【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 第2课时分层训练(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 第2课时分层训练(Section A2 3a-4b)(933)1.Ba g s o f Lo veLa s t ye a r, I wo r k e d in a mid d le sc ho o l n e a r my mo th e r's h o u se, and I s ta ye d with h e r fo r a mo n th.Du r in g th at time,I h e lp e d h e r d o s o me h ou s e wo r k a n d b u y s o me f o o d.A f te r th e f ir s t we ek,I n o tic ed tha t th e f oo d wa s e a te n u p ve r y q u ic k ly.T h e n I b e g an k e e p in g a n e ye o n my mo m.To my s u r p r is e, I f o u nd th a t sh e wo uld p u t so me o f th e fo od in to a p a pe r b ag a n d go ou t with it a t a bo u t n in e e ve r y mo r n in g.A n d f ina lly, I d e c id ed to f o llo w h e r.I s a w h e r ta k ing th e f oo d to th e s tr e e t c h ild r e n.Sh e wou ld a ls o sp end a lo t o f time ta lk in g an d p la yin g with th e m.O ne da y,I ta lk e d to a n e ig hb o r a nd f ou nd out th a t my mo m wa s well-k n o wn in thea r e a.Th e c h ild r en we r e ve r y f r ie n d ly wit h h e r a nd e ve n tho u ght o f he r a s th e ir o wn mo th e r.Th e n it h it me—wh y wo u ld n't s h e wa n t to te ll me a bo u t it? Wa s sh e wo r r ied th at I wo u ld s to p bu yin g f o o d if I f o u nd ou t?W h en my mo m g o t h ome, I g a ve h e r a b ig h ug.I to ld he r s he d idn't n e e d to ke ep it s e c re t f r o m me.A nd s he tol d me s o me th in g a b ou t th e ch ild r en.S o me o f th e m live d with an o ld la d y in a s ma ll h ous e.O th e r s s lep t o n th e s tr e e t.Fo r ye a r s sh e wa s h e lp in g the p oor s tr e e t c h ild r en b y g ivin g th e m f oo d.A f te r s h e to ld me e ve r yth in g, I wa s so mo ve d b y h ow s e lf le s s(无私的) s he wa s.Sh e he lp ed o the r s in n e ed.A s he r so n, I wa s s o p ro u d o f my mo m.I c o n tin u ed to b u y f o od f o r my mo m a f te r th a t.Bu t I a lwa ys a d d ed o ne mo r e b a g f o r h e r o th e r c h ild re n.(1)A f te r the f ir s t week,the wr ite r n o tic ed th a t .()A.th e fo o d wa s p u t in to a b ig b oxB.h is mo m f o llo we d th e ch ild r enC.the f oo d wa s e a te n u p q u ick lyD.h is mo m s to p p ed buyin g f o od(2)Th e s tre e t ch ild r en th o ug h t o f the wr ite r's mo m a s th e ir.()A.o ld g r a nd maB.o wn mo th e rC.ne w ne ig hb o rD.d e a r te a ch e r(3)Ho w d id the wr i te r f e e l ab ou t h is mo m a fte r s h e to ld h im e ve r yth in g?()A.He wa s p r ou d o f h er.B.H e wa s c on f id en t in h e r.C.H e wa s a ng r y with h e r.D.He wa s wo r r ied ab ou t h e r.(4)Th e wr ite r a dd e d on e mo r e b a g o f fo od to.()A.ma k e f r ie nd s with th e ch ild r enB.ge t a h ug f ro m h is mo th e rC.be co me we ll-k n o wn in th e a r eaD.h e lp th e p oo r s tr ee t c h ild r en2.We live in B ed f o rd,a to wn n ea r Lo n don.M y f a th e r is a h a rd-wo r k in g p ilo t,s o h ed oe sn't h a ve mu c h time to loo k af te r u s.W h en I wa s a k id,my mo m lik e d to ma ke b r ea k f a s t f oo d fo r din n e r e ve r y n o w a n dth e n.An d I r e me mb e r o ne n igh t in p a r tic ula r,wh en s he ha d ma d e b r e ak f a s t fo o d a f te r a lo ng,h a r d d a y a t h o s p ita l.O n tha t e ve n in g so lo ng ag o,my mo m p la c ed a p la te o f eg g s,s aus a g e an d te r r ib ly b u rn t b is c u its in f ro n t o f my d a d.I r e me mb e r wa itin g to s ee if a n yo n e n o tic ed.Ye t a ll my d a d d id was r e ac h fo r a b is cu it,s mile a t my mo m a n d a s k my b r o th e r an d me ho w we h a d b e e n do in g a t sc h oo l.I do n't r e me mb e r wh a t I to ld h im th a t n ig h t,b u t I d o r e me mb e r wa tc h ing h im p u t b u tte r a nd je lly(果酱) o n th a t b is cu it an d e a t e ve r y b ite!W h en I g o t u p f ro m the ta b le th a t e ve n ing,I r e me mb e r h e a r ing my mo m a p o log iz e(道歉) to my d a d f o r bu r n in g th e b is cu its.A nd I will n e ve r f o rg e t what h e s a id,“Ho n e y,I lo ve b u r n t b isc u its.”La te r th a t n ig h t,I we n t to k is s my d a d g o od n igh t a n d I a s ke d h im if h e r e a ll y lik e d h is b is c u its bu r n t.H e wr a p pe d me in h is a r ms a n d sa id,“Yo u r mom is r e a ll y tir e d a f te r a h a r d da y's wo r k.Be sid e s, a little b u rn t b is c u it c o u ld n e ve r hu r t a n yo n e.We h a ve b een ma r r ie d f o r 17 ye a r s.Sh e a lwa ys c o ok s fo r me.D on't p u t th e key to yo u r h ap p ine s s in s o me o n e e ls e's p o c ke t b u t in to yo u r o wn.”根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

班级姓名学号分数Module 7 Great books 模块测试(A卷·夯实基础)(时间:60分钟,满分:100分)一、单项选择(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1.Tony likes creating new things, so he is ________ to join the Invention Group at school.A.shy B.interested C.sorry D.surprised 2.Sometimes the teacher knocks on the blackboard lightly to catch our_________.A.action B.attention C.information D.suggestion3.Liu Genghong’s fitness exercise ________ by people of all ages these days.A.learns B.learned C.was learned D.is learned4.How much will you pay ________ the house?A.for B.to C.on D.about5.At a wedding, a man and a woman________.A.get into trouble B.get marriedC.fight with each other D.have dinner together6.Developing good reading habits can ___________ our reading speed.A.review B.receive C.spread D.increase7.—Do you ________ that Amy’s been a little too quiet these days?—Yes. She didn’t even say a word this morning.A.watch B.believe C.notice D.review8.— ________— My car is broken.A.Do you have anything?B.What a pity!C.What's up?D.Look out!9.You are ________ to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.A.suggested B.supportedC.taught D.supposed10.How do you find your new classmates?Most of them are kind, but _______is so good to me as Bruce.A.none B.no one C.everyone D.someone11.Don't believe him. His words don't ________.A.take a sense B.take senseC.make a sense D.make sense12.—I haven't seen your grandfather for several years. Where has he gone?—Oh, he _______ for two years.A.died B.has died C.dead D.has been dead13.________, what's your WeChat number?A.On the way B.In the wayC.By the way D.To the way14.Many trees ________ every year to make the environment better and better.A.plant B.were planted C.are planted D.have planted15.—I like Mr. Smith’s English lessons.—Me, too. His classes are ________.A.alive B.lively C.boring D.lonely二、完形填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Reading Enriches Our MindsReading is really important.Hopefully, we can get knowledge through reading, which not only broadens our horizons(拓宽视野), but also ____16____ us cleverer and happier. Moreover, our school studies can be____17____ improved if we keep reading, and we think that our future will bee brighter. ____18____, some students spend too much time ____19____ their cellphones to listen to music, watch movies or play online games and this will take much of their spare time. So I would like to suggest that everyone should do more reading____20____ good books, especially read Chinese classic novels every day so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture____21____the world. Meanwhile, we can enrich our minds quite a lot by reading ____22____ and it is also good for us to get fully developed and it can help improve our writing skill. Surely, we can read books ____23____, or read books with our friends.All in all, doing reading will ____24____ us much good if we do it from now on, and it is strongly suggested that we should make reading ______25______ a habit of our life, do you agree with me?16.A.makes B.make C.to make D.making17.A.fully B.greatly C.especially D.totally18.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.However D.So19.A.using B.use C.used D.have used20.A.to B.for C.of D.on21.A.around B.all C.about D.to22.A.regularly B.loudly C.luckily D.clearly23.A.lonely B.alone C.loneness D.along24.A.give B.pay C.send D.do25.A.became B.bee C.being D.bees三、阅读单选(本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)AReading is important and useful for us to learn English. Most of my classmates love reading English novels after class. Because we think it is interesting. We also love to act them out with our own words after reading. It can improve our ability of using English a lot, too. We have made a survey about the afterclass English reading in our class. Here are the results.26.Most students love reading English novels because it is ________.A.important B.useful C.interesting D.A, B and C27.Which is the most popular book in our class according to the survey?A.David Copperfield.B.Treasure Island.C.Vikings.D.King Arthur.28.How many writers are from England in the form?A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.29.The writer of David Copperfield is ________.A.Charles Dickens B.Louis Stevenson C.Victoria Bradshaw D.George Gibson30.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Vikings is the least popular book in my class.B.We have made the survey in the whole school.C.All of my classmates love reading English novels.D.Reading and acting can improve our ability of using English.BJim Davidson said reading played a “very, very important role” in his children’s lives as they were growing up. During his twenty years as a writer, the father of four became worried about illiteracy (文盲) in America and decided to do something about it.Davidson started “Bookcase for Every Child” project in his hometown of Conway, Arkansas, USA in 2005. The project provides lowine (低收入的) children with bookcases, and a starter set of books to encourage reading.Davidson’s project is different from other projects. Instead of raising money from the public, he gets many people personally to take part in the project. “We decided to build 50 bookcases each year and give them to lowine children,” said Davidson. “I can promise you this is the nicest piece of furniture (家具) in most of these lowine children’s homes. ”Today, the project has spread to eight munities in five states. He said the project’s early success belonged to (属于) the munity members. “I knew a lot of people all over the munity and was able to choose a group of peopleto do the job,” said Davidson. The group included members such as librarians and a workman.Davidson’s love for the project grew deeper after his wife died. For him, spreading the bookcase project all over the country is the best way to remember her. And he hopes to have at least one project in every state in his country.31.Why did Jim Davidson start “Bookcase for Every Child” project?A.His wife required him to do that.B.His children were interested in reading.C.He worried about illiteracy in the USA.D.He wanted more children to bee writers.32.What does the project do?A.It supports the disabled children.B.It offers poor children education.C.It provides poor children with bookcases and books.D.It teaches the munity members to make furniture.33.