
亚历山大麦昆名言1.德里克罗斯说过的名言I'm quiet. 我不爱张扬Don't have to shout. 从不大声嚷嚷Don't need to bark,也不会朝人大吼大叫run my arms or top smash. 更不会喋喋不休,或是贬低别人Don't need to jump high to attract,我不需要刻意表现自己for you understand one thing, don't have to say a word. 我甚至可以一言不发,行动就是我的语言Because I'm fast. 因为我快如闪电I'm D-Rose, and fast don't lie. 我是德里克·罗斯,我只用速度说话希望能帮到你(^_^)2.闪电麦昆的情节介绍赛车总动员1情节介绍:在一次活塞杯比赛中,主角闪电麦昆、路霸、和车王同时到达终点,于是主办方决定加一个附加赛,闪电麦昆也同时以“赛场新星”的头衔成为媒体的焦点。
麦昆追错拖车而迷失方向,最终狼狈不堪跑到了水乡温泉镇(Radiator Springs),几天时间里在这个小镇发生了一系列的事情。
酷车酷评:他是最快的4轮物体,不信问问他!| He's the Fastest thing on four wheels. Just ask him.口头禅:我就是速度,我与速度同在!Speed,I am speed!演艺生涯赛车总动员 | Cars | 2006 赛车总动员2丨Cars2丨2011 闪电麦昆为一个手工打造的普通赛车,零件都为人工制造。
他的最高时速是322公里(200英里);0-60MPH 加速时间 4.5 秒;车体配备V-8 引擎,750马力;95号,赞助商为除锈灵(Rusteze Medicated Bumper Ointment),又译锈必清。

只为大家学英语《汽车总动员》Cars[Inhalingandexhalingdeeply] [Male]OK...Herewego.Focus.好了,准备了,专心Speed.Iamspeed.速度,我是速度[Carswhizzingpast]Onewinner,41losers.1个赢家,41个输家Ieatlosersforbreakfast.我把输家当早餐吃[Caraccelerating]Breakfast.早餐Wait,maybeIshouldhavehadbreakfast. 也许我该吃早餐,可能会比较好Alittlebreck-ycouldbegoodforme.No,no, no,stayfocused.Speed.不不不不…保持专心,速度[Carswhizzing]I'mfasterthanfast.Quickerthanquick. 疾如风,快如电Iamlightning!我是“闪电”![Poundingondoor][Male]Hey,Lightning!Youready?嘿,“闪电”,准备好了吗<i>[SherylCrow:RealGone]</i>Oh,yeah.Lightning'sready没错,“闪电”早就准备好了[enginerewing][Enginerevs][Crowdcheers]Ka-chow!咔嚓![Carszooming]《汽车总动员》[Carswhooshing][Bothscream][Allcheer] Getyourantennaballshere!来买天线球喔Go,Lightnin'!冲啊,“闪电”!-Whoo!-Yougotthatright,slick.[whistle s]-哇喔!-你说对了,滑头[Airwrenchwhirring]Uh![screams]呀![Enginerevs]-[Male]WelcomebacktotheDinoco400.-[Cr owdcheers]欢迎回到戴诺可400I'mBobCutlass,herewithmygoodfriend,Da rrellCartrip.我是鲍伯,跟我的好朋友达洛赛车进行到一半了,今天可能是赛车史上重要日子<i>We'remidwaythroughwhatmaybeanhisto ricdayforracing.</i><i>Bob,myoilpressure'sthroughtheroof. </i>鲍伯,现在我的油压暴升<i>Ifthisgetsmoreexciting,they'regonn ahavetotowmeouttathebooth!</i>比赛要是更刺激的话,恐怕我得被拖着出去了<i>Right,Darrell.</i>的确是的,达洛<i>[Bob]Threecarsaretiedfortheseasonp ointslead,</i>三部领先的车,以相同的积分<i>headingintothefinalraceoftheseason .</i>进入本季最后一场比赛<i>Andthewinnerofthisracewillwinthese asontitleandthePistonCup.</i>这场比赛的胜利者,将赢得季冠军头衔,跟活塞奖杯<i>DoesTheKing,StripWeathers,</i>绰号“冠军”的史崔威勒<i>haveonemorevictoryinhimbeforeretir ement?</i>是不是能在退休以前再夺得一次胜利呢<i>[Darrell]He'sbeenDinoco'sgoldenboy foryears!</i>他是戴诺可赞助多年的金童<i>CanhewinthemonelastPistonCup?</i> 能不能赢得最后一个活塞奖杯呢?<i>[Bob]And,asalways,inthesecondplace spotwefindChickHicks.</i>还有就是一如往常的,第二名“路霸”在他的赛车生涯中,始终都位居第二<i>He'sbeenchasingthattailfinhisentir ecareer.</i><i>[Darrell]Chickthoughtthiswashisyea r.</i>路霸以为今年是他的幸运年<i>HischancetofinallyemergefromTheKin g'sshadow.</i>终于有机会脱离“冠军”史崔威勒的阴影<i>Butthelastthingheexpectedwas (i)htningMcQueen!</i>可是他万万没想到半路杀出个程咬金,“闪电”麦坤!<i>[Bob]Youknow,Idon'tthinkanybodyexp ectedthis.</i>你知道吗,我看没有人想到这位菜鸟新秀,原本是个无名小子<i>Therookiesensationcameintotheseaso nunknown.</i><i>Buteveryoneknowshimnow.</i>现在大家都认识他了<i>[Darrell]Willhebethefirstrookietow inaPistonCupandlandDinoco?</i>他会是第一个赢得活塞奖杯,跟戴诺可赞助的菜鸟吗?<i>[Bob]Thelegend,therunner-up,andthe rookie!</i>赛车传奇,亚军,和菜鸟<i>Threecars,onechampion!</i>三部车,一个冠军![Breaksscreeching]哦,不,你休想!Noyoudon't.-[Chuckling]-Hey!呵呵!-[Tiressquealing]-[Crowdbooing] Whataride!哦,闪电,快啊![Chuckling]Goget'em,McQueen!Goget'em!超过去,麦坤!超过去![Female]Iloveyou,Lightning!我爱你!“闪电”!-Dinocoisallmine.-[Screaming]戴诺可是我的![Darrell]Trouble,turnthree!有状况,第三弯道!-Getthroughthat,McQueen.-[Bob]Hugecra shbehindtheleaders!-冲过来啊,麦坤-不好,领先车的后面撞成了一团[Crowdgasps][Screaming][Giggling]-[Grunts]-[Gasps][Bothscreaming][Bob]Waitasecond,Darrell.McQueenisint hewreckage.等一下,达洛,麦坤冲进车阵了[Darrell]There'snowaytherookiecanmake itthrough!那个菜鸟绝对不可能过得去!至少不是毫发无伤Notinonepiece,thatis.[Exhaling]Yeah!耶!Lightning!Oh!“闪电”!喔![Darrell]Lookatthat!McQueenmadeitthro ugh!你看看!麦坤过去了耶!天呐!“闪电”麦坤精彩突围[Bob]AspectacularmovebyLightningMcQueen!Yeah!Ka-chow!耶!咔嚓!McQueen!McQueen!McQueen!McQueen!McQue en!McQueen!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!Yeah,McQueen!Ka-chow![honking]耶,麦坤!咔嚓![Bob]Whileeveryoneheadsintothepits, 当其他赛车都进维修站的时候麦坤继续跑,取得领先McQueenstaysouttotakethelead!Don'ttakemeout,coach.Icanstillrace! 别让我退出啊,教练我还可以跑![Airwrenchwhirring][Chuckling]Whatdoyouthink?Athingofbea uty.哈哈,你们觉得怎么样?很厉害吧-McQueenmadeit!-[Chick]What?-麦坤他不休息!-什么?He'snotpitting!他不进站!Yougottagetmeoutthere!Let'sgo!Getmeba ckoutthere!快,快让我出站快!快让我回去,快!McQueen'snotgoingintothepits!麦坤居然不进站维修![Darrell]Therookiefiredhiscrewchief.T hethirdthisseason!那个菜鸟刚开除了他的总机械师,那是本季第三位了!-[Bob]Sayshelikesworkingalone.-Go,go! -他自个儿说喜欢独立自主的-跑!跑!跑!LookslikeChickgotcaughtupinthepits. 路霸被维修给耽搁了Yeah,afterastoplikethat,he'sgotalotof groundtomakeup.对,停了那么久,他可有一大段路要追呢Getready,boys,we'recomingtotherestart !男士们,准备好,要开始喽![Crowdcheers]Comeon,comeon,comeon!让开让开让开!Weneedtiresnow!Comeon,let'sgo!我们需要轮胎!快点!快点!-No,no,no,no!Notires,justgas!-[Male]W hat?-不不不不!不要轮胎,汽油就好-什么?Youneedtires,youidiot!你需要轮胎,你这白痴!看来麦坤今天只打算加了汽油就跑啊[Darrell]Lookslikeit'sgas-and-go'sfor McQueentoday.没错,还是不换轮胎[Bob]Right.Notiresagain.通常我会说这就像是在炒短线可是对他挺有效的[Darrell]That'sashort-termgain,long-t ermloss,butit'sworkin'forhim.Heobviouslyknows somethin'wedon'tknow.嘿嘿,显然他懂的比我们多啊[Carswhizzing][Bob]Thisisit,Darrell.OnelaptogoandLi ghtningMcQueenhasahugelead.决胜时刻到了,达洛,只剩一圈闪电麦坤遥遥领先哦,他赢定了,把庆功宴准备好吧!He'sgotitinthebag.Callinthedogsandput outthefire!新的赛车王就要产生喽!We'regonnacrownusanewchampion! [Crowdcheersandwhistles] [Screaming]方格旗,我来喽!-Checkeredflag,hereIcome!-[Tireblows] [Darrell]No!McQueen'sblownatire!哦,糟了!麦坤爆了一个轮胎![Bob]Andwithonlyoneturntogo!Canhemake it?只剩最后一个弯道,他撑得住吗?-Youfool!-[Grunts]傻瓜![Male]McQueen'sblownatire!He'sblownat ire!麦坤爆胎了!麦坤爆胎了!Go,go,go!快快快!-[Grunting]-[Tireblows][Darrell]He'slostanothertire!他又爆了一个轮胎!-KingandChickcomeupfast!-[Bob]They're enteringturnthree!-“冠军”跟“路霸”急起直追!-他们进入第三弯道了Comeon.[grunting]加油Idon'tbelievewhatI'mwatching,Bob!我真不敢相信我的眼睛!LightningMcQueenis100feetfromhisPisto nCup!“闪电”麦坤距离活塞奖杯只差一百英尺![Gasping][Growling][Bob]TheKingandChickroundingturnfour. “冠军”和“路霸”通过第四弯道[Darrell]Downthestretchtheycome!Andit 's,andit's...他们来到直线跑道了结果是……-It'stooclosetocall!Tooclose!-Idon'tb elieveit!-实在是太接近了,根本看不出来啊-不敢相信!我真不敢相信!Lightning!我们爱你,“闪电”!-Themostspectacular,amazing...-Idon't believeit!-这真是我们赛车史上最精彩,最叹为观止,最不可思议的结局啊!-不敢相信!我真不敢相信!我还是不敢相信!...unequivocally,unbelievableendingin thehistoryoftheworld!-Andwedon'tknowwhowon!-Lookatthat!-我们连谁赢了都不知道-看看!<i>[Tapejittering]</i><i>[Slowmotiondrone]</i>-That'sveryclosetocall.-Canweplaythat again?-太接近了,怎么看啊-可以再放一次吗?请再放一次Hey,nocameras!Getouttahere! 嘿!不准照相!快走开!<i>We'rehereinVictoryLane,awaitingthe results.</i><i>We'rehereinVictoryLane,awaitingthe results.</i>我们在胜利之道等候赛车结果<i>McQueen,thatwasariskymove,nottakin gtires.</i>麦坤,不换胎是很冒险的举动哦<i>Tellmeaboutit!</i>这还用说<i>Areyousorryyoudidn'thaveacrewchief outthere?</i>你会不会后悔没有总机械师<i>Oh,Kori.There'salotmoretoracingtha njustwinning.</i>呵呵,柯琳赛车不光是只为了赢,还有别的<i>Imean,takingtheracebyafulllap...Wh ere'stheentertainmentinthat?</i>我是说领先一整圈赢得冠军这样有什么看头啊<i>Iwantedtogivefolksalittlesizzle.</ i>我要给赛车迷一点刺激<i>-Sizzle?-AmIsorryIdon'thaveacrewch ief?</i>-剌激?-我后不后悔没有总机械师?<i>No,I'mnot.'CauseI'maone-manshow.</ i>不,不后悔,因为我是个人秀<i>What?Oh,yeah,right.</i>什么?喔,是啊<i>ThatwasaconfidentLightningMcQueen. </i>没错,那是非常有自信的“闪电”麦坤LivefromVictoryLane,I'mKoriTurbowitz. 记者柯琳·泰伯薇在胜利之道的现场报道-Getouttatheshot.-Yo,Chuck.-嘿,别挡镜头-嘿,查理Chuck,whatareyoudoing?You'reblockin't hecamera!你做什么啊?你挡到镜头了-Everyonewantstoseethebolt.-What?-大家都想看闪电-什么?-Now,backaway.-That'sit!Comeon,guys. -退后一点-嘿,够了,我们走吧-Whoa,team!Whereareyougoing?-Wequit,M r.One-ManShow!-唉呀,你们要去哪儿啊-我们辞职,个人秀先生Oh,OK,leave.Fine.好啊,走啊HowwillIeverfindanyoneelsewhoknowshow tofillmeupwithgas?呵呵,我要上哪去找能帮我加油的组员呢[Crowdlaughs]-Adios,Chuck!-AndmynameisnotChuck!-再见,查理-我的名字不叫查理!Oh,whatever.哦,随便了Hey,Lightning!Yo!McQueen!嘿,闪电!呦,麦坤!Seriously,thatwassomeprettydarnnicera cin'outthere.说真的,刚才的冲刺可真精彩啊-Byme!-Oh,yeah.我是说我!-Zinger!-WelcometotheChickera,baby! 欢迎进入路霸的年代ThePistonCup...It'smine,dude.It'smine .活塞奖杯是我的,我的Hey,fellas,howdoyouthinkI'dlookinDino coblue?Dinocoblue!嘿,各位,我开戴诺可蓝色车怎么样?戴诺可蓝!Inyourdreams,Thunder.别做梦了,雷鸣Yeah,right.Thunder?What'shetalkin'abo ut,"Thunder"?-是呀,雷鸣?他在说什么?-不知道啊Youknow,'causethunderalwayscomesafter lightning.因为雷声总是在闪电后面Ka-ping!Ka-pow!呯!咔!-Whoknewaboutthethunderthing?-Ididn't . -你们谁知道雷声这个玩笑-我不知道-Giveusthebolt!-That'sright. Rightinthelens.-Showmethebolt,baby!-Smile,McQueen! -Showmethebolt,McQueen!-That'sit! [Electronicmusic] [Crowdchattering] Thatwasoneclosefinish.YousuremadeDino coproud.好个平手的结局啊,你让戴诺可很骄傲哦Thankyou,King.谢谢你,冠军Well,Tex,you'vebeengoodtomealltheseye ars.老德啊,这些年来你对我很好It'stheleastIcoulddo.这是我应该做的Whateverhappens,you'reawinnertome,you olddaddyrabbit.不论发生什么事你都是我心目中的赢家,老公Thanks,dear.Wouldn'tbenothingwithouty ou.谢了,老婆没有你我什么也不是Kch-i-ka-chow!-I'mMia.-I'mTia.-我是蜜亚-我是蒂亚[Both]We're,like,yourbiggestfans!Ka-c how!我们最崇拜你了咔嚓!Ilovebeingme.哦,做我真好-[Police]OK,girls,that'sit.-Weloveyou ,Lightning!-好了,小姐们,够了-我们爱你,“闪电”![Chuckles]Hey,buddy.You'reonegutsyracer.嘿,朋友,你真的很有胆识啊Oh,hey,Mr.TheKing.噢,冠军先生Yougotmoretalentinonelugnut你光是一个螺丝就比很多车子拥有更多赛车细胞thanalotofcarshasgotintheirwholebody.-Really?Oh,that...-Butyou'restupid. -真的?这个...-但是你很笨-Excuseme?-Thisain'taone-mandeal,kid. -你说什么?-这不是独角戏啊,孩子Youneedtowiseupandgetagoodcrewchiefan dagoodteam.你要放聪明点给自己找一个一流的总机师和伙伴Youain'tgonnawinunlessyougotgoodfolks behindyou,你想赢,一定要有好人才[voicedwindling]andyouletthemdotheirj ob,liketheyshould.在背后支持,让他们做他们的工作-LikeItelltheboysattheshop...-Agoodte am.-必须要每个人同心协力-一流的伙伴-Yeah...-[electronicmusic]耶Ka-chow!Ka-pow![Crowdcheering][Screaming][Cheering]Oh,Lightning!哦!“闪电”!IfyoufigurethatoutyoujustgonnabeOK. 只要你想清楚了,前途无可限量Oh,yeah,that...Thatisspectacularadvic e.哦,对,真的是非常好的建议Thankyou,Mr.TheKing.谢谢,冠军先生-[Fanfare]-[Bob]Ladiesandgentlemen, 各位女士先生forthefirsttimeinPistonCuphistory... 活塞杯赛车史上头一遭[rewing]ArookiehaswonthePistonCup.一位菜鸟赢得活塞奖杯Yes!耶![Bob]...wehaveathree-waytie.今天我们有三辆车平手-[Crowdcheers]-[Camerasflash] [Chuckling]Hey,thatmustbereallyembarr assing.嘿!麦坤,你一定很尴尬吧ButIwouldn'tworryaboutit.BecauseIdidn 'tdoit!可是我不会放在心上,因为尴尬的不是我[Bob]PistonCupofficialshavedetermined thatatiebreakerrace因为今天的比赛有三位平手,所以裁判决定,一星期后betweenthethreeleaderswillbeheldinCal iforniainoneweek.将在加州举行三位领先者的决赛Well,thankyou!Thankstoallofyououtther e!Thankyou!谢谢!谢谢所有观众!谢谢![Whispering]Hey,firstonetoCaliforniag etsDinocoalltohimself.嘿,菜鸟,谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈No,notme!No,yourock,andyouknowthat! 不,不是我你们才是最棒的Oh,yeah!Whoo!喔耶!喔Yep!Allright!Gotit!谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈"FirstonetoCaliforniagetsDinocoalltoh imself."Oh,we'llseewhogetstherefirst,Chick. 那就看看谁会先到,路霸Huh?嗯?-Hey,kid!Congratsonthetie.-Idon'twant totalkaboutit.-嘿!小子,恭喜你争取到决赛-我不想谈这件事Let'sgo,Mack.Saddleup.What'dyoudowith mytrailer?好了,麦大叔,出发了我的拖车到哪去了?-Iparkeditatyoursponsor'stent.-What? -我把它停在你赞助者帐篷-什么?Gottamakeyourpersonalappearance.你必须亲自去露个脸No.No!No,no,no,no!不、不、不不不不…<i>Yes,yes,yes!LightningMcQueenhere.< /i>对对对,我是闪电麦坤<i>AndIuseRust-ezeMedicatedBumperOint ment,newrearendformula!</i>我用新配方“清锈”保险杆除锈药膏<i>NothingsoothesarustybumperlikeRust -eze.</i>“清锈”让生锈保险杆一擦见效<i>Wow!Lookatthatshine!</i>哇!马上亮晶晶!<i>UseRust-ezeandyoutoocanlooklikeme! </i>使用“清锈”你也能像我一样帅<i>Ka-chow!</i>咔嚓![Bothlaughing] ImetthiscarfromSwampscott.我遇到来自沼泽的一辆车Hewassorustyhedidn'tevencastashadow. 他锈得很严重,连影子都没有-Youcouldseehisdirtyundercarriage.-[C rowdlaughs]你可以看见他肮脏的底盘[Groaning]Ihaterustycars.Thisisnotgoo dformyimage.我讨厌生锈的车,这对我形象非常不好Theydidgiveyouyourbigbreak.Besides,it 'sinyourcontract.你要感谢他们的赞助再说你签了合约Oh,willyoustop,please?Justgogethooked up.哦,别说了,好吗?去牵拖车就好了-Winterisagrandoldtime.-Ofthistherear enoifsorbuts.-冬天是个好季节-这一点没什么好争辩的[Male1]Butremember,allthatsaltandgrim e...可是要记住喔,那些盐跟灰尘Canrustyourboltsandfreezeyour...会让你的螺丝钉生锈,螺丝帽结冰Hey,look!Thereheis!嘿!你们看,他来了耶Ouralmostchamp! 冠军角逐者[Male1]Getyourrearendinhere.快过来,小子LightningMcQueen,youarewickedfast! 闪电麦坤,你太快了-Thatracewasapisser!-Youwerebooking! -那场赛车真是精彩啊-对,你好快,麦坤-Givemealittleroom.-You'remyhero!-拜托,让我过一下-你是我的偶像!Yes,Iknow.[chuckles]-麦坤先生-是,我知道"Fred."Fred,thankyou.-弗瑞-弗瑞,谢谢Heknowsmyname.Heknowsmyname!他知道我的名字!他知道我的名字!Lookinggood,Freddie!不错,弗瑞Thankstoyou,Lightning,wehadabanneryea r!多亏你了,让我们今年赚了不少Wemightclearenoughtobuyyousomeheadlig hts.很好,我们应该有足够的钱帮你买头灯喽Yousayinghedoesn'thaveheadlights?你是说他没有头灯?That'swhatI'mtellingya.They'resticker s!我就是这么说的,那些只是贴纸Well,youknow,racecarsdon'tneedheadlig hts,你们知道的赛车不需要什么头灯becausethetrackisalwayslit.因为跑道啊,一向都是明亮的啊Yeah,well,soismybrother,buthestillnee dsheadlights.我弟是秃头,他还是需要头灯[Laughing][Forcedlaughter]-Ladiesandgentlemen,-[both]LightningM cQueen!-各位女士先生-闪电麦坤[Cricketschirping]FreeBird!唱歌Youknow,theRust-ezeMedicatedBumperOin tmentteam各位知道吗?“清锈保险杆药膏”车队ranagreatracetoday.今天表现的非常好Andremember,withalittleRust-eze... 还有,别忘了,只要一点“清锈”[whispering]Andaninsaneamountofluck, 加上大量的运气...youtoo,canlooklikeme.Ka-chow.你也可以像我一样帅咔嚓-Hey,kid.-Weloveya.-嘿,小子-我们爱你Andwe'relookingforwardtoanothergreaty ear.而且我们期盼明年也是业绩长红Justlikethisyear!跟今年一样!Notonyourlife.明年我就不干了-Don'tdrivelikemybrother!-Yeah,don'td rivelikemybrother!-别像我弟那样开车-是吗?别像我哥那样开车<i>California,herewecome!</i>亲爱的加州,我们来了Dinoco,herewecome!戴诺可,我们来了!<i>[RascalFlatts:LifeisaHighway]</i> [Birdschirping]<i>[Phoneringing]</i>[Moaning]Oh...oh...uh,Ineededthis.Hel lo?好舒服喔,哪位?<i>[Male]IsthisLightningMcQueen,thewo rld'sfastestracingmachine?</i>请问是全世界最快的赛车,闪电麦坤吗?IsthisHarv,theworld'sgreatestagent? 你是最棒的经纪人哈威吗?<i>Anditissuchanhonortobeyouragent</i >当你的经纪人真荣幸啊<i>thatitalmosthurtsmetotaketenpercen tofyourwinnings.</i> 我几乎不忍心拿你一成的奖金还有广告酬劳<i>Merchandising.Andancillaryrightsin perpetuity.Anyway,whatarace,champ!</i >永久的经纪权了总之,好精彩的比赛<i>Ididn'tseeit,butIheardyouweregreat .</i>我没…我没看可是听说你很棒Thanks,Harv.谢了,哈威<i>Listen,they'regivingyou20ticketsfo rthetiebreakerthinginCali.</i>听着,你有二十张加州决赛的票我可以帮你拿给你朋友,你告诉我名字<i>I'llpass'emontoyourfriends.Shootme thenames.</i>-让哈威为你服务,好吗?宝贝-是,朋友<i>-YouletHarvrockitforyou,baby.-Righ t.Friends.</i>Yes,there's...是,有,嗯……<i>OK,Igetit,Mr.Popular.</i>好吧,我懂了,人气小子<i>Somanyyoucan'tevennarrowitdown.Hey ,whenyougettotown,</i>朋友太多,不知道给谁好嘿,你到城里来<i>youbettermaketimeforyourbestfriend !</i>最好抽空来看你最好的朋友<i>Breakbreadwithyourmishpochehhere!< /i>你一定要跟你的好友吃顿饭That'dbegreat!Weshouldtotally... 对,这样很好,我们是应该……<i>OK,Igottajump,kid.Letmeknowhowitgo es.I'mout.</i>我得挂了,小子让我知道情况,再见<i>-[Dialtonehums]-[Sighing]</i><i>-[Melodicbeeping]-[Wheelssqueaking ]</i>[Lightning]What?Aminivan?什么?小货车?<i>Comeon,you'reintheslowlane.</i>拜托,麦大叔你开到慢车道了<i>ThisisLightningMcQueenyou'rehaulin ghere.</i>你载的是闪电麦坤耶Juststoppingoffforaquickbreather,kid. 我只要停一会就好了,小子<i>-OldMackneedsarest.-Absolutelynot. </i>绝对不可以<i>We'redrivingallnighttillwegettoCal ifornia.Weagreedtoit.</i>我们要整夜赶路,一直到加州去我们说好的Allnight?MayIremindyoufederalDOTregss tate...-整夜?让我提醒你国家交通部规定…-拜托,麦大叔<i>Comeon,IneedtogettherebeforeChicka ndhangwithDinoco.</i>我要比路霸先到,跟戴诺可聊聊[Mackgroans]Allthosesleepingtrucks. 那些打盹的卡车<i>Hey,kid,Idon'tknowifIcanmakeit.</i >嘿,小子,我不知道我能不能做得到Oh,sureyoucan,Mack.你当然可以,麦大叔Look,it'llbeeasy.I'llstayupwithyou. 很容易啊,我陪你熬夜<i>-Allnight?-Allnightlong.</i>-一整夜?-一整夜[Snoring][Enginesslowing][Snoring,gasping,blubbering] [Grunting][Snoring]Uh![Blubbering]-[Rapmusic]-[Enginesrewing] [Sniffing]Ah-choo![Laughing]-Hey,yo,D.J.-Whatup?-嘿呦,DJ-干嘛?-Wegotourselvesanodder.-[Chuckling] 有一辆车在打瞌睡喔<i>[KennyG:Songbird]</i> Prettymusic.[snoring]音乐真好听Yo,Wingo!Lanechange,man.嘿,文哥,换车道了,老兄-Rightbackatya!-Yeah!回你那边啦-Oops!Imissed.-Yougoingonvacation? -没有碰到-你在渡假吗?[Alllaugh][Snoring][Snoring]-[Chuckling]-[Sniffling]-Oh,no,SnotRod...-He'sgonnablow! -哦,糟了,大鼻!-他要打喷嚏啦!Ah...Ah...Ah-choo!Gesundheit!保重身体Oneshouldneverdrivewhiledrowsy.绝对不要边打瞌睡边开车-[Tiressquealing]-[Hornshonking] -[Honkingloudly]-[Screaming]-Uh!Ah!-[Allhonking]-呃!啊![Breathingheavily]Mack!麦大叔!-[Grunting]-[Hornshonking]Mack!麦大叔!Mack!麦大叔!Hey,Mack!Mack!嘿,麦大叔!麦大叔!Mack!麦大叔!Mack,waitforme![enginerewing]麦大叔等等我![Tiressquealing]Mack!麦大叔![Bellringing][Hornbellowing]Mack!Mack!麦大叔!麦大叔!Mack!Mack...麦大叔!麦大叔......waitup![coughing]Mack.等等!麦大叔!Mack!Mack!麦大叔!麦大叔!What?You'renotMack.你不是麦大叔Mack?Iain'tnoMack!I'maPeterbilt,forda ngsake!麦大叔?我不是麦大叔我是大卡车,拜托[Peterbilt]Turnonyourlights,youmoron! 开你的头灯,白痴Mack...TheInterstate!麦大叔……州际公路[Tiressquealing]-[Engineroaring]-Huh?Notinmytown,youdon't.在我辖区里休想超速[Sirenwailing]Oh,no.哦,糗了-Oh,maybehecanhelpme!-[Sheriffbackfir ing]哦!也许他可以帮我He'sshootingatme!Whyisheshootingatme? 他向我开枪?他为什么向我开枪?[Backfiring]Ihaven'tgonethisfastinyears.我好多年没跑这么快了[Grunting]I'mgonnablowagasketorsometh in'.我的密封垫一定会裂开Serpentine!Serpentine,serpentine!蛇行!蛇行!蛇行!Whatintheblueblazes?搞什么呀?居然蛇行,飙车狂Crazyhot-rodder. [Sirencontinueswailing]<i>[HankWilliams:MyHeartWouldKnow]</i >[Buzzing][史丹利我们的城镇奠基者1909] [Waterhoseturningon][Snoring] I'mtellingyou,man,everythirdblinkissl ower.我告诉你,老兄闪第三次都比较慢Thesixtiesweren'tgoodtoyou,werethey? 60年代太亏待你了,是吗?[Carbackfires][Sirensblasting]What?That'snottheInterstate!什么?那不是州际公路-[Sheriffbackfires]-Ah!Oh!Ow,ow,ow,ow,ow!-[Screaming]-[Tiresscreeching]No,no,no,no,no,no!不不不Ow!I'mnottheonlyoneseeingthis,right?不是只有我看到,对吧?-Incoming!-Whoa,man.危险!-No!-Hey!嘿!你刮了我的漆Whoa,whoa,whoa,whoa!Mytires!我的轮胎!-[Grunting]-[Gasping]-[Screaming]-[Gasping]-[Tiressquealing]-[Cablesvibrating] [Yelling][Shouting][Screaming]-[Cableswhizzing]-[Straining] Flyaway,Stanley.Befree!飞走吧,史丹利,自由自在[Gasping][Breathingheavily]Boy,you'reinaheapoftrouble.小子,你的麻烦可大了[Sighing]<i>We'reliveattheLosAngelesInternatio nalSpeedway</i>记者正在洛杉矶国际赛车场<i>asthefirstcompetitor,LightningMcQu een,</i>-第一位决赛者闪电麦坤-他来了<i>isarrivingatthetrack.</i>-刚刚到赛车场-麦坤先生,旅途顺利吗?<i>Isittruehe'sgonnaposeforCargirl?</ i>他真的要上《赛车女郎》杂志吗?闪电,你的策略是什么?<i>What'syourstrategy?</i>-[Crowdgasps]-[Camerasclicking]<i>What?DidIforgettowipemymudflaps?</ i>怎么啦?我忘了擦挡泥板吗?[闪电麦坤失踪了!!]<i>McQueen'sdriverarrivedinCalifornia ,butMcQueenwasmissing.</i>麦柛的运送车到达加州但是麦坤不见了<i>-McQueenwasreportedmissing....tora ceanunprecedented...</i>赛车“闪电麦坤”神秘失踪了麦坤应该参加一场前所未有的……<i>[male]Sponsorstatedtheyhavenoideaw hereheis.</i>赞助厂商说不知道他在什么地方IhopeLightning'sOK.I'dhatetoseeanythi ngbadhappentohim.我只希望“闪电”没事我实在不希望他发生任何意外<i>Idon'tknowwhat'shardertofind,McQue enorachiefwho'llworkwithhim!</i>我不知道什么比较难找闪电麦坤还是肯跟他合作的总机械师<i>[Germanaccent]LightningMcQueenmust befoundatallcosts!</i>不计代价,一定要找到闪电麦坤!<i>They'reallaskingthesamequestion:Wh ereisMcQueen?</i>他们都在问同一个问题:麦坤到底在哪里?[Groaning]Oh,boy.天啊WhereamI?这是什么地方啊?-Mornin',sleepin'beauty!-Ah!早啊,睡美人!Boy,Iwaswonderin'whenyouwasgonnawakeu p. 我在想你要多久才会醒过来Takewhateveryouwant!Justdon'thurtme! 你要什么就拿去,只要别伤害我Aparkingboot?WhydoIhaveaparkingbooton ?轮胎锁?为什么给我上轮胎锁?-What'sgoingonhere?Please!-[Chuckling ]You'refunny.-这是怎么回事?拜托-哈哈,你真好笑Ilikeyoualready.Myname'sMater.我喜欢你,我叫拖线Mater?拖线?Yeah,like"tuh-mater,"butwithoutthe"tu h".对,拖把的拖,不是脱衣服的脱-What'syourname?-Youdon'tknowmyname? -你叫什么名字?-你…你不知道我的名字?Uh...嗯…我知道你的名字你也叫拖线?No,Iknowyourname.IsyournameMatertoo? What?什么?Look,IneedtogettoCaliforniaasfastaspo ssible.WhereamI?听我说,我必须在最短的时间内尽快赶到加州去这是什么地方啊?Whereareyou?Shoot!这是什么地方?嘿You'reinRadiatorSprings.这是化油器郡ThecutestlittletowninCarburetorCounty .一个可爱的小镇,叫油车水镇Oh,great.Justgreat!好,好极了Well,ifyouthinkthat'sgreat,youshoulds eetherestofthetown.如果你认为这里很好你应该参观镇上其他的地方Youknow,I'dlovetoseetherestofthetown! 你知道吗?我很想参观其他的地方Soifyoucouldjustopenthegate,takethisbootoff,所以只要你打开门,解开轮胎锁youandme,wegocruisin',checkouttheloca lscene...你跟我就一起游览本地的风景好吗?-Dad-gum!-How'dthatbe,Tuhmater?-耶,好-怎么样,拖线?-Cool!-Mater!-酷!-拖线!WhatdidItellyouabouttalkin'totheaccus ed?我说过,你可不可以跟被告说话?Tonotto.不可以Well,quityouryappin'andtowthisdelinqu entroadhazardtotrafficcourt.那就废话少说把这个威胁道路的罪犯,拖去交通法庭Well,we'lltalklater,Mater.等会聊了,小老弟[Chuckling]"Later,Mater."That'sfunny! 小老弟,真好笑Ah![Sheriff]TheRadiatorSpringsTrafficCou rtwillcometoorder!油车水镇交通法庭即将开庭Hey,youscratchedmypaint!Ioughtatakeab lowtorchtoyou,man!你刮了我的漆真该放把火把你烧了Youbroke-atheroad!Youaverybadcar!我得重新叠罐头你弄坏道路,你是辆坏车-Fascist!-Commie!-暴君!-对啊,对啊Officer,talktome,babe.Howlongisthisgo nnatake?警长,请告诉我,这到底还要多久?IgottagettoCalifornia,pronto.我很忙,得立刻赶到加州去Where'syourlawyer?你的律师呢?Idon'tknow.Tahitimaybe.He'sgotatimesh arethere.谁知道,在大溪地吧他在那里有一个度假屋Whenadefendanthasnolawyer,thecourtwil lassignonetohim.Hey!当被告没有律师的时候法庭会指派一个给他Anyonewanttobehislawyer?谁要当他的律师啊?Shoot,I'lldoit,Sheriff!对,我可以,警长Allrise!TheHonorableDocHudsonpresidin g.请起立,法官大人韩大夫主审Show-off.爱现-MayDochavemercyonyoursoul.-[Doorbang ing]希望韩大夫怜悯你这个可怜虫-[Gasping]-Allright,好了,我要知道谁破坏我的镇警长Iwannaknowwho'sresponsibleforwreckin' mytown,Sheriff. Iwanthishoodonaplatter!我要拿下他的车盖I'mgonnaputhiminjailtillherots!No,che ckthat.我要他坐牢,直到他烂掉不,更正I'mgonnaputhiminjailtillthejailrotson topofhim,我要他坐牢,直到监牢烂掉,压在他车顶andthenI'mgonnamovehimtoanewjailandle tthatjailrot.然后再把他移到新的坚牢,让那个监牢也烂掉I'm...我……Throwhimoutofhere,Sheriff.把他撵出去,警长Iwanthimoutofmycourtroom.Iwanthimouto fourtown!我要他离开我的法庭我要他离开我的镇-Casedismissed.-Yes!-本案终结-好耶Boy,I'mpurtygoodatthislawyerin'stuff. 我可是一流的律师耶SorryI'mlate,YourHonor!抱歉,我迟到了HolyPorsche!She'sgottabefrommyattorne y'soffice.保时捷美眉,她一定是我的律师派来的Hey,thanksforcomin',butwe'reallset. 谢谢你来,不过没事了-He'slettingmego.-He'slettingyougo? -他要放我走-他要放你走?Yeah,yourjob'sprettyeasytoday.对,今天你的工作很轻松Allyouhavetodonowisstandthereandletme lookatyou.你只需要乖乖站在那儿让我好好的看看你Listen,I'mgonnacuttothechase.Me,you,d inner.Pi-cha-kow!好吧,我就不拐弯抹角了,我…你…晚餐,咔嚓-Whatthe...?Ow!Oh!-Ka-chow!-什么?噢!哦-咔嚓!-Please!-Iknow.Igetthatreactionalot. -拜托!哦-我知道,这种反应我见多了Icreatefeelingsinothersthattheythemse lvesdon'tunderstand.我带给别人的感受连他们自己都无法理解-[Rewing]-Agh!Ow!Oh,I'msorry.DidIscareyou?对不起,吓着你了吗?Alittlebit,butI'llbeallright.嗯…有一点,但我不要紧OK.I'mgonnagotalktothejudge.好吧,我要去跟法官谈谈Dowhatyougottado,baby.Butlisten.Becar eful.做你该做的,宝贝喔!但是小心一点Folksaroundherearenotfiringonallcylin ders,ifyouknowwhatImean.这里的人不是都像你一样那么上路你懂我的意思吗?Ka-ching!咔嚓!Ah!I'llkeepthatinmind.我会记住的-Heythere,Mater.-Howdy,Sally.-你好,拖线-你好,莎莉-Hi,folks!-Goodmorning!-大家好-早安,莎莉Youknowher?你认识她?She'sthetownattorneyandmyfiancee.她是本镇的律师,也是我的未婚妻What?什么?Nah,I'mjustkiddin'.Shejustlikesmeform ybody.开玩笑的她只是喜欢我的外表Youlookgreat.Youdosomethingdifferentw ithyoursideviewmirrors?韩大夫,你今天看起来真帅你是不是调整了你的侧视镜?Whatdoyouwant,Sally?莎莉,你想做什么?[Sighing]Comeon,makethisguyfixtheroad .Thetownneedsthis.哦,拜托,让这个家伙修路本镇很需要No.Iknowhistype.Racecar.不,我知道他这型的,赛车That'sthelastthingthistownneeds.本镇最不需要赛车OK,Ididn'twanttohavetodothis,Doc,buty ouleavemenochoice.好吧,我不想这么做的喔可是你让我别无选择Fellowcitizens,you'reallawareofourtow n'sproudhistory.各位乡亲,你们都知道本镇的骄傲历史Hereshegoesagain.她又来了RadiatorSprings,thegloriousjewel油车水镇,原始道路也是我们66号公路颈上的一颗荣耀宝石strungonthenecklaceofRoute66,themothe rroad! Itisourjobandourpleasuretotakecareoft hetravelers我们有责任也很乐意服务行经这段公路的所有旅客-onourstretchofthatroad.-Travelers?Wh attravelers?旅客?什么旅客?Ignorehim.别理他Buthow,Iaskyou,arewetocareforthosetra velers可是你们仔细想想如果没有路让这些旅客行驶ifthereisnoroadforthemtodriveon?那我们要怎么服务他们呢?-Luigi,whatdoyouhaveatyourstore?-Tire s.-卡布,你的店里有什么?-轮胎Andifnoonecangettoyou?如果没有车子来呢?Iwon'tsellany...tires.Iwillloseeveryt hing!我就没办法卖轮胎,我会失去一切-Flo,whatdoyouhaveatyourstore?-Ihaveg as.-芙蓉,你的店里有什么?-我有汽油-Lotsagas!-OKboys,staywithme.-很多汽油-好了,男士们,注意听And,Flo,what'llhappenifnoonecancometo yourstationtobuygas?芙蓉,如果车子不能去你的店里买汽油会怎么样呢?I'llgoouttabusinessand...we'llhavetol eavetown.我会没生意,然后…我们就得离开这里What'sgonnahappenifFloleavestownandcl osesherstation?如果芙蓉关了她的店离开这里我们会怎么样呢-[All]Withoutgas,we'redonefor!-What? -没有汽油,我们就完了-什么?Don'tyouthinkthecarresponsibleshouldf ixourroad?所以你们不觉得那辆车有责任帮我们修路吗?Theonlyguystrongenoughtofixthatroadis BigAl!我看啊,唯一壮得可以修那道路的是大艾尔Lizzie,BigAlleftlike,15yearsago.莉丝,那家伙十五年前就离开了Thenwhyareyoubringinghimup,youlemon? 那么你干吗提起他呀,糊涂虫Oh,hecandoit.哦,他可以修He'sgotthehorsepower.So,whatdoyouwant himtodo?他有足够的马力,所以你们要他做什么啊?[All]Fixtheroad!修马路!-Becauseweareatownworthfixing!-Yeah! -因为我们的镇需要修复-耶![Allcheer][Honking]Orderinthecourt!大家肃静Seemslikemymindhasbeenchangedforme. 这件事似乎由不得我了-[All]Yeah!-No!-耶!-不![VWvan]Niceruling.Oh,Iamsonottakingyoutodinner.我刚刚不应该邀请你去吃晚餐的[Chuckling]That'sOK,Stickers.Youcanta keBessie.没关系,贴纸王,你可以请贝西Man,yougettoworkwithBessie!哦,天啊,你可以跟贝西工作I'dgivemylefttwolugnutsforsomethin'li kethat.那真是一个求之不得的机会Bessie?Who'sBessie?贝西?谁是贝西?[Gurgling][贝西]ThishereisBessie,finestroad-pavin'mac hineeverbuilt.她就是贝西有史以来最好的一台铺路机I'mherebysentencingyoutocommunityserv ice.我现在判决你做社区服务You'regonnafixtheroadundermysupervisi on.你要在我的监督下修复那条马路What?Thisplaceiscrazy!什么?这地方疯了?Iknowthismaybeabadtimerightnow,嘿,我知道现在时机可能不对butyouoweme$32,000inlegalfees.可是你欠我三万两千块的律师费哦What?什么?We'regonnahitchyouuptoBessie,andyou'r egonnapullhernice.所以我要把你跟贝西接在一起你要轻轻拉她Yougottabekiddingme.你一定是在开玩笑Youstarttherewheretheroadbegins.你从路的起点那儿开始Youfinishdowntherewheretheroadends. 一直铺到路的尽头那儿结束[Mater]Holyshoot!我的妈呀Whoa,whoa,whoa!Howlongisthisgonnatake ?这…这…这要多久的时间啊?Well,felladoesitright,shouldtakehimab outfivedays.这个啊…做对的话,应该只要五天左右Fivedays?五天?ButIshouldbeinCaliforniaschmoozingDin ocorightnow!可是我现在就应该在加州跟戴诺可见面ThenifIwereyou,I'dquityappin'andstart workin'!那么你最好少说废话,开始工作-Hookhimup,Mater.-Okay-dokey.-接起来吧,拖线-好的,遵命[Grunting][Tiressquealing,enginerewing] [Lightning]Freedom!翘头喽!MaybeIshould'vehookedhimuptoBessie... 也许我该…嗯…先把他勾住贝西...andthen...thentookthebootoff.再嗯…再拿掉轮胎锁Whoo-hoo![这么快就要走了?] Goodbye,RadiatorSprings,andgoodbye,Be ssie!再见,油车水再见,贝西California,hereIcome!Yeah!加州,我来了!Oh,feelthatwind.嗯,迎着风Yes!太好了[Sputtering]No.No,no,no.No,no,no,no,no.Outtagas?不不不……没油了HowcanIbeouttagas?我怎么可能会没油呢?[Chuckling]Boy,weain'tasdumbasyouthin kweare.小子啊,我们没你想像那么笨啊[Stuttering]Buthowdid,howdid...you... ?可…可是…你们怎么…Wesiphonedyourgaswhileyouwerepassedou t.我们趁你昏迷抽了你的汽油-Ka-chow.-Ow,ow,ow,ow.咔嚓-Gentlemen.-Sheriff.-男士们-警长Hey,Sheriff.嗨!警长<i>-Whyhere?-[Italian]Sonosemprestati qui.</i>轮胎怎么在这儿?<i>-Theywerebetterbefore.-Staisemprea parlare.</i>它们在原来的地方比较好-Guido!-Red,canyoumoveover?-奇诺-小红,让开一下Iwanttogetalookatthatsexyhotrod.我要看那部性感的改装车Youknow,Iusedtobeapurtygoodwhistler. 你知道吗?我以前很会吹口哨Ican'tdoitnow,ofcourse,onaccountofsom etimes。

