







讲授内容:The Renaissance English Literature(ca.1485-1603)学习目标:1了解文艺复兴及人文思想的内涵;2.文艺复兴时期英国文学的总体特征,诗歌、戏剧及散文的发展状况;3掌握这一时期诗歌、戏剧及散文的特征及代表作家及作品。


5.莎士比亚的主要作品及创作特点,《哈姆雷特》、《威尼斯商人》及十四行诗分析;I. Historical background1. In 1485,the W ars of the Roses (1455-1485) came to an end,and Tudor dynasty was established by Henry VII in 1485. The Tudor dynasty, a centralized monarchy ofa totally new type, met the needs of the rising bourgeoisie and so won its support.2. The movement of the Reformation: Henry VIII declared the break with the Pope, carried out a wholesale suppression of the monasteries and confiscated the property of the Church, thus enriching the new bourgeois nobility. The new religious dogma known as Protestantism had been gaining ground among the population, and the protestant reformation was in essence a political movement in a religious guise, a part of the long struggle of the bourgeois class for power. Then during the reign of the bloody Mary, hundreds of Protestants were buried as heretics. The bloody religious persecution came to a stop after the church settlement of Queen Elizabeth, and Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during her reignHenry VIII,whose needs for the annulment of his first marriage in order to father a son and heir, ended the rule of the Catholic Church in England, closed (and largely destroyed) the monasteries--- which had for centuries been the depositors of learning, history, and culture --- and established himself as both the head of Church and the head of state. Protestantism became the official national religion.3. The English Bible:The first English Bible was translated by John W ycliffe (1324?-84). Then in 1611 under the auspices of JamesⅠthe Authorized V ersion was made (sometimes it was called the King James Bible. It was the work of many learned scholars. With the wide-spread influence of the English Bible, the standard modern English has beenfixed and confirmed. A great number of Bible coinages and phrases have passed into daily English speech as household words, and are often used with no knowledge of their origin. For instance, “peacemaker”, “long suffering”,“a thorn in the flesh”,“root of all evil”,“to cast pearls before swine”,“the shadow of death”,“eye for eye, tooth for tooth ”, and many more. Thus the English Bible has woven its phrases and expressions into the texture of the English language, English literature and English life.4. The Enclosure movement compelled peasants to become the hired laborers for the merchants. This is an age in which, according to Thomas More, “sheep devoured men.” (Utopia)5. The commercial expansion and the rise of bourgeoisie.The progress in industry at home stimulated the commercial expansion abroad. The first English colonies were established under the command of such sea-dogs as Drake and Hawkins, who brought back with them great fortunes that enriched and strengthened the Crown.6. The war with Spain: in 1588, the Spanish fleet “Armada” (invin cible)无敌舰队was defeated. England had sovereignty over the seas.7. London developed in size and importance as the nation’s capital,and from the foundation of the first public theatre in London,the stage became the forum of debate,spectacle,and entertainment. Hand in hand with the growth in theatrical expression went the growth of Modern English as a national language.Ⅱ. Introduction to RenaissanceRenaissance marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world. It first started in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. The word “Renaissance” means rebirth or revival. In essence, it is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, and to lift the restriction in all areas placed by the Roman Catholic Church authorities.Two features of renaissance:1. It is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature. People learned to admire the Greek and Latin works as models of literary form.2. It is the keen interest in the activities of humanity.Humanism is the key-note of the Renaissance. It reflected the new outlook of the rising bourgeois class. Humanists emphasize the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life and believe that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders by removing all the external checks by the exercise of reason. They also expressed their rebellious spirit against the tyranny of feudal rule and ecclesiastical domination.III. English Literature in the Renaissance PeriodEnglish literature in the Renaissance Period is usually regarded as the highlight in this history of English literature. In Elizabethan Period, English literature developed with a great speed and made a magnificent achievement, especially thedrama. Thus appeared a group of excellent dramatists. They are John Lyly, Thomas Kyd, George Peele, Robert Greene, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson.Next to the drama is the Lyrical Poetry. In that period, writing poetry became a fashion. England then became "a nest of singing birds". The Merry England. The famous poets of that period were Thomas W yatt, Henry Howard, Philip Sidney and Edmund Spenser.There were not so many prose writers. In the beginning period, the great humanist, Thomas More, wrote his famous prose work "Utopia", which may be thought of as the first literary masterpiece of the English Renaissance. In Elizabethan Period, Francis Bacon wrote more than fifty excellent essays, which make him one of the best essayists in English literature.1. Poetry in the Renaissance Period1). Thomas W yatt 魏阿特(1503-1542)He is the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.Sonnet: an exact form of poetry in 14 lines of iambic pentameter intricately rhymed.Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey.萨雷伯爵(1517-1547)First blank verse.SonnetPetrack Stanza: abbaabba cdecde (cdcdcd)"Shakespearian Stanza" : abab, cdcd, efef, gg2). Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86) .poet, Astrophel and Stella 《爱星者和星星》十四行诗集108首writer, 《阿卡狄亚》散文传奇。

英国文学史及选读课件 4 The Renaissance

英国文学史及选读课件 4 The Renaissance

The study and propagation增殖,繁殖,广传,传播 of classical learning and art was carried on by the progressive进步的;先进的;革新的 thinkers of humanists.
They held their chief interest not in ecclesiastical基督教会的;教士的 knowledge, but in man, his environment and doings and bravely fought for the emancipation释放, 解放 of man from the tyranny暴政,专制 of the church and religious dogmas教条 .
The Twelfth Night
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Four greatest tragedies Hamlet
OthelloKiLeabharlann g LearMacbeth
The Merchant of Venice
The Tempest
Historical plays
1601-1609, wrote the greatest tragedies and romantic comedies 1610, retired to Stratford 1616, died.
His writing career
Four periods 1). 1588-1594 period of apprenticeship (10 plays) 2). 1595-1600 lyrical poems抒情诗 ; historical plays and comedies (2 plays)






