



传感器仿真软件使用说明书The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December13, 2020THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件使用说明书THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件 ................. 错误!未定义书签。


................. 错误!未定义书签。

实验二金属箔式应变片――半桥性能实验 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。

实验三金属箔式应变片――全桥性能实验 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。

实验四直流全桥的应用――电子秤实验 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。

实验五交流全桥的应用――振动测量实验 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。

实验六扩散硅压阻压力传感器差压测量实验 ..................... 错误!未定义书签。

实验七差动变压器的性能实验 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

实验八动变压器零点残余电压补偿实验 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。

实验九励频率对差动变压器特性的影响实验 ..................... 错误!未定义书签。

实验十差动变压器的应用――振动测量实验 ..................... 错误!未定义书签。

实验十一电容式传感器的位移特性实验 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。

实验十二容传感器动态特性实验 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。



GenOS V1.4无线传感器网络产品说明书目录◆产品介绍: (3)◆产品展示: (3)◆技术特点: (4)◆应用领域: (4)◆产品参数: (4)◆包装组成: (5)◆系统构成: (6)◆处理器介绍: (6)◆供电特性: (6)◆电池使用与保养: (7)◆Linux系统软件安装: (8)◆Linux系统连接: (10)◆Linux系统使用: (12)◆Windows系统软件安装: (14)◆Windows系统连接: (17)◆Windows系统使用: (17)◆无线射频: (19)◆存储系统: (20)◆系统指示: (21)◆扩展接口: (21)◆温湿度传感器: (21)◆版本修订信息: (22)◆产品介绍:GenOS V1.4是一款完全符合IEEE802.15.4协议规范的、组合式的低功耗无线传感器网络模块,能够充分满足用户对于传感器网络的可靠、容错以及扩展和高级开发功能等要求,不仅仅适用于zigbee协议的研究和开发,同时也能够满足不同场合下对于系统设备的灵活要求。

GenOS V1.4具备了联机程序下载、脱机程序独立运行以及大容量存储等优秀的功能。

GenOS V1.X系列产品除在功能上兼具了UC Berkeley的Telosb系列无线开发节点的通讯和传输以及部分测试功能之外,在GenOS V1.2的基础上进行了大量的裁剪,使得其在体积上大大缩小,并且更适合于不同领域的裁剪和开发之用。

GenOS V1.4在V1.2的基础之上改善了供电性能、射频性能以及接口性能等功能。

GenOS V1.4无线传感器网络节点全面支持TinyOS2.1技术,具备USB程序烧录技术和JTAG程序烧录技术、单总线技术的ID芯片等Telosb以及其兼容产品具备特性、同时了保证系统的脱机独立运行,系统增加了锂电池供电电路以及对应的电源处理电路和USB充电电路。

◆产品展示:独立天线型GenOS V1.4无线传感器网络节点◆技术特点:●RF完全符合802.15.4规范,采用TI CC2420●最高可达250kbps的无线通讯速率●分离的模块形式,将核心板与底板完全分离●通过USB进行程序下载、数据通讯,同时可以通过JTAG下载程序●通过标准的USB打印电缆与计算机连接,方便组网●采用TI MSP430F14X或MSP430F16X系列超低功耗处理器,完整安装高达8MHz的高频率晶体振荡器和32768Hz的低频率时钟晶体振荡器●支持TinyOS2.0以及TinyOS2.1()●板载3个TinyOS标准的LED状态指示灯●板载1个TinyOS标准IO连接的用户独立独立按键●串行通讯扩展口、GPIO扩展口、AD和DA扩展接口●板载SHT11数字温度湿度传感器●板载锂离子电池(选配)和对应的电源供电和充电系统(选配)●板载1MB Flash存储芯片,支持Deluge T2◆应用领域:无线传感器网络实验与开发各类环境监测系统其他各类符合要求的应用场合◆产品参数:处理器TI MSP430F1611程序空间48K-BytesRAM 10K-Bytes工作频率8MHz模数转换器ADC 12位数模转换器DAC 12位串行通讯UART无线传输模块TI CC2420发射功率-24dbm ~ 0dbm(因模块有所不同)接受灵敏度-94dbm(因模块有所不同)发射频率 2.4GHz ~ 2.4835GHz通讯方式USB-RS232接口1组存储扩展1M-Byte Flash电源系统USB直接供电锂离子电池供电(选配)USB对锂离子电池充电(选配)接口扩展DAC输出1组ADC输入3组SVSIN、SVSOUT各1组PWM输出信号1组GPIO输出3组系统指示USB收发指示各1个LEDUSB供电指示1个LEDUSB对锂电池充电1个LED系统状态指示3个LED核心供电指示1个LED系统外形127mmL * 67mmW * 38mmH独立天线型依天线类型而定包装组成:每一套完整的GenOS V1.4包含以下组件1.GenOS V1.4 USB连接与通讯板、控制核心系统(已经组合好)2.高品质防干扰USB供电与通讯电缆一条3.GenOS V1.4无线传感器网络产品说明书一份4.TinyOS2.1系统软件Linux虚拟机镜像2套(命令行模式的debian系统)◆系统构成:GenOS V1.4相对于其他telosb兼容产品,增加了更多更适合用户扩展的功能,这里以框图的形式将系统各个部分的功能以及连接表示如下:◆处理器介绍:GenOS V1.4所采用的TI公司的MSP430F1611低功耗处理器具有16位的RISC体系结构,48KB的Flash、10KB的RAM以及其特有的256B的Flash Memory。

Crossbow 无线传感器网络快速上手指南

Crossbow 无线传感器网络快速上手指南

1 (烧写程序) 115200 8 None 1 None 00 00 00 4C -none- Port 0 10001
2 (数据通信) 57600 8 None 1 None 00 00 00 4C -none- Port 0 10002
3. MoteView 客户端程序演示;
需要的设备: 至少 2 个 Mote 节点(IRIS,MICAz 或 MICA2,本手册以 IRIS 为例) ; 至少 1 个传感器板(本手册以 MTS400 为例) ; 1 个 MIB520 网关(或其他 MIB 系列网关,手册只以 MIB520 示例) ; 安装了 MoteView 的 PC 机(软件安装请参考本手册第一节 MoteView 软件安装) ;
3.3 使用 MoteView 客户端程序查看无线传感器网络数据
点击 MoteView 面板“Connect to WSN” 按钮,选择 “Acquire Live Data”以获取实时数据;
Doc. # BJSC-0001 Rev. A
Crossbow 无线传感器网络快速上手指南
“Gateway”选项卡指定 MIB520 网关,端口号设为 COM(n+1),波特率为 57600;
选择”Application Name”为 XMTS400,点击”Done”即可获取传感器网络的实时数据。
Doc. # BJSC-0001 Rev. B
MoteView 的详细使用说明请参考 MoteView_User_Mannual,下载地址:
/Support/wUserManuals.aspx 提醒:Crossbow 还提供更多手册供用户下载: 了解 Tinyos 开发和 MoteWorks 开发环境入门, 请参考 MoteWorks Getting Started Guide; 了解 XMesh 组网和协议请参考 XMesh User's Manual; 了解 XMesh 数据包定义和解析请参考 XServe User's Manual; 了解 Mote 节点和 MIB 网关详细信息请参考 MPR-MIB Wireless Module User's Manual; 了解传感器板和数据采集板详细资料请参考 MTS/MDA Sensor Board User's Manual; 国内手册下载地址: /%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD/% E4%BA%A7%E5%93%81%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8C/tabid/80/Default.aspx



XLUC目录实验一开发环境搭建实验 (2)实验二程序烧录实验 (10)实验三硬件接口实验 (13)实验四 ADC采样实验 (19)实验五串口通讯实验 (24)实验六点对点射频实验 (32)实验七传感器添加实验 (39)实验八基于网关板的pc机数据采集和分析实验 (48)实验九基于sink节点数据采集和分析实验 (57)实验十基于web的数据录入和数据访问实验 (61)实验一开发环境搭建实验以下步骤描述了如何逐步搭建无线传感器网络实验开发环境注:本开发环境是在Windows XP操作系统下搭建的先决条件:∙AtoseNet环境:Cygwin atos4tinyos.msi安装包,在光盘的路径为,无线传感器网络1.5\TinyOS2\TinyOS_install\atos4tinyos.msi 。

∙Keil C51编译器安装包:c51v808a.exe,在光盘的路径为,无线传感器网络1.5\TinyOS2\TinyOS_install\c51v808a.exe 。

