
2020年12月12日托福考试真题回顾托福2020年12月12日的线下考场已结束,整体来说难度一般,但也有不少考生反应作文和听力比较难,具体题目如何呢?我们一起来回顾下:2020年12月12日托福写作真题独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most problem affecting the society could be solved probably during your life time.综合写作一种恐龙圆顶坚硬部位的作用阅读:1.species recognition区分不同种类的恐龙2.head butting用于战斗3.用于吸引异性听力反驳:1.它不具有特殊性(它是普通的而不是唯一的)2.它比较脆弱,容易受伤,且具有年龄依赖性3.它的大小好看和性别无关和年龄有关2020年12月12日托福口语真题人们现在喜欢用微信等线上方式和朋友进行交流,你觉得应该及时回复朋友的消息吗?T2因为人少,所以考虑关闭沙滩上的瑜伽课,不过可以在体育馆继续上课。
T4evolution loss动物特征消失原因,举例一种昆虫一开始有翅膀,后来没翅膀,原因一开始在热带地区,需要翅膀在植物间和花之间觅食,后来移到了冰冷的地区了,没有竞争者之后,就不需要飞可以直接吃落叶,所以翅膀就消失了。
2020年12月12日托福听力真题C1id card拍照要去archive(没有id卡去不了因为明天之后那个地方关门装修)最后employee提出办法说可以用一个temporary cardC2音乐:录音带新音乐形式一个学生文学考试考的不好找老师,老师给了建议还说后面会学图画书C4一个男生写的是墨西哥电影的衰落,找老师延长ddl老师说可以建议提一下电影导演,男生说他找了西班牙语的资料,老师说很好,老师又建议男生在关于电影decline的pre里讲一些上下文,问了衰落的原因是电视的兴起对电影造成冲击,和政府资助减少C5宿舍的改造,老师觉得经费有限,但由于学生的劝说开始改口说可以考虑C6暑期实习的学生回来感谢事业官员的帮助,并讨论到学生哥哥也在他这里受到过帮助,和哥哥的现状L1音乐历史是介绍了电子音乐的一个作曲家,他的soundmass还有就是没有活页乐谱,只把曲子录下来来拉近作曲家和听众的距离L2一个河岸学校在很多艺术家聚集的地方,然后介绍了四幅画L3艺术历史也反映社会现实,举例西班牙和罗马石刻艺术的互相影响天文学,是爱因斯坦的相对论,星球引力引起弯曲的空间,然后这个特征可以用来测量天体距离和质量L5动物适应城市生活的方法,举例鸽子L6肌肉疲劳,一个限制理论另一个大脑控制的中央治理理论L7文学,讲故事和短篇小说2020年12月12日托福阅读真题R1欧洲语言R2动物habitat选择R3oil&suboil&地下水,地层三个layer分别的作用R4猴子和猿的模仿行为,猴子的是非故意的;猿学的重更快并且愿意跑很远R5农耕方式,在同一块土地上种很多种植物,除了玉米以外别的都要种在别的地方R6地球因为离太阳距离适中所以适合生命生存;木星的一颗卫星上有潮汐力提供能量所以这个卫星也适合有生命;另外海底的volcano vent也能提供能量R7瀑布对生物的影响R8在别人(正面和负面)在场的情况下,科学家实验看人的表现会不会有影响。

2020年12月12日托福阅读真题12月12日托福阅读第一篇主要内容:讲learning standard test set,就是如何测试不同种类动物的intelligence。
又举了一个澳大利亚的mouse like的动物的例子,同样做类似上面的实验,第一次区分ab第二次区分黑白。
这种动物大脑很小但是测试结果很高,是因为他们生活在wide open areas,很容易被捕食者发现,他们要避免天地还要抓很敏捷的昆虫做实物,所以这方面水平很强。
然后这里有个句子简化题,大意是说动物的process different,不能说明学习水平,也不能用之前的实验来测试。