1. Renaissance(文艺复兴):文艺复兴指的是从14世纪中期开始于欧洲大陆,16世纪末从英国延伸至17世纪初的文化运动。



2. Romanticism(浪漫主义):浪漫主义是19世纪初期在欧洲大陆兴起的一种文艺运动,也影响了英国文学。



3. Victorian era(维多利亚时代):维多利亚时代是指1837年至1901年维多利亚女王在位期间的英国历史时期。



4. Modernism(现代主义):现代主义是20世纪初期兴起的一种艺术和文学运动,对传统的观念、形式和艺术风格提出了挑战。



5. Postcolonialism(后殖民主义):后殖民主义是20世纪后期兴起的一种文化、社会和政治理论,关注被殖民地或前殖民地从殖民主义影响中解放出来之后面临的问题和挑战。


英国文学 Lecture Four The Renaissance

英国文学 Lecture Four The Renaissance

Two features of renaissance:
It is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature. People learned to admire the Greek and Latin works as models of literary form. It is the keen interest in the activities of humanity.
Lecture Four The English Renaissance (1550-1642)

I. Historical background
The Wars of the Roses: In 1485,the Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) came to an end,and following the invention of printing and Tudor dynasty which was established by Henry VII in 1485.
Catherine of Aragon, Henry's first queen.
I. Historical background

Protestantism became the official national religion.
*新教即基督教新教,汉语意为“基督教(英语:Christianity, Christian religion)的 新教会(churches)或新教派(denominations)”;或根据德(Protestantismus) 、英(Protestantism)、法(Protestantisme)等欧洲宗教改革中心地区主要语言中 对应单词的原意译为抗议宗、抗罗宗、反罗宗、反对教、誓反教、更正教、改新教 等,也经常被直接称作“基督教”),是与“公教”、“正教”并列的基督教三大 派别之一。 新教是由16世纪宗教改革运动中脱离罗马天主教会的教会和基督徒形成的一系列新 宗派的统称。词源来自德语的“Protestanten‖(抗议者)。原指1529年神圣罗马帝 国举行的帝国议会中的少数反对派,该派诸侯对于会议通过支持天主教压制宗教改 革运动各派的决议提出了强烈的抗议,后即以其泛称宗教改革各新教派。绝大多数 华人所称的“基督教”较常指“基督教新教”,而非基督宗教所有派别

英国文学史上-The Renaissance

英国文学史上-The Renaissance

The Renaissance PeriodReference: 1) 16th century, Thomas More, “sheep devoured men”羊吃人的时代2) At the beginning of the 16th century, absolute monarchy was formed in England. King Henry VIII broke off with the Pope, dissolved all the monasteries修道院and abbeys大修道院in the country, confiscated没收their lands and proclaimed himself head of the Church of England.3) The absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.4) Beginning of the 16th century, Thomas More, a outstanding humanist杰出的人文主义者, wrote Utopia in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people’s suffering and put forward his ideal of a future happy society.5) In the 1st half of the 16th century, there appeared lyrical poems抒情诗by Thomas Wyatt怀亚特. Wyatt was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature. In the 2nd half of the 16th century lyrical poetry became widespread in England. Famous lyrical and epic poets of the time were Philip Sidney菲利普•锡德尼, Thomas Campion托马斯•坎皮恩and Edmund Spenser埃德蒙•斯宾塞(<The Faerie Queene>仙后)6) Various types of novels were developed in the 16th century. John Lyly约翰•黎里and Thomas Lodge托马斯•洛奇were authors of novels dealing with the court life and gallantry.(宫廷生活和侠士风流)John Lyly→Euphues: The Antatomy of Wit艳词(首创euphuism绮丽体这一修辞手段) Thomas Deloney托马斯•德洛尼&Thomas Nashe托马斯•纳什→developed the realistic tendencies发展了小说中的现实主义风格(devoted to the everyday life of craftsmen, merchants and other representatives of the lower classes)7) Drama→the greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe克里斯托弗•马洛. He made blank verse the principle vehicle of expression in drama.(把无韵诗作为英语戏剧主要表达方式His work→The Jew of Malta; The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus)8) A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.9) Three historical events of the Renaissance—rebirth or revival:①new discoveries in geography and astrology(占星术)②the religious reformation and economic expansion③rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureDefinition of important literary terms:Renaissance:the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.William Shakespeare 1564~1616 P61Works: Stage1→1590 The Second Part of King Henry VIThe Third Part of King Henry VI1591 The First Part of King Henry VI1592 The Life and Death of King Richard IIIThe Comedy of Errors1593 Titus Andronicus泰特斯•安德鲁尼克斯(复仇悲剧)The Taming of the Shrew训悍记1594 The Two Gentlemen of Verona维罗纳两绅士Lover’s Labour Lost爱的徒劳Romeo and Juliet1595 The Life and Death of King Richard IIA Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦1596 The Life and Death og King JohnThe Merchant of Venice维纳斯商人1597 The First Part of King Henry IVThe Second Part of King Henry IV1598 Much Ado About Nothing无事生非The Merry Wives of Windsor温莎的风流娘儿们The Life of King Henry V1599 The Life and Death of Julius Caesar尤里乌斯•凯撒As You Like It 皆大欢喜(Figure: Rosalind)1600 Twelfth Night, or What You Will第十二夜Stage2→1601 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Price of Denmark(复仇悲剧)√1602 Troilus and Cressida 特罗伊斯与克瑞西达(黑暗喜剧)All’s Well That Ends Well 终成眷属(黑暗喜剧)1603 Measure for Measure 一报还一报(黑暗喜剧)Othello, the Moore of Venice 奥赛罗(Figure: Desdemona)1605 King Lear李尔王(Figure: Cordelia)The Tragedy of Macbeth 麦克白1606 Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼和克利奥佩特拉1607 The Tragedy of Coriolanus 克利奥拉鲁斯Timon of Athens 雅典的泰门1608 Pericles, Prince of Tyre 佩里克里斯Stage3→(均为传奇剧)1609 Cymbeline, King of Britain 辛白林1610 The Winter’s Tale 冬天的故事The Tempest 暴风雨The Life and Death of Henry VIII( Comedy:—Tragedy:—)Four Comedies: <As You Like It>皆大欢喜<Twelfth Night>第十二夜<A Midsummer Night‟S Dream>仲夏夜之梦<Merchant Of Venice>威尼斯商人Four Tragedies:<Hamlet>哈姆莱特<Othello>奥赛罗<King Lear>李尔王<Macbeth>麦克白Shakespeare Sonnet: 154 <The Sonnets> (ababcdcdefefgg) 18(shall I compare thee)、29(when in disgrace)、106(when in the chronicle of wasted time)Shakespeare’s 2 narrative poems: Venus and Adonis维纳斯与阿多尼斯Lucrece露克里丝受辱记Figures and things mentioned: <In Hamlet> Horatio (Hamlet’s friend)霍拉旭Elsinore Castle埃利塞纳城堡Claudius (Hamlet’s uncle)克劳迪斯Gertrude (Hamlet’s mother)乔特鲁德Rosencrantz(Hamlet’s friend)罗森克兰茨Guildenstern(Hamlet’s friend)吉尔登斯坦Ophelia(Hamlet’s girlfriend)奥菲利亚Polonius (girlfriend’s father)波洛琉斯Laertes(girlfriend’s brother)雷欧提斯<In The Merchant of Venice>Bassanio 巴萨尼奥Antonio(Bassanio’s Friend)安东尼奥Portia鲍西娅Shylock (the wealthy Jew)Jessica(Shylock’s daughter, who ran off with Bassanio’s friend Lorenzo罗兰佐)Gratiano (Bassanio’s friend, fell in love with Portia’s waiting-woman Nerissa尼莉莎) Definition of important literary terms:1)Renaissance: Renaissance marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Itfirst started in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. The word“Renaissance” means rebirth or revival. In essence, it is a historical period in which theEuropean humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, and to lift the restriction in all areas placed by the Roman Catholic Churchauthorities. Two features of renaissance: It is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature.People learned to admire the Greek and Latin works as models of literary form. It is the keen interest in the activities of humanity.2)Sonnet: 14-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter.The rhymescheme in the Italian form as typified in the sonnets of Petrarch(彼得拉克)is abbaabbacdecde. The Petrarchian sonnet has two divisions: the first is of eight lines (the octave), and the second is of six lines (the sestet). The rhyme scheme of the English, or Shakespearean sonnet is abab cdcd efef gg. The change of rhyme in the English sonnet is coincidental(一致) with a change of theme in the poem.3)Spenserian Stanza: Spenser invented a new verse form for his poem. The verse form hasbeen called "Spenserian Stanza" since his day. Each stanza has nine lines, each of the first eight lines is in iambic pentameter form, and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter(六步抑扬格) line. The rhythm scheme is abab bcbc c.4) Humanism: it refers to the main literary trend and is the keynote of English Renaissance.Humanists took interest in human life and human activities and gave expression to the new feeling of admiration for human beauty, human achievement. They think that man has a potential for culture which distinguishes him from lower orders of beings, and which he should strive constantly to fulfill.FrancisBacon弗兰西斯•培根1561~1626 P103(哲学家、散文家;在论述探究知识的著作中提出了“知识就是力量”这一著名论断;近代唯物主义哲学的奠基人和近代实验科学的先驱。