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.books B.bookcases C.projects D.money and furniture34.What’s Jim’s dream?A.To make every child have a bookcase.B.To spread the project all over the USA.C.To spread the project all over the world.D.To make every munity have a bookcase.35.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Davidson’s wife always disagreed with him.B.Davidson worked as a designer for many years.C.Davidson’s project raises money from the public.D.Many munity members took part in Davidson’s project.CIt’s always said that reading is good for teenagers. Have you everreally thought why that’s true? Here are some good points of reading.Improving language skills.Reading can help you study grammar, vocabulary and so on. It’s veryhelpful for you to build up the knowledge of the language. Besides, themore you read, the more quickly you’ll find the information you want in the books.Providing fun and relaxation.Reading books takes you to a new world where you can forget tiredness and fear. You can give a new ending to the story, or even imagine you’re the main character of the story. That will give you much relaxation and improve your imagination.Improving puter skills.Reading through the puter is being more and more popular. You can find any kind of information on the Internet. Surfing the Internet can help you develop puter skills that you’ll need at school and in the future life.Knowing the outside world.Books can tell you about people from other parts of the world. Through books, you can learn what happenedin the past and what is happening around the world.Increasing social skills.Books are good teachers, so reading good books can teach you how to be successful and how to deal with bad situations. It’s easier for you to find your ways.36.How many good points of reading are mentioned in the passage?(Only one word)____________________________________________________________________________________________ 37.What can reading help you do according to the second good point of reading?(No more than ten words)____________________________________________________________________________________________ 38.Where can you find any kind of information?(No more than three words)____________________________________________________________________________________________ 39.请将划线句子译成汉语。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 12 第1课时分层训练(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 12 第1课时分层训练(Section A1 1a-2d)(933)1.他花了至少三个小时完成了那项工作。
H e s p en t th re e ho u r s f in is h in g the wo r k.2.那个小偷冲出了那家商店,试图逃跑。
T h e th ie f th e s to r e an d tr ie d to r un a wa y.3.今天早上我爸爸捎了我一程。
T h is mo r n in g, my f a th e r.4.我去(参加)聚会之前,给他打了一个电话。
I g a ve h im a c a ll to th e p a r ty.5.B y th e time I g o t to th e bu s s ta tio n,th e b u s .()A.will lea veB.ha d le f tC.ha s le f tD.wa s le a ving6.Th e b o s s wa s la te for th e me e tin g be c au s e h is a la r m c lo ck d id n't .()A.g o o ffB.go o u tC.go o n7.—W h y we r e yo u la te f o r sc ho o l th is mo r nin g?—Be c au s e my a la r m c lo c k d id n't g o o ff a nd I .()A.c h an g edB.co mp le te dC.o ve r s le p tD.mis s e d8.Th e re wa s a ca r ac c id e n t o n X in h ua R oa d ye s te r d a y., no bo d y wa s h u r t.()A.Lu c k yB.Lu c k ilyC.U n lu c k yD.Un lu ck ily9.—I c an't f in d my k e ys.M a yb e I the m a t h o me th is mo r n in g.()A.le f tB.fo rg o tC.lo s tD.mis s e d10.A:H i, P e te r, I h e ar th a t yo u've b e ga n to sta y in th e s ch o o l do r mito r y (学生宿舍).1.B:Ye s.It c a n s a ve me a lo t o f time r id in g my b ik e to s ch o o l.A: 2.W ha t is the d o r mito r y lik e?B:It's O K,b u t n o t p e r f e c t.A:W h y? 3.B:To d a y I o ve r s le p t a n d mis s e d my b r e a kf a s t.A: 4.B:Ye s.So me b o ys k e p t ta lk in g u n til mid n igh t la s t n igh t.S o I c o u ld n't f a ll a s le e p.A: 5.B:Wo w, a g o od idea! T ha n k yo u.A.Ho w a re yo u g o ing to d o th a t?B.Is th a t so?C.You o ve r s lep t?D.W ha t wa s th e ma tter?E.I g u es s yo u c an ta lk with th e m.F.O h,I wa s s le ep in g at th a t time.G.T ha t's r e a ll y tr u e.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)11.R igh t a f te r lu n ch, M o th e r fo un d sh e ha d g o t a co ld.S he d id ne e d a re s t in be d.Butf ir s t s h e h a d a fe w th ing s to do.P r e pa r e th e me a t f o r 1 .Le a ve a n o te fo r thec le a ne r s…A t la s t,s he f e ll in to be d,so on a s le e p…T h en th e do o r ba ng e d(砰的一声)o p en a s th e 2 c a me h o me f ro m s ch o o l.“Mo m! M o m! W h e re a re yo u?”“D idn't yo u e ve n g e t u p ye t?”“W h a t a bo u t d in ner?”“I'm s ic k.An d I c an't d o a n yth in g.I'l l h a ve to le a ve a ll to 3.Co ok th ep o ta toe s.Tak e c a r e o f th e b ab y.P u t p late s,s po on s an d fo r k s o n the tab le.”“Won d e rf u l!” “N o p r ob le m!” T h e c h ild r e n ra n o ff 4.Mo th er wa s le f t in he r qu ie t r o o m.S he f e lt te r r ib le! B u t e ve r yo n e e ls e s e e me d g re a t.In f ac t,th e r e s e e me d to b e a p a r ty g o in g o n with lou d lau gh s 5 th e ch ild r e n.T h e re wa s a s u dd e n c ra s h(破碎声).T he n a vo ic e s ho u ted,“Ge t the b ab y o u t o f thewa y 6he cu ts h ims e lf!D on't b r e a k Mom's r e s t!”A no th e r c ra s h c a me!Th e yo u n ge r g ir l r us h ed in with the n e ws.“T h e y 7yo u r p la te a n d th e d og a te a ll yo u r d inn e r.”T h e g ir l r an o ff.Th e re wa s mo r e no is e un til, f in a lly, th e c h ild re n ap p e ar e d,8 .T h ey we r e p r o ud o f wh a t the y b r o u g h t.Th e re wa s a g las s o f wa te r, th re e b e an s, a c o ld bo ile d p o ta to a nd a s ma ll p iec e o f b ur n ed me a t.S u dd e n ly,M o th e r f e lt 9.A s th e ch ildr e n wa tc h ed ca r e f u lly,s h e a te h e r c o ldd in ne r.“E ve r yth in g10 s o go od,” Mo m s mile d.“Th an k yo u, my k id s.If ee l b e tte r n o w.”(1)A.teaB.br e ak f a s tC.lun chD.d in ne r(2)A.fa th e rB.c le a ne r sC.ch ild r enD.d o g(3)A.yo uB.meC.he rD.h im(4)A.e x c ited lyB.sa d lyC.qu ie tlyD.a n g r ily(5)A.inB.withC.f ro mD.u n de r(6)A.a f te rB.be f o reC.whe nD.u n til(7)A.ma d eB.dr o pp e dC.so ldD.c h an g ed(8)A.c r yin gB.s milin gC.co ok in gD.s le e p in g(9)A.tir edB.a f ra idC.wea kD.g r e a t(10)A.tas te sB.loo k sC.s me llsD.so un d s12.A b u s ra n o ff a b r id g e in to th e Yan g tze R ive r in C ho ng q ing on O c tob e r 28, 2018.Thea c c ide n t 1.(c a us e)b y a f ig h t be twe en the d r ive r a nd a pa s s en g e r, k illin g a ll 15 p eo p le o n the bu s.A cc o r d in g to th e p o lice r ep o r t, a 48-ye a r-o ld f e ma le p as s e ng e r, s u rna me d Liu, a rgu e d with th e d r ive r, s u r na me d R an.Liu wa s a ng r y b e c au s e R an r e fu s e d 2.(s top) th e b u s a f ter s h e mis s e d h e r s ta tion.S he the n h it the d r ive r, c a u s ing th e a c c id en t.Th e vid e o s h o ws th a t Liu h it R an with he r m o b ile p ho ne twic e wh ile Ra n 3.(d r ive) th e bu s.Ra th e r th an s to p in th e mid d le o f the ro a d, R an k ep t d r ivin g.B u t in p ro te c ting h ims e lf, h e los t c o n trol o f th e b us an d a tr a ged y(悲剧)ha p pe n ed.T h e p o lice s a id tha t b oth Liu a n d R an h ad b r ok e n c r imin a l l a w b y s e r io u s ly e n d a n ge r in g(危及) p ub lic s a f e ty.A nd the p o lice 4.(a nno u nc e), “Liu h it th e d r ive r with h e r ph on e a nd p r e ve n ted th e d r ive r fr o m d r ivin g th e b u s s af e ly.T h e d r ive r,too,d idn't d o h is be s t to ma k e s u r e th a t h is d r ivin g wa s sa f e.”T h e a cc i d en t a lso ca us e d h e a ted d isc u s s io ns o n th e In te r ne t.Be s id e s fe e ling te r r ib ly s o r r y f o r th e tr a g e d y, mo s t In te r n e t u s e r s b la me d(指责) Liu, wh ile s o me o th e r s c r itic iz ed th e d r ive r.Mo r e u s er s we r e ta lk in g ab o u t wh a t the y s h o u ld do.O n e We ibo u s e r s a id, “We 5.(s ta nd) u p an d s top s u ch f igh ts b e twe e n pa s s en g e rs a nd dr ive r s 6.(a vo id) th is k in d o f tr ag e d y.”A no th e r u s e r ad vis e d th a t a s a fe ty b a r r ie r(屏障) s ho u ld b e s e t u p on th e bu s.It c a n s top p a s s en g e rs f r o m 7.(to u c h) th e b us d r ive r.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)13.M y mo th e r b ou gh t a(背包)fo r me a s a b ir thd a y p r e s en t.14.M y mo m wa s c le a nin g the r oo m wh e n th e d oo r b e ll (响).15.Lif e is a lwa ys f u ll o f th e (出乎意料的).16.A f te r I h e a r d wh a t s h e sa id,I (意识到)I wa s wro n g.17.I wa s la te f o r sc ho ol ye s te r d a y mo r n in g b ec a u se my a la r m c lo c k d id n't (发出响声).(1)I my k e ys in my o ff ic e,s o I c o u ld n't o p e n the d o o r a nd e n te r my h o u s e.(2)It is c o ld o u ts ide.P lea s e yo u r c oat wh e n yo u g o o u t.(3)Ba d lu c k! I wa s la te f o r wo r k b ec a u se I th is mo r n in g.(4)S he in the mid d le o f an ex c itin g d re a m.(5)H is s pe e ch jok e s.P eo p le la u gh ed f r o m time to time.19.当我们到达机场的时候,飞机已经起飞了。
Unit9 A (3a-4c)分层练习设计人教版九年级英语全册