托福口语task2真题解析分享【高分回答】I would choose music history for a number of reasons.First, taking music courses has a ripple effect of helping students become better at other courses. When a team of researchers explored the connection between intelligence and music, they found that music instruction is far more effective than computer-based instruction when developing abstract critical thinking skills.Secondly, regardless of what we do for a living, all of us can learn from the past. Music is an integral part of our culture, a part that has ebbed and flowed in various directions over time. Learning about its history, and the ways in which it has changed over time, will make our appreciation for it much greater.我会选择音乐史的原因有很多。

2020年12月20日大陆托福考试口语真题回顾(双版本)1.第一个选择volunteer work你会选哪一个是tutoringstudents还有教大人认字和教老人开车电?2.买贵的东西的时候钱不够,你是倾向于跟人借钱还是自己攒够钱去买?3.有学生建议学校在建立一个electronic board方便发布信息,这样不但方便了同学,学校也会看起来更整洁,因为不会有人乱贴海报了。
女生不同意,因为如果信息太过于集中反而不会很多人看见,比如如果有人要实书,那么买书的同学必须要到才能看到需要的信息,所以想贴信息的同学不会post in one place,举了个例子她有回在图书馆看到个海报,因为之前没去图书馆,所以看到的时候己经错过了音乐会的例子。
而且就算有了电子板,但是大家都不会愿意花时间提交信息,等着post到electronic board还是直接post海报比较方便。
4.training is a way to teach children gradually教授通过教他女儿color in the colouring book来阐述的,刚开始女儿不会hold crayons所以无论女儿拿笔画什么在哪儿画,教授都会夸赞她well done。
后来逐步教她在本子上画,如果画在本上就表杨她,没画在其中就say nothing,再慢慢的会教她将特殊颜色画在特殊的地方,做到了就praise否则就keep silence5.女生选择了 American landscape作为自己的 topic,她很喜欢而且know much about this topic但是有人选择了 same topic她担心 presentation做一样的大家会觉得bored,如果换成folk art的话她不太了解还需要*重做。
但是老师本来的建议是learnsomething new这是老师本来的建议是learn something new这样对她也好.6.irrigation对农业很重要但是也有problem —是too much water会影晌生长会有fungus,破坏植物,举了一个melon的例子。

2020年12月12日大陆托福考试口语真题回顾解析范文Task1If your university is going to invite someone to give a speech, who do you think they should invite? A businessman, a scientist or a politician?Personally speaking, I think it's a good idea to invite a scientist to give a speech in my university. I've got two reasons. First of all, students can benefit academically from a scientist's speech. Take myself as an example, myuniversity invited a environmental research scientist to give a speech regarding global warming. Even though it was not my major, I still learnt quite a lot from it. I learnt that in urban area, gas-tail emission contributes to more than 30% of the air pollution. And the scientist also shared several day-to-day things we ordinary people could do to protect the environment Secondly, scientists usually have some really amazing life stories of themselves about how their passionfor science affected their life‘ 1 find these stories extremely inspiring and they usually have a positiveinfluence on me as well.Task2If you have a misunderstanding with your friend, do you prefer talking it out in a public place or in a private place?If I ever got into such an awkward situation with my friend, I guess I would feel more comfortable talking aboutit in a public place. Firstly, people are usually more restrained in a public place, so it's less likely things will get out of control For instance, once my mom got into a fight with her friend, and my mom invited the friend home to talk it out. At first my mom wanted to apologize, but the friend just kept pushing her buttons until my mom couldn't take it any more. In the end they got into an even bigger fight . But if it was in a public place, I guess both my mom and her friend would have to think twice about their attitude and behaviors. At least things wouldn't get worse than before. Plus, I feel more at ease when I'm in a public place like a cafe or a pub, I can express myself better when I m more relaxed and our conflicts can be solved more easily.Task 3The university Is planning to offer business class on Saturdays and lower the tuition fee. In the conversation, the woman agrees with the plan. The first reason is that a lot of students who take business class also work full-time, since the business class will now be offered on Saturdays, it means it's more possible for students who also work full-time to take the class. As for the second reason, she points out that lowering the tuition fee will make it possible for more students to take the class, they will be able to afford itTask 4In the lecture, the professor introduces the concept of loss aversion. He offers us an example to illustrate It The professor once went to a supermarket and bought 20 dollars worth of food, but the cashier made a mistake and charged him 30 dollars instead. When the professor realized the mistake,he had to drive all the way back to the supermarket to get his 10 dollars back. But a couple of days later, his friend told him that a new cafe in town was giving 10 dollars to whoever was willing to try their new coffee, but the professor just wasn't interested in going at all.Task5The woman's problem is that she's the president of the camping club and she's supposed to take everyone camping this weekend, unfortunately the weather report said that it was going to rain- There are two possible solutions. The first one is to postpone the trip and go camping next weekend instead. And the second solution is to go this weekend and remind everyone to bring a raincoat. If I were in her shoes, I d go for the first solution because her club members would probably understand since It's not really something within her control I personally don't recommend the other solution because if it really rains, the members will have to stay inside the tents, what's the point of going camping if you can't even go outside?Task 6In the lecture, the professor talks about the characters of rainforest. The first one is warm climate. Take orchids as an example, orchids are pretty sensitive to the temperature, they can hardly survive the cold, but since the climate in the rainforest is relatively warm, the orchids can grow very well there. The other one is about canopy. The canopy created by layers and layers of leaves blocks the sunlight, so the environment on the ground is quite different from the。

