
课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4)Unit 1享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀?1 听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。
那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢?2 我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上它的人,因此我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。
3 为什么听我讲完一个笑话后,班上有些学生会笑得前仰后合,而其他学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢?显然,有些人对幽默比别人更敏感。
4 甚至有些动物也具有幽默感。
”5 典型的笑话或幽默故事由明显的三部分构成。
新编大学英语(第三版浙江大学编著)4视听说教程原文Unit 7

新编大学英语(第三版/浙江大学编著)4视听说教程原文Unit7Part1Listening 1Maria: Oh, hi Dave. Long time no see!Dave: Hi Maria. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop by.Maria: Come in. Have a seat. Would you like something to drink? I have Sprite and orange juice. Dave: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, how have you been?Maria: Oh, not bad. And you?Dave: Oh, I’m doing OK, but school has been really hectic these days, and I haven’t had time to relax.Maria: What’s your major anyway?Dave: Hotel management.Maria: Well, what do you want to do after graduation?Dave: Uh… I haven’t decided for sure, but I think I’d like to work for a hotel or travel agency in this area. How about you?Maria: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French, but then I realized I might have a hard time finding a job, so I changed to computer science. With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn’t be as difficult.Dave: So, do you have a part-time job to support yourself through school?Maria: Well, fortunately I received a four-year academic scholarship that pays for all my tuition and books.Dave: Wow, that’s great.Maria: Yeah. How about you? Are you working your way through school?Dave: Yeah. I work three times a week at a restaurant near campus.Maria: Oh, what do you do there?Dave: I’m a cook.Maria: How do you like your job?Dave: It’s OK. People there are friendly, and the pay isn’t bad.Listening 21. Do you need a place where you can juggle without breaking furniture? Our club offers a placeto practice your skills and has equipment members can use. No experience is necessary to join.2. If you play or just love listening to jazz, this is the club for you. Membership includes free entry to jazz concerts. The club also offers classes with well-known musicians for members who want to improve their playing.3. A good cave exploration trip includes all those things your mother didn’t like you to do when you were small—getting wet and dirty, jumping off things, and swinging on ropes. Our members explore dark and mysterious caves with underground rivers and noisy waterfalls. The club explores new caves in Britain and travels to other countries such as Spain.4. The Food and Wine Club offers a variety of social events every year, including holiday parties, wine tastings, and our annual Oktoberfest trip to Munich. One of our past dinners has been described as “the best meal I’ve ever had.”Listening 3Well, I think first of all for first-time students, coming and living on campus in dormitories can provide a certain level of security as well as convenience because it’s close to campus facilities and commuting without a car can be quite an experience, especially when you have to commute long distances. Also meals are usually provided on campus so students can devote more time to their studies, rather than to housekeeping. But, of course, students should also be aware that they’ll have to obey the rules and regulations relating to student conduct. This is part of the contract with the university for living on campus.Another option is living off campus in apartments. Like living in dormitories, living in an apartment requires little or no maintenance mainly because that is usually handled by the owner or someone else. Also, if you live off campus, there might be a great amount of flexibility in choosing roommates that you might not have when living on campus. But you should be aware that tenants may be responsible for furnishing their own apartments.Well, of course, the choice is up to you, but be careful to review both the advantages and disadvantages of living on and off campus. Good luck.Listening 4The following is a conversation between one woman, Grace, and two men, Martin and Curtis. Grace: Martin, what do you remember most about our college days?Martin: What do I remember most?Grace: Curtis’s hair; it was down to his waist.Curtis: I remember how Grace looked. She always had a flower painted on her face. Do you remember that?Martin: Oh, yes.Grace: Now wait. Let’s not forget Martin’s air-conditioned blue jeans. I never saw anybody with more holes in their jeans.Martin: They’re a classic now. I still have those blue jeans!Grace: You still have them? I don’t believe it. That’s incredible!Martin: And I still wear them, too.Curtis: You know, I was just thinking about the most important thing that happened in college. Martin: The most important thing? Do you mean the time we got arrested?Curtis: Mmm.Grace: Yeah. You know, that’s my best memory, going on that peace demonstration. You know, somehow getting arrested for something you believe in isn’t scary at all.Curtis: No, it isn’t at all. But it did help that there were 500 other students getting arrested along with us.Martin: That’s true.Curtis: That was a great day, though.Grace: Hey, you all remember our last day of college?Curtis: Graduation? What’s to remember? None of us went to graduation.Martin: Do you regret now, after all these years, that we skipped the ceremony?Grace: Not me. I don’t think we missed anything that day.Curtis: No, noting at all. And that picnic that the three of us had by the stream, remember? Grace: That was great.Curtis: Drinking wine, playing the guitar, singing. Oh, that was worth more to me than any graduation ceremony.Martin: That was the best graduation ceremony there could have been.Curtis: Mm-hmm.Part2Listening 1Justin is twenty, and studying away from home in the north of England. He never writes home, but often calls his parents on Sunday evenings.Mother: Hello. Bedford 21698.Justin: Hello, Mom. It’s me, Justin.Mother: Hello, love. How are you?Justin: I’m fine, but I’m really tired.Mother: Oh—what have you been doing?Justin: Well, we’ve just started exams, so I’ve been staying up late, erm, it was three o’clock last night. Yeah, I’ve been studying really hard.Mother: Of course, it’s exam time. When did they start?Justin: Last Thursday. We had our first one on Thursday morning. It was terrible. I don’t want to talk about it.Mother: OK. What else have you been doing?Justin: Not a lot. I’ve been working too hard. Sometimes I go round to Lucinda’s place and we study together.Mother: Lucinda? I haven’t heard about her before. Who is she?Justin: You know, Lucinda, I’m sure I’ve told you about her. She’s doing the same courses as I am. I’ve known her for ages. We often help each other with work. Sometimes we go to the pub or cook a meal together. Today, we’ve been testing each other on economics and marketing. She’s just gone out to get