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.SectionA (3a-4c)I. 单项选择:(BC层学生必做,A层选做或不做)( )1. I’m sleepy. I prefer _________ at home to going out for a walk.A. sleepingB. to sleepC. sleptD. sleep( )2. ---I’d like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie?----I prefer coffee _______ sugar.A. thanB. forC. withD. to( )3. The teacher along with some students _________visiting the factory.A. beB. amC. areD. is( )4. She likes this kind of music that I can dance _________.A. inB. withC. alongD. to( )5. When you move somewhere new, the first thing for you is to find a house ________.A. to liveB. living toC. to live inD. live in( )6. The movie _________ we saw last night was fantastic.A. thatB. whatC. whoseD. who( )7. Teenagers like reading the books _________are written by Guo Jingming.A. whoB. whatC. whoseD. that( )8. ----What kind of music do you like ?----I like music ________ I can dance to.A. whatB. whenC. whoD. that( )9. ---Laura enjoys ________ story books.---Me, too.A. readingB. readC. to readD. reads( )10. The charity provides homeless people ______ food and clothes.A. withB. forC. asD. in( )11. ---The meat is _______delicious.---Yes, but don’t eat _____________.A. too much; too muchB. much too; too muchC. too much; much tooD. much too; much too( )12. ---I like the dress, but I’m _______ that I haven’t got enough money.---Don’t worry. I don’t mind _______ you some if you like.A. afraid; lendingB. glad; lendingC. afraid; to lendD. glad; to lend。

九年级英语分层辅导练习(2)一、单项选择( )1. Your home town is really nice! The air quality is as good as _____ of Sanya・A. itB. oneC. thatD. the one( )2・一Who will give us the speech on public manners? -Mr. Brown ____________ , but I'm not sure.A. canB. needC. mustD. might( )3. —Would you like to visit the zoo with me now? 一Sorry. It's—the visiting hours・ Let's go there tomorrow.A. onB. over . C・ during D. beyond( )4. —Doni you think it _____ of some te enagers to be crazy about pop stars?一Well, I don f t think so. We were once young and had the similar experiences.A. creativeB. sillyC. wiseD. curious( )5.・-Could you tell me the ___ o f making such tasty cakes?—Well, I just follow the instructions in the cookbook・A. timeB. methodC. cost D・ menu( )6. Life is a journey with trouble, but with care and wisdom you can ________ any problem you face.A・ work out B. hand out C・ find out D. put out( )7. -Jenny, will you leave for the USA now? ・・No. It will be two weeks ____ I leave here・A. untilB. sinceC. before D・ when( )8. Mike used to be a top stud ent, but he ______ behind since he lost himself in computer games-A. fellB. has fallenC. wasD. has been( )9.・-Jack, I'd like to have your opinions about my report. ~ ________ • But I have one suggestion.A. That's a good ideaB. I agree with you C・ It looks fine to me D. Check it first ( )10. -Frn going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students・—Great! But don't forget to tell them ____ .A. what should they eat at the festivalB. why people enjoy the full moonC. what kind of race is often heldD. how do people celebrate it( )11・ His cousin is _______ unusual person though he has _____ usual face.A. a; anB. an; a C・ a; the D. an; the( )12. My father is very strict ________ me, and he is strict ________ his work..A. with; inB. with ;withC. in; withD. in; in( )13. 一Why didrf t you try your best to get on the subway (地铁)?一I tried to, but it started moving ______ I could get on it.A. before B・ while C. as soon as D・ after( )14. In character-training of children, what really ______ much is what their parents say and do.A. considersB. values C・ matters D・ minds( )15. Smith would rather _____________ his old car than _____________ a new one.A・ mend; buying B・ mend; buy C・ to mend; buy D. to mend; to buy( )16. 一Can I come here on Saturday or Sunday?一Sorry, you can come _____ on Saturday ____ Sunday. We only work here on weekdays.A. either; or B・ both; and C. neither; nor D・ not only; but also( )17. —Whafs the news about ? ™______ entertainment stars gathered to attract donations for Yushu. A.A member of B.A kind of C.A packet of D.A number of( )18. Although many great people ever failed, they never _____ and managed to succeed.A. set outB. stayed up C・ kept on D. gave up( )19. We have given her some advice, but I don't know ____________ she will accept it.A. whatB. whereC. whetherD. which( )20. Peter knew ___________ .A. whether he has finished reading the book B・ why the boy had so many questionsC. there were 12 months in a year D・ when they will leave for Paris( )21. That is an important bridge _____________ this old town _________ Nanjing.A. connect, to B・ connect, with C. to connect, with D・ connecting, to ( )22. My grandfather used to build railways for the Japanese army when he was young・ He was ______ to work hard from morning till night.A. invitedB. encouragedC. allowedD. forced( )23. Many of us have difficulty _____________ out that Math problem・A. workB. worksC. workingD. worked( )24. Whether ITI go to Shanghai ________ t he result of the examination.A. belongs to B・ cares about C・ depends on D. aims at( )25.Thank you, Mille and Kitty. It was kind of you to help me with my lessons. - __________________ •A. With pleasure.B. Better not.C. Of course notD. It's our pleasure.二、完形填空1 walked into the Huddle House Restaurant in Brunswick, Georgia and sat down at the table. I picked up the menu and was to order something for breakfast・“Excuse me,"1 looked up and 36 a nice-looking woman standing before me."Is your name Roger?" 37 asked.“YesJ I answered, feeling rather confused(迷惑)as I had never seen her before・“My name9s Barbara and my 38 is Tony厂she said, pointing to a middle-aged man sitting alone at the table by the window・ He was 39 and weak・“Tony White, from Landon School in Jacksonville, Florida: She added.I looked at that man for a few seconds, 40 I dicing recognize(认识)him.'Tm really sorry. The name doesn't ring the bell/91 said.She walked back, began41 with her husband and once in a while I saw her turn around and look directly at me.I ordered breakfast and a cup of 42 sitting there, trying to remember who this Tony was. “I 43 know him,” I thought to myself. “He recognizes me for some reason;5 I picked up the coffee cup. All of a sudden it came to me like a flash of lightning・“Tony, the bully, the bad boy!9' I could 44 believe my eyes. "Jesus! He's so thin now. Not the big boy that I 45 from back in 1977."Everything came up to my mind. The time this 46 boy had made fun of my big cars in front of the girls in my class, and the time this big bully had pushed me against the walls in the hallway just to make himself 47 a big man to all other students・T am sorry, Roger/9 Tony rolled by me in the wheelchair, being pushed by his wife, raising his thin trembling hand ・"I am so sorry for 48 that I did to you."'Tm…I'm er...n I dicing know what to 49 to him.After a few months later, I received a letter from Barbara. Tony was 50 • Tony had been a fireman andhad been seriously wounded in a task.How I regretted for not saying something to him but I no longer had the chance!( )36. A. heard B. saw C. felt D. told( )37. A. you B. we C. he D. she( )38. A. husband B. father C. brother D. son( )39. A. fat B.thin C・ strong D.young( )40. A. but B. and C. or D. so( )41. A .listening B. writing C. talking D. playing( )42. A. tea B. juice C. coffee D. milk( )43. A. needn't B. need C. mustn't D. must( )44. A. hardly B. really C. simply D. mostly( )45- A. protect B・ remember C. love D. miss( )46. A. clever B. shy C. bad D. friendly( )47. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look like( )48. A・ everything B. nothing C. something D. anything( )49. A. talk B. tell C. say D.speak( )50- A. healthy B. dead C・ famous D. blind三.阅读理解A1 doiVt like talking openly about my feelings・ That^s probably why I am writing this, because it seems an easier way of telling you how thankful I am to you.When I first got ill two years ago and had to be taken to hospital, you were the first person I called to tell, maybe because I knew Mum wasn't going to answer her phone, but probably because you are the first person I call in an emergency.As one illness turned into another and I was stuck in hospital for weeks, feeling sorry for myself, you were still at my beside trying to talk to me to cheer me up. The illness hit my kidneyCff) and we then realized that I was going to need a transport sooner or later. You put yourself forward to be tested as soon as possible and it turned out you were a perfect match ・Then last year, in March, we both went down for the operation・ I woke a few hours afterwards and felt bette 匚It wasn’t until the following day that we got to see each other again. We hugged silently and asked one another how we were・ But I never said the words I should have一- thank you. To this day, I still haven, said those words toyou for my kidney.In the month after the operation, when we were both at home recovering, I made you lunch, went for walks with you. It's my way of saying that I care for you a great deal and that I am truly thankful for what you did for me.I want you to know that my silence towards you and the times you tried to talk to me and got nothing weren't because of you. Maybe one day when you will read this, I hope you know that in my own silent way, I am for ever thankful.( )1. The writer called his father when he was ill ________ ・A. because he didn't live together with his motherB. because he could get help from his father at onceC. because his father could deal with any emergencyD ・ because his mother waste time to answer the phone( )2. After the operation the writer ______ .A. told he was thankful to his fatherB. didn^t wake until his father cameC. was too shy to show his thanksD. thought a lot about the transport( )3. What does t he word “transport mean in the second paragraph?A.手术B.工具C.移植D.