名词解释1.Renaissance: As an artistic movement, Renaissance refers to a period in Europeanhistory between 14th and 17th centuries during which the discovering and reading of ancient Greek and Roman classics led to the flowering of painting, sculpture, architecture and so on. It first started in Italy.2.Sonnet:The term “sonnet” derives from the Latin sonitus (meaning “sound”, “song”)The ordinary sonnet consists of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameters with considerable variations in rhyme scheme. There are two basic sonnet forms: the Italian or the Petrarchan Sonnet, and the English or the Shakespearean sonnet.3.Romanticism: It is the artistic expression of the feelings of those artists and writerswho experienced both hope and the succeeding disappointment in the process of Industrial Revolution. Its movement started in Germany around the French Revolution.4.Stream of Consciousness: Stream of consciousness is a narrative technique thatpresents thoughts as if they were coming directly from a character’s mind. Lacking chronological order, the events are presented from the character’s point of view, mixed in with the character’s ongoing feeling and memories,5.Conflict: Conflict is a struggle between two opposing forces or characters in a shortstory, novel, play, or narrative poem. Conflict can be external or internal, and it can take one of these forms: 1. A person against another person; 2. A person against society; 3. A person against nature; 4. Two elements or ideas struggling for mastery within a person.6.Realism: It is a mode of writing that gives the impression of recording or reflectingfaithfully an actual way of life. The term refers, both to a literary method based on detailed accuracy of description and to a more general attitude that rejects idealization, escapism, and other extravagant qualities ofromance in favor of recognizing soberly the actual problems of life.7.Gothic Novel : It is a type of prose fiction. The writers of this type of fictions mostlyset their stories in the medieval period and in a Catholic country. The locale was oftena gloomy castle or house. This type of fictions made bountiful use of ghosts,mysterious disappearances, and other supernatural occurrences.8.Symbol: Generally speaking, a symbol is a sign which suggests more than its literalmeaning. Literary symbols are of two broad types: the conventional ones and the occasionally-coined ones. For instance, roses symbolizes love; spring symbolizes life.9.Modernism: It is the name of the major artistic movement that attempted to developa response to the sense of social breakdown occurring the aftermath of World War I. Itwas an international movement shared by many art forms. As far as literature is concerned, it reflects the impact upon literature of the psychology of Freud.10. Enlightenment:It appeared in Europe and it lasted until the French Revolution in1789. It was closely associated with some new ideas such as liberty, democracy and rights of individuals which embodied the ideology of the rising middle class in Europe at that time.11. Allegory: Allegory is a fictional literary narrative or artistic expression that conveys asymbolic meaning parallel to but distinct from, and more important than, the literal meaning.12. Byronic Hero: A proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. With immensesuperiority in his passions and powers, he would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and would rise single-handedly against any kind of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion, or in moral society with unconquerable wills and inexhaustible energies.。



Chapter2 The Neoclassical Period(1660-1798)新古典主义1. In short, it was an age full of conflicts and divergence of values.总之,这一时期是矛盾与价值观分歧的时期。

2. The eighteenth-century England is also known as the Age of Enlighte nment or the Age of Reason.英国的十八世纪也同时是启蒙主义时代,或曰理性时代。

3. Its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.运动的主旨便是用当代哲学与艺术思想的晨光启迪整个世界。

4. Enlighteners held that rationality or reason should be the only, the fin al cause of any human thought and activities. They called for a reference to order, reason and rules.启蒙者主张理性是任何人思想与行动的唯一缘由。


5. As a matter of fact, literature at the time, heavily didactic and moralizi ng, became a very popular means of public education.其实,当时的文学作品种充满了说教与道德理念,就已经成为大众教育的良好工具。

