
英语的证明信格式范文English: I am writing this letter to confirm that [Your Name] is currently employed at [Company Name] as a [Your Position]. [Your Name] has been working with us since [Date of Employment] and has consistently demonstrated professionalism, dedication, and strong work ethic. During [Your Name]'s time with us, they have successfully completed [List of Accomplishments or Projects] and have shown great teamwork and communication skills. We have no hesitation in recommending [Your Name] for any opportunities that may arise, as we are confident in their abilities and strong work performance. Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information regarding [Your Name]'s employment with our company.中文翻译: 我写这封信来确认[您的姓名]目前在[公司名称]担任[您的职位]. [您的姓名]自从[入职日期]开始就一直在我们公司工作,并且始终表现出专业精神、敬业精神和强烈的职业道德. 在[您的姓名]与我们共事期间,他们成功完成了[成就或项目清单],展现出极强的团队合作和沟通能力. 我们毫不犹豫地推荐[您的姓名]参与任何可能出现的机会,因为我们对他们的能力和出色的工作表现充满信心. 如果您需要关于[您的姓名]在我们公司工作的更多信息,请随时与我们联系.。

附件 3资信证明第……………..号CREDIT REPORT NO…………………致:………………………………®TO:……………………………..为………………………………(招标编号/合同标号/其他业务编号)项下的…………..(业务描述)而出具的资信证明CREDIT REPORT FOR…………………………………………………(BUSINESS DESCRIPTION)UNDER………………………………(BID NO./CONTRACT NO./REFERENCE NO.)企业名称:……………………NAME:…………………….企业地址:………………….ADDRESS……………………法人代表:………………….LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE:…………………….成立日期:……………………DATE OF ESTABLISHMENT:……………………企业性质:…………………..NATURE OF ORGANIZATION:…………………..注册资本:………………….REGISTERED CAPITAL:…………………………实收资本:……………………PAID-UP CAPITAL:………………….总资产:…………………………TOTAL ASSETS:…………………经营范围:……………………….BUSINESS SCOPE:………………补充内容:…………………..ADDITION:………………………….与我行业务往来:BANKING REMARKS:□在我行开有帐户,业务情况正常,没有不良记录。

银行资信证明英文银行资信证明英文银行资信证明英文_证明书银行资信证明英文银行资信证明(原件正本壹份)CREDIBILITY LETTERONE ORIGINAL COPY“资本信用证明”须是银行负责人签名的正本,内容须有公司的资本和信用评估两项。
The credibility letter should be its original copy bearing the signature of the head of the ban and should contain such information as registered and paid-up as ell as the credibility of the pany. It ill remain valid for half a year.例:×××× BankShanghai Municipal Foreign Economic RelationsAnd Trade CommissionShanghaiPeople’s Republic of ChinaDate:Dear SirsABC LTDWe understand from the above-named pany that they are applying to you for reneal of businelicense for their representative office in Shanghai.In this connection, e have pleasure in confirming that ABC LTD has maintained active and satisfactory Businevantage, Current and Savings Accounts in our books since 1 January 1995. Our banking relationship is satisfactory.Any advice or assistance you could afford our customer is greatly appreciated.This information is given in strict confidence and ithout any responsibility, hosoever arising, on the part of the Bank or its officers.Yours faithfullyManagerTrade & Credit Information我行客户XXXXX公司,法人代表:XXX,法定地址XXX,特向贵方提供投标人的以下信息供参考:投标人名称:XXXXX公司成立时间:XX年XX月XX日经营方式:XXX 该公司于XX年XX月XX日在我行开立基本结算账户以来,未曾有违章违规行为,资金运行正常,资信信誉良好,无不良信誉记录。

(资信证明译文)北京汇源饮料食品集团有限公司尊敬的先生:应TOTAL INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED (涛涛国际控股有限公司)的请求,我们愿意提供以下信息供您参考。
TOTAL INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED (涛涛国际控股有限公司)于2000年4月6日注册成立,房孝玲女士和朱胜华先生为公司董事,并于2000年4月10日在我行设立银行账号。

AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA Certificate No.: XXXXXXPERSONA CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITCertificate Code: XXXXXIdentity Type: ID Card Identity Number: XXXXXXXWe hereby certify that Mr./Mrs./Ms. XXXXXX has financial assets with Agricultural Bank of China Limited as follows:Type Account No. CCY Amount Value date Deposit Certificate XXXXXXXXXX CNY XXXX XXXX *********************It is the end********************This certificate shall be valid from XXXXX (YYYY/MM/DD) (Issuing Date) to XXXX (YYYY/MM/DD) (expiry date)Authorized Signature: XXXXX Agricultural Bank of China Limited Bank Business Seal of Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd. XXXXX Sub-branch (Seal)Note:Please read this certificate and the Statement on the back of the certificate.Please be kindly noted that:1.This certificate serves only the purpose of evidence of financial assets at a certainpoint of time and branch at Agricultural Bank of China Limited which can neither be negotiated nor pledged, nor be used as guarantee in favor of any third party or any other purposes or as title evidence for withdrawal and transaction of the above mentioned financial assets.2.This certificate shall become invalid if altered or duplicated. This acceptor shouldretain the original certificate.3.This issuer of this certificate will bear no responsibility or any discrepancybetween the stated sum under this certificate and actual balance due to administrative and judicial enforcement actions by any authority within its validity.4.The sum of wealth management products in this certificate has been calculatedbased on the number of shares and the initial purchase price. Therefore, the issuer of this certificate will bear no responsibility for any discrepancy between the stated sum under this certificate and actual balance due to the wealth management products that have floating value on the date of issuance of this certificate and within its validity.The English translation in this certificate is for reference only. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version should govern.。
银行资信证明范本中英文对照(新版) 精品

银行资信证明范本中英文对照ACCOUNT OF CREDIT日期:2000年8月20日August 20, 2000中华人民共和国重庆工商管理局中国,重庆People’s Republic of ChinaChongqing Commercial and Industrial AdministrationChongqing, China关于:美国国际出口有限公司资信证明Re: Account of American International Export Credit编号NO.:08806867000881846228敬启者:To Whom It May Concern:兹证明美国国际出口有限公司总裁约克·J·史密斯先生在商业银行开立有数个账户。
Please be advised that Mr. York J. Smith, President of American International Export Co., Ltd. has established several accounts with Commerce Bank. The regular business account was established in September 1997 and the money market account was established in this August 1999. The total balance of deposit at our bank for both accounts is US$833, 360.00其账户信誉一贯良好。
Their accounts have always been in good standing.谢谢,Thank you.致礼Sincerely,(签名处)(Signature)(姓名)(Name)商业银行Commerce Bank(地址) (Address)。
资产证明 英文(精选多篇)

村委会(公章)年月日资产证明珲春海关:车号:吉h76590车辆识别代码: lnvgg69r41vc00214 发动机号码:00m1287 此车属我公司资产。
特此证明!珲春金氏经贸xx年12月2日英文证明的格式american embassyto whom it may concerned,we hereby confirmed that mr.(你的名字)is a staff of our pany. he has worked in our pany for more than(5) years till present and will continue his obligation after he e back at yyy/zzz.(你回国的年月日)any question regarding his working history please do not hesitate to contact us at fax number____, tel number______. best regards,(你经理的名字)(你公司的名字)————此处盖章。
xx/01/141.尊敬的:esteemed (esteemed american embassy)2.特此证明:i hereby to guarantee/ hereby certificated3.此致敬礼:sincerely 或者best regards(后面加逗号)4.职业证明书:profession certificate希望有所帮助!certificatewe hereby certify that xx(female, born on xx,xx1991;id number:xxxxxxxxxxxx; student id: xxxxxxxx ) has been studying in our department of foreign languages, with the major of normal english since year xx, and now is at grade four.certifiedschool of foreign languages of xx universityoctober 19th, xxxx市xxxx工作和收入证明兹证明xxx先生,xxxx年xx月xx日出生。