赛车总动员英文字幕英文回答:In the realm of animated films, few have captured the hearts and imaginations of audiences quite like "Cars."This beloved franchise, which debuted in 2006, has captivated viewers of all ages with its heartwarming stories, unforgettable characters, and stunning visuals. At the forefront of this cinematic triumph lies the English language, which has played a pivotal role in shaping thefilm's global appeal.The English subtitles in "Cars" serve as a vital bridge, allowing viewers from diverse linguistic backgrounds tofully immerse themselves in the captivating narrative. These subtitles meticulously capture the nuances and subtleties of the dialogue, ensuring that the film's message and humor are conveyed with precision and clarity. Through the skillful use of language, the English subtitles seamlessly integrate the film's characters into the globalcultural landscape, making them relatable and endearing to audiences worldwide.The English language in "Cars" not only facilitates comprehension but also enriches the film's emotional resonance. The characters' witty banter, heartfelt confessions, and poignant monologues are rendered with remarkable authenticity in English, evoking a profound connection with the audience. The subtitles deftly convey the characters' innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing viewers to empathize with their triumphs and tribulations on a deeply personal level.Furthermore, the English subtitles in "Cars" showcase the film's extraordinary attention to detail. The meticulous translation ensures that even the most intricate cultural references and colloquialisms are accurately conveyed, preserving the film's unique charm and humor. By seamlessly adapting the screenplay to diverse linguistic contexts, the English subtitles empower audiences to fully appreciate the film's rich tapestry of characters, storylines, and themes.In conclusion, the English subtitles in "Cars" transcend the mere act of translation, becoming an integral part of the film's narrative tapestry. They not only facilitate comprehension but also enhance the film's emotional impact, broaden its cultural appeal, and showcase the unwavering dedication to detail that is a hallmark of this beloved franchise.中文回答:在动画电影领域中,很少有作品像《赛车总动员》那样,能够如此深入地俘获观众的心灵和想象力。

汽车总动员的台词台词, 汽车, 总动员Okay, here we go.Focus.Speed. I am speed.One winner.Fourty-two losers.I eat losers for breakfast.Breakfast. Maybe I should have breakfast.Brakie could be good for me.No, no. Stay focused.Speed.I'm faster than fast,quicker than quick.I am Lightning!Hey Lightning, you're ready?LIGHTNING McQUEENOh yeah, Lightning is ready!PISTON CUP CARS.Got gas, come on here!Not bad run, sweetie! Welcome back to the Dinoco 400.I'm Bob Cutlass. Here with my good friend Darrell Cartrip.We're midway through what may turn out to be a historic day of a racing.I'm all fresh with student Ruth right now.If this gets any more exciting, they're gonna have to toll me out of the booth!Right you are, Darrell.Three cars are tied for the season's point sleeve.Heading into the final race of the season.And the winner of this race,Darrell will win the season's title.And the Piston Cup.Of the cage Strip Weathers have one more victory before retiring.He's been down to coast golden boy for years!Can he win the one last Piston Cup?And there's always for the second place.Bob, we're buying Chick Hicks.He's been shaking that tail then his entire career.Chick tough this was his year, Bob.He's chance to finally emerge to the Kind Shadow.But the last thing he expected was...Lightning McQueen!Youknow, I don't think anybody expected this.Rookie sensation came in at the season unknown.But everyone knows him now.Will he be thefirst rookie to win Piston Cup?And land Dinoco?Thelegend, the runner up and the rookie!Three cars, one champion!Go get him!Dinoco is all mine.Get through that, McQueen!Huge crash! Unbelievable!Wait a second Darrell,McQueen is in the rackage.There's no way that rookie can make it through! Not one piece that is.Lightning!Look at him!McQueen made it through! Man, a spectacular move by Lightning McQueen!Yeah! Good jump!Yeah McQueen! Gotchaaa!Everyone else heads for the pimps but McQueen stays out.To take it for lead!Don't pick me out,I can still race!Ha, what do you think, boys?Whata beauty.- McQueen made it through!- What?He's got pidding!Go! Get me out of here, let's go!Get me back up there, come on!McQueen not going into the pits.You know the rookie just fired his crutie.That's the third one this season.Well, he says he likes working alone, Darrell.It looks like Shet got caught up in the pits. Yeah, after a start like that he's got a lot of ground to make up!Get ready boys, we're coming into the restart. Come on, come on, come on!We need tires down!Come on, let's go!No, no, no!No tires! Just gas!You need tires, you idiot!Looks like it's all gas and goes for McQueen today.That's right, no tires again.Normally I'd say after a short term game long term walk.But it sure is working for him.Hey, maybe he knows something we don't know.This is it Darrell. One lap to go and LightningMcQueen has a huge lead.Ah, he's gotten into the bay,calling it nose, put down a fire.We knew it grab us a new chase.Checker flag, here I come!Oh no! McQueen has blown the tire!In beholding one time to go,can he make it? You fool!McQueen blew a tire,McQueen blew a tire!He's lost another tire!- McQueen checkers coming up fast.- They are in term three.Come on!I don't believe what I'm watching, Bob! Lightning McQueen is a hundred feet from his Piston Cup!The King and Chick rounding turn four.The Piston Cup and it's.. And it's...- It's too close to call!- I don't believe it!The most spectacular, amazing,unbelievable in the history of a world!And we don't even know who won!Hey no cameras!Get out of here!We're here in Victory Lane awaiting the race results.McQueen, that was quite a risky move not taking the tires.Tell me about it.Are you sorry you don't have a crutchie out there?Kori, there's a lot more to racing than just winning.I mean taking a race by a full lap,where's the entertainment then?No, no, I want to give the falks a little sizzle.Sizzle?Am I sorry I don't have a crutchie?No, I'm not. Cause I'm a one man show.What? Yeah right.That was a very confident Lightning McQueen. Coming to you live from Victory Lane.Hey, get out of the shot!Yo, Chuck! Chuck what are you doing,you'reblocking the camera!Everyone wants to see the bulb.- What?- Now back away.That's it! Come on, guys!- Wow! Jee! Where are you going?- We quit, Mr. One Man Show!Okay, leave. Fine.How will I ever find anyone else who knowshow to fill me up with gas?Adios, Chuck.- And my name is not Chuck!- Oh, whatever.Hey Lightning!也许你还对下面的帖子感兴趣:(如果下面没有你想要阅读的内容,请点【搜索】查找。

Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner, Fourty-two losers.I eat losers for breakfast. Breakfast. Maybe I should have breakfast. Brakie could be good for me.No, no. Stay focused. Speed. I'm faster than fast, quicker than quick. I am Lightning! Hey Lightning, you're ready?LIGHTNING McQUEENOh yeah, Lightning is ready!PISTON CUP CARS.Got gas, come on here!Not bad run, sweetie!Welcome back to the Dinoco 400.I'm Bob Cutlass. Here with my good friend Darrell Cartrip.We're midway through what may turn out to be a historic day of a racing.I'm all fresh with student Ruth right now.If this gets any more exciting, they're gonna have to toll me out of the booth!Right you are, Darrell.Three cars are tied for the season's point sleeve.Heading into the final race of the season.And the winner of this race,Darrell will win the season's title.And the Piston Cup.Of the cage Strip Weathers have one more victory before retiring.He's been down to coast golden boy for years!Can he win the one last Piston Cup?And there's always for the second place.Bob, we're buying Chick Hicks.He's been shaking that tail then his entire career.Chick tough this was his year, Bob.He's chance to finally emerge to the Kind Shadow.But the last thing he expected was...Lightning McQueen!You know, I don't think anybody expected this.Rookie sensation came in at the season unknown.But everyone knows him now.Will he be the first rookie to win Piston Cup?And land Dinoco?The legend, the runner up and the rookie!Three cars, one champion!Go get him!Dinoco is all mine.Get through that, McQueen!Huge crash! Unbelievable!Wait a second Darrell,McQueen is in the rackage.There's no way that rookie can make it through!Not one piece that is.Lightning!Look at him!McQueen made it through!Man, a spectacular move by Lightning McQueen!Yeah! Good jump!Yeah McQueen! Gotchaaa!Everyone else heads for the pimps but McQueen stays out.T o take it for lead!Don't pick me out,I can still race!Ha, what do you think, boys?What a beauty.- McQueen made it through!- What?He's got pidding!Go! Get me out of here, let's go!Get me back up there, come on!McQueen not going into the pits.You know the rookie just fired his crutie.That's the third one this season.Well, he says he likes working alone, Darrell.It looks like Shet got caught up in the pits.Yeah, after a start like that he's got a lot of ground to make up!Get ready boys, we're coming into the restart.Come on, come on, come on!We need tires down!Come on, let's go!No, no, no!No tires! Just gas!You need tires, you idiot!Looks like it's all gas and goes for McQueen today.That's right, no tires again.Normally I'd say after a short term game long term walk.But it sure is working for him.Hey, maybe he knows something we don't know.This is it Darrell. One lap to go and Lightning McQueen has a huge lead.Ah, he's gotten into the bay,calling it nose, put down a fire.We knew it grab us a new chase.Checker flag, here I come!Oh no! McQueen has blown the tire!In beholding one time to go,can he make it?You fool!McQueen blew a tire,McQueen blew a tire!He's lost another tire!- McQueen checkers coming up fast.- They are in term three.Come on!I don't believe what I'm watching, Bob!Lightning McQueen is a hundred feet from his Piston Cup!The King and Chick rounding turn four.The Piston Cup and it's.. And it's...- It's too close to call!- I don't believe it!The most spectacular, amazing,unbelievable in the history of a world!And we don't even know who won!Hey no cameras!Get out of here!We're here in Victory Lane awaiting the race results.McQueen, that was quite a risky move not taking the tires.T ell me about it.Are you sorry you don't have a crutchie out there?Kori, there's a lot more to racing than just winning.I mean taking a race by a full lap,where's the entertainment then?No, no, I want to give the falks a little sizzle.Sizzle?Am I sorry I don't have a crutchie?No,I'm not. Cause I'm a one man show.What? Yeah right.That was a very confident Lightning McQueen.Coming to you live from Victory Lane.Hey, get out of the shot!Yo, Chuck! Chuck what are you doing,you're blocking the camera!Everyone wants to see the bulb.- What?- Now back away.That's it! Come on, guys!- Wow! Jee! Where are you going?- We quit, Mr. One Man Show!Okay, leave. Fine.How will I ever find anyone else who knows how to fill me up with gas?Adios, Chuck.- And my name is not Chuck!- Oh, whatever.Hey Lightning!我也来说两句查看全部回复最新回复henjl (2007-11-27 11:43:59)Yo, McQueen!Seriously, that was some pretty darn nice racing out there.By me!Welcome to the Chicker, baby.Piston Cup, it's mine, dude.Hey fellows, how do you think I'd look in Dinoco blue?Dinoco blue!- In your dreams, Thunder.- Yeah, right!Dundru, why's he talking about thunder?You know, cause thunder always comes after Lightning!- Who here knew about the thunder?- I didn't.Show us some boo!Ladies, that was one close finish.You sure made Dinoco proud.Thank you Kenny. Reflection.You've been good to me all these years.There's a late stock in this.Whatever happened, you're a winner to me, you old getty rabbit.Thanks dear.We'll mean that in that tune.- I'm Mia!- I'm Tia!We're like your biggest fans!I love being me.We love you Lightning!Hey buddy, you're a one good some gracious.Hey Mr. Lukane.You got more talent in one lugn, that a lot of corners has got in whole body.- Really? Oh, that's...- That's you're stupid.Excuse me?This ain't a one man deal, kid.You ain't a wize up.You get yourself a good crutchie on a good thing.You ain't gonna win unless you got good falks behind you.And you let them very top like a computer...Crutchie, yeah.THE NEW FACE OF DINOCO THE KING LIGHTNING McQUEENYou figure that out,you're just going to be okay.Oh, that is spectacular advice.Thank you Mr. The King.Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in Piston Cup history...And rookie got won the Piston Cup.Yes!We have a three way cars!Hey McQueen, that must be really embarracing,but I wouldn't worry about it.Because I didn't do it!It's the turn out high wagger race between the three leaders will be held in California in one week.Well thank you, thanks all of you there. Thanks you.Hey, rook. First one to California gets Dinoco autum sulk.Ah! No, not me! No, you rock!And you know that!Oh yeah! Wow!First one to California gets Dinoco all-do-himself.We'll see who gets there first, Chick.- Hey kid, congrats on a time!- I don't wanna talk about it.Come on, let's go Mack. Settle up.What did you do with my trailer?- I parked it over here his boss's tit.- What?- You gotta make your first of appearance.- No. No. No, no, no, no!Yes, yes, yes!Lightning McQueen here.And I use a Rust-eze, medicated bumper ointment, new rear in formula.Nothing sues a Rusty bumper like Rust-eze!Actual results may take up to 36 weeks.Wow! Look at that shine!Use Rust-eze, and you too can look like me!I covered the scot for scotskin.He was so Rust-eze he didn't cash a check!You can see his dirty undercarriage.I hate rusty cars.This is not good for my image.They did gave you a big break.Besides, it's in your contract.Will you stop please!Just go get hottop.- Winter is a grand old time.- Of this there are no 'ifs' or 'buts'.- But remember, all that soltan grind.- Can rust your bolts and freeze your...Hey look, there he is!Our almost there!Get you rearranded here kid.- Lucky McQueen, you are wicked ass!- Yeah you are funky, McQueen!- Give me a little room, guys.- You're my hero, Mr. McQueen!- Yes, I know. Frank, thank you.- He knows my name! He knows my name!Look at that, body!Lightning, we had a better year.I mean we may even clear it up to buy you some headlights.- Are you saying he doesn't have headlights?- That's what I'm telling you! It's just stickers!Well you know, race cars don't need headlights,because the track is always lit. So is my brother but he still needs headlights!Ladies and gentlemen, Lightning McQueen!You know the Rust-eze medicated bumper ointment team ran a great race today. And remember, with a little Rust-eze and cinema lock you too can look like me. We love it. And we're looking towards to another great year, just like this year. Not on your life.- Don't drive like my brother!- Don't drive like my brother!California, here we come!Dinoco, here we come!Ooh, I need this. Hello?Is this Lightning McQueen the world's fastest racing machine?- Is this Harv, the world's greatest agent?- And it is such an honour to be your agent.That almost hurts me to take 10 percent of your winning.And merchandising and right and property.Anyway, what a race! Ha, champ?I didn't see it but I heard you were great.- Thanks Harv.- Listen, they're giving you 20 tickets for the tie breaker in Cally.I'll pass them on to your friends.You shoot me the names.You let hard rocking for you, all right baby?Right, friends! Yes, there's...Okay, I get it Mr. Popular so many friends you can't even near right that. Hey, when you get to town, you better make time for your best friend.- You gotta break brake with Spooky here.- Yeah, that would be great! We should totally...Okay, I gotta jump kid, let me know how it goes. I'm out.What? A minivan?Come on, Mack. He's gonna slow me,Lightning McQueen you're holding here! Yes, stop it all brick brick kid.Poor Mack needs a rest.Absolutely not. We're driving straight through all night.Then we get to California.We can win through it!All night! Why don't you spend a real deal, estate.Come on Mack, I need to get there before Chick and hand with Dinoco.All those sleeping trucks.Hey kid, I don't know if I can make it.Oh sure you can, Mack.Look, it'll be easy.- I'll stay up with you.- All night?All night long.- Hey yo, DJ!- What up?We got ourselves a nodder.Pretty music!Yo we go! Lane's changed, Mack!Right by get ya!- Oops! I missed!- You go on vacation?- Oh no, it's Snotrod.- He's gonna blow!Once a mere drive went lousy.Mack! Hey Mack!wait for me!wait up!- You're not Mack!- Mack?I ain't no Mack,I'm a Peterbuilt Red Sack!T urn on your lights, you moron!Mack... The innerstate!ROUTE 66Not in my town, you dumb.Oh, no! Oh, maybe he can help me!Why is he shooting at me?I haven't gone this fast in years.I'm gonna boo a gasket or something.What the ballo blazers crazy hotrunner!I'm telling you man,every third blink is slower.The 60s weren't good to you, were they?What? That's not the interstate!No, no, no, no, no, no!I'm not the only one seeing this, right?Fly away Stanley! Be free!Boy, you're in a heap of trouble.We're live at the Los Angeles International Speedway as the first competitor, winky. McQueen is arriving at the track!- Is it true he's gonna pumch ricardo?- What's your strategy?Come on, do not forget to wipe my munklabs.LIGHTNING McQUEEN MISSINGMcQueen's driver ride in California,but McQueen was missing.Race car, Lightning McQueen was appointed missing.MISSINGhenjl (2007-11-27 11:44:31)Scheduled race in an unprecedent...Spots have stated.They have no idea where he is.I just hope Lightning is okay. I sure would hate to see anything bad happens to him.I don't know what target to fun, Lightning McQueen or cruchie who worked with him! Lightning McQueen must be found at all costs.They are all asking the same question, where is McQueen?Where am I?Morning, slave admittee!More Hollywooding when you're away kid!T ake whatever you want,just don't hurt me!Parking? Why do I have a parking midle?What's going on here please!You're funny, I like you already.My name's Mater.Mater?Yeah, like domater but without a 'DO'!- What's your name?- You don't know my name?No, I'm not. Is your name Mater too?What? Look, I need to get to California as fast as possible.- Where am I?- Where are you?You're in Radiator Springs, the cuttest little town in Carburetor county.Oh, great. Just great!Well, if you think that's great,you should see the rest of the town.You know, I'd love to see the rest of the town!So if you could just open the gate, take this boot off.You and me we go cruise and check out the local scene, you know.- Yeah! Good!- How's that for you, Mater?Mater! What did I tell you about talking to the accused?T o not to.What creet you're yapping totally is doing what road has it dedtraffic course.We'll talk later, mater.Later mater, that's funny!The Radiator Springs Traffic Court,come to order!Hey you sqashed my tire,I'll blow torch to you!You brought the road!I know that about the cars!Officer, talk to me babe,how log is this gonna take?- I gotta get to California pronto.- Where's your lawyer?I don't know. T ahiti maybe.He's gotta timeshare there.When a defendant has no lawyer,the court will assign one to him.Hey! Anyone wanna be his lawyer?- Hold on, Sheriff!- All rise.The honourable Doc Hudson reside of.Chill off.May Doc have mercy on your soul.All right, I wanna know who's responsible for reckoning my town, Sheriff.I want this hoot on a platter.I'm gonna put him in jail till he rots.Check that, I'm gonna put him in jail till the jail rots,on top of the Mandella while we move him to a new jail,and when that jail rot,I'm gonna...Throw him out of here Sheriff.I want him out of my courtroom,I want him out of my town!- Case dismissed.- Yes!You're pretty good with this lawyer and stuff.- Sorry I'm late your honour.- Holy Porshe!She's gotta be from my attourney's office.Hey, thanks for coming but we're all set.He's letting me go.- He's letting you go?- Yeah, your job's pretty easy today.All you have to do now is stand there and let me look at you.Listen, I'm gonna cut to the chase. Me, you, dinner.What a... Please!I know, I get that reaction a lot.I create feelings in anothers that they themselves don't understand.Oh, I'm sorry.Did I scare you?Well a little bit,but I'll be all right.- Okay... I'm gonna go talk to the judge.- Do what you're gonna do baby.Oh but listen be careful,falks around here are not firing on all cilinders if you know what I mean.I'll keep that in mind.- Hey there Mater.- Howdy Howdy.Hi falks.- You know her?- She's a town attourney.- And my fiancee.- What?I'm just kidding. She just likes me for my body.Doc, you look great this morning.Did you do something different with your side view mirrors?What do you want, Sally?Come on, make this guy fix the road.The town needs this.No, I know his type. Race car.The last thing this town needs.Okay, I didn't wanna to do this Doc,but you leave me no choice.Fellow citizens, you're all aware of our town's proud history.Here she goes again...Radiator Springs, the glorious jewel strung on the necklace of root 66.The mother road.It is our job and our pleasure to take care of the travellers on our strench of that road. - Travellers! What travellers!- Ignore him.But how I ask you are weto care for those travellers,if there is no road for them to drive on?Luigi, what do you have in your store?Tires.- And if no one can get to you?- I won't sell any... tires.I will lose everything!- Flo, what do you have in your store?- I have gas. Lots of gas.Okay boys, stay with me.And Flo, what will happen if no one can come to your station to buy gas?I'll go out of business and...will have to leave town.And what's gonna happen to all of us if Flo leaves town and closes her station? So don't you think that car responsible should fix our road?The only guy strong enough to fix that road is Big Al!- Lizzie, Big Al lived like 15 years ago.- Then why don't you bring him up here?Oh he can do it,he's got the horse power.So what do you want him to do?- Fix the road!- Fix the road!Because we are a town worth fixing!- Yeah!Quiet in the court!Seems like my mind has been changed for me.- No!- Nice ruling!Oh, I am so not taking you to dinner!That's okay, stickers.You can take Bessie.Oh man, you get to work with Bessie!I give him a little too loading off.So if I can.Bessie? Who's Bessie?This here is Bessie. Finest road paving machine ever built.I'm here by sentencing you to community service.You're gonna fix the road under my supervision.What? This place is crazy!Hey, I notice that may be a bad time right now, but...You owe me a 32 thousand dollars in legal faith.What?So we're gonna hit you up to sweet Bessie and you're gonna pull her nice. You gotta be kidding me!You start there where the road begins.You finish down there where the road ends.Holy shoot!Wow, wow, wow,how long is this gonna take?Well, solid has it right, it should take him about five days.Five days? But I should be in California shmoozing Dinoco right now!And if I were you, I'd quit yapping and started working!- Hook him out, Mater.- Okey dokey.Freedom!Maybe I should have hook him up to Bessie.And then... enter to boot off.RADIATOR SPRINGS LEAVING SO SOON?Good-bye, Radiator Springs!And good-bye, Bessie!California, here I come! Yeah!I feel the wind! Yes!Not a gas!How could I be out of gas!Boy, we ain't as dumb as you think we are.But how did you?We safered your gas while you're past out.- Gentlemen.- Sheriff.Hey Sheriff.- Why are the tires so here?- So the simplest queen.They were better what they were before.Guido!Give me more! I wanna get look at that sexy Hotrod!Kiddo, how do you pretty good with!I can't do now of course sometimes I'll be that fluid built up my engine blocking. T op shed don't flew till he fixed my engine.That's why we made him do this.Boy you should have heard me boom om my.Hotrod would have drive.Be funky photos see me get all mama.- Ah man, that's just great!- Hey what's wrong?- My lucky stickers are all dirty.- Nah, it ain't so, I'll clean it for you.That won't be necessary.Hey! Hey big fellow!Yeah, you in the red!I could use a little host down,help me wash this all.- Where's he going?- Oh, he's just a little bit shy.- He hates you for killing his flowers.- I shouldn't have to put up with this!I'm a precision instrument of speeding airodynamics.- You what?- I'm a very famous race car!You are a famous race car?A real race car?Yes I'm a real race car,what do you think, look at me!I'm heard of racing my entire life for my whole life!Then you know who I am!I'm Lightning McQueen.- Lightning McQueen!- Yes, yes!I must excremetaly well, my exciment is on the top of some place very high!Do you know many Ferraris?3No, no, no. They race on Europian circuit.I'm in a Piston Cup!What?Luigi, follow the Ferraris.Is that what I think it is?Customers, everyone!Okay, I want everybody calm down for a long time!Just remember what we rehearsed!Make sure you're open e in signs and out.And you all know what to do.All right, nobody panicks, here we go!Man, I just don't see any honour anywhere.- Minny, I know exactly where we are.- Yeah? We're in the middle of nowhere!Honey, please!Hello.Welcome to Radiator Springs gateway ornament valley,legendary for its quality service and friendly hospitality.How can we help you?We don't need anything,thank you very much.Honey, ask her directions,did the interstate.There's no need to ask for directions, Minny.- I know exactly where we're going.- I did the same thing on Orchard the Shakapi.You know we were handed over there for the crazy days.Okay, okay, really.We're just pity.What you really need is this sweet taste of my hollay organic fuel.- Doesn't agree with my tank.- We're just trying to find the interstate.Good to see you, soldier.Come on in my serfless after all your government surfplace needs.Honey, surplass.- I think we have too much surpless.- I do have a map over the Cosy Comer hotel.And if you do stay we'll offer a free Lincoln continental breakfast.- Honey, she's got a map.- I don't need a map, I have a GPS.Never need a map again, thank you.How about something to drink?Spop it, Flows, BA Capey.- Finest fuel on the route 66.- No, we just stopped off.And if you need tires you stop by Luigi's Casa Della tires.- Bon of the leaning tower of tires.- We're just trying to find the interstate.But you do need a paint man.Ramone will paint you up right.Hey, anything you want.Y ou know like the flame job.- Uh, thanks, but...- Cool flames.You like all scoop like this?Bondage tail.- Honey, look. Londad.- Okay now.We're gonna be going now, okay?A little something to remember us by!Come back soon, okay?I mean you know where we are.T ell your friends.NICE BUTTE RADIATOR SPRINGS- Okay, yes, you bet.