英语词汇学chapter1 vocabulary
英语词汇学-chapter 1

Chapter 11.1 What Is a WordBefore we attempt (尝试)any detailed discussion(具体讨论), it is necessary to (有必要做什么)clarify(阐明澄清)some basic concepts(基本概念)concerning words and vocabulary. The term word(词语word)is an elusive(难以捉摸)notion(概念), which demands(需要)careful consideration(关注)at the outset(开始). The relation between sound and meaning,声音和意义之间的关系between sound and form, 声音和形式之间关系and between words and vocabulary 词语和词汇之间的关系requires (需要)some discussion as well(同样). In addition, we shall consider(注意)a few commonly recognized criteria(共同规则,标准)for vocabulary classification(词汇分类)and study (研究)each class(每类)of words to some extent (一定程度上)in this chapter.(并且在本章一定程度上研究每类词语)1.1What is a word?This question has occupied(占据) the attention of linguists(语言学家)for ages. Although numerous(众多的,许多的)definitions (定义)have been suggested, none of them seem to be perfect. Scholars(学者)still do not agree on the definition of the word. When we talk about a word, we tend to(有...倾向用视觉角度去考虑)think in visual terms. In this line(在这个角度)a word can be defined as a meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper. As defined in terms of spoken language, a word is viewed as a sound or combination(集合体)of sounds which are made voluntarily with human vocal equipment (由一个人的发音器官自由的发出的). According to semanticists (语义学者), a word is a unit of meaning(一个词是一个意义单位). Grammarians(语法学家), however, insist that a word be a free form(自由形式)that can function(作用)in a sentence, etc. To sum up, the definition of a word comprises the following points:1)a minimal free form of a language;一个最小的自由形态2)A sound unity;一个发音的集合体3)A unit of meaning;一个意义单位4)A form that can function alone in a sentence.能独自影响句子的形式。

1.词的定义(What Is a Word)什么是词?这一问题长期受到语言学家的关注,虽然人们提出了很多的定义,但似乎没有一个看起来完美无缺,迄今为止,学者们也未能在词的定义这个问题上达成一致。
content words and functional words
• By notion,words can be grouped into content words and functional words.
• Content words (notional word) – denote clear notions.
Non-basic vocabulary --
• (1)Terminology(术语) • (2)Jargon(行话) • (3)slang(俚语) • (4)Argot(暗语) • (5)Dialectal words(方言) • (6) Archaisms(古语) • (7) Neologisms(新词语)
• There is no logical relationship between
the sound and meaning. • The relationship between them is
arbitrary and conventional.
relationship between the sound and form
• In the earliest stage of English,the written
form agreed with the oral form.
• In other words, the sound was similar to
the form.
• The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors.
which can be grouped into
an Eastern set, and a Western set.

语素是音义相结合的最小的语言单位。 一般地说,一个语素就是一个音节,书面上就是一个汉字,有时侯还是一个词。但是音节是从语音学角度分析的结果,文字是书面记录的符号,语素则是语言中构词的基本成份,词是指音义相结合的能够独立运用的最小的语言单位。这四者角度不同,并不是一回事。 1、同一个汉字,可以代表不同的语素。 汉字虽然相同,但读音不同:会议/会计 汉字和读音都相同,但是词性不同:老人/老虎/老是捣乱 汉字、读音和词性都相同,但是意义不同:公家/公牛 2、汉语的语素绝大多数是单音节的,但有时侯,一个汉字并不代表一个语素,只代表一个音节,也就是说,一个语素也可以是两个以上音节。 连绵词:磅礴;口语词:尴尬;音译词:咖啡,奥林匹克 3、有时侯,一个汉字在不同场合,有的是语素,有的不是语素。 马匹(语素)/马达(非语素) (邵敬敏,现代汉通论,上海教育出版社,2001,P113-4)
Sound and meaning
Sound and meaning
This symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary. There is no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself. Lodwig and Barrett, 1973
Why the written form is not always similar to the oral form?
The development of the language letters from Romans for 46 sounds in English The pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years. Some of the differences were created by the early scribes.

Main Contents
Totally 12 chapters As for chapter
Introduction to Modern English Lexicology)。北京: 北京师范大学出版社。
❖ Nation, I. S. P. 1990. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
❖ Nation, I. S. P. 2001. Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge: CUP.
1,2,3,6,7,9,10,11,12, one chapter each week; As for chapters 4, 5, 8, 2 weeks for each chapter.
