
美国文化趣谈学习通课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Chinatown was largely self-supporting, with an internal structure ofgoverning associations and businesses.参考答案:对2.Peking Duck House where you can eat delicious Peking roast duck.参考答案:对3.Chinatown becomes a tourist attraction nowadays.参考答案:对4.Chinese immigrants tended to clump together as a result of racialdiscrimination.参考答案:对5.Which one of the extracurricular activities is the most popular in Americanschools?参考答案:Sports6.Only some Chinese goods can be found in Chinatown.错7.American children usually start to go to school at the age of _____.参考答案:58.Which of the following is a World Heritage Site?参考答案:Grand Canyon9.Where are the Hollywood and Disneyland located?参考答案:Los Angeles10.Which of the following is not the landmark of Los Angeles?参考答案:Niagara Falls11.Which of the following states doesn’t cover the Yellowstone National Park?参考答案:Nevada12.Which area of the Grand Canyon National Park is more accessible?The South Rim13.What is the Yellowstone National Park famous for?参考答案:All of the above14.Which of the following statements is false about The Statue of Liberty?参考答案:The tablet she holds is inscribed with the date of AmericanIndependence July 14,1776.15.Which country gave the Statue of Liberty to American people as a gift?参考答案:France16.Students who are interested in the environment can take part in _____.参考答案:ecology club17.Financial support is the decisive factor for American people in getting into amarriage.参考答案:错18.Wedding ceremony can only be held in a church.参考答案:错19.The legal drinking age in America is _________.参考答案:2120.When did America declare independence?参考答案:On July 4th, 177621.What do Americans usually do when they meet someone for the first time?参考答案:Shake hands22.The amount of tip for the server in a restaurant is about ______of the total bill.参考答案:15%23.An extended family group might include grandparents or aunts, uncles andcousins.参考答案:对24.What is considered a bad table manner when we are dining with Americans?参考答案:Make noises when you are eating.25.When did the Independence Day become a paid federal holiday?参考答案:In 193826.Western worlds share the same dating customs with the far-East countries.参考答案:错27.What can you do to indicate that you have not finished eating?参考答案:Cross your knife and fork and put them on your plate.28.Thanksgiving Day is on ___________.参考答案:the fourth Thursday in November29.The common response when someone is introduced to you is_________.参考答案:"I am glad to meet you."30. 3. Which of the following statements is not true?参考答案:Memorial Day is on the first Monday of May.31.What is not usually used to decorate the Christmas trees?参考答案:Turkey32.What is the polite way of asking a person’s name when talking on a phone?参考答案:“May I please speak to Miss Jones?”33.Which is not the traditional holiday in China?参考答案:May Day34.Double date is easier going for people than one-on-one situation.参考答案:对35. 2. Which of the following is not what Americans do to celebrate New Year’sEve?参考答案:They have a big family reunion.36.Which of the following is not how Americans celebrate Halloween?参考答案:visiting friends and relatives37.Mission trips may include adults or teens.参考答案:对38.BBQ is a social gathering where food is served, usually outdoors in the lateafternoon or evening.参考答案:对39.Churches are social gathering places only for adults.参考答案:错40.Bake sales are a common way for church groups to raise money.参考答案:对41.You have to bring bread in a Breaking Bread activity.参考答案:错42.Americans seldom hold BBQ parties.参考答案:错43.Church lock-ins can offer a fun social activity for everyone on a weekendnight.参考答案:错44.Party games, singing and food are all common activities at adult church get-togethers.参考答案:对45. A large amount of socializing among American students takes place in bars.参考答案:对46.Some fraternities and sororities have a residential house outside the campus.参考答案:错47.If you wish to join a fraternity or sorority, it’s by invitation only and you mayjoin more than one.参考答案:错48.Phi Kappa Tau and Kappa Epsilon are fraternities and sororities names.参考答案:对49.One important foundation of the fraternity experience is serving thecommunity.参考答案:对50.Only Christians can join the Bible-study group.参考答案:错51.You can only buy study materials in the university bookstores.参考答案:错52.The cafeteria in the campus does not have many options available to you.参考答案:错53.Utilities such as electricity and telephone connections will most likely beready to use in the dormitory.参考答案:对54.America has the largest percentage of population of international students inthe higher-level of education.参考答案:对55.If you are 18 years old of age or younger, you can choose homestays to stayin a local family.参考答案:对56.Professors have office hours in which you can come and get tutoring andextra help with that.参考答案:对57.It’s very helpful to check the leasing advertisement and newspapers to find anice apartment.参考答案:对58.If a student does decide to live in a dormitory, they do not need to share theroom with other students.参考答案:错59.How long does it take for students to finish elementary school in the U.S.?参考答案:5 years60.How many grades are there in the American senior high school?参考答案:4 years61.When can the students in American university declare a major?参考答案:In the second year62.It’s really good on the first date to do an activity in which you can have anopportunity to talk openly with one another.参考答案:对63.In the video, what specific activity the boy scouts does not experience?参考答案:Cookery64.American nuclear family includes aunts and cousins.参考答案:错65.How are the girl Scouts' achievements recognized?参考答案:Both B and C66.Boy Scouting is the flagship program for boys ages ____.参考答案:11 to 1867.To help pay for their activities, Scouts mainly raise money参考答案:crowdfunding68.What is the purpose of venturing?参考答案:To provide positive experiences to help youth mature and to prepare them to become responsible adults69.What is the mission of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America ?参考答案:Empower girls and to help teach values70.According to the video, which statement is not true?参考答案:Women who hadn’t been girl scouts were more likely to be involved in their communities.71.Which one is the largest group in all of the divisions of the scouts?参考答案:Cub Scouting72.White laborers welcome Chinese people to help them in all kinds of jobs.参考答案:错。

1. 美国的宪法是什么?它对美国社会起到了什么作用?美国宪法是美国的最高法律文件,于1787年制定并于1789年生效。
2. 美国的种族和民族多样性是如何形成的?美国的种族和民族多样性是由于历史上的移民潮和奴隶制度的存在。
3. 美国的宗教信仰情况如何?美国是一个宗教自由的国家,宪法保护公民的宗教信仰自由。
4. 美国的教育体系是怎样的?美国的教育体系是分级的,包括幼儿教育、小学、中学、高中和大学。
5. 美国的娱乐文化对世界产生了什么影响?美国的娱乐文化对世界产生了巨大的影响。
6. 美国的社会问题有哪些?美国面临着一系列社会问题,其中一些是长期存在的,一些是新兴的。


1.what are the general features of Britain`s independent schools?An independent school in the United Kingdom is a school relying upon private sources for all of its funding, predominantly in the form of school fees. In England and Wales the term public school is often used to refer to what is normally called in other countries a "private" school, a term which originally referred to those schools named in the Public Schools Act 1868. These schools themselves tend to prefer the term "independent school".2.why is the United States regarded as a "melting pot" and a "salad"?The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture. It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the United States; the melting-together metaphor was in use by the 1780s.After 1970 the desirability of assimilation and the melting pot model was challenged by proponents of multiculturalism, who assert that cultural differences within society are valuable and should be preserved, proposing the alternative metaphor of the salad bowl –different cultures mix, but remain distinct.3.why did America change its policy and enter world war two?Because the Great Depression lead a worldwide warfare crisis . But in the face of the Warfare crisis,the thinking of isolationism and anthropocentrism filled the society of America,most of American pay no attention on the war of other countries. It was until March of 1941 when the warfare fo west Europe is become incandescent the Capitol Hill adopt the Act of Lease. This marked US was no longer neutral state but a member of Allies. Than the Pearl Harbor incident finally made the United States enter The World War II on the side of the Allies.4.what were Nixon's well-known contributions during his presidency?Nixon is noted for his diplomatic foreign policy, especially with the Soviet Union and China, and his efforts to end the Vietnam War. He is also noted for his middle-of-the-road domestic policy that combined conservative rhetoric and, in many cases, liberal action, as in his environmental policy.As president, Nixon imposed wage and price controls, indexed Social Security for inflation, and created Supplemental Security Income. The number of pages added to the Federal Register each year doubled under Nixon. He advocated gun control, reduced speed limits, and eradicated the last remnants of the gold standard. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration and implemented the Philadelphia Plan, the first significant federal affirmative action program.5.what was the cause of the American civil war?1. Economic and social differences between the North and the South.2. States versus federal rights3. The fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents.4. Growth of the Abolition Movement.5. The election of Abraham Lincoln.6.what are the two characteristics of the U.S construction?the Statue of Liberty The Capitol7.what are the qualifications for a senator and a representative respectively? Senator:1) each senator must be at least 30 years old, 2) must have been a citizen of the United States for at least the past nine years, and 3) must be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant ofthe state he or she seeks to represent.Each representative must: (1) be at least twenty-five years old; (2) have been a citizen of the United States for the past seven years; and (3) be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of the state they represent.8.what are the Major powers of the supreme court?The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial body in the United States, and leads the federal judiciary. It consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices, who are nominated by the President and confirmed with the "advice and consent" of the Senate. Justices serve "during good Behaviour," which terminates at death, resignation, retirement, or conviction on impeachment. The Court meets in Washington, D.C. in the United States Supreme Court building. The Supreme Court is primarily an appellate court, but has original jurisdiction in a small number of cases.9.how does an American university choose its applicants?It will through some aspects:transcript,academic performance,extra-curricular achievements,personnel,inherence,artistic skills10.what are the origins of thanksgiving day?Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a traditional North American holiday, which is a form of harvest festival. The date and whereabouts of the first Thanksgiving celebration is a topic of modest contention, though the earliest attested Thanksgiving celebration was on September 8, 1565 in what is now Saint Augustine, Florida. Despite any scholarly research to the contrary, however, the traditional "first Thanksgiving" presented by Chief Massasoit is venerated as having occurred at the site of Plymouth Plantation, in 1621.11.what is the essence of American puritanism?1,puritanism is a strict religious doctrine.2, puritanism also has practical aspects. Puritans have to work hard, and prepare for the obstacles they will meet in their life.American puritanism contains origional sin, predestination,total depravity,limited atonement of God's grace12.what is the lost generation?The Lost Generation is a term used to refer to a collective group of artists and writers who settled in Europe in the wake of the First World War. Members of the Lost Generation lived in Europe in the 1920s and early 1930s, and they had a profound impact on society and the arts. This generation is referred to as “lost” not because it has faded from memory, but because the individuals in the Lost Generation often expressed a sense of emotional confusion, feeling lost in their own society.13.what are the characteristics of American writing during the romantic period? reaction against logic and reason; antiscientific in its bent; faith in something inherently good and transcendent in the human spirit in no need of salvation, but rather in need of awakening..."In this romantic period, writers put more emphasis on moral enthusiasm, and their masterpieces were full of passion, emotion, fancy and imagination. They also had a faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, they displayed personalities, express feelings and ideas, emphasize men’s rights for freedom and happiness.For their part human nature is of good will. Men can learn the world through their own ability, conscience and intuition. The romantic showed a deep admiration and love for nature. Theypraised America’s landscape of its primitive forests, meadows, vast plains, seas and blue oceans. The beauty and perfection of nature could enable them to have unutterable joy and exuberance. And nature was regarded as a source of goodness while man’s societies a source of corruption. Writers like Freneau, Cooper and Bryant took a great interest in external nature in their respective works.14.state the background for the American civil rights movement.The Civil Rights Movement in the United States has been a long, primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to primarily African American citizens of United States. There have been many movements on behalf of other groups in the U.S. over time, but the term is often used to refer to the struggles between 1955 and 1968 to end discrimination against African-Americans and to end racial segregation, especially in the U.S. South. See African American for information on how various terms have been used at that time period for African Americans.15.make comments on women's liberation movement.The changes women worked for included changes in economic practices, such as not only asking equal work, but also equal opportunity for jobs in fields such as science and technology, management and politics.They wanted changes in social practices and attitudes which would acknowledge that women were not inferior to men in intelligence or abilityLegal segregation ended in the South as a result of the civil rights movement.The women's movement continues to gain more rights and opportunities for women.The social movements of the 1960s had a strong effect on the way people think and caused changes in many laws.16.what is the lvy league?name at least 4 of its members.The Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising eight private institutions of higher education in the Northeastern United States. The term is most commonly used to refer to those eight schools considered as a group. The term also has connotations of academic excellence, selectivity in admissions, and a reputation for social elitism.Brown UniversityHarvard UniversityYale UniversityColumbia University。