帮助( )4・ What does the writer mainly want to say?A. To show his father was friendly to him. B ・ To show how much his father loved him.C ・ To say he got on well with his fatherD ・ To thank his father for giving one kidney.What do you see when you look at abstract (扌由象)art? Does it make sense to you? Does it look like anything? Is it supposed to be like …?Abstract art became popular in the early 20th century ・ Artists did not want to paint, draw, or sculp"周隹塑) things exactly (确切地)like they looked. They didn^t want their art to be realistic ・ They were more interested in basic shapes and colors-Picasso is probably the most famous of these artists• He painted and drew in many, many styles. Sometime s he used a lot of blue colors (his “blue period^). Later, he used more red and pink colors (his "rose period"). Many of his other paintings are called “cubist (立彳本iHli 派厂 because they are made of painted squares ・After a long time, Picasso's paintings became more and more abstract. He painted people and things using strange shapes ・ His work was so original that many of his fellow artists didn't understand i 匸Kandinsky, another famous artist, used lines, shapes, and patterns to paint his subjects ・ His paintings also used strong colors to express feelings.Other artist like the surrealists (超现实主义者),were interested in subconscious (潜意识).Painters like Breton and Magritte used many symbols in their works ・ The meaning or subject of their work wasn't always clear. Dali, another surrealist artist, painted pictures that look like dreams.There are still many abstract artists around the world. ThaFs the way many artists prefe 匚 They want each person to look at art and find their own mcaning in it.( )5. Which would be most like abstract art?A. A painting of a house ・Since the beginning of human evolution (革命),men have migrated (迁移)across continents (大洲)in search of food, shelter, safety, and comfortable weathe 匚 People still move for these reasons, but new reasons for human migration are arising, such as job relocation (重新安置)and overpopulation.Three million migrants are moving from poor countries to wealthier ones each year, and increasingly, their destination is a neighboring country in developing parts of the world. People are moving within the developing world for the same reasons as they migrate to wealthier nations. People from poor countries are going to less poor countries, fleeing wars and conflicts (1中突). B. A sculpture (雕塑)of a car.C ・ A drawing of two people in a coffee house.D ・ A red and blue painting, with no clear subject. ()6. What happened to PicassoM work after a long time? A. It became more abstract. C ・ He only painted with coloured squares ・ ( )7. How did Kandinsky express feelings?A. By using colors and shapes. C. By painting realistic people. ( )8. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Picasso painted in many different styles.C. Abstract artists feel each work of art only has one meaning. 四、任务型阅读(每空一词) B. It became less original.D. He went from using red colors to using blue colors. B. By painting with a lot of symbols. D. By painting in red and pink colors. B ・ Dali was interested in dreams. D. Magritte^s art was full of symbols.There are three main reasons why people move・ The basic categories and percentages are as follows, according to the Current Population Surveys (CPS):Family-related reasons account for 26.3%, in eluding cha nges in marital (婚姻的)status, building a household and other family reasons; work-related reasons 16.2%, including job transfer, retirement, and other job-related reasons; housing-related reasons 51.6%, including new and better houses, better neighborhood, cheaper housing and other housing reasons; the remaining 5.9% of other reasons are attending college, the change of climate and health reasons.Americans have been migrating south and west for years in search of better job opportunities (机会)and warmer climates. They have also been moving to places a little far from cities, in search of bigger yards and houses, lower crime rates and better schools. In 1950, nearly a fifth of the population lived in the nation's 20 largest cities. In 2006, it was about one in ten. Thafs why many American people say, "Big Cities Shrink (收缩,缩减)as People Move South, West.'5Between March 2005 and March 2007, 73.4 million Americans moved. Fifty-six percent of these moves were within the same country. Twenty percent were between counties but in the same state. Nineteen percent were moves to a different state. Some families even went abroad・缺词填空(每空一词)Chen Min, a kung fu star in Latin America, is trying to blend more Chinese kung fu and culture into Disney XD's coming TV show "Jungle Nest."Chen has practiced kung fu for 25 years・ She t 86 _______ the martial art (武术)in Argentina at present. She has become a w ___ 87 ____ kung fu star all over the world because of her appearances in many TV shows. Some fans even c __ 88 ____ her the °female Bruce Lee."Born in China's eastern Zhejiang province, she started her career a _____ 89 ___ a professional martial arts athlete when she decided to learn kung fu at 5. Though her parents wanted her to take up Ping-Pong or swimming, she dicing give in.With hard w 90 ______ and gift, Chen soon p 91 ________ her excellence and joined the national team・ She won many awards, i ___ 92 ____ a gold medal at the East Asian Games.In 2007, Chen retired and went to South America to realize her d ___ 93 ____ of spreading Chinese kung fu and culture・ She opened a kung fu school in Buenos Aires in February 2008 and only one student showed up on the opening of the school. H 94 she did not give up. Now the school has more than 900 students・H In some ways, Chinese kung fu represents Chinese t __ 95 ______ culture behind it/1 said Chen.She believes kung fu is more of a Chinese spirit and way of life.BDo you remember how you get your English name? Your English teacher gave it to you or you looked up the d86 to get it? Have you ever thought w 87 your English name will bring you good luck or bad luck?A new study found a name that others felt difficult to pronounce might i 88 ________ a person's future The study shows that the e 89 _______ your name is to pronounce, the more trustworthy (值得信赖白勺)people will think you are.. The research also shows that people with more familiar (熟悉的)names are probably to hold higher positions in s 90 ______________ . In other words, a weird (古'怪"9 )name may prevent someone from going to bea 1 or a boss・ You may think about your "name again・ If your first name sounds strange and you can*tc 92 ________ it, you can do as the following s 93 ___________ .Try using a middle name if ifs not hard topronounce If you don't have a middle name, you can use a nickname (纟卓号)And when you get to the interview, you can e 94 ____ that you often use a nickname because people find your r 95 ____ name difficult to pronounce.Your name may mean more than you think.二、单项选择CDDBB ACDCC 21-25 BAACB 26-30 CDDCB 31 -35DDCCD三、完形填空36—40 BDABA 41—45 CCDAB 46—50 CDACB四、阅读理解58-61 BCCD 62-65 DAAC、-丿任务烈阅读76. Human/People^s, 77. history, 78. increasing, 79. richer/wealthier, 80. Reasons,81. most, 82.including 83. searching/looking, 84. climate, 85.ConcIusion七、缺词填空86. teaches 87. well-known/world-famous/wonderful 88. call/consider 89. as 90. work91. proved 92. including 93. dream(s) 94. However 95. traditional。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 13 第4课时分层训练(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 13 第4课时分层训练(Section B2 2a-2e)(933)1.—D o yo u kn o w th e f a mo u s a r tis t in r e d?—Su r e.H e to the a r t f es tiva l in ou r c it y e ve r y ye a r.()A.in vite sB.in vite dC.is in vite dD.wa s in vite d2.H e d e vo te d a ll the mo n e y h e h a d to a h ou s e o f h is o wn.()A.se ttin g u pB.pu ttin g u pC.wak in g upD.tu r n ing up3.A b re a k b e twee n c las s e s is a go o d time f or s tu d en ts to p la y s p o rts a n d ta lk with th e irc la s s ma te s.S o it he lp s with s tu de n ts' h e a lth, imp r o ve s th e ir so c ia l s k ills.()A.e ith e r; o r B.ne ith e r; n o rC.no t on ly; b u t a ls o4.I lik e th e c ity th e pe op le a re r ea lly k in d an d f r ie n d ly.()A.th a tB.wh ic hC.whe r eD.wh o5.Wh e n p eo p le ta lk a bo u t a ir p o llu tion, th e y a r e u su a lly th in k in g ab o u t o u tdo o r a ir1 . B utd o yo u k no w tha t the re is a lso a ir p o llu tion in s id e h o me s, o ff ic e s, h o te ls a nd o th e rb u ild ing s? Th e a ir in yo u r h o mec an b e 2 to 100 time s mo r e po llu ted th an the a ir o u td o or s! Inf a c t, s o me A me r ic an d oc to r s s a y th a t 50% o f illn e s se s h a ve 2to d o with p o llu te d ind oor a ir.A lo t o f p o llu tion c o me s f ro m in d oo r a c tivitie s3s mo k in g an d co o kin g.A s mo s t p e op le 4a bo u t 80%~90% o f th e ir time in s id e bu ild in g s, it is imp o r ta n t to ta k e in do o r a irp o llu tio n s e r iou s ly,to o.A ir p o llu tion in f lue n ce s ou r he a lth5 . W h en th e a ir is po llu te d, not o n ly yo u n g c h ild r e n a n d o ld pe o p le s u ff e r fr o m(遭受) it, 6 p eo p le with h e a lth p r ob le ms s u ff e r a s we ll.In do o r a ir p o llu tio n c a n 7 p eo p le's e ye s,n o s e s a n d th r o a ts.A ir po llu tio n, b o th in do o r a ndo u tdo o r,ca n a ls o le a d to lun g c a nc e r(肺癌) a n d h ea r t d is ea s e!In th e Lo n d on S mo gD is a s te r s in 1952, 4,000 p eo p le d ie d in a f e w d a ys8 the p o llu tio n! It is 9 th a t ha lf 10 yo u n gc h ild r en an d wo me n die e a ch ye a r in In d ia b e c au s e of in d oo r a ir p o llu tio n!