

高考英语一轮复习模块知识选择性必修第三册UNIT2 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE练习含答案

高考英语一轮复习模块知识选择性必修第三册UNIT2 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE练习含答案

UNIT 2HEALTHY LIFESTYLEⅠ.完形填空I was in Washington covering a conference. However,I came across a curious⁃looking 1shop with its door partly open.Citizens here said it had been like that 2as long as they could remember,but no one knew 3. “Maybe the owner is just lazy,”I4the shady entrance,eager to find out the reason. A(n)5“Welcome!”came from a man’s voice. And out walked Mr Smith,the 90⁃year⁃old6of this candy shop which I suddenly realised had7candies. Mr Smith explained the place was a candy store opened by him 50 years ago,but his energy 8in old age so he sold nothing for long.I admired Mr Smith’s long excellent service in the area. He had a9attitude to life. I asked Mr Smith why his store front was in such a state. Mr Smith,smiling,replied,“I 10 a bag by the door that a customer left two years ago. Honestly I want to just 11the store,but because the bag’s owner might come by12for it,I keep the door open just a little bit.”I was moved to tears by Mr Smith’s shockingly 13deeds. I then looked down,and sure enough there was a small bag on the counter with a paper that read,“14 Item.”I left the shop feeling better about humanity and was glad there are people like Mr Smith living the good life and keeping 15forever.1.A.clothing B.foodC.fruitD.candy2.A.every day B.occasionallyC.every nightD.recently3.A.when B.whereC.whyD.how4.A.approached B.leftC.brokeD.ignored5.A.official B.enthusiasticC.elegantD.humble6.A.supplier B.ownerC.customerD.employee7.A.many B.someC.variousD.no8.A.broke off B.calmed downC.went upD.faded away9.A.pessimistic B.positiveC.humourousD.cool10.A.buy B.sellC.keepD.exhibit11.A.manage B.exchangeC.openD.close12.A.looking B.payingC.chargingD.longing13.A.unbelievable B.sweetC.oddD.sensible14.A.Recommended B.FoundC.LostD.Deserted15.A.patience B.silenceC.faithD.touch【语篇解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。




However urban life strikes you,cities worldwide have been growing even more rapidly.Some of this growth has occurred in the developed world,but the most dramatic increase has been in the Third World.Almost all the world’s population growth over the next 30 years will take place in the cities of developing countriesBy the year 2030,for the first time in history,60 percent of the world’s people will be living in cities.This is actually good news in some ways.“Cities are the fundamental building blocks of prosperity,” says Marc Weiss,chairman of the Prague Institute for Global Urban Development,“ both for the nation and for families.” Industrial and commercial activities in urb an areas account for between 50 and 80 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP)in most countries of the world“ there’s the crazy notion that the way to deal with a city’s problems is to keep people out of them,” Weiss continued.“But the problems of the rural life are even more serious than those of the city.” For better or worse,urban-watchers are clear on one point: The quality of life for most people in the future will be determined by the quality of cities.Those cities will be bigger than ever.And yet,population numbers by themselves don’t determine a city’s prospects;after all,Addis Ababa,Ethiopia,and Hamburg,Germany,have the same population.Nor is explosive growth necessarily the determining factor.“City problems,” one authority points out,“mostly have to do with weak,ineffective,and usually unrepresentative city governments.”1.The passage mainly discusses ______________.A.Big cities.B.City life.C.Population.D.Gross Domestic Product.2.According to the passage,in the year of 2030 _______.A.there will be 21 cities having a population of more than 10 million.B.rural area will be extinct.C.most people will live in cities.D.the third world will keep abreast with the developed world.3.In the author’s opinion,_________.A.better city,better lifeB.both urban and rural areas have a larger populationC.the larger population,the faster a city developsD.both urban and rural areas have larger gross domestic products4.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?A.The developing countries develop faster than the developed countries.B.Cities contribute more to the GDP than the villagers.C.Some problems are more easily solved in cities than in country.D.It’s impossible to solve urban problems by getting people out of cities.5.The last paragraph implies that ____________.A.public services are ineffective.B.cities are increasing too fast.C.population is not linked with development.D.government should be responsible for the problems in the cities.【参考答案】1---5、A C A A D阅读理解。

2020年全国高考三轮冲刺整合卷 英语(一、二、三答案)

2020年全国高考三轮冲刺整合卷 英语(一、二、三答案)
一 试 卷 结 构 本 试 卷 满 分 为 !D# 分 #考 试 时 间 为 !"# 分 钟 , 二 命 题 思 想 本试卷命题的主导思想是考查学生英语语言知识和 语 言 技 能#突 出 主 干 知 识#注 重 学 科 素 养 以 及 知 识 的 覆 盖 面# 强化考查学生语言综合运用的能力#尤其是运用英语获取信息-处理信息#以及分析问 题 和 解 决 问 题 的 能 力(注 重 语 言 的实用性和交际性#重视真实环境中的语言理解和语言运用(注重选材的人文性-时代 性 和 思 想 性#体 现 对 学 生 情 感 态 度-文化意识等综合人文素养的考查#使学生能够充分展示 个 性 和 思 维 的 多 样 性 与 开 放 性#不 断 促 进 中 学 英 语 教 学 改 革,本试卷立足于激发学生学英语的兴趣#鼓励学生 的 进 步#让 学 生 体 验 到 学 习 英 语 的 成 功#分 享 快 乐#建 立 自 信#通 过考试#使学生了解英语学习过程中的成功与失败#调整学习策略和方法#使他们在今 后 的 英 语 学 习 中 更 富 有 成 效(本 试卷立足于教师的专业成长#促进高中英语教学的科 学-规 范-健 康 和 有 序 的 发 展#通 过 考 试#使 教 师 了 解 英 语 课 改 的 动 态 #反 馈 教 学 信 息 #对 教 学 进 行 反 复 调 整 #从 而 提 高 自 己 的 教 学 水 平 , !$第一部分听力#包括两节,材料来源于英语国家 的 生 活 会 话#具 有 明 显 的 口 语 特 征#听 起 来 自 然-真 实#符 合 在 非测试状态下英语口语在社会生活中运用的真实情景(所 选 材 料 题 材 广 泛#涉 及 英 语 国 家 日 常 生 活 的 许 多 方 面#有 利 于全面有效地检测学生在不同实际生活环境中对所学语言的感悟和接受能力(材料 由 Q 段 对 话 和 ! 段 独 白 构 成#总 词 数为P##左右,除一些专有名词外#材料中没有生词(题干和选项较为简短#各 选 项 的 长 度-难 度-结 构 基 本 一 致(语 速 一 般 为 !E#>!J#3):, "$第二部分阅读理解#包括两节,第一节共四篇文章#突出对学生语篇能力-逻 辑 思 维 能 力 的 考 查#重 视 科 学 性 与 规范性,第一篇是广告类阅读#介绍了明尼苏达大学孔子学 院 开 设 的 几 门 关 于 中 国 语 言 和 文 化 短 期 课 程 的 一 些 相 关 信息(第二篇是文化类阅读#介绍了风格时尚是什么#如 何 实 现 自 我 的 风 格 时 尚(第 三 篇 是 故 事 类 阅 读#讲 述 了 中 国 艺 术家蔡国强利用烟花的视觉和物理力量来创作艺术!!!&天梯'烟花表演(第四篇是文 化 类 阅 读#作 者 在 中 国 旅 行 期 间 接触到了各种各样的中国艺术,作者被不同类型的中国艺术所感动,这四篇文章在选材上继续保持了题材和体裁广 泛的特点#均为原汁原味的英文#知识性-趣味性强#文 化 韵 味 浓 厚, 题 目 为 细 节 理 解 题-推 理 判 断 题-代 词 指 代 题-标 题归纳题-词义猜测题等#难易适中#题材丰富#内容积极向上#有很强的可读性,第 二 节 是 七 选 五#主 要 考 查 考 生 对 文 章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握#体现了.普通高中英语课程新标 准/&用 英 语 获 取 处 理 和 运 用 信息的能力#逐步获取用英语思维能力'的阅读学习和 教 学 理 念, 该 题 型 命 题 形 式 仍 然 具 有 客 观 题 的 特 点#又 与 完 形 填空具有异曲同工之妙#只是选项少#以句子形式出现#考查目的和侧重点不完全 相 同 而 已, 本 文 是 教 育 类 阅 读#用 训 练员训练鲸鱼的例子告诉我们要营造一个好的环境, B$第三部分英语知识运用#包括两节,第一节完形填空#是一种综合型试题,本 题 注 重 考 查 学 生 的 阅 读 能 力 和 词 汇运用能力,本文是故事类阅读#当托尼在他的手机 上 收 到 一 条 拨 错 号 码 的 信 息 时#他 没 有 忽 略 它, 相 反#他 聚 集 了 六个孩子中的五个#拍了张照片#寄给另一端的女孩 西 德#只 是 为 了 给 她 一 点 鼓 励, 文 章 具 有 很 强 的 可 读 性-欣 赏 性, 文章考点选项设计以实词为主#主要涉及名词-动词-形容词-副词#重点考查了对上 下 文 逻 辑 的 理 解#具 有 很 强 的 区 分 度,第二节主要考查学生对.普通高中英语课程新标准/所要求的基本语法知识-词 汇-习 语 和 较 为 简 单 的 表 达 方 式 的 把握情况#着重在语篇层面考查学生的语法分析能力,从该题的设置来看#有以下 三 个 特 点) 考 查 语 法)每 一 个 设 空 都必定涉及某一条或某几条语法规则#不会单纯考查单词的拼写和词组的用法,考 查 语 境)该 题 采 用 短 文 的 形 式 来 考查语法的目的就是要利用短文有较强的语境的特点来命题,因此#学生要填出正确 答 案#至 少 需 要 理 解 整 个 句 子 的 意思或各分句之间的逻辑关系#或者需要理解前后几 个 句 子#甚 至 整 个 段 落 或 篇 章, 考 点 分 散)基 本 及 !# 个 语 法 点#至 少 也 得 有 L 个 语 法 点, 本 文 是 一 篇 新 闻 报 道#由 中 央 电 视 台 *CC=T+和 教 育 部 *I][+联 合 制 作 的 .开 学 第 一 课 /已 经 成 为 家 长 和 学 生 在 秋 季 开 学 第 一 天 的 必 修 课 , E$第四部分写作#包括两节,第一节短文改错#考查 学 生 的 纠 错 能 力 和 准 确 运 用 英 语 语 言 的 能 力#在 考 查 学 生 理 解能力的同时#还涉及谓语动词-形容词-副词-非谓语动词-名词单复数-代词-连 词-冠 词 等#也 涉 及 句 型 结 构-行 文 逻 辑及固定搭配,本文是一封信件#作者将去美国进行 为 期 两 周 的 旅 行#向 美 国 朋 友 =-: 征 求 去 美 国 哪 些 城 市 旅 游 的 建议和其他一些去美国旅行的信息,第二节书面表达#是 一 封 英 文 邮 件#要 求 学 生 以 李 华 的 身 份 给 交 换 生 K(40'写 一 封电子邮件#告知她本周日的安排#因爷爷生日而把教 她 制 作 中 式 早 餐 的 时 间 改 到 下 午, 写 作 要 点 已 经 给 出#学 生 注 意 认 真 分 析 要 点 #理 解 要 点 要 表 达 的 含 义 , 内 容 贴 近 现 实 生 活 #总 体 难 度 不 高 ,