一、In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?(1)The puritans hoped to build “a city upon hill’- an ideal community. Since thattime, Americans have viewed their country as a great experiment, a worthy model for other nation. This sense of mission has been very strong in the minds of many Americans.(2)New England also established another American tradition- a strain of oftenintolerant moralism. The puritans believed that governments should enforce god’s morality. They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violation of Sabbath and other religions believers different from themselves.(3)The puritans also have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans. TheAmerican values such as individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe very much to the puritan belief.(4)Thanksgiving has become one of the National holidays, which comes fromwhite-Indian cooperation in New England.二、What are some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the US government? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other?If Congress proposes a law that the president thinks is unwise, the president can veto it. That means the proposal does not become law. Congress can enact the law despite the president's views only if two-thirds of the members of both houses vote in favor of it.If Congress passes a law which is then challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional and therefore no longer in effect.The president has the power to make treaties with other nations and to make all appointments to federal positions, including the position of Supreme Court justice. The Senate, however, must approve all treaties and confirm all appointments before they become official. In this way the Congress can prevent the president from making unwise appointments三、What is the Bill of Rights? Do you think that it was necessary to write the Bill of Rights explicitly into the US Constitution?The Bill of Rights: the first 10 amendments, collectively known as the Bill of Rights, were added within two years of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. These amendments remain intact today, as they were written two centuries ago. The first guarantees freedom of worship, speech and press, the right of peaceful assembly, and the right to petition the government to correct wrongs. The Bill of Rights and subsequent constitutional amendments guarantee the American people the fullest possible opportunity to enjoy fundamental human rights.四、What is the current economic situation in America? How did the Great Recession begin? What does it show?五、What is the relationship between government and religion in America?(1)In the first place, according to the First Amendment to the Constitution, theUSA would have no state-supported religion.What’s more, the government has no right to meddle in religious affairs or require any religious beliefs of its citizens. And government does not pay ministers’ salaries or require any belief as a condition of holding public office.(2)On the other hand, in some ways, the government supports all religions.Religious groups do not pay taxes in the United States. The armed forces pay chaplains of all faiths. Presidents and other political leaders often call on god to bless the American nation and people. Those whose religion forbids them to fight can perform other services instead of becoming soldiers.(3)When disputes about the relationship between government and religion arise,American courts must settle them.(4)In the early years, some people believe that Protestant religion andrepublican forms of government were connected, because God supports their experiment in republican government.All in all, for some purposes government ignores religion and for other purposes it treats al religion alike, as long as it is practical.六、How did American education system begin to develop?七、What are the legacies of the social movements of the 1960s? What are their effects, positive and negative, upon contemporary US society?八、“British history has been a history of invasion.” Please illustrate this point with the examples from the text. How did each of the invasions influence English culture?九、Why does the author say that parliament is supreme in the British state? What functions does parliament have? What role does the Queen (king) and the Prime Minister play in British government?十、What are the three big parties in the UK? What are some of the similarities and dissimilarities between the three parties?。

