




1.穿上新衣服put on the new clothes

2.不得不走have to go (have to +动原)

Helen ______ (have) to ______ (do) her homework.

3.试穿他/他们try it/them on★代词it/them放中间try的三单tries同类词组:put on /take off

1)This pair of shoes is nice. Can I try ____(it/them) on

2)Whose shoe ________ the girls ________(try) on.

4.让我来帮你let me help you (let +动原,动词后用宾格) (祈使句否定句首+don’t)

-Su Yang,this hat. --All right.

A. try on

B.tries on

C. try it on

为什么你看上去如此伤心why do you look sad?

6.非常适合我fit me well

1)The shoes fit every one. A. doesn't B. don't C. isn't

2)I often ______ on Sundays, but my sister ______.

A. swim; doesn’t

B. swimming; doesn’t

C. swim; don’t

7.上学迟到be late for school

8.想要做某事want to +动原= would like to +动原

1)Would you like mushrooms? A. some B. any C. a

2)He ______ (want) ________ (see) a film.

9.对……有害/有利be bad/good for…

1)Reading our study. A. are good for B. is good for C. is bad for

2)Water good for . A. are;us B.is;our C.is;us

10.留下……le ave…behind


What _____ Cinderella leave ______? --- She _______ a shoe _______.


1.Cinderella has no nice clothes ______ shoes. A. and B. or C. with

2.Who_________(have) to go back now?

3.Bobby doesn't understand. (改为肯定句)

4.Many girls try on Cinderella’s shoe. (对划线提问)

______ many girls ____________?

5.The food is bad. We can’t eat________. A. them B. it C. us

6.Does Nancy take off her coat?(改为陈述句)

7.It fits me. (改为一般疑问句)

8.What’s five plus(加) eight? ______ thirteen.A. It’s B. They’re C. Is

U2 -3

【重要词组和例句】Array 1.在月亮街on Moon Street

在阳光镇in Sunshine Town

在公园站at Park Station

在公共汽车站at the bus stop

2.在街上on the street(美)/in the street(英)

There is a bookshop on the street.

There are too many cars in the street.

3.by 和take 的用法

by (介词,表示方式,有靠、用、通过、乘的意思。)

take (动词,乘坐某种交通工具)

例:go to school by bus/plane/ship/taxi/train/metro (go to 地点by +交通工具)

=take a bus/plane/ship/taxi/train/metro to school(take a +交通工具to 地点)

乘5路车take Bus No. 5

4.walk to school = go to school on foot

walk home/here/there=go home/here/there on foot (home/here/there是副词,前面不加介词)5.ride a bike to school = go to school by bike

ride a bike home = go home by bike

6.上车get in /get on

get in 一般用于与小汽车、出租车等小型交通工具,而get on 用于公共汽车、火车、飞机、轮船等大型交通工具。另乘坐小型交通工具,下车一般用get out of。如:

get in the car/taxi get out of the car/taxi

get on the train/bus/plane/ship get off the bus/train/plane/ship

7.问路(ask the way)以zoo为例,几种问路的句型:

----Excuse me, How do I get to the zoo?How do I get there?

----Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the zoo, please?

----Can you tell me how to get to the zoo?


Go/Walk along ... 沿着……走

Turn left/right at ... 在……向左转/右转

You can see ... on your left/right. 你能在你的左侧/右侧看到……

9.at the traffic lights/crossing 在红绿灯处/十字路口

at the first/second/third traffic lights 在第一/二/三个红绿灯处

https://www.360docs.net/doc/2910806239.html,e out from… 从…出来

11.ask sb for help 向(某人)求助

12.show/send/write/give sth to sb= show/send/write/give sbsth

buy sth for sb

13.The bus is full. 汽车坐满人了。词组:be full of…,

例:The basket is full of apples. 篮子里装满了苹果

14.be over意为“结束了”。

例:School is over. 放学了。



My father goes to work by car. ------ How does your father go to work(去工作)?

How do you usually go to school? 你怎样去上学? (交通方式)

How does she study English? 她是怎样学习英语的?


How is Miss Zhang? 张小姐身体好吗?

—How are you? —Fine, thank you.

How do you feel? 你感觉怎么样?


How is the weather in Beijing? 北京的天气怎样?

相当于What’s the weather like in Beijing?

16.I do n’t know which to choose. 我不知道选哪一个。(特殊疑问词+ to do 做宾语)

例:Can you tell me how to get there?


1.Lucy always _____ home by bike. A. goes to B. goes C. go

2._____you often late_______school? A. Do, forB. Are, for C. Are, to

3.The wheels on the bus______(go) round and round.

