what is linguistics?1.1 定义 definitionLinguistics is generally defined as scientific study of language.1.2 语言学的研究范畴 the scope of linguisticsa. The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics.把语言作为一个整体而进行的全面的语言学研究一般称为普通语言学。
b. The study of sounds used in linguistic communication led to the establishment of a branch oflinguistics called phonetics.语音学How speech sounds are produced and classified.c. how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication.how sounds form systems and function to convey meaning. phonology音位学/ 音系学交际中语音的组合规律及传达意义的方式d. The study of the way in which these symbols are arranged to form words has constituted the branchof study called morphology.形态学how morphemes are combined to form words.这些符号通过排列组合而成构成语词,对于这种排列组合方式的研究构成了语言学研究的另一个分支,如对形态学的研究。
e. The combination of these words to form permissible sentences in languages is governed by rules.The study of these rules constitutes a major branch of linguistic studies, syntax. 句法学how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences.f. The study of meaning. semantics 语义学 (in abstraction)g. the study of meaning is conducted in context of use. pragmatics 语用学h. the study of language with reference to society. sociolinguistics.社会语言学i. the study of language with reference to the workings of the mind. psycholinguistics 心里语言学j. the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning. applied linguistics1.3 语言学研究中的一些基本概念 some important distinctions in linguistics.1.3.1 规定性和描述性 prescriptive vs. descriptiveif a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use;如果一种语言学的研究是对人们实际使用中的语言进行的描述和分析——描述性的descriptiveif it aims at to lay down rules for “correct” behaviour to tell people what they should say and what they should not say如果某种研究的目的是在对所谓“正确的”行为制定一些规则——规定性的prescriptive现代语言学通常是描述性的,与“语法”的语言研究是大相径庭的1.3.2 共时性和历时性 synchronic vs. diachronicthe description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study;the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.现代语言学中,共时性研究比历时性研究更受人青睐。
江苏自考 27036 英语泛读(三)大纲(高纲1546)
高纲1546江苏省高等教育自学考试大纲27036英语泛读(三)南京师范大学编江苏省高等教育自学考试委员会办公室I 课程的性质和学习目的英语泛读(三)是江苏省高等教育自学考试英语专业本科阶段的一门必考课程,是英语专业阅读能力培养与拓展的基础课程。
II 课程内容与学习要求本课程共分十二个单元,每个单元有Text A和Text B两篇阅读材料。
1. 语言的定义语言是用于人类交际的任意性的发音的符号系统。
2. 语言的识别性特征语言的识别性特征指人类语言区别于任何其他动物交流系统的特点。
3. 语言的功能按照韩礼德的表述,幼儿语言有如下七个功能:1)工具功能:说话人可以使用语言做事情。
具体地说,从以下几方面体现:(一)词汇:学生应掌握英语单词3800 个和常用词组750 个。
具体要求:1. 能流利地读出,语音基本正确。
2. 能识别并说出词的语法特征,主要指词类和形态变化。
3. 能说出汉语词义,对比较常用的词要能英汉互译,拼写正确并记住固定搭配。
4. 了解基本的构词规则,记住常用前缀、后缀的意义,并能根据构词规则猜测词性和词义。
生词不超过所读词数的3% ,速度为每分钟30 个词,理解基本正确。
第一章绪论填空题或选择题1. A symbol consists of two parts : a concrete form and the meaning which it conveys.一个符号由两个部分组成:一个具体的形式和它所表达的意思。
2.By saying language is arbitrary ,we mean we can’t give a sound reason why such a form ispronounced in this way rather than in that way, and why a particular meaning should be indicated by this form rather than by that form..当说语言是任意的,我们指我们不能合理地解释为什么这个音以这种形式而不是以那种形式发音。
3. Language has two levels .They are grammatically meaningful level and sound meaninglesslevel.语言有两个层次:语法上有意义的层次和声音上无意义的层次。
4.Human languages have such design features asproductivity ,discreteness ,displacement ,arbitrariness ,cultural transmission ,duality and interchangeability . 人类语言具有以下的甄别性特征:能产性,离散性,不受时空限制的特性,任意性,文化传递性,双重性和互换性。
nguage is a system because every language consists of a set of rules which underlie people’sactual speech or writing .语言是一种体系,因为每种语言都是由一套规则组成的,这些规则表明了人们的真正语言或书面形式。
1. What are the difference between general linguistics and descriptive linguistics and what sis the relationship between them? (P.1)A: Differences between general and descriptive linguistics:(1) They have different goals:General linguistics deals with language; descriptive linguistics study one particular language;(2) They have different aims:General linguistics aims at developing a theory that describes the rules of human language in general;Descriptive linguistics attempts to establish a model that describes the rules of this particular language.Relationships between general and descriptive linguistics:General and descriptive linguistics depend on each other:(1) General linguistics provides descriptive linguistics with a general framework in which a particular language can be analyzed and