∙IIS服务器:准备一张Windows XP professional 的安装光盘。

∙SQL SERVER 2005数据库管理工具:准备一张SQL SERVER 2005的安装光盘。

创建AtoseNet环境:Cygwin1.打开无线传感器网络光盘,进入如下路径\TinyOS2\TinyOS_install\, 双击atos4tinyos.msi 进入安装过程2.进入如下界3.单机下一步4.选择合适的路径(这里选择缺省路径),点击“下一步”5.单击安装,进入安装进程如下6.安装完成后将出现如下两个界面7.选择完路径后单击“点击开始安装”8.进入Cygwin安装界面,安装完成后自动弹出如下界面:9.请任意键后即可完成安装。

桌面上会自动建立Cygwin的快捷方式,单击进入即可安装Keil C51 编译器10.打开无线传感器网络光盘,进入如下路径\TinyOS2\TinyOS_install\, 双击c51v808a.exe 进入安装过程11.单击“Next”并且选中“I agree to all the terms of the preceding LicenseAgreement”12.选择默认的路径13.选择安装路径后,单击“Next”:14.输入用户名等资料后单击“Next”进入安装进度界面:15.单击“Finish”完成安装过程。

M5600 U5600 无线压力传感器软件手册说明书

M5600 U5600 无线压力传感器软件手册说明书

M5600/U5600 Software Manual Wireless Pressure TransducersContents1 Introduction Description 32 Manual Smartphone/Tablet Software Installation and Operation Manual 33 Manual Windows Version Software Installation and Operation Manual 44 Protocol Software Protocol Specification 161 IntroductionThe M5600 and U5600 pressure transducers use standard 2.4GHz wireless communication tag. The long battery life and integration design make these transducers a perfect fit for many industrial and commercial applications including marine, residential, campers, water, hydraulic, irrigation, pool, medical and sprinkler systems, or anywhere you would need to monitor pressure without the need for wires.By installing the Windows® version software on your PC or embedding the wireless signal in your integrated system, you can monitor pressure and temperature in real time.2 Smartphone/Tablet Software Installation1. Download and install the “TE Sensor Tag” app for iOS or Android™ from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.2. Install the battery into the transducer.3. Turn on standard 2.4GHz wireless communication tag for smartphone/tablet.4. Run “TE Sensor Tag” app on smartphone/tablet and it will start searching for the transducer.5. Select the transducer (M5600 or U5600) found by the app to pair it to your smartphone/tablet.6. Once paired, the pressure and temperature charting will begin automatically. Data is collected every 5 seconds (programmed for bestbattery life).3 Windows Version Software Installation and Operation Manual Hardware & System Requirement∙PC with USB serial port support∙USB Dongle: BT900-US∙Operation system: Windows XP, Windows 7 or above∙Microsoft .NET Framework4.0 or aboveDongle Installation and Programming1. Insert the USB Dongle (BT900-US) into the USB socket of the PC.The PC will install the related USB drivers automatically.2. After installing FT232R USB UART, open the PC’s Device Manager and check if the USB Dongle has the port number assigned asbelow (COM5 in this example):If not assigned, then it is necessary to install the FTDI FT232 USB Serial Converter Driver following instructions from the below link: https:///tutorials/how-to-install-ftdi-drivers/windows---in-depthVerify COM port is assigned to the Dongle in the Device Manager before proceeding to the next step.3. Copy Window’s client software “TESS-M5600_U5600_Software.zip” to the PC and unzip it. Double-click to run UwTerminal in folder:TESS 5600\UwTerminal\. User interface should display as below:4. Click “Accept” to enter the configuration interface. Select the proper COM port where the Dongle is installed and leave the others atdefault settings.Then click “OK” to enter the command-line interface:5. Input “at &F *” (at space &F space *) and press “Enter”. The screen will display “ FFS Erased, Rebooting…”Close the window by clicking the “X” at the upper right corner.6. Run “BT900UartFwUpgrade.exe” in folder: TESS 5600\BT900_9.1.10.3 to update the firmware. Follow these steps: Press “OK” →specify the correct COM port →press “OK” → press “Start Upgrade” → let it run until finish →pressing “Quit.”7. Remove the USB Dongle and re-insert, repeat above steps 3 & 4.Input “at I 3” and press “Enter,” displaying “” which is the latest version of the firmware.Input “at &F *” and press “Enter.” Screen will display “FFS Erased, Rebooting…”Input “at+dir” and press “Enter.”8. Right-click inside the window and click “load precompiled BASIC”After the “Open” window pops up, select “smartZ.umc” in folder “TESS 5600\” and press “Open”Text will scroll and after 1-2 minutes, it will display “DONE.”Close the “UwTerminal” window. Remove the USB Dongle and re-insert.Monitoring Software Operation Manual1. Double-click to run TESS 5600 for Windows in folder: TESS 5600\source\bin\Release\. The client software user interface shoulddisplay as below. Certain explanations can be found when moving the cursor onto the words.More explanations are provided as below:2. Ensure the Port Name matches the COM number in the Device Manager. Click the “Start” button, and then a “Scan” window will popup to search for available wireless devices. Double-click the MAC number matching the target device to select it.3. The software will start receiving and recording data on battery level and real-time pressure and temperature.Clicking the “Stop” button will stop the data taking process.4. When “Data Logging” is enabled and the interval set, a “Save“ window will pop up. When clicking the “S tart” button, all data will besaved in the folder appointed by the user (default: \\TESS\\data\\) as a *.dat file which can be opened with MS Excel.The “Date Time“ column can be formatted to display seconds as shown below:4 Software Protocol SpecificationUUID for the M5600/U5600 is available, which allows the user to compile their own program to recognize the sensor’s wireless signal and detect pressure, temperature and battery capacity.T is a 16 bits signed word, equals 0x7FFF if erroneous.P, Pmin and Pmax are 32 bits signed words, equal 0x7FFFFFFF if erroneous.T is a temperature value with 0.01°C resolution.P, Pmin and Pmax are pressure values with 0.1Pa resolutionCONVERSIONTemperature (°C) = T / 100Pressure (Pa) = P / 10Pressure (Psi) = P / 10 / 6894.7Battery Service:0% to 100% represents a supply voltage from 2.0V to 3.0V with 1%/bit resolution. STATUSNORTH AMERICA EUROPE ASIAMeasurement Specialties, Inc., a TE Connectivity company 45738 Northport Loop West Fremont, CA 94538Tel: +1 800 767 1888Fax: +1 510 498 1578************************MEAS France SAS,a TE Connectivity company26 Rue des Dames78340 Les Clayes-sous-Bois, FranceTel: +33 (0) 130 79 33 00Fax: +33 (0) 134 81 03 59************************Measurement Specialties (China) Ltd.,a TE Connectivity companyNo. 26 Langshan RoadShenzhen High-Tech Park (North) Nanshan District,Shenzhen, 518057ChinaTel: +86 755 3330 5088Fax: +86 755 3330 5099************************/sensorsolutionsAndroid is a trademark of Google Inc.Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.Microsoft, Encarta, MSN, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Android and Windows are trademarks of their respective owners.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by TE Connectivity is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.Measurement Specialties Inc., a TE Connectivity company.Measurement Specialties (MEAS), American Sensor Technologies (AST), TE Connectivity, TE Connectivity (logo) and EVERY CONNECTION COUNTS are trademarks. All other logos, products and/or company names referred to herein might be trademarks of their respective owners.The information given herein, including drawings, illustrations and schematics which are intended for illustration purposes only, is believed to be reliable. However, TE Connectivity makes no warranties as to its accuracy or completeness and disclaims any liability in connection with its use. TE Connectivity‘s obligations shall only be as set forth in TE Connectivity‘s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will TE Connectivity be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the sale, resale, use or misuse of the product. Users of TE Connectivity products should make their own evaluation to determine the suitability of each such product for the specific application.© 2016 TE Connectivity Ltd. family of companies All Rights Reserved.Rev 02016/04/05。