4.I can’t see any (taxi) in the street.

5.There(be)any water in the cup.

6.We often go on Sundays. A. to there B. here C. there

7.Can you _______your bike ________me?A. show, for B. show, to C. showing, with

8._______ uncle works_______ a big ship? A. My, in B. I, on C. My, on

9.I'm free today. What about ____? A. go fishing B. going fishing C. go to fish

10.Mike, _____ off the metro at Park Station. A. Get B. gets C. get

11.Do you know the way _____ the bus stop?A.at B.to C. on

12.In ,they ask “Where is the restroom?” A. the UK B. the US C. China

13.I don’t know how ______ (get) to the park.

14.Please tell me which one(choose).

15.Let her(take)the bus to the park.

16.The bag is full of (mango).

17.My brothers are ________ (drive), they like(drive)my car.

18.I help in the supermarket.对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ in the supermarket?

19.I can eat and drink. (改为否定句)

20.He can’t get out because he is too fat. (划线部分提问)

_______ _______ he get out?

21.Walk along the street. (改为否定句)




1.生病be ill/sick

一只病猫asick cat (√)a ill cat (×)

2.去看医生/牙医go to see the doctor/dentist

3.你怎么啦?What’s wrong withyou? (me/us/her/him/it/them) =What’s the matter with you?


wrong与something, anything, nothing等连用,表示“出事”,“有毛病”

例:There is something wrong with my bike. 我的自行车看起来有些不对劲。

4.头痛have a headache = have got a headache 得了什么病,用have(got) a/an …


haveahigh fever 发高烧

have a bad cold/cough严重的感冒/咳嗽

5.feel cold/ hot/tired感到冷/热/累(feel 的三单feels)

feel(系动词) +形容词

感觉好feel good(心理上)/feel well(身体上)

6.情态动词should(shouldn’t)+ 动词原形

*类似的动词还有:can(could), must (have to) , will (would), may, shall

不能吃任何东西can’t eat anything(something用于肯定句anything用于否定句和疑问句)

7.刷牙brush one’s teeth 做家作do one’s homework (one’s 某人的,形容词性物主代词)

8.吃太多糖eat too many sweets

喝太多咖啡drinktoo much coffee

9.在医院in the hospital

住院in hospital

10.★高兴做某事be happy to dosth

11.can’t eat or drink 不能吃喝

You _______ (should) eat _____ (and) drink _____ (too) in the library.

12.hear well 听得清楚

13.point at 指着/pointto指向


1.Is there _______ (something) interesting in this book?

2.-- your mother ill?--Yes,she . A. Does;does B. Is;is C. Are;am

3.I’m very happy_________(see) you.

4.I'm sorry ______ (hear) that.

5.Yang Ling does not _______(feel) hungry. She _______(feel) thirsty.

6.—What should he _______(do)? —He should ________(brush) his teeth.

7.Can you come__________(help) me?

8.She should take some __________(medicine).

9.I feel thirsty now. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ _______ feel now?

10.She should have a rest(对划线部分提问)


11.Look, my classmates are (read) in the classroom.


Module1 Getting to know you Unit 1 Meeting new people 生词: eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen 音标: -sk desk mask 语法: This is my...His/Her name’s... He’s/She’s...(age) He/She can... Unit2 Abilities 生词: paint draw read write swim jump 音标: -sp wasp crisps 语法: Can he/she...? Yes,he/she can. No,he/she can’t. Unit3 How do you feel? 生词: happy hungry thirsty sad full tired 音标:

-st toast postman lamp post 语法: How do you feel? I’m/We’re... Module2 Me,my family and friends Unit1 Jill’s family 生词: grandfather grandmother father mother uncle aunt me cousin 音标: -sh dish fish wash 语法: Do you have...? Yes,I do./No,I don’t. Unit2 Jobs 生词: doctor nurse teacher student police officer firefighter cook bus driver 音标: dr- dress princess 语法: What does ...do? He/She is...