described; (2) The resulting descriptions of particular languages supply empirical evidence which may confirm or refute the models put forward by general linguists.2. What is the nature of language? (P7)Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols, which is creative, double-structured and changeable.3. What is the difference between langue and parole? (P2/P24)a. Langue is the system of language. Parole is the speakers’ speech.b. Langue refers to the abstract system of a language, while parole refers to the concrete act of speaking in a definite time, place and situation.c. Langue underlies parole and parole, in turn, is a manifestation of langue.4. What is the difference between competence and performance? (P2)a. Competence is the speaker-hearer’s knowledge of his language.b. Performance is the actual use of language in concrete situations.c. Competence is abstract, while performance is concrete.5. Why do linguists maintain that language is primarily speech? (P4) Linguists maintain that language is primarily speech, and not the written form. This view may be justified by the following reasons.a. Biologically speaking, children begin to learn to speak much earlier than to learn to read and write.b. Functionally speaking, the spoken form is used more frequently than the written form in our daily life.c. Historically speaking, all human languages were spoken before they were written and there are still many languages in the world today which have not been written down.The emphasis on the spoken form indicates that linguistic study is primarily based on the data collected from living speech.6. What does it mean by saying that language is arbitrary, creative and double-structured? (P4-5)A. The relationship between the sounds and their meaning is arbitrary.B. Language is creative.a. Every language contains an infinite number of sentences, which, however, are generated by a small set of rules and a finite set of words.b. The length of a sentence has no limit in theory.c. The rules with recursive properly can account for the creative aspect of language.C. Language is double-structured. There are two levels: grammatically-meaningful and sound-meaningless.7. What features of language can differentiate human languages from animal communicative systems? (P7)Human language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols, which is creative, double-structured and changeable. Those unique features like creativity, duality of structure and changeability can differentiate human languages from animal communicative systems and enable human languages to be the most efficient, flexible and versatile means of communication in the world.8. How many stages does the scientific method have? What are they? (P9) There are four stages of scientific method:a. collecting data,b. forming a hypothesisc. testing the hypothesisd. drawing conclusions9. What are the three linguistic biases? (P9-10, P7)a. One common linguistic bias is that some languages are primitive and some languages are advanced.b. Another deep-rooted bias is that only the standard variety is the pure form of a language.c. Change is not natural for all living languages and such a language is a sign of corruption and decay.10. How is a rule constructed? (P15)a. To construct a rule, the linguist starts with collecting data.b. Based on the data collected, he may construct a very simple rule as a tentative version.c. Then he examines the tentative rule against further data. If the additional data do not agree with it, he has to modify it.d. He keeps on testing the rule and, accordingly, revising the rule until the rule can account for all the relevant data collected.Thus, the rule formed is open to further modifications.11. Give examples to illustrate the two features of an adequate model of competence: explicitness and generativeness. (P15-16/P6)a. By saying a linguistic model is explicit, we mean that the rules the model contains are clearly and precisely defined. Even a computer can produce all and only the grammatical sentences if the rules are fed to the machine.b. By saying the model is generative, we mean that the model contains only a small set of rules which, however, can generate an indefinitely large number ofc. For example, “so…that” is explicit, but they can generate infinite sentences. eg. He is so fat that he could not ran fast.He was so lazy that he never washed his clothes.