托福独立写作:People are now easier to become educated than in the past.


【小站教育】托福独立写作- 主体段范例初级

【小站教育】托福独立写作- 主体段范例初级
主体段范例: 初级
Sample 1
论证: 慢生活对健康的好处 Main Idea: A slower pace of life is good for our health.
▪ 减少压力 ▪ 避免精神疾病 ▪ 减低肥胖几率
To start with, people who do things rapidly have higher working efficiency. First of all, they can perform more daily tasks within a shorter period time. Also, their high pace of life and work means that they are able to attend a lot of meetings and appointments. In addition, it is easier for them to complete their work projects before the deadline because of their keen sense of time urgency.
TS: 对比
SS1: 因果
SS2: 转折
SS3: 事实
Sample 4
论证: 做事速度快的人工作效率高 Main Idea: People who get things done quickly have higher efficiency.
▪ 在短时间内完成更多 ▪ 可参加更多的会议 ▪ 能在截止日之前做完 项目
▪ perform more tasks in a shorter time ▪ attend meetings and appointments ▪ complete work projects before the deadline



托福独立写作题型解析之古今对比题有时候托福写作中会考到今昔对比题,有些考生不知道从何下手,下面小编给大家带来托福独立写作题型解析之古今对比题,希望对大家有所帮助!托福独立写作题型之古今对比题古今对比题,It is easier to be well educated today than it is in the past. 现在比过去更容易接受良好的教育。





比如,人们现在有各种各样的电子产品(electronic devices),能够方便我们在网上学习,看国外教授的讲座;甚至在走路、排队的时候,都可以用移动设备(Portable devices)学习;而在过去人们只能去教室听课,形式比较单一。



【举一反三】Nowadays people are more willing to help the people who they don’t know (for example, giving food and clothes to the people who need them) than they were in the past.首先,科技的发展让人们能够很快的知道哪里有需要帮助的人(social media; smart-phones; instant messaging)其次,人们的经济水平改善了,物质方面有条件去帮助有需要的人。







你是否同意这种观点?破题思路分析:1. 要与论题相匹配论题问的既然是提高生活质量与否,一些无关紧要的改变就应该弃之不用,比如烹调时间缩短这一项改变,是事实,且未对生活质量有直接明显影响,就应该避免用作主要论点。

2. 要能言之有物这是再功利不过的一条标准。


3. 选择的无论是2个还是3个论点,内在一定要有联系这其实是整个立意阶段的重头。
































Integrated Writing(Reading passage)This section measures your ability to use writing to communicate in an academic environment.There will be2writing tasks.For the first writing task,you will read a passage,listen to a lecture,and then answer a question based on what you have read and heard.For the second writing task,you will answer a question based on your own knowledge and experience.Integrated Writing(Reading passage and Listening script)DirectionsFor this task,you will read a passage about an academic topic.A clock at the top of the screen will show how much time you have to read.You may take notes on the passage while you read.The passage will then be removed and you will listen to a lecture about the same topic.While you listen,you may also take notes.You will be able to see the reading passage again when it is time for you to write.You may use your notes to help you answer the question.In an actual test,you will then have20minutes to write a response to a question that asks you about the relationship between the lecture you heard and the reading passage.Try to answer the question as completely as possible using information from the reading passage and the lecture.The question does not ask you to express your personal opinion.Typically,an effective response will be150to225words.Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on the completeness and accuracy of the content.Now you will see the reading passage for3minutes.Remember that it will be available to you again when you write.Immediately after the reading time ends;the lecture will begin,so keep your headset on until the lecture is over. ReadingNative to Europe and Asia,cheatgrass is an invasive species of grass that is causing problems in North American fields.The plant quickly dominates fields that it has invaded and drives out other plants.This can cause,among other problems,severe damage to animal habitats and to scenic areas.Several solutions to the cheatgrass problem have been proposed by ecologists. One option is to encourage animals such as cattle to feed on cheatgrass. Cattle and other livestock are known as grazers because they graze,or eat. small portions of grass or other plants throughout the day.If grazers were released in fields where cheatgrass is prevalent,the cheatgrass would be reduced That would create room for native species to reestablish themselves and flourish.This plan is appealing because cheatgrass is most prevalent in areas of North America where cattle and other livestock are raised. Another option is to burn the cheatgrass off the fields with controlled fires. This plan has the advantage of eliminating vast amounts of cheatgrass in a short time Cheatgrass,it turns out?is a highly flammable plant:it burns much more easily than the native plant species that have been crowded out. Strategically set fires could bum away the cheatgrass where it has come to dominate,creating space so the newly cleared fields could be reseeded with native grasses and other plants.Still another option is to introduce a fungal parasite that specifically attacks cheatgrass.In Europe and Asia,where cheatgrass is a native species,there is a species of fungus that has the ability to prevent cheatgrass from reproducing.Introducing this fungus in North American fields where cheatgrass has proliferated could slow the spread of cheatgrass,making it possible for native species to better compete against cheatgrass. ListeningNow listening to a lecture on the same topic.Directions:You have20minutes to plan and write your response Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage.Typically,an effective response will be150to225 words.Question:Summarize the points made in the lecture,being sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific methods proposed in the reading passage.Independent WritingDirectionsFor this task,you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state,explain,and support your opinion on an issue.In an actual test and in Timed Mode in this practice test,you will have30minutes to write your essay.Typically,an effective essay will contain a minimum of300words Your essay will be judged on the quality of your writing This includes the development of your ideas,the organization of your essay,and the quality and accuracy of the language you use to express your ideas.Directions:Read the question below.You have30minutes to plan,write,and revise your essay.Typically,an effective response will contain a minimum of 300words.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Nowadays people are more willing to help people they don't know(for example,by giving clothing and food to people who need them)than they were in the past.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer Be sure to use your own words.Do not use memorized examples。