a Chinese takeaway.Mother: Oh, yes. When exactly are you going home?Justin: In two weeks. Term ends on the 30th. Oh—Mom, would it be OK if Lucinda came to stay for the holiday? Erm, we have to do a project together.Mother: That’s fine, love. She’s very welcome to stay. We’d like to meet her.Justin: Thanks Mum. Lucinda’s just come back with the food. I’ll ring again before I come home. Love to Dad.Mother: Bye, love. And good luck in the exams.Justin: Thanks. I need all the luck I can get. Bye.Mother: Take care of yourself and work hard. Bye.Listening 2College students must be mature enough to assume responsibilities for their own education. First, they must make themselves attend class. Many college instructors do not take roll, and many others don’t penalize students for not going to class. A student who would rather sit in the bar than go to class has the option to do so. A student must be mature enough to realize that he needs to go to class. Second, college student have to motivate themselves to do their assignments. Many students are away from home, so the old enforcers, their parents, aren’t there to ask if their reading is finished. No college teacher hounds a student for his homework. He simply puts down a zero and says nothing. It’s up to the student to get the work done. Finally, college student are responsible for taking the required exams. A student who misses a test can’t expect a professor even to mention it. It is totally his responsibility to arrange to make up the exam. Only students mature enough to accept these responsibilities are ready for college.Listening 3Man: So you were studying for how long—let me see—for four years altogether? Can you tell me a little about that course?Woman: Well, it was a very difficult, very tough course. I did English for the entire four years, so by the end, I was quite good. As for the Business Correspondence part, which I did in the second year and third year, it was really mostly English too. I also did one year of French, in the fourth year, learning to meet people, or answer the telephone. Then there were three years ofSecretarial Practice, starting in the second year; and three years of Shorthand, though I never got very good at it. And, well, I suppose the other subjects just fitted around that: Accounting in year three and four, Economics in the first and second and Bookkeeping in the third… no, no, in the second year, before we started Accounting.Listening 4The Bully AsleepBy John WalshOne afternoon, when grassyScents through the classroom crept,Bill Craddock laid his headDown on his desk, and slept.The children came round him:Jimmy, Roger, and Jane;They lifted his head timidlyAnd let it sink again.“Look, he’s gone sound asleep, Miss,”Said Jimmy Adair;“He stays up all the night, you see.His mother doesn’t care.”“Stand away from him, children.”Miss Andrews stopped to see.“Yes, he’s asleep; go onWith your writing, and let him be.”“Now’s a good chance!” whispered Jimmy;And he snatched Bill’s pen and hid it.“Kick him under the desk hard;He won’t know who did it.”“Fill all his pockets with rubbish—Paper, apple-cores, chalk.”So they plotted, while JaneSat wide-eyed at their talk.Not caring, not hearing,Bill Craddock he slept on;Lips parted, eyes closed—Their cruelty gone.“Stick him with pins!” muttered Roger. “Ink down his neck!” said Jim.But Jane, tearful and foolish, Wanted to comfort him.。

v. 规划,设计;系统地阐述;用公式表示
【例句】The contract was formulated in difficult legal language. 合同是用难懂的法律
【助记】form(形式)+ulate 构想出
crucial [
adj. 至关紧要的,决定性的
【例句】Success or failure here would be crucial to his prospects. 在这儿的成功或失
] adv. 可能;按照推测;恐怕
【例句】For this reason, prices can supposedly never go down. 出于这个原因,可以
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
get away with 侥幸成功,侥幸逃脱
Unit 7
In-Class Reading The Commencement Speech You'll Never Hear
faculty [
n. 才能,本领,能力;(大学的)系,科;全体教员
【例句】She has the faculty to learn languages easily. 她有轻而易举学会语言的才能。
【助记】shore 岸 + low 低,岸边的水很低,浅
adj. 预备的,准备的,筹备的; 初步的
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
adv. 在先前,作为准备 n. <美>大学预科; <英>私立预科学校
新编大学英语第四版四Unit 6 7 9背诵部分翻译加原文

Unit 6[4] All of this is another way of saying that nothing we do is completely safe.There are risks, often potentially serious ones, associated with every hobby we have, every job we take, every food we eat—in other words, with every action.But the fact that there are risks associated with everything we are going to do does not, or should not, reduce us to trembling neurotics. Some actions are riskier than others.The point is to inform ourselves about the relevant risks and then act accordingly[N].4 上面说的这一切,只是从另一角度说明我们所做的事没有一件是百分之百安全的。
8] Once we understand that risk can never be totally eliminated from any situation and that, therefore, nothing is completely safe, we will then see that the issue is not one of avoiding risks altogether but rather one of managing risks in a sensible way[N].Risk management requires two things: common sense and information about the character and degree of the risks we may be running.8 我们一旦明白了风险是永远无法从任何情况中完全去除的,因而就没有绝对安全的事,我们也就会明白问题的关键不是要彻底避免风险,而是要理智地管理风险。

在New College English 4中,有许多复杂的句子结构需要分析。这包括长句子的结构分析、从句的类型和用法、以及句子成分的划分等。通过分析句子结构,学生可以更好地理解句子的含义和逻辑关系。
Main Theme
Analysis of Text Content
在New College English 4的教材中,有许多生词和短语需要理解和学习。这些词汇和短语通常具有多种含义和用法,需要仔细分析和理解。
Literary Movement
The text belongs to the Victorian era, a period known for its emphasis on sentimentality, morality, and social reform. It reflects the values and beliefs of the time.
答案: C
解析: C选项中的描述与文中第三段的内容相符,是正确答案。文中提到“...the company has a good reputation in the market”,这与C选项中的“the company has a good reputation”相一致。

Unit 6一、词汇短语In-Class ReadingRisks and Youhypochondria [] n. 忧郁症,臆想病【例句】People with hypochondria resemble those with OCD: They worry excessively and feel compelled to do something, like visit the doctor over and over.忧郁症与强迫焦虑症相似:他们过分担心并强制自己做一些事情,如一遍又一遍地去看医生。
on the strength of基于;凭借…;依赖…symptom [] n. (疾病的)症状;(不好事情的)征兆,症候;表征【例句】A fever is a symptom of illness. 发烧是生病的症状。
【派生】symptomatic adj. 有症状的;症候的all manner of各种各样的;形形色色的(人,东西等)partial [] adj. 部分的;偏袒的,偏爱的;不完全的【例句】The plan calls for partial deployment of missiles. 这个计划要求部分地疏散导弹。
【词组】be partial to对…偏爱,对…偏袒【助记】part(部分)+ial(形容词后缀)→带有部分的观点→偏袒的physician [] n. 医师;内科医师【例句】It is important to see a physician if an ulcer is suspected, since ulcers can eat through the stomach lining into other organs and occasionally be fatal.怀疑生了溃疡,去看医生是很重要的,因为溃疡会腐蚀掉胃部内层进入其他器官,这有时会是致命的。

savor [
] n. 味道,气味,滋味
v. 有味道或气味;使有味,加调味品于;欣赏
【例句】①Life seems to have lost most of its savor for him. 对他来说,生活似乎已失
②His humorous remarks added a savor to our conversation. 他幽默的话语
pat on the back 鼓励;表扬
characterize [
vt. (characterise)表示…的特性;描绘…的特征
【例句】We characterize people by their appearances. 我们以外表来区分别人。
【词组】be characterized by 以…为特征,典型代表
cordial [
n. 兴奋剂
adj. 热忱的,诚恳的
【例句】He is cordial to everyone in the company. 他对公司的每一个人都很热情。
【派生】cordiality n. 热诚;真挚
n. 称赞,恭维;致意;问候;道贺
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【例句】His column is syndicated throughout the world. 他的专栏文章通过报业辛迪 加在世界许多报刊上发表。 【派生】columnist n. 专栏作家