…12. What are the four types of linguistic knowledge? (P18-19)The four types of linguistic knowledge are phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic.a. Phonological knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about the sounds and sound patterns of his language.b. Morphological knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about how a word is formed.c. Syntactic knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about whether a sentence is grammatical or not.c. Semantic knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about the meaning of language.13. Why is Saussre regarded as the former of modern linguistics? (P21-22)a. The obvious reason is that the book under his name “A Course in General Linguistics” is the first real essay on linguistic theory.b. In this book, quite a few theoretical distinctions introduced have become foundations of linguistic study and exerted great influence on the later development linguistics.c. Chief among them are the distinctions between synchronic and diachronic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic, langue and parole.14. Give examples to illustrate the difference between synchronic and diachronic. (P22)a. If we study the changes in the Chinese language that took place between the 1940’s and the 1960’s, it would be a diachronic study.b. But if we study the Chinese language in the 1940’s, then it would be a synchronic study.concerned with the historical development of a language and the latter is concerned with the “state” of a language at a particular point of time.15. Give examples to illustrate the difference between syntagmatic and paradigmatic. (P116-118/P22-23)a. A syntagmatic relation refers to the sequential characteristic of speech.b. A paradigmatic relation is a relation between a linguistic element in an utterance and linguistic elements outside that utterance.c. We can go tomorrow syntagmatic relationShe may come soonI will ask nextY ou could sleep now………paradigmatic relation16. What is a consonant and what is a vowel? (P30)a. A consonant is a speech sound where the airstream from the longs is either completely blocked, partially blocked or where the opening is so narrow that the air escapes with audible friction.b. A vowel is a speech sound in which the airstream from the lungs is not blocked in any way in the mouth or throat, and which is usually pronounced with vibrations of the vocal cords.17. Is the spelling of words a reliable means of describing English sounds? Why or Why not? (P30-31)No, it isn’t.a. Sometimes a single letter may represent different sounds.b. Sometimes, different letters or combinations of letters may r4epresent a single sound.c. The advantage of this system is that within the system, one symbol represents one sound and every symbol has a consistent value.18. What is the difference between plosives and affricates? (P37)b. Affricates are brought together to form a complete closure but not followed by a sudden release, rather by a low release with audile friction.19. What is the difference between phonetics and phonology? (P20, P53)a. English phonetics is concerned with all speech sounds that occur in the English language. It studies how those sounds are produced, transmitted and perceived, and how they re described and classified.b. Different from English phonetics, English phonology does not deal with the actual production of English sounds, but with the abstract aspects: the function of sounds and their patterns of combination.20. What are the three conditions of a minimal pair? (P54)a. They are different in meaningb. They differ only in one sound segment.c. The different sounds occur in the same position in strings.21. Give examples to illustrate the differences between phonemes, phones and allophones. (P90)a. Phonemes are said to be minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language.b. Phones are the realizations of phonemes.c. Allophones are the realizations of a particular phoneme.d. For example,22. Give examples to illustrate the differences between