2019小升初英语知识点大汇总 小升初英语语法1、名词复数规则、 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 2、一般现在时 1.一般现在时表示经常或习惯性的动作,也可表示现在的状态或主语具备的性格和能力。 2.一般现在时中,没有be动词和情态动词,主语为第三人称单数的肯定句,动词要按规则加上s,主语是非第三人称单数的肯定句,动词用原形。 3.在一般现在时中,句中有be动词或情态动词时,否定句在be动词和情态动词后加not,一般疑问句将be动词或情态动词放在句首。 4.在一般现在时中,句中没有be动词或情态动词时,主语为第三人称单数的否定句在动词前加does+not (doesn’t),一般疑问句在句首加does,句子中原有动词用原形;主语为非第三人称单数,否定句用do+not (don’t),一般疑问句在句首加do,句子中动词用原形。 动词+s的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks 2 .以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies 3、现在进行时 1.现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 2.现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be+动词ing. 3.现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。 4.现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。 动词加ing的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking 2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting 3.如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping 4、be going to 1.be going to 表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。


牛津小学英语4B单元知识点归纳4B Unit1 A new student 一、单词及词组 1. a student(学生) 2. a teacher(教师) 3. a doctor(医生) 4. a nurse(护士) 5. a boy(男孩) 6. a girl(女孩) 7. a man(男人) 8. a woman(女人) 9. new(新的)10. our(我们的)11. school(学生)12. welcome(欢迎)13. tree(树)14. climb(攀登)15. again(再;又) 16. sir(先生) 17. right(正确的) 18. come down(下来) 19. excuse me(对不起,打扰一下) 二、缩写词 1. who’s = who is 2. you’re = you are 3. he’s = he is 4. she’s = she is 5. I’m = I am 6. don’t = do not 三、句型 1. Who’s that boy/…?(那个男孩/…是谁?) He’s/She’s ××. (他/她是××。)He’s/She’s a…(他/她是一位…) 2. Are you a student/…?(你是一位学生/…吗?) Yes, I am.(是,我是的。)No, I’m not. I’m a…(不,我不是的。我是一位…)3. Welcome to our school.(欢迎到我们学校来。)Thank you.(谢谢。) Unit2 At a party 一、单词及词组 1. grandfather(祖父;外祖父) 2. grandmother(祖母;外祖母) 3. father(父亲) 4. mother(母亲) 5. brother(兄;弟) 6. sister(姐;妹) 7. hair(头发) 8. a head(头) 9. a nose(鼻子) 10. a mouth(嘴;口) 11. an eye(眼睛)12. an ear(耳朵) 13. white(白色的)14. a friend(朋友)15. a skirt(短裙) 16. a party(宴会) 17. with(有) 18. which(哪一个)19. big(大的) 20. small(小的) 21. long(长的)22. short(短的)


译林小学英语3B知识复习 Unit1 In class知识点(贴在书本11页) 一、单词 shout喊;叫 eat吃 run 跑 talk说话 sleep 睡觉 drink喝 here这里 your你的 English英语 milk牛奶 二、词组 Mr. Green 格林先生open your books 打开你们的书close the window 关窗come in进来 good afternoon下午好 good night晚安open the door 开门 look at the blackboard看黑板 good morning早上好 good evening晚上好 listen to the teacher听老师的 三、句型 1. Stand up. 起立。 2. Sit down, please. 请坐下。 3. Good morning, Mr. Green. 格林先生,早上好。 4. Come in, Mike. 迈克,进来。 5. Liu Tao, please open the door. 刘涛,请开门。 6. Yes, Mr. Green. 好的,格林先生。 7. I’m sorry, Mr. Green. 对不起,格林先生。 8. Wang Bing, please close the window. 王兵,请关窗。 9. Look at the blackboard, Sam. 山姆,看黑板。 10. Don’t listen to the parrot. 不要听鹦鹉说的话. 四、知识点 1. 字母b通常发/b/,如:book, bike, bag等; 在词尾的-mb, -bt中不发音,如:bomb,climb,comb,debt,doubt等。 2. 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那在please之前一定要加一个逗号“,”。


M o d u l e1U s i n g m y f i v e s e n s e s Unit1 What can you smell and tastes? 生词: watermelon grape plum cherry strawberry 音标: -ar car park -ue blue school 语法: What is it? Is it...? It’s... Unit2 How does it feel? 生词: hard soft rough smooth sharp blunt thick thin 音标: -ir- skirt -ur- purse -au- Laura -oor floor 语法: Whose ... is this/that/ are these/those? It’s/They’re... Unit3 Look at the shadow 生词: hill lawn path bench 音标: -ee bee -ea tea -eer deer -ear tear 语法:

It + v.(does)... Module2 My favourite things Unit1 Sports 生词: play football play table tennis play volleyball play badminton play basketball 音标: -i- five -ie pie 语法: Does...like...(doing)? Yes,...does. / No,...doesn’t. Unit2 Cute animals 生词: bone cat food parrot fish dog food tortoise 音标: -oe Joe -oa- goat -o Flo 语法: What does...(do)? ...(does)... Eg: What animals do you like? I like cats. What food does a cat eat? It eats cat food. Unit3 Home life 生词: bedroom living room bathroom kitchen 音标:


