

whitman PPT

whitman   PPT

Life Experience

born in 1819, on the West Hills of Long Island, New York. His father was a farmer, also a carpenter and builder. His mother, was barely literate, but gave him unconditional love. Whitman only attended school for five or six years, then he dropped out and worked as a printer. Later, he worked as a teacher, run a weekly papers in his native town, worked as an editor. His learning largely came from his self-study and wide reading.
Poems Appreciation
Song of Myself
Who does“myself”refer to ? B. How do you understand the line “I loafe and invite my soul?” C. What does “a spear of summer grass” symbolize?
B. How do you understand the line “I loafe and invite my soul?” This line indicates a separation of the body and the soul, the physical and the spiritual. The union of the body and the soul will not be achieved unless the self is awakened.

美国文学惠特曼 ppt课件

美国文学惠特曼 ppt课件
Had five years of schooling and a good deal of "loafing" and reading.
Tried at a various of jobs and picked up a first-hand knowledge of life and people in the new world.
Worked as an office boy, a printer's apprentice, schoolmaster, printer, editor (of eight successive newspapers ), and journalist.
1848, traveled to New Orleans and saw much of the Mississippi heartlands.
1871, the fifth edition ——began to receive recognition in England and America
1876, two volumes, Leaves of Grass and Two Rivulets
1881, the seventh edition ——first published by a reputation publisher, but was banned
R eleased a second edition of the book in 1856, containing thirty-three poems, a letter from Emerson praising the first edition, and a long open letter by Whitman in response.

Walt Whitman 沃尔特·惠特曼 英美文学 ppt课件

Walt Whitman  沃尔特·惠特曼 英美文学  ppt课件

• Edited a newspaper, the LongIslander, in Huntington
• Back to New York City to work as a printer and journalist
• Experienced various jobs
• Began writing a new kind of poetry
Whitman's democratic ideals& individualism
America’s first “poet of democracy”
Whitman's democratic ideas govern his poetry-writing.
In his famous poetry, openness, freedom, and above all, individualism (the belief that the rights and freedom of individual people are most important) are all that concerned him.
2. Individual value
3. Pursuit of love and happiness
4. Sexual love The individual person and his desires must be respected.
America’s first “poet of democracy”
• At four, family moved to Brooklyn, New York



在惠特曼从事诗歌创作的年代,控制美 国诗坛的是所谓“高雅派”诗人,他们一 味以模仿英国诗歌为能事,而当时的英国 诗歌也浪漫主义的末流,这种诗风在美国 产生的只能是等而下之的仿制品。 惠特曼来了,带着手脚上的泥土和 草叶,带着汗珠和露水,从码头、田野、 矿山、街市走来,放开嗓门,大胆高歌, 带着开天辟地的一个崭新的“人的姿 态”——他一开口就是一个崭新的文明的 声音----这就是“新兴的美国文明”的声 音。
每节开头,诗人直称林肯为“我的船 长” ,表达了一个士兵,一个水手,抒发对 自己的统帅亲切爱戴之情。
第1节末句“他”,林肯之死的突然,使诗 人在震惊中感情麻木而没有感到过度的悲伤, 只是当作一件客观事件 来接受,来陈述。
第2节,诗人称林肯为“亲爱的父亲”, 把他当作最亲近的人,这比上节只称林肯 为船长感情更近一层。 末句“你”,诗人从震惊中惊醒,悲 伤涌上他的心头,但是他在感情上不能接 受这样的现实,他不肯相信船长已经死去, 他对船长仍用“你”来称谓,表示船长和 他一样,仍是在人世间活生生的人,只是 暂时“倒下来”而已。
南北战争是美国历史上第二次资产阶 级民主革命。这次革命的成功促进了美 国资本主义的发展。林肯总统为美国历 史写下了光辉的一页,功勋卓著。在全 国欢庆大胜利的时刻,对民主怀有刻骨 仇恨的南方奴隶主派间谍暗杀了林肯总 统。在林肯总统死后,惠特曼写下了 《啊,船长,我的船长哟!》这首诗, 以表达对林肯的痛悼与怀念之情。
林肯是惠特曼心中长期盼望的政治 家,惠特曼把林肯看作是自由、民主、 平等的象征,林肯的出现给惠特曼的后 半生带来了新的力量和信心。
1783年,美国脱离英国的统治独立后, 国内存在着雇佣劳动制和黑人奴隶制。 1860年11月,以反对奴隶制而著名的林 肯当选为美国总统。南方几个州宣布脱 离联邦政府而独立,1861年4月,又首先 出兵叛乱,引发了内战。林肯总统上任 不到半年,就领导联邦政府军,在广大 人民的支持下,经过了四年的奋战,击 败了南方叛军,维护了美国的统一,废 除了黑人奴隶制。


