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现代的写字楼、办公楼中总是有很多提示语,一是为来访人员提供方便,二是为了保持良好的办公环境。这次我们就来看看这些“提醒”和“不准”的英文表达。All visitors must report to the office. 来客必须到办公室登记。All visitors please report to the gate warder. 来客请到门房登记。Anyone caught using this lift will be removed. 用此电梯者将被清走。Business office 商务办公室Close the door behind you. 请随手关门Demonstration available 可以进行演示Electronically operated gate 电动门Floor cleaning in progress 正在清扫地板Front entrance 前门入口Head office 总部Interview in progress 正在面试Lift out of order 电梯发生故障Lift out of use 电梯停止使用Meeting in progress, quiet please. 正在开会,请保持安静。No food is to be consumed in this area. 此处不准吃东西。No littering 勿乱扔废弃物No smoking in this area 此处禁止吸烟No smoking in this lift 电梯禁止吸烟Office to let 办公室出租Please ensure that both the top and bottom of this door are closed. 请确保此门上下关紧。Please keep this office tidy and use the bins provided. 请保持办公室整洁,使用所提供的垃圾箱。Please wait here for enquiries. 请在此等候咨询。This is a smoke-free building. 楼禁止吸烟。We do not make purchases at this door. We do not buy at this door. 绝推销。

人力资源开发部Human Resources Division

人事部Personnel Department

培训部Training Department

督导部Quality Inspection Department

计财部Finance and Accounting Division

财务部Accounting Department

成本部Cost-control Department

采购部Purchasing Department


市场营销部sales & Marketing Division

销售部Sales Department

公关部Public Relation Department

预订部Reservation Department

客务部Room Division

前厅部Front Office Department

管家部Housekeeping Department

餐饮部Food & Beverage Department

康乐部Recreation and Entertainment Department 工程部Engineering Department

保安部Security Department

行政部Rear-Service Department

商场部Shopping Arcade

预算部Budget Dept.

市场部Marketing Dept.

工程设计部Construction & Design Dept.

样品室Sample Room

会议室Meeting Room

保卫室Safe-Guarder Room/Guard Room

策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department 传达室reception room

食堂工作间Canteen workshop

值班室Room on-duty

质量安全部Quality Safety Department

部门经理办公室:Section manager's office

质量和安全部Quality & Safety Department

商务接待室:Business anteroom

会客室——Meeting Room

发行部——Publish Dept.

技术部——Technology Dept.


项目部——Project Dept.

设计部——Design Dept.


保安室——Guard Room

储藏室——Store Room

技术质量部Technical quality department,

市场运行部market movement department,

设计开发部design development department

VIP贵宾室--VIP room

副总经理---Office of the general assistant manager 助理室---the office of the assistant

经理室---the office of the manager

会议室---the conference room

档案室---the file room

签约室一---Reception Room one

签约室二---Reception Room Two

签约室三--- Reception Room Three

更衣室---Dressing Room



财务部---accounting department

策划部---strategy department(division)

副总室---the office of vice president

营销部---the sales department