- Thanks again falks. Bye-bye now.Hey! Hey, hey, hey!I know how to get to the interstate!- Oh, do you?- Minny, no.Yeah, yeah, yeah.No, not really.But listen, I'm Lightning McQueen,the famous race car.I'm being held here against my will.I need you to call my team so they can come rescue me.And get me to California to win the Piston Cup. Do you understand?No, no, this is true!I'm telling you!You gotta help me!Don't leave me here!I'm in Hill Billy hell!My IQ stopping by the second!I'm becoming one of them!Okay, don't worry.They know where we are now.They're gonna tell their friends.You'll see. It's good.Still no sign of Lightning McQueen.Meanwhile Chick Hicks arrived in California.And today he became the first car to practice time on the track.Yeah well, it's just nice to get out here before the other competitors.You know we're gonna hand to harp fish. Kiss me an A.THE NEW FACE OF DINOCOTHE KINGCHICKCHICK LIKES DINOCOCHICK THUNDER HICKSCHICK MAGNETHey McQueen, beat you art out.Mater, let me get this straight.I can go when this road is done,that's the deal, right?- That's what they done deed saying.- Okay, out of my way. I gotta road to finish.- He's done!- Done?It's only been an hour.I'm done. Look, I'm finished.Just say thank you and I'll be on my way.That's all you gotta say.I'm the first one on the new road!It might work move!It looks awful!Now it matches the rest of the town.Who do you think you are?Look, Doc said when I'm finished, I could go.- That was a deal.- A deal was you fix the road.Not make it worse.Now scraple on.Start over again.Okay look grandpa, I'm not a bulldozer.I'm a race car. Ho, is that right? Then why don't we just have a little race? - Me and you.- What?- Me and you? Is that a joke?- If you win you go and I fix the road.- If I win, you do the road my way.- Doc, what are you doing?I don't mean to be rude here, Doc.But your pride goes 0 to 60 in like what, 3.5 years?Then I reckon you ain't got nothing to worry about.You wanna old timer?That's a wonderful idea.Let's race!Gentlemen, this would be a one lap race.You will drive to Willie's bute oraround Willie's bute and come back.There will be no bumping, no cheeting,no spitting, no biting.No road raging, no mayman,no oil sucking, no pushing.No shouting, no backstabbing,no road hogging and no lover gagging.Speed, I'm speed.Block paddle cadillac,steam like a beemer.Let's many we don't here to get a real race car.- That can't stop.- Be stop.The race is only one lap, guys.Uno lappo! Don't need any help.- I work solomio.- Fine, have it your way.- No pit stoppo. Comprendo?- Okay!Gentlemen, start your engines!Great idea, Doc. Now the road will never get done.- Luigi.- On your mark.Get set. Uno parlemarli.Duo for the show.Three to get ready.And quatro to...Go!Ha?Doc, the flag means go.Remember the flag?Even go. Go.Doc? What are you doing man?Oh dear, would see my off to a poor start.Well, better late than never.- Come on Mater, I might need a little help. You got your chow cable?- I always got my toe cable. Why?Just in case.Oh, man!Hey! Was that flopping like a cadillac?Or was that stinging like a beemer?I'm confused.You drive like you fix roads. Lousy.Have fun fishing Mater.I was starting to think he knew he was gonna cry!Thank you, Mater. Thank you.I can make a little turn on dirt.You think?No, and now I'm a Damie High.I'm never gonna get out of here!- You're needing a paint job man?- No, thank you!- How about some organic fuel?- Freak juice?Watching him work is making me thirsty.Anybody wants to have a drink?No mate, I'm on one of my flavour special diets.I'm a pries A dramatic this feed and airomaniac.You race like you fix roads.I'll show him.I will show him!DOCTOR HUDSON DR. OF INTERNAL COMBUSTIONOh, brake!I hate it!- Hate! Hate! Hate!- Music. Sweet music.Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.- Radiator Springs! I'd rather be eaten!Okay Bessie, you think that's funny?Great! I'm talking to Bessie now!I'm talking to Bessie!Wow!Morning, Sally!Hey look at this, fancy new road that Lightning McQueen done this night! Amazing!Ramone, mama ain't seen you that low in years.- I haven't seen a road like this in years.- Well then let's cruise baby!No, ain't slow.Bellissimo, oh so beautiful!Guido look, it's likeit was built by angels.I'll tell you what, I bet even the road on the moon like this smooth.Doc, look at this.Should toast him into a cac lot suiter.Well he ain't finished yet.Still got a long way to go.Dunito, rucca Luigi!This is fantastico!That looks like fun.Mater I got paves, next turn!Hey Luigi, this new road make your place look like a dump!Oh! That crazy old devil woman!She's right! Guido!That punk actually did a good job.Well now, where the hack is he?Sheriff? Is he making another run for it?No, no. He ran out an assfull in the middle of the night.Asked me if he can get down here.All he's trying to do is make that carve turn.No, no, no!Ah, great! I've turned on every track on every race track.Sheriff, why don't you go get yourself a quarter of oil that flows.- I'll keep an eye on him.- Well thanks, Doc!I've been feeling about a quart of load.- This ain't ass fold son, this is dirt.- Oh great, what do you want?You're here to globe?You don't have three wheel brakes,so you gotta pitch it hard.Brake it loose and just drive it with a throttle.Give it too much and you'll be out of the dirt within the tulip.So you're judge, the doctor and the racing expert.I'll put it simple, if you're going hard enough left,you'll find yourself turning right. Oh, right. That makes perfect sense.。

汽车总动员中英文字幕集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]只为大家学英语《汽车总动员》Cars[Inhaling and exhaling deeply][Male] OK... Here we go. Focus.好了,准备了,专心Speed. I am speed.速度,我是速度[Cars whizzing past]One winner, 41 losers.1个赢家,41个输家I eat losers for breakfast.我把输家当早餐吃[Car accelerating]Breakfast.早餐Wait, maybe Ishould have had breakfast.也许我该吃早餐,可能会比较好A little breck-y could be good for me.No, no, no, stay focused. Speed.不不不不…保持专心,速度[Cars whizzing]I'm faster than fast.Quicker than quick.疾如风,快如电I am lightning!我是“闪电”![Pounding on door][Male] Hey, Lightning! You ready 嘿,“闪电”,准备好了吗<i>[Sheryl Crow: Real Gone]</i> Oh, yeah. Lightning's ready没错,“闪电”早就准备好了[engine rewing][Engine revs][Crowd cheers]Ka-chow!咔嚓![Cars zooming]《汽车总动员》[Cars whooshing][Both scream][All cheer]Get your antenna balls here!来买天线球喔Go, Lightnin'!冲啊,“闪电”!- Whoo!- You got that right, slick. [whistles]- 哇喔!- 你说对了,滑头[Air wrench whirring]Uh! [screams]呀![Engine revs]- [Male] Welcome back to the Dinoco 400.- [Crowd cheers]欢迎回到戴诺可400I'm Bob Cutlass, herewith my good friend, Darrell Cartrip.我是鲍伯,跟我的好朋友达洛赛车进行到一半了,今天可能是赛车史上重要日子<i>We're midway through what maybe an historic day for racing.</i><i>Bob, my oil pressure'sthrough the roof.</i>鲍伯,现在我的油压暴升<i>If this gets more exciting, they'regonna have to tow me outta the booth!</i>比赛要是更刺激的话,恐怕我得被拖着出去了<i>Right, Darrell.</i>的确是的,达洛<i>[Bob] Three cars are tiedfor the season points lead,</i>三部领先的车,以相同的积分<i>heading into the final raceof the season.</i>进入本季最后一场比赛<i>And the winner of this race will winthe season title and the Piston Cup.</i>这场比赛的胜利者,将赢得季冠军头衔,跟活塞奖杯<i>Does The King, Strip Weathers,</i>绰号“冠军”的史崔威勒<i>have one more victory in himbefore retirement</i>是不是能在退休以前再夺得一次胜利呢<i>[Darrell] He's been Dinoco's golden boyfor years!</i>他是戴诺可赞助多年的金童<i>Can he win them one last Piston Cup</i>能不能赢得最后一个活塞奖杯呢?<i>[Bob] And, as always, in thesecond place spot we find Chick Hicks.</i>还有就是一如往常的,第二名“路霸”在他的赛车生涯中,始终都位居第二<i>He's been chasingthat tailfin his entire career.</i><i>[Darrell] Chick thoughtthis was his year.</i>路霸以为今年是他的幸运年<i>His chance to finally emergefrom The King'sshadow.</i>终于有机会脱离“冠军”史崔威勒的阴影<i>But the last thing he expected was...Lightning McQueen!</i>可是他万万没想到半路杀出个程咬金,“闪电”麦坤!<i>[Bob] You know, I don't thinkanybody expected this.</i>你知道吗,我看没有人想到这位菜鸟新秀,原本是个无名小子<i>The rookie sensationcame into the season unknown.</i><i>But everyone knows himnow.</i>现在大家都认识他了<i>[Darrell] Will he be thefirst rookieto win a Piston Cup and land Dinoco</i>他会是第一个赢得活塞奖杯,跟戴诺可赞助的菜鸟吗?<i>[Bob] The legend, the runner-up,and the rookie!</i>赛车传奇,亚军,和菜鸟<i>Three cars, one champion!</i>三部车,一个冠军![Breaks screeching]哦,不,你休想!No you don't.- [Chuckling]- Hey!呵呵!- [Tires squealing]- [Crowd booing]What a ride!哦,闪电,快啊![Chuckling]Go get 'em, McQueen!Go get 'em!超过去,麦坤!超过去![Female] I love you, Lightning!我爱你!“闪电”!- Dinoco is all mine.- [Screaming]戴诺可是我的![Darrell] Trouble, turn three!有状况,第三弯道!- Get through that, McQueen.- [Bob] Huge crash behind the leaders!- 冲过来啊,麦坤- 不好,领先车的后面撞成了一团[Crowd gasps][Screaming][Giggling]- [Grunts]- [Gasps][Both screaming][Bob] Wait a second,Darrell.McQueen is in the wreckage.等一下,达洛,麦坤冲进车阵了[Darrell] There's no way the rookiecan make it through!那个菜鸟绝对不可能过得去!至少不是毫发无伤Not in one piece, that is. [Exhaling]Yeah!耶!Lightning! Oh!“闪电”!喔![Darrell] Look at that!McQueen made it through!你看看!麦坤过去了耶!天呐!“闪电”麦坤精彩突围[Bob] A spectacular moveby Lightning McQueen!Yeah! Ka-chow!耶!咔嚓!McQueen! McQueen!McQueen!McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!Yeah, McQueen! Ka-chow! [honking]耶,麦坤!咔嚓![Bob] While everyoneheads into the pits,当其他赛车都进维修站的时候麦坤继续跑,取得领先McQueen stays out to take the lead!Don't take me out, coach.I can still race!别让我退出啊,教练我还可以跑![Air wrench whirring] [Chuckling] What do you thinkA thing of beauty.哈哈,你们觉得怎么样?很厉害吧- McQueen made it!- [Chick] What - 麦坤他不休息!- 什么?He's not pitting!他不进站!You gotta get me out there!Let's go! Get me back out there!快,快让我出站快!快让我回去,快!McQueen's not going into thepits!麦坤居然不进站维修![Darrell] The rookie fired hiscrew chief. The third this season!那个菜鸟刚开除了他的总机械师,那是本季第三位了!- [Bob] Says he likes working alone.- Go, go!- 他自个儿说喜欢独立自主的- 跑!跑!跑!Looks like Chickgot caught up in the pits.路霸被维修给耽搁了Yeah, after a stop likethat,he's got a lot of ground to make up.对,停了那么久,他可有一大段路要追呢Get ready, boys,we're coming to the restart!男士们,准备好,要开始喽![Crowd cheers]Come on, come on, come on!让开让开让开!We need tires now!Come on, let's go!我们需要轮胎!快点!快点!- No, no, no, no! No tires, just gas!- [Male] What- 不不不不!不要轮胎,汽油就好- 什么?You need tires, you idiot!你需要轮胎,你这白痴!看来麦坤今天只打算加了汽油就跑啊[Darrell] Looks like it'sgas-and-go's for McQueen today.没错,还是不换轮胎[Bob] Right. No tires again.通常我会说这就像是在炒短线可是对他挺有效的[Darrell] That's a short-term gain,long-term loss,but it's workin' for him. He obviouslyknows somethin' wedon't know.嘿嘿,显然他懂的比我们多啊[Cars whizzing][Bob] This is it, Darrell. One lap to goand Lightning McQueen has a huge lead.决胜时刻到了,达洛,只剩一圈闪电麦坤遥遥领先哦,他赢定了,把庆功宴准备好吧!He's got it in the bag.Call in the dogs and put out the fire!新的赛车王就要产生喽!We're gonna crown us a new champion![Crowd cheers and whistles] [Screaming]方格旗,我来喽!- Checkered flag, here I come!- [Tire blows][Darrell] No! McQueen's blown a tire!哦,糟了!麦坤爆了一个轮胎![Bob] And with only one turn togo!Can he make it只剩最后一个弯道,他撑得住吗?- You fool!- [Grunts]傻瓜![Male] McQueen's blown atire!He's blown a tire!麦坤爆胎了!麦坤爆胎了!Go, go, go!快快快!- [Grunting]- [Tire blows] [Darrell] He's lost another tire!他又爆了一个轮胎!- King and Chick come up fast!- [Bob] They're entering turnthree!- “冠军”跟“路霸”急起直追!-他们进入第三弯道了Come on. [grunting]加油I don't believewhat I'm watching, Bob!我真不敢相信我的眼睛!Lightning McQueenis 100 feetfrom his Piston Cup!“闪电”麦坤距离活塞奖杯只差一百英尺![Gasping][Growling][Bob] The King and Chickrounding turn four.“冠军”和“路霸”通过第四弯道[Darrell] Down the stretch they come!And it's, and it's...他们来到直线跑道了结果是……- It's too close to call! Too close!- I don't believe it!- 实在是太接近了,根本看不出来啊- 不敢相信!我真不敢相信!Lightning!我们爱你,“闪电”!- The most spectacular, amazing...- I don't believe it!- 这真是我们赛车史上最精彩,最叹为观止,最不可思议的结局啊!- 不敢相信!我真不敢相信!我还是不敢相信!...unequivocally, unbelievable endingin the history of the world!- And we don't know who won!- Look at that!- 我们连谁赢了都不知道- 看看!<i>[Tape jittering]</i><i>[Slow motion drone]</i>- That's very close to call.- Can we play that again- 太接近了,怎么看啊- 可以再放一次吗?请再放一次Hey, no cameras! Get outta here!嘿!不准照相!快走开!<i>We're here in Victory Lane,awaiting the results.</i> <i>We're here in Victory Lane,awaiting the results.</i>我们在胜利之道等候赛车结果<i>McQueen, that was a risky move,not taking tires.</i>麦坤,不换胎是很冒险的举动哦<i>Tell me about it!</i>这还用说<i>Are you sorry you didn't havea crew chief out there</i>你会不会后悔没有总机械师<i>Oh, Kori. There's a lot more to racingthan just winning.</i>呵呵,柯琳赛车不光是只为了赢,还有别的<i>I mean, taking the race by a full lap...Where's the entertainment in that</i>我是说领先一整圈赢得冠军这样有什么看头啊<i>I wanted to give folks a little sizzle.</i>我要给赛车迷一点刺激<i>- Sizzle- Am I sorry I don't have a crew chief</i>- 剌激- 我后不后悔没有总机械师<i>No, I'm not.'Cause I'm a one-man show.</i>不,不后悔,因为我是个人秀<i>What Oh, yeah, right.</i>什么?喔,是啊<i>That was a confidentLightning McQueen.</i>没错,那是非常有自信的“闪电”麦坤Live from Victory Lane,I'm Kori Turbowitz.记者柯琳·泰伯薇在胜利之道的现场报道- Get outta the shot.- Yo, Chuck. - 嘿,别挡镜头- 嘿,查理Chuck, what are you doingYou're blockin' the camera!你做什么啊?你挡到镜头了- Everyone wants to see thebolt.- What- 大家都想看闪电- 什么?- Now, back away.- That's it! Come on, guys.- 退后一点- 嘿,够了,我们走吧- Whoa, team! Where are yougoing- We quit, Mr. One-Man Show! - 唉呀,你们要去哪儿啊- 我们辞职,个人秀先生Oh, OK, leave. Fine.好啊,走啊How will I ever find anyone elsewho knows how to fill me up with gas呵呵,我要上哪去找能帮我加油的组员呢[Crowd laughs]- Adios, Chuck!- And my name is not Chuck!- 再见,查理- 我的名字不叫查理!Oh, whatever.哦,随便了Hey, Lightning! Yo! McQueen!嘿,闪电!呦,麦坤!Seriously, that was somepretty darn nice racin' out there.说真的,刚才的冲刺可真精彩啊- By me!- Oh, yeah.我是说我!- Zinger!- Welcome to the Chick era, baby!欢迎进入路霸的年代The Piston Cup...It's mine, dude. It's mine.活塞奖杯是我的,我的Hey, fellas, how do you thinkI'd look in Dinoco blue Dinoco blue!嘿,各位,我开戴诺可蓝色车怎么样?戴诺可蓝!In your dreams, Thunder.别做梦了,雷鸣Yeah, right. ThunderWhat's he talkin' about, "Thunder"- 是呀,雷鸣他在说什么- 不知道啊You know, 'cause thunderalways comes after lightning.因为雷声总是在闪电后面Ka-ping! Ka-pow!呯!咔!- Who knew about the thunderthing- I didn't.- 你们谁知道雷声这个玩笑- 我不知道- Give us the bolt!- That'sright.Right in the lens.- Show me the bolt, baby!- Smile, McQueen!- Show me the bolt, McQueen!-That's it![Electronic music][Crowd chattering]That was one close finish.Yousure made Dinoco proud.好个平手的结局啊,你让戴诺可很骄傲哦Thank you, King.谢谢你,冠军Well, Tex, you've beengood to me all these years.老德啊,这些年来你对我很好It's the least I could do.这是我应该做的Whatever happens, you're a winnerto me, you old daddy rabbit.不论发生什么事你都是我心目中的赢家,老公Thanks, dear.Wouldn't be nothing without you.谢了,老婆没有你我什么也不是Kch-i-ka-chow!- I'm Mia.- I'm Tia.- 我是蜜亚- 我是蒂亚[Both] We're, like, your biggest fans!Ka-chow!我们最崇拜你了咔嚓!I love being me.哦,做我真好- [Police] OK, girls, that'sit.- We love you, Lightning!- 好了,小姐们,够了- 我们爱你,“闪电”![Chuckles]Hey, buddy.You're one gutsy racer.嘿,朋友,你真的很有胆识啊Oh, hey, Mr. The King.噢,冠军先生You got more talent in one lug nut你光是一个螺丝就比很多车子拥有更多赛车细胞than a lot of cars has gotin their whole body.- Really Oh, that...- But you're stupid.- 真的?这个...- 但是你很笨- Excuse me- This ain't a one-man deal, kid.- 你说什么- 这不是独角戏啊,孩子You need to wise up and geta good crew chief and a good team.你要放聪明点给自己找一个一流的总机师和伙伴You ain't gonna winunless you got good folks behind you,你想赢,一定要有好人才[voice dwindling] and you let themdo their job, like they should.在背后支持,让他们做他们的工作- Like I tell the boys at the shop...- A good team.- 必须要每个人同心协力- 一流的伙伴- Yeah...- [electronic music]耶Ka-chow! Ka-pow![Crowd cheering][Screaming][Cheering]Oh, Lightning!哦!“闪电”!If you figure that outyou just gonna be OK.只要你想清楚了,前途无可限量Oh, yeah, that...That is spectacular advice.哦,对,真的是非常好的建议Thank you, Mr. The King.谢谢,冠军先生- [Fanfare]- [Bob] Ladies and gentlemen,各位女士先生for the first timein Piston Cup history...活塞杯赛车史上头一遭[rewing] A rookiehas won the Piston Cup.一位菜鸟赢得活塞奖杯Yes!耶![Bob]... we have a three-way tie.今天我们有三辆车平手- [Crowd cheers]- [Cameras flash] [Chuckling] Hey,that must be really embarrassing.嘿!麦坤,你一定很尴尬吧But I wouldn't worry aboutit.Because I didn't do it!可是我不会放在心上,因为尴尬的不是我[Bob] Piston Cup officialshave determined that a tiebreakerrace因为今天的比赛有三位平手,所以裁判决定,一星期后between the three leaderswill be held in California in one week.将在加州举行三位领先者的决赛Well, thank you! Thanks toall of you out there! Thank you!谢谢!谢谢所有观众!谢谢![Whispering] Hey, first one toCalifornia gets Dinoco all to himself.嘿,菜鸟,谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈No, not me!No, you rock, and you know that!不,不是我你们才是最棒的Oh, yeah! Whoo!喔耶!喔Yep! All right! Got it!谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈"First one to Californiagets Dinoco all to himself."Oh, we'll seewho gets therefirst, Chick.那就看看谁会先到,路霸Huh嗯?- Hey, kid! Congrats on thetie.- I don't want to talk about it.- 嘿!小子,恭喜你争取到决赛- 我不想谈这件事Let's go, Mack. Saddle up.What'd you do with my trailer好了,麦大叔,出发了我的拖车到哪去了?- I parked it at your sponsor's tent.- What- 我把它停在你赞助者帐篷- 什么?Gotta make your personal appearance.你必须亲自去露个脸No. No! No, no, no, no!不、不、不不不不…<i>Yes, yes, yes!Lightning McQueen here.</i>对对对,我是闪电麦坤<i>And I use Rust-eze MedicatedBumper Ointment, new rear end formula!</i>我用新配方“清锈”保险杆除锈药膏<i>Nothing soothes a rusty bumperlike Rust-eze.</i>“清锈”让生锈保险杆一擦见效<i>Wow! Look at that shine!</i>哇!马上亮晶晶!<i>Use Rust-eze and you toocan look like me!</i>使用“清锈”你也能像我一样帅<i>Ka-chow!</i>咔嚓![Both laughing]I met this car from Swampscott.我遇到来自沼泽的一辆车He was so rustyhe didn't even cast a shadow.他锈得很严重,连影子都没有- You could see his dirty undercarriage.- [Crowd laughs]你可以看见他肮脏的底盘[Groaning] I hate rustycars.This is not good for my image.我讨厌生锈的车,这对我形象非常不好They did give you your big break.Besides, it's in your contract.你要感谢他们的赞助再说你签了合约Oh, will you stop, pleaseJust go get hooked up.哦,别说了,好吗?去牵拖车就好了- Winter is a grand old time.-Of this there are no ifs or buts. - 冬天是个好季节- 这一点没什么好争辩的[Male 1] But remember,all that salt and grime...可是要记住喔,那些盐跟灰尘Can rust your bolts and freeze your...会让你的螺丝钉生锈,螺丝帽结冰Hey, look! There he is!嘿!你们看,他来了耶Our almost champ!冠军角逐者[Male 1] Get your rear end in here.快过来,小子Lightning McQueen,you are wicked fast!闪电麦坤,你太快了- That race was a pisser!- You were booking!- 那场赛车真是精彩啊- 对,你好快,麦坤- Give me a little room.- You're my hero!- 拜托,让我过一下- 你是我的偶像!Yes, I know. [chuckles]- 麦坤先生- 是,我知道"Fred." Fred, thank you.- 弗瑞- 弗瑞,谢谢He knows my name.He knows my name!他知道我的名字!他知道我的名字!Looking good, Freddie!不错,弗瑞Thanks to you, Lightning,we had a banner year!多亏你了,让我们今年赚了不少We might clear enoughto buy you some headlights.很好,我们应该有足够的钱帮你买头灯喽You saying he doesn't have headlights你是说他没有头灯?That's what I'm tellingya.They're stickers!我就是这么说的,那些只是贴纸Well, you know,racecars don't need headlights,你们知道的赛车不需要什么头灯because the track is always lit.因为跑道啊,一向都是明亮的啊Yeah, well, so is my brother,but he still needs headlights.我弟是秃头,他还是需要头灯[Laughing][Forced laughter]- Ladies and gentlemen,- [both] Lightning McQueen!- 各位女士先生- 闪电麦坤[Crickets chirping]Free Bird!唱歌You know, the Rust-eze MedicatedBumper Ointment team各位知道吗?“清锈保险杆药膏”车队ran a great race today.今天表现的非常好And remember, with a littleRust-eze...还有,别忘了,只要一点“清锈”[whispering] And an insaneamount of luck,加上大量的运气...you too, can look like me.Ka-chow.你也可以像我一样帅咔嚓- Hey, kid.- We love ya.- 嘿,小子- 我们爱你And we're looking forwardto another great year.而且我们期盼明年也是业绩长红Just like this year!跟今年一样!Not on your life.明年我就不干了- Don't drive like my brother!- Yeah, don't drive like my brother!- 别像我弟那样开车- 是吗?别像我哥那样开车<i>California, here we come!</i>亲爱的加州,我们来了Dinoco, here we come!戴诺可,我们来了!<i>[Rascal Flatts: Life is a Highway]</i>[Birds chirping]<i>[Phone ringing]</i> [Moaning] Oh... oh... uh,I needed this. Hello好舒服喔,哪位?<i>[Male] Is this Lightning McQueen,the world's fastest racing machine</i>请问是全世界最快的赛车,闪电麦坤吗?Is this Harv,the world's greatest agent你是最棒的经纪人哈威吗?<i>And it is such an honorto be your agent</i>当你的经纪人真荣幸啊<i>that it almost hurts me to taketen percent of your winnings.</i>我几乎不忍心拿你一成的奖金还有广告酬劳<i>Merchandising. And ancillary rights inperpetuity. Anyway, what a race, champ!</i>永久的经纪权了总之,好精彩的比赛<i>I didn't see it,but I heard you were great.</i>我没…我没看可是听说你很棒Thanks, Harv.谢了,哈威<i>Listen, they're giving you 20 ticketsfor the tiebreaker thing in Cali.</i>听着,你有二十张加州决赛的票我可以帮你拿给你朋友,你告诉我名字<i>I'll pass 'em on to your friends.Shoot me the names.</i> - 让哈威为你服务,好吗?宝贝- 是,朋友<i>- You let Harv rock it for you, baby.- Right. Friends.</i> Yes, there's...是,有,嗯……<i>OK, I get it, Mr.Popular.</i>好吧,我懂了,人气小子<i>So many you can't even narrow it down.Hey, when you get to town,</i>朋友太多,不知道给谁好嘿,你到城里来<i>you better make timefor your best friend!</i>最好抽空来看你最好的朋友<i>Break breadwith your mishpocheh here!</i>你一定要跟你的好友吃顿饭That'd be great!We should totally...对,这样很好,我们是应该……<i>OK, I gotta jump, kid.Let me know how it goes. I'm out.</i>我得挂了,小子让我知道情况,再见<i>- [Dial tone hums]- [Sighing]</i><i>- [Melodic beeping]- [Wheels squeaking]</i>[Lightning] What A minivan什么小货车<i>Come on, you're in the slow lane.</i>拜托,麦大叔你开到慢车道了<i>This is Lightning McQueenyou're hauling here.</i>你载的是闪电麦坤耶Just stopping offfor a quick breather, kid.我只要停一会就好了,小子<i>- Old Mack needs a rest.- Absolutely not.</i>绝对不可以<i>We're driving all night till weget to California. We agreed to it.</i>我们要整夜赶路,一直到加州去我们说好的All night May I remind youfederal DOT regs state...- 整夜?让我提醒你国家交通部规定…- 拜托,麦大叔<i>Come on, I need to get therebefore Chick and hang with Dinoco.</i>我要比路霸先到,跟戴诺可聊聊[Mack groans]All those sleeping trucks.那些打盹的卡车<i>Hey, kid,I don't know if I can make it.</i>嘿,小子,我不知道我能不能做得到Oh, sure you can, Mack.你当然可以,麦大叔Look, it'll be easy.I'll stay up with you.很容易啊,我陪你熬夜<i>- All night- All nightlong.</i>- 一整夜- 一整夜[Snoring][Engines slowing][Snoring, gasping, blubbering] [Grunting][Snoring] Uh![Blubbering]- [Rap music]- [Engines rewing] [Sniffing] Ah-choo![Laughing]- Hey, yo, D.J.- What up- 嘿呦,DJ- 干嘛?- We got ourselves a nodder.- [Chuckling]有一辆车在打瞌睡喔<i>[Kenny G: Songbird]</i>Pretty music. [snoring]音乐真好听Yo, Wingo! Lane change, man.嘿,文哥,换车道了,老兄- Right back at ya!- Yeah!回你那边啦- Oops! I missed.- You going on vacation- 没有碰到- 你在渡假吗?[All laugh][Snoring][Snoring]- [Chuckling]- [Sniffling]- Oh, no, Snot Rod...- He's gonna blow!- 哦,糟了,大鼻!- 他要打喷嚏啦!Ah... Ah... Ah-choo!Gesundheit!保重身体One should never drive while drowsy.绝对不要边打瞌睡边开车- [Tires squealing]- [Horns honking]- [Honking loudly]- [Screaming] - Uh! Ah!- [All honking]- 呃!啊![Breathing heavily] Mack!麦大叔!- [Grunting]- [Horns honking] Mack!麦大叔!Mack!麦大叔!Hey, Mack! Mack!嘿,麦大叔!麦大叔!Mack!麦大叔!Mack, wait for me! [engine rewing]麦大叔等等我![Tires squealing]Mack!麦大叔![Bell ringing][Horn bellowing]Mack! Mack!麦大叔!麦大叔!Mack! Mack...麦大叔!麦大叔......wait up! [coughing] Mack.等等!麦大叔!Mack! Mack!麦大叔!麦大叔!What You're not Mack.你不是麦大叔Mack I ain't no Mack!I'm a Peterbilt, for dang sake!麦大叔?我不是麦大叔我是大卡车,拜托[Peterbilt]Turn on your lights, you moron!开你的头灯,白痴Mack... The Interstate!麦大叔……州际公路[Tires squealing]- [Engine roaring]- HuhNot in my town, you don't.在我辖区里休想超速[Siren wailing]Oh, no.哦,糗了- Oh, maybe he can help me!- [Sheriff backfiring]哦!也许他可以帮我He's shooting at me!Why is he shooting at me他向我开枪他为什么向我开枪[Backfiring]I haven't gone this fast in years.我好多年没跑这么快了[Grunting] I'm gonnablow a gasket or somethin'.我的密封垫一定会裂开Serpentine! Serpentine, serpentine!蛇行!蛇行!蛇行!What in the blue blazes搞什么呀?居然蛇行,飙车狂Crazy hot-rodder.[Siren continues wailing]<i>[Hank Williams:My Heart Would Know]</i>[Buzzing][史丹利我们的城镇奠基者 1909] [Water hose turning on] [Snoring]I'm telling you, man,every third blink is slower.我告诉你,老兄闪第三次都比较慢The sixties weren't good to you,were they60年代太亏待你了,是吗?[Car backfires][Sirens blasting]What That's not the Interstate!什么?那不是州际公路- [Sheriff backfires]- Ah! Oh!Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!- [Screaming]- [Tires screeching] No, no, no, no, no, no!不不不Ow!I'm not the only one seeing this, right不是只有我看到,对吧?- Incoming!- Whoa, man.危险!- No!- Hey!嘿!你刮了我的漆Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!My tires!我的轮胎!- [Grunting]- [Gasping]- [Screaming]- [Gasping]- [Tires squealing]- [Cables vibrating][Yelling][Shouting][Screaming]- [Cables whizzing]- [Straining] Fly away, Stanley. Be free!飞走吧,史丹利,自由自在[Gasping][Breathing heavily]Boy, you're in a heap of trouble.小子,你的麻烦可大了[Sighing]<i>We're live at the Los AngelesInternationalSpeedway</i>记者正在洛杉矶国际赛车场<i>as the firstcompetitor,LightningMcQueen,</i>- 第一位决赛者闪电麦坤- 他来了<i>is arriving at the track.</i>- 刚刚到赛车场- 麦坤先生,旅途顺利吗?<i>Is it true he's gonna posefor Cargirl</i>他真的要上《赛车女郎》杂志吗?闪电,你的策略是什么?<i>What's your strategy</i>- [Crowd gasps]- [Cameras clicking]<i>What Did I forgetto wipe my mud flaps</i>怎么啦我忘了擦挡泥板吗[闪电麦坤失踪了!!]<i>McQueen's driver arrived in California,but McQueen was missing.</i>麦柛的运送车到达加州但是麦坤不见了<i>- McQueen was reported missing....to race an unprecedented...</i>赛车“闪电麦坤”神秘失踪了麦坤应该参加一场前所未有的……<i>[male] Sponsor statedthey have no idea where he is.</i>赞助厂商说不知道他在什么地方I hope Lightning's OK. I'd hateto see anything bad happen to him.我只希望“闪电”没事我实在不希望他发生任何意外<i>I don't know what's harder to find,McQueen or a chief who'll work with him!</i>我不知道什么比较难找闪电麦坤还是肯跟他合作的总机械师<i>[German accent] Lightning McQueenmust be found at all costs!</i>不计代价,一定要找到闪电麦坤!<i>They're all asking the same question:Where is McQueen</i>他们都在问同一个问题:麦坤到底在哪里?[Groaning] Oh, boy.天啊Where am I这是什么地方啊?- Mornin', sleepin' beauty!- Ah!早啊,睡美人!Boy, I was wonderin'when you was gonna wake up.我在想你要多久才会醒过来Take whatever you want!Justdon't hurt me!你要什么就拿去,只要别伤害我A parking bootWhy do I have a parking boot on轮胎锁为什么给我上轮胎锁- What's going on here Please!- [Chuckling] You're funny.- 这是怎么回事?拜托- 哈哈,你真好笑I like you already. My name's Mater.我喜欢你,我叫拖线Mater拖线?Yeah, like "tuh-mater,"but without the "tuh".对,拖把的拖,不是脱衣服的脱- What's your name- You don't know my name- 你叫什么名字- 你…你不知道我的名字?Uh...嗯…我知道你的名字你也叫拖线?No, I know your name.Is your name Mater tooWhat什么?Look, I need to get to Californiaas fast as possible. Where am I听我说,我必须在最短的时间内尽快赶到加州去这是什么地方啊?Where are you Shoot!这是什么地方?嘿You're in Radiator Springs.这是化油器郡The cutest little townin Carburetor County.一个可爱的小镇,叫油车水镇Oh, great. Just great!好,好极了Well, if you think that's great,you should see the rest of the town.如果你认为这里很好你应该参观镇上其他的地方You know,I'd love to see therest of the town!你知道吗?我很想参观其他的地方So if you could just open the gate,take this boot off,所以只要你打开门,解开轮胎锁you and me, we go cruisin',check out the local scene...你跟我就一起游览本地的风景好吗?- Dad-gum!- How'd that be, Tuhmater- 耶,好- 怎么样,拖线?- Cool!- Mater!- 酷!- 拖线!What did I tell youabout talkin' to the accused我说过,你可不可以跟被告说话?To not to.不可以Well, quit your yappin' and tow thisdelinquent road hazard to traffic court.那就废话少说把这个威胁道路的罪犯,拖去交通法庭Well, we'll talk later, Mater.等会聊了,小老弟[Chuckling] "Later, Mater."That's funny!小老弟,真好笑Ah![Sheriff] The Radiator SpringsTraffic Court will come to order!油车水镇交通法庭即将开庭Hey, you scratched my paint!I oughta take a blowtorch to you, man!你刮了我的漆真该放把火把你烧了You broke-a the road!You a very bad car!我得重新叠罐头你弄坏道路,你是辆坏车- Fascist!- Commie!- 暴君!- 对啊,对啊Officer, talk to me, babe.How long is this gonna take警长,请告诉我,这到底还要多久?I gotta get to California, pronto.我很忙,得立刻赶到加州去Where's your lawyer你的律师呢?I don't know. Tahiti maybe.He's got a timeshare there.谁知道,在大溪地吧他在那里有一个度假屋When a defendant has nolawyer,the court will assign one to him. Hey!当被告没有律师的时候法庭会指派一个给他Anyone want to be his lawyer谁要当他的律师啊?Shoot, I'll do it, Sheriff!对,我可以,警长All rise! The HonorableDoc Hudson presiding.请起立,法官大人韩大夫主审Show-off.爱现- May Doc have mercy on your soul.- [Door banging]希望韩大夫怜悯你这个可怜虫- [Gasping]- All right,好了,我要知道谁破坏我的镇警长I wanna know who's responsiblefor wreckin' my town, Sheriff.I want his hood on a platter!我要拿下他的车盖I'm gonna put him in jail till he rots!No, check that.我要他坐牢,直到他烂掉不,更正I'm gonna put him in jailtillthe jail rots on top of him,我要他坐牢,直到监牢烂掉,压在他车顶and then I'm gonna move himto a new jail and let that jail rot.然后再把他移到新的坚牢,让那个监牢也烂掉I'm...我……Throw him out of here, Sheriff.把他撵出去,警长I want him out of my courtroom.I want him out of our town!我要他离开我的法庭我要他离开我的镇- Case dismissed.- Yes!- 本案终结- 好耶Boy, I'm purty goodat this lawyerin' stuff.我可是一流的律师耶Sorry I'm late, Your Honor!抱歉,我迟到了Holy Porsche! She's gotta befrom my attorney's office.保时捷美眉,她一定是我的律师派来的Hey, thanks for comin',but we're all set.谢谢你来,不过没事了- He's letting me go.- He's letting you go- 他要放我走- 他要放你走?Yeah, your job's pretty easy today.对,今天你的工作很轻松All you have to do now is stand thereand let me look at you.你只需要乖乖站在那儿让我好好的看看你Listen, I'm gonna cut to the chase.Me, you, dinner. Pi-cha-kow!好吧,我就不拐弯抹角了,我…你…晚餐,咔嚓- What the... Ow! Oh!- Ka-chow! - 什么?噢!哦- 咔嚓!- Please!- I know. I get that reaction a lot.- 拜托!哦- 我知道,这种反应我见多了I create feelings in others thatthey themselves don't understand.我带给别人的感受连他们自己都无法理解- [Rewing]- Agh! Ow!Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you对不起,吓着你了吗?A little bit, but I'll be all right.嗯…有一点,但我不要紧OK. I'm gonna go talk to the judge.好吧,我要去跟法官谈谈Do what you gotta do, baby.But listen. Be careful.做你该做的,宝贝喔!但是小心一点Folks around here are not firing onall cylinders, if you know what I mean.这里的人不是都像你一样那么上路你懂我的意思吗?Ka-ching!咔嚓!Ah!I'll keep that in mind.我会记住的- Hey there, Mater.- Howdy, Sally.- 你好,拖线- 你好,莎莉- Hi, folks!- Good morning!。

