D.1 致命错误C_51 FATAL_ERRORACTION: <当前行为>LINE: <错误所在行>ERROR: <错误信息> terminated或C_51 FATAL ERRORACTION: <当前行为>FILE: <错误所在文件>ERROR: <错误信息> terminatedC_51 TERMINATED C_51(1) ACTION 的有关信息*PARSING INVOKE-/#PRAGMA_LINE在对#pragma 指明的控制行作此法分析时出错。
*OPENING INPUT_FILE打开文件时,未找到或打不开源文件/头文件。
*GENERATING INTERMEDIATE CODE源代码被翻译成内部伪代码,错误可能来源于函数太大而超过内部极限。
*WRITING TO FILE在向文件(work,list,prelist或object file)写时发生错误。
ARM 的中央寄存器集是16 个用户寄存器R0 – R15。
这些寄存器均是32 位宽度,R0 – R12 没有其他特殊功能,寄存器R13 – R15在CPU中有特殊功能。
R13被用作栈指针(stack pointer,SP)。
R14被称为链接寄存器(link register, LR),当调用一个函数时返回地址被自动保存到链接寄存器,在函数返回时有效。
R15 是程序计数器(program counter, PC)。
有趣的是,许多指令也可以在R13 – R15中执行,就像它们是标准的用户寄存器。
ARM中断的问题ARM的七种异常类型---------1> 复位异常2> 数据访问中止异常3> 快速中断请求异常4> 一般中断请求5> 预取指令异常6> 软件中断异常7> 未定义异常-------------------------问题:1> 为什么除了进入复位异常模式外,在别的异常处理模式中都允许FIQ中断?2> 数据访问中止异常的优先级大于 FIQ异常,为什么在数据访问异常处理模式中,还允许 FIQ中断?这样不就成了:在高优先级异常处理中允许低优先级的中断发生?即使这样,因为FIQ中断的优先级 < 数据异常中断优先级,也不会进入 FIQ中断处理程序啊,这样不就更没有用处了??ARM体系的各种异常的分析(学习日记)- [ARM7TDMI]版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明/logs/10669519.html1.复位异常(1)当内核的nRESET信号被拉低时,ARM处理器放弃正在执行的指令,当nRESET信号再次变高时,ARM处理器进行复位操作;(2)系统复位后,进入管理模式对系统进行初始化,复位后,只有PC(0x00000000)和CPSR (nzcvqIFt_SVC)的值是固定的,另外寄存器的值是随机的。
IO :设定输出电平的高低。
当DDRA=0、DDRB=0、DDRE=0 时A口、B口和E口均为输入口。
不错的HAL层分析的网址/hongtao_liu/article/details/60607342.Apache License 2.0Apache License是著名的非盈利开源组织Apache采用的协议。
需要满足的条件:1.需要给代码的用户一份Apache License2.如果你修改了代码,需要在被修改的文件中说明。
4.如果再发布的产品中包含一个Notice文件,则在Notice文件中需要带有Apache License。
你可以在Notice中增加自己的许可,但不可以表现为对Apache License构成更改。
Apache License也是对商业应用友好的许可。
3.HAL简介3.1Android HAL存在的原因主要有:1. 并不是所有的硬件设备都有标准的linux kernel的接口2. KERNEL DRIVER涉及到GPL的版权。
3. 针对某些硬件,An有一些特殊的需求3.2现有HAL架构由Patrick Brady (Google) 在2008 Google I/O演讲中提出的两种HAL架构比较目前存在两种HAL架构,位于libhardware_legacy目录下的“旧HAL架构”和位于libhardware 目录下的“新HAL架构”。
libhardware_legacy 是将*.so 文件当作shared library来使用,在runtime(JNI 部份)以direct function call 使用HAL module。
F o r P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t A p p l i c a t i o nControl Integrated POwer System (CIPOS™)I K C S 12F 60F 2A I K C S 12F 60F 2CD a t a S he e t ,J un. 2010CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2AIKCS12F60F2CRevision History: 2010-06Rev.1.0Authors: Junho Song*, Junbae Lee* and Daewoong Chung*, W. Frank**, W. Brunnbauer**LS Power Semitech*, Infineon Technologies**Edition 2010-01Published byLS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. Seoul, Korea© LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd.All Rights Reserved.Attention please!The information given in this data sheet shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party.InformationFor further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. office or representatives ().WarningsDue to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. office or representatives.LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd. components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval LS Power Semitech Co., Ltd., if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safetyor effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implantedin the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.TRENCHSTOP® is a registered trademark of Infineon Technologies AG.CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2AIKCS12F60F2CTable of contents:CIPOS™ Control Integrated POwer System (4)Features (4)Target Applications (4)Description (4)System Configuration (4)Certification (4)Internal Electrical Schematic (5)Pin Assignment (6)Pin Description (6)HIN1,2,3 and /LIN1,2,3 (Low side and high side control pins, Pin 15 - 20) (6)FLT-TEMP (temperature NTC, Pin 24) (7)ITRIP (Over-current detection function, Pin 21) (7)VDD, VSS (control side supply and reference, Pin 22, 23) (7)VB1,2,3 and VS1,2,3 (High side supplies, Pin 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8) (7)VRU, VRV, VRW (low side emitter, Pin 12, 13, 14) (7)V+ (positive bus input voltage, Pin 10) (7)Absolute Maximum Ratings (8)Module Section (8)IGBT and Diode Section (8)Control Section (9)Recommended Operation Conditions (9)Static Characteristics (10)Dynamic Characteristics (11)Integrated Components (12)Typical Application (12)Characteristics (13)Package Outline IKCS12F60F2A (17)Package Outline IKCS12F60F2C (18)CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2AIKCS12F60F2CCIPOS™C ontrol I ntegrated PO wer S ystem Single In-Line Intelligent Power Module3Φ-bridge 600V / 12A @ 25°CFeatures•DCB isolated Single In-Line molded module •FAULT signal•TrenchStop® IGBTs with lowest V CE(sat)•Optimal adapted antiparallel diode for low EMI •Integrated bootstrap diode and capacitor •Rugged SOI gate driver technology with stability against transient and negative voltage •Fully compliant to 3.3V and 5V microcontrollers •Temperature sense•Under voltage lockout at all channels •Matched propagation delay for all channels •Low side emitter pins accessible for all phase current monitoring (open emitter)•Cross-conduction prevention•Lead-free terminal plating; RoHS compliant •Qualified according to JEDEC1 (high temperature stress tests for 1000h) for target applicationsTarget Applications•Washing machines•Consumer Fans and Consumer Compressors DescriptionThe CIPOS™ module family offers the chance for integrating various power and control components to increase reliability, optimize PCB size and system costs.This SIL-IPM is designed to control AC motors in