|IWPT SeriesINDUSTRIAL WIRELESS PRESSURE TRANSMITTERWhilst every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this document, we accept no responsibility for damage, injury, loss, or expense resulting from errors or omissions, and reserve the right of amendment without notice.Information for usersThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that which the receiver is connected•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpCaution: To satisfy FCC RF Exposure requirements for mobile and base station transmission devices, a separation distance of 20cm or more should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during operation. To ensure compliance operation at closer than this distance is not recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. No other antenna may be used with this equipment other than the PCB antenna supplied with this equipment.This document may not be reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the company.Cynergy3 Components Ltd7 Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, WimborneDorset BH21 7PE, United KingdomTel:+44(0)1202897969,email:******************CONTENTS1.INTRODUCTION _______________________________________________________ 21.1 SAFETY INFORMATION _____________________________________________________ 21.2HARDWARE FEATURES ____________________________________________________ 22.UNPACKING__________________________________________________________ 33.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION LABEL _____________________________________ 35.SETTING UP THE IWPT WIRELESS PRESSURE TRANSMITTER ___________ 46.TROUBLE-SHOOTING GUIDE__________________________________________ 67.SYSTEM PART NUMBERS______________________________________________ 78.SPECIFICATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS__________________________________ 9 1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Safety InformationThis manual contains information that must be observed in the interest of your safety and to avoid damage to assets. Please read this manual before installing and commissioning the device and keep the manual in an accessible location for all users.Contains FCC ID: W70MRF24J40MDMECaution: To satisfy FCC RF Exposure requirements for mobile and base station transmission devices, a separation distance of 20cm or more should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during operation. To ensure compliance operation at closer than this distance is not recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. No other antenna may be used with this equipment other than the PCB antenna supplied with this equipment.Please see the Certifications section for more information on RF Exposure Compliance 1.2 Hardware FeaturesThe IWPT range of Wireless Pressure Transmitters has been designed to measure the pressure of the medium connected and transmit the value to one of the IWR range of receivers where the value can be outputted as either a 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc signal.The IWR-1 has a single output and the IWR-5 has five outputs, each of which can be linked to an IWPT transmitter. The IWPT pressure transmitter works on the license-free 2.4 GHz band.Ranges of up to 500 m are possible using the standard transmitter and receiver unit with the optional 3dBi antenna giving a range of up to 750 m. The transmitter is powered by a 3.6V lithium cell and care must be taken to insert the battery in the correct polarity.2. UNPACKINGThe instrument should be carefully inspected for signs of damage that may have occurred in transit. In the unlikely case that damage has been sustained, DO NOT use the instrument, but please retain all packaging for our inspection and contact your supplier immediately.3. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION LABELThe unit delivered should be carefully inspected to ensure it is suitable for the application required. Detailed information on the product is included in the identification label and the user manual.Please ensure in particular, that the pressure range of the IWPT is suitable for the intended application and that the IWPT unit will not be subjected to pressures and/or temperatures greater than those specified in this manual.4.INSTALLING/CHANGING THE BATTERYA Lithium 3.6V battery is included inside the IWPT transmitter. The battery may be changed at any time but the correct polarity must be observed at all times! After the battery has been changed, the pushbutton SW1 should be pushed for 5s at the same time as the unit is switched on using SW3. This is to ensure the battery life count is set correctly when a new battery is installed.The internal LED will flash 5 times to indicate this procedure has been carried out successfully.The battery life is determined by the rate the transmitter sends the Pressure value to the receiver, this update rate can be selected using Dip Switch 1 and the default value is 10s. Please dispose of all batteries as specified by the legislator according to the Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act or country regulations.! ! WARNING !MAKE SURE THE CORRECT BATTERY POLARITY IS OBSERVED!!! WARNING !INCORRECT BATTERIES MAY DAMAGE THE UNIT USE ONLY 3.6V LITHIUM C CELL BATTERIES5.1 Mounting InstructionsEnsure that:-- The instrument is used on a pressure medium that is compatible with the wetted parts- The correct seal is used and that the maximum torque (see below) is not exceeded- Fluid is not allowed to freeze in the pressure port as the diaphragm may be ruptured- No sharp objects are inserted into the pressure port as the diaphragm may be damagedTighten the unit in place using a wrench on the 18mm A/F hexagon provided on the unit. Ensure that no more than 15Nm is applied, that the system is de-pressurized, and that a suitable pressure seal is used.5.2 SETTING UP THE IWPT WIRELESS PRESSURE TRANSMITTERThe IWPT instrument is shipped in a default configuration which allows the unit to connect with any default IWR receiver unit and transmit the measured pressure every 10s simply by switching the unit on using SW3 on the internal circuit board.If a different update rate is required, or a different network frequency channel is required these parameters can be selected using DIP Switch 1 as detailed below:Switches 1, 2, 3 & 4 select the RF Network the IWPT will transmit on. The default network for both the IWPT transmitter and IWR receiver is network 1. RF NETWORK 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 1 5 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 1 7 0 1 1 0 8 0 1 1 1DIP SWITCHLED1BATTERYON/OFF Switch SW3SW1USB+9 1 0 0 010 1 0 0 111 1 0 1 012 1 0 1 113 1 1 0 014 1 1 0 115 1 1 1 016 1 1 1 1Switches 5, 6 & 7 select the Transmission rate of the unit. This effectively sets how often the pressure value is sent to the receiver.Transmit time 5 6 710 seconds 0 0 020 seconds 0 0 130 seconds 0 1 060 seconds 0 1 1120 seconds 1 0 0600 seconds 1 0 11 second 1 1 05 seconds 1 1 1Switches 8, 9, and 10 set the Channel Number of the transmitter. This is used with the 5 channel receiver unit (IWR-5) to select which Pressure transmitter is linked to which4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc output channel.Tx Channel Number 8 9 101 0 0 02 0 0 13 0 1 04 0 1 15 1 0 0The IWPT transmitter is now set up and ready to be used. Install the unit into the pipework as required and switch the unit ON using SW3. Pushbutton switch SW1 can be pushed to force the unit to transmit its current pressure and LED 1 will flash twice if the transmission has been received and acknowledged by an IWR receiver unit.If the unit has transmitted successfully the 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc output of the connected receiver unit will output a value reflecting the pressure level being measured.6.TROUBLE-SHOOTING GUIDEProblem encountered Possible CausesLED1 doesn’t flash when push button SW1 is pressed Unit not switched on, switch on using SW3. The battery is not installed correctly.The battery needs replacing.LED1 only flashes once when SW1 is pressed IWR receiver not switched on. IWR receiver is not set up for the same RFnetwork.IWR receiver not within range of the transmitter.If an IWR-1 receiver is used, ensure that the transmitter is set to Tx Channel 1Output from the IWR receiver isn’t equivalent to the Pressure being monitored IWR receiver set up incorrectly, see IWR user manual for further details.Check that the green external LED on the receiver is flashing when the transmitter push button is pressed as the receiver may be out of range.7. SYSTEM PART NUMBERSPart Number Pressure Range Receiver Output IWPT-G1000-00 0-1 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-G6000-00 0-6 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-GM1P9-00 -1-+9 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-G1002-00 0-10 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-G1602-00 0-16 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-CO184-00 -1-+24 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-G2502-00 0-25 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-G4002-00 0-40 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-G1003-00 0-100 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-G2503-00 0-250 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPT-G4003-00 0-400 Bar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP015-00 0-15 psi g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP030-00 0-30 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-CO446-00 -14.5 to +150 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP075-00 0-75 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP100-00 0-100 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-CO447-00 -14.5 to +350 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP150-00 0-150 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP300-00 0-300 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP750-00 0-750 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP1K5-00 0-1500 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP3K6-00 0-3600 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTU-GP5K8-00 0-5800 psi g4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTL-G0050-00 0-50 mbar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTL-G0100-00 0-100 mbar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTL-G0250-00 0-250 mbar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTL-G0500-00 0-500 mbar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTL-G0750-00 0-750 mbar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTL-G1000-00 0-1000 mbar g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTL-A0500-00 0-500 mbar abs 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTL-A0750-00 0-750 mbar abs 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTL-A1000-00 0-1000 mbar abs 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dcPart Number Pressure Range Receiver Output IWPTLU-GP001-00 0-1 psi g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTLU-GP002-00 0-2 psi g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTLU-GP005-00 0-5 psi g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTLU-GP008-00 0-8 psi g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTLU-GP010-00 0-10 psi g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTLU-GP015-00 0-15 psi g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTLU-AP005-00 0-5 psi abs 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTLU-AP010-00 0-10 psi g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dc IWPTLU-AP015-00 0-15 psi g 4-20 mA or 1-5 V dcPart Number Number of Output ChannelsIWR-1 OneIWR-5 FiveIANT-3 3 dBi Antenna IWPT-SA Swivel Adaptor (1/4” BSP)8.SPECIFICATIONS & CERTIFICATIONSUnited States FCCThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that which the receiver is connected • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpWarning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Cynergy3 could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.RF ExposureContains FCC ID: W70MRF24J40MDMEIn this equipment, the antenna supplied is a PCB antenna and an alternative antenna must not be used.System PerformanceAccuracy (non-linearity & hysteresis <±0.25% / FS (BFSL)Setting ErrorsZero & Full Scale,<±0.5% / FS Thermal Zero Shift <±0.04% / FS / °C Thermal Span Shift <±0.02% / °C typicalMedia Temperature -20 to +135 °C Ambient Temperature -20 to +50 °C Storage Temperature -20 to +80 °CPressure Housing 303 Stainless Steel O Ring Seals Viton DiaphragmCeramic Enclosure Material Acetal Weight310 gRF TransmitterContains FCC W70MRF24J40MDME Power Requirements Lithium Ion C 3.6V CellBattery Life 5 Years (10s transmission rate)Dimensions 132mm x 79mm x 52mm (L x W x D) Mounting Any OrientationSensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARDTO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION OR CONTACT US EUROPE+44 (0)1202 897969********************* Cynergy3 Components Ltd.7 Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Wimborne, Dorset,BH21 7PE, United Kingdom USACaution: To satisfy FCC RF Exposure requirements for mobile and base station transmission devices, a separation distance of 20cm or more should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during operation. To ensure compliance operation at closer than this distance is not recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. No other antenna may be used with this equipment other than the PCB antenna supplied with this equipment.Canada (IC)EnglishThis device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of the type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication. FrenchLe présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’explitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioelectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.Conformément à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenna d’un type et d’un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l’émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à I’intention des autres utilisateurs, il fait choisir le type d’antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e) ne dépasse pas l’intensité nécessaire à l’établissement d’une communication satisfaisante.EuropeThe MRF24J40MD/ME wireless module used in this equipment has been tested to R&TTE Directive 1995/5/EC Essential Requirements for Health and Safety (Article 3.1(a)), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Article 3.1(b)) and Radio (Article 3.2) and are summarized in the table below. A Notified Body Opinion has also been issued for this module.Certification Standards ArticleSafety EN60950-2006+A11+A1:2010 (3.1(a))Health EN50371:2002-03 (3.1(a))EMC EN301 489-1 V1..8.1 (2008-04_ (3.1(b))EMC EN301-489-17 V2.1.1(2009-05) (3.1(b))Radio EN 300 328 V1.7.1(2006-10) (3.2)。