made a habit of 养成…习惯
walks of life 各界,各行各业
adj. 冷淡的;远离的;冷漠的

课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4)Unit 1享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀?1 听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。
那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢?2 我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上它的人,因此我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。
3 为什么听我讲完一个笑话后,班上有些学生会笑得前仰后合,而其他学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢?显然,有些人对幽默比别人更敏感。
4 甚至有些动物也具有幽默感。
”5 典型的笑话或幽默故事由明显的三部分构成。

新编大学英语4原文TheCase...The Case for Creativity Encouraging Children to Think1 Creativity is the key to a brighter future, say education and business experts. Here is how schools and parents can encourage this vital skill in children.2 If Dick Drew had listened to his boss in 1925, we might not have a product that we now think of as practically essential: masking tape. Drew worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, better known as 3M. At work he developed a sticky-side substance strong enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to pursue the idea. Finally, using his own time, Drew perfected the tape, which now is used everywhere by many people. And his former company learned from its mistake: Now 3M encourages people to spend 15 percent of their work time just thinking and developing new ideas.3 It is a strategy that more and more companies are employing and one that experts around the country say we ought to be following with our children, both at home and at school. The feeling is that if we teach them to think creatively, they will be better able to function in tomorrow's society.4 Creativity's benefits reach beyond music and art. Successful students and adults are the ones who discover a number of ways to approach problems.5 Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of high intelligence. Just because a person is highly intelligent does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce original ideas that are good for something.6 Unfortunately, schools have not tended to promote creativity. With strong emphasis on test scores and the development of reading, writing and mathematical skills, many educators sacrifice creativity for correct answers. The result is that children can give back information but can't recognize ways to apply it to new situations. They may know their multiplication tables, for example, but they are unable to apply them to story problems.7 In some schools, however, educators are recognizing the problem and are developing new approaches to teaching which should encourage creativity in their students. Some teachers are combining the basics with activities where the students must use their imagination. For example, instead of simply asking WHEN Columbus discovered the New World, teachers might ask students to think about what would have happened if his trip had taken him to New York first instead of to the Caribbean area. With that question, students would have to use what they know about Columbus, what they know about New York, and what they know about the Caribbean. Teachers feel that even if the answers seem silly, it's OK, that sometimes being silly is an essential step toward creativity. In the classroom as well as at home, children must have the right to have crazy thoughts, experts say. Then it is up to parents and teachers to work with the children to develop those thoughts into workable ideas. The best strategy is to encourage children by asking them questions, meanwhile praising their ideas and new thoughts. Experts say that it is important to create an atmosphere in which there is no risk in being creative a place where wild ideas arehonored and valued, never scorned or dismissed.8 There are things that parents can do at home to encouragecreativity. They can involve children in decision-making if the problem is appropriate, asking the child for suggestions. Parents can help their children to understand the consequences of various decisions. Parents should also encourage their children to talk out loud about things they are doing. Thinking and language skills are closely related. Talking out loud improves language skills and thinking skills.9 Having a sense of humor is also important in helping to develop creativity in a child. When parents show a sense of humor, children can see creativity in its purest form. By its nature, humor crosses conventional boundaries and breaks patterns. Creativity often does the same.10 It is important to give children choices. From the earliest age, children should be allowed to make decisions and understand their consequences. Even if it's choosing between two food items for lunch, decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money, but not automatically help them too much if they make the wrong decision. This may be confusing for the child, but that is all right. This is because one of the most important traits of creative people is a very strong motivation to make order out of confusion.。

课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4)Unit 1享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀?1 听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。
那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢?2 我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上它的人,因此我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。
3 为什么听我讲完一个笑话后,班上有些学生会笑得前仰后合,而其他学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢?显然,有些人对幽默比别人更敏感。
4 甚至有些动物也具有幽默感。
”5 典型的笑话或幽默故事由明显的三部分构成。

课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4)Unit 1享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀?1 听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。
那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢?2 我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上它的人,因此我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。
3 为什么听我讲完一个笑话后,班上有些学生会笑得前仰后合,而其他学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢?显然,有些人对幽默比别人更敏感。
4 甚至有些动物也具有幽默感。
”5 典型的笑话或幽默故事由明显的三部分构成。

【例句】Their son is a tremendous eater. 他们的儿子是一个食量极大的人。
as a matter of fact 事实上
n. 分享,参与
【例句】His participation is not welcomed. 他的参与不受欢迎。
pattern [
n. 型,模型;样式;花样,图案
v. 仿制,仿效
【例句】We patterned this plan on the previous one. 我们仿照以前的图样设计了这张
【词组】pattern sth. on/after 根据…做某事,仿造
be bias(s)ed towards 对…偏心
【派生】biased adj. 有偏见的;结果偏倚的,有偏的
adj. 不是故意的,无心的,无意识的
【例句】He is unintentional to break your glasses. 他不是故意打碎你的眼镜的。
Unit 3
In-Class Reading Gender Roles from a Cultural Perspective
n. 性,性别
【例句】The male and female genders are equal. 男性和女性是平等的。

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scorn at 嘲弄
【派生】scornful adj. 轻蔑的
dismiss [
] vt. 解散;解雇;开除;让…离开
vi. 解散
【例句】He was dismissed from his job. 他被解雇了。
【例句】The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign
一个人学外语的内在要求越高, 那么他就学得越快。
After-Class Reading
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
dexterity [
n. 灵巧;敏捷;机敏
【例句】An occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or skilled artistry.