US Entertainment---SportsPART I Choose the correct an swer.I. _____________________________________________ The most popular baseball league in the U.S. is . A. Major League Football B. Major League BaseballC. the America n LeagueD. the Nati onal League2」nnings are divided into ______ halves, referred to as the top and bottom of the inning.A 1 _B 2C 3D 43. ____ was a truly American originA FootballB baseball CBasketball D ice-hocky4. The 32-team ______ is the most popular and only major professional football league.A NILB NBLC NBA D_NFL5. The typical America n sports of baseball, basketball and football arose from games thatwere brought to America by ____ .A. Native America nsB. the first settlersC. the Africa n slavesD. En glish people6. Which of the followi ng sports is inven ted in the Un ited States?A. FootballB. BasketballC. BaseballD. SoccerPART II Fill in the bla nks1. Baseball is the oldest of the major America n team sports, though baseball is no Ion gerthe most popular sport, it is still referred to as the "national pastime. _________ “2. A baseball game is divided into nine periods of play, called innin gs.3. The National Basketball Association, is the world's premier men's professional basketball league and one of the major professi onal sports leagues of North America4. Football, known as gridiron or American football outside the U.S. and Canada, attracts more televisi on Viewers tha n baseball, and is con sidered the most popular sport in theUn ited States.5. The Un ited States is one of creators of the International Olympic Committee ________6. In 1994, the US hosted _the World Cup_, which sparked in creased in terest i n the sport.7. _Major League Baseball_ is the highest level of professional baseball competition inNorth America.8. The professi onal champi on ship game of _football_ is called the Super Bowl.9. Sports have contributed to racial and social integration and over history have beena social glue ” bonding the country together.III True or False Stateme nt1. ( T) Sports in the US not only provide recreation for its people, but also teachimporta nt values.IV Defi nitio n1. baseballIt is a game between two teams of 9 people. One team trying to gain points by hittinga ball and running around the field, the other tries to stop them by catching the ball andthrow ing it.2. NFLThere are two leagues the AFL (American Football League) and the NFC (NationalFootball Conference) which together are part of the NFL (Nati onal Football League)3. PATAt that stage, the team can earn one additi onal point by kick ing the ball through the goal posts, a Point After Touchdow n.V An swer questio ns 1. What importa nt role do sports play in America n society?US Values 2014I Fill in the bla nks.1. America ns believe that all people have an equal_opportunity tosucceed in life, despite the physical or economic conditions into which they were born.2. America ns focus more on the future than the past and eve n thepresent. Almost all energy is directed towards realizing a betterfuture.3. America n always cherishes the follow ing values: equality, respect, __________ gratitude, ----- loyalty, responsibility.— And, in depe ndence show up inmoder n America n families.II Choose the most appropriate an swer to each questi on orstateme nt.1. America ns are eve n disrespectful of those in authority. What is their prefere nee whe n they are called by people?A. Mr. or Mrs.B. first nameC. middle nameD.last n ameV Explai n each item in your own words1. America n DreamThe so-called American Dream , is a belief that as long as the UnitedStates after a hard struggle will be able to achieve the idea of a betterlife, that is, people have to work through their own hard work.VI Questi ons for short an swers1. The characteristics of un iformity in America n culture.With regard to Ian guage, there is no real regi onal or class variety in speech orusage.There is not much differe nee in habits and ways of livi ng. In gen eral people sharethe same ideas, ideals and objectives.America n people are almost en tirely an urba n society.In gen eral there is not much really dist in ctive regi onal architecture or cookery, music or literature.VII Questi ons for discussi on1. What characteristics of the American values in America impress youmost in the movie < Forrest Gump >?Unit 3 American HolidayFind the exact sig nals or descripti ons of each holidays respectively.Vale nti ne's Day: a festival of roma nee and affect ion by excha nging toke ns of loveSt. Patrick's Day : Be sure to wear gree nEaster: In Christia n coun tries it is celebrated as a religious holiday commemorati ng the resurrect ion of Jesus Christ,April Fools' Day: Play a clever (but harmless) trick or tell a joke to some one with a good sense of humorMothers' Day: earn ati onColumbus Day: It commemorates the discovery of America by Christopher ColumbusHalloween: “ Trick or treat ”Than ksgivi ng Day: turkey Christmas: Santa Claus and his rein deersDefin iti on:Preside nts ' DayIt honors two great America n Preside nts: Abraham Lincoln and George Wash ington. thirdMon day in Feb.Than ksgivi ng Day:It is the fourth Thursday in November , celebrates the first harvest of the Pilgrims after they survived their first win ter in the new world. The theme has always bee n peace and plenty .Martin Luther King ' s DayIt is on Jan. 15th to celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr ., a great civil rightsleader who fought aga inst racial discrim in ati on.In depe ndence Day:On July 4th, celebrates the birthday of the U.S. with the sig ning of the Declarati on ofIn depe ndence.Vetera n's DayNovember 11, Also known as Remembra nee Day , Armistice Day . It honors all the brave serviceme n and wome n who have put their lives on the line to defe nd the rights and freedom of all America ns.Than ksgivi ng Day:The fourth Thursday in November , Celebrating a Harvest of tradition. The theme hasalways been peace and plenty .Christmas:December25 ,a joyful religious holiday when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus ChristSanta Claus: -in folklore, a fat, bearded old man in a red suit who lives at the North Pole and bringschildre n prese nts at Christmas;Unit 5 America n Educati onI. Fill in the bla nks1. Education in the United States is provided mainly by government, with _____con trol and funding coming from three levels: federal, state, and local.2. Elementary school is for the students who are in Grade 1-6 , at the ageof 6-11.3. (Se nior) high school is for the stude nts who are in Grade 9-12, at the age of 14-17 . Defin iti on:Ivy League including 8 universities, namely Brown University, ColumbiaUn iversity, Corn ell Un iversity, Dartmouth College, Harvard Un iversity,University of Pennsylvania , Princeton University, Yale UniversityV. Expla nati on1. What will entitle American students to get the acceptance of collegeand uni versity1) the conditions of application for a college education:2) student 'high school records3) recomme ndati on from their high school teachers4) the impressi on they make duri ng in terview at the uni versity5) their scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs)VI. Compositi onI.What characteristics of the higher educati on in America impress you most?US General IntroductionI Fill in the bla nks.1. Since the time of independence of the United States, _________________ 48con ti nen tal states were added.2. Two states are separated from the continental US, that is Hawaii inthe Pacific _______ Ocean and Alaska to the northwest of Canada.3. In the US, there are 4 time zones form the east to west.4. “ WASP ” sta nds for White An glo-Sax on Protesta nt5. Among the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan is the only one entirely in theUn ited States.6. Washi ngton, D.C is n amed after George Washington and Christo __________ ColumbusOcea n to the west and Atla ntic Ocea n to the east.8. The federal district of USA is Washington, D.C. and the largest city is New York City9. Appalachian Mountains are in the eastern part and the RockyMountains are in the western part.7. The country is situated mostly in central North America,with Canada_ to the north and Mexico to the south, the PacificII Choose the most appropriate an swer to each questi on or stateme nt.1. How many continental states were there at the time of independence ofthe US?A. 35B. 48C. 13D.502. Which of the following was the last continental state added to theUnion?A. Ken tuckyB. ArizonaC. PennsylvaniaD. Alaska3. Which of the following description of uniformity of American culture is not true?A. People in gen eral share the same ideas, ideals and objectivesB. There is no real regional or class variety in speech of usage of En glish.C. There is not much really distinctive regional architecture or cookery.D. Generally speaking people have the same ethnic background.4. Which states are geographically separated from the America nA_ Hawaii and Alaska. B Hawaii and Ariz ona con ti nent?C Arizona and AlaskaD Alaska and New York5. The biggest city in the US is _____ .A. Los An gelsB. New YorkC. ChicagoD. San Fran cisco6. Which two lakes con sist of Niagara Falls?A. Lakes Superior and Michiga nB. Michiga n and HuronC. Huro n and ErieD. Erie and On tario7. What are the five famous symbols of America n culture?ABarbie Doll, American Gothic, Buffalo Nickel, Uncle Sam, TheStatue of LibertyB. Uncle Sam, The Statue of Liberty, Coca-cola, Barbie Doll, America nGothicC. America n Gothic, Buffalo Nickel, Uncle Sam, Coca-cola, The Statueof LibertyD. Coca-cola, Barbie Doll, Buffalo Nickel, Uncle Sam, The Statue of Liberty8. What are the n atio nal rose and tree of US?A. rose and palm rose and oak - C. tulip and oak D. tulip and palmIII Judge whether each statement is true(T) or false(F).1. (T) Hawaii became the 50 th states of the Uni ted States in the 1948.2. (F) The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is the Hispa ni cs.3. (F) The Grand Canyon is located in the state of Colorado.4. (T) The first thirtee n states of the Un ited States mai nly located alongthe easter n seaboard5. (T) Arizona was the last continental state which joined the Union inthe 1912.6. (T) Hollywood located in Los An gels.1. Fi nd the nickn ames of the followi ng States in the USA.Arka nsas: Land of Opport un ityCalifornia: Golde n StateColorado: Centennial StateFlorida: Sunshine StateHawaii: Aloha StateAlaska: Land of Midnight Sun; the Last Frontier ;Peninsula State Massachusetts: Old Colony State ; Bay StateV Explai n each item in your own words1. diversity of the peopleIt refers to the different origins of the immigrants (different ethnic backgrounds) and the differences between the first generation of immigra nts and Ion g-established America ns.2. Man hattan Isla ndIt is south-east part of New York City.It is the center of the City and includes things that are famous to the world: Wall Street, Fifth Avenue, Broadway, the Empire State Building. Rockefeller Cen tre, the Un ited Natio ns Building, Cen tral Park, Harlem and so onVI Questi ons for short an swers1. Which was the “ mother country ”?The UK was considered as the mother country of the original thirteencolonies in North America.2. Why does Manhattan Island include everything that most people thinkof whe n they say “ New York ”?Because famous places like Wall Street, Fifth Avenue, Broadway, theEmpire State Buildi ng, Rockefeller Cen tre, Cen tral Park, Harlem and so on are on this isla nd.Chapter 2 American History 2014II Questio ns and An swers on the Text1. Who was Christopher Columbus?He was a mariner from Italy who voyaged to North America.2. When did Columbus set sail?In 1492.3. Where and whe n was the first En glish colony foun ded?At Jamestow n, Virgi ni a, in 1607.4. How did the early coloni sts in Virginia man age to earn mon ey?They discovered a way to earn money by grow ing tobacco.5. Who established several settleme nts in New En gla nd?En glish Purita ns.6. When did the Pilgrims cross the Atla ntic in the ship Mayflower?In 1620.7. How many colonies had En glish settlers occupied by 1733?Thirtee n8. In colonial time, which act ruled that special tax stamps to be attached to all n ewspapers?The stamp Act9. How did a group of patriots in 1773The Second Con ti nen tal Con gress1. After the first shot of the America n War of in depe ndence was fired at Lex ingtonon April 19,1775, the Seco nd Continental Co ngress met in Philadelphia in May 1775.2. It began to assume the functions of a national government. It founded aContinen tal Army and Navy un der the comma nd of George Wash ington, and bega nto print paper money and opened diplomatic relations with foreign powers. It adopted on July 4, 1776 the Declarati on of In depe ndence which was drafted by Thomas Jeffers on.The Bill of Rights1. In order to in sure in dividual liberties, ten ame ndme nts —the bill of Rights wereadded to the Con stitutio n in 17912. It guara nteed freedom of religi on, a free press, free speech, the right of citize nsto bear arms, protect ion aga inst illegal house searches, the right to a fair trial by jury and protect ion aga inst“ cruel and unu sual puni shme ntsThe Ema ncipati on Proclamati on1. After the Civil War began, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Janu ary1, 1863 to win moresupport at home and abroad.2. It gra