AA visit to a zoo can be an amazing experience for people of all ages. If you want to get close to wildlife, why not visit one of the following zoos in the UK?Longleat Safari(野外观兽旅行) & Adventure ParkWiltshire’s Longleat Safari & Adventure Park is the UK’s oldest safari park. Opened in 1966, it was the first safari park opened outside Africa. It was just, a 100-acre lion reserve in the beginning, but it has grown fast over the years. Now you can see parrots and other creatures here, although lions are still popular with many people.Open from mid-February to early November, a day ticket costs £26 for adults. Admission(门票) for 3 to 14-year-olds is £ 18. 50 and £21 for the over-60s.Located just off the A36 between Bath and Salisbury, it can be reached by taking the A362.Bristol Zoo GardensBristol Zoo Gardens is one of the UK’s oldest zoos. It has celebrated its 180th anniversary(周年) in 2016. Here, you’ll find ove r 400 different species of creatures. It also has nine animal houses, so even if the weather isn’t at its best, there are still lots of amazing creatures to look at, including the endangered red panda. Perhaps one of the most popular places is Bug World, where you can see all kinds of scary insects.Admission for adults is £14 and £8. 50 for 3 to 14-year-olds.Located in the Clifton region of Bristol, you can reach the zoo by taking either the No. 8 or 9 bus. Clifton Down train station is also close by, and if you are taking public transport, you can buya discounted entry ticket to the zoo.1.What do we know about Wiltshire’s Longleat Safari & Adventure Park?A.It’s the first safari park in the UK.B.It covers an area of 100 acres in total.C.It has a longer history than Bristol Zoo.D.It’s famous mostly for its parrots and lions.2.How much should a 61-year-old couple with their 4-year-old grandson pay to visit the first zoo?A.£42.B.£52.C.£60.5.D.£70.5.3.Bristol Zoo was opened probably in ________.A.1826B.1766C.1936D.18361. A 细节理解题。







1. What will James do tomorrow?A. Watch a TV program.B. Give a talk.C. Write a report.2. What can we say about the woman?A. She’s generous.B. She’s curious.C. She’s helpful.3. When does the train leave?A. At 6:30.B. At 8:30.C. At 10:30.4. How does the woman go to work?A. By car.B. On foot.C. By bike.5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What does the woman regret?A. Giving up her research.B. Dropping out of college.C. Changing her major.7. What is the woman interested in studying now?A. Ecology.B. Education.C. Chemistry.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。




1. — What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.— ______. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A.It just dependsB. It’s up to youC. All rightD. Glad to hear that.2. Scientists say it may be five or six years _____ it is possible to test this medicine onhuman patients.A. sinceB. afterC. beforeD. when3. The best method to ______ this goal is to unite as many people as possible.A. undertakeB.conductC. performD. accomplish4. Why! I have nothing to confess. ______ you want me to say?A.What is it thatB.What it is thatC. How is it thatD.How it is that5. You may______remember some idioms in the texts but you couldn’t ______ remember all the words in them.A.probably; possiblyB. possibly; likelyC.probably; likelyD. likely; possibly6. We agreed to accepted ______ they thought was the best tourist guide.A. whateverB. anyoneC. whicheverD. whoever7. If you live in the country or have ever visited there, ______ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day.A. situationsB. factsC. possibilitiesD. chances8. — Why was our foreign teacher unhappy yesterday?— News about the tsunami striking her country ______ an attack of homesickness.A. set forB. set outC. set aboutD. set off 9. —You didn’t invite Mary to the ball?—___ her, too?A. Must I inviteB. Would I have invitedC. Must I have invitedD. Should I have invited10. The factory produced many famous cars, none of ____ shipped to foreign countries.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. them11. By the time I saw the angry expression on his face, I ______ exactly what I was having to face. But not for a moment ______ I should quit.A. had known; I thoughtB. have known; had I thoughtC. would know; I would thinkD. knew; did I think12. Julie is one of those women who always _____ the latest fashion.A. put up withB. keep up withC. come up withD. get on with13. The pollution is getting worse and worse; we must stop pollution ______ a better life.A. to liveB. from livingC. livingD. live14. Some kinds of animals can ______ the color of their surroundings.A. take onB. dress upC. put onD. get into15. I wonder what it feels like to be one of ______ really rich. The Browns already haveRolls Royce and now they are buying ______ third.A. the; theB. /; aC. the; aD. /; the16. ----Shall we go and help them with their work?----We’d better not. They said we’d just be ______ if we tried to help.A. in a wayB. by the wayC. on the wayD. in the way17. ---What do you think made her mother so angry?---______ the exam.A. Because she didn’t passB. Her not passingC. She didn’t passD. Because of her not passing18. Had they known what was coming next, they _____ second thoughts.A. may haveB. must have hadC. could haveD. might have had19. She lost her temper, ______ I decided to go back home.A. in this caseB. in which occasionC. at which pointD. in the event20. Korean culture is really popular right now. The Korean Wave is ______ Asian countriesincluding China.A. sweepingB. strikingC. appplyingD. experiencing第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21~40各题所给的四个选项(A.B.C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。



新教材高考英语一轮总复习:UNIT 2 单元主题训练Ⅰ.阅读理解A(2022·珠海一模)When Randy Heiss went hiking behind his Patagonia, Ariz.farm, the last thing he expected to find was a Christmas list from a little girl across the US-Mexico border.“I found this balloon on my morning walk near Patagonia on Sunday.Attached to it was a piece of paper with the Christmas wishes from a little girl,” Heiss wrote on his Facebook page.When he brought the list home to his wife, who speaks fluent Spanish, they determined that the little girl had asked for Enchantimals toys, clothes, art supplies and various other gifts.That's when Heiss set out to make the little girl's Christmas dreams come true.Heiss said he had attempted to send Christmas letters to Santa Claus via balloon when he was a kid but never received a response.Heiss sent a Facebook message on Wednesday to XENY, a radio station in Nogales, to see if it could help him track down the girl or her family.He later received a response from the station, which had determined the author of the letter was an 8-year-old girl named Dayami, and the station wanted to set up a meeting between the two on Thursday.“It just changed my entire day,” Heiss told the Washington Post.“Instead of going back to my office in Bisbee, I went with my wife to Walmart.”The couple bought almost everything on Dayami's list.They also brought a few gifts for Dayami's little sister, Ximena.They told the children they were “ayudantes de Santa,” or Santa's helpers.Heiss,60, said the experience was very healing for him and his wife.Nine years ago,the couple's only son died.“ Being around children at Christmas time has been absent in our lives,” Heiss said.“We now have friends for life.For a day, that border fence with its concertina wire melted away.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,记叙了Randy Heiss在亚利桑那州巴塔哥尼亚徒步旅行时,意外收到了来自美墨边境的一个小女孩的圣诞礼物清单。

高考英语一轮 必修三 Unit 2复习题及答案解析

高考英语一轮 必修三 Unit 2复习题及答案解析

Unit 2Healthy eatingⅠ.单词拼写1.Mary has been on a________(节食)for weeks but still hasn't lost any weight.2.He pushed against that big stone with all his________(力气).3.There is a time________(限制):you must finish it in 30 minutes.4.The two men in the fight ________(怒目而视)at each other.5.You will________(受益)a lot from morning exercises.6.Don't be particular about food.A________(平衡的)diet is very important for health.7.The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of________(好奇).8.We aim to offer good value and service to all our________(顾客).9.These goods will be sold at a________(折扣).10.I have________(查阅)a number of law books in the British Museum.答案 1.diet 2.strength 3.limit 4.glared 5.benefit6.balanced7.curiosity8.customers9.discount10.consultedⅡ.翻译句子1.不要再说谎,否则就不会有人再相信你。

(tell a lie)________________________________________________________________________ 2.父母应该教育孩子做正确的事情。



C.Most British people now feel doubtful of foods in big supermarkets.
D.Most British people have realized the problems facing farms and begin to save farms.
’ s generation tend to leave the farm for cities.
Oliver Robinson, 25, grew up in Yorkshire. But he never considered staying on his father
and grandfather life, but it doesn
most people buy food from the big supe rmarkets, hundreds of independent Farmers
’ Markets are
becoming popular.
“ I started going to Farmers
’ Markets in direct defiance of the big supermarkets. I seriously
A. abc
B. abd
C. acd
D. bcd
2.Why did Oliver Robinson refuse to stay on the farm?
A.He hoped for a simpler life.
B.He was fed up with a hard farm life.
C.Farm life was too demanding though he liked it.