contrastive distribution, complementary distribution and free variation. (P59-60)a. If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for another brings about a change in meaning, they are in contrastive distribution.b. If two or more sounds never appear in the same environment, they are said toc. If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for another does not cause a change in meaning, they are said to be in free variation.d. The sounds either in contrastive distribution or in free variation can occur in the same environment. The difference between them lies in the fact that in the former case, the substitution of one sound for another results in a change in meaning, but this does not happen in the latter case. Complementary distribution is clearly different from the previous two types of distribution. The sounds in complementary distribution never occur in the same environment.23 What are the 3 principles of identifying phonemes? (P61)a. The sounds that are in contrastive distribution are different phonemesb. The sounds that are always in free variation are allophones of the same phoneme.c. The sounds that are in complementary distribution and also phonetically similar are allophones of the same phoneme.24. What is the difference between segmental features and suprasegmental features? What are the suprasegmental features? (P69)a. The distinctive features, which can only have an effect on one sound segment, are called segmental features.b. The distinctive features, which can affect more than one sound segment and can also contrast meaning, are called suprasegmental features.25. What’s the difference between phonemes and morphemes? (P54, P83)a. Phoneme is defined as a minimal distinctive unit in the sound system of a language.b. A morpheme is defined as a minimal meaningful unit in the grammatical system of a language.26. What are interrelations between semantic and structural classifications of morphemes? (P84, P86)a. Semantically, morphemes are grouped into general categories: root morphemes (roots) and affixational morphemes (affixes).b. Structurally, they fall into two classes: free morphemes and bound morphemes.c. All free morphemes are roots, but not all roots are free morphemes. All affixes are bound morphemes, but not all bound morphemes are affixes..27. Please explain the difference between inflectional and derivational28. How do we judge whether two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are one morph or different morphs? (P92-93)a. If two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are identical in both form and meaning, then they are regarded as one morph.b. If two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are the same in form but different in meaning, then there are as many morphs as there are meanings.c. If two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are the same in meaning but different in form, then there are as many morphs as there are forms.d. If two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are different both in form and meaning, there are as many morphs as there different forms and meanings.If two or more morphs are semantically identical and also in complementary distributing, they are then said to allomorphs of the same morpheme; otherwise, they belong to different morphemes.30. What is IC analysis? (P99/P126)a. IC analysis simply means that we divide the morphemes of a word into the two groups and then divide each group into subgroups and so on, until we reach single morphemes.b. Labeled IC simply means that we divide the morphemes of a word or the words of a sentence into the two groups and then divide each group into subgroups and so on, until we reach single morphemes of a word on a signal word of a sentence..31. What is the difference between an empty morph and a zero morph? (P97-98)a. Empty morph is defined as a morph that has form but no meaning.b. Zero morph is defined as a morph that has no form but has meaning.32. What are two ways of studying sentences? Explain them. (P116)a. We make structural descriptions of sentences to illustrate the parts of a sentence and the relationships among them, this is called static study.b. We examine the process by which sentences are