tend to 趋向;注意;易于;有…的倾向
sacrifice [
] n. 牺牲,牺牲品;祭品
v. (for,to)牺牲,献出
【例句】A mother will sacrifice her life for her children. 母亲会为自己的孩子操劳一生。
【词组】at the sacrifice of 以牺牲…为代价
fit into(使)适合,适应;符合; (使)合乎…的时间[空间],与…融为一体;纳入
vigorously [
新编大学英语 Book4 Unit4 音频原文及答案 核对版 2

Unit 4 CreativityPart 1 Listening, Understanding and SpeakingListening IIn China, education is considered a race. Students have to begin as early as possible and have to proceed as quickly as possible around the track. Success is measured by how many students cross the finish line in the short time. In America, we recognize the race too, but we feel that the students have a chance to explore things for themselves, even if not all of them reach the finish line. As a result of their exploring, some of the participants may have more to offer by the end of the race.The advantage of the Chinese way is that more students become proficient and reach the finish line. The disadvantage is that they may have less to say or to show once they get there. The disadvantage of the American way is that some students never finish the race. The advantage, however, is that some who do go "all the way" have very interesting and original things to say when they get there.Listening IIOnce Wealth and Poverty approached a merchant and introduced themselves as Goddesses. The merchant greeted both of them and said, "May I ask why you have come to my humble house?" The Goddess of Wealth said, "We want you to judge between us who is the most beautiful."The merchant did not know what to say. He knew he was between the devil and the deep blue sea: If he said that Wealth was more beautiful than Poverty, Poverty would curse him. If he said that Poverty was more beautiful than Wealth, Wealth would abandon him. However, he became calm and said, "I have great respect for you both. Would you please do what I ask of you? It is the only way I can judge properly." The Goddesses agreed. He said, "Mother Wealth, would you please walk towards my house? Mother Poverty, Would you please walk away from my house? This way I can see you both better, from near and far." The two Goddesses did what the merchant had asked them to do. Then the merchant confidently declared, "Mother Wealth! You appear most beautiful when you are nearest my house. Mother Poverty! You look most beautiful when you are farthest from my house." The Goddesses appreciated the wit and wisdom of the merchant. The Goddess of Wealth happily stayed in his house while the Goddess of Poverty cheerfully departed.Whenever we have a serious problem, if we look within and think calmly, a solution will come in answer to the problem.Listening IIIThere is an old and common saying in the United States that "There is nothing new under the sun."I thought of that today while reading an article in a magazine. The article tells about the growing number of people who are building earth-sheltered houses, which are partly underground. I had known about modern earth-sheltered houses, but I had never thought about their roofs before. Instead of having metal or tiles on the roofs, many of these houses now have living roofs. Thewooden top of the house is covered with a special waterproof plastic material. On top of this there is soil, in which grass and flowers are planted. Such a roof can be very beautiful. But this really is not a new idea. When the early settlers came to the United States, they often made their houses by digging into the ground. Their roofs were made of wood, and then covered by large areas of soil with grass or turf. They were warm, though not always waterproof. People replaced these houses and roofs as soon as they could live in regular wooden homes with wooden or metal roofs. Now, 200 years later, some people think of this as a new idea. But I think, "There is nothing new under the sun."Listening IVMan: It is said that the first sandwich was made in 1762 by the Earl of Sandwich. He didn't want to take time away from his card games to eat, so he ordered his butler to makesandwiches instead.Woman: Is that so? Hey, look at this. The first beauty contest was held in Belgium in 1888.Why in Belgium of all places?Man: Why not? Oh, here's one I bet you're proud of. The electric chair was used for the first time in 1890, in the United States. Yes, you're first to diagnose AIDS, too. The firstrecorded case was in New York.Woman: Plus and minus signs were used in 1514 in Holland. Yeah, there was no way we could have guessed that one. And the equals sign, you'll be pleased to hear, was first used inOxford, in 1557. You'd have thought they'd all have been invented at the same time.Man: Well, we both got these right. Coffee was in Arabia around 1,000 AD, and just before that, playing cards were invented in China.Woman: Well, I got this one right. First diagram of a flying machine was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci, as I said, in 1492.Man: Yeah, but the first air flight wasn't made until 1903, and it was in the United States. Woman: But that wasn't the question, was it? Also, England was also the first to transmit television.Man: Garbage! It was the Italians.Woman: No, it says here, the first TV transmission was in London, 1925. And here we are again, the first traffic lights were in London, in 1868.Man: But they didn't even have cars then, so why would they have needed traffic lights? Part 4 Further ListeningListening IJuan comes up to the Mexican border on his bicycle. He's got two large bags over his shoulders. The guard stops him and says, "What's in the bags?""Sand," answers Juan.The guard says, "We'll just see about that. Get off the bike." The guard takes the two bags and rips them apart; he empties them out and finds nothing in them but sand.He detains Juan overnight and has the sand analyzed, only to discover that there is nothing butpure sand in the bags.The guard releases Juan, puts the sand into new bags, hefts them onto the man's shoulders and lets him cross the border.A week later, the same thing happens. The guard asks, "What have you got?""Sand," says Juan.The guard does his thorough examination and discovers that the bags contain nothing but sand. He gives the sand back to Juan, and Juan crosses the border on his bicycle.This sequence of events is repeated every week for three years. Finally, Juan doesn't show up one day and the guard meets him in a bar in Mexico."Hey, buddy," says the guard. "I know you are smuggling something. It's driving me crazy. It's all I think about. I can't sleep. Just between you and me, what are you smuggling?"Juan sips his beer and says, "Bicycles."Listening IIPottery has been found in the remains of every ancient civilization. The oldest known piece of pottery was found in China and dates back to 7,900 BC. That's almost 10,000 years ago!The first pots were large bowls, formed by taking a lump of clay and making a bowl shape. Pottery doesn't just include pots, but anything made from clay that can hold things, such as jugs, vases and cups. Pottery was used to hold water, milk, seeds and grains.Later, people learned to mix different clays together to make stronger pottery and to put the pottery in a fire oven so that the clay would harden faster. The potter's wheel was invented in China around 3100 BC. The wheel spins clay like a top. It allowed people to make pottery much more quickly and made shapes that were perfectly symmetrical—bowls that were really round, rather than lumpy or uneven. Pottery is not only considered one of the first inventions but also one of the first art forms. Most types of pottery have been painted with figures or designs; some even tell a story!Listening III(Students are in the classroom waiting for the teacher to arrive. Two are talking.)Cathy: I've enjoyed talking about creativity in our English class. I wish I had been encouraged more when I was in elementary school.Michael: I know what you mean. I always liked drawing, but my teachers and parents insisted I was just wasting my time with it. My father said I should work onmathematics.Cathy: Maybe you will still use your artistic talent some day.Michael: Oh, I don't know. After all, I'm in university now. Perhaps I'm too old to be creative.Cathy: I don't think so. I read an interesting article about a lady who wanted to be an artist but the whole family wanted her to work in their candy business.Michael: What happened?Cathy: Well, Jean, the lady, knew painting was what she wanted to do, not making candy. After graduating from college she tried various jobs to support herself,though none of her jobs was in the candy business. And she kept painting in herspare time.Michael: Then what?Cathy: About 20 years ago a worker in the family candy business quit aroundValentine's Day, one of their busiest seasons. Her father needed Jean to come tohelp with the business.Michael: Did she?Cathy: Yes, although she didn't like it.Michael: So, how did she cope?Cathy: She got an idea of putting art and candy together.Michael: How?Cathy: First she experimented with making an edible paint. She found that powdered food coloring mixed with vodka would work.Michael: That's quite a combination.Cathy: Then, for her "canvas", she melted white chocolate and molded it flat. She even learned how to make chocolate frames.Michael: What kind of art did she create?Cathy: She copied the works of famous