nted freedom to all slaves in areas still con trolled by the Con federacy.Recon struct ion1. After the Civil War, the US Con gress put forward the program of Rec on structio n, or reform, of the Souther nstates.2. The program was bitterly opposed by most Souther n whites3. It en ded in 1877, whe n new con stituti ons had bee n ratified in all souther n statesand all federal troops were withdraw n from the south.The Ku Klux Kla n1. After the Civil War, some souther n whites formed the Ku Klux Klan.2. It was a violent secret society that hoped to protect white interests andadvantages by terrorizing blacks and preventing them from making social advances.3. By 1872, the federal gover nment had suppressed the Klan, but it revived several times in later history.Fran klin D. Roosevelt1. A former Democrat gover nor of New York state, he was elected preside nt in 1932.2. With in the historic “ Hun dred Days ” , he laun ched the New Deal program to dealwith the Depressi on3. He expla ined his politics to the public in a series Depressi on, many America ns con sidered him as one of themost respected preside nts in America n history.The Social Security Act1. As part of the New Deal program, the Social Security Act was passed in 1935.2. It established contributory old- age and survivors pen sions and a joint federal-state program of un employment in sura nee.Social ProblemI choose the correct answer1. Who is responsible for the War on Poverty?A Nixon BJohnson C Kennedy D Michael Harrington2. Which of the following is not drug?AMafia B Heroin C LSD D Cocaine3. Which of the following publishes the Uniform CrimeReports?A the CIAB The Law Enforcement AssistanceAdministration.C_The FBI D The Supreme Court4. Those arrested for crimes are disproportionately likelyto be three of the following except __________ .A a city residentB youngC a member of a racial majorityD male5. Drug abuse is a social problem because of the following dysfunctions except that ________ .A it is strongly associated with crimeB it is blamed for half of the annual total of road traffic fatalitiesC drug dependence takes a significant toll on personal health and safety D_the profits of organized crime associated with drug arean economic cost to society.II Fill in the blanks〔.Poverty reemerged as a social program in the 1960s andwas perceived as a condition that represented a glaring gap between American ideals and American reality. _______________2」n 1960s, two American Presidents, President Kennedy and President Johnson, tried to solve the problem of poverty.3. Name two of the programs that were associated with the War on Poverty: VISTA and Job Corps .4. Much of medifraud takes place in Medicaid mills. ___5. Name two kinds of outlawed drugs: heroin and LSD. __6. Drug abuse has become the most challenging social problem in the US.7. The large corporations maintain professional lobbyistsin Washington to further their own interests.III True or False1. (T) The earliest two medical insurance programs areBlue Cross and Blue Shield.2. (F) Former President Carter said that crime is America ' snumber one enemy .3. (T)The medical bills associated with serious illnessaccount for half of the bankruptcies in the United States each year .4. (T)The American crime statistic often overlook the white-collar .5. (F) Non-profit is the primary goal of Americanhealth-care system.IV answer the questions:Medicare and Medicaid:1. In 1965 Congress passed legislation creating two newhealth insurance programs —medicare and Medicaid.2. they are designed to make medical care more freely availablerespectively to the people over the age of sixty-five and the people with very low income.3. however, these programs have become a major cause of runaway costsin the medical system because the levelof fees is set by hospitals and doctors, at the federaland state governments.4. the programs also lead to rampant medifraud.Chapter 2 America n HistoryII Questions and Answers on the T ext1. Who was Christopher Columbus?He was a mari ner from Italy who voyaged to North America.2. When did Columbus set sail?In 1492.3. Where and when was the first English colony founded?At Jamestow n, Virginia, in 1607.4. How did the early coloni sts in Virginia man age to earn mon ey?They discovered a way to earn money by grow ing tobacco.5. Who established several settlements in New England?En glish Purita ns.6. When did the Pilgrims cross the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower?In 1620.7. How many colonies had English settlers occupied by 1733?Thirtee n8. In col on ial time, which act ruled that special tax stamps to be attached to all newspapers?The stamp Act9. How did a group of patriots in 1773The Second Con ti nen tal Con gress1. After the first shot of the American War of independence wasfired at Lexington on April 19,1775, the Second ContinentalCon gress met in Philadelphia in May 1775.2. It began to assume the functions of a national government. It foun ded aContinen tal Army and Navy un der the comma nd of George Washington, and began to print paper money and ope ned diplomatic relatio ns with foreig n powers. It adopted onJuly 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence which was drafted by ThomasJeffers on.The Bill of Rights1. In order to in sure in dividual liberties, ten ame ndme nts The billof Rights were added to the Con stituti on in 17912. It guaranteed freedom of religion, a free press, free speech,the right of citizens to bear arms, protection against illegalhouse searches, the right to a fair trial by jury and protecti onaga inst “ cruel and unu sual puni shme nts ”The Eman cipati on Proclamatio n1. After the Civil War began, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamati on onJanu ary1, 1863 to win more support at homeand abroad.2. It gra nted freedom to all slaves in areas still con trolled by theCon federacy.Rec on structio n1. After the Civil War , the US Congress put forward the program of Recon struction, or reform, of the Southern states.2. The program was bitterly opposed by most Southern whites3. It ended in 1877, when new constitutions had been ratified inall souther n states and all federal troops were withdraw n from the south.The Ku Klux Kia n1. After the Civil War , some southern whites formed the Ku KluxKia n.2. It was a vioient secret society that hoped to protect whitein terests and adva ntages by terroriz ing blacks and preve nti ngthem from maki ng social adva nces.3. By 1872, the federal government had suppressed the Klan, butit revived several times in later history.Fra nkli n D. Roosevelt1. A former Democrat governor of New York state, he was electedpreside nt in 1932.2. Within the historic “ Hundred Days ” , he launched the New Dealprogram to deal with the Depressi on3. He explained his politics to the public in a series Depression,many America ns con sidered him as one of the most respected preside nts in America n history.The Social Security Act1. As part of the New Deal program, the Social Security Act waspassed in 1935.2. It established contributory old- age and survivors ' pensions anda joi nt federal-state program of un employme nt in sura nee.US Government and PolitiesI Fill in the bla nks. 4. The US Con gress can removea Preside nt by a special ki nd of political trial called impeachme nt 5. In 1971, a con stituti onal ame ndme nt set the minimum voti ng age at 186. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.7. Congress can override a presidential veto, but to do so, 2/3 of each chamber must vote in favor of the bill.II Choose the most appropriate an swer to each questi on or stateme nt.1. How many terms was Fran kli n Roosevelt elected for?A oneB TwoC Three DFour2. How many seats does the House of Represe ntatives have?A 635 B_100 C 435 D 3453. Who was the first US Preside nt resig ned from office?A An drew Joh nson B_ Richard Nixo n C Gerald Ford D Jimmy Carter5. The removal of Justices can only be done through ______ .A the Preside ntB the Con gress C_impeachme nt D the Supreme Court6. what is the most important weapon in the hand of Supreme Court? A. Veto B. Overrid ing a veto C. Impeachme nt D. Judicial review.7. There are curre ntly ___ Supreme Court justices on the ben ch. A. 7 B. 9 C. 11 D. 138. The role of the America n preside nt in cludes the followi ng EXCEPT __A. comma nd the armed forcesB. n egotiate and sig n treatiesC. pass lawsD. appo int certa in pers onnel9. Each members of Con gress is elected by the people of his or her state. The House ofReprese ntatives, with membership based on state populati ons, has ___ seats. A. 435 B. 100 C. 50 D. 20010. _____ w on the preside ncy four times but died shortly into his last term.A. George Wash ingtonB. Thomas Jeffers onC. Abraham Lin coln D_Fra nkli n Rooselvt 1. for both Houses are held in November each 2. The state executive power is give n to thepower is give n to the Preside nt 3. The executive , the legislature theFederal gover nment.The US preside ntial electio n is held in November each leap year, while electi ons even-nu mbered year. gover nor while the federal executive and the judicial are three bran ches ofIII Judge whether each statement is true(T) or false(F).1. (T)The supreme law in the US is the Con stituti on2. (F) The constitutional amendment in 1933 outlawed alcoholic liquor, but anotherame ndme nt allowed it aga in in 1919.3. (F) The Supreme Court is composed of eight Justices who are appo in ted for life by thePreside nt with the consent of the Sen ate .4. (T) The basic system of law in US courts has bee n developed from the En glish Com mon Law.5. (F) Most of the bills in troduced to Con gress can even tually become law .6. (F) For the US, one of the basic prin ciples is socialist democracyV Questi ons for short an swers1. The duty of gover nors1 to carry out the laws made by the legislative assembly2 to do those things that are n ecessary for the con duct of gover nment not n ecessarily based on specific legal powers2. Federalism1. the state give up their rights to con duct separate relatio ns with each other and withthe outside world, but each state kept the basic powers of government for itself within its own territory .the federal gover nment should have only the powers which are n ecessary for providi ng for the matters which are n ecessary for providi ng for the matters which are of com mon in terest to them all.VII Questi ons for discussi onCompared to other types of political systems, what can we lear n from America n desig n of gover nment? Please list two sets of merits and demerits of America n gover nment.US Entertainment——MusicPART I Choose the correct an swer.1. __ in ated in the 1940s of the Un ited States, beg inning to be pop inthe early 1950s and quickly beco ming popular in the world.A rockB country musicC musicalD pop music2. People called ______ as “ the king of rock musicA Michael Jacks on B. Elvis Aaro n Presley C Joh n Dennver D. George Strait3. Country music is rooted in the 1920s from the traditional in tegrated except with . ___ A. Gospel music B. Celtic music C. classical music D. In dia n music4. Michael Jacks on is the sec ond Elvis Presley, known as the . ____ A. Ki ng of Jazz B. King of Rock C. King of Pop D. King of Hip-hop5. Musical text by the follow ing several parts compositi on except . _____ A. Lyrics B. Score C. Singers D. book/script6. Who had won four trophies at the 2010 Grammy Awards? A Taylor Swift B. Just in Bieber C. Beyo nee D. Adele7. Typical Africa n America n musical styles in clude the follow ing except A. Jazz B. rock and roll C. hip hop D. folk music —8. Jazz ' s roots is believed to come from _______________ A. New Orlea ns B. Chicago C. Hust on D. San Fran cisco9. In the ____ , jazz became a major part of America n music A. 1920s B. 1930s C. 1980s D. 1960s 10. Country music bands of the early twentieth century primarily consisted of the followi ng in strume nts EXCEPT . _______ A. the fiddle B guitar C banjo D. pia no ______ 11. Hip-hop music bega n in _____ in the 1970s. A. New York City B. Appalachia n Mou ntai n C. California D. Nashville _ 12. ___ was a comb in ati on of jazz and other “ racefolk music, music with the lyrcontent and format of the blues.A. Rhythm&BluesB. Rock and rollC. Cou ntry musicD. FunkPART II Fill in the blanks1. Rock and roll developed out of coun try, blues, and R&B. _____2. Today subject of country music is “ the good old days . ”3. Rhvthm and Blues is the full translation of “ R&B ” , it still transition between Bruce and soul music.4. The Grammy Awards are prese nted annu ally by the Nati onal Academy of _________________Recording Arts and Sciences of the Unit ed States for outstandi ng achieveme ntsin the music in dustry.5. The typical represe ntative figure Cohe n said "Broadway musical father" ______________6. Musical orig in can be traced back to the 19th cen tury Operetta, Comedy and __________black play.III True or False Stateme nt1. (F) Common in strume nts used in country music are trumpet, pia no, andsaxophone.2. (T) Rock ' s meaning is to criticized the social problems bravely and let out tothe disc ontent of reality.3. (T) The typical represe ntative figure Cohe n said "Broadway musical father".4. (T) The Broadway musical can point in the Broadway musical stage area, refers to all the approximate Broadway musical style。