Unit1 词组 1. 喜欢电子狗I love an e-dog/ e-dogs 2. 这只狗的主人the dog’s master = the master of the dog 3. 阅读这本书/看报纸 read this book / read newspapers 4. 照顾 look after=take care of 5. 开学的第一天 the first day at school 6. 让某人做某事 let sb do sth 7. 向你的同学们介绍你自己 introduce yourself to your classmates 8. 和新朋友见面meet new friends 9. 彼此打招呼 greet each other 10. 早上/下午/晚上/好Good morning/ afternoon/ evening 11. 晚安 Good night

肯定句主语+ be + 其他. Mr Li is a good teacher. 李老师是一位好老师。 否定句主语+ be + not + 其他. Mr chen is not a good teacher. 陈老师不是一位好老师。 疑问句一般疑问句Be + 主语+ 其他? Is Mr Li a good teacher? 李老师是一位好老师吗?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+ be + 主语? Who is a good teacher? 谁是一位好老师? There be…+某物/某人+某地…句型意为“有”,表示“某地有某物/某人”(表示存在)There be 句型中的be 应和其后出现的主语在数上一致,即“就近原则”, 3.用法: 人称主语Be动词中文意思 第一人称单数 复数 I we am are 我是 我们是 第二人称单数 复数you you are are 你是 你们是 第三人称单数(男)复数(女) 其他 复数 he she it they is is is are 他是 她是 它是 他们是 词汇点睛 ●1 enjoy vt. 享受……的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱[点拨] enjoy后接名词、代词或v.-ing形式作宾语。They are enjoying their dinner. 他们正在享用晚餐。 Alice doesn't enjoy it.爱丽斯不喜欢它。 I enjoy listening to light music. 我喜欢听轻音乐。 [搭配] enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun过得愉快;玩得开心I enjoyed myself very much at the party. 我在聚会上玩得很开心。● 2 be good at 擅长 [点拨] be good at 表示“擅长某一学科或技能”,也可表示“在……方面做得好”。其后接名词、代词或v.-ing 形式作宾语,相当于do well in。Mike is good at swimming. 迈克擅长游泳。I am good at English. 我擅长英语。●3 else adv. 另外;其他 [拓展] (1)else作副词,与不定代词或不定副词(以-one,-body,-thing,-where结尾的词)连用时,放在这些词的后面。


四年级上U1: May I have …? 学习目标 May I have …句型及回答 This …is for …句型 介词for 的用法 b 和 c 在单词开头的发音 主要知识点 1.May I have …是用来请求别人许可获得某样东西 2.This …is for …意思是“这个……是给……的。”是用来给某人东西的。 3.for 是介词,for 这里是“为了,给”的意思,for somebody 是指“为了某人,给某人”的意思。 4.big /b/; boy/b/; cap/k/; cat/k/ (The cat and the big cap are for the boy. 这只猫和这顶大帽子是给这个男孩的。 四年级上U2: In a toy shop 学习目标 What's this/that? 句型及回答 Can I …? 句型 I'd like …; I like 句型 d 和f 在单词开头的发音 主要知识点 1. What's this/that? 是在问“这/那是什么?”,是特殊疑问句,回答要用It's …

2. this, that: this 是这,这个的意思,指近处的东西,that 是那,那个的意思,指代远处的东西 3. Can …句型用来请求能不能做某事 4. I'd like …是I would like 的缩写,表示“我想要……” 5. I like …是表示“我喜欢……” 6. five /f/;fat/f/;dogs /d/;desk/d/ Your five fat dogs are on the desk. 你的五只胖狗狗正在桌子上呢。 四年级上U3: A purse 学习目标 Is this/that …句型及回答 Where 来提问地点及回答 名词所有格 g 和h 在单词开头的发音 主要知识点 1. Is this/that …? 是一般疑问句句型,意思是“这/那是……?” 2. Where …引导的特殊疑问句是用来询问地点,可以用介词短语来回答。 3. 名词所有格是指在某人的名字后面加上's 来表示“某人的”。 4. girls /g/;get /g/;hot /h/;hamburger/h/ The girls get up and eat a hot dog and a hamburger. 女孩们起床后吃了一个热狗和一个汉堡包。 四年级上U4: I like ... 学习目标