painters. She displayed her candy art in the candy shop and customers would come in just to look at the art.Michael: What did her family think then?Cathy: They didn't take her seriously until the Toledo Museum of Art heard about her works and paid her to paint 77 reproductions of works in their collection. Thatwas her first big job. Now she works full-time on her candy creations.Michael: Does she do anything besides copying art masterpieces?Cathy: Yes, she's done some portraits. However, people love her reproductions.Michael: What are the prices for her candy art creations?Cathy: From $150 to $200 each.Michael: Well, her creativity has brought her success.Listening IVFor over 30 years, "Sesame Street" has been the most popular TV program for young children in the United States. The characters on this show are mainly puppets, and probably the most loved of the puppets is a gigantic yellow bird called "Big Bird".Caroll Spinney has played Big Bird all the years of Big Bird's existence on American television. Spinney's love of puppets and his own creativity led him to this career. When he was five yearsold, he saw his first puppet show. He loved the show and never forgot it. When he was seven he bought a used monkey puppet for five cents. His mother had made him a stuffed snake from green material, so he got the idea of making his own puppet show. He made a stage from wooden orange boxes and his mother's old curtains. He charged 2 cents for admission and earned 32 cents for his first performance.Spinney's family liked his creativity and encouraged him to do more. For Christmas when he was nine, his older brother made him a better puppet theater and his mother secretly sewed eight colorful puppets for him. Spinney later wrote, "The more I gave shows, the more I felt the power that one has when performing. All these people would sit in a room and listen to everything I said.I did all the character voices: little girl voices, an old lady voice, and a ghost voice. The audience listened and clapped at the end, and also paid me to do it. What could be a better way to make a living than to perform? I knew that I would wind up in the world of entertainment."Spinney continued giving puppet shows. When he decided to go to art school, puppet shows helped him pay for his tuition. Even when he was in the army, he managed to continue giving puppet shows. He knew he wanted to do this as his life's work and that he wanted his audience to be children. When he was given the opportunity to create the character of Big Bird on "Sesame Street", he accepted it and over the years has made Big Bird one of the most beloved characters on American television.。
新编大学英语4原文Athletes Should Not Be Role Models

Athletes Should Not Be Role Models1 These days there are so many stories about the criminal activities of athletes that sports pages are beginning to look like police reports. What's going on? American sports fans ask over their morning toast and coffee, What's happening to our heroes?2 It's not difficult to understand our desire for athletes to be heroes. On the surface, at least, athletes display a vital and indomitable spirit; they are gloriously alive inside their bodies. And sports do allow us to witness acts that can legitimately be described as courageous, thrilling, beautiful, even noble. In an increasingly complicated and disorderly world, sports are still an arena in which we can regularly witness a certain kind of greatness.3 Yet there's something of a paradox here, for the very qualities a society tends to seek in its heroes selflessness, social consciousness, and the like are precisely the opposite of those needed to transform a talented but otherwise unremarkable neighborhood kid into a Michael Jordan. To become a star athlete, you have to have an extremely competitive outlook and you have to be totally focused on the development of your own physical skills. These qualities may well make a great athlete, but they don't necessarily make a great person. On top of this, our society reinforces these traits by the system it has created to produce athletes a system characterized by limited responsibility and enormous privilege.4 The athletes themselves suffer the costs of this system. Trained to measure themselves perpetually against the achievements of those around them, many young athletes develop a sense of what sociologist Walter Schafer has termed "conditional self-worth". They learn very quickly that they will be accepted by the important figures in their lives parents, coaches and peers as long as they are perceived as "winners". Unfortunately they become conceited and behave as if their athletic success will last forever.5 Young athletes learn that success, rather than hard and honest play, is what brings rewards. And for those successful enough to rise to the level of big-time college sports, the "reward" is often an artificially controlled social environment, one that shields them from many of the responsibilities other students face. Coaches whose own jobs, of course, depend on maintaining winning programs protect their athletes to ensure that nothing threatens their eligibility to compete. If an athlete gets into trouble with the law, for instance, a coach will very likely intervene hiring an attorney, perhaps even managing to have the case quietly dismissed. In some schools, athletes don't even choose their own classes or buy their own books; the athletic department does all this for them. It's not unheard-of for athletic department staff to wake up athletes in the morning and to take them to class.6 Given this situation, it's not too surprising that many young American athletes lack a fully developed understanding of right and wrong. Professor Sharon Stoll of the University of Idaho has tested more than 10,000 student athletes from all over the country, ranging from junior high to college age; she reports that in the area of moral reasoning, athletes invariably score lower than non-athletes and that they grow worse the longer they participate in athletics.7 Overprotected by universities, flattered by local communities, given star status by the public, rewarded with seven or eight-figure salaries, successful athletes, inevitably develop the feeling that they are privileged beings as indeed they are. The danger arises when they think that because they are privileged they can have anything they want.8 Mike Tyson, of course, is the most obvious example of this phenomenon. Having been taught asa young man that he was special his trainer, Cus D'Amato, had one set of rules for Tyson and another, more demanding, set for all his other boxers and having lived his entire adult life surrounded by a team of admiring "slaves", Tyson eventually came to believe, like a medieval king, that all he saw rightfully belonged to him. Blessed with money and fame enough to last a lifetime, he spent his time outside the ring acquiring and discarding the objects of his desire: houses, automobiles, jewelry, clothes, and women. As a result of the publicity surrounding his rape trial, countless women have related stories of Tyson asking them for sexual favors and then, upon being refused, saying with surprise, "Don't you know who I am? I'm the heavyweight champion of the world." Needless to say, not all athletes are Mike Tyson; there are plenty of athletes who recognize that they have been granted some extraordinary gifts in this life and want to give something back to the community.9 Some remarkable individuals will always rise above the deforming athletic system we've created. After retiring from football, Alan Page of the Minnesota Vikings became a successful lawyer and established the Page Education Foundation, which helps minority and disadvantaged kids around the country pay for college. Frustrated by the old-boy network by which Minnesota judges were always appointed, Page challenged the system in court and was eventually elected judge in the Supreme Court. He thus became the first black ever elected to a statewide office in Minnesota. Thankfully, there will always be some legitimate heroes (or, to use the more contemporary term, role models) to be found among professional athletes.10 Still, it's probably misguided for society to look to athletes for its heroes any more than we look among the ranks of, say, actors or lawyers or pipefitters. The social role played by athletes is indeed important (imagine a society without sports; I wouldn't want to live in it), but it's fundamentally different from that of heroes.。