variable speed drives for applications like air conditioning, compressors and washing machines. The package concept is specially adapted to power applications, which need extremely good thermal conduction and electrical isolation, but also EMI-save control and overload protection. The features of TrenchStop®IGBTs and antiparallel diodes are combined with a new optimized Infineon SOI gate driver for excellent electrical performance. The product provides a FAULT signal, which is significantly simplifying the system.System Configuration• 3 half-bridges with TrenchStop®IGBT & FW-diodes•3Φ SOI gate driver•Bootstrap diodes for high side supply •Integrated 100nF bootstrap capacitance •Temperature sensor, passive components for adaptions•Isolated heatsink•Creepage distance typ 3.2mmCertificationUL 1577 (UL file E314539)CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2A IKCS12F60F2CInternal Electrical SchematicFigure 1: Internal SchematicVSS (23)/LIN3 (20)/LIN2 (19)/LIN1 (18)/HIN3 (17)/HIN2 (16)/HIN1 (15)VDD (22)VB1 (7)VB2 (4)VB3 (1)VRW (14)VRV (13)VRU (12)W, VS3 (2)V, VS2 (5)U, VS1 (8)V+ (10)/FLT-TEMP (24)ITRIP (21)CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2A IKCS12F60F2CPin AssignmentPin Description/HIN1,2,3 and /LIN1,2,3 (Low side and high side control pins, Pin 15 - 20)These pins are active low and they are responsible for the control of the integrated IGBTsuch to guarantee LSTTL and CMOS compatibility down to 3.3V controller outputs. The maximum voltage at these pins is 5.5V and therefore fully compliant to 3.3V-microcontrollers. Pull-up resistor of about 75k Ω is internally provided to pre-bias inputs during supply start-up and a zener clamp is provided for pin protection purposes. Input schmitt-trigger and noise filter provide beneficial noise rejection to short input pulses. It is recommended for proper work of CIPOS™ not to provide an input pulse-width and PWM deadtimes lower than 1us.The integrated gate drive provides additionally a shoot through prevention capability which avoids the simultaneous on-state of two gate drivers ofFigure 2: Input pin structureCIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2A IKCS12F60F2Cthe same leg (i.e. HO1 and LO1, HO2 and LO2, HO3 and LO3).A minimum deadtime insertion of typ 380ns is also provided, in order to reduce cross-conduction of the external power switches./FLT-TEMP (temperature NTC, Pin 24)The TEMP terminal provides direct access to the NTC, which is referenced to VSS. An external pull-up resistor connected to +5V ensures, that the resulting voltage can be directly connected to the microcontroller.The same pin indicates a module failure in case of under voltage at pin VDD or in case of triggered over current detection at ITRIP. A pull-up resistor is externally required to bias the NTC. No temperature information is available during fault. ITRIP (Over-current detection function, Pin 21) CIPOS™ provides an over-current detection function by connecting the ITRIP input with the motor current feedback. The ITRIP comparator threshold (typ 0.46V) is referenced to VSS ground. A input noise filter (typ: t ITRIPMIN = 225ns) prevents the driver to detect false over-current events. Over-current detection generates a hard shut down of all outputs of the gate driver after the shutdown propagation delay of typically 900ns. The fault-clear time is set to typically to 4.7ms. VDD, VSS (control side supply and reference, Pin 22, 23)VDD is the low side supply and it provides power both to input logic and to low side output power stage. Input logic is referenced to VSS ground as well as the under-voltage detection circuit. The under-voltage circuit enables the device to operate at power on when a supply voltage of at least a typical voltage of V DDUV+ = 12.1V is at least present.The IC shuts down all the gate drivers power outputs, when the VDD supply voltage is below V DDUV- = 10.4V. This prevents the external power switches from critically low gate voltage levels during on-state and therefore from excessive power dissipation.VB1,2,3 and VS1,2,3 (High side supplies, Pin 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)VB to VS is the high side supply voltage. The high side circuit can float with respect to VSS following the external high side power device emitter/source voltage.Due to the low power consumption, the floating driver stage is supplied by an integrated bootstrap circuit connected to VDD. This includes also integrated bootstrap capacitors of 100nF at each floating supply, which are located very close to the gate drive circuit.The under-voltage detection operates with a rising supply threshold of typical V BSUV+ = 12.1V and a falling threshold of V DDUV- = 10.4V according to Figure 4.VS1,2,3 provide a high robustness against negative voltage in respect of VSS of -50V. This ensures very stable designs even under rough conditions.Figure 4: Operation modesVRU, VRV, VRW (low side emitter, Pin 12, 13, 14)The low side emitters are available for current measurements of each phase leg. It is recommended to keep the connection to pin VSS as short as possible in order to avoid unnecessary inductive voltage drops.V+ (positive bus input voltage, Pin 10)The high side IGBT are connected to the bus voltage. It is recommended, that the bus voltage does not exceed 500V.CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2AIKCS12F60F2CAbsolute Maximum