小升初英语知识点 1、名词复数规则 (1) 一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds (2) 以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches (3) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries (4) 以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives wolf-wolves (5) 不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, Chinese-Chinese, Janpanese-Japanese 不可数名词没有单复数之分。 2、名词所有格 (1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格: a) 单数后加’s ,如: Lucy’s ruler my father’s shirt b) 以s 结尾的复数名词后加’,如: his friends’ bags c) 不以s 结尾的复数后加’s,如:children’s shoes 并列名词中,如果把’s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如: Tom and Mike’s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车 要表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加’s Tom’s and Mike’s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车 (2)表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of +名词”来表示所有关系:如: a picture of the classroom , a map of China 3、冠词:不定冠词、定冠词 基本介绍: a) 不定冠词:a / an (元音因素开头的可数名词前用an) 注意: a unit / an uncle an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an interesting book / an exciting sport / an art lesson / b) 定冠词:the the egg the plane 定冠词的用法: a. 特指某(些)人或某(些)物: The ruler is on the desk. b. 复述上文提到的人或物:He has a sweater. The sweater is new. c. 谈话双方都知道的人或物:The boys aren’t at school. d. 在序数词前:John’s birthday is February the second. e. 用于固定词组中: in the morning / afternoon / evening 不用冠词的情况: a. 专有名词前:China is a big country. b. 名词前有定语:this , that , my , your , some, any , no 等: This is my baseball. c. 复数名词表示一类人和事:Monkeys can’t swim. They are teachers. d. 在节日,日期,月份,季节前:Today is Christmas Day. It’s Sunday. e. 一日三餐前:We have breakfast at 6:30. f. 球类棋类运动前:They often play football after class. He plays chess at home.


四年级上U1: May I have … 学习目标 May I have …句型及回答 This …is for …句型 介词for 的用法 b 和 c 在单词开头的发音 主要知识点 I have …是用来请求别人许可获得某样东西 …is for …意思是“这个……是给……的。”是用来给某人东西的。 是介词,for 这里是“为了,给”的意思,for somebody 是指“为了某人,给某人”的意思。 /b/; boy/b/; cap/k/; cat/k/ (The cat and the big cap are for the boy. 这只猫和这顶大帽子是给这个男孩的。 四年级上U2: In a toy shop 学习目标 What's this/that 句型及回答 Can I …句型 I'd like …; I like 句型 d 和f 在单词开头的发音 主要知识点 1. What's this/that 是在问“这/那是什么”,是特殊疑问句,回答要用It's … 2. this, that: this 是这,这个的意思,指近处的东西,that 是那,那个的意思,

指代远处的东西 3. Can …句型用来请求能不能做某事 4. I'd like …是I would like 的缩写,表示“我想要……” 5. I like …是表示“我喜欢……” 6. five /f/;fat/f/;dogs /d/;desk/d/ Your five fat dogs are on the desk. 你的五只胖狗狗正在桌子上呢。 四年级上U3: A purse 学习目标 Is this/that …句型及回答 Where 来提问地点及回答 名词所有格 g 和h 在单词开头的发音 主要知识点 1. Is this/that …是一般疑问句句型,意思是“这/那是……” 2. Where …引导的特殊疑问句是用来询问地点,可以用介词短语来回答。 3. 名词所有格是指在某人的名字后面加上's 来表示“某人的”。 4. girls /g/;get /g/;hot /h/;hamburger/h/ The girls get up and eat a hot dog and a hamburger. 女孩们起床后吃了一个热狗和一个汉堡包。 四年级上U4: I like ... 学习目标 Do you like 句型及回答 Come here. Look at …; Let's …几个祈使句


六年级下册英语Unit1知识点整理(译林版) Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 知识汇总 【词汇】 1. large大的 2. strong 强壮的 3. quietly安静地;小声地 4. weak 虚弱的 5. loudly大声地 6. happily 开心地,高兴地 7.mouce 老鼠8. walk by 走过,路过 9. wake …up 吵醒,叫醒,弄醒,醒醒 10.some day 某一天11.let… go 放开 12.the next day 第二天https://www.360docs.net/doc/2910806239.html, 网 14.bite 咬15.sharp 锋利的,尖的 16.sadly 难过地,伤心地17. just then 就在那时 18.soon 不久,很快 19.from then on 从那时起 20. cheer 欢呼21.hit 打,击 22.deep 深的23.reach够得着 24.quickly 迅速地,快地25.pour …into 把……倒入 【词组短语】 狮子和老虎the lion and the mouse [mouse: 复数mice 辨析mouth嘴巴month月份] 又大又强壮large and strong 又小又弱small and weak 走过…walk by 走过森林walk by the forest 把狮子叫醒wake the lion up wake me(代词宾格放中间) up [wake过去式: woke] 我能在某一天帮助你 I can help you some day 将来不确定的某一天some day 安静地说say quietly [quiet→quietly] 大声地笑道laugh loudly [loud→loudly] 让狮子走let the mouse go [let sb do, let过去式: let] 第二天the next day 用一个大网抓住狮子catch the lion with a large net [catch过去式:caught] 用他的锋利的牙齿咬网bite the net with his sharp teeth [teeth单数: tooth bite过去式: bit] 出来get out 伤心地问道ask sadly [sad→sadly] 就在那个时候just then 在网里弄了个大洞make a big hole in the net 开心地说say happily [happy→happily] 从那时起from then on 成为好朋友become good friends [become +形容词:变得...,变成.... ] 糖果店sweet shop 一个棒棒糖a lollipop 他会说什么? what will he say?