Evaluation Procedure
Classroom Principles 1 Never coming late (at least earlier than me) 2 Never using phones in my class Evaluation 1 Attendance 10% 2 Classroom participation 20% 3 Mid-term exam (Oct. 21) 20% 4 Final exam (Dec. 23) 50%
English Lexicology
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英语词汇学复习提纲英语词汇学复习提纲Chapter 1 Terms1. word2. vocabulary3. common words4. literary words5. colloquial words6. slang words7. technical words Questions1. What are the fundamental features of the basic word stock?2. How are English words classified?3. What are the differences between function words and content words?4. What are the main reasons for the rapid growth of present-day English vocabulary? Important statements 1. The histiory of the English langague begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes from about 450 AD.2. The Transitional period from Old English to Modern English is known as Middle English, which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066.3. In the early stages of Modern English the Renaissance brought great changes to the English vocabulary.4. The heavy borrowing made the English vocabulary extremely rich and heterogeneous. Chapter 2 Terms1. morpheme2. Allomorphe3. free morpheme4. bound morpheme5. root6. affix7. hybrid Questions1. How are English morphemes classified?2. How are Englihs words classified on the morphemic level? Important Statements1. What is usually considered a single word in English may be composed of one or more morphemes.2. The allomorphs of a morpheme do not differ in meaning or function but show a slight difference in sound.3. Morphemes are important in the word-building process because the two most central and productive word-formation processes, compounding and affixation, are related to morphemes. Chapter 3 Terms1. partial conversion2. complete conversion Questions1. What are the three major processes of word-formation?2. Whyare the criteria of a compound relative? Important Statements1. There are varioius ways of forming words, but by and large, the various processes can be classified on the basis of frequency of usage, into major or minor processes.2. Any rule of word formation is of limited productivity in the sense that not all words which result from the applicationn of the rule are acceptable; they are freely acceptable only when they have gained an institutional currency in the language.3. Prefixes modify the lexical meaning of the base. They do not genearlly alter the word-class of the base.4. Suffixes usually change the word-class of the base. Chapter 4 Terms1. blending2. back-formation3. clipp ing4. neoclassical formation Questions1. What are the differences between initialisms and acronyms? Important Statements1. On the whole, clipped words are used in less formal situations than their full-length equivalents.2. Most of the blends are related to daily life.3. The majority of backformed words are verbs.4. Reduplicatives are characterized by being rhymed or alliterated.5. The majority of neoclassical formations are scientific and technical.6. Genuine coinage is rare.7. Some new words are coined by analogy. Chapter 5 Terms1. motivation2. denotative meaning3. connotative meaning4. stylistic meaning5. affective meaning Questions1. What is the relationship between word form and its senses?2. What are the main types of word meaning? Important Statements1. The test of a genuinely onomatopeic word is its intelligibility to a foreigner who has no knowledge of the language in question.2. Denotative meaning is the central factor in linguistic communication.3. Lexical meaning is dominant in content words, whereas grammatical meaning is dominant in funciton words. Chapter 6 Terms1. radiation2. concatination3. prima ry meanin4. central meaning5. perfect homonyms6.homophones7. homographs Important Statements1. One-meaning words are very rare. They are very often scientific terms.2. It may be said that polysemy is the rule and monosemy is the exception.3. In some cases, the primary meaning and the central meaning coincide.4. Polysemic words and homonymous words are not only good candidates for humor, they can also produce other effects such as irony or heightened dramatic power. Chapter 7Terms1. complete synonyms2. relative synonyms3. hyponymy4. marked member5. unmarked member Questions1. In what respects do synonymous words differ? Important Statements1. An agreement in denotation is the most important criterion of synonymy.2. Two words aretotally synonymous only if they are fully identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context without the slightest alteration in connotative, affective and stylistic meanings.3. It is important to note that two forces militate against complete synonymy: vagueness of word meaning,and connotative, stylistic and affective meanings that cluster around words.4. In most cases the native word is more spontaneous, more informal and unpretentious, whereas the foreign word is learned, abstract or even abstruse.5. In the double scale pattern of synonyms the native term usually sounds warmer and more homely than its foreign counterpart.6. In the triple scale pattern of synonyms the difference in tone between the English and the French words is often slight; the Latin word is generally more bookish.7. Synnonyms are useful for avoiding repetition and for achieving precision in meaning and variety in style.8. Lexical antonymy is often stronger than syntactic negation.9. This semantic category obviously overlaps with hyponymy: both are involved with forming relaionships between words in the same general area ofmeaning. For parctical purposes, in the case of hyponymy, one should pay attention to the question of which specific term to use, while in the case of semantic field, one’s attention should be turned toward the highly probable collocations the words of each semantic field have in common. Chapter 8 Terms1. linguistic context2. ambiguity Questions1. What are the different types of context?2. What are the functions of context in determination of word meaning? 3. What are the different types of ambiguity? Important Statements1. When we say that the context determines the sense we mean not that it imposes a sense but that it selects one that is already there.2. Words rarely can be equated on a one-to-one basis between two languages. Chapter 9 Terms1. historical cause of changes in word meaning2. social cause of changes in word meaning3. linguistic cause of changes in word meaning4. psychological cause of changes in word meaning5. metaphor6. metonymy Questions1. What are the mian causes of changes in word meaning?2. What are the tendencies in semantic change? Important Statements1. Usually a literal meaning of a word remains along with a new metaphorical one.2. Broading speaking, change of meaning refers tothe alteration of the meaning of existing words, as well as the additionnn of new meaning to established words. Chapter 10Terms Idiom Question What points should we attention to if we want to use idioms appropriately? Chapter 11 Questions1. What are three stages in the growth of American English?2. What are the characteristics of American English? Chapter 12Terms1. prescriptive dictionaries 2. descriptive。

英语词汇学知识点整理词汇期末复习(C1-C7)Chapter 1⼀、Word 词的定义(1) a minimal free form(最⼩的⾃由形式)(2) a sound unity(3) a semantic unity(meaning)(4) a form that can function alone in a sentence.(具有句法功能)⼆、Vocabulary词汇的定义All the words in a language make up what is generally known as vocabulary.⼀般来说,词汇指的是⼀种语⾔⾥所有单词的总和。
三、Sound&Meaning发⾳和意义The connection between the sound (form) and meaning is arbitrary (任意的) and conventional. ⼆者的关系是约定俗成、随意的四、Sound & Form发⾳和形式(1)The written form of a natural language is the orthographical(正字的)record of the oralform.⾃然语⾔的书写形式是⼝语形式的书写记录。
(2)The reasons of differences occur between sound and form: 发⾳与形式不同的原因:①English alphabet was adopted from the Romans 英语字母表来⾃罗马②the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years. 发⾳改变快速③Differences created by professional scribes. 专业抄写员的不同④More differences brought by the continuing change of sounds and the standardization of spelling.发⾳不断变化,书写标准化。
词汇学第一章 The Basic Concepts of Words and VocabularyPPT

1.4 Sound and Form
Task 1 Say the following words by yourself.