6. Famous among the great enlighteners in England were those great wr iters like John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele, the two pioneers of familiar essays, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defo e, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Henry Fielding and Samuel Johnson.英国著名的启蒙主义文学家有约翰.德莱顿,亚历山大.蒲柏,约瑟夫.艾迪森与理查.斯蒂尔(这两位是现代散文的先驱),乔纳森.斯威夫特,丹尼尔.迪福,理查.B.谢立丹,亨利.费尔丁和塞缪尔.约翰逊。



Chapter 1 The Renaissance Period A basic introduction to the neoclassical period.Edumund SpenserEdumund Spenser1)William ShakespeareHamlet To be, or not to be---that is the question; Whether tis nobler in the midn to suffer/The sligs and arrows (2) of outrageous fortune, Or to take arm against a sea of troubles, And bu opposing end them? To die, to sleep---no more; and by a sleep to say we end.Francis Bacon (1561-1626)1) Francis Bacon, a representative of the Renaissance in England, is a well-known philosopher, scientistand essayist. He lady th efoundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinkingand fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge His Essays is the first and fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge. His Essays is the firstexample of that genre in English literature.2) The Advancement of Learning, written in English; Novum Organum, an enlarged Latin version of TheAdvancement of Learning. Other works are Apophthagmes New and Old, The History of the Reign ofHenry VII, and his unfinished The New Atlantis. Maxims of Law and The Learned Reading upon theStatute of Uses are the two famous works from the third group.3) The Advancement of Learning is a great tract on education. In Book I, Bacon highly praises)f g g,g y pknowledge, refuting the objections to learning and outlining the problems with which his poan is to deal.Also he answers the charge that learning is against religion.4) Novum Organum is a successful treatise written in Latin on methodology.5) "esteem the performance of public duty his highest aim."6) Francis Bacon is "Father of Science". His work "Novum Organum" is the most impressive display ofhis intellect. what is the main concern of the work? why the work is so important for the development ofd i?A)Th k i t f ht i d ti i i l f th A i t t li modern science? A) The work is an argument for hte inductive reasoning in place of the Aristotelian deductive reasoning. B) The Aristotelian reasoning only states the fact, not capable of discovery while the inductive reasoning, although starting with a hypothesis and developing with experiments, amy lead to the discovery of true knowledge.7) According to Bacon, man's understanding consists of three part: History to man's memory; Poetry toman's imagination and creation; and Philosophy to man's reason.8)Francis Bacon is best known fo r his essays.Of Studies What is the main idea of "Of Studies"? Answer: "Of Studies" analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character."Of Studies"reveals to usOf Studies how studies exert influence over human character. Of Studies reveals to us Bacon's mature attitude towards learning.John Donne (1572-1631)1) The term "metaphysical poetry" is commonly used ot name th ework of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. With a rebellious spirit, the metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry.2) John Donne is the leading figure of the "metaphysical school." Herbert, Vaugham, Crashaw, Marvell and Cowley are also considered to be metaphysical poets.3) The Songs and Sonnets, by which donne is probably best known, contains most of his early lyrics. Love is the basic theme. John Donne holds that the nature of love is the union of soul and body .4) The Sun Rising is to give compliments to the mistress and her power of beauty .John Milton (1608-1674)1) Paradise Lost was finished in 1665, after seven year's labor in darkness. In 1666 Milton began his Paradise Regained In 1671appeared his last important work Samson Agonistes (the Death, Be Not ProudThis is a sonnet written in the strict Petrarchan pattern, with 14 lines of iambicpentameter rnhyming abba abba cddc ee.Paradise Regained . In 1671 appeared his last important work Samson Agonistes (力士参孙), the most powerful dramatic poem on the Greek model.2) John Milton wrote his three major poetical works: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes. Among the three, the first is the greatest, indeed the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf; and the last one if the most perfect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in English.3) Areopagitica is probablhy his most memorable prose work. (John Milton ,1644)p g p y p 《论出版自由》(著,年出版)4) The theme of Paradise Lost is the "Fall of Man," i. e. Man's disobedience and hte loss of Paradise,with its prime cause:Satan.5) What are the characteristics in the style of "Paradise Lost?" A) "Paradise Lost", the greatest English epic since "Beowulf", long and complicated lines, formal words. A lot of contrasts andparallels. The meanings of some lines are vague, it is called Miltonic Vagueness. As a whole his style i d l Paradise Lost 1) The Poem tries to convince us that the unquestionable truth of Biblical revelationmeans that an all-knowing God was just in allowing Adam and Eve to be tempted and,of their free will to choose sin and its inevitable punishment.2) Selected: "Here in the heart of hell to work in fire,/ Or do his errands in the gloomydeep." In the gloomy deep means in Chaos.。