上海牛津英语四年级知识点复习提纲(二) 四年级英语句型难点梳理 2. 常用介词词组: 1) 介词:in, on, under, beside, behind, near, above, to, at, by, between… 2) 固定搭配:?listen to… 三、句型 1. 涉及的相关句型:略。。。。。。。详细见笔记! 1)can的一般疑问句 2)to do 句型的第三人称单数形式的一般疑问句及其回答 3)there be句型2. 常用介词词组:

1) 介词:in, on, under, beside, behind, near, above, to, at, by, between… 2) 固定搭配:?listen to… 4) to be 句型的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其回答 5) 祈使句 2.难点句型: 1)注意比较: ?How many children in Class 4A have dogs? Three children in Class 4A have dogs. One child in Class 4A has dogs. 2)区别动词在can 的句型中和现在进行时中的不同用法: ?I can write. Look! I am writing. 3)用四种不同的天气情况来总结每月不同的天气: ?What’s the weather like in January? In January it’s cloudy, windy, cold and dry. 3. 特殊疑问代词和用法 问物品的主人:Whose…? 问拥有的物品:What …have/has… got? 问价格:How much …? 问时间:What time…? 问天气:What’s the weather like…? 问数量:How many …? 问地点:Where…? 问正在做什么:What…doing? 4. 能用掌握的句型进行问答:略。。。。。。。详细见笔记! eg: Whose …is this/are these? Have you got a pet? What have/has … got?


U n t1I n c l a s s 一、词组 Mr. Green 格林先生open your books 打开你们的书close the window 关窗come in进来good afternoon下午好good night晚安open the door 开门look at the blackboard看黑板good morning早上好good evening晚上好listen to the teacher听老师的 二、句型 1. Stand up. 起立。 2. Sit down, please. 请坐下。 3. Come in, Mike. 迈克,进来。 4. Good morning, Mr. Green. 格林先生,早上好。 5. Liu Tao, please open the door. 刘涛,请开门。 6. Yes, Mr. Green. 好的,格林先生。 7. I’m sorry, Mr. Green. 对不起,格林先生。 8. Wang Bing, please close the window. 王兵,请关窗。9. Look at the blackboard, Sam. 山姆,看黑板。 10. Don’t listen to the parrot. 不要听鹦鹉说的话. Unit2 In the library 一、单词 shout喊;叫eat吃run 跑talk说话sleep 睡觉drink喝here这里your你的English英语milk牛奶 二、词组 in the library 在图书馆里in the classroom在教室里want to…… 想要做…… don’t= do not不;不要 三、句型 1.Don’t shout/ eat/ run/ talk/sleep/drink.不要叫/吃东西/跑/ 说话/ 睡觉/ 喝东西。 2.I’m sorry. 对不起。3.I want to sleep. 我想睡觉。 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? ?一、?词汇 1. pencil铅笔??? 2. schoolbag书包?? 3. pen钢笔??? 4. crayon蜡笔??? 5. ruler尺子?? 6. pencil case铅笔盒;铅笔袋? 7.lunch box午餐盒 8. where在哪里?? 9. over there在那里???? 二、词组 1. my pencil我的铅笔 2.your lunch box你的午餐盒 3. on the floor 在地板上 4. beside the door? 在门旁边? 5. over there 在那里 6. 给你for you Unit4 Where’s the bird? 一、单词 bird 鸟beautiful 漂亮的;美丽的under 在……下面desk课桌;书桌behind 在……后面on 在……上面chair 椅子tree 树guess 猜,猜想 one 一two 二three 三 二、词组 under your desk 在你的课桌下面behind the door 在门后面on your chair 在你的椅子上面in my desk 在我的课桌里in the tree在树上in your pencil case 在你的铅笔袋里 in your schoolbag 在你的书包里Here you are. 给你fly away 飞走 a little bird 一只小鸟 三、句型