汽车总动员中英文字幕————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:只为大家学英语《汽车总动员》Cars[Inhaling andexhaling d eeply][Male] OK... Here we go. Focus.好了,准备了,专心Speed. I am speed.速度,我是速度[Cars whizzing past]One winner, 41 losers.1个赢家,41个输家I eat losers for breakfast. 我把输家当早餐吃[Car accelerating]Breakfast.早餐Wait, maybe Ishould havehad breakfast.也许我该吃早餐,可能会比较好A little breck-y could be good for me.No, no, no, stay focused. Speed.不不不不…保持专心,速度[Carswhizzing]I'm faster than fast.Quicker thanquick.疾如风,快如电Iamlightning!我是“闪电”![Pounding on door][Male] Hey,Lightning!Youready?嘿,“闪电”,准备好了吗<i>[Sheryl Crow: Real Gone]</i> Oh, yeah. Lightning's ready 没错,“闪电”早就准备好了[engine rewing][Engine revs][Crowd cheers]Ka-chow!咔嚓![Cars zooming]《汽车总动员》[Cars whooshing][Both scream][All cheer]Get your antenna balls here!来买天线球喔Go,Lightnin'!冲啊,“闪电”!- Whoo!- Yougot that right, slick. [whistles]- 哇喔!- 你说对了,滑头[Air wrench whirring]Uh! [screams]呀![Engine revs]- [Male] Welcome back to the Dinoco 400.- [Crowd cheers]欢迎回到戴诺可400I'm Bob Cutlass, herewith my good friend, Darrell Cartrip.我是鲍伯,跟我的好朋友达洛赛车进行到一半了,今天可能是赛车史上重要日子<i>We'remidway through what maybe an historic day for racing.</i><i>Bob, my oil pressure'sthrou gh the roof.</i>鲍伯,现在我的油压暴升<i>If this gets more exciting, they'regonna have to tow me outta the booth!</i>比赛要是更刺激的话,恐怕我得被拖着出去了<i>Right, Darrell.</i>的确是的,达洛<i>[Bob] Three cars are tiedfor theseason points lead,</i> 三部领先的车,以相同的积分<i>heading into the final race ofthe season.</i>进入本季最后一场比赛<i>And the winner of this rac ewill winthe season title and the PistonCup.</i>这场比赛的胜利者,将赢得季冠军头衔,跟活塞奖杯<i>Does The King,Strip Weathers,</i>绰号“冠军”的史崔威勒<i>have one more victory inhimbefore retirement?</i>是不是能在退休以前再夺得一次胜利呢<i>[Darrell] He's been Dinoco's golden boyfor years!</i>他是戴诺可赞助多年的金童<i>Canhe win them one lastPiston Cup?</i>能不能赢得最后一个活塞奖杯呢?<i>[Bob] And, as always, in thesecond place spot we find Chick Hicks.</i>还有就是一如往常的,第二名“路霸”在他的赛车生涯中,始终都位居第二<i>He's been chasingthat tailfin his entire career.</i><i>[Darrell] Chick thoughtthiswas his year.</i>路霸以为今年是他的幸运年<i>His chanceto finally emergefrom The King's shadow.</i >终于有机会脱离“冠军”史崔威勒的阴影<i>But the lastthing he expected was...LightningMcQueen!</i>可是他万万没想到半路杀出个程咬金,“闪电”麦坤!<i>[Bob] You know, I don't think anybody expected this.</i>你知道吗,我看没有人想到这位菜鸟新秀,原本是个无名小子<i>The rookie sensationcameintotheseason unknown.</i><i>But everyoneknows him now.</i>现在大家都认识他了<i>[Darrell] Will he bethefirst rookieto win a Piston Cup and land Dinoco?</i>他会是第一个赢得活塞奖杯,跟戴诺可赞助的菜鸟吗?<i>[Bob] The legend, the runner-u p,and the rookie!</i>赛车传奇,亚军,和菜鸟<i>Three cars, onechampion!</i>三部车,一个冠军![Breaks screeching]哦,不,你休想!No you don't.- [Chuckling]- Hey!呵呵!- [Tires squealing]- [Crowd booing]What a ride!哦,闪电,快啊![Chuckling]Go get 'em, McQueen!Go get 'em!超过去,麦坤!超过去![Female] I love you, Lightning! 我爱你!“闪电”!- Dinoco isallmine.-[Screaming]戴诺可是我的![Darrell] Trouble, turn three! 有状况,第三弯道!- Get through that, McQueen.- [Bo b] Huge crash behind the leaders! - 冲过来啊,麦坤- 不好,领先车的后面撞成了一团[Crowd gasps][Screaming][Giggling]-[Grunts]- [Gasps][Both screaming][Bob] Wait a second, Darrell.McQueen isin the wreckag e.等一下,达洛,麦坤冲进车阵了[Darrell] There's noway the rookiecan make it through!那个菜鸟绝对不可能过得去!至少不是毫发无伤Notin one piece, that is. [Exhaling]Yeah!耶!Lightning! Oh!“闪电”!喔![Darrell] Look at that!McQueen made it through!你看看!麦坤过去了耶!天呐!“闪电”麦坤精彩突围[Bob] A spectacular movebyLightning McQueen!Yeah! Ka-chow!耶!咔嚓!McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!McQue en! McQueen! McQueen!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!Yeah, McQueen! Ka-chow! [honki ng]耶,麦坤!咔嚓![Bob] While everyoneheads into the pits,当其他赛车都进维修站的时候麦坤继续跑,取得领先McQueen stays out to take the lead!Don't take meout, coach.I can st ill race!别让我退出啊,教练我还可以跑![Air wrench whirring][Chuckling] What do you think?A thing of beauty.哈哈,你们觉得怎么样?很厉害吧- McQueen made it!- [Chick] What? - 麦坤他不休息!- 什么?He'snot pitting!他不进站!You gotta get me out there!Let's go! Get me back out there! 快,快让我出站快!快让我回去,快!McQueen's not going intothe pits!麦坤居然不进站维修![Darrell] The rookie fired hi screw chief. Thethird this season!那个菜鸟刚开除了他的总机械师,那是本季第三位了!- [Bob] Says he likes working alone.- Go, go!-他自个儿说喜欢独立自主的-跑!跑!跑!Looks like Chickgot caught up inthe pits.路霸被维修给耽搁了Yeah, afterastop likethat,he's got a lot of ground to make up.对,停了那么久,他可有一大段路要追呢Get ready, boys,we're comingto the restart!男士们,准备好,要开始喽![Crowd cheers]Come on, come on, come on!让开让开让开!We need tires now!Come on, let's go!我们需要轮胎!快点!快点!- No, no, no, no! No tires, just gas!- [Male] What?-不不不不!不要轮胎,汽油就好- 什么? You need tires, you idiot!你需要轮胎,你这白痴!看来麦坤今天只打算加了汽油就跑啊[Darrell] Lookslike it'sgas-and-go's for McQueen today.没错,还是不换轮胎[Bob] Right. No tires again. 通常我会说这就像是在炒短线可是对他挺有效的[Darrell] That's a short-termgain,long-term loss,butit's workin'for him. He obviouslyknows somethin' we d on't know.嘿嘿,显然他懂的比我们多啊[Cars whizzing][Bob] This is it, Darrell. One lap to goand Lightning McQueen has a huge lead.决胜时刻到了,达洛,只剩一圈闪电麦坤遥遥领先哦,他赢定了,把庆功宴准备好吧!He's got it in the bag.Call in the dogs and put out the fire!新的赛车王就要产生喽!We're gonna crown us a new c hampion![Crowd cheersandwhistles][Screaming]方格旗,我来喽!-Checkered flag, here I come!- [Tire blows][Darrell]No! McQueen's blown atire!哦,糟了!麦坤爆了一个轮胎![Bob] And with only one turn togo!Can he make it?只剩最后一个弯道,他撑得住吗?- You fool!- [Grunts]傻瓜![Male]McQueen's blown a tire!He's blown a tire!麦坤爆胎了!麦坤爆胎了!Go, go, go!快快快!- [Grunting]- [Tire blows][Darrell] He's lost another tir e!他又爆了一个轮胎!- King and Chick come up fast!- [B ob] They're entering turn three!- “冠军”跟“路霸”急起直追!-他们进入第三弯道了Comeon. [grunting]加油I don't believewhat I'm watching, Bob!我真不敢相信我的眼睛!Lightning McQueenis 100 feet from his Piston Cup!“闪电”麦坤距离活塞奖杯只差一百英尺![Gasping][Growling][Bob] The King and Chickrounding turn four.“冠军”和“路霸”通过第四弯道[Darrell] Down the stretch they come!And it's, and it's...他们来到直线跑道了结果是……- It's too close to call! Too close!- I don't believe it!- 实在是太接近了,根本看不出来啊- 不敢相信!我真不敢相信!Lightning!我们爱你,“闪电”!- The most spectacular, amazing...- I don't believe it!- 这真是我们赛车史上最精彩,最叹为观止,最不可思议的结局啊!-不敢相信!我真不敢相信!我还是不敢相信!...unequivocally, unbelievable endinginthe historyof theworld!- And we don't know who won!-Look at that!- 我们连谁赢了都不知道- 看看!<i>[Tape jittering]</i><i>[Slow motion drone]</i>- That's very close to call.- Can we play thatagain?- 太接近了,怎么看啊- 可以再放一次吗?请再放一次Hey, no cameras! Getoutta here! 嘿!不准照相!快走开!<i>We're here in VictoryLane,awaiting the results.</i><i>We're here in Victory Lane,awaiting the results.</i>我们在胜利之道等候赛车结果<i>McQueen,thatwas a risky m ove,not taking tires.</i>麦坤,不换胎是很冒险的举动哦<i>Tell me about it!</i>这还用说<i>Areyou sorry you didn't havea crewchief out there?</i>你会不会后悔没有总机械师<i>Oh,Kori. There's a lot moreto racingthan just winnin g.</i>呵呵,柯琳赛车不光是只为了赢,还有别的<i>I mean, taking the race bya full lap...Where's the entertain ment in that?</i>我是说领先一整圈赢得冠军这样有什么看头啊<i>Iwanted to give folksa lit tle sizzle.</i>我要给赛车迷一点刺激<i>- Sizzle?- Am I sorry I don't have a crew chief?</i>- 剌激?-我后不后悔没有总机械师?<i>No,I'm not.'Cause I'm a one-man show.</i>不,不后悔,因为我是个人秀<i>What? Oh, yeah, right.</i>什么?喔,是啊<i>That was a confidentLightning McQueen.</i>没错,那是非常有自信的“闪电”麦坤Live from Victory Lane,I'm Kori Turbowitz.记者柯琳·泰伯薇在胜利之道的现场报道- Get outta the shot.- Yo, C huck.- 嘿,别挡镜头- 嘿,查理Chuck, what are you doing?You're blockin' the camera!你做什么啊?你挡到镜头了- Everyone wantstoseethe bolt.- What?- 大家都想看闪电- 什么?- Now, back away.- That's it! Come on, guys.- 退后一点- 嘿,够了,我们走吧- Whoa, team! Where are you going?- We quit, Mr. One-Man Sho w!- 唉呀,你们要去哪儿啊-我们辞职,个人秀先生Oh, OK, leave. Fine.好啊,走啊How will I ever find anyone else who knows how to fill me up with gas?呵呵,我要上哪去找能帮我加油的组员呢[Crowd laughs]- Adios, Chuck!- And my name is not Chuck!- 再见,查理- 我的名字不叫查理!Oh, whatever.哦,随便了Hey, Lightning! Yo!McQueen! 嘿,闪电!呦,麦坤!Seriously, that was somepretty darn nice racin' out there.说真的,刚才的冲刺可真精彩啊- By me!- Oh, yeah.我是说我!- Zinger!- Welcome to the Chick era, baby!欢迎进入路霸的年代The Piston Cup...It's mine, du de. It's mine.活塞奖杯是我的,我的Hey, fellas, how do you think I'd look inDinoco blue? Dinoco blue!嘿,各位,我开戴诺可蓝色车怎么样?戴诺可蓝!In your dreams, Thunder.别做梦了,雷鸣Yeah, right. Thunder?What's he tal kin' about, "Thunder"?-是呀,雷鸣?他在说什么?- 不知道啊You know, 'cause thunderalway scomes after lightning.因为雷声总是在闪电后面Ka-ping! Ka-pow!呯!咔!-Who knew about thethunder thing?- I didn't.- 你们谁知道雷声这个玩笑- 我不知道- Give us the bolt!- That's right.Right in the lens.- Showmethe bolt, baby!- Smile, McQueen!- Show me the bolt, McQueen!- That's it![Electronic music][Crowd chattering]That was one close finish.Yousure made Dinoco proud.好个平手的结局啊,你让戴诺可很骄傲哦Thank you, King.谢谢你,冠军Well,Tex, you've beengoodto me all these years.老德啊,这些年来你对我很好It's theleast I could do.这是我应该做的Whateverhappens, you're a winnerto me, you old daddy rabbit. 不论发生什么事你都是我心目中的赢家,老公Thanks, dear.Wouldn't be nothing withoutyou.谢了,老婆没有你我什么也不是Kch-i-ka-chow!- I'm Mia.- I'm Tia.- 我是蜜亚- 我是蒂亚[Both] We're, like, your bigge stfans!Ka-chow!我们最崇拜你了咔嚓!I love being me.哦,做我真好-[Police] OK, girls, that's it.- We love you, Lightning!- 好了,小姐们,够了- 我们爱你,“闪电”![Chuckles]Hey, buddy.You're one gutsy racer. 嘿,朋友,你真的很有胆识啊Oh, hey, Mr. TheKing.噢,冠军先生You got more talent in one lug nut你光是一个螺丝就比很多车子拥有更多赛车细胞than a lot of cars has gotin t heirwhole body.- Really?Oh, that...- But you're stupid.-真的?这个...- 但是你很笨- Excuse me?- This ain't aone-man deal, kid.-你说什么?- 这不是独角戏啊,孩子You need to wise up and geta goo d crew chief and a good team. 你要放聪明点给自己找一个一流的总机师和伙伴You ain't gonna winunlessyou got good folks behind you,你想赢,一定要有好人才[voice dwindling] and you let themdotheir job, like they should.在背后支持,让他们做他们的工作- Like I tell the boys at the sho p...- A good team.-必须要每个人同心协力- 一流的伙伴- Yeah...- [electronic music]耶Ka-chow! Ka-pow![Crowd cheering][Screaming][Cheering]Oh, Lightning!哦!“闪电”!If you figure that outyou justgonna be OK.只要你想清楚了,前途无可限量Oh, yeah, that...That is spectacular advice.哦,对,真的是非常好的建议Thank you, Mr. The King.谢谢,冠军先生- [Fanfare]- [Bob] Ladies an d gentlemen,各位女士先生for the first timein Piston Cup h istory...活塞杯赛车史上头一遭[rewing] A rookiehas won thePiston Cup.一位菜鸟赢得活塞奖杯Yes!耶![Bob]... we have a three-way tie.今天我们有三辆车平手- [Crowd cheers]- [Cameras flash][Chuckling] Hey,that mustbe really embarrassing.嘿!麦坤,你一定很尴尬吧ButI wouldn't worry about it.Bec ause I didn't do it!可是我不会放在心上,因为尴尬的不是我[Bob] PistonCup officialshave determined that a tiebreaker race 因为今天的比赛有三位平手,所以裁判决定,一星期后betweenthe three leaderswill be held in California in one w eek.将在加州举行三位领先者的决赛Well, thank you! Thanks toallof you out there! Thank you!谢谢!谢谢所有观众!谢谢![Whispering] Hey, firstone toC alifornia getsDinoco all to himself.嘿,菜鸟,谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈No,not me!No, yourock, andyou know that!不,不是我你们才是最棒的Oh, yeah! Whoo!喔耶!喔Yep! All right! Gotit!谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈"First one to CaliforniagetsDinoco all tohimself."Oh, we'll seewho getsthere f irst, Chick.那就看看谁会先到,路霸Huh?嗯?-Hey, kid! Congratson the tie.- I don't want to talk about it.- 嘿!小子,恭喜你争取到决赛- 我不想谈这件事Let's go, Mack. Saddle up.What'd you do withmy trailer?好了,麦大叔,出发了我的拖车到哪去了?- I parked it at your sponsor's t ent.- What?- 我把它停在你赞助者帐篷-什么?Gottamake your personal appearance.你必须亲自去露个脸No. No! No, no, no, no!不、不、不不不不…<i>Yes, yes, yes!Lightning McQueen here.</i>对对对,我是闪电麦坤<i>And I use Rust-eze Medicate dBumperOintment, new rear end formula!</i>我用新配方“清锈”保险杆除锈药膏<i>Nothing soothes a rusty bum perlike Rust-eze.</i>“清锈”让生锈保险杆一擦见效<i>Wow! Look atthatshine!</i>哇!马上亮晶晶!<i>Use Rust-eze and youtoocan l ook like me!</i>使用“清锈”你也能像我一样帅<i>Ka-chow!</i>咔嚓![Both laughing]I metthis car from Swampscott. 我遇到来自沼泽的一辆车Hewas so rustyhe didn't even cast a shadow.他锈得很严重,连影子都没有- You could seehis dirty undercarriage.- [Crowd laughs] 你可以看见他肮脏的底盘[Groaning] I hate rusty cars.Th is isnot good for my image.我讨厌生锈的车,这对我形象非常不好They did give you your big break.Besides, it's in your contract.你要感谢他们的赞助再说你签了合约Oh, willyou stop, please?Just g o get hooked up.哦,别说了,好吗?去牵拖车就好了- Winter is a grand old time.- Of this there are no ifsor buts.- 冬天是个好季节- 这一点没什么好争辩的[Male 1] But remember,allthat salt and grime...可是要记住喔,那些盐跟灰尘Can rust your bolts and freezeyour...会让你的螺丝钉生锈,螺丝帽结冰Hey, look! There he is!嘿!你们看,他来了耶Our almost champ!冠军角逐者[Male 1] Get your rear end in here.快过来,小子Lightning McQueen,you are wicked fast!闪电麦坤,你太快了- That race was a pisser!-You w ere booking!- 那场赛车真是精彩啊- 对,你好快,麦坤- Give me a little room.- You're my hero!- 拜托,让我过一下- 你是我的偶像!Yes,I know. [chuckles]-麦坤先生-是,我知道"Fred." Fred, thank you.- 弗瑞- 弗瑞,谢谢He knows my name.He knows my na me!他知道我的名字!他知道我的名字! Looking good, Freddie!不错,弗瑞Thanks to you, Lightning,we had a banner year!多亏你了,让我们今年赚了不少We mightclear enoughto buy you some headlights.很好,我们应该有足够的钱帮你买头灯喽You saying he doesn'thaveheadlights?你是说他没有头灯?That's what I'm tellingya.They're stickers!我就是这么说的,那些只是贴纸Well, you know,racecars don'tneed headlights,你们知道的赛车不需要什么头灯because the track is alwayslit.因为跑道啊,一向都是明亮的啊Yeah, well, so is mybrother,but he still needs headlights.我弟是秃头,他还是需要头灯[Laughing][Forced laughter]- Ladiesand gentlemen,- [both] Lightning McQueen!-各位女士先生-闪电麦坤[Crickets chirping]Free Bird!唱歌You know, the Rust-eze MedicatedBumper Ointment team各位知道吗?“清锈保险杆药膏”车队ran a great race today.今天表现的非常好And remember, with a little Rust-eze...还有,别忘了,只要一点“清锈”[whispering]And an insaneamount of luck,加上大量的运气...you too, canlook like me.Ka-chow.你也可以像我一样帅咔嚓- Hey, kid.- We love ya.- 嘿,小子- 我们爱你And we're looking forwardtoanother greatyear.而且我们期盼明年也是业绩长红Just like this year!跟今年一样!Not on your life.明年我就不干了- Don't drive like mybrother!-Yeah, don't drive like my brother!- 别像我弟那样开车- 是吗?别像我哥那样开车<i>California, here we come!</i> 亲爱的加州,我们来了Dinoco, here we come!戴诺可,我们来了!<i>[Rascal Flatts: Life is a High way]</i>[Birds chirping]<i>[Phone ringing]</i>[Moaning] Oh... oh...uh,I needed this. Hello?好舒服喔,哪位?<i>[Male] Is this Lightning McQueen,the world's fastestracing machine?</i>请问是全世界最快的赛车,闪电麦坤吗?Is this Harv,the world's greatest agent?你是最棒的经纪人哈威吗?<i>Andit is such an honorto be your agent</i>当你的经纪人真荣幸啊<i>that it almost hurtsme totaketenpercent of your winni ngs.</i>我几乎不忍心拿你一成的奖金还有广告酬劳<i>Merchandising. And ancilla ry rights inperpetuity. Anyway,what a race, champ!</i>永久的经纪权了总之,好精彩的比赛<i>I didn't see it,but I heardyou were great.</i>我没…我没看可是听说你很棒Thanks, Harv.谢了,哈威<i>Listen, they're giving you 20 ticketsfor the tiebreaker thing in Cali.</i>听着,你有二十张加州决赛的票我可以帮你拿给你朋友,你告诉我名字<i>I'll pass 'em on to your f riends.Shoot me the names.</i>- 让哈威为你服务,好吗?宝贝- 是,朋友<i>- You letHarv rock it for yo u, baby.- Right. Friends.</i>Yes,there's...是,有,嗯……<i>OK,Iget it, Mr. Popular.</i>好吧,我懂了,人气小子<i>So many you can't even narro wit down.Hey, when you get t otown,</i>朋友太多,不知道给谁好嘿,你到城里来<i>you better make timefor your best friend!</i>最好抽空来看你最好的朋友<i>Break breadwith your mishpocheh here!</i>你一定要跟你的好友吃顿饭That'd be great!We should totally...对,这样很好,我们是应该……<i>OK, I gotta jump, kid.Letme know how it goes.I'm out.</i>我得挂了,小子让我知道情况,再见<i>- [Dial tone hums]- [Sighi ng]</i><i>- [Melodic beeping]- [Wheels squeaking]</i>[Lightning] What? A minivan?什么?小货车?<i>Come on, you're in the slow lane.</i>拜托,麦大叔你开到慢车道了<i>This isLightning McQueenyou're haulinghere.</i>你载的是闪电麦坤耶Just stopping offfor a quick breather, kid.我只要停一会就好了,小子<i>- Old Mack needs a rest.- Absolutely not.</i>绝对不可以<i>We're driving all night ti ll weget to California. We agreed to it.</i>我们要整夜赶路,一直到加州去我们说好的All night? May I remind youfederal DOT regs state...- 整夜?让我提醒你国家交通部规定…-拜托,麦大叔<i>Come on, I need togettherebefore Chick and hang with Dinoco.</i>我要比路霸先到,跟戴诺可聊聊[Mack groans]All those sleepingtrucks.那些打盹的卡车<i>Hey, kid,I don't know if I can make it.</i>嘿,小子,我不知道我能不能做得到Oh, sure youcan, Mack.你当然可以,麦大叔Look,it'll be easy.I'll stay up with you.很容易啊,我陪你熬夜<i>- All night?- All night lon g.</i>-一整夜?-一整夜[Snoring][Engines slowing][Snoring,gasping, blubbering] [Grunting][Snoring] Uh![Blubbering]- [Rap music]-[Engines rewing][Sniffing] Ah-choo![Laughing]- Hey, yo, D.J.-Whatup?- 嘿呦,DJ- 干嘛?- Wegot ourselves a nodder.- [Chuckling]有一辆车在打瞌睡喔<i>[Kenny G: Songbird]</i>Pretty music. [snoring]音乐真好听Yo, Wingo! Lane change, man.嘿,文哥,换车道了,老兄- Right back at ya!- Yeah!回你那边啦- Oops! I missed.- You going o nvacation?-没有碰到- 你在渡假吗?[All laugh][Snoring][Snoring]- [Chuckling]- [Sniffling]- Oh, no, SnotRod...-He's g onna blow!-哦,糟了,大鼻!- 他要打喷嚏啦! Ah... Ah... Ah-choo!Gesundheit!保重身体One should never drivewhiledrowsy.绝对不要边打瞌睡边开车- [Tires squealing]- [Horns ho nking]-[Honking loudly]- [Screaming]- Uh! Ah!- [All honking]- 呃!啊![Breathing heavily] Mack!麦大叔!- [Grunting]- [Hornshonking] Mack!麦大叔!Mack!麦大叔!Hey, Mack! Mack!嘿,麦大叔!麦大叔!Mack!麦大叔!Mack, wait for me! [enginerewin g]麦大叔等等我![Tiressquealing]Mack!麦大叔![Bell ringing][Horn bellowing]Mack! Mack!麦大叔!麦大叔! Mack! Mack...麦大叔!麦大叔......waitup! [coughing]Mack.等等!麦大叔!Mack! Mack!麦大叔!麦大叔!What?You'renot Mack.你不是麦大叔Mack? I ain'tno Mack!I'm a Peterbilt, fordang sake!麦大叔?我不是麦大叔我是大卡车,拜托[Peterbilt]Turnon your lights, y ou moron!开你的头灯,白痴Mack... The Interstate!麦大叔……州际公路[Tires squealing]- [Engine roaring]- Huh?Not in mytown, you don't.在我辖区里休想超速[Siren wailing]Oh, no.哦,糗了- Oh, maybehecan help me!-[Sheriffbackfiring]哦!也许他可以帮我He's shooting at me!Why is he s hooting at me?他向我开枪?他为什么向我开枪?[Backfiring]I haven't gone this fast in years.我好多年没跑这么快了[Grunting] I'm gonnablow a gasket or somethin'.我的密封垫一定会裂开Serpentine! Serpentine, serpentine!蛇行!蛇行!蛇行!What in the blue blazes?搞什么呀?居然蛇行,飙车狂Crazy hot-rodder.[Siren continues wailing]<i>[Hank Williams:My Heart Would Know]</i>[Buzzing][史丹利我们的城镇奠基者1909] [Water hose turning on][Snoring]I'm telling you, man,everythird blink is slower.我告诉你,老兄闪第三次都比较慢The sixties weren't good to you,w ere they?60年代太亏待你了,是吗?[Car backfires][Sirens blasting]What? That's not the Interstate!什么?那不是州际公路- [Sheriff backfires]- Ah! Oh!Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!- [Screaming]- [Tires screeching]No, no, no, no, no, no!不不不Ow!I'mnot the only one seeingthis,right?不是只有我看到,对吧?-Incoming!- Whoa, man.危险!-No!- Hey!嘿!你刮了我的漆Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!My tires!我的轮胎!- [Grunting]- [Gasping]- [Screaming]- [Gasping]- [Tires squealing]- [Cablesvibrating][Yelling][Shouting][Screaming]-[Cables whizzing]- [Straining]Fly away, Stanley. Be free! 飞走吧,史丹利,自由自在[Gasping][Breathing heavily]Boy, you're in a heap of troubl e.小子,你的麻烦可大了[Sighing]<i>We're live at the LosAngelesInternational Speedway</i >记者正在洛杉矶国际赛车场<i>as thefirst competitor,Lig htningMcQueen,</i>- 第一位决赛者闪电麦坤- 他来了<i>is arriving at the track.</i> - 刚刚到赛车场- 麦坤先生,旅途顺利吗?<i>Is ittrue he's gonna posefor Cargirl?</i>他真的要上《赛车女郎》杂志吗?闪电,你的策略是什么?<i>What's your strategy?</i>- [Crowd gasps]-[Cameras clicking]<i>What? Did I forgetto wipemy mud flaps?</i>怎么啦?我忘了擦挡泥板吗?[闪电麦坤失踪了!!]<i>McQueen's driver arrived in California,but McQueen was missing.</i>麦柛的运送车到达加州但是麦坤不见了<i>- McQueen was reported missing....to racean unprecedented...</i>赛车“闪电麦坤”神秘失踪了麦坤应该参加一场前所未有的……<i>[male] Sponsor statedthey have no ideawhere heis.</i> 赞助厂商说不知道他在什么地方I hope Lightning's OK. I'd h ateto see anything bad happen tohim.我只希望“闪电”没事我实在不希望他发生任何意外<i>I don't know what's harder to find,McQueen or a chief who'l lwork with him!</i>我不知道什么比较难找闪电麦坤还是肯跟他合作的总机械师<i>[Germanaccent] Lightnin g McQueenmust be found at all costs!</i>不计代价,一定要找到闪电麦坤!<i>They're all asking the same question:Where is McQueen?</i>他们都在问同一个问题:麦坤到底在哪里? [Groaning] Oh, boy.天啊WhereamI?这是什么地方啊?- Mornin', sleepin' beauty!- A h!早啊,睡美人!Boy, I was wonderin'when you was gonnawake up.我在想你要多久才会醒过来Take whatever you want!Just don't hurt me!你要什么就拿去,只要别伤害我A parkingboot?Whydo I have a parking boot on?轮胎锁?为什么给我上轮胎锁?-What's goingon here? Pleas e!- [Chuckling]You're funny.- 这是怎么回事?拜托- 哈哈,你真好笑I like you already. My name's Mat er.我喜欢你,我叫拖线Mater?拖线?Yeah, like"tuh-mater,"but without the "tuh".对,拖把的拖,不是脱衣服的脱- What's yourname?- You don'tknow my name?- 你叫什么名字?- 你…你不知道我的名字? Uh...嗯…我知道你的名字你也叫拖线?No, Iknow your name.Is your name Mater too?What?什么?Look, I need to get to Californi aas fast aspossible. Where am I?听我说,我必须在最短的时间内尽快赶到加州去这是什么地方啊?Where are you? Shoot!这是什么地方?嘿You're in RadiatorSprings.这是化油器郡The cutest little townin Carburet or County.一个可爱的小镇,叫油车水镇Oh, great. Just great!好,好极了Well, if you think that'sgreat,you should seethe rest of the town.如果你认为这里很好你应该参观镇上其他的地方You know,I'd love to see the rest of the town!你知道吗?我很想参观其他的地方So if you could just openthegate,take thisboot off,所以只要你打开门,解开轮胎锁youand me, we go cruisin',check out the local scene...你跟我就一起游览本地的风景好吗?- Dad-gum!- How'd that be, Tuhmat er?-耶,好- 怎么样,拖线?- Cool!- Mater!- 酷!- 拖线!What did I tellyouabout talkin' to the accused?我说过,你可不可以跟被告说话?To not to.不可以Well, quit your yappin' andto w thisdelinquentroad hazard to traffic court.那就废话少说把这个威胁道路的罪犯,拖去交通法庭Well, we'll talk later,Mater. 等会聊了,小老弟[Chuckling] "Later, Mater."That's funny!小老弟,真好笑Ah![Sheriff] The RadiatorSpringsTraffic Court will come to order!油车水镇交通法庭即将开庭Hey, youscratched my paint!I oug hta take a blowtorch to you, man!你刮了我的漆真该放把火把你烧了You broke-a the road!You a very bad car!我得重新叠罐头你弄坏道路,你是辆坏车- Fascist!- Commie!- 暴君!- 对啊,对啊Officer, talk to me, babe.How long is this gonna take?警长,请告诉我,这到底还要多久?I gotta getto California, pronto.我很忙,得立刻赶到加州去Where'syour lawyer?你的律师呢?I don't know. Tahiti maybe.He's got a timeshare there.谁知道,在大溪地吧他在那里有一个度假屋When a defendant hasno lawyer,the court will assign one to him. Hey!当被告没有律师的时候法庭会指派一个给他Anyone want to be his lawyer?谁要当他的律师啊?Shoot, I'll do it, Sheriff!对,我可以,警长All rise! The HonorableDoc Hudson presiding.请起立,法官大人韩大夫主审Show-off.爱现- MayDoc have mercy on yoursoul.- [Door banging]希望韩大夫怜悯你这个可怜虫- [Gasping]-All right,好了,我要知道谁破坏我的镇警长I wanna know who's responsiblefor wreckin' my town, Sheriff.Iwant his hoodon a platter!我要拿下他的车盖I'm gonnaput himin jail til l he rots!No, check that.我要他坐牢,直到他烂掉不,更正I'm gonna put him in jail tillthe j ailrots on top of him,我要他坐牢,直到监牢烂掉,压在他车顶and then I'm gonnamove himto a new jail and let that jail rot. 然后再把他移到新的坚牢,让那个监牢也烂掉I'm...我……Throw him out of here, Sheriff.把他撵出去,警长I want him out of mycourtroom.Iwant himout of our town!我要他离开我的法庭我要他离开我的镇- Case dismissed.- Yes!- 本案终结- 好耶Boy, I'mpurty goodat this law yerin' stuff.我可是一流的律师耶SorryI'm late, Your Honor!抱歉,我迟到了Holy Porsche! She's gottabefrom my attorney's office.保时捷美眉,她一定是我的律师派来的Hey, thanks for comin',but we'reall set.谢谢你来,不过没事了- He's letting me go.- He's l etting you go?-他要放我走- 他要放你走?Yeah, your job's pretty easy today. 对,今天你的工作很轻松All you have to do now is stand thereand let me look at you.你只需要乖乖站在那儿让我好好的看看你Listen, I'm gonnacut to thechase.Me,you, dinner. Pi-cha-k ow!好吧,我就不拐弯抹角了,我…你…晚餐,咔嚓- What the...? Ow! Oh!- Ka-chow!-什么?噢!哦- 咔嚓!- Please!- I know. I get that re action a lot.- 拜托!哦- 我知道,这种反应我见多了I create feelings in others thatthey themselves don't understand.我带给别人的感受连他们自己都无法理解- [Rewing]- Agh! Ow!Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you?对不起,吓着你了吗?A little bit, butI'll beall right.嗯…有一点,但我不要紧OK. I'm gonna go talk to the judge.好吧,我要去跟法官谈谈Do what you gotta do,baby.But listen. Becareful.做你该做的,宝贝喔!但是小心一点Folks around here are not firing onall cylinders, if you know what I mean.这里的人不是都像你一样那么上路你懂我的意思吗?Ka-ching!咔嚓!Ah!I'll keep thatin mind.我会记住的- Hey there,Mater.- Howdy, Sally.-你好,拖线- 你好,莎莉- Hi, folks!- Good morning!- 大家好- 早安,莎莉You know her?你认识她?She's the town attorney and myfiancee.她是本镇的律师,也是我的未婚妻What?什么?Nah, I'm justkiddin'.She justlikes me for my body.开玩笑的她只是喜欢我的外表You look great. You do somethingdifferent with your side viewmirrors?韩大夫,你今天看起来真帅你是不是调整了你的侧视镜?What doyou want, Sally?莎莉,你想做什么?[Sighing] Come on, make this g uyfix the road. The town needsthis.哦,拜托,让这个家伙修路本镇很需要No. I know his type. Racecar.不,我知道他这型的,赛车That'sthe last thing thistownneeds.本镇最不需要赛车OK,I didn't wantto have to do this,Doc, butyou leaveme no choice.好吧,我不想这么做的喔可是你让我别无选择Fellow citizens,you're all awareo f our town's proud history.各位乡亲,你们都知道本镇的骄傲历史Hereshe goes again.她又来了。

Doc, hold it! Seriously, your driving's incredible!