(1)A.p o llu tionB.po llu teC.po llu tingD.p o llu ted(2)A.n o th in gB.e ve r yth in gC.so me th in gD.a n yth in g(3)A.a s we ll a sB.su c h a sC.in s te a d o fD.a s(4)A.tak eB.co s tC.sp e ndD.p a y(5)A.in ma n y wa ysB.in ma n y th in g sC.in ma n y h o u s e sD.in ma n y b u ild in g s(6)A.a n dB.bu tC.orD.so(7)A.h itB.hu r tC.po llu teD.p r o tec t(8)A.b e ca u s e o fB.tha nk s toC.r e la te d toD.b e ca u s e(9)A.sa yB.sa ysC.sa yin gD.sa id(10)lio nlio n slio n s o fD.a millio n6.Le g o is a c h ildr e n's to y c o n s is tin g o f s ma ll p la s tic p ie c e s th a t c an b e jo ine d tog e the r to ma k e mo d e ls o f d iff e re n t ob je c ts.It's ve r y p o p u la r with c h ild r en.B u t th e s e p la s tic p ie c e s a r e h a r mf u l to th e ea r th.To p r e ve n t th e h a r m,th e Le g o G r ou p is n ow in tr o du c ing en vir o nme n ta ll y f r ie n d lyp ie c e s.Th e se Le g o pie c e s s uc h a s le a ve s,b u s he s a nd tre e s a re a ls o ma d e f ro m p la s tic,b u t the y a r e ma d e c omp le te l y f r o m p la n t-b a s e d(植物性的)p las tic.T h e Le g o G r ou p p la ns to u se su s ta in ab le(可持续的) ma te r ia ls f o r a ll its to ys b y 2030.A cc o r d in g to TimB roo k s a t th e Le g o G r ou p,th e n e w su s ta ina b le Le g o pa r ts a r e ma d e f r o m p o lye th yle n e,a k ind o f s o f t p la s tic ma d e f r o m s u ga r ca n e(甘蔗).“Le g o p ro du c ts h a ve alwa ys b e e n a bo u t p ro vid in g g r ea t p la y e x pe r ie n c es a n d g ivin g e ve r y c h ild th e c h an c e to b uild th e ir o wn wo r ld thr o u gh th e p la y.Ch ild r e n an d p a r en ts wo n't f in d an y d iff e r e n c e in th e q u a lity(品质) o r a p p ea r an c e o f the n e w p a r ts,” s a idB r oo k s.“A s the Le g o G r ou p is wo r k in g to war d s u s ing su s ta ina b le th in g s in its mo s t to ys,it will a lwa ys f o c u s on h igh qu a lity a n d s a fe ty.”T h e Le g o G r ou p s a ys th e y a r e tr yin g t o ma k e th e wo r ld a b e tte r p lac e to live.Th e y a r ewo r k in g ha r d to ma k e g r e a t to ys f r o m h e a lthie r ma te r ia ls.B y u s in g ec o-f r ie n d lyma te r ia ls,th e y c a n help c re a te a wo r ld wh e re hu ma n s a n d n a tu re c o ex is t(共存) p ea c e fu lly.根据短文内容,完成下列句子。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 第4课时分层训练(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 第4课时分层训练(Section B2 2a-2e)(933)1.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。
每个单词或短语限A f te r h an g ing ou t a rou n d in the c ity,To m f o un d h ims e lf s ta n d ing in f ro n t o f the1..H e loo k ed th r ou gh its g o ld e n g a te,h op in g to ta ke a lo o k a t th e re a l 2..T he r e we r e gu a rd s s tan d ing a t b o th s ide s o f th e g ate.To m,d r e s se d ba d ly,wa s mo vin gn e r vo u s ly p a s t th e m wh e n h e su d de n ly s a w a we ll-d r e s s e d bo y wh o wa s f o llo wed b y s e ve r a l s e r va n ts(仆人) a nd3..H e wa s no do ubt th e k in g!To m wa s ex c ited.H e wa n te d to g e t c lo s e to th e k in g.H o we ve r, a g ua r d s a w h im and s to p pe d h im r ud e ly(粗鲁地).T he g ua r d's r u d en e s s 4.th e k ing ma d.He a s ke d th e g u a rd to o pe n th e g a te a n d To m wa s5.to live in the pa la c e.To m g o t o n we ll with th e k in g c a lle d Ed wa rd.H e h ad a c lo se6.with h im.With E d wa rd's h e lp,To m h a d n o t o n ly 7.b ut a ls o p o we r.T he y e ve n e xc h an g ed the irc lo th e s a f te r To m to ld Ed wa rd th a t he h a d dr e a mt a bo u t d r e ss in g lik e a k ing,a ltho ug h a tf ir s t To m d idn't h a ve th e 8.to pu t o n E dwa r d's c lo th e s.Wh e n e x c ha ng in g c lo th e s,E d wa rd n o tice d a b r u ise(瘀伤) o n To m's h a n d.He re a liz ed th a t it wa s 9.b y th e g u a rd wh o h a d s top p ed To m r u d e ly.H e d ec id ed to k ick o u t th e g ua r d.H o we ve r,th e g ua rd d id n't r e a liz e th a t th e k in g wa s in To m's c lo t h e s.He h it Ed wa r d ha r d o n the e a r an d 10.h im o u t o f th e p a lac e.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)2.H a ve yo u e ve r c limb e d a tr e e W h en wa s the la s t time yo u to o k a wa lk in a pa r k?W hen yo u'r e b u s y with s ch o ol-wo r k,it ca n be h a rd to f ind time to s p en d o u tdo o r s.H o we ve r,th is c an ac tu a lly b e bad f o r yo u r h e a lth.S pe n d i ng time in n a tu re ca n c re a te f u tu re h e a lth b e n ef its.Wo r ld H e a lth O rg a n iza tio n(WHO) e s tima te s(估计)tha t mo r e th an 450 millio n p e op lea r o un d th e wo r ld h a ve s o me k ind o f me n ta l d is o r de r(精神紊乱).Bu t sp e nd in g timeo u tdo o r s mig h t b e g ood f o r th e m.A cc o r d in g to r e s e a rc he r s f r o m A a r hu s Un ive r-s it y in De n ma r k,ch ild r e n wh o s pe n d mo r e time o u ts id e a re le s s lik e ly(可能的) to h a ve me n ta l d is o rd e r s la ter in lif e.R e se a r ch e r s ma pp e d th e a mo un t(……的数量) o f“g r e en sp a c e”ar o u nd the ho me s o f 1 millio n D a ne s who we re b o rn b e twe en 1985 an d 2003.T he y c o mp a r ed th e d a ta with the r isk o f d e ve lo p in g on e o f 16 d iff e r e n t me n ta l d iso r d e r s la te r in lif e.T h e y f o un d tha t p e op le wh o gr o w u p in“g r e en a r ea s” a r e 55 p e rc e nt le s s lik e ly to d e ve lop me n ta l d iso r d e rs ina d u ltho od.H a vin g mo r e “g r e en sp a c e” in a p a r ticu la r ar e a me a n s th e re a re p ro b ab ly f e we r r o a ds and le s s p o llu tio n.Th is g ive s mo r e c h an c e s for p e op le to e x e rc is e an d in te ra c t(互动) with e a c h o the r.S imp l y b e in g in “g r ee n a r e a s” c a n h e lp pe o p le r e lax a n d r e lea s e(释放)p r e s s u re.A ll o f the se f ac to r s(因素) c an h ave a n in f lu e nc e on me nta l he a lth,th e le ad ing s c ie n tis t Kr is tin e En ge ma n n to ld Sc ie n ce Da il y.(1)Ac c or d ing to WHO,p eo p le with me n tal d is o r de r s sh o u ld.()A.c limb tr e e s e ve r y d a yB.gr o w f lo we r s in th eir h o me sC.live in th e c e n ter o f a c ityD.sp en d mo r e time outs id e(2)If c h ild r e n s pe n d mo r e time o u ts id e,the y a r e la te r in lif e.()A.mo r e lik e ly to h a ve b e tte r job sB.mo r e like ly to b e c ome a th le te sC.le s s lik e ly to h a ve me n ta l d is o r de r sD.les s lik e ly to h a ve g o od g ra d es(3)Li vin g in“g r e en a re a s” c a n h e lp pe op le.()a.wa lk on r ea l s ton e r o a dsb.d o mo r e e xe r c is ec.re le a s e p r es s u r ed.in te r a c t with ea c h o th e re.d e ve lo p me n ta l d iso r d e r sA.a b cB.ab eC.bd eD.b c d(4)Th e u n de r lin ed wo rd“T h e y”r e f e r s to “”.()A.R e se a r ch e r sB.H o me sC.D an e sD.M e n ta l d is o rd e r s(5)Th e p u r po s e o f th is p a s sa g e is to .()A.e x p la in wh y s o me p e o p le h a ve me n ta l d iso r d e r sB.de s c r ib e the da ma g e th a t is d on e b y me n ta l d is o r de r sC.en co u r ag e p eo p le to s p en d mo r e time ou tsid eD.re min d p eo p le to s ta y a c tive a n d in te ra c t with o th e rs3.她依赖她爸爸,而不是她妈妈。

九年级U9 分层达标练习卷基础夯实部分单词: 1.更喜欢__________(过去式)________ 2.歌词_________ 3.澳大利亚的(adj.).澳大利亚人(n.)__________ 4. 电子的,电子设备的(adj.)_________ (n.)电_________ 5.推断,料想(v.)_________ 6.悦耳的,平滑的(adj.)__________7.空闲的,不用的(adj.)抽出,留出(v.)_______8.导演,负责人_________9.情况_______ 10.既然那样_______11.战争______(反义词)和平_______ 12.黏贴,刺入_______ (过去式)_______(过去分词)________13.坚持,固守__________14.悲哀,沮丧_______15.对话,对白_______16.结尾,结局—_________ (反义词)________17.纪录片________18.戏剧__________19.大量,众多_______20.大量,充足_______21.关闭__________ 22.关闭,停止运转________23.超级英雄________ (复数)______24.偶尔地,间或__________25.有才智的,聪明的_______26.感觉到,意识到(v.)意识,感觉(n.)_______27.悲伤(n.)_______ (adj.)______28.痛苦,疼痛(n.)______(adj.)_______29.反映,映出_______30.动人的,令人感动的(adj.)______ (修人:感动)________(v.使…感动)______31.表演(v.)_______(表演,节目n.)________(演员n.)_______32.一生,有生之年_______33.遗憾(n.)同情(v.)_______34.总数(n.)总的(adj.)_______35.总共,合计_________36.大师,能手,主人;掌握_______37.表扬(n. v.)_________38.回想起_______39.伤口,创伤(n.)使(身体)受伤,伤害_______40.令人痛苦的(adj.)________Section A重点短语:1.我能随着一起跳舞的音乐2.有优美歌词的音乐3.我能随着一起唱歌的音乐4.比起A 来更喜欢(2个)5.比起做…更喜欢做… .6.宁愿做…也不做…/与其做…不如做…(2个) .7.声音太大的电子音乐8.有空闲时间抽时间做… 9.既然那样10.想要做(3个)11.固守一种电影12. 坚持做… (3个)13.有有趣的对白14.有一个快乐的结局15.似乎不算严重16.是我感觉甚至更悲伤17.为我提供大量信息(2个)18.关闭我的大脑19.偶尔20.写他们自己的歌词21.唱歌词清晰重点句子:1.我料想我将只是听听我买的这个CD。

Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 1 When was it invented?Section C一、根据首字母提示补全单词1.The girl stood by the window, deep in t .2.Look out! The bank robbers have got g .3.As we know, Internet is also a kind of i that is used widely throughout the world.4.How s you all are! An elephant can’t be like a wall.5. A large b is made of strong material and is full of hot gas to make it rise in the air.二、单项选择1.The historical drama Serenade of Peaceful Joy has received high praise for its story, costume, and make-up since it ________ on screen on April 7th.A.was put B.is put C.has been put D.will be put2.--Can Mr. King spare some time for the charity show?--If he ___, he will try his best to make it.A.will be invited B.is invitedC.invites D.invited3.Frank was made________ in the front of the classroom to share his ideas about English learning. A.stand B.stood C.to stand D.standing4.—Your hometown has changed a lot.—Yes. Have a look at these tall building. They _________ last year.A.build B.built C.were built D.was built5.—How many people will come to the party this evening?—About 15 people _____________.A.were invited B.invited C.will invite D.invite6.China's Long March 5B carrier rocket into space in Hainan Province on May 5,2020.A.sent B.was sent C.was sending三、语法填空You have to be careful when throwing away wet rubbish, which may include food or other kinds ofrubbish. Maybe these kinds of waste have made a big mess when you've thrown 1.(they) away before.Shi Yuan, 14, from Shanghai Wenlai Middle School, has made a special plastic bag to solve this problem. 2.plastic bag has a band of adhesive tape (粘贴带). When one end of the tape is open, the bag can 3.(turn) upside-down. You can hold the bottom end and throw wet rubbish into a trash can 4.(easy).Shi came up with the idea after an unpleasant experience in which he got wet waste all over his pants while throwing it away. He found that many other people had the same problem. He decided to solve this problem and 5.(invent) his special bag.He first thought about using a gunny (麻布) bag or placing a bag break on his trash cans. But 6.of these ideas worked. So he decided to just design his own rubbish bag. "I didn't want to put any extra burden (负担) on the bag, so I used adhesive tape." Shi said.7., the bag he made first was a one-off product and not environmentally friendly. So Shi kept on improving his design.He remembered 8.(read) about the adhesive used for Post-it notes (便利贴). Shi thought this weak glue could be used for the adhesive tape and allow the rubbish bag to be reused.So far, he 9.(sell) 2 million bags online. His bag has become popular in many communities. His father is quite proud of him." 10.(child) like to play. Shi just changed the way he 'plays' and put his mind toward looking for a way to make life easier," Shi's father said.参考答案一、1. thought 2. guns 3. invention 4. silly 5. balloon二、1.A【解析】句意:历史剧《平安的小夜曲》自4月7日上映以来,其故事情节、服装和化妆都受到了高度赞扬。