需要一封英文正式格式的证明信应该翻译成 This is to certify that ... 或 we hereby certify that ...特别注意:中文的特此证明在文件最后,翻成英文要放在最前面。
*****************2005年7月25日Working and Ine CertificateThis is to certify that Mr. ***** (male, born on******) is conferred ***** License and Certificate of *************. He has been working as the Manager of ********Department in ************ Co., Ltd. since***** and is in charge of the ****** in our business. ********’s yearly ine is RMB ******.********************* Co., Ltd. (Seal)25 July,2005求英文收入证明开具样本Ine CertificateThis is to confirm that Mr./Ms. (姓名) works in our pany. He/She started to work here since (年份).His/her annual ine is about RMB yuan.Company name and seal:Date:个人收入证明英语版(二)Ine CertificationTo whom it may concern,We certify that Mr. XXX and Ms. XXX have their own business in XXX. We also certify that their current yearly ine is RMB XXX. This letter has been only issued to assist their child for the application of Canada Student Visa.Yours sincerely,XXX Trade and Industry Bureau签证需要的英文证明文件怎么写(格式)使用公司抬头纸。

资信证明格式范文银行资信证明 (Credibility Letter)_______ _银行香港分行《客户资信简介函》兹应我行客户" 有限公司[PANY LIMITED]"要求对该之资信出具简介如下:成立日期:年月日营业地址:香港道号大厦座字楼室:(旧地址:香港号商业大厦字楼)组织:有限公司;董事:先生、女士;注册资本:港币万元;实收资本:港币万元;经营行业:医药原料、化工原料、医制剂;往来情况:该公司于一九年月日在我行开户,往来情况正常,我行给予该公司有位数字之授信,并有押汇业务经我行叙做,过程满意,对一般正常商业往来可资信赖。
THE ________BANK HONG KONG BRANGHHong Kong 7/3/1990Dear sirs,We confirm that ______ Corporation is a valuedcustomer of this bank with an authorized capital of _______ and a paid-upcapital of _______ and has maintained a well-conductedcurrent aount. It enjoy a substantial amountof our banking facilities in the range of minimum 6(or 8) figures and our relationshiphas been entirely satisfactory.We consider the corporation to be highlyrespectable and undoubted for their normalbusineengagements and that it is able tofulfill contractual obligation it enters into.The above information is provided in strictconfidence and without any responsibility onthe part of the bank or its officers.*"资本信用证书"须是银行负责人签名的正本内容须有公司的资金和信誉两项。

资金证明英文版第一篇:资金证明英文版FUNDING LISTAccording to my unconditional offer of the University, and the scholarship letter,my total expenses for the duration of my course are:Tuition fee payable in 2005/2006:GBP *******(mentioned in the offer letter)Maintenance and Living expenses:GBP ********(mentioned in the offer letter)School Match scholarship:GBP*****towards tuition fees for Mres(mentioned in the scholarship letter)—————————————————————————————————————————————————TotalGBP********(CNY *****)(1:16)My funds came from savings of my parents.these amounts of money have been deposited for several years.4)********* *********You can use Insurance Contract check(Tel: Number to on the record.****************** *********Endorsements)********* ****************** ****************** *********Total : about CNY120,000Bank of China:A/C.No.******************** Date 2004-03-22 2004-04-19 2004-06-07 2004-06-07Credit**** **** ****OutlayNote Salary Bonus Transfer from Interest Bill③****Transfer to Certificates of Deposit ⑥Deposits Distribution GraphYear 2000 2001 2002-2003 Deposit Amount **** **** **** **** **** **** 2004 **** **** **** Source Salary Salary China Life Insurance Salary Salary Salary Salary Bonus Salary Total **** **** **** Total Deposits **** ****2000(TOTAL DEPOSITS ¥30,000)¥30,000SEP/16/2000—SEP/16/2005———————————————————————————————————————————————————————2001(TOTAL DEPOSITS ¥150,000)¥114,688JAN /18/ 2002-------→¥120,000Life Insurance JAN 2002—JAN/21/2005---------→TransferTransfer¥60,000JAN/24/2005—JUL/24/2005Salary of 2001¥36,000JAN/04/2002—JAN/04/2005Transfer--------------------------→ ↑¥70,000(JAN/04/2005—NOW)¥34,000Salary of 2004—————————————————————————————————————————————————2002-2003(TOTAL DEPOSITS(1.5years)¥110,000 Salary of 2002 ¥25,000JUN/07/2002 — JUN/07/2004--------→¥60,000Passbook of Savings Accounts MAR/22/2004 —NOV/17/2004---------→¥60,000NOV/17/2004 — MAY/17/2005transfer∣ ∣|¥15,000MAR/22/2004¥20,000APR/19/2004Salary of 2002-2003 ¥55,000MAY/07/2003—MAY/07/2004Transfer--------------------------→¥56,000MAY/07/2004—NOWSalary of 2002-2003¥30,000MAY/14/2003—MAY/14/2004Transfer--------------------------→ ↑¥65,000(MAY/14/2004—NOW)¥35,000Salary(2004)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________2004(TOTAL DEPOSITS(1 years)¥50,000+20,000 Salary of 2002-2003¥30,000MAY/14/2003—MAY/14/2004Transfer--------------------------→ ↑¥65,000(MAY/14/2004—NOW)¥35,000Salary(2004)¥25,000JUN/07/2002 — JUN/07/2004--------→¥60,000Passbook of Savings Accounts MAR/22/2004 —NOV/17/2004---------→¥60,000NOV/17/2004 — MAY/17/2005transfer∣ ∣|¥15,000MAR/22/2004¥20,000APR/19/2004Salary of 2004Return from a friend第二篇:资金证明样稿资金证明样稿:证明我单位工会按照工会经费拨交留成比例有**元,会费收入**元,及行政补助**元,共计**元,现暂存单位行政账户,等工会的银行账户开设后,一并划入工会账户,特此证明。

