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functiona l silo 功能模块功能筒,功能仓

corporate silo 企业模块企业筒企业仓

integrated logistical 整合物流

value net 价值网

market saturation driven 市场浸透驱动

operationally agile 操纵敏捷性

logistics optimizer 物流优化(器)

functional spin-off 功能剥离

shipment visibility 托运物的能见性

fourth party logistics(4PL)firms 第四方物流公司

pre-shipment information 预托运信息预装船信息

exception management 例外管理异常管理

proactive approach 预先主动方法

full container vessel 全集装箱船

main haul service 主干(服务)航线

call at 挂靠、、、港

annual turnover 年周转量年运量

freight organization 货运机构

transportation hinge 交通汇集点交通枢纽

transport hub 交通枢纽

multi-model transportation 多式联运

all-round service 全方位服务

market-orientation & customer-satisfaction 以市场为导向、以客户满意为中心demise charter 光船租船

general cargo ship 普通货船

container ship 集装箱船

cellular full container ship 格栅式全集装箱船

semi-container ship 半集装箱船

oil-tanker 油轮

roll-on/ roll off(RO/RO) container ship 开上开下滚式装卸集装箱船.RORO船lift-on/ lift-off(LO/LO) container ship 吊上吊下吊式装卸集装箱船.LOLO船lash-lighter aboard ship/barge carrying vessel载驳货船,拉西船

tanker for liquefied gas 液化气体船

chemical tanker 化学品船

miscellaneous tanker各种形式油船

ore and oil carrier(O/O)矿油两用船

ore and bulk carrier(O/B) 矿、散货两用船

ore,bulk and oil carrier(OBO) 矿散货油三用船

single-deck ship 单层甲板船

multiple-deck ship 多层甲板船

gantry crane 桥吊,龙门吊,龙门起重机

Crew’s List 船员服务簿

Certificate of Nationality 船籍证书

Certificate of Seaworthiness 适航证书

Certificate of Classification a船舶入级证书

Tonnage Certificate 吨位证书

Loadline Certificate 载重线证书

Refrigerating Machinery Certificate 冷藏机械证书

Wireless Certificate 无线电证书

Official Log Book 船员日志

Ship’s Log 航海日志

Engine Room Log 轮机日志

Health Certificate 健康证书

Ship’s Articles 船员记录本

tandem trailer 串列拖车

Convention Relating to the International road consignment note (CMR Note) 公路提单

the Special Drawing Right (S.D.R) 特别提款权

intermodal cargo transport 多式联运

pave the way for 为、、铺平道路。为、、做好准备

breakbulk cargo 零散货,件杂货

place reliance on 依靠

wharf worker 码头工人

container yard(CY)集装箱货柜堆场

container freight station (CFS)集装箱货运站

marshalling yard 铁路货运编组站

straddle carrier 集装箱吊车轮胎吊

gantry crane 桥吊

laminated wood 叠层木板,胶合板

in bulk 散装大批

full container load (FCL) 整箱货

less than the full container load (LCL)拼箱货

the Hague Rules 海牙规则

the Hague -Visby Rules 海牙-维斯比规则

the Hamburg Rules 汉堡规则

smooth out 消除使平滑

demand on 需要

be similar to 与、、相似

make extensive use of 广泛使用

in this case 既然这样在这件事情上

year-round 整年的,全年不变的

in contrast相反大不相同