九年级U11分层达标练习卷基础夯实部分单词::1.迫使使某人发狂 2.友谊 3.国王4.权力(形容词)5.银行家6.苍白的7.王后8.仔细检查(名词)9.也不10.王宫11. 财富(形容词)12.阴沉的,灰色的1 3.柠檬(复数)14 不舒服的(反义词) 两个副词15.重量(动词)(名词)16.肩膀17.球门,目标18.教练(复数)19.踢,踹20.而且21.队友22.勇气(动词)23.拉,拖(反义词)24.轻松25.点头(过去式)26.同意(动词27.过失28.使失望(形容词)29.相当30.越…越……31.成为某人的朋友与某人交朋友32.忽略33.首相;大臣34.召来35.既不…也不… 36.起初(反义词)37. 使失望38.开除39.对某人要求严厉(近义词)40.齐心协力;通力合作短语:1. 宁愿做某事也不去做某事(3个)2.使我害困3.感觉被忽略4.使我们的友谊更坚固5.像粉笔一样苍白6.毫无理由大哭7.错失了进球8.让他的全队失望9.因为他输掉了比赛10.刚走进家门11.互相支持12.接近赢了那场比赛13.继续团结一致14.使他的父母失望15.给自己施加太多的压力重点句子:1.我对茱莉了解的越多越感到我们有许多相同之处。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 第1课时分层训练(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 第1课时分层训练(Section A1 1a-2d)(933)1.ou r co un tr y g e ts,the pe op le will b e,wh ic h is we ll k no wn.()A.T he s tr on ge r; th e ha p p ie rB.T he mo r e s tr on g; the mo r e ha p p yC.T he s tr on g e r; th e h ap p yD.T he s tr on g; th e h a pp ie r2.I d o n't lik e lo ud mu s ic b ec a u se it a lwa ys ma k e s me ne r vo us.()A.fe e lB.f e ltC.f ee lin gD.to f e e l3.—A re yo u g o in g s wimmin g th is a f te rn o on?—I'd r a th e r s h opp in g with yo u.()A.to goB.goC.go ingD.we n t4.—W ha t a h e a vy r a in!—So it is.I p r e fe r r a the r tha n on s uc h a r a in y d a y.()A.to go ou t; s ta yin g at h o meB.s ta yin g a t h o me; g o o u tC.go ing ou t; s ta y a t ho meD.to s ta y a t h o me; g o o u t5.Th e wo r ke r s we re so tir e d.Th e y we r e ma d e a ll n ig h t.()A.wo r kB.to wo r kC.wo rk edD.wo r k i ng6.A: H e llo,Tin a.W h a t a r e yo u do in g he r e?B: We a re p lan n ing a go o db ye p a r ty f o r M ic h a e l.H e is le a vin g ou r s c ho o l in a mo n th.A: O h,tha t's s o s we e t.Ca n I jo in th e p ar t y?B: O f c o u rs e. 1.A: I'm a f r a id n o t.I th in k I've ma d e h e r ma d an d I'm n o t s u r e wh a t to d o a bo u t it.B: Wh a t ha pp e ne d?A: 2.B: Ye s.A: We ll,th e mo r e I g et to k no w Lis a,th e mor e I r ea liz e th a t we ha ve a lo t in co mmo n.S o we've b e e n s p en d ing mo r e time to g e th e r la te ly.B: 3.A: It ma k e s N an c y u n ha p p y b e c a us e s he th inks Lis a is n o w b e tte r f r ie n d s with me tha n with h e r.B: I s ee.W h y d on't yo u a s k Na n c y to jo in yo u e a c h time yo u do s o me th in g with Lis a?4.A: O h,go od ide a! Th a t ca n ma k e ou r f r ien d s h ip s tr on g e r.A.You k n o w Lis a is a ls o N an c y's g o o d f r iend,r igh t?B.T he n sh e wo n't f e e l le f t o u t.C.A nd yo u c an a sk yo u r go o d f r ie nd N an c y to h e lp yo u ta k e s o me p ic tu r es.D.B u t wh a t's wr o n g with th a t(1)(2)(3)(4)7.O n Ap r il 15th, 2019, a f ir e b r o ke ou t in th e No tr e D a me C a th e d ra l(巴黎圣母院),d e s tr o yin g its s p ir e(尖顶)an d a la rge pa r t o f its ro o f.T h is a c c id e n t h ap p en ed wh ile th e wo r k e rs we r e r ep a ir ing it.T he f ir e wa s d iff ic u lt to c o n tr o l b ec au s e it s p re a d q u ic k ly.A s th e c r o wd s wa tch e d, the ic o n ic s p ire o f it bu r ned a n d f e ll do wn.It is kn o wn tha t the c en tr a l to we r o f N o tr e D a me h as be e n in P a r is f o r mo re th a n 800ye a r s.B u ilt be twe en 1163 and 1345, N o tr e D a me is o n e o f the f ine s t e xamp le s o f Fr e n c h G o th ic a r c h ite c tu r e(哥特式建筑).It lie s in th e c ente r o f P a r is, a lo n g the S e in e R ive r.It is a lso h o me to ma n y p r ic e le ss wo rk s o f a r t.Fr e n c h wr ite r Vic to r Hu go us e d it a s th e b ac k gr o und o f h is f a mo u s s to r y, T h e H un c hb a ck o f No tr e D a me, f ir s t p u b lish e d in 1831. Th e ca th ed r a l is a ls o on e o f the wo r ld's mo s t f a mo u s tou r ist s ite s.Ab ou t 12 mil l io n p e op le vis it No tr e D a me ea c h ye a r.Lu c k il y,th e tr e a su r e s o f N o tr e D a me Mu s eum in P a r is s ur vi v ed in th e f ir e.Th e ma in s tr u c tu r e s till r e ma in s,b u t th e ro o f b u rn ed d o wn a nd the s p ire colla p s e d(倒塌).Fr e n c h P r e s id e n t M a cr o n g a ve a s p ee c h on th e16th, e xp r e s s in g h is h op e o f r eb u ild in gN o tre D a me C a th e d ra l.He sa id, “In th e h is to r y o f Fr a n c e, ma n y b u ild ing s wer e b r ok e n b e c au s e o f war s o r o the r r e a so n s, bu t e ve r y ti me we r e b u ilt the m.T h e Fr e n c h pe op le a reth e g re a te s t b u ilde r s, a n d we will r eb u ild it a n d p r e se n t a mo r e a ma z in g N o tr e Da meC a the d r a l to the pu b lic in f ive ye a r s.”“I h o p e I will s e e th a t c a th ed r a l a ga in in my lif e time a n d th a t I wi ll c e le b r a te a ma s s(弥撒) the r e,” M on s ign o r P a tr ic k Ch a u ve t, th e re c to r(牧师) o f No tr e D a me s a id, “I'm 67 n owa n d if a ll go e s we ll,eve n if it ta ke s10ye a r s,I willb e77an d s till a b le to do it.”(1)Th e f ir e f ig h te r s d id n't c o n tr o l the f ir e we ll b e ca u se.()A.it b r ok e o u t in th e N o tre D a me C a the d r a lB.it sp r e ad ve r y q u ic kl yC.the wo rk e r s we r e rep a ir in g th e c a the d r a lD.th e c ro wd s wa tch e d c a r e fu lly(2)Ho w lon g d id it ta ke to b u ild th e No tr e Da me C a the d ra l?()A.Ab o u t 10 ye a r s.B.Mo r e th a n 200ye a r s.C.N ea r ly 2c e n tu r ie s.D.Ne a r ly 6c e n tur ie s.(3)W ha t do e s th e u nd er lin e d wo r d “s u r vive d”in P a r ag r ap h 4p ro ba b ly me a n?()A.D isa p pe a r ed.B.D e ve lop ed.C.S u cc e ed e d.D.C on tin ue d.(4)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE a b ou t th e N o tre D a me C a the dr a l?()①It is a n e x a mp le o f Fr e n c h Go th ic a r c h itec tu r e.②It wa s th e b ac k g ro un d o f Th e Hu n ch b ac k o f N o tr e D a me.③T h e Fr e n c h pe o p le will b u ild an o the r N o tr e D a me Ca th ed r a l in f ive ye a r s.④A r ec to r o f N o tr e Da me h o pe s to c e leb r a te a ma s s in th e N o tr e D a me C a the d r a l in h is lif e time.A.①②③B.②③④C.①②④D.①③④(5)Th e b e s t title fo r th e pa s s ag e is .()A.P a r is' N o tr e D a me C a the d r a l Bu r n in gB.T he N o tr e D a me C ath e d r a l's S p ir e Co lla ps e dC.T he H is to r y o f No tre D a me Ca th ed r a lD.He lp to Re bu ild N otr e Da me Ca th ed r a l8.I d o n't lik e c la s s ica l mu s ic b e ca u se it a lwa ys ma k e s me(困倦的).9.—W ha t (发生) la s t n igh t?—H e h a d a c a r a c c id en t a nd h is le g s we r e ba d ly h u r t.10.It h a s b e en ra in in g (最近),s o th e k id s h a ve to s ta y a t ho me.11.We a r e s u pp o se d to r e a d (q u ie t)in th e lib r ar y.12.B ob s ta ye d up la te la s t n igh t a nd n o w h e f e e ls(s lee p).13.S o me o ne kn o ck ed a t th e d oo r wh ile I (do)my h o me wo r k.14.T he(bu s y)h e is,th e h a pp ie r h e will b e.15.Ma n y te e n a ge r s wou ld r a the r (s ta y) a t h o me a lo ne tha n g o ou t with th e ir p a r en ts a t we e k en d s.(1)Lil y a n d Lu c y me.We o f te n p la y to g e the r.(2)M an y p e o p le a r e th e tra in a t th e r a ilwa y s ta tio n.(3)I s ta n d o n my o wn f ee t,so I d e c ide d to r e f u se h is h e lp.(4)D id yo u with yo u r f r ie n d s la s t n igh t?(5)Th e o th e r s k ep t ta lk in g a t ta b le an d I s e eme d to b e .17.他不好的行为经常使我发狂。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 13 第1课时分层训练(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 13 第1课时分层训练(Section A1 1a-2d)(933)1.从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空1)I'm s u r e yo u r a c tionwill a be tte r f u tur e.(2)E ve r yo n e s ho u ld in c le a n in g u p th e c it y p a r k.(3)Yo u sh ou ld e a t mo re f r u it an d ve g e tab le s.Th e y yo u r h ea lth.(4)Yo u r a c tion s ca n in yo u r lif e.(5)Th e r e is ru bb is h an d wa s te o n th e g ro u nd.2.当地政府号召每个人参加这项活动。
T h e lo ca l go ve r n me n t c a lle d o n e ve r yb o d y t o th e a ctiv it y.3.他说他能够自己解决这个问题。
H e s a id h e s o lve the p r o b le m b y h ims e lf.4.我更愿意在家里看电视,而不是跟朋友们出去闲逛。
h a ng in g ou t with f r ie n ds,I p r e fe r to wa tc h TV a t h o me.5.这座城市的每一个人都应该在保护环境方面出一份力。
E ve r yo n e in th e c ity s h o u ld th e e n vir o n men t.6.种植更多的树可以减少空气污染。