Ratings(T J = 25°C, V DD = 15V Unless Otherwise Specified): Module SectionIGBT and Diode Section1 Monitored by pin 24CIPOS™ IKCS12F60F2A IKCS12F60F2CControl SectionRecommended Operation ConditionsAll voltages are absolute voltages referenced to V SS -Potential unless otherwise specified.IKCS12F60F2CStatic Characteristics(T c = 25°C, V DD = 15V, if not stated otherwise)1 Allowed number of short circuits: <1000; time between short circuits: >1s.Dynamic Characteristics(T c = 25°C, V DD = 15V, if not stated otherwise)Integrated ComponentsTypical Application1Characteristics(T c = 25°C, V DD = 15V, if not stated otherwise)I C , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N TI F , f o r w a r d C U R R E N TV CE , COLLECTOR EMITTER VOLTAGEV F FORWARD VOLTAGEFigure 4. Typical IGBT output characteristicFigure 5. Typical diode forward current as afunction of forward voltaget , S W I T C H I N G T I M E S0A 5A 10A 15At , S W I T C H I N G T I M E S25℃50℃75℃100℃125℃I C , COLLECTOR CURRENTT vJ , JUNCTION TEMPERATUREFigure 6. Typical switching times as afunction of collector current (inductive load,T vJ =150°C,V CE =300VDynamic test circuit in Figure A)Figure 7. Typical switching times as afunction of junction temperature (inductive load, V CE = 300V, I C = 6A Dynamic test circuit in Figure A)E , S W I T C H I N G E N E R G YE , S W I T C H I N G E N E R G YI C , COLLECTOR CURRENTT vJ , JUNCTION TEMPERATUREFigure 8. Typical switching energy losses asa function of collector current (inductive load, T vJ =150°C, V CE =300VDynamic test circuit in Figure A)Figure 9. Typical switching energy losses asa function of junction temperature (inductive load, V CE = 300V, I C = 6A Dynamic test circuit in Figure A)R T S , N T C r e s i s t a n c eZ t h J C , T R A N S I E N T T H E R M A L R E S I S T A N C E10-210-1100 T NTC , NTC TEMPERATUREt P , PULSE WIDTHFigure 10. Characteristic of NTC as afunction of NTC temperatureFigure 11. Transient thermal impedance as afunction of pulse width (D =t P /T )Test Circuits and Parameter DefinitionFigure A: Dynamic test circuit Leakage inductance L σ =180nH Stray capacitance C σ =39pFFigure B: Definition of diodes switching characteristicsFigure C: Definition of Enable propagation delayFigure D: Switching times definition and switching energy definitionI RRMI FLIN1,2,3HIN1,2,3i CU , i CV , i v CEU , v CEV ∫⋅=Cx CEx dti v Eoff 0∫⋅=Eont Cx CEx dti v Eon 0Figure E: Short Pulse suppressionPackage Outline IKCS12F60F2ANote: There may occur discolorations on the copper surface without any effect of the thermal properties.Package Outline IKCS12F60F2CPackage Data。
1、异常的类型:复位、未定义指令、软件中断、指令预取中止、数据中止、IRQ(外部中断请求)、FIQ (快速中断请求)。
这个信息跟随在输入语句后面, 这个信息跟随在输入语句后面,该语句中元件 的节点数与规定不符。例如,程序对于MOSFET规 的节点数与规定不符。例如,程序对于 规 定为4个节点 除了将衬底与地连接的情况外, 个节点, 定为 个节点,除了将衬底与地连接的情况外,都要 定义第四个节点。 定义第四个节点。
互感的偶合系数超过了1.0,程序继续分析,自动 互感的偶合系数超过了 ,程序继续分析, 将系数设置为1.0。 将系数设置为 。
传输线的阻抗特性值必须给出. 传输线的阻抗特性值必须给出.这是一个致命 错误。 错误。
线性折线电源(PWL)的时间值系列必须是增长的。 的时间值系列必须是增长的。 线性折线电源 的时间值系列必须是增长的
§ 10. 3. 4 元器件模型错误
这个信息跟随在元件定义语句之后, 这个信息跟随在元件定义语句之后,指出元件 没有赋值或元件值是负数。 没有赋值或元件值是负数。Spice程序对下列元件值 程序对下列元件值 规定必须是正数:电阻、电容、电感、 规定必须是正数:电阻、电容、电感、互感和受控 半导体器件的某些几何参数(如面积、宽度w、 源。半导体器件的某些几何参数(如面积、宽度 、 长度L等 出现负值时,也会引出这一错误信息。 长度 等)出现负值时,也会引出这一错误信息。
Indradrive 系列 故障代码
Error MessagesF9001 Error internal function call.F9002 Error internal RTOS function callF9003 WatchdogF9004 Hardware trapF8000 Fatal hardware errorF8010 Autom. commutation: Max. motion range when moving back F8011 Commutation offset could not be determinedF8012 Autom. commutation: Max. motion rangeF8013 Automatic commutation: Current too lowF8014 Automatic commutation: OvercurrentF8015 Automatic commutation: TimeoutF8016 Automatic commutation: Iteration without resultF8017 Automatic commutation: Incorrect commutation adjustment F8018 Device overtemperature shutdownF8022 Enc. 1: Enc. signals incorr. (can be cleared in ph. 2) F8023 Error mechanical link of encoder or motor connectionF8025 Overvoltage in power sectionF8027 Safe torque off while drive enabledF8028 Overcurrent in power sectionF8030 Safe stop 1 while drive enabledF8042 Encoder 2 error: Signal amplitude incorrectF8057 Device overload shutdownF8060 Overcurrent in power sectionF8064 Interruption of motor phaseF8067 Synchronization PWM-Timer wrongF8069 +/-15Volt DC errorF8070 +24Volt DC errorF8076 Error in error angle loopF8078 Speed loop error.F8079 Velocity limit value exceededF8091 Power section defectiveF8100 Error when initializing the parameter handlingF8102 Error when initializing power sectionF8118 Invalid power section/firmware combinationF8120 Invalid control section/firmware combinationF8122 Control section defectiveF8129 Incorrect optional module firmwareF8130 Firmware of option 2 of safety technology defectiveF8133 Error when checking interrupting circuitsF8134 SBS: Fatal errorF8135 SMD: Velocity exceededF8140 Fatal CCD error.F8201 Safety command for basic initialization incorrectF8203 Safety technology configuration parameter invalidF8813 Connection error mains chokeF8830 Power section errorF8838 Overcurrent external braking resistorF7010 Safely-limited increment exceededF7011 Safely-monitored position, exceeded in pos. DirectionF7012 Safely-monitored position, exceeded in neg. DirectionF7013 Safely-limited speed exceededF7020 Safe maximum speed exceededF7021 Safely-limited position exceededF7030 Position window Safe stop 2 