generated by syntactic rules this is called dynamic study.33. What are the three syntactic relations? (P116-118)a. Sequential or syntagmatic relations are refers to the linear ordering of the words and the phrases within a sentence.b. Substitutional (paradigmatic) relation is a kind of relation between linguistic forms in a sentence and linguistic forms outside the sentence.c. Hierarchical relation shows us the inner layering of sentences.34. What are the differences between surface structure and deep structure?a. A surface structure corresponds to the linear arrangement of words; a deep structure corresponds to the meaningful grouping of words.b. A surface structure is relatively concrete, and a deep structure is abstract.c. A surfaces structure gives the form of a sentence; while the deep structure gives the meaning of a sentence.d. A surface structure is pronounceable, but a deep structure is not pronounceable.35. What are the three kinds of operations performed by T-rules? (P180)a. rearranging the sentence elements;b. adding a new element to the phrase marker;c. deleting an element from the phrase marker.36. What are the differences between PS rules and T-rules? (P139)a. TG grammar has assumed that to generate sentences, we start with deep structures and then transform them into surface structures.b. Deep structures are generated by phrase structure rules (PS rules), and surface structures are derived from their deep structures by transformational rules (T-rules).英语语言学概论11Phonetics has three sub-branches:(1) articulatory phonetics that is concerned with how a sound is produced by the vocal organs;(2) acoustic phonetics that deals with how a sound is transmitted from the speaker ’s mouth to the listener ’s ears;(3) auditory phonetics that investigates how a sound is perceived by the listener.2. Speech organs1-nasal cavity; 2-lips; 3-teeth; 4-aveolar ridge; 5-hard palate 6-velum (soft palate); 7-uvula; 8-apex (tip) of tongue; 9-blade (front) of tongue;10-dorsum (back) of tongue; 11-oral cavity;12-pharynx; 13-epiglottis;14-larynx; 15-vocal cords; 16-trachea; 17-esophagus;。
自考英语语言学复习大纲Chapter 1Introduction 绪论1.What is linguistics?什么是语言学1.1Definition:Linguistics is generally defined as scientific study of language.语言学普遍被定义为对语言进行的科学研究。
2.What is language?什么是语言?2.1Definitions:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.语言是用于人类交流的一个任意的语音符号系统。
(1)language is a system (2)language is arbitrary (3)language is vocal (4)language is human specific Chapter 2Phonology 音位学1.The phonic medium of language 语言的语音媒介2.Phonetics 语音学 a.The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics.普通语言学。
b.The study of sounds,which are used in linguistic communication is called phonetics.语音学c.The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology.音位学d.The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology.形态学e.The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax.句法学f.The study of meaning in language is called semantics.语义学g.The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics.语用学h.The study of language with reference to society is called sociolinguistics.社会语言学i.The study of language with reference to the working of mind is called psycholinguistics.心理语言学j.The study of applications(as the recovery of speech ability)is general known as applied linguistics.应用语言学h.Other related branches include anthropological linguistics,(人类语言学)neurological linguistics(神经语言学),mathematical linguistics(数字语言学)and computational linguistics(计算机语言学).1.2The scope of linguistics 语言学的研究范畴a.语言的任意性(武断性)Arbitrarinessb.语言的能产性Productivityc.语言的双重性Dualityd.语言的移位性Displacemente.语言的文化传递性Cultural transmission1Prescriptive vs.Descriptive 规定性与描写性2Synchronic vs.Diachronic 共时性与历时性(Saussure)3Speech and Writing 口头语和书面语4Langue and Parole (both from French words)语言(抽象)和言语(具体)(Saussure)5Competence and Performance 语言能力与语言运用(Chomsky)1.3Some important distinctions in linguistics 语言学研究中的一些重要的区分2.2Design features语言的甄别性特征Hockett人类语言和其他动物的交际系统区别开来的一些特征语言学内部的主要分支跨学科分支2.1Definition:phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language.