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【Design Despcrition of Fire-safety Alarming and Control System】

一、设计依据:【Basis of Design】


【Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System GB50116-98】

《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》GB50045-95 (2005版)

【Code for fire protection design of tall building GB50045-95 (2005 Version)】二、系统保护对象分级:【Classification of the target protected by the system】


【according to Item 3.1.1, Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System, the object protected is Grade I】

三、自动报警系统形式:【Form of automatic alarming】

采用集中报警系统。【centralized alarming system is adopted】

四、备用照明的设置范围:【Scope of installation of backup lighting】

在消防控制室、疏散楼梯、走道、电梯厅、门厅、排烟机房、变配电室、电梯机房、消防泵房等场所设置备用照明。【Backup lighting shall be installed in fire-safety control room, evacuation stairs, elevator hall, smoke evacuation plant room, transformer and switch room, and stair plant room and fire-safety pump room.】五、疏散照明的设置范围:【Scope of installation of evacuation lighting】


【Evacuation lighting shall 照明,疏散照明自带蓄电池连续供电时间不小于40分钟。

be installed in accesses of evacuation stairs, evacuation corridor, safety access,

corridor and hall. The accumulators attached to the evacuation lighting shall be able to supply power for no shorter than 40 mins.】

六、火灾自动报警系统:【Fire-safety automatic alarming system】

6.1消防控制室设在一层,在消防控制室设置火灾报警控制器、消防联动控制设备、多媒体图形系统、打印机、火灾应急广播柜、消防对讲主机及DC24V 直流备用电源装置。火灾自动报警系统按两总线环路设计,任意一点断线不应影响报警。【Fire-safety control room is located on the ground floor and has fire alarm controller in it. In fire-safety linkage controller, multimedia graphic system and printer.】

6.2在消防控制室、疏散楼梯、走道、电梯机房、电梯前室、办公室、诊室、治疗室、会议室、实验室、护士站手术室、病房、配电室、各类设备机房、库房等场所设置烟感探测器。在一层厨房设差定温感温探测器及可燃气体报警器。【Smoke sensor and detectors shall be set up in fire-safety control room, evacuation stairs, corridor, elevator plant room, elevator anteroom, office, diagnostic room, treatment room, meeting room, lab, nurse station, OR, wards, distribution room, all types of equipment room and warehouse. In the kitchen on the ground floor, equation temperature thermal detector and combustible gas alarms shall be set up.】

6.3在每个防火分区公共走道及楼梯间出入口附近设置手动报警器。每个手动报警器均引至报警总线并占用一个地址号码。【In every fire area, at the accesses to public corridors, manual alarms shall be set up and each of them leads to the alarm bus and takes an address number.】


层的声光报警器应自动启动。各层均设置楼层显示器。【In terms of the corridor of each floor and close to stairs, sound and light alarm shall be set up. When fire detector confirms, the sound and light alarm shall be automatically turned on. On each floor, floor indicators should be placed on each floor.】

七、消火栓系统:【Fire hydrant system】

在各个消火栓内设置带地址码消火栓报警启泵开关,消火栓报警开关应带LED指示灯及常闭常开接点并联动启动消防泵,消防泵还可由消防控制室的手动按钮通过硬拉线可远控消防泵启停,并有状态返馈信号显示。消防控制室设有消防水池及消防水箱液位信号报警显示。每个消火栓报警启泵开关均引至报警总线并占用一个地址号码。【Within every fire hydrant, a switch for fire-safety alarm with address code shall be installed. The alarm switch to fire hydrant shall have LED indication light and normally closed and open connecting points to linkage start fire hydrants. Fire hydrants can also be remotely controlled through by manual bottoms which control hard pulling wire. In addition, there is indication of feedback signals of the status. In the fire-safety control room, there is fire-safety pool and alarming indication signal of the water level in fire-safety pool and tank. Each switch to fire hydrants leads to alarm bus and take an address code.】


【On-and-off indication of fire-prevention valve of air-condition system】

在送风及排风系统防火阀附近设有监视模块,防火阀70℃时自动关阀,并将动作信号送回消防控制室。【Close to air supply system and extract system, monitoring modular shall be set up. When fire damper is of 70oC, it is automatically