His Leaves of Grass has always been considered a monumental work. It commands great attention because of its uniquely poetic embodiment of American democratic ideals.
• Edited a newspaper, the LongIslander, in Huntington
• Back to New York City to work as a printer and journalist
• Experienced various jobs
• Began writing a new kind of poetry
• filled with optimistic expectation and enthusiasm about new things and new epoch.
1. The whole hard-working people The burgeoning life of cities. The fast growth of industry and wealth in cities
2. Individual value
3. Pursuit of love and happiness
4. Sexual love
5. The individual person and his desires must be respected.
America’s first “poet of democracy”
Excerpt from Song of



Whitman 2016
Whitman & President Abraham Lincoln
O Captain! My Captain!
O Captain! My Captain!
• O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done, • The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won, • The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, • While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: • But O heart! heart! heart! • O the bleeding drops of red, • Where on the deck my Captain lies, • Fallen cold and dead.
•The Modern Man I sing.(我歌唱现代的人类。)
Free verse
• 1. What is the significance of singing about one's self? • It is an exaltation of the individual spirit, which is typical of
• Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
O Captain! My Captain!
---contrast description


全诗三节,逐层深入地表达了诗人对林肯总统的 热爱和深切的悼念之情。 1.航程结束,大船凯旋,船长却倒下了。噩耗 伴随着胜利的巨大欢乐而来,人们为船长的死而 悲恸、痛惜。 2.人民群众为大船凯旋而热情欢呼,钟声军号 齐鸣,旗帜飘扬,鲜花飞舞,但船长倒下了,人 们是多么悲痛! 3.航船下锚,大功告成,而船长永远倒下了。
沃尔沃 惠特曼
沃尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman,1819年5月31日- 1892年3月26日),出生于纽 约州长岛,美国著名诗人、人 文主义者,创造了诗歌的自由 体(Free Verse),其代表 作品是诗集《草叶集》。美国 现代诗歌之父沃尔特·惠特曼 是十九世纪著名的诗人、人文 主义者。
1841年他出版了一些短篇故事。一年后他在 纽约出版了小说《富兰克林·埃文斯》。 1855年,也是他父亲去世的那年。第一版的 草叶集由惠特曼自己付费出版一年后,草叶 集的第二版,连同爱默生的祝贺信一同出版 1881年的第七版草叶集出版,不断上升的知 名度使这版诗集得以畅销。 1885年 为纪念林肯逝世20周年,作诗《献给 那个被钉在十字架上的人》,后收入《草叶 集》。
Fallen cold and dead. Oh Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up -for you the flag is flung -for you the bugle trills, For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths-for you the shores crowding, For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here, Captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head; It is some dream that on the deck


a collection of poems written mainly in free verse
is noble for its frank delight in and praise of the senses
most of the poems are about man and nature,praise the nature and the individaul human's role therein
Walt Whitman
Wang Ruixian 2014.12.13
Major Works
Writing Features
Whitman • Position
A poet, an essayist , A journalist, a humanist A giant of American letters The father of free verse One of the great innovators
Continued to revise and expand his Leaves of Grass, and it went through 9 editions altogether.
1873, suffered a paralytic stroke. died on March 26, 1892.
He announced and instructed a complete new age.


New York. Had five years of schooling and a good deal of "loafing"
and reading. Tried at a various of jobs and picked up a first-hand
knowledge of life and people in the new world. Worked as an office boy, a printer's apprentice,
is noble for its frank delight in and praise of the senses
most of the poems are about man and nature,praise the nature and the individaul human's role therein
schoolmaster, printer, editor (of eight successive newspapers ), and journalist.xperience
1848, traveled to New Orleans and saw much of the Mississippi heartlands.
Major Works
Whitman • Works
Leaves of Grass《草叶集》
nine editions,from 95 pages,12 poems to 400 pages,401 poems
the first American genuine epic poems
a collection of poems written mainly in free verse