Question: why is there the disparity?
The international reason Changes Borrowings
1.3 Sound and Meaning
In how many languages do you know the name of the animal in this picture?
Task 1 Say the name of the animal in
as many languages as you can.
content words and which are functional words? denote never and run notion upon seven Christmas have would
1.5.3 Native words & borrowed words
Guess whether the statements are true or false.
non-basic vocabulary
Not all the words of the basic word stock have these features.
Non-basic vocabulary include:
Terminology 专业术语 Jargon 行话 Slang 俚语 Argot 隐语 Dialectal words 方言词 Archaisms 古词语 Neologisms 新词语

English Lexicology(英语词汇学)Lexicology: is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabularyWord: A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentenceSound and meaning: almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”Sound and form:不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans, which does not have a separate letter to represent each other(2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were creates by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary词汇Vocabulary: all the words in a language make up its vocabulary词语分类Classification of English Words:1.By use frequency: basic word stock & non basic vocabulary基本词汇的特征:1)All-National character(全民通用性most important)2)Stability3)Productivity(多产性) 4)Polysemy(多义性)5)Collocability(可搭配性)没有上述特征的词:(1)Terminology(术语) (2)Jargon(行话)(3)slang(俚语)(4)Argot(暗语)(5)Dialectal words (6)Archaisms(古语) (7) Neologisms(新词语):Neologisms2.By notion: content words实词 & functional words虚词3.By origin: native words & borrowed wordsNative words(本族语词): Two other features:(1)neutral in style (2)frequent in useBorrowed words/Loan words: words taken over from foreign languages.(80% of modern EV)1) denizens(同化词,融入英语): (shirt from skyrta(ON))2) aliens(非同化词/外来词,可以看出源头): kowtow3) translation loans(译借词):按其他语言方式组成英语long time no see / tofu4) semantic loans(借义词):they are not borrowed withreference to the form,but their meanings are borrowed pioneer本指开拓者,先引申为先锋。

《英语词汇学教程》参考答案Chapter 1 1. 1. The The three three definitions definitions agree agree that that lexicology lexicology studies studies words. words. Y et, Y et, they they have have different different focuses. focuses. Definition 1 focuses on the meaning and uses of words, while definition 2 on the overall structure and history. Definition 3 regards lexicology as a branch of linguistics and focuses on the semantic structure of the lexicon. It is interesting to note that the three definitions use different names for the object of study. For Definition 1, it is words, for Definition 2 the vocabulary of a language, and for Definition 3 the lexicon. 2. (1) They can go into the room, and if they like, shut the door. (2) You boys are required to give in your homework before 10 o ‘clock. (3) I watch the football match happily and find it very interesting. 3. (1) w hen it follows ‗when it follows ‗-t‘ and ‗-d‘, it is pronounced as [id]; (2) when it follows voiceless consonants, it is pronounced as [t]; (3) when it follows voiced consonants and vowels, it is pronounced as [d]. 4. (1)They are words that can be included in a semantic field of ―tree treeǁǁ. (2)They represent the forms of the verb ―fly flyǁǁ and have a common meaning. (3)They belong to a lexical field of ‗telephone communication ‘. (4)They (4)They are are synonyms, synonyms, related related to to human human visual visual perception. perception. Specifically, Specifically, they they denote denote various various kinds of ―looking lookingǁǁ. 5. (a) ‗blackboard: a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing with chalk (the primary stress in on black) ; ‗blackbird: a particular kind of bird, which may not necessarily be black in colour (the primary stress in on black); ‗greyhound: a slender, swift dog with keen sight (the primary stress in on black), ‗White House: the residence of the US President in Washington (the primary stress in on black). 0 (b) black ‗board: any board which is black in colour (both words receive primary stress); black ‗bird: bird: any any bird bird which which is is black black in in colour colour (both (both words words receive receive primary primary stress); stress); grey grey ‗‗hound: hound: any any hound that is grey in colour (both words receive primary stress); ‗white ‗house: any house that is painted white (both words receive primary stress). 6. There are 44 orthographic words, i.e. sequences of letters bounded by space. There are 24 open class words and 20 closed class words. 7. (a) The ‗bull bull‘‘ is literal, referring to a male bovine animal. (b) ‗Take the bull by the horn ‘ is an idiom, meaning ‗(having the courage to) deal with someone or something directly. (c) (c) ‗‗Like Like a a bull bull in in a a china china shop shop‘‘ is is an an idiom, idiom, meaning meaning doing doing something something with with too too much much enthusiasm or too quickly or carelessly in a way that may damage things or upset someone. (d) A ‗bull market ‘ is one where prices rise fast because there is a lot of buying of shares in anticipation of profits. 