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2. the driver drove into another car because he the traffic lights.

3. with the help of modern instruments fishing is no longer dependent on the weather.

the bedroom. 答案:1. upset 2. ignored 3. entirely 4. curtain 5. series Ⅱ. 选词填空

join in; calm down; get along; add up; fall in love 1. how are

you ________ with your english studies? 2. they said this boy and i ________ already.

3. there must be some mistakes in this bill; please________the figures again.

4. -help! helpl police...

-________, sir. whats the trouble?

5. -thank you for ________ our conversation tonight. -it is

my pleasure.

答案:1. getting along 2. had fallen in love 3. add up 4. calm down 5. joining in Ⅲ.单句语法填空

1. if you are lost in the mountains, ________ ________(calm) in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown.

答案:keep/stay/remain calm

解析:句意:如果你在深山里迷路了,面对黑暗、孤独和未知因素,你要保持镇静。根据题意故用keep/stay/remain“保持镇静”。 2.

you are no longer a child. its time for you ________

________(settle) differences with your parents. 答案:to settle

解析:its time (for sb.) to do sth.为固定句式,意为“到了(某人)做

某事的时候了”,故答案为to settle。

3. the oil is spilling and polluting the sea; the local people are concerned ________ the matter. 答案:about


这件事情。be concerned about意为“关心,关注”,与语意相符。4. even though he manages a shop without any help, it has got ________nicely so far. 答案:along/on


展状况良好。”可知,应用get along/on(进展,发展)这一短语。 5. some people got injured and some even got killed in the floods in beijing in the summer of 2012, ________ made us upset. 答案:which


些人死亡,这让我们不安。其中,引导词which用来修饰前面整句话。 6. many programmers________ ________(suffer) neck pain. 答案:suffer from或suffered from

解析:suffer from意为“遭受”,后跟某种具体的疾病,符合语意


7. you can hardly imagine the ________(suffer) they ________


答案:suffering; went through



意语境可知,应用go through(经历)的一般过去时。

8. the natural scenery and the newly-built tall buildings along the streets________ ________(add) the beauty of my hometown. 答案:add to


的美丽。”可知,应用add to“增加,增添”。

9. hardly could tom get________this amount of homework in such a short time. 答案:through

解析:句意:在这么短的时间内汤姆几乎完不成这些作业。get through有“完成,通过”之意,符合语意语境。

10. it is our daily decisions, rather than our abilities, ________ show what we truly are. 答案:that


本质。这是一个强调主语的句子,被强调部分是“our daily decision, rather than our abilities”,根据强调句式的结构可知,



i had my first chocolate bar at five years old. ill never forget

the delicious taste. but the situation was anything but war Ⅱ. many people in our village fled in panic.