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1] The joy of laughing at a funny story is universal, probably as old as language itself. But, what is it that makes a story or a joke funny?[2] As one who has enjoyed humor since I first recognized it, I've made an attempt to explain and discuss humor with students in such diverse cultures as Latin America and China. I've done some serious thinking about funny stories. It has been a labor of love[N]![3] Why is it that several students in a class will fall out of their chairs laughing after I tell a joke while the rest of the students look as if I've just read the weather report?[N] Obviously some people are more sensitive to humor than others. And, we recognize that some people tell jokes very well while others struggle to say something funny. We've all heard people say, "I like jokes, but I can't tell one well, and I can never remember them." Some people have a better sense of humor than others just as some people have more musical talent, mathematical talent, etc. than others. A truly funny person has a joke for every occasion, and when one is told, that triggers an entire string of jokes from that person's memory bank.[N] A humorless person is not likely to be the most popular person in a group. It is reasonable to say that the truly humorous individual is not only well liked, but is often the focus of attention in any gathering.[4] Even some animals have a sense of humor. My wife's mother often visited us for extended stays.[N] She normally didn't like dogs, but she fell in love with Blitzen[N]—a female Lab[N] we had, and the relationship was mutual. Even when young, Blitzen would tease Grandma by very selectively carrying one of her bedroom slippers into the living room where Grandma sat in her favorite, comfortable chair. Blitzen pranced just beyond the reach of Grandma until Grandma was tempted to leave her chair to get the slipper from Blitzen. When Grandma left her chair, Blitzen would quickly jump into the chair, flashing her Lab smile from sparkling brown eyes which clearly said, "Aha, I fooled you again."[5] Typical jokes or humorous stories have a three-part anatomy that is easily recognized. First is the SETUP (or setting), next is the BODY (or story line), and these are followed by the PUNCH LINE[N] (an unexpected or surprise ending) which will make the joke funny if it contains some humor. Usually all three parts are present, and each must be clearly presented[N]. It helps if the story/joke teller uses gestures and language which are well known to the audience.[6] Humor, as a form of entertainment, can be analyzed in order to discover what makes a funny story or joke seem funny. Here, for example, are some of the most common types of humor. They range from the most obvious humor to the more subtle types.[7] "SLAP-STICK" is the most obvious humor. Its language is simple, direct, and often makes fun of another person or group. Slap-stick was and is the technique of the stand-up comedian[N] and the clown. It appeals to all ages and all cultures. Nearly every English-speaking comedian in this century has used the following joke in one form or another. One man asks another, "Who was that lady I saw you with last night?" The other replies, "That was no lady, that was my wife."The humor lies in the fact that the second man is saying that his wife is not a lady.In other words, she is not a refined woman. The joke is no less funny because it is so often used. The audience knows in advance what will be said, because it is classic humor, and any audience values it even more because of its familiarity.[8] Chinese "cross-talk" is a special type of slap-stick in which two Chinese comedians humorously discuss topics such as bureaucrats, family problems, or other personal topics. Cross-talk can be heardanywhere from small village stages to the largest Beijing theatres, and to radio and television. It is clearly a traditional form of humor well understood by Chinese people.[9] A PLAY ON WORDS is not so obvious as slap-stick, but it is funny because of misused or misunderstood language. My favorite example is the story of three elderly gentlemen traveling by train in England. As the train slowed for a stop the first man asked, "Is this Wembley[N]?" "No," said the second, "It's Thursday." "So am I," said the third man. "Let's stop for a beer." We know that older people often do not hear things clearly, so the misunderstanding of both Wednesday (for Wembley) and thirsty (for Thursday) makes a nice setup for the punch line delivered by the third man.[10] The famous Chinese cartoonist and humorist Ding Cong is a master of word play. In one of his funny cartoons, a teacher says, "How come[N] you completely copied somebody else's homework?" The young student replies, "I didn't completely copy it. My name on the page is different." In another classic Ding Cong cartoon, an irritated father asks, "Tell me, what's one plus two?" The son says, "I don't know." The impatient father then says, "For example, you, your mother, and I altogether are how many, you idiot?" The son proudly answers, "Three idiots." Whether these stories are cartoons or jokes, told by a slap-stick comedian or a cross-talking team, they appeal to people everywhere as funny stories because they have a note[N][N] of reality to them, and the unexpected punch line is quite funny.[11]PUNS are even more subtle forms of word play. They use the technique of similar sounding words or alternative meanings of the same word. Puns are thought by some critics to be the lowest form of humor, but I disagree with this.Puns require more subtle and sophisticated language skills than most humor forms, but even the very young can use them in their simpler forms. For example, the "riddle" or trick question often uses a pun in the setup, the story line, or, more often, the punch line. Puns are the first type of humor I learned, and at about 5 years of age I remember hearing the following riddle. One person asks, "What is black and white and red all over?" The other person usually cannot answer the riddle, so says, "I give up. What is the answer?" The riddler replies, "A newspaper."This is the obvious answer if one knows that "red" is pronounced the same as "read" in English, but the meanings are clearly different.[12]DOUBLE ENTENDRES (Frenchfor double meanings) are special variations of puns inwhich words or phrases have doublemeanings.Frequently the two meanings are verydifferent, and one is quite proper while the second isoften, but not always, vulgar. I like the somewhatmild story of a school teacher and a principal of ahigh school who are concerned because some boysand girls have been seen kissing on the schoolplayground. The teacher says to the students, "Theprincipal and I have decided to stop kissing on the school playground." Hearing some laughter, she senses her message was not altogether clear, so she adds, "What I mean to say is that there will be no more kissinggoing on under our noses[N]." This clarification, of course, does nothing to correct the first statement and the double meaning of the joke becomes even more laughable.[13] Some professional humorists think too much of today's humor is not very intelligent or sophisticated. They dislike the suggestive or vulgar language used too frequently, and they feel that most humorists are not very creative. It is true that some of today's humor is rather shocking, but I don't think humor is to be blamed[N] for that. Humor is alive[N] and well, and it will persist simply because there are funny things happening every day. Some humorous people see and hear these funny things and are able to make them into funny, entertaining jokes and stories. (1,346 words)On my first job as sports editor for the Montpelier (Ohio) Leader Enterprise, I didn't get a lot of fan mail, so I was intrigued by a letter that was dropped on my desk one morning.[2] When I opened it, I read: "A nice piece of writing on the Tigers. Keep up the good work." It was signed by Don Wolfe, the sports editor. Because I was a teenager (being paid the grand total of 15 cents a column inch[N]), his words couldn't have been more inspiring. [N] I kept the letter in my desk drawer until it got rag-eared. Whenever I doubted I had the right stuffto be a writer[N], I would reread Don's note and feelconfident again.[3] Later, when I got to know him, I learned thatDon made a habit of [N]writing a quick, encouragingword[N] to people in all walks of life. "When I make othersfeel good about themselves," he told me, "I feel good too."[4] Not surprisingly, he had a body of friends as big as nearby Lake Erie[N].When he died last year at 75, the paper was flooded with calls and letters[N] from people who had been recipients of his spirit-lifting words.[5] Over the years, I've tried to copy the example of Don and other friends who care enough to write uplifting comments, because I think they are on to something important. In a world too often cold and unresponsive, such notes bring warmth and reassurance. We all need a boost from time to time, and a few lines of praise have been known to turn around a day[N], even a life.[6] Why, then, are there so few upbeat note writers? My guess is that many who shy away from the practice are too self-conscious[N]. They're afraid they'll be misunderstood, sound sentimental or insincere. Also, writing takes time; it's far easier to pick up the phone.[7] The drawback with phone calls, of course, is that they don't last. A note attaches[N] more importance to our well-wishing. It is a matter of record[N], and our words can be read more than once, savored and treasured.[8] Even though note writing may take longer, some pretty busy people do it, including George Bush. Some say he owes[N] much of his success in politics to his ever-ready[N] pen. How? Throughout his career he has followed up virtually every contact with a cordial response—a compliment, a line of praise or a nod of thanks.[N] His notes go not only to friends and associates, but to casual acquaintances and total strangers—like the surprised person who got a warm pat on the back for lending Bush an umbrella.