【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2020高考英语全真模拟卷02英语(考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

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AThe Best Places To Watch Fireworks This Fourth Of JulyCALIFORNIA: LIGHTS ON THE LAKE (LAKE TAHOE)Launched from boats on the shore of Lake Tahoe, this show is considered one of the biggest such displays in the West, which means the fireworks are visible all over town. If you’re worried about getting a seat, park your picnic at the El Dorado Beaches before 9:45 p.m. Or you can take the road less traveled and hike to the top of Mount Tallac for an unforgettable and best view of the display. Just remember you’ll have to hike down, so bring a headlight.DELAW ARE: REHOBOTH BEACHLaunched from the beach south of Rehoboth Avenue, these fireworks are visible up and down the boardwalk and beach. So jump on the Jolly Trolley(观光车) early and spend your whole day at the beach. There’s even live music after the fireworks. Note: This year’s fireworks display is scheduled for July 1, 2018.FLORIDA: SERTOMA’S 4TH OF JUL Y FIREWORKS (PENSACOLA BAY)The Gulf Coast knows how to celebrate the Fourth of July. With vendors, arts and crafts, kid-friendly activities and live entertainment, this fun-filled day in Old Seville culminates(达到高潮) with the largest fireworks display in the area. Unfortunately the pony rides and face painting are only for the kids, though.GEORGIA: DAHLONEGA’S 4TH OF JUL Y CELEBRA TIONPack up your lawn chairs, blankets and coolers and head about an hour outside of Atlanta to the University of North Georgia. It’s even pet friendly — just make sure your dog can take the noise. And if you get to town earlyenough (11 a.m.), there’s a Fourth of July parade that aims to put all other Fourth of July parades to shame.1. Where is the best spot to watch the fireworks in Lake Tahoe?A. At the El Dorado Beaches.B. On the top of Mount Tallac.C. Anywhere all over the town.D. On the shore of Lake Tahoe.2. Which display is most suitable for children?A. REHOBOTH BEACH.B. LIGHTS ON THE LAKE.C. SERTOMA’S 4TH OF JUL Y FIREWORKS.D. DAHLONEGA’S 4TH OF JUL Y CELEBRATION.3. What do Georgians think of their parade?A. The best.B. Just so so.C. Not so bad.D. Very terrible.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。

备战2020年高考高三一轮单元训练金卷 英语 第二套 英语1 Units 3-5 A卷 含答案

备战2020年高考高三一轮单元训练金卷 英语 第二套 英语1 Units 3-5 A卷 含答案

单元训练金卷·高三·英语卷(A)英语1 Units 3-5注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。






ASan Francisco Fire Engine ToursSan Francisco Winery TourRunning: February 1st through April 30thThis delicious tour goes through the city on its way to Treasure Island where we will stop at the famous Winery SF. Here you can enjoy 4 pours of some of the best wine San Francisco has to offer.(Included in tickets price) Departing from the Cannery: Tour times upon request.Duration(时长): 2 hoursPrice: $90Back to the Fifties TourRunning: August 16th through August 31stThis tour transports you back in time to one of San Francisco’s most fantastic periods, the 1950s! Enjoy fun history as we take you through San Francisco for a free taste of ice cream.Departing from the Cannery: 5:00 pm and 7:30 pmDuration: 2 hoursPrice: $90Spooky Halloween TourRunning: October 10th through October 31stJoin us for a ride through the historical Presidio district. Authentic fire gear(服装) is provided for your warmth as our entertainers take you to some of the most thrilling parts of San Francisco.Departing from the Cannery: 6:30 pm and 8:30 pmDuration: 1 hour and 30 minutesPrice: Available upon requestHoliday Lights TourRunning: December 6th through December 23rdThis attractive tour takes you to some of San Francisco’s most cheerful holiday scenes. Authentic fire gear is provided for your warmth as you get into the holiday spirit.Departing from the Cannery: 7:00 pm and 9:00 pmDuration: 1 hour and 30 minutesAdvance reservations required.21. Which of the tours is available in March?A. San Francisco Winery Tour.B. Back to the Fifties Tour.C. Spooky Hallowen Tour.D. Holiday Lights Tour.22. What can tourists do on Back to the Fifties Tours?A. Go to Treasure Island.B. Enjoy the holiday scenes.C. Have free ice cream.D. Visit the Presidio district.23. What are tourists required to do to go on Holiday Lights Tour?A. Take some drinks.B. Set off early in the morning.C. Wear warm clothes.D. Make reservations in advance.BNelle Harper Lee was born on April 28,1926. Since Lee’s mother was mentally ill, she was raised by her lather. She became very close to her father.The naughty Lee loved reading, and would make up stories with Truman Capote, her neighbour who was two years older than her. Seeing his daughter’s imagination, Lee’s father gave her a typewriter.In high school, Lee developed an interest in English literature. After graduating in 1944, she went to the all-female Huntingdon College in Montgomery. Lee stood apart from the other students. She could have cared more about fashion, make-up, or dating. Instead, she focused on studies and writing. Transferring (转学) to the University of Alabama, Lee was known for being a loner and an individualist. Before her final year in the University of Alabama, Lee dropped out to become a writer. She moved to New York City where her childhood friend Truman was already a famous writer. While there, she worked on her first book — To Kill a Mockingbird. It won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and was made into an Academy Award winning movie the following year.To Kill a Mockingbird tells the story of six-year- old Scout and her brother who live in the town of Maycomb, Alabama with their single father Atticus. Atticus is a lawyer who defends blacks. At a young age, Scout lives in the surroundings of the terrors of segregation (隔离政策).Then, in 2014, the first draft (草稿) of a new book —Go Set a Watchman was discovered among Lee’s papers. It is the story of 26-year-old Scout who returns to Maycomb to visit her father. She is shocked to find her father a changed man. He has turned into a segregationist!The story shows the mixed feelings Scout has about the changes that have taken place in her homeland and her father. A loner for most of her life, Lee stayed unmarried, preferring to lead a small town life. On February 19,2016, Lee passed away at the age of 89.24.What can we learn about Lee?A.She became a professional writer at college.B.She had a gift for writing.C.She was persuaded to become a writer by Truman.D.She got interested in writing after getting a typewriter.25.What did the characters Lee described in To Kill a Mockingbird show?A.Her love for a mockingbird.B.The effect of having a sick mother.C.Her experience of learning English literature.D.Her relationship with her father. 26.What happens to Scout’s father in Go Set a Watchman?A.He has mixed feelings towards the blacks.B.He straggles for the equal rights of the black people.C.He supports segregating blacks from whites.D.He fails to get used to the changes of his homeland.27.What is the passage mainly about?A.How Lee fought against segregation.B.How Lee’s book made her world-famous.C.Lee’s whole life and her famous books.D.Lee lived a painful life all her life.CIt was late August when I got a call from a grandmother. She lives in Seeley Lake, Montana, and she has heard we have air purifiers (净化器) with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) air-cleaners that can help with smoke. She needs one for the baby’s room. I explained we didn’t have any and told her how to purchase one.She coughed and went silent with disappointment before asking how much they cost. Almost every person I talk to in Seeley Lake has this cough. “The family doesn’t have much money,” she said, but she promised to order a filter for the child. Small filters—ones that can clean a bedroom of up to 75 square feet—cost about $70 each.The next day, the wildfire that had been burning for weeks in the Lolo National Forest, northeast of town, moved closer to the woman’s neighborhood, and the county sheriff’s office evacuated (疏散) the area. I wondered whether the air-cleaner would be there when the family returned home. I knew the smoke would be.As an air-quality specialist with the Missoula City-County Health Department in Montana, my job is to understand air pollution, control it as much as possible, and help people protect themselves from its effects. I focus on smoke management: issuing permits for outdoor burns and updating residents about what to expect from the smoke when wildfires send it our way.Never had we seen so many wildfires so close to home for so many weeks. There are six classes on the Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Quality Index (指数): good, moderate, unhealthy for sensitive groups, unhealthy, very unhealthy, and dangerous. Seeley Lake’s air reached dangerous class in 18 days last summer.Last year was troubled by wildfires around the country. The fires that struck Northern California alone killed 44 people and cau sed more than $9 billion in damage. But this isn’t just a recent problem, nor is it limited to the West. Wildfires hit 49 states in 2017, including a swath from Florida to Virginia. More than 9 million acres burned nationwide, compared with the yearly average of 6.5 million acres.28.Why did the grandmother make a call to the author?A.To prevent the wildfire.B.To help her make a move.C.To ask for an air purifier.D.To get information about air pollution.29.How did the woman feel about the author’s reply?A.Angry. B.Hopeful.C.Excited. D.Disappointed.30.What’s the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 5?A.To add some background information.B.To summarize the previous paragraphs.C.To introduce a new topic for discussion.D.To make the readers realize the situation.31.Compared with the yearly average, the burned acres nationwide in 2017 rose by ________.A.about 49% B.about 38%C.about 72% D.about 52%DThe City of Christchurch, New Zealand was struck by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake on the early morning of Saturday, September 4, 2010.No tsunami alert was reported. The country's army troops were on standby to assist victims and disaster recovery operation. New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key, flew to the affected area to inspect and assess the situation of the damaged city. The Prime Minister said that the full assessment of the damages would possibly take months to know the severity of damages. Based from his assessment on what he saw in the area, it could cost at least 2 billion New Zealand dollars or US$1.4 billion for reconstruction.“An absolute miracle that no one died,” Prime Minister John Key said. Two were seriously injured from this quake and thousands of local residents were awakened after being shaken at 4:35 a.m. of that Saturday.There were people trapped inside the damaged buildings but fortunately none were reported dead from the rubble of the damaged buildings.“We're all feeling scared—we've just had some significant aftershocks,” a survivor told TV One News. “Tonight we're just people in the face of a massive natu ral disaster, trying to help each other and we're grateful we haven't lost a life.”GNS Science reported 29 aftershocks within the 14 hours after the quake, with strength from magnitude 3.7 to 5.4.New_Zealand_is_no_stranger_to_earthquakes. The country experiences more than 14,000 earthquakes a year—but only about 150 are felt by people.“Many buildings here were built with earthquake protection measures. However, in most cities in developing countries, people build how they want to and there're no building controls to force them to build to a higher standard that's safe,” Andrew Charleson, an architecture professor at Victoria University of Wellington told CNN.32.How many people were killed in the New Zealand earthquake on September 4, 2010?A.250,000. B.29. C.2. D.0.33.After the earthquake, all of the following occurred EXCEPT that ________.A.a number of aftershocks broke outB.army troops were there to helpC.no people were injured or killedD.the full assessment of the damages can't take in a short time34.What does the underlined sentence mean?A.Earthquakes break out frequently in New Zealand.B.The earthquakes breaking out in New Zealand are very strange.C.The earthquakes breaking out in New Zealand are unusual.D.Earthquakes rarely hit New Zealand.35.What's the main idea of the passage?A.No one was ever killed in earthquakes in New Zealand.B.A massive earthquake struck the city of Christchurch of New Zealand.C.New Zealand has strict laws to guarantee the buildings' safety.D.A miracle happened in the terrible earthquake.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