2020年托福口语模拟试题及答案(卷一)While networking on the internet provides instant access to different groups and individuals, allowing us to interact with each other regardless of geological location or timeframe of availability, it also has some significant drawbacks.First, it's not always safe to network online.The interconnectivity of social networking sites is one of its biggest selling points, but it also comes with a serious drawback. If you're not careful, you can leave yourself open to stalkers, cyberbullying and other forms of harassment, as unwelcome individuals make contact with you through the site.Second, networking online can be addictive. If you allow it, social networking sites can completely consume your life. New friends requesting to be added, post updates, polls, games and links to countless different websites can turn a pleasant diversion into a significant expenditure of time. If left unchecked, this can create problems as “real”relationships suffer for the sake of virtual ones.虽然互联网上的联网给不同的群体和个人提供即时访问,允许我们无论地理位置或可用性的时间的相互交流,它也有一些明显的缺点。

托福口语真题训练口语真题如何利用?1. 官方优质资料之托福官方真题Official口语题大家都知道,托福官方真题Official题目是ETS官方发布的练习题,这些题目是之前考试中曾经考过且以后不会再用的真题。
其次,我们可以用官方真题Official模考题目做口语提升训练,网上有很多官方真题Official 口语题目的范文和口语范例,我们做完以后可以找范文做对比,提高自己的口语水平。
2. 托福口语真题之考场回忆考场回忆的口语真题有一定的参考价值,但因为是考场回忆,所以题目的准确性和完整性都有欠缺,它的利用价值不如官方官方真题Official那么高,但是大家可以通过考场回忆把握托福考试近期的出题方向和难度。
3. 托福口语考前预测题大家在托福考试之前都会看托福口语考前预测题,托福口语考前预测题目有一定的参考价值,适合在考前突击备考时看,但是不能过于依赖。

2020年12月12日托福口语真题Task1Whose lecture would you like to attend ? Scientist’s , businessman’s or government official’s?Task2If there is misunderstanding between you and your friend, do you prefer to solve the problem in public places orprivate places like home?Task 3阅读:学校安排周六授课的programs 原因1):学生有能够选择的时间表;原因2):课程有折扣。
Task 4阅读:loss aversion 损失规避心理听力:教授举自己的例子,他用credit card 买水果应该花20美元,结果被刷了30美元。
Task5问题:女生要组织camp trip,但是气象预报说天要下雨。
Task6热带雨林之所以能够support 多样物种生存的两个characteristics。

2020年12月12日托福听力真题12月12日托福听力Conversation 1一个女生说她因为役认真看通知记错了活动上车地方,又因为物理课结束的晚,所以吃晚饭就晚了,就没遇着熟人告诉她对的上车地方。
Lecture 1艺术史--从实际的画风转向抽象化的转变。
Lecture 2恐龙灭绝到底是因为彗星碰撞还是火山爆发。
彗星这个观点是因为从地质层发现的IrAk个元素本来在地球上是没有的,只有通过asteroids and comets带来,陨石坠落造成环境大毁灭是一个很快的过程。