8. cup, mug, glass, tumbler, tankard, goblet, bowl, beaker, wineglass, beer glass, sherry glass They can be organized in a number of ways, for example, by the drinks the vessel is used for. Non-alcoholic: glass, tumbler, cup, mug, beaker, bowl Beer: beer glass, tankard Wine: wineglass, goblet Spirits: sherry glass Chapter 2 1. Lexeme is an abstract linguistic unit with different variants, for example, sing as against sang, sung. Morpheme is the ultimate grammatical constituent, the smallest meaningful unit of language. For example, m oralizers moralizers is an English word composed of four morphemes: moral +lize +er +s . Any concrete realization of a morpheme in a given utterance is called a morph, such as cat, chair , -ing, -s , etc. , etc. Allomorphs are the alternate phonetic forms of the same morpheme, for example, [t], [d] and [id] are allomorphs of the past tense morpheme in English. 2. quick-ly, down-stair-s, four-th, poison-ous, weak-en, world-wide, inter-nation-al-ly, in-ject, pro-trude 3. island, surname, disclose, duckling, cranberry, reading, poets, flavourfulness, famous, subvert 4. (a) [ ə] (b)[ -ai] 5. (1) –‗–‗s, -s (2) -est, -s (3) –ing (4) –ed 6. The connotations are as follows: (1) slang, carrying the connotation of reluctance, (2)informal, carrying the connotation that the speaker speaker is is speaking speaking to to a a child, child, (3) (3) beastie beastie is is used used to to a a small small animal animal in in Scotland, Scotland, carrying carrying the the connotation of disgust, (4) carrying the connotation of formalness, (5) carrying the connotation of light-heartedness. 7. { -əm; ~- n; ~- n; ~-i: ~-s; ~-z; ~-iz} 8. court: polysemy dart: polysemy fleet: homonymy jam: homonymy pad: homonymy steep: homonymy stem: homonymy stuff: polysemy watch: polysemy 9. (1)(1)——(f), (2)(2)——(g), (3)(3)——(c), (4)(4)——(e), (5)(5)——(a), (6)(6)——(d), (7)(7)——(b) 10.(1) unpractical (2) break (3) impractical (4) rout (5) pedals (6) Route(7) raze Chapter 3 1. The history of English can be divided into four periods: the Old, Middle, Early middle and Modern English periods. In Old English period, there is a frequent use of coinages known as ‗kennings kennings‘‘, which refers to to vivid vivid figurative figurative descriptions descriptions often often involving involving compounds. compounds. The The absence absence of of a a wide-ranging wide-ranging vocabulary vocabulary of of loanwords loanwords force force people people to to rely rely more more on on word-formation word-formation processes processes based based on on native elements. The latter period of Old English was characterized by the introduction of a number number of of ‗‗loan loan translations translations‘‘. . Grammatical Grammatical relationships relationships in in Old Old English English were were expressed expressed by by the use of inflectional endings. And Old English is believed to contain about 24,000 different lexical items. In In Middle Middle English English period, period, English English grammar grammar and and vocabulary vocabulary changed changed greatly. greatly. In In grammar, grammar, English English changed changed from from a a highly highly inflected inflected language language to to an an analytic analytic language. language. In In vocabulary vocabulary English was characterized by the loss of a large part of the Old English word-stock and the addition of thousands of words from French and Latin. In In Early Early Modern Modern English English period, period, English English vocabulary vocabulary grew grew very very fast fast through through extensive extensive borrowing and expansion of word-formation patterns. And there were a great many semantic changes, as old words acquire new meanings. Modern Modern English English is is characterized characterized with with three three main main features features of of unprecedented unprecedented growth growth of of scientific vocabulary, the assertion of American English as a dominant variety of the language, and the emergence of other varieties known as ‗New Englishes ‘. 2. appeareth appeareth in in (a) (a) becomes becomes appeared appeared in in (b), (b), and and dreame dreame becomes becomes dream. dream. The The passive passive were were departed departed becomes becomes the the active active had had gone. gone. With With the the change change of of word word forms, forms, (b) (b) looks looks simple simple morphologically. 3. barf: American slang kerchief: French mutton: French cadaver: Latin goober: Kongo leviathan: Latin ginseng: Chinese taffy: North American kimono: Japanese whisky: Irish caddy: Malay sphere: Latin algebra: Arabic giraffe: African 4. train: train: meaning meaning changed changed from from the the trailing trailing part part of of a a gown gown to to a a wide wide range range of of extended extended meanings. deer: meaning narrowed from ‗beast ‘ or ‗animal ‘ to ‗a particular kind of animal ‘knight: meaning ameliorated from ‗boy, manservant ’ to ‗a man in the UK who has been given an honor of knighthood ‘meat: meaning narrowed down from ‗food ‘ to ‗the edible flesh of animals and the edible part of fruit ‘. hose: meaning extended from ‗leg covering ‘ to ‗a long tube for carrying water ‘. 