Leaves of Grass: Subjects and Style
Whitman's great subject was America, but he wrote on an expansive variety of smaller subjects to accomplish the task of capturing the essence of this country.
ves of Grass
On July 4, 2005, we celebrated the 150th anniversary of what is possibly the greatest book of American poetry ever written. in 1855, Walt Whitman published his first edition of Leaves of Grass, a slim volume consisting of twelve untitled poems and a preface.
Some of his many subjects included slavery, democracy, the various occupations and types of work, the American landscape, the sea, the natural world, the Civil War, education, aging, death and immortality, poverty, romantic love, spirituality, and social change.
Leaves of Grass

walt whitman 沃尔特 惠特曼 (美国文学,美国诗人) 优质动态ppt

walt whitman 沃尔特 惠特曼 (美国文学,美国诗人) 优质动态ppt

Major themes
• • • • • • • equality of things and beings democracy death, beauty of death brotherhood and social solidarity pursuit of love and happiness expansion of America divinity of everything,immanence of God,evolution of cosmos ,multiplicity of nature , self-reliant spirit
"the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that American has yet contaibuted"
Emerson helped Whitman to “find himself”: “I was simmering, simmering; Emerson brought me to a boil.”
“Catalogue of American and European thought”
He had been influenced by many American and European thoughts: enlightenment, idealism, transcendentalism, science, evolution ideas, western frontier spirits, Jefferson’s individualism, Civil War Unionism, Orientalism.
328 Mickle Street, Camden



惠特曼简介:华尔特· 惠特曼(Walt Whitman 1819-1892)美 国浪漫主义最伟大的诗人,生于美国长岛一个海滨小村庄。 父亲当时是个无地的农民。惠特曼5岁那年全家迁移到布鲁 克林,父亲在那儿做木工,承建房屋,惠特曼在那儿开始上 小学。由于生活穷困,惠特曼只读了5年小学。他当过信差, 学过排字,后来当过乡村教师和编辑。这段生活经历使他广 泛地接触人民,接触大自然,对后来的诗歌创作产生了极大 的影响。1841年以后,他又回到了纽约,开始当印刷工人, 不久就改当记者,并开始写作。几年以后,他成了一家较有 名望的报纸《鹫鹰报》的主笔,不断撰写反对奴隶制,反对 雇主剥削的论文和短评。40年代未他加入了“自由土地党”, 反对美国的蓄奴制,主张土地改革。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

1848年西欧各国爆发了革命,对惠特曼影响很大。他在报纸 上发表文章沤歌欧洲革命,并写了不少诗来表达自己的心境, 其中包括《欧洲》、《法兰西》、《近代的岁月》等等。 1850年起他脱离新闻界,重操他父亲的旧业——当木匠和建 筑师。这期间,他创作了他的代表作诗集《草叶集》 (1855)。 1861年美国南北战争爆发。内战结束后他自费 发表了反映内战的诗篇《桴鼓集》(1865)。几个月后他又出 版了一本续集,其中有悼念林肯的名篇《最近紫丁香在庭院 里开放的时候》,《哦,船长!我的船长》等等。
当时正在蓬勃发展的美国。诗集通过“自我” 感受和“自我”形象,热情歌颂了资本主义 上升时期的美国。

这首诗内涵深广,气象恢宏。表面上好似诗人仅在 凸显自己,实际上诗人在借用“自己”二字,表现 一个大“我”,即改造大自然、开放新大陆、建设 新大陆的美国广大劳动群众,歌颂的是19世纪美国 的民主代表,张扬的是自由、开放的个性。因而诗 中的“自己”被赋予了两重性,一是具体的我,二 是象征性的群体的“我”,“自己”是一个综合形 象。诗人置身于劳动者之中,诗中的“自己”,也 是美国式“新人”的形象。

Walt Whitman 惠特曼 英文PPT

Walt Whitman 惠特曼 英文PPT

Major works
• Leaves of Grass 草叶集 • Drum-Taps 桴鼓集
• Song of Myself 自我之歌 • I sit and look out 坐观世间 • O captain, my caption • When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d
• Grass—the most common thing with the greatest vitality, as a common of rising American
The title “Leaves of Grass”
1. A symbol of Whitman’s poems
2. A manifestation of Whitman’s democratic ideas
• (“noxious weeds;” • With appearance of the “ p o e t r y o f 5th edition, Whitman barbarism;” “a b e g a n r e c e i v e d m a s s o f s t u p i d recognition in America f i l t h;” Wh i tt i e r and England. throw it into
• Supporting slavery abolishing
• Severed as volunteer nurse during civil war
• Unmarried all his life
Whitman’s Poetry
Franklin Evans (1842) 《弗兰克林 • 埃文斯》 Memoranda During the War《战争回忆录》 Specimen Days (1882)《典型的日子》