exceededF7031 Incorrect direction of motionF7040 Validation error parameterized - effective thresholdF7041 Actual position value validation errorF7042 Validation error of safe operation modeF7043 Error of output stage interlockF7050 Time for stopping process exceeded8.3.15 F7051 Safely-monitored deceleration exceeded (159)8.4 Travel Range Errors (F6xxx) (161)8.4.1 Behavior in the Case of Travel Range Errors (161)8.4.2 F6010 PLC Runtime Error (162)8.4.3 F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded (163)8.4.4 F6028 Position limit value exceeded (overflow) (164)8.4.5 F6029 Positive position limit exceeded (164)8.4.6 F6030 Negative position limit exceeded (165)8.4.7 F6034 Emergency-Stop (166)8.4.8 F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated (167)8.4.9 F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated (167)8.4.10 F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated (168)8.4.11 F6140 CCD slave error (emergency halt) (169)8.5 Interface Errors (F4xxx) (169)8.5.1 Behavior in the Case of Interface Errors (169)8.5.2 F4001 Sync telegram failure (170)8.5.3 F4002 RTD telegram failure (171)8.5.4 F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown (172)8.5.5 F4004 Error during phase progression (172)8.5.6 F4005 Error during phase regression (173)8.5.7 F4006 Phase switching without ready signal (173)8.5.8 F4009 Bus failure (173)8.5.9 F4012 Incorrect I/O length (175)8.5.10 F4016 PLC double real-time channel failure (176)8.5.11 F4017 S-III: Incorrect sequence during phase switch (176)8.5.12 F4034 Emergency-Stop (177)8.5.13 F4140 CCD communication error (178)8.6 Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (F3xxx) (178)8.6.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (178)8.6.2 F3111 Refer. missing when selecting safety related end pos (179)8.6.3 F3112 Safe reference missing (179)8.6.4 F3115 Brake check time interval exceeded (181)Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drivesand ControlsI Bosch Rexroth AG VII/XXIITable of ContentsPage8.6.5 F3116 Nominal load torque of holding system exceeded (182)8.6.6 F3117 Actual position values validation error (182)8.6.7 F3122 SBS: System error (183)8.6.8 F3123 SBS: Brake check missing (184)8.6.9 F3130 Error when checking input signals (185)8.6.10 F3131 Error when checking acknowledgment signal (185)8.6.11 F3132 Error when checking diagnostic output signal (186)8.6.12 F3133 Error when checking interrupting circuits (187)8.6.13 F3134 Dynamization time interval incorrect (188)8.6.14 F3135 Dynamization pulse width incorrect (189)8.6.15 F3140 Safety parameters validation error (192)8.6.16 F3141 Selection validation error (192)8.6.17 F3142 Activation time of enabling control exceeded (193)8.6.18 F3143 Safety command for clearing errors incorrect (194)8.6.19 F3144 Incorrect safety configuration (195)8.6.20 F3145 Error when unlocking the safety door (196)8.6.21 F3146 System error channel 2 (197)8.6.22 F3147 System error channel 1 (198)8.6.23 F3150 Safety command for system start incorrect (199)8.6.24 F3151 Safety command for system halt incorrect (200)8.6.25 F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology data (201)8.6.26 F3160 Communication error of safe communication (202)8.7 Non-Fatal Errors (F2xxx) (202)8.7.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Errors (202)8.7.2 F2002 Encoder assignment not allowed for synchronization (203)8.7.3 F2003 Motion step skipped (203)8.7.4 F2004 Error in MotionProfile (204)8.7.5 F2005 Cam table invalid (205)8.7.6 F2006 MMC was removed (206)8.7.7 F2007 Switching to non-initialized operation mode (206)8.7.8 F2008 RL The motor type has changed (207)8.7.9 F2009 PL Load parameter default values (208)8.7.10 F2010 Error when initializing digital I/O (-> S-0-0423) (209)8.7.11 F2011 PLC - Error no. 1 (210)8.7.12 F2012 PLC - Error no. 2 (210)8.7.13 F2013 PLC - Error no. 3 (211)8.7.14 F2014 PLC - Error no. 4 (211)8.7.15 F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown (211)8.7.16 F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown (212)8.7.17 F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective (213)8.7.18 F2022 Device temperature monitor defective (214)8.7.19 F2025 Drive not ready for control (214)8.7.20 F2026 Undervoltage in power section (215)8.7.21 F2027 Excessive oscillation in DC bus (216)8.7.22 F2028 Excessive deviation (216)8.7.23 F2031 Encoder 1 error: Signal amplitude incorrect (217)VIII/XXII Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drivesand ControlsRexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting GuideTable of ContentsPage8.7.24 F2032 Validation error during commutation fine adjustment (217)8.7.25 F2033 External power supply X10 error (218)8.7.26 F2036 Excessive position feedback difference (219)8.7.27 F2037 Excessive position command difference (220)8.7.28 F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded (220)8.7.29 F2040 Device overtemperature 2 shutdown (221)8.7.30 F2042 Encoder 2: Encoder signals incorrect (222)8.7.31 F2043 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals incorrect (222)8.7.32 F2044 External power supply X15 error (223)8.7.33 F2048 Low battery voltage (224)8.7.34 F2050 Overflow of target position preset memory (225)8.7.35 F2051 No sequential block in target position preset memory (225)8.7.36 F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: Pulse frequency too high (226)8.7.37 F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: Hardware error (226)8.7.38 F2055 External power supply dig. I/O error (227)8.7.39 F2057 Target position out of travel range (227)8.7.40 F2058 Internal overflow by positioning input (228)8.7.41 F2059 Incorrect command value direction when positioning (229)8.7.42 F2063 Internal overflow master axis generator (230)8.7.43 F2064 Incorrect cmd value direction master axis generator (230)8.7.44 F2067 Synchronization to master communication incorrect (231)8.7.45 F2068 Brake error (231)8.7.46 F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding brake (232)8.7.47 F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window (232)8.7.48 F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window (233)8.7.49 F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder window (234)8.7.50 F2077 Current measurement trim wrong (235)8.7.51 F2086 Error supply module (236)8.7.52 F2087 Module group communication error (236)8.7.53 F2100 Incorrect access to command value memory (237)8.7.54 F2101 It was impossible to address MMC (237)8.7.55 F2102 It was impossible to address I2C memory (238)8.7.56 F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat memory (238)8.7.57 F2104 Commutation offset invalid (239)8.7.58 F2105 It was impossible to address Hiperface memory (239)8.7.59 F2110 Error in non-cyclical data communic. of power section (240)8.7.60 F2120 MMC: Defective or missing, replace (240)8.7.61 F2121 MMC: Incorrect data or file, create correctly (241)8.7.62 F2122 MMC: Incorrect IBF file, correct it (241)8.7.63 F2123 Retain data backup impossible (242)8.7.64 F2124 MMC: Saving too slowly, replace (243)8.7.65 F2130 Error comfort control panel (243)8.7.66 F2140 CCD slave error (243)8.7.67 F2150 MLD motion function block error (244)8.7.68 F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference (244)8.7.69 F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference (245)Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drivesand Controls| Bosch Rexroth AG IX/XXIITable of ContentsPage8.7.70 F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference (246)8.7.71 F2177 Modulo limitation error of motor encoder (246)8.7.72 F2178 Modulo limitation error of optional encoder (247)8.7.73 F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring encoder (247)8.7.74 F2190 Incorrect Ethernet configuration (248)8.7.75 F2260 Command current limit shutoff (249)8.7.76 F2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break (249)8.7.77 F2802 PLL is not synchronized (250)8.7.78 F2814 Undervoltage in mains (250)8.7.79 F2815 Overvoltage in mains (251)8.7.80 F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit (251)8.7.81 F2817 Overvoltage in power section (251)8.7.82 F2818 Phase failure (252)8.7.83 F2819 Mains failure (253)8.7.84 F2820 Braking resistor overload (253)8.7.85 F2821 Error in control of braking resistor (254)8.7.86 F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low (255)8.7.87 F2833 Ground fault in motor line (255)8.7.88 F2834 Contactor control error (256)8.7.89 F2835 Mains contactor wiring error (256)8.7.90 F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error (257)8.7.91 F2837 Contactor monitoring error (257)8.7.92 F2840 Error supply shutdown (257)8.7.93 F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power section (258)8.7.94 F2890 Invalid device code (259)8.7.95 F2891 Incorrect interrupt timing (259)8.7.96 F2892 Hardware variant not supported (259)8.8 SERCOS Error Codes / Error Messages of Serial Communication (259)9 Warnings (Exxxx) (263)9.1 Fatal Warnings (E8xxx) (263)9.1.1 Behavior in the Case of Fatal Warnings (263)9.1.2 E8025 Overvoltage in power section (263)9.1.3 E8026 Undervoltage in power section (264)9.1.4 E8027 Safe torque off while drive enabled (265)9.1.5 E8028 Overcurrent in power section (265)9.1.6 E8029 Positive position limit exceeded (266)9.1.7 E8030 Negative position limit exceeded (267)9.1.8 E8034 Emergency-Stop (268)9.1.9 E8040 Torque/force actual value limit active (268)9.1.10 E8041 Current limit active (269)9.1.11 E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated (269)9.1.12 E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated (270)9.1.13 E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated (271)9.1.14 E8055 Motor overload, current limit active (271)9.1.15 E8057 Device overload, current limit active (272)X/XXII Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drivesand ControlsRexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting GuideTable of ContentsPage9.1.16 E8058 Drive system not ready for operation (273)9.1.17 E8260 Torque/force command value limit active (273)9.1.18 E8802 PLL is not synchronized (274)9.1.19 E8814 Undervoltage in mains (275)9.1.20 E8815 Overvoltage in mains (275)9.1.21 E8818 Phase failure (276)9.1.22 E8819 Mains failure (276)9.2 Warnings of Category E4xxx (277)9.2.1 E4001 Double MST failure shutdown (277)9.2.2 E4002 Double MDT failure shutdown (278)9.2.3 E4005 No command value input via master communication (279)9.2.4 E4007 SERCOS III: Consumer connection failed (280)9.2.5 E4008 Invalid addressing command value data container A (280)9.2.6 E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data container A (281)9.2.7 E4010 Slave not scanned or address 0 (281)9.2.8 E4012 Maximum number of CCD slaves exceeded (282)9.2.9 E4013 Incorrect CCD