英美文学史名词解释期末背诵(按照时间+特点+代表人物):(注:英国文学简史作者刘炳善美国文学史作者常耀信)1.English Renaissance(英):The English Renaissance which means rebirth and revival sprang first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread to Europe. Two features are striking of this movement.The one is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature.Another feature is the keen interest of humanity. Humanism is the key-note of the Renaissance.The representative writers are Thomas More and Edmund Spenser.2.Classicism(英):Classicism prevailed during the 18th century in England. The Classicists modeled themselves on Greek and Latin authors, and tried to control literary creation by some fixed laws and rules drawn from Greek and Latin works.It is a movement or tendency in art, literature or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome. The representative writers are Addison, Steele.3.Sentimentalism(英):Sentimentalism came into being by the middle of 18th century as a result of a bitter discontent among the enlightened people with social reality and turned to the countryside for its material. Literary work of the sentimentalism is marked by a sincere sympathy for the poverty-stricken,expropriated peasants. They wrote the “simple annals of the poor”, though still in a classical style. Its appearance and development marks the midway in the transition from classicism to Romanticism in English poetry.The representative writers are Thomas Gray and William Cowper.4.Romanticism(英)At the turn of the 18th and I9th centuries romanticism appeared in England as a new trend in literature.The general feature of the works of the romanticists is a dissatisfaction with the bourgeois society. Their writings are filled with strong-willed heroes, formidable events, tragic situations, powerful conflicting passions, and exotic pictures.The romanticists paid great attention to the spiritual and emotional life of man.The representative writers are Scott and Byron.5.Passive romanticism(英)During the period 1798-1832,some romantic writers reflected the thinking of classes ruined by the bourgeoisie, and by way of protest against capitalist development turned to the feudal past, i.e. the " merry old England," as their ideal, or "frightened by the coming of industrialism and the nightmare towns of industry, they were turning to nature for protection. " The representative writers are Wordsworth and Coleridge. 6.Active romanticism(英)During the period 1798-1832,some writers expressed the aspirations of the classes created by capitalism and held out an ideal, though a vague one, of a future society free from oppression and exploitation. These were the younger generation of romanticists and sometimes called active romanticists represented by Byron, Shelley and Keats.7.Critical Realism(英)It appeared in Victorian Age. English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint.It found its expression in the form of novel.The representative writers are Dickens and Thackeray.8.Stream of consciousness technique(英)In late 19th century, the literary device of “interior monologue” was originated in France.In the 20th century, a number of writers adopted the"'stream of consciousness" method of novel writing.The striking feature of these novelists is their giving precedence to the depiction of the characters' mental and emotional reactions to external events. rather than the events themselves.The representative writers are James Joyce and Virginia Woolf.9.Transcendentalism(美)Transcendentalism is the summit of the Romantic Movement in the history of American literature in the19th century. The major features are as follow: First Transcendentalists place emphasis on spirit, or the Over-soul as the most important thing. Secondly, the Transcendentalists stress the importance of the individual which they think is the most important element of society. Thirdly,they offer a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God. The representative writer is Ralph Waldo Emerson and Thoreau.10.Local Colorism(美)It as a trend became dominant in American literature in the late 1860s and early 1870s. It is a variation of American literary realism. Generally, the local colorists concerned themselves with presenting and interpreting the local character of their regions. The characteristic setting is the isolated small town. This kind of fiction depicts the characters from a specific setting or of an era,which are marked by its customs,dialects,landscape or other peculiarities that have escaped standardizing cultural influence.The representative writer is Mark Twain and Bret Harte.11.Naturalism(美)Naturalism was a literary movement taking place from 1880's to 1940's that used detailed realism to suggest that social conditions, heredity, and environment had inescapable force In shaping human character. It was depicted as a literary movement that seeks to replicate a believable everyday reality. Darwinism had an evident influence of naturalism. It seemed to stress the animality of man, to suggest that man was dominated by the forces of evolution. The representative writer is Crane and Theodore Dreiser.12.Imagism(美)Imagism came between 1912 and 1922 as a great boom in Poetry. Imagism meets the need of expressing the temper of the age, is one of the modern literary movements. And Imagism has three principles: the first one is direct treatment of the 'thing' whether subject or objective. The second one is to use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation. The last one is as regarding rhythm, to compose in the sequence of musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome.An 'Image' is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant oftime.The representative writer is Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell.13.The lost generation(美)The lost generation appeared after World War I. The term is applied to the American writers who fought in the First World War, voluntarily exiled to Paris, and associated with the informal literary saloon of Gertrude Stein's Paris home for a certain period of time. They were all disillusioned with the American Tradition of writing as well as the post-war American society. The representative writer is Earnest Hemingway and Fitzgerald.14.The beat generation(美):“Beat”literature offered something like a fresh breath of wind both in the prose and poetry of the 1950s and 1960s when there was a widespread discontentment among the postwar generation,whose voice was one of protest against all the mainstream culture that American had come to represent. The word”beat”represented a non-conformist.rebellious attitude toward conventional values concerning sex, religion, the arts, and the American way of life;It was an attitude resulted from the feeling of depression and exhaustion and the need to escape into an unconventional, sometimes communal, mode of living.The representatives are Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs.15.The Harlem Renaissance(美):Harlem Renaissance is the new upsurge of African American literature in the 1920s when large numbers of African Americans from all places and all walks of life gathered in Harlem and rebelled against the values of their fathers and their way of life,when they took an enormous interest in their own lives and values,when they began a search for a distinct tradition of their own. The representatives are Langston Hughes and Jean Toomer.。

Lecture 4 The English Renaissance英国文学史

Lecture 4 The English Renaissance英国文学史

III. The English Renaissance
• The Renaissance was a European phenomenon. It had its origin in north Italy in the fourteenth century, and spread northward to other European countries--to France, to Germany, to the Low Countries, and lastly to England. It revived the study of Roman and Greek classics and marked the beginning of bourgeois revolution. During the period of English Renaissance England enjoyed stability and prosperity. It became the strong power in the world and the mistress(霸主) on the seas. The English Renaissance encouraged the Reformation of the Church. English King, Henry VIII, who started the Reformation, declared the break with Rome and became head of the English Church. Thus Catholicism was got rid of in England. Protestantism(新 教) was established.

英国文学史课件10 Part IV Renaissance

英国文学史课件10 Part IV Renaissance

The kinds of foot
Foot: 音步 the
units of meter is called foot, which usually contains two or three syllables 1 monometer 6 hexameter 2 dimeter 7 heptameter 3 trimeter 8 octameter 4 tetrameter 9 nonameter 5 pentameter
The plot of poetry
Stanza Line
quatrains: four lines limerick: five lines sonnet : 14 lines
1,2,5 in one rhyme 3, 4 in one rhyme Petrachan or Italian sonnet (abbaabba cdecde/cdccdc/cdedce) Shakespearan or English sonnet (abab cdcd efef gg)
Epic or heroic couplet Dramatic poetry (tragedy and comedy) Pastoral poetry: rural life, such as shepherd and their love and flocks and the harvest Elegy (epitaph): a lament told in meter Didactic poetry: to instruct in arts, morals or philosophy Satire: to improve manners and promote virtue by voice Epigram: a satirical short poem

英美文学-Renaissance 文艺复兴

英美文学-Renaissance 文艺复兴

As it was published in 1596, the epic presented the following virtues: Book I: Holiness Book II: Temperance Book III: Chastity Book IV: Friendship Book V: Justice Book VI: Courtesy In addition to these six virtues, the Letter to Raleigh suggests that Arthur represents the virtues of Magnificence, which ("according to Aristotle and the rest") is "the perfection of all the rest, and conteineth in it them all"; and that the Faerie Queene herself represents Glory (hence her name, Gloriana).
IV. Major Authors and Works (2)
2. Edmund Spenser and his “ The Faerie Queene”
Spenser, published first in three books in 1590, and later in six books in 1596. The Faerie Queene is notable for its form: it was the first work written in Spenserian stanza. It is an allegorical work, written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I. Largely symbolic, the poem follows several knights in an examination of several virtues. and was consequently a success, to the extent that it became Spenser's defining work. A measure of the favour which the poem found with the monarch is that Spenser was granted a pension for life on account of it (50 pounds a year). The work found great acclamation among critics and has been the subject of many analyses.