备战2020年高考高三一轮单元训练金卷 英语 第一套 英语1 Units 1-2 B卷 含答案

备战2020年高考高三一轮单元训练金卷 英语 第一套 英语1 Units 1-2 B卷 含答案

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第Ⅰ卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

ANowadays everybody seems to think that they know English. Many people speak it but few speak it really well. Practice is necessary in speaking English well.Reading is also one of the things that will help you to speak English better. Read whenever you can andwhatever you like! Read papers and Internet sites that you like in English every day. Then, you will see that thenumber of known words is increasing and you are able to speak with more skills. Then you will have made thefoundations and a good basis of English. It is not good to stop and get stuck there.Going to England or an English-speaking country is a good choice, but many people cannot afford it. If youcannot go, reading and speaking with your friends will also help you to practice your English. However, I think it is very good to visit some English-speaking country to see and test your knowledge in everyday life. You willunderstand the everyday usage of the language in its natural environment. There your level of English is going toimprove even faster. Your ability to speak English is better. Nothing can match the excitement and happiness when anative speaker tells you that your English is very good!Finally, in order to speak English well, you must be persistent (坚持的) and do it every day. It is like playing thepiano. Pianists play it every day and so should you. Include English in your life and you will see where it is going. Practice, Practice! Read, write and improve your language skills and you are on your way when you will be able to speak it with more and more confidence! 21.What does the writer suggest about reading? A .Trying to improve your vocabulary. B .Keeping on reading when you have time. C .Stopping when you have a good basis of English. D .Looking up every unknown word when reading. 22.The main idea of the last paragraph is that ______. A .we should play the piano every day B .speaking English is fun and entertaining C .if we’ve learned to read and write, we’ll certainly be able to speak D .we should practice English every day to improve our speaking skills 23.According to the passage, what may make the author excited? A .Reading papers and Internet sites. B .Having a good basis of English. C .Going to an English-speaking country. D .A native speaker’s praise. B I first met Paul Newman in 1968, when George Roy Hill, the director of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, introduced us in New York City. When the studio didn’t want me for the film— it wanted somebody as well-known as Paul — he stood up for me. I don’t know how many people would have done that; they would have listened to their agents or the studio powers. The friendship that grew out of the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV . We were respectful of craft (技艺)and focused on digging into the characters we were going to play. Both of us had the qualities and virtues that are typical of American actors: humorous, aggressive, and making fun of each other — but always with an underlying affection. Those were also at the core(核心)of our relationship off the screen. We shared the brief that if you’re fo rtunate enough to have success, you should put something back — he with his Newman’s Own food and his Hole in the Wall camps for kids who are seriously ill, and me with Sundance and 此卷只装订不密封班级姓名准考证号考场号座位号the institute and the festival. Paul and I didn’t see each other all that r egularly, but sharing that brought us together. We supported each other financially and by showing up at events.I last saw him a few months ago. He’d been in and out of the hospital. He and I both knew what the deal was, and we didn’t talk about it. Ours was a relationship that didn’t need a lot of words.24. Why was the studio unwilling to give the role to author at first?A. Paul Newman wanted it.B. The studio powers didn’t like his agent.C. He wasn’t famous enough.D. The director recommended someone else.25. Why did Paul and the author have a lasting friendship?A. They were of the same age.B. They worked in the same theater.C. They were both good actors.D. They have similar charactertics.26. What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 r efer to?A. Their belief.B. Their care for children.C. Their success.D. Their support for each other.27. What is the author’s purpose in writing the test?A. To show his love of films.B. To remember a friend.C. To introduce a new movie.D. To share his acting experience.CIf you were to travel anywhere in the globe— even to visit remote tribes (部落人) who have little contact with the larger world — would people be able to read your emotions from your facial expressions and would you be able to read theirs?Charles Darwin argued in The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals that basic facial expressions are universal — suggesting that they are hard-wired within us as the product of natural selection. In other words, you would know if someone looked happy, or sad, etc., wherever you were in the world.Since Darwin’s day, researchers have, indeed, traveled to faraway corners of the world to test the “universality theory”. Paul Ekman, professor of psychology at UC San Francisco and inspiration for th e TV show Lie To Me, reported that even Fore tribesmen of New Guinea could look at photos of people from other cultures and identify what emotions were displaying.Since Ekman’s work, other papers have tested the universality theory and occasionally challe nged it. Rachael Jack of the University of Glasgow and co-authors used computer graphics to produce facial animations (动画). They then showed these animations to 15 Western Caucasian people far away from countryside and 15 East Asian from modern cities. They were asked to divide the facial expressions into groups.This is what they found: They did get six groups from the Western Caucasians. But the results between emotion groups from the East Asians were complexed. They believe this suggests modern cultural factors have a greater influence than before.28.Charles Darwin held the view in his book that ________.A.facial expressions are understood by allB.facial expressions are easy to readC.man and animals share the same emotionsD.some facial expressions can cause confusion29.According to the third paragraph, Fore tribesmen of New Guinea ________.A.were confused by the photosB.read the facial expressions in wrong waysC.could recognize the basic facial expressionsD.had different facial expressions from city people30.Since Darwin, all papers have tested the “universality theory” and _______.A.no authors have agreedB.all authors have found the same resultsC.some papers have been lostD.some authors have expressed different ideas31.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?CP:central point P1-P3: Point 1-Point 3 SP:sub-point C: ConclusionA .B .C .D .DExperts say there are about 6,500 languages spoken throughout the world. But the United Nations guesses that about half of these languages are in danger of disappearing.One organization seeking to save world languages is Wikitongues. It has a simple goal: to provide the tools and support that people need to save their languages. When a language disappears, many other things can go away as well. For example, parts of a community's(社区的)culture knowledge and identity can also be lost.Because of this, Udell co-founder of Wikitongues believes the process of bringing languages hack must be done by community members themselves, he said. "There is no way an outside organization can save someone's language for them.”Wikitongues was started in 2016 as an open Internet collection of world languages. The self-described "community" is operated by volunteers from around the world. The collection is in the form of language videos that people speaking the languages add to the Wikitongues website.Udell says saving languages does count. There are many examples of languages that disappeared but later returned to use. "Hebrew went extinct(灭绝的)in the 4th century BC, and was revived(复兴)in the 1800s. Now once again,it's the mother tongue of half of the world's Jewish population.” Another example is a Native American tribe. The tribe's language went extinct in the 1940s. But the tribe was able to successfully build up a "language recovery" in recent years.One of Wikitongues' volunteers is Theron Kolokwe who lives in Namibia. His native language is Subiya which is spoken by about 30.000 people."I want the world to know about my language,” Kolokwe sa id. But his goal goes beyond just sharing his language with others through video. He is also working to create a dictionary and language teaching materials that can be used in schools.32. What does Udell consider important in saving languages?A. Gathering language information.B. Relying on the language speakers.C. Setting up an outside organization.D. Combining languages with culture.33. How does Wikitongues help save languages?A. By getting language videos from its speakers collected.B. By building an online dictionary for each language.C. By creating a real-life community for its speakers.D. By requiring volunteers to learn new languages.34. What do the examples in paragraph 5 suggest?A. The achievements of Wikitongues.B. The influences of languages on life.C. The significance of saving languages.D. The difficulty with language recovery.35. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Wikitongues Is Struggling to Spread LanguagesB. Wikitongues Starts a Language Learning WebsiteC. Wikitongues Is Bringing Old Languages Back to LifeD. Wikitongues Seeks to Save World's Dying Languages第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2020高考英语全真模拟卷03英语(考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