P la n ting mo r e tr ee s can.7.M y te a c h e r h a s g iven me u s e fu l s ug g e s tio ns a n d I wa n t to th a nk him f r o m th e o f myh e a r t.()A.b o tto mB.co nd itio nC.wa yD.su r f a ce8.—C an yo u te ll me an y o f g o ing o n line?—Ye s,s u r e.Fo r ex a mp le,we ca n ch a t with f r ie nd s a nd f in d us e f u l in f o r ma tio n.()A.d is c o ve r ie sB.ad va n tag e sC.cu s to msD.su gg e s tion s9.Ro y wo r k s in Lo n d on.It h im ab ou t h alf a n h o u r to g e t to wo rk b y b u s e ve r y d a y.()A.c o s tsB.sp e nd sC.tak e s10.We a lwa ys our c la s s r oo m e ve r y Fr i d a y a f te r n o on.()A.c le an upB.pu t up e u p11.T he lo c a l go ve r n me n t is g o in g to ta ke so me me a s u re s to p r o tec t th e e n vir o n me n t.Fo re x a mp le,we mu s tn't too ma n y tr e e s.()A.wr ite d o wnB.cu t do wnC.tak e d o wnD.p u t d o wn12.Ma r ch 22n d is Wo r ld Wa te r D a y. It s ta r te d in 1993. It n o t o n ly ma k e s u s th in k ab o u t the imp o r ta n c e o f wa te r, b u t a lso ca lls on(号召) u s to(1)a n d p ro te c t wa te r. To d a y,we’r ef a c ing te r r ib le wa te r pr o b le ms. A mo n g the m, wa s te wa te r p r ob le m is e s p ec ia lly (2). A n d th e s ub je c t o f Wo r ld Wa te r Da y in2017was“wa s te wa te r”.W h a t is wa s te wa te r?It is u s ed wa te r. U s ua lly,wa s te wa te r co me s fr o m h o me s,(3),h o s p ita ls a nd so on. It is p r od uc e d b y d iff e r e n t k in d s o f ac tivitie s, in c lud in g wa s h in g th e ma c h in e s, tak in g sh owe r s a n d u s in g th e k itc h e n. Th e r a in a ls o (4)wa s te wa ter wh e n it is r u n n in g do wn th e s tr eet d u r in g a s to r m. N o ma tte r wh e re it c o me s f ro m, th is k in d o f wa te r is s u r e to ha ve(5)har mf u l in it.(6)mu s t we tr e a t(处理) wa s te wa te r? Wa s tewa te r h a s a b ig in f lu enc e on o u r lif e. It c a u s esb o th illne s s fo r u s a nd p o llu tion f or th e e n vir o n me n t. We mu s tc a re f o r o u r e n vir o n me n t a nd o u r o wn (7).H o w c an we tr e a t wa ste wa te r? D iff e r e n t k ind s o f wa s te wa te r ne e d d iff e r e n t wa ys o ftr e a tme n t. Wa s te wa te r(8)ho me s c a n b e r eu se d. T h en the r e will b e(9)wa s te wa te r. A ls o,f a c to r y wa s te wa te r has to be c lea ne d (10)itg o e s b ac k to na tu r e.(1)A.d r in kB.sa veC.ca r r yD.wa tc h(2)A.e a s yB.po pu la rC.s ma llD.se r io us(3)A.fa c to r iesk e sC.r ive r sD.se a s(4)A.g e ts b a ckB.ha nd s inC.ch an g e s in toD.p ic k s u p(5)A.n o th in gB.so me th in gC.no bo d yD.so me b o d y(6)A.W ha tB.W h oC.W h yD.Ho w(7)A.wo r kB.in te r e s tC.he a lthD.b u s ine s sA.o nB.fo rC.withD.f ro m(9)A.les sB.mo r eC.be tte rD.wo r s e(10)A.a n dB.whe th e rC.a f te rD.b e f o re13.阅读短文,根据短文内容从短文后的六个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

好的,以下是一份九年级英语选择题和填空题,供您参考:一、选择题1. What does the word "perseverance" mean in the story "The Power of Perseverance"?A. 坚持不懈B. 轻易放弃C. 遇到困难时请求帮助D. 对成功的渴望2. In the story "Success Is Not a Matter of Chance", John's success was mainly due towhich of the following reasons?A. His good luck.B. His hard work and perseverance.C. His ability to learn from mistakes.D. His family's support.3. The underlined word "it" in the sentence "He realized that the key to success was notgiving up, but persevering through the hard times." refers to which of the following?A. Success.B. Giving up.C. Persevering.D. The hard times.二、填空题1. 请根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。
The _______ (invent) of the computer has greatly changed our lives. (提示:invent的适当形式)答案:invention2. 请根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

龙山实验学校九年级单元分层达标练习2022--2023学年度Unit7【Part I 基础知识过关】一、单词默写1. n.证;证件(词组)得到驾驶证__________2. n. 安全adj._______ (反义词)________3. v. 冒烟;吸烟n. 烟 4. adj.兼职的_________________5. v. 扎;刺破;穿透扎耳洞(词组)__________ 使。
___________6. n. 耳环;耳饰7. n.闪光灯v.闪光_________8. adj. 极小的;微小的9. v. & n. 哭;叫喊10. n. 田野;场地11. n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱拥抱某人12. v. 举起;抬高13.adv.严重的,差,非常(比较级)______ 最高级)14. 回嘴;顶嘴___15. adj.很坏的,讨厌的16 n. 青少年17. v. 感到遗憾;懊悔(过去式) 18. n. 诗;韵文诗人19. n. 社区;社团复数20. (短语)避免接近;远离21. n. 机会;可能性有机会做某事____________22. (短语) 自己做决定23. v. 教育;教导n. adj. 24. v. 完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面)n.经理25. n. 社会adj. 26. (短语) 挡---的路;妨碍27. v. & n. 支持28. v. 进来;进去=______________29.n.选择,挑选v. (原型) (过去式)_________(过去分词)_______二、重点短语 1.应该被允许做某事2得到他的驾驶执照3.担心你的安全4.有兼职工作 6. 扎耳洞9. 在田间奔跑10.使我远离危险11.给我一个拥抱9.把我举起来12. 咳嗽的厉害13. 大声的顶嘴15. 后悔顶嘴16. (对要做的事)感到遗憾18. 被要求搬出去19. 在十八岁时20. 被教育照顾他们自己21. 应对他们自己的生活22. 鼓励青少年为他们的社区做社会工作23.妨碍他们的功课24.支持他的每一场比赛25.不反对赛跑26.认真对待跑步27.很兴奋地做三、根据提示完成单词1. John got his driver’s l______________ last month.2.Kids should be _______ (教育)to know what they should or shouldn’t do.3. The boy fell off the bike and hurt his legs. He couldn’t help c____________.4.We are supposed to give him a h_________(拥抱).5. Everyone should be gives c__________to show their talents in class.6. The box is too heavy for me to l___________. Who can help me ?7. Which team will you _______(支持)? 8. If you don’t study hard, you may f_______.9. David’s dream is to be a p_______ runner. 10. The girl e the room quietly.11. I r__________ talking back, not listening to mom. 12. Li Bai wrote many p__________ .13. Although he is young, he can m___________ his own life.14.I had an a_____ dream last night because I watched scary movies.15. S____________ is our family. We are all members of it.16.Everyone should love his own ____________ (社区).17. Teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to s_________. It’s bad for their health.18.Tom made a good c________________ (选择). 19.Look! Some children are flying kites in the f_________20.We mustn’t cross the street when the traffic lights are red. S________ is important.四、重点表达拓展练习:青少年们/16岁的孩子们应该/ 可能被允许/被鼓励/被教育:(注意变疑问句)1.选择它们自己的衣服。

班级姓名学号分数Module 6 Problems 模块测试(B卷·能力提升)(时间:60分钟,满分:100分)一、单项选择(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.Simon wanted to play football in the future, so he ________ the team. Finally, he brought himself ________ the attention of the league.A.tried out; for B.tried out; to C.tried out for; for D.tried out for; to2.—I’m afraid I’ve messed up the room.—It doesn’t matter. ________, the room needs cleaning.A.However B.Instead C.Anyway D.Otherwise3.—A ________ rain fell after the long hot summer days.—That’s what the farmers expected, as it’s good for crops.A.popular B.honest C.convenient D.wele4.Helen doesn’t want to be a teacher. ________, she wants to bee an actor.A.Instead B.Again C.Anyway D.Also5.— Mary, do you know whether our sports meeting will be put off or not?— I have no idea. It ________ the weather.A.takes away B.tries out C.depends on D.looks at6.—Will you pleas tell Robin to e early to help us get ready for the party?—All right. I’ll tell him at once ________.A.if I see him B.if I’ll see him C.until1see him D.until I’ll see him7.The hero Odysseus got back home safely ______ he met a lot of dangers during the journey.A.as soon as B.so that C.if D.although8.—I don’t know where to go this summer vacation.—Why not visiting Ezhou? There are many places of interest.A.regard B.consider C.wonder D.suggest9.My dad could ________ find his document________.A.not longer; anywhereB.not more; somewhereC.no longer; anywhereD.no more; somewhere10.Mother often warns me ________home late at night.A.not to go back B.not going backC.don't go back D.not go back二、完形填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)One day at noon, a 10yearold boy was walkingalong the street with his uncle. Suddenly, the boydisappeared ― he fell ___11___a manhole(井).His uncle called for help, but it was too late. Theboy was ___12___dead. There should have been acover over the manhole, ___13___ it had been removed. This tragedy happened in Wuhan last year, and it was not the only one.The theft of manhole covers has been a big problem in China. According to CCTV News, there were over 70 injuries or deaths due to broken or stolen manhole covers from 2017 to 2019. ___14___such tragedies, China’s top judicial(司法)bodies introduced strict punishments in April for those who remove or damage manhole covers. The maximum sentence is the death penalty, Xinhua reported."This move will better ensure people's safety when walking on roads or___15___,” Xu Hao, a lawyer from the Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, told China Daily.Many of those who have stolen manhole covers have done _____16_____ in order to sell them for scrap(废弃的)metal. Some taxi drivers have also removed the covers to get water to clean _____17_____cars, China Daily noted. If people know_____18_____ manhole covers will be_____19_____ punished, it is possible that it_____20_____ less often and prevent tragedies, Xu added.11.A.over B.down C.off D.into12.A.already B.almost C.even D.still13.A.if B.while C.but D.though14.A.Prevent B.Prevented C.To prevent D.Preventing15.A.drives B.driving C.drove D.driven16.A.such B.so C.those D.these17.A.theirs B.their C.its D.his18.A.remove B.removes C.removing D.removed19.A.serious B.more serious C.seriously D.more seriously20.A.will happen B.happens C.is happening D.has happened三、阅读单选(本题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)ALi Ting, 15, from Shanghai, was preparing a talk on some western festivals. She searched online for certain information and made powerpoint presentations. Wu Qiong, her classmate, was doing his chemistry homework carefully. But he couldn’t work out the last problem even if he tried his best. So he took out his mobile phone, opened a special app, and searched the problem. Solutions soon appeared on the screen in several seconds.Nowadays, many students do homework with the help of the Internet like Li and Wu. They search for information online, use apps or discuss through QQ and WeChat.“It’s convenient. You don’t have to wait for your teacher to explain it to you face to face,” according to Wu. “You can also learn by seeing how others work them out. What’s more, it improves the students’ abilities. And it’s especially true for new kinds of homework. I am quite skilled at finding information online and using Microsoft Office.”However, this trend also causes problems. Some lazy students just copy the answers online without thinking. Even some ask their classmates to do homework for them. And their teachers may not know the fact.Anyhow, knowing how to use the Internet is important. The key is to have good selfcontrol. When you e across a difficult problem, think about it by yourself first. Be sure to understand the reasons behind the answers after you have turned to the Internet, or you won’t make progress. If you are not sure about your selfcontrol, ask your parents for help.21.What homework was Wu Qiong doing? ________A.Physics.B.Chemistry.C.Science.D.Writing.22.Which of the following ways is NOT mentioned in the passage? ________A.QQ.B.WeChat.C.Learning apps.D.DingTalk.23.According to Wu, which of the following is true? ________A.The new learning way is difficult.B.Students should use the new learning way.C.Students should study with the teacher face to face.D.Students could copy others’ homework online.24.When a student uses the Internet, what must he do? ________A.Have an app.B.Have a mobile phone.C.Ask his parents beside him.D.Have good selfcontrol.25.What’s the main idea about the passage? ________A.How to learn a language.B.How to do homework.C.What’s the new way of learning.D.What’s a new puter app.BTeachers want to get along with you and enjoy seeing youlearn. But teachers and students sometimes have a clash (冲突).This can happen between any two people. If you show your teacherthat you want to make the situation better, he or she will probablydo everything possible to make that happen. Take these steps if theproblem seems difficult to solve.