5. sell: specialized hound: specialized starve: specialized wife: specialized loaf: specialized 6. American English British English Fall Autumn candy sweet corn Maize semester term apartment flat Dresser Dressing table Street car Tram car Chapter 4 1. read+-i+-ness dis-+courage+-ing kind+heart+-ed un-+doubt+-ed+-ly stock+room+-s pre-+pack+-age+-ed 2. book: books(n.); books(v.), booking, booked forget: forgets, forgot, forgotten short: shortter, shortest snap: snaps, snapping, snapped take: takes, taking, took, taken goose: geese heavy: heavier, heaviest 3. –ish: meaning ‗having the nature of , like ‘de-: meaning ‗the opposite of ‘-ify: meaning ‗make, become ‘-dom: means ‗the state of ‘il-(im-/in-): meaning ‗the opposite of, not ‘-able: meaning ‗that can or must be ‘ mis-: meaning ‗wrongly or badly ‘-sion(-tion):meaning ‗the state/process of ‘pre-: meaning ‗prior to ‘-ment: meaning ‗the action of ‘re-: meaning ‗again again‘‘under-: meaning ‗not enough ‘-al: meaning ‗the process or state of ‘4. a. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―Adj + N ǁ structure, in which adjectives are are used used to to modify modify nouns nouns ‗‗line, line, line, line, neck, neck, room room‘‘. . Hotline Hotline means means ‗‗a telephone telephone number number that that people people can can call call for for information information‘‘. . Mainline Mainline means means ‗‗an an important important railway railway line line between between two two cities cities‘‘. Redneck means ‗a person from the southern US ‘. Darkroom means ‗a room with very little in it, used for developing photographs ‘. b. b. They They are are endocentric endocentric compounds. compounds. They They have have the the ――N N + + N ‘ structure. structure. Bookshelf Bookshelf means means ‗‗a shelf for keeping books ‘. Breadbasket means ‗a container for serving bread ‘. Mailbox means ‗a a box box for for putting putting letters letters in in when when they they delivered delivered to to a a house house‘‘. . Wineglass Wineglass means means ‗‗a a glass glass for for drinking wine ‘. c. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + N ‘ structure. Letterhead means ‗the head of a letter (i.e. the name and address of an organization printed at the top of a letter)‘. Roadside means ‗the area at the side of a road ‘. Keyhole means ‗the hole in a lock for putting the key in ‘. Hilltop means ‗the top of a hill ‘. d. They are exocentric compounds. Dropout means ‗a person who leaves school before they have finished their studies. Go-between means ‗a person who takes messages between people ‘. Turnout means ‗the number of people who come to an event event‘‘. Standby means ‗a person or thing that can always be used if needed ‘. e. e. They They are are endocentric endocentric compounds. compounds. They They have have the the ――Adj Adj + + N-ed N-edǁǁ structure, structure, in in which which adjectives are used to modify the N-ed. f. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + Adj ǁ structure, meaning As Adj As N. 5. in-: not, the opposite of en-: to put into the condition of dis-: not, the opposite of un-: not, the opposite of inter-: between, among mis-: wrongly or badly over-: too much re-: again post-: after 6. a. a young dog; piglet b. a female editor; hostess c. a place for booking tickets; refinery d. one who is kicked; trainee e. the state of being put up; output 7. unbelievable: un- (prefix), -able (suffix) inexhaustible: in- (prefix), -ible(suffix) multinational: multi (prefix)-, -al(suffix) teleshopping: tele- (prefix), -ing (suffix) 8. a. Initialism b. Blending c. Compounding d. conversion 9. a. compounding, affixation b. compounding, affixation c. compounding, shortening d. compounding, affixation 10. a. consumable, comprehensible, exchangeable, permissible b. absorbent, assistant, different, participant c. constructor, liar, beggar, editor, developer d. elementary, stationary, brewery, mockery Chapter 5 1. (a) connotation (b) formality (c) dialect (d) connotation 2. water rainwater, brine, tap water, mineral water, spring water, purified water, aerated water, ………….. .. 3. (a) keeping (b) feeling of admiration or respect 4. (a) hyponymy (b) meronymy 5. (a) light beer, strong beer (b) heavy coffee, strong coffee, weak coffee 6. amateur —dabbler, funny funny——ridiculous, occupation occupation——profession, small small——little, famous famous——renowned, fiction fiction——fable, smell smell——scent 7. These words refer to different kinds of pictures or diagrams. Drawing: picture or diagram made with a pen, pencil, or crayon. Cartoon refers to ‗an amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine ‘. Diagram Diagram refers refers to to a a simple simple drawing drawing using using lines lines to to explain explain where where something something is, is, how how something something works, etc. Illustration refers to a drawing or picture in a book, magazine etc. to explain something. Sketch refers to a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details. 8.(a) gradable (b) non-gradable, reversive (c) gradable (d) non-gradable, reversive (e) gradable (f) non-gradable 9.(a) antonym (b) hyponymy (c) antonym (d) synonymy (e) meronymy Chapter 6 1. 1) literal expression 2) idiom 3) literal expression 4) idiom 5) idiom 6) literal expression 2. 1) die 2) something that makes a place less attractive 3) suddenly realize or understand something 4) make one‘s friends disappoint 5) continue to argue something that has already been decided and is not important 6) react quickly so as to get an advantage 3. 