语音学关注的是语言世界中的所有声音↘three points of view 2.2Organs of speech 从三个角度审视语言的发音器官2.3Orthographic representation of speech sounds —broad and narrow transcriptions IPA-International Phonetic Alphabet 国际音标语音的正字表征—宽式标音和严式标音There are two ways to transcribe speech sounds:两种标音方法2.4Classification of English speech sounds 英语语音的分类(1)articulatory phonetics 发音语音学→研究语言的产生(2)auditory phonetics 听觉语音学→研究语言怎样被感知(3)acoustic phonetics 声学语音学→研究语音的物理属性The pharyngeal cavity 咽腔(the throat)→喉咙The oral cavity 口腔(the mouth)→嘴巴The nasal cavity 鼻腔(the nose)→鼻子One is the transcription with letter-symbols only called broad transcription.The other is the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics called narrow transcription.stops 闭塞音/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/fricatives 摩擦音/f/,/v/,/s/,/z/,/ʃ/,/ʒ/,/θ/,/ð/,/h/affricates 塞擦音/tʃ/,/dʒ/liquids 流音/l/,/r/nasals 鼻音/m/,/n/,/ŋ/glides 滑音/w/,/j/bilabial 双唇音/p/,/b/,/m/,/w/labiodental 唇齿音/f/,/v/dental 齿音/θ/,/ð/alveolar 齿龈音/t/,/s/,/d/,/z/,/n/,/l/,/r/palatal 鄂音/ʃ/,/ʒ/,/tʃ/,/dʒ/,/j/velar 软腭音/k/,/g/,/ŋ/glottal 喉音/h/Front 前元音/i:/,/i/,/e/,/æ/,/a/Central 中元音/ɜ:/,/ə/,/ʌ/back 后元音/u:/,/u/,/ɔ:/,/ɔ/,/a:/close vowels 闭元音/i:/,/i/,/ɜ:/,/u/semi-close vowels 半闭元音/e/,/ɜ:/semi-open vowels 半开元音/ə/,/ɔ:/open vowels 开元音/æ/,/a/,/ʌ/,/ɔ/,/a:/Consonants 辅音in terms of manner of articulation 按照发音方式in terms of place of articulation按照发音部位Vowels元音the position of the tongue in the mouth按照舌在口腔的位置the openness of the mouth 按照嘴的张合度the shape of the lips 按照嘴唇形状the length of the vowels 按照音的长度rounded vowels 圆唇元音/u:/,/u/,/ɔ:/,/ɔ/unrounded vowels 不圆唇元音/i:/,/i/,/e/,/æ/,/a/,/ɜ:/,/ə/,/ʌ/long vowels 长元音/a:/,/ɔ:/,/ə:/,/i:/,/u:/short vowels 短元音/ʌ/,/ɔ/,/ə/,/i/,/u/,/e/,/æ/monophthong 单元音在元音中还有一些双元音(diphthong),包括:/ei/,/ai/,/au/,/əu/,/ɔi/,/iə/,/εə/,/uə/3.Phonology 音位学3.1phonology and phonetics 音位学和语音学3.2phone,phoneme,allophone 音素、音位和音位变体3.3Phonemic contrast,complementary distribution,and minimal pair 音位对立,互补分布和最小对立体3.4Some rules in phonology 3.5Suprasegmental features Chapter 3Morphology 形态学1.Definition:Morphology is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.形态学是语法学的一个分支,它研究的是单词的内在结构及单词的构成规律。
英语语⾔学概论教学⼤纲《英语语⾔学概论》课程教学⼤纲课程代码:070141029课程英⽂名称:Introducing Linguistics课程总学时:44 讲课:44 实验:0 上机:0适⽤专业:英语⼤纲编写(修订)时间:2017. 10⼀、⼤纲使⽤说明(⼀)课程的地位及教学⽬标语⾔学是语⾔⽂学专业的⼀门重要学科。
(四)对先修课的要求⽆(五)对习题课、实验环节的要求1. 要求能够⽤英语描述语⾔学的基本概念、阐述语⾔学的基本理论。
2. 运⽤所学的语⾔学知识,说明、分析具体的语⾔现象和解决相关的语⾔问题,并能够提出⼀些⾃⼰的见解和观点。
(七)参考书⽬:《新编简明英语语⾔学教程》,戴炜栋、何兆熊编,上海外语教育出版社, 2002《语⾔学教程》,胡壮麟编,北京⼤学出版社,2001⼆、中⽂摘要英语语⾔学概论是为英语专业本科学⽣设置的⼀门课程。
28237 英语语法 江苏教育学院编(⾼纲号 0626) ⼀、课程性质及其设置⽬的与要求 (⼀)课程性质和⽬的 《英语语法》课程是我省⾼等教育⾃学考试师范类英语专业(独⽴本科段)的必修课。
(⼆)本课程的基本要求 通过本课程的学习,应考者应达到以下要求: 1、要求应考者掌握通过扩展或缩减来改变句⼦结构⽽不改变句⼦基本原义的⽅法,学会理解结构不同⽽意义相同的句⼦和利⽤不同句⼦结构去表达相同的意思,从⽽提⾼语⾔运⽤能⼒; 2、要求应考者对英语语法的体系、概念有较全⾯的了解,能⽐较熟练地运⽤英语语法的各项基本规则。
(三)本课程与相关课程的联系 通过本课程的学习,使应考者对英语语法有⽐较系统的了解并能借助英语语法知识解决英语学习过程中的有关问题,如翻译、写作等课程中的语法问题。
⼆、课程内容与考核⽬标 第 1 讲句⼦结构 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:基本句型及其转换与扩⼤ 第 2 讲主谓⼀致(⼀) 第 3 讲主谓⼀致(⼆) 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:主谓⼀致的指导原则:语法⼀致,意义⼀致和就近原则。
2、领会:其它⽅⾯的主谓⼀致问题 第 4 讲名词和名词词组 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:各类名词的单复数规则 第 5 讲名词属格 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:独⽴属格和双重属格 第 6 讲限定词(⼀) 第 7 讲限定词(⼆) 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:各类限定词之间的搭配关系和⽤法,冠词⽤法 第 8 讲代词(⼀) 第 9 讲代词(⼆) 1、领会:⼈称代词的⼈称、数、性的⼀致;物主代词、疑问代词、不定代词、反⾝代词的⽤法。
第 10 讲动词和动词词组 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:动态动词和静态动词 第 11 讲动词的时和体(⼀) 第 12 讲动词的时和体(⼆) 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:现在时与过去时,进⾏体与完成体的意义和⽤法 第 13 讲将来时间表⽰法 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:将来时间表达法的形式、意义和⽤法 第 14 讲被动态(⼀) 第 15 讲被动态(⼆) 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:被动态的结构形式和⽤法 2、领会:主动结构表⽰被动意义的问题 第 16 讲虚拟式 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:Be型虚拟式和Were型虚拟式 第 17 讲助动词(⼀) 第 18 讲助动词(⼆) 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:情态意义表⽰法;情态助动词的推测性⽤法和⾮推测性⽤法 第 19 讲不定式(⼀) 第 20 讲不定式(⼆) 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:不定式与形容词、名词、动词的搭配关系 第 21 讲 ING分词 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:ING分词与动词的搭配关系 第 22 讲 ED分词 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:ED分词做前置修饰语 第 23 讲形容词和形容词词组 1、领会:形容词(词组)作名词修饰语;形容词词组作补语 第 24 讲副词和副词词组 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:副词和副词词组的主要⽤法 第 25 讲⽐较等级和⽐较结构 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:⽐较结构 2、领会:关于⽐较结构⽤法的补充说明 第 26 