托福写作新题库题库 YUKI was compiled on the morning of December 16, 2020托福独立写作新题库—188题库一、教育类1.Teachers are appreciated and valued nowadays not as much as they werebefore.(Students nowadays do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.)难度4考频42.University should spend more money supporting social activities rather thanimproving the food students eat.难度4考频33.When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, youprefer to work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day, or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation?难度5考频34.Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numeroussmall assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final gradesdetermined by only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?4/25. In order to attract good students, many universities spend a lot of moneyin society 36The student should be required to take history courses in the university no matter what their field of study 37Students can get as much benefits from participating student organizations or club activities as from their academic studies. 4/38Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to the music while 49Teachers' performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other 410All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their 311. Children should play and study rather than learn how to do household 412. some people think that it is an important part of children's education to go on field trips(eg. Museums).other people think a child's time is better spent in classroom at 213. A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take Why4/114. The most important investment that can be made to the education ofchildren aged from four to seven is giving them a 215. Which is more important: having more facilities or hiring moreteachers?3/416. Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do 317. If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do?3/21.)Interrupt your teacher right away;2.) keep silent;3.) correct your teacher after class.18. Students are more interested in politics today than 119. The best way for a teacher to let student become interested in a subjectis to help them know how to use it in their lives outside 320. Online games,cell phones and networking Web Site make educating childrena more difficult 321. If one of your friends needs assistance in a one of the courses you are good at, it is better for him to turn to you for help or ask for a tutor?3/122. When teachers assign projects on which students must work together, students will learn much more effectively than ask them to do 223. What kind of universities do you prefer, universities whose graduates can find good jobs or universities where there are famous 324. Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students. What's your view 3/425. To improve the quality of education,universities should spend more money on professors' salaries. 3/426. Do you agree with the viewpoint that people are now easier to become educated than in the past?3/327. If children want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or 228. Do high school students should take a course on basic economics?4/129. University students should take part-time 230. Younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and 331. Students are more influenced by teachers than by their 332. Children should only play sports for fun rather than play sports in competitions or 233. A serious and strict teacher is more effective than a teacher who is humorous and 334. Playing computer games is a waste of time for 2二、人生&成功类35. In order to succeed, people should be more like others than be different with 436. Students who keep their rooms neat and organized are more successful than those who do 437. People who go out to live out of their native village or town tend to be more successful and happier than people who don’238. People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not be successful at working in a group.(In a cooperation of team, the people who cannot accept criticize couldn’t be successful.)4/539. It is better to wait in patience than take action?4/440. The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication 341. For future career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school?4/142. It is more likely for people with more skills to 443. Successful leaders should make others part of the decision-making 244. To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving 345. It was easier to achieve success in the past than it is 346. Good looks and clothing are more important for success than good 347. Is necessary for people to let others know the strengths and accomplishments to get succeed?4/248. Successful people accept new things and take risks rather than hold on to the things that they have done 249. Should people stick to your challenging dream or pay attention to carry out your real dream?5/250. Talented people's leadership is inborn and can't be learned by 351. In order to become financially responsible adults, children should manage their own money at the young 252. People should state their honest opinions even though they know others will disagree with their 453. You are helping to elect a student leader for a student organization or a club. Do you agree or disagree that honesty is the most important thing to consider in deciding whom to vote for?3/254. Since people care public recognition more than money. They will work harder after their efforts are recognized--even if there is no more money 455. The way a person dresses is a good indication of his/her personality and 356. Do you agree that people will feel happier if they have fewer possessions?4/357. People can achieve happiness if they can make others happy. (The best way to achieve happiness is try to make other people happy.)5/358. In the past, it was easier for people to identify what types of career or job would lead to a secure, successful 259. The most important characteristic for politician is to accept responsibility for 260. It is better to finish a project and then start another one than to do several things at the same 261. Spending money on traveling&vacation vs. saving for 562. To solve the present and future problems, it is necessary to understand the 263. Being creative is more important in finding the best solution to a problem than planning 264. It is better to use one’s own knowledge and experience to solve problems than to get advice from 365. Sports teach us lessons about 2三、社交生活类66. Which of the following do you think contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation?3/3 Good Food Good Location Good Friends to travel with67. In the past people are more friendly than that 268. It is impossible to be always honest to your 469. It's almost always better that shopping at one large store to buy all things you need at the same time than at several small specialized stores. 3/2 70. Which is a better friend, the intelligent one or the one has a good sense of humor?3/371. Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends. A. joining a sports team, B. participate in community activities, C. traveling3/372. The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from?3/473. Two people can still become friends if one of them has more money than the other one 374. To celebrate some major events such as birthday or graduation,organizing big party with a lot of people is better than small party with only families and close 375. It is not good to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old 476. People who have interest in different things cannot be 377. Spending time alone is the best way to relieve 278. It is more fun to see a movie in the cinema with other people than see a movie at 379. Young people are more willing to help others than those in the past 280. Is there a good reason to be impolite (rude) to another person?4/381. It is important to know about what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect your personal 282. People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at 383. Do you agree that watching sports on TV and following sports team have some negative impacts on people3/284. People rely on their neighbors less now than they did in the 285. We can learn about a person from the books and movies that person 386. Which of the following factors is most important for you living in an area not expansive, living close to relatives, living in an area with many shops and 387. Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and other information on social-networking sites. Others keep this information to themselves and never share it online . Which do you prefer and why?3/388. When making major purchase(eg. Car or laptop), our decision can be influenced by different sources of information. Explain how each of thefollowing source of information can influence your recommendations from friends or colleagues 2)information from media(eg. TV, magazines, newspapers) 3)recommendations from the sales person in the store 3/389. If people are on vacation, they should leave their mobile phones at home. 3/290. More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend 291. If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, will you use e-mail/text messaging OR use telephone/3四、工作类92. An effective leader should try to make others feel that they are part of the decision making process. 4/293. Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life 494. Your job has more effect on your happiness than your living environment 395. The best leaders are those who are willing to admit when they made bad 296. Employees should follow the orders rather than proposing new 297. It is better to work at home by using one's own computer and telephone than to do the same work in the company's office. 3/498. Some jobs can pay high salaries but require employees to leave their family and friends. Some jobs pay few salaries but allow employees staying with family and friend. Which job do you prefer Why3/399. The ability to adapt to the environment is more important than excellent knowledge for 2100. The most important investment for a company is to spend money to improve the work skills of its 3101. It is more enjoyable to have a job, and you work only three days a week with long hours rather than work five days a week with shorter 2102. People should take a secure job immediately when finding one instead of waiting for the job that they find more 3103. Do you agree that people should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from one’s work3/3104. Do you prefer to take a low-paid but secure job or a job with a high salary but easy to lose 4/2105. A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation 3106. People are happier when they finish a challenging or difficult job than when they complete an easy 2五、社会类people spend more time on improving the world than in the past. 4/2108. The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very different from the challenges their parents and grandparents faced in the 3109. Is it as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people 3/3110. Do you agree or disagree young people today are better able to make decisions for their own life than in the past 3/3111. The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too 4112. Do you agree with the statement that the opinions of celebrities, such as famous entertainers and athletes, are more important for the young people than they are to the older 4113. Young people nowadays have no influence on decisions that determine the future of the society as a 2114. Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the 3115. Sports and exercises are more important to elderly people than to young 2 116. The advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 4六、其他117. People often buy products not because they really need them but because other people have 2118. Do you agree or disagree it is important to have rules of clothing people are allowed to wear to work and school?3/2119. Compare with the people living in cities, the people living in villageand farm area are more satisfied with their lives. 3/5120. society benefits more from works of great artists than from political 3 121. Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than the people in the past. 3/4122. Is it easier to maintain good health than in the past?3/3123. Which of the following should you change to improve your health1.) The kind of food you eat2.) The amount of exercise3.) The amount of stress. 3/2 124. People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there is no need for the government to help 3125. Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a 2126. Famous entertainers and athletes deserve to have more privacy than they have 3127. Automobile has had greater effects on society than 2128. The most important problem that affects the society today will be solved during my life time?5/3129. The world is changing fast, people are less happy. 4/3130. The fast development of society today is a positive 2131. Children should do jobs that are similar to those of their 2132. People should buy things that are made in their own country, even if the price of these products is higher than that of the products made in other 2 133. Professional athletes who receive high salaries, such as football or basketball players, deserve what they 4134. Twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore.3/3135. People should be allowed to use cell phones on public transportation such as buses and 2136. People benefit more from travelling in their own country than travelling in a foreign 2137. Printed books have greater effects on society than TV 2138. Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire for more 2139. People today spend too much time on enjoyment. We only do what we like to do rather than what we should 2七、家庭类140. Is it true that parents can raise children more easily than 50 years ago?3/4141. Parents have spent too much time to help determine the future of their children, children should make their own decisions. 3/3142. Should parents spend more time playing with their children or do something related with study?3/4143. Busy parents have less time to spend with their children. Some people think time should be spent to play games or sports. Others think time should be spent by doing something together related to 4144. One of the ways that parents can help children be ready for adult life is to ask them to do a part-time 3145. Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own 2146. Parents should help children do their work rather than encouraging them to do the work on their 3147. The best way for parents to teach their children about responsibility is to have them care for 2148. Parents do not understand their children as well as the parents did 50 years 2149. Parents should give money to their children for their high marks at 1 150. It is not that important for families to regularly eat meals together?4/2 151. In modern society, parents learn more things from their children than children learn from 3152. The most important thing people learnt is from families. 3/2153. Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live inrural areas can take better care of their 2154. Some people think that they can solve problems by themselves or with the help of their parents. Thus, we need not the help from the 2八、政府政策类155. It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds. (Government should give more money in support of arts than that of athletic such as state-sponsored Olympic teams.) 3/4156. Should governments spend money on scientific research even if it has no practical value 4/2157. Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development.158. It's more important for the government to build new housing than preserve old and historical 4159. The government should spend more money on improving access to theInternet than on the public 3160. In times of economy crisis,which area should government reduce the spending?3/2-Education-Health Care-Support for unemployed九、媒体类161. Advertisement is not honest than it is in the past; and cannot help us to decide what product do we 3162. Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating 2163. Advertisements targeting children aged between 2 and 5 should be 2164. Movie s and TV programs made in one’s own country is always more interesting than those made in other 3165. Only movies that can teach us something about real lifeis worth watching. 5/3166. Movies and televisions have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people 4167. Movies and televisions should always show audience that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished. 4/2168. We need to have different sources of news and information to know which one is the real one or who is telling the truth.(In order to become well-informed, one has to get information from different news resources.)3/4169. Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign 2 170. Which source is more dependable for news, TV or newspapers 3/3十、环境保护类171. Though modern agricultural practices damage the environment, feeding the world's growing population is more important than protecting against environmental damage. 3/3172. Although many people in many countries care about environmental problems (such as pollution and global warming), the environment will not become better in the future. 3/4173. The environmental issue is too complex to be solved by the 3174. Many countries are paying attention to environmental problems. But the attention is not making the environmental situations 4175. The best way to reduce air pollution is that government to raise the cost of fuel(petrol)of the 4176. Some people argue using cleaner energy to protect the environment, butthe traditional energy sources such as coal and oil is less expensive. What is your suggestion 4/2177. It is important for the government to protect animals and wildernessareas for future generations. 3/3178. Solving environmental problems is the best way for the government to improve public 2179. The government should give priority to improving healthcare than tosolving environmental 4十一、科技类180. Scientists should be responsible for the negative impact that is brought by their discoveries or inventions. 4/2181. Government should support scientific researches which do not havepractical 2182. Scientists have been working to make technology easier and human friendly. How do you think technology had affected our lives?3/4183. Governments and companies should share their scientific discoveries with each 3184. When a new technological device become available. Some people buy it right away, while others will wait until many have acquired it. Which view do you agree with and explain 4185. Although new technology and science will continue to advance and improve people's life, the most significant improvement has been 3186. Scientists should be responsible for the negative impact that is brought by their discoveries or 2187. Technology has made children less creative than children were in the 2 188. Technology makes people’s lives simpler rather than makes people’s lives more 4。