addressing (282)9.2.10 E4014 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves (283)9.3 Possible Warnings When Operating Safety Technology (E3xxx) (283)9.3.1 Behavior in Case a Safety Technology Warning Occurs (283)9.3.2 E3100 Error when checking input signals (284)9.3.3 E3101 Error when checking acknowledgment signal (284)9.3.4 E3102 Actual position values validation error (285)9.3.5 E3103 Dynamization failed (285)9.3.6 E3104 Safety parameters validation error (286)9.3.7 E3105 Validation error of safe operation mode (286)9.3.8 E3106 System error safety technology (287)9.3.9 E3107 Safe reference missing (287)9.3.10 E3108 Safely-monitored deceleration exceeded (288)9.3.11 E3110 Time interval of forced dynamization exceeded (289)9.3.12 E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time interval (289)9.3.13 E3116 Nominal load torque of holding system reached (290)9.4 Non-Fatal Warnings (E2xxx) (290)9.4.1 Behavior in Case a Non-Fatal Warning Occurs (290)9.4.2 E2010 Position control with encoder 2 not possible (291)9.4.3 E2011 PLC - Warning no. 1 (291)9.4.4 E2012 PLC - Warning no. 2 (291)9.4.5 E2013 PLC - Warning no. 3 (292)9.4.6 E2014 PLC - Warning no. 4 (292)9.4.7 E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring range (292)9.4.8 E2026 Undervoltage in power section (293)9.4.9 E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning (294)9.4.10 E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0 (294)9.4.11 E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0 (295)9.4.12 E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value (296)9.4.13 E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning (297)Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drivesand Controls| Bosch Rexroth AG XI/XXIITable of ContentsPage9.4.14 E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning (298)9.4.15 E2053 Target position out of travel range (298)9.4.16 E2054 Not homed (300)9.4.17 E2055 Feedrate override S-0-0108 = 0 (300)9.4.18 E2056 Torque limit = 0 (301)9.4.19 E2058 Selected positioning block has not been programmed (302)9.4.20 E2059 Velocity command value limit active (302)9.4.21 E2061 Device overload prewarning (303)9.4.22 E2063 Velocity command value > limit value (304)9.4.23 E2064 Target position out of num. range (304)9.4.24 E2069 Holding brake torque too low (305)9.4.25 E2070 Acceleration limit active (306)9.4.26 E2074 Encoder 1: Encoder signals disturbed (306)9.4.27 E2075 Encoder 2: Encoder signals disturbed (307)9.4.28 E2076 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals disturbed (308)9.4.29 E2077 Absolute encoder monitoring, motor encoder (encoder alarm) (308)9.4.30 E2078 Absolute encoder monitoring, opt. encoder (encoder alarm) (309)9.4.31 E2079 Absolute enc. monitoring, measuring encoder (encoder alarm) (309)9.4.32 E2086 Prewarning supply module overload (310)9.4.33 E2092 Internal synchronization defective (310)9.4.34 E2100 Positioning velocity of master axis generator too high (311)9.4.35 E2101 Acceleration of master axis generator is zero (312)9.4.36 E2140 CCD error at node (312)9.4.37 E2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break (312)9.4.38 E2802 HW control of braking resistor (313)9.4.39 E2810 Drive system not ready for operation (314)9.4.40 E2814 Undervoltage in mains (314)9.4.41 E2816 Undervoltage in power section (314)9.4.42 E2818 Phase failure (315)9.4.43 E2819 Mains failure (315)9.4.44 E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning (316)9.4.45 E2829 Not ready for power on (316)。
如何排查程序的Hard fault错误
一、Hard fault产生原因硬件方面常见原因:1.电源设计有错误,造成器件供电不稳;2.电源质量不好,文波,噪声过大;3.器件接地不良;4.对于带有Vcap引脚的器件,管脚处理不当;5.电路中有强干扰源,对器件造成干扰;软件方面常见原因:1.使用了空指针;2.对地址偏移量的计算有误;3.数组越界导致程序出错;4.动态内存使用不当,导致访问了已释放的内存地址;5.通过地址访问了已失效的局部变量;一般因为硬件造成Hard Fault错误的可能性较低,90%都是软件原因造成的。
lst文件反映的是每一个函数,每一条指令的PC指针,在keil中需要调用USER命令生成:D:\Keil\ARM\ARMCC\bin\fromelf.exe -c --output ./project.lst ./obj/project.axfD:\Keil\ARM\ARMCC\bin\fromelf.exe表示的是fromelf.exe的路径;./obj/project.axf表示生成的axf文件位置,可能需要根据实际情况调整;2.保存出问题时候的RAM;出问题的时候调用别断电,接上Jlink,调用Segger里面的Jlink command来获取现场:a.先输入一个“USB”让Jlink接上设备,然后输入halt来停住内核;b.调用savebin ram.bin 0x20000000 0x2000将RAM中的内容全部保存下来;保存下来的东西被存在放Segger的安装目录中。
其实很简单,只是对#FF0F 进行操作一下就可以了,具体位操作详见
在MAIN.C 的最后加上
const volatile unsigned char SecureReg @(0xFF0F)=0xFC;
即可,注意VOLATILE 字样,如果没有的话,可能被DUBUG 掉。
我对所有的程序进行了调试,一切正常,只有在涉及到FLASH 擦写时,程
序无法正常运行,或者把程序段放入FLASH 分页时无法正常运行。
查了N 多
于是找了FREESCALE 的技术支持,交流过后发现,是我芯片型号的问题,
因为我的芯片的MASK 是1K79X,比较老的型号,所以确实在这个方面是有
问题的,如果换成了DT256 或者高版本的MASK,即可解决问题。
这里是1K79X 参错里的内容,描述了这个问题。
MUCts00603: FLASHProgram & erase blocked in normal single chip mode when secureDescriptionIn normal single chip mode, when security is enabled, it is not。
飞思卡尔MC9S12系列单片机地址影射以及分页问题对于用MCU的人来说,不一定要明白HCS12(x) memory map的机制和联系。
并且,对于DG128 XS128这样的MCU,默认的emory分配方式已经够用了。
从这个意义上讲,搞清楚memory map似乎不必要。
但是,你有没有RAM不够用的情况?有没有想定义变量到FLASH ROM的情况?有没有因为欲提高寻址效率而定义变量到非分页区的情况?有没有写EEPROM但没写成功的情况?飞思的memory非常灵活,通过地址映射来提高效率是芯片制造商的一惯作风(当然,首先这个CPU要有这种寻址和内存映射转换机制),但是,纵观HCS12(x) memory map的东西,真是做到极限了。
看看DG128,64K的逻辑空间,映射之后RAM EEPROM FALSH ROM,都可以充分发挥作用,而且扩展FLASH 也方便。
而XS128更高级一筹,有专门的MMC管理HCS12(x) memory map。
我大体上了解这两个片子的HCS12(x) memory map,因此就此谈谈理解和看法,如有错误,请大家不吝指出首先,说说6个概念。
1 memory map地址映射,不要理解成内存映射,内存是RAM。
3 RAM,这个不多说,是存变量和栈的东西,高速,掉电即失。
4 EEPROM,这个是一种特别的FLASH。