(资信证明译文)北京汇源饮料食品集团有限公司尊敬的先生:应TOTAL INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED (涛涛国际控股有限公司)的请求,我们愿意提供以下信息供您参考。
TOTAL INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED (涛涛国际控股有限公司)于2000年4月6日注册成立,房孝玲女士和朱胜华先生为公司董事,并于2000年4月10日在我行设立银行账号。

Dear sirs,
We confirm that ______ Corporation is a valued customer of this bank with an authorized capital of _______ and a paid-up capital of _______ and has maintained a well-conducted current account. It enjoy a substantial amount of our banking facilities in the range of minimum 6(or 8) figures and our relationship has been entirely satisfactory. We consider the corporation to be highly respectable and undoubted for their normal business engagements and that it is able to fulfill contractual obligation it enters into. The above information is provided in strict confidence and without any responsibility on the part of the bank or its officers.
For and on behalf of
提问者: shyvonnejjh - 助理 二级 最佳答案

资信证明中英文版第一篇:资信证明中英文版资信证明第……………..号CREDIT REPORT NO…………………致:………………………………®TO:……………………………..为………………………………(招标编号/合同标号/其他业务编号)项下的…………..(业务描述)而出具的资信证明CREDITREPORTFOR…………………………………………………(BUSINESSDESCRIPTION)UNDER………………………………(BID NO./CONTRACT NO./REFERENCE NO.)企业名称:……………………NAME:…………………….企业地址:………………….ADDRESS……………………法人代表:………………….LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE:…………………….成立日期:……………………DATE OF ESTABLISHMENT:……………………企业性质:…………………..NATURE OF ORGANIZATION:…………………..注册资本:………………….REGISTERED CAPITAL:…………………………实收资本:……………………PAID-UP CAPITAL:………………….总资产:…………………………TOTAL ASSETS:…………………经营范围:……………………….BUSINESS SCOPE:………………补充内容:…………………..ADDITION:………………………….与我行业务往来:BANKING REMARKS:在我行开有帐户,业务情况正常,没有不良记录。
资信证明 英文