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AListed here are four of the thousands of impressive museums around the world.The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in Bilbao,SpainBuilt in 1997,the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is one of the newest in the world. It has transformed the industrial city of Bilbao into a travelers' desired destination. The beautiful architecture of the museum has provided a dramatic background for movies and commercials.The Louvre in Paris,FranceProbably the most famous Louvre also holds the most famous painting in the world,the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci. Crowds can be found any day surrounding the small,but mysterious painting of the smiling woman. But,the Louvre is much more than a home to the “Mona Lisa”. The Louvre is visited by more people each year than any other museum in the world.The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia,AmericaJust opened in its new downtown location in 2012,the Barnes Foundation is “unique” in that it is a completely reproduced display from one man's private collection. Dr. Albert C. Barnes started collecting art in the early 20th century and collected,among others,the largest number of original Renoir paintings in the world.The Uffizi Gallery in Florence,ItalyWalking on the marbled floors feels like stepping back in time. The building itself is a beautiful palace—like structure with frescoes(湿壁画) decorating the ceilings and walls. Viewers are bowled over(印象深刻) by the works by Botticelli,such as “The Birth of Venus”. Classic artworks from nearly 1,000 years ago describe religious events of the time.1. Which of the following is the most popular?A. The Louvre.B. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.C. The Barnes Foundation.D. The Uffizi Gallery.2. What makes the Barnes Foundation particular?A. Its structure.B. Its collection.C. Its location.D. Its history.3. What type of writing is this text?A. An activity poster.B. An exhibition announcement.C. An art show review.D. A travel guide.BPeople like to post their selfies(自拍照) on social media. To know more about it, scientists at Syracuse University in New York recently did a research and came up with some surprising findings.People who post selfies and use editing software to make themselves look better show behavior connected to narcissism(自恋), the researchers said. Makana Chock, a professor from Syracuse University, said because social media is mostly used by people to share unimportant information about their lives, it is a good place for people to “work towards satisfying their own vanity.” Those “likes” under their Facebook selfies make them feel good.Besides, people who post group selfies show a need for popularity and a need to belong to a group, the research found. Some people feel “peer(同伴) pressure” to post selfies and some follow the popular belief that if there is no picture of an event or experience, it did not really happen. “Anyway, it shouldn’t be seen as negative. People get sense of satisfaction especially when they get likes. And it does no harm,” Chock said.Other findings from the study include: There are no major differences on how often men and women post selfies and how often they use editing software. But men who post selfies showed more of a need to be seen as popular than women who posted selfies.Chock said posting selfies on social media is not all that different from what people have done for many years. On trips and special events, our parents and grandparents used cameras instead of phones to take photos. They would bring back photos to show friends and family. You had no choice but to look at them. You probably commented about how nice everyone in the photos looked, especially children and the person showing the photos. They were happy to hear your comments. That was the old way of “clicking like”. On social media, however,people can decide not to look at photos --- even if they click “like”.4. What is the research mainly about?A. The ways of making people look better in selfies.B. The reasons for people posting selfies on social media.C. The differences between men and women in posting selfies.D. The connections between posting selfies and mental health.5. What does the word “vanity” in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. A deep desire to know about something.B. A special need to be more popular.C. Too much pride in one’s own appearance.D. Strong determination to improve oneself.6. What is Chock’s attitude towards selfie posting?A. Ambiguous.B. Cautious.C. Disapproving.D. Supportive.7. From the last paragraph, we know that the older generations showed their photos to friends and family ______.A. to win praise from viewersB. to show off their camerasC. to improve relationshipsD. to share good momentsCAttending college can be expensive, and applying to college can be costly as well. With today’s college application fees averaging around $ 80, you can expect to spend hundreds of dollars on college before you are even accepted into a school.One of the easiest ways to save money on college application fees before you begin applying is to narrow down your list of schools. To save money, try to limit the schools to which you apply to about 2-3 reach schools and 2-3 safety schools.At some schools, being a relative of a graduate can secure you a free application. If you are applying to a school where one of your parents or grandparents is a former graduate, check to see if you’ re qualified for it.Research the preferred method of applying for each school on your list. Some schools offer free online applications, yet charge a fee for paper submissions. This is because online applications save schools the cost of employing a staff member to physically enter the application information.Several states, such as Michigan and North Carolina, take part in College Application Week, where many schools in the participating states cancel their application fee for the week. Be sure to contact the schools to I j which you are applying to see if they participate in College Application Week and when the program takes place in that state.Apply for early admission. If you have already decided on which college is your top choice, consider applyingunder an Early Action or Early Decision admission program. If you are accepted, you won’t have to submit application fees to other schools.For more information regarding college applications and the fees associated with them, contact your high I school advisor or the admissions department at your school(s) of interest.8. The passage is mainly written to______.A. introduce famous universities in the United StalesB. show some practical ways to apply an ideal collegeC. advertise for successful applications and advisorsD. offer tips to save money on college application fees9. What does the author advise to do in the second paragraph?A. Write down your favorite universities.B. Reduce the number of your university choices.C. Apply to two universities each time.D. Mind your safety when applying to college.10. Some schools offer free online application to______,A. receive fees faster than beforeB. employ someone else to workC. cut down the cost of employmentD. enter the application information11. It can be known from the passage that______,A. application fee might be canceled conditionallyB. many countries attend College Application WeekC. applying for early admission is the best policyD. admission departments determine your futureDGarbage sorting has become a hot issue around China, especially after Shanghai began carrying out a regulation on July 1.Beijing, as a forerunner in environmental protection, has thus been expected to follow suit. The capital of the country has long been campaigning for sorting and recycling household waste, as part of its environmental drive for sustainable growth, local media reported.The current regulation gives garbage sorting responsibilities to government departments, property management groups and other organizations. It also gives rules for companies, outlining how they’re responsible for waste collection, transportation and treatment. Only individuals are not subject to responsibilities.The long-awaited revision will soon change the situation, “Taking out the trash without sorting it properly will be illegal,” said Sun Xinjun, director of the Beijing Commission of Urban Management. In Shanghai, violators are now fined up to 200 yuan ($30)for trash-sorting violations. The maximum fine in Beijing will not be less than that, he said.The Beijing city government first set out to promote garbage sorting in 2009. Authorities have since called on citizens to sort their household waste into four types-recyclable waste, kitchen trash, dangerous waste and others-and leave it in a corresponding dustbin or trash can. Blue-colored dustbins signify items within are recyclable, green represents kitchen trash, red corresponds to dangerous materials and grey to other waste.To promote the awareness of garbage sorting and expand the base of participants, authorities have employed workers to help residents on the spot. With intelligent devices, those who throw in recyclable waste at given sites will be rewarded with bonus points, which can be used to buy daily goods. At some communities, there are no color-coded dustbins. Instead, a scheduled garbage collection service is offered to help improve the environment. In other communities, workers offer a door-to-door service to collect recyclables or kitchen waste.Beijing Environmental Sanitation Engineering Group has been promoting new garbage sorting facilities such as recycling cabinets and smart kitchen waste trash cans since 2016, Xinhua News Agency reported. Nearly 26,000 metric tons of household waste is generated across Beijing on a daily basis and 29 terminal garbage disposal facilities are working at full capacity. Nearly 9.3 million tons of household waste was processed in the city last year.12. According to the passage, which dustbins should some used coke cans be thrown into?A. Grey-colored dustbins.B. Red-colored dustbins.C. Green-colored dustbins.D. Blue-colored dustbins.13. We can learn from the passage that ________.A. new technology has been applied to help deal with garbageB. Beijing carried out a more severe rule on garbage sorting than ShanghaiC. the change of the current regulation has aroused objection among citizensD. the amount of household waste in Beijing is far from something disturbing14. What is the best title for the text?A. How to Sort Garbage in ChinaB. The Current Regulation in BeijingC. Garbage Collection in BeijingD. Waste Recycling Project Counts15. The passage can be sorted as ________.A. a book reviewB. a travel brochureC. an environment reportD. a geography essay第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

备战2020年高考高三一轮单元训练金卷: 英语 第三套 英语2 Units 1-2 A卷含答案

备战2020年高考高三一轮单元训练金卷: 英语 第三套 英语2 Units 1-2 A卷含答案
Finally I saw the finishing post, and I just concentrated on getting there—still one-legged. My finishing time was 38 minutes 25 seconds but that didn’t matter—the atmosphere was fantastic and everyone felt a sense of achievement, whatever their time. I’m hooked, and want to give it another go. I’ve already signed up for my next open-water swim.
Located in the center of Shanxi Province, Pingyao is the hometown of Jin merchants, a group of merchants who actively dominated (支配)f China in 1949, the city's agriculture and manufacturing industries developed rapidly. Following China's reform and opening up, Pingyao struggled for thetransitionfrom a managed economy to the current market-oriented economy. During this time, the city government sought out new ways to break through this economic bottleneck.