托福口语真题task1高分回答赏析Describe what your life would be like if you were banned from using your cell phone for a month.描述一下,如果你被禁止使用手机一个月,你的生活会是怎样的?【高分回答】Cell phones have insinuated their way into our lives and are now integral.In daily life, cell phones are superb scheduling and communication devices. Without them, we would be total wrecks. Apps like calendars, notes and alarms are respons?ible forre?mind?ing people of im?port?ant dates and events, or wak?ingthem up in the morn?ing. FaceTime, email, and other social networking apps help us to stay connected with family and friends.However, living without cell phones can also have some benefits. Phones overschedule and over regiment our lives, which robs us of opportunities. This near-universal access to cell phones, starting at ever younger ages, transfixes people in ways that can have negative effects on almost all aspects of life. Without them, we don’t feel compelled to check our phones every minute. We can once again simply live in and enjoy the moment.不知不觉间,手机已经逐渐潜入并完全与我们的生活融合。

2020年托福口语真题独立口语任务task1上午:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: XXX is as effective as taking classes in a classroom。
Use specific examples and details to support your answer.I agree that students learning through videos can be as effective as taking classes in a classroom。
For instance。
online lectures and tutorials can provide students with the same n and knowledge as XXX。
students XXX difficult concepts。
which may not be possible in a classroom setting。
videos cannot replace the benefits of in-person XXX.下午:Library应该是安静让人研究的还是跟同学interact 的?XXX and learning。
While it is important to interact with peers and collaborate on projects。
this can be done in other settings such as group study rooms or outside of the library。
Libraries XXX focus。
which is essential for effective learning.1/5XXX products。

高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)2020年12月真题(实考题)参考答案与解析Format errors have been removed from the following article。
and XXX.XXX (Level B)XXX 2020 Answer and AnalysisPart I: XXXn A1.B。
In this context n。
how was your n?"XXX B。
"Great," matches the XXX.2.C。
"Could you repeat your phone number。
please?" is a polite request。
n C。
"xxxxxxxx," is the correct answer.3.D。
"May I ask who is calling。
please?" is a polite inquiry。
n D。
"Greg Allen," is the correct answer.4.A。
"Excuse me。
is anyone sitting here?" is a general n。
n A。
you can sit here," matches the XXX.5.D。
would you like a drink?" XXX D。
let's go have a drink," is the correct answer.6.问路用语:“Excuse me。
could you tell me where the city library is?” 选项A符合语境,意为“就在那边”。

托福口语真题题目+解析为了帮助广大的托福考生们进行更好的复习,小编特整理了此内容,最后希望同学们都能战胜托福中的重重难关,冲向终点,更多精彩内容尽在店铺,智课预祝考生取得理想成绩!托福口语真题题目+解析1.教授是应该让学生在教室里还是在家里考试?2.讨论中提出观点要立刻提出还是等下再提出?3.一封信,希望学校增设 food deliver program男生很赞同,因为学生经常因为学习紧张不愿意去食堂吃饭、并且可以为学生给提供晚上的兼职机会,而不像以前只有 work hour的兼职。
解决方案一个是老师理解他们毕业生,可以用paper代替考试,但 paper很耗时间;第二个是考完试去,但只有半小时不够和所有公司谈话。
TASK 1Some professors allow students to have exams at home, then bringing their test papers back to school to submit. From your perspective, can you talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this kind of examination?Sample response:Talking about having exams at home, the advantage isapparent; this way well may relive students’ pressure. Doing at home, they may refer to reference books, search on the Internet or communicate with others to complete their test papers. They won’t have to recite a lot of things before exams.While the disadvantage is obvious too, doing at home, they don't have to recite and remember many things, such as new words, some equations or experiments in their mind, in the future, when they have to use such knowledge in their work, they can not extract them instantaneously, which may pose inconvenience and even influence their promotion.TASK 2When having class discussion, some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better?Sample response:In terms of these two choices, when having discussion, I prefer to give my opinions immediately.For one thing, my opinions shouldn’t be influenced by others. Towards one event, whether right or not, whether reasonable or not, whether acceptable or not, I have my own opinions. I don’t need to follow others’ ideas.For another thing, first expressing may give me the advantage. When having class discussion, if always listening to others first, other people may be likely to say what I would like to say next. When it comes to me, I may have nothing to say or have to repeat others. Sometimes I may feel uncomfortable.托福口语解题步骤详解Step1:STUDENTS SHOULD UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION FIRST第一步:考生要先了解托福口语试题问的是什么One crucial point to be able to speak logically in the test is by making sure that one truly understands the question or the problem that needs to be answered or solved. If the answer that one gives is not even related to the question, then the answer becomes totally illogical. Even if all the grammars, dictions and even the choice of words are carefully said,the whole thing becomes nonsense. As they say,human beings were created with two ears, two eyes and one mouth because God wants us to listen more,see and observe more and speak less. In the medical field,doctor should be able to find the sickness first before being able to prescribe the right medicine. To be able to give the best solution and answers, students must be able to know and understand what the problem or question is.要让托福口语有逻辑很重要的一点是你要真正理解问题的含义,知道应该如何解决问题,处理问题。