资信证明英文资信证明英文No.Date of issue:(mm /dd /yyyy)To (hereinafter called the Recipient):(hereinafter called the Client) entrusts our bank (hereinafter called the Bank) to issue this credit reference (hereinafter called the Reference ) for . Situation has been confirmed as following:The Client holds (a) settlement account (s) with the Bank. From (mm /dd /yyyy) to (mm /dd /yyyy), the Client held no/some past-due loan(s) or unpaid interest(s) owed to the Bank, had no/some bad record(s) in the aspect of capital settlement during the cooperation with the Bank, and performed well/badly in the the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement.The statements of the Bank:1. The Bank shall only be responsible for the accuracy of Client’s record with the Bank in terms of loan and interest repayment, capital settlement and the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement during the period as indicated hereninabove. The Bank shall not be responsible for anychanges arising before and after the period as indicated in the Reference.2. The Reference is null and void for any other purpose, except those stated hereinabove. The Reference shall not be transferred , nor be uesed for guarantee , financing or any other purpose.3. The Reference is the original one , limited to be sent to the Recipient and it shall be invalid upon being altered and duplicated . The Bank shall hold no legal responsibility for the consequence arising from the application of the Reference by the Client and the Recipient.4. The Reference shall take effect upon the execution by undertaker or authorized representative of the Bank with the bank seal affixed5. This Reference is written in Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.6. The Reference shall be governed by the laws of People’s Republic of China.7. The Reference is subject to the interpretation of the Bank. China Construction Bank , (Branch /Sub-branch/ Department) . (Bank Seal)Authorized Signature :来源网络搜集整理,仅作为学习参考,请按实际情况需要自行编辑。

英文工作证明格式:1. 收信人:To whom it may concern 并以逗号结束2. “特此证明”翻译为:“This is to certify that ...”并且放在证明正文的开头。
3. 男性用Mr. 女性用Ms.4. 落款人即证明人:姓名,头衔(院长,首席执行官等等),工作单位部门5. 证明人签字的地方,盖上公章。
工作收入证明英文模板1December 1, 2019To whom it may concern,This is to certify that Mr.(Ms.) XXX has been working in XXXXXX(工作单位) as XXX(职位).Mr.(Ms.) XXX has been entitled to a monthly salary RMB XXXXX in total.Sincerely yours,XXX(证明人)Dean of School of Software / Chief Executive Officer(证明人职位)XXXXXXXXX(单位名称)1234567(电话号码)工作收入证明英文模板2July 11, 1986To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that Mr. Shu duly passed the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted acertificate, Taikong No. 6314 dated February 3, 1982 to this effect by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.K. A. WangDirector General工作收入证明英文模板3Income Certificate(This is to certify that Mr. --- has been working in the ----- for 2 years from -- to present. Currently, -- works as the general director.Mr. ----'s personal income in recent 2 years are as followings: SALARY (MONTH) 30000RMBTOTAL (YEAR) 450000RMB。