====Word 行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删====源-于-网-络-收-集英美文学史名词翻译Neoclassicism (新古典主义) Renaissance (文艺复兴 )Metaphysical poetry (玄学派诗歌) Classism (古典主义)Enlightenment (启蒙运动) Romanticism (浪漫主义) Byronic Hero (拜伦式英雄) Aestheticism (美学主义)Stream of consciousness (意识流) the Age of Realism (现实主义时期) Naturalism (自然主义) Local Colorist (乡土文学) Imagism (意象主义)The Lost Generation (迷惘的一代) Surrealism (超现实主义)The Beat Generation (垮掉的一代) Metaphysical poets (玄学派诗人) New Criticism (新批评主义) Feminism(女权主义)Hemingway Code Hero (海明威式英雄) Impressionism (印象主义) Post modernity (后现代主义) Realism (现实主义) Allegory (寓言) Romance (传奇) epic(史诗)Blank Verse (无韵诗或素体广义地说 Essay (随笔)Masques or Masks (假面剧) Spenserian Stanza (斯宾塞诗节) Three Unities (三一.原则) Meter (格律) Soliloquy (独白)Cavalier poets (骑士派诗人) Elegy (挽歌) . Action/plot (情节) Atmosphere (基调) Epigram (警句)The Heroic Couplet (英雄对偶句) Sentimentalism (感伤主义文学) Aside (旁白)Denouement (戏剧结局) [de ɪnuː'mɒŋ] parable (寓言) Genre (流派) Irony (反讽)Satire (讽刺) Lyric (抒情诗) Ode (颂歌)Pastoral (田园诗) Canto (诗章)Lake Poets (湖畔诗人) Image (意象)Dramatic monologue (戏剧独白 Psychological novel (心理小说) Allusion (典故)Protagonist and Antagonist (正面人物与反面人物) Symbolism (象征主义) Existentialism (存在主义) Anti-hero (反面人物)Round Character (丰满的人物) Flat character (平淡的人物)Oedipus complex (俄狄浦斯情结/蛮母厌父情结) ['i:dip əs; 'e-]Rhyme (押韵)Iambic pentameter (五音步诗) Poetic license (诗的破格) Legend (传说) Myth (神话)Pessimism (悲观主义) Tragicomedy (悲喜剧)Comedy of manners (风俗喜剧) Free Verse (自由体诗歌)Magic realism (魔幻现实主义) Autobiography (自传) Biography (传记) Foot (脚注)Protagonist (正面人物)Psychological Realism (心理现实主义) Setting (背景)。

04 renaissance

04 renaissance

Morality plays focused on the conflict between good and evil through allegorical characters. They were too abstract. So Vice, a lively figure approximated the modern clown, was introduced.
Marlowe's Literary Achievement

It is Marlowe who first made blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter) the principal instrument of English drama. Marlowe's dramatic achievement lies chiefly in his epical, and at times lyrical, verse.
Edmund Spenser

Edmund Spenser and Philip Sidney are the two most important poets of the English Renaissance. They were labeled “court poets” because they were of noble birth. Spenser was known as the Poets’ Poet by later generation.
Jonson’s comedies are comedies of humors. Humor is a predominant peculiarity of a certain person, which determines his behavior, thoughts and manner of speech.

英国文学 4. The Renaissance Period

英国文学 4. The Renaissance Period

Sonnets 1-17:
Sonnets 18 -?: Sonnets ?-126: Theme ?
154 Sonnets (published in 1609)
Exhorted the young man to marry and beget children
Treated the young man’s beauty as a perfect model of beauty
Figure of speech? Figure of speech?
-est, -’st: (archaic) denoting the second person singular form of verbs shade: (allusion) in classical mythology, “the shades” is another name for Hades, the world of ghosts eternal lines: immortal verse When you will grow together with time in my immortal poetic lines
Blank verse refers to verse written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. It’s a very popular verse form in English poetry. It was extensively employed in English poetry and drama of the Renaissance. More information about blank verse: P. 60, Para. 2
2.4 Shakespeare’s characterization.