高考英语一轮复习 模拟测试卷(三)高三全册英语试题

高考英语一轮复习 模拟测试卷(三)高三全册英语试题


1.—I can't go with you today.There will be a test tomorrow.—________.Maybe next time.A.It doesn't matter B.My pleasureC.I don't think so D.Sorry to hear that解析:由上句句意“今天我不能与你一起去,明天将有一场考试”可知A 项“没关系”与题意相符。

B项意为“别客气/是我的荣幸”;C项意为“我不这样认为”;D 项意为“听到那个很遗憾”,都不符合语境。


答案:A2.—Hello,this is Tom speaking.________?—This is Ann.A.Who are you B.Who's thisC.Who's that D.What's your name解析:在电话中问对方是谁,用“Who's that(speaking)”答案:C3.—Would you mind if I open the window?—________.I got a cold.A.You'd better not B.Never mindC.Of course not D.All right解析:由答语中的“我感冒了”知是介意开窗的,希望最好不要打开窗户。


答案:A4.—Remember to ask her to call me back.—________.A.Never mind B.That's rightC.Up to you D.Got it解析:句意:——记着让她给我回电话。



单元训练金卷·高三·英语卷(A)英语2 Units 1-2注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。






AThe city of Lake Placid, USA, will welcome the youth of the world for friendly competition at 8th International Children’s Winter Games from 6 February to 11 February, 2019.Lake Placid will be the first city of the United states to host the International children’s Winter Games and they are making full preparations to welcome the world once again. It has twice played host of the Olympic winter Games, in 1932 and 1980. Lake Placid has a long history of international sports competition and hosts many international events each year.The International Children's Games are devoted to the common goal of forming nation—linking friendships through the exercising of sports and the arranging(安排)of sports events. The goal of the International Children's Games is to enable, develop and improve understanding and friendship among children from different countries.The city of Lake Placid will offer competition for youth aged 12 to 15 in the sports of Cross—Country Skiing. Speed Skating, Ice Hockey and Snowboard. If you want to take part in the games, you have to get the invitation from the organizers.In addition to sport competition, Lake Placid will also offer cultural exchange(交流)events, programs for fun and more activities to help create lasting friendships and memories.Now children from the world are excited to compete and meet new friends in the Winter Games. It is sure to be a great success.21.How long will the Games last?A.15 days. B.12 days. C.1l days. D.6 days.22.What is the goal of the Games?A.To develop understanding and friendships.B.To improve sports and competition skills.C.To learn more about the city of Lake Placid.D.To raise money for children in poor countries.23.What is the passage mainly about?A.The Olympic Winter Games.B.The 8th International Children's Winter Games.C.The city of Lake Placid.D.Cultural exchange and entertainment programs.BI had only swum in open water a few times, and always in gentle lakes, so I wasn’t prepared for how rough Lake Windermere appeared on a cold day. A swimmer told me the water felt colder than it had been measured, and that the water was a bit rough. But I, along with 10,000 others, was about to complete the challenge.Most of the people taking part were doing a one-mile race, and 10 races were planned over the weekend. There seemed to be a mix of open-water enthusiasts alongside complete beginners—which is precisely the aim of the swims, to get as many people as possible completing their own challenge. The oldest woman competing was 77, taking part in the two-mile race, alongside a man who last year had swum in every one-mile race.I had chosen the third one-mile race of the day. There were over 600 people in my race. We were taken through an acclimatization area, a children’s paddling pool-sized part of the lake where we moved in to feel how cold the water was. “Not too bad” was everyone’sthought! Then we headed out towards the middle of the lake.We’d been war ned that the first 100 metres would be really rough. However, somewhere near the 750m mark I was still waiting for the calm; it felt more like swimming in the sea than a lake. I tried to focus on my breathing and technique, and just keep going. As I approached the 400m-to-go mark my lower right leg became painful. I recalled overhearing people talking about how they kept swimming through the pain, so I tried. But it didn’t work. I began to feel the entire leg tight and painful. I didn’t want to stop, so I b ent my right knee and just kicked with the left leg.Finally I saw the finishing post, and I just concentrated on getting there—still one-legged. My finishing time was 38 minutes 25 seconds but that didn’t matter—the atmosphere was fantastic and everyone felt a sense of achievement, whatever their time. I’m hooked, and want to give it another go. I’ve already signed up for my next open-water swim.24.How did the author feel before the race?A.Scared of the most challenging race.B.Disappointed by the difficult conditions.C.Concerned about the other swimmers in the race.D.Determined to be as tough as the people around her.25.Why does the author mention the two people in Paragraph 2?A.To stress the importance of the race.B.To praise the experienced swimmers.C.To show the wide range of the participants.D.To introduce the various events of the race.26.The author suggests in Paragraph 4 that ______.A.the race would cause breathing problemsB.the race became harder than she had expectedC.it was really necessary to prepare for tough swimsD.it would have been easier if she had taken others’ advice27.What does the author talk about in the last paragraph?A.Her confidence in her own ability.B.Her pride in having swum so quickly. C.Her eagerness to repeat the experience.D.Her surprise at having managed to finish.CImagine walking through an ancient city, then climbing a gate tower to take in a wonderful view of the city and its more than 600-year-old walls. You can hear the city's heartbeat in the air. This is Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi Province, a place that should definitely be on your travel route if you enjoy history or ancient architecture since its origins can be traced back to more than 2,700 years ago.Located in the center of Shanxi Province, Pingyao is the hometown of Jin merchants, a group of merchants who actively dominated (支配) a booming commodity market throughout China for more than 500 years, especially during the Ming and Qing dynasties. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the city's agriculture and manufacturing industries developed rapidly. Following China's reform and opening up, Pingyao struggled for the transition from a managed economy to the current market-oriented economy. During this time, the city government sought out new ways to break through this economic bottleneck.Finally in the winter of 1997, opportunity came knocking. Through the efforts of the city government, Pingyao earned its place on the UNESCO World Heritage list, which caused the entire world to take notice of the city.Since the city's fame rose, locals in Pingyao have deepened their understanding of the conservation efforts preserving the historical relics in their hometown. Meanwhile the city administration has continued to upgrade itself through a strategy that follows the pillars of "conservation, entrepreneurship, development and protection".Currently, the city is focused on establishing a sustainable industry that will enable it to continue to grow while also protecting its relics and introducing them to the world.28.What does the underlined word "transition" in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A.Exploration. B.Spread.C.Application. D.Change.29.What contributed to Pingyao's popularity around the world?A.The city government's hard work.B.The official recognition by the UNESCO.C.The development of Pingyao's economy.D.The ancient architecture in the city.30.What measure is taken to further develop the city?A.Combining the economy with cultural protection.B.Constructing more modern buildings.C.Learning from other cities in the world.D.Establishing the manufacturing industry.31.How is the text developed?A.By giving examples.B.By following the time order.C.By listing reasons.D.By raising questions.D“What is civilization?” a sked Kenneth Clark 50 years ago in the influential BBC series on the subject. “I don’t know, and I can’t define it in abstract terms, yet. But I think I can recognize it when I see it, and I’m looking at it now.” And he turned to gesture behind him, at the soaring Gothic towers and flying buttresses of Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院).It seems inhuman to care more about a building than about people. That the sight of Notre Dame going up in flames has attracted so much more attention than floods in southern Africa which killed over 1,000 arouses understandable feelings of guilt. Yet the widespread, intense grief at the sight of the cathedral’s collapsing steeple (尖塔) is in fact profoundly human—and in a particularly 21st-century way.It is not just the economy that is global today, it is culture too. People wander the world in search not just of jobs and security but also of beauty and history. Familiarity breeds affection. A building on whose sunny steps you have rested, in front of which you have taken a selfie with your loved one, becomes a warm part of your memories and thus of yourself.This visual age has given beauty new power, and social media have turned great works of art into superstars. Only a few, though, have achieved this status. Just as there is only ever a handful of world-famous actors, so the pantheon (万神殿) of globally recognizable cultural symbols is tiny: the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo’s David, the Taj Mahal, the Great Pyramid— and Notre Dame. Disaster, too, is visual. In the 24 hours after the fire started, videos on social media of the burning cathedral were viewed nearly a quarter of a billion times.Yet the emotions the sight aroused were less about the building itself than about what losing it might mean. Notre Dame is an expression of humanity at its collective best. Nobody could look up into that arched (拱形的) ceiling without wondering at the collective genius of the thousands of unknown craftsmen who, over a century and a half, realized a vision so grand in its structural ambition and so delicate in its hand-made detail. Its survival through 850 years of political unrest—through war, revolution and Nazi occupation—binds the present to the past.32.The BBC series in the first paragraph is mentioned to show ________.A.Notre Dame is a typical example of civilizationB.civilization is supposed to be defined in abstract termsC.civilization was founded in the past and lasts for decadesD.it’s cruel to care more about buildings than about people33.Notre Dame fire has aroused worldwide concerns because ________.A.the disaster coincided with the floods in southern AfricaB.people has lost a historical landmark to take a selfie and restC.France’s economic prosperity has made it a must-see place for visitorsD.cultural globalization has bred a common sense of cultural identity34.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.People’s sadness at the misfortune mainly lies in the building itself.B.People wondered who contributed to such an artistic achievement.C.Notre Dame is a witness to Nazi invasion and French revolution.D.Fortunately we are blessed with countless splendid works of art.35.What might be the best title for the passage?A.Notre Dame: The Architectural TreasureB.Notre Dame: The Humanistic ExpressionC.Notre Dame: A Victim To Natural DisasterD.Notre Dame: A Must-be Tourist Attraction第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。