[9] Even top corporate managers, who have mostly affected styles of leadership that can be characterized only as tough, cold and aloof, have begun to learn the lesson, and earn the benefits, of writing notes that lift people up.[N]Former Ford chairman Donald Peterson, who is largely credited for turning the company round in the 1980s, made it a practice to write positive messages to associates every day.[N] "I'd just scribble them on a memo pad or the corner of a letter and pass them along," he says. "The most important ten minutes of your day are those you spend doing something to boost the people who work for you."[10] "Too often," he observed, "people we genuinely like have no idea how we feel about them. Too often we think, I haven't said anything critical; why do I have to say something positive? We forget that human beings need positive reinforcement—in fact, we thrive on it!"[11] What does it take to write letters that lift spirits and warm hearts?[N] Only a willingness to express our appreciation. The most successful practitioners include what I call the four "S's" of note writing.[12] 1) They are sincere. No one wants false praise.[13] 2) They are usually short. If you can't say what you want to say in three sentences, you're probably straining[N].[14] 3) They are specific. Complimenting a business colleague by telling him "good speech" is too vague; "great story about Warren Buffet's investment strategy" is precise.[15] 4) They are spontaneous. This gives them the freshness and enthusiasm that will linger in the reader's mind long afterward.[16] It's difficult to be spontaneous when you have to hunt for letter-writing materials, so I keeppaper,envelopes and stamps close at hand, even when Itravel. Fancy stationery isn't necessary; it's the thoughtthat counts.[17] So, who around you deserves a note ofthanks or approval? A neighbor, your librarian, a relative,your mayor, your mate, a teacher, your doctor? You don'tneed to be poetic. If you need a reason, look fora milestone, the anniversary of a special event you shared, or a birthday or holiday. For the last 25 years, for example, I've prepared an annual Christmas letterfor long-distance friends, and I often add a handwritten word of thanks or congratulations. Acknowledging some success or good fortune that has happened during the year seems particularly appropriate consideringthe spirit of the Christmas season.[18] Be generous with your praise. Superlatives like "greatest", "smartest", "prettiest" make us all feel good. Even if your praise is a little ahead of reality, remember that expectations are often the parents of dreams fulfilled.[N][19] Today I got a warm, complimentary letter from my old boss and mentor, Norman Vincent Peale. His little note to me was full of uplifting phrases, and it sent me to my typewriter to compose a few overdue letters of my own. I don't know if they will make anybody else's day, but they made mine. As my friend Don Wolfe said, making others feel good about themselves makes me feel good too. (978 words)Over the past few decades, it has been proven innumerable times that the various types of behavior, emotions, and interests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredity and culture. In the process of growing up, each child learns hundreds of culturally patterned details of behavior that become incorporated into its gender identity. Some of this learning takes place directly. In other words, the child is told by others how to act in an appropriately feminine or masculine way. Other details of gender behavior are taught unconsciously, or indirectly, as the culture provides different images,aspirations, and adult models for girls and boys.[2] Recently, for example, a study of American public schools showed that there is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls. According to the researchers,the bias is unintentional and unconscious, but it is there and itis influencing the lives of millions of schoolchildren everyyear. Doctors David and Myra Sadker videotaped classroomteachers in order to study sex-related bias in education.Theirresearch showed that many teachers who thought theywere nonsexist were amazed to see how biased theyappeared on videotape. From nurseryschool[N] to postgraduate courses, teachers were shown to call on males in class far more than on female students. This has a tremendous impact on the learning process for, in general, those students whobecome active classroom participants develop[N] more positive attitudes and go on to higher achievement. As a matter of fact, in the late 1960s, when many of the best all-women's colleges[N] in the northeastern United States opened their doors to male students, it was observed by professors and women students alike that the boys were "taking over"[N] the classroom discussions and thatactive participation by women students had diminished noticeably. A similar subordination of female to male students has also been observed in law and medical school classrooms in recent years.[3] Research done by the Sadkers showed that sometimes teachers unknowingly prevented girls from participating as actively as boys in class by assigning them different tasks in accordance with stereotyped gender roles. For instance, one teacher conducting a science class with nursery school youngsters, continually had the little boys perform the scientific "experiment"[N]while the girls were given the task of putting the materials away. Since hands-on work[N] with classroom materials is a very important aspect of early education, the girls were thus being deprived of a vital learning experience that would affect their entire lives.[4] Another dimension of sex-biased education is the typical American teacher's assumption that boys will do better in the "hard", "masculine" subjects of math and science while girls are expected to have better verbal and reading skills. As an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy, American boys do, indeed, develop reading problems, while girls, who are superior to boys in math up to the age of nine, fall behind from then on.[N] But these are cultural, not genetic patterns. In Germany, for example, all studies[N] are considered"masculine", and it is girls who develop reading problems. And in Japan, where early education appears to benonsexist, both girls and boys do equally well in reading.[5] The different attitudes associated with the educationalprocess for girls and boys begin at home. One study, for example,showed that when preschoolers were asked to look at a picture ofa house and tell how far away from the house they were permitted togo, the boys indicated a much wider area than the girls, who generally pointed out a very limited area close to the home.Instead of being encouraged to develop intellectual curiosity and physical skills that are useful in dealing with the outside world, as boys are, girls are filled with fears of the world outside the home and with the desire to be approved of for their "goodness" and obedience to rules.[N] These lessons carry over[N]from the home to the classroom, where girls are generally observed to be more dependent on the teacher, more concerned with the form and neatness of their work than with its content, and more anxious about being "right" in their answers than in being intellectually independent, analytical, or original.[N] Thus, through the educational process that occupies most of the child's waking hours, society reinforces its established values and turns out[N] each sex in its traditional and expected mold. (722 words)Creativity is the key to a brighter future, say education and business experts. Here is how schools and parents can encourage this vital skill in children.[2] If Dick Drew had listened to his boss in 1925, we might not have a product that we now think of as practically essential: masking tape[N]. Drew worked for theMinnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, better knownas 3M. At work he developed a sticky-side substance[N] strongenough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to pursuethe idea. Finally, using his own time, Drew perfected[N] the tape,which now is used everywhere by many people. And his formercompany learned from its mistake:Now 3M encourages people tospend 15 percent of their work time just thinking and developing newideas.[3] It is a strategy that more and more companies are employing and one that experts around the country say we ought to be following with our children, both at home and at school.[N] The feeling is that if we teach them to think creatively, they will be better able to function in tomorrow's society.[4] Creativity's benefits reach beyond music and art. Successful students and adults are the ones who discover a number of ways to approach problems.[5] Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of high intelligence[N]. Just because a person is highly intelligent does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce original ideas that are good for something.[N][6] Unfortunately, schools have not tended to promote creativity. With strong emphasis on test scores and the development of reading, writing and mathematical skills, many educators sacrifice creativity for correct answers.The result is that children can give back information but can't recognize ways to apply it to new situations. They may know their multiplication tables, for example, but they are unable to apply them to story problems[N].