托福独立写作高分从头开始开头段4种精彩写法实例介绍托福独立写作开头段高分写法:开门见山题目:Businesses are as likely as are governments to establish large bureaucracies, but bureaucracy is far more damaging to a business than it is to a government.模板:Contrary to the statement’s premise, my view is that businesses are less likely than government to establish large bureaucracies, because businesses know that they are more vulnerable than government to damage resulting from bureaucratic inefficiencies. My position is well supported by common sense and by observation.点评:开门见山式的开头段写法其实是比较标准的一种写法,因为托福的独立写作从题目要求来说本质上就是一篇议论文,而且还是立论文,需要考生自己提出观点然后论述证明。



托福独立写作素材整理 环境类

托福独立写作素材整理 环境类

托福独立写作素材整理环境类Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.有些人认为人类对耕地,住房,和工业的需求比保存土地和濒临灭绝的物种更重要?同意与否?1 动物很重要段落大意:动物对维持生态平衡有很重要作用,但是它们正在快速的灭绝。

Human beings are dependent on the Earth's diversity of species for our survival. Wild species play a vital role in the maintenance of the planet’s ecological functions, yet everyday on the planet 40-100 species become extinct. Many countries across the world have not got an endangered species act that is strong enough to protect various species.2 人类生存离不开物种多样性段落大意:人类生存离不开物种多样性,但是各种动植物正在急速灭绝。

Human life cannot exist in the absence of complicated interactions of millions of species in biological systems. Yet as humans, we live during a period of the greatest loss of plant and animal species since the mega-extinctions of the Jurassic Period 65 million years ago. Harvard University biologist E.O. Wilson estimates "that 50,000 plant and animal species disappear each year due to tropical deforestation, expanding agriculture, and human settlement." Human activities impact the environment, including clearing agricultural land; air, land and water pollution; urban and suburban development; and the introduction of invasive or non-native wildlife species. If land and wildlife are poorly managed, human being will risk fragmenting habitat.Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.有些人认为地球正在受到人类行为的破坏,另外有些人认为人类行为使地球变成更好的居住之地。

