fitness center in the hotel?酒店里有健身房吗?Where is the swimming pool located?游泳池在哪里?4. 酒店预订:I made a reservation for a double room, but I was given a twin room.Can you change it for me?我预订了一间双人房,但是给了我一间双床房,你能为我换一下吗?I would like to extend my stay for two more nights. Is that possible?我想再多住两晚,可以吗?三、交通1. 出租车:Could you please take me to the city center?你能带我去市中心吗?How much does it cost to go to the airport?去机场需要多少钱?2. 公共交通:Which bus should I take to go to the museum?我应该坐哪路公交车去博物馆?Is there a subway station nearby?附近有地铁站吗?3. 导航问题:Excuse me, could you please show me the way to the nearest metro station?对不起,你能告诉我去最近的地铁站的路吗?I am lost. Can you help me find my way back to the hotel?我迷路了,你能帮我找回酒店吗?四、餐厅1. 预约餐厅:I would like to make a reservation for dinner tonight. Is there any availability?我想预约今晚的晚餐,还有座位吗?We have a party of six. Can you accommodate us?我们有六个人,你们能安排吗?2. 菜单问题:Do you have any vegetarian options?你们有素食的选择吗?What is the specialty of this restaurant?这个餐厅的特色菜是什么?3. 点菜:I would like to try the local cuisine. What would you recommend?我想尝试当地的美食,你能推荐一下吗?Can I have the bill, please?我可以请你结账吗?五、紧急状况1. 事故和急救:There has been a car accident. Can you call an ambulance?发生了车祸,你能打电话叫救护车吗?I urgently need to see a doctor. Is there a hospital nearby?我急需看医生,附近有医院吗?2. 丢失物品:I have lost my wallet. Can you help me report it to the police?我丢失了钱包,你能帮我向警察报案吗?My phone has been stolen. Is there a lost and found office in this area?我的手机被偷了,这附近有失物招领处吗?3. 自然灾害:Is there a safe place to go in case of an earthquake?如果发生地震,有安全的地方可以躲避吗?What should I do in case of a typhoon warning?如果发出台风警报,我应该怎么办?以上是一些常见的出国旅游应急口语,希望对您有帮助。

What do you call this in English?
What do you call this in English?'' --- 失窃
^叫警察。 Call the police!
Call the police!'' ^我的包被偷了。 I had my bag stolen.
We'll call you if we find it. We'll call you if we find it.''
^您能填一下儿这张表吗? Could you fill out this form? Could you fill out this form?''
^请您写一下被盗经过。 Please give me a report on the theft. Please give me a report on the theft.''
--- 三十四、遇到麻烦时 --- 语言不通
I'd like to have a Japanese interpreter.
I'd like to have a Japanese interpreter.'' ^我不会说英语。
I can't speak English.
I can't speak English.'' ^我的英语不太好。
My English isn't good enough. My English isn't good enough.''

下面店铺为大家带来出国旅游必备英语口语,欢迎大家学习!出国旅游必备英语口语:遇到麻烦时1、英语词汇:1.briefcase n.公文包,文件包I have left my briefcase on the bus.我把公文包落在公交车上了。
2.toothache n.牙痛My friend here has a sudden toothache.我在这里的朋友突然牙痛起来了。
3.locate v.找到,找出I am trying to locate this address.我试图找到这个地址。
同义词:find4.lost adj.失去的I haven't got my bag yet,I hope it won't be lost.我还没找着我的袋子,希望别丢了。
同义词:missing5.refund v.退还,偿还Can you refund me?你能还我钱吗?同义词:repay6.clinic n.诊所,门诊部I am trying to get a taxi for the clin-ic.我试图叫出租车去看医生。
7.ambulance n.救护车There is a phone booth just around the corner.I'II call an ambulance for you.在转角就有个电话亭,我替你叫辆救护车。
plaint n.抱怨;牢骚Excuse me,I want to lodge a com-plaint on your room service.对不起,我对你们的送饭服务很是不满。
9.notification n.公告,通知Please let us have your local contact at Bangkok for notification.告诉我们在曼谷当地的通讯地址,我们好通知你。

