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◇ by the time 常用来指到某一点时间为止,主句常用完成时态 但若主句是 be 的系表形式,则往往用一般时 By the time I graduate next year, I will have lived here for 5 years.
5、as soon as: as soon as 引导的从句需用一般时态替代将来时态 As soon as you feel any pains, you must go to the doctor. I’ll give you an answer as soon as I’ve finished reading your file.
He was absent from school because he was ill. He was punished only because he broke the law. It was because I wanted to see my uncle that I went to town yesterday.
用来引导原因状语的引导词有: because, as, since, now that, for the reason that, in that, seeing that, considering that, not that …but that…等
1、because, as, since 的用法: ① because 语气最强,用以回答 why 引起的提问,可表示已知或未知的事实 它可和强调词 only, merely, just 及否定词 not 连用,所引导的从句常位于主句之后,只有强调时 才置于主句之前 它还可用于强调结构
2、now that 的用法: now that 主要用于口语,表示微弱的原因,主从句的因果关系不明显 常译为“既然”that 有时可省略
Now(that)you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents. ◇ Considering that they are just beginners, they are doing quite a good job. ◇ He felt a bit worried, not that the comrades were not working hard, but that they didn’t pay enough attention to safety.
Miss Gao’s Class
③ since 的语气也较弱,常表对方已知的事实,往往相当于汉语的“既然” 它和 as 一样,其前亦不可用强调词和 not,亦不可用于强调结构 Since she can’t answer this question, it’s better to ask someone else.
④ 表示“一边……一边……”时,常用 as They talked as they walked along the river.
⑤ 表示随着短暂动作的发生,另一行为伴随发生时,常用 as My cap was blown away as I sat down.
☆ 注意: 在时间状语从句中,用一般现在时表示一般将来时,用一般过去时表示过去将来时 When you get there, ring me up.
立足教育之本 再铸教研之魂源自文库打造金牌团队
Miss Gao’s Class
③ 表述两个发展变化中的情况时常用 as。
As he talked on, he got more and more excited.
As you grow older, you’ll know better and better about yourself.
常用来引导目的状语的引导词有:so, so that, in order that, for fear that, in case 等。
1、in order that, so that 的用法: in order that 常用于正式文体,可置于句首、句尾,而 so that 往往只置于句尾 so that 短语中有时可省略 that She spoke very slowly in order that we could follow her. Speak louder so(that)the people in the hall can all hear you.
each time, every time, next time, any time …
这些短语引导状语从句时,习惯上不在这些名词后加上 when 等 Every time I see him, he is working hard. He was much better the last time I saw him. By the time he was taken to the hospital, he was nearly dead.
② as 语气最弱,较口语化,所表达的原因比较明显,或是已知的事实,故不需要强调 as 从句多置于主句之前 As he was in a hurry, he left this bag home.
立足教育之本 再铸教研之魂 打造金牌团队
一对一个性化辅导教案 As it was a public holiday, all the shops were shut.
1、when, while ,as 的用法: ① 这三个连词中,when 用得最广,常可代替 while 与 as
与 while 比较,when 所引导的从句,动词既可是延续性的,也可是终止性的 在这一点上 as 与 when 相同 while 所引导的从句中,动词只能是延续性的 例:
When the fire broke out, all the students were sleeping soundly. The telephone rang while I was taking a bath.
② since 引导的从句中,如若是持续性动词,往往理解为该持续性动词动作的终止 He has written to me frequently since he was ill. It’s been a year ever since I worked here.
③ It is … since …和 It has been … since … : 两者几乎可以互用,口语中常用前者 It is /has been a long time since Mary was ill. It seems /feels a long time since we parted.
② 当两个表示时间延续的动作同时发生而又具有对比意味时,用 while,在这样的复合句中, 主从句的时态通常中相同 While I played the harp, my sister did her homework. Father was preparing a report while I was playing PC games.
Great changes have taken place since you left this city. I have returned home twice since I settled down in the States. They have been living very happily ever since they got married.
立足教育之本 再铸教研之魂 打造金牌团队
Miss Gao’s Class
the time, the moment, the minute, the day, the year, the first time, the second time, by the time,
Miss Gao’s Class
老师 姓名 学科 名称
Miss Gao 英语
学生姓名 年级
孙明峻 高三
教材版本 上课时间
高考冲刺阶段 2017/4/12
名称 2017 届高三英语语法复习第十讲
教学 目标 及重 难点
状语从句 .....
在主从复合句中,修饰主句中的动词、形容词、副词的从句就叫状语从句 状语从句通常由从属连词引导与主句相接 状语从句放在句首时,常在其后加上逗号
常用来引导地点状语的引导词有: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere 等 地点状语从句结构相当于 to / in / from the place(s)where…
或 to / in / from any place where…结构 Make marks where you have questions. You can go anywhere you like. Where there is a will, there is a way.
◇ 提示: for 和上述三个从属连词不同,引导原因状语从句时连接并列句,它有时可用来做附加说明 一般把 for 引起的句子放在某一句子之后
We should be more careful, for it is already dark. Let’s stay home, for it’s raining hard outside.
状语从句分类: 一般可分为: 时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步、比较、方式状语从句
when / while 当……时候
as 当……时候;一边
till / until 直到
after 在……之后
before 在……之前
since /ever since 自从

every time /each time 每次
2、in case 的用法: Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.
常用来引导结果状语的引导词有: that, so, so that, so … that … , such that, such … that…等 结果状语从句一般置于句尾 1、so that 的用法: We moved to the country so that we were away from the noisy and dull city. We arrived early in the morning, so(that)we caught the first train.
② 持续性动词的否定式则表示到某一点时间某一持续性行为才开始 Until the manager returns, nothing can be done.
3、since 的用法: ① since 表示自某一点时间以来,常用完成时态或完成进行时态 表示动作的延续和频率 在强调语意时 since 前可加 ever 主句可以用持续性动词,也用非持续性动词,非延续性动词时必须强调动作的频率或多次、多个 例:
next time 下次
whenever 不管什么时候

by the time 到……
as long as 长达……
once 一旦

no sooner … than / hardly … when … 还没来得及……就……

once / directly / instantly / immediately / the moment / as soon as 一……就……
2、until / till 的用法: 这两个词几乎可以通用 until 可用于句首,而 till 通常不用于句首。
1 until / till 指的是某一持续性行为持续到某一时间点,对于终止性动词需要用动词的否定形 式。 I’ll wait until /till the concert is over. I didn’t know anything about it until you told me.