英文证明信(共7篇)第1篇:英文证明信公司抬头公司名字 Letter of GuaranteeDear Sir or Madam:This letter is to gurantee that the persons are the staff of our company.They are:They are entitled to take an annual leave for several days.During their leave, they will spend time in XXX from September 23rd to October 8th.We guarantee these staff members will abide by the laws and regulations of XXX, and will resume their duty in our company upon they return.We will be grateful if their visas could be approved as soon as poible.We appreciate your kind attention to this matter.Your sincerely,HR ManagerADD:TEL:第2篇:英文证明信英文证明信翻译样本户口簿英文翻译样本I.Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s identity status and mutual relations among family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanent residence.In so doing, the household owner or members of this household shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet.II.The household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it.If lo arises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority.III.The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registrationauthority, and any other organization or individual shall not make any record on it.IV.If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority by holding the booklet.V.When the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority for cancellation.NO.Type of household Non-agricultural householdName of household ownerHousehold No.AddreProvincial-level public security authority’s seal special for residence:Public Security Bureau of Beijing(seal)Household registration body’s seal special for residence:Stamp of handling person: xxxxxxx Police SubstationIued on xxxxxxx房产证Certificate of Title to House PropertyPoeor : XXXXXXXLocation of the house : XXXXXXXXXXXXCharacter of the ownership : PrivateNO.of the place :No.1 District , No.1 Section 1772-19The structure of the building : MixNo.of the building : 19No.of the house : 602The amount of the floors of the house : 6The room is at the 6th floorThe acreage of the house: 122m2The house is used for : ResidenceAuthority :Nanjing Municipal Real Estate Administration(seal)The date of iue: Apr.15th , 2001收入证明Certificate of IncomeThis is to certify that Mr.XX,male, aged XX, born in XX City ,China ,the sum of his income is about XXX RMB annually, including the salary and the subsidies.The personal income tax is deducted by this unit on his behalf.......Tel:.......工作证明信xxx xxx Co.Ltd126 Nanjing Road, Shanghai, PR ChinaJuly 11, 2000To Whom It May Concern:This is to certify that Mr.Wang has been working in our COMPANY as the Project Manager from June 1995 to July 2000,Mr Wang is a diligent and creative engineer, under his leadership, he succefully design a new product for our company, and the product also gained international patent.Mr.Wang also has a good sense of teamwork, he knows how to delegate and how to coordinate.Mr Wang has been entitled to a monthly salary RMB 6000, with house allowance for 1500 a month and he also was awarded a bonus for 25,000 last year for his outstanding performance.For further enquires, please feel free to contact me at +21 +2323244 or 1380 332 333Sincerely yours,xxxxx(Company Seal)Chief Executive Officer出生证明信Notarial Certificate(2003)H.X.Z.W.Z.NO.44556(English Translation)This is to certify that WANG Yun, female, was born on July12,1977 in ShangHai.Her father is WANG Guorong and her mother is YANG Lihong.Shanghai Xuhui District Notary Public OfficeThe People’s Republic of China(Sealed)Notary Public:(Sealed)Dated: April 1,2003签证材料:工作和收入证明模板CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOY AND INCOMEThis is to certify that ****(male, born on Oct.29,1975)was employed by ******from July 1998 to present.During this period Mr.****worked very hard and have done a good job.According to records of personal income kept by the financial department of ****the details of ****'s annual income during this period are listed as follows(unit: MB/Yuan).Annual salary11,820Allowance for post11,000Bonus10,000Total32,820This is to certify the authenticity of all listed above.Certifier(signature):Tel:The Personal Section Of *****Dec.31,2002工作证明模板INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRSJuly 11, 1986To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that Mr.Shu duly paed the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted a certificate, Taikong No.6314 dated February3, 1982 to this effect by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.Particulars of the certificate follow:Name: ShuNative Place: Sichuan ProvinceDate of Birth: November, 1955Claification : Mechanical EngineeringSincerely yours,K.A.WangDirector General经济担保书和工作证明的样式下面将经济担保书和工作证明的样式列出来,他们是没有固定样式的,请大家根据自己的实际情况改动,不要照搬,说明了下面里面的内容即可。