TPO 46 托福综合写作+独立写作范文

TPO 46 托福综合写作+独立写作范文

TPO 46阅读原文:In the United States, medical information about patients traditionally has been recorded and stored on paper forms. However, there are efforts to persuade doctors to adopt electronic medical record systems in which information about patients is stored in electronic databases rather than on paper. It is argued that storing patients’ medical records in electronic databases has several advantages over traditional paper-based record keeping.Reducing CostsFirst, the use of electronic records can help reduce costs by saving money on storing and transferring medical records. While paper records require a significant amount of storage space, electronic medical records take up virtually no space. Moreover, by having patients’ records computerized in databases, doctors can easily access the records from almost anywhere and can easily duplicate and transfer them when necessary. This costs much less than copying, faxing, or transporting paper records from one location to another.Preventing ErrorsSecond, electronic medical records are crucial to reducing the chances of medical errors. Illegible handwriting, improper transcription of data, and nonstandard organization of paper records have caused errors that in some cases have had serious consequences for the patients’ health. In contrast, electronic records are associated with standardization of forms and legible computer fonts and thus minimize the possibility of human error.Aiding ResearchThird, electronic medical records can greatly aid medical research by making it possible to gather large amounts of data from patient records. It is often impractical, impossible, or prohibitively expensive to manually go through thousands of patients’ paper records housed in doctors’ offices. However, with the e xistence of electronic medical records, it would be simple to draw out the needed information from the medical databases because the databases are already formatted for data collection. Once in the electronic system, the records could be accessed from any research location.听力原文:The benefits claimed for electronic medical records are actually every uncertain.First, the costs savings are unlikely be as significant as the reading suggests. For example, there probably won't be any savings related to record storage. You see, doctors who adopt electronic records usually don't throw out or discontinue the paper records. They keep the paper records as an emergency backup or because the paper originals with signatures are needed for legal reasons. So as a result, most doctors who adopt electronic record keeping still have to pay storage costs associated with paper-based record keeping.Second, electronic medical records cannot eliminate the possibility of errors caused by poor handwriting or by mistakes in the transcription of data. That's because most doctors, including those who've adopted electronic medical record keeping, still use pen and paper while examining patients. They take notes and write prescriptions by hand. It's usually the office staff of a doctor who entered this information at a later time from the handwritten documents into electronic systems. So poor handwriting can still lead to errors in the records since the staff members have to interpret what the doctor has written.Third, medical research would not necessarily benefit from electronic record keeping. Researchers will still find it difficult to access and use medical information. That's because access to all medical information is subject to strict privacy laws in the United States. Privacy laws exist to allow patients to keep their medical information private if they wish to. As a consequence, researchers who want to collect data from electronic medical records have to follow strict and complicated procedures and obtain many permissions along the way, including permissions from the patients. And often, such permissions are not granted. For example, patients can block the use of their medical records for any purpose other than their own medical treatment.范文:In the lecture, the professor casts doubt on the reading passage’s idea that storing patients’ medical records in electronic databases has several advantages over traditional paper-based record keeping. The professor asserts that the benefits are actually uncertain.To begin with, according to the reading passage, electronic medical records will reduce costs of storing and transferring. The professor argues that the cost savings are unlikely as the reading suggests. He says that the doctors just keep the paper records as an emergency backup and most doctors who adopt electronic record keeping still have to pay storage costs associated with paper-based record keeping.On top of that, the reading passage claims that the use of electronic medical records will help reduce the chances of medical errors. On the contrary, the professor rebuts that the electronic records cannot eliminate the possibility of errors. She says that doctors still use pen and paper while examining patients. It is usually the office staff of a doctor who will enter the information at a later time from the handwritten documents into electronic systems. So poor handwriting can still lead to errors.Lastly, the professor rebuts the reading’s point that electronic medical records wil l be beneficial to medical research through obtaining a great amount of data from patient records by stating that medical research would not necessarily benefit from electronic record keeping. The professor points out that access to all medical information is subject to strict privacy laws in the United States. Researchers who want to collect data from electronic medical records have to follow strict and complicated procedures and obtain many permissions including patient permissions along the way. Often such permissions are not granted.独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The opinions of celebrities, such as famous entertainers and athletes, are more important to younger people than they are to older people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Nowadays, people are highly exposed to the celebrities’ world—live entertainment news, celebrity interviews and celebrities’ reality show. The question comes, “who are influenced more by the opinions of celebrities?” As far as I am concerned, celebrities’ opinions are of more importance to older people.First of all, young people are able to access various information--from internet, peers or journals and the like--and celebrity is just one of the sources. How ever, older people’s information source are usually limited to TV news or programs, during which the presence of celebrity is quite often. So, older people are exposed more to the opinions of celebrities. For example, older people in my family--my parents, my aunts and uncles—are big fans of a TV program called “Old Uncle”. The host of this program is Bai Wanqing, a famous mediator. Her statements in the program are always highly valued by my parents, while I treat her opinions indifferently. In such cases, older people are influenced more by the opinions of celebrities.Moreover, young people are usually better educated than older people and most of them receive higher education. As a result, they are more likely to make wiser judgment based on their profound knowledge and experience. So, opinions of celebrities tend to have less influence on them. For example, it is quite often that many female celebrities like to recommend cosmetics they prefer. Although their recommendation seems to be so convincing, I will not blindly take these suggestions. Instead, I would do some research online to see whether the products recommended are truly good. Obviously, young people are less affected.Admittedly, young people are more willing to spend a great amount of money on celebrity-related products or works. For example, one of my friends Su Hong would attend every concert of Jay Zhou; she would purchase all the music album of him. However, it doesn’t mean young people would take celebrities’ opinions more serio usly.In a nutshell, I still hold the idea that opinions of celebrities are of less importance to younger people.练习:Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future?spend money on traveling and vacation理由1:traveling: 1. 增长见识;2. 组织能力理由2:vacation: 增进家人之间的感情让步段:花费很多钱,没有存款;反驳:合理分配save money for the future理由1:帮助我们解决将来生活上的苦难理由2:存钱投资,赚更多的钱,生活条件让步段:旅行增长见识,享受;反驳:短期,长期:更多好处。



(14)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is easier to maintain good health nowadays than it was in the past?开头:同意现在更容易比以前保持身体健康。