RFbeam K-TS1 TSviewLite软件用户手册说明书

RFbeam K-TS1 TSviewLite软件用户手册说明书

User Manual
Getting Started with TSviewLite
RFbeam TSviewLite is a graphical user interface (GUI) for our K-TS1 testsystem. TSviewLite presents a comfortable user interface and allows taking measures with just a few mouse clicks.
The “Synthetic Target” simulates a moving object. RF signal received at "target Rx antenna" of K-TS1 will be amplified, SSB modulated by a sine wave and sent back via the "target Tx antenna". The radar transceiver will interpret this signal as a moving object and return a sine wave at its IF output. K-TS1 simulates “I and Q” components, that are producing 90° phase shifted IF signals at a stereo sensor. For K-TS1 modules with firmware V3.01 or higher you can also simulate the direction of the simulated target by changing the sign of the fTX control. A positive value will simulate a forward moving target and a negative value a backward moving target.



7> 8>
检查主板上的 ZigBee 模块是否接好。如果接好,模块的 LED 灯会闪烁。 选择 Zigbee 操作菜单的第二项,启动 ZigBee 网络。
启动 ZigBee 网络
等待几秒钟之后,LCD 显示加载 ZigBee 网ful”)。 网关板上的 ZigBee 模块 LED 灯由闪烁状态变为常亮。 点击“exit”返回上一级菜单。
11)配置 PC 软件网络扫描相关参数 � 选配置“扫描网络拓扑的时间间隔周期”是多少秒,建议设定在 1-5 秒的范围内。 � 点击“开始扫描网络拓扑” ,开始扫描网络。
- 22 -
13)等扫描大约十次以上之后,我们就可以点击“关闭扫描传感网络拓扑图”按钮,关闭 扫描。以便完成其它操作。
LED 向右方向, 做流水显示。
返回上一级菜 单
2.2 蜂鸣器实验
2.3 光照度采集实验
实验内容: 光照度测试实验。
实验步骤: 1> 选择“硬件测试”界面进入。 2> 选择“Light”按钮。 3> 进入光敏采集实验界面。
光敏显示区: 200 为采集到的 光敏传感器数据
返回上一级菜 单
我们在这个实验中,为了进一步测试,可以用手去盖一个光敏传感器,观察采集到的光 敏传感器数据会有什么变化。
2.4 高精度温湿度实验
实验内容: 温度和湿度采集实验。 实验步骤: 1> 选择“硬件测试”界面进入。 2> 选择“Temp Humidity”按钮。 3> 进入高精度温湿度实验界面。
湿度显示区: 45.9% 为 采 集 到 的 SHT10 传感器上湿度数 据



传感器信号仿真系统用户手册湖北汽车工业学院汽车工程系2010年05月3日目 录一系统概述 (1)二系统硬件使用说明 (2)2.1系统基本结构概述 (2)2.2系统电源状态指示 (2)2.3系统工作状态指示 (3)2.4RS-232串行通讯接口 (3)2.5MC9S12XDT256最小应用系统 (4)2.6系统外部接口1 (4)2.7系统外部接口2 (4)2.8系统外部接口3 (5)2.9系统外部接口4 (5)2.10系统外部接口5 (6)2.11系统外部接口6 (6)三ABHS软件使用说明 (8)3.1软件安装 (8)3.2用户身份验证及注册 (9)3.3参数设置 (10)3.4在线编程功能 (12)3.5写标定值功能 (13)3.6示波器功能 (23)四HEV调试功能 (25)4.1通讯参数设置 (25)4.2启动检测功能 (26)4.3开关量信号控制 (27)4.4模拟量信号控制 (27)4.5脉冲量信号控制 (28)4.6输入信号检测 (28)4.7CAN网络调试 (29)五发动机硬件在环仿真功能 (30)5.1通讯参数设置 (30)5.2启动检测功能 (31)5.3开关量信号检测 (32)5.4模拟量信号检测 (32)5.5脉冲量信号检测 (21)5.6输入信号检测 (21)5.7发动机类型选择 (214)六CAN+通用调试 (36)6.1通讯参数设置 (36)6.2启动检测功能 (37)6.3开关量信号控制 (38)6.4模拟量信号控制 (38)6.5脉冲量信号控制 (39)6.6开关量输入信号检测 (39)6.7模拟量输入信号检测 (40)6.8脉冲量输入信号检测 (40)6.9CAN总线调试 (41)七系统MAP标定 (42)八系统外部接口定义 (58)8.1HEV调试模块外部接口定义 (58)8.2发动机硬件在环仿真模块外部接口定义 (60)8.3CAN+通用模块外部接口定义 (62)一、系统概述传感器信号仿真系统用于模拟各类型车辆常用传感器信号,一般配合其他目标控制系统使用,是汽车电子技术应用中理想的离线调试工具,尤其适合于复杂控制系统的初步开发、设计应用及控制策略的分析和验证。