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1. Reading Comprehension阅读4篇,20个题目,每题1.5分,共30分。
2. Cloze(课外,6级以上难度)
3. 文化知识填空(根据课本课后题改编),共10分。
4. 判断对错(课本课后题)20个题目,每个0.5分,共10分。
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6. 简答(课本课后题) 5个题,每个4分,共20分。
7. 写作(雅思大作文或托福作文)1个,共10分。

试题命题的参照教材为An Outline Introduction to Britain and America(来安方等编著),参考资料包括Survey of Britain and America(张奎武主编)、Understanding the US and the UK(许鲁之编著)、English-speaking Countries: A Survey(余志远主编)。
第二部分基本概念Explain the following terms in English1. the Thames River2. Alfred the Great3. Open University4. the Glorious Revolution5. the British Commonwealth.6. the Black Death.7. Constitutional Monarchy. 8. the welfare state.9. the Magna Carta 10. the Wars of Roses11. the National Healthy Service 12. Public school13. Keynesianism 14. grammar school15. National Eisteddfod 16. the Jury System17. Bloody Mary 18. the People's Charter of 183819. Agribusiness 20. the Open Structure21. the dissenters 22. New Scotland Yard23. Sto nehenge 24. Hadrian’s Wall25. the open-field farming system 26. Heptarchy27. the Witan 28. Vikings29. the Danelaw 30. crusades31. Joan of Arc 32. the Lollards33. Enclosures 34. Star Chamber35. Renaissance 36. humanists37. the Divine Right of Kings 38. The Gunpowder Plot of 160539. the Grand Remonstrance 40. The Commonwealth41. Diggers 42. Levelers43. farmer George基本知识Ⅰ、Read the following unfinished statement on question carefully. For each unfinished statement on question foursuggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Chose the one which you think best completes the statement or answers the questions1. There are three natural Zones in Scotland. Which is the exception?A) Highlands in the north B) the Central LowlandsC) the Easters Uplands D) the Southern Uplands2. River is the most important river in ScotlandA)Tweed B)Tyne C)Thames D)Clyde3. The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth in _______A) 1931 B)1991 C)1923 D)19304. The first known settlers of Britain wereA) the Iberians B) the Celts C) the Beaker Folk D) the Romans5. , the great Roman general, invaded Britain for the first time in 55 BC.A) Emperor Claudius B)Julius Caesar C) Alfred D) William6. At the time of the Norman Conquest, Anglo-Saxon English was headed byA) Tostig B)Godwin C) Eudemon D) Harold7. For nearly years, Britain was under the Roman occupation.A) 300 B) 400 C) 500 D) 6008. When the Hundred Years War ended in 1453, was the only part of France that was still in the hands of English.A) Flanders B) Slugs C) Calais D) Potion9 was the founder of Angevin(or Plantagenet) Dynasty.A) HenryⅠB) HenryⅡC) King John D) Edward Ⅵ10. CharlesⅠcalled his third parliament in 1628, at this parliament he was forced to accept the Petition of Right, regarded as the SecondA) Magna Carta B) Bill of Rights C) Long ParliamentD)Provisions of Oxford11. is generally regarded as the beginning of modem world history.A) The Puritan Revolution B) The RenaissanceC) The Great Charter D) The English Reformation12. The restoration of the House of Stuart happened in the year The monarch who restored wasA)1660, Charles II B)1685, James II C)1660, James IID)1685,Charles II13. is the best known of the "metaphysical poets".A)Edmund Spenser B) Philip Sidney C) John Done D) Ben Jonson14. The Tories were the forerunners of the which still bears the nickname today.A) the Liberty Party B)the Labor PartyC) the Conservative Party D)the Communist Party15. The English Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century started with the __ industry.A) coal-mining B) textile C) shipbuilding D)iron and steal16. By Britain had built up a big empire "on which the sun never set".A)1839 B)1799 C) 1900 D)190517. The Labor Party had its origins in __, which was formed in 1893 and led by Kin Hardin.A) the Labor Representation Committee B) the Independent Labor PartyC) the Conservative Party D) the Trades Union Congress18. is often referred to as the "Silicon Glen" in Britain.A) The area between London and South Wales B) Liverpooland Merseyside RegionC) The area between Glasgow and Edinburgh D) The Cambridge areas of East Anglia19. The main textile producing region of Britain are the following exceptA) Yorkshire B) Northern Ireland C) West Midlands D) Humberside20. An outstanding feature of British economic recovery in the 1803 was its .A) inflation B) length C) unemployment D) privatization21. Natural gas was discovered in 1965 and oil in 1970 underA) the Atlantic Ocean B) the North SeaC) the English Channel D) the Pacific Ocean22. The monarchy is the oldest institution of government, going back to at leastA) the 9th century B) the 8th century C) 1649 D) 168923. The main functions of Parliament are following exceptA) to pass laws B) to debate the major issues of the dayC) to advise the Sovereign to approve certain government decreesD) to examine government policy and administration24. The beginning of the Second Civil War in England was the yearA) 1645 B) 1646 C) 1647 D) 164825.The House of Commons is elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of members of Parliament.A) 524 B) 651 C) 336 D) 61026. are the two major political parties in Britain today.A) The Labor Party and the Conservation PartyB) The Conservation Party and the Liberal PartyC) The Liberal Party and the RepublicansD) The Liberal Party and the Labor Party27. Appeals in criminal cases in English and Wales can be heard by the following courts exceptA) the Court of Appeal B) the Magistrate CourtC) the Crown Court D) the High Court28. The High Court has 3 divisions, which is the exceptA) Family Division B) Commercial DivisionC) Chancery Division D) Queen's Bench Division29. London's Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control ofA) the Lord Chancellor B) the Home SecretaryC) the Prime Minister D) the Ministry of Defence30. is the ultimate court of appeal in civil cases of U. K.A) The House of Commons B) The Court of ApealC) The High Court D) The House of Lords31. of the following is not the non-contributory Social Security benefits.A) War pensions B) Maternity allowance and widow's benefitC) Child benefit D) Family credit32. The religions leader of the Church of England isA) Archbishop of Canterbury B) Archbishop of York C) Lord chancellor D) Queen33. Education is compulsory for all between the ages of and __ in Great Britain except in Northern Ireland.A) 5, 18 B) 4, 18 C) 5, 16 D) 4, 1634. National newspapers are popularly divided into 3 groups, is the exception.A) quality papers B) popular papers C) Sunday papers D) mid-market papers.35. The State-run BBC is financed from theA) commercial B) the sale of TV set C) the public funding D) the sale of TV licenses36. is the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe.A) Football B) Cricket C) Horse racing D) Snooker37. Under the old Selective System, English children who have marks in the "eleven plus"examination go on toA) grammar schools B) public school C) technical schools D) secondary modern schools38. The Puritans were originally an extreme sect.A) Catholic B) Jewish C) Orthodox D) Protestant39. Christianity was introduced into Britain byA) the Anglo-Saxons B) the Celts C) the Romans D) the Norman-French40. About percent of the state secondary school population in Great Britain attend comprehensive schools.A) 60 B) 70 C) 80 D) 9041. is the official name of the United Kingdom.A) Great Britain B) The Britain Isles C) EnglandD) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland42. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain, is the exception.A) England B) Wales C) Northern Ireland D) Scotland43. Britain is surrounded by the sea which lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off ofEurope.A) the south coast B) the west coast C) the east coast D) the north coast44. The commonest English name "Smith" comes from thename "Schmidt".A) German B) France C) Spain D) Gaelic45. brought the new religion, Christianity to Britain.A) The Anglo-Saxons B) The Romans C) The Normans D) The Celts46. When the Northumbrians submitted to the King Egbert and took him for their master in 829actually became an overlord of all the English.A) Offa B) Egbert C) Kent D) William47. Which of the following is Not true about the Anglo-Saxons?A) They divided the country into countiesB) They divided the narrow-trip 3-field farming systemC) They established the manorial systemD) They laid the foundation of the English State48. The Canterbury Tales, which describes a group of traveling into Canterbury to visitThomas Backer's tomb.A) Protestants B) Catholics C) Pilgrims D) Puritans49. The Hundred Year's War is given to the intermittent war between and that lasted from 1337 to 1453.A) France … England B) the U. S … BritainC) Germany … England D) French … Germany50. By 1453 was the only part of France that was still in the hands of the English.A) Slugs B) Flanders C) Poiton D) Calais51. The name Wars of the Roses was coined by the great 19th century novelistA) Sir Walter Scott B) Ben JonsonC) Edmund Spenser D) Christopher Marlowe52. Three of the following were characteristic of the Elizabethan age. Which is the exception? __A) Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith.B) Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with Parliament.C) This was the age of the adventure on the sea.D) This was the age of literature when Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed.53. The Renaissance began in in the early 14th century.A) Britain B) Greece C) Italy D) France54. The English Renaissance was largelyA) political B) economical C) social D) literary55. greatly influenced the early works of Shakespeare.A) Marlowe B) John Donne C) Roger Ascham D) Francis Bacon56. The most famous of the Catholic conspiracies was the Gunpowder plot of .A) 1742 B) 1605 C) 1615 D) 161157. was condemned to death and executed on a scaffold outside the windows of the Banqueting House at Whitehall on January 30, 1649.A) James I B) Charles I C) James VI D) Charles VI58. is generally regarded as the beginning of modem world history.A) The English Civil War B) The RenaissanceC) The English Reformation D) The Wars of Roses59. In the Parliament Act was passed, severely limiting the power of the lords andestablishing the Commons as the Supreme legislative body.A) 1910 B) 1911 C) 1912 D) 191360. There are mainly fanning types in Britain. And most are reared in factoryfanning.A) 5, sheep B) 6, sheep C) 5, chickens D) 6, chickens61. British motor industry is now dominated by four firms which is the exception?A) Ford B) Peugeot C) the Rover group D) Volkswagen62. Britain is the largest trading nation in the world.A) fifth B) first C) third D) fourth63. A General Election takes place at least years and MPs are elected.A) 3, 650 B) 4, 651 C) 5, 651 D) 6, 65064. The Britain Parliament consists of three parts exceptA) the Sovereign B) the CabinetC) the House of Lords D) the House of Commons65. Succession to the throne is founded on the in Britain.A) hereditary principle B) Common Law C) Statute Law D) Conventions66. The U. K is a state.A) republic B) federal C) unitary D) none of above67. The National Health Service was established in the U. K inA) 1928 B) 1938 C) 1948 D) 195868. Nearly a of government expenditure is devoted to the social security prograrm.A) 1/2 B) l/3 C)1/4 D) l/569. Except that may not be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinctionto member of all churches or of none.A) the Lord Chancellor B) the Prime Minister C) the HomeSecretary D) the Attorney General70. is not the Christian festival.A) Christmas B) Good Friday C) Easter D) Whit Sunday71. Unestablished churches in Britain includeA) the Anglican churches B) the Free churchesC) the Roman Catholic church D) all of the above72. Which of the following belongs to the popular papers?A) The Times B) The Guardian C) The Daily Telegraph D) The Daily Express73. The Chartist Movement was the first nation-wide __ and drew attention to serious problems.A) farmers' movement. B) trader's movementC) literature campaign D) working class movement.74. was the first king to bring all Ireland under English control.A) Henry II B) James VI C) Henry D) James I75. is the chief Christian festival.A) Easter B) Christmas C) New Year's Day D) Guy Fawkes Day76. The Queen is the centre of much ofA) the nation's ceremonial B) the ancient traditionC) the leader of society D) all of the above77. The Thatcher government adopted an economic programme known as" "A) Keynesianism B) MonetarismC) Medium-term Financial Strategy D) Long-term Financial Strategy78. The Norman Conquest refers to the Conquest of England by the Normans under in .A) William of Orange/1660 B) William of Normandy/1066C) William the Conqueror/1660 D) William III/106679. In England and Wales __ recommends the High Court andcircuit judges.A) the Secretary of State. B) the Home Secretary.C) the Attorney General. D) the Lord Chancellor.80. Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare?A) Twelfth Night B) Othello. C) The Tempest D) Richard II81. is a mountain chain know as the "Backbone of Northern England''.A) The Pennies B) Ben Nevis C) Scafell D) None of above82. The largest lake in Britain is Longh Neagh, it is located inA) England B) Scotland C) Northern Ireland D) Wales83. part of Britain has the most rainfall.A) The northwestern B) The southeastern C) The western D) The eastern84. The most important historical monument left to us by the ancient Iberians was .A) mound B) Stonehenge C) stronghold D) the Hadrian's Wall85. The successful Roman invasion of Britain happened in A.D.A) 25 B) 35 C) 45 D) 4386. Beginning from the mid-5th century, the three most powerful tribes came to Britainexcept .A) Angles B) Saxons C) Celts D) Jutes87. William I replaced the Witan, the council of the Anglo-Saxons Kings, withA) the Grand Council B) the Great CouncilC) the Private Council D) the Privy Council88. The Canterbury Tales was written byA) Geoffrey B) T. S. Eliot C) Sir Thomas Wyatt D) Sir ThomasMore89. English Parliament began to come into being in the century.A) 11th B) 12th C) 13th D) 14th90. The end of the Wars of the Roses in 1485 marked the beginning of the Dynasty.A) Plantagenet B) Tudor C) Angevin D) none of above91. The Act of union in the year 1707 united andA) England, Wales B) Wales, ScotlandC) England, Scotland D) Scotland , Northern Ireland92. The most famous of the Catholic Conspiracies against King was the Gunpowder Plotin .A) James I, 1603 B) Charles I, 1603 C) Charles I, 1605 D) James I, 160593. The protestant Reformation in England was led by King .A) Henry VIII B) Henry VII C) Edward VI D) Henry II94. was the first country of the world in which the Industrial Revolution took place.A) France B) Britain C) Germany D) the U. S. A.95. The Chartist Movement ended in the yearA) 1830 B) 1848 C) 1832 D) 185196. In Britain only __ of the population are farmers but they manage of the land area.A) 3%, 70% B) 4%, 72% C) 5%, 68% D) 6%, 74%97. There are farming types in Britain.A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 898. The Britain Constitution is made up of three laws exceptA) Statute law B) Land law C) Common law D) Conventions99. The Constitutional monarchy has been established inBritain sinceA) the Glorious Revolution of 1688 B) the Christ MovementC) the Wars of the Roses D) the Hundred Years War100. The real source of power in Parliament isA) the House of Lords B) the House of CommonsC) the Cabinet D) the King of QueenII. Give an one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.1. Who is the ancestor of the English?2. When did England begin to be Christianized?3. What was signed by King John in 1215?4. What marked the beginning of the Tudor Dynasty?5. What is the Lloyd's?6. What does the Cabinet consist of?7. What is the jury's job?8. What festival is the greatest in Britain?9. Which sport is regarded as typically English?10. Who established completely the feudal system in England?11. What is the largest lake in Britain?12. Who created the Witan, the basis of the Privy council?13. When was the Great Charter signed by King John?14. Where were oil and natural gas found in Britain?15. What are the two major Parties in Britain?16. When did the constitutional monarchy begin in Britain?17. Which types of criminal Procedure has in Scotland?18. What is the largest single employer of labor in U. K?19. At what age do men and women generally retire?21. What is the longest river in Britain?22. What is the highest mountain in Britain?23. What were the first known settlers of Britain?24. What were the Vikings?25. What was the transitional Period between the Middle Ages and Modern times?26. What was the Puritanism?27. What were the two events which most alarmed the Britain ruling classes in the closing decades of the 18th century?28. What were the three period of the evolution of the British economy since the WWⅡ?29. What is the main function of the House of Lords?30. What agency is the most important news agency in Britain?31. What are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain?32. What is the official name of the U. K.?33. When did the peasant uprising happen in the U. K?34. What is the English Civil War also called?35. Which two groups were the Chartists divided into?36. What was Keynesianism?37. Who are the members of the House of Lords?38. What are the common features of all systems of law in Britain?39. What is the most important established church in Britain?40. Where is the home of golf?41. Which part of Britain is always fighting?42. What type of climate does Britain has?43. Who was the first Christian Emperor?44. Whose grave became a place of Pilgrimage in and beyond Chaucer's time after he wasmurdered?45. What did James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in?46. Where are the main textile producing regions in Britain?47. How is the BBC radio financed?48. What is the most famous art festival in Britain?49. What are the Christian festivals in Britain?50. What is the Character of the Scots?51. What are the principal non-Christian communities in Britain?52. Who was the first Archbishop of Canterbury?53. When was Parliament born in England?54. Who was the first Prince of Wales in English history?55. What were the Hundred Year’s War?56. Who was the greatest humanists in English history?57. Who wrote the classical work "Utopia“?58. Who was the first prime minister in English history?59. When was the cabinet system of government created?60. Who is the first female prime minister in English history?基本技能Questions for discussion:1. What do you know about the Roman invasion of Britain?2. How was the British Empire established in the 19th Century?3. What measures did the Thatcher government take to improve the nation's economy?4. What are the Periods of the evolution of British economy since the Second World War?5. What made the Beatles so different from other pop groups?6. Why and how did the Reformation happen in England?7. What do you know about the nature and consequences of the Wars of the Roses?8. What do you know about State Schools and public schools in the United Kingdom?9. How does a general election take place in Britain?10. What are the consequences of the Norman Conquest?11. What do you know about HenryⅡ?12. What are the main contents of Magna Carta?13. What do you know about Henry VII?14. How did Elizabeth I deal with the religious problem when she became Queen of England?15. What are the Historic Significance of the Bourgeois Revolution?Keys:基本知识Ⅱ.1. The Anglo-Saxons is the ancestor of the English.2. England began to be Christianized in the year of 597.3. The Great Charter was signed by King John in 1215.4. The end of the War of Roses in 1485 marked the beginning of the Tudor Dynasty.5. The Lloyd's refers to a famous insurance company in Britain.6. The cabinet consists of usually 20 most senior ministers.7. In criminal eases, the jury decides the issues of guilt or innocence.8. Christmas Day is the greatest Christian festival.9. Cricket is the most typically English sport.10. William established completely the feudal system in England.11. The Laugh Neagh is the largest lake in Britain.12.The Anglo-Saxons created the Witan.13. The Great Charter was signed by King John in 1215.14. Oil and natural gas are found under the North Sea in Britain .15. The Labor Party and the Conservative Party are the two major parties in Britain.16. The Constitutional monarchy began in 1689 when King William and Queen Mary accepted the Bill of Rights.17. There are Solemn Procedure and Summary Procedure in Scotland.18. The National Health Service is the largest single employer of labor in U.K.19. Generally , men retire at the age of 65 and women at the age of 60.20. Cricket is regarded as typically in English.21. The Severn River is the longest river in Britain.22. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain of Britain.23. The Iberians is the first known Settlers of Britain.24. The Vikings were the ancient people living in North Europe.25. Renaissance was the transitional period between the Middle age and modern age26. The Puritinism noted for simple dress, high moral standards and very egalitarian attitudes27. The two events were the American War of Independence and French Revolution.28. The three periods were:(1)Steady development in the 50s and 60s. (2)Economic recession in the 70s. (3)Economic recovery in the 80s.29. The main function of the House of Lords is to bring wide experience of its member into the process of law-making.30. Reuters is the most important news agency in Britain.31. The three political divisions on the island of Great Britain are England, Scotland and Wales.32. The official name of the U.K. is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.33. The peasant uprising happened in 138134. The English Civil War is also called the Puritan Revolution.35. The Chartists was divided into the Moral Force Chartists and the physical Force Chartists36. Keynesianism was John M. Keynes(John Maynard Keynes) economic theory.37. The House of Lords is made up of the Lords spiritual and the Lords Temporal38. One is that there is no complete code and other is the distinction made between criminal law and civil law.39. The church of England and the church of Scotland are the most important established church in Britain.40. Scotland is the home of golf.41. Northern Ireland is always fighting.42. Britain has a maritime Climate.43. Constantine was the first Christian Emperor.44. Thomas Becket's grave became a place of Pilgrimage in and beyond Chaucer' s time after he was murdered45. James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in the Divine Right of Kings.46. They are the East Midlands, Yorkshire, and Humberside and Northern Ireland.47. The BBC radio broadcast is funded totally by the government.48. The most famous art festival in Britain is the EdinburghInternational Festival of Music andDrama.49. They are Christmas, Easter and Whit Sunday.50. The Character of the Scots is hospitable and generous.51. The principal non-Christian communities in Britain are the Jews, the Moslems and the Buddhists.52. St. Augustine was the first Archbishop of Canterbury53. Parliament was born in 1265.54. Edward II55. It refers to the war between England and France which lasted from 1337 to 1453.56. Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)57. "Utopia“ was written by Thomas More.58. Walpole was usually considered as the first prime minister in English history.59. During GeorgeⅠ’s reign.60. Margaret Thatcher。