[7] In some schools, however, educators are recognizing the problem and are developing new approaches to teaching which should encourage creativity in their students. Some teachers are combining the basics[N] with activities where the students must use their imagination. For example, instead of simply asking WHEN Columbus discovered the New World, teachers might ask students to think about what would have happened if his trip had taken him to New York first instead of to the Caribbean area. With that question, students would have to use what they know about Columbus, what they know about New York, and what they know about the Caribbean. Teachers feel that even if the answers seem silly, it's OK, that sometimes being silly is an essential step toward creativity. In the classroom as well as at home, children must have the right to have crazy thoughts, experts say. Then it is up to[N] parents and teachers to work with the children to develop those thoughts into workable ideas. The best strategy is to encourage children by asking them questions, meanwhile praising their ideas and new thoughts. Experts say that it is important to create an atmosphere in which there is no risk in being creative—a place where wild ideas are honored and valued, never scorned or dismissed.[8] There are things that parents can do at home to encourage creativity.They can involve children in decision making if the problem is appropriate, asking the child for suggestions. Parents can help their children to understand the consequences of various decisions. Parents should also encourage their children to talk out loud about things they are doing. Thinking and language skillsare closely related. Talking out loud improves language skills and thinkingskills.[9] Having a sense of humor is also important in helping to developcreativity in a child. When parents show a sense of humor, children can seecreativity in its purest form. By its nature[N][N], humor crosses conventionalboundaries and breaks patterns. Creativity often does the same.[10] It is important to give children choices. From the earliest age,children should be allowed to make decisions and understand theirconsequences. Even if it's choosing between two food items for lunch,decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money but not automatically help them too much if they make the wrong decision. This may be confusing for the child, but that is all right.[N] This is because one of the most important traits of creative people is a very strong motivation to make order out of confusion. (765 words)I love Charles Barkley like a brother, and except for the times when we're banging and pushing each other under the boards in games between my team, the Utah Jazz, and his, the Phoenix Suns, we're greatfriends. We don't necessarily[N] like the same things: Charles loves golf so much he would play at halftime if he could[N], but I think a golf course is a waste of good pasture-land.One of the reasons we get along so well, though, is that we both say what's on our minds[N] without worrying about what other people are going to think—which means we disagree from time to time. Here's an example of what I mean: I disagree with what Charles says in his Nike commercial, the one in which he insists, "I am not a role model." Charles, you can deny[N] being a role model all you want[N], but I don't think it's your decision to make. We don't choose to be role models, we are chosen. Our only choice is whether to be a goodrole model or a bad one.[2] I don't think we can accept all the glory and the moneythat comes with being a famous athlete and not accept theresponsibility of being a role model, of knowing that kids and evensome adults are watching us and looking for us to set an example. Imean, why do we get endorsements in the first place? Because there are people who will follow our lead and buy a certain sneaker or cereal because we use it.[3] I love being a role model, and I try to be a positive one. That doesn't mean I always succeed. I'm no saint. I make mistakes, and sometimes I do childish things. And I don't always wake up in a great, role-model mood.[N] There are days when I don't want to pose for a picture[N] with every fan I run into[N], when I don't feel like picking up babies and giving them hugs and kisses (no matter how cute they are), those are the days I just try to avoid the public.[4] But you don't have to be perfect to be a good role model, and people shouldn't expect perfection. If I were deciding[N] whether a basketball player was a positive role model, I would want to know: Does he influence people's lives in a positive way away from the court? How much has he given of himself, in time or in money, to help people who look up to him? Does he display the values—like honesty and determination—that are part of being a good person? I wouldn't ask whether he lives his life exactly the way I would live it[N] or whether he handles every situation just the way I would handle it.[5] I do agree with Charles on one thing he says in his commercial: "Just because I can dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids." But sometimes parents need a little assistance. There are times when it helps for a mother and father to be able to say to their kids, "Do you think Karl Malone or Scottie Pippen or Charles Barkley or David Robinson would do that?" To me, if someone uses my name in that way, it's an honor. Sure, parents should be role models to their children. But let's face it[N], kids have lots of other role models—teachers, movie stars, athletes, even other kids. As athletes, we can't take the place of parents, but we can help reinforce what they try to teach their kids.[6] Parents just have to make sure they don't take it too far. Sometimes they put us ona pedestal that feels more like a tightrope—so narrow that we're bound to[N] fall off eventually. This is not something I'm especially proud of, but I've had parents in Utah say things to me like, "You know, Karl, in our family we worship the ground you walk on[N]. In our house your picture is right up there on the wall beside Jesus Christ." Now, that's going too far. Is it any wonder some athletes don't want to be role models?[N] Who wants to be held up to that kind of impossibly high standard? Imagine someoneputting[N] a life-sized picture of you on a wall and saying things to your picture before they go to bed. That's scary.[7] Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times. I am sorry that Michael Jordan had to deal with the negative publicity he received about gambling. I don't think most people can imagine what it's like to be watched that closely every minute of every day. I was told once that it wouldn't be that bad for me because no one would know me outside of Utah, but that's not true. Ever since I played on the Dream Team in the Olympics, I can't go anywhere without being the center of attention, and that's very confining at times. For instance, there have been occasions when I've felt like[N] buying a big Harley-Davidson motorcycle and riding it down the street. First, the Jazz would have a fit and say it's too dangerous. Second, everyone would be watching to see if I wore a helmet, if I was obeying the speed limit, if I was taking turns safely—you name it. The first time I didn't measure up to expectations, I would hear,"What kind of example is that to set for other people who ridemotorcycles?"[8] But the good things about being a rolemodel outweigh the bad. It's a great feeling to think you're asmall part of the reason that a kid decided to give school anothertry instead of dropping out or that a kid had the strength towalk away when someone offered him drugs.[N] But one thing I would encourage parents to do is to remind their kids that no matter which athletes they look up to, there are no perfect human beings. That way, if the kid's heroes should make mistakes, it won't seem like the end of the world to them.[9] I would never criticize someone for saying what he thinks. If Charles doesn't consider himself a role model, that's certainly his right. But I think he is a role model—and a good one, too. And if he gets that NBA championship ring[N], I might just make him my role model. (1,090 words)At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac, imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms. Some people just have to hear about a new disease and they begin checking themselves to see if they may be suffering from it. But fear of disease isnot our only fear, and neither is risk[N] of disease the only risk we run[N]. Modern life is full of all manner of threats—to our lives, our peace of mind, our families, and our future. And from these threats come questions that we must pose to ourselves[N]: Is the food I buy safe? Are toys for my children likely to hurt them?Should my family avoid smoked meats[N]? Am I likely to be robbed on vacations? Our uncertainties multiply indefinitely.[2] Anxiety about the risks of life is a bitlike hypochondria; in both, the fear or anxiety feedson partial information. But one sharp difference exists betweenthe two. The hypochondriac can usually turn to a physician to get。