的第一个 收获期:1841年他出版了短篇故 事,一年后出版了 小说 《富兰克林·埃文斯》 (Franklin Evans)。 第一版的草叶集 出版于 1855年。一年后 第二版连同爱默生的祝贺信一同被 出版,有20组诗。爱默生一直企盼 着一名新的美国诗人,终于在《草 叶集》中找到了。
沃尔特·惠特曼 沃尔特 惠特曼 Walt Whitman
• 07级2班 级 班 • 王轲 于腾蛟 方明
沃尔特·惠特曼 (Walt Whitman,1819年5月 31日-1892年3月26日),生 于纽约州长岛,他是美国著名 诗人、人文主义者, 其代表作品是 诗集《草叶集》。
• 1819年,惠特曼生于 现今长 岛,南亨亭顿附近的一个农舍中,他 在九个 兄弟姐妹中排行第二。 1823年, 一家移居到纽约布鲁克 林区。 他只上了6年学,然后 开始做印刷厂学徒。惠特曼基本上是 自学的,他特别喜欢读霍默、但丁和 莎士比亚的作品。
• 在做了两年学徒以后,惠特曼搬到纽 约市,并开始在不同的印刷厂工作。 1835年在长岛一所乡村学校执教。1838 年至1839年期间,他在他的家乡办了 《长岛人》的报纸。他一直教书到 1841年,之后他回到纽约并当了一名 记者。他也在一些主流杂志上担任自 由撰稿人,或发表政治演讲。
• 惠特曼的政治演讲引起了 坦慕尼协会的注意,他们让他担任 一些报纸的编辑,但是 没有一 个工作做的长久。1841年到 1859,他 共在新奥尔良编辑过1 份 报纸、纽约2份报纸和长 岛四份报纸。在此阶段他亲眼目睹 了奴隶拍卖这时,惠特曼开始着力 写诗。
• 在美国内战后,惠特曼在 在美国内战后, • 内政部当职员,但是当当时的内政部部长 内政部当职员, 詹姆士·哈兰 詹姆士 哈兰 • 发现他是 讨厌” 草叶集》 “讨厌”的《草叶集》 的作者后, 他把惠特曼解雇了。 的作者后, 他把惠特曼解雇了。



➢ Whitman struggled to support himself through most of his life. In Washington he lived on a clerk’s salary and modest royalties(稿酬), and spent any excess money, including gifts to friends, buying supplies for the patients he nursed.
香在庭院里开放的时候 • I hear America Singing 我听见美国在歌唱
(1) Leaves of Grass
➢ A collection of Whitman’s poems, his lifelong achievement.
➢ Consisting of 12 poems when first published in 1855. Nine editions and last edition includes more than 400 poems.
➢ He carried on a sort of experiment on the form of poetry by choosing free verse as his medium of expression, allowing him to express freely his ideas in colloquial English, regardless of the prevailing principles of rhymes or meter.

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Walt Whitman
英本五班 张丹 1003150120
Walt Whitman
• Life • Contribution • Influence • Works.2Fra bibliotekLife
• Walter Whitman was born in 1819 in Long Island ,the second son of a house-builder.
stanza .This is like enclosing a whole list of ideas in
an envelop .
The Themes in his poetry
• Equality • Divinity • Multiplicity • Self-reliant spirit • Death ,beauty of death • Expansion of America • Brotherhood and social solidarity • Pursuit of love and happiness
• Largely self-taught, he read voraciously, becoming acquainted with the works of Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, and the Bible.
• In the fall of 1848, he founded a “Free Soil" newspaper, the Brooklyn Freeman, and continued to develop the unique style of poetry.
• He has been compared to a mountain in American literary history.
• Contemporary American poetry, whatever school or form, bears witness to his great influence.
• In 1855, Whitman took out a copyright on the first edition of Leaves of Grass.
• During the Civil War ,Whitman worked as a volunteer nurse.
• Whitman died in 1892 because of his bad health ,he was buried in Harleigh(哈利公 墓).
• Mainly works • Leaves of Grass • O Captain! My Captain!
Mainly works
• Leaves of Grass • Song of Myself • I hear America singing • Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking • Drum Taps • O Captain! My Captain!
• Through him, American poets finally freed themselves from the old English traditions.
• His best work has become part of the common property of Western culture.
Leaves of Grass
• The title • Features • Themes
Leaves of Grass
The title :
It is significant that Whitman entitled his book Leaves of Grass .He said that where there is earth , where there is water , there is grass . Grass , the most common thing with the greatest vitality , is an image of the poet himself ,a symbol of the then rising American nation and an embodiment of his ideals About democracy and freedom .
Leaves of Grass
Free verse :
A kind of poetry that does not conform to consistent meter patterns ,rhyme (The line is the rhythmical unit as in the poetry of English bible).
• One of the great innovators in American literature.
• He gave America its first genuine epic poem: Leaves of Grass.
• He created the “ Free verse ” : the verse that does not follow a fixed metrical pattern, the verse without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.
Envelop structure :
Often in Whitman’s poetry , the first line begins
with the subject ,and then more and more lines list
modifiers till the verb appears in the last line of the