讲介词和介词词组 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:介词与形容词、动词、名词的搭配关系 2、领会:复杂介词、介词词组与某些限定分句的转换关系 第 27 讲陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:附加疑问句的⽤法 第 28 讲存在句 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:存在句的结构特征 第 29 讲 IT句型 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:虚义IT和先⾏IT;分裂句引导词IT 第 30 讲并列结构 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:并列结构的各种形式 2、掌握:并列连词的意义和⽤法 第 31 讲从属结构(⼀) 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:限定从属分句 2、领会:关于状语分句的⼏点补充说明 第 32 讲从属结构(⼆) 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:不定式分句、ING分句、ED分词分句、⽆动词分句、关于“独⽴结构” 第 33 讲关系分句 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:关系词的选择 2、领会:由“介词+关系代词”引导的分句结构 第 34 讲条件句 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:四种条件句的基本形式 2、领会:四种条件句的变体形式 第 35 讲直接引语和间接引语 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句转换为间接引语的⽅法 第 36 讲修饰 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:名词词组同位语的结构形式 第 37 讲替代 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:名词性替代、动词性替代、分句性替代 第 38 讲省略 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、领会:并列结构中的省略现象、主从结构中的省略现象 第 39 讲后置、前置、倒装 学习、考核的重要知识点与考核要求 1、掌握:前置与倒装 第 40 讲从句到篇 本讲不作考核要求 三、有关说明和实施要求 (⼀)关于“课程内容与考核⽬标”中有关提法的说明 在⼤纲的考核要求中,提出了“领会”、“掌握”两个不同的能⼒层次,后者必须建⽴在前者的基础上。
江苏省教育学院编 编写说明 根据苏教师[1999]9号⽂件《关于进⼀步做好全省教师⾃学考试⼯作的通知》要求,我们制定了江苏省⼩学教育、学前教育专业(专科)课程考试新⽅案,按照此“新⽅案”,我们组织江苏教育学院的专业⼈员编写了2000年(下)⼩学教育、学前教育专业(专科)开考课程《英语(⼀)》的考试⼤纲,并经专家进⾏了审定。
江苏省中⼩学教师⾃学考试办公室 ⼀、要求 《⼤众英语》主要⾯向社会⾮英语专业的幼⼉教师和⼩学教师,要求⾃学者基本掌握语⾳、语法、词汇等语⾔知识,通过句型操练(Pattern Drills)课⽂学(Text)及⼝笔语活动(Oral and Written Work)等综合训练,全⾯提⾼⾃学者的英语⽔平。
⼆、考试内容 本课程使⽤胡⽂仲主编的《⼤众英语》(上、下册)及林克美、张盛龙主编的《⼤众英语⾃学辅导》(上、下册)为⾃学教材。
《⾃学辅导》中的课⽂讲解(Languge Points)、练习答案(Key to Exercises)以及补充阅读材料(Supplementary Reading)可与《⼤众英语》教材配套使⽤。
该课程(上册)前五课为语⾳阶段,不作任何考试要求,其余各篇课⽂的学习有以下具体要求: 1.熟读课⽂。
⽽课⽂的学习离不开⽣词及短语(Words and Expressions)的掌握,这是学员进⾏课⽂学习的前提。
课⽂注释(Notes to the Text)以及⽂化背景注释(Cultural Notes)可以帮助学员全⾯理解课⽂。
江苏教育学院编 ⼀、要求 通过本课程的学习,要求学员了解英语教学各种流派的产⽣及发展背景、其理论依据及优缺点。
⼆、考试内容 第⼀章 导论 要求:了解最近英语教学史的主要流派;了解观⾏教学⽅法的理论依据; 了解不同类型的英语教学⼤纲以及设置⼤纲的步骤 第⼀节英语的教与学 学习英语的⽬标与曾经流⾏的教学⽅法 第⼆节 英语教学⽅法及流派的发展背景 1.语⾔的作⽤ 2.语法翻译教学法 3.功能的及表意的教学途径 4.语⾔的社会性 5.听说法及学习第⼀语⾔和学习第⼆语⾔的⽐较 6.⼈本主义的教学途径 7.语⾔教学的综合途径 第三节课程设制 1.不同类型的教学⼤纲 2.需求分析 3.课程设制步骤 第⼆章交际法的教学 要求:了解培养交际能⼒的理论依据;理解语⾔加⼯及处理过程,并将其中的理论运⽤于教学及选择补充材料中;了解交际英语教学的基本原理;能够运⽤信息互补和⾓⾊扮演活动锻炼学⽣的交际能⼒。
第⼀节交际能⼒ 1.语⾔的真实意图 2.功能意义的表达 3.恰当地语⾔表达 4.什么是交际能⼒ 5.交际能⼒的培养 第⼆节语⾔加⼯及表达 1.语⾔加⼯的过程 2.背景知识对课⽂理解的作⽤ 3.背景知识的运⽤ 4.⼝头与书⾯表达的不同之处 5.⼝头交际的基本特点 第三节运⽤交际法的语⾔教学 1.教学⼤纲 2.语⾔的真实性 3.课堂教学中真实性的运⽤ 4.教师在教学中的⾓⾊ 5.学⽣在教学中的⾓⾊ 第四节交际教学法中的教学活动 1.必要性,不可预计性,选择性 2.交际活动的本质 3.交际活动的类型 4.信息互补活动 5.⾓⾊扮演活动 第三章阅读课教学 要求:理解阅读是⼀个积极的,注重于意义的过程;明确不同的阅读⽅式:⾃下⽽上法,⾃上⽽下法,互相作⽤法;能够运⽤主要的阅读技巧:略读,浏览,推测等;能够通过三个阶段教授阅读课:阅读前,阅读中,阅读后。
基础英语教学提纲一.重点课文(词汇除外)上册(1、3、4、6、7、9、11、12、13);下册(1、2、4、5、6、7、8、10、14)二.语法上册:(所有课文中出现的语法现象)一般现在时+定语从句(L1),一般过去时(L2),现在完成时(L3),现在进行时(L4),过去完成时(L5),其它将来时(L6),被动语态(L7+L8),状语从句(L9+L10+L11),非限定动词+动词不定式(L12),动名词(L13),分词(L14)下册:(所有课文中出现的语法现象)名词的数(L1+L2),情态动词(L3+L4),短语动词(L5+L6),副词在句子中的位置(L7),形容词在句子中的位置(L8),数词(L9),定语从句(L10),名词性从句(L11+L12),条件状语从句(L13+L14)三.词汇1. 每课中的重点词汇(见“举例”)2.(见词汇表)四.中英互译短语重点:(所有课文中出现的专有名词、短语、习语等)五.中英互译句子重点:(所选课文后面的注释部分:惯用法、语法、词汇、句式、句型)六.课后练习部分:造句、各类词汇填空、同义词近义词辨析填空、完形填空、语法练习、翻译练习七.作业:八套模拟题(3-10)+ 三套真题(见试题册2008-2010)举例:上册:Lesson One –What Does An Economist Do?1.WORD AND STUDY: affect, average, charge, concerned, relate(结合notes)EFUL PHRASES, COLLECTIONS AND IDIOMS (5个短语)3.NOTES: 短语、惯用法、量词、介词等。
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3.语言学的分支(P.20)语音学、音位(系/韵)学、形态学、句法(学)、语义学、(语用学)4.小结(P.24)第二章语音学1.发音器官(P.28)2.辅音与元音(P.30)2.1国际音标(P.30)2.2辅音分类(P.33)软颚的位置、发音部位、发音方法以、清浊音2.3元音分类(P.39)组成部分、舌头隆起的部位、舌位隆起的高低、口腔开合程度、音的长短、肌内的张弛、圆唇与否3.小结(P.39)Exx.1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10第三章音位(系/韵)学1.音位学重要概念(P.53)1.2最小对立体(P.54)1.3音位与音位变体(P.55)1.4音位、音素与音位变体(P.57)2.音位的鉴别(P.57)2.1环境与分布(P.57)2.2分布的类别(P.58)对立分布(最小对立位)、互补分布、自由变异3.区分特征(P.65)4.单词中音位排列(5,P.67)5.超切分(/音段)特征(6,P.69)5.1单词重音(6.1,P.70)5.2声调与语调(6.2,P.70)5.3连音(/音渡)(6.3,P.72)6.小结(P.76)Exx.1,2(1)(2)(3)(4),3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 第四章形态学(词法)1.语素(P.82)2.语素分类(P.84)2.1词根与词缀(P.84)2.2前缀、后缀与中缀(P.86)2.3屈折变化词缀与派生变化词缀(P.87)3.形素与语素变体(P.90)4.语素的鉴别(P.92)4.1将语音序列分割为形素(P.92)4.2将形素归并为语素(P.94)4.3空形素与零形素(P.97)5.