每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。



1.What will the man do at 9:00 this morning?A.Meet with a customer.B.Have an interview.C.Review a project.2.How does the man sound?A.Nervous.B.Confident.C.Terrified.3.Why does the man want to quit his job?A.He goes on business trips a lot.B.He isn’t satisfied with the salary.C.He always gets lots of calls.4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A designer.B.A necklace.C.A dress.5.When does the woman decide to see Dr.Frank?A.At 1:30 p.m.B.At 2:00 p.m.C.At 4:00 p.m.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。




6.What’s the relationship between the speakers?A.Tour guide and tourist.B.Waiter and customer.C.Mother and son.7.What can we learn from the conversation?A.The woman was satisfied with the dinner.B.The man lent his phone to the woman.C.They spent a pleasant evening party together.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。



单元训练金卷·高三·英语卷(A )英语2 Units 1-2注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。

2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。




第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AThe city of Lake Placid, USA, will welcome the youth of the world for friendly competition at 8th International Children’s Winter Games from 6 February to 11 February, 2019.Lake Placid will be the first city of the United states to host the International children’s Winter Gamesand they are making full preparations to welcome the world once again. It has twice played host of theOlympic winter Games, in 1932 and 1980. Lake Placid has a long history of international sports competitionand hosts many international events each year.The International Children's Games are devoted to the common goal of forming nation —linking friendships through the exercising of sports and the arranging(安排)of sports events. The goal of theInternational Children's Games is to enable, develop and improve understanding and friendship amongchildren from different countries.The city of Lake Placid will offer competition for youth aged 12 to 15 in the sports of Cross —Country Skiing. Speed Skating, Ice Hockey and Snowboard. If you want to take part in the games, you have to get theinvitation from the organizers.In addition to sport competition, Lake Placid will also offer cultural exchange(交流)events, programs for fun and more activities to help create lasting friendships and memories. Now children from the world are excited to compete and meet new friends in the Winter Games. It is sure to be a great success. 21.How long will the Games last? A .15 days. B .12 days. C .1l days. D .6 days. 22.What is the goal of the Games? A .To develop understanding and friendships. B .To improve sports and competition skills. C .To learn more about the city of Lake Placid. D .To raise money for children in poor countries. 23.What is the passage mainly about? A .The Olympic Winter Games. B .The 8th International Children's Winter Games. C .The city of Lake Placid. D .Cultural exchange and entertainment programs. B I had only swum in open water a few times, and always in g entle lakes, so I wasn’t prepared for how rough Lake Windermere appeared on a cold day. A swimmer told me the water felt colder than it had been measured, and that the water was a bit rough. But I, along with 10,000 others, was about to complete the challenge. Most of the people taking part were doing a one-mile race, and 10 races were planned over the weekend. There seemed to be a mix of open-water enthusiasts alongside complete beginners —which is precisely the aim of the swims, to get as many people as possible completing their own challenge. The oldest woman competing was 77, taking part in the two-mile race, alongside a man who last year had swum in every one-mile race. I had chosen the third one-mile race of the day. There were over 600 people in my race. We were taken through an acclimatization area, a children’s paddling pool -sized part of the lake where we moved in to feel how cold the water was. “Not too bad” was everyone’s thought! Then we headed out towards the middle of the lake. We’d been warned that the first 100 metres would be really rough. However, somewhere near the 750m此卷只装订不密封班级姓名准考证号考场号座位号mark I was still waiting for the calm; it felt more like swimming in the sea than a lake. I tried to focus on my breathing and technique, and just keep going. As I approached the 400m-to-go mark my lower right leg became painful. I recalled overhearing people talking about how they kept swimming through the pain, so I tried. But it didn’t work. I began to feel the entire leg tight and painful. I didn’t want to stop, so I bent my right knee and just kicked with the left leg.Finally I saw the finishing post, and I just concentrated on getting there—still one-legged. My finishing time was 38 minutes 25 seconds but that didn’t matter—the atmosphere was fantastic and everyone felt a sense of achievement, whatever their time. I’m hooked, and want to give it another go. I’ve already signed up for my next open-water swim.24.How did the author feel before the race?A.Scared of the most challenging race.B.Disappointed by the difficult conditions.C.Concerned about the other swimmers in the race.D.Determined to be as tough as the people around her.25.Why does the author mention the two people in Paragraph 2?A.To stress the importance of the race.B.To praise the experienced swimmers.C.To show the wide range of the participants.D.To introduce the various events of the race.26.The author suggests in Paragraph 4 that ______.A.the race would cause breathing problemsB.the race became harder than she had expectedC.it was really necessary to prepare for tough swimsD.it would have been easier if she had taken others’ advice27.What does the author talk about in the last paragraph?A.Her confidence in her own ability.B.Her pride in having swum so quickly.C.Her eagerness to repeat the experience.D.Her surprise at having managed to finish.CImagine walking through an ancient city, then climbing a gate tower to take in a wonderful view of the city and its more than 600-year-old walls. You can hear the city's heartbeat in the air. This is Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi Province, a place that should definitely be on your travel route if you enjoy history or ancient architecture since its origins can be traced back to more than 2,700 years ago.Located in the center of Shanxi Province, Pingyao is the hometown of Jin merchants, a group of merchants who actively dominated (支配)a booming commodity market throughout China for more than 500 years, especially during the Ming and Qing dynasties. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the city's agriculture and manufacturing industries developed rapidly. Following China's reform and opening up, Pingyao struggled for the transition from a managed economy to the current market-oriented economy. During this time, the city government sought out new ways to break through this economic bottleneck.Finally in the winter of 1997, opportunity came knocking. Through the efforts of the city government, Pingyao earned its place on the UNESCO World Heritage list, which caused the entire world to take notice of the city.Since the city's fame rose, locals in Pingyao have deepened their understanding of the conservation efforts preserving the historical relics in their hometown. Meanwhile the city administration has continued to upgrade itself through a strategy that follows the pillars of "conservation, entrepreneurship, development and protection".Currently, the city is focused on establishing a sustainable industry that will enable it to continue to grow while also protecting its relics and introducing them to the world.28.What does the underlined word "transition" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Exploration. B.Spread.C.Application. D.Change.29.What contributed to Pingyao's popularity around the world?A.The city government's hard work.B.The official recognition by the UNESCO.C.The development of Pingyao's economy.D.The ancient architecture in the city.30.What measure is taken to further develop the city?A.Combining the economy with cultural protection.B.Constructing more modern buildings.C.Learning from other cities in the world.D.Establishing the manufacturing industry.31.How is the text developed?A.By giving examples.B.By following the time order.C.By listing reasons.D.By raising questions.D“What is civilization?” asked Kenneth Clark 50 years ago in the influential BBC series on the subject. “I don’t know, and I can’t define it in abstract terms, yet. But I think I can recognize it when I see it, and I’m looking at it now.” And he turned to gesture behind him, at the soaring Gothic towers and flying buttr esses of Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院).It seems inhuman to care more about a building than about people. That the sight of Notre Dame going up in flames has attracted so much more attention than floods in southern Africa which killed over 1,000 arouses understandable feelings of guilt. Yet the widespread, intense grief at the sight of the cathedral’s collapsing steeple (尖塔) is in fact profoundly human—and in a particularly 21st-century way.It is not just the economy that is global today, it is culture too. People wander the world in search not just of jobs and security but also of beauty and history. Familiarity breeds affection. A building on whose sunny steps you have rested, in front of which you have taken a selfie with your loved one, becomes a warm part of your memories and thus of yourself.This visual age has given beauty new power, and social media have turned great works of art into superstars. Only a few, though, have achieved this status. Just as there is only ever a handful of world-famous actors, so the pantheon (万神殿) of globally recognizable cultural symbols is tiny: the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo’s David, the Taj Mahal, the Great Pyramid— and Notre Dame. Disaster, too, is visual. In the 24 hours after the fire started, videos on social media of the burning cathedral were viewed nearly a quarter of a billion times.Yet the emotions the sight aroused were less about the building itself than about what losing it might mean. Notre Dame is an expression of humanity at its collective best. Nobody could look up into that arched (拱形的) ceiling without wondering at the collective genius of the thousands of unknown craftsmen who, over a century and a half, realized a vision so grand in its structural ambition and so delicate in its hand-made detail. Its survival through 850 years of political unrest—through war, revolution and Nazi occupation—binds the present to the past. 32.The BBC series in the first paragraph is mentioned to show ________.A.Notre Dame is a typical example of civilizationB.civilization is supposed to be defined in abstract termsC.civilization was founded in the past and lasts for decadesD.it’s cruel to care more about buildings than about people33.Notre Dame fire has aroused worldwide concerns because ________.A.the disaster coincided with the floods in southern AfricaB.people has lost a historical landmark to take a selfie and restC.France’s economic prosperity has made it a must-see place for visitorsD.cultural globalization has bred a common sense of cultural identity34.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.People’s sadness at the misfortune mainly lies in the building itself.B.People wondered who contributed to such an artistic achievement.C.Notre Dame is a witness to Nazi invasion and French revolution.D.Fortunately we are blessed with countless splendid works of art.35.What might be the best title for the passage?A.Notre Dame: The Architectural TreasureB.Notre Dame: The Humanistic ExpressionC.Notre Dame: A Victim To Natural DisasterD.Notre Dame: A Must-be Tourist Attraction第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