Monnit 无线传感器系统安装指南和设置书说明书

Monnit 无线传感器系统安装指南和设置书说明书

Inside the BoxYou should find the following items in the box:• Monnit ™ Wireless Sensors• MonnitLink ™ Wireless Ethernet Gateway• Power Supply• Antenna MonnitLink ™ Ethernet Gateway Quick Start• Create a Monnit user account with assigned wireless gateways and sensors. • Plug an Ethernet cable with internet connectivity into the gateway. • Plug the power supply into a power outlet then connect to the gateway. • Once all three lights turn green, your network is ready to bring sensors online. Monnit Wireless Sensors and Ethernet GatewayQuick Start Guide • 6 ft. Ethernet Cable • Mounting Hardware • Quick Start Guide• Batteries1. Create a Monnit User Account and Setup Sensor NetworkIf this is your first time using the iMonnit online system site, you will need to create a new account. If you have already created an account you can skip to the “Logging into the Online System” section. The following instructions will guide you through the account creation process.1. In a web browser, navigate to https:// .2. Click the “Get Started Here” button to create an account.3. Follow the on-screen instructions to enter your account and contactinformation .4. After entering your account and contact information, you will be prompted to create your first sensor network. Simply enter a name for this network.5. Add the information from your MonnitLink ™ gateway then click the “Assign Gateway” button.ID: ZTL-RFUSB1 IC: 9794A-RFUSB1ID: #### Code: XXXXXX6a. Add the information from your first Monnit wireless sensor then click the “Assign Sensor” button.+_Back of SensorP eeContains: FCC ID: ZTL-RFSC1IC: 9794A-RFSC1Sensor ID: ######Sensor Code: XXXXXX6b. On the next screen, enter a name for the wireless sensor and use thedrop down to tell us how you are going to be using the wireless sensor.(This allows us to suggest settings for your sensor.) When finished, click the “Continue” button.PAGE 2PAGE 37. Setup sensor notification(s).The next screen will allow you to setup notifications for the sensor that was justadded to the network. You have the option of using pre-configured notifications based on suggestions from our system, or you can create your own custom notification.If you choose to create your own notification, it will be available for any similar sensorsthat are added to your account in the future.Or, create yourown customnotification here.Select anypre-configurednotifications youwant to use withyour sensor.Custom notificationsTo create a custom notification, click on the “Create your own” button. Set yourcustom notification settings and click “Save”.Set notificationsettings.Then click “save”.8. Assign any additional sensors.When you have finished setting up the sensor, you will see a confirmation screen. Atthis point you can assign additional sensors to your network or begin using the system by clicking “Done”.2. Using the MonnitLink™ Ethernet Gateway1. Understanding the Ethernet Gateway LightsFront of Ethernet Gateway1 2 3Light 1 - Indicates the Ethernet cable is plugged in. A green light indicates ready and working, a red light indicates there is a problem.Light 2 - Indicates the Ethernet has internet connectivity and can reach the onlinemonitoring system. A green light indicates ready and working, a red light indicatesthere is a problem. A flashing green light indicates network traffic to the internet.Light 3 - Indicates sensor network activity. A green light indicates ready and working,a red light indicates there is a problem. A flashing green light indicates radio trafficfrom the sensors.2. Ethernet Gateway ControlsBack PanelEthernet PortRP SMA Antenna Connector Power Plug Control ButtonUsing the Control Button:1) A short press will trigger the gateway to immediately send all stored sensor mes-sages to the online system and download any pending system messages to deliver to the sensors. (The default heartbeat for the Ethernet gateway is 5 minutes.)2) Press and hold to reset the gateway to factory settings. This resets the gatewayheartbeat to 5 minutes and changes the heartbeat in the online system as well. Youwill need to login to the online system after resetting the gateway to reconfigure thegateway to your desired settings.Note: If your gateway powers up with the lights scrolling from left to right, it has entered into boot loader mode accidentally. Make sure the button is free from obstruction and reboot the gateway by removing the power plug, waiting for 10 seconds then reinserting the power plug.PAGE 43. Configuring The Ethernet GatewayThe Ethernet Gateway collects data from all sensors within range and is preconfigured to batch deliver the sensor messages to the online system every 5 minutes.The Ethernet Gateway uses DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to au-tomatically acquire a network address from the LAN (Local Area Network). In the event that it needs to have an address manually assigned to it, you can assign an IP address as well as a gateway mask and default DNS through the online interface. For more information on configuring the Monnit Ethernet Gateway please view the support documentation at /pdf/Ethernet_Gateway_Configuration.pdf .Note: This advanced configuration is NOT required in most instances. In the event that it isrequired, you will need to initialize it on a network that can reach the online system with the default DHCP settings allowing your configuration settings to be downloaded to the device.Upon logging into the online system as an administrator, select “My Account” then choose the edit icon next to your sensor network. From there you can alter the heart-beat of the Ethernet Gateway as well as edit any other configurations available. There is also a quick link to reset all gateway settings to factory defaults.3. Using Your Monnit Wireless SensorsInsert Batteries Into Wireless SensorsImportant: Make sure your sensors are at least 3ft. away from Ethernet Gateway.Peel back the black sticker cover of the battery slot and slide the coin cell battery into the sensor as shown in fig.1. It will power on within 10-20 seconds. Once online, your sensor is ready to be deployed. If you wish to change a sensor configuration, change the parameter in the software. The new parameters will be transmitted to the sensor on the next heartbeat. If you need a more immediate response from the sensor, power cycle the sensor by removing, then re-inserting the battery.Notes:- If the sensor status indicator does not change, resetthe sensor by removing the battery.- Wait 60 seconds then re-insert the battery.- When inserting the battery, make sure to push thebattery all the way back using a paper clip.- Note the proper orientation of battery in fig.1Warning: Your sensors ship with a 10 minute heartbeat.It is recommended that unless you are using the AA batterysolution, you should set the heartbeat to no faster than one hour to preserve battery life. Whenchanging a sensor’s heartbeat, the new configuration information will be sent to the sensor on it’s next heartbeat. If you want to update the sensors immediately you can reset them manually.Manual Sensor Reset Process:1 - Using the end of a paper clip, push the batteries out of the sensors through the small hole in the top of the sensor2 - Change the sensor heartbeat through the online system3 - Re-insert the batteries into the sensors +_Battery Insertion fig.1PAGE 54. Using The iMonnit™ Online Wireless Sensor System1. Understanding The Online InterfaceWhen you log into the online system, the default view shows all of your sensors last recorded data.Menu SystemView / Sort FeaturesDate Range SelectorSensors OverviewSensor Details View Menu SystemOverview - Shows all sensors in the account and their last readings.Notifications - Manage sensor notifications and show all sent notifications.Manage - Manage networks, sensors and gateways.Reports - Printable account and sensor network reports.Sensor Maps - Visual maps to help you track sensor placement.Support - Support information for using sensors and software.View / Sort FeaturesThis section allows you to sort the sensors being viewed and search for sensors on your account.Sensor OverviewDisplays sensors on your account with their last reading and status information.Clicking on a sensor row expands the “Sensor Detail View” allowing you to viewdetailed information for the selected sensor.PAGE 6PAGE 7To the left side of each sensor row is an indicator to help you understand the currentstatus of the sensor.Sensor is checking in and within user defined safe parameters.Sensor has met or exceeded a user defined threshold or triggered event.Sensor has not checked in (inactivity alert sent).No sensor readings since shippingNo sensor readings will be recorded (Inactive)Edit your sensorEdit your sensor, however some fields are unavailable until pendingtransactions have been downloaded to the sensorSensor Details ViewClicking on a sensor row on the “Overview” page expands the row to include a detailed sensor view for the selected sensor.Select a tab to change between:Chart- Displays a graphical view of the selected sensor’s data. Notifications- Allows you to manage notifications for the sensor. History- Displays a history of the selected sensor’s data.Export- Allows you to archive data by exporting as a .csv file.Edit- Allows you to manage sensor settings.Calibrate- Available on certain sensor types to provide more accurate data.Note: The data shown on the chart, notification, history and export tabs is based on the date range indicated on the upper right side of the sensor detail information. To change the daterange, click inside the date box.2. Chart and History Views.Clicking on the “Chart” or “History” tabs within the sensor detail panel allows you to viewthe sensor’s data history in a graphical chart format or as text.PAGE 8Note: To change the date range of the viewable information, click on the date range box at the top right of the sensor detail panel.3. Configuring Sensor SettingsTo edit a sensors operation settings, click on the sensor overview row to display thedetails view. Click on the “Edit” tab to access the sensor configuration panel.The sensor edit panel allows you to set the primary configurations for the sensor.Mousing over the question mark icon by each setting will provide an explanation of that setting. When you have finished making changes, press the “Save” button at thebottom of this section.Note: Be sure to click the “Save” button anytime you make a change to any of the sensor parameters.All changes made to the sensor settings will be downloaded to the sensor on the next sensorheartbeat (check-in). Once a change has been made and “Saved,” you will not be able to edit that sensor’s configurations again until the sensor has downloaded the new setting.4. Editing and Adding NotificationsNotifications for a single sensor can be created, deleted or edited by clicking the“Notifications” tab in a sensor’s detail view.Notifications can be created, deleted or edited for any sensor or group of sensors by clicking on “Notifications” in the main menu.The Notification List Window Create a NewNotification Edit NotificationClick to Enable /Disable aNotificationView / Edit / DeleteNotification To create a new notification, click on “Create new notification”, then name thenotification and select the type of notification you would like to create.Class of Notification There are four notification options available when creating a new notification.• Application - Application notifications are sensor specific (i.e. water sensor = trig-ger alert when water present, temp sensor = trigger alert when temp is above 70F, etc.). If creating an application specific notification, you will need to choose what sensor type you are creating the alert for. The system will automatically populate a list of sensor types that are currently being used within the network. The notificatiion you create will be based on the selected sensor type.• Inactivity - Set-up “Inactivity” notifications to alert you when your sensors have stopped communicating with the servers. Failure to set up an “Inactivity” notifica-tion will result in no email/SMS txt being sent should your sensors stop communi-cating with the servers.• Low battery - Allows users to define a battery power percentage level that will trig-ger an alert from the system, warning them to replace batteries.• Advanced Notifications - Allows the user to set notifications based on more ad-vanced rules, such as comparing past data points with the current one to determine if the notification should be sent.PAGE 9PAGE 10Setting and Editing Notification SettingsPeople to NotifyStart typing a name into the box and the system will automatically populate thename of a user within your sensor network. If there are already multiple users on the network, a drop down list of names will appear. Select the name of the userfor the notification. If the person to be notified does not have an account on thenetwork, you may quick add them by selecting the “Add Recipient” link and entering in their contact information.Notification Parameters This area allows the user to set notification parameters such as naming thenotification, customizing the notification message and setting sensor conditions that will trigger the notification.Assigned DevicesAllows you to tell the system which sensor(s) will trigger the notification beingcreated. When a notifications is sent from the system, it will automatically include the sensor name and data that caused the notification to be sent.A notification can be assigned to multiple sensors. Application specific notifications (ex. Temperature) can only be assigned to sensors of that application type. General notifications such as “battery status”, can be assigned to any or all sensors.5. Exporting Sensor DataClicking on the “Export” tab within the sensor data window allows you to export sensor datato a comma separated value (.csv) file or send the sensor data to an external web source. To export sensor data you must first select the date range for the data you want to export. Once the date range is selected, determine whether you want sensor data from theselected sensor only, from all sensors in the network or all sensors assigned to the account. When you are finished, click on “Export Data” at the bottom of this window. The data will be exported to a comma separated value (.csv) file format.Note: Only the first 2,500 records within the selected date range will be exported.You can alternately send your sensors’ incoming data to a 3rd party by clicking on the “Configure data push” button at the bottom of the window. From this area you can pass data from your wireless sensor network devices to another service in real time. This is done by coding the data into a url query then sending the data via http get request at the time data is received. There is an extensive list of parameters that can be passed, as listed in the viewed window, that allow you to send detailed information about both the data and the sensor.6. Calibrating Sensor DataCertain wireless sensors can be calibrated for more accurate readings (ex. temperature sensors). If calibration is possible for a sensor, the “Calibrate” tab will be visible in the detail view. To calibrate a sensor, replace the last reading with the more accurate reading and click “Calibrate”. All future readings from the sensor will be based off the new calibrationsetting.7. Manage Sensor NetworksTo view or edit information about your wireless sensor network(s), click on “Manage” in the main navigation. This area allows you to edit network details, create new sensor networks, and manage wireless gateways and sensors for your network(s). PAGE 11Move device to another network Add a deviceto the network Create anew network Remove device from networkEdit network informationClear sensorhistory and dataClick toManageSelect which network to viewNote: Some buttons and features are only visible if there is more than one sensor network setup on the account, such as the network selection box in the upper right corner.If more than one sensor network is setup on the account, you can easily move gateways and sensors from one network to another by clicking on the “Move Device” button at the far right of the device’s “Status” section.If you clear a sensor’s data, the data history is deleted from the entire system and can not be recovered. We recommend exporting a sensor’s data history using the export function in the sensor details view (“Overview” page) before clearing the sensor’s data if you want to have a record of the data.PAGE 11For additional information or more detailed instructions on how to use your Monnit Wireless Sensors or the iMonnit Online System, please visit us on the web at/support/.Monnit Corporation7304 South CottonwoodSuite #204Midvale, Utah 84047801-561-5555All trademarks are property of Monnit. ©2013 Monnit Corp. All Rights Reserved. M-QS03-4B (10/13)Additional Information and SupportYou can find additional information on using Monnit Wireless Sensors, including product documentation and video tutorials on the Monnit website at /support .Information to UsersThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital devices, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interfer-ence to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Monnit could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.RF EXPOSURE WARNING: To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for mobile transmitting devices, a separation distance of 20 cm or more should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during device operation. To ensure compliance, operations at closer than this distance are not recommended. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be co-located in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.。