语素分析(P.98)6.1屈折变化词法的语法功能(P.103)6.2派生变化词法与构词法(P.104)6.2.1主要构词法(P.105)派生(/词缀)法、转换法、合成法6.2.2次要构词法(P.107)拼缀、截短、首字母缩略、首字母拼音、逆向构词7.小结(P.110)Exx.1-14第五章句法1.序列(/横组合)关系(P.116)2.替代(/纵聚合)关系(P.117)3.层次(/等级)关系(P.118)4.鉴别句法范畴(P.121)4.1名词与名词短语(P.121)4.2动词与动词短语(P.123)4.3形容词(P.124)4.4副词(P.124)5.层次与带标记的直接成分分析(P.125)5.1直接成分分析法(P.125)5.2带标记的直接成分分析法(P.125)5.3完整的短语标记分析法(P.127)5.4部分短语标记分析法(P.130)5.5括号分析法(P.130)5.6带标记的括号分析法(P.130)6.小结(P.131)Exx.1-8第八章语义学2.词汇语义学(P.212)2.1成分分析法(P.213)2.2语义场(P.215)2.2.1何谓语义场?(P.215)2.2.2语义关系(P.216)下义关系(P.216)部分/整体关系(P.220)同义关系(P.220)反义关系(P.221)互补反义词、分等级性的反义词、关系对立反义词2.3词语歧义(P.224)2.3.1一词多义(P.224)2.3.2同音(同形)异义词(P.224)3.句子语义学(P.226)5.3完整的短语标记分析法(P.127)5.4部分短语标记分析法(P.130)5.5括号分析法(P.130)5.6带标记的括号分析法(P.130)6.小结(P.131)Exx.1-8第八章语义学1.何谓意义?(P.210)2.词汇语义学(P.212)2.1成分分析法(P.213)2.2语义场(P.215)2.2.1何谓语义场?(P.215)2.2.2语义关系(P.216)下义关系(P.216)部分/整体关系(P.220)同义关系(P.220)反义关系(P.221)互补反义词、分等级性的反义词、关系对立反义词2.3词语歧义(P.224)2.3.1一词多义(P.224)2.3.2同音(同形)异义词(P.224)3.句子语义学(P.226)3.1决定句子意义的主要因素(P.228)3.2语义功能(P.231)3.3语法功能与语义功能(P.231)3.4语义反常(P.232)4.小结(P.233)Exx.1-8三、说明1.本大纲与教材内的章节略有区别。
四、选用教材意见《英语语言学导论》(An Introduction to English Linguistics),文秋芳著江苏教育出版社(1995年2月)英语语言学概论术语英汉对照表acoustic phoetics 声学语音学acronymy 首字母拼音affixation词缀法affix 词缀affixational morpheme 词缀语素affricate 破擦音agent 施动者allomorph 语素变体allophone 音位变体alveo-palatal硬颚齿龈音ambiguity歧义amtonymy反义关系arbitrary任意的articulatory phonetics 发声语音学aspirated sound 送气音attribute 属性auditory phonetics 听觉语音学back-formation 逆向构词法base 词基bilabial 双唇音blending 拼缀法bound morpheme 粘着语素cause 动因centering diphthongs 集中双元音changeability 可变性clipping 截短法closing diphthongs 合口双元音comphementary distribution 互补分布complementary pair 互补反义词complete phrase markers 完整短语标记分析componential analysis(语义)成分分析法compounding(/composition)合成法connotation 内涵意义consonant 辅音constituent 成分contrastive distribution 对立分布converse pair 关系对立反义词conversion 转化creative 创造性,可创造性deep structure 深层结构denotation 外延意义dental 舌尖齿背音derivational affix 派生词缀derivational morphology 派生词法diachronic linguistics 历时语言学diphthong 双元音distinctive feature 区分特征distribution 分布double-structured 双重结构empty morpheme 空形素environment 环境experiencer 经验者free morpheme 自由语素fricative 摩擦音functional morpheme 功能语素general word 总义词gldes (gliding sounds)滑动元音glottal 声门音gradable pair 分等级性反义词hierarchical relation 层次(/等级)关系homonymy 同音(同形)异义关系hyponymy 下义关系immediate constiruent 直接成分Immediate Constituent (IC)analysis 直接成分分析法infix 中缀infiectional affix 屈折词缀instrument 工具格International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA)国际音标intonation 语调intonation language 语调语labeled brackets 带标高的括号分析法labeled IC analysis 带标记的直接成分分析法labio-dental 唇齿音lax vowel 松元音(短元音)lexical ambiguity 词语歧义lexical morpheme 实义语素lexical semantics 词汇语义学lip-rounding 圆唇liquid 流音locative 方位格long vowel 长元音major processes of word formation 主要构词法manner of articulation 发音方法minimal pair (set)最小对立体(集)minor processes of word formation 次要构词法morpheme 语素morphemic analysis 语素分析morphology 形态学(词法)morph 形素nasal 鼻音nasal vowel 鼻腔元音node 结点nongradable antonym 非等级性反义词noun(nominal)phrase 名词短语onomatopoeic word 拟声词oral consonant 口腔辅音oral vowel 口腔元音palatal 硬颚音palato-alveolar 硬颚齿龈音partial phrase marker 部分短语标记分析法post-alveloar 齿龈后音prefix 前缀progressive 进行体recipient 接受者relational opposite 关系对立反义词root 词根segmental feature 切分特征semantic ambiguity 语义反常semantic feature 语义特征semantic field 语义场semantic role 语义功能semantically ill-formed 语义失当semantics 语义学semi - vowel 半元音sentence semantics 句子语义学patient 被动者(目标)phone 音素phoneme 音位phonetic feature 语音特征phonetically similar 语音上相似phonetics 语音学phonology 音位(/系/韵)学phrase marker 短语标记pitch 音高place of articulation 发音部位plosive 爆破音polysemy 一词多义position of the soft palate 软颚位置position of the tongue 舌位sequence of phonemes 音位序列sequential(/syntagmatic)relation 序列(/横向组合)关系shape of the lips 唇形short vowel 短元音soft palate 软颚specific word 特义词speech organs 发音器官state of the velum 软颚状态stress (单词)重音,(句子)重读structural ambiguity 结构歧义substitutional(/paradigmatic)relation 替代(/纵聚合)关系suffix 后缀suprasegmental feature 超切分特征symbol 符号synchronic linguistics 共时语言学synonymy 同义关系syntactic category 句法范畴syntagmatic relation 横向组合关系syntax句法temporal 时间格tone 声调tone language 声调语言tongue position 舌位ultimate constituent 最终成分velar 软颚音verb phrase 动词短语vocal-cord vibration 声带振动vocal tract 声道voiced consonant 浊辅音voiceless consonant 清辅音vowel 元音word formation 构词法zero morph 零形素11 / 11。