1) gradually reduce the amount of time, money, etc. 2) give support and encouragement to someone in a game, competition, etc 3) give something to the person it belongs to 4) annoy 5) fail because a part is weak or incorrect 6) try to find out the facts about something 7) live under the rule of someone 8) talk to someone in order to find out his opinions, ideas, feelings etc. 9) give someone a warning or secret information about something Chapter 7 1.General dictionaries include all of the elements of a lexicon, including meanings, pronunciations, usages, and histories of the words of their language. Specialized dictionaries are restricted to one variety or to one type of entryword. 2.They are different in that different media are used. Print dictionaries do not use electric power and can be used in all kinds of light. Electronic dictionaries are easy to carry. . 3.Open to discussion. 4.Open to discussion. 5.(a) symbolise is a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality or (b) symbol of sth is a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality or is a sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fixed meaning, especially in situation; symbol for sth is a sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fixed meaning, especially in science, mathematics and music (a)/sim/sim‘‘bɔlik/ and /sim‘ba:lik/ (b)represent (c)2 (d)Yes. We know that form the label [VN] and the examples. Chapter 8 1.vertically challenged—short sanitation engineer—garbage collector women‘‘s toilet ladies‘‘ cloak room—womenethnic cleansing--genocide ladies2.(1)They differ in connotation. Politician implies disapproval while statesman implies approval. (2)They differ in connotation. Inexpensive sounds indirect. implies approval. (3) They differ in connotation. flatter implies disapproval, while praise i mplies approval. scholar is neutral. (4) They differ in connotation. pedant implies disapproval, s cholar3.(1) buttocks — buns (2) nonsense — bullshit (3) prison — can (4) cocaine — coke 4.(a).Turn off the lights, please.(b) Would you please turn off the lights? 5. Answers vary from person to person. 6. (1) on a formal occasion. (2) when the speaker is seeing a friend off (3) when the speaker is angry and wants the addressee to leave (4) when the speaker is talking with a close friend. 7. gateway, firewall, virus, bookmark, address, DOS, cyberspace, profiler, browser, login 8. They differ in the terms they used, as they are different jargons. Chapter 9 1. knife: an object with a sharp blade for cutting things clothes: things we wear to keep our bodies warm; building: a structure made of a strong material, having roof, walls, windows, and doors 2. She attacked every weak point in my argument. He withdrew his offensive remarks. I hit back at his criticism. She produced several illustrations to buttress her argument. I braced myself for the onslaught. 3. The suffix–ee is typically attached to a verb meaning ‗one who is the object of the verb ‘. This meaning meaning is is considered considered as as the the core core meaning meaning of of the the form. form. So, So, trainee means means ‗‗one one who who is is being being trained ‘. But the background knowledge associated with the verb may modulate the meaning of the suffix. Suffix –ee in standee moves away from the core meaning and is deprived of the ‗object ‘ meaning. So ‗standee ‘ means ‗one who stands ‘. 4. 4. In In ‗‗good good baby baby ‘, , ‗‗good ‘ means means ‗‗well-behaved, well-behaved, not not causing causing trouble trouble ‘; ; in in ‗‗good good parent parent ‘, , ‗‗good ‘ means ‗kind, generous, considerate, etc .‘5. (1) is used to show sad feelings while (2) is used as an apology. 。
英语词汇学chapter1 vocabulary

Lexicon lexis
eg. biology psychology …
Briefly, it is the “science of the word”, and a branch of linguistics dealing with vocabulary of a language.
• The main reasons (sources) for the frequent appearance of neologisms are three:
– Marked progress of science and technology – Socio-economic, political and cultural changes – The influence of other cultures and languages
1.2.2 The growth of present-day English vocabulary
• The 19th and 20th centuries saw an unprecedented growth in scientific vocabulary as a consequence of the industrial revolution and the scientific exploration and discovery.
– The vocabulary of the Old English consisted mainly of Anglo-Saxon words, 85% of which was no longer in use now.
? Invention, expansion, omission, justification, modernization, description
? 这几个都是词素变体。
? 请在以下单词前加前缀,使其具有“不” 的意思:
? Perfect, balance, mobile ? Responsible ? Logical ? Flexible, excusable ? im-, ir-, il- 都是in-的词素变体
? How much vocabulary should a Chinese student have?
? most frequently used coverage of reading materials
? 1,000
? 2,000
? 3,000
? 4,000
? 5,000
? English lexicology
– The study of English vocabulary
? Exercises:
– To be done after class
1.2 The Structure of English Words
? Lead-in
? What is a word?
– Cf: German 185,000 – French 100,000
? How much vocabulary did literary masters have?
– Shakespear: 24,000 – Milton: 16,000 – …… – English educated people: 25,000 √ – Chinese educated people: 5000

张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。
首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。
第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。
如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。
• English, Latin and French existed side by side. • Middle English was one of leveled endings.
• 3 Modern English Period (1500-now):
• Vocabulary --- all the words in a language make up its vocabulary .
• The general estimate of the present-day English vocabulary is over 1 million words.