1. Generally speaking, the Old English poetry that has survived can be divided into two two groups: groups: the the religious religious religious group group and the secular one . 2. Beowulf , a typical example of Old English English poetry, poetry, poetry, is is is regarded regarded regarded as as as the the the epic epic epic of of the Anglo-Saxons. 3. 3. Geoffrey Geoffrey Geoffrey Chaucer Chaucer Chaucer is is is one one one of of of the the the greatest greatest poets in English.●The Renaissance Period (14th---mid17th)◆William Shakespeare : : (38 (38 (38 plays, plays, 154 sonnets, 2 long poems) 1.作品:Henry IV , The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, Sonnet 18, The Tempest 2. Greatest Greatest tragedies:tragedies:Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. 3. The The Tempest Tempest is is known known known as as as the the the best best best of of Shakespeare Shakespeare’’s final romance . The playwright playwright resorts resorts resorts and and and to to to the the the supernatural supernatural atmosphere atmosphere and and and to to to the the the dreams dreams dreams to to to solve solve solve the the conflict. And And this this play play is is is also also a a typical typical example example of of of his his his pessimistic pessimistic view view towards towards human life and society in his late years. 4. 4. William William William Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare’’s s history history history plays plays plays are are mainly written under the principal that national unity under a mighty and just sovereign is a necessity. 5.Try to analyze Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet is is is a a a man man man of of of speculation, speculation, speculation, umbrage umbrage and contemplation.Hamlet Hamlet is is is neither neither neither a a a frail frail frail and and and weak weak weak minded minded youth youth nor nor nor a a a thought thought thought sick sick sick dreamer. dreamer. dreamer. He He He has has none of the single minded blood lust of the earlier earlier revengers. revengers. revengers. It It It is is is not not not because because because he he he is is incapable of action, but because the cast of his his mind mind mind is is is so so so speculative, speculative, speculative, so so so questioning questioning and and so so so contemplative contemplative contemplative that that that action, action, action, when when when it it finally comes, seems almost like like defeat. defeat. Trapped Trapped in in in a a a nightmare nightmare nightmare world world world of of of spying, spying, testing and plotting, and apparently bearing the intolerable burden of the duty to revenge his father's death, Hamlet is obliged obliged to to to inhabit inhabit inhabit a a a shadow shadow shadow world, world, world, to to to live live suspended between fact and fiction, language and action. His life is one of constant role playing, examining the nature of action only to deny its possibility, for he is too sophisticated to degrade his nature to the the conventional conventional conventional role role role of of of a a a stage stage stage revenger. revenger. By characterizing Hamlet, Shakespeare successfully makes a philosophical exploration of life and death. Hamlet is also a humanist, a man who is free from medieval medieval prejudices prejudices prejudices and and and superstitions. superstitions. superstitions. He He has an unbounded love for the world rather than heaven. He cherishes a profound reverence for man and a firm belief in man's power over destiny. 6. 6. What What What did did did Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare criticize criticize criticize in in in his his play? The conscientious playwright criticized various kinds of human vices and sins, like greed, betrayal, pride, prejudice and deception, including acts of social inequality, sexual and racial discriminations in in plays plays plays such such such as as as The The The Merchant Merchant Merchant of of of V V enice and The Tempest. In his tragedies, he condemned the hypocrisy, treachery and general general corruption corruption corruption at at at the the the royal royal royal court. court. court. He He does not hesitate to describe the cruelty and anti-natural character of the civil wars against religious persecution and the corrupting influence of money and gold. In King Lear, he criticized the bourgeois egoism while he feared anarchy, hated rebellion and despised democracy. 7. Soliloquy is a nature medium for Hamlet to release his anguish. 8.The The theme theme theme of of of Sonnet Sonnet Sonnet 18 18 18 is is is that that that a a a nice nice summer summer’’s s day day day is is is usually usually usually transient, transient, transient, but but but the the beauty in poetry can last for ever. 9.Discuss the four periods of Shakespeare Shakespeare’’s dramatic career. The The first first first period period period of of of Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare’’s s dramatic dramatic career was one of apprenticeship. He wrote five history plays (e.g. Henry VI), four comedies comedies (The (The (The Comedy Comedy Comedy of of of Errors). Errors). Errors). In In In the the second period, Shak Shakespeare’s espeare’s style and approach became highly individualized. He wrote wrote five five five histories histories histories (e.g. (e.g. (e.g. Henry Henry Henry IV), IV), IV), six six comedies (The (The Merchant Merchant Merchant of of of V V enice) and two two tragedies tragedies tragedies (e.g. (e.g. (e.g. Romeo Romeo Romeo and and and Juliet). Juliet). Juliet). His His third period includes includes his greatest' his greatest' tragedies (e.g. Hamlet) and his so called dark comedies comedies (Measure (Measure (Measure for for for Measure). Measure). Measure). The The The last last period includes his principal romantic tragicomedies (The Tempest). 10. Briefly discuss discuss Shakespeare’Shakespeare’Shakespeare’s artistic s artistic achievement in characterization, plot construction and language A. Shakespeare’s major char characters acters are neither merely individual ones nor type ones; they represent certain types; they are individuals individuals representing representing representing certain certain certain types. types. types. By By employing a psycho-analytical approach, Shakespeare succeeds in exploring the characters characters’’inner inner world. world. world. Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare also also portrays portrays his his his characters characters characters in in in pairs. pairs. pairs. Contrasts Contrasts are frequently used to bring vividness to his characters. B. Shakespeare seldom invents his own plot; instead, he borrows them form old plays or storybooks, storybooks, from from from ancient ancient ancient Greek Greek Greek or or or Roman Roman sources. sources. In In In order order order to to to make make make the the the play play play more more lively lively and and and compact, compact, compact, he he he would would would shorten shorten shorten the the time and intensity the story. There are usually usually several several several clues clues clues running running running through through through the the play, thus providing the story with suspense and apprehension. C. Shakespeare can write skillfully in different different poetic poetic poetic forms, forms, forms, such such such as as as the the the sonnet, sonnet, the blank verse and the rhymed couplet. He has has an an an amazing amazing amazing wealth wealth wealth of of of vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary and and idiom. His coinage of new words and distortion of the the meaning of meaning of the the old words old words also creates striking effects on the reader. 11. 11. About About About the the the four four four tragedies: tragedies: tragedies: What What What are are the characteristic of the four tragedies in common? Briefly summarize each hero ’s weakness of nature Each Each portrays portrays portrays some some some noble noble noble hero, hero, hero, who who who faces faces the injustice of human life and is caught in a difficult situation and whose fate is closely connected with the fate of the whole nation. Each hero has his weakness of nature: Hamlet, the melancholic scholar-prince, faces the dilemma between action and mind; Othello’s inner weakness is made use of by the the outside evil force; outside evil force; t he the the old old old king king king Lear Lear Lear is is unwilling to totally give up his power; and Macbeth's lust for power stirs up his ambition and leads him to incessant crimes. ◆John Milton 1.作品:Paradise Lost ,Paradise Regained ,Samson Agonistes ,Lycidas 2.John Milton Milton’’s greatest poetical work Paradise Lost is the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf 3.His His literary literary literary achievement achievement achievement can can can be be be divided divided into into 3 3 3 groups: groups: groups: the the the early early early poetic poetic poetic works, works, works, the the middle middle prose prose prose pamphlets pamphlets pamphlets and and and the the the last last last great great poems. 4. Milton Milton wrote wrote wrote his his his three three three major major major poetical poetical works after the Restoration. 5. Paradise Lost is taken from Genesis of the Bible; the theme is “the fall of man ”6. 6. According According According to to to the the the setting setting setting of of of the the the poem poem Paradise Lost, discuss the theme, the author author’’s s intention intention intention to to to create create create it it it and and and the the implication that the poem expresses. A. The theme of the poem Paradise Lost is the "Fall of Man ”, i . e. man's disobedience . e. man's disobedience and and the the the loss loss loss of of of Paradise, Paradise, Paradise, with with with its its its prime prime cause-Satan. B. The author's intention to write this poem is to expose the ways of Satan and to "justify the ways of God to men". C. In this poem, the author implicitly expresses his fundamental concern with freedom freedom and and and choice choice choice and and and his his his belief belief belief that that that the the unquestionable unquestionable truth truth truth of of of Biblical Biblical Biblical revelation revelation means that an all knowing God was just in allowing Adam and Eve to be tempted and of their free will to choose sin and its inevitable punishment. 7. What is M ilton’s ilton’s fundamental concern fundamental concern in Paradise Lost? At the center of the conflict between human love and spiritual duty lies M ilton’s fundamental concern with freedom and choice. The theme is the” Fall of Man,” i. e. man’s man’s disobedience and the loss of Paradise. disobedience and the loss of Paradise. In the fall of man Adam discovered his full humanity. humanity. The The The freedom freedom freedom of of of the the the will will will is is is the the keystone of Milton's creed. 1.Shall I compare thee to a summer day?thou art more lovely an d more temperate:rough winds do shake the darling darling buds buds buds of of of May.adn May.adn May.adn summers summers summers lease lease hath all too short a date: 答:sonnet 18,Shakespeare Speech Figure Personification Them of the poem:A nice summer ’s day is usually usually transient transient transient but but but the the the beauty beauty beauty in in in poetry poetry can last forever. 2.So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,/So long lives this,and this gives life to thee. 答:Implication of the work: the beauty in poety can last forever, Idea Idea of of of the the the two two two line line line express:Shakespeare express:Shakespeare express:Shakespeare’’s faith in the permanence of poetry. 3.For For herein herein herein Fortune Fortune Fortune shows shows shows herself herself herself more more kind/than is he custom.It is still her use/To let the wretched man outlive his wealth/to view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow/An brow/An age age age of of of poverty:from poverty:from poverty:from which which which ling ling ring penance/Of such misery doth she cut me off .答:Shakespeare, She refer to Fortune. Mean:Antonio thinks Fortune is more kind toward him because Fortune is taking away both his wealth and life,which means Antomio Antomio will will will not not not feel feel feel the the the pain pain pain of of of losing losing everything. 4.To be or not to be-that is the question : 答:William Shakespeare, Hamlet. Mean:To Mean:To live live live on on on in in in this this this world world world or or or to to to die:to die:to suffer or to take action. Characteristic of the protagonist:He is a man of speculation,umbrage and contemplation What does the third line imply:The protagonist lived in a world that was full of trouble, trouble, and and and he he he was was was often often often determined determined determined to to take take up up up arms arms arms against against against troubles troubles troubles that that that sweep sweep upon him like a sea,But he did not succeed. 5. If thou beest he -but O how fallen! How changed/From him who in the happy realms realms of of of light/Clothed light/Clothed light/Clothed with with with transcendent transcendent brightness brightness didst didst didst outshine/Myriads,though outshine/Myriads,though bright! If he whom mutual league /United thoughts and counsels,equal hope/And hazard hazard in in in the the the glorious glorious glorious enterprise,/Joined enterprise,/Joined with with me me me once,now once,now once,now misery misery misery hath hath hath joined/In joined/In equal ruin:into what pit thou seest... 答:Paradise lost John Milton The story story is is is taken taken from Genesis of of the the Bible,The theme is the Fall of Man. What does the poet intend to do in writing it? it? Intended Intended Intended to to to expose expose expose the the the ways ways ways of of of Satan Satan and to “justify the ways of God to men. The word he refers to God. 。