There is no hot water.There is no hot water. (没有热⽔。
)Are you sure about that? (您肯定没有吗?)隔壁太吵了。
The room next door is noisy.我能再要⼀把房间钥匙吗?Could I possibly have another room key? *因为有possibly,所以使得说法更礼貌。
Could I please have another room key?May I have another room key?Is it all right if I have another room key?Would it be possible for me to have another room key?I'd like to have another key, if that's okay. (如果可以的话,我想再要⼀把房间的钥匙。
I locked myself out.I locked myself out.(我把钥匙忘在房间⾥了。
)May I have your name, please. (请告诉我您叫什么名字?)I left my key inside my room.I forgot my key inside my room. (我把钥匙忘在屋⾥了。
I'm locked out. 这与上⼀句的I locked myself out语⽓上有些不同。
I locked myself out只表⽰⾃⼰把钥匙忘在房间⾥了,⽽I'm locked out还含有被别⼈锁在外⾯的意思。
The TV doesn't work in my room. *电视或房间⾥电器等设备坏了,不能使⽤时都可以⽤…doesn't work来表⽰。

请人帮忙的英语口语关于请人帮忙的英语口语We will often use a variety of occasions in the life of the oral English, so when you ask for help should be how to communicate with people? Today Xiaobian to sort of somehelp in spoken English, this is very important to us, watching these sentences anddialogue.生活中我们经常会用到各种场合的'英语口语,那么当你请人帮忙时应该如何与人沟通呢?今天店铺为大家整理了关于一些求助的英语口语,这个是对我们很重要的,一起看下这些句子和情景对话吧。
【请人帮忙十大经典句型】Could you do me a favor?请帮个忙,好吗?Sure ,what can I do for you?当然可以了,我能帮你做什么呢?Can you interpret for me?请帮我翻译一下好吗?Would you show me the way?请给我指一下路好吗?Can you help me with the suitcase?请帮我提一下手提箱好吗?Can you get a taxi for me?请帮我叫一辆出租车好吗?Would you please shut the door?请关一下门好吗?Could you bring me some water?请给我来点水好吗?I need to use the toilet. Could you wait a few minutes?我得用一下洗手间,请等一下好吗I need to send an e-mail. Can I use your computer, Miss? 我要发个电子邮件,小姐,我可以用一下你的电脑吗?【语法精练】Could you do me a favor, Sir?先生,请帮个忙,好吗?Could you do me a favor, Miss?小姐,请帮个忙,好吗?Could you do me a favor, Madam?夫人,请帮个忙,好吗?Sure, what can I do for you?当然可以了,我能帮你做什么呢?Sure, what can I do for her?当然可以了,我能帮她做什么呢?Sure, what can I do for him?当然可以了,我能帮做他什么呢?Can you interpret for me?请帮我翻译一下,好吗?Can you interpret for him?请帮他翻译一下,好吗?Can you interpret for her?请帮她翻译一下,好吗?Would you show me the way?请给我指一下路,好吗?Would you show him the way?请给他指一下路,好吗?Would you show her the way?请给她指一下路,好吗?Can you help me with the suitcase?请帮我提一下手提箱好吗?Can you help him with the suitcase?请帮他提一下手提箱好吗?Can you help her with the suitcase?请帮她提一下手提箱好吗?Can you get a taxi for me?请帮我叫一辆出租车,好吗?Can you get a taxi for him?请帮他叫一辆出租车,好吗吗?Can you get a taxi for her?请帮她叫一辆出租车,好吗?Would you please shut the door?请关一下门,好吗?Would you please shut the window?请关一下窗,好吗?Would you please open the door?请开一下门,好吗?Could you bring me some water?请给我来点水好吗?Could you bring me some tea?请给我来点茶好吗?Could you bring me some mineral water请给我来点矿泉水好吗?I need to use the toilet, could you wait a few minutes? 我得用一下洗手间,请稍等一下,好吗?I need to talk to her first, could you wait a few minutes? 【情景对话】Could you do me a favor?Sure, what can I do for you?Can you interpret for me?Sure. I’m pleasureWould you show me the way?Ok, follow me, pleaseCan you help me with the suitcase?Sure, no problemCan you get a taxi for me?Ok, just a momentWould you please shut the door?OkCould you bring me some water?Ok, just a secondAny teeth toilet, could you wait a few minuteNo problem.go aheadI need to send an e-mail. Can I use your computer,Miss?Sure, just a moment. Let me save the file.In life, please help may use English these, hope the arrangement of these can help to you, welcome to continue to pay attention to our words in english.。