★Talk to an adult you trust.★Give it time. You may not feel fortable at once with your teachers, but that may change as you get to know each other.★If necessary, talk with your parents about what to do next. Lots of times, a meeting can be set up to discuss the problem. This may clear the air and make things better. Everyone's goal should be to create trust and kindness.Your relationship with your teachers is often your first chance to develop a "business relationship". It is different from your family relationship and friendship, which are built on love. In a business relationship, both parties get something out of the relationship. But they don't necessarily need to be good friends, like each other or understand each other well. They simply need to respect each other and be polite.When you act this way, and remember that you're not the only kid in the class, you are helping your teacher. Your teacher will notice this. Teachers also like it when students follow directions and when they learn and obey the rules of the classroom. For example, these may be rules about listening when another student is talking, about taking turns, or about raising your hand when you want to say something or ask a question.26.How many steps can help you if you have a clash with your teacher and want to improve it?A.1B.2C.3D.427.What do the underlined words "clear the air" mean?A.Make the dirty air bee clean.B.Make the dirty air go away.C.Improve the situation.D.Help people deal with the dirty air.28.Which of the following is a business relationship according to the passage?A.Two persons should like each other a lot.B.Two persons should be very good friends.C.Two persons should show their politeness and respect to each other.D.Two persons should know each other well.29.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.The ways to get on well with your teachers.B.The relationship between students and teachers.C.The ways to keep in touch with your teachers.D.The best time to municate with your teachers.30.Who is the passage mainly written for?A.Teachers.B.Students.C.Parents.D.Adults.CTechnology has done our world wonders: from development in medicine to ourdaily lives. It has undoubtedly changed the way our society works, and how wemunicate with one another and ourselves. However, by weling technology as part of life,are we losing our ability to create?Technology provides a new chance for creativity to exist(存在). Throughtechnology, ideas can be set free and e to life. We have the necessary tools for greater possibilities and new solutions. For example, businesses now have the chance to improve themselves more creatively through websites, film advertisements, social media or radio.However, when we look more closely, it’s easy to notice some disadvantages. For example, many of us depend so much on automated calculations(计算器) rather than taking the time to work it out for ourselves. Another situation is that a lot of people are spending too much time on screens. As a result, they are reducing the chances to e up with their own creations.Is there a way to find a balance between technology and human creativity? I think so. It is simply a matter of making sure that creativity is not deterred by technology. The first way is to reduce our use of electronic products by setting limits on when, where, and how long we use them, turning off the notice on your phone. Once you beeused to these, you will feel surprised how little you think about your phone.Another wonderful way is to take daily walks in nature. It can help you refresh and keep going. In the long run, a daily walk can not only influence our creativity and imagination but further our physical and mental health. We can also develop our creativity by doing yoga, keeping a diary, or reading.The actions you choose to take will help change the relationship between creativity and technology for the better. With the right balance, technology can be a good method of improving creativity.31.Why does the writer ask the underlined question in the beginning?A.To draw the reader’s attention to the topic.B.To show the writer likes technology.C.To tell the reader the importance of technology.D.To prove creativity is more important.32.What’s Paragraph 2 mainly about?A.The importance of creativity.B.Good ways to develop technology.C.The relationship between business and creativity.D.The good influence that technology has on creativity.33.The underlined word “deterred” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.A.protected B.controlled C.attacked D.prevented34.The structure of the passage may be ________.A.B.C.D.35.The writer probably agrees that ________.A.limiting the use of our phones can help us develop creativityB.turning off the notice on the phone will make people worriedC.spending time on screens is the easiest way to keep people happyD.a daily walk does more good to physical health than to mental healthD阅读下面短文,完成表格。
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课时分层训练(二十九)Section A1一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。
1.—W football is this?—It must be Jack’s.2.Don’t make a n because my grandfather is sleeping.3.I felt s because I stayed up last night.4.Do you like the cartoon Pleasant Goat and Big Big W ?5.There are many v things in the museum.二、按要求完成下列句子。
1.This person must be a Chinese teacher.(改为否定句)This person be a Chinese teacher.2.The hair band could belong to her.(改为同义句)The hair band might .3.This book must be Ann’s.(对划线部分提问)is this?4.Maybe your books are at home.(改为同义句)Your books at home.5.Alice has a black bike.(改为同义句)The black bike Alice.三、单项选择。
1.—This pair of shoes belong to Jack. He likes this kind very much.—It be his. It’s too large for him.A. may; can’tB. may; needn’tC. must; mustn’tD. need; can’t2.—Whose book is this, Peter?—It must Danny. I saw him reading it just now.A. beB. isC. belongD. belong to3. Don’t drink water before going to bed.A. too muchB. much tooC. too manyD. many too4.—I finish the homework this afternoon?—No, you needn’t . It before Friday.A. can; can finishB. Must; must finishC. Must; can be finishedD. Can; must be finished5. —Tom, where is your father?—I’m not sure. He in his office.A. isB. may beC. maybeD. may6. This is notebook must belong .A. LucyB. to LucyC. Lucy’sD. to Lucy’s7. This Japanese book Li Ying’s. Her name is on it.A. might beB. may beC. could beD. must be8. Many of the stars because they are far away from us.A. may not seeB. can not be seenC. mustn’t be seenD. needn’t see9. You mustn’t go off on your own, because you get lost in the mountains.A. mightB. needC. mustD. should10. —Where are you going this month?—We go to Xiamen, but we’re not sure.A. needn’tB. mustC. mightD. mustn’t四、根据上下文意思及汉语提示补全短文。
When I grow up, I am going to do what I want to do. I 1 (可能当) an English teacher in the future because I like English and children. Or I 2 (可能搬) to Beijing or Shanghai because I like them. But how 3 (能) I achieve my dream? First , I 4 (必须完成) my schoolwork and study English very hard. I must do my homework carefully. I don’t like math, so I 5 (不可能当) a math teacher. Could you please tell me about your dream?Section A2一、用所给词的适当形式填空。
1.Her father and brother are both (policeman).2.He often feels (sleep) whenever he tries to read the book.3.-(who) volleyball is that?-It’s Mary’s.4.We often have fun (play) football after school.5.There are many people (dance) in the park.二、用适当的介词或副词填空。
1.The dictionary must belong Tom because his name is on it.2.Please pick the paper on the floor.3.The coat looks girls’ coat.4.I remember I had my schoolbag me at the picnic.5.Most students like listening pop music.三、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。
1.I think somebody must have my schoolbag.2.The hair band might Mei.3.Carla was taking a shower.4.Molly be shy. But now she is outgoing.5.He quietly without saying anything.四、单项选择。
1.This book Lucy’s. Look ! Her name is on the book cover.A.must beB.may beC.can’t beD.mustn’t be2.Listen! Can you hear strange noises outside our window?Yes. I think it be teenagers fun.A.must; havingB.may; havingC.must; to haveD.may; to have3.Where’s Mr. Wang, do you know?He could to lose weight.A.run;B.be runC.be runningD.running4.Who broke the window?. A strong wind broke it last night.to France two years later.During World War II, French hid the painting in small towns to keep it out of the hands of German forces.1.The Mona Lisa was painted by in 1505.A. Da VinciB. LivingstoneC. King FrancisD. the French2. No one can repair the Mona Lisa because .A.there was not enough money to repair itB.repairing the world’s most famous painting was not easy.C.the painting was the best all over the worldD.her smile was better than any others.3. Many people were attacked by Mona Lisa’s .A.beautyB.fashionC.smileD.face4. The Mona Lisa was sold in .A.1505B.1519C.1538D.19115. From the passage, we know that the Mona Lisa should belong to finally.A. GermanyB. FranceC. EnglandD. Italy五、任务型阅读。
The dog walked 50 k over 15 days to return to the veterinarian after it was taken away.During the five days in the hospital, the dog (D) (与......相处很好)Wang Feng, the doctor. After it was returned, the dog walked back to Wang the next day.About three weeks later, the doctor and Han decided to give Huahua to a pet lover who lived 50 km away. To Wang's surprise, he found the dog standing at the gate of his hospital 15 days later.将(A)、(B)处句子翻译成汉语。
4.5.How many times did the dog return to look for its doctor?Section B1一、完成句子。