(话题引入+他人观点+明确立场+过渡句)The desire for good health is universal. From past to present, people have been striving for physical fitness through any possible ways. The fundamental importance of being healthy makes itself a permanent topic. Recently, people begin to ponder over a question: is it easier to maintain good health nowadays than it was in the past? As far as I am concerned, modern people are more likely to achieve a good health than people in the past. My reasons and examples are given below.中间段1:现代社会医学发达,很多疾病得以有效治疗和预防。

(主题句+说理论证+细节例子)Firstly, advanced medical technology makes it possible to control and cure diseases in an effective way. With the rapid development of science and technology come breakthroughs in medical science, which has been pushing medical treatment to a higher level. Scientists have found ultimate solutions to many diseases that used to be fatal, maintaining people’s health and extending people’s lifespan. For example, smallpox, an already-eradicated disease, was once a number-one killer engulfing tens of thousands of people’s lives. Thanks to the invention of a certain vaccine, people could put an end to this rampant disease.中间段2:现代人能接触到更多的健身设施。

托福独立写作:People are now easier to become educated than in the past

托福独立写作:People are now easier to become educated than in the past

People are now easier to become educated than in the past.
In the modern society, education that directly influences the quality of people's life becomes more and more important to people no matter they are old or young. What's your opinion of education today? A hot and important controversy centering on the issue concerns whether people are easier to become educated today than in the past. A fair proportion of people oppose that, other people, nevertheless, advocate that. As far as I'm concerned, I side with the latter for the following reasons.
First, mentioning the learning resources, everyone could say that there are countless resources for people nowadays to obtain knowledge without any doubt. These resources, including education organizations and Internet, provide people with the opportunity to become educated efficiently. For example, I was writing my homework one day and came across the concept of inflation which I don't understand. Immediately, I opened my computer, connected to the Internet, input the word "inflation" into computer, and googled it. As a result, I got not only the interpretation of the concept, but also elaborated examples and information relating to "inflation". Internet makes me improve my learning efficiency because I don't have to look up books or bother my professors when meeting some puzzles. Another example is that lots of education organizations such as New Oriental help us to be educated whenever we need in our life.







学习:After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900.There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and plagues. The introduction of new food crops, most notably the potato, provided a better diet for thepoor and reduced the incidence of famine. The combination of greater public order and fewer civil wars meant that life was less hazardous. The net result was a lower death rate and soaring populations.The growing population, with a rising proportion of children to raise and older people to care for, put increased pressure on every aspect of society. Many peasants were no longer able to provide land for their children, who were forced to look for other ways to make their living. Small artisans in the cities suffered similar problems, unable to provide places for their children in their own workshops.The exact relationship between population growth and industrialization is unclear, though the two are clearly intertwined. (Even countries that were late to industrialize shared in the general population increase, and its related problems.) What is clear is that the growth in population increased the demand for both food and manufactured goods and provided an abundance of cheap labor to produce them.托福阅读第二篇非洲铁技术的发展原文回顾:非洲铁的发展,非洲曾经是被殖民的地方,殖民者大量开采非洲的铁矿资源,并且他们在非洲大规模的用铁矿资源冶炼金属,牵扯到起源,谁把铁的技术引进非洲,以及铁技术之后的发展和改变。