1.How Protestantism affect American values?(1)Freedom: The desire for religious freedom was one of the strongest reasons why many colonial settlers came toAmerica.(2)Equality: Everyone can get the opportunities equally. (3)Self-improvement: one of the most important values associated with protestants is the value ofself-improvement.(4)The belief in hard work and self-discipline in pursuit of material gain and other goals(5)V olunteerism and humanitarianism.Self-improvement also includes the idea of improvingoneself by helping others.2.What are the three branches of the federal government and theirresponsibilities?○Congress---the Congress makes the laws○President---the president of the US administer the executive branch of the government.○the judicial branch--it has the judicial review power. The federal courts have jurisdiction over cases arising out of theConstitution3.What are the major reasons for the early settlers to move to theNorth America?They came to America to avoid the religious persecution in England and to find a colony based on their religious ideals.4.Can you explain the difference between a “melting pot” and a“salad bowl”?“Salad bowl” which means it is possible to be a part of America while at the same time retaining the values, customs, languages, and cultures of the immigrants’ origin. Suppose that in a bowl of freshly tossed salad, all the ingredients are mixed together.In comparison with the “salad bowl” theory, there is the “melting pot” theory. Its basic idea presents the whole nation as one large pot. Anyone who enters the United States is automatically thrown into the “pot” where, for the following years, a process of assimilation into the American belief systems is taken place.5.What qualities do American universities look for when theydecide who will be admitted?Except the grade, the important quality is the interest in out-class activities.6.What are the four patriotic holidays of the U.S.?Independence Day;Veterans day;Memorial Day;Labor Day7.What is a bridal registry?A bridal registry is a service provided by a website or retail store to assist engaged couples in the communication of gift preferences to wedding guests.8.How has religion shaped American values?By showing you the examples of Christianity, Puritanism, and Calvinism.9.What is the Electoral College?The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.10.What are the characteristics of dominant American culture?It was English-speaking, western European, Protestant, and middle class in character11.What are the differences between public and private schools?Public schools are Government Provided schools that are free for all American students and Private schools are tuition-based schools forstudents offering them a better education to attend better universities.12.List three American wedding customs.○1 Wedding in church.○2 Exchange vows.○3 Exchange Rings.13.Why have entrepreneurs become business heroes to Americanpeople?(1)They succeed in building something great out of nothing. (2)They were perfect examples of the American idea of equality of opportunity in action.14.What were the two main causes of the American Civil War?(1)Slavery.(2)The Sourthern part of America wanted to form a new nation.15.What are the three kinds of financial aids that students can get inAmerican colleges?Assistantships, grants, scholarships。