英语俚语习语小对话第15期遇到麻烦英语怎么说A: I am in hot water now; all the things seem to be blown up.B: Don’t be scared. Bite the bullet and everything will be right aga in.A: Thank you for encouraging me. There are problems cropping up here and there. But I will overcome them one by one.参考中文译文:A :我现在遇到苦恼了,看起来所有的情况多和我作对似的。
B :别泄气,咬紧牙关挺过去,总会好起来的。
A :感谢你的鼓舞。
英语学习笔记:1.in hot water 遇到苦恼He's likely to land in hot water unless restrained by wiser counsel. 除非听人忠告有所收敛,他专门有可能陷入苦恼。
He is in hot water because he can't make good on his debts.他有困难,因为他还不起债务。
She's always in hot water.她总是惹苦恼。
He's likely to land in hot water unless restrained by wiser counsel. 除非听人忠告有所收敛,他专门有可能陷入苦恼。
2.bite the bullet 咬紧牙关,忍耐痛楚We have to bite the bullet when we face this difficult situation.我们必须勇敢地面对这种困难情形。
After Alice's husband left her, she had to bite the bullet and bring u p her children by her own.艾莉丝的先生离开她之后,她得咬紧牙根,独立扶养小孩。
英语口语8000句 常用的安慰用语

●担心、惦念你怎么了?What's the matter? *用于对方身体不舒服或对方有什么异常时。
What's the matter? You look sad. (你怎么了?显得这么伤心。
) Nothing. I'm just tired. (没什么。
)What's wrong?Is anything wrong?What's the problem?Is something bothering you? *bother “使……烦心”、“折磨”。
你没事吧?Are you okay? *用于对方发生什么不好的事情时。
Are you all right?到底怎么回事?What's going on?What's going on? (到底怎么回事?)We were just talking. (我们只是说说。
)What happened?What's happening?你有什么心事吗?Is something on your mind? *be on a person's mind “有什么挂心的事”。
Do you have something on your mind?What are you worried about? (你担心什么?)What's on your mind? (你担心什么呢?)Is anything bothering you?我担心你。
I was worried about you.I was concerned about you.请不要特地为我(而麻烦您吧)。
Please don't go out of your way.I'll drop you off. (我送你回家。
)Please don't go out of your way. (请不要特地送我。

英语口语8000句红茶 Black tea绿茶 Green tea白茶 White Tea黄茶Yellow tea黑茶Black tea乌龙茶 Oolong Tea铁观音 Iron Goddess of Mercy红豆 Red beans绿豆 Green beans单杯 Single Cup盖碗 Tureen BOW普洱茶 Puer Tea生普洱茶 Born puer tea熟普洱茶Cooked puer tea英语口语8000句-为难时该怎么办呢?I don't know what to do.I don't know what to do. (该怎么办呢?)Don't worry, I'll help. (别担心,我来帮你。
)I'm at a loss as to what to do. (我真不知该怎么办才好。
) I'm unable to decide for myself. (我一个人决定不了。
)What shall I do? (怎么办?)我该怎么办?What am I supposed to do? *be supposed to “计划做??”。
What am I supposed to do? (我该怎么办?)I don't know. Just relax, I'll help you. (我也不知道。
)What am I going to do?What should I do?这下可麻烦了。
We are in trouble.We can't finish our proposal in time. (我们不能按时完成计划了。
) We are in trouble. (这下可麻烦了。
)We're in big trouble. *进一步强调不知如何是好的心情。

英语口语8000句文本:请求帮助316. Would you please tell Mr. John that I’m here?316. 你能告诉约翰先生我在这吗?317. Take these books home with you tonight.317. 今晚请把这些书带回家。
318. Please bring me those magazines.318.请把那些杂志给我带来。
319. Would you help me lift this heavy box?319.你能帮我将这个重盒子抬起来吗?320. Please ask John to turn on the lights.320. 请告诉约翰把灯打开。
321. Put your books down on the table.321. 将你的书放在桌子上。
322. Get me a hammer from the kitchen,will you? 322.从厨房里给我拿个锤子,好吗?323. Hang up my coat in the closet ,will you please? 323. 能将我的大衣挂在壁橱里吗?324. Please don’t bother me now.I’m very busy. 324. 现在请别打搅我,我在忙。
325. Would you mind mailing this letter for me?325.你介意帮我发这封邮件吗?326. If you have time,will you call me tomorrow? 326.如果你有时间,明天给我打电话好吗?327. Please pick up those cups and saucers. 327. 请将那些茶杯和茶托整理好。
328. Will you do me a favor?328. 你能帮个忙吗?329. Please count the chairs in that room.329. 请数一下那个房间里的椅子的数目。
常用英语口语8000句:遇到麻烦时:语言不通 -(韦博分享)