托福口语题库及答案详解1. Describe a memorable event from your childhood.- Answer: One of the most memorable events from my childhood was my family's trip to the beach. The warmth of the sand, the sound of the waves, and the laughter of my siblings as we built sandcastles are all vivid memories that still bring a smile to my face.2. Talk about a person who has influenced you in asignificant way.- Answer: A person who has significantly influenced me is my high school English teacher. Her passion for literature and her ability to inspire students to think critically and express themselves creatively have shaped my approach to learning and communication.3. Explain why you think education is important.- Answer: Education is important because it equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the world effectively. It fosters critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a lifelong love for learning, which are essential for personal and professional growth.4. Describe a place you would like to visit and why.- Answer: I would love to visit the Great Wall of China. Its historical significance, architectural grandeur, and the breathtaking views it offers make it a must-see destination. Moreover, experiencing the rich culture and history of Chinawould be an enriching experience.5. Talk about a book that had a profound impact on you.- Answer: "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee had a profound impact on me. The book's exploration of racial injustice and moral growth deeply resonated with me,prompting me to reflect on the importance of empathy and standing up for what is right.6. Describe a challenge you faced and how you overcame it.- Answer: One challenge I faced was adjusting to a new school environment. I overcame this by actively participating in extracurricular activities, making new friends, andseeking help from teachers and counselors when needed. This helped me to adapt and thrive in my new surroundings.7. Explain why you think teamwork is important.- Answer: Teamwork is important because it fosters collaboration, communication, and the ability to work towards a common goal. It teaches individuals to value diverse perspectives, to compromise, and to contribute effectively to the success of the group.8. Describe a hobby you enjoy and why it is meaningful to you. - Answer: I enjoy painting as a hobby. It is meaningful to me because it allows me to express my emotions and creativity. Painting also provides a therapeutic escape from daily stress and serves as a medium for self-reflection and relaxation.9. Talk about a historical event that interests you.- Answer: The moon landing in 1969 interests me greatly.It was a monumental achievement in human history, showcasing the power of innovation, determination, and international cooperation. It continues to inspire generations to explore and push the boundaries of what is possible.10. Describe a goal you have and how you plan to achieve it. - Answer: My goal is to become fluent in a second language. I plan to achieve this by enrolling in language courses, practicing with native speakers, and immersing myself in the culture of the language I am learning. Consistent practice and exposure will be key to achieving this goal.。

2020年托福口语模拟试题及答案(卷一)While networking on the internet provides instant access to different groups and individuals, allowing us to interact with each other regardless of geological location or timeframe of availability, it also has some significant drawbacks.First, it's not always safe to network online.The interconnectivity of social networking sites is one of its biggest selling points, but it also comes with a serious drawback. If you're not careful, you can leave yourself open to stalkers, cyberbullying and other forms of harassment, as unwelcome individuals make contact with you through the site.Second, networking online can be addictive. If you allow it, social networking sites can completely consume your life. New friends requesting to be added, post updates, polls, games and links to countless different websites can turn a pleasant diversion into a significant expenditure of time. If left unchecked, this can create problems as “real”relationships suffer for the sake of virtual ones.虽然互联网上的联网给不同的群体和个人提供即时访问,允许我们无论地理位置或可用性的时间的相互交流,它也有一些明显的缺点。