Customer Fact Sheet on Wireless Sensor Networks – March 18, 2013Page 1LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION • 1630 McCarthy Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 • (408) 432-1900 • FAX: (408) 434-0507 • LINEAR TECHNOLOGY WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS CUSTOMER FACT SHEET FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENTSWhat encryption products does Linear Technology Supply? Linear Technology SmartMesh Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) products are comprised of motes – nodes that are embedded into field devices, sensors, or actuators – and managers – devices embedded into gateways or controllers that manage a network of motes and provide a bridge to an outside network. Linear’s WSN hardware devices are made in several forms including bare circuit boards, packaged circuit boards, integrated circuits, and µmodules, and such devices typically contain embedded and/or accompanying software. Linear offers its WSN motes and mangers in the global license-free 2.4 GHz band to meet a range of requirements for industrial and commercial applications. Linear may also deliver “stand alone” software electronically or via CD in certain applications. Please refer to: /products/wireless_sensor_networks for additional details and product briefs.What export controls are applicable to Linear’s WSN products and why? Goods, software, and technology are all subject to the export control laws and regulations of the United States, including but not limited to the Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”). Certain Linear WSN products utilize encryption technologies which are subject to specific regulations and requirements. Please refer to: https:///policiesandregulations/index.htm#ear for specific details regarding encryption controls.What import controls are applicable to Linear’s WSN products and why? Certain countries have import permit or license requirements for the importation of encryption devices. For your convenience, some of these import controls are available on Linear’s website. This is not a complete and definitive list. Other requirements may exist. It is the customer’s responsibility to check with their local Customs Authority regarding import controls. Please refer to: /docs/39238 for specific details regarding some countries’ import controls. What encryption levels are used in Linear’s WSN products?Encryption use and security levels vary by product type and, accordingly, the specific Linear product(s) being utilized should be referred to in order to determine if and what encryption levels apply.What considerations apply due to the use of encryption technologies? There are many considerations, but of primary importance is classification and, if required, review by the U.S. Department of Commerce of the products for export control and reporting purposes. Please refer to: /docs/39238 for ECCN numbers, available License Exceptions, and CCATS.Where can Linear’s WSN products legally be shipped to? Are there any restrictions?The responsibility for ensuring export compliance is that of the exporter of the product. LinearTechnology will provide the ECCN number, CCATS number and advise of any License Exceptions that apply for shipment/export. Please also see above for import controls applicable to Linear’s WSN products.Please refer to: https:///policiesandregulations/index.htm#ear to ascertain whatrules/regulations apply for export to your desired destination.Are there implications for OEM Customers using Linear’s WSN?Linear constantly strives to improve is WSN products including security technology, and accordingly, the CCATS for WSN products may change from time to time. OEM’s should consult with their exportcompliance department, as well as related counsel, to account for this fact, and allow flexibility whenincorporating WSN products. Further, while Linear CCATS may be useful for OEM’s as a guideline, it isresponsibility of the OEM to certify and classify their own end products.Linear Technology Corporation Terms of SaleIn addition to Linear’s standard commercial terms of sale, the buyer acknowledges and agrees that thegoods, software, and technology subject to this Agreement are subject to the export control laws andregulations of the United States, including but not limited to the Export Administration Regulations(“EAR”), and sanctions regimes of the U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign Asset Controls. It is the responsibility of the buyer to adhere to all applicable U.S. laws and regulations.Please refer to: https:///policiesandregulations/index.htm#ear for furtherInformation, or contact your export compliance / legal counsel for assistance.Are there additional considerations related to international shipments of WSN products?Because Linear’s WSN products include radios which transmit and receive data, there may be countryspecific communication regulations which apply (e.g., the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, orFCC). These regulations vary by country and may impose additional compliance and/or regulatoryrequirements on the importer or exporter of the products.This overview is intended only as a tool to assist OEM’s in assessing Linear’s WSN products. Each OEM is responsible to ensure their WSN products meet applicable export requirements which may be different than those outlined herein as they pertain specifically to Linear’s products. This document does not provide legal advice. It is the responsibility of the OEM to consult with their own export compliance or legal counsel with any questions regarding export control requirements.Customer Fact Sheet on Wireless Sensor Networks – March 18, 2013 Page 2。

无线传感器-868MHz WRT 系列天线(32-450MHz)-用户手册说明书

无线传感器-868MHz WRT 系列天线(32-450MHz)-用户手册说明书

– 1 –Revised 12/9/13Product DescriptionThe WRT Series antenna is ideally suited for applications such as wireless vending, security, traffic, or power equipment which require anunobtrusive, tamper-resistant antenna solution. The tiny 19 x 11 mm radome installs through a small hole on the product and is anchored by a threaded base. An adhesive foam compression ring isused to resist the elements. The ½-wave antenna also features an integral counterpoise, which eliminates the need for a proximity ground plane. The antenna is suited for mounting in applications where the counterpoise will not be shieldedfrom the antenna (non-conductive or open metal enclosures); installation where the counterpoise is within a shielded enclosure will affect the antenna performance. The antenna’s coax feed is available with SMA, RP-SMA, or a U.FL / MHF compatible connector. U.FL and I-PEX MHF connectorstandards are compatible with each other. Alternate coax lengths, connectors and custom colors are available for volume OEM customers.Features• Low cost • Unobtrusive • Tamper resistant • Integral counterpoise • Indoor / outdoor•Adhesive or permanent mountElectrical SpecificationsCenter Frequency: 868MHzRecom. Freq. Range: 855–880MHz Wavelength: ½-wave VSWR: ≤ 1.9 typical at center Peak Gain: 1.5dBi Impedance: 50-ohms Oper. Temp. Range: –40° to +90°C Connector: RP-SMA, SMA or U.FL / MHF Cable: RG-174 RP-SMA & SMA 1.32 mm U.FL Max. Recom. Torque: 4.0 kgf-cmElectrical specifications and plots measured on 10.16 cm x 10.16 cm (4.00” x 4.00”) reference ground planeANT-868-WRT-xxxData SheetbyOrdering InformationANT -868-WRT -RPS (with RP-SMA connector)ANT -868-WRT -SMA (with SMA connector)ANT -868-WRT -UFL (with U.FL / MHF compatible connector)(0.75")5.26 mm (0.207")M11x1.0 mm ThreadVSWR Reflected Power3:1 2:1 1:125%11%0%by Data Sheet ANT-868-WRT-xxxVSWR GraphWhat is VSWR?The Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is a measurement of how well an antenna is matched to a source impedance, typically 50-ohms. It is calculated by measuring the voltage wave that is headed toward the load versus the voltage wave that is reflected back from the load. A perfect match will have a VSWR of 1:1. The higher the first number, the worse the match, and the more inefficient the system. Since a perfect match cannot since the “:1” is always implied, many data sheets will remove it and just display the first number.How to Read a VSWR GraphVSWR is usually displayed graphically versus frequency. The lowest point on the graph is the antenna’s operational center frequency. In most cases, this will be different than the designed center frequency due to fabrication tolerances. The VSWR at that point denotes how close to 50-ohms the antenna gets. Linx specifies the recommended bandwidth as the range where the typical antenna VSWR is less than 2:1.– 2–。

