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1. 形容词和副词比较级的形式应和比较连词对应出现,即应符合原级比较及比较级的结构。如:

---Do you enjoy listening to records?

---I find records are often as good as, or better than an actual performance.

Young readers, more often than not, find the novels of Dickens far more exciting than Thackeray’s.

---- Thackeray’s novels

3.比较级的修饰语如a little, a lot, the, any, even, far, hardly, lots, much, rather,还有表示倍数比较的词等,他们的位置是:修饰语+as…as…, 或修饰语+more…than…。如:

Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people each year than automobile accidents.

“Do you regret paying five hundred dollars for the painting?” “No, I would gladly have paid twice as much for it.”


inferior,minor,senior,prior,prefer to,superior,major,junior,

preferable,differ from,compared with,in comparison with,different from,rather than。如:

Their watch is superior to all the other watches on the market.


1. 同级比较

A. 基本形式“as +原级+as”结构

eg. He’s as tall as I.

B.否定的同级比较常用not as… as或not so … as

eg. He does not smoke so heavily as his brother.


1) as + much/many + 名词+ as

There are as many students in Class 3 as in Class 4.

2) as +形原级+ a + 名词+as

He is as clever a boy as his brother.

3) as + 形+ 不可数名词+ as

4) 名词复数+as +形+ as

I used to have some dolls as lovely as yours.

5) the same as/ be similar to


A.基本结构“比较级+than” 结构

He is taller than I (am tall).

She sees me more often than she sees her brother.


1) 形比较级+ 名+ than

He is a cleverer boy than his brother.

2) 名+ 形比较级+ than

He is a boy cleverer than his brother.

3) the + 形比较级+ of + the two

4) superior/ inferior to


A. 常用“the +最高级+比较范围”

eg. This is the best picture in the hall.

He sings the best in the class.

B. 变体

1) more… than any other

2) Not … + 比较等级

三. 值得注意的比较级句型

1. 比较级的特殊用法

1)the+比较级, the+比较级


The better I knew him, the more I liked him.

The more difficult the less likely I’ll be able to answer them.


1). the more



the more, the more其实是原因状语从句,前面是原因(从句),后面是结果(主句),倒装句中必须是主句倒装,从句绝对不能够倒装。

例1:The stronger __ magnet, the greater the number of lines of magnetic force.

(A) of (B) the (C) is the (D) is of the

分析:本题显然考查”the more … the more…”结构,the more后面的名词必须使用冠词或者所有格,因此只能选择B

例2:The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, ___to the body.

(A) the stress it is greater (B) greater is the stress (C) greater stress is (D) the greater the stress