银行资金证明中英文模板Bank Financial StatementDear Sir/Madam,We hereby certify that [Customer Name], with the identification number [Identification Number], has an account with our bank, [Bank Name], and has maintained a satisfactory credit standing.As of [Date], the account balance is [Currency] [Amount], which includes both checking and savings accounts. This financial statement is issued for the purpose of [Purpose of the Statement, e.g., visa application, business transaction, etc.].Please note that this statement does not represent a commitment or guarantee from our bank to lend or extendcredit to the customer. It is solely for the purpose of confirming the customer's financial status as of the date indicated.We reserve the right to revoke this statement if any discrepancies are found or if the account status changesprior to the date of the intended use.This financial statement is valid for a period of [Validity Period, e.g., 30 days] from the date of issue.For further inquiries, please contact us at [Contact Information].Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Position][Bank Name][Date]Bank Financial Statement尊敬的先生/女士,兹证明[客户姓名],身份证号码为[身份证号码],在我行[银行名称]开立账户,并保持良好的信用记录。
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资信证明书编号:信字(2013年)第4号签发日期: 2013年3月7日平度市城乡建设局:青岛景观市政建筑设计有限公司因参加平度市2013年排水工程施工图设计项目投标,委托我行对其资信状况出具证明书,经确认具体情况如下:青岛景观市政建筑设计有限公司在我行开立有结算帐户。
中国建设银行股份有限公司青岛高科技工业园支行(章)负责人或授权代理人(签名):2附件三---1 –B —CN(同时出具中文文本和英文文本时使用 )资信证明书(标准格式样本)编号:年号签发日期:年月日(证明书接受人):(被证明人)因(资信证明用途)委托我行(部)对其资信状况出具证明书,经确认具体情况如下:(被证明人)在我行(部)开立有结算帐户。
中国建设银行行(部)(章)负责人或授权代理人(签名):附件三---1—B--EN (Specimen of Standardized Edition)Credit ReferenceNo.Date of issue:(mm /dd /yyyy) To (hereinafter called the Recipient):(hereinafter called the Client) entrusts our bank (hereinafter called the Bank) to issue this credit reference (hereinafter called the Reference ) for . Situation has been confirmed as following:The Client holds (a) settlement account(s) with the Bank. From (mm /dd /yyyy) to (mm /dd /yyyy), the Client held no/some past-due loan(s) or unpaid interest(s) owed to the Bank, had no/some bad record(s) in the aspect of capital settlement during the cooperation with the Bank, and performed well/badly in the the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement.The statements of the Bank:1.The Bank shall only be responsible for the accuracy of Client’s record with the Bank in t erms of loan and interest repayment, capital settlement and the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement during the period as indicated hereninabove. The Bank shall not be responsible for any changes arising before and after the period as indicated in the Reference.2.The Reference is null and void for any other purpose, except those stated hereinabove. The Reference shall not be transferred , nor be uesed for guarantee , financing or any other purpose.3.The Reference is the original one , limited to be sent to the Recipient and it shall be invalid upon being altered and duplicated . The Bank shall hold no legal responsibility for the consequence arising from the application of the Reference by the Client and the Recipient.4.The Reference shall take effect upon the execution by undertaker or authorized representative of the Bank with the bank seal affixed5.This Reference is written in Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.6.The Reference shall be governed by the laws of People’s Republic of China.7.The Reference is subject to the interpretation of the Bank.China Construction Bank , (Branch /Sub-branch/ Department) . (Bank Seal) Authorized Signature :4附件三---2--A( 仅限于只出具中文文本时使用 )资信证明书(非标准格式样本)编号:年号签发日期:年月日(证明接受人):(被证明人)因(资信证明用途)委托我行(部)对其资信状况出具证明书,经确认具体情况如下:证明人声明:1.我行(部)只对本证明书所指明期间内,被证明人在我行偿还贷款及利息、资金结算和执行结算纪律情况的真实性负责。
中国建设银行行(部)(章)负责人或授权代理人(签名):附件三---2—B-CN(同时出具中文文本和英文文本时使用 )资信证明书(非标准格式样本)编号:年号签发日期:年月日(证明接受人):(被证明人)因(资信证明用途)委托我行(部)对其资信状况出具证明书,经确认具体情况如下:证明人声明:1.我行(部)只对本证明书所指明期间内,被证明人在我行偿还贷款及利息、资金结算和执行结算纪律情况的真实性负责。
6. 本证明书适用中华人民共和国法律。
7. 本证明书的解释权归我行(部)所有。
中国建设银行行(部)(章)负责人或授权代理人(签名):6附件三---2—B--EN( Specimen of Non-Standardized Edition)Credit ReferenceNo.Date of issue:(mm /dd /yyyy)To (hereinafter called the Recipient):(hereinafter called the Client) entrusts our bank (hereinafter called the Bank) to issue this credit reference (hereinafter called the Reference ) for . Situation has been confirmed as following:The statements of the Bank:1. The Bank shall only be responsible for the ac curacy of Client’s record with the Bank in terms of loan and interest repayment, capital settlement and the compliance with the regulations regarding settlement during the period as indicated hereninabove. The Bank shall not be responsible for any changes arising before and after the period as indicated in the Reference.2. The Reference is null and void for any other purpose except those stated hereinabove. The Reference shall not be transferred , nor be used for guarantee , financing or any other purpose.3. The Reference is the original one , limited to be sent to the Recipient and it shall be invalid upon being altered and duplicated . The Bank shall hold no legal responsibility for the consequence arising from the application of the Reference by the Client and the Recipient.4. The Reference shall take effect upon the execution by undertaker or authorized representative of the Bank with the bank seal affixed5. The Reference is written in Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.6. The Reference shall be governed by the laws of People’s Republic of Ch ina.7. The Reference is subject to the interpretation of the Bank.China Construction Bank , (Branch /Sub-branch/ Department) . (Bank Seal) Authorized Signature :。