TD-20U 无线传感器系统用户手册说明书

TD-20U 无线传感器系统用户手册说明书

2000Reception/Transmission range must be changed according to environment.Please check if system works properly for the site.In the case of insufficient transmission range, add another TR-20U (Repeater unit) to extend range.Sensor unit TD-20U Repeater TR-20UTC-10U Button unit TS-10UTR-20U INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSREPEATERPlease read this manual carefully before installation.Wall MountingUse the mounting screw on a wall. Leave some length of the screw out for mounting hole of the TR-20U.Desktopany flat surface.4) Press switch 2 a few times until the power indicator stops flashing and remains e only the power adaptor supplied with the Mounting holeStandFRONT Note: When you recycle this product, please disassemble product and recycle according to state law.BACKChannel indicator 1Channel indicator 2Channel indicator 3Switch 1Switch 2Adaptor JackPower Switch Power indicatorMounting screwTeach the transmitter code to TR-20UFEATURESCompatible with RC-20U (Chime box W/Relay), TD-20U (Indoor/Outdoor Sensor Transmitter), TS-10U (Hand-Held Transmitter), TC-10U(Door/Window Transmitter) and also compatible with any units of WIRELESS1000 series. Identifies the channel (location) by LED lights (4 channels). Able to learn 4 transmission codes. Automatic “Learning” function facilitates to preset transmission codes to TR-20U. Over 8 million codes possible, eliminates interference from neighbors. Low battery indicator to recognize transmission units’ battery status. Powered by a 9VDC adaptor(Included).Erasing all codes from TR-20U. (Return to the factory default)To erase all programming, turn on power while holding switch 1.CAUTION1. Impact/ShockImpact or Shock can cause severe damage or break the TR-20U.2. Electric DevicesUse TR-20U at least 3ft (1m) away from electronic devices such as TVs, Radios, PCs, Microwave ovens, or any other device with an electric motors. This may cause the unit to malfunction.3. Transmission rangeTransmission range may decrease under the following conditions: - Either transmission units or TR-20U installed on a metal surface.- Presence of a steel door, reinforced concrete or other metal obstructions between transmission unit and TR-20U.- Places near strong radio sources such as broadcast stations or substation.4. CleaningHarsh cleaners such as paint removers or benzene may ruin the surface. Use a soft wet cloth and mild soap to clean.WARNING1. Harsh environmentsDo not use the TR-20U outdoors, severe conditions as out of warranted temperature, rapid temperature change, high humidity, or steam. This may cause the unit to malfunction.2. TamperingAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by OPTEX could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.3. AdaptorDo not use any other AC adaptor except what is included.Each transmitter has a unique transmitter code which can be automatically learned by TR-20U.The TR-20U’s channels must be taught to respond to the appropriate transmitter. (No transmitter is taught on default setting.)Operation StatusUnit: inches (mm)1. The system is not operatingCheck the transmitter.Does the status indicator light up when you trigger the transmitter?Check to see whether the battery is inserted correctly. If the battery is old, replace it with a new one.Check the receiver.and connection.taught correctly?not operate without this process.same electrical power outlet?outlet.The zone indicator of the receiver is on, but nothing happens.Check to see whether the terminal is properly connected to other devices.Are the zone indicators flashing slowly?Follow directions in LOW BATTERY INDICATION of the receiver’s manual.Are there other high power appliances using the same electrical power outlet?Please connect the receiver to a different electrical outlet.Is there anything blocking the transmission?Relocate the receiver and/or the transmitter. Metal objects can shorten the effective transmission range.Is there anything blocking the transmission? Relocate the TR-20U and/or the transmitter. Metal 2. The system is not operating correctly.The TR-20U does not learn the transmitter codes.The TR-20U gets reception in the wrong channel.Check whether the transmitter codes have already been “learned” in a different channel. If so, erase the memory and teach again.Erase memory in the channel in which the RC-20U respondsand teach using the correct channel.A certain zone seem to malfunction.This is probably the transmitter’s problem. Check the transmitterthat corresponds to that channel.Before contacting the supplier!Go through the setups again after turning on the power while holding down switch 1.• If the above solutions do not work, please conta ct your supplier for services.Specifications may change without notice.1. This product is warranted under normal use for 1 year from the date of purchase. If the product proves to be defective, return it with a copy of your dated sales receipt for repairs or replacement without charge.2. The warranty is not applicable when below circumstances will be found:• Mechanical or electrical modification(s) are made to the product or it is otherwise altered manually.• The product is already been serviced at place(s) other than the manufacturer.• It is determined that the product malfunction has resulted from improper use or from an accident.• No copy of the dated sales receipt has been submitted together with the product to be serviced.The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the OPTEX could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. To comply with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating toconjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B Digital Device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction, may cause harmful interference to radio communication. However, there is no grantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.(1)Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. (2)Increase the separation between the equipment andreceiver.(3)Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.(4)Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.IC : 4012A-000000TR20UOperation is subject to the following two conditions.(1)this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.The receiver must be taught this transmitter code before use. Refer to the receiver’s manual for details.Channel 3Channel indicator start slow flashing whenever the corresponding transmitters have low battery.Any operation cannot be done until one of operations below are conducted.1) Replace transmitter’s batteries. 2) Press switch 2.TR-20U will not need to relearn transmitter after replacing the batteries.5916560Check the repeater.Is the TR-20U on? Check the wiring and connection.taught correctly?not operate without this process.。



无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册2014年 12月 1日目录1. 简介 (1)1.1. 背景 (1)1.2. 软件运转环境 (1)1.3. 使用处景 (2)1.4. 试用版使用限制 (2)2. 安装 (2)2.1. 双击安装程序 (2)2.2. 安装导游 (3)2.3. 选择安装目录 (3)2.4. 选择能否成立开始菜单和创立快捷方式 (4)2.5. 安装 (4)2.6. 安装达成 (5)2.7. Atos-SensorSim 快捷方式 (5)2.8. 安装目录中的文件夹 (7)2.9. Atos-SensorSim 主界面 (7)3. Atos-SensorSim 使用 (8)3.1. 网络管理 (8)3.1.1. 生成网络 (8)3.1.2. 查察生成网络的拓扑 (8)3.1.3. 改正生成网络的节点默认通讯半径 (9)3.1.4. 显示网络节点属性 (9)3.1.5. 改正网络节点属性 (10)3.1.6. 增添网络节点 (10)3.1.7. 删除网络节点 (11)3.1.8. 网络显示缩放 (12)3.1.9. 保留生成的网络 (12)3.1.10. 翻开保留的网络文件 (13)3.1.11. 创立网络文件分组 (13)3.1.12. 删除网络文件分组 (15)3.1.13. 删除网络文件 (16)3.2. 无线传感器网络算法管理 (18)3.2.1. 显示系统目前导入的算法 (18)3.2.2. 开始算法演示 (18)3.2.3. 停止算法演示 (19)3.2.4. 显示算法运转的节点散布 (20)3.2.5. 显示算法的网络链接信息 (20)3.2.6. 显示算法的网络链路质量信息 (21)3.2.7. 显示算法运转过程中经过的路线 (21)3.2.8. 显示算法的查问结果信息 (22)3.2.9. 调理算法演示的运转速度 (22)3.2.11.查察算法运转参数 (24)3.2.12.查察算法运转过程中发生的事件 (24)3.2.13.查察算法运转过程中发惹祸件的数据通讯量 (25)3.2.14.查察算法运转过程中发惹祸件的能量耗费 (25)3.2.15.查察算法运转过程中的总能量耗费 (26)3.2.16.迅速查察算法运转过程 (26)3.2.17.创立算法分组 (27)3.2.18.删除算法分组 (29)3.2.19.删除算法 (31)3.3.无线传感器网络实验管理 (31)3.3.1.显示系统中已保留的实验 (31)3.3.2.查察实验 (32)3.3.3.查察实验网络 (32)3.3.4.查察实验算法 (33)3.3.5.运转实验 (33)3.3.6.创立实验分组 (34)3.3.7.删除实验分组 (35)3.3.8.删除实验 (37)1.简介1.1. 背景因为传感器网络及其算法的复杂性,传感器网络中的绝大部分算法的性能没法经过理论剖析获得。