2020托福口语真题task11/4上午:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Students learning through videos is as effective as taking class in classroom. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.下午:library应该是安静让人学习的还是跟同学interact的1/5Some people like to shop at stores. That sell many different types of products while others like to shop at stores that specialize in a single type of product. Which do you prefer? include details and examples to support your explanation1/11大学里规定,每一周学生的打工时间不能超过一定小时你是否同意?1/12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should be required to pass a sport physical exam (swimming, running) before they graduate. Why? (重复2018.7.7NA)7/11Some people prefer to travel to new place, while others prefer to revisit a place they have been to before. Which do you prefer and why?7/18Some students prefer to make friends with people who are about the same age. Other students prefer to make friends with people of different ages. Which why do you prefer and why?7/25Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To truly know about a county, it is necessary to learn a major language of this country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? the determining factor of a student’s success in schools very much depends on the amount of intelligence?(重复2017.11.25)8/16Some people prefer to hold parties, while others do not like to hold parties or other social events. They prefer to participate in parties. Which way do you prefer and why?8/19Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children who have participated in physical activities from an early age can be more aggressive when they grow up.8/22A company introduced a new policy that employees will have more free time to relax and do other activities on workdays. Do you agree or disagree with this policy? Why or why not?When a brand-new product launches, some people prefer to buy it and experience it at first time, while some people would prefer to wait for a while, after the price goes down, to buy that product. Which one is your habit and why? Give specific explanation in your response.8/26Do you agree or disagree with the statement that watching videos online is a more effective learning method than attending classes?8/29Some college students prefer to take classes during the summer, while others prefer to go off from campus so that they can have a rest or take a job.Which one would you prefer to choose? Give specific explanation in your response.8/30When you hang out with your friends, in terms of where to play, do you prefer to make decisions by yourself or byyou and your friends together? Give specific explanation in your response.9/6Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for children to leave their homes to visit their relatives or friends for a short period of time. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (重复2016.12.3)9/9Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When watching TV, should we discuss the plot with our families or keep silent? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.9/12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University library should be open to the public. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.9/13Some parents always try to prevent their children from making mistakes, while others allow their kids to keep trying and make mistakes. Which opinion do you think is better and why?9/19Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it's expensive, while the other is less well-known, but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee. Which university would you prefer? explain why.9/23Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:it is important for young people to learn domestic skills such as cooking, sewing, caring for children.(重复2016.12.11)9/26Some people think students should learn mathematics when they study in colleges, while others think only thosestudents who need it in the future should learn mathematics in colleges. Which one do you prefer and why?9/27Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All the university students should be required to learn math and science including those who major in art and music.10/10Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Boss should maintain close friendship with employees.10/14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should approach computer and other electronic devices as early as possible?10/17When students are reading, some choose books from the reading list their schools give.Others choose books by themselves. Which do you prefer?10/24There is a two-professor team teaching one course together. One of them gives the lecture and the other one gives the assignment. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?10/31Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees shouldn’t send personal text or emails during work hours.11/1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to learn about a country is to watch television shows about this country.11/7Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to improve writing skills, all university studentsshould be required to take writing or composition courses in their first year of college even if these courses are not in their field of study.11/8Do you agree or disagree with the statement that parents should prevent their children from pursuing jobs in competitive fields such as actors, musicians and athletes?11/11Some professors prefer to answer students’questions at any time of the class, while other professors prefer to answer questions raised by students at the end of the class, which one do you think is better for learning and why?11/14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good friends always make best roommates.11/15Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Students learn more when teachers assign a lot of homework.11/21Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is a good idea to use educational games in class.(重复2016.4.9)11/22Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good teachers can admit they make mistakes or don’t know something.Please give specific details to support your opinion.11/29Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The professor who have received good evaluations from students should be promoted.(重复2019.4.17在家考)12/2Some people think that those children who do not want to keep learning a musical instrument course should be required to keep learning the course; while others think that those children should be allowed to make decisions by themselves (they can still do exercises by themselves without continuin g with the class). What is your opinion andwhy?Please give specific details to support your opinion.(重复2018.10.15)12/5When you have a disagreement with your friends, do you prefer to talk it out face to face, or send an email or a text message to solve it?(重复2019.9.21)12/6Some people think college students should learn specific courses like teaching orengineering . Others think they should learn general courses. Which do you prefer?12/12When your friends send a message to you, you prefer to reply right away or reply later?12/19Your university is planning to require all first-year students to take a class in which they would learn how to use the resources available at the university library and apply those skills in writing a long research paper, do you think this is a good idea?12/20When professors are considering assignresearch to the students , they should assign a specific research topic or let students to decided the research topic ?。