译林版六下英语知识点总结 lion and the mouse 一、四会单词 1、large大的 2、 strong强壮的 3、 quietly安静地;小声地 4、 Weak虚弱的 5、 loudly大声地 6、 happily开心地;高兴地 二、三会单词老鼠mouse 复数mice 走过,路过walk by 吵醒,叫醒,弄醒,醒醒wake …up某一天same day 释放不能,放开let… go 第二天the next day 网net 咬bite 锋利的,尖的sharp难过地,伤心地sadly 就在那时just then 不久,很快soon 从那时起from then on 欢呼cheer 打,击hit 深的deep 够得着reach迅速地,快地quickly 把……倒入pour …into 三、短语积累狮子和老虎 the lion and the mouse mouse: 复数 mice 辨析 mouth嘴巴 month月份又大又强壮large and strong又小又弱small and weak走过… walk by 走过森林walk by the forest把狮子叫醒 wake the lion up (代词宾格放中间)

wake me up我能在某一天帮助你I can help you some day 将来不确定的某一天Some day:安静地说say quietly quiet→quietly大声地笑道laugh loudly loud→loudly让狮子走let the mouse go let sb do第二天the next day用一个大网抓住狮子catch the lion with a large net catch过去 式:caught 用他的锋利的牙齿咬网 bite the net with his sharp teeth (tooth) bite过去式: bit出来get out伤心地问道ask sadly sad→sadly就在那个时候just then在网里弄了个大洞make a big hole in the net开心地说say happily happy→happily从那时起from then on成为好朋友 become good friends become +形容词变得如何… 糖果店sweet shop一个棒棒糖a lollipop 他会说什么? what will he say?没关系It doesn’t matter、伊索寓言Aesop’s Fables一本中文成语书a Chinese idiom book 开心地打乒乓play table tennis happily擅长be good at+名词// be good at +动词ing大声地为他们欢呼 cheer for them loudly cheer for为…欢呼击球用力hit the ball hard hit打,击 (过去式: hit):最后finally 近意: at last太深too deep 我够不到I can’t reach it reach到达 reach my school迅速地拿一些水来bring some water quickly把它倒进洞里pour it in the hole干得好! Well done!


Module1 Using my five senses Unit1 What can you smell and tastes? 生词: watermelon grape plum cherry strawberry 音标: -ar car park -ue blue school 语法: What is it? Is it...? It’s... Unit2 How does it feel? 生词: hard soft rough smooth sharp blunt thick thin 音标: -ir- skirt -ur- purse -au- Laura -oor floor 语法: Whose ... is this/that/ are these/those? It’s/They’re... Unit3 Look at the shadow 生词: hill lawn path bench 音标: -ee bee -ea tea -eer deer -ear tear 语法: It + v.(does)... Module2 My favourite things Unit1 Sports 生词: play football play table tennis play volleyball play badminton play basketball 音标: -i- five -ie pie 语法: Does...like...(doing)? Yes,...does. / No,...doesn’t. Unit2 Cute animals 生词: bone cat food parrot fish dog food tortoise 音标:


上海牛津版英语4A期末复习计划 山西省阳泉市郊区石卜嘴小学郭永隆 一、复习指导思想: 在复习过程中要避免把复习课变成背诵课堂,使复习失去真正的意义而变得枯燥乏味,复习应从学生实际出发,要因地制宜,因材施教,有的放矢。 二、复习目标: 1、按照要求背诵和认读一些单词,能完成单词默写,分类的练习。 2、认读教材中出现的一些词组的用法。 3、掌握教材中出现的句型,和一些简单的与教材内容有关的语法知识;能够运用教材中出现的句型。 4、能够认读教材中的短文,能独立完成一些较容易阅读题。 三、复习内容及要点: 1、单词。单词是英语的基础和复习的重点。 1)按词性归类复习单词。 2)按词汇表复习单词。 2、词组。词组是学习英语的关键,它是复习英语的良好途径,同时又是学习句子的基础,把词组归类,分类掌握。 3、句子。句子是学习英语的重点,也是本册教材的重点和难点。 1) 指导学生在语境中复习句子。 2) 根据句子类型指导学生在比较中复习句子,教给学生适当的语法知识。

3) 指导学生在表演中运用句子,这样的复习课也不缺趣味性。 4、阅读。阅读虽然对学生来说很困难,可是教材中已经出现了比较复杂的英语短文。 四、复习具体措施 1、单词复习 A按词汇表复习单词。 B分类归类复习单词。 C按相似单词复习。 2.动作短语的复习 短语与图匹配练习、听力练习 3.句子是英语学习的重点,通过各种方法帮助学生梳理学过的句子 (1)指导学生在语境中复习句子,让学生分清日常交际用语的运用场合(2)根据句子类型指导学生在比较中复习句子 4.注意因材施教,采用分层教育,帮助不同层次的学生获得不同的提高和收获。对基础差的同学,重点放在基础知识的复习上,对于一些尖子生,重点放在能力的培养和综合知识的运用上。 5.注意做好学生的心理调试工作,对于自感压力大的同学要耐心疏导,从思想上为他们减负,使他们没有任何心理压力;对还没进入复习状态的人要给予一定压力,使他们能较好地投入到复习中来。 五、具体复习资料 1.26个字母会听、说、读、写。 2.36个“四会”单词。 pen pencil bag book pencil-case ruler teacher