《美国社会与文化》期末考试姓名:专业:学号:I.翻译(20%)1.The process of learning the rules about how to behave is called socialization and it lasts for all of our lives.2. Federalism(联邦制) is a system in which the power to govern is shared between federal government and provincial/state governments.3. According to his principle of the social contract, Locke argued that the government lacked authority in the realm of individual conscience.4. The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States in which freedom includes a promise of the possibility of prosperity and success.II. 简答题(45%)(每道题250字以上)1.简述美国高等教育的特点。
2.作为移民社会,美国有时被称为“大熔炉(Melting Pot)”,有时又被称为“沙拉碗(SaladBowl)”。
III.论述题(35%)(二选一;800字以上)4.比较美国梦与中国梦的异同Or 5.美国的行政权、立法权、司法权之间如何相互制衡。

美国社会与文化复习题答案一、选择题1. 美国的首都是哪里?A. 纽约B. 洛杉矶C. 华盛顿特区D. 芝加哥答案:C2. 美国的国庆日是哪一天?A. 1月1日B. 7月4日C. 12月25日D. 11月11日答案:B3. 美国的官方语言是什么?A. 英语B. 西班牙语C. 法语D. 德语答案:A4. 美国的货币单位是什么?A. 欧元B. 英镑C. 美元D. 日元答案:C5. 美国的国花是什么?A. 玫瑰B. 郁金香C. 菊花D. 玫瑰答案:D二、填空题6. 美国的地理特征包括____、____和____。
答案:山脉、平原、沙漠7. 美国的人口主要由____、____和____组成。
答案:白人、黑人、拉丁裔8. 美国的两大政党是____和____。
答案:民主党、共和党9. 美国的著名文化象征包括____、____和____。
答案:自由女神像、好莱坞、麦当劳10. 美国的高等教育体系中,____和____是两种主要的学位类型。
答案:学士、硕士三、简答题11. 简述美国的多元文化特点。
12. 描述美国独立战争的背景和结果。
四、论述题13. 论述美国梦的概念及其对美国社会的影响。

北京大学美国史通论期末考试2014年春季《美国史通论》课程期末考试题(开卷部分)刘楚欣北京大学光华管理学院本科二年级 1200015967第一组(题1.4)19世纪50年代在关于奴隶制的辩论中,是道德因素还是经济因素在主导着这场辩论?试说明支持和反对奴隶制的主要观点。

Donald Trump held his first speech as the next official president of the United States on Election Day just after the final polls came in showing the Republican nominee defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the White House.The real estate magnate and billionaire businessman thanked his supporters and campaign for their efforts to elect him into the White House, as well as voters for casting their ballots for the Republican party. The speech concluded one of the most tumultuous presidential campaign seasons in modern American political history, as well as foreshadowed what a Trump presidency might actually look like in the months and years to come. Trump’s full speech is featured below:"Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting.Complicated business, complicated. Thank you very much.I've just received a call from secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign.I mean she fought very hard. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.I mean that very sincerely. Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together, to all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all ofAmericans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. As I've said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family.It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.Working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream. I've spent my entire life in business, looking at the untappedpotential in projects and in people all over the world.That is now what I want to do for our country. Tremendous potential. I've gotten to know our country so well. Tremendous potential. It is going to be a beautiful thing. Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal, and I've gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey.The time I've spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors.Our veterans are incredible people. We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal. I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. It is going to happen. We have a great economic plan. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. At the same time we will get along with all other nations, willing to get along with us. We will be. We will have great relationships. We expect to have great, great relationships. No dream is too big, no challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.America will no longer settle for anything less than the best. We must reclaim our country's destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that. We're going to dream of things for our country, and beautiful things and successful things once again。
社会学 北理工作业

(133) 北京理工大学远程教育学院2019-2020年第一学期《社会学》期末试卷(A卷)教学站学号姓名成绩下载题目作答,网上提交一、单项选择(每题2分,共30分)1、社会学具有认识和改造社会、( D )、缩减社会代价的功能。
A.预测社会变迁 B.分析社会问题C.描述社会现象D.促进社会进步2、社会学研究主要有( A )范式、解释范式和批判范式三大类型A.实证 B.定性C.定量D.推理3、一定社会中占主导地位的,为大多数人所接受的文化,是( B )A.亚文化 B.主文化C.血缘文化 D.亲缘文化4、对社会越轨产生的原因主要有三种解释:生物学解释、( B )解释和社会学解释。
A.医学 B.心理学C.法学 D.哲学5、西方社会学从欧洲转向美国,形成结构功能主义、社会冲突论、( B )理论、符号互动论以及多种后现代主义理论流派。
A.互惠 B.交换C.马克思主义D.存在主义6、( A )调查法、田野调查法、实验法是社会学研究中用于收集经验资料的常用方法。
A.问卷 B.电话C.抽样D.随机7、家庭、( B )、学校、单位和大众传媒构成社会化的主体。
A.文化群体 B.同伴群体C.地缘群体 D.亲缘群体8、社会上中青年与老一代之间在思想、价值观念、行为方式之间的差异称为( A )A.代差 B.隔阂C.合理行动 D.非合理行动9、《自杀论》(1897年)运用社会整合理论对自杀这一社会病态问题作了精辟的分析,作者是( B )A.奥格本 B.涂尔干C.韦伯D.马克思10、人们有意识地建立起来旨在达成特定目标的社会单元称为( A )A.社会组织 B.社会群体C.社会行动 D.社会制度11、由个人在生活中扮演的多种角色构成个人的( D )A.理解角色 B.领悟角色C.期望角色 D.角色集12、我国社会学家费孝通认为中国社会结构好像把一块石头丢在水面所发生的一圈圈推出去的波纹,是( B )社会结构。
A.团体格局 B.差序格局C.轮状 D.网状13、社会上人与人、群体与群体之间,对于一个共同目标的争夺的行为是( D )A.冲突 B.强制C.顺从 D.竞争14、社区文化协调发展包括四方面协调:传统文化与现代文化的协调、精神与物质文化的协调、( A )协调、中西文化的协调。

美国社会与文化中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.From the 1600s to the birth of the United States in 1776, the majority ofthe immigrants were from______.答案:England2.Zangwill first used the term ________ to describe the United States.答案:melting pot3.Which is the largest state of the United States?答案:Alaska4.Christopher Columbus mistakenly thought he had arrived in答案:India5.What does equality mean in the American context?答案:Everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.6._________serves as the legal basis of political system of America.答案:The Constitution7.Two parties of the US alternate in governing. The two main partiesare_________.答案:the Democratic Party and the Republican Party8.The focal point of American political life is the presidential election. Wh ich of the statements is false about the presidential election?答案:The president technically is directly elected by the people.9.Business culture reflects the typical American character and values.Among them, ________is seen not only as a value itself, it is also the means by which other basic American values are protected.答案:competition10.One aspect of the American dream is to rise from poverty to modest wealthto great wealth. In the United States, this has usually been accomplished__________.答案:through successful business careers11.According to Harry Triandis, culture can be divided into答案:Material cultureSubjective culture12.The national government is divided into three separate branches. Theyare _______,________and________.答案:the legislative branchthe executive branchthe judicial branch13.which of the statements are the evidences of American materialism?答案:Americans will buy more new things driven by the pursuit of comfort, cl eanliness and novelty.Americans may use credit card to buy things that they can't afford at present.14.The Democratic Party recognizes the important role of government inpromoting social equality, while the Republican Party stresses anti-government and pro-business ideals. Therefore, ________tend to vote for Democrats.答案:nonwhite minoritieswomen15.What are the two key words about American business?答案:privateprofit16.Americans compare business competition to a race, which is open to allAmericans regardless of _______ .答案:ethnicityfamilyeducationsocial classWhat efforts have Americans made to safeguard equality in American p eople's lives?答案:Americans usually follow the rule of "one person, one vote".Americans usually pay attention to any other person's opinion.Americans try to make good rules that allow everyone chances to win.18.Anyone who doesnot compete successfully can't fit into the mainstream of American life.答案:正确19.Most Americans believe that business comes closer than otherinstitutions to encouraging competition and other basic values in daily practice.答案:正确20.In business, Americans would rather build a relationship first than signa deal with you.答案: 错误。