2021年托福考试写作模拟题考点分析(卷二十)单一解释Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today are better able to succeed without the help from their families.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If people want to fully enjoy their vacations, they should leave their cellphones home.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should provide students with free college education.Do you think people buy things because others have them?Some people believe that requiring students to have discussions during class a waste of time, while others believe it’s a good way that helps students learn. What is your opinion and why?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities have done enough in preparing their students for graduation.Do you prefer to take online courses or to learn in a traditional classroom setting?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advice from older friends is more valuable than advice from younger friends.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Using cameras to record what people do in public is a good idea.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A personwho cannot accept others’ideas can hardly succeed in a team.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Social media is a good way to express personal views.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Celebrities like famous entertainers and athletes should never get involved in politics.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should not spend a lot of time communicating with others through technology such as the Internet and cellphones.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today are more interested in improving their neighborhoods than in the past.Some people like to exercise alone, while others like to do sports with a group of people. Which do you prefer and why?缺一不可Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should spend more money on hiring famous professors than on purchasing advanced facilities.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To maintain relationships with others, it is more important to spend a lot of time with them than to leave them alone.Do you think that doing something that the group wants us to do isa better choice than insisting on doing something that we believe in?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Leadership is more important than cooperation?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is difficult for a teacher to become both helpful and popular.P1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problems to the public.P2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should try several different jobs before they take a long career.P3Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? students are more interested in politics today than they were in the past.P4Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by people who will be willing to do what other group members want than by people who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants todo.P5Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child aged 5 to 10? Why? A Being helpful to others B Being honest C Being well-organizedP6Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People easily learn from friends beside them?P7Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is not most important to be successful. It is more important to be happy and optimistic when you fail.P8Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Company should pay for employees to get a university degree?P9Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one‘s own family.P10What is the most useful action for people to help protect the environment: 1. Travel by bike or walk to destination. 2. Reuse andrecycle waste materials. 3. Purchase local organic food.P11Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving education is the most important thing in the development of a country.P12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to identify what kinds of careers or jobs are secure and successful ones in the past than at present.P13Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades encourage students to learn.P14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore.P15Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, while others prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer?P16Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People nowadays spend much more time than they should using text messagesand new technologies such as social media to communicate with each other.P17Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? How a person look or dress is more important to one‘s success than a good idea.P18Some people like to buy and eat their meals at restaurants frequently, while others like to do this at home. Which do you prefer? Why?P19Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertisements that targeting children aged between 2 and 5 should be banned.P20Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit young students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not?P21Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should assign homework for students every day.P22Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school. Which way can bring them the most benefit? 1. accumulating work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community 2.learning to play a sport 3.learning to play a musical instrumentP23Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how well their students perform.P24Some people think that we should keep away from others to improve our relationship because being away from people reminds us of how important they are. Others think we should always stay with others to have a good relationship because we can communicate with them more often. What do you think?P25Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges or universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.P26Which of the following summer arrangements is better for a 16-17 year old student of grade eleven? 1. Get ready for some of the major courses they want to study in College 2.Led by the teacher to visitmuseums or historical sites, and then write paper.P27Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Successful people accept new things and take risks rather than hold on to the things that they have done well.P28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor.P29Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Newspapers can truly help people understand the world events. Television news don' t provide enough information.P30Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should be allowed to use cell phones on public transportation such as buses and trains.P31Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People with different interests and personalities cannot be friends.P32Do you agree or disagree with the statement? In twenty years fromnow, people will lead a more leisure life.P33Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People will feel happier when they finish a challenging or difficult work than they finish an easy work.P34Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most business people are motivated by the desire for money.P35Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? At present, people spend too much time doing things for their enjoyment rather than doing the things they should do.P36Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Telephone has had greater effects on people’s lives than television has.P37Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology makes peoples live simpler rather than more complicated.P38Do agree or disagree with the following statement? People should buy things made in their own country rather than things made elsewhere.P39Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who do not work because they have enough money are rarely happy. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.P40Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should live in a city or a country all their lives instead of moving to another place. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.P1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades encourage students to learn.P2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore.P3Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Improving education is the most important thing in the development of a country.P4Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Advertisements that targeting children aged between 2 and 5 should be banned.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should assign homework for students every day.P6Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how well their students perform.P7Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to identify what kinds of careers or jobs are secure and successful ones in the past than at present.P8Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Colleges or universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.P9Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the best ways for parents to help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take the part/time job.P10Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important investment that can be made to the education of children aged four to seven is giving them a computer.How a person look or dress is more important to one's success than a good idea, agree or not?P12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The reading a student does on his/her own is as, or even more important than that assigned by the teachers.P13Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person who plans well and works carefully is more likely to succeed than a person who takes risks.P14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement classmates and partner are better to communicate with each other face to face to finish the project than to send e-mail.P15Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should give students more group assignments because students work more efficiently in groups.P16Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money fundingsocial activities.P17Do you agree or disagree with the statement? It is better to make friends who are intelligent than with a good sense of humor.P18Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Educating children is a more difficult task now because children spend too much time on cell phones, online games and social networking websites.P19Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governments should focus more on preservation of environment rather than economic development.P20Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to become well-informed, one has to get information from different news resources.P1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades encourage students to learn.P2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore.P3Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Improving education is the most important thing in the development of a country.P4Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Advertisements that targeting children aged between 2 and 5 should be banned.P5Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should assign homework for students every day.P6Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how well their students perform.P7Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to identify what kinds of careers or jobs are secure and successful ones in the past than at present.P8Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Colleges or universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.P9Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the best ways for parents to help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take the part/time job.P10Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important investment that can be made to the education of children aged four to seven is giving them a computer.P11How a person look or dress is more important to one's success than a good idea, agree or not?P12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The reading a student does on his/her own is as, or even more important than that assigned by the teachers.P13Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person who plans well and works carefully is more likely to succeed than a person who takes risks.P14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement classmates and partner are better to communicate with each other face to face to finish the project than to send e-mail.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should give students more group assignments because students work more efficiently in groups.P16Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding social activities.P17Do you agree or disagree with the statement? It is better to make friends who are intelligent than with a good sense of humor.P18Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Educating children is a more difficult task now because children spend too much time on cell phones, online games and social networking websites.P19Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governments should focus more on preservation of environment rather than economic development.P20Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to become well-informed, one has to get information from different news热点词汇grade[greɪd]n. 年级;等级;成绩intelligent[ɪn'telɪdʒ(ə)nt]adj. 智能的;聪明的printed['prɪntɪd]adj. 印刷的a sense of humor幽默感homework['həʊmwɜːk]n. 家庭作业,课外作业alone [ə'ləʊn]adj. 独自的;单独的;孤独的according to根据relieve[rɪ'liːv]vt. 解除,减轻perform[pə'fɔːm]vt. 执行;完成effective[ɪ'fektɪv]adj. 有效的,起作用的abroad[ə'brɔːd]adj,在国外deserve[dɪ'zɜːv]vi. 应受,应得part-time兼职的professional[prə'feʃ(ə)n(ə)l]adj. 专业的;职业的Latin-Americanadj.拉丁美洲人的complicated['kɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]adj. 难懂的,复杂的efficiently[i'fiʃəntli]adv. 有效地;效率高地transportation[trænspɔː‘teɪʃ(ə)n]n. 运输;运输系统e-mail邮件manage['mænɪdʒ]vt. 管理;经营funding['fʌndɪŋ]n. 提供资金rather than而不是独立写作机经预测内容:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can achieve happiness if they make others happy. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. "1)本题属于TOEFL写作常考的隐藏绝对词题型/生活方式话题2)建议写作思路:同意该说法。



英语考试作文独立写作范文:如今的年轻人比以前更乐于助人()Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.【译文】你是否同意下面的陈述:现今年轻人比以前更乐于助人【解析】有了解过托福考试官方指南(Official Guide)的同学都应该知道独立写作5分原始分标准里面的第一条是“有效地回应写作话题和任务”具体来说,就是要求各位同学在看到题目之后,可以选用2-3个论点去论证自己的主要立场,这个立场就是全文的总论点,英文是‘Thesis’。

很多同学的问题在于,在文章开头可以提出一个很清晰的立场,同时头脑中大概也能想到支撑该立场的原因,但是在真正开始写主体段的时候,所用的表达方式、所写的句子就会让人看得云里雾里!换句话说,就是没有很好地把关键内容——整个段落里面的‘核心’用一句话写下来,这句话叫做文章的主题句,英文是‘TopicSentence’ (TS)。


In our country there has always been a spirit of volunteerism. As children, we are taught that helping those less fortunate is our responsibility. But unfortunately, the growing prosperity of the nation has placed an emphasis on materialism and individual success, creating a generation of youth that do not understand the meaning of being selfless.I believe young people today are not as charitable as previous generations of young people.【译文】在我们国家,始终有一种志愿精神的精神。














何为明例?即出现了直接举例词,如for example,for instance等。







比如在TPO4的第一篇DEER POPULATIONS OF THE PUGET SOUND中,原文有这么两句话:No doubt the numbers of deer declined still further. Recall the fate of the Columbian white-tailed deer, now in a protected status. 在第二句中有个单词叫recall,它并不是完全意义上的举例词,但在这个语境中recall就充当了一个举例词,那么后面的内容就是一个例子,那么这个例子论证的论点就是它前面这句话。