牛津英语四年级下册知识点梳理Unit1 A new student 一、单词及词组 牛津英语四年级下册知识点梳理 2.a teacher(教师) 3.a doctor(医生) 4. a nurse(护士) 5. a boy(男孩) 6. a girl(女孩) 7. a man(男人) 8. a woman(女人) 9. new(新的) 10. our(我们的) 11. school(学生) e(欢迎) 13. tree(树) 14. climb(攀登) 15. again(再;又) 16. sir(先生) 17. right(正确的) n(下来) 19. excuse me(对不起,打扰 一下) 牛津英语四年级下册知识点梳理 牛津英语四年级下册知识点梳理2.you’re = you are 3.3. he’s = he is 4.4. she’s = she is 5.5. I’m = I am 6.6. don’t = do not 牛津英语四年级下册知识点梳理Unit2 At a party 一、单词及词组 牛津英语四年级下册知识点梳理 2.grandmother(祖母;外祖母) 3. father(父亲) 4. mother(母亲) 5. brother(兄;弟) 6. sister(姐;妹) 7. hair(头发)8. a head(头) 9. a nose(鼻子) 10. a mouth(嘴;口) 11. an eye(眼睛) 12. an ear(耳朵) 13. white(白色的) 14. a friend(朋友) 15. a skirt(短裙) 16. a party(宴会) 17. with(有) 18. which(哪一个) 19. big(大的) 20. small(小的) 21. long(长的) 22. short(短的) 23. we(我们) 24. hurry(赶快) 25. wrong(错误的) 26. be late for(…迟到) 牛津英语四年级下册知识点梳理


Unit 1 The lion and the mouse知识汇总 一、四会单词 https://www.360docs.net/doc/2910806239.html,rge大的 2. strong强壮的 3. quietly安静地;小声地 4. Weak虚弱的 5. loudly大声地 6. happily开心地;高兴地 二、三会单词 老鼠mouce 复数mice 走过,路过walk by 吵醒,叫醒,弄醒,醒醒wake …up 某一天same day 释放不能,放开let… go第二天the next day 网net 咬bite 锋利的,尖的sharp 难过地,伤心地sadly 就在那时just then 不久,很快soon 从那时起from then on 欢呼cheer 打,击hit 深的deep 够得着reach 迅速地,快地quickly 把……倒入pour …into 三、短语积累 狮子和老虎 the lion and the mouse mouse: 复数 mice 辨析 mouth嘴巴 month 月份 又大又强壮large and strong 又小又弱small and weak 走过… walk by 走过森林walk by the forest 把狮子叫醒 wake the lion up (代词宾格放中间) wake me up 我能在某一天帮助你I can help you some day 将来不确定的某一天Some day: 安静地说say quietly quiet→quietly 大声地笑道laugh loudly loud→loudly 让狮子走let the mouse go let sb do

第二天the next day 用一个大网抓住狮子catch the lion with a large net catch过去式:caught 用他的锋利的牙齿咬网 bite the net with his sharp teeth (tooth) bite过去式: bit 出来get out 伤心地问道ask sadly s ad→sadly 就在那个时候just then 在网里弄了个大洞make a big hole in the net 开心地说say happily happy→happily 从那时起from then on 成为好朋友 become good friends become +形容词变得如何… 糖果店sweet shop 一个棒棒糖 a lollipop 他会说什么? what will he say? 没关系It doesn’t matter. 伊索寓言Aesop’s Fables 一本中文成语书 a Chinese idiom book 开心地打乒乓play table tennis happily 擅长be good at+名词 // be good at +动词ing 大声地为他们欢呼 cheer for them loudly cheer for为…欢呼 击球用力hit the ball hard hit打,击 (过去式: hit): 最后finally 近意: at last 太深too deep reach到达 reach my school 我够不到I can’t reach it 迅速地拿一些水来bring some water quickly 把它倒进洞里pour it in the hole 干得好! Well done! 四、四会句子 The mouce said quietly. 老鼠小声地说。 The lion laughed loudly.狮子大声地笑。