托福口语tpo12题目Question:What is the most efficient type of transportation in your country? Explain why you think it is efficient. Include specific reasons or examples.托福口语tpo12答案解析:Tip1. Train(1.1) Doesnt get affected by the weather(1.1.1) Trains can keep going in heave rain or snow storm (1.2) Good at keeping the schedule(1.2.1) Trains usually leave and arrive on time; airplanes are almost never on time(1.3) Economical(1.3.1) It can move many people at a low cost. E.g. Chinese New Year托福口语tpo12范文一:I think the most efficient type of transportation in my country is the high-speed train for the following reasons. First of all, train is probably the last thing that still moves in a really bad weather. When theres a snow storm, youcant drive or fly, but you can take the train as usual. Second, trains are pretty good at keeping a schedule. I cant even recall how many times my flights been delayed. When taking the train, I can usually make it to my destinationon time. Finally, the train can move a lot of people at a low cost. During every Chinese New Year, there are approximately 400 million people on the move trying to get back home. I cant imagine any other type of transportation that canmove so many people in just a few weeks.托福口语tpo12范文二:I think airplane is the most efficient type of transportation in my country because its fast andcomfortable. It only takes me three hours to fly from Beijing to Chongqing. This saves me a lot of time. I can go to Chongqing in themorning and come back to Beijing in the evening. However, if I take train or bus, itll take me at least 20 hours. So its very fast to take planes. Also, every time I am on the plane, the flight attendant serves me delicious food anddrink, all free of charge. But in a train, the attendants arent very hospitable and you have to pay for all the food and beverage even though they arent of high quality. So thats why I think taking plane is comfortable.托福口语学习的5大方法托福口语学习方法一:独立口语表述的学习方法依据熟悉的话题进行论述,如描述一个熟悉的地方或谈论一段个人经历;用简单明了的语言说明一种观点或偏好,并用逻辑的语言对原因进行阐述;提出一项建议并用合理的解释规劝别人接受这个建议;排列出ETS常出现的热门话题,并针对这些话题做出一分钟的回答。

2020年12月12日托福听力答案解析Conversation 1一个女生说她因为役认真看通知记错了活动上车地方,又因为物理课结束的晚,所以吃晚饭就晚了,就没遇着熟人告诉她对的上车地方。
-TPO部分对应参考 (校园场景类TPO23-C1/T29-C2)Lecture 1艺术史--从实际的画风转向抽象化的转变。
-TPO部分对应参考(艺术史类TPO26-L4/TPO34-L1)Lecture 2恐龙灭绝到底是因为彗星碰撞还是火山爆发。
彗星这个观点是因为从地质层发现的IrAk个元素本来在地球上是没有的,只有通过asteroids and comets带来,陨石坠落造成环境大毁灭是一个很快的过程。
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Whose lecture would you like to attend ? Scientist’s , businessman’s or government official’s?
If there is misunderstanding between you and your friend, do you prefer to solve the problem in public places or
private places like home?
Task 3
阅读:学校安排周六授课的programs 原因1):学生有能够选择
Task 4
阅读:loss aversion 损失规避心理
听力:教授举自己的例子,他用credit card 买水果应该花20美元,结果被刷了30美元。
问题:女生要组织camp trip,但是气象预报说天要下雨。
热带雨林之所以能够support 多样物种生存的两个characteristics。