I'd like to have a Japanese interpreter. *interpreter “口头翻译”。
I can't speak English.No English! (我英文不行。
My English isn't good enough.请安排一位会说日语的人。
A Japanese-speaking person, please.请再说一遍。
Pardon me?Aren't you John? (你不是约翰吗?)Pardon me? (什么?请再说一遍?)Excuse me?I beg your pardon?Could you repeat that?您说什么?What did you say?您能慢一点儿说吗?Would you slow down, please?Please say it more slowly.我们想请一位会说日语的导游。
I'd like a Japanese-speaking guide, please.What can I do for you? (您有什么事?)I'd like a Japanese-speaking guide, please. (我们想请一位会说日语的导游。
)I want a Japanese-speaking guide.有会说日语的人吗?Does anyone speak Japanese? *用于当无法用英文表达自己想说的事情时。
Does anyone here speak Japanese?Is there a Japanese speaker here?我们语言不通。
I can't make myself understood. *make oneself understood 表示“(用外语等)表达自己的意思,让别人明白自己的感觉”。

度米文库汇编之英语口语8000句 34 遇麻烦时失窃常用口语句子●失窃◎叫警察! call the police!call the police! (叫警察。
)sure thing! (好的。
)= please call for help! (快叫人帮助。
i had my bag stolen.= my bag was stolen.= somebody stole my bag.◎我该告诉谁? who should i report it to?◎失物招领处在哪儿? where is the lost and found?◎什么样的包? what kind of bag?= what kind of bag was it?◎里面都有什么? what was in it?◎里面有多少钱? how much was in it?◎我们找到后会跟你联系的。
we'll call you if we find it.= we'll contact you when we find it.◎您能填一下儿这张表吗? could you fill out this form? *fill out表示在空白处填写。
”= please fill out this form.◎请您写一下被盗经过。
please give me a report on the theft.*theft “窃案,偷盗”。
= please fill out a report on the theft.◎日本大使馆在哪儿? where is the japanese embassy?◎我的护照丢了。
i lost my passport.= my passport is missing.= i can't find my passport. (我找不到我的护照了。
)= i've misplaced my passport. (我忘了把护照放到哪儿了。

遇到麻烦时:失窃【英语口语8000句】遇到麻烦时●失窃叫警察!Call the police!Call the police! (叫警察。
)Sure thing! (好的。
)Please call for help! (快叫人帮助。
I had my bag stolen.My bag was stolen.Somebody stole my bag.我该告诉谁?Who should I report it to?失物招领处在哪儿?Where is the Lost and Found?什么样的包?What kind of bag?What kind of bag was it?里面都有什么?What was in it?里面有多少钱?How much was in it?我们找到后会跟你联系的。
We'll call you if we find it.We'll contact you when we find it.您能填一下儿这张表吗?Could you fill out this form? *fill out表示在空白处填写。
”Please fill out this form.请您写一下被盗经过。
Please give me a report on the theft. *theft “窃案,偷盗”。
Please fill out a report on the theft.日本大使馆在哪儿?Where is the Japanese Embassy?我的护照丢了。
I lost my passport.My passport is missing.I can't find my passport. (我找不到我的护照了。
)I've misplaced my passport. (我忘了把护照放到哪儿了。
)这儿有会说日语的人吗?Does anyone here speak Japanese?能补发一本吗?Can I get it reissued?请取消我的卡号。
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Bill, please.
I'd like the check, please.
Where should I pay?
It's on me.
It's on me. (我请客。
Oh! How nice! (哦!那太好了,谢谢!)This is my treat.
I'll pay for dinner.
I'll treat you.
I'll pay for drinks. (我付饮料的钱。
I'll take care of it.
What is this for?
What is this charge for?
What is this amount for?
I'm afraid there is a mistake here. *I'm afraid…“我觉得是不是……”,一般用于不太好的事情。
mistake 表示“错误”。
Let's go Dutch. *Dutch 表示“荷兰人”,而go Dutch则表示“自己的费用自己付”、“分摊”。
Let's split the bill.
Let's divide the cost.
We'd like to pay separately.
We'd like to pay separately. (我们分开付款。
All right. (明白了。
Keep the change.
May I have a receipt, please?