编译器错误信息中文翻译Ambiguous operators need parentheses不明确的运算需要用括号括起Ambiguous symbol ``xxx``不明确的符号Argument list syntax error参数表语法错误Array bounds missing丢失数组界限符Array size toolarge数组尺寸太大Bad character in paramenters 参数中有不适当的字符Bad file name format in include directive包含命令中文件名格式不正确Bad ifdef directive synatax编译预处理ifdef 有语法错Bad undef directive syntax编译预处理undef 有语法错Bit field too large位字段太长Call of non-function调用未定义的函数Call to function with no prototype调用函数时没有函数的说明Cannot modify a const object 不允许修改常量对象Case outside of switch漏掉了case 语句Case syntax errorCase 语法错误Code has no effect代码不可述不可能执行到Compound statement missing{ 分程序漏掉"{"Conflicting type modifiers不明确的类型说明符Constant expression required 要求常量表达式Constant out of range in comparison在比较中常量超出范围Conversion may losesignificant digits转换时会丢失意义的数字Conversion of near pointer not allowed不允许转换近指针Could not find file ``xxx``找不到XXX 文件Declaration missing ;说明缺少";"Declaration syntax error说明中出现语法错误Default outside of switch Default 出现在switch 语句之外Define directive needs an identifier定义编译预处理需要标识符Division by zero用零作除数Do statement must have whileDo-while 语句中缺少while 部分Enum syntax error枚举类型语法错误Enumeration constant syntax error枚举常数语法错误Error directive :xxx错误的编译预处理命令Error writing output file写输出文件错误Expression syntax error表达式语法错误Extra parameter in call调用时出现多余错误File name too long文件名太长Function call missing )函数调用缺少右括号Fuction definition out of place 函数定义位置错误Fuction should return a value 函数必需返回一个值Goto statement missing labelGoto 语句没有标号Hexadecimal or octal constant too large16 进制或8 进制常数太大Illegal character ``x``非法字符xIllegal initialization非法的初始化Illegal octal digit非法的8 进制数字Illegal pointer subtraction非法的指针相减Illegal structure operation非法的结构体操作Illegal use of floating point非法的浮点运算Illegal use of pointer指针使用非法Improper use of a typedefsymbol类型定义符号使用不恰当In-line assembly not allowed不允许使用行间汇编Incompatible storage class存储类别不相容Incompatible type conversion 不相容的类型转换Incorrect number format错误的数据格式Incorrect use of default Default 使用不当Invalid indirection无效的间接运算Invalid pointer addition指针相加无效Irreducible expression tree无法执行的表达式运算Lvalue required需要逻辑值0 或非0 值Macro argument syntax error 宏参数语法错误Macro expansion too long宏的扩展以后太长Mismatched number ofparameters in definition定义中参数个数不匹配Misplaced break此处不应出现break 语句Misplaced continue此处不应出现continue 语句Misplaced decimal point此处不应出现小数点Misplaced elif directive不应编译预处理elif Misplaced else此处不应出现elseMisplaced else directive此处不应出现编译预处理else Misplaced endif directive此处不应出现编译预处理endif Must be addressable必须是可以编址的Must take address of memory location必须存储定位的地址No declaration for function``xxx``没有函数xxx 的说明No stack缺少堆栈No type information没有类型信息Non-portable pointer assignment不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值Non-portable pointer comparison不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较Non-portable pointer conversion不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换Not a valid expression format type不合法的表达式格式Not an allowed type不允许使用的类型Numeric constant too large数值常太大Out of memory内存不够用Parameter ``xxx`` is neverused能数xxx 没有用到Pointer required on left side of ->符号->的左边必须是指针Possible use of ``xxx`` before definition在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告)Possibly incorrect assignment赋值可能不正确Redeclaration of ``xxx``重复定义了xxxRedefinition of ``xxx`` is not identicalxxx 的两次定义不一致Register allocation failure寄存器定址失败Repeat count needs an lvalue 重复计数需要逻辑值Size of structure or array not known结构体或数给大小不确定Statement missing ;语句后缺少";"Structure or union syntax error 结构体或联合体语法错误Structure size too large结构体尺寸太大Sub scripting missing ]下标缺少右方括号Superfluous & with function or array函数或数组中有多余的"&" Suspicious pointer conversion 可疑的指针转换Symbol limit exceeded符号超限Too few parameters in call函数调用时的实参少于函数的参数不Too many default cases Default 太多(switch 语句中一个)Too many error or warning messages错误或警告信息太多Too many type in declaration 说明中类型太多Too much auto memory in function函数用到的局部存储太多Too much global data defined in file文件中全局数据太多Two consecutive dots两个连续的句点Type mismatch in parameter xxx参数xxx 类型不匹配Type mismatch inredeclaration of ``xxx``xxx 重定义的类型不匹配Unable to create output file``xxx``无法建立输出文件xxxUnable to open include file``xxx``无法打开被包含的文件xxx Unable to open input file ``xxx`` 无法打开输入文件xxx Undefined label ``xxx``没有定义的标号xxx Undefined structure ``xxx``没有定义的结构xxx Undefined symbol ``xxx``没有定义的符号xxx Unexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx从xxx 行开始的注解尚未结束文件不能结束Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx从xxx 开始的条件语句尚未结束文件不能结束Unknown assemble instruction 未知的汇编结构Unknown option未知的操作Unknown preprocessor directive: ``xxx``不认识的预处理命令xxx Unreachable code无路可达的代码Unterminated string or character constant字符串缺少引号User break用户强行中断了程序V oid functions may not return a valueV oid 类型的函数不应有返回值Wrong number of arguments调用函数的参数数目错``xxx`` not an argumentxxx 不是参数``xxx`` not part of structurexxx 不是结构体的一部分xxx statement missing (xxx 语句缺少左括号xxx statement missing )xxx 语句缺少右括号xxx statement missing ;xxx 缺少分号xxx`` declared but never used说明了xxx 但没有使用xxx`` is assigned a value whichis never used给xxx 赋了值但未用过Zero length structure结构体的长度为零error C141: syntax error near '{', expected 'const'语法附近错误需要常量;syntax error near 'unsigned', expected ';'错误C141:语法错误附近'符号',需要';' WARNING L16: UNCALLED SEGMENT, IGNORED FOR OVERLAY PROCESS ,表示你写的某些函数,在主程序中没有被调用到.UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL SYMBOL 一般是由于定义了某个函数,但是在引用的时候把名字打错了,跟原来的不一致造成的. 编译的时候编译器发现主程序里调用了某个函数,但是却找不到对应函数定义.。
1 FIQFIQ(快速中断请求)异常是由外部产生,将Nfiq输入拉低。
当检测到有FIQ低电平输入时,ARM7执行以下步骤:(1)将下一条将要执行的指令地址+4,保存到R14_fiq,保存CPSR 的值到SPSR_fiq(2)强制M[4:0]=10001(FIQ模式),置位CPSR中的F,I(3)强制PC从地址0X1C取下一条指令为了从FIQ返回,执行 SUBS PC,R14_fiq,#4将恢复PC(从R14)和CPSR(从SPSR_fiq)并继续执行的被中断的程序。