托福满分范文(优选九篇)5托福满分范文(篇一)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.托福作文满分范文:In my point of view,sports activities are as important as ,if not more important than,good it is wise for universities to give the same amount of money to their students' sportsactivities as they givetheir university are numerous clear reasons and i wouldexplore some important ones here.First,good health is the prerequiste for future are not only the place forstudents to expand their minds, but also a place for student to build their good health isvery essential for study and future our university,there are several middle-agedteachers and researchers suffer from diseases,some even died when they were atill at the acme oftheir academic is a great loss for their families and our university.Second,through sports activities,student can benefit both physically and who hasplayed in a football game knows that the cooperation and competition are important for are two basic traits for those who want to succeed,and student who can combinethem harmoniously have better chance of success in the future.Third,investment in sports activities can save money in the long China, all of studentsmedical expenses are patronized by government anf this is a heavy the students healthimporved,a lot of money can be saved every these money,universities can buildmoreclassrooms,laboratories and libraries.Of course, good libraries are also important for good library withits large collectionof books is the pride and symbol of a prominent libraries and sports activities areindispenable for unicersity,so it is wise for unicversities give the same amount of money to theirstudent activities as they give to their libraries.托福满分范文(篇二)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students tolearn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.托福写作满分作文范文:Many people in the world share a belief that grades make studentswork hard. I agree with theabove statement because I believe thathigh grades are more helpful in getting a bright future.One of benefits of the high grade is that it promotes a learner's interest. Interest is the bestmotivation to encourage students to learn. If a learner has a good score in English, he will find thatEnglish is a beautiful language. For example I love to learn math, because it brings me happinesswhen I get a high score in a math exam. When I went to university, I select mach as my major.The secondreason is that schools give us a chance to learn knowledge, why nottry our best to getit. In our lives these knowledge has important effect on our mind which need be wise by an by. Inaddition, self-credit may be instruct by good marks. It is also important to ourlife.A further solid argument for the high grade is that it means a good future career. Many companieswould rather hire students who are with high grades.As far as I am concerned, I come to the notion that there are main reasons why I support thatgrades encourage students to learn. Firstly, high scores spring learner' interests. Secondly, studentsget self-credit through it. Furthermore, A good job may wait these students who have high marks.托福满分范文(篇三)I strongly believe that individuals, no matter adults or children, have the right to make decisions by themselves. So even children are vey young, they can choose to keep taking a musical instrument course or not, and should not be forced to do things consistent with their parents’ wishes. On the other hand, if children who do not want to keep learning such courses are forced to take them, they will not be happy and learn little. It is just a waste of time, energy and money.9月9日托福口语真题及范文托福满分范文(篇四)托福tpo真题写作53作文范文,托福tpo53独立写作independentwriting范文+ 题目解析是托福考试官方指南(officialguide),tpo21-54 独立写作范文+ 独立写作批改服务,真题解析,解析,模版解析,文笔分析,写作技巧等,是托福考试官方给出的考试指南。




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If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!tpo61独立写作范文知乎(精选8篇)tpo61独立写作范文知乎第1篇With surging development of economy and science,people are getting used to chase after money and power,ignoring the importance of family especially eXtended my perspective,the eXtended family is more important than it was in the past because of its strong functions.First of all,the eXtended family paly a important role on our the number of nuclear families is increasing,children who grow up in those families feel the brothers or sisters,some children just make friends with motionless toys,making them indifferent,even they can get along with their cousins,playing with them,it does have a positive influence on a instance,my little cousin,a cute princess,did not like sharing her toys with her she played with me,seeing that i share all my books with my friends,she totally changed!Learning from me,she know how important it is to share.tpo61独立写作范文知乎第2篇Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children.Use specific reasons and eXamples to support your answer.tpo61独立写作范文知乎第3篇Compared with the past several decades, current lifestyle has changed a lot due to the development of science and technology.Despite some people may argue that it also leads to some negative effects, such as environmental pollution or more pressure, yet, in my opinion, life today is still more comfortable and easier than the past, since it brings more pros than cons in the following aspects.Firstly, Internet brings more conveniences to our life,which breaks away from conventional ways in different fields.For one thing, people can communicate with each other more freely, instead of merely sticking to face to face talk in reality.It is not only beneficial to keep harmony relationship with each other but also improve the efficiency of communication to some degree.For another, various kinds of information and stuff online contribute to building easier and more convenient lifestyle.People can obtain almost everything they want online, such as searching for information, studying,or shopping, which leaves out the trouble of going outside and walking through the crowd.Additionally,the improvement of transportation,involving multiple kinds of transportation, such as buses,trains and even airplanes, they not only improve efficiency of travel, which saves much more time within the same distance,but also ameliorate service mechanism in order to provide passengers more comfortable environment during their travel.Meanwhile,compared with the period when our grandparents were children, lower eXpenses attract more people to enjoy advantages brought by current relatively well-developed transportation.Admittedly,with the increase of life pace,people nowadays are struggling from more pressure in order to pursue better physical life as they attach more importance to their work, and accordingly have less time accompany with their families.However, more entertainmentresources, like bars, playgrounds or gyms, come out,which provide workers with more opportunities to relieve pressure and relaX themselves.Moreover,as for those who cannot cope with stress by themselves,psychologists are always ready to help them.And people are active to find tradeoff between pressure and life in the feedback.Overall, though we cannot ignore the negative influences in life today, we still need to be optimistic and positiveenough to enjoy the better living standards due to the remarkably economic increase and the development of technology.想要下载托福TPO写作1-48综合写作文本+独立写作题目+部分独立写作范文,请提交“姓名+电话+邮箱”,我们将于15小时内发送给你!tpo61独立写作范文知乎第4篇I agree with the statement that it is more vital for our individuals to learn ideas than those specific facts.Although some people claims, Learning new things or doing scientific research without facts or specific knowledge can be very difficult, thus students should stick to facts rather than concepts.However, those people havent noticed all facts or knowledge are based on concepts raised by human.Thus, putting concepts aside isnt a wise choice.There are several specific reasons.First of all, We have been learning facts from teXts books all the day since primary school,but seldom of us ask _why.Basically, nobody cares because teacher or the whole education system stress too much on facts.As we all know, facts genesis from ideas and concepts.Before doing something, wed better build a concept, or a more specific plan for what we are going to do neXt.Only in this way can we had everything undercontrol.It is the same for students or scientists.For instance,Newton probably did not know the whole facts or the theory about G Force at all before he finished his research.But newton must have realized that the eXistence of a special force, thus a concept came into his mind.Then, all have to do is follow the concepts and start his science research.In a word, we should study ideas and concepts first and it will lead us to facts in the end.tpo61独立写作范文知乎第5篇Educating children is a more difficult task today than it was in the past because they spend so much time on cell phone,online games, and social networking Web site.疑问句,反问句。