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• 2.) all people have dignity and worth
• 3.) the ideal person—one who can do almost anything (the Renaissance Man)
• Humanists began opening schools to introduce the classics to people
used threats and violence to keep peace
Italian City Life
• City-states also fought with each other over the control of land
• City-states would hire soldiers to fight
• Encouraged the use of credit and banking
• Church rule against usury and the banks’ practice of charging interest helped to secularize northern Italy.
• This increased interest in the classics is called humanism
• Humanists studied Greek and Latin works, old manuscripts, and even tried to copy the old works
Italian politics and art.
One of the richest cities, it controls trade through the Alps.
Sitting on the Adriatic, it attracts trade from all over the world.
Italian City Life
• 1400s—social unrest was so bad that many city-states turned power over to a single leader, hoping to restore peace
– The leaders were called the Signori – Signori were like dictators独裁者—they
Florence, Italy
• The Renaissance began in Florence, Italy
• Florence was ruled by the Medici family in the 1400s
• The Medici’s allowed the ideas of humanism to spread through Florence
• Humanists also began to question the Catholic Church
Italian City Life
• Feudalism was easily thrown away in Italy
• Most Italian cities were wealthy and self-controlling
Italian City Life
• A new social order was created in the Italian city-states because money and wealth were more important than land ownership
1.) Wealthy Merchants and bankers 2.) Middle Class (artisans and shopkeepers) 3.) Lower Class (poor workers) 4.) Peasants--farmers
• Humanists began to admire much of the ancient Greek and Roman Culture
• Humanists adopted many Roman and Greek beliefs
• 1.) seeking fulfillment in daily life
Controlled by the De Medici Family, who became great patrons of the arts.
Had Access to Trade Routes
All of these cities:
Had access to trade routes connecting Europe with Middle Eastern markets
Lecture 4 The Renaissance
What was the Renaissance?
What was the Renaissance, and where did it begin?
•Italy •Italian Cities
•Urban Societies •Major Trading Centers •Secular •Moved away from life in the church •Focuses more on material objects and enjoying life
• The humanist schools taught 4 subjects:
– 1.) History – 2.) Philosophy – 3.) Latin – 4.) Greek
• Humanism brought about new types of writing—moving away from religion
The Renaissance
• The Renaissance lasted from 1350 until 1600
• Western Europe experienced a cultural awakening
– Europe was moving from the Middle Ages into the Modern Era
• People wrote about daily life and feelings
• Petrarch彼特拉克—introduced the Sonnet
– A new way to express ideas in poetry
• Machiavelli—wrote The Prince
• The Prince was a book about Italian government
• Letters of credit served to expand the supply of money and expedite trade.
• New accounting and bookkeeping practices (use of Arabic numerals) were introduced.
Florence, Italy
• Lorenzo de Medici ruled Florence after his grandfather, Cosimo, died
• Lorenzo ruled from 1469 until 1492
Florence, Italy
• Lorenzo kept his grandfather’s heavy tax
• The richer city-states would have the most and best soldiers
• There are three (3) important citystates that played major roles in the Italian Renaissance
• Served as trading centers for the distribution of goods to northern Europe
• Were initially independent city-states governed as republics
Major Italian Cities
– People began to develop new ideas about the world around them
The Italian Renaissance
• The Renaissance began in Florence, Italy
• Italy was in an ideal location to be the birthplace of the Renaissance
• Machiavelli supported the idea of absolute power
• In order to keep power, a ruler must do some evil
• The Humanists began to challenge many long held beliefs
The Renaissance was a time of renewal
Renaissance means rebirth and Europe
was recovering from the Dark ages and the plague.
People had lost their faith in the church and began to put more focus on human