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单元训练金卷·高三·英语卷(A)英语2 Units 1-2注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。






AThe city of Lake Placid, USA, will welcome the youth of the world for friendly competition at 8th International Children’s Winter Games from 6 February to 11 February, 2019.Lake Placid will be the first city of the United states to host the International children’s Winter Games and they are making full preparations to welcome the world once again. It has twice played host of the Olympic winter Games, in 1932 and 1980. Lake Placid has a long history of international sports competition and hosts many international events each year.The International Children's Games are devoted to the common goal of forming nation—linking friendships through the exercising of sports and the arranging(安排)of sports events. The goal of the International Children's Games is to enable, develop and improve understanding and friendship among children from different countries.The city of Lake Placid will offer competition for youth aged 12 to 15 in the sports of Cross—Country Skiing. Speed Skating, Ice Hockey and Snowboard. If you want to take part in the games, you have to get the invitation from the organizers.In addition to sport competition, Lake Placid will also offer cultural exchange(交流)events, programs for fun and more activities to help create lasting friendships and memories.Now children from the world are excited to compete and meet new friends in the Winter Games. It is sure to be a great success.21.How long will the Games last?A.15 days. B.12 days. C.1l days. D.6 days. 22.What is the goal of the Games?A.To develop understanding and friendships.B.To improve sports and competition skills.C.To learn more about the city of Lake Placid.D.To raise money for children in poor countries.23.What is the passage mainly about?A.The Olympic Winter Games.B.The 8th International Children's Winter Games.C.The city of Lake Placid.D.Cultural exchange and entertainment programs.BI had only swum in open water a few times, and always in gentle lakes, so I wasn’t prepared for how rough Lake Windermere appeared on a cold day. A swimmer told me the water felt colder than it had been measured, and that the water was a bit rough. But I, along with 10,000 others, was about to complete the challenge.Most of the people taking part were doing a one-mile race, and 10 races were planned over the weekend. There seemed to be a mix of open-water enthusiasts alongside complete beginners—which is precisely the aim of the swims, to get as many people as possible completing their own challenge. The oldest woman competing was 77, taking part in the two-mile race, alongside a man who last year had swum in every one-mile race.I had chosen the third one-mile race of the day. There were over 600 people in my race. We were taken through an acclimatization area, a children’s paddling pool-sized part of the lake where we moved in to feel how cold the water was. “Not too bad” was everyone’s thought! Thenwe headed out towards the middle of the lake.We’d been warned that the first 100 metres would be really rough. However, somewhere near the 750m mark I was still waiting for the calm; it felt more like swimming in the sea than a lake. I tried to focus on my breathing and technique, and just keep going. As I approached the 400m-to-go mark my lower right leg became painful. I recalled overhearing people talking about how they kept swimming through the pain, so I trie d. But it didn’t work. I began to feel the entire leg tight and painful. I didn’t want to stop, so I bent my right knee and just kicked with the left leg.Finally I saw the finishing post, and I just concentrated on getting there—still one-legged. My finis hing time was 38 minutes 25 seconds but that didn’t matter—the atmosphere was fantastic and everyone felt a sense of achievement, whatever their time. I’m hooked, and want to give it another go. I’ve already signed up for my next open-water swim.24.How did the author feel before the race?A.Scared of the most challenging race.B.Disappointed by the difficult conditions.C.Concerned about the other swimmers in the race.D.Determined to be as tough as the people around her.25.Why does the author mention the two people in Paragraph 2?A.To stress the importance of the race.B.To praise the experienced swimmers.C.To show the wide range of the participants.D.To introduce the various events of the race.26.The author suggests in Paragraph 4 that ______.A.the race would cause breathing problemsB.the race became harder than she had expectedC.it was really necessary to prepare for tough swimsD.it would have been easier if she had taken others’ advice27.What does the author talk about in the last paragraph?A.Her confidence in her own ability.B.Her pride in having swum so quickly.C.Her eagerness to repeat the experience.D.Her surprise at having managed to finish.CImagine walking through an ancient city, then climbing a gate tower to take in a wonderful view of the city and its more than 600-year-old walls. You can hear the city's heartbeat in the air. This is Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi Province, a place that should definitely be on your travel route if you enjoy history or ancient architecture since its origins can be traced back to more than 2,700 years ago.Located in the center of Shanxi Province, Pingyao is the hometown of Jin merchants, a group of merchants who actively dominated (支配)a booming commodity market throughout China for more than 500 years, especially during the Ming and Qing dynasties. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the city's agriculture and manufacturing industries developed rapidly. Following China's reform and opening up, Pingyao struggled for the transition from a managed economy to the current market-oriented economy. During this time, the city government sought out new ways to break through this economic bottleneck.Finally in the winter of 1997, opportunity came knocking. Through the efforts of the city government, Pingyao earned its place on the UNESCO World Heritage list, which caused the entire world to take notice of the city.Since the city's fame rose, locals in Pingyao have deepened their understanding of the conservation efforts preserving the historical relics in their hometown. Meanwhile the city administration has continued to upgrade itself through a strategy that follows the pillars of "conservation, entrepreneurship, development and protection".Currently, the city is focused on establishing a sustainable industry that will enable it to continue to grow while also protecting its relics and introducing them to the world.28.What does the underlined word "transition" in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A.Exploration. B.Spread.C.Application. D.Change.29.What contributed to Pingyao's popularity around the world?A.The city government's hard work.B.The official recognition by the UNESCO.C.The development of Pingyao's economy.D.The ancient architecture in the city.30.What measure is taken to further develop the city?A.Combining the economy with cultural protection.B.Constructing more modern buildings.C.Learning from other cities in the world.D.Establishing the manufacturing industry.31.How is the text developed?A.By giving examples.B.By following the time order.C.By listing reasons.D.By raising questions.D“What is civilization?” asked Kenneth Clark 50 years ago in the influential BBC series on the subject. “I don’t know, and I can’t define it in abstract terms, yet. But I think I c an recognize it when I see it, and I’m looking at it now.” And he turned to gesture behind him, at the soaring Gothic towers and flying buttresses of Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院).It seems inhuman to care more about a building than about people. That the sight of Notre Dame going up in flames has attracted so much more attention than floods in southern Africa which killed over 1,000 arouses understandable feelings of guilt. Yet the widespread, intense grief at the sight of the cathedral’s collapsing steeple (尖塔) is in fact profoundly human—and in a particularly 21st-century way.It is not just the economy that is global today, it is culture too. People wander the world in search not just of jobs and security but also of beauty and history. Familiarity breeds affection. A building on whose sunny steps you have rested, in front of which you have taken a selfie with your loved one, becomes a warm part of your memories and thus of yourself.This visual age has given beauty new power, and social media have turned great works of artinto superstars. Only a few, though, have achieved this status. Just as there is only ever a handful of world-famous actors, so the pantheon (万神殿) of globally recognizable cultural symbols is tiny: the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo’s David, the Taj Maha l, the Great Pyramid—and Notre Dame. Disaster, too, is visual. In the 24 hours after the fire started, videos on social media of the burning cathedral were viewed nearly a quarter of a billion times.Yet the emotions the sight aroused were less about the building itself than about what losing it might mean. Notre Dame is an expression of humanity at its collective best. Nobody could look up into that arched (拱形的) ceiling without wondering at the collective genius of the thousands of unknown craftsmen who, over a century and a half, realized a vision so grand in its structural ambition and so delicate in its hand-made detail. Its survival through 850 years of political unrest—through war, revolution and Nazi occupation—binds the present to the past.32.The BBC series in the first paragraph is mentioned to show ________.A.Notre Dame is a typical example of civilizationB.civilization is supposed to be defined in abstract termsC.civilization was founded in the past and lasts for decadesD.it’s cruel to care more about buildings than about people33.Notre Dame fire has aroused worldwide concerns because ________.A.the disaster coincided with the floods in southern AfricaB.people has lost a historical landmark to take a selfie and restC.France’s economic pro sperity has made it a must-see place for visitorsD.cultural globalization has bred a common sense of cultural identity34.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.People’s sadness at the misfortune mainly lies in the building itself.B.People wondered who contributed to such an artistic achievement.C.Notre Dame is a witness to Nazi invasion and French revolution.D.Fortunately we are blessed with countless splendid works of art.35.What might be the best title for the passage?A.Notre Dame: The Architectural TreasureB.Notre Dame: The Humanistic ExpressionC.Notre Dame: A Victim To Natural DisasterD.Notre Dame: A Must-be Tourist Attraction第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