TPO 26 托福综合写作+独立写作范文

TPO 26 托福综合写作+独立写作范文

TPO 26综合写作:Contrary to what is argued in the passage, the lecture illustrates how zebra mussels are not likely to become a serious threat to freshwater fish populations in North America.First and foremost, new knowledge of the zebra mussel has shed light on new ways to prevent their invasion, even though people in the past have not been able to stop the spread of zebra mussels effectively. For instance, although a large amount of zebra mussels spread to North America by staying in the ballast water of a ship, people can now get rid of them before the ship gets to the shore – if the ballast water is emptied halfway of the journey and refreshed with sea water, the zebra mussels can be exterminated as soon as they get exposed to salt water.Furthermore, zebra mussels are not likely to dominate a new habitat for a long period of time. The lecture agrees that zebra mussels may have no predators and reproduce rapidly in the beginning, but it would not be long before predators notice this new source of food and therefore prevent its domination.Finally, zebra mussels would not cause the decline of overall fish population. While zebra mussels would most likely cause the decline of plankton eaters, as the passage suggests, they would also provide nutrients for bottom-feeding fish and eventually cause the population of those fish to increase.独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better for children to choose jobs that are similar to their parents’ jobs than to choose jobs that are very different from their parents’ jobs.When choosing a life career, the advice of a parent can be quite decisive. Many parents encourage their children to live the life they themselves have only dreamed of, and try a very different job from their own. Nevertheless, in most cases, I believe it would be more beneficial for the child, the parent and the society alike if children followed in the footsteps of their parents when choosing a job.One of the most obvious reasons is that it paves a more convenient way to success for the children. Children who share similar occupations with their parents can at least inherit the experiences of the parent, which would save them much time and energy along the way. The parents, who have already had decades of trial and failure in the field, would have a clear idea of what kind of knowledge and quality is required for the job. In that case, they would be able to better prepare the children for the job, and give them helpful suggestions along their career development. Moreover, experience is not the only thing children can inherit from their parents. A businessman can provide his son a shortcut to success by leaving him an already well-run company, and a politician can leave his children the connections they would need in order to win sufficient support.Another thing is that a similar career is likely to strengthen the parent-child bond. In such a fast-paced modernized world, parents often complain that they are losing their child to busy schedules and a digital social world they feel distant from. But generation gaps are easily bridged when parents can often exchange career ideas with their children. However different the lifestyles of two generations may be, the questions they have to face in a similar job can always be a good topic of conversation. Personally, I feel closest to my grandfather when he shares with me his frustrations and wisdoms of reporting for a national newspaper before he retired, because I may come across similar challenges in my pursuit of a degree in journalism. He is the first person I turn to whenever I need professional guidance, and I feel like I can always trust him and count on him. It should work the same for most parent-and-child relationships. As a career mentor, a parent can bond with the child in more profound ways.Last but not least, to choose a similar job as the parent is actually a conservation of social resources. As the parent can act as a career mentor for the child, the time and energy spent preparing the novice outside the home can be spared. People would go into the workforce with a rather comprehensive idea of what to expect, and start putting their knowledge and talent into rightful use as soon as possible.Given the three reasons I just illustrated, it can be a smart decision if children choose similar jobs as their parents. It would benefit their personal success, their family relationships, as well as the efficacy of the society。



2012年11月18日托福预测2012年11月18日托福写作独立预测1.Contribute to an enjoyable vacation please select one of the three selections: good food goodlocation and with good fiends to travel.2.Which one is more important Environmental protection or economic development3.Young people in present days are more helpful than those in the past.4.It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.5.To improve educational quality universities should spend more money on professors salaries.6.Having a job can bring greater happiness than having social life.7.It is better to work at home with computer and telephone than to work in company.8.More and more people are spending money on their pets even though there can be other goodways to spend money.9.Movies are worth watching only when they teach us something about the real life.10.It is more important for government to spend money to build art museums and Music concertsthan to build recreational facilities such as swimming pool playground11.Patience is not a good strategy we should take action now rather than later.12.What is your view Whether university professor should spend more time on doing research oreducating students.13.College should provide more preparation before students start to work.14.People are now easier to become well educated than in the past.15. It is more important to choose friends to have fun with than to choose friends that will helpyou.。



托福写作范文:为什么一些学生选择出国留学(带译文)Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some student abroad? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.Although students can get a good education in most subjects at their home universities, it is important to study abroad for some or part of one’s college education. Study abroad can give a student competency in a new language, familiarity with a different culture, and a chance to grow in different ways.One cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in today’s fast-paced world. We have a global economy and communication by Internet and satellite TV means we must be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments.Knowing another culture is also important today. Respect for other people and their traditions will foster cooperation and peace. We should all do our part to make sure the world is safe for our children. It will only be safe if we understand and respect other people and their culture.When we are out of our environment, we feel freer to experiment with different ways of doing things. We are all individuals and we need time to be on our own, away from our comfortable nests. We may try different things and reject them. We might also adopt them. People can change and it is easier to change when you are away from your familysurroundings.Study abroad can be enriching. Not only can we learn a new language, understand more about a different culture, but we can learn more about ourselves too. At the same time, of course, we are getting an education in the formal sense.译文:许多学生选择在本国以外的学校或大学上学。

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F, everyone could say that there are countless resources for people nowadays to obtain knowledge without any doubt. These resources, including education organizations and Internet, provide people with the opportunity to become educated efficiently. For example, I was writing my homework one day and came across the concept of inflation which I don't understand. Immediately, I opened my computer, connected to the Internet, input the word "inflation" into computer, and googled it. As a result, I got not only the interpretation of the concept, but also elaborated examples and information relating to "inflation". Internet makes me improve my learning efficiency because I don't have to look up books or bother my professors when meeting some puzzles. Another example is that lots of education organizations such as New Oriental help us to be educated whenever we need in our life.
However, in some certain situations, there are still some advantages and conveniences for people living in the past to be educated. Learning in some special fields, such as nature, people could observe and do experiments more easily in the neighborhood that isn't influenced so much by human interruption. For instance, people are able to study birds or insects just walking outside directly without having to drive a long distance. A better environment saves them much time to be educated.
Both rich resources for learning and intense competition provide benefits for people, making people today easier to become educated both positively and negatively. Though in some special situation, there are some advantages to be educated in the past, the benefits of becoming educated today overweigh the advantages of increasing knowledge in the past.
People are now easier to become educated than in the past.
In the modern society, education that directly influences the quality of people's life becomes more and more important to people no matter they are old or young. What's your opinion of education today? A hot and important controversy centering on the issue concerns whether people are easier to become educated today than in the past. A fair proportion of people oppose that, other people, nevertheless, advocate that. As far as I'm concerned, I side with the latter for the following reasons.
Second, facing the society full of competition, we need to catch up with other people and even to create advantages to surpass others. Many people are forced to acquire necessary certificates, such as English certificate and computer certificate, resulting from the entering requirement of many jobs. Even after getting a job, people still have to accept many kinds of training offered by companies or by themselves. In a word, people are driven to be educated because of stress from the society. For example, my classmates in the university are all learning hard in order to improve their competitive power and to find satisfied jobs after graduating from university. One of my roommates wants to work in a research institution. After she learns how difficult to enter such an institution, she reads professional books in the library every day and writes paper, just hoping to realize her dream. Under such a society full of big competition and stress, people find that they obtain knowledge unconsciously.