- Wonderful. Now, go away. - Hey, I mean it. You've still got it!
- I'm askin' you to leave. - Come on.
It's the ghostlight!
We have found McQueen. We have found McQueen!
McQueen, over here!
Moved right on to the next rookie standing in line.
There was a lot left in me.
I never got a chance to show 'em.
I keep that to remind me never to go back.
- Would you look at that! - Our first real customer in years!
I am filled with tears of ecstasy,
for this is the most glorious day of my life!
All right, Luigi, give me the best set of blackwalls you've got.
He's gone?
Well, we wouldn't want him to miss that race of his.
- Oh, dude, are you crying? - No! I'm happy!

Ah this is so niceI can't tell you how good it is to be here alonejust the two of us finallyY ou and me Ahem Good eveningOh My name is Materand I'll be your waiterMater the waiter That's funny right thereMater Y ou work hereY eah I work here What'd you thinkI snuck in here when nobody was lookin'and pretended to be your waiter so I could hang out with youOh yeah How ridiculous would that beCan I start you two lovebirds off with a couple of drinksY es I'll have my usual Y ou know what I'll have that tooUh Right Y our usualThanks man Grazie GuidoGuido what's McQueen's usualHow should I knowPerfect Give me two of them Quiet My program's onTonight on the Mel Dorado ShowHis story gripped the worldOil billionaire Miles Axlerodin an attempt to become the first car to circumnavigate the globe without GPS in an attempt to become the first car to circumnavigate the globe without GPS ironically ran out of gas and found himself trapped in the wildFeared dead he emerged 36 days laterrunning on a fuel he distilled himself from the natural elementsSince then he's sold his oil fortuneconverted himself from a gas-guzzler into an electric carand has devoted his life to finding a renewable clean-burning fuelNow he claims to have done it with his allinolAnd to show the world what his new super fuel can doAnd to show the world what his new super fuel can dohe's created a racing competition like no otherinviting the greatest championsto battle in the first ever World Grand PrixWelcome Sir Miles AxlerodThank you Mel It is good to be here Listen to meThank you Mel It is good to be here Listen to meBig oil It costs a fortune Pollution is getting worseI mean it's a fossil fuel "Fossil " as in dead dinosaursAnd we all know what happened to themAlternative energy is the future Trust me MelAfter seeing allinol in action at the World Grand Prixnobody will ever go back to gasoline againWhat happened to the dinosaurs nowAnd on satellite a World Grand Prix competitorand one of the fastest cars in the world Francesco BernoulliIt is an honor Signore Dorado for youWhy not invite Lightning McQueenOf course we invited himbut apparently after his very long racing seasonhe is taking time off to restThe Lightning McQueen would not have a chance against FrancescoI can go over 300 kilometers an hourIn miles that is like way faster than McQueenLet's go to the phones Baltimore Maryland you're on the airAm I on Hello Y ou're on Go aheadHello Go aheadLet's go to Radiator Springs Y ou're on callerThat Italian feller you got on therecan't talk that way about Lightning McQueenCan't talk that way about Lightning McQueenHe's the bestest race car in the whole wide worldUh-oh If he is how you say"the bestest race car " then why must he rest Huh'Cause he knows what's importantEvery now and then he prefers just to slow down enjoy lifeOh Y ou heard it Lightning McQueen prefers to be slowThis is not news to FrancescoWhen I want to go to sleep I watch one of his racesAfter two laps I am out coldThat ain't what I meantMcQUEEN: What's going on over thereHe is afraid of FrancescoMcQUEEN: That's that Italian formula carHis name is Francesco Bernoulli Frrrrr ancesco Berrrrr noulli :) No wonder there's a crowd Why do you know his nameAnd don't say it like that It's three syllables not tenWhat He's nice to look at Y ou know open-wheeled and allWhat's wrong with fenders I thought you liked my fendersLet me tell you something else MaterMcQueen could drive circles around youDriving in circles is all he can-a do noNoI mean yes I mean he could beat you anywhereAny time any trackMel can we move onFrancesco needs a caller who can providea little more intellectual stimulation like a dump truckHa-ha That shows what you know Dump trucks is dumbHey WhoaY eah hi This is Lightning McQueenThe Lightning McQueen huhI don't appreciate my best friend being insulted like thatMcQueen that was your best friend OhMcQueen that was your best friend OhThis is the difference between you and FrancescoFrancesco knows how good he isHe does not need to surround himself with tow trucks to prove itThose are strong words from a car that is so fragileFragile He calls Francesco fragileNot-a so fast McQueen"Not so fast " Is that your new mottoMottoThis sounds like something that needs to be settled on the race courseWhat do you say Lightning McQueen We've got room for one more racer I would love to but my crew is off for the season soPit stopY ou know what They just got backDeal me in babyKa-chow Y eahI know I know I just got back but we won't be longNo don't worry about me I've got enough to do hereMater's going to have a blast thoughY ou're bringing Mater rightY ou never bring him to any of your racesAhJust let him sit in the pits Give him a headsetCome on it will be the thrill of a lifetime for himY our drink sir Mater MaterI didn't taste itHow'd you like to come and see the world with meY ou mean it Y eah Y ou got me into this thingY ou're coming along All rightKa-chowHa-haHa-haHeyHey excuse meDomo arigato どうもありがとうY eahGuido look Ferraris and tiresLet's go Ho-ho Look at thisOK now Mater remember best behaviorY ou got it buddy Hey what's that MaterHey McQueen Over hereLewis Hey manJeff Hey LightningCan you believe this partyHeyY ou done good Y ou got all the leavesCheck out that tow truck Man I wonder who that guy's withAh Will you guys excuse me just for one little secondHo-ho Good jobMater Listen this isn't Radiator SpringsY ou're just realizing thatOh-ho That jet lag really done a number on youMater things are different over hereWhich means maybe you should you know act a little different too Different than what Well just help me out hereY ou need help Shoot Why didn't you say soThat's what a tow truck doesY eah I mean Looky thereIt's Mr San Francisco I'll introduce youMater no Look at me I'm helping you alreadyHey Mr San Francisco I'd like you to meetAh Lightning McQueen Buona seraNice to meet you Francesco Nice to meet you tooY ou are very good-looking Not as good as I thought but good Excuse me Can I get a picture with youAnything for McQueen's friendMiss Sally is going to flip when she sees thisShe's Lightning McQueen's girlfriendOooh She's a big fan of yoursHey she has-a good tasteMater's prone to exaggeration I wouldn't say she's a "big fan"Y ou're right She's a huge fanShe goes on and on about your open wheelsMentioning it once doesn't qualify as going on and onFrancesco is familiar with this reaction to FrancescoWomen respect a car that has-a nothing to hideY eah erLet us have a toast Let'sI dedicate my win tomorrow to Miss SallyOh SorryI already dedicated my win tomorrow to herSo if we both do it it's really not so specialBesides I don't have a drink I'll go get you oneDo you mind if I borrow a few bucks for one of them drinks They're free Free Shoot what am I doing hereI should probably go keep an eye on him See you at the race Y es you will see Francesco but not like thisY ou will see him like-a this as he drives away from youHa That's cuteY ou had one of those made up for all the racersNoOkayCiao McQueen He is so getting beat tomorrow。

赛车总动员英文台词(1:00:27~1:04:27)主持人1:So the race will go on..folks .主持人2:But the question everyone is asking :”Will the real Lighting Mcqueen show up today ?”主持人1:Hed better .Talk about a home track advantage.Francesco Bernoulli grew up racing on thiscourse .Signore and signori ,in the poleposition ,Numero Uno, Francesco.弗朗西斯科:Bellissima !Thank you for your support !And your big mistake, Mcqueen !主持人1:In secondo position ,numero,95, Lighting –a Mcqueen-a!黄车:Mcqueen-a ,is –a everything OK?绿车:If you are worried about your fuel ,man, don’t. Its perfectly safe .麦昆No ,guys .I just really wish Mater were here .弗朗西斯科:Francesco understands , Mcqueen.麦昆:Oh ,great .here it comes .What do you got,,Francesco?弗朗西斯科:For famous race cars like Francesco and wellyou ,to be far away from home is not easy,麦昆:I think you forgot the insulting part of that insult .弗朗西斯科:Is-a no insult. When-a Francesco is away from home ,he misses his mama ,just like-a youmiss your tow truck amico .麦昆:Gee, I maybe misjudged you ,because that’s exactly``````弗朗西斯科:Of course ,I am at home, andy mama is right here. Mama!Don’t worry ,Mama, Mcqueen is very sad .Iwill beat his cry-babay bottom today!麦昆:And there is the insult we were missing .主持人2:Darrell ,the racers are settling in as they head to the Italian countryside .Whoo,boy !This is gonna be a great race .黑车:Germlins .Man, those are some ugly cars .Look like someone stole their trunks.灵智速:Mt grand-a father ,has-a broken down .If-a one of-a you would help, I would be so thankful .蓝车:Sounds like you need some roadside assistance .黑车:She was talking to me .蓝车:Really?Prove it .灵智速:Don’t–a fight over me. Signore Tow truck, per favore .芬恩:Get ready, Mater .You are on any moment now .脱线:I don’t know about this .What if I screw things up ?芬恩:Impossible. Just apply the same level of dedication .you have been using to play the idiottow truck ,and you will be fine .脱线:Its just that them guys look purty tough and``````Wait ,did you say”idiot”? Is that howyou see me?芬恩:That’s how everyone sees you..Is not that the idea?I tell you,that’s the genius of it. No onerealizes they are being fooled .Because they aretoo busy laughing at the fool .Brilliant!灵智速:Why are not you in disguise ?脱线:I er ``````灵智速:Come on !there is no time !Go!脱线:OK OK!Computer, disguise !电脑:Request acknowledged .黑车:It is the boss. He is coming.老板:Ivan!脱线:Oh er```老板:Ivan, why do you insult me so by making me wait here ?灵智速:He is in.主持人1:The racers are now making their way around the hairpin .And headed downhill toward the casino bridge .。

汽车总动员台词A racing car named Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) has just lost a big race, and then one day on the highway he goes astray, and rolls into the forgotten hamlet of Radiator Springs, in Carburetor County. This was a happenin' town, back when Route 66 was the way to get from Chicago to L.A., passing through Flagstaff, Arizona, and don't forget Winona. But now the interstates and time itself have passed it by, and the town slumbers on, a memory of an earlier America.Lightning's dream is to win the Piston Cup, the grand prix of American racing. He's on his way to the race when he gets lost, and then, more humiliating, impounded. Once released, he meets the population of Radiator Springs, led by Doc Hudson (Paul Newman), who may be an old-timer but probably knows something about Hudsons that Lightning doesn't: Because of their "step-down design," they had a lower center of gravity than the Big 3 models of its time and won stock car races by making tighter turns.Cars scriptOK... Here we go. Focus.Speed. I am speed.One winner, 42 losers.I eat losers for breakfast.Breakfast.Wait, maybe I should have had breakfast.A little breck-y could be good for me. No, no, no, stay focused. Speed.I'm faster than fast. Quicker than quick.I am lightning!Hey, Lightning! You ready?Oh, yeah. Lightning's ready.Get your antenna balls here!Go, Lightnin'!You got that right, slick.Welcome back to the Dinoco 400.I'm Bob Cutlass, here with my good friend, Darrell Cartrip.We're midway through what may be an historic day for racing.Bob, my oil pressure's through the roof.If this gets more exciting, they're gonna have to tow me outta the booth! Right you are, Darrell.Three cars are tied for the season points lead,heading into the final race of the season.And the winner of this race will win the season title and the Piston Cup. Does The King, Strip Weathers,have one more victory in him before retirement?He's been Dinoco's golden boy for years!Can he win them one last Piston Cup?And, as always, in the second place spot we find Chick Hicks.He's been chasing that tailfin his entire career.Chick thought this was his year, Bob.His chance to finally emerge from The King's shadow.But the last thing he expected was...But the last thing he expected was......Lightning McQueen!You know, I don't think anybody expected this.You know, I don't think anybody expected this.The rookie sensation came into the season unknown.But everyone knows him now.Will he be the first rookie to win a Piston Cup and land Dinoco? The legend, the runner-up, and the rookie!Three cars, one champion!No, you don't.What a ride!Go get 'em, McQueen! Go get 'em!I love you, Lightning!Dinoco is all mine.Trouble, turn three!- Get through that, McQueen. - A huge crash behind the leaders! Wait a second, Darrell. McQueen is in the wreckage.There's no way the rookie can make it through!Not in one piece, that is.Yeah!Lightning!Look at that! McQueen made it through!Man, a spectacular move by Lightning McQueen!Yeah! Ka-chow!McQueen! McQueen! McQueen! McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!Yeah, McQueen! Ka-chow!While everyone else heads into the pits, McQueen stays out to take the lead!Don't take me out, coach. I can still race!What do you think? A thing of beauty.- McQueen made it through! - What?He's not pitting!You gotta get me out there! Let's go! Get me back out there!McQueen's not going into the pits!The rookie just fired his crew chief. That's the third one this season!- He says he likes working alone. - Go, go, go!Looks like Chick got caught up in the pits.Yeah, after a stop like that, he's got a lot of ground to make up.Get ready, boys, we're coming to the restart!Come on, come on, come on!We need tires now! Come on, let's go!- No, no, no, no! No tires, just gas! - What?You need tires, you idiot!Looks like it's all gas-and-go's for McQueen today.That's right. No tires again.That's a short-term gain, long-term loss, but it's sure workin' for him.He obviously knows somethin' we don't know.This is it, Darrell.One lap to go and Lightning McQueen has a huge lead.He's got it in the bag. Call in the dogs and put out the fire!We're gonna crown us a new champion!Checkered flag, here I come!Oh, no! McQueen has blown a tire!And with only one turn to go! Can he make it?You fool!McQueen's blown a tire! McQueen's blown a tire!Go, go, go!He's lost another tire!- King and Chick are coming up fast! - They're entering turn three! Come on.I don't believe what I'm watching, Bob!Lightning McQueen is 100 feet from his Piston Cup!The King and Chick rounding turn four.Down the stretch they come! And it's, and it's...- It's too close to call! Too close! - I don't believe it! Lightning!- The most spectacular, amazing... - I don't believe it!...unequivocally, unbelievable ending in the history of the world!- And we don't know who won! - Look at that!Hey, no cameras! Get outta here!We're here in Victory Lane, awaiting the results.McQueen, that was a risky move, not taking tires.Tell me about it!Are you sorry you didn't have a crew chief out there?Oh, Kori. There's a lot more to racing than just winning.I mean, taking the race by a full lap... Where's the entertainment in that?I wanted to give folks a little sizzle.- Sizzle? - Am I sorry I don't have a crew chief?No, I'm not. 'Cause I'm a one-man show.What? Oh, yeah, right.That was a confident Lightning McQueen.Live from Victory Lane, I'm Kori Turbowitz.Get outta the shot.Yo, Chuck, what are you doing? You're blockin' the camera!- Everyone wants to see the bolt. - What?- Now, back away. - That's it! Come on, guys.- Whoa, team! Where are you going? - We quit, Mr. One-Man Show!Oh, OK, leave. Fine.How will I ever find anyone else who knows how to fill me up with gas? - Adios, Chuck! - And my name is not Chuck!Oh, whatever.Hey, Lightning! Yo! McQueen!Seriously, that was some pretty darn nice racin' out there.- By me! - Oh, yeah.- Zinger! - Welcome to the Chick era, baby!The Piston Cup... It's mine, dude. It's mine.Hey, fellas, how do you think I'd look in Dinoco blue? Dinoco blue! In your dreams, Thunder.Yeah, right. Thunder? What's he talkin' about, "Thunder"?You know, 'cause thunder always comes after lightning.- Who knew about the thunder thing? - I didn't.- Give us the bolt! - That's right.Right in the lens.- Show me the bolt, baby! - Smile, McQueen!- Show me the bolt, McQueen! - That's it!That was one close finish. You sure made Dinoco proud.Thank you, King.Well, Tex, you've been good to me all these years.It's the least I could do.Whatever happens, you're a winner to me, you old daddy rabbit. Thanks, dear. Wouldn't be nothing without you.- I'm Mia. - I'm Tia.We're, like, your biggest fans! Ka-chow!I love being me.- OK, girls, that's it. - We love you, Lightning!Hey, buddy. You're one gutsy racer.Oh, hey, Mr. The King.You got more talent in one lug nutthan a lot of cars has got in their whole body.- Really? Oh, that... - But you're stupid.- Excuse me? - This ain't a one-man deal, kid.You need to wise up and get a good crew chief and a good team. You ain't gonna win unless you got good folks behind you,and you let them do their job, like they should.- Like I tell the boys at the shop... - A good team. Yeah...Oh, Lightning!If you figure that out you just gonna be OK.Oh, yeah, that... That is spectacular advice.Thank you, Mr. The King.Ladies and gentlemen,for the first time in Piston Cup history...A rookie has won the Piston Cup.Yes!...we have a three-way tie.Hey, McQueen, that must be really embarrassing.But I wouldn't worry about it. Because I didn't do it!Piston Cup officials have determined that a tiebreaker race between the three leaders will be held in California in one week. Well, thank you! Thanks to all of you out there! Thank you!Hey, rook, first one to California gets Dinoco all to himself. No, not me! No, you rock, and you know that!Oh, yeah!"First one to California gets Dinoco all to himself."Oh, we'll see who gets there first, Chick.- Hey, kid! Congrats on the tie. - I don't want to talk about it. Let's go, Mack. Saddle up. What'd you do with my trailer?- I parked it at your sponsor's tent. - What?Gotta make your personal appearance.No. No! No, no, no, no!Yes, yes, yes! Lightning McQueen here.And I use Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment, new rear end formula! Nothing soothes a rusty bumper like Rust-eze.Wow! Look at that shine!Use Rust-eze and you too can look like me!Ka-chow!I met this car from Swampscott.He was so rusty he didn't even cast a shadow.You could see his dirty undercarriage.I hate rusty cars. This is not good for my image.They did give you your big break. Besides, it's in your contract. Oh, will you stop, please? Just go get hooked up.- Winter is a grand old time. - Of this there are no ifs or buts. But remember, all that salt and grime...Can rust your bolts and freeze your...Hey, look! There he is!Our almost champ!Get your rear end in here, kid.Lightning McQueen, you are wicked fast!- That race was a pisser! - You were booking!- Give me a little room. - You're my hero!Yes, I know."Fred." Fred, thank you.He knows my name. He knows my name!Looking good, Freddie!Thanks to you, Lightning, we had a banner year!We might clear enough to buy you some headlights.You saying he doesn't have headlights?That's what I'm telling ya. They're stickers!Well, you know, racecars don't need headlights,because the track is always lit.Yeah, well, so is my brother, but he still needs headlights.Ladies and gentlemen, Lightning McQueen!Free Bird!You know, the Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment teamran a great race today.And remember, with a little Rust-eze...And an insane amount of luck,...you too, can look like me. Ka-chow.- Hey, kid. - We love ya.And we're looking forward to another great year.Just like this year!Not on your life.- Don't drive like my brother! - Yeah, don't drive like my brother! California, here we come!Dinoco, here we come!I needed this. Hello?Is this Lightning McQueen, the world's fastest racing machine?Is this Harv, the world's greatest agent?It is such an honor to be your agentit almost hurts to take ten percent of your winnings.Merchandising. And ancillary rights in perpetuity. Anyway, what a race, champ!I didn't see it, but I heard you were great.Thanks, Harv.Listen, they're giving you 20 tickets for the tiebreaker thing in Cali. I'll pass 'em on to your friends. Shoot me the names.- You let Harv rock it for you. - Right. Friends.Yes, there's...OK, I get it, Mr. Popular.So many you can't even narrow it down. Hey, when you get to town,you better make time for your best friend!Break bread with your mishpocheh here!That'd be great! We should totally...OK, I gotta jump, kid. Let me know how it goes. I'm out.What? A minivan?Come on, you're in the slow lane. This is Lightning McQueen you're hauling. Just stopping off for a quick breather, kid.- Old Mack needs a rest. - Absolutely not.We're driving all night till we get to California. We agreed to it. All night? May I remind you federal DOT regs state...Come on, I need to get there before Chick and hang with Dinoco.All those sleeping trucks.Hey, kid, I don't know if I can make it. Oh, sure you can, Mack.Look, it'll be easy. I'll stay up with you. - All night? - All night long.- Hey, yo, D.J. - What up?We got ourselves a nodder.Pretty music.Yo, Wingo! Lane change, man.- Right back at ya! - Yeah!- Oops! I missed. - You going on vacation? - Oh, no, Snot Rod... - He's gonna blow! Gesundheit!One should never drive while drowsy.Mack!Mack!Mack!Hey, Mack! Mack!Mack!Mack, wait for me!Mack!Mack! Mack!Mack! Mack......wait up! Mack.Mack! Mack!What? You're not Mack.Mack? I ain't no Mack! I'm a Peterbilt, for dang sake! Turn on your lights, you moron!Mack... The Interstate!Not in my town, you don't.Oh, no.Oh, maybe he can help me!He's shooting at me! Why is he shooting at me?I haven't gone this fast in years.I'm gonna blow a gasket or somethin'.Serpentine! Serpentine, serpentine!What in the blue blazes?Crazy hot-rodder.I'm telling you, man, every third blink is slower. The sixties weren't good to you, were they?What? That's not the Interstate!No, no, no, no, no, no!I'm not the only one seeing this, right?- Incoming! - Whoa, man.- No! - Hey!Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!My tires!Fly away, Stanley. Be free!Boy, you're in a heap of trouble.We're live at the Los Angeles International Speedwayas the first competitor, Lightning McQueen,is arriving at the track.Is it true he's gonna pose for Cargirl?Lightning, what's your strategy?What? Did I forget to wipe my mud flaps?McQueen's driver arrived in California, but McQueen was missing.- McQueen was reported missing. ...to race an unprecedented...Sponsor stated they have no idea where he is.I hope Lightning's OK. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to him.I don't know what's harder to find, McQueen or a chief who'll work with him!Lightning McQueen must be found at all costs!They're all asking the same question: Where is McQueen?Oh, boy.Where am I?Mornin', sleepin' beauty!Boy, I was wonderin' when you was gonna wake up.Take whatever you want! Just don't hurt me!A parking boot? Why do I have a parking boot on?What's going on here? Please!You're funny.I like you already. My name's Mater.Mater?Yeah, like "tuh-mater," but without the "tuh".- What's your name? - You don't know my name?No, I know your name. Is your name Mater too?What?Look, I need to get to California as fast as possible. Where am I? Where are you? Shoot!You're in Radiator Springs.The cutest little town in Carburetor County.Oh, great. Just great!Well, if you think that's great, you should see the rest of the town. You know, I'd love to see the rest of the town!So if you could just open the gate, take this boot off,you and me, we go cruisin', check out the local scene...- Dad-gum! - How'd that be, Tuhmater?- Cool! - Mater!What did I tell you about talkin' to the accused?To not to.Well, quit your yappin' and tow this delinquent road hazard to traffic court.Well, we'll talk later, Mater."Later, Mater." That's funny!The Radiator Springs Traffic Court will come to order!Hey, you scratched my paint! I oughta take a blowtorch to you, man!You broke-a the road! You a very bad car!- Fascist! - Commie!Officer, talk to me, babe. How long is this gonna take?I gotta get to California, pronto.Where's your lawyer?I don't know. Tahiti maybe. He's got a timeshare there.When a defendant has no lawyer, the court will assign one to him. Hey!Anyone want to be his lawyer?Shoot, I'll do it, Sheriff!All rise! The Honorable Doc Hudson presiding.Show-off.- May Doc have mercy on your soul. - All right,I wanna know who's responsible for wreckin' my town, Sheriff.I want his hood on a platter!I'm gonna put him in jail till he rots! No, check that.I'm gonna put him in jail till the jail rots on top of him,and then I'm gonna move him to a new jail and let that jail rot.I'm...Throw him out of here, Sheriff.I want him out of my courtroom. I want him out of our town!- Case dismissed. - Yes!Boy, I'm purty good at this lawyerin' stuff.Sorry I'm late, Your Honor!Holy Porsche! She's gotta be from my attorney's office.Hey, thanks for comin', but we're all set.