Non-basic vocabulary --
• (1)Terminology(术语) • (2)Jargon(行话) • (3)slang(俚语) • (4)Argot(暗语) • (5)Dialectal words(方言) • (6) Archaisms(古语) • (7) Neologisms(新词语)
• Morpheme(词素)---the minimal meaningful unit of a language.
3.3 types of morphemes
• Free morphemes (自由词素) • Bound morphemes (粘附词素)
• a free morpheme refers to a morpheme that can stand alone.
• bound morpheme refers to a morpheme that accurs with at least one other morpheme.

Modern English vocabulary
The Future Development of English Vocabulary
Summary: The future development of English vocabulary is likely to be influenced by globalization, technology, and cultural exchange.
Communication: A sound knowledge of Lexicology aids in effective communication, whether in writing, speaking, or translation.
Educational: Teachers and students of English can benefit from a better understanding of the vocabulary they are working with.
Words are grouped according to their meanings or semantic fields.
Words are grouped according to their internal structure and the formation processes that led to them.
Definition and characteristics
输入 标题
Definition and characteristics
Practical: The knowledge gained from Lexicology is applied in areas like translation, education, and lexicography.

张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇得概论(Ageneralsurvey ofEnglish vocabu lary)Bloomfield1933中对词得定义就是,每个单词都就是最小得自由词.然而这个定义不够全面,存在着缺陷。
首先,不就是所有得单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义.另外,Bloomfield得定义侧重在于语法(syntax)却没有涉及到词得意义。
第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇得形态结构与词得构词(Morphologicalstructure of Engli shwords and word—formation)(一)词素(Morphemes)单词就是有词素(morphemes)构成得。
如:nation就是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。

Lectures on English LexicologyMain Sections for the Lectures:Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary1.1What Is a Word?A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.1.2 Sound and MeaningA word is a symbol that stands for something else in the world. This symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary, and there is no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself. The relationship between sound and meaning is conventional because people of the same speech community have agreed to refer to a certain thing with a cluster of sounds. In different languages the same concept can be represented by different sounds.1.3 Sound and FormIt is generally agreed that the written form of a natural language is the written record of the oral form. The English alphabet was adopted from the Romans.In spite of the differences, at least eighty percent of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns.1.4 V ocabularyAll the words in a language make up its vocabulary.The general estimate of the present-day English vocabulary is over one million words.1.5 Classification of Words1.5.1 Basic Word Stock and Non-basic V ocabularyBasic words have the following characteristics:1.All national character: they denote the most common things and phenomena ofthe world around us, which are indispensable to all the people who speak the language.2.Stability: as these words denote the commonest things necessary to life, they arelikely to remain unchanged.3.Productivity:as they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words, they caneach be used alone, and at the same time can form new words with other roots and affixes4.Polysemy:words of this kind often possess more than one meaning becausemost of them have undergone semantic changes in the course of use and become polysemous.5.Collocability: most of these words enter quite a number of set expressions,idiomatic usages, and proverbial sayings.“All national character” is the most important of all features that may differentiate words of common use from all others.Non-basic words include the following:1.Terminology(术语): technical terms used in particular disciplines andacademic areas.2.Jargon(行话): the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts,sciences, trades and professions communicate among themselves.3.Slang(俚语)4.Argot(黑话)5.Dialectal words(方言词语)6.Archaisms(古语)7.Neologisms(新词)1.5.2 Content Words and Functional WordsContent words denote clear notions and thus are known as notional words(实义词). They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals, which denote objects, phenomena, action, quality, state, degree, quantity, etc.Functional words do not have notions of their own. They are also called empty words. The chief function of these words is to express the relation between notions, the relation between words as well as between sentences. They are known as form words. Prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries and articles belong to this category.Content words are numerous and the number is ever growing whereas the functional words which make up a small number of vocabulary,remain stable. However, functional words do far more work of expression in English on average than content words.1.5.3 Native Words and Borrowed WordsNative words: words brought to Britain in the 5th century by the Germanic tribes: the Angles, the Saxons, and Jutes, thus known as Anglo-Saxon words. Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are small in number, amounting to roughly 50,000 to 60,000, but they form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the language.Native words have two other features:1.Neutral in style: since native words denote the commonest things in humansociety, they are used by all people, in all places, on all occasions, and at all times.Stylistically, native words are neither formal nor informal whereas the words borrowed from French or Latin are literary and learned, thus appropriate in formal style.2.Frequent in use: Native words are most frequently used in everyday speech andwriting. The percentage of native words in use runs usually as high as 70 to 90 percent.Borrowed word: words taken over from foreign languages are known as borrowed words or loan words or borrowings in simple terms. It is estimated that English borrowings constitute 80 percent of the modern English vocabulary.The loan words can be classified into four classes:1.Denizens(同化词)are words borrowed early in the past and now are wellassimilated into the English language. eg: pork----porc(F) cup---cuppa(L) 2.Aliens(非同化词)are borrowed words which have retained their originalpronunciation and spelling. eg: bazzar (per) intermesso( IT)3.Translation loans(译借词)4.Semantic loans(语义借词)Questions and Tasks on P20: 1—6Chapter 2: The Development of the English