北京理工大学美国社会与文化期末参考美国社会与文化期末复习参考1.How has Protestantism shaped basic American values?2.What is the essence of the Protestant heritage?3.What is the protestant heritage?Protestantism gives American people the value of self-improvement, the belief of gaining material success through hard work and self-discipline,and the idea of volunteerism and humanitarianism.4.What are the three branches of the federal government and their responsibilities?5.What are the three branches of the U.S. Government? What are the responsibilities of eachbranch?Congress is the legislativebranch and responsible for making laws.The president heads on the executive branch and carrying out the laws. The Supreme Court and lower national courts make up the judicial branch, which interpret the laws.6.What is the Electoral College? How does it work?It is a system for indirectly electing the president. The winner of the highest number of each state’s popular votes gets all of that state’s electoral votes. A person getting the highest number of electoral votes will become president.7.Why are Americans suspicious of a strong government?Because they think government is the natural enemy of individual freedom.8.Why did the American Constitution adopt the policy of “separation of church and state”? Because the government was forbidden to establish a national church, in order that nodenomination was to be favored over the others.9.What are the two major political parties in the United States? What is the main difference intheir beliefs?Republican Party believe in free enterprise system which favor little or no government regulation. Democratic Party believe in government regulatedbusinessesto protect consumers and workers.10.What are interest groups? What do interest groups do?They are some groups of Americans with similar interests and often called lobbying groups. They demand new or protect existing government programs, regulationsand benefits for their members’ interests.11.What are the three values that are traditionally associated with the frontier heritage?They are individualism, self-relianceand equality of opportunity.12.How do you understand the saying “What’s above the ground is more important than what isbeneath the ground?”It is an expression of individual freedom, self-reliance and equality of opportunity. What people could do in their own lifetime is more important thanwhat their ancestors did.13.What are the two types of “rugged individualists” i n the frontier days?One type is man against the wilderness in the early frontier. The other is man against man, which lasted from the 1860s until the 1890s.14.What are the characteristics of the dominant American culture?They are English-speaking, white people, Protestantand middle class.15.Why do some people describe American culture as a “salad bowl”?Because they think America culture is mixed by many cultureswhile at the same time they still retaining their own characteristics of immigrants’ origin.16.What are the differences between the terms “Melting Pot,” “Salad Bowl” and “Mosaic”?17.Can you explain the difference between a “melting pot” and a “salad bowl”?“Salad bowl” means it is possible to be a part of America while at the same time retaining the values, customs, languages, and cultures of the immigrants’ origin.“M elting pot” theory mea ns the whole nation is a large pot. All the culture that people brings into are melted together to form a new culture.“Mosaic” means the individuals of dif ferent racial and ethnic groups are still distinct and recognizable, but together they created a picture of American.18.What are the major reasons for the early settlers to move to the North America?They came to America to avoid the religious persecution in England and to seek religious freedom.19.Why have entrepreneurs become business heroes to American people?20.Why have entrepreneurs become business heroes admired by American people?Because they succeed in building something great from nothing.And they are self-made millionaires.21.How does business competition reinforce other basic American values?It protects individual freedom by cancel monopoly. And it encourages equality ofopportunityandhardwork.22.Why are business institutions at the heart of American way of life?Because people think business set the ideal of competition. And theyexpect for achieving the great AmericanDream and rising from poverty to great wealth.23.What are the differences between public and private schools?Public schools are government provided school that is free for all Americanstudents.Private schools are tuition-based schools. They offerstudents a better education but the cost is higher.24.What could be the qualities of a “well-rounded” student under American education system?25.What qualities do American universities look for when they decide who will be admitted? Colleges look for students who are “well-rounded”. Grades in high school courses and scores on tests like the SAT are very important, but so are the stude nts’ out-class activities.26.What are the three kinds of financial aids that students can get in American colleges?They are assistantships, grants and scholarships.27.What are the four patriotic holidays of the U.S.?Independence Day, Veterans day, Memorial Day and Labor Day.28.List three American wedding customs.They wedding in a church. The best man holds the weddingring. The bride threw flowers to the guests.29.What are three American engagement customs?The man gets down one knee to propose.Request the agreement of the woman's father. Give the woman a diamond ring.30.What is a bridal registry?A bridal registry is a service provided by a website or retail store to assist engaged couples in the communication of gift preferences to wedding guests.31.What has caused the changes in American family structure?Young people are marrying and having children later and even choose not to have children today. People are living longer. Another reason is the high divorce rate.32.What were the two main causes of the American Civil War?The South and the North had different opinions about slavery and presidentLincoln. And the southern states wanted to form a new nation.。

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美国社会与文化期末复习参考1.How has Protestantism shaped basic American values?2.What is the essence of the Protestant heritage?3.What is the protestant heritage?Protestantism gives American people the value of self-improvement, the belief of gaining material success through hard work and self-discipline, and the idea of volunteerism and humanitarianism.4.What are the three branches of the federal government and their responsibilities?5.What are the three branches of the U.S. Government? What are the responsibilities of eachbranch?Congress is the legislative branch and responsible for making laws. The president heads on the executive branch and carrying out the laws. The Supreme Court and lower national courts make up the judicial branch, which interpret the laws.6.What is the Electoral College? How does it work?It is a system for indirectly electing the president. The winner of the highest number of each state’s popular votes gets all of that state’s electoral votes. A person getting the highest number of electoral votes will become president.7.Why are Americans suspicious of a strong government?Because they think government is the natural enemy of individual freedom.8.Why did the American Constitution adopt the policy of “separation of church and state”? Because the government was forbidden to establish a national church, in order that no denomination was to be favored over the others.9.What are the two major political parties in the United States? What is the main difference intheir beliefs?Republican Party believe in free enterprise system which favor little or no government regulation. Democratic Party believe in government regulated businesses to protect consumers and workers.10.What are interest groups? What do interest groups do?They are some groups of Americans with similar interests and often called lobbying groups. They demand new or protect existing government programs, regulations and benefits for their members’ interests.11.What are the three values that are traditionally associated with the frontier heritage?They are individualism, self-reliance and equality of opportunity.12.How do you understand the saying “What’s above the ground is more important than what isbeneath the ground?”It is an expression of individual freedom, self-reliance and equality of opportunity. What people could do in their own lifetime is more important than what their ancestors did.13.What are the two types of “rugged individualists” in the frontier days?One type is man against the wilderness in the early frontier. The other is man against man, which lasted from the 1860s until the 1890s.14.What are the characteristics of the dominant American culture?They are English-speaking, white people, Protestant and middle class.15.Why do some people describe American culture as a “salad bowl”?Because they think America culture is mixed by many cultures while at the same time they still retaining their own characteristics of immigrants’ origin.16.What are the differences between the terms “Melting Pot,” “Salad Bowl” and “Mosaic”?17.Can you explain the difference between a “melting pot” and a “salad bowl”?“Salad bowl” means it is possible to be a part of America while at the same time retaining the values, customs, languages, and cultures of the immigrants’ origin.“M elting pot” theory mea ns the whole nation is a large pot. All the culture that people brings into are melted together to form a new culture.“Mosaic” means the individuals of different racial and ethnic groups are still distinct and recognizable, but together they created a picture of American.18.What are the major reasons for the early settlers to move to the North America?They came to America to avoid the religious persecution in England and to seek religious freedom.19.Why have entrepreneurs become business heroes to American people?20.Why have entrepreneurs become business heroes admired by American people?Because they succeed in building something great from nothing. And they are self-made millionaires.21.How does business competition reinforce other basic American values?It protects individual freedom by cancel monopoly. And it encourages equality of opportunity and hard work.22.Why are business institutions at the heart of American way of life?Because people think business set the ideal of competition. And they expect for achieving the great American Dream and rising from poverty to great wealth.23.What are the differences between public and private schools?Public schools are government provided school that is free for all Americanstudents. Private schools are tuition-based schools. They offer students a better education but the cost is higher.24.What could be the qualities of a “well-rounded” student under American education system?25.What qualities do American universities look for when they decide who will be admitted? Colleges look for students who are “well-rounded”. Grades in high school courses and scores on tests like the SAT are very important, but so are the students’ out-class activities.26.What are the three kinds of financial aids that students can get in American colleges?They are assistantships, grants and scholarships.27.What are the four patriotic holidays of the U.S.?Independence Day, Veterans day, Memorial Day and Labor Day.28.List three American wedding customs.They wedding in a church. The best man holds the wedding ring. The bride threw flowers to the guests.29.What are three American engagement customs?The man gets down one knee to propose. Request the agreement of the woman's father. Give the woman a diamond ring.30.What is a bridal registry?A bridal registry is a service provided by a website or retail store to assist engaged couples in the communication of gift preferences to wedding guests.31.What has caused the changes in American family structure?Young people are marrying and having children later and even choose not to have children today. People are living longer. Another reason is the high divorce rate.32.What were the two main causes of the American Civil War?The South and the North had different opinions about slavery and president Lincoln. And the southern states wanted to form a new nation.。