2 IRQIRQ(中断请求)为普通异常,当 nIRQ 输入位低电平时产生IRQ。
hal 枚举类型定义
hal 枚举类型定义
HAL(硬件抽象层,Hardware Abstraction Layer)的枚举类型定义通常用于描述硬件设备的状态或配置选项。
typedef enum {
} HalDeviceState;
typedef enum {
} HalMode;
HCS12中断默认状态::•默认状态在进入中断服务程序时,,I位自动置1,禁止其他可屏蔽中断–在进入中断服务程序时即使有优先级更高的中断请求,,也必须等当前中断服务程序执行完以后才–即使有优先级更高的中断请求能响应–优先级的作用只有在多个中断源同时请求中断时在能体现–无法实现中断嵌套位清零::如果在进入中断服务程序时,,手动对I位清零•如果在进入中断服务程序时任何其他可屏蔽中断都可以被响应,,无论其优先级有多高–任何其他可屏蔽中断都可以被响应中断响应由时间控制,,可以实现中断嵌套–中断响应由时间控制–对中断执行无法预测•HPRIO寄存器中的中断向量的后八位,,可以改变该中断的优先级–写入HPRIO中的中断向量的后八位同样,,优先级的作用只有在多个中断源同时请求中断时在能体现–同样中断优先处理机制1.在中断服务程序中,首先对I为清零,即EnableInterrupts2.选择优先级更高的中断源可以进入响应中断3.设置优先等级–两级•一个中断源为低优先级,其他为高优先级•在低优先级中断服务程序中,对I位清零•在高优先级中断服务程序中,不清零–多级•利用局部的中断屏蔽位•比如Timer Channel0 的中断屏蔽位TIE_C0I优先机制–多级•情况1:–每个中断都单独发生,在一个中断程序执行时,没有其他中断•情况2:–在执行ECT1的中断服务程序时,ECT0请求中断–ECT0中断服务程序将被执行•情况3:–在执行ECT2的中断服务程序时,ECT0请求中断–ECT2的中断服务程序执行结束后,执行ECT0的中断服务程序•情况4:–ECT1,ECT2同时请求中断–ECT1的中断服务程序先执行,当EnableInterrupts后–执行ECT2的中断服务程序–ECT2的中断服务程序执行结束后,返回执行ECT1的中断服务程序方案:优先机制–多级•在ECT0中断服务程序中:•在ECT1中断服务程序中(自定义优先级最低):•在ECT2中断服务程序中(自定义优先级最高):–用户程序TIE_C1I = 0; //关闭ECT1局部中断TIE_C2I = 1; //开放ECT2局部中断EnableInterrupts; //开放全局中断…TIE_C1I = 1; //开放ECT1局部中断TIE_C2I = 1; //开放ECT2局部中断TIE_C0I = 1; //开放ECT0局部中断TIE_C2I = 1; //开放ECT2局部中断EnableInterrupts; //开放全局中断…TIE_C0I = 1; //开放ECT0局部中断TIE_C2I = 1; //开放ECT2局部中断。
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Figure 3 illustrates for a 2D image the results of non-vertical smoothing for two different fault dips q in this scan. This example shows that fault likelihoods tend to be largest when the smoothing of semblance numerators and denominators is aligned with the faults, which are not vertical.
Before extracting fault surfaces like those shown in Figures 1 and 2, I first compute images of faults. The method I use for this first step is based on semblance (Taner and Koehler, 1969), and is therefore similar to methods proposed by Marfurt et al. (1998). Like Marfurt et al. (1999), I compute semblances from small numbers (3 in 2D, 9 in 3D) of adjacent seismic traces, after aligning those traces so that any coherent events are horizontal.
Fault surfaces and fault throws
Figure 2: Fault surfaces and fault throws computed for two different subsets of a 3D seismic image. Faults extracted from the shallower subset (a) have conical shapes, while those extracted from the deeper subset (b) have more typical planar shapes. Seismic reflectors are more continuous in the corresponding unfaulted images (c and d).
The fault throws shown in Figure 1 are important as well, as they enable correlation of subsurface properties across faults. Among methods developed to estimate fault throws are those described by Borgos et al. (2003), Aurnhammer and To¨nnies (2005) and Admasu (2008).
A new method for processing 3D seismic images yields images of fault likelihoods and corresponding fault strikes and dips. A second process automatically extracts from those images fault surfaces represented by meshes of quadrilaterals. A third process uses differences between seismic image sample values alongside those fault surfaces to automatically estimate fault throw vectors. While some of the faults found in one 3D seismic image have an unusual conical shape, displays of unfaulted images illustrate the fidelity of the estimated fault surfaces and fault throw vectors.
This paper describes a sequence of three new methods to (1) compute 3D fault images, (2) extract fault surfaces, and (3) estimate fault throws. I used this three-step sequence to compute the fault surfaces and throws displayed in Figures 1 and 2. Although each of the three steps was designed in conjunction with the others in this sequence, aspects of any one of them could be used to enhance other methods cited above.
The computational cost of the scan is proportional to this number of orientations. To reduce this cost, for each orientation I use efficient recursive smoothing filters to perform the averaging of semblance numerators and denominators. The computational cost of these recursive filters is independent of the spatial extent of their impulse responses, which may include well over 1000 samples in 3D images. This number represents the number of samples that contribute to the computation of fault likelihood for one orientation at one sample location in a 3D image (Cohen et al., 2006). With recursive smoothing filters I avoid this large factor in computational cost.
Vertical component of throw (ms) Vertical component of throw (ms)
Fault surfaces and fault throws from 3D seismic images Dave Hale, Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines
Semblance is a measure of coherence in the range [0, 1]; it is a normalized ratio, the square of an average value divided by an average of squared values. Because faults are most likely to exist where semblance s is low, I (somewhat arbitrarily) define and compute a measure of fault likelihood f = 1 s8. When used to highlight faults, some sort of averaging or smoothing of semblance (or some other attribute) is required, as emphasized by Gersztenkorn and Marfurt (1999) and Aqrawi and Boe (2011). These authors describe vertical smoothing of fault attributes. However, faults need not be vertical. Therefore, when averaging the numerators and denominators of normalized semblance ratios, I vary the orientation of the smoothing filter in a scan over possible fault orientations.