Vocabulary The English language is not the language of the early inhabitants of the British Isles.A Historical Overview of the English vocabularyThe first peoples known to inhabit the land were Celts. Their languages were dialects of still another branch of the Indo-European language family—Celtic(克尔特语).The second major language known in England was the Latin of the Roman Legions. In 55-54 B.C., the Romans invaded the British Isles and were to occupy the land until about 410.When the Roman empire began to crumble, the Germanic tribes came in. they are Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.2.2.1 Old English (450—1150)The Germanic tribes took permanent control of the land, which was to be called England (the land of Angles). Their language, historically known as Anglo-Saxon, dominated and almost totally blotted out the Celtic. People generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as Old English. Old English has a vocabulary of about 50,000 to 60,000 words. It was a highly inflected language just like modern German.2.2.2 Middle English (1150--1500)Old English began to undergo a great change when the Normans invaded England from France in 1066. the Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English. Between 1250 and 1500 about 9,000 words of French origin poured into English. 75 percent of them are still in use today.2.2.3 Modern English (1500—up to now)Modern English began with the establishment of printing in England. In the early period of Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. This is known in history as the Renaissance.In the mid-seventeenth century, England experienced the Bourgeois Revolution followed by the Industrial Revolution and rose to be a great economic power.Although borrowing remained an important channel of vocabulary expansion, yet more words are created by means of word-formation.Growth of Present-day English V ocabularyGenerally, there are three main sources of new words: the rapid development of modern science and technology; social, economic and political changes; the influence of other cultures and languages.Modes of V ocabulary DevelopmentModern English vocabulary develops through three channels: creation, semantic change, borrowing.1.Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials,namely roots, affixes and other elements. In modern times, creation is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.2.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet thenew need.3.Borrowing has played a vital role in the development of vocabulary, particularlyin earlier times.Questions and Tasks on P33: 3, 4, 10Chapter 3: Word Formation IThough borrowing has been playing an active role in the expansion of vocabulary, vocabulary is largely enriched on an internal basis.boys boy+schecking check+ingchairman chair+manMorphemes(词素)the smallest meaningful unit of language Morpheme is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical, e.g. boys---boy+-s indicates pluralitychecking---check+-ingdisappointment词是由一个或一个以上的词素构成的。
英语词汇学Chapter 01

• This symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary, and there is ‘no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself’ (Lodwig and Barrett, 1973)
1.2 Vocabulary The term ‘vocabulary’ is used in different senses. • (1) It can refer to the total number of the words in a language;
• (2) It can stand for all the words used in a particular historical period, e. g. Old English vocabulary, Middle English vocabulary and Modern English vocabulary;
• • • •
2) Stability(稳定性) (稳定性) 3) Productivity(能产性) (能产性) 4) Polysemy(多义性) (多义性) 5) Collocability(搭配性) (搭配性) (See PP 6-7)
e. g. • foot: footage, football, footpath, footer, footfall, footed, footloose, footling, footman, footbath, footing, footprint
• (1) The English alphabet was adห้องสมุดไป่ตู้pted from the Romans, and it does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language so that some letters must do double duty or work together in combination.
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1.1 An overview of English vocabulary 1.2 Development of English vocabulary 1.3 Classification of English vocabulary Summary
1.1 An overview of English vocabulary
• What is a word?
– The minimal free form of a language, which has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.
1.2 Development of English vocabulary
• The World Languages
– It is estimated that there are about 5000 languages all over the world, which can be grouped into about 300 language families, such as Sino-Tibetan Family, IndoEuropean Family, Altaic Family, and so on.
sБайду номын сангаасntences clauses phrases words morphemes
• All the words in a language together constitute what is known as its vocabulary.
Lexicology: What is lexicology?
1.2.1 Historical development of English vocabulary
• The history of the English language is divided into three periods. – Old English (449-1100) – Middle English (1100-1500) – Modern English (1500-present)
Lexicon lexis
eg. biology psychology …
Briefly, it is the “science of the word”, and a branch of linguistics dealing with vocabulary of a language.
• Words are formed by morphemes
– Bloomfield distinguishes between two types of linguistic forms: free form and bound form ( 自由形位 和粘附形位)
• The term word refers to the fundamental unit of a given language, with sound and meaning( lexical and grammatical) , capable of performing a given syntactic function(句 法功能)(a word acts as a structural unit of a sentence).
• The Old English (450-1100)
– The history of the English language begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons, and the Jutes from about 450 AD. The language they spoke was Anglo-Saxon, which replaced the Celtic spoken by the former inhabitants Celts.
study the lexis in a special language
Notes: lexis
• “词汇学” 可以定义为 “对某一种语言的词汇 (lexis)的研究” 。
• “词汇” 在英语里可以用vocabulary、 lexis和 lexicon来表示 ,三个术语大致上是同义的 ,但是 ,vocabulary比较口语化、lexicon比较学术化、 而 lexis界乎两者之间。(汪榕培)
– The vocabulary of the Old English consisted mainly of Anglo-Saxon words, 85% of which was no longer in use now.
– Old English was rather different from Modern English in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
– Chinese is a member in the Sino-Tibetan Family, while English is a member in the Indo-European Family.
• the criteria to divide language families ?
– 1. the basis of similarities in their basic word stock – 2. grammar
the study of the lexis in human language
(Howard Jackson & Etienne Zė 2001, 陆国强 1999, et.al)
general lexicology & special lexicology
study the universal principles