- He's letting me go. - He's letting you go?Yeah, your job's pretty easy today.All you have to do now is stand there and let me look at you.Listen, I'm gonna cut to the chase. Me, you, dinner.What the?- Please! - I know. I get that reaction a lot.I create feelings in others that they themselves don't understand. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you?A little bit, but I'll be all right.OK. I'm gonna go talk to the judge.Do what you gotta do, baby. But listen. Be careful.Folks around here are not firing on all cylinders, if you know what I mean.Ka-ching!I'll keep that in mind.- Hey there, Mater. - Howdy, Sally.- Hi, folks! - Good morning!You know her?She's the town attorney and my fiancee.What?Nah, I'm just kiddin'. She just likes me for my body.You look great. You do something different with your side view mirrors? What do you want, Sally?Come on, make this guy fix the road. The town needs this.No. I know his type. Racecar.That's the last thing this town needs.OK, I didn't want to have to do this, Doc, but you leave me no choice. Fellow citizens, you're all aware of our town's proud history.Here she goes again.Radiator Springs, the glorious jewelstrung on the necklace of Route 66, the mother road!It is our job and our pleasure to take care of the travelers- on our stretch of that road. - Travelers? What travelers?Ignore him.But how, I ask you, are we to care for those travelersif there is no road for them to drive on?- Luigi, what do you have at your store? - Tires.And if no one can get to you?I won't sell any... tires. I will lose everything!- Flo, what do you have at your store? - I have gas.- Lotsa gas! - OK boys, stay with me.And, Flo, what'll happen if no one can come to your station to buy gas? I'll go outta business and... we'll have to leave town.What's gonna happen if Flo leaves town and closes her station?- Without gas, we're done for! - What?Don't you think the car responsible should fix our road?The only guy strong enough to fix that road is Big Al!Lizzie, the guy left, like, 15 years ago.Then why are you bringing him up, you lemon?Oh, he can do it.He's got the horsepower. So, what do you want him to do?Fix the road!- Because we are a town worth fixing! - Yeah!Order in the court!Seems like my mind has been changed for me.- Yeah! - No!Nice ruling.I am so not taking you to dinner.That's OK, Stickers. You can take Bessie.Man, you get to work with Bessie!I'd give my left two lug nuts for somethin' like that.Bessie? Who's Bessie?This here is Bessie, finest road-pavin' machine ever built.I'm hereby sentencing you to community service.You're gonna fix the road under my supervision.What? This place is crazy!I know this may be a bad time right now,but you owe me $32,000 in legal fees.What?We're gonna hitch you up to Bessie, and you're gonna pull her nice. You gotta be kidding me.You start there where the road begins.You finish down there where the road ends.Holy shoot!Whoa, whoa, whoa! How long is this gonna take?Well, fella does it right, should take him about five days.Five days?But I should be in California schmoozing Dinoco right now!Then if I were you, I'd quit yappin' and start workin'!- Hook him up, Mater. - Okay-dokey.Freedom!Maybe I should've hooked him up to Bessie......and then... then took the boot off.Goodbye, Radiator Springs, and goodbye, Bessie! California, here I come! Yeah!Oh, feel that wind.Yes!No. No, no, no.No, no, no, no, no. Outta gas?How can I be outta gas?Boy, we ain't as dumb as you think we are.But how did, how did... you?We siphoned your gas while you were passed out.Ka-chow.- Gentlemen. - Sheriff.Hey, Sheriff.- Why tires here? - Sono sempre stati qui.- They were better before. - Stai sempre a parlare. - Guido! - Red, can you move over?I want to get a look at that sexy hot rod.You know, I used to be a purty good whistler.I can't do it now, of course, on account of sometimesI get fluid built up in my engine block,but Doc said he's gonna fix it. He can fix about anything.That's why we made him the judge.Boy, you shoulda heard me on Giddy-up, Oom Papa Mow Mow.Now, I'm not one to bragbut people come purty far to see me get low on the "Mow-Mow".- Man, that's just great! - Hey, what's wrong?My lucky sticker's all dirty.That ain't nothin'. I'll clean it for ya.No, no, no!That won't be necessary.Hey! Hey, big fella! Yeah, you in the red!I could use a little hose down. Help me wash this off.Where's he goin'?He's a little bit shy, and he hates you for killin' his flowers.I shouldn't put up with this.I'm a precision instrument of speed and aerodynamics.- You hurt your what? - I'm a very famous racecar!You are a famous racecar? A real racecar?Yes, I'm a real racecar. What do you think? Look at me.I have followed racing my entire life. My whole life!Then you know who I am. I'm Lightning McQueen.- Lightning McQueen? - Yes! Yes!I must scream it to the world!My excitement from the top of someplace very high!- Do you know many Ferraris? - No, no, no, no, no.They race on the European circuit. I'm in the Piston Cup!- What? - Luigi follow only the Ferraris.Is that what I think it is?Customers.Customers! Customers, everyone! Customers!- OK! - Customers?It's been a long time. Remember what we rehearsed.Make sure your "Open, please come in" signs are out.You all know what to do. All right, nobody panics. Here we go!Van, I just don't see any on-ramp anywhere.- Minny, I know exactly where we are. - Yeah, we're in the middle of nowhere. - Honey, please. - Hello.Welcome to Radiator Springs, gateway to Ornament Valley.Legendary for its service and hospitality.How can we help you?- We don't need anything, thank you. - Ask for directions to the Interstate. There's no need to ask for directions. I know where we're going.He did the same thing on our trip to Shakopee.We were headed over there for the Crazy Days, and we...- OK. Really. We're just peachy, OK? - What you really needis the sweet taste of my homemade, organic fuel.No, it doesn't agree with my tank.- Just trying to find the Interstate. - Good to see you, soldier! Come on by Sarge's Surplus Hut for your government surplus needs.- Honey, surplus! - We have too much surplus.I do have a map over at the Cozy Cone Motel.And if you stay, we offer a free Lincoln Continental breakfast.- Honey, she's got a map. - I don't need a map! I have the GPS.- Never need a map again, thank you. - How 'bout somethin' to drink? Stop at Flo's V-Eight Cafe. Finest fuel on Route 66.No we just topped off.And if you need tires, stop by Luigi's Casa Della Tires,home of the Leaning Tower of Tires.- We're trying to find the Interstate. - But you do need a paint job. Ramone will paint you up right. Hey, anything you want!- You know, like a flame job. - No thanks...Maybe ghost flames!You like old school pinstripin'? Von Dutch style?Oh, honey, look. Von Dutch.OK, no. We're gonna be going now, OK?A little somethin' to remember us by, OK?- OK! - Come back soon, OK?I mean, you know where we are! Tell your friends!OK! Yes. You bet.Thanks again, folks. Bye-bye now.Psst! Psst! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!- I know how to get to the Interstate! - Do ya?- Minny, no. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.No, not really. But listen.I'm Lightning McQueen, famous racecar. I'm being held against my will.I need you to call my team, so they can come rescue meand get me to California in time for me to win the Piston Cup. Understand?No, no, no, no, no, no, no.No, it's the truth! I'm telling you! You gotta help me! Don't leave me here!I'm in hillbilly hell! My IQ's dropping by the second!I'm becoming one of them!OK, don't worry. They know where we are now.They'll tell friends. You'll see.We'll be back for our Hank Williams marathon...- That's good. ...after a Piston Cup update.Still no sign of Lightning McQueen. Chick Hicks arrived in Californiaand today became the first car to spend practice time on the track. It's just nice to get out here before the other competitors.You know, get a head start. Gives me an edge.Yeah!Hey, McQueen... Eat your heart out.Let me get this straight.I can go when this road is done. That's the deal, right?- That's what they done did said. - OK. Outta my way.I got a road to finish.- He's done! - Done?It's only been an hour.I'm done. Look, I'm finished.Say thank you, and I'll be on my way.- That's all you gotta say. - I'm the first one on the new road!It rides purty smooth.- It looks awful! - Well, it matches the rest of the town.Red.Who do you think you are?Look, Doc said when I finish, I could go. That was the deal.The deal was you fix the road, not make it worse.Now, scrape it off! Start over again.Hey, look, grandpa, I'm not a bulldozer. I'm a racecar.Is that right? Then why don't we just have a little race? Me and you. - What? - Me and you. Is that a joke?If you win, you go and I fix the road.If I win, you do the road my way.Doc, what're you doin'?I don't mean to be rude here,but you probably go zero to sixty in, like, what? Three-point-five years? Then I reckon you ain't got nothin' to worry about.You know what, old-timer? That's a wonderful idea. Let's race. Gentlemen, this will be a one-lap race.You will drive to Willy's Butte, go around Willy's Butte and come back. There will be no bumpin', no cheatin', no spittin',no bitin', no road rage, no maimin',no oil slickin', no pushin', no shovin',no backstabbin', no road-hoggin'......and no lollygaggin'.Speed. I'm speed.Float like a Cadillac, sting like a Beemer.My friend Guido, he dream to give a real racecar a pit stop.Peet stop!The race is only one lap, guys.Uno lappo! Don't need any help.。

只为大家学英语《汽车总动员》Cars[Inhaling and exhaling deeply] [Male] OK... Here we go. Focus.好了,准备了,专心Speed. I am speed.速度,我是速度[Cars whizzing past]One winner, 41 losers.1个赢家,41个输家I eat losers for breakfast.我把输家当早餐吃[Car accelerating]Breakfast.早餐Wait, maybe Ishould have had breakfast. 也许我该吃早餐,可能会比较好A little breck-y could be good for me.No, no, no, stay focused. Speed.不不不不…保持专心,速度[Cars whizzing]I'm faster than fast.Quicker than quick. 疾如风,快如电I am lightning!我是“闪电”![Pounding on door][Male] Hey, Lightning! You ready?嘿,“闪电”,准备好了吗<i>[Sheryl Crow: Real Gone]</i>Oh, yeah. Lightning's ready没错,“闪电”早就准备好了[engine rewing][Engine revs][Crowd cheers]Ka-chow!咔嚓![Cars zooming]《汽车总动员》[Cars whooshing][Both scream][All cheer]Get your antenna balls here!来买天线球喔Go, Lightnin'!冲啊,“闪电”!- Whoo!- You got that right, slick. [whistles]- 哇喔!- 你说对了,滑头[Air wrench whirring]Uh! [screams]呀![Engine revs]- [Male] Welcome back to the Dinoco 400.- [Crowd cheers]欢迎回到戴诺可400I'm Bob Cutlass, herewith my good friend, Darrell Cartrip.我是鲍伯,跟我的好朋友达洛赛车进行到一半了,今天可能是赛车史上重要日子<i>We're midway through what maybe an historic day for racing.</i><i>Bob, my oil pressure'sthrough the roof.</i>鲍伯,现在我的油压暴升<i>If this gets more exciting,they'regonna have to tow me outta the booth!</i>比赛要是更刺激的话,恐怕我得被拖着出去了<i>Right, Darrell.</i>的确是的,达洛<i>[Bob] Three cars are tiedfor the season points lead,</i>三部领先的车,以相同的积分<i>heading into the final raceof the season.</i>进入本季最后一场比赛<i>And the winner of this race will winthe season title and the Piston Cup.</i>这场比赛的胜利者,将赢得季冠军头衔,跟活塞奖杯<i>Does The King, Strip Weathers,</i> 绰号“冠军”的史崔威勒<i>have one more victory in himbefore retirement?</i>是不是能在退休以前再夺得一次胜利呢<i>[Darrell] He's been Dinoco's golden boyfor years!</i>他是戴诺可赞助多年的金童<i>Can he win them one last Piston Cup?</i>能不能赢得最后一个活塞奖杯呢?<i>[Bob] And, as always, in thesecond place spot we find Chick Hicks.</i>还有就是一如往常的,第二名“路霸”在他的赛车生涯中,始终都位居第二<i>He's been chasingthat tailfin his entire career.</i><i>[Darrell] Chick thoughtthis was his year.</i>路霸以为今年是他的幸运年<i>His chance to finally emergefrom The King's shadow.</i>终于有机会脱离“冠军”史崔威勒的阴影<i>But the last thing he expected was...Lightning McQueen!</i>可是他万万没想到半路杀出个程咬金,“闪电”麦坤!<i>[Bob] You know, I don't thinkanybody expected this.</i>你知道吗,我看没有人想到这位菜鸟新秀,原本是个无名小子<i>The rookie sensationcame into the season unknown.</i> <i>But everyone knows him now.</i>现在大家都认识他了<i>[Darrell] Will he be the first rookieto win a Piston Cup and land Dinoco?</i>他会是第一个赢得活塞奖杯,跟戴诺可赞助的菜鸟吗?<i>[Bob] The legend, the runner-up,and the rookie!</i>赛车传奇,亚军,和菜鸟<i>Three cars, one champion!</i>三部车,一个冠军![Breaks screeching]哦,不,你休想!No you don't.- [Chuckling]- Hey!呵呵!- [Tires squealing]- [Crowd booing] What a ride!哦,闪电,快啊![Chuckling]Go get 'em, McQueen!Go get 'em!超过去,麦坤!超过去![Female] I love you, Lightning!我爱你!“闪电”!- Dinoco is all mine.- [Screaming]戴诺可是我的![Darrell] Trouble, turn three!有状况,第三弯道!- Get through that, McQueen.- [Bob] Huge crash behind the leaders!- 冲过来啊,麦坤- 不好,领先车的后面撞成了一团[Crowd gasps][Screaming][Giggling]- [Grunts]- [Gasps][Both screaming][Bob] Wait a second, Darrell.McQueen is in the wreckage.等一下,达洛,麦坤冲进车阵了[Darrell] There's no way the rookiecan make it through!那个菜鸟绝对不可能过得去!至少不是毫发无伤Not in one piece, that is. [Exhaling]Yeah!耶!Lightning! Oh!“闪电”!喔![Darrell] Look at that!McQueen made it through!你看看!麦坤过去了耶!天呐!“闪电”麦坤精彩突围[Bob] A spectacular moveby Lightning McQueen!Yeah! Ka-chow!耶!咔嚓!McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!Yeah, McQueen! Ka-chow! [honking]耶,麦坤!咔嚓![Bob] While everyoneheads into the pits, 当其他赛车都进维修站的时候麦坤继续跑,取得领先McQueen stays out to take the lead! Don't take me out, coach.I can still race!别让我退出啊,教练我还可以跑![Air wrench whirring][Chuckling] What do you think?A thing of beauty.哈哈,你们觉得怎么样?很厉害吧- McQueen made it!- [Chick] What?- 麦坤他不休息!- 什么?He's not pitting!他不进站!You gotta get me out there!Let's go! Get me back out there!快,快让我出站快!快让我回去,快!McQueen's not going into the pits!麦坤居然不进站维修![Darrell] The rookie fired hiscrew chief. The third this season!那个菜鸟刚开除了他的总机械师,那是本季第三位了!- [Bob] Says he likes working alone.- Go, go!- 他自个儿说喜欢独立自主的- 跑!跑!跑!Looks like Chickgot caught up in the pits.路霸被维修给耽搁了Yeah, after a stop like that,he's got a lot of ground to make up.对,停了那么久,他可有一大段路要追呢Get ready, boys,we're coming to the restart!男士们,准备好,要开始喽![Crowd cheers]Come on, come on, come on!让开让开让开!We need tires now!Come on, let's go! 我们需要轮胎!快点!快点!- No, no, no, no! No tires, just gas!- [Male] What?- 不不不不!不要轮胎,汽油就好- 什么?You need tires, you idiot!你需要轮胎,你这白痴!看来麦坤今天只打算加了汽油就跑啊[Darrell] Looks like it'sgas-and-go's for McQueen today.没错,还是不换轮胎[Bob] Right. No tires again.通常我会说这就像是在炒短线可是对他挺有效的[Darrell] That's a short-termgain,long-term loss,but it's workin' for him. He obviouslyknows somethin' we don't know. 嘿嘿,显然他懂的比我们多啊[Cars whizzing][Bob] This is it, Darrell. One lap to goand Lightning McQueen has a huge lead. 决胜时刻到了,达洛,只剩一圈闪电麦坤遥遥领先哦,他赢定了,把庆功宴准备好吧!He's got it in the bag.Call in the dogs and put out the fire!新的赛车王就要产生喽!We're gonna crown us a new champion![Crowd cheers and whistles] [Screaming]方格旗,我来喽!- Checkered flag, here I come!- [Tire blows][Darrell] No! McQueen's blown a tire! 哦,糟了!麦坤爆了一个轮胎![Bob] And with only one turn to go!Can he make it?只剩最后一个弯道,他撑得住吗?- You fool!- [Grunts]傻瓜![Male] McQueen's blown a tire!He's blown a tire!麦坤爆胎了!麦坤爆胎了!Go, go, go!快快快!- [Grunting]- [Tire blows][Darrell] He's lost another tire!他又爆了一个轮胎!- King and Chick come up fast!- [Bob] They're entering turn three!- “冠军”跟“路霸”急起直追!- 他们进入第三弯道了Come on. [grunting]加油I don't believewhat I'm watching, Bob! 我真不敢相信我的眼睛!Lightning McQueenis 100 feet from his Piston Cup!“闪电”麦坤距离活塞奖杯只差一百英尺![Gasping][Growling][Bob] The King and Chickrounding turn four.“冠军”和“路霸”通过第四弯道[Darrell] Down the stretch they come!And it's, and it's...他们来到直线跑道了结果是……- It's too close to call! Too close!- I don't believe it!- 实在是太接近了,根本看不出来啊- 不敢相信!我真不敢相信!Lightning! 我们爱你,“闪电”!- The most spectacular, amazing...- I don't believe it!- 这真是我们赛车史上最精彩,最叹为观止,最不可思议的结局啊!- 不敢相信!我真不敢相信!我还是不敢相信!...unequivocally, unbelievable endingin the history of the world!- And we don't know who won!- Look at that!- 我们连谁赢了都不知道- 看看!<i>[Tape jittering]</i><i>[Slow motion drone]</i>- That's very close to call.- Can we play that again?- 太接近了,怎么看啊- 可以再放一次吗?请再放一次Hey, no cameras! Get outta here!嘿!不准照相!快走开!<i>We're here in Victory Lane,awaiting the results.</i><i>We're here in Victory Lane,awaiting the results.</i>我们在胜利之道等候赛车结果<i>McQueen, that was a risky move,not taking tires.</i>麦坤,不换胎是很冒险的举动哦<i>Tell me about it!</i>这还用说<i>Are you sorry you didn't havea crew chief out there?</i>你会不会后悔没有总机械师<i>Oh, Kori. There's a lot more to racingthan just winning.</i>呵呵,柯琳赛车不光是只为了赢,还有别的<i>I mean, taking the race by a full lap...Where's the entertainment in that?</i>我是说领先一整圈赢得冠军这样有什么看头啊<i>I wanted to give folks a little sizzle.</i>我要给赛车迷一点刺激<i>- Sizzle?- Am I sorry I don't have acrew chief?</i>- 剌激?- 我后不后悔没有总机械师?<i>No, I'm not.'Cause I'm a one-man show.</i>不,不后悔,因为我是个人秀<i>What? Oh, yeah, right.</i>什么?喔,是啊<i>That was a confidentLightning McQueen.</i>没错,那是非常有自信的“闪电”麦坤Live from Victory Lane,I'm Kori Turbowitz.记者柯琳·泰伯薇在胜利之道的现场报道- Get outta the shot.- Yo, Chuck.- 嘿,别挡镜头- 嘿,查理Chuck, what are you doing?You're blockin' the camera!你做什么啊?你挡到镜头了- Everyone wants to see the bolt.- What? - 大家都想看闪电- 什么?- Now, back away.- That's it! Come on, guys.- 退后一点- 嘿,够了,我们走吧- Whoa, team! Where are you going?- We quit, Mr. One-Man Show!- 唉呀,你们要去哪儿啊- 我们辞职,个人秀先生Oh, OK, leave. Fine.好啊,走啊How will I ever find anyone elsewho knows how to fill me up with gas?呵呵,我要上哪去找能帮我加油的组员呢[Crowd laughs]- Adios, Chuck!- And my name is not Chuck!- 再见,查理- 我的名字不叫查理!Oh, whatever.哦,随便了Hey, Lightning! Yo! McQueen!嘿,闪电!呦,麦坤!Seriously, that was somepretty darn nice racin' out there.说真的,刚才的冲刺可真精彩啊- By me!- Oh, yeah. 我是说我!- Zinger!- Welcome to the Chick era, baby!欢迎进入路霸的年代The Piston Cup...It's mine, dude. It's mine.活塞奖杯是我的,我的Hey, fellas, how do you thinkI'd look in Dinoco blue? Dinoco blue!嘿,各位,我开戴诺可蓝色车怎么样?戴诺可蓝!In your dreams, Thunder.别做梦了,雷鸣Yeah, right. Thunder?What's he talkin' about, "Thunder"?- 是呀,雷鸣?他在说什么?- 不知道啊You know, 'cause thunderalways comes after lightning.因为雷声总是在闪电后面Ka-ping! Ka-pow!呯!咔!- Who knew about the thunder thing?- I didn't.- 你们谁知道雷声这个玩笑- 我不知道- Give us the bolt!- That's right. Right in the lens.- Show me the bolt, baby!- Smile, McQueen!- Show me the bolt, McQueen!- That's it! [Electronic music][Crowd chattering]That was one close finish.You sure made Dinoco proud.好个平手的结局啊,你让戴诺可很骄傲哦Thank you, King.谢谢你,冠军Well, Tex, you've beengood to me all these years.老德啊,这些年来你对我很好It's the least I could do.这是我应该做的Whatever happens, you're a winnerto me, you old daddy rabbit.不论发生什么事你都是我心目中的赢家,老公Thanks, dear.Wouldn't be nothing without you.谢了,老婆没有你我什么也不是Kch-i-ka-chow!- I'm Mia.- I'm Tia.- 我是蜜亚- 我是蒂亚[Both] We're, like, your biggestfans!Ka-chow!我们最崇拜你了咔嚓!I love being me.哦,做我真好- [Police] OK, girls, that's it.- We love you, Lightning!- 好了,小姐们,够了- 我们爱你,“闪电”![Chuckles]Hey, buddy.You're one gutsy racer. 嘿,朋友,你真的很有胆识啊Oh, hey, Mr. The King.噢,冠军先生You got more talent in one lug nut你光是一个螺丝就比很多车子拥有更多赛车细胞than a lot of cars has gotin their whole body.- Really? Oh, that...- But you're stupid.- 真的?这个...- 但是你很笨- Excuse me?- This ain't a one-man deal, kid.- 你说什么?- 这不是独角戏啊,孩子You need to wise up and geta good crew chief and a good team.你要放聪明点给自己找一个一流的总机师和伙伴You ain't gonna winunless you got good folks behind you,你想赢,一定要有好人才[voice dwindling] and you let themdo their job, like they should.在背后支持,让他们做他们的工作- Like I tell the boys at the shop...- A good team.- 必须要每个人同心协力- 一流的伙伴- Yeah...- [electronic music]耶Ka-chow! Ka-pow![Crowd cheering][Screaming][Cheering]Oh, Lightning!哦!“闪电”!If you figure that outyou just gonna be OK.只要你想清楚了,前途无可限量Oh, yeah, that...That is spectacular advice.哦,对,真的是非常好的建议Thank you, Mr. The King.谢谢,冠军先生- [Fanfare]- [Bob] Ladies and gentlemen, 各位女士先生for the first timein Piston Cup history...活塞杯赛车史上头一遭[rewing] A rookiehas won the Piston Cup. 一位菜鸟赢得活塞奖杯Yes!耶![Bob]... we have a three-way tie.今天我们有三辆车平手- [Crowd cheers]- [Cameras flash] [Chuckling] Hey,that must be really embarrassing.嘿!麦坤,你一定很尴尬吧But I wouldn't worry about it.Because I didn't do it!可是我不会放在心上,因为尴尬的不是我[Bob] Piston Cup officialshave determined that a tiebreaker race因为今天的比赛有三位平手,所以裁判决定,一星期后between the three leaderswill be held in California in one week.将在加州举行三位领先者的决赛Well, thank you! Thanks toall of you out there! Thank you!谢谢!谢谢所有观众!谢谢![Whispering] Hey, first one toCalifornia gets Dinoco all to himself. 嘿,菜鸟,谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈No, not me!No, you rock, and you know that!不,不是我你们才是最棒的Oh, yeah! Whoo!喔耶!喔Yep! All right! Got it!谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈"First one to Californiagets Dinoco all to himself."Oh, we'll seewho gets there first, Chick.那就看看谁会先到,路霸Huh?嗯?- Hey, kid! Congrats on the tie.- I don't want to talk about it.- 嘿!小子,恭喜你争取到决赛- 我不想谈这件事Let's go, Mack. Saddle up.What'd you do with my trailer?好了,麦大叔,出发了我的拖车到哪去了?- I parked it at your sponsor's tent.- What?- 我把它停在你赞助者帐篷- 什么?Gotta make your personal appearance. 你必须亲自去露个脸No. No! No, no, no, no!不、不、不不不不…<i>Yes, yes, yes!Lightning McQueen here.</i>对对对,我是闪电麦坤<i>And I use Rust-eze MedicatedBumper Ointment, new rear end formula!</i>我用新配方“清锈”保险杆除锈药膏<i>Nothing soothes a rusty bumperlike Rust-eze.</i>“清锈”让生锈保险杆一擦见效<i>Wow! Look at that shine!</i>哇!马上亮晶晶!<i>Use Rust-eze and you toocan look like me!</i>使用“清锈”你也能像我一样帅<i>Ka-chow!</i>咔嚓![Both laughing]I met this car from Swampscott.我遇到来自沼泽的一辆车He was so rustyhe didn't even cast a shadow.他锈得很严重,连影子都没有- You could see his dirty undercarriage.- [Crowd laughs]你可以看见他肮脏的底盘[Groaning] I hate rusty cars.This is not good for my image.我讨厌生锈的车,这对我形象非常不好They did give you your big break.Besides, it's in your contract.你要感谢他们的赞助再说你签了合约Oh, will you stop, please?Just go get hooked up.哦,别说了,好吗?去牵拖车就好了- Winter is a grand old time.- Of this there are no ifs or buts.- 冬天是个好季节- 这一点没什么好争辩的[Male 1] But remember,all that salt and grime...可是要记住喔,那些盐跟灰尘Can rust your bolts and freeze your... 会让你的螺丝钉生锈,螺丝帽结冰Hey, look! There he is!嘿!你们看,他来了耶Our almost champ!冠军角逐者[Male 1] Get your rear end in here.快过来,小子Lightning McQueen,you are wicked fast! 闪电麦坤,你太快了- That race was a pisser!- You were booking!- 那场赛车真是精彩啊- 对,你好快,麦坤- Give me a little room.- You're my hero! - 拜托,让我过一下- 你是我的偶像!Yes, I know. [chuckles]- 麦坤先生- 是,我知道"Fred." Fred, thank you.- 弗瑞- 弗瑞,谢谢He knows my name.He knows my name!他知道我的名字!他知道我的名字!Looking good, Freddie!不错,弗瑞Thanks to you, Lightning,we had a banner year!多亏你了,让我们今年赚了不少We might clear enoughto buy you some headlights.很好,我们应该有足够的钱帮你买头灯喽You saying he doesn't have headlights? 你是说他没有头灯?That's what I'm telling ya.They're stickers!我就是这么说的,那些只是贴纸Well, you know,racecars don't need headlights,你们知道的赛车不需要什么头灯because the track is always lit.因为跑道啊,一向都是明亮的啊Yeah, well, so is my brother,but he still needs headlights.我弟是秃头,他还是需要头灯[Laughing][Forced laughter]- Ladies and gentlemen,- [both] Lightning McQueen!- 各位女士先生- 闪电麦坤[Crickets chirping]Free Bird!唱歌You know, the Rust-eze MedicatedBumper Ointment team各位知道吗?“清锈保险杆药膏”车队ran a great race today.今天表现的非常好And remember, with a little Rust-eze... 还有,别忘了,只要一点“清锈”[whispering] And an insaneamount of luck, 加上大量的运气...you too, can look like me.Ka-chow. 你也可以像我一样帅咔嚓- Hey, kid.- We love ya.- 嘿,小子- 我们爱你And we're looking forwardto another great year.而且我们期盼明年也是业绩长红Just like this year!跟今年一样!Not on your life.明年我就不干了- Don't drive like my brother!- Yeah, don't drive like my brother!- 别像我弟那样开车- 是吗?别像我哥那样开车<i>California, here we come!</i>亲爱的加州,我们来了Dinoco, here we come!戴诺可,我们来了!<i>[Rascal Flatts: Life is a Highway]</i>[Birds chirping]<i>[Phone ringing]</i>[Moaning] Oh... oh... uh,I needed this. Hello?好舒服喔,哪位?<i>[Male] Is this Lightning McQueen,the world's fastest racing machine?</i>请问是全世界最快的赛车,闪电麦坤吗?Is this Harv,the world's greatest agent? 你是最棒的经纪人哈威吗?<i>And it is such an honorto be your agent</i>当你的经纪人真荣幸啊<i>that it almost hurts me to taketen percent of your winnings.</i>我几乎不忍心拿你一成的奖金还有广告酬劳<i>Merchandising. And ancillary rights inperpetuity. Anyway, what a race, champ!</i>永久的经纪权了总之,好精彩的比赛<i>I didn't see it,but I heard you weregreat.</i>我没…我没看可是听说你很棒Thanks, Harv.谢了,哈威<i>Listen, they're giving you 20 ticketsfor the tiebreaker thing in Cali.</i>听着,你有二十张加州决赛的票我可以帮你拿给你朋友,你告诉我名字<i>I'll pass 'em on to yourfriends.Shoot me the names.</i>- 让哈威为你服务,好吗?宝贝- 是,朋友<i>- You let Harv rock it for you, baby.- Right. Friends.</i>Yes, there's...是,有,嗯……<i>OK, I get it, Mr. Popular.</i>好吧,我懂了,人气小子<i>So many you can't even narrow it down.Hey, when you get to town,</i>朋友太多,不知道给谁好嘿,你到城里来<i>you better make timefor your best friend!</i>最好抽空来看你最好的朋友<i>Break breadwith your mishpocheh here!</i>你一定要跟你的好友吃顿饭That'd be great!We should totally... 对,这样很好,我们是应该……<i>OK, I gotta jump, kid.Let me know how it goes. I'm out.</i>我得挂了,小子让我知道情况,再见<i>- [Dial tone hums]- [Sighing]</i> <i>- [Melodic beeping]- [Wheels squeaking]</i>[Lightning] What? A minivan?什么?小货车?<i>Come on, you're in the slow lane.</i> 拜托,麦大叔你开到慢车道了<i>This is Lightning McQueenyou're hauling here.</i>你载的是闪电麦坤耶Just stopping offfor a quick breather, kid. 我只要停一会就好了,小子<i>- Old Mack needs a rest.- Absolutely not.</i>绝对不可以<i>We're driving all night till weget to California. We agreed to it.</i>我们要整夜赶路,一直到加州去我们说好的All night? May I remind youfederal DOT regs state...- 整夜?让我提醒你国家交通部规定…-拜托,麦大叔<i>Come on, I need to get therebefore Chick and hang with Dinoco.</i>我要比路霸先到,跟戴诺可聊聊[Mack groans]All those sleeping trucks. 那些打盹的卡车<i>Hey, kid,I don't know if I can make it.</i>嘿,小子,我不知道我能不能做得到Oh, sure you can, Mack.你当然可以,麦大叔Look, it'll be easy.I'll stay up with you.很容易啊,我陪你熬夜<i>- All night?- All night long.</i> - 一整夜?- 一整夜[Snoring][Engines slowing][Snoring, gasping, blubbering] [Grunting][Snoring] Uh![Blubbering]- [Rap music]- [Engines rewing] [Sniffing] Ah-choo![Laughing]- Hey, yo, D.J.- What up?- 嘿呦,DJ- 干嘛?- We got ourselves a nodder.- [Chuckling]有一辆车在打瞌睡喔<i>[Kenny G: Songbird]</i>Pretty music. [snoring]音乐真好听Yo, Wingo! Lane change, man.嘿,文哥,换车道了,老兄- Right back at ya!- Yeah!回你那边啦- Oops! I missed.- You going on vacation? - 没有碰到- 你在渡假吗?