一、系统概述 (4)1、配套实验仪器: (4)2、微机: (4)3、主要功能: (4)4、操作系统平台和开发语言: (5)二、软件安装与删除 (6)1、安装 (6)2、删除 (11)三、软件使用说明: (13)1、窗口说明: (13)2、实验操作: (24)3、图形拉伸放大功能: (31)4、软件标定: (32)一、系统概述1、配套实验仪器:与本软件配套使用的是实验仪是浙江高联科技开发有限公司生产的传感器实验仪。




参考手册目录参考手册 (1)1MEC2440安装Linux系统 (2)1.1nand flash存放文件位置介绍 (2)1.2使用SJF2440工具烧写bootloader到flash (2)1.3 TFTP下载内核kernel (5)1.4 TFTP更新bootloader (10)1.5 TFTP下载根文件系统 (11)2.开发环境搭建 (15)2.1ZIGBee无线网络开发环境搭建 (15)2.1.3辅助软件安装(选择性安装)/物理地址修改/程序下载软件 (21)3.上位机开发 (28)3.1安装 (28)3.2工程的建立 (32)4.ZIGBee协议栈的使用 (40)5.1.认识协议栈 (40)5.2实现过程 (41)1MEC2440安装Linux系统MEC2440开发板为ARM开发板,我们使用这块板子来充当网关,可以完成数据采集,指令下发等功能,而且可以使用ARM板子来完成CC2430无法达到的运算功能。



1.1nand flash存放文件位置介绍1.2使用SJF2440工具烧写bootloader到flash(1) 用25 针排线将MEC2440的20 针JTAG 接口(J3)与JTAG 小板的相连,再用并口线将JTAG 小板与PC 机相连。

然后将/Flash 烧写文件夹拷贝到C盘(硬盘的其他地方也行)。

(2) 安装giveio 驱动,进入“Flash 烧写”文件夹下,点击“安装驱动.exe”,将弹出如下界面。


出现“Serviceisinstalled andrun”说明giveio 驱动安装成功。



无线网络仿真软件使用(总13页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--无线网络仿真软件使用——one1. 软件安装准备说明(1)安装平台:window 8(2)所需软件:版),,ActivePerl(windows平台perl解释器),Graphviz(用于将程序生成的数据绘图,程序会生成与graphviz兼容的文件)。

2. 软件安装(1)安装JDK,双击文件,一直选择默认安装即可。






图 1图 2(3)测试JDK安装成功,打开DOS命令窗口,输入javac,如果在窗口中能够出来一些提示,如图4所示,就说明环境变量注册成功。


图 3图 43. 程序的运行(1)编译源代码。


图 5(2)输入命令编译程序,命令为,如图6所示。

图 6(3)执行程序。




图 7图 84. One的进一步学习首先,从整体上把握ONE的基本框架,如图1-9所示。



节点移动行为通过movement models实现,软件已经整合了六种移动模型。

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无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册2014年12月1日目录1. 简介 (1)1.1. 背景 (1)1.2. 软件运行环境 (1)1.3. 使用场景 (2)1.4. 试用版使用限制 (2)2. 安装 (2)2.1. 双击安装程序 (2)2.2. 安装向导 (3)2.3. 选择安装目录 (3)2.4. 选择是否建立开始菜单和创建快捷方式 (4)2.5. 安装 (4)2.6. 安装完成 (5)2.7. Atos-SensorSim快捷方式 (5)2.8. 安装目录中的文件夹 (7)2.9. Atos-SensorSim主界面 (7)3. Atos-SensorSim使用 (8)3.1. 网络管理 (8)3.1.1. 生成网络 (8)3.1.2. 查看生成网络的拓扑 (8)3.1.3. 修改生成网络的节点默认通信半径 (9)3.1.4. 显示网络节点属性 (9)3.1.5. 修改网络节点属性 (10)3.1.6. 增加网络节点 (10)3.1.7. 删除网络节点 (11)3.1.8. 网络显示缩放 (12)3.1.9. 保存生成的网络 (12)3.1.10. 打开保存的网络文件 (13)3.1.11. 创建网络文件分组 (13)3.1.12. 删除网络文件分组 (15)3.1.13. 删除网络文件 (16)3.2. 无线传感器网络算法管理 (18)3.2.1. 显示系统目前导入的算法 (18)3.2.2. 开始算法演示 (18)3.2.3. 停止算法演示 (19)3.2.4. 显示算法运行的节点分布 (20)3.2.5. 显示算法的网络链接信息 (20)3.2.6. 显示算法的网络链路质量信息 (21)3.2.7. 显示算法运行过程中经过的路线 (21)3.2.8. 显示算法的查询结果信息 (22)3.2.9. 调节算法演示的运行速度 (22)3.2.10. 单步执行算法 (23)3.2.11. 查看算法运行参数 (24)3.2.12. 查看算法运行过程中发生的事件 (24)3.2.13. 查看算法运行过程中发生事件的数据通信量 (25)3.2.14. 查看算法运行过程中发生事件的能量消耗 (25)3.2.15. 查看算法运行过程中的总能量消耗 (26)3.2.16. 快速查看算法运行过程 (26)3.2.17. 创建算法分组 (27)3.2.18. 删除算法分组 (29)3.2.19. 删除算法 (31)3.3. 无线传感器网络实验管理 (31)3.3.1. 显示系统中已保存的实验 (31)3.3.2. 查看实验 (32)3.3.3. 查看实验网络 (32)3.3.4. 查看实验算法 (33)3.3.5. 运行实验 (33)3.3.6. 创建实验分组 (34)3.3.7. 删除实验分组 (35)3.3.8. 删除实验 (37)无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册1.简介1.1. 背景由于传感器网络及其算法的复杂性,传感器网络中的绝大多数算法的性能无法通过理论分析得到。




为了解决上述问题,设计并实现了一新型传感器网络模拟器Atos-SensorSim以简化各类传感器网络算法的模拟实现,并提供API开发接口,基于Atos-SensorSim 实现新的传感器网络算法和协议。





1.2. 软件运行环境由于采用Java语言开发,模拟器具有跨平台性,可运行于主流的Window和linux 操作系统。

具体如下:(1)支持Windows XP、Windows 2000、Windows Vista、Windows7等主流Windows 操作系统。

(2)支持Centos、RedHat linux、Ubuntu等主流Linux操作系统;1无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册1.3. 使用场景(1)教学该模拟器可在高校无线传感器网络、物联网相关课程教学过程中使用,为学生演示无线传感器网络Mac协议、路由协议、拓扑控制、时间同步、定位算法、链路估计算法、数据收集及查询、安全与隐私保护等经典无线传感器网络算法的基本原理、算法流程。


1.4. 试用版使用限制Atos-SensorSim试用版,不支持算法导入、用户自定义算法开发、实验配置、实验结果图自动生成等高级功能,且仅集成了部分无线传感器网络算法。


2.安装2.1. 双击安装程序2无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册2.2. 安装向导点击【下一步】,选择安装目录。

2.3. 选择安装目录选择安装目录后,点击【下一步】。

3无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册2.4. 选择是否建立开始菜单和创建快捷方式点击【下一步】,进入安装过程。

2.5. 安装4无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册2.6. 安装完成点击【完成】2.7. Atos-SensorSim快捷方式开始菜单出现Atos-SensorSim快捷方式5无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册6无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册2.8. 安装目录中的文件夹安装Atos-SensorSim后,安装目录中的文件夹如下所示:2.9. Atos-SensorSim主界面点击Atos-SensorSim.exe,进入Atos-SensorSim主界面从主界面可以看出,Atos-SensorSim有三项主要的功能:网络管理、算法管理和实验管理。




7无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册3.Atos-SensorSim使用3.1. 网络管理3.1.1.生成网络用户输入自定义的网络部署区域宽度、网络部署区域高度、网络节点数目、网络描述、节点默认通信半径后,点击【生成】按钮,生成网络。


















16无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册17无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册3.2. 无线传感器网络算法管理3.2.1.显示系统目前导入的算法点击【算法】按钮,在主界面左侧,显示显示系统目前导入的算法。