[All laugh][Snoring][Snoring]- [Chuckling]- [Sniffling]- Oh, no, Snot Rod...- He's gonna blow! - 哦,糟了,大鼻!- 他要打喷嚏啦!Ah... Ah... Ah-choo!Gesundheit!保重身体One should never drive while drowsy. 绝对不要边打瞌睡边开车- [Tires squealing]- [Horns honking] - [Honking loudly]- [Screaming]- Uh! Ah!- [All honking]- 呃!啊![Breathing heavily] Mack!麦大叔!- [Grunting]- [Horns honking]Mack!麦大叔!Mack!麦大叔!Hey, Mack! Mack!嘿,麦大叔!麦大叔!Mack!麦大叔!Mack, wait for me! [engine rewing]麦大叔等等我![Tires squealing]Mack!麦大叔![Bell ringing][Horn bellowing]Mack! Mack!麦大叔!麦大叔!Mack! Mack...麦大叔!麦大叔......wait up! [coughing] Mack.等等!麦大叔!Mack! Mack!麦大叔!麦大叔!What? You're not Mack.你不是麦大叔Mack? I ain't no Mack!I'm a Peterbilt, for dang sake!麦大叔?我不是麦大叔我是大卡车,拜托[Peterbilt]Turn on your lights, you moron!开你的头灯,白痴Mack... The Interstate!麦大叔……州际公路[Tires squealing]- [Engine roaring]- Huh?Not in my town, you don't.在我辖区里休想超速[Siren wailing]Oh, no.哦,糗了- Oh, maybe he can help me!- [Sheriff backfiring]哦!也许他可以帮我He's shooting at me!Why is he shooting at me?他向我开枪?他为什么向我开枪?[Backfiring]I haven't gone this fast in years.我好多年没跑这么快了[Grunting] I'm gonnablow a gasket or somethin'.我的密封垫一定会裂开Serpentine! Serpentine, serpentine!蛇行!蛇行!蛇行!What in the blue blazes?搞什么呀?居然蛇行,飙车狂Crazy hot-rodder.[Siren continues wailing]<i>[Hank Williams:My Heart Would Know]</i>[Buzzing][史丹利我们的城镇奠基者 1909] [Water hose turning on][Snoring]I'm telling you, man,every third blinkis slower.我告诉你,老兄闪第三次都比较慢The sixties weren't good to you,were they?60年代太亏待你了,是吗?[Car backfires][Sirens blasting]What? That's not the Interstate!什么?那不是州际公路- [Sheriff backfires]- Ah! Oh!Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!- [Screaming]- [Tires screeching] No, no, no, no, no, no!不不不Ow!I'm not the only one seeing this, right? 不是只有我看到,对吧?- Incoming!- Whoa, man.危险!- No!- Hey!嘿!你刮了我的漆Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!My tires!我的轮胎!- [Grunting]- [Gasping]- [Screaming]- [Gasping]- [Tires squealing]- [Cables vibrating] [Yelling][Shouting][Screaming]- [Cables whizzing]- [Straining]Fly away, Stanley. Be free!飞走吧,史丹利,自由自在[Gasping][Breathing heavily]Boy, you're in a heap of trouble.小子,你的麻烦可大了[Sighing]<i>We're live at the Los AngelesInternational Speedway</i>记者正在洛杉矶国际赛车场<i>as the first competitor,Lightning McQueen,</i>- 第一位决赛者闪电麦坤- 他来了<i>is arriving at the track.</i>- 刚刚到赛车场- 麦坤先生,旅途顺利吗?<i>Is it true he's gonna pose for Cargirl?</i>他真的要上《赛车女郎》杂志吗?闪电,你的策略是什么?<i>What's your strategy?</i>- [Crowd gasps]- [Cameras clicking]<i>What? Did I forgetto wipe my mud flaps?</i>怎么啦?我忘了擦挡泥板吗?[闪电麦坤失踪了!!]<i>McQueen's driver arrived in California,but McQueen was missing.</i> 麦柛的运送车到达加州但是麦坤不见了<i>- McQueen was reported missing....to race an unprecedented...</i>赛车“闪电麦坤”神秘失踪了麦坤应该参加一场前所未有的……<i>[male] Sponsor statedthey have no idea where he is.</i>赞助厂商说不知道他在什么地方I hope Lightning's OK. I'd hateto see anything bad happen to him.我只希望“闪电”没事我实在不希望他发生任何意外<i>I don't know what's harder to find,McQueen or a chief who'll work with him!</i>我不知道什么比较难找闪电麦坤还是肯跟他合作的总机械师<i>[German accent] Lightning McQueenmust be found at all costs!</i> 不计代价,一定要找到闪电麦坤!<i>They're all asking the same question:Where is McQueen?</i>他们都在问同一个问题:麦坤到底在哪里?[Groaning] Oh, boy.天啊Where am I?这是什么地方啊?- Mornin', sleepin' beauty!- Ah!早啊,睡美人!Boy, I was wonderin'when you was gonnawake up.我在想你要多久才会醒过来Take whatever you want!Just don't hurt me!你要什么就拿去,只要别伤害我A parking boot?Why do I have a parking boot on?轮胎锁?为什么给我上轮胎锁?- What's going on here? Please!- [Chuckling] You're funny.- 这是怎么回事?拜托- 哈哈,你真好笑I like you already. My name's Mater. 我喜欢你,我叫拖线Mater?拖线?Yeah, like "tuh-mater,"but without the "tuh".对,拖把的拖,不是脱衣服的脱- What's your name?- You don't know my name?- 你叫什么名字?- 你…你不知道我的名字?Uh...嗯…我知道你的名字你也叫拖线?No, I know your name.Is your name Mater too?What?什么?Look, I need to get to Californiaas fast as possible. Where am I?听我说,我必须在最短的时间内尽快赶到加州去这是什么地方啊?Where are you? Shoot!这是什么地方?嘿You're in Radiator Springs.这是化油器郡The cutest little townin Carburetor County.一个可爱的小镇,叫油车水镇Oh, great. Just great!好,好极了Well, if you think that's great,you should see the rest of the town.如果你认为这里很好你应该参观镇上其他的地方You know,I'd love to see the rest of the town!你知道吗?我很想参观其他的地方So if you could just open the gate,take this boot off,所以只要你打开门,解开轮胎锁you and me, we go cruisin',check out the local scene...你跟我就一起游览本地的风景好吗?- Dad-gum!- How'd that be, Tuhmater? - 耶,好- 怎么样,拖线?- Cool!- Mater!- 酷!- 拖线!What did I tell youabout talkin' to the accused?我说过,你可不可以跟被告说话?To not to.不可以Well, quit your yappin' and tow thisdelinquent road hazard to traffic court.那就废话少说把这个威胁道路的罪犯,拖去交通法庭Well, we'll talk later, Mater.等会聊了,小老弟[Chuckling] "Later, Mater."That's funny!小老弟,真好笑Ah![Sheriff] The Radiator SpringsTraffic Court will come to order!油车水镇交通法庭即将开庭Hey, you scratched my paint!I oughta take a blowtorch to you, man!你刮了我的漆真该放把火把你烧了You broke-a the road!You a very bad car! 我得重新叠罐头你弄坏道路,你是辆坏车- Fascist!- Commie!- 暴君!- 对啊,对啊Officer, talk to me, babe.How long is this gonna take?警长,请告诉我,这到底还要多久?I gotta get to California, pronto.我很忙,得立刻赶到加州去Where's your lawyer?你的律师呢?I don't know. Tahiti maybe.He's got a timeshare there.谁知道,在大溪地吧他在那里有一个度假屋When a defendant has no lawyer,the court will assign one to him. Hey!当被告没有律师的时候法庭会指派一个给他Anyone want to be his lawyer?谁要当他的律师啊?Shoot, I'll do it, Sheriff!对,我可以,警长All rise! The HonorableDoc Hudson presiding.请起立,法官大人韩大夫主审Show-off.爱现- May Doc have mercy on your soul.- [Door banging]希望韩大夫怜悯你这个可怜虫- [Gasping]- All right,好了,我要知道谁破坏我的镇警长I wanna know who's responsiblefor wreckin' my town, Sheriff.I want his hood on a platter!我要拿下他的车盖I'm gonna put him in jail till he rots!No, check that.我要他坐牢,直到他烂掉不,更正I'm gonna put him in jail tillthe jail rots on top of him,我要他坐牢,直到监牢烂掉,压在他车顶and then I'm gonna move himto a new jail and let that jail rot.然后再把他移到新的坚牢,让那个监牢也烂掉I'm...我……Throw him out of here, Sheriff.把他撵出去,警长I want him out of my courtroom.I want him out of our town! 我要他离开我的法庭我要他离开我的镇- Case dismissed.- Yes!- 本案终结- 好耶Boy, I'm purty goodat this lawyerin' stuff.我可是一流的律师耶Sorry I'm late, Your Honor!抱歉,我迟到了Holy Porsche! She's gotta befrom my attorney's office.保时捷美眉,她一定是我的律师派来的Hey, thanks for comin',but we're all set.谢谢你来,不过没事了- He's letting me go.- He's letting you go?- 他要放我走- 他要放你走?Yeah, your job's pretty easy today. 对,今天你的工作很轻松All you have to do now is stand thereand let me look at you.你只需要乖乖站在那儿让我好好的看看你Listen, I'm gonna cut to the chase.Me, you, dinner. Pi-cha-kow!好吧,我就不拐弯抹角了,我…你…晚餐,咔嚓- What the...? Ow! Oh!- Ka-chow!- 什么?噢!哦- 咔嚓!- Please!- I know. I get that reaction a lot.- 拜托!哦- 我知道,这种反应我见多了I create feelings in others thatthey themselves don't understand.我带给别人的感受连他们自己都无法理解- [Rewing]- Agh! Ow!Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you?对不起,吓着你了吗?A little bit, but I'll be all right. 嗯…有一点,但我不要紧OK. I'm gonna go talk to the judge.好吧,我要去跟法官谈谈Do what you gotta do, baby.But listen. Be careful.做你该做的,宝贝喔!但是小心一点。
Cars 2《赛车总动员2(2011)》完整中英文对照剧本

This is Agent Leland Turbo.我是特工利兰.涡轮.I have a flash transmission for Agent Finn McMissile.帮我给芬.麦克米赛尔传个口信.Finn, my cover's been compromised. Everything's gone pear-shaped.芬, 我的伪装身份暴漏了. 所有事情都搞砸了.You won't believe what I found out here.你不会相信我在这里看到了什么的.This is bigger than anything we've ever seen, and no one even knows it exists. 我从没见到比这里规模大的地方, 而且没有人知道这里.Finn, I need backup, but don't call the cavalry, it could blow the operation. 芬, 我需要支援,但是别派突击部队来,他们会把任务搞砸的.- And be careful. It's not safe out here. Let's go.- 但是一定要小心,这里很不安全. 我们走.Transmitting my grids now. Good luck.现在把我的位置发给你们. 祝你好运.All right, buddy, we're here.好了,伙计,我们到了.All right, buddy, we're here.好了,伙计,我们到了.Right where you paid me to bring you.这就是你付钱要我去的地方.Question is, why?问题是,来这里干吗?I'm looking for a car.我来找一辆车I'm looking for a car.A car? Ha!车?哈哈!A car? Ha!Hey, pal, you can't get any further away from land than out here.嘿,伙计,你不能到比这更远的地方了.Exactly where I want to be.这就是我想要去的地方.I got news for you, buddy. There's nobody out here but us.我有个消息要告诉你,伙计,这里除了我们没别人了.What are you doing out here?你们在这干吗呢?What does it look like, genius? I'm crabbing.你觉得呢?天才.我随便走走而已.Well, turn around and go back where you came from.听着,立刻掉头,哪里来的就回哪里去吧.Yeah, and who's gonna make me?好啊好啊,但是我不听你的又怎么样?All right. All right. Don't get your prop in a twist.好吧好吧.小心别把你们的螺旋桨扭了.What a jerk. Sorry, buddy. Looks like it's the end of the line.真是个混♥蛋♥,对不起了伙计,我想我们只能到这里了.Buddy?伙计,你在吗?Incoming. All workers report to the loading dock.来人了. 所以工作人员到卸货甲板集♥合♥.Leland Turbo, this is Finn McMissile. I'm at the rally point. Over.利兰.涡轮特工,我是芬.麦克米赛尔. 我已经到了集♥合♥地点,请回话. All right, fellas, you know the drill.好了,兄弟们,你们知道怎么做.Leland, it's Finn. Please respond. Over.利兰,我是芬,请回话.Come on, guys. These crates aren't gonna unload themselves.麻利点,这些箱子自己可打不开.Too many cars here. Out of my way.这里有太多车了,我一个人可搞不定.Professor Z黱dapp?詹戴普教授?Here it is, Professor. You wanted to see this before we load it?教授,就是这个,您说运走之前要检查的就是这个吧?Here it is, Professor. You wanted to see this before we load it?教授,就是这个,您说运走之前要检查的就是这个吧?Ah, yes. Very carefully.啊,是的,小心点. Ah, yes. Very carefully.Oh, a TV camera.一台电视摄像机? Oh, a TV camera.- What does it actually do? - This camera is extremely dangerous.- 这到底是做什么的? - 这台摄像机非常的危险.What are you up to now, Professor?教授,你这又在搞什么鬼呢?This is valuable equipment. Make sure it is properly secured for the voyage.这台机器非常重要,航行时候一定要注意安全.- You got it. - Hey, Professor Z!- 明白了. - 詹教授!This is one of those British spies we told you about.这就是我们说的那个英国间谍.Yeah! This one we caught sticking his bumper where it didn't belong.他在偷偷摸摸的时候被我们发现了.Agent Leland Turbo.利兰.涡轮特工.It's Finn McMissile!那是芬.麦克米赛尔!He's seen the camera! Kill him!他看到了摄像机,杀掉他!All hands on deck! All hands on deck!所有人到甲板来! 所有人到甲板来!Whoa!哇!Waargh!啊!What?神马?Get to the boats!开船追!- He's getting away! - Not for long!- 他要跑掉了! - 跑不掉的!He's dead, Professor.教授,我们干掉他了.Wunderbar!太好了!With Finn McMissile gone, who can stop us now?芬.麦克米赛尔死了,谁还能阻止我们?Mater -Tow Mater, that's who - is here to help you.板牙 -拖车.板牙, 我就能 - 能帮你脱出困境.- Hey, Otis! - Hey, Mater.- 嗨, 欧迪斯! - 嗨, 板牙.- Hey, Otis! - Hey, Mater.- 嗨, 欧迪斯! - 嗨, 板牙.I... Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.我... 哎,太抱歉了,我真的很抱歉.I thought I could make it this time, but...我以为这次我一定能做到的...结果...Smooth like pudding, huh?像吃布丁一样顺利?Who am I kidding? I'll always be a lemon.我真是自欺欺车,我只是次品而已.Well, dad-gum, you're leaking oil again. Must be your gaskets. 看啊,你又漏油了伙计.一定是垫圈松了.Hey, but look on the bright side.嘿,看开点.This is your tenth tow this month, so it's on the house.这是你这个月第十次了要我拖你了,所以这次免费.You're the only one that's nice to lemons like me, Mater.你是唯一对像我一样的次品车还这么善良的车了,板牙.Don't sweat it. Shoot, these things happen to everybody.别丧气啊,这种事每辆车都会遇到的.- But you never leak oil. - Yeah, but I ain't perfect.- 可是你从来不会漏油啊. - 那倒是,但是我也不是完美的.Don't tell nobody, but I think my rust is starting to show through.不要说出去哦,我生锈的毛病越来越严重了.Hey. Is Lightning McQueen back yet?对了,闪电麦昆还没有回来吗?Not yet.是啊,还没呢.Not yet.是啊,还没呢.He must be crazy excited about winning his fourth Piston Cup.第四次获得活塞杯冠军,他一定高兴坏了!Four! Wow!第四次!哇哦!Yeah, we're so dad-gum proud of him, but I wish he'd hurry up and get back, 是啊,我们真为他骄傲,不过还是希望他早点回来这里.'cause we got a whole summer's worth of best friend fun to make up for.因为我们有整个夏天可以和最好的朋友一起找乐子了.Just me and...只有我和...McQueen!麦昆!- Whoa, whoa, whoa! - McQueen!- 哇,哇,哇! - 麦昆!- Mater! I'm in no hurry! - Hey, everybody. McQueen's back!- 板牙,我真的一点也不急! - 嗨,大家听着,麦昆回来了!- Aaah! - McQueen's back!- 啊啊啊! - 麦昆回来了!- McQueen's back! McQueen's back! - Aaah! Oooh-hoo! Oooh-hah!- 麦昆回来了! 麦昆回来了! - 啊 ! 哦 ! 啊 !McQueen's back!麦昆回来了!Oh, Lightning! Welcome home!小闪电,欢迎回家!- Good to have you back, honey! - Congratulations, man.- 你回来真好,亲爱的! - 恭喜了,伙计.Welcome home, soldier.欢迎回家来,士兵.The place wasn't the same without you, son.这地方没了你真是不一样啊,孩子.What? Did he go somewhere?神马?他去了什么地方吗?What? Did he go somewhere?神马?他去了什么地方吗?It's good to be home, everybody.回家来感觉真是太好了,大家.- Mater! - McQueen!- 板牙! - 麦昆!- Mater! - McQueen!- 板牙! - 麦昆!Oooh!奥!Whoooa!哇!Hey, how far did you make it this time, Otis?欧迪斯,这次你走了多远啊?- Halfway to the county line. - Ooh, not bad, man!- 才走了一半. - 不错吗,伙计,比以前强多了.I know! I can't believe it either!是吧,我都不敢相信.- McQueen! Welcome back! - Mater, it's so good to see you.- 麦昆,你终于回来了. - 板牙,见到你真高兴.You too, buddy.我也是,伙计.Oh, man, you ain't going to believe the things I got planned for us!伙计,你一定想象不到我给你准备了些什么!These best friend greetings get longer every year!他们打招呼的动作越来越花哨了!These best friend greetings get longer every year!他们打招呼的动作越来越花哨了!- You ready to have some serious fun? - I've got something to show you first. - 准备好见识下我准备的乐子了吗? - 等等,我有些东西想先让你看一下.- You ready to have some serious fun? - I've got something to show you first. - 准备好见识下我准备的乐子了吗? - 等等,我有些东西想先让你看一下. Wow.哇!I can't believe they renamed the Piston Cup不敢相信他们居然改了奖杯的名字after our very own Doc Hudson.还是用我们的哈德森医生的名字.I know Doc said these things were just old cups,我知道医生说过这些只是普通的奖杯而已.but to have someone else win it just didn't feel right, you know? 但是让别人赢走他们还是很不爽的?对不对.Doc would've been real proud of you. That's for sure.医生一定非常为你骄傲,这是一定的.All right, pal. I've been waiting all summer for this.好了,伙计,我一夏天都在期待这个呢.- What you got planned? - Ho-ho-ho! You sure you can handle it? - 你给我们准备了什么好玩的? - 吼吼吼,你确定你能受得了么? Do you know who you're talking to? This is Lightning McQueen! 看看你在和谁讲话,我可是闪电麦昆!I can handle anything.没什么我搞不定的啦.Er... Mater?哦...这个...板牙?Just remember, your brakes ain't going to work on these!只需要记住一点,就是在这上面刹车可没有用哦.- Mater? - Relax.- 板牙? - 放轻松.These train tracks ain't been used in years!这些铁轨几年没人用了.Aaaah!啊啊啊!- Aaaah! - Faster, faster. Come on. Here we go!- 啊啊啊! - 快跑,快跑,别被追上了.Faster!再快点!Ooh. Wow.哦,哇哦!Yeah, I don't know. Do you think?我不太确定,你觉得呢?This is going to be good!这个一定很刺♥激♥.Did you see that?你看到了吗?Uh-oh. This ain't going to be good.哦,不,这个过于刺♥激♥了.Ha-ha! Boy, this was the best day ever!哈哈,哥们,这是最好玩的一天了!And my favorite souvenir, this new dent.还有我最喜欢的纪念品,这个新的凹痕.- Boy, Mater, today was ah... - Shoot, that was nothing. - 板牙,今天真的是... - 没什么,今天没什么Wait till you see what I got planned for tonight!等你看到我晚上给你准备了什么你就知道了.Mater, Mater, whoa! I was thinking of just a quiet dinner. 板牙,板牙,别,我只打算吃一餐安静的晚饭而已. That's exactly what I was thinkin'.和我想的一样啊!- No, I meant with Sally, Mater. - Even better!- 不,我的意思是和莎莉一起. - 那更好啊!You, me and Miss Sally goin' out for supper.我们三个人一起吃晚餐.Mater, I meant it would be just me and Sally.板牙,我的意思是,只有我和莎莉...- Oh. - You know, just for tonight.- 哦. - 放心吧,就是今晚而已.- Oh... - We'll do whatever you want tomorrow.- 哦... - 明天,明天都听你的.OK.好吧.- Thanks for understanding. - Yeah, sure.- 谢谢你理解. - 啊,没问题.- Y'all go on and have fun now. - All right, then.- 去吧,玩得开心点 - 好吧,我走了.See you soon, amigo.回见,朋友.Ah, this is so nice.啊,这真是太棒了.I can't tell you how good it is to be here alone,我形容不出来这样有多么美好just the two of us, finally.终于只有我们两个单独相处的时间了- You and me. Ahem! Good evening.- 你和我. 啊,晚上好.- Oh! - My name is Mater,- 哦! - 我的名字是板牙,and I'll be your waiter.我是你们今晚的服务生.Mater the waiter. That's funny right there.服务生板牙这么念起来真有趣Mater? You work here?板牙?你在这上班么?Yeah, I work here. What'd you think?是啊,我在这里工作,要不然呢?I snuck in here when nobody was lookin'我偷偷的混进来and pretended to be your waiter so I could hang out with you?然后假装做你的服务员,就为了和你一起玩么?Oh, yeah. How ridiculous would that be?好吧,是的. 那多荒唐啊.Can I start you two lovebirds off with a couple of drinks?那么请问这对甜蜜的小鸟,想喝点什么?- Yes. I'll have my usual. - You know what? I'll have that, too.- 麻烦你,和往常一样 - 我想想,给我也来一杯一样的.Uh... Right. Your usual.哦...好吧...和往常一样的..- Thanks, man. - Grazie, Guido.- 谢了. - 谢了,轨道.Guido, what's McQueen's usual?轨道,麦昆常喝的是什么酒?How should I know?我怎么知道?- Perfect. Give me two of them. - Quiet! My program's on.- 太好了,给我来两杯. - 别说话,我等的节目开始了Tonight on the Mel Dorado Show...今晚的梅尔.唐纳秀将带给大家His story gripped the world.他的故事改变了世界.Oil billionaire Miles Axlerod,石油富豪迈尔斯.埃克斯罗德in an attempt to become the first car to circumnavigate the globe without GPS, 在他尝试成为第一辆不用GPS导航环游地球的车的途中,in an attempt to become the first car to circumnavigate the globe without GPS, 在他尝试成为第一辆不用GPS导航环游地球的车的途中,ironically ran out of gas, and found himself trapped in the wild.讽刺的把汽油用光了,困在野外Feared dead, he emerged 36 days later,但是他克服了死亡,于36天之后成功的完成了旅途,running on a fuel he distilled himself from the natural elements! 凭借的是他从自然界提取出来的一种新燃料!Since then, he's sold his oil fortune,从那之后他就变卖♥♥了他所有的石油资产, converted himself from a gas-guzzler into an electric car并把自己改装成一辆太阳能汽车and has devoted his life to finding a renewable, clean-burning fuel. 并且投身于研发一种新型的环保的可再生燃料.Now he claims to have done it with his allinol.现在他宣布他的最新成果-奥利诺.And to show the world what his new super fuel can do为了向世界展示他的新成果的威力And to show the world what his new super fuel can do为了向世界展示他的新成果的威力he's created a racing competition like no other,他创办了这独一无二的赛车比赛,inviting the greatest champions邀请各位最伟大的冠军车参加to battle in the first ever World Grand Prix.第一届世界冠军巡回赛.Welcome, Sir Miles Axlerod.让我们欢迎,迈尔斯,埃克斯罗德爵士Thank you, Mel. It is good to be here. Listen to me.谢谢你,梅尔,很高兴能来到这里听我说Thank you, Mel. It is good to be here. Listen to me.谢谢你,梅尔,很高兴能来到这里听我说Big oil. It costs a fortune. Pollution is getting worse.石油产业,不但昂贵,也导致了污染加剧I mean, it's a fossil fuel. "Fossil," as in dead dinosaurs.想想看,化石燃料,化石说白了就是死掉的恐龙And we all know what happened to them.我们都知道恐龙的下场是什么吧Alternative energy is the future. Trust me, Mel.替代能源才是未来王道相信我,梅尔After seeing allinol in action at the World Grand Prix,当大家在比赛中看到奥利诺的性能之后,nobody will ever go back to gasoline again.就没有人会需要汽油了.What happened to the dinosaurs, now?恐龙的下场是什么?And on satellite, a World Grand Prix competitor现在我们为大家连线了比赛选手之一and one of the fastest cars in the world, Francesco Bernoulli.世界上最快的赛车之一,弗朗西斯科.伯努利.It is an honor, Signore Dorado, for you.多谢夸奖,我很荣幸.Why not invite Lightning McQueen?为什么不请闪电麦昆参赛?Of course we invited him,我们当然邀请了他,but apparently after his very long racing season不过显然经过漫长的赛季之后he is taking time off to rest.他需要时间休息The Lightning McQueen would not have a chance against Francesco. 闪电麦昆根本不是我的对手I can go over 300 kilometers an hour.我的时速能达到300公里In miles, that is like... way faster than McQueen.换算成英里就是... 总之比麦昆快得多就多了Let's go to the phones. Baltimore, Maryland, you're on the air.让我们接进来一些观众来电马里兰州巴尔的摩的观众来电- Am I on? Hello? - You're on. Go ahead.- 听得到吗?我接通了吗? - 是的,请说吧.- Hello? - Go ahead.- 喂? - 请说.Let's go to Radiator Springs. You're on, caller.这次是散热弹簧市的来电这位观众听得到吗.That Italian feller you got on there听着,电视上的意大利佬can't talk that way about Lightning McQueen.你不能那样说闪电麦昆Can't talk that way about Lightning McQueen.你不能那样说闪电麦昆.He's the bestest race car in the whole wide world.他是世界上最棒的赛车- Uh-oh. - If he is, how you say,- 哦,才怪 - 如果他像你说的一样,"the bestest race car," then why must he rest? Huh?"世界上最棒的赛车," 那他为什么还需要休息,哈?'Cause he knows what's important.'那是因为他知道什么是最重要的事情.Every now and then he prefers just to slow down, enjoy life. 他懂得慢下来,享受生活的乐趣.Oh! You heard it! Lightning McQueen prefers to be slow!听到了吗,闪电麦昆喜欢慢下来This is not news to Francesco.这对弗朗西斯科可不是什么新闻When I want to go to sleep, I watch one of his races.我想睡觉的时候总是看麦昆的比赛录像After two laps, I am out cold.不到两圈我就一定睡的和猪一样了.That ain't what I meant.我不是那个意思McQUEEN: What's going on over there?那边发生什么事了He is afraid of Francesco.他一定是怕了我弗朗西斯科.McQUEEN: That's that Italian formula car.那不是那辆意大利方程式赛车么- His name is... - Francesco Bernoulli.- 叫什么来着... - 弗朗西斯科科科,伯努利利利...- No wonder there's a crowd. - Why do you know his name? - 怪不得这么多人 - 你怎么知道他的名字的And don't say it like that. It's three syllables, not ten.还有别说的那么夸张只有三个音节而已,不是十个What? He's nice to look at. You know, open-wheeled and all. 可是他长得很帅啊,你懂的,开放式的车轮还有其他什么的What's wrong with fenders? I thought you liked my fenders. 挡泥板怎么不好了? 我以为你喜欢我的挡泥板呢.- Let me tell you something else. - Mater?- 让我告诉你点别的 - 板牙?- Let me tell you something else. - Mater?- 让我告诉你点别的 - 板牙?McQueen could drive circles around you.麦昆肯定能围着你绕圈开.Driving in circles is all he can-a do, no?他也只能绕圈子了是不是, 不是?No.不是.I mean, yes. I mean, he could beat you anywhere.我是说,是的,我的意思是,他怎么开都能赢你Any time, any track.无论何时,无论何地.Mel, can we move on?梅尔,我们可以换下一位了吗Francesco needs a caller who can provide弗朗西斯科需要一位能够a little more intellectual stimulation, like a dump truck.稍微比他聪明一些的车, 比如一辆蠢车.Ha-ha! That shows what you know. Dump trucks is dumb.哈哈,你明白么,你比蠢车还要蠢Hey! Whoa!嘿,慢着Yeah, hi. This is Lightning McQueen.嗨,这里是闪电麦昆The Lightning McQueen, huh?你是闪电麦昆?I don't appreciate my best friend being insulted like that.我不喜欢你那样侮辱我最好的朋友.McQueen, that was your best friend? Oh!麦昆,原来他是你最好的朋友,哦McQueen, that was your best friend? Oh!麦昆,原来他是你最好的朋友,哦This is the difference between you and Francesco.这就是你和弗朗西斯科的区别Francesco knows how good he is.弗朗西斯科明白自己有多么优秀.He does not need to surround himself with tow trucks to prove it. 他不需要周围摆着蠢车去证明自己有多优秀.Those are strong words from a car that is so fragile.对于你这辆脆车,那还真不像你说话的风格啊Fragile! He calls Francesco fragile!脆车?你说我是脆车?Not-a so fast, McQueen!别这么快下结论"Not so fast. " Is that your new motto?别这么快?那是什么,你的新格言么"Not so fast. " Is that your new motto?别这么快?那是什么,你的新格言么Motto?格言?This sounds like something that needs to be settled on the race course.听起来你们需要在赛道上一分高下了.What do you say, Lightning McQueen? We've got room for one more racer. 你觉得如何,麦昆,我们这就给你准备一个位置.I would love to, but my crew is off for the season, so...我当然很愿意参加,不过我的工作人员还在度假Pit stop.进站You know what? They just got back.你猜怎么着,他们刚刚度假回来Deal me in, baby.把我算上吧,宝贝Ka-chow! Yeah.咔嚓,耶!Ka-chow! Yeah.咔嚓,耶!I know, I know. I just got back, but we won't be long.我知道我才回来,不过我保证不会耽误太久的No, don't worry about me. I've got enough to do here.不要担心我,我在这里有很多事情可以做Mater's going to have a blast, though.板牙一定高兴坏了You're bringing Mater, right?你是要带板牙一起去的,对吧?You never bring him to any of your races.你以前都没带他陪你参赛过Ah.啊..Just let him sit in the pits. Give him a headset.让他在维修站待着,给他一副耳麦就好了啊Come on, it will be the thrill of a lifetime for him.怎么样,他一辈子也忘不了这个的- Your drink, sir. - Mater.- 你的饮料,先生 - 板牙I didn't taste it!我一口也没喝How'd you like to come and see the world with me?你想不想和我一去去看看这个世界- You mean it? - Yeah. You got me into this thing.- 你是认真的么 - 对啊,是你让我参与这次比赛的- You're coming along. - All right!- 你也一起来吧 - 好呀!Ka-chow!咔嚓Ha-ha!哈哈Ha-ha!哈哈Hey!嘿Hey!嘿Hey, excuse me!Hey, excuse me!Domo arigato!Domo arigato!Yeah!Yeah!Guido, look. Ferraris and tires.轨道,看啊,法拉利,还有轮胎- Let's go! - Ho-ho! Look at this.- 走吧! - 哈哈!看这个啊OK, now, Mater, remember, best behavior.好吧,板牙,记着,注意自己的行为.- You got it, buddy. Hey, what's that? - Mater!- 明白你的意思了,那是什么? - 板牙!Hey, McQueen! Over here.嗨,麦昆,到这里来Hey, McQueen! Over here.嗨,麦昆,到这里来- Lewis! - Hey, man.- 路易斯 - 嗨,哥们- Jeff! - Hey, Lightning.- 杰夫 - 嗨,小闪Can you believe this party?这个party也太棒了Hey.嘿You done good. You got all the leaves.你做的真好,你把所有叶子都扫干净了- Check out that tow truck. - Man, I wonder who that guy's with. - 看那辆拖车 - 我想知道是谁带他进来的Ah... Will you guys excuse me just for one little second?啊...你们几个能原谅我走开一会么Ah... Will you guys excuse me just for one little second?啊...你们几个能原谅我走开一会么Ho-ho! Good job!吼吼,干的好!Mater! Listen, this isn't Radiator Springs.板牙,听着,这里不是散热器弹簧镇了You're just realizing that?你不会才发现吧Oh-ho! That jet lag really done a number on you.呕不,坐飞机的时差把你害得不轻啊Mater, things are different over here.板牙,在这里做事情有些不一样Which means maybe you should, you know, act a little different, too. 也就意味着也许你做事情要有一些改变- Different than what? - Well, just help me out here.- 改变什么 - 不管怎么样,你要帮我You need help? Shoot! Why didn't you say so?你需要我帮忙,那你干嘛不早说That's what a tow truck does.拖车最擅长帮忙了- Yeah, I mean... - Looky there.- 我的意思是 - 看那啊It's Mr. San Francisco. I'll introduce you.那不是弗朗西斯科么,我去介绍你- Mater, no! - Look at me. I'm helping you already.- 板牙,不要! - 可是我是在帮你啊Hey, Mr. San Francisco, I'd like you to meet...嘿,弗朗西斯科,我想你见一下Ah, Lightning McQueen! Buona sera.啊,这不是闪电麦昆么- Nice to meet you, Francesco. - Nice to meet you, too.- 很高兴见到你,弗朗西斯科 - 也很高兴见到你You are very good-looking. Not as good as I thought, but good.你看起来果然不错,虽然没有我想象的好,不过也还可以了Excuse me. Can I get a picture with you?我能和你照张相么Anything for McQueen's friend.是麦昆的朋友,干什么都行Miss Sally is going to flip when she sees this.莎莉看到这里一定会激动的晕过去She's Lightning McQueen's girlfriend.她是麦昆的女友- Oooh! - She's a big fan of yours.- 噢 - 她是你的超级粉丝Hey, she has-a good taste.那她的品位可真是不错Mater's prone to exaggeration. I wouldn't say she's a "big fan". 板牙说话喜欢夸大其词,她也就是欣赏你而已了You're right. She's a huge fan!你说得对,她是欣赏你的超级粉丝She goes on and on about your open wheels.她总是一遍遍的说你的开放式轮胎Mentioning it once doesn't qualify as going on and on.提过一次可不能算是一遍遍的说吧Francesco is familiar with this reaction to Francesco.弗朗西斯科明白这个反应Women respect a car that has-a nothing to hide.女的喜欢一辆车可没什么好隐瞒的Yeah, er...是的,不过- Let us have a toast. - Let's.- 让我♥干♥一杯 - 让我们...I dedicate my win tomorrow to Miss Sally.我要把明天的胜利献给莎丽小姐Oh. Sorry.噢,对不起I already dedicated my win tomorrow to her.我已经把明天的胜利献给她了So, if we both do it, it's really not so special.所有我们俩都这么做就没什么特别的了- Besides, I don't have a drink. - I'll go get you one.- 另外我也没有什么喝的 - 我去给你要一杯Do you mind if I borrow a few bucks for one of them drinks? 你不介意我借你钱去买♥♥几杯喝的吧- They're free. - Free? Shoot, what am I doing here?- 饮料是免费的 - 免费?那我还在这里干什么I should probably go keep an eye on him. See you at the race. 我应该盯着点他,比赛见吧Yes, you will see Francesco, but not like this.好的,比赛见,不过不是这样见You will see him like-a this as he drives away from you.你会看到我超过你的时候Ha! That's cute.哈哈,真是太可爱了You had one of those made up for all the racers?每一辆车你都做一个标签么No.不是Okay.好吧- Ciao, McQueen! - He is so getting beat tomorrow!- 再见,麦昆 - 我明天一定要跑赢他Ladies and gentlecars, Sir Miles Axlerod.女士们,先车们,欢迎迈尔斯.埃克斯罗德爵士.It is my absolute honor to introduce to you下面,我荣幸的给大家宣布the competitors in the first ever World Grand Prix.参加第一届世界巡回赛的选手们From Brazil, Number 8...巴西选手,8号♥...- Oh, hello. - Hello.- 你好 - 你好A Volkswagen Karmann Ghia has no radiator.一辆大众的吉亚汽车没有散热片.That's because it's air-cooled.那是因为他是风冷的Great. I'm Agent Shiftwell. Holley Shiftwell from the Tokyo station.太好了,我是特工换挡好东京小组的何丽.换挡好- I have a message from London. - Not here.- 我有一条伦敦的消息 - 别在这里说Try the canap閟 on the mezzanine.我们去楼顶的夹层那里The lab boys analyzed the photo I sent? What did they learn about the camera? 实验室的孩子们看过我发的照片了?他们搞明白摄像机的事情没有It appears to be a standard television camera.表面上看起来就是普通的电视摄像机而已They said if you could get closer photos next time that would be great.他们是如果能拍到更近的照片比较好This was London's message?这就是伦敦的消息么Oh, no. No, sir.不是的,先生The oil platforms you were on,你去的那个采油平台turns out they're sitting on the biggest oil reserve in the world.我们发现他们正在开采世界上最大的油田How did we miss that?我们怎么会没有发现呢They've scrambled everyone's satellites.他们瞒过了所有的探测卫星The Americans discovered it just before you did.美国人在你之前也是刚刚发现They placed an agent on that platform under deep cover.他们在那个平台上安插了一个特工He was able to get a photo of the car who's running the entire operation. 他设法拍到了整个行动的组织者Great.太好了Who is it? Has anyone seen the photo yet?是谁,其他人看到照片了么Nope, not yet.不,还没有The American is here tonight to pass it to you.美国人今晚回到这里来和你交接He'll signal you when he's ready.他准备好之后会给你发信♥号♥♥的Good, good.很好,很好Oh, no.不- What is it? - Change of plan.- 是谁 - 计划有变- You're meeting the American. - What? Me?- 你去和美国人接头. - 什么,我去?Those thugs down there were on the oil platform.下面那帮家伙是平台上的人If they see me, the mission is compromised.如果他们看到我,行动就暴露了No, I'm technical. I'm in diagnostics. I'm... I'm not a field agent.可是,我只是一辆战术车,没有实战经验,不能参与这样的行动You are now.你现在可以了I'll take one of them. Thank you.给我来一个,谢谢Never know which one McQueen will have a hankering for.不知道麦昆想要哪个Hey. What you got here that's free? How about that pistachio ice cream? 你所有的东西都是免费的吗?这个果味冰激凌呢- No, no, wasabi. - Same old same old.- 不不,这是芥末 - 管他什么呢What's up with you? That looks delicious!怎么了,这看起来很好吃啊Er... little more, please. It is free, right?哦..再给我多来点吧,反正是免费的Keep it coming. A little more.继续来,多来点Come on, let's go. It's free.来啊,多来点,免费的You're gettin' there. Scoop, scoop.这些差不多了,继续,继续There ya go! Now that's a scoop of ice cream!这就对了,满满一碗冰激凌My condolences.我替你默哀And now our last competitor.现在介绍最后一位参赛选手Number 95, Lightning McQueen!95号♥!闪电麦昆!Ka-chow!咔嚓!Thank you so much for having us, Sir Axlerod.非常感谢邀请我,埃克斯罗德爵士I really look forward to racing. This is a great opportunity.我非常期待比赛,这是一个非常好的机会Oh, the pleasure is all ours, Lightning.我们感到荣幸有你参加,麦昆You and your team bring excellence and professionalism你和你的团队给大家带来了优秀和职业水准to this competition.希望你们在比赛中再接再厉Somebody get me water! Aah!谁给我点水,啊啊啊Oh, sweet relief. Sweet relief.。

B: Wait a second, Darrell. McQueen is in the wreckage.D: There is no way the rookie can make it through! Not in one piece, that is. .............Look at that! McQueen made it though!B: A spectacular move by lightning McQueen! .....While everyone else heads into the pits, McQueen stays out to take the lead! ..................B: McQueen is not going into the pits!D: You know, the rookie just fired his crew chief. The third one this season!B: Well, says he likes working alone, Darrell! Looks like Chick got caught up in the pits.D: Yeah, after a stop like that, he’s got a lot of ground to make up. Get ready, boys, we’re coming to the restart!...............D: looks like it’s gas-and-go’s for McQueen today.B: That’s right! No tires again!D: That’s a short-term gain, long-term loss, but it’s not workin’ for him. He obviously knows somethin’ we don’t know.B: This is it,Darrell. One lap to go and lightning McQueen has a huge lead.D: Oh, he’s got it in the bay. Call in the dogs and put out the fire. We’re gonna crown us a new champion.D: Oh, no! McQueen’s blown a tire!B: And with only one tire to go! Can he make it?..........D: He’s lost another tire. The King and Chick come up fast!B: They are entering turn three!D: I don’t believe what I’m watching, Bob! Lightning McQueen is 100 feet from his Piston Cup!B: The King and Chick rounding turn four!D: Down the stretch they come! And it’s, and it’s......B: It’s too close to call! Too close!D: I don’t believe it!B: The most spectacular, amazing......D: I don’t believe it!B: ......unequivocally, unbelievable ending in the history of the world!D: I don’t believe.....B: And we don’t even know who win!D: Look at that!。
汽车总动员2 赛车总动员2 台词

100:00:47,062 --> 00:00:48,757<i>This is Agent Leland Turbo.</i><i>我是特工利兰.涡轮.</i>200:00:48,864 --> 00:00:50,855<i>I have a flash transmissionfor Agent Finn McMissile.</i><i>帮我给芬.麦克米赛尔传个口信.</i>300:00:53,035 --> 00:00:55,868<i>Finn, my cover's been compromised. Everything's gone pear-shaped.</i><i>芬, 我的伪装身份暴漏了.所有事情都搞砸了.</i>400:00:57,939 --> 00:00:59,907<i>You won't believe what I found out here.</i> <i>你不会相信我在这里看到了什么的.</i>500:01:00,041 --> 00:01:04,307<i>This is bigger than anything we've everseen, and no one even knows it exists.</i><i>我从没见到比这里规模大的地方, 而且没有人知道这里.</i>600:01:04,445 --> 00:01:08,404<i>Finn, I need backup, but don't callthe cavalry, it could blow the operation.</i><i>芬, 我需要支援,但是别派突击部队来,他们会把任务搞砸的.</i>700:01:08,516 --> 00:01:10,950<i>- And be careful. It's not safe out here.Let's go.</i><i>- 但是一定要小心,这里很不安全.我们走.</i>800:01:11,085 --> 00:01:13,519<i>Transmitting my grids now. Good luck.</i><i>现在把我的位置发给你们. 祝你好运.</i>900:01:47,254 --> 00:01:47,949All right, buddy, we're here.好了,伙计,我们到了.1000:01:47,984 --> 00:01:48,644All right, buddy, we're here.好了,伙计,我们到了.1100:01:49,355 --> 00:01:51,323Right where you paid me to bring you. 这就是你付钱要我去的地方.1200:01:51,424 --> 00:01:53,415 Question is, why?问题是,来这里干吗?1300:01:53,559 --> 00:01:55,993I'm looking for a car.我来找一辆车I'm looking for a car.1400:01:56,128 --> 00:01:57,720A car? Ha!车?哈哈!A car? Ha!1500:01:57,863 --> 00:02:01,230Hey, pal, you can't get any further awayfrom land than out here.嘿,伙计,你不能到比这更远的地方了.1600:02:01,367 --> 00:02:02,994Exactly where I want to be.这就是我想要去的地方.1700:02:03,135 --> 00:02:06,969I got news for you, buddy.There's nobody out here but us.我有个消息要告诉你,伙计,这里除了我们没别人了.1800:02:08,874 --> 00:02:10,569What are you doing out here?你们在这干吗呢?1900:02:10,676 --> 00:02:13,236What does it look like, genius?I'm crabbing.你觉得呢?天才.我随便走走而已.2000:02:13,379 --> 00:02:17,247Well, turn aroundand go back where you came from.听着,立刻掉头,哪里来的就回哪里去吧.2100:02:17,383 --> 00:02:19,317Yeah, and who's gonna make me?好啊好啊,但是我不听你的又怎么样?2200:02:20,553 --> 00:02:23,420All right. All right.Don't get your prop in a twist.好吧好吧.小心别把你们的螺旋桨扭了.2300:02:24,190 --> 00:02:28,354What a jerk. Sorry, buddy.Looks like it's the end of the line.真是个混蛋,对不起了伙计,我想我们只能到这里了.2400:02:29,195 --> 00:02:30,253Buddy?伙计,你在吗?2500:03:32,825 --> 00:03:36,124<i>Incoming.All workers report to the loading dock.</i><i>来人了.所以工作人员到卸货甲板集合.</i>2600:03:37,463 --> 00:03:40,626Leland Turbo, this is Finn McMissile.I'm at the rally point. Over.利兰.涡轮特工,我是芬.麦克米赛尔.我已经到了集合地点,请回话.2700:03:42,168 --> 00:03:44,329All right, fellas, you know the drill.好了,兄弟们,你们知道怎么做.2800:03:44,470 --> 00:03:47,064Leland, it's Finn. Please respond. Over.利兰,我是芬,请回话.2900:03:49,675 --> 00:03:53,236Come on, guys. These cratesaren't gonna unload themselves.麻利点,这些箱子自己可打不开.3000:03:54,780 --> 00:03:57,271<i>Too many cars here. Out of my way.</i><i>这里有太多车了,我一个人可搞不定.</i>3100:03:57,383 --> 00:03:59,613Professor Zdapp?詹戴普教授?3200:03:59,719 --> 00:04:01,147Here it is, Professor. You wanted tosee this before we load it?教授,就是这个,您说运走之前要检查的就是这个吧?3300:04:01,182 --> 00:04:02,576Here it is, Professor. You wanted tosee this before we load it?教授,就是这个,您说运走之前要检查的就是这个吧?3400:04:02,687 --> 00:04:04,621Ah, yes. Very carefully.啊,是的,小心点.Ah, yes. Very carefully.3500:04:04,722 --> 00:04:07,020Oh, a TV camera.一台电视摄像机?Oh, a TV camera.3600:04:07,125 --> 00:04:10,617- What does it actually do?- This camera is extremely dangerous.- 这到底是做什么的?- 这台摄像机非常的危险.3700:04:10,728 --> 00:04:12,525What are you up to now, Professor?教授,你这又在搞什么鬼呢?3800:04:25,476 --> 00:04:29,242This is valuable equipment. Make sureit is properly secured for the voyage.这台机器非常重要,航行时候一定要注意安全.3900:04:29,347 --> 00:04:31,247<i>- You got it.- Hey, Professor Z!</i><i>- 明白了.- 詹教授!</i>4000:04:31,349 --> 00:04:33,840This is one of thoseBritish spies we told you about.这就是我们说的那个英国间谍.4100:04:33,985 --> 00:04:38,012Yeah! This one we caught sticking his bumper where it didn't belong.他在偷偷摸摸的时候被我们发现了.4200:04:38,122 --> 00:04:40,352 Agent Leland Turbo.利兰.涡轮特工.4300:04:47,799 --> 00:04:49,027It's Finn McMissile!那是芬.麦克米赛尔!4400:04:50,101 --> 00:04:52,092He's seen the camera! Kill him!他看到了摄像机,杀掉他!4500:04:52,570 --> 00:04:55,334 <i>All hands on deck!All hands on deck!</i><i>所有人到甲板来!所有人到甲板来!</i>4600:05:17,028 --> 00:05:17,995 Whoa!哇!4700:05:22,967 --> 00:05:24,935 Waargh!啊!4800:06:15,787 --> 00:06:17,254 What?什么?4900:06:30,802 --> 00:06:32,599 Get to the boats!开船追!5000:06:57,729 --> 00:07:00,095- He's getting away!- Not for long!- 他要跑掉了!- 跑不掉的!5100:07:35,900 --> 00:07:37,663<i>He's dead, Professor.</i><i>教授,我们干掉他了.</i>5200:07:38,336 --> 00:07:39,428<i>Wunderbar!</i><i>太好了!</i>5300:07:39,537 --> 00:07:43,268With Finn McMissile gone,who can stop us now?芬.麦克米赛尔死了,谁还能阻止我们?5400:07:43,975 --> 00:07:48,503 Mater -Tow Mater, that's who -is here to help you.板牙 -拖车.板牙, 我就能 -能帮你脱出困境.5500:07:51,582 --> 00:07:52,995- Hey, Otis!- Hey, Mater.- 嗨, 欧迪斯!- 嗨, 板牙.5600:07:53,030 --> 00:07:54,409- Hey, Otis!- Hey, Mater.- 嗨, 欧迪斯!- 嗨, 板牙.5700:07:54,517 --> 00:07:56,951 I... Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.我... 哎,太抱歉了,我真的很抱歉.5800:07:57,053 --> 00:07:59,283I thought I could make it this time, but...我以为这次我一定能做到的...结果...5900:08:02,825 --> 00:08:04,759Smooth like pudding, huh?像吃布丁一样顺利?6000:08:04,861 --> 00:08:08,319Who am I kidding?I'll always be a lemon.我真是自欺欺车,我只是次品而已.6100:08:08,431 --> 00:08:11,958Well, dad-gum, you're leaking oil again. Must be your gaskets.看啊,你又漏油了伙计.一定是垫圈松了.6200:08:12,068 --> 00:08:13,501Hey, but look on the bright side.嘿,看开点.6300:08:13,636 --> 00:08:16,901This is your tenth tow this month,so it's on the house.这是你这个月第十次了要我拖你了,所以这次免费.6400:08:17,006 --> 00:08:20,442You're the only onethat's nice to lemons like me, Mater.你是唯一对像我一样的次品车还这么善良的车了,板牙.6500:08:20,576 --> 00:08:23,909Don't sweat it. Shoot,these things happen to everybody.别丧气啊,这种事每辆车都会遇到的.6600:08:24,013 --> 00:08:27,312- But you never leak oil.- Yeah, but I ain't perfect.- 可是你从来不会漏油啊.- 那倒是,但是我也不是完美的.6700:08:27,417 --> 00:08:30,784Don't tell nobody, but I think my rustis starting to show through.不要说出去哦,我生锈的毛病越来越严重了.6800:08:30,887 --> 00:08:32,718Hey. Is Lightning McQueen back yet?对了,闪电麦昆还没有回来吗?6900:08:32,822 --> 00:08:33,853Not yet.是啊,还没呢.7000:08:33,888 --> 00:08:34,884Not yet.是啊,还没呢.7100:08:34,990 --> 00:08:38,517He must be crazy excitedabout winning his fourth Piston Cup.第四次获得活塞杯冠军,他一定高兴坏了!7200:08:38,660 --> 00:08:39,991Four! Wow!第四次!哇哦!7300:08:40,095 --> 00:08:43,758Yeah, we're so dad-gum proud of him,but I wish he'd hurry up and get back,是啊,我们真为他骄傲,不过还是希望他早点回来这里.7400:08:43,865 --> 00:08:47,062'cause we got a whole summer's worthof best friend fun to make up for.因为我们有整个夏天可以和最好的朋友一起找乐子了.7500:08:47,202 --> 00:08:48,396Just me and...只有我和...7600:08:49,704 --> 00:08:51,001 McQueen!麦昆!7700:08:51,106 --> 00:08:53,370- Whoa, whoa, whoa!- McQueen!- 哇,哇,哇!- 麦昆!7800:08:53,475 --> 00:08:57,036- Mater! I'm in no hurry!- Hey, everybody. McQueen's back! - 板牙,我真的一点也不急!- 嗨,大家听着,麦昆回来了!7900:08:57,179 --> 00:08:59,010- Aaah!- McQueen's back!- 啊啊啊!- 麦昆回来了!8000:08:59,114 --> 00:09:03,050- McQueen's back! McQueen's back! - Aaah! Oooh-hoo! Oooh-hah!- 麦昆回来了! 麦昆回来了!- 啊 ! 哦 ! 啊 !8100:09:03,185 --> 00:09:04,777 McQueen's back!麦昆回来了!8200:09:04,886 --> 00:09:07,480 Oh, Lightning! Welcome home!小闪电,欢迎回家!8300:09:07,622 --> 00:09:11,149- Good to have you back, honey!- Congratulations, man.- 你回来真好,亲爱的!- 恭喜了,伙计.8400:09:11,259 --> 00:09:12,487 Welcome home, soldier.欢迎回家来,士兵.8500:09:12,627 --> 00:09:14,959The place wasn't the same without you, son.这地方没了你真是不一样啊,孩子.8600:09:15,063 --> 00:09:16,360 What? Did he go somewhere?什么?他去了什么地方吗?8700:09:16,395 --> 00:09:17,657 What? Did he go somewhere?什么?他去了什么地方吗?8800:09:17,798 --> 00:09:21,199It's good to be home, everybody.回家来感觉真是太好了,大家.8900:09:21,302 --> 00:09:22,701 - Mater!- McQueen!- 板牙!- 麦昆!9000:09:22,937 --> 00:09:24,199 - Mater!- McQueen!- 板牙!- 麦昆!9100:09:24,305 --> 00:09:25,897 Oooh!奥!9200:09:27,208 --> 00:09:29,676 Whoooa!哇!9300:09:30,411 --> 00:09:32,709Hey,how far did you make it this time, Otis? 欧迪斯,这次你走了多远啊?9400:09:32,847 --> 00:09:36,715- Halfway to the county line.- Ooh, not bad, man!- 距离国道还有一半.- 不错吗,伙计,比以前强多了.9500:09:36,851 --> 00:09:38,409I know! I can't believe it either!是吧,我都不敢相信.9600:09:38,519 --> 00:09:42,387- McQueen! Welcome back!- Mater, it's so good to see you.- 麦昆,你终于回来了.- 板牙,见到你真高兴.9700:09:42,490 --> 00:09:43,718You too, buddy.我也是,伙计.9800:09:43,858 --> 00:09:47,316Oh, man, you ain't going to believethe things I got planned for us!伙计,你一定想象不到我给你准备了些什么!9900:09:47,461 --> 00:09:48,974These best friend greetingsget longer every year!他们打招呼的动作越来越花哨了!10000:09:49,009 --> 00:09:50,488These best friend greetingsget longer every year!他们打招呼的动作越来越花哨了!101- You ready to have some serious fun? - I've got something to show you first. - 准备好见识下我准备的乐子了吗? - 等等,我有些东西想先让你看一下.10200:09:53,178 --> 00:09:55,457- You ready to have some serious fun? - I've got something to show you first. - 准备好见识下我准备的乐子了吗? - 等等,我有些东西想先让你看一下.10300:09:56,436 --> 00:09:57,596 Wow.哇!10400:09:57,737 --> 00:10:00,103I can't believethey renamed the Piston Cup不敢相信他们居然改了奖杯的名字105after our very own Doc Hudson.还是用我们的哈德森医生的名字.10600:10:03,476 --> 00:10:05,842I know Doc said these thingswere just old cups,我知道医生说过这些只是普通的奖杯而已.10700:10:05,945 --> 00:10:10,109but to have someone else win itjust didn't feel right, you know?但是让别人赢走他们还是很不爽的?对不对.10800:10:13,653 --> 00:10:17,111Doc would've been real proud of you.That's for sure.医生一定非常为你骄傲,这是一定的.10900:10:20,292 --> 00:10:23,420All right, pal.I've been waiting all summer for this.好了,伙计,我一夏天都在期待这个呢.11000:10:23,529 --> 00:10:26,657- What you got planned?- Ho-ho-ho! You sure you can handle it? - 你给我们准备了什么好玩的?- 吼吼吼,你确定你能受得了么?11100:10:26,799 --> 00:10:30,235Do you know who you're talking to?This is Lightning McQueen!看看你在和谁讲话,我可是闪电麦昆!11200:10:30,336 --> 00:10:32,304I can handle anything.没什么我搞不定的啦.11300:10:32,404 --> 00:10:34,133Er... Mater?哦...这个...板牙?11400:10:34,273 --> 00:10:37,470Just remember, your brakesain't going to work on these!只需要记住一点,就是在这上面刹车可没有用哦.11500:10:37,576 --> 00:10:39,476- Mater?- Relax.- 板牙?- 放轻松.11600:10:39,578 --> 00:10:42,138These train tracksain't been used in years!这些铁轨几年没人用了.11700:10:42,281 --> 00:10:44,340Aaaah!啊啊啊!11800:10:44,483 --> 00:10:46,474- Aaaah!- Faster, faster. Come on. Here we go! - 啊啊啊!- 快跑,快跑,别被追上了.11900:10:46,585 --> 00:10:48,052 Faster!再快点!12000:10:51,290 --> 00:10:53,485 Ooh. Wow.哦,哇哦!12100:10:53,592 --> 00:10:57,050 Yeah, I don't know. Do you think?我不太确定,你觉得呢?12200:10:57,162 --> 00:10:59,153This is going to be good!这个一定很刺激.12300:11:08,307 --> 00:11:10,537Did you see that?你看到了吗?12400:11:12,811 --> 00:11:14,779Uh-oh.This ain't going to be good.哦,不,这个过于刺激了.12500:11:17,616 --> 00:11:20,585Ha-ha! Boy, this was the best day ever!哈哈,哥们,这是最好玩的一天了!12600:11:20,719 --> 00:11:24,018And my favorite souvenir,this new dent.还有我最喜欢的纪念品,这个新的凹痕. 12700:11:24,156 --> 00:11:27,717- Boy, Mater, today was ah...- Shoot, that was nothing.- 板牙,今天真的是...- 这个不算什么了~12800:11:27,860 --> 00:11:30,021Wait till you seewhat I got planned for tonight!等你看到我晚上给你准备了什么你就知道了.12900:11:30,162 --> 00:11:34,496Mater, Mater, whoa!I was thinking of just a quiet dinner.板牙,板牙,别,我只打算吃一餐安静的晚饭而已.13000:11:34,600 --> 00:11:37,933That's exactly what I was thinkin'.和我想的一样啊!13100:11:38,037 --> 00:11:41,404- No, I meant with Sally, Mater.- Even better!- 不,我的意思是和莎莉一起.- 那更好啊!13200:11:41,540 --> 00:11:44,907You, me and Miss Sallygoin' out for supper.我们三个人一起吃晚餐.13300:11:45,010 --> 00:11:47,205 Mater, I meant it would bejust me and Sally.板牙,我的意思是,只有我和莎莉...13400:11:48,180 --> 00:11:51,513- Oh.- You know, just for tonight.- 哦.- 放心吧,就是今晚而已.13500:11:52,251 --> 00:11:54,583- Oh...- We'll do whatever you want tomorrow. - 哦...- 明天,明天都听你的.13600:11:55,454 --> 00:11:56,614OK.好吧.13700:11:56,755 --> 00:11:59,155- Thanks for understanding.- Yeah, sure.- 谢谢你理解.- 啊,没问题.13800:12:00,259 --> 00:12:03,228- Y'all go on and have fun now.- All right, then.- 去吧,玩得开心点- 好吧,我走了.13900:12:03,362 --> 00:12:05,455See you soon, amigo.回见,朋友.14000:12:11,470 --> 00:12:13,529Ah, this is so nice.啊,这真是太棒了.14100:12:13,639 --> 00:12:16,574I can't tell you how good it isto be here alone,我形容不出来这样有多么美好14200:12:16,675 --> 00:12:18,472just the two of us, finally.终于只有我们两个单独相处的时间了14300:12:18,610 --> 00:12:21,010- You and me.Ahem! Good evening.- 你和我.啊,晚上好.14400:12:21,113 --> 00:12:22,978 - Oh!- My name is Mater,- 哦!- 我的名字是板牙,14500:12:23,082 --> 00:12:24,572 and I'll be your waiter.我是你们今晚的服务生.14600:12:24,683 --> 00:12:27,345 Mater the waiter.That's funny right there.服务生板牙这么念起来真有趣14700:12:27,453 --> 00:12:29,444 Mater? You work here?板牙?你在这上班么?14800:12:29,588 --> 00:12:31,419Yeah, I work here. What'd you think?是啊,我在这里工作,要不然呢?14900:12:31,523 --> 00:12:33,252I snuck in herewhen nobody was lookin'我偷偷的混进来15000:12:33,392 --> 00:12:35,986and pretended to be your waiterso I could hang out with you?然后假装做你的服务员,就为了和你一起玩么?15100:12:36,095 --> 00:12:39,861Oh, yeah.How ridiculous would that be?好吧,是的.那多荒唐啊.15200:12:39,998 --> 00:12:43,161Can I start you two lovebirds offwith a couple of drinks?那么请问这对甜蜜的小鸟,想喝点什么?15300:12:43,268 --> 00:12:47,398- Yes. I'll have my usual.- You know what? I'll have that, too.- 麻烦你,和往常一样- 我想想,给我也来一杯一样的.15400:12:49,041 --> 00:12:51,373Uh... Right. Your usual.哦...好吧...和往常一样的..15500:12:59,685 --> 00:13:01,585<i>- Thanks, man.- Grazie, Guido.</i><i>- 谢了.- 谢了,轨道.</i>15600:13:01,687 --> 00:13:03,245Guido, what's McQueen's usual?轨道,麦昆常喝的是什么?15700:13:03,355 --> 00:13:04,515How should I know?我怎么知道?15800:13:04,656 --> 00:13:07,648- Perfect. Give me two of them.- Quiet! My program's on.- 太好了,给我来两杯.- 别说话,我等的节目开始了15900:13:07,759 --> 00:13:10,023<i>Tonight on the Mel Dorado Show...</i> <i>今晚的梅尔.唐纳秀将带给大家</i>16000:13:10,129 --> 00:13:11,892<i>His story gripped the world.</i><i>他的故事改变了世界.</i>16100:13:12,030 --> 00:13:14,396<i>Oil billionaire Miles Axlerod,</i><i>石油富豪迈尔斯.埃克斯罗德</i>16200:13:14,500 --> 00:13:16,397<i>in an attempt to become the first car tocircumnavigate the globe without GPS,</i><i>在他尝试成为第一辆不用GPS导航环游地球的车的途中,</i>16300:13:16,432 --> 00:13:18,295<i>in an attempt to become the first car tocircumnavigate the globe without GPS,</i><i>在他尝试成为第一辆不用GPS导航环游地球的车的途中,</i>16400:13:18,436 --> 00:13:21,701<i>ironically ran out of gas,and found himself trapped in the wild.</i><i>具有讽刺的是没有汽油了,困在野外</i>16500:13:21,839 --> 00:13:24,603<i>Feared dead, he emerged 36 days later,</i><i>但是他克服了死亡,成功在36天后脱困</i>16600:13:24,709 --> 00:13:28,338<i>running on a fuel he distilled himselffrom the natural elements!</i><i>凭借的是他从自然界提取出来的一种新燃料!</i>16700:13:28,479 --> 00:13:30,504<i>Since then, he's sold his oil fortune,</i><i>从那之后他就变卖了他所有的石油资产,</i>16800:13:30,648 --> 00:13:33,481<i>converted himself from a gas-guzzlerinto an electric car</i><i>并把自己改装成一辆太阳能汽车</i>16900:13:33,584 --> 00:13:36,747<i>and has devoted his life to findinga renewable, clean-burning fuel.</i><i>并且投身于研发一种新型的环保的可再生燃料.</i>17000:13:36,888 --> 00:13:38,879<i>Now he claims to have done itwith his allinol.</i><i>现在他宣布他的最新成果-奥利诺.</i>17100:13:38,990 --> 00:13:40,487<i>And to show the worldwhat his new super fuel can do</i><i>为了向世界展示他的新成果的威力</i>17200:13:40,522 --> 00:13:41,984<i>And to show the worldwhat his new super fuel can do</i><i>为了向世界展示他的新成果的威力</i>17300:13:42,092 --> 00:13:44,322<i>he's created a racing competitionlike no other,</i><i>他创办了这独一无二的赛车比赛,</i>17400:13:44,461 --> 00:13:46,326<i>inviting the greatest champions</i><i>邀请各位最伟大的冠军车参加</i>17500:13:46,463 --> 00:13:48,454<i>to battle in the first everWorld Grand Prix.</i><i>第一届世界冠军巡回赛.</i>17600:13:48,565 --> 00:13:50,692 Welcome, Sir Miles Axlerod.让我们欢迎,迈尔斯,埃克斯罗德爵士17700:13:51,201 --> 00:13:52,498Thank you, Mel. It is good to be here. Listen to me.谢谢你,梅尔,很高兴能来到这里听我说17800:13:52,533 --> 00:13:53,796Thank you, Mel. It is good to be here.Listen to me.谢谢你,梅尔,很高兴能来到这里听我说17900:13:54,070 --> 00:13:57,096Big oil. It costs a fortune.Pollution is getting worse.石油产业,不但昂贵,也导致了污染加剧18000:13:57,207 --> 00:14:00,665I mean, it's a fossil fuel."Fossil," as in dead dinosaurs.想想看,化石燃料,化石说白了就是死掉的恐龙18100:14:02,044 --> 00:14:03,511And we all knowwhat happened to them.我们都知道恐龙的下场是什么吧18200:14:03,612 --> 00:14:06,342 Alternative energy is the future.Trust me, Mel.替代能源才是未来王道相信我,梅尔18300:14:06,482 --> 00:14:09,383After seeing allinol in actionat the World Grand Prix,当大家在比赛中看到奥利诺的性能之后,18400:14:09,518 --> 00:14:13,249<i>nobody will ever go backto gasoline again.</i><i>就没有人会需要汽油了.</i>18500:14:13,356 --> 00:14:14,323What happened to the dinosaurs, now?恐龙的下场是什么?18600:14:15,723 --> 00:14:17,247And on satellite,a World Grand Prix competitor现在我们为大家连线了比赛选手之一18700:14:17,358 --> 00:14:20,521and one of the fastest cars in the world, Francesco Bernoulli.世界上最快的赛车之一,弗朗西斯科.伯努利.18800:14:20,628 --> 00:14:24,086<i>It is an honor, Signore Dorado,for you.</i><i>多谢夸奖,我很荣幸.</i>18900:14:24,198 --> 00:14:25,893Why not invite Lightning McQueen?为什么不请闪电麦昆参赛?19000:14:26,034 --> 00:14:27,524<i>Of course we invited him,</i><i>我们当然邀请了他,</i>19100:14:27,635 --> 00:14:30,035but apparently after his very long racing season不过显然经过漫长的赛季之后19200:14:30,138 --> 00:14:32,129he is taking time off to rest.他需要时间休息19300:14:32,240 --> 00:14:35,676The Lightning McQueen would not have a chance against Francesco.闪电麦昆根本不是我的对手19400:14:35,777 --> 00:14:38,905I can go over 300 kilometers an hour. 我的时速能达到300公里19500:14:39,047 --> 00:14:43,882In miles, that is like...way faster than McQueen.换算成英里就是...总之比麦昆快得多就多了19600:14:44,018 --> 00:14:46,919Let's go to the phones.Baltimore, Maryland, you're on the air. 让我们接进来一些观众来电马里兰州巴尔的摩的观众来电19700:14:47,055 --> 00:14:49,285<i>- Am I on? Hello?- You're on. Go ahead.</i><i>- 听得到吗?我接通了吗?- 是的,请说吧.</i>19800:14:49,390 --> 00:14:50,687<i>- Hello?- Go ahead.</i><i>- 喂?- 请说.</i>19900:14:51,926 --> 00:14:54,360 Let's go to Radiator Springs.You're on, caller.这次是散热弹簧市的来电这位观众听得到吗.20000:14:54,462 --> 00:14:57,192<i>That Italian felleryou got on there</i><i>听着,电视上的意大利佬</i>20100:14:57,298 --> 00:14:58,193<i>can't talk that way about Lightning McQueen.</i><i>你不能那样说闪电麦昆</i>20200:14:58,228 --> 00:14:59,089<i>Can't talk that way aboutLightning McQueen.</i><i>你不能那样说闪电麦昆.</i>20300:14:59,199 --> 00:15:02,396 He's the bestest race carin the whole wide world.他是世界上最棒的赛车20400:15:02,536 --> 00:15:05,300 <i>- Uh-oh.- If he is, how you say,</i><i>- 哦,才怪- 如果他像你说的一样,</i>20500:15:05,406 --> 00:15:08,307 "the bestest race car,"then why must he rest? Huh? "世界上最棒的赛车,"那他为什么还需要休息,哈?20600:15:08,409 --> 00:15:09,933<i>'Cause he knowswhat's important.</i><i>'那是因为他知道什么是最重要的事情.</i>20700:15:10,077 --> 00:15:13,638<i>Every now and then he prefersjust to slow down, enjoy life.</i><i>他懂得慢下来,享受生活的乐趣.</i>20800:15:13,781 --> 00:15:16,807Oh! You heard it!Lightning McQueen prefers to be slow!听到了吗,闪电麦昆喜欢慢下来20900:15:16,950 --> 00:15:18,645This is not news to Francesco.这对弗朗西斯科可不是什么新闻21000:15:18,786 --> 00:15:21,050When I want to go to sleep,I watch one of his races.我想睡觉的时候总是看麦昆的比赛录像21100:15:21,188 --> 00:15:22,746<i>After two laps, I am out cold.</i><i>不到两圈我就一定睡的和猪一样了.</i>21200:15:22,856 --> 00:15:25,051That ain't what I meant.我不是那个意思21300:15:26,627 --> 00:15:28,356 McQUEEN: What's going onover there?那边发生什么事了21400:15:28,462 --> 00:15:31,056<i>He is afraid of Francesco.</i><i>他一定是怕了我弗朗西斯科.</i>21500:15:31,165 --> 00:15:33,429。
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主持人1:So the race will go on..folks .
主持人2:But the question everyone is asking :”Will the real Lighting Mcqueen show up today ?”主持人1:Hed better .Talk about a home track advantage. Francesco Bernoulli grew up racing on this course .
Signore and signori ,in the pole position ,Numero Uno, Francesco.
弗朗西斯科:Bellissima !Thank you for your support !And your big mistake, Mcqueen !
主持人1:In secondo position ,numero,95, Lighting –a Mcqueen-a!
黄车:Mcqueen-a ,is –a everything OK?
绿车:If you are worried about your fuel ,man, don’t. Its perfectly safe .
麦昆No ,guys .I just really wish Mater were here .
弗朗西斯科:Francesco understands , Mcqueen.
麦昆:Oh ,great .here it comes .What do you got,,Francesco?
弗朗西斯科:For famous race cars like Francesco and well you ,to be far away from home is not easy,
麦昆:I think you forgot the insulting part of that insult .
弗朗西斯科:Is-a no insult. When-a Francesco is away from home ,he misses his mama ,just like-a you miss your tow truck amico .
麦昆:Gee, I maybe misjudged you ,because that’s exactly``````
弗朗西斯科:Of course ,I am at home, andy mama is right here. Mama!
Don’t worry ,Mama, Mcqueen is very sad .I will beat his cry-babay bottom today!
麦昆:And there is the insult we were missing .
主持人2:Darrell ,the racers are settling in as they head to the Italian countryside .
Whoo,boy !This is gonna be a great race .
黑车:Germlins .Man, those are some ugly cars .Look like someone stole their trunks.
灵智速:Mt grand-a father ,has-a broken down .If-a one of-a you would help, I would be so thankful .
蓝车:Sounds like you need some roadside assistance .
黑车:She was talking to me .
蓝车:Really?Prove it .
灵智速:Don’t–a fight over me. Signore Tow truck, per favore .
芬恩:Get ready, Mater .You are on any moment now .
脱线:I don’t know about this .What if I screw things up ?
芬恩:Impossible. Just apply the same level of dedication .you have been using to play the idiot tow truck ,and you will be fine .
脱线:Its just that them guys look purty tough and``````Wait ,did you say”idiot”? Is that how you see me?
芬恩:That’s how everyone sees you..Is not that the idea?I tell you,that’s the genius of it. No one realizes they are being fooled .Because they are too busy laughing at the fool .Brilliant! 灵智速:Why are not you in disguise ?
脱线:I er ``````
灵智速:Come on !there is no time !Go!
脱线:OK OK!Computer, disguise !
电脑:Request acknowledged .
黑车:It is the boss. He is coming.
脱线:Oh er```
老板:Ivan, why do you insult me so by making me wait here ? 灵智速:He is in.
主持人